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George Orwell Accessory Courtyard. Barnyard

George Orwell. Barnyard

Mr. Jones from the farm "Manor" closed the chicken coop for the night, but he was so drunk that forgot to shut hole holes. Putting the back door with the foot, he dug through the courtyard, unable to get out of the circle of light from the lantern, dancing in his hand, the last cup of beer beer from the keg in the kitchen and went to bed, where Mrs. Jones had already fused.

As soon as the bed went out the light, a restless movement began on the farm. It was rumored all day that the old Mayer, the prize poorer from Middluita, saw a strange dream last night and would like to tell him the rest of the animals. Everyone agreed to meet in a big barn, as soon as Mr. Jones finally hits the eyes. The old Mayer (so he was always called, although the name under which he was represented at exhibitions, sounded like the beauty of Willinger), enjoyed such respect to the farm that everyone had unconditionally agreed.

Meyer was already waiting for, as usual, cozy at his straw litble on the elevation at the end of the barn, under the lantern suspended to the beam. He was already twelve years old and in lately He was heard rather in the width, but nevertheless continued to remain all the same noble borov, in whose eyes wisdom and goodwill, despite frightening fangs. While all the animals gathered and made each to their taste, quite a long time passed. Three PSA - Blishell, Jesse and Pinscher came first, and behind them, the pigs, who immediately settled on the straw before the elevation. The chickens are located on the windowsill, pigeons pursuer, got rushed on rafters, and sheep and cows left immediately behind the pigs and began for their chewing. Together they came down the horses boxer and clover. They moved slowly and carefully, trying to make their wide hairy hooves to occupy as little space as possible. The clover was a tall mare of the average years, finally blurred after the birth of a fourth stallion. The appearance of the boxer caused involuntary respect - height in the withers more than 6 feet, it was so strong as two ordinary horses taken together. The White Straight, which crossed his physiognomy, gave him a rather stupid look, and he really did not shine intellect, but used a universal location for even character and amazing hardworking. After the horses, Muriel, White goat and Donkey Benjamin appeared. On the farm, he lived longer than everyone and was distinguished by the contrary character. He spoke rarely, but in these cases usually hesitated some cynical remark - for example, he somehow mentioned that the Lord God had handed it with his tail to choke from the hedge, but he would prefer to do without heded and without a tail. The only among all animals, on the farm he never laughed. On the question of the reasons for such a gloomy, he answered that he did not see reasons for laughter. Nevertheless, he was tied to the boxer; As a rule, they spent Sundays side by side in a small header next to the garden, plugging herbs.

Almost only the boxer and the clover lay down, as a brood broke into the barn, lost her mother; Miscellaneously crackled, they began to rummage from side aside in search of a safe place, where no one imparted to nobody. Finding that the elongated front legs of the clover are something like a protective wall, ducklings dangled into this shelter and immediately plunged into sleep. Finally, in the barn, Khrushi Sugar, coquettishly entered Molly, stupid, but beautiful white dip gallery, which tuskled the twirl in Mr. Jones. She took a place in the forefront and immediately began to play with a white mane, in the hope of attracting attention to the red ribbons woven into it. And the last cat appeared, which, as usual, looked around in search of the warmest place and finally slid between the boxer and the clover; Here she was loyal and purred during the speech of Mayer, without having heard a single word from her.

In addition to the Mosus, a manual crow, who dreamed on the pole near the back door, now all animals were assembled. Suggested to everyone to get comfortable and waiting for silence, Mayer cleared her throat and began:

The story "Cottage" was first published in 1945. Once Orwell witnessed the usual scene for rustic life: a little boy A thin twig drove a huge horse. The writer suddenly occurred to the idea that if the animals realized their strength, people could not rule over them. On this topic, he created the work of the "Bottom Dvor". The brief content of the book is set out in this article.

George Orwell

The first book of the British Writer and Publicist was published in 1933. During World War II, Orwell worked the leading on the BBC. The debut work of the prose is the autobiographical book "Pounds of Likha in Paris and London". In french capital He spent several years, was interrupted by random earnings, mainly working in the restaurants a washer of dishes.

