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Kazakh Wang Vera Lyon Prediction on. Prediction about Ukraine. Latest predictions of faith Lyon about Lake Baikal

Today's days are full of new events. Political and financial instability increasingly forces people to be interested in the words of psychics. Vera Lyon is a clairvoyant, which was nicknamed with modern wange, thanks to her predictions.

Vera Lyon is a clairvoyant, which was nicknamed modern Wange

A little bit about faith Lyon

This last name - Visich. She is a psychologist, psychic, children's writer, poet, photographer. Born in 1962 in Yekaterinburg, and now lives in Kazakhstan. Predicted the following events:

  • the collapse of the Soviet Union;
  • horbachev's resignation;
  • victory Yanukovych in the presidential elections;
  • world financial crisis;
  • events in Ukraine: rallies, deaths of people, replace power.

She claims that about 95 percent of its prophecies come true. Her vision come to her in a dream, and she shares them in his blog, openly describing dreams and analyzing their meaning. Kazakhstan Vanga affects the problems of the whole world, individual regions and even specific people. It happens that the prediction does not come true, and Lyon recognizes its mistake. Today, many are interested in prophecies of faith on the last daysconcerning the fate of the Russian Federation and Novorossia.

About Putin

Clairvoyant not the first year gives accurate predictions about the life of the President of Russia. She has already noted the role of Russia in the fate of the whole world, saying that this country will save humanity from the power of the Antichrist. Therefore, psychics is very concerned about the fate of the Russian leader.

She believes that now Putin is under the protection of the highest strength, but at the same time his environment is full of enemies and envious, which as if sucking from the ruler internal vital energy. Therefore, Lyon advises him to carefully and carefully choose his friends, assistants and advisors.

Vladimir Vladimirovich will be chosen as president and for a third term

Her predictions for these days they say that the president's back is preparing a plot of power. Warmless will not be able to fulfill their a sly planBut Vladimir Vladimirovich can deliver a bunch of trouble.

According to Lyon vision, the president is often susceptible to risk. After dreams, it describes a sharply rising land under his legs, and how difficult it is to keep the balance. According to her, it is an impact dark forceswho are trying to knock down the ruler on the way.

Psychic claims that Vladimir Vladimirovich will be chosen as president and for a third term. She saw it in her dreams, where the current leader crowded in his hands three times, people were joined and rejoiced.

The election of the President of the Russian Federation will be held in 2018. The question remains open: is it possible to remain in power for a third term under modern laws of the Constitution? As this happens, the clairvoyant does not specify.

About Novorossia

Forecasts relating to the future of Novorossia are quite positive.

A peaceful life in Novorossia will be established, and the destroyed buildings were restored. The head of Novorossia will be a politician of young age. Most likely, his name or zodiac sign will be lion. He will lead to Novorossia to a bright future.

Lyon is confident that soon on this territory will be created their border troops and Russian passports have been introduced. And the border between Novorossey and Ukraine will be protected, and with Russia it will be more formal.

On the site, faith is asked about the introduction of NATO troops in Novorossia. Providian answers that such an attempt will occur, but something will prevent these troops. In her dreams, the army fell into a cool break.

Regarding the economy of Novorossia, in the near future, psychics promises the transition to the Russian ruble, and also predicts a large cleaning in the government.

Peaceful life in Novorossia will be established

About world politics and economics

According to Lyon predictions, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will not be exhausted in the near future. Positive results must be waiting for some time.

Visions about Russia are associated with a lighted staircase, rising highly up. This speaks about the sustainable position of the country and her high influence on world politics. The Russian Federation will not lose its integrity, and the position of the ruble will strengthen. In 2017, the number of departing from other countries will significantly increase. The government will have to tighten the laws for migrants to control their stream.

Kara's car for America will be the Vulcan Yellowstone. The predictor calls him salvation for Novorossia and other countries. 2020-2030 For the United States will become a peak of the collapse of this power due to the frivolousness of the authorities.

The political situation in her native Kazakhstan will remind the situation in Ukraine. The point can reach Maidan. Soon, Kazakhstanis will begin to move massively to Russia.

Psychic considers China world leader. Lyon's predictions on the last days they say that by 2017, a major trouble will have a major trouble in internal politicsAnd she will give the leadership of Russia.

