Repairs Design Furniture

What can be made of vases in the country. How to make outdoor colors for flowers with their own hands? Instruction and photo ideas. Prefabricated Vases from Bruus and Stone

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Decorating your courtyard, garden or cottage is an interesting and fascinating, but completely inadequate lesson. Many gardeners and daches from economy decorated the plot with their own hands. In particular, they independently make outdoor colors vases. Let's see how you can apply a tree and concrete for this.

Wood Vasons

The tree is easily processed, and it the most affordable material For the manufacture of flower vases. This is the main factor in its popularity. All that surrounds us can serve as a material for the manufacture of a street vase.

Boards and plywood

So that products from the tree do not spawned on the street, it is necessary to paint with oil paint or enamel. There is more expensive, but reliable for long-term storage method is to coat with oil for wood. It repels moisture, leaves a tree drawing visible and happens different shades.

The most affordable and simple form of a vase is square or rectangularThe four walls for the shape are knocked out, the bottom is knocked down, the bottom is nourished. Sizes will come up with themselves, which will be comfortable.

Collecting the box, it is worth leaving small gaps between the planks. From moisture, the tree swells and, if there is nowhere to move, can break the whole design.

You can take four bar of the same length and the same cross section, for example, 40 mm, and they will serve as ribs and legs at the same time. We make a box with legs and nail bottom. The height of the vase and its dimensions are planning themselves.

All design can be connected not nails and self-drawing. In this case, it will be correct to pre-drill the hole with a diameter of 1 mm less than the screws. The quality of the connection is not lost, it becomes easier to twist the screw, and the tree will definitely not burst.

If there are no boards in the presence, it will be more convenient to make the vase, using moisture-resistant faeer. Cut the sides. Using self-tapping screws, kpripim them to bars. From plywood we make and screw the bottom. Vase corners It is desirable to climb the corners of wood or metal.

Such vases put as decorative decorations. They can be part of a whole complex for relaxing near the fountain or gazebo.

Stumps and Břevna

If it so happened that you need to remove the old tree, do not rush to cut everything on firewood. From the stump and trunk you can make the original street vase for the cottage. Cut the wood into small chocks and do not ride the bark from the tree. This kind of more original. Churbans, like vases, can be done by lying and standing. To remove part of wood from chocks to form a volumetric cavity, a drill is needed with a drill or with a cutter, chisel or chisel, hammer.

Location the area you want to delete and chop holes in the corners, then around the perimeter and inside the figure. The depth of cavity depends on the plant. As a rule, it is about 20 cm.

Wood between holes are removed using a chisel or wide chisel. Pieces of wood with a hammer are removed from the cavity, chopping them from the total mass of the chips behind the chips. Then clean and leveled the entire surface. It remains to pour soil and plant a plant. If a stump or chock is large diameter, you can use the ax or pickaxe.

We'll have to work carefully, try not to destroy the walls of the future flower vase. For the sample near the walls it is better to use the drill and a chisel. Old drum deck can also be used for scenery. To do this, it needs to be cleared a little from the pipes outside. The tree begins to deteriorate from the inside, so it is easy to make a suitable cavity.

In the case when the tree is damaged not much, it can be covered with oil. This will keep a deck for the unnecessary few years. Such decks and stumps decorate the garden, look very attractive and original. The primrose in them is dissolved much earlier than in the ground, since the deck and stump are above the ground, and they are warmer.

Gallery: Street Vases do it yourself (25 photos)


If the farm remained old wooden barrels, bans and other containers, do not throw them away. You can walk on them sandpaper, polished surface to cover with varnish, paint or impregnate with oil. And all - you can plant plants or even small trees in them.

  • If you cut a barrel across two halves, then two identical vases will be obtained, and very beautiful.
  • When drinking along, you will have to mount the skimmer.

In some cases old wood is not processed. So the product looks very natural.

Plastic and wood sheat

Natural wood always likes, but if you do not want to flutter after watering, then plastic is needed. In this case, you can decorate plastic with wood.

Take a suitable container - bucket, tank or barrel. Put the dishes with wooden planks, which are already dried, processed by the antiseptic, are covered with paint or oil and dried again. Now we begin the transformation into the street flower vase.

First drill the bottom, make several holes with a diameter of 10-14 mm in the middle. At the edges we will cast the legs on the bolts or screws. Under the head of the bolt, you will have to drill the hole to "drown".

We buy glue for plastic and wood and glue the planks to the container. Narrow planks give the most hard design. Such vases serve sufficiently for a long time, without rear and not absorbing moisture.