In 1945, the Book Courtyard was published. The summary of this work reveals the philosophical and political views of the author. The famous Antiutopia shows the production of revolutionary programs and principles. The "Bottom Courtyard", the summary of which is presented below - the parable telling the revolutionary events in Russia. Another world-famous book of George Orwell - "1984". "A big brother is watching you" - the expression that has become a winged, - first sounded in this work.

"Bottom Dvor": summary chapters

This work was created more than half a century ago, but today. It exists beyond time and space, reveals the basic laws of society, the behavior of people caused by the economic and political situation. This is a wonderful book telling about the power of influence that is capable of providing a personality to the massive consciousness.

Even after reading the summary of the "cattle courtyard", you can evaluate the satirical talent of Orwell. In addition, the retelling will answer the question of why for several decades the product of the American writer is popular among Russian-speaking readers. The summary of the "cattle courtyard" of Orwell present on the following plan:

  • Major's speeches.
  • Creating an animal idea.
  • Insurrection.
  • Principles of animalism.
  • Battle of a barn.
  • Exile snow.
  • Making pests.
  • Repression.

Major's speeches

The heroes of the work - the inhabitants of the Mr. Jones farm - a man who often drinks and leads the farm to something. Once animals, among which pigs are different in particularity, conduct a meeting in the barn. Speech is holding an old major. He calls upon friends to overthrow the power of the person who contains them in unbearable conditions. A few days later, Major dies, but his ideas are invisibly roaming through the cattle yard. The content of the speech, which Major uttered, animals will still remember.

Creating an animalism idea

After the death of Major, preparations for the uprising begins. No one else knows when it is what happens. Movement leaders, which will soon gain momentum, are Napoleon, snowball and scented. The first chiffs of the Chiter, Couple and Positolov. The second is extremely intelligent. Springs demonstrates an amazing speech talent.

Any revolutionary movement is impossible without any idea. Animals becomes an inspiring idea. It is based on the lack of contacts with people, lifestyle, nothing in common with human. The farm inhabitants should not sleep in beds, drink alcohol, trade and so on.


One day, Mr. Jones forget feeding animals, those in anger expelled him from the farm and thus acquire freedom. The summary of the story "Cottage" can be stated as follows: the beasts are getting rid of the human power, they are fighting for independence, learn to live without people.

Orwell describes the state coup, but events occur not among people, within the framework of any country, and among animals living on the farm. There are an ideological boar among them, which convinces others that they live badly, people use them, do not feed as it should. Life can be much better, it is worth only to overthrow the power of Mr. Jones - so argued by a untimely Major, and Vladimir Lenin is guessed in his way.

Principles of animalism

On the farm begins new happy life. Thanks to the uprising, animals got rid of human tyranium. But they have to exist independently of people, and it is not easy. The guidelines for them are the principles formulated by leaders. However, these postulates are increasingly distorted over time.

The main principle is "all animals are equal." After the power of Napoleon is established, this commandment loses its meaning. But the "leader" does not call for her to refuse. Any postulate can be a little edited - "All animals are equal, but some of them are especially equal."

Battle of Korovnik

No revolution is happening without bloodshed. People will not yet attempt to return power. The first one will be completed by the real battle, which animals will be called "Battle of Corovnik" for a long time with reverence.

How are the days of the inhabitants of the company? From dawn to sunset, they work. Amazing hardworking is characteristic of the old horse on the nicknamed boxer. But he is incredibly naive. Boxer does not notice that in Mr. Jones, and under Napoleon, it is severely exploited. Favorite phrase horse: "I will work even more." When it becomes too old and weak to work, he is sent to those who know. This image personifies the Stakhanov movement. In the evenings, animals hold meetings that invariably end in singing the hymn of "cattle of England".

After reading the summary of the "cattle courtyard" of George Orwell, you can and do not understand the hidden meaning of this work. Napoleon - cruel and power-loving boar - animals are called the leader. What kind of historical person is hidden behind this literary way? Perhaps Joseph Stalin.

Exile snow

On the farm boars fill. Springs fulfills the following role: comes the next rules and laws, sometimes delusional, to the farm inhabitants. In fact, they rule Napoleon and snowball. But as said great commanderOnly one sun can shine in the sky. This phrase, by the way, loved to repeat Stalin. While the snow is developing a mill construction scheme, Napoleon drives out a sly plan. Once, with the help of its faithful dogs, he expelts a competitor from the farm.

