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How to plant asparagus in open soil seeds. Growing asparagus seedlings. Preparation of seaside groes

Asparagus - incredibly popular vegetable culture. What's the secret? Why is it so actively growing, called a miracle plant and royal vegetable? In this we will try to figure out.

Asparagus, or Asparagus (Asparagus) - is a perennial herbate plant up to 1.5 m high. In one place can grow about 20 years, forming more than 50 shoots during this time. Perfectly feels in wildlife: You can meet asparagus thickets throughout Europe, in Asia, Africa, and even in Siberia. Unpretentious and cold-resistant, it is fairly easy to carry the frost (up to -30 ° C) frosts, although it may suffer from small (about -5 ° C) spring frosts.

This representative of the Asparade Family is noteworthy not as much as the magnificent taste qualities of shoots, how many of them are a unique composition: they contain the necessary human organism beta carotene and choline, thiamine and niacin, folic and ascorbic acids, potassium and iron, magnesium and calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, manganese and selenium!

Asparagus - dwomber plant. Pollen is formed on male flowers. On female - small inedible berries in red, in which there are a maximum of two seeds that preserve the germination of up to 5 years.

A burst asparagus is a high, highly branching stem, which is divided into many small stalks. Large edible shoots grow from multiple kidneys located on powerful rhizomes.

Landing asparagus

Asparagus prefers sunny places and weeds free fertile soils, perfectly grows on the sandy.

Spring landing

Early spring asparagus should be planted before her kidneys travel to growth. The soil is spring landing Fertilize with humus (10 kg per 1 m²). The distance between the rows leaves at least 60 cm (since the bushes over time will grow), in a row - at least 30 cm, that is, try to place no more than 3-4 plants per 1 m².

The rhizomes are neatly laid in a trench of a depth of about 30 cm and fall asleep in such a way that they turn out to be in the recess: so watering will be much simplified. Immediately after landing, asparagus should be plentifully.

Autumn planting

Plot under autumn landing It is necessary to sink well and easily adding to 1 m² of soil:
  • 60 g of superphosphate;
  • about 30 g of potassium sulphate;
  • 20 g of ammonium sulfate.
Hutting asparagus under the winter, they do not plunge it, but form a low holmik over it to protect the roots from winter cold. The distance between the plants is like a spring landing.

In this video, the process of planting asparagus is shown in all details:

Note: If you want to get asparagus seeds, it is advisable to plant a minimum of 2 (or more) plants.

Growing asparagus from seeds

This method due to poor germination of seeds most of the gardeners does not love very much, although, if you go to the matter correctly, to grow asparagus this method will not be much difficulty:
  • in early April, you need to soak seeds for two days in warm water with the addition of growth stimulator;
  • prepared seeds sowing into a soil consisting of garden land, sand, manure and peat (2: 1: 1: 1);
  • long (approximately 1 cm) wepented with soil, periodically wetting it from the sprayer, not allowing the drying (if you do not follow the sowing of time, cover the container ordinary glass: So they are definitely not dried, but they must be used daily, after wiping the glass every time);
  • the optimal temperature for germination of seed is about +25 ... + 27 ° C.
Asparagus seeds germinate for quite a long time, so be patient. It will take a maximum of a month and a half after sowing and, if you did everything right, small charming bushes will appear above the ground - the seedlings of Asparagus.

Replacing on permanent place They are not previously among the middle of June. And when they grow up, they can be reluctant, both in the spring and autumn.

Reproduction of the division of the bush

The easiest of all asparagus breeds the division of the bush (it is possible not only in spring, but also in the fall, and even in the summer), during the transplant (young plants need to transplant annually, adults every 10 years).

Each defense should be at least one escape.

Reproduction of cuttings

From March to June from last year's shoots of an adult plant, cuttings are cut, which are planted for rooting into moisturized sand, covered with a cap (for example, half a plastic bottle).

The cuttings need to spray and ventilate regularly, removing the bottle for a few hours a day. They are rooted in about a month - one and a half. Then they need to be counted in the corresponding size.

Examination asparagus in winter

This universal vegetable culture is successfully cultivated not only in the summer, but also in winter (in greenhouses), and in spring (in greenhouses). So let's talk about the cultivation of asparagus in the winter-spring period.

You can get asparagus in winter and early spring by distinguishing shoots from the rhizomes of adults 5-6-year-old plants:

  • in October, the rhizomes of plants need to dig and remove the basement until December, the temperature in which is maintained at a level from 0 to + 2 ° C;
  • at the beginning of December, the asparagus rhizomes need to land in a greenhouse, in small containers, tightly pressing each other, trying to place on 1 m² for at least 18-20 pcs. On top of them fall asleep (about 20 cm), containers are additionally covered with black film;
  • the first week in the greenhouse is supported by a temperature of about + 10 ° C, but as soon as the roots are touched into growth, it is raised to + 18 ° C. Support temperature mode It takes about 2 months - all the time until the harvest fee.
And in the comments to the question, an interesting ancient way Growing asparagus - steam.