Vases from concrete

You can make bubbles from concrete with your own hands any configuration. For forms, any material is suitable:

When you make vases from concrete, the easiest way work with a plastic formbecause the finished product is well removed from it. Glass forms are also good, but they are disposable, since they are often fighting when removing.

Choosing concrete

The street pot of concrete is made using the cement not lower than the M-400 brand and river sand in a 1: 3 ratio. Concrete vase turns gray, does not distract attention from colors.

Decorative concrete became popular. It has cement, sand and polymers, dyes or natural minerals. The specific composition determines the appearance: monophonic, smooth, uneven, colored or sparkling.

Forms for products

A shape for a vase from concrete can be any. The only requirement for the material is to keep the form for 4-5 hours. After that, the structure of the concrete is kept itself.

The form can be made of cardboard, wrapped with polyethylene and covering scotch. So you can create a vase of any form, but only a small one.

To get a concrete flower garden, you must consider two parameters.

  1. Outside surface. Planning themselves, based on the place and plan of the interior.
  2. Internal container. Depends on the flower you are going to land. But the wall thickness should be more than 2 cm.

Outdoor form can be led from the board, plywood or take another material - a basin or a ceramic bowl of large size.

The internal volume is desirable to form something heavy and the correct form. Bowling ball would be perfect: smooth, smooth and heavy. Use any plastic products: bowl, cup, tray, flask or bottle. Everything that does not stick to concrete and easily removes.

Classic are the round forms of vases. A plastic bucket or a round aquarium is suitable for this, which is not sorry to smash.


Cement is used when the air temperature does not fall below +5 ° C. The most suitable temperature is +20 ° C. High humidity can be created manually using a sprayer. The finished item is better to leave in the shade for final hardening.

Cooking concrete by connecting and stirring the composition. The kneaded solution should not flush from the cell or spatula. It is necessary to prepare a piece of polyethylene film, a bucket with water, a long stick or fittings for air and fatty lubrication. We work in gloves to avoid injury.

Lubrication is lubricated by different sides of the forms, the outer shape is smeared from the inside, internal - outside. This can be done by solidol, engine oil, lubricant WD-40 or something else.

At the bottom of the form pour solution layer 2-3 cm, Rail it. For drainage holes, you must insert several tubes at the bottom. Tubes, too, smear with lubricant. The height of the tubes must correspond to the bottom thickness, and they will have to have them under a small form.

The inner form should be severe, otherwise it will displace the solution. To do this, you can fall asleep in her stones or pushing weight. The gap between the forms is fill in the solution and drive the air from concrete. To do this, tapping in the form of a hammer, if possible, poke the immature solution, try to shame the shape. The solution gradually settles below. Several times repeat the procedure of the dyeing solution. And in conclusion, the concrete side of the vase wall is aligned with a smooth item - a spoon or a knife, lubricated in oil.

Concrete blank covered with polyethylene film is worth not less than a day. The next day you can disassemble the form, but it is impossible to use the pot.The best is to lower the product for a week into the water. Another option: pour water inside, and outside systematically, to pour well, not forgetting to cover the product with a film. In the first case, the week will be required, in the second - two weeks. After that, you can start using a vase for destination.

The decoration of the yard, garden or cottage is a fascinating and long-term business, and still requiring decent material costs. To save money, many things for garden decorating / plot can be made with their own hands. This time it will be discussed about how to make outdoor colors vases. Let us consider in detail the manufacturing process of two materials - wood and concrete. These are the most plastic and inexpensive materials from which you can make very good things.

Wooden vases

Wood, maybe not the best choice for the manufacture of street vases, but very affordable, plastic, easy to process. Therefore, probably also popular. Wooden outdoor colors vases can be made from cropping boards, moisture resistant plywood, timber, tree trunks, stumps, old barrels and dask.

From boards and plywood

If you want the Vase for a long time to keep your color and I did not sit down, but you don't want to paint it some shelled paint (such as oil), it will be necessary to buy oil for wood. It gives wood shade, but leaves visible pores (according to the type of veil). Along the way, this oil, as it were, "preserves" it, protects against fungi, insects, mold.

The easiest way to make floral vases from a rectangular or square-shaped boards. It is necessary to cut a few pieces of the same long, to put the drawer from them, to nourish the bottom.

So that the bottom of this vase does not bloom, it must be lifted on the legs. In the simplest variant to the bottom, in the corners, you can kill four small pieces of blackboard. There is a desire - you can try to make more decorative legs (as in the photo above).

