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Matrenine day summary. Matrenin Yard, in reducing

Summer, 1956. 184 km from Moscow, in the direction of Murom-Kazan, comes with a passenger. He is a storyteller. His life path is similar to the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself (participated in the war, served in the camp). His dream is to teach somewhere in the depths of Russia, as far as possible from the city. Life in the village High Field at the narrator failed, because there were not baked bread and did not sell anything edible.

He comes to the station with the unpleasant name of the peatorodukt. Later it turns out that there are also villages with other names in the area: challenits, ointles, away, Sheverney, sixmir.

The narrator puts up with circumstances, he will see "Condo Russia. It stops in the village of Talnovo. The hostess of the courtyard, where the narrator lives, is the name of Matrain Vasilyevna Grigoriev or simply Matrena.

Mattress told about his life not immediately, thinking that it was not such an entertaining information for such a "cultural" person as guests. He is striking the story of Matrena. He finds her fate special, which neighbors and relatives of Matrena do not notice.

The husband turns out to be missing at the initial stage of war. He loved Matreus, did not bother to beat her as other husbands of his wives. Mattress did not love him. She was supposed to be given for the older brother of her husband - Faddey. But he disappeared during the First World War. Matrene had to marry the younger brother - Efim.

Suddenly, Faddey appears for everyone, who has long been in the Hungarian captivity for a long time. He says that he did not kill Matreus with her husband only for the reason that Efim is his brother. Fadda loved to such an extent Matrena that he took a girl with the same name to his wife. She gave him six children to him, while Matrena died all children from Efim. The whole village came to the conclusion: Matrena - "Purchase". She inspired it herself. She decided to take the "Second Matrery" daughter under her custody, Kiru. He was engaged in her upbringing for ten years, until the moment Kira married. She went to the village of Cerust.

Matrey all his life was not to himself. She had to constantly work on someone: to the collective farm, for fellow villagers, while doing what is usually the hands of only a man and at the same time, she never demanded fees. She was able to stop the horse on the race, which men would not be able to.

Mature's image is collective: With it, we notice that it is on such women who give themselves without a balance, and the Russian land holds. But this discovery does not please him at all. Does Russia hold only on the dedication of its old woman? What will happen to her next?

The end of the story is riff and traged. Helping the Faddei to drag across the railway tracks on the sleigh part of the hut, bequeathed Kiru, Matrena dies. Faddia, without waiting for the death of Matrena, takes the inheritance with her life. It turns out that its death is provoked.

At the funeral of Matrena, relatives cry "from decency", thinking only about the speedy section of her property. Fagia does not even appear behind the memorial table.

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Matrenin Dvor Solzhenitsyn

In the summer of 1956, one hundred eighty fourth kilometers from Moscow on the railway branch on Murom and Kazan is a passenger. This is a narrator, whose fate reminds the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself (fought, but from the front "Delivered with the return of the year for ten," that is, he served in the camp, which he also talks about that when the story was arranged, every letter in his documents "prompted"). He dreams of working as a teacher in the depths of Russia, away from the city civilization. But to live in the village with a wonderful name, the high field did not work, because there were no bread bakes and did not trade with nothing edible. And then it is translated into the village with a monstrous name for his hearing the name peatproduct. However, it turns out that "not everything around peatpooling" and there are also villages with names of challitsa, Ories, Spuden, Sheverney, sixmir ...

It reconciles a storyteller with his share, because he promises him "Conduct Russia". In one of the villages called Talnovo, he settles. The hostess of the hut, in which the story of the story, is the name of Matrius Ignatievna Grigorieva or simply Matrius.

The fate of Matrius, about which she is not immediately, not counting it interesting for the "cultural" person, sometimes in the evenings tells the guest, fascinates and at the same time stunning him. He sees a special meaning in her fate, which fellow villagers and relatives of Matrius are not noticed. The husband disappeared at the beginning of the war. He loved Mathero and did not beat her as the village husbands of her wives. But hardly Matrön loved him. She had to marry her husband's older brother - Faddey. However, he went to the front to the first world war and disappeared. Matrön was waiting for him, but in the end, at the insistence of the Faddey family, he married the younger brother - Efim. And so suddenly returned to Faddey, former in the Hungarian captivity.

