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Three great construction sites of the era of the USSR. Magnitka, Belomorkanal and other global communism construction

Great Communism Buildings - exactly the so-called all global projects soviet government: Mains, Channels, Stations, Reservoirs.

The degree of their "greatness" can argue, but that it was the grandiose projects of their time, do not have to doubt.


The largest Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine in Russia was designed in the late spring of 1925 by the Soviet Institute of Uralgipromesis. According to another version - the design was conducted american company From the clinwood, and the prototype "Magnitis" was the "US Steel" plant in the Gary state of Indiana. All three "heroes", which stood from the "Steering" of the construction of the plant, - the management of Google, the builder of Maryasin and the head of Trust Valerius, were shot in the 1930s. January 31, 1932 - the first domain furnace is launched. The construction of the plant took place in the most difficult conditions, while most of the work was carried out manually. Despite these thousands of people from all over the Union hurried to "Magnitogy". Overseas specialists were actively involved, primarily Americans.

White Castor

The White Sea-Baltic Channel was to connect the White Sea and Onega Lake and provide access to the Baltic Sea and the Volga-Baltic Water Way. The channel was built by the prisoners of the Gulag in a record short time - less than two years (1931-1933). The length of the channel is 227 kilometers. This was the first construction in the Soviet Union, implemented exclusively to prisoners, maybe that is why White the year older is not always ranked towards the "Great Communism Construction." Each builder of the White Arkanal was called "Prisoner Canaloers" or abbreviated "ZE-ka", from where the ZARE Word comes from. Agitational posters of that time read: "From hot work, your term will be melted!" Indeed, many of those who have come alive until the end of the construction, the deadlines were reduced. On average, mortality reached 700 per day. "Hot work" influenced the nutrition: the larger the norm produced the "Ze-ka", the more impressive received the "soldering". Standard - 500 gr. Bread and balancing from algae.

Baikal Amur Highway

One of the largest railway highways in the world was built with huge breaks, starting in 1938 and ending 1984. The most complicated area - The North Musky Tunnel - was introduced into continuous operation and at all in 2003. Stalin was initiated by the construction. Songs were composed about the BAM, laudatory articles were printed in newspapers, films were filmed. The construction was positioned as a feud of young people and, of course, no one knew that the prisoners were sent to the construction site, which survived after the construction of the White Chernoy. In the 1950s, about 50 thousand prisoners worked on the bam. Each meter of Bama costs one human life.

Volga-Don Canal

An attempt to connect Don and the Volga was still undertaken by Peter Great in 1696. In the 30s of the last century, a construction project was created, but the war prevented its implementation. Work resumed in 1943 immediately after the end of the Stalingrad battle. However, the start of construction should still be considered 1948, when the first began excavation. In addition to volunteers and military builders, 236 thousand prisoners and 100 thousand prisoners of war took part in the construction of the channel's route and its structures. In journalism, you can find descriptions of terrible conditions in which prisoners lived. Dirty and sewn from lack of opportunity to wash regularly (there was one bath at all), half-starving and patients - so they really looked, deprived of civil rights, "Communism builders". The canal was built in 4.5 years - and this is a unique term in the world history of the construction of hydraulic structures.

Nature conversion plan

The plan was adopted on the initiative of Stalin in 1948 after drought and raging hunger 46-47 years. The plan included the creation of forest bands that were to block the road to the hot southeast winds - Sukhovam, which would allow to change the climate. The forest belts were planned to be placed on the square of 120 million hectares - it is so much occupied by England, Italy, France, the Netherlands and Belgium combined. The plan also included the construction of the irrigation system, during the implementation of which 4 thousand reservoirs appeared. Complete the project was planned until 1965. More than 4 million hectares of forest were landed, and the total length of the forest belt was 5300 km. The state has solved the country's food problem, while some bread began to be exported. After Stalin's death in 1953, the program was minimized, and in 1962 the USSR again shook the food crisis - bread and flour disappeared from the shelves, it began to interrule sugar and butter.

Volzhskaya HPP

The construction of the largest hydroelectric power station in Europe began in the summer of 1953. Next to the construction in the tradition of that time, Gulag was deployed - Akhtubinsky ITL, on which more than 25 thousand prisoners worked. They were engaged in laying roads, conducting power lines and common preparatory work. To direct work on the construction of the hydroelectric station, they are not clearly allowed. The facility also worked the sappers who were engaged in demining the platform for future construction and the bottom of the Volga - proximity to Stalingrad made itself felt. About 40 thousand people worked at the construction site and 19 thousand different mechanisms and cars. In 1961, turning from the Stalingrad HPP to the Volzhskaya HPP named after the 21st CPSU Congress, the station was commissioned. Her solemnly opened Khrushchev himself. HPP was a gift to 21 congress, on which Nikita Sergeevich, by the way, announced his intention to build communism by 1980.