Ringing boards, do not try to shoot down the planks very tight. When watering, they will swell and, if they come closely, they can raise. However, and very large gaps should not be left - the earth through the bottom may wake up.

Another way to make the street flower vase from the tree - cut off the four identical segments of a small cross section of 25-25 mm, for example). Use bars as ribs design, to nourish the boards, to attach the bottom from below. This option is good because such vases immediately have legs.

In the same way, a vase from moisture-resistant plywood can be made. Cut the sidewalks from it, attach them to the bars. Instead of nails typically use vehicle tapping screws, and you will need a drill. Before tightening the self-tapping screw, drilled hole. Apply the sidewall to the rack from the bar, drill, retreating 1 cm from the edge. The diameter of the drill is 1-2 mm less than the diameter of the self-press. So, firstly the bar does not burst, secondly, the fastener is easier in Phanera. Instead of wooden corners, you can take metal, better - from stainless steel.

The following variant of the flower vase is made of wooden bar (photo below). It's still easier - the timber is folded so that the compound is in the same plane, then in the other. After laying each bar, it is nailed to the below. Nails will definitely drive in the corners, on the long side you can also nourish one or twice.

Everything is simple. Difficulties may occur only with the first next. It can be fixed to some bottom, for example, shot down from boards, a piece of waterproof plywood with drilled holes in it.

Any of these vases can be combined with. It turns out a wonderful corner for recreation. Such a group can be put in the garden, near the entrance, somewhere on the plot, near or homemade small.

From stumps and logs

In the garden or in the summer cottage, it is necessary to periodically pump old trees. From their stumps and trunks, you can also make outdoor colors vases. First, let's talk about how to use trunks. Burra is better not to rip off, so the view from the vases will be more decorative. Depending on the idea, the trunks are cut into some kind of height scrabbacies. You can cut the usual manual saw, but faster - chainsaw. These chumbas can stand standing, you can lay on the side.

The main task is to remove part of the wood so that the container is formed, which can fill the earth. There are several core removal methods. Typically take a drill and a drill of a large diameter. Better drill a conical form or in the form of a blade (as in the photo).

Do how many holes on the depth you need to. It depends on the type of plants that plan to put in this vase, but usually 15-20 cm. Holes can be done much - the thinner there will be the walls, the easier to remove them.

The walls are destroyed by a bit or a wide chisel. According to the handle of these instruments, the hammer is knocking, and the sharp blade chips pieces. So, gradually, the core is released. Then the edges of the resulting container are slightly aligned using the same technique.

If the stump has a large diameter, you can use an ax or pickle. Only work should be careful not to destroy the walls. Near the walls, you can use the drill, finally arrange the inner part of the vason all the same chisel.

Another option - making some balls with an ax, recking wood, dilute inside the bonfire. But will it work in time - the question. Charming insides are then removed by the chisel or chisel.

By the way, very interesting compositions may turn out from a very old and drunk deck. It is cleared of very crumbling wood. In this case, the inside is very easy in this case - the inner part of the trunk elapses the first. What remains can be covered with oil for wood, suspending the destruction for some period.

Of these wounded decks or stumps, excellent colors vases are obtained. Some ideas are collected in the photo gallery.

An interesting fence around the lawn - pantose vases alternate simply with the shods of the Chornobrians - unpretentious flowers with a long period of flowering, primroses will dissolve in stumps earlier - they are more than the sun and are above the cold earth and even stump, in the spring day ...

From barrels and other cooled products

The easiest thing is the street vases for flowers to make out old barrels, risks and other tanks that are no longer used and cannot be used because of old age, but it's a pity to throw them out. They can be slightly treated with emery paper - manually or having an appropriate nozzle on a drill / grinder. Then you can paint them, cover with varnish for exterior works or wood for wood. And you can plant plants.

Barrels are cut, and in any plane. But if you cut along, you will have to pin a plate with each other. Cut across the barrels are two identical (or almost) vasons.

Even old wood can not be processed. So the composition looks more naturally. But not in all styles such a vase will fit. In this case, use special paint for outdoor work, which you can work on a tree.

Street vase for flowers from plastic with wooden trim

If you look externally, you like the wood, but I want to have a hermetic capacity to avoid the flops on the site after watering, you can crack the plastic container with wooden planks. Planks are processed by antiseptics, color, dried. Then you can proceed to the transformation of plastic containers (buckets, tanks, barrels) in the flower vase for street colors.

