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Bunin cuckoo main characters. Essay bunin cuckoo

Bunin has a lot of romantic works, exciting hearts, and summary Story "Cuckoo" for reader's diary Opens another edge of the writer - drama, loneliness, unity with nature.


The landowner hired a crunch of a crunch - an old soldier. The cuckoo had a rooster, a cat and two dogs. So he lived in the hut, pleased with the new service, because before he slept without a roof above his head. He was called his cuckoo, because he did not restore for a long time anywhere. The old man recalled his youth - how he is a boy's cattle, and then went to the army. As he married, and his wife left him in a year, without taking his complex character. Having promised the children of the landowner, he found the lair of the Wolf and took two cubs and brought them to the Barsky House. While he was not, someone cut down the trees in the forest. The cuckoo was removed from the post, he quarreled with a new guard and left, although he was allowed to live in the hut. Long he wandered through the neighboring trees. Passed year. He visited the children of the landowner and saw that only one magician remained alive - and so thin and frightened. He offered children to let him go. The wolf ran into the forest. After some time, the cuckoo was found dead in the forest - apparently, I was looking for a hut and got lost.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Life is short, and living it alone - it's like to spend water. It is very difficult in this life without a satellite. Family - this fortress, which gives support under his feet, spouse, children - can not be neglected, whatever character is in humans.

The retired soldier is not in vain ninted "cuckoo" - he has no home or any relatives. After for long years Endless walks with an outstretched hand, finally, not a stone put in this hand, and the bread: he received a place of forest strollery. Barin provided it with food and allowed living in a forest guard.

Yes, only his service was not charged. Having come to Barina for money, the cuckoo, he himself struck by the terrible inconsistency of his pitiful figures in the Barsky rest, listened to the accusation in the wheel of three oaks. I did not listen to the excuse of the barin.

The poor old man, frightened by the prospect of losing housing, which he had not had many years, decided to overtake the fate. Highed the unlucky watchman to be wounded Barina by caught waggls for Barchuk, to change the barin decision to drive it, cuckoo, from the spot.

While he caught waggls, the trees were cut down again and the clarifier immediately reported to Barina.

The cuckoo did not know that the decision was made: "An old man fell into childhood. Only before summer and keep ... ".

Poor temps, in childhood - subfold, later - shepherd, he was given to the soldiers. Returning, I tried to get a job: in the booths on the cast-iron, in a barn, workers, but I have not been held anywhere. He was considered so unpleasant, completely unsuitable for no service, nor to work that he was constantly the humiliative nicknames sounded: "Unreacted", "Lododr", "with foolish". The nicknames were deserved: he really was not particularly smart, because he was saming and no one taught him anything. I hear such an opinion about myself, he, of course, and himself began to consider himself as a person saw him - "unreacted", and resigned with rock.

He did not trust anything serious, and the minor work, the less fee. He began to bite cuckoo. The years went, he began to decay, but tried not to think "long and seriously" about his fate. That's lucky to live in the caulier - he was happy. Although I understood that this happiness is briefly.

The poor old man hoped that if he had to sick, he would be forgining the rod of trees. Not forgiven.

Again, the cuckoo was homeless and went to the Barsky house to ask for the alms.

Barchuki told him that one of the wipe was a diop, and the second whipping and even meat does not eat. The cuckoo indifferently confirmed that both the wolp, and to him, cuckoo, the winter did not survive. "After all, I, Barchuk, also like a wolf", who does not have his nest, and the nickname cuckoo is quite fair. He himself considers him to live the animal. And I am confident: "We whims for the present winter frozen." Still, he breaks off his casual insult: "And for what. We are also crushed people. I am why to disappear? "

Failed to Barchuk to persuade the father to leave a beggar old man to live at the Barsky House, but the barin cleared at three shirts. The cuckoo was very pleased that there would be a white shirt of the funeral Savan.

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The retired soldier is not in vain ninted "cuckoo" - he does not have any home or any relatives. After many years of infinite walks with an outstretched hand, finally, it was not a stone in this hand, but a bread: he received a place of forest strollery. Barin provided it with food and allowed living in a forest guard.

Yes, only his service was not charged. Having come to Barina for money, the cuckoo, he himself struck by the terrible inconsistency of his pitiful figures in the Barsky rest, listened to the accusation in the wheel of three oaks. I did not listen to the excuse of the barin.

The poor old man, frightened by the prospect of losing housing, which he had not had many years, decided to overtake the fate. Highed the unlucky watchman to be wounded Barina by caught waggls for Barchuk, to change the barin decision to drive it, cuckoo, from the spot.

While he caught waggls, the trees were cut down again and the clarifier immediately reported to Barina.

The cuckoo did not know that the decision was made: "An old man fell into childhood. Only before summer and keep ... ".

Poor temps, in childhood - subfold, later - shepherd, he was given to the soldiers. Returning, I tried to get a job: in the booths on the cast-iron, in a barn, workers, but I have not been held anywhere. He was considered so unpleasant, completely unsuitable for no service, nor to work that he was constantly the humiliating nicknames sounded: "Unreacted", "Lododr", "With Dry". The nicknames were deserved: he really was not particularly smart, because he was saming and no one taught him anything. I hear such an opinion about myself, he, of course, began to consider himself as people saw him - "unreacted", and humble with rock.

He did not trust anything serious, and the minor work, the less fee. He began to bite cuckoo. The years went, he began to drachly, but tried not to think "long and seriously" about his fate. That's lucky to live in the caulier - he was happy. Although I understood that this happiness is briefly.

The poor old man hoped that if he had to sick, he would be forgining the rod of trees. Not forgiven.

Again, the cuckoo was homeless and went to the Barsky house to ask for the alms.

Barchuki told him that one of the wipe was a diop, and the second whipping and even meat does not eat. The cuckoo indifferently confirmed that both the wolp, and to him, cuckoo, the winter did not survive. "After all, I, Barchuk, also like a wolf", who does not have his nest, and the nickname cuckoo is quite fair. He himself considers him to live the animal. And I am sure: "We touch the current winter frozen." Nevertheless, he breaks off his casual insult: "And for what? ... We are also crushed people. ... for me for what to disappear? "

Failed to Barchuk to persuade the father to leave a beggar old man to live at the Barsky House, but the barin cleared at three shirts. The cuckoo was very pleased that there would be a white shirt of the funeral Savan.

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The forest was small, but beautiful, especially if taken into account that there was a poor terrain around him: the fields and Kosobora's fields, in some places, the villages in the ravines, oak bushes in the hollow, a farmhouse farmhouse and a lonely windmill on the Western Horizon, on the distant Highway. True, the fields were wavy and replaced with meadows ("tops", in Orlovski), but it was completely naked and deaf meadows.

Big Castyurinsky top branched to the north into two sleeves. One of them was covered along the sloped sides of the shrub and far stretched the same log. It was boring in it, especially in the fall! You're going, it happened, in a bluish, cloudy day for hunting among this deserted log, and you see only a low sky and you have a yellow shrub. Neither the bird nor the beast, - one wind will slap oak foliage ...

But the other was much more fun and picturesque. There was a forest. Because the forest was not reversible for a long time, there was a lot of thick deposited - nuts, oxides and young birchings. There were, in addition, ravines, where gray stones were browned, there were failures overgrown with a deaf nettle; Small pond, surrounded by versibilities, forgotten the pensioner and the old Karaulka - blackened hollow with a humpback roof. Empty wooden hives On the pedehes, covered with stones and similar to mushrooms, steel from time to gray-gray, and windows, doors and even the most walls were glared ... Last winter was settled in her old soldier cuckoo, and in one of the ravines, behind the pensioner, brought Two young wolf.