Bratskaya HPP

The construction of the HPP has developed in 1954 on the River Angara. Little village Bratsk soon grown to major city. Construction of HPPs was positioned as a shock komsomol Building. Hundreds of thousands of Komsomol residents from all over the Union came to the development of Siberia. Until 1971, the Bratskaya HPP was the largest in the world, and the fraternal reservoir became the world's largest artificial reservoir. When filled it was flooded about 100 villages. The tragedy of the "Angarsk Atlantis" in particular is devoted to the piercing work of Valentina Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera".

Construction in the Soviet Union were large-scale as the ambitions of this state. Nevertheless, no one ever thought about human fate in the USSR.

Algemb: about 35,000 people died!

The most cruel ruler Soviet Union Traditionally, Stalin, violating the covenants of Ilyich, is considered. It is him attributing to the creation of a network of camps (GULAG), it was he who was the initiator of the construction of a whitehouse forces by prisoners. The fact that one of the first buildings took place under the immediate leadership of Lenin, somehow forget. And not surprising: all materials that had attracted to the algemb - the first attempt of young Soviet power to acquire their own oil pipeline, - for a long time were classified.

In December 1919, the Army Frunze with the battle captured the Embune oilfields in Northern Kazakhstan. By the time there were accumulated more than 14 million in oil pounds. This oil could be a salvation for the Soviet Republic. On December 24, 1919, the Council of the Workers' and Peasant Defense decided to start the construction of the railway, which could be taken out of oil from Kazakhstan to the center, and ordered: "Recognize the construction of the Broadband line of Alexandrov Gai-Emba to the operational task." The city of Alexandrov Guy, which was 300 km from Saratov, was the last railway. The distance from it to petroleum crafts was about 500 miles. Most of the path ran through anhydrous solonchak steppes. The highway decided to build both two ends at the same time and meet on the Ural River at the village of Greeschikovo.

The first for the construction of the railway was thrown by the Army Frunze (despite his protests). There was no transport, no fuel, nor sufficient number Food. In the conditions of anhydrous steppe there was no place to even place the soldiers. Began the cooking diseases, grew into the epidemic. A local population was connected to the construction of a compulsory population: about forty-five thousand residents of Saratov and Samara. People practically handed the mound at which the rails should be laid later.

In March 1920, the task was even more complicated: it was decided to pull the pipeline in parallel with the railway. It was then that for the first time the word "Algemb" (from the first letters of Alexandrov Guy and the names of the EMBA field) sounded. Pipes, like all the rest, was not. The only plant that once was engaged in release, long ago stood. On warehouses collected the remnants, they were enough at best by 15 miles (and it was necessary to pave 500!).

Lenin began to look for an alternative solution. At first it was proposed to produce wooden pipes. Experts only divided their hands: First, it is impossible to maintain the necessary pressure, secondly, there are no own forests in Kazakhstan, we have nowhere to take the wood. Then it was decided to disassemble the plots of existing pipelines. The pipes were very different in length and diameter, but it was not embarrassed by the Bolsheviks. Another confused: the "spare parts" collected still lacked even half of the pipeline! However, the works continued.

By the end of 1920, the construction began to choke. Tifu carried out several hundred people per day. Along the route put the security, because the locals began to take the sleepers. Workers generally refused to go to work. Food solders were extremely low (especially in the Kazakhstani section).

Lenin demanded to figure out the causes of sabotage. But there was no permit and in risen. Hunger, cold and disease collected a terrible tribute among builders. In 1921, Cholera came to the construction site. Despite the courage of doctors voluntarily arrived at the algemb, mortality was terrifying. But the worst thing was different: four months after the start of the construction of the algemb, already in April 1920, liberated Baku and Grozny. Embune oil was no longer needed. Thousands of lives brought by the construction site were in vain.

It was possible then to stop senseless operation on laying the algemb. But Lenin stubbornly insisted on the continuation of the construction, which accounted for the state is belly expensive. In 1920, the government allocated on this construction billion rubles in cash. Full report No one has ever received, but there is an assumption that the funds are assisted in foreign accounts. Neither the railway nor the pipeline was built: on October 6, 1921, the construction of Lenin was discontinued. One and a half years of algemb cost thirty-five thousand human lives.

White Coon: 700 deaths per day!

The initiator of the construction of the White Arkanal was Joseph Stalin. The country needs work victories, global accomplishments. And preferably - without excess costs, since the Soviet Union experienced an economic crisis. White Chernoyal should have join the White Sea with the Baltic and open a passage for ships that had previously had to go back the entire Scandinavian peninsula. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an artificial passage between the seas was known in the time of Peter the Great (and the system of wolves across the entire length of the future, Rusichi has long been published). But the method of implementing the project (and Naphthalli Frenkel was appointed head of the construction of the canal) was so cruel that he forced historians and publicists to look for parallels in slaveholding states.