Regarding the European Union, his fate will not be completely safe. Providian believes that today the leaders of many states that are part of its composition do not see the prospects for finding the EU. There will be countries that will want to get out of it.

The priest says that in a short time there will be no major destruction due to natural cataclysms. But it does not exclude the eruptions of volcanoes, melting glaciers and mountain avalanches.

Lyon pays separate attention to the moral education of society. Her predictions say that in our days, the situation with the health of the nation became critical. Drugs and alcohol, debauchery and gambling - today's threats. Predicts of clairvoyant in recent days speak of an increase in such consequences of these angry as suicides.

Modern Wanta constantly talks about the "great transition", which is waiting for our society. This is a certain transformation of it in a more ethical and fair. The latest predictions of Lyon faith instill confidence in tomorrow, give the hope of Russians on the bright future of the country. It remains to hope that they will come true.

Vangu in statistics came there 72.8% of predictions. This accurate statistics. And I'm 95% come true. Verditsa faith remembers, from the very childhood she was very different from the peers.

Almost every night she was persecuted, whom the girl did not understand and was afraid. She was 5 years old when she saw horrible dreamwhere the main hero was her father. Waking up from experienced in a dream of horror, faith with difficulty folding letters into words wrote a dream. She still keeps this record. Let's get acquainted with the predictions of the belief of Leon for 2019, and also we will analyze her life in general.

Externally, this woman does not differ from hundreds of thousands of others. Every day it begins with check email, Here are just the messages to which the faith responds are not like a regular business correspondence. People from all over the world write her to learn about the future. In the people, it was already painted by the Kazakh Wange.

In the morning, the girl showed the parents a sheet with a record of her sleep and asked her father not to leave home. The man looked at the children's doodle and did not betray the words of his daughter. As usual, he went to work. And a few hours later, Faith and her mother found out, his father got into an accident, and survived only a miracle. But even after this case, parents did not believe that their daughter was able to foresee the future. Then she decided not to talk about strange visions, and hoped that sooner or later they would disappear, but was mistaken.

At the age of 14, I had the first discovery of the third eye, at that time I did not know what it was, with Soviet power, no one did not know what it was. I have sharply appeared such a bright screen, I started to get into some other strangers. Faith admits, then she was horrified by her visions and did not know who could tell about their abilities and was very afraid that she would be called crazy.

I have already become afraid to close your eyes, and somewhere two weeks it all all me. And if you do not develop the third eye, it closes and then the pain will be terrible.

Survey and recovery

The state of future clairvoyant has deteriorated every day. Almost every night there was something wrong with her. In the middle of the night, she woke up and began to pronounce in the trance strange words. Faith recalls, in the morning Mom retell her daughter of her vision, but both could not understand what they mean. However, soon dreams are clearer, instead of blurred pictures, she clearly saw her future life, husband and children.

Already at school, I knew who my children would have, how they would look, for whom I would marry, I even knew the name. I generally always know what happens to me.

At that moment the girl could hardly walk. In the dignity, mom seated her on a bench next to the house, so that faith could breathe fresh air. Once a woman came to the girl in a dark cape, she appealed to the child. Clairvoyant recalls, the stranger as if she did not communicate with her, but with someone who manages her life. If you do not do, you will die. Your energy will burn you. Start doing. So what to do? At that time there was no literature. Do what the first will come to your mind.

Formation and source of predictions of Kazakh Vanga

Then Vera Leon began to search for missing and treat people. And immediately, a disease that almost brought it into the grave, retreated. Over the years she is accustomed to visions. She admits, information about the future comes to it from the parallel world inhabited by ghosts of the past people. Svirovitsa can often be found on the street with a camera. With the help of photographic equipment, Kazakh Wang wants to prove to people who are next to them, right here and now there are disembodied entities from another dimension. Vera calls them plasmoids. There is a photo, I have one video. I tried to catch them, but when you start photographing them, all cameras fail. Plasmoids open it information about the future. However, especially clear pictures of the upcoming she sees during meditation.