According to him, he did not borrow the Matrius and her husband with an ax and her husband just because Efim is his brother. Faddia loved Matrihn so that a new bride was found with the same name. The "Second Mattress" gave birth to the Faddey of six children, and here the "first mature" all children from Efim (also six) died, without living and three months. The whole village decided that Matrön was "pinching", and she herself believed in it. Then she took on the education of the daughter of the "Second Matrain" - Kira, brought up her ten years, while she did not marry and did not leave in the village of Cherusti. Matrings lived all his life as if not for himself. She constantly works for someone: at the collective farm, at the neighbors, at the same time, "Men's" work, and never asks for her money.

Matters have a huge interior. For example, it is able to stop the raging horse, which men cannot stop. Gradually, the narrator understands what exactly on such as Matrion, who gave themselves to others without a balance, and still all the village and the whole Russian land. But hardly it pleases this discovery. If Russia holds only on dedicated old women, what will happen to her next? Hence the ridiculous-tragic end of the story.

Matrön dies, helping the Faddey with sons to drag over the railway on the sledding part of his own hut, bequeathed Kiru. Faddia did not want to wait for the death of Matrius and decided to pick up the inheritance for the young with her life. Thus, he involuntarily provoked her death. When relatives bury Matrön, they cry, rather, by duty than from the soul, and think only about the final section of mattering property. Faddia does not even come on commemoration.

To Central Russia. Thanks to new trends, the recent situation is not denied now to become school teachers in the Vladimir village of Milsevo (in the story - Talnovo). Solzhenitsyn settles in the leaf of a local resident of Matrena Vasilyevna - women of the sixty, often ill. Mature has no husband or children. Her loneliness clarifies only the ficuses in the house everywhere in the house, and chosen from pity is a quicker cat. (See Matrery House Description.)

With warm, lyric sympathy, A. I. Solzhenitsyn describes the difficult life of Matrena. For many years she has no ruble earnings. In the collective farm, Matrena works "for wands of workforce in a duct accounting book." The law came out after the death of Stalin finally gives her the right to seek pensions, but also not for himself, but for the loss of missing Musha on the front. To do this, you need to assemble a bunch of references, and then carry them many times in salas and village council, for 10-20 kilometers. Hole of Matrena is full of mice and cockroaches, which cannot be removed. From live life, she keeps only a goat, and feeds mainly "cards" (potatoes) is no more chicken egg: the larger is sandy, not a fertilous garden does not give. But with such a need, Matrena remains a light man, with a radiant smile. Good location of the Spirit helps to maintain work - hiking for peat in the forest (with a two-domed bag behind three kilometers), sideways for the goat, troubles on the housework. In old age and diseases, Matrena is already released from the collective farm, but the chamber's terrible wife, that matter, orders it to help her for free. Mattress easily agrees to settle without money and neighbors on the gardens. Having received 80 pension from the state rubles, she cope with new felt boots, a coat from the Noshenoy railway Sineli - and believes that her life has noticeably improved.

Matrenin Dvor - House Matrena Vasilyevna Zakharova in the village of Milsevo Vladimir region, the place of action of the story A. I. Solzhenitsyn

Soon Solzhenitsyn learns the story of Matrain's marriage. In his youth, she was going to get out of the neighbor of Faddey. However, in 1914 he was taken to the German war - and he truncounted under three years. So without waiting for news from the bridegroom, in the conviction that he died, Matrona went married Brother Faddey, Efima. But several months later, Faddey returned from the Hungarian captivity. In the hearts, he threatened to chop the Matreus with Efim with an ax, then graduated and took over his other Matrena, from the neighboring village. They lived with her in the neighborhood. Faddia was heard in Talnovo power, a straightened peasant. He constantly beat his wife, although he had six children from her. Six was both Matrena with Efim, but none of them lived for more than three months. Efim, leaving in 1941 to another war, did not return from it. Friendly with his wife Faddey Matrena scored her younger daughter, Kiru, she brought up her, as a native, and shortly before the appearance in Talnovo Solzhenitsyn gave her to marry the steam engine in the village of Cerussian. The story about his two grooms Matrena told Alexander Isaevich herself, worried about how young.