Sports for asparagus

Lies in timely watering, fertilizer and soil looser.

Watering is necessary for small portions, systematically. The main thing is to prevent water stagnation, asparagus does not take it out. However, the slightest drying of the soil will also not benefit her. It is advisable to conduct loose after each watering, but not less than 7-8 times per season.

Asparagus directly depends on the supply, so the feeding starts before landing and continue throughout the life of the plant:

  • in the spring landing in the soil, it is made by humus (10 kg per 1 m²);
  • with autumn 1 m² - 60 g of superphosphate, about 30 g of potassium sulphate and 20 g of ammonium sulfate;
  • a month after landing, the soil is shedding with dilute water with a cow (in proportions 1: 5);
  • every year after harvesting (somewhere by the end of June), plants need to be filtered (per 1 m² of 30 g of superphosphate, potash salt and urea) and scholat (to dissolve the ridges). Thanks to such measures, we will give asparagus the opportunity to develop the stems and increase the mass so that enough nutrients have accumulated in the rhizomes;
  • at the moment of bloom, it is necessary to conduct periodic prophylactic spraying with system insecticide. This simple procedure will help scare pests;
  • by July, when asparagus again moves into growth, it needs to be filled with mineral or organic fertilizers. For example, divorced in water bird litter (1:10);
  • the fourth (last) seasonal dressing should be carried out by a special comprehensive fertilizer at about late October (until the first frost). So, in order to suspend the growth of asparagus, the superphosphate and the potash salt can be deposit into the soil (30 g per 1 m²).
In the fall, before the arrival of frosts, all the stems need to be removed (this also applies to young, and old bushes), low part Plants emphasize and hide in a peat or a compost about 5 cm in height (1.5 buckets per 1 m²) - so you will save asparagus from freezing.


The first food shoots appear on asparagus only on the fourth year of life. And it is necessary to catch it up only when they will raise the crust of the soil. As a rule, the harvest begins from May, and if the spring was issued early, then from the first decade of April.

The first food shoots appear on asparagus only fourth year of life.

Carefully unreaving the land where the cracks appeared, and, finding the seedlings, cut it at the base, trying not to damage the young shoots and rhizomes. All seedlings need to cut: it only contributes to the increase in the growth of new ones. Formed after cutting holes, it is necessary to fall asleep the earth again.

In the first year of fruiting, cleaning should not stretch more than a month in order not to weaken the young rhizomes once again. The collection of seedlings from old plants must be finished by the end of June. The warmer becomes on the street, the faster asparagus begins to grow. But as soon as her shoots appear on the ground surface, they lose taste, staining in a dark pink or purple color. To prevent this, collect the harvest twice a day: early in the morning and closer to the evening. At a temperature of about + 15 ° C, we need to collect asparagus every 2-3 days.

If you use a beautiful openwork selection of asparagus for arrangements of bouquets, do not cut all the branches from one bush: it can adversely affect the plant. And the seeds are collecting only when the berries will get a rich red color.

How to keep asparagus

Spare sparge shoots need in a dark cool place - on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. So they will not lose taste of about 3 months. Spraj and in ordinary wooden drawer In the cool, well ventilated cellar. For shoots did not fade, pour them out with sand.

There is not just big, but a huge number species asparagus (over 300), among which are Vegetable, Medicinal and Decorative.

In this article we will talk about vegetable asparagus And its most common varieties. And we have already discussed.

Sort "Snow Head"

One of the most popular is the middle grade "Snowhead". Cinema shoots are distinguished by a pointed greenish-cream loose head. The pulp is very gentle, taste reminiscent of green peas.

Medium grade "Snowhead"

Despite the fact that asparagus is considered decorative plantIt is often used as a food product. This is not surprising, given its usefulness and pleasant, specific taste. The care and cultivation of asparagus - the event is simultaneously long and fascinating, and therefore this vegetable can be found everywhere in beds.

A distinctive feature of asparagus is a high percentage of vitamins. Here are even more of them than in some other types of vegetables. For example, the vitamins of the group with in it a little less than in the recognized leader - lemon. But vitamin A is contained at the level of tomatoes.

A distinctive feature of asparagus is a high percentage of vitamins.

Asparagus is a perennial plant. Therefore, it will give a crop over for long years. With competent care and compliance with the rules of cultivation, this is about 20 years. However, at the same time, the plant's high-quality growth is not so simple. In many ways, this fact determines the relatively high cost of the product.