Predictions for 2019 for Russia and the USA from faith

On the eve of the interview, she recorded its prophecy about the fate of the whole world in 2019. Russia has already passed very difficult time. For Russia, I do not see anything serious, but for America, a catastrophe is coming. Vera Leon is confident, a catastrophe in the United States can occur due to the terrible eruption of Elestonian supervolkan. Seismologists and volcanologists have already recorded the rise in temperature on the coltra and is called Elenestone a slow motion bomb. The eruption can destroy two thirds of the continent and change the geography of the whole world already in 2019.

Kazakh Wang predicts, volcano can ride in 2019. I had a prediction when I didn't even know about this volcano in America. In America, some kind of creature, like a monkey, but only with the person of a person, gets out of the cleft and grabs people, at home. Such a huge, above the highest skyscraper. I have not yet knew about the volcano, and wrote that America spawned something terrible, monstrous.

The formidable prophecy of the coming catastrophe, which will follow the eruption of the volcano in America, is also the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant. Todar Todorov was in Vangu by a translator. He recalls, in the 80s, the blind provisian has repeatedly warned humanity about the danger.

The fire will come out of the earthly womb, the earth will take up and absorbs everything alive by many kilometers around. People will run in fear, but many will die ...

Baba Wang said that the earth would take. This is a volcano, which in America is ready. He will demolish America's floor, if not more.

According to Kazakh Vanga, there will be serious changes in the US policy and the economy of the whole world for disasters. This will affect the American national currency. Strong collapse of the dollar. There will be an apocalypse of the monetary system.

Vera Leon is confident, the maintenance that it receives from the future is primarily a warning. Kazakh Wang thinks every person can change his fate. Therefore, she tries to tell people about what is waiting for them, and believes, these knowledge will help change the world.

But really we can really program your life on positive changes. Our ancestors, Slavic pagans, conducted special rituals that next year there were fewer deaths and diseases. And people accompanied luck.

Publication date: 07/27/2017

The ability of Lyon's faith look around the veil of time has long been not subject to doubt. And you need to recognize "vision", allowing her to see the future, very peculiar. Pictures that she sees in response to their questions are available only to its understanding and decoding. However, probably because it receives information about the upcoming precisely in this form, which has a predisposition to the correct interpretation.

What predictions gave Vera Lyon for 2018? To learn about them, it is not superfluous, because in such a difficult time we are experiencing right, reliable information about the prospects and risks are of great importance. So, we start ...

World economy

It will continue to experience instability. And the dollar is its priority. And it will surely feel in the countries of all regions of the world. The most affected by the state will be quite prosperous, about which this now can not be thought on. In them, a catastrophic scale can take unemployment, which breed chaos in the heads of people. There are a lot of those who simply lose themselves in the city jungle, where the ball will rule the money, material benefits and nothing else.

But Russia will experience a wave of economic growth. The predictor saw a staircase that goes very high up. This means that the ruble will strengthen. At the same time, improving the economic situation can provoke a large tributary of those who wanted to enter the country, which in turn will result in the tightening of Russia's migration policy.


The situation in Syria will improve. It will begin to restore infrastructure, housing construction for civilians. Islamists, of course, will try to take revenge. However, there will be a leakage of some very important - resonant - information, which with a lot of probability will make the world community, otherwise look at the circumstances in the Middle East. Perhaps even the true perpetrators of all the problems of the last decade will even be called.

Vera Lyon predicted an increase in the level of humanity and spirituality of people in the most different countries. Many people will be interested in these questions. By the way, it will become one of the significant reasons that the risk of the third World War will begin to decline. After all, according to a clairvoyant, mass turn towards real human values \u200b\u200bwill make people less susceptible to the zombing aggression emanating from the media.

About Ukraine

For Ukraine, Vera Lyon gives not the most optimistic forecast. Predicter saw complete disregard for ukrainian deeds by the US Guide. Moreover, President Trump will probably make an appropriate official statement, as well as a statement about the refusal of any financial injections in this state.

The war in the Donbas, says Vera Lyon, will still continue and will not end in 2018. But more and more obvious will be the fact that the situation is reversed in favor of supporters of Novorossia. By the way, in the future head of this region, Vera Lyon saw a person (man) relatively young and, possibly related to the word "lion". It may be the name, zodiac sign, etc.