Kiru and her husband in the Cears had to get a plot of land, and for this - to quickly put any structure. Old Fadda in winter suggested transferring a hube there, a house attached to Matrenina. Matrain and so was going to make this Hubinee Kiru (and the three sisters were met at the house). Under the persistent persuasion of the greedy craftsman, after two sleepless nights, he agreed on his life, breaking the part of the roof of the house, disassemble the doors and transport to Cherusti. In the eyes of the hostess and Solzhenitsyn, Faddha and sons and the hails came to Matrenin Yard, they littered with axes, hoarse the torn boards and disassemble the doors on the logs. Three sisters Matrena, having learned how she succumbed to Paddey's persuasion, called her fool together.

Matraine Vasilyevna Zakharova - prototype of the main character of the story

From the semist, the tractor was driven. The brains of the flashes were immersed for two sleds. Tolstomordinous tractor driver, so as not to make a superflight, announced that he pulls two sleds immediately - so it was more profitable for him for money. The disinterested Matrain herself, fussing, helped ship the logs. Already in the dark, the tractor with difficulty pulled a heavy cargo from the Mattress courtyard. Restless worker and then did not work at home - ran away with everyone, help on the way.

It was no longer destined to go back alive ... On the railway crossing, the cable of the overloaded tractor burst. Tractor driver with the son of Faddey rushed to get along with them, and Matreus suffered there. At this time, it came to the crossing, the back and without including lights, two linked locomotives. Unexpectedly, hazardous, they scolded to death all three who were having troubles for the cable, lasted the tractor, fell from the rails and themselves. In the crash, almost fell to the moving train with a thousand passengers.

At dawn, from moving to sledding under a dirty bag, they brought everything left from Matroin. The body had no legs, no half torso, no left hand. And the face remains a fellow, calm, more living than the dead. One woman crossed and said:

"The Lord left her handle left her right." There will be a god to pray ...

The village began to gather on the funeral. Female relatives were drawn over the coffin, but in the words they were blocked by the carriage. And it was not hidden that her sisters Matrena and a man of her relatives were preparing for a fight for the inheritance of the deceased, for her old house. Only the wife of Faddey and the pupil of Kira were sincerely sobbed. Faddey himself, who lost the woman and son, who had fallen in that catastrophe, clearly thought only about how to save the brave flashed in the railway. Asking permission to return them, he thus rushed from coffins to the station and settlement.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn in the village of Milsevo (in the story - Talnovo). October 1956.

On Sunday, Matreus and Son Faddey buried. Possed commemoration. Fadda in the coming days pulled the shed and the fence from Matrenin sisters, who immediately dismantled with sons and transported on Santochi. Alexander Isaevich moved to one of the sinks of Matrena, who often and always with contemptuous regret spoke of her heartiness, simplicity, about how she was "stupid, helped someone else's for free", "did not chase and even the piglery did not hold." For Solzhenitsyna, it was from these dismissive words that the Matrena image was smelted, which he did not understand her, even living with her side by side. This someone else's sisters, a funny skener of an incomparatory woman who did not save the property to death, hinged six children, but not telling his sociable, sorry the crossed cat and once at night, it was rushed to save without horses, and his favorite ficks - and there is that the same righteous, Without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village.

/ / "Matrenin Dvor"

The story "Matrenin Dvor" Alexander Solzhenitsyn is a vivid image of the patriarchal defendant of the Russian village. He was written in 1963.

In the introduction, the author informs the reader that even after 6 months after the events described in the story, the train, following Moscow, slowed down 184 kilometers. The reason is known only by the very narrator, well, and, of course, the driver who slowed the move there.

The story "Matrenin Dvor" consists of several parts. Consider the content of each.

Narrator - Mathematics teacher in the village school. From his biography, the following facts are known: fought in Asia, she served in the camps for 10 years, and only after that he returned to his homeland.