Crushing pest

With snow, Napoleon criticized the mill construction plan. After his expulsion assured animals that he was the author. It began long, comfortable construction. The mill to build animals was not possible under the influence of weather conditions and other factors. In all failures, Napoleon accused the snow, which, allegedly, after the expulsion at night penetrates the farm and makes permit.


One of the bearers of animalism reads: "No animal will kill himself like." But this principle is broken. Napoleon, at the next meeting, accuses some inhabitants of the company in dissent. Unhappy nothing remains, how to recognize your guilt. On the same evening, they are sentenced to death. In the role of executioners are Pots Napoleon.

Complete expurate short content Books "Bottom courtyard" description of the last scene. Napoleon establishes diplomatic relations with owners of other farms. He now lives in Mr. Jones's house, drinks wine, wears his clothes, sleeping on his bed. One day, animals, depleted and overlooking, look into the window. They see a strange picture. Napoleon and other boars drink wine, playing cards with people. And it is not clear now where the animal, and where is a person. Where the revolutionary, and where is another tyrant.

Orwell is very colorful and affordable, without unnecessary words, shows how the promised equality turns into totalitarianism, to aK corresponds to the laws (seven commandments of animals) in favor of the ruling elite, as a lie is issued for the truth.

Pigs voluntarily assumed the role of leaders. It is not surprising that the best goes to them. The remaining animals are starving and work hard. It is imperceptible on the farm it becomes quite sad. "Justice" and "equality" turn into empty words.

George Orwell


Mr. Jones from the farm "Manor" closed the chicken coop for the night, but he was so drunk that forgot to shut hole holes. Putting the back door with the foot, he dug through the courtyard, unable to get out of the circle of light from the lantern, dancing in his hand, the last cup of beer beer from the keg in the kitchen and went to bed, where Mrs. Jones had already fused.

As soon as the bed went out the light, a restless movement began on the farm. It was rumored all day that the old Mayer, the prize poorer from Middluita, saw a strange dream last night and would like to tell him the rest of the animals. Everyone agreed to meet in a big barn, as soon as Mr. Jones finally hits the eyes. The old Mayer (so he was always called, although the name under which he was represented at exhibitions, sounded like the beauty of Willinger), enjoyed such respect to the farm that everyone had unconditionally agreed.

Meyer was already waiting for, as usual, cozy at his straw litble on the elevation at the end of the barn, under the lantern suspended to the beam. He was already twelve years old, and recently he was heard in the width, but nevertheless continued to remain all the same noble borov, in which wisdom and goodwill glowed, despite frightening fangs. While all the animals gathered and made each to their taste, quite a long time passed. Three PSA - Blishell, Jesse and Pinscher came first, and behind them, the pigs, who immediately settled on the straw before the elevation. The chickens are located on the windowsill, pigeons, pursuer, got rushed on rafters, and sheep and cows left immediately behind the pigs and began to make their chewing. Together they came down the horses boxer and clover. They moved slowly and carefully, trying to make their wide hairy hooves to occupy as little space as possible. The clover was a tall mare of the average years, finally blurred after the birth of a fourth foam. The appearance of the boxer caused involuntary respect - height in the withers more than 6 feet, it was so strong as two ordinary horses taken together. The White Straight, which crossed his physiognomy, gave him a rather stupid look, and he really did not shine intellect, but used a universal location for even character and amazing hardworking. After the horses were Muriel, a white goat, and Donkey Benjamin. On the farm, he lived longer than everyone and was distinguished by the contrary character. He spoke rarely, but in these cases usually hesitated some cynical remark - for example, he somehow mentioned that the Lord God had handed it with his tail to choke from the hedge, but he would prefer to do without heded and without a tail. The only among all animals, on the farm he never laughed. On the question of the reasons for such a gloomy, he answered that he did not see reasons for laughter. Nevertheless, he was tied to the boxer; As a rule, they spent Sundays side by side in a small header next to the garden, plugging herbs.

Almost only the boxer and the clover lay down, as a brood broke into the barn, lost her mother; Miscellaneously crackled, they began to rummage from side aside in search of a safe place, where no one imparted to nobody. Finding that the elongated front legs of the clover are something like a protective wall, ducklings dangled into this shelter and immediately plunged into sleep. Finally, in the barn, Khrushi Sugar, coquettishly entered Molly, stupid, but beautiful white dip gallery, which tuskled the twirl in Mr. Jones. She took a place in the forefront and immediately began to play with a white mane, in the hope of attracting attention to the red ribbons woven into it. And the last cat appeared, which, as usual, looked around in search of the warmest place and finally slid between the boxer and the clover; Here, she was indifferent and purred during the speech of Mayer, without having heard a single word from her.

