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Tasks for the chamomile competition for the New Year. Comic game for guests. Simple comic contests for an adult cheerful company at the table

Goals and objectives:

  • promote the creation of the atmosphere of the holiday, active recreation of children;
  • promote the development of creative abilities;
  • create a comfortable situation for the formation of friendly relations in the team.

The hall is festively decorated: a poster "Congratulations!", Balls, big symbolic chamomile - tasks.

Birthdays and guests are sitting at 5-6 tables.

Sounds phono. Songs I. Nikolaeva "Birthday" in the Spiritis "Fidget"

Lead: Good afternoon, dear birthdays and guests! Today we met again in our cafe birthday books - to identify those who were born in winter.

You congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you happiness and good.
Great hopes and inspiration
Good and warm friends.

Today we are honored Irina:

Irina handeak hand
Draws us pictures.
She is slight, smart, beautiful,
Responsive and patient.
Loves dancing and ballet,
Become a downtown ballerina.
And dance have no better
Than our Irina.

(Congratulations guys)

She was born in winter
Under the blizzard, snow howl.
Fresh wind their steppes
Flew to the holiday to her.
Because she is beautiful
And Kudryava and gentle.
Pleases with a smile clear
And she's character!

(Congratulations guys)


Our Angelina - Najern,
Loves to sing and have fun
Run, jump and jump,
And also dance.
Angelina Fidget
Like a ripper - a boy.
Loves to listen to the fairy tales of grandmother and grandfather
And herself reads books.

(Congratulations guys)


Nastya - kind soul,
Everyone is in a hurry to help.
And sobody is good
Affectionate daughter.
Very loves all living things:
Cats and dogs, and birds.
And frost in winter
Feeds small ends.

(Congratulations guys)


One Natasha loves changes in life.
She is beautiful, artistichna,
And speaks on stage,
Light, elegant and plastic.

The other draws.
May be a poet.
She is strict, focused
And there may be good and gentle at the same time.

(Congratulations guys)


The main feature is
Inner purity.
Katya - a man reliable
I can trust her secret.
The book is for her award,
New book Katya Rada!

(Congratulations guys)


And Regina is best!
Charming, mila,
She has fun laughter.
Many her fate gave!
She has time to school
Mom at home helps.
Everything is easy to give her
Many have friends.

(Congratulations guys)


You were born when Meli Family,
When nature is in winter silver.
And I want warmth, so so that the birds sang,
So that the flowers bloom, even if in December.

And it's not by chance that a chamomile will be a chamomile symbol.
In our bouquet of chamomile not simple - game.

Tasks for petals of gaming daisies (application).

I. Our first chamomile is musical. Sitting at the first table will tear one petal, behind the second table - another petal, etc. read the task and are preparing. Then the competition is carried out.

Committed task, get a fabric flower.

Competitions are continuing.

II. Chamomile "Love" love all ages are submissive

III. Chamomile "Question - Answer."

IV. Chamomile "Congratulations".

V. Chamomile "Artistic".

Vi. Chamomile "Cognitives of proverbs and titles of books."

VII. "Dance chamomile."

(By the number of color-tokens, a winner table is determined. Children receive prizes)


In the world of our shadow and sun
Laughter and tears in humans.
Let life smile to you,
And let the fate turn
Light side of yours!

Congratulations to parents.

Tea drinking.


  1. Shoryina TA Poems and fairy tales of names. - M.: TC Sphere, 2002. - 96 p.
  2. 100 creative contests - newspaper "After lessons"

Funny tasks and games will help not only have fun, but also to get to know each other better, which is especially important in the company where many new characters. Competitions are better to select in advance, given the composition of the company and its preferences. And you choose from what!

In the first part of the article, we offer funny funny contests for a funny company at the table. Funny phantas, questions, games - all this will help to melt the ice in an unfamiliar atmosphere and spend fun and with good time. Competitions may assume the presence of additional details, so this question is better solved in advance.

"Why are you here?"

The competition is held at the beginning of each event. It is necessary to prepare on several pieces a comic answer to the question "Why did you come to this holiday?". Options for such answers may be different:

  • free to eat;
  • look at people, yes to show yourself;
  • there is no night;
  • the owner of the house I must money;
  • it was bored at home;
  • i'm afraid of staying one at home.

All papers with answers are folded into the bag, and each guest in turn pulls a note and loudly sets the question, and then reads the answer.


You need to play without leaving the table and already drunk, which will give a special piquancy contest. You should prepare the same drawings in advance, which have unfinished parts.

You can make drawings are completely the same and do not draw the same parts, but you can leave the unfinished different parts. The main thing is that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe drawing is the same. Split sheets with pictures in advance on the printer or manually.