The evening of the warm and seasy february day was assumed when an employee with a castyurin farm brought a cuckoo to the caravel. The forest was drowned in the young, loose snow. Before in the evening, again began to cry, and the trees that filling the hollows and ravines were slightly clouded, and in the remote, at the end of meadows, merged into the unclear thickets of muddy-gray color. The horse is hard at the snowdrifts. The cuckoo dreamed, although it was cold in a collapped hat, linked along the ears of the rag, and in the twisted overcoat. Elderly serious and sleepy face. He kept her rooster and cat, and two more cuckoo spitters were running out of the sledge: a boric gypsy, black with a white vest, and Cukushkin Murzik, a small, ring-haired male, cheerful and careless, dressed in a very fluffy reddish fur.

Having drove to the caulier, the employee helped the cuckoo to carry something into it from provisions and household accessories, littered the treasure, put on the mittens and, by kneeling in the sledge of his knees, was indifferent to the horses in the opposite way.

Look, how would you have a gypsy left! He shouted on a farewell.

And the cuckoo remained alone ...

When the yard began to be measured, it was already completely dark in a cold caulka. Gloomy looked empty - old, low, with small windows and a huge stove. But the cuckoo did not impress any impression. To the one who went under the rain, the wind and the snow, everyone will seem comfortable and cheerful, and the cuckoo has long spent - where the day where the night is under strange roofs. Now he was long protected from cold and hunger. The salary was appointed seventeen rubles a year, and "a meter" - and very good. In addition, he was given felt boots, the old Barinovi vastern and the pollen of the noble carriage. The cuckoo was very pleased, very reassured by his position, and now he could only flood the stove and get better in the caulier. But wasn't it done for a long time? ..

Dubki quietly buzz in white darkness winter Night; It smelled of February freshness, and when the cuckoo came out in one shirt from the Senets for an angle, he was at the same time with cold and wet snowflakes. But with what pleasure he fell into the hut, which became simply unrecognizable for some hour! She had already at all managed to warm up and weakly, but it was fun of the stove bright mouth. Long fiery languages \u200b\u200bescaped from it and licked the mouth, and the black walls of the hut, which had been growing in Kurkure, shine flutterly as melted resin. The cat was noticed at the end of the bench, cringed and buried, purring and back. The rooster, awakened by fire, but completely drowning, mechanically wandered along the straw, clamped on the floor, in a warm circle of light near the stove ... It smelled the smoke of raw birch firewood and straw.

Ah, eat tee! - Cut the cuckoo with elder cheerfulness and distorted his shoulders.

While potatoes were cooked, he disadvantaged the firewood for tomorrow, it was imposed on the stove of straw, then cut off the whole spot of a hunk of bread and sat down to dinner. He ate intently, with greedy leisureness of the beggar, but when the potato came across very hot, he burned her hastily, opening his mouth and defeat her mouth to her. A pleasant thought about how he unexpectedly settled himself, did not leave him ... And when dinner was over, he carried the dogs in the Senets of Cork, again, oomeb, brutally hit the foot of the Gypsy, who rushed to Murzik, and, returning to the hut for a long time he prayed for a long time gratitude for the present day, with a particularly sad and submissive view, on a large icon that stood in front corner on the shop. The image on the blackened chalkboard of the icon was old, and the cuckoo was terribly looking at him. He sincerely asked God to give him an ambulance and quiet death.

Bars, house! - he shouted angrily among the prayer to the cat, hung on the table. Then, grinding and ohae, haught up onto the stove and, hiding the chinel, immediately plunged into the nap.

And everything became sleepy and quietly around.

In order not to care, he did not cover the pipe and did not push the stove with the damper. Firewood and straw Meanwhile, and the light from the coals was slowly died in a quiet, darling hollow. Darkness gloomily thickened, coming out from everywhere to the stove.

Soon only one hot coal remained in it. Silence seemed to froze in anticipation of something ... Then the darkness went to the mouth of herself, and the coal, like a closing eye, looked at it for a long time, illuminating only the arches ... Finally, this weak light was dymer. There was a slightly noticeable point in the stove, and it became dark and cold in the entire hives. The wind rushes straw on the roof and linked the window with snow. The windows are dim blue in the darkness ... And here someone came up and looked in them. Someone's high shadow flashed past windows, returned, pulled to the glasses and disappeared again ...

Lord Isus Christ! - muttered the cuckoo with surprise and fear. He fell asleep firmly, but the old body, heated on the hot straw, soon snapped - and it is also pleasant, - and the cuckoo semi-open eyes. Someone high looked out the window, and the cuckoo suddenly noticed it. He wanted to rise - and could not, and did not understand where he; I only felt more and more that somewhere in a deaf and terrible place ... And the shadow suddenly appeared again and slowly disappeared ...

"Who's there?" - he wanted to shout, collecting the last forces, but suddenly waved his hand and immediately woke up ... But after all, he lies in the caulier! And the shadow is just a priest that broke on the roof!

He coughed the creek with a dissatisfied smile, but he sighed at all as long as possible and was very lightweight and the chinel was twisted again. Pleasant fatigue hugged him and closed the eyelids quietly. Good on a warm stove old body! And then the rooster announced the hut with a loud cry, boldly and calmly scored wings, and something native, the friendly thing was in this cry, violating the silence of the winter midnight.

The wind was still a roof on the roof, and Priugu is still looking into the windows, swung in the wind. Dogs, trying to stick together, fed in the sense. But the cuckoo did not hear anything and did not see; I felt only a pleasant severity and warmth of cats, curled on his legs, and fell asleep deep sleep.

And in the forest at this time, it is important and smoothly invented by the hum of blizzards on the heights, whitamed from the snow, and a wolf, sparkling by the lights of their greenish eyes, mysteriously made his way around the meadow by the Bracker. She was drowning in cold, fluffy snowdrifts, but she went deeper into the schools of the forest, intending to settle for a long time next door with a cuckoo - in one of the deaf and secret ravines.


Well, did not bother yet? - he asked Barin when the cuckoo came to him once to ask for the birthday. The cuckoo was not deaf, but Barin spoke loudly, the tone to whom they say with deaf and with fools.

No, your wellness! - I stuck cuckoo. - I and the present left a little bit when I miss the taper?

Barin frowned.

That "taper"! - He messed up, rejected. "Old you, you have a drain from under the nose ... Semen says: Again in the top three Dubka cut off. All the autumn there was a very almost boy sitting there - did not touch, but here the old man - and then the hell knows what!

The cuckoo was embarrassed, frightened and offended. He stood on the threshold of the hall and Lacée and produced a strange impression by his Nishchensky species in the Barsky House. With the words of the Barin, he pulled up and fond with irritation:

What are these my years, your wellness? Dubki - True, that they are cut off, only this is not with me ... This is all the cruel of mutton ... For a long time, one person told me ...

So I say, look, "the barin interrupted already calmly, but very loud.

The tone struck him a cuckoo, and he was embarrassed again: didn't he say anything else? He smiled awkward smile and hastily added:

It is known that you need to watch all the urine ... And boredoms I have no undue, your wellness!. In the forest still warm in winter ...

Of course, warmth, - Barin agreed. - I'll carry you money now.

He went to the office, and the cuckoo relieved himself from his legs to the leg. God will give, will cost!

At this time, Mitya and Kolya came out of the office. Kohl, small, round-headed boy smiling enhancingly. His character was kind and cheerful, but timid. Mitya, on the contrary, always tried to be decisive. He was with sharp features of the face, thin and above. Now he frowned hard, but it was clear that both were embarrassed, because both approached, shyly biting back.

The cuckoo smiled and leaned toward them. From this Kolya was confused, and Mitya blushed and suddenly said, severely, according to his usual, each syllable:

Will you go back to the forest?

In the forest, Barchuk, to the forest, - answered the cuckoo gentle.

Do you know how to go hunt?

How can I not know, Barchuk, - how many years in the soldiers were!

Mitya turned the mohara belt and looked at the cuckoo already with undisguised curiosity. In addition to conversations about the hunt, it was very coarse, the nurse's clothing of cuckoo and the fact that the cuckoo smelled Kurkany was lining and a snuffy tobacco.