The total length of the channel is 227 kilometers. On this water artery there are 19 gateways (13 of which are two-chamber), 15 dams, 49 dams, 12 hydroways. The scale of construction amazing imagination, especially if we consider that all this was built in an incredibly short time: 20 months and 10 days. For comparison: 80-kilometer Panaman channel was built 28 years old, and the 160-kilometer Suez was ten.

White-to-the year from the beginning and to the end was built by prisoners. Convicted designers created drawings, found extraordinary technical solutions (dictated by the lack of machines and materials). Those who have not been suitable for the design of education, day and night were performed on the digging of the channel, in the belt in liquid dirt, customized not only by the supervises, but also members of their brigade: those who did not perform the norm reduced the already meant diet. So there was one road: in Concrete (the dead on the Belownalon were not buried, but just fell asleep as it fell into the pits, which were then poured concrete and served the bottom of the channel).

The main workers of labor on construction were a car, sledgehammer, a shovel, an ax and a wooden crane to move boulders. Prisoners, without preparing the unbearable conditions of content and unbearable work, were dying hundreds. At times, the mortality rate reached 700 per day. And at this time, the newspapers printed the editors dedicated to the "deliverance work" of mothers of recidivists and political criminals. Of course, it did not cost without an advertisement and odoring. The channel channel was made smaller than was calculated in the project, and the beginning of the construction project was postponed by 1932 (in fact, work began a year earlier).

About 280 thousand prisoners took part in the construction of the canal, of which about 100 thousand died. The remaining alive (every sixth) reduced the deadlines of the dissection, and some were even presented by the "Order of the Baltic-Belomorsk Channel". The bosses of the OGPU in full formation was awarded orders. Stalin, who visited the opened canal at the end of July 1933, was pleased. The system has shown its effectiveness. The snag was only in one: the reduction of the deadlines earned the most physically strong and efficient zacks.

In 1938, Stalin at a meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR raised the question: "Did you suggest a list of the liberation of these prisoners? They go home from work ... We do bad that you break the work of the camps. The liberation of these people, of course, is necessary, but from the point of view of state economy it is bad ... will be released the best people, and the worst stay. Is it possible to turn differently that these people remain at work - awards to give, orders, maybe? .. "But, fortunately for prisoners, such a decision was not taken: it would be too strange to look the ZEK with a government award on Rob ...

BAM: 1 meter - 1 Human life!

In 1948, with the beginning of the construction of the subsequent "great buildings of communism" (Volga-Don Canal, the Volga-Baltic Waterway, Kuibyshev and Stalingrad HPP and other facilities), the authorities have already taken advantage of the proven way: built major corrective labor camps that served construction sites. And find those who fill the vacancies of slaves was simple. Only by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of June 4, 1947 "On criminal responsibility for the embezzlement of state and public property" hundreds of thousands of people fell into the zone. The work of the sebah was used in the most time-consuming and "harmful" industries.

In 1951, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR S.N. Kruglov reported at the meeting: "I have to say that in a number of sectors of the national economy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occupies a monopoly position, for example, the gold mining industry - it is all focused on us; The production of diamonds, silver, platinum - all this is entirely focused in the Ministry of Internal Affairs; The extraction of asbestos and apatite - entirely in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 100% we participate in the production of tin, 80% swelling It occupies the Ministry of Internal Affairs for non-ferrous metals ... "The minister did not mention only one thing: 100% of radium in the country also produced prisoners.

The greatest Komsomol construction site in the world - the Bam, about which the songs were made, filmed films, wrote enthusiastic articles - began at all with a call to young people. For the construction of a railway, which was to connect Taishet on the Transsibe with Komsomolsky-on-Amur, in 1934 were directed to the prisoners who built a whitehouse. According to the "Gulagu's Handbook" of Jacques Rossi (and this is the most objective on this moment A book about the system of camps) in the Bam in the 1950s was about 50 thousand prisoners.

Especially for the needs of the construction site created a new camp for prisoners - Bamgra, whose zone extended from Chita to Khabarovsk. The daily diet was traditionally scant: a bunch of bread and pussy from fish ice cream. Barakov did not have enough. People died from the cold and Qinggi (to at least pull the approach of this terrible disease for a while, chewed a pine chew). For several years, more than 2.5 thousand kilometers of the railway were built. Historians calculated: each meter of Bama was paid by one human life.

The official history of the construction of the Baikal-Amur highway began in 1974, in Brezhnev times. Echelons with young people stretched on the BAM. The prisoners continued to work, but their participation in the "Building of the Century" was silent. And in ten years, in 1984, the Golden Crutch was driven, symbolizing the end of another giant construction site, which is still associated with smiling young romantics, not afraid of difficulties.