Clairvoyant was asked about the presence of military from NATO in the Donbass. Vera Lyon responded to this that he saw such a picture: the military stands in front of a steep cliff and then fall into it. This, according to her conviction, means that an attempt to introduce them will occur, however, fail.

Nature planet

The planet, considers the clairvoyant, in 2018 it will begin to actively respond to the "economic" activity of mankind. This will result in many decades of mindless spending of its resources and harm. And it is very likely that next year It turns out only the first in a series of years, which descendants will be remembered by a series of endless cataclysms.

One of the most affected Vera Lyon calls the North American continent and the island of Japan. It predicts the activation of the Yellowstone volcano. The predictor binds it with karmic problems that have arisen just due to the fact that people led many years and now continue to lead activities on the territory of North America, very dangerous for the planet. BUT japanese Islands, Mrs. Lyon approves, will partially go under the water.

Russia Vera Lyon described as the territory of natural stability, the place for which in 2018 the nervousness of the planet will not spread.

In general, the predictions of Faith Lyon for 2018 say that this period will be not completely simple. But it cannot but rejoice that our country will be able to avoid many of the difficulties and even sense improvements. And so we can expect the onset of next year calmly, building plans, hoping, seeking new prospects.

We continue to inform readers about the news from the future, which contains the blog of Lyon faith. Recent predictions do not cause optimism from the thinking person. Soon we all make sure that the past was calm and cozy, despite the war, real and informational, shocks and the so-called revolution. We have already entered a new reality, the last predictions of Faith Lyon emphasize this, confirm at the event level. Who does not like, he has a chance to soar in the current almost comfortable situation. The rest is time to take the case. What? Now learn.

Extrasence Vera Lyon The latest predictions decided not only to record. It complains that it does not have time to fix it, therefore uses the recorder. The entry is interesting for a specialist. Surely a person who is not immersed in the world of likely reality, little from her can understand. However, Vera Lyon website replenishes similar materialsso that there are no questions and complaints.

You know, it is quite ridiculous to observe how people react to grave work clairvoyant. She has to regularly make almost acquittal explanations to those who have enough arrogance to scold psychics. It would have been trying to look at the veil at least once, at least move it to the millimeter to warn the planet from the wrong step! No, these critics only comments are ready, we do not like to work. Who is not interested in the latest predictions of the Lyon faith, look here: what awaits us in 2019 (all the prophecies of Kazakh Vanga are collected in one article). We will dive with the rest in the details, we will try to comprehend them and analyze.

Extrasence Vera Lyon: Latest Predictions

Immediately it should be noted that a clairvoyant much attention pays for a probable (from its point of view to the exact) eruse of the Yellowstone Volcano (USA). This event will happen, but when? The latest predictions of Faith Lyon on this occasion are very categorical. The catastrophe will happen in May (7 numbers). Do you believe this? The question is quite complicated. It belongs to the field of psychology even more than to planning the future. And that's why.

Video consignment about cataclysms:

Have you heard that we live during the change of epochs? In the yard Era Aquarius, replacing fish. These changes may neither concern public Lifenor touch each person. If you collect what Vera Lyon writes (prediction on the last days), then it turns out that it details the marked era change. That is, shows pictures, pieces of puzzles global changes. They are accustomed to the logic of events in which we existed earlier are incomprehensible and terrible.

For example, we turn to the same volcano itself, which will certainly be torn (). Imagine, the whole continent will disappear with its more than three hundred million people. But such a phenomenon will affect the entire planet. Vera Lyon writes, we will hear the hum, wherever our homes stood. Only noise effects here are not separated. If it sinks, the continent is destroyed, it means that the entire mantle of the planet is rebuilt. Remember the lessons of the fifth grade geography. The earth is one. A piece will fall apart, cracks around the "ball" will go. Lyon's faith blog, the last predictions of which we are discussing, does not contain scientific explanations or theories. Therefore, it does not answer the question, and the undermining of the supervulkan will not destroy the entire Earth into small pieces. Kazakh Vanga simply describes what it seemed in the future.

What awaits Russia after the volcano?