First, openings are drilled in the bottom. From diameter - 10-14 mm. Two opposite zones at the edges, leave intact. Here I will attach the "legs" - two planks, cropped so that they do not protrude for the contour of the barrel. You can attach to the bolts, drill a hole under the head so that the fastener was "drowning".

We take universal glue, which is suitable for gluing plastic and wood, and glue the planks on it. The already the bar, the more monolithic it turns out the surface. Such street vases for flowers do not sneeze and do not swell.

Homemade concrete floral vases

Concrete is good because it can be pouring into any form. Plastic, glass, metal, wooden, clay vessels and even cardboard boxes are suitable.

It is most convenient to work with plastic - from it to remove it easily. Even easier with glass, but such forms are usually disposable. It did not work out - they are broken.

What concrete use

For the manufacture of street vases, it is possible to use a conventional concrete consisting of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3/4 (portland cement of the brand is not lower than M 400 and river clean sacred sand). The surface of such a vase will be monophonic, gray. In some cases it looks stylish, and the gray color does not distract attention from the main one - from the colors. But but not always.

it is more interesting to look for products from decorative concrete. It is also called artistic, art, architectural, acrylic, polymer - concrete. All this is the designation of the same product. In architectural concrete, in addition to cement and sand, contain polymer additives, small fragments of natural minerals, there are dyes in some. The surface of the vase from decorative concrete is obtained smoother, interesting, with splashes of natural stones. A specific view depends on the selected composition. Some species of decorative concrete are presented in the photo below.

The surface of the vase from decorative concrete is obtained smoother, interesting, with splashes of natural stones. A specific view depends on the selected composition. Some types of decorative concrete are presented in the photo at the top.

What makes forms to fill a concrete vase

Any forms can be used from almost any material. It is important that it does not spilt and kept the form within 4-5 hours. Then concrete grabbed and already keeps himself. Therefore, they make forms, even from a dense packaging cardboard, skinning coal and tightening the belts "from Scotch. But from the caron you can make forms only for small vases - for a small group of plants. But the form can be any.

Actually, the forms should be two - one for the formation of the outer surface, the second - much smaller size is inserted inside the first and forms the zone into which the soil is embanked and plants are saturated. The inner form is selected based on the dimensions of the planned vase, but the wall thickness should not be less than 3 cm.

You can use plastic bowls, glasses, containers, trays, flasks from the water - large and small. You can shoot down the shape of the boards, plywood, pieces of another sheet material. It does not matter. All anything, everything that will come to use.

Is there an interesting basic form or bowl? Also suitable. And to form an internal volume, you can find something heavy, preferably the right form, but it is absolutely not fundamentally. Even a bowling ball is suitable. It is good because heavy and smooth glands - remove it can be easily.

Metal bowl and bowling ball - It turns out a great floral vase

Round vases look best, but finding suitable form is not easy. It is usually or plastic containers or glass balls that are cut / broken after grapping concrete.

Manufacturing process

You can only work with cement at temperatures above +5 ° C. Ideal conditions are + 20 ° C and high humidity, but the temperature is more important. The place where you will leave the concrete to "ripening" must be in the shade.

Suitable forms you found, cement was stirred. It should not be too liquid, not too thick. From a spatula or blades should not flock, but not so dry so that you can make something from it.

It is necessary to work in gloves - concrete corrosive hands very quickly. We need a blade or something similar to lad out a solution, a long thin wand or a metal rod to remove air. It will still be necessary or a large container with water or a piece of plastic film.

We take shape, process them with some kind of lubricant. This is necessary in order to remove the vase from the form easily. You can use the following drugs:

  • Antiprigar spray for cooking. Hireless and effective.
  • Special sprays for concrete. It is much more expensive, and efficiency is the same.
  • Motor oil.
  • Universal lubricant VD-40.

Maybe other formulations work, but these are checked.

One of the compositions process forms. Large - inside, small - outside. In a large form, we pour a layer with a layer of 3-4 cm to the bottom, align it. It will be the bottom. If you want to be in the bottom of the drainage holes, insert the segments of the tubes. You can use metal, cut them into pieces of 3-4 cm long, also from the outside to be treated with lubrication. In this case, the bottom thickness must be equal to the height of these tubes. And have them strictly under the bottom of the second form.

We put the second form on the solution. If it is light, fall asleep in her small stones, crushed stone, pebbles, sand. The gaps between the two walls fill with the solution. If the material allows, along the walls knocking the hammer, then we take a rod or a thin stick, pushing the solution to the bottom, we strip it from side to the side. With these actions - knocks and skewers - air bubbles come out of concrete, it settles a little down. This procedure can be repeated a couple of times. Then we take some kind of smooth item (a spoon, for example), splashing it with lubricant and align the top of the wall. Try to make a side as soon as possible - then it's hard to do something with it.