The task of guests is simple - finish the drawings as they want, but at the same time only the left hand (right if a person is left-hand).

The winner chooses the whole company by voting.


This contest was created in order for people at the table to get to know each other better, especially if many of them see others for the first time. It will take in advance to prepare a box with leaves, which in advance to write questions.

The box is transmitted in a circle, and each guest pulls the question and answers it as truthful as possible. Questions can be different, the main thing is not to ask too frank so that the person does not feel uncomfortable:

Questions can be invented in large quantities, funny and serious, the main thing is to create a relaxed atmosphere in the company.

"Where I am"

Pre-cook clean sheets of paper and handles by the number of guests. On each leaf, every guest should have words to describe its appearance: thin lips, beautiful eyes, a wide smile, a birthmark on the cheek, etc.

Then all the leaves are collected and folded into one container. The presenter pulls out the sheets in turn and reads the person's description out loud, and the whole company should guess it. But every guest can only be called one person, and the one who guesses the most - wins and gets a symbolic prize.


The rules of this game are extremely simple: the company sits in a circle so that all participants can see each other's eyes well. The first person utters the word "I", and after him everyone repeats the same word in turn.

Initially, it is simply, but the main rule is not laughing and not missing turns. Initially, everything is simple and not ridiculous, but you can pronounce the word "I" with different intonations and remarks to make the company.

When someone laughs or misses its turn, the whole company chooses the name to this player and then he utters not only "me", but also the word that he appointed. Now it will be more difficult to not laugh, because when an adult man sits near and a squeaky voice says: "I am a flower", it is very difficult not laughing and gradually all guests will have funny nicknames.

For laughter and for the forgotten word, a nickname is assigned again. The funnier will be nicknames, the faster everything will be laughed. The one who finishes the game with the smallest nickname.


All guests with a chain next to each other. The first player begins and speaks a neighbor on the ear of any word. His neighbor continues to his association with his heard in his neighbor in his ear. And so all participants in a circle.

Example: the first says "Apple", the neighbor conveys the word-SOK ASSOCIATION word, then can be "fruits" - "garden" - "vegetables" - "Salad" - "bowl" - "Cookware" - "Kitchen" and further . After all participants told the Association and the circle came back to the first player - he says his association out loud.

Now the main task of guests is to guess the topic and the initial word that was at the very beginning.

Each player can express his thoughts only once, but not to say his own word. All players must guess every word-association, if they could not - the game simply starts first, but from another participant.


The whole company sits in a circle so as to see each other's eyes well. All players pull the lot - it can be matches, coins or notes.

All fabrics for the lot are the same, except for one that shows who will be sniper. The lot must be dragging so that the players do not see what and whom falls. The sniper should be only one and he should not give out.

Sitting in a circle Sniper chooses a victim in advance, and then she winks gently. The victim, noticing this, screams loudly "killed (a)!" And it comes out of the game, but at the same time the victim should not give a sniper.

The sniper must be extremely careful that his winking does not notice another participant and did not call it. The goal of players is to determine and neutralize the killer.

However, this should be done by two players at once, simultaneously pointing to a sniper. For this game, there will be no deposit and speed, as well as the intelligence to calculate the enemy and not be killed.

"Guess the prize"

This game will be an excellent option for a celebration in honor of the birthday, because the basis of the culprit of the celebration is basically the name. For each letter in the name of the birthday party, the name Victor falls, for example, the name Victor - in the bag should be 6 different small prizes on each letter name: wafer, toy, candy, tulip, nuts, belt.

Every prize guests must guess. He who guess and receive a gift. If prizes are too intricate, the presenter should give guests a tip.

This is a very easy contest that requires the preparation of additional details - pens and paper pieces. Initially, the whole company is divided into pairs, this can be done in random, with the help of lot or at will.

Everyone gets along the handle and a piece of paper and writes any words. There may be from 10 to 20 words - real nouns, and not invented.

All papers are collected and folded into the box, and the game begins.

The first pair receives a box and one of the participants pulls a leaflet with a word. He is trying to explain to the partner this word does not call him.

When he guess the word, they proceed to the next, for all the task of a couple not more than 30 seconds. After the time expires - the box goes to the next pair.

Wins the one who guesses as much as possible words. Thanks to this game, good pastime is provided!


You should prepare a couple of buttons in advance - this is all the necessary props. As soon as the lead gives the team, the first participant puts a button on the pillow of the index finger and is trying to convey to her neighbor.

You can not use other fingers and drop too, so it is necessary to transmit very carefully.

The button must get around the full circle, and the participants who chase it are dropped out. The one who has never dropped a button will be defeated.