Do you have dogs? - He continued, frowning again. - Only one of our gypsies?

With one dog in the forest it is impossible, Barchuk ...

Why not?

There will be no one ... I still have Murzik. Chuckle dog!

Murzik? - exclaimed Kolya, and his little brown eyes climbed surprise and joy. - Which one then? Do you bring it to us?

And who will win whom? - Interrupted his Mitya is already quite lively. - Murzik or Gypsy? Can you keep them?

Gypsy one on one on the goose on the battle went out! - Kolya said with laughter. - The goose in the sentsi on the eggs was sitting, and he came, and he would rush to him! ..

Children spoke in vain, hurrying and falling asleep cuckoo with questions. Cuckoo also got carried away. He began to tell them about Murzica, about the hunt and suddenly, autonated with a happy thought, added:

But what, Barchuki, when such a thing, - as soon as God gives, the summer will come, you will bring you all!

Children burned out of joy.

And hare? - They shouted. - Better hare, hawk and wrecked!

Zaita, Barchuki, do not catch, but you can be wary.

And when? Tomorrow?

Yes, they are still aback ...

From what? Didn't bought?

Did not take out, they did not feel ... I only saw the wolf.

And then?

After scoffing, I will bring in the bag, - repeated the cuckoo, really decided to bring to the children and the way to please Barina.

And when and the Barin himself, good-naturedly approved this thought, the cuckoo completely calmed down: the rod of Dubkov passed, which means that safely ... He did not know that Barin spoke after his care.

An old man fell into childhood. Only before summer and keep ... I do not have a jetty ...

And the old man cheerfully walked over the snowy fields to the forest. Bored, say! What such can be boredom, if they are fed and warm? Yes, and not the first to sit in the guards!

He was accepting, for which he was called a cuckoo. As a child, he erased cattle as a subpaska, in his youth - as a shepherd and, it means that every year spent six months away from people. Then he was taken to the soldiers. Returning to his native village, he married and tried to heal the life of the "real man." But from this nothing happened. He hired into the booths on the cast-iron, in a groom, in workers, - it was fired soon from everywhere. And his wife threw him almost six months after the wedding.

It feels like a wolf, "the men talked about him. - Non-smallest!

And that's the fact that almost all responded about the cuckoo in this way, and one of the main reasons for his unsuitability for service and work was. In the nicknames, which were awarded cuckoo ("Shalava", "Unreacted", "Lododar", "With Dry"), there was a large proportion of truth. He really did not differ in mind; But from whom did he learn to mind? He was not "serious", not a "economic" man, but he heard these nickname since childhood, from childhood I was used to watching himself as a "unreacted", disadvantaged man and unwittingly became so. He was finally lazy, irritable, loved to drink, live after the sleeves; But all these qualities naturally flowed out of his fate ... and ended in the fact that he began to hire him only for the most insignificant service - to the gardens, in the gardens, in the night loopholes. From time to time, he began to bother. IN summer nightsWhen the beater knocked him in the silence of a dark village, he wandered, singing with a sipla, sincere falsetto. Then he was heard in his song something good and sad, ukore someone, but an unclear reproach, because the cuckoo did not love for a long time and seriously inform about his fate. Now he was already old and straw, but he still really wanted to live quiet and better. And he was very good in the Karaulke. Yes, and spring has passed together, fun.

All the time kept real spring weather. At night, the stars sat down the dark sky. But they were no longer as large as in winter, and glittered cleaner and gentle. Light spring freshness felt in the night air. And the days stood solar, and the forest was drawn all day on a blue, cloudless sky. In the morning, the breeze in winter sharply waved the smoke over the carouck tube. Dawn brightly blushed because of the black forest. But as the sun rises, the day warmly and fun. In the calm, he highly impressed, and the southern side of the hut and the dump truck were attached and darkened. And then the ruddles were formed near the dirty threshold, the roots of the trees were surrounded by Protlinami, the larks flew, the snow in the fields loosened and began to quickly melt. The sun filled the caulock with a bright glitter.

On such days, the cuckoo with a special pleasure was sitting on a bench at the window. Walking at the dawn of the forest, he immediately took over the furnace, and by noon the dinner was ready. Then he put a cup of shams on the windowsill and ate, ate-sized sun. Behind the windows, which smoked a light ferry, was sitting on Zavaling Murzik and looked at the food. The cat climbed to the cup itself, and the cuckoo sometimes hurts, but gently beat her wet spoon in the forehead. And in the hollow was warm, light and tasty smells.

After dinner, he slept or again sat down to the window, she cleaned his clothes, lasted pork leather boots or washed a gun. Sometimes, when he had especially deceased in his soul, he had repeated many times for different frets around his beloved song:

Smallkni, Ptashka-Canary! ..

But alas! This peaceful life had to end soon ...


Once in the evening, in early April, when in the forest all the snow was already saturated with water, the cuckoo returned home from around. Something made him lift his head, and his eyes fell on the opposite side of the meadow, whose Skate he walked. The huge wolf stood there and, alert, awkwardly bent his padded head with a sensible ears sticking out, and stared at him. In the sewer of the twilight, she seemed to him a big yellow-gray dog. But when the Volczitz turned, joked with a clumsy tail with a lowered tail, the cuckoo was confused, shouted, I wanted to even shoot ... However, I soon had a row and lowered a gun.

Ah, eat tee! He said with his annoyance, remembering that he promised to bring to children wary. - It was not worth scarement! It is necessary to track down where it was silent.

Hollow water prepedigated him for a long time. On the same evening, a muddy-bluish cloud from the West closed all the sky, and the night came dark-pretended. And waking up before dawn, the cuckoo was assisted that the root rain was furiously: it means that the real spring began ... There were threads in the meadows long, and the cuckoo did not decrease to climb in the deaf place in the firing snow. Only after the Holy, he began to go out in front of the saint to the northern head of the forest and was so fascinated that sometimes for an entire hour stood in one place, listening if there was a squeal or a suggestion that wondered with the mother would be expelled. He was still still sure if the Wolf settled in his forest.

Voltency between those grew. They simply and often crawled out of the hole now. They crawled cheerfully and squeezed as puppies; And the wolf sat and gently licked them. She holly, raised them and brought some kind of prey for dawn every night, most often - dead birds. But the wrecked was welcomed by such a weak squeal that he was not heard at all the cuckoo.

Then the cuckoo decided to act more energetically. Once in the morning, having breakfast, he locked a guide on the castle and went to the village. There, until late in the evening, he passed the familiar men, visited the shopkeeper, at the Ovchinnik, and everywhere he asked the "white stone", that is, arsenic, mysteriously telling everyone that he wants to worry wolf. But "White Stone" did not have anyone. The Ovchinnik advised him, however, to go to Verigi, but also to turn to Melnik, a famous spine. Without thinking, the cuckoo followed the advice. In order not to postpone affairs in a long box, he decided to spend the night in the village and tomorrow to visit Verigin. It was not on the way to return to the caul. But there was a failure there: the rat was not at home.

And only late in the evening as another day, he appeared in the forest, charged the rifle of the booth, dinner had one bread and went to bed, firmly decide to go to the ravine ravines and take a young clutter with a battle.

He slept hard, but before dawning suddenly woke up. "It's time!" - He decided and immediately tears from the oven, took a gun, captured a piece of bread and, clicking Murzik, walked to ravines. It was also very night, only for some particularly sensitive silence, it was felt that the dawn is close. It's not entirely dry, and the earth before dawn frozen. Light coolness was hammered by the smell of catching last year's leaves and the first greenery, which, as if lace, was dressed in an inside in a transparent twilight forest. Robbly and carefully flicker on the pale eastern Silver morning star.

Suddenly, from somewhere there was a weak recreation. The cuckoo was alerted and froze in place. Murzik also stopped, but did not lay. Vgg repeated, and even with the attraction. "They are!" - thought cuckoo and, idiot, tired. If the wolf's house, you need to put it from one shot, and it will not be bad ... And with a beating heart, he slowly began to wade along a hazier to ravines ... You can already distinguish between the stones, shrub and the deepest log of the ravine ...