A significant advantage of asparagus is that it can be grown in many ways, both in the open soil and closed, for example, in a greenhouse.

Asparagus is a perennial plant. Consequently, it will give a crop over long years.

Plant seeds are sufficiently resistant to negative manifestation. ambientAnd therefore they are characterized by a high germination. True, it concerns only quality seed material, carefully selected and processed in front of the direct disembarkation.

Growing asparagus in the garden

Selection of site

As in the case of any other garden and suriable crops, for example, growing delicious and nutritious asparagus begins with a competent selection of the site. The place where many years is planned to receive a good harvest of original fruits must comply with a number of requirements, ignore which is categorically not recommended:

  • availability good level natural lighting. The more the sun receives the plant, the better, since this is a positive effect affects its growth and development, as well as the taste of berries;
  • protection against harsh busting winds - some types of plants of the Sparazhev family, especially if it is semi-staples or herbs, need a complete absence of a strong wind, which can damage their vegetative system;
  • fertile soil - required condition For cultivation of culture. In general, it does not demonstrate any enhanced requirements in this area, but it should not land it on the bare sand. The ideal option, of course, this is a black soil, diluted by peat sediments. Suglinka is suitable, especially if it gives such a soil enough attention in terms of fertilizer;
  • humidity level - for asparagus the ideal option It seems the average saturation of the soil moisture. The too moistened soil is dangerous, as it can provoke the development of pathogens of microorganisms, and dry provokes a noticeable decline in the growth rate and quality of plant development.

Before planting seedlings, the site is thoroughly leaving and bursting, organic fertilizers are made, by type of humus, as well as peat and ash. Culture will very well grow on light and not dense soil, acidity, like alkalinity, should be at a neutral level. To eliminate the possibility of accumulating melt water, it is recommended to make the place of disembarking a little higher than the rest of the site. Logging level groundwater It should be not higher than 60 cm from the surface.

Before starting to grow a plant in the garden, you need to receive seedlings. Sparge sprouts require an appropriate attitude towards themselves, because otherwise they can quickly die. It is important to comply with the existing recommendations, because they will help the seeds of gentle.

To date, the most relevant and effective answer to the question - as grow aspass From seeds, is the following way:

  • an ordinary polite or liter bank is taken, which is filled with a minor amount of outstanding water;
  • instead, can be used and an in-depth saucer;
  • the seed seeds are immersed in the selected capacity, after which it is placed in a cool place;
  • the ramp can be filled with wet sand or disinfected soil, but this method is longer, and therefore it is not recommended novice gardens.

Sparge sprouts require an appropriate attitude towards themselves, because otherwise they can quickly die.

The first sprouts should appear after 5-7 days. However, they will be quite weak. It is advisable to wait another week until the shoots are stronger. Only then can I begin to consider the issue associated with landing seedlings of asparagus in open sad.

After the sprouts appear, they must be transplanted into more suitable for the further development of the container. This process is called pickup. Different pots or special cell drawers are well suited as new seats. Beyond the absence of these, you can resort to conventional plastic cups.

Different pots or special cell drawers are well suited as new seats.

Capacities are filled with peat or any other soil, saturated useful trace elements. The soil is abundant, but the sprouted seeds at the same time appear only after it dries. Sprouts prepared for landing in an open soil are finally formed about two or three months.

The first thing to be remembered - transplantation of seedlings is carried out as neat as possible, which will help avoid problems with damage to an extremely weak vegetative or root system of the plant. It is also strongly recommended to follow existing requirements and recommendations. Following the instruction will help to avoid serious problems in the future.

The transplantation of seedlings is carried out as neat as possible, which will help avoid problems with damage to an extremely weak vegetative or root plant of the plant.

Previously need to dig up suitable wells. Their depth directly depends on the type of soil. If this is a sandstone, then you will need to dig up the pits at a depth of 18 centimeters, and in the case of a heavier soil - approximately 16 cm. The distance between the wells should not be less than 30-35 centimeters. As for the aisle, it is recommended to comply with an indicator of 80-100 cm.

Before planting asparagus, the holes are filled with high-quality organic fertilizer, for example, with overwhelming dung or humus, after which they fall asleep with a thin layer of soil (approximately 5-8 cm).

Clamping for this culture is a comprehensive process that requires responsibility and appropriate understanding from the countryside.

Prepared seedlings are placed in a hole in such a way that its root system in obligatory It was stripped. The well with the already planted bush thoroughly falls asleep, after which it is abundant (watering in this case is determined, since it depends on it, how well the plant is taken). This procedure is repeated with each new seedliness.