Simple comic contests for an adult cheerful company at the table

At the table, when all participants already filed and drank, play more fun. Moreover, if there is a couple of interesting and unusual contests who will merge even the most boring company.

What feast is without toast? This is an important attribute of any feast, so they can be a little diversified or help those who do not like or do not know how to pronounce speech.

Therefore, the presenter announces in advance that the toasts will be unusual and we need to speak, observing the conditions. Conditions written in advance on paper in advance: to associate a toast with food (let it be all in chocolate), to say in a certain style (a thoughtless speech, in the style of "Hobbit", stuttering, etc.), tie congratulations on animals ( Failure like a butterfly, to be fragile as a moth, love a dedicated, like swans), to say congratulations in verses or in a foreign language, to tell a toast, where all the words begin to one letter.

The list of tasks can be increased to infinity, the main thing is to have enough fantasy.

"I have in my pants"

This spicy game is suitable for the company, where everyone knows each other well and will be happy. The lead you can not disclose the meaning of the game in advance. All guests are cleared, and each guest calls his neighbor on the ear name of any film.

The player remembers and, in turn, calls the neighbor another film. All players must be called. Lead, after that, asks the players to say out loud "I have in my pants ..." and add the very name of the film. It is very fun when someone in the pants turns out to be the "king of the lion" or the "abode of evil"!

The main thing is that the company is cheerful, and no one is offended by jokes!

"Illogical quiz"

This little quiz is perfect for lovers of intellectual humor. It is good at the very beginning of the festival, while guests can think soberly. It is worth a pre-warnment in advance that it is necessary to think well above the question before giving the answer.

Players can distribute sheets of paper and pencils so that they can record the answers or simply ask questions and immediately out loud after the answers, call the correct option. The following questions:

How many years did the centenary war continued?

What country came Panama from?

  • Brazil;
  • Panama;
  • America;
  • Ecuador.

When is the October Revolution celebrate?

  • in January;
  • in September;
  • in October;
  • in November.

What was the name of George Sixth?

  • Albert;
  • Charles;
  • Michael.

What animal canary islands are obliged to their name?

  • seal;
  • toad;
  • canary;
  • mouse.

Despite the logicality of some responses, these answers are:

  • 116 years;
  • Ecuador;
  • in November.
  • Albert.
  • from seal.

"What I feel?"

Papers in advance should be prepared on which emotions and feelings will be written: rage, love, anxiety, sympathy, flirting, indifference, fear or disregard. All papers should lie in a bag or box.

All players are placed in such a way that their hands come into contact and close their eyes. The first in a circle or a row participant opens his eyes and pulls a piece of paper out of the bag with the name of the feeling.

He must give this feeling a neighbor with the help of a touch of his hands in a certain way. You can tender hand, depicting tenderness, or hit, depicting anger.

Then there are two options: either a neighbor should guess the feeling aloud and pull out the next piece of paper with feeling, or give the resulting feeling further. During the game, you can discuss emotions or play complete silence.

"Where I am?"

From the company choose one participant and sow it to the chair to the center of the room so that it is located back to all. On his back, with the help of a scotch, a sign with inscriptions is fastened.

They can be different: "bathroom", "Shop", "Detox", "Major Hall" and others.

The rest of the players must ask him the leading questions: how often do you go there, why do you go there, for a long time.

The chief player must answer these questions and thereby mix the company. Players on a chair may change, the main thing is that the companies have fun!


All players are sitting in a circle. The presenter prepares in advance the box with the phantas, on which various kitchen appliances and attributes are written: forks, spoons, pan and so on.

Each player in turns should get one phanta and read his name. It can not be called anyone. After all the players get paper, they sit down or become in a circle.

The presenter should ask players, and players must give the answer that read on the piece of paper. For example, the question sounds "What are you sitting?" The answer is "in a frying pan". Questions can be different, the task of the lead - to make a player and after giving it a task.


This competition is well done in the women's company on March 8, but it will fit perfectly for other events. Little pleasant prizes are harvested in advance and numbered.

Their numbers are written on paper and fold into the bag. All participants of the event should pull out a piece of paper and take a prize. However, this can be turned into a game and the lead must ask the player's funny questions. As a result, every guest will leave with a small pleasant prize.


A bowl with small coins is placed in the center of the table. Each player has his own saucer. The presenter distributes tea spoons or Chinese sticks to players.

At the signal, everyone starts to straight coins from the bowl and drag them to their plate. The master should be warned in advance how much time will be players for this task and expire to give a beep. After, the master recalculates the coins from each player on the saucer and selects the winner.