The named buildings have a lot in common: and the fact that the projects have been difficult to determine (in particular, Bam and Belownalokanal thought even in Tsarist Russia, but for lack of budgetary funds lay down "under Sukno"), and the fact that the work was carried out with minimal technical support, And the fact that slaves were used instead of workers (otherwise the position of the builders is difficult to call). But, perhaps, the most terrible overall feature is that all these roads (and land, and aqueous) are multi-kilometer fraternal graves. When you read dry statistical calculations, Nekrasovskoe is remembered: "And on the sides, all the bones of the Russians. How many of them, Vanya, do you know? "

(The material is taken: "100 famous mysteries of history" MA Pankov, I.Yu. Romanenko et al.).

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    The Stalinist Nature Conversion Plan A comprehensive program of scientific regulation of nature in the USSR, implemented in the late 1940s of the 1950s, which was preceded by drought and hunger 1946 1947. Contents 1 Content ... ... Wikipedia

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    Perhaps this article or section requires reduction. Reduce the volume of text in accordance with the recommendations of the setting rules and the amount of articles. Additional information can be on the discussion page ... Wikipedia

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  • Arctic project Stalin, Kalinin in .. Throughout the twentieth century, bright and tragic events took place in Russia. In their row, the great construction sites of communism, which transformed the appearance of our country, made it similar to the world leaders in ...
  • The Arctic Project Stalin, Kalinin V.A. Throughout the twentieth century, bright and tragic events took place in Russia. In their row, the great construction sites of communism, which transformed the appearance of our country, made it similar to the world leaders in ...

Today, the development of the "Third World" countries is considered a debt of countries from among "civilized". The construction of large-scale projects in developing states is funded by the IMF loans, driven peoples into debts for decades ahead, and the design and choice of contractors strictly subordinate to the interests of corporations.
With robbing percentages or without, it is usually nowhere to go: the poor do not have to choose.
But it was not always so. When I existed the "second world" - the Soviet Union and the countries of the socialist choice, the Russian builders on complex credit schemes (most of the debts were written off) the grand constructions in the most exotic corners of the planet. Much of the life built forever changed the life of millions of people and still personifies the power of the Soviet Union, forming a kind of "red mark" in the history of the poorest countries of the world - first of all, in Asia.


Stadium Gelor Bung Carno
A huge stadium is built by Soviet experts on a subsidized loan in 1960. China and the USSR helped the struggle of Indonesia for independence, Jakarta visited Khrushchev, posing at the layout of the future stadium.

At the time of commissioning, "Seyana" accompanied 100,800 spectators. In 2007, the stadium was rebuilt by reducing the number seating Up to 80 thousand people, but in this form a gift of Khrushchev remains the largest stadium of the "Countries of Thousands of Islands". Alas, in 1965 in Indonesia there was a bloody coup and mass mass of communists. Following the refusal of the "Political Concept of Nassaku", which united nationalism, communism and religiosity, Soviet projects in the region were immediately minimized.

Monument of youth

A curious example of the "Red Trail" is Patung Pemuda (monument of youth). The huge statue of the work of the Soviet sculptor Mattheva Misser symbolizes the contribution of young generations in the development of Indonesia and is executed in the genre of socialism. Responsive citizens over time renamed the figure in the "Pizza Delivery" on the busy crossroads.


"Hindi-Rusi Bhai-Bhai" - about the special, warm nature of the relations of the USSR with a fraternal country of elephants and the jungle knew every Soviet citizen.
The economic method of mutual sympathy is simple: in the 50-60s both countries experienced a deficit of the convertible currency (India is experiencing it now), and were under pressure from the West (segless sanctions). The agreement on the direct exchange of the rupee on Rupei in the supply of goods and equipment allowed India to acquire the advanced industry, and "tea with an elephant" appeared in the stores of the country of the Soviets, and other colonial goods. As a result of a mutually beneficial exchange by 1965, the USSR was the second largest "depositor" to industry and infrastructure of India, and in 1967, a quarter of all Indian steel was produced with Soviet participation, half of oil products, and about 20% of electricity.
We list only some of the largest productions created with the participation of the Union.
Dam Teri.

The highest in India, and one of the highest in the world, the Lamb Teri was built on the Bhagrati River on the 1961 Soviet project. The construction was delayed for decades (the mound began to build in 1978, Soviet specialists were attracted in 1986, and the launch of the hydroelectric station took place only in 2006). Today HPP Teri delivers electricity in nine Indian states, including Delhi.
Walked Factory Bhilai

Built according to the Soviet project and on the Soviet loan in 1959. The first plant of this scale in India, it is still the largest producer of steel slabs in the country, and most rails for the Indian Railway. In addition, produces a number of products of the coke-chemical industry. From the current assets of Steel Authority Of India, Bihelai factory is the largest and most profitable.
Bocaro Stil City

The Bocaro district is one of the most industrially mastered in India, even at the official level renamed the "steel city". The largest enterprise in the Bocaro is a steelmaking plant, built by the USSR in 1965. Five domain "Hearts of the Steel City" contain 4.5 million tons of liquid steel, and after modernization, this volume is calculated to increase to 10.
Barunion Oil Plant

The Barauni Refinery Oil Plant is built with the participation of the USSR and on Romanian technologies in 1964. Produces automotive fuel of various fractions, machine oils, other petrochemical products. At the start, it allowed to process a million tons of light Assam oil per year. By 1969, this volume was increased to 6 million, and the plant made "omnivorous" by adding the appropriate modules for processing heavy grades of oil with a high content of sulfur.