Asparagus care features

Many completely believe that how to grow asparagus in the country, so and get the appropriate harvest from it is very simple. In fact, its landing is only the beginning of all those events that will have to implement. Clamping for this culture is a comprehensive process that requires responsibility and appropriate understanding from the countryside.

It should be understood that asparagus will give the first harvest only for the third year after disembarking. Therefore, throughout this time, it will have to take care of her, waiting patiently, when it "thanks" the appearance of fruits.

In the spring, when the growth of weeds is especially active, they must be regularly deleted. It is strictly not recommended to leave any third-party plants next to asparagus, since this can lead to the development of various diseases or pest appearance. Also, weeds feed on useful trace elements from the soil, which means that asparagus will get them much smaller. As a result, the growth and development of the plant will deteriorate significantly. This applies not only asparagus, but also other vegetables, for example.

Web range is carried out using the appropriate tool - soups. The considerable distance between bushes and rows allows this process without any difficulty. It is impossible to immerse too deep into the soil of the sap, especially when weeding in the immediate vicinity of the bush, since it can damage it root system.

Web range is carried out using the appropriate tool - soups.

The same event is carried out in the summer, because weeds grow and during this period of the year. But in the fall, you will have to take care of the removal of any vegetable debris, which can form on the plot different ways. Otherwise, grow asparagus on the garden will be very difficult.

Asparagus needs regular and high-quality watering. This is especially true for a summer period of time when the weather is characterized by a decrease in humidity level, due to the constant impact of direct sun ray and long lack of precipitation. The dried land is extremely negatively displayed in the state of the plant. It becomes weaker, deterioration of immunity provokes the development of hazardous fungal and infectious diseases peculiar to many garden and garden crops.

Asparagus needs regular and high-quality watering.

Long absence of moisture can destroy the cluster asparagus. To avoid this, you need to periodically moisten the soil, for which it is recommended to use either manual means, for example, a bucket with water and a conventional cup, or more perfect - watering hose and automated system Water supply. In independence, what kind of watering is used is, it is important to understand that planting a plant is preferably in the evening when the hot rays of the sun are hiding behind the horizon.


Like all other vegetable crops, Asparagus will grow and develop much better if it is to receive a sufficient amount of useful trace elements. As a rule, all of them are contained in the ground, which accumulates them in themselves. However, that they appear in the soil, they need to "put" there. To date, fertilizer is carried out by diverse methods and using all sorts of organic and minerals.

In the soil on which Asparagus grows, you can enter:

  • organic - humus, manure, compost, chicken litter, etc.;
  • synthetics - nitrogen and potash-phosphoric fertilizers;
  • materials with a high percentage of mineral components, such as ash.

Timely feeding - a guarantee that the plant will not stop in growth, its immunity will be able to withstand various diseases, and the fruits will be delicious and nutritious. The lack of important trace elements leads to sad consequences, which, which is very important to remember, cannot be corrected.


Another important event that reveals part of Asparagus care. The soil mulch is necessary to comply with the optimal moisture balance, as well as air exchange optimization. In other words, a peculiar layer is created on the surface of the soil, which does not allow it to rear, and also eliminates the quick loss of oxygen.

Mulching of the soil surface on which Asparagus grows, is carried out, as a rule, in the fall. As materials you can use fairy foliage or wood sawdust. Both are characterized by a good ability to absorb moisture.

Growing and care for asparagus - the process is relatively long and complex. But this should not let go of gardeners who dream of a beautiful and tasty asparagus in its own area. This culture has a lot of advantages, because there is no wonder in many countries of the West, for example, in Germany, it is considered a real delicacy.

The cultivation of asparagus in the garden is common. If we grow this useful, but so far a very exotic vegetable, then in large farms and agrofirms for sale. The thing is that the cultivation of this long-term culture is quite troublesome. First of all, you need to find a suitable planting material, wait for a couple of years of stable harvest and be sure to observe simple, but specific rules of agrotechnology.

However, to grow asparagus on my garden to try, because this delicacy is valued by gourmets around the world for their useful drug properties.

Asparagus, or asparagus - a long-term culture that can reach the age of 20 years. We are all familiar with decorative sparge shoots - lush openwork green bakers, which are widely used in the design of bouquets, successfully complementing any flower composition.

Along with decorative there are vegetable varieties, in appearance they practically do not differ, decorative varieties You can also eat food, but vegetable asparagus is more juicy and delicate taste.

Aspared by asparagus are young shoots growing from the rhizoma in the spring, and the green vegetative mass is not used in food and is needed only for photosynthesis. It is believed that from the seeds to grow asparagus inexpensively - the seedlings will give a harvest only for the third year. Therefore, the landing is better to carry out rhizomes (in the environment agronomists they are called sockets), which must be completely underground.