This game is carried out in a drinking company, where people are not afraid to intoxicate. One volunteer goes out of the door and does not spy. The company puts on the table 3-4 glasses and fills them so that in one was vodka, and in all other water.

A volunteer is invited. He must intuitively choose a stack with vodka and drink it by writing with water. Whether he will be able to find the desired stack depends on his intuition.


A plate is placed on the table and a random item falls into it. Volunteer tie their eyes and give two forks in their hands. It is summarized to the table and give time to be able to felt the object and determine it.

You can ask questions, but they should only give answers to "yes" or "no". Questions can help the player to determine whether it is an edible subject, can they wash their hands or brush their teeth, and so on.

The leading one is in advance to prepare two forks, eye bandage and items: orange, candy, toothbrush, sponge for washing dishes, coin, hair rum, casket for jewels.

This is a famous game that came from America. For not tape and leaflets, as well as a marker.

You can use sticky stickers, but check in advance whether they will be well kept on the skin. Each participant writes on a leaflet of any person or animal.

It can be celebrities, characters of films or books, as well as ordinary people. All papers fold into the bag and the lead mixes them. Then all the participants get into the circle and lead, passing by each glitter to him on the forehead paper with the inscription.

Each participant with the help of a scotch on the forehead is a piece of paper with the inscription. The task of the players is to find out who they are, asking the top -ling questions in turn: "I am a celebrity?", "I am a man?". Questions should be built so that they can be answered alone. Wins one who earlier than others guess the character.

An example of another cheerful feast competition is in the following video.

Quizoffered today is intended for kids senior pre-school or younger school age.

Depending on the age of children, its tasks can be simplified, complicated, reduce or add new tasks, more interesting for a particular group of children.

Why this is called Chamomile? Written on petals (on the reverse side) of a large paper "magic chamomile" (see the second drawing), which is attached to the board (wall).

An adult invites children to spend a cheerful, fascinating quiz called "Chamomile".

To do this, children need to be divided into two commands and choose captains. You can make up the names to the commands and instead of command numbers on envelopes to write their names.

For each correct answer, the team receives a "star" or "chamomile", which adult puts into the envelope of this team. Envelopes are attached on both sides of the "magic chamomile."

The team captains alternately go to the "magic chamomile" and take off the petal with a certain task (competition) for both teams.

Or !

Therefore, it is necessary to come up with how to entertain guests and spend the holiday fun! The easiest option will be to distribute the guests of funny tasks that they will be fun to perform. You can arrange something like a lottery, where every guest will pull out an amusing task for yourself from the bag.

You just have to print the finished tasks in advance, which are presented below.

Comic task

- depict an astrologer from yourself and predict the future of each guest for the next week.

- Congratulate the perpetrator of the celebration in another language using at least 5-10 words.

- Perform a ringtone of the children's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" on his belly, spanking stomach strikes.

- Include fantasy and depict the aircraft with the sounds of BZHZh, Viyu, fly in a circle.

- Stop on your hands with the help of another person, get to lovers and wish them happiness.

- Fall on your knees and admit to guests in three sins of their past.

- Make a special group photo. The task of the participant: to arrange all guests in unusual poses.

- depiction alarm clock.

- Stand up on one leg, depicting an hermit and read any children's poem.

- Star with each guest and say to each compliment.

- Have a drink with a person standing on the right to Brucershaft.

- Tell a funny joke.

- Picture a swelling candle.

- Having lifted one leg and waving their hands, dreamed to the opposite corner, screaming at the same time "I am a butterfly".

- Pictulate a child who has selected a toy.

- Picture on the face of 7 different emotions.

- Quickly pronounce the patter. For example, "the yard grass, on the grass of firewood. Do not rub firewood on the edge of the yard. "

- Ask for guests alms (for travel to the native city, on Bentley for themselves, etc.), to extort until 100 rubles will be gathered.

- depict the athlete for the public to guess the sport.

- The host reads a poem-wishes for a birthday, anniversary or a wedding, and the guest must act as a survival, for example:

"Live to glory, love each other,
After all, from this day you are a spouse and spouse.
Everyone in life share, friends, in half -
And the work and alarms that will meet you.
Let your life flow the river
In the way that does not know the obstacles!
And even over your head
Only three constellations are burning:
One constellation - love,
Other - loyalty and happiness. "

- The name of the famous person is glued to the guest of the guest. The guest must ask guests to visit their answers to understand who he is. For example: Am I man or a woman? I am an artist? What movie I shot? etc.

- depict melting ice cream.

Undoubtedly, these on your holiday will have a lot of laughter, smiles and cheerful photos. But the rampant fun is an indicator that the holiday really managed!