In the barrack, he did not want to live, so I was looking for, who can remove accommodation, at least just angle. So he fell into the wisdom of Matrena Vasilyevna Grigorieva, old and lonely woman.

This is how the storytellor describes its new housing: the hives is strong and spacious, designed for a big family. True, a bit dark. On windows - unchanged ficuses, their mistress loved very much. The house was full of livestock: cat, mice, cockroaches.

Matrain Vasilyevna was sick, as was already 60 years old, but the disability could not achieve. She also did not receive a pension. I continued to work in the collective farm, but did not pay the salary, put the workload.

They fell with a teacher-guests very poorly: potatoes and porridge cooked from cheap cereals.

The fuel inhabitants of the village Talnovo stolen in the trust, for which they could punish, up to imprisonment. The peat was carried out, but they were not sold selant.

Matrene accounted for very difficult. Her daily worries were to get a peat or dry hemp on the ground, and for the goat of the hay, to score lingers, collect references for a pension. True, this year was more successful. Matraine Vasilyevna began to feel better, the disease seemed a little bit, for the teacher's tenant she was given a pension, albeit a meager, but still. A simple Russian woman was already happy with the fact that he bought new boots and the tag, and she sewed a coat from the old sheel. This appears before readers the first part of the story "Matrenin Dvor".

At the beginning of the second part, once returning home, the teacher cares of Faddey Grigorieva. This bearded old man granted him to visit him. I came to ask for my son who did not have time in mathematics.

The teacher learned the whole story connecting these people. Matrena was the bride of Faddey, but the wedding did not take place, as he was taken to war. For a whole three years, no one knew anything about him. Is he alive or not? Then the younger brother of Faddeya Efim launched for her. Matrena agreed. Young began to live in that very hut, where old woman lives to this day. Built her father Brothers Grigoriev.

As later it turned out, Faddey was in captivity all this time. When he returned, found the bride married after another. He did not deal with his brother, but took another one. She was also called Matrey. A man quit a new hut. Six children were born in their marriage. Only Went man he was cruel, and the wife often complained Matrey Vasilyevna to beat and the greed of Faddey.

How was the fate of Matrena, the Wife of Efim? Her children, they were also six, died more newborn. She buried them even before the start of the war. The husband disappeared on the battlefields. Yes, an unquided share. Matraine Vasilyevna asked for the namesake of one child so that it was not so lonely. She was not refused to ask. So she had a daughter Kira. Matrain raised her like a native. Successfully married to the neighboring village. The family of the receptional daughter sometimes helped Matrey. Often the pain, the woman began to think about the will, part of the hut she wanted to leave Cyre. But three of her sisters were counted on her.

Kire was needed a house, and she asked the receptionive mother about the inheritance before her death. Old Man Faddey demanded to disassemble the hut and give. Matrena regretted the house in which she lived for forty years, she did not want to break it. It was her whole life. But nothing can be done. Conquered relatives and disassembled out. After her should have been transported and re-assembled. Only now for Kira. While men worked on disassembly, women were preparing a drink and snack.

When transporting hips, a terrible event occurred. By passing the railway crossing, the sleigh stuck. Three people died under the wheels of the train. And Matrena Vasilyevna Grigorieva itself.

Part Three begins the funeral. Although the funeral on them is more reminiscent of the formation of old bills. Matcher's sisters were not so much on her body, as they tried to defend their rights to the inheritance of a deceased woman. Relatives of both Grigorievs were categorically agrees with this.

Faddey, insisted on to disassemble and transport the hut, dragged after all the same logs. What is good now to disappear?

The teacher listened to the sales of the villagers about Matrene at the funeral. Of them, he realized that she was not like that. Did not hold the piglet, did not seek to buy good and outfits. Having lost her husband and all the children, she did not inquiring the soul, helped everyone who could, and was happy from small joys, who rarely illuminated her life.

Property htorated for all time, cat, ficuses and goat. Everyone who surrounds her did not understand that next to them, in the neighborhood, a real righteous lived. It is on such people our land holds. And although Solzhenitsyn notes that she was a pagan, we perfectly understand that in our life she followed Christian morals and did not retreat from them from them.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn.