Growing asparagus
If you want to grow asparagus as a vegetable plant for food, one bustle will be not enough. With all its unpretentiousness of asparagus, it has certain preferences. Soil must warm well. Optimal temperature For growing asparagus 15-24 degrees of heat.

Start growing asparagus is quite difficult. It is young plants that are extremely sensitive to frosts. However, if you choose frost-resistant male form of asparagus (and within each variety there are options for women and male form), they are significantly more frost-resistant, some varieties are withstanding up to -30 ° C without strong shelter. Such cold-resistant forms, once rooted in a fairly deep trench bed, can grow several years and every year to give a crop of certain shoots.

Distinguish male plants from female very simple. Male plants do not form berries, they are better developed, have a large number of shoots, but they have quite thin stems. Women's plants have thick stems, but they are significantly less.

Asparagus grows well after the grain and those crops, which requires deep soil resistance, such as potatoes.

In the fall, after trimming, it is useful to rapate the holmik to give the roots to ride.

Sowing seed asparagus for seedlings
Before sowing seeds, asparagus is recommended to soak in water with a temperature of 30-35 ° C. Changing water daily, leave seeds for 3-5 days before sliding. Then the seeds first drown and then heated.

In March, seeds of asparagus can be heated in a peat-humid pot size 6 by 6 cm. After sowing, the pot is placed in a bright and warm place. The seedlings grown in this way are planted in an open ground in early June. Do not forget the seedlings landed regularly water.

When the spokescape of several shoots began to form in the seedlings, they can be planted at a distance of 40 cm between plants and 20 cm between ridges.

Most suitable for disembarking annual seedlings. When disembarking, more old seedlings, the yield happens, as a rule, below. Seedlings should be crushed with thick roots and 5-6 kidneys.

Sowing an open soil
When preparing sowing seeds, they are soaked for a couple of days, the mounted seeds will grow faster.

When landing into the landing trench, it must be filled with overwhelming dung, pour out the earth and from above this land you can sow vegetable asparagus seeds.

Seed seeds on ridges at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. The distance between 2 ridges approx 30 cm. Then the shoots will need to be broken, leaving the strongest plants so that the scheme is 20 per 40, and weak remove.

Preparation of the site for asparagus
For asparagus, you should choose open, well lit, warmed and closed from wind plot - so shoots will begin to form faster. Asparagus is contraindicated near groundwater. The depth of their level should be at least 1.4 m.

In addition, asparagus requires a large number of organic. From autumn it is recommended to make approx. 6 kg Horing by 1 square. m, and on sandy soils and more: 1-2 buckets.

Soil under asparagus
Asparagus does not endure acidic soils. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the enrichment and limestation of the soil in the fall under the spring seedlings of asparagus. Also, a plot under asparagus must first be cleared of perennial weeds and old rhizomes. An ideal for asparagus is considered a light mechanical composition of the soil. It will not be superfluous to make sure that there are no pathogens of Fusariosis in your site.

Asparagus can be grown in the soil surface by filling out special trenches with a dense nutritious humid compartment. But if the groundwater is too close, then it is better to raise the ridge by 10-15 cm above the level of soil.

Groceries for asparagus
Early spring, as soon as snow comes down, the land is drunk and make a bed. The width of the bed must be ok. 1 m, the distance between them leaves at least 40 cm. If the plot is high and dry, the ridge can not do. As the root system of asparagus penetrates deeply, in the preparation of the soil, it takes a deep peroxide. The depth of processing can reach 1 m.

Landing asparagus in trenches
Asparagus landing is preferably placed from north to south. Landing is carried out by rhizomes at a depth of 12-24 cm.

For landing asparagus, it is necessary to prepare a landing pit or a trench with a flat bottom of a depth of 30 cm and a width of 50 cm. The dull ground remains along the edges of the furrow in the form of a shaft. Then the bottom of the furrow jump again, closeing the manure or compost (if the organic was not made along the autumn). Then, at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, at the bottom of the furrow, the hills are heated by a height of about 10 cm and "sit down" to the rhizome, directing the roots down and evenly distributing them on all sides of the Kholmik. The head of asparagus, which is 10 cm below the surface of the soil falls asleep along with the roots of the ground with a layer of 5 cm and slightly pressed. It is necessary to plant seedlings into wet soil. If the landing is made in the pots, then they must be neatly put on the hilly.

The disembarkible density ranges from 3 to 5 plants for 1 traffic point meter. The optimal width of the rod approx. 2 m.

Whether it is necessary to form the ridge depends on what asparagus you want to get - white or green. From where shoots are formed, and their color will depend on: under the ground they are obtained white, and on the surface - green. White are appreciated above, but growing, collecting and storing them more difficult.