I wish you an excellent rapid mood,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

The festive table is not only delicious dishes and drinks. This is also a meeting of people who gathered in one place for any celebration. And so that it has passed on the highest level of the house should take every effort for this. And as entertainment, you can dilute the feast of various games, quizzes and other actions, where guests can shine with their talents or knowledge.

Putting entertainment for a small adult company. Comic tasks for guests at the table, funny funny drinking contests, games, quizzes, jokes, jokes for a small cheerful company adults, without leaving the table

  • Video. Entertainment game for parties and merry companies

Comic tasks for guests at the festive table

Comic tasks at the table will help guests to dispel, remove the mandal of an unusual setting and better know each other. But, of course, their main function is to raise the degree of fun. In order for comic tasks to succeed, the host of the celebration must be prepared in advance. To do this, you can use the following topics.

Test for sobriety

The simplest, but at the same time a very funny task. Especially if the owner and guests during the celebration of any events use alcoholic beverages. But, and a sober person with such a task may not cope. What will cause the attack of the laughter from others.

As a task "Test for sobriety", you can use various patters:

  • Lilac dentimerry from under the vessel
  • In Kabardino-Balkaria, Valokordin from Bulgaria
  • Fluorography Fluorographic Fluorography
  • Staffordshire Terrier Reliva, and a black-haired Risenshnauzer RESER
  • Meaningless to understand the meaning of infinite thoughts

The list of such patuals can be continued for a very long time. They can be found on the Internet or special dictionaries.

I love and do not love

If close people are sitting at the table, then you can play the game "Love, do not like". The essence of this game is simple. You need to look at your neighbor on the table and say, what a damn in his character you do not like, and what likes it. It is possible to complicate the task so that it is forbid the next pair to use already named features. When all the main features of character are completed at the table, the present fun will begin.

New Year mafia.

To celebrate the New Year, the "Mafia" is ideal for the celebration of this popular game. But, for her, it is necessary to prepare and change the standard cards for this game in the "Festive Winter". You also need to buy hats of sheds of frosts and make them mafiosa cards. Like the classic "mafia", stylized under the New Year, will cause a storm of positive emotions and fun.

Funny funny contests and games for a small company for a birthday at the table

In order for the birthday celebration, it was not similar to a similar event of one-year old, you can play a few exciting and fun games at a festive table. For example, such:

I look like ...

This very cheerful game is suitable for a small cozy company. To do it, you need to prepare a few cards with animals, birds, cartoon characters and comics. The main thing is that the images on these cards are fun and memorable.

In addition to such cards, you need to make cards with phrases, part of which will be the phrase "I look like." For example:

  • In the morning I look like. . .
  • When I drink, I'm becoming similar to. . .
  • At work, I look like. . .
  • When the director is brought to his office, I become like. . .

The number of cards with phrases depends on your imagination. It is desirable to make 10-15 pieces.

There is a game as follows. First, the guest pulls the card with the phrase (he should not see it in advance) and reads it out loud. Then takes a card with animals or cartoon heroes. He should not see her in advance. After that shows it to guests.

Some combinations of cards will cause guests of the real seizures of laughter.


Another simple, but a fairly fun game is the entertainment "crocodile". Its essence is simple. You need to make the word to your neighbor on the table and ask him to portray it with a pantomime and gestures. You can not use words. When someone from guests guess the word, the move is transmitted to him.


A very interesting game for a small company is "surprise". It is necessary to add various items in a small chest or box: a lump of nose, big overhead ears, cap, funny glasses, etc. All these items can be purchased in any souvenir shop. The box with strange things in it should be transmitted from one guest to another to the music. When she end, that person who she will have to open it and not looking to pull out the souvenir. After that, it should be put on himself. After such a transformation, the laughter of guests are provided.

Casting funny contests and games for a small company to corporate parties for colleagues

A corporate party is not only a way to relax after labor everyday life, but also one of the ways of tymbliding. That is the construction of the team and cohesion of the team. Therefore, it is necessary to choose for such a holiday so that they are not only fun, but they could rally the team. Most often, the Corporate uses games and contests in which teams of 2-5 players participate.

Remember all

Guests of the corporate party are divided into two teams. The presenter writes on paper on one task word. Each of the teams receives on its sheet. The essence of this task is to remember and hang a song where there is this word. Which teams will remember more songs, she won.

What? Where? When?

The famous sequers can be adapted to hold at a corporate party. The rules of this game know everything. As for the questions, they need to choose in advance. It is desirable to adapt them to the subject of the event or the scope of the company.