Aswan HPP

The cooperation of the USSR with Egypt was repeatedly interrupted by internal political perturbations (military coups) in this North African country. Nevertheless, "Red Track" is noticeable here.
Two Dams of Asuan HPP, built in 1960, with the participation of technical specialists of the USSR on the project of the engineer N. A. Malyshev, brave the Great River Nile near the ancient city Aswan. As a result, the so-called. "Lake Nasser" is the largest of the Egyptian reservoirs of the water mirror of 5250 square meters. km. At the time of construction, Asian hydrousel provided 50% of the electric generation in the country. With the development of Egypt's energy, this share fell to 12-15%. But the reservoir them. Smera to this day serves preventing droughts and floods, from which region periodically suffered throughout history. A significant amount of fish farms has also formed around the lake of Nasser.


The overall list of objects constructed by the USSR in Afghanistan (both before and during the "invasion for the provision of international assistance") has 142 names. These are hydroelectric power plants and dams, thermal power plants, pipelines, gas pipelines, house-building combine, river port, channels and water intakes, airports, schools, universities, roads, bridges, including the famous "Friendship Bridge" on the border with Uzbekistan ...
Tunnel Salang.

Perhaps the most famous object in Afghanistan was the Salang tunnel.
Salang tunnel - Road. Built by Soviet specialists, mainly by the Moscow metrosepores, in 1958-1964 in the area of \u200b\u200bSalang Pass. Since the start of operation and until 1973 was considered the most high-altitude road tunnel in the world. The length of the tunnel is 3.6 kilometers, the width of the roadway is 6 meters. The height of the southern portal above the sea level is about 3200 meters.
In 1976, in the tunnel, Salang conducted electrification and installed the ventilation system. After the departure of the USSR, during the civil war with the Taliban, Salang Pass served as a natural barrier - in 1997, the entrance to the tunnel was blown up. In 2002, the movement on it opened again.


In the post-war years, "Red China" received a lion's share of scientific and technical assistance from the country of Soviets - until the relationship spoiled during the "Khrushchev revisionism" and conflicts due to the territorial affiliation about. Damansky.
The Soviet Union supplied in China mining, petroleum, lifting and transport and power equipment, excavators, road construction machines, instruments, bearings, tools. Completed and complete equipment for whole plants. The Soviet Union conveyed to the PRC of more than a thousand project documentation sets for construction. More than half of the cars manufactured by the industry in China during the first five-year plates were created according to the Soviet technical documentation.
With direct assistance of the USSR, more than 250 large industrial enterprises, shops and objects were built in China. Here are just some of them.
Anshan Metallurgical Combine

According to the "Big Soviet Encyclopedia", "built in 1916-18 by the Japanese capitalists who received a concession for the development of ore." In the course of military operations against Japan, the plant was destroyed, and after the war, it was restored and expanded with the help of the USSR. In the 50s, the plant produced about 60% of all products of Chinese ferrous metallurgy, and even by the end of the 80s, this indicator fell only to 20%.
Changchun Automotive Plant ("Avtozavod №1")

Built in the image and similarity of the Moscow "Stalin Plant" (ZIL), Changchun "Automotive Plant No. 1" opened in 1956. Over 20 Soviet organizations who made 3736 units of various devices for Channels, 6787 names of a special tool worked on the project.
The first Chinese truck "Jefan" ("Liberation") was a copy of the ZIS-150 with a loading capacity of 4 tons, and already in 1958, Mao Zedong was able to ride on the first Chinese "car" model "Dongfeng" ("Breeze from the East").
Today "Avtozavod №1" returned to Russia with its products - the domestic motorist knows it under the FAW brand (First Automobile Works).
Rubber plantations, Hainan Island