"Matrenin Dvor"

In the summer of 1956, one hundred eighty fourth kilometers from Moscow on the railway branch on Murom and Kazan is a passenger. This is a narrator, whose fate reminds the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself (fought, but from the front "Delivered with the return of the year for ten," that is, he served in the camp, which he also talks about that when the story was arranged, every letter in his documents "prompted"). He dreams of working as a teacher in the depths of Russia, away from the city civilization. But to live in the village with a wonderful name, the high field did not work, because there were no bread bakes and did not trade with nothing edible. And then it is translated into the village with a monstrous name for his hearing the name peatproduct. However, it turns out that "not everything around peatpooling" and there are also villages with names of challitsa, Ories, Spuden, Sheverney, sixmir ...

It reconciles a storyteller with his share, because he promises him "Conduct Russia". In one of the villages called Talnovo, he settles. The hostess of the hut, in which the story of the story, is the name of Matrius Vasilyevna Grigoriev or simply Matrin.

The fate of Matrius, about which she is not immediately, not counting it interesting for the "cultural" person, sometimes in the evenings tells the guest, fascinates and at the same time stunning him. He sees a special meaning in her fate, which fellow villagers and relatives of Matrius are not noticed. The husband disappeared at the beginning of the war. He loved Mathero and did not beat her as the village husbands of her wives. But hardly Matrön loved him. She had to marry her husband's older brother - Faddey. However, he went to the front to the first world war and disappeared. Matrön was waiting for him, but in the end, at the insistence of the Faddey family, he married the younger brother - Efim. And so suddenly returned to Faddey, former in the Hungarian captivity. According to him, he did not borrow the Matrius and her husband with an ax and her husband just because Efim is his brother. Faddia loved Matrihn so that a new bride was found with the same name. The "Second Matrion" gave birth to the Faddey of six children, but the "first Matters" have all children from Efim (also six) died, without living and three months. The whole village decided that Matrön was "pinching", and she herself believed in it. Then she took to raise the daughter of the "Second Matters" - Kiru, brought up her ten years, while she did not marry and did not leave in the village of Cherusti.

Matrings lived all his life as if not for himself. She constantly works for someone: at the collective farm, at the neighbors, at the same time, "Men's" work, and never asks for her money. Matters have a huge interior. For example, it is able to stop the raging horse, which men cannot stop.

Gradually, the narrator understands what exactly on such as Matrion, who gave themselves to others without a balance, and still all the village and the whole Russian land. But hardly it pleases this discovery. If Russia holds only on dedicated old women, what will happen to her next?

Hence the ridiculous-tragic end of the story. Matrön dies, helping the Faddey with sons to drag over the railway on the sledding part of his own hut, bequeathed Kiru. Faddia did not want to wait for the death of Matrius and decided to pick up the inheritance for the young with her life. Thus, he involuntarily provoked her death. When relatives bury Matrön, they cry, rather, by duty than from the soul, and think only about the final section of mattering property.

Faddia does not even come on commemoration.

In 1956, in the summer, from a distant Kazakhstan, the author of Ignatich returned to Russia. After several years spent in places of imprisonment, it is very difficult for him to find the work of the teacher, so Ignatich decides to search for vacancies in the outback. Having changed a few villages, the teacher stops in the village of Talnovo, Vasilyevna Grigorieva, Vasilyevna Matrena. Ignatich immediately turned out to be beneficial for her guest, because for him the school, in addition to the rent, allocated a peat car for heating in winter.

Mature's life was not easy. In 19 years, the Faddey began to work to her, but they did not have time to play the wedding, as Faddia went to the war. For three years, there was not a single news and mature from Faddeya, having lost hope, married his younger brother Efim. Faddey freed from the Hungarian captivity in half a year returned to his homeland and almost hesitated Matreus and Efim. Without having ceased to love Matreus, Faddia married a girl with the same name that six children gave birth to him. With the children, Matrena did not work out, all her children died, without surviving up to three months. After scoring the Faddey's daughter's wife at her upbringing, Matrena raised to Kiru for ten years, while she did not marry and did not move.