This game is based on memorizing colleagues. The presenter chooses from the team of one person who becomes the back of the back. They alternately utter a harvested phrase. Moreover, it is necessary to speak, changing your voice. That of the players who marries their colleagues more receives any incentive prize.


On paper, the names and positions of colleagues are written. They are then folded and placed in any container. To him alternately fit players and get one piece of paper. Then they using gestures and facial expressions should depict their colleague. The rest of those present must solve this riddle.

Pouring funny jokes for a cheerful small company adults

Adult games may have ambiguous character. Many such games like and cause a lot of positive feelings and emotions. Particularly interesting are such games in companies in which participants not suffering from complexes and evaluating the following contests as a fun pastime, and not something more.

Well, insert

For this game you will need freed from an alcoholic bottle and pen or pencils. Pencil with a long thread need to tie a male player to the belt. The girl should hold the bottle between the legs. With the help of skill and coordination of movement, a man should get a pencil in a neck bottle. And since this competition is held when the alcoholic degree in the blood rises, it looks like it is very fun and zador.

Krasno Maiden.

The presenter should choose from a company of several girls who came to a party in skirts. Then he puts a small rug on the floor and tie his eyes to girls. They must pass over the rug so as not to touch it. That is, their legs should be very widely placed. When such an obstacle passes all the girls, the lead should lie on the rug face up and ask girls to remove the dressings. That of them, which at the sight of the lead will redden the most and declared the winner of the competition.


For this game need several pairs. Moreover, their number must be odd. Of these, two guys are selected, which are bred in the distant sides of the room. The rest converge in the center of the room, between two guys. The guys tie their eyes and turns on oriental music. Guys must select women in their harem. Who will make it faster, then won. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are men and men in the circle. And if one of them is chosen, he becomes Sultan and occupy the one who chose it. And so until all girls are "played".

Quiz for a small adult company at the table

The first quizzes in our country appeared in 1928 in a print form on the pages of the magazine "Spark". Then the quizzes moved to the TV screens. Some of them are still popular. Like what? Where? When?" or "field of miracles". Others were riveted in the fly. But, every self-respecting person loves to shine knowledge in such competitions. Thanks to which they are held in schools, institutes and corporate countries.

For quiz, you need to prepare questions in advance. It is advisable to dilute serious questions ridiculous, as well as adapt them to the appointment of the event. On New Year's corporate, there will be questions about the winter and this cheerful holiday. It can also be included in the list of questions and such that related to the activities of the Company if the quiz is carried out during the corporate party.

The format of this article does not allow to accommodate the approximate list of questions. They can be found on the Internet or in various dictionaries and reference books. You can also find them on the websites of popular television quizzes. In addition to the above, you can find no little interesting questions in the "His game", "who wants to become a millionaire", etc.

Paging contests and anniversary games

The congratulatory contests during the celebration of the anniversary will help guests to get acquainted with each other faster, and the most shy without embarrassment wish the culprit of the celebration of all the best. Such entertainment will enjoy even the fastest guests.

Awarding Jubileera

All guests are distributed paper or cardboard medals. Each of the guests writes on them what he wants to reward the jubilee. Of all the "awards" is chosen the most original. This contest can be made by team. Or if the guests came in pairs, then one medal is accepted from each pair.

Competition "25 compliments"

All guests are divided into two teams. Each commands are issued by one pure sheet of paper. It is necessary to write 25 compliments in it for 2.5 minutes. Then the lead takes these two sheets and compares each other. All the same compliments are crossed out. It wins the team, in the sheet of which will be more original compliments.

The best sign of the jubilee

All guests of the event can participate in this competition. Leading asks questions about the anniversary, and guests are solved. Each correct answer is one point. Which of the guests will drop more points, then declared the winner.

To carry out this competition, you can use such questions:

  • What year was the birthday boy born?
  • How much has weighed at birth?
  • At what age did the first step?
  • What year went to school?
  • What is his favorite dish?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is the name of the mother of the jubilee?
  • What is his favorite book?
  • What is his favorite movie?
  • What football club is sick of the jubique?
  • What is the growth of the birthday girl?
  • What size of shoes is he wearing?
  • What is his cat / dog?

The more questions about the birthday name, the better.

Pasty contests and games for pensioners and the elderly

Surely, many readers of our site remember how our grandparents, did not suit the time for the next series, and they were going together together and enjoyed various games. But today your relatives of the retirement age must surely say you, if you collect them at one table for games and competitions.


Perhaps the most popular game of all pensioners is Lotto. Today, sets for this game are sold in every souvenir shop. If you want your grandparents to make this game even more interesting, you can organize a prize for the winner.