An unexpected paragraph of Soviet investment against the background of heavy industry and energy enterprises is the creation of rubber plantations on the island of Hainan. Natural rubber remained a valuable and indispensable product of strategic destination.
The main manufacturer of rubber in the world was then the British Colony of Malaysia. Reference after the beginning of the Cold War Relations with Britain did not allow the USSR to provide stable access to this valuable raw materials.
The only "ideologically close" region on the planet, where were there natural conditionsSuitable for organizing the production of natural rubber, was the subtropical island Hainan. Realizing this potential, the USSR and the PRC consistently moved to develop the rubber industry, which preserved an extensive correspondence between TOV. Stalin and Tov. Mao. The program included not only the development, but also the partisan struggle of Chinese partisans against competitors in Malaysia.
In the spring of 1950, parts of NAK landed at Hainan, and included it in the composition of the PRC. Already in the year of the USSR, I provided China a significant target loan for the development of rubber planning on the island of Hainan, as well as the distribution of landing of GEVE to the mainland China. Soviet crops helped Chinese in the mining of rare gevent seeds and competent care for plantings.
The Soviet-Chinese planning idea was able to: Enterprises in Hainan served as a model for the development of the powerful rubber industry of China. Currently, China ranks fifth in the world in the area of \u200b\u200bsuch plantations, and the volume of production of natural rubber. In the provinces, Hainan, Yunnan and Guangdong have created several zones of landing zones.

The industrial enterprises "Red Track" of the Soviet Union in Asia listed above are not exhausted. We helped Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia (the main market of the country is still called the "Russian market"), numerous countries of Africa ...
Today, Russia returns to many traditional markets for the USSR - no longer as a generous donor, but as a business partner. Domestic science and technology still remain for many regions of the world are inaccessible at their height.
Perhaps over time "Russian trail" in developing countries will be even more noticeable "red".

Compare the past and the present is necessary to improve the future, while it is desirable not to repeat the errors of the ancestors. The USSR is the mighty once superpower, who attempted a considerable contribution to the development of society. One of the cornerstles of the life of Soviet citizens were five-year plan. According to their results, historians can judge the industrialization of the country, to compare the achievements of the past and present, to find out how technologically went away our generation and what else should strive for. So, the topic of this article is the five-year plan in the USSR. The table presented below will help structure the knowledge gained in logical order.

First five-year plan (1928-1932)

So, began in the name of the construction of socialism. The country after the revolution needed industrialization, in order to keep up with leading European powers. In addition, only with the help of forced increasing industrial potential it was possible to rally the country and withdraw the USSR to a new military level, as well as increase the level of agriculture throughout the huge territory. According to the government, they needed a strict and immaculate plan.

Thus, the main goal was the increase in military power to the maximum rapid pace.

The main tasks of the first five-year plan

At the XIV Congress of WCP (b), at the end of 1925, Stalin expressed the idea that the USSR needs to turn from the country importing imported weapons and equipment into the country that herself can produce and supply other states. Of course, there were people who expressed an ardent protest, but he was depressed by the opinion of the majority. Stalin himself became interested in the first five-year plan to bring the country to leaders, putting in the first place for the production of metallurgy. So, the process of industrialization was supposed to pass into 4 stages:

  1. Revival of transport infrastructure.
  2. Expansion of the sectors of the economy associated with the extraction of materials and agriculture.
  3. Redistribution of state-owned enterprises on the territory.
  4. Changing the work of the energy complex.

All four processes were not alternately, but intimidately intertwined. So began 1 five-year plan of the country's industrialization.

All ideas to realize failed, but the production of heavy industry increased almost 3 times, and mechanical engineering - 20 times. Naturally, such a successful ending of the project caused the right lawful joy of the government. Of course, the first five-year plans in the USSR were seriously given. The table with the results of the first of them would contain the following words as a slogan or subtitle: "The main thing is to start!"

It is at this time that many appeal posters appear, reflecting the main goal and the identity of the Soviet people.

The main construction sites at the time were coal mines in the Donbas and Kuzbass, the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. Due to this, it was possible to achieve financial independence of the USSR. The most prominent building is a Dneprog Es. The year 1932th was marked by the end of not only the first five-year plan, but also the most important for the heavy industry of construction.

New powers with seven-world steps strengthens its status in Europe.

Five-year plan number two (1933-1937)

The second five-year plan in high circles was called the "five-year plan of collectivization" or "folk enlightenment". It was approved by the VII CVP Congress (b). After the heavy industry, the country needed the development of the national economy. It was this sector that became the main goal of the second five-year plan.

The main directions of the second five-year plan

The main forces and finance of the government at the beginning of the "five-year plan of collectivization" were aimed at the construction of metallurgical plants. Ural-Kuzbass appeared, the first current of the DniproNes was allowed. The country has not lagged in scientific achievements. Thus, the second five-year plan was marked by the first disembarkation on the northern pole of the Papanin expedition, the polar station SP-1 appeared. The metro was actively built.

At this time, the big focus was made on among the workers. The most famous striker of the five-year plan - Alexey Stakhanov. In 1935, he set a new record by completing one shift of the norm 14 shift.

Third five-year plan (1938-1942)

The beginning of the third five-year plan was marked by the slogan: "Changing and overtake production of products per capita developed major government efforts were aimed at improving the country's defense capability, as well as in the first five-year plan, because of which the production of public items suffered.