If you want to get a white asparague, you need to form a 6-8 cm high ridge after landing, and the early spring of next year it is raised to 60 cm. Green asparagus is grown on a flat surface.

Aspassing consists of constant priming of soil, regular tie and watering.

Watering and loosening asparagus
Despite the fact that asparagus does not like close to groundwater, it is sensitive to irrigation, because when drought, shoots become bitter taste, rude and fibrous. Do not allow the soil drying under asparagus constantly spend a deep irrigating watering, especially in the arid period and on young landings, until the plants have formed a deep root system.

After abundant precipitation, it will be useful to carry out surface loosening to prevent the formation of soil crust, which prevents the flow of the plant. In addition, the dense crust on the surface can interfere with the germination of young seedlings asparagus.

At the same time, be careful: with deep loosening, you can harm the roots and fragile shoots of asparagus. Therefore, the asparagus landing forks are categorically impossible, it is better to use a wooden roller with driven nails for loosening a wooden roller with driven nails long, it is possible to roll the surface of the Kholmik, where Asparagus is growing - it will be enough for the plant and normally Grown again.

Facing asparagus
Asparagus loves fertile soils, she needs good food. To obtain thick juicy sprouts, it needs to be often sufficiently feeding with organic fertilizers for the summer by dung and herbal influences.

Bucket of compost running on 1 plant will improve the taste and appearance of asparagus. Sprouts become whiter, bleached, and more tenderly. It is best to spend such feeding from autumn, but you can also in May when the first shoots appear. On the ridge you need to pour a hormick by humus, spending approximately 1 bucket on 1 plant.

Asparagus grows perfectly under the layer of humus ground - shoots will be bleached (they are also called etolated).

The need for nitrogen in asparagus is rather low, so it is not necessary to carry out intensive feeding nitrogen fertilizers. Well, if the soil is equally enriched as macro and microelements. A shortage of such elements as copper, boring, potassium negatively affects asparagus's ability to form juicy shoots

Each spring and autumn must be picked up asparagus and mineral fertilizers: make potassium, phosphorus and calcium. If necessary, shoots are mulched by humus or manure from the ground. After feeding the soil you need to shed.

In the fall, under one-two-year-old plants and fruiting landings, it is desirable to make superphosphate and 40% potassium salt in the calculation of 300-500 g and 250-350 g, respectively, by 10 square meters. After applying fertilizers, the ground between the rows should be carefully braid, so as not to hurt the roots and seedlings asparagus.

Summary and pests asparagus
It is not recommended to grow asparagus in one place for more than 4 years, plants begin to be amazed by a specific sparky disease - purple rot from roots. When growing asparagus in crop rotation with a regular transplantation of outlets, this disease can be avoided. Should also carefully follow purity planting material. Therefore, regular asparagus landing should be rejuvenated, digging and throwing out old plants and planting new plants from seeds in a new place.

When collecting asparagus
The first two years the plant is better not to touch, so that it increases the good root system - when the roots are strong, they will put fat juicy sprouts. Remove asparagus with a length of seedlings 12-20 cm.

In warm weather, asparagus shoots grow very quickly, and if you need bleached sprouts, cut them every day in the morning and after lunch. The more seedlings cut off, the better - new ones grow so active.

To collect the crop should take advantage sharp knife Or a secateur, scold the soil to achieve bleached parts of the shoots and cut out this dense escape leaving a small pencil. Then the soil is heated again by adding a humid compost into it.

Asparagus is a bombed grassy culture, as it has both men and women's plants. In order to cottage plot It should be grown by asparagus only male plants, because they are most productive. Female are grown in order to receive seeds.

Asparagus officinalis asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) culture in the country as a vegetable, and also use in the design of bouquets. It has already known to humanity for over 2 thousand years. It was grown in the times of Ancient Egypt. In the territory Ancient Greece From her weathered wreaths for newlyweds, and during the days of Middle Ages, the Europeans considered it an excellent exciting means. IN Russian Empire Asparagus began to grow, like many other vegetables, only from the beginning of the XVIII century, after the great Petrovsky transformations.
From asparagus prepare soups and salads, which are recommended for diseases of the liver and kidney. It contains a large number of asparagine, and therefore it has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle and contribute proper work kidney.

To grow asparagus first, it is necessary to prepare a biennial seedlings - only this can be revealed and separated male plants from women who are more productive in asparagus. In the first season after planting, all-choice plants with difficulty differ from each other, as they grow almost the same in size.

When to plant asparagus seeds?

The cultivation of the sparky seedlings occurs on the outdoor ground. After the soil warming up to + 10-15 ° C, seed seeds. For the Central Black Earth region and the Moscow region is 2-3 decades of May.