Murzik! - Cuckoo shouted in a low voice. And immediately, as it were, in response, Murzik walked in a ringing lame, rushed forward, bounced back and overwhelmed, choking away from excitement. Then the cuckoo, no longer remembering myself, ran to the ravine. Every second, he expected that a wolf would jump out because of the stones, and held a gun at the ready. Suddenly, something with a screech was shaken from under his feet. He stopped and saw two small, worst worried, which in fear pressed the stones and, silent, wildly looked at him.

Murzik, Kusi! - Cuckoo shouted, looked back, "there is no wolf," and did not have time to come to his senses, as already both were in the bag. They desperately squeezed and floundered in it, but the cuckoo, who did not pay attention to it, shouted the bag over his shoulder and put to the house with almost running.

On the same day, in the evening, the courtyard on the Kasteurin Farm was crowded at the end of the garden near the potato pit: they solemnly concluded there wrecked, and the cuckoo was the hero of this event.

The ladder, the staircase, then substitute, - he shouted the tone of the commander, and when the staircase was lowered into the pit, Himself hastily tears along it and unleashed the bag. Voltency jumped out of it, snorted and clung to the wall in the wild horror.

Barchuki, look like ships! - shouted cuckoo with a deaf voice from the pit; And the children for a long time ago, putting something, fearing and worrying, did not descend the brilliant eyes with wrecked.

Mitya, they are hungry! - Starting, Kolya said. - Let's go soon, bring them pies and beef.

And the cuckoo, get out of the pit, was told to the hundredth time, as he caught the beasts. Barin himself was interested in his story, and the cuckoo of the Earth did not care for himself from joy. When Vodka was brought to him and fed, he went to the forest with some incomprehensible courage and sang his song about the canary.

But what awaited him in the forest positively stunned him. Approaching the cauldron, he was still published saw the clarifier, a redhead, a thick man in a jacket and long boots, which had gone from the meadow towards him. The cuckoo stopped near the hut and had already prepared and he was talking about the story about wrecked.

But the cradle, driving up to the caravel, slowly and without looking at him, tears with the yeast, climbed the frontier to the front of the front and then just headed for the hut. He walked over to the face of the cuckoo and suddenly grinned.

Well? - He said quietly, - caught wrapped?

And the six birchings you catch what flew while you traveled?

What birchings? - Podolelte the cuckoo.

What kind? - asked the clerk, pale from the malice, and suddenly a hat with a cuckoo with a cuckoo.

But the clerk did not chase him. Copying and choking, he opened the entrance, sat down on the trees and, hitting the horse, shoved chibanko on the road from the forest.

I'm managed with you! He shouted on a farewell.


Weeks two cuckoo lay in the caulier, pretending to be completely sick. At first he wanted to file a complaint to the world, then - to follow Barina ... But Barin himself came to the forest. It was here that the cuckoo was accustomed to a completely dying. He cried and said that the clarifier "killed" him. And the clarity with cold calm advised him to be afraid of God, do not breach in old age, because he, the clerk, did not beat at all, but only swung at him.

You will not survive! - said Barin, waving his hand, and added that he would send a guard to the forest while the employee could, and the cuckoo could, if he wants to live in the caulier.

The cuckoo remained and for all days lay on the stove. I found indifference to everything; He is only a groattel, lazily got up to eat, and then he left and flooded. Finally, he brutally retrained once with an employee because of Murzik, whom the worker hit, and, shaking his arms, knit his belongings, slapped the door and went out of the forest.

Whether he was actually so sick, as he said, - Unknown; There is no doubt that he exaggerated his birth, but undoubtedly that he was very old, gladly and lost weight for these two weeks. And when he was picking on the road to Selu, where the fair was soon to be and, it means that good job Beggar - he had the kind of a real stray old man-cripple ...

Somehow at the end of June he visited Casturin Khutor. On the courtyard he was surrounded with a loud lareh hounds, and he was standing for a long time, lowering the bag, not deciding to move forward and sending dogs to the dogs. Dogs on the summer picked them up and again continued to bark persistently and stubbornly, not missing him to the house.

Finally, the kitchen came out of the human.

Conduct from dogs! - shouted her cuckoo.

Do you need someone?

Barchuk. In the house they, what about

Hold them in the Hubber, - the cook replied. - Now again with my Fed, they escaped on the pond. Some rafts build.

So spend, honey.

Not yet. They do not bite so much.

The cuckoo was hesitantly headed toward the pond. Dogs until the dam was carried out by him, finally lagging behind.

Stank! - withdrawn from the coast. - Only Tines get from the bottom, and then you are on purpose ...

Mitya threw his hands and disappeared in the water. After a few seconds, he snapped and shouted again:

The bottom did not get! Here the passion is deep ...

The appearance of the cuckoo made Mitu quit diving.

Cuckoo, hello! - He shouted, hastily heading towards the shore. And Kohl already fled to the cuckoo and reported to him:

Fragrance magician. The other just stayed!

What so, Barchuk Milenikiy? Ay badly fed?

Mitya, with a false face, with disheveled hair, with mud on the chin, hastily dressed and spoke, knocking her teeth:

He was sick. Want, we will now go to them?

Come, Barchuki, let's go.

All three went to the garden, and on the road Mitya again began to fall asleep cuckoo with questions:

Cuckoo, and cuckoo! And where is your Murzik?

Lost, Barchuk, lost on the roman. Loaded somewhere and disappeared ...

Did you live on the trianke? - Kolya asked.

Mitya angry interrupted him:

You are forever, like Baba, with your nonsense! At the fair it is impossible to live.

And, turning to the cuckoo, asked:

You will not be more in our forest in the forest?

No, Barchuk, - Cuckoo replied, - where I taper hire.

We are weak.

Where is your home? In the village?

The cuckoo smiled sadly and looked at Mitu very dull eyes.

House? - he said. - What is my home, Barchuk? I have no houses at home, and never had a name never.

From what? - Amazed exclaimed Kolya.

I do not know, cute Barchuk, - it can be seen, no need.

Children surrendered in question and, feeling something sad in the words of cuckoo, swept.

And you have no wives too? - Mitya asked a bit of the weather.

No, Barchuk, no wife, nor children.


Yes, they never happened.

This finally delivered children to a dead end. Without a revitalization, they began to tell the cuckoo, as they fed are wary with the bones, pies, as a chrome foal was stabbed for them ... But it was clear that the interest in the wishes weakened with them.

Having come to the potato pit, all three began to look into it and saw the skinny and rough animal, which was sitting, clinging to, in my way, in the angle. He was already with a decent dog, but there was no trace of the same supremacy and picness.

He doesn't even want meat, "said Kolya complaints about. - And in the winter it will freeze: and dad says that it is impossible to put it in the house.

It is known to freeze, "the cuckoo said indifferently, sitting near the pit and a nyuhaya tobacco. "In winter, our brother is bad," he added, mysteriously smiling in thought.

What brother? - Kolya asked.

Volcina, "cuckoo explained. - After all, I, Barchuk, also like a wolf tree. And the name is my cuckoo, it means that I have our nest. And my life is life. We whims for the present winter frozen. Come drank and freeze.

Vodka drink? - Kolya asked.

Vodka, cute barchuk.

And you do not drink better, "said Mitya, frowning.

And cold? I would be glad not to drink, let you drink. You go, walk, wet you so much, you will come to the hut, you will make it warm, the clothes are wet. And you will go, to hug - the snowstorm will rise, weaken, drank something, well, and the drift is here!

And you live with us in the winter, "Mitya said, even more frowning and slightly trembling voice, because he was sorry for the cuckoo.

The cuckoo laughed and shook his head.

Ah, cute Barchuk, "he said, revealing brandy and scent tobacco again. - Does the barin take me? After all, the beggars are like me, right than a thousand people in one of our district.