Those who analyze the likelihood of supercatherafes, argue that the Eurasian mainland risks less than others. Vera Lyon confirms this. There will be floodings, but serious victims will be avoided. Will suffer Far East. Literally recently clairvoyant again indicated. Residents of this region must be careful, keep documents nearby. They will evacuate deep into the mainland, when the hour "x" comes. Behind the explosion of the volcano will follow Tsunami, which will fall on the Eurasian mainland from two sides.

It will get very good to Europe, the UK will be completely surfed. About this Kazakh Wang wrote two years ago. Japan will die under this terrible water shaft. It will only have a small island from it. The same fate awaits Australia. In vain, American richs hope to reset the terrible time on this continent. As Vera Lyon says the site is intended for ordinary people. She works so that we understand what is happening now and what to wait. But rebeling the nose of "rulers of the world" is also recommended to descend from the heavens to the sinner. In Australia, they will die.

Video forecast for Russia for 2019:

But back to our continent. If North America turns, as they write on the Internet, in the barrier of Kurchatov, then people will look for a quieter place where you can survive. It will be the territory of Russia. It is here that those who will be able to survive will be stretched. You yourself reflect than it threatens local. Vera Lyon's website has been answered. He says that people will help to help visit, share. Submit such, of course, difficult. Indeed, continent may die in the hypothetical world, and the conditions for growing food, electricity production are preserved on the rest of the planet. In the realities, everything will be different. No one says that people will regret a piece of bread for an afflicted. Does the local he will remain?

But the provincial is sure that everything will cost. Her last predictions say that the territory of Russia will also affect the global catastrophe. The sea will go to the continent, the earth will turn the earth, but will rise to the previous place. This is a direct speech of Lyon faith. Most likely, this means that the maintenance stove swam. Imagine the level and force of the earthquake? In his latest Visions, Vera Lyon saw an earthquake on the salvation of people, strange water, which behaves an unusual way. But all this was crowned ascending sun. Consequently, "Russia will get out."

The latest predictions of Faith Lyon

Latest predictions of faith Lyon about Lake Baikal

This incredible and wonderful reservoir is considered to be proud of Russia. All other countries envy him. And what about! Strategic stock of fresh water! No one has this. However, if you believe the provincial, soon and Russia will not become it. The lake after the catastrophe will go to the ground.

Vera Lyon: Prediction on the last days

From spring updates, positive should be highlighted. Providian says that the war will soon stop somewhere. She does not call places. I saw the tanks drove around from the contact line. So, the brewing or the resulting conflict will be stopped. Probably, this is Nagorno-Karabakh.

In the US, everything is ready for the beginning of the eruption. For May, the month clairvoyant predicts the hour "x". Lava is poured into the ocean, the estimated city. Water will swing on the entire planet. The storm and tsunami will have all the coasts. Over the fault provider showed Jesus. He is trying to help, holds a crystal ball. But the forecast is disappointing, since the sun in the vision is painted in the crimson-red.

You know, believe it or not this low-definite forecasts, your business. However, to progress, find out whether the disasters will affect you personally, you can share information with friends here (social network icons below). Perhaps they are looking for information that will help them survive.

Judgings, clairvoyant, astrologers and magicians, despite their nebula and ambiguity, still orient people and give them the opportunity to understand the main trends in the future. IN lately There are increasing attention to the prophecy of the stateless Lyon faith, which has repeatedly managed to predict many world politics events and global changes in the financial system. Latest predictions of Faith Lyon are available on her personal site.

Basic information about provincial

Vera Lyon was born in 1962 in the Urals, in the city of Yekaterinburg. She currently lives in Kazakhstan. Vera Lyon became famous not only as a strong psychic, but also as a writer, poet and photographer. Visich Faith (so it sounds its real name) has broad knowledge of psychology. She discovered his gift for clairvoyance in childhood, but the complete development of extrasensory abilities occurred already in adulthood.

Currently, clairvoyant leads his blog and reports about events that, in her opinion, will occur in the near future. According to faith, about 95 percent of its prediction records come true. The blog readers implement that under each record of Vera honestly affixed a mark, whether the prophecy came true. If she makes a mistake in prediction, it is fair to be honest.

It is believed that clairvoyant predicted such events as the collapse of the USSR, the results presidential elections In Ukraine and the latest events in this restless state, as well as the financial crises of the 2000s.