Comic auction

You need to choose several prizes and wrap them into bright and colorful packaging. Then each of the players need to be distributed at the same sum of souvenir money. I exhibit lots and conduct bidding. For the success of trading, players need to give various leading questions. After the auction, you need to hold a competition for someone from grandparents will be the most successful trader.

Master classes

For creative grandparents, you can hold master classes. If the number of grandmothers dominates in the team of pensioners, then you can hold a master class for the design of bouquets. At the same time, you need to distribute flowers, ribbons and other floral tools and accessories. After holding such a master class, you can conduct a contest for the most beautiful bouquet.

Wedding Festings Contests and Games

Wedding is one of the happiest events in life. The celebration of this solemn day cannot do without a lush table and fun competitions. Most of which can be spent right at the table. The relaxed and cheerful atmosphere of such competitions will help make the celebration of the wedding even more memorable during the day.


The purpose of this game to congratulate newlyweds. But, it is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to start congratulations on the letter that the previous congratulator will indicate. Start all with the letters "A". The first person must make a congratulation on this letter. For example, "Ai what we have newlyweds today. I wish them many years of living together and the same beautiful kids. " The next person begins his congratulations with the next letter - "b". Etc.

Cherished wish

All participants are divided into two teams. The lead calls each team a word-wish (happiness, health, love, success, etc.). At the same time, the participants in the opposite team should not hear this word. They are also called their word-wish. The task of the competition describe the wish to gestures and faith so that the rivals gave himgad. Which team will be better presenting their word-wish, she wins.

Guess: Who are you?

Before starting the game, each participant has a sticker with a cartoon character, film, politics, musician, etc. passes. All participants see the remaining stickers, but not yours. The task is to understand others faster that the hero is posted on its sticker. To do this, you can ask the leading questions: "I am a person?", "I am an actor?" etc.

Paging contests and games for family feast

The most expensive thing is that a person has his family. The more we spend time from the relatives, the more you have happy days. We are accepted that all homemade gatherings are associated with food eating. But, also at the table you can spend various fun contests and games. Popular games in the family circle are very popular in many countries. Why not adopt this tradition and us. But, in addition to board games, there are various contests that can be held in a family circle.

Very well help to rally such games like "Monopoly", "Erudite" or Different Games, where the digit in the cube corresponds to the movement of the chips. With children of younger school age, you can play the game "Memory". To do this, buy a set with paired pictures, on the back of which will be the same drawing. First, the cards are set up, and then turn up the shirt. Player's task Open all paired pictures. Who will do it faster, I won.

In addition, a family table can be played to play chess, checkers, dominoes, nardam and other classic games. You can also create an analogue of quiz "What? Where? When "or" Brein Ring ".

New Year's bedding contests and adult company games

No holiday can do without games and contests. Especially if this holiday is new year. The following contests will be able to spend new year's feast of more fun and incent.

New Year's drink

Players are broken by pairs. One player from each couple tie his eyes, and the second mixes in a glass various drinks: champagne, coca-cola, vodka, mineral water, and the like. The "tastor" blindfolded should determine the ingredients of the drink.

Analogue of this competition is the game "New Year's sandwich". In it, the player must guess the ingredients of the sandwich.

New Year's prediction

To carry out this competition, you need to bake pie, in the pieces of which various accessories are placed, symbolizing predictions. Heart - love, envelope - good news, coin - wealth, etc. When using this cake, guests find an object that characterizes something from their future. Of course, before serving such a dessert, you need to specify that the "secrets" are hidden in the cake.


To carry out this competition over a New Year table, you need such a product as jelly, cold or souffl. The task of contestants eat a portion of this product using matches or toothpicks.

Casting contests and games for drunk company

In our country, a rare feast is without alcoholic beverage. That, gives games and contests carried out at this time additional excitement and fun. For not very sober company, various contests will be suitable. We selected the most fun of them.


The lead will lead from the room of one person and explains him that he should with the help of facial expressions, gestures and pantomimes to portray Kangaroo. At the same time, leading, secret from the person led to the neighboring room, says that the guests do the view that they do not understand what the person depicts. Fun provided.

If there was a sea of \u200b\u200bvodka ...

Wishing to participate in this competition there are transparent glasses and straws. In all glasses water is poured, and in one - vodka. Spectators do not know what glasses, which is nalito. Their task is to guess it. And the task of the contestant who will get vodka will do everything possible so that the audience think that he drinks water.


From among guests, three male member are selected. They must portray that they gathered fishing, came to the place and dropped fishing rods. But, here he began the tide and their task, to complete his pants, so as not to wet. After they do it, lead announces: "Attention! Announced competition for the best men's legs of our party! "

Funny contests, games for women's company

Merry and funny contests are held not only for the celebration of the New Year or corporate events. When celebrating the birthday of the girl or March 8, it also does not do without contests. Since such events, the team consists for the most part of their representatives of the fine sex, when holding contests, it is necessary to take into account.