Preparation of seed before landing

For 2-3 days before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in warm water. Daily water should be changed, then the seeds are dried to a bulk state.

Growing asparagus from seeds

The asparagus seeds are sulfied by rows to a depth of 3 centimeters with a 2-30 cm beaters. The seeding rate is 5-10 grams per 10 m2. 2-3 weeks after sowing, shoots should appear. They must be conserved at a distance of 10 cm from each other, when they reach a height of 10 cm.

Saucet Care asparagus

Seedlings need to water, loosen and remove weeds from rows.

Undercaming seedlings of asparagus

It is necessary to produce twice for the season to feed the phosphorus-potash fertilizers, null-grade or bird litter. Fertilizer consumption is 0.3 liters per 1 meter row.

Preparation of asparagus for wintering

Closer to the autumn of aspass forms the rhizome, and there are several stems with a height of 25 to 40 cm. Before frosts, asparagus shoots, leaving 10 cm above the surface of the Earth, and the rhizer is pinned with soil, forming a hill with a height of 30 centimeters. This will further save the plant from the root frozen, can also be put on top with a spurious compost or mulch.

Spring transplant two year seedlings

In the spring, two-year seedlings need to dig and transplant to a permanent place of growth. The recommended transplant period is the first half of May. Before disembarking, the roots are shortened in length about 3-4 centimeters. It is necessary to observe the distance of 30 cm between plants. After disembarking, it is necessary to shed out of the watering can with feeding.

When to expect an asparagus harvest?

Asparagus gives a harvest only for the 3rd year, starting from April-May. After final rooting, Asparagus produces edible shoots every spring for 12-25 years. Do not forget to produce loosening in aisle, remove weeds and make a nitrogen fertilizer permanently by 25 grams per 1 m2.

Autumn processing of asparagus series

In the fall of the aisle, it is necessary to swap, cut the filtered stems, and to cover the rows to cover the row by a layer with a height of 5-7 cm.

From seeds, the article will help to understand the subtleties of this case and the peculiarities of vegetable culture. Let's start with the fact that Asparagus is incredibly popular in Europe, America and in the south-east of Asia. We visited the sign of the spicy taste of dishes prepared by cooks from long gentle stems. Now, in our country, many lovers of appetizing dietary vegetables appeared, and therefore those who would like to independently grow it in their garden. By the way, Asparagus quickly adapted to our climate, and breeders can boast excellent domestic varieties.


The food uses young, a little underdeveloped stem pods, which are tasty not only in boiled and baked form, but even fresh cut when they are juicy and crunchy. Seems strange that once in our country asparagus used only as an element designer design flower bouquets. Only sometimes in pre-revolutionary Russia, exotic dishes from it were supplied to the Barsquaries.

The vegetable is famous not only to taste and dietary qualities. It contains a whole list of vitamins, including groups B, as well as many useful trace elements and amino acid asparagin. Assembly asparagus expands peripherals normalizes the pressure and work of the heart muscle; Possessed on the liver tissue. In addition, long juicy stalks in any form are shown in diabetes mellitus, gout and kidney disease. That is why many wonder: how to grow asparagus from seeds at home?

And the demand of the green vegetable is largely determined by the fact that it germinates in early spring, when the body is experiencing a shortage of vitamins, and fresh greens have not yet gone.

Stages of cultivation

Certain difficulties self-cultivation Support on reflections on whether it is possible to grow asparagus from seeds. The councils of rostowers conclude first of all in the fact that it is necessary to collect a vegetable daily, preventing the rearrangement of young shoots. Further, for the whole season, a large number of special feeding and organic fertilizers will be required.

Third Council: It should be stamped in advance first seeds. The fact is that asparagus is not divided from the roots, and the mature copies do not take root after the transplant. The only option remains - culture from seeds. Interestingly, this perennial It is considered a sediment for a very long time - two or three years. To learn how to grow asparagus from seeds in the country or a garden for all the rules and with a good result, it should be separated for a culture refining from weeds and a fertilized organic bed.

The landing of the prepared seeds is carried out in June, and throughout the summer, they explode and watered the garden. When shooters are shown, the ammonium nitrate is carried out under the calculation of 10 grams of solution on square meter Earth. Repeated feeding is carried out after 3 weeks. The next year after wintering, the plant blooms.

Perennial and resistant plant

Before answering the question about how to grow asparagus from seeds, you need to know at least a little about the culture itself. Asparagus is a fairly large perennial plant that can reach a height of about two meters. Although she does not have the leaves, the long shoots are very branched, and the urine roots are huge.

Flowers vegetable with inconspicuous flowers and has beautiful red fruits. Since asparagus - divine Plant., Men's and female flowers are present on different bushes. If you can care about it, then the crop from one copy can be obtained within 15-20 and even more years, so we can rightly be asparacted by a green long-liver.