Directions of the third five-year plan

By the beginning of 1941, almost half (43%) of the country's investment was to raise the level of heavy industry. On the eve of the war in the USSR, fuel and energy bases developed in a rapid pace in the Urals and in Siberia. It was necessary for the government to create a "second Baku" - a new area of \u200b\u200boil production, which was supposed to appear between the Volga and the Urals.

Special attention was paid to tank, aviation and other plants of this kind. The level of ammunition and artillery guns has significantly increased. However, the weapons of the USSR still lagging behind Western, in particular from German, but with the release of new types of weapons did not really hurry even in the first months of war.

Fourth Five-Year Plan (1946-1950)

After the war, all countries had to revive their production and economy, the USSR was almost completely fulfilled at the end of the 40s when the fourth term began. The five-year plan plan meant not to increase military power, as before, but the revival of the society lost in all spheres of life during the war.

Major achievements fourth five-year plan

In just two years, the same level was achieved. industrial productionAs in pre-war time, even despite the fact that the plans of the second and third five-year plan have advanced harsh working norms. In 1950, the main production facilities returned to the level of 1940. When 4th five-year plan was completed, the industry increased by 41%, and the construction of buildings - by 141%.

A new DniproNes joined the system again, all Donbass mines restored the work. This note ended 4 five-year plan.

Fifth five-year plan (1951-1955)

During the fifth five-year plan, atomic weapons receive a lot of spread, appears in Obninsk, and at the beginning of 1953 the post of head of state instead of I. V. Stalin occupies N. S. Khrushchev.

The main achievements of the fifth five-year plan

Since investment in industry has increased twice, increased and volumes of products (by 71%), in agriculture - by 25%. Soon, new metallurgical plants were built - Caucasian and Cherepovetsky. Tsimlyanskaya and Gorky HPP were fully or partially performed on the first lane. And at the end of the fifth five-year plan, science heard about atomic and hydrogen bombs.

Finally, the first and Omsk oil refining plant was built, coal mining rates increased significantly. And 12.5 million hectares of new lands have entered the turn.

Sixth five-year plan (1956-1960)

More than 2,500 major enterprises Entered into operation when the sixth five-year plan began. At the end of it, in 1959, a parallel seven-year plan began. The national income of the country rose by 50%. Investments at this time doubled again, which led to the widespread development of an easy industry.

The main achievements of the sixth five-year plan

Gross industries and agriculture Grew by more than 60%. Gorky, Volzhskaya, Kuibyshevskaya and by the end of the five-year-old plan were honored and by the end of the five-year plan. Kazakhstan began active mastering of virgin. The USSR finally appeared a rocket-nuclear shield.

The world's first satellite launched on October 4, 1957. Incredible efforts the heavy industry developed. However, there were more failures, so the government organized a seven-year plan, which includes the seventh five-year plan and the last two years in the sixth.

Seventh Five-Year Plan (1961-1965)

As you know, in April 1961, the first person in the world flew into space. This event was marked by the beginning of the seventh five-year plan. The national income of the country continues to grow actively and in the next five years increases by almost 60%. The level of gross industrial products grew by 83%, agriculture - by 15%.

By the mid-1965, the USSR took the forefront of the extraction of coal and iron ore, as well as for the production of cement, and this is not surprising. The country still actively developed the heavy industry and the construction industry, the cities grew in their eyes, and the cement needed for strong buildings.

The eighth five-year plan (1966-1970)

The five-year plan plan meant not the production of materials, but the construction of new buildings and factories. Cities continue to expand. L. I. Brezhnev enters the post of head of state. During these five years, many metro stations, West Siberian and Karaganda Metallurgical Combines, the first car plant VAZ (Issue: 600 thousand cars per year), Krasnoyarskaya HPP - the world's largest station at that time.

Active housing construction solved the problem of refraining (Echo of War still responded to big cities). At the end of 1969, more than 5 million residents received new apartments. After the flight Yu. A. Gagarin into space, Astronomy made a big jump forward, the first lunok was created, the soil was brought from the moon, the car reached the surface of Venus.

Ninth five-year plan (1971-1975)

During the ninth five-year plan, over thousands of industrial enterprises were built, the gross volume of industrial production increased by 45%, and rural - by 15%. Actively develops automotive, repair cars and railways. Investments exceeded 300 billion rubles per year.

The development of oil and gas-bearing wells in Western Siberia led to the construction of many enterprises, laying oil pipelines. Since with the advent large number The factories and the level of the employed population grew, the sign "Drummer of the ninth five-year plan" was established (for the difference in labor and production).

Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-1980)

Active increase in national income and the volume of industrial products begins to go on a decline. Now the country does not need a huge increase in enterprises, but the stable development of all fields of industry is always necessary.

Oil mining came to the fore, so in five years there were many oil pipelines stretching throughout Western Siberia, where hundreds of stations were deployed their work. Significantly increased the number of working equipment: tractors, combines, trucks.