Matrena lived all his life for someone, but not for himself. She constantly worked on the collective farm and always helped all the neighbors and seekers for free, considering it with their duty. Once a month and a half, Matrey fell out the duty to feed the shepherds who grazed goats. Then Matroin practically spent all the money on the products that she herself did not eat at all: canned food, oil, sugar. Trying to please a good dinner to the shepherds, she was afraid that for bad dinner they would be allowed on the village of her bad rumors.

Constantly pain, Matrena decided that after her death, the log house should get Kiru. Faddey found out that the young plot of land was distinguished at that time, and then Matrena's hill was going to be as soon as possible. Faddia gained to Matreya demanding to give the promised and a few days later Matrena decided. Faddia and sons quickly disassembled the doors and plunged her for two sleds, which the hired tractor should have been transferred to a new plot. A cable burst on the railway crossing, which pulled the second sleigh. Tractor driver, the son of Faddey and Matrena laid a broken cable and did not notice the locomotive, which she handed over without overseas lights.

The trial case of the death of three people was quickly hushed up, and Faddia did not even appear on commemoration. In this story, Matrena symbolizes a simple and good-natured person from the depthion that did not chase his whole life behind wealth and unnecessary outfits, and was always happy to help others in a difficult moment.


"Get lost in the most interior of Russia." (According to the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor".) "It's not worth the village without the righteous" (the image of Matrena in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") "It's not worth the village without the righteous" (according to the story "Matrenin Dvor") Analysis of the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Image of the village in the story "Matrenin Dvor" (by the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn) An image of a Russian national nature in the work of Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" What artistic means does the author use when creating a mature image? (According to the story of Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor"). Comprehensive analysis of the work of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor". Peasant theme in the story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Not worth the land without a righteous (according to the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") Not worth the land without a righteous (according to the story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") Moral problems in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" The image of the righteous man in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" The problem of moral choice in one of the works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn (Matrenin Dvor). The problem of moral choice in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Problems of the works of solrycin Review of the story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Russian village in the image of A.I. Solzhenitsyn. (According to the story "Matrenin Dvor".) Russian village in the image of Solzhenitsyn The meaning of the name of the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Essay by the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" The fate of the main character in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" The fate of man (according to the stories of M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" and A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") The fates of the Russian village in the literature of 1950-1980s (V. Rasputin "Farewell to Mother", A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") Theme of righteousness in the story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" The topic of destruction of the house (according to the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") The topic of the Motherland in the story I. A. Bunin "Sukhodol" and the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. "Matrenin Dvor" Folklore and Christian motives in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" History of creating a story "Matrenin Dvor" "Matrenin Dvor" Solzhenitsyn. The problem of loneliness among people Short plot of the story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Idean-thematic content of the story "Matrenin Dvor" Meaning of the name of the story "Matrenin Dvor" Review of the story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" The idea of \u200b\u200ba national character in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" The story of the story "Farewell to the Materia" The image of the main heroine in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" 2 Complex analysis of the work of "Matrenin Dvor" A.I. Solzhenitsyn 2. Characteristics of the work of "Matrenin Dvor" Solzhenitsyn A.I. "Matrenin Dvor" A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Image of righteous. Life term Proverbs Without the righteous there are no Russia The fate of the Russian village in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" What is the righteousness of Matrena and why it was not evaluated and noticed by others? (According to the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") Man in the totalitarian state (according to the story A and Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") The image of a Russian woman in the story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Artistic features of the story "Matrenin Dvor" Review of the work of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" The image of a Russian woman in the story of A. Solzhenitsyn \\ "Matrenin Dvor \\" 1 Peasant theme in the story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" What is the essence of the righteousness of Matrena in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" From Gorky to Solzhenitsyn The life of the righteent (according to the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor") The moral problematics of the story A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" Save truth in the story "Matrenin Dvor" Get lost in the interior of Russia Review of the story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Wasted in the interior of Russia". (According to the story of A.I. Wallinyna "Matrennn Dvor") How to interpret the image of the main character: the victim or holy?