Severated several girls. The presenter asks them to smile like:

  • Girl beloved guy
  • Mother of her baby
  • Study student teacher
  • As a person just winning a million

After that, the audience should determine which girl coped with this competition better.

Witch on a broomstick

Throughout the room, you need to place the kegli or a bottle of champagne (if there is a sufficient number). Girls, from among the participants of the competition, must "fly out" between all the bowls on the broom. This contest must be accompanied by music. That "Witch" wins, which not only faster, but also take care of all obstacles.

What can be found in the female cosmetics?

A major cosmetics must be prepared for the leading competition. You do not need to put various items: nail polish, lipstick, mascara, bracelets and various accessories. The task of the participant, extract the subject from the cosmetics with tied eyes and say that it is. For more fun, you can put the most "female" things into the cosmetic bag.

Chamomile Day for Adult Birthday

Chamomile is a game that will make any holiday bright and unusual. In essence, it resembles Fanta. In the chamomile, as in the mentioned phantas, you need to read the task and perform it. And these tasks are written on flower petals. For this, they are cut out of white cardboard, and the core of yellow. Attach the petals to the middle of the flower by any ways.

The leading game comes up to the selected players and gives them to tear the daisy petals. At the same time, players do not see what is written on the petals, as the chamomile is turned to them with the other side. The player gently takes off the petal, loudly reads the task and performs it. As tasks, you can use the following list:

Jokes for a small, merry company adults

Jokes and a fun mood during festive feasts. The usual thing. But, the atmosphere can be diversified in advance by comic competitions and scenes.

Who thinks about what

To carry out this comic competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Pick up a few passages from songs that will characterize this or that guest. For example, "Natural blonde, for the whole country one", "I want to marry, I want to marry", etc. Then, find a hat and when the guests gather at the table, tell me that you have a magic hat, reading thoughts. Wear a hat on guests and at the same time turn on the passage of the song characterizing the guest.

With a coin and scarf

You can also make a focus with a coin and handkerchief. A handkerchief needs to be taken over the middle and make it so that he hung the bell. We take a coin with another hand and show it to guests. Wake up a coin into the bell handkerchief. Show all that the coin under the handkerchief. The latter check the presence of a coin in the scarf should a partner, which is remotely removed from there. Demonstrately shake your handkerchief and. . . Everyone is convinced that the coin "magic" disappears.

With lemon

Excellent drawing, which can be spent during tea. Study that you love tea with lemon very much and can drink it 10 and even 20 mugs. As a rule, among guests there are several gambling people who, of course not believe such and ask you to prove it. Take a lemon, and better two, and fully place them in the circle. Then pour tea there. Due to the fact that most of the mug took a lemon, tea in it will be very small. In such a quantity you can drink 10 and even 20 tea mugs.

Tasty game with notes at the festive table

The most popular competition with notes is Phanti. It can be arranged for both children and adults. The meaning of this game in the implementation of tasks that are written on paper. At the same time, Phanta does not know in advance what kind of task will get to him.

Tasks for the game of Phanti should not be offensive, severe from a physical point of view, inestic or harmful to health. At the same time, it is important that all tasks should be quick-fulfilled and when used, the phanta must use its creative potential.

Each player, in the Fanta writes a task on a piece of paper. Then all the leaflets are folded and placed in an opaque vessel, a hat or a bag. Players in the phantas alternately remove notes with tasks and perform them.

There are several options for this game. The most risky, these are pledging. Each player leaves any deposit that is left as a prize if the phanta does not want to perform the task. You can also assign a cash prize. For this, each of the players will hand over a certain amount that will get the winner.

The nature of this game is precisely in the tasks. For a funny company, such:

  • Master class show us, on one leg walked!
  • The hairstyle is new to your face, now your pigtail will turn!
  • And my mustache to face, I pass in them all evening!
  • Will Power Show, and Panties Your Yavi!
  • We tell us in Georgian, and we are walked to the lezginka!
  • Do you want a hellish sandwich? Put the fish and lemon in your mouth!
  • Make a quick charge, bite yourself for the heel.
  • A real one, since you loved, hug as more girls at a time.
  • If you are not drunk yet, drink a glass of vodka tube.
  • Himself for the ass grip, the knees are impressive to the chest. And in such a posture, be ready, to go through twenty of you!
  • Sog in the bends you elbow, a bottle with a glass of speeds. And you will try to try a wine glass, and try not to shed a drop.