In addition to the Mosus, a manual crow, who dreamed on the pole near the back door, now all animals were assembled. Suggested to everyone to get comfortable and waiting for silence, Mayer cleared her throat and began:

So, friends, what is the meaning of our being with you? Let's see the truth in the face: brief days Our life is in humiliation and hard work. Since that minute, as we appear on the world, we give to eat exactly so much that life does not fade in us, and those who have enough power are forced to work until the last sigh; And, as usual, when we become nobody needed, we are sent to the slaughter with monstrous cruelty. No animal in England after he blows the year, does not know what happiness or at least a well-deserved rest. No animal in England knows what freedom is. Our life is poverty and slavery. Such is the truth.

But is these true order of things? Does this happen from the fact that our earth is poor and can not feed those who live on her and cultivate it? No, comrades, there are no thousand times! The climate in England is soft, the earth is fertile, and she is able to feed much large quantity Animals than now dwell on it. Such a farm, like ours, is able to contain a dozen horses, twenty cows, a hundred sheep - and their life will be full of such comfort, such a feeling of self-esteem, which we can not even even dream of. But why do we continue to live in such a miserable conditions? Because almost all that we produce our work on the world are fleeing people. Here, comrades, what the answer to all our questions lies. He lies in a single word - man. That's who our only genuine enemy is a man. Remove the person from the scene, and the reason for hunger and non-impact will disappear forever.

A person is the only creature that consumes without producing anything. He does not give milk, he does not bear eggs, it is too weak to carry a plow, it is too slow down to catch rabbits. And yet he is the supreme lord over all animals. He drives them to work, he squeezes him at exactly so much so that they do not suffer from hunger - still the rest remains in his possession. Our work cultivates the soil, our manure fertilizes it - and yet each of us has only its skin. Here you are, cows lying in front of me - how many thousands of milk gallons you have already given last year? And what happened to this milk who could you let strong calves? All it, to the last drop, was absorbed by the sips of our enemies. And you, chickens, how many eggs did you demolish this year and how much the chickens have grown? And the rest were sent to the market, in the pockets of Jones and others like them with them. Tell me, Klover, where are your four foals, who did you endure and gave birth in suffering, foals, what should have you been supporting and comforted in old age? All of them were sold back in an annual age - and you will not bring any of them again again, and after you suffered four times in the birth torps, after you raised the Fields under the lot - what do you have, except for the sowing of oats and Old stall?

But even our pathetic life cannot end in a natural way. I'm not talking about myself, because I was lucky. I lived to twelve years and made more than four hundred children. For pig I lived decent life. But no animal can avoid at the end of the life of the ruthless knife. Here you are young piglets that they are sitting in front of me - all of you are up to one, will not go through the year, cums your life in that fence. And this terrible fate is waiting for all - cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, all to one. Even horses and dogs do not get the best proportion. That distant day will come when mighty muscles will refuse to serve you, a boxer, and Jones will send you to a person skilled in the mainstream, which will cut your throat and makes you a chowder from you. As for dogs, when they make up and their teeth will fall, Jones will give them a brick and a pink of his legs to the nearest pond.

And wasn't it now extremely clear, comrades, that the source of that evil, which all our life is permeated is the tyranny of humanity? It is only worth getting rid of a person, and the fruits of our works will move to our property! And this evening, the dawn of our freedom can catch fire, which will make us rich and independent. What do we have to do for this? Work day and night, giving and body and soul to get rid of the tyranny of a person! And I urge you, comrades, - uprising! I don't know when it breaks up, in a week or a hundred years, but as clear as I see this straw under my legs, I know that sooner or later justice will triumph. And no matter how much you can live, comrades, devote your life to this idea! And besides, I'll let me convey my message to those who come after you so that future generations could continue to fight to a victorious end.