And even if you wondered how to grow asparagus from seeds on a garden, it would be worthless information that this is a very resistant and hardy plant. Even with our frosts, it can not be covered by winter and do not do pruning, if you did not have time on time. If the rest of the rules are observed, the crop will be provided.

Conditions of growing asparagus

If you decide to breed asparagus in decorative purposes, then it is enough to plan it enough, and it grows herself. But the cultivation of gentle shoots for eating is different, so special conditions must be created for the plant. Namely:

  • We need loose, fertilized soil. Well, if on your site it is a sandy. With a lack of nutrients, asparagus stalks will grow thin and coarse-fiber.
  • In no case of the soil should not be acidic, otherwise the plant does not fit.
  • The key to a good and tasty harvest is a rich watering; With a lack of moisture of asparagus, there will be a tough and bitter taste. But she does not like the proximity of groundwater.
  • Planting beds should be located in a sunny place, although a small shadow does not hurt plants.
  • Annual mulching will ensure the active growth of juicy shoots.

To assimilate how to grow asparagus from seeds, it is necessary to take into account that the roots of this vegetable grow strongly and occur almost at the surface of the soil. Every year they grow on top, and the lower parts die away, so gradually the bush together with the root system rises above, to the surface. That is why there is a need for annual mulching, that is, soil coverings in the roots, which prevents drying, overheating and susakedment of plants.

About asparagus seeds and proper landing

Asparagus seeds are large, black, in a protective shell. Before use (usually for landing in the garden, it is the beginning of June) they are soaked for three days in a solution of manganese, several times by changing it, or in ordinary water, also periodically replacing it with fresh. Such a procedure will speed up the appearance of germs. After that, the seeds lay on the wet cloth until germination. It goes around one week.

So how to grow asparagus from seeds? The photo demonstrates the option of an early house, when each seed is planted in a separate pot. It is better to do in April-May. If sow immediately to the beds, then to get good harvest Sundered seeds lay on a depth of 3 cm into the ground, placing them after 5 cm from each other in a row.

There are no less than 20 centimeters between the rows, otherwise the elongated seedlings will be uncomfortable. And it is necessary to do it immediately after the appearance of the first sprouts, since the roots of asparagus grow quickly, and pull them out of the soil without damaging the neighbors, it is impossible.

Saving Spairsters

Asparagus' young shoots care is traditional for most vegetable crops - This is a feeding, weeding, watering and loosening the Earth. At the time of the appearance of germs, they are fed by ammonium Selitra, and after 3 weeks after that, they fertilize with liquid dung.

Already in September in the first year of the life of seedling has 2-3 stems. Peat and compost will be excellent mulch for the plant on winter. And the gardeners have a sufficient stock of time to prepare constant beds to transfers asparagus.

Preparation of a constant GCC

Preparation of a constant bed for asparagus is carried out in several stages. Autumn jumps should be quite deep - 35 centimeters, and the spring is accompanied by manure (per 1 sq.m - 10 kg of fertilizer). Mineral formulations You can make autumn or immediately before planting seeds. In this case, 1 sq. M of the soil will be required: 3 g 2 g 5 g of superphosphate. You can use ready-made comprehensive fertilizers.

Rechazzle seedlings for constant bed

How to grow asparagus from seeds, you already know. And how do seedlings plan for constant beds? To do this, in the soil they make grooves about 40 centimeters in width and depth, observing the distance between them a meter of one and a half. At the bottom, the layer of overwhelmed manure and the roller humid out a thickness of 5-7 centimeters, which placed seedlings. It is important to straighten branchy roots so that they do not go to the top.

Distance between individual seedlings should be at least 40 centimeters. In the process of growth, the asparagus of the furrows will be aligned due to the plugness of the Earth from the edges. In addition to summer feeding in September, when potassium and phosphorus will be completed. Every 5 years, the soil makes the soil to the organic matter, for example, overwhelming. Mulching is carried out for the winter, pre-cutting the stalks.


Knowing how to grow asparagus from the house seeds on panstoneNow it is necessary to find out when you can collect her harvest. Start the cutting of shoots for the 2nd year; Moreover, white shoots that have reached the surface of the shelter layer are readily considered, and the green - 19-18 centimeters who have thrown by 15-18 centimeters.

The very first harvest fee lasts 2-3 weeks, and then the vegetable collect a month and a half every day. Store fresh asparagus can be seen a few weeks in the refrigerator in plastic bags.

In general, knowing hard rules, you can independently grow different varieties of juicy asparagus. By the way, it is noticed that women's plants give thick and gentle shoots, and men's - abundant harvest.