But after all, the dad will only take you, - Kolya interrupted.

Do not take, Barchuk. So on the genus the animal life is laid. For what? Well, the beast is an animal honor, and we also have crisp people. True, and without me a lot of people will remain, but after all, they say: I'm for what to disappear? Also, no wonder I suppose I was determined to be born on the white light ...

And, having packed, the cuckoo added an indecisive voice:

And you are what, Barchuki, ask for better dads as you have a shirt old. My I rotted, read.

He revealed the chinel and showed a completely elusive muddy-pink shirt, from the gate of which was visible black and thinning chest.

Children were overloaded and, nor words, not to say, ran to the house.

We are now! They shouted.

Both of them painted and spoke on the run:

Kohl, and Kohl! Do you feel sorry for you?

I ask you about you. And I still do not say anyway.

I feel sorry, "said Kolya complaints. - Dad will give him a shirt?

I'll ask you two, "Mitya replied. - Only you do not tell someone. And then dad is angry with him.

After half an hour, the cuckoo stood in the house, in Lacée, and spoke Barina:

That thank you, your wellness! I now have these three shirts to death. But after all, it is not bierful in anything. Everything in the white one is pouring.

Then the cuckoo was given vodka, a piece of cake and the fourth of money. He long bowed, thanked everyone and finally said:

Happily stay, your wellness. I'll go, in Yushbin, Tomorrow is a trip.

Children went to accomplish him, and on the way through the garden cuckoo began to advise them to release a wolf film:

Let it, Barchuki, - All the same, he will connect with you.

And if it freezes the winter? - objected Kohl.

I suppose will not freeze. Maybe he will recover.

Want, we will release it now? - exclaimed Mitya.

The best thing.

And put the staircase to him, herself hide.

The cuckoo laid a bag on the grass and went with children behind the stairs to the cellar. Joint efforts all three dotted the staircase to the pit, lowered it there and sat down for the bushes.

I had to wait long. But from the pit it seemed the head of the Voltochka. He looked hesitantly - and disappeared again.

He is afraid, she whispered Kolya, having silent from excitement.

Wait, Barchuk! - He started a cuckoo.

But suddenly the Volchonok immediately jumped out of the pit, sat down and looked like.

Ulya-Liu! - shouted the cuckoo not with his voice.

The wolf glance aside, joked and sideways, the jump went out of the garden in the field.

Well, thank God! - said the cuckoo. "Because of him, because of the damned, I was fired ... Though, the truth to say, and without him anyway would be the same honor ... And now, forgive, cute barchuks!

And you will not freeze now? - Kolya asked.

No, Barchuki, no! - Zahoshikal cuckoo. - The taper is not frozen.

He nodded to them with a gentle smile head, shouted a bag over his shoulder and, bent, shoved along the field in the direction where a wolp was hidden. For a long time, his back was visible with a patch on the sheel and the noble card on the head ...

* * *

And in winter, the prediction of the cuckoo was. In front of the holly, he was found in a meadow near the forest frozen. It can be seen, he headed over the old memory to spend the night to the guard, in which he spent so good and deceased last spring for three months.

But the children did not say about it, and they, unfortunately, soon forgotten about the wreckers and about the cuckoo.

The forest was small, but beautiful, especially if taken into account that there was a poor terrain around him: the fields and Kosobora's fields, in some places, the villages in the ravines, oak bushes in the hollow, a farmhouse farmhouse and a lonely windmill on the Western Horizon, on the distant Highway. True, the fields were wavy and replaced with meadows ("tops", in Orlovski), but it was completely naked and deaf meadows.

Big Castyurinsky top branched to the north into two sleeves. One of them was covered along the sloped sides of the shrub and far stretched the same log. It was boring in it, especially in the fall! You're going, it happened, in a bluish, cloudy day for hunting among this deserted log, and you see only a low sky and you have a yellow shrub. Neither the bird nor the beast, - one wind will slap oak foliage ...

But the other was much more fun and picturesque. There was a forest. Because the forest was not reversible for a long time, there was a lot of thick deposited - nuts, oxides and young birchings. There were, in addition, ravines, where gray stones were browned, there were failures overgrown with a deaf nettle; Small pond, surrounded by versibilities, forgotten the pensioner and the old Karaulka - blackened hollow with a humpback roof. Empty wooden hives on a bellish, covered with stones and similar to mushrooms, steel from time to gray-gray, and windows, doors and even the most walls ... Last winter there was an old man's cuckoo in her, and in one of the ravines, for The pensioner, brought two young wolf.

The evening of the warm and seasy february day was assumed when an employee with a castyurin farm brought a cuckoo to the caravel. The forest was drowned in the young, loose snow. Before in the evening, again began to cry, and the trees that filling the hollows and ravines were slightly clouded, and in the remote, at the end of meadows, merged into the unclear thickets of muddy-gray color. The horse is hard at the snowdrifts. The cuckoo dreamed, although it was cold in a collapped hat, linked along the ears of the rag, and in the twisted overcoat. Elderly serious and sleepy face. He kept her rooster and cat, and two more cuckoo spitters were running out of the sledge: a boric gypsy, black with a white vest, and Cukushkin Murzik, a small, ring-haired male, cheerful and careless, dressed in a very fluffy reddish fur.

Having drove to the caulier, the employee helped the cuckoo to carry something into it from provisions and household accessories, littered the treasure, put on the mittens and, by kneeling in the sledge of his knees, was indifferent to the horses in the opposite way.

Look, how would you have a gypsy left! He shouted on a farewell.

And the cuckoo remained alone ...

When the yard began to be measured, it was already completely dark in a cold caulka. Gloomy looked empty - old, low, with small windows and a huge stove. But the cuckoo did not impress any impression. To the one who went under the rain, the wind and the snow, everyone will seem comfortable and cheerful, and the cuckoo has long spent - where the day where the night is under strange roofs. Now he was long protected from cold and hunger. The salary was appointed seventeen rubles a year, and "a meter" - and very good. In addition, he was given felt boots, the old Barinovi vastern and the pollen of the noble carriage. The cuckoo was very pleased, very reassured by his position, and now he could only flood the stove and get better in the caulier. But wasn't it done for a long time? ..

Dubki quietly buzzed in Beleza Dark Winter Night; It smelled of February freshness, and when the cuckoo came out in one shirt from the Senets for an angle, he was at the same time with cold and wet snowflakes. But with what pleasure he fell into the hut, which became simply unrecognizable for some hour! She had already at all managed to warm up and weakly, but it was fun of the stove bright mouth. Long fiery languages \u200b\u200bescaped from it and licked the mouth, and the black walls of the hut, which had been growing in Kurkure, shine flutterly as melted resin. The cat was noticed at the end of the bench, cringed and buried, purring and back. The rooster, awakened by fire, but completely drowning, mechanically wandered along the straw, clamped on the floor, in a warm circle of light near the stove ... It smelled the smoke of raw birch firewood and straw.

Ah, eat tee! - Cut the cuckoo with elder cheerfulness and distorted his shoulders.

While potatoes were cooked, he disadvantaged the firewood for tomorrow, it was imposed on the stove of straw, then cut off the whole spot of a hunk of bread and sat down to dinner. He ate intently, with greedy leisureness of the beggar, but when the potato came across very hot, he burned her hastily, opening his mouth and defeat her mouth to her. A pleasant thought about how he unexpectedly settled himself, did not leave him ... And when dinner was over, he carried the dogs in the Senets of Cork, again, oomeb, brutally hit the foot of the Gypsy, who rushed to Murzik, and, returning to the hut for a long time he prayed for a long time Thanks for the present day, with a particularly sad and submissive view, on a large icon that stood in the front corner on the bench. The image on the blackened chalkboard of the icon was old, and the cuckoo was terribly looking at him. He sincerely asked God to give him an ambulance and quiet death.

Bars, house! - he shouted angrily among the prayer to the cat, hung on the table. Then, grinding and ohae, haught up onto the stove and, hiding the chinel, immediately plunged into the nap.