Eleventh Five-Year Plan (1981-1985)

For the USSR, an extremely nervous time began. All in the government felt the arrival of the crisis, the reasons for which there were a lot: domestic, external, political and economic. At one time it was possible to change the structure of power, without refusing socialism, but there was no need to be produced. Because of the crisis, the people who occupy the dominant posts of the state replaced very quickly. So, L. I. Brezhnev remained the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU to 10.11.1982, Yu. V. Andropov held this position until 02/13/1984, K. Hynenko - until 10.03.1985.

Transportation of gases from Western Siberia in Western Europe. Built the oil pipeline "Urengoy - Pomari - Uzhgorod" 4,500 km long, crossing the Ural ridge and hundreds of rivers.

Twelfth five-year plan (1986-1990)

Last five-year plan for the USSR. During her time it was planned to implement a long-term economic strategy, but the plans were not destined to come true. At this time, many received a sign of the twelfth five-year plan: collective farmers, workers, specialists of enterprises, engineers ... planned (and partially performed) to establish the production of light industry.

Five-Year Players of the USSR: Summarizing Table

So, we briefly listed all five years in the USSR. The table, presented to your attention, will help to systematize and summarize the above material. It contains the most important aspects For each plan.

Tasks plan

The main buildings of five years old


At any cost to increase military power and increase the level of heavy industry production.

Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine, Dneprog Es, coal mines in Donbas and Kuzbass.

3 times the production of heavy industry and 20 times - mechanical engineering, unemployment was eliminated.

I. V. Stalin: "We must catch up with advanced countries for 5-10 years, otherwise we are somewhat."

The country required an increase in the level of all types of industry, both hard and easy.

Ural-Kuzbass is the second coal metallurgical base of the country, the shipping channel "Moscow - Volga".

Significantly increased national income and industrial production (2 times), rural - 1.5 times.

Due to the aggressive policy of the fascist Germany, the main forces were thrown on the country's defense capability and the production of cars, as well as the heavy industry.

Focus on educational institutions At the beginning of the five-year plan, after the efforts are transferred to the Urals: airplanes, cars, guns and mortars are produced there.

The country suffered great losses due to the war, but the defense capability and the production of heavy industry has long advanced.


Restoration of the country after the Great Patriotic War. It is necessary to achieve the same level of production as in the pre-war period.

The DniproNes, Power Station, Donbass, North Caucasus come into operation.

By 1948, a pre-war level was achieved, the United States is deprived of a monopoly on atomic weapons, prices for the goods of the first demand are significantly reduced.

Improving the national income and the volume of industrial products.

Volga-Don Shipping Channel (1952).

Obninskaya NPP (1954).

Many reservoirs and hydropower plants were built, the level of industrial production increased twice. Science learns about atomic and hydrogen bombs.

Increased investment not only in severe, but also in light industryas well as in agriculture.

Gorky, Kuibyshev, Irkutsk and

Camclung Plant (Ivanovo).

Investments increased almost twice, the lands of Western Siberia and the Caucasus are actively mastered.

Enhance national income and the development of science.

The increase in the main production funds by 94%, the national income grew by 62%, gross Products Industry by 65%.

Increased all indicators: gross industry, agriculture, national income.

Krasnoyarskaya, Bratskaya, Saratovskaya HPP, West Siberian Metallurgical Combine, Volga Automobile Plant (VAZ) are being built.

Created first lunok.

Astronomy advanced forward (the ground from the moon was brought, the surface of Venus was reached), Nats. The income grew by 44%, the volume of industry is 54%.

Develop domestic economy and mechanical engineering.

Construction of refinery in Western Siberia, the beginning of the construction of the oil pipeline.

Significantly developing chemical industry After mastering the deposits of Western Siberia. 33 thousand km of gas pipelines, 22.5 thousand km of oil pipelines were laid.

The opening of new enterprises, the development of Western Siberia and the Far East.

Kama plant, Ust-Ilimskaya HPP.

The amount of gas and oil pipelines increased.

There are new industrial enterprises.


Increase the efficiency of the use of production assets.

The oil pipeline "Urengoy - Pomari - Uzhgorod" 4,500 km long.

The length of gas and oil pipelines reached 110 and 56 thousand km, respectively.

Rose national income, social benefits increased.

Expanded technical equipment of factories.


Implementation of the reform economic strategy.

Preferably residential buildings are built.

Partially established the production of light industry. Increasing the power supply of enterprises.

No matter how difficult these plans were, the results of the five-year plan show the perseverance and the courage of the people. Yes, it was not all. The sixth five-year plan had to "extend" at the expense of a seven-year plan.

Let them be heavy five-year plan in the USSR (the table is a direct confirmation of this), but the Soviet people perekovically coped with all the norms and even exceeded plans. The main slogan of all five-year plates was: "five-year plan in four years!"