Title: Standard
Writer: Janet Fitch
Year: 1945.
Publisher: AST.
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 200 p.
Genres: 20th century literature, foreign classic

About the book "Bottom Dvor" George Orwell

The book "Bottom Dvor" is an incredibly informative story-parable, affecting sharp political issues in the form of a joke. No matter how you wanted to believe in a happy future, which politicians promise, such dreams will not be destined to come true. In order to come to power, people are able to describe the paradise, which will be built under their "sensitive" manual, and even make others believe in this miracle. And when these people achieved the desired, all promises will be forgotten. Politicians are always the same. Yesterday's revolutionaries, having come to power, somehow will turn into short-circuited conservatives. And now they will fight new rioters, forgetting about their rebellious past. It is about such metamorphoses of people standing in power, it will be discussed in the novel-Novelopia George Orwell.

In this fantastic, at first glance, the story is all impregnated with symbolism and veiled sarcasm to power. Characters of the book "Traffic courtyard" - animals, but how they look like a human society ... Some idealists who believe in a fairy tale, naive, kind or stupid, others - cunning manipulators, and in fact cruel, selfish creatures.

In the work of George Orwell, the Bottle Dvor tells about one farm, on which the ripen animals ripes against people. The host of animals created bad conditions Contents, force the beasts to work a lot, and they feed out of a row badly, but one day they even forget to do it. And now there is a reason for the uprising. Borov Melnik, considered the cerebral center of these animals, proposes to overthrow the human government and to establish an equal society of animals, in which no one will inhibit anyone. The riot succeeded, the current power is overthrown. However, the clever dies, and the cruel boar Napoleon comes to his place. Having pretended to the pig, which will fall for his wards, he builds a totalitarian society on the farm with a tough apparatus of repression. What is surprising, the beasts are blind and do not see what is happening, many feel satisfied and happy, despite the fact that they work from the morning to dawn. But the pigs are a caste unacceptable, they lead a lot of life. Their mission is only to control the crowd. All the old commandments about the equality and the fraternity of the new government are now forgotten. Previously, people were considered enemies of animals, now the pigs cooperate with people, drink alcohol, sleep in bed, kill others, even go on two legs as a person. All laws that were them are composed, they brazenly and trample, inventing themselves all sorts of excuses. Those of other animals who are not zombied by a policy who soberly sees that actually happens on the farm, prefer to pose ...

The book "Bottom Dvor" is best to read what else believes in a happy, idealistic future who thinks that there is also honest politicians in the world. The author went in his work focusing those in which his hands focuses all power over the people. Prototypes of the main characters are real historical personality, such as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Trotsky and even images - intelligentsia, religion, Stakhanovsky movement and much more. In a narrow sense, this work is a caustic satire at the USSR times of repression, in a wider - on any totalitarian society in any country and in any time frame. Are you sure that you do not deceive your government for your benefit? Are you sure that the real truth is not hidden from you? Read the book of George Orwell and look closely in the surrounding reality, maybe then you will see what the ruling top is silent ...

On our literary site site you can download the book George Orwell Bottom Dvor for free in suitable for different devices Formats - EPUB, FB2, TXT, RTF. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have big choice Books of various genres: classic, modern fantasy, literature on psychology and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and cognitive articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn to write beautifully. Each of our visitor will be able to find something useful and fascinating for himself.

"Bottom Dvor" is an anti-dust novel of George Orwell. He looks like a fairy tale, however, for all this fabulousness, you begin to notice how much here is like the truth. It is for this reason that this novel is so popular. The writer created a work that is read easily and passionately, but very difficult questions are hiding behind this ease.

Before the eyes of the readers, the author paints a small farm. Her owner stopped looking after her, no longer care about animals. Then animals that everyone here is perfectly understood and know how to decide to do everything in their own way. They set their orders so that the farm can exist independently of the owner. Animals themselves behave, it seems to them that the time of freedom and happiness came. But it lasts long, because there are those who work more, and there are those who wish only to distribute instructions ...

You can easily spend parallels with real Mir. The book is sharply raised by the issue of power and management. There are always those who are ready to work from morning to evening in the name of the idea; There are those who want to get started, without doing anything. Someone supports the established order only because it is so accepted by a majority. There are those who see deficiencies, but they are too little to make a coup. Or maybe the case is not at all in all animals that the author writes about. Just until the authorities have a pig, there will be no order on the farm. And here there is a very serious topic for reflection ...

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