And everything became sleepy and quietly around.

In order not to care, he did not cover the pipe and did not push the stove with the damper. Firewood and straw Meanwhile, and the light from the coals was slowly died in a quiet, darling hollow. Darkness gloomily thickened, coming out from everywhere to the stove.

Soon only one hot coal remained in it. Silence seemed to froze in anticipation of something ... Then the darkness went to the mouth of herself, and the coal, like a closing eye, looked at it for a long time, illuminating only the arches ... Finally, this weak light was dymer. There was a slightly noticeable point in the stove, and it became dark and cold in the entire hives. The wind rushes straw on the roof and linked the window with snow. The windows are dim blue in the darkness ... And here someone came up and looked in them. Someone's high shadow flashed past windows, returned, pulled to the glasses and disappeared again ...

Lord Isus Christ! - muttered the cuckoo with surprise and fear. He fell asleep firmly, but the old body, heated on the hot straw, soon snapped - and it is also pleasant, - and the cuckoo semi-open eyes. Someone high looked out the window, and the cuckoo suddenly noticed it. He wanted to rise - and could not, and did not understand where he; I only felt more and more that somewhere in a deaf and terrible place ... And the shadow suddenly appeared again and slowly disappeared ...

"Who's there?" - he wanted to shout, collecting the last forces, but suddenly waved his hand and immediately woke up ... But after all, he lies in the caulier! And the shadow is just a priest that broke on the roof!

He coughed the creek with a dissatisfied smile, but he sighed at all as long as possible and was very lightweight and the chinel was twisted again. Pleasant fatigue hugged him and closed the eyelids quietly. Good on a warm stove old body! And then the rooster announced the hut with a loud cry, boldly and calmly scored wings, and something native, the friendly thing was in this cry, violating the silence of the winter midnight.

The wind was still a roof on the roof, and Priugu is still looking into the windows, swung in the wind. Dogs, trying to stick together, fed in the sense. But the cuckoo did not hear anything and did not see; I felt only a pleasant severity and warmth of cats, curled on his legs, and fell asleep deep sleep.

And in the forest at this time, it is important and smoothly invented by the hum of blizzards on the heights, whitamed from the snow, and a wolf, sparkling by the lights of their greenish eyes, mysteriously made his way around the meadow by the Bracker. She was drowning in cold, fluffy snowdrifts, but she went deeper into the schools of the forest, intending to settle for a long time next door with a cuckoo - in one of the deaf and secret ravines.

Well, did not bother yet? - he asked Barin when the cuckoo came to him once to ask for the birthday. The cuckoo was not deaf, but Barin spoke loudly, the tone to whom they say with deaf and with fools.

No, your wellness! - I stuck cuckoo. - I and the present left a little bit when I miss the taper?

Barin frowned.

That "taper"! - He messed up, rejected. "Old you, you have a drain from under the nose ... Semen says: Again in the top three Dubka cut off. All the autumn there was a very almost boy sitting there - did not touch, but here the old man - and then the hell knows what!

The cuckoo was embarrassed, frightened and offended. He stood on the threshold of the hall and Lacée and produced a strange impression by his Nishchensky species in the Barsky House. With the words of the Barin, he pulled up and fond with irritation:

What are these my years, your wellness? Dubki - True, that they are cut off, only this is not with me ... This is all the cruel of mutton ... For a long time, one person told me ...

So I say, look, "the barin interrupted already calmly, but very loud.

The tone struck him a cuckoo, and he was embarrassed again: didn't he say anything else? He smiled awkward smile and hastily added:

It is known that you need to watch all the urine ... And boredoms I have no undue, your wellness!. In the forest still warm in winter ...

Of course, warmth, - Barin agreed. - I'll carry you money now.

He went to the office, and the cuckoo relieved himself from his legs to the leg. God will give, will cost!

At this time, Mitya and Kolya came out of the office. Kohl, small, round-headed boy smiling enhancingly. His character was kind and cheerful, but timid. Mitya, on the contrary, always tried to be decisive. He was with sharp features of the face, thin and above. Now he frowned hard, but it was clear that both were embarrassed, because both approached, shyly biting back.

The cuckoo smiled and leaned toward them. From this Kolya was confused, and Mitya blushed and suddenly said, severely, according to his usual, each syllable:

Will you go back to the forest?

In the forest, Barchuk, to the forest, - answered the cuckoo gentle.

Do you know how to go hunt?

How can I not know, Barchuk, - how many years in the soldiers were!

Mitya turned the mohara belt and looked at the cuckoo already with undisguised curiosity. In addition to conversations about the hunt, it was very coarse, the nurse's clothing of cuckoo and the fact that the cuckoo smelled Kurkany was lining and a snuffy tobacco.

Do you have dogs? - He continued, frowning again. - Only one of our gypsies?

With one dog in the forest it is impossible, Barchuk ...

Why not?

There will be no one ... I still have Murzik. Chuckle dog!

Murzik? - exclaimed Kolya, and his little brown eyes climbed surprise and joy. - Which one then? Do you bring it to us?

And who will win whom? - Interrupted his Mitya is already quite lively. - Murzik or Gypsy? Can you keep them?

Gypsy one on one on the goose on the battle went out! - Kolya said with laughter. - The goose in the sentsi on the eggs was sitting, and he came, and he would rush to him! ..

Children spoke in vain, hurrying and falling asleep cuckoo with questions. Cuckoo also got carried away. He began to tell them about Murzica, about the hunt and suddenly, autonated with a happy thought, added:

But what, Barchuki, when such a thing, - as soon as God gives, the summer will come, you will bring you all!

Children burned out of joy.

And hare? - They shouted. - Better hare, hawk and wrecked!

Zaita, Barchuki, do not catch, but you can be wary.

And when? Tomorrow?

Yes, they are still aback ...

From what? Didn't bought?

Did not take out, they did not feel ... I only saw the wolf.

And then?

After scoffing, I will bring in the bag, - repeated the cuckoo, really decided to bring to the children and the way to please Barina.

And when and the Barin himself, good-naturedly approved this thought, the cuckoo completely calmed down: the rod of Dubkov passed, which means that safely ... He did not know that Barin spoke after his care.

An old man fell into childhood. Only before summer and keep ... I do not have a jetty ...

And the old man cheerfully walked over the snowy fields to the forest. Bored, say! What such can be boredom, if they are fed and warm? Yes, and not the first to sit in the guards!

He was accepting, for which he was called a cuckoo. As a child, he erased cattle as a subpaska, in his youth - as a shepherd and, it means that every year spent six months away from people. Then he was taken to the soldiers. Returning to his native village, he married and tried to heal the life of the "real man." But from this nothing happened. He hired into the booths on the cast-iron, in a groom, in workers, - it was fired soon from everywhere. And his wife threw him almost six months after the wedding.

It feels like a wolf, "the men talked about him. - Non-smallest!

And that's the fact that almost all responded about the cuckoo in this way, and one of the main reasons for his unsuitability for service and work was. In the nicknames, which were awarded cuckoo ("Shalava", "Unreacted", "Lododar", "With Dry"), there was a large proportion of truth. He really did not differ in mind; But from whom did he learn to mind? He was not "serious", not a "economic" man, but he heard these nickname since childhood, from childhood I was used to watching himself as a "unreacted", disadvantaged man and unwittingly became so. He was finally lazy, irritable, loved to drink, live after the sleeves; But all these qualities naturally flowed out of his fate ... and ended in the fact that he began to hire him only for the most insignificant service - to the gardens, in the gardens, in the night loopholes. From time to time, he began to bother. In the summer night, when the beater tugged him in the silence of a dark village, he wandered, singing with a sipla, sincere falsetto. Then he was heard in his song something good and sad, ukore someone, but an unclear reproach, because the cuckoo did not love for a long time and seriously inform about his fate. Now he was already old and straw, but he still really wanted to live quiet and better. And he was very good in the Karaulke. Yes, and spring has passed together, fun.