It is interesting to familiarize yourself with her views, worldviews and prophecies concerning both events in the world and incidents in individual states.

Vera Lyon has broad glances, its judgments relate to many spheres of life. Consider the most important of them.


The media is currently not often affecting the subject of the global economic crisis, but its influence and consequences are experiencing many residents of Russia and other countries. According to the forecasts of clairvoyant, much needs to be done in order to get rid of negative trends in the financial and economic systems of the countries of the whole world.

Lyon Vera says that within a year, this problem will not be solved, however, with the end of 2017 will be felt for some improvement in the situation, and the people most likely affected by the loss, finally, see the light at the end of the tunnel. From this point a deadlock in the global economy will slow, but gradually settled, and in 2020 there was complete recovery of the economic systems of most countries.


The second most important problem in the world does not cease to remain a solution to global environmental issues. The complexity of this task is that the problem needs to be solved together, that is, all countries of the world should find unity of opinions and goals, forget about the proprietary interest and benefits and to quit all the strength to avoid an impending environmental catastrophe.

Vera Lyon sees the main problem in the fact that the water level in the world ocean is gradually approaching the critical mark, and this negative trend causes the rapid melting of glaciers. Clairvoyant says that in the near future leadership of the majority of large states can no longer remain on the sidelines, but seriously will address this problem. Most likely, their actions will result in the invention alternative sources Energy and more rational use of natural resources.

Reliability and proper use of information

Vera Lyon calls on critically refer to the forecasts of various astrologers, mediums and other priests. The worst thing that can happen is a panic among the population. The emergence of fear and negative moods in people cannot be allowed. Any information about the care of continents under water, the onset of global cataclysms and the end of the world is not reliable. People do not need to be afraid of an emergencies, you need to be able to confront any difficulties and learn how to correctly and skillfully act in any difficult situation.


The Catholic Church in the coming years will experience not the most simple times. Vera Lyon warns about the possibility of uprisings, excitement and pogroms. As a result, in the world of religion will be seriously undermined by confidence in the Catholic Institute.

Vera Lyon expresses confidence that it is Russia that Russia will play the greatest role in the fate of the whole world. Her mission will be the liberation of mankind from the forces of Darkness.

The ratio clairvoyant to the current president is the most positive. She expresses concern about his fate and tries to tell him the way to solve problems created.

According to the provincial, Vladimir Putin has a strong energy defense and is under the auspices higher Forces. Nevertheless, Vera Lyon advises him to beware of ill-wishers, carefully choose partners, advisers and friends, as well as save energy and strength.

According to predictions, in the coming years it is possible a conspiracy against the head of the country, but the attackers will not be able to capture power into their hands. Nevertheless, such troubles regularly knock the soil from under the feet, and the president is sometimes difficult to restore the balance in difficult situations. The predictor believes that the marvelis of the dark forces that are trying to embody their bad plan and turn Russia into the path of destruction and dying.

Despite all sorts of difficulties, Lyon sees Putin by the president, selected for the third term. Whether Vladimir Vladimirovich's re-election is possible in 2018, time will show.

Several years ago, extrasensus predicted that in 2017 Transnistria will enter Russian Federation. In the near future it will be possible to check the accuracy of the words of the predictor.

In addition, it deserves its forecast that the BRICS organization will include more than 15 countries in three years. The process will be stretched for years, but positive events will take place in any case.

Judgments about Ukraine

Most Russians are very concerned about political and economic relations between Russia and Ukraine. Psychic reports that the intense situation between states will continue. The conflict has a very long history, and will need a lot of effort and time in order to repay him.

Unfortunately, Ukraine will not be able to resolve all its problems next year, and therefore, it will not reach the friendly agreements between the neighboring countries. According to Faith Lyon, the likelihood of open clashes between Russia and Ukraine is minimal, and it is encouraging.

The priest made a lot of good predictions about Novorossia. She believes that the world will be restored in this area sooner or later, and the economic situation will be improved.

So, the last predictions of faith are pronounced quite truthfully, positively and optimistic. Psychic places big hopes For the coming years, and expects to see many positive events and trends in the world. With any doubt, she wishes good to all humanity and hopes that its forecasts will be beneficial to affect.