All the time kept real spring weather. At night, the stars sat down the dark sky. But they were no longer as large as in winter, and glittered cleaner and gentle. Light spring freshness felt in the night air. And the days stood solar, and the forest was drawn all day on a blue, cloudless sky. In the morning, the breeze in winter sharply waved the smoke over the carouck tube. Dawn brightly blushed because of the black forest. But as the sun rises, the day warmly and fun. In the calm, he highly impressed, and the southern side of the hut and the dump truck were attached and darkened. And then the ruddles were formed near the dirty threshold, the roots of the trees were surrounded by Protlinami, the larks flew, the snow in the fields loosened and began to quickly melt. The sun filled the caulock with a bright glitter.

On such days, the cuckoo with a special pleasure was sitting on a bench at the window. Walking at the dawn of the forest, he immediately took over the furnace, and by noon the dinner was ready. Then he put a cup of shams on the windowsill and ate, ate-sized sun. Behind the windows, which smoked a light ferry, was sitting on Zavaling Murzik and looked at the food. The cat climbed to the cup itself, and the cuckoo sometimes hurts, but gently beat her wet spoon in the forehead. And in the hollow was warm, light and tasty smells.

After dinner, he slept or again sat down to the window, she cleaned his clothes, lasted pork leather boots or washed a gun. Sometimes, when he had especially deceased in his soul, he had repeated many times for different frets around his beloved song:

Smallkni, Ptashka-Canary! ..
But alas! This peaceful life had to end soon ...

Once in the evening, in early April, when in the forest all the snow was already saturated with water, the cuckoo returned home from around. Something made him lift his head, and his eyes fell on the opposite side of the meadow, whose Skate he walked. The huge wolf stood there and, alert, awkwardly bent his padded head with a sensible ears sticking out, and stared at him. In the sewer of the twilight, she seemed to him a big yellow-gray dog. But when the Volczitz turned, joked with a clumsy tail with a lowered tail, the cuckoo was confused, shouted, I wanted to even shoot ... However, I soon had a row and lowered a gun.

Ah, eat tee! He said with his annoyance, remembering that he promised to bring to children wary. - It was not worth scarement! It is necessary to track down where it was silent.

Hollow water prepedigated him for a long time. On the same evening, a muddy-bluish cloud from the West closed all the sky, and the night came dark-pretended. And waking up before dawn, the cuckoo was assisted that the root rain was furiously: it means that the real spring began ... There were threads in the meadows long, and the cuckoo did not decrease to climb in the deaf place in the firing snow. Only after the Holy, he began to go out in front of the saint to the northern head of the forest and was so fascinated that sometimes for an entire hour stood in one place, listening if there was a squeal or a suggestion that wondered with the mother would be expelled. He was still still sure if the Wolf settled in his forest.

Voltency between those grew. They simply and often crawled out of the hole now. They crawled cheerfully and squeezed as puppies; And the wolf sat and gently licked them. She holly, raised them and brought some kind of prey for dawn every night, most often - dead birds. But the wrecked was welcomed by such a weak squeal that he was not heard at all the cuckoo.

Then the cuckoo decided to act more energetically. Once in the morning, having breakfast, he locked a guide on the castle and went to the village. There, until late in the evening, he passed the familiar men, visited the shopkeeper, at the Ovchinnik, and everywhere he asked the "white stone", that is, arsenic, mysteriously telling everyone that he wants to worry wolf. But "White Stone" did not have anyone. The Ovchinnik advised him, however, to go to Verigi, but also to turn to Melnik, a famous spine. Without thinking, the cuckoo followed the advice. In order not to postpone affairs in a long box, he decided to spend the night in the village and tomorrow to visit Verigin. It was not on the way to return to the caul. But there was a failure there: the rat was not at home.

And only late in the evening as another day, he appeared in the forest, charged the rifle of the booth, dinner had one bread and went to bed, firmly decide to go to the ravine ravines and take a young clutter with a battle.

He slept hard, but before dawning suddenly woke up. "It's time!" - He decided and immediately tears from the oven, took a gun, captured a piece of bread and, clicking Murzik, walked to ravines. It was also very night, only for some particularly sensitive silence, it was felt that the dawn is close. It's not entirely dry, and the earth before dawn frozen. Light coolness was hammered by the smell of catching last year's leaves and the first greenery, which, as if lace, was dressed in an inside in a transparent twilight forest. Robbly and carefully flicker on the pale eastern Silver morning star.

Suddenly, from somewhere there was a weak recreation. The cuckoo was alerted and froze in place. Murzik also stopped, but did not lay. Vgg repeated, and even with the attraction. "They are!" - thought cuckoo and, idiot, tired. If the wolf's house, you need to put it from one shot, and it will not be bad ... And with a beating heart, he slowly began to wade along a hazier to ravines ... You can already distinguish between the stones, shrub and the deepest log of the ravine ...

Murzik! - Cuckoo shouted in a low voice. And immediately, as it were, in response, Murzik walked in a ringing lame, rushed forward, bounced back and overwhelmed, choking away from excitement. Then the cuckoo, no longer remembering myself, ran to the ravine. Every second, he expected that a wolf would jump out because of the stones, and held a gun at the ready. Suddenly, something with a screech was shaken from under his feet. He stopped and saw two small, worst worried, which in fear pressed the stones and, silent, wildly looked at him.

Murzik, Kusi! - Cuckoo shouted, looked back, "there is no wolf," and did not have time to come to his senses, as already both were in the bag. They desperately squeezed and floundered in it, but the cuckoo, who did not pay attention to it, shouted the bag over his shoulder and put to the house with almost running.

On the same day, in the evening, the courtyard on the Kasteurin Farm was crowded at the end of the garden near the potato pit: they solemnly concluded there wrecked, and the cuckoo was the hero of this event.

The ladder, the staircase, then substitute, - he shouted the tone of the commander, and when the staircase was lowered into the pit, Himself hastily tears along it and unleashed the bag. Voltency jumped out of it, snorted and clung to the wall in the wild horror.

Barchuki, look like ships! - shouted cuckoo with a deaf voice from the pit; And the children for a long time ago, putting something, fearing and worrying, did not descend the brilliant eyes with wrecked.

Mitya, they are hungry! - Starting, Kolya said. - Let's go soon, bring them pies and beef.

And the cuckoo, get out of the pit, was told to the hundredth time, as he caught the beasts. Barin himself was interested in his story, and the cuckoo of the Earth did not care for himself from joy. When Vodka was brought to him and fed, he went to the forest with some incomprehensible courage and sang his song about the canary.

But what awaited him in the forest positively stunned him. Approaching the cauldron, he was still published saw the clarifier, a redhead, a thick man in a jacket and long boots, which had gone from the meadow towards him. The cuckoo stopped near the hut and had already prepared and he was talking about the story about wrecked.

But the cradle, driving up to the caravel, slowly and without looking at him, tears with the yeast, climbed the frontier to the front of the front and then just headed for the hut. He walked over to the face of the cuckoo and suddenly grinned.

Well? - He said quietly, - caught wrapped?

And the six birchings you catch what flew while you traveled?

What birchings? - Podolelte the cuckoo.

What kind? - asked the clerk, pale from the malice, and suddenly a hat with a cuckoo with a cuckoo.

But the clerk did not chase him. Copying and choking, he opened the entrance, sat down on the trees and, hitting the horse, shoved chibanko on the road from the forest.

I'm managed with you! He shouted on a farewell.

Weeks two cuckoo lay in the caulier, pretending to be completely sick. At first he wanted to file a complaint to the world, then - to follow Barina ... But Barin himself came to the forest. It was here that the cuckoo was accustomed to a completely dying. He cried and said that the clarifier "killed" him. And the clarity with cold calm advised him to be afraid of God, do not breach in old age, because he, the clerk, did not beat at all, but only swung at him.

You will not survive! - said Barin, waving his hand, and added that he would send a guard to the forest while the employee could, and the cuckoo could, if he wants to live in the caulier.

The cuckoo remained and for all days lay on the stove. I found indifference to everything; He is only a groattel, lazily got up to eat, and then he left and flooded. Finally, he brutally retrained once with an employee because of Murzik, whom the worker hit, and, shaking his arms, knit his belongings, slapped the door and went out of the forest.

Whether he was actually so sick, as he said, - unknown; There is no doubt that he exaggerated his birth, but undoubtedly that he was very old, gladly and lost weight for these two weeks. And when he was picking on the way to the village, where the fair should have been soon and, it means that a good job was a poor work - he had the kind of a real stray old man-cropping ...

Somehow at the end of June he visited Casturin Khutor. On the courtyard he was surrounded with a loud lareh hounds, and he was standing for a long time, lowering the bag, not deciding to move forward and sending dogs to the dogs. Dogs on the summer picked them up and again continued to bark persistently and stubbornly, not missing him to the house.

Finally, the kitchen came out of the human.

Conduct from dogs! - shouted her cuckoo.

Do you need someone?

Barchuk. In the house they, what about

Hold them in the Hubber, - the cook replied. - Now again with my Fed, they escaped on the pond. Some rafts build.

So spend, honey.

Not yet. They do not bite so much.

The cuckoo was hesitantly headed toward the pond. Dogs until the dam was carried out by him, finally lagging behind.

Stank! - withdrawn from the coast. - Only Tines get from the bottom, and then you are on purpose ...

Mitya threw his hands and disappeared in the water. After a few seconds, he snapped and shouted again:

The bottom did not get! Here the passion is deep ...

The appearance of the cuckoo made Mitu quit diving.

Cuckoo, hello! - He shouted, hastily heading towards the shore. And Kohl already fled to the cuckoo and reported to him:

Fragrance magician. The other just stayed!

What so, Barchuk Milenikiy? Ay badly fed?

Mitya, with a false face, with disheveled hair, with mud on the chin, hastily dressed and spoke, knocking her teeth:

He was sick. Want, we will now go to them?

Come, Barchuki, let's go.

All three went to the garden, and on the road Mitya again began to fall asleep cuckoo with questions:

Cuckoo, and cuckoo! And where is your Murzik?

Lost, Barchuk, lost on the roman. Loaded somewhere and disappeared ...

Did you live on the trianke? - Kolya asked.

Mitya angry interrupted him:

You are forever, like Baba, with your nonsense! At the fair it is impossible to live.

And, turning to the cuckoo, asked:

You will not be more in our forest in the forest?

No, Barchuk, - Cuckoo replied, - where I taper hire.

We are weak.

Where is your home? In the village?

The cuckoo smiled sadly and looked at Mitu very dull eyes.

House? - he said. - What is my home, Barchuk? I have no houses at home, and never had a name never.

From what? - Amazed exclaimed Kolya.

I do not know, cute Barchuk, - it can be seen, no need.

Children surrendered in question and, feeling something sad in the words of cuckoo, swept.

And you have no wives too? - Mitya asked a bit of the weather.

No, Barchuk, no wife, nor children.


Yes, they never happened.

This finally delivered children to a dead end. Without a revitalization, they began to tell the cuckoo, as they fed are wary with the bones, pies, as a chrome foal was stabbed for them ... But it was clear that the interest in the wishes weakened with them.

Having come to the potato pit, all three began to look into it and saw the skinny and rough animal, which was sitting, clinging to, in my way, in the angle. He was already with a decent dog, but there was no trace of the same supremacy and picness.

He doesn't even want meat, "said Kolya complaints about. - And in the winter it will freeze: and dad says that it is impossible to put it in the house.

It is known to freeze, "the cuckoo said indifferently, sitting near the pit and a nyuhaya tobacco. "In winter, our brother is bad," he added, mysteriously smiling in thought.

What brother? - Kolya asked.

Volcina, "cuckoo explained. - After all, I, Barchuk, also like a wolf tree. And the name is my cuckoo, it means that I have our nest. And my life is life. We whims for the present winter frozen. Come drank and freeze.

Vodka drink? - Kolya asked.

Vodka, cute barchuk.

And you do not drink better, "said Mitya, frowning.

And cold? I would be glad not to drink, let you drink. You go, walk, wet you so much, you will come to the hut, you will make it warm, the clothes are wet. And you will go, to hug - the snowstorm will rise, weaken, drank something, well, and the drift is here!

And you live with us in the winter, "Mitya said, even more frowning and slightly trembling voice, because he was sorry for the cuckoo.

The cuckoo laughed and shook his head.

Ah, cute Barchuk, "he said, revealing brandy and scent tobacco again. - Does the barin take me? After all, the beggars are like me, right than a thousand people in one of our district.

But after all, the dad will only take you, - Kolya interrupted.

Do not take, Barchuk. So on the genus the animal life is laid. For what? Well, the beast is an animal honor, and we also have crisp people. True, and without me a lot of people will remain, but after all, they say: I'm for what to disappear? Also, no wonder I suppose I was determined to be born on the white light ...

And, having packed, the cuckoo added an indecisive voice:

And you are what, Barchuki, ask for better dads as you have a shirt old. My I rotted, read.

He revealed the chinel and showed a completely elusive muddy-pink shirt, from the gate of which was visible black and thinning chest.

Children were overloaded and, nor words, not to say, ran to the house.

We are now! They shouted.

Both of them painted and spoke on the run:

Kohl, and Kohl! Do you feel sorry for you?

I ask you about you. And I still do not say anyway.

I feel sorry, "said Kolya complaints. - Dad will give him a shirt?

I'll ask you two, "Mitya replied. - Only you do not tell someone. And then dad is angry with him.

After half an hour, the cuckoo stood in the house, in Lacée, and spoke Barina:

That thank you, your wellness! I now have these three shirts to death. But after all, it is not bierful in anything. Everything in the white one is pouring.

Then the cuckoo was given vodka, a piece of cake and the fourth of money. He long bowed, thanked everyone and finally said:

Happily stay, your wellness. I'll go, in Yushbin, Tomorrow is a trip.

Children went to accomplish him, and on the way through the garden cuckoo began to advise them to release a wolf film:

Let it, Barchuki, - All the same, he will connect with you.

And if it freezes the winter? - objected Kohl.

I suppose will not freeze. Maybe he will recover.

Want, we will release it now? - exclaimed Mitya.

The best thing.

And put the staircase to him, herself hide.

The cuckoo laid a bag on the grass and went with children behind the stairs to the cellar. Joint efforts all three dotted the staircase to the pit, lowered it there and sat down for the bushes.

I had to wait long. But from the pit it seemed the head of the Voltochka. He looked hesitantly - and disappeared again.

He is afraid, she whispered Kolya, having silent from excitement.

Wait, Barchuk! - He started a cuckoo.

But suddenly the Volchonok immediately jumped out of the pit, sat down and looked like.

Ulya-Liu! - shouted the cuckoo not with his voice.

The wolf glance aside, joked and sideways, the jump went out of the garden in the field.

Well, thank God! - said the cuckoo. "Because of him, because of the damned, I was fired ... Though, the truth to say, and without him anyway would be the same honor ... And now, forgive, cute barchuks!

And you will not freeze now? - Kolya asked.

No, Barchuki, no! - Zahoshikal cuckoo. - The taper is not frozen.

He nodded to them with a gentle smile head, shouted a bag over his shoulder and, bent, shoved along the field in the direction where a wolp was hidden. For a long time, his back was visible with a patch on the sheel and the noble card on the head ...

* * * * *
And in winter, the prediction of the cuckoo was. In front of the holly, he was found in a meadow near the forest frozen. It can be seen, he headed over the old memory to spend the night to the guard, in which he spent so good and deceased last spring for three months.

But the children did not say about it, and they, unfortunately, soon forgotten about the wreckers and about the cuckoo.