The shape is covered with concrete with a piece of polyethylene and leave no less than a day. A day later, the form can be removed, but it is still impossible to use the vasion. It can be omitted into the container with water and leave there for a week. Another option is to cover the film and three or four times a day to spray with water. Sprinkle abundantly to full darkening. Each time you do not forget to cover the film. After about 10-14 days, it is possible to start planting plants. That's all, now concrete street vases for flowers you can do it yourself.

Finishing concrete vase

If you do not like the surface of the vase, it can be decorated. Do not make the Vazon too bright. He is only background, for flowers and greenery, which will fall into it. There are traditional methods - painting, there are more exotic - finishing with mosaic, pieces of a bit of ceramic tiles or pebbles.

When painting, choose the paint that is suitable for concrete, the surface is pre-primer (so that the paint is better to keep and not cooked with flakes).

For finishing with tiles or pebbles to the surface, layer layer for tile (for external work) with a thickness of 5-6 mm, and it is pressed by pebbles. It is necessary to work carefully, inheritance to erase the traces of glue on pebbles - it is then not cleaned.

The finished vase is left to dry to the drying of the glue (time is indicated on the package). Then the seams can be posed using a standard tile grout. It is uncomfortable, too narrow the gaps between the pebbles are obtained. You can try to use thin plastic strips or narrow tile boxes.

Vases from construction concrete blocks

For plant landing, hollow concrete blocks with large cells are suitable. In the cells poured ground, flowers planted. Lay out such blocks you can have a whole wall. The recipe is simple, but very spectacular.

Low and wide bowl - can be made from the basin

And finally, the video master class on how to make a car rone from auto-tire.

It is known to all that even a minor, who does not bother the trifle, created by their own hands, gives the house a special charm, decorates him and can even tell about the tastes of his Creator, his habits and hobbies. One of these business cards can be a flower vase, made personally. The manufacture of street vases for flowers with their own hands is not only an excellent option of the improvement of the local area, a country and garden plot, but also a vivid impression that gives the harmonious view of the local area.

Features of homemade caspo and vases

Currently, small decorative flower beds are very popular, harmoniously fit into the design of the natural territorial complex. It is easy enough to grow living plants in street vases, because you can always choose a suitable soil composition, replace it, as well as create optimal conditions, depending on the needs of the vases in well lit or, on the contrary, shaded places. Thanks to modern techniques, technologies and materials, it is possible to arrange simple and complex, stationary and portable, suspended street porridges and vases, as well as in spacers.

Select base material, shape, texture and color of such products needed taking into account the landscape design style of land, where the decorative element will be placed, and not forget about the principles of combination.

A good focus for the cottage or country house will be stationary decorative vases, equipped along paths and paths leading to home. Excellent complement such jewelry and a terrace with a porch. With the help of suspended vases, you can decorate gazebos, garden arches, walls of architectural structure. Moreover, the room shrouded with plants planted in an open soil and in the vases will become brighter and more beautiful. Stationary models with different decorative elements collected in the original compositions will be able to decorate the landscape long. In turn, portable vases or so-called mobile flower beds with blooming plants can be moved to different places, and if necessary, it is easy to replace them.

Selecting the size of the vase, you need to take into account the scale of the site.

On the large territory, small pots are lost, and large containers will be inappropriate on narrow alleys. They break the harmony of space, make the design ridiculous. The vase of the ideal size is organically fitted into the landscape, will be allocated to the measure (located in sight, without focusing on themselves a lot of attention). It will become a suitable frame for plants planted in it. Vases are often installed along the edges of stairs, alleys and garden tracks. You can also put them in any corner of the site, including in the center of the land.

As for coloring, today in the fashion, the use of products of white, monotonous beige, brown and terracotta shade, and delicate pastel colors are also relevant. They perfectly shade greens and all blooming plants. Vases are too bright colors draw attention to themselves, and the flower arrangement remains unnoticed. This is a wrong approach in the arrangement of the land area, so specialists do not recommend decorating their facilities in this way.

Choose materials

In the modern market there are many interesting and beautiful models of vases for the garden, but any person wants to bring into his home or space surrounding it, some personality, a highlight. Options, how to make decorative pots with your own hands, a lot. All you need to do is choose a material that has successfully completed an already formed microclimate on the land plot, and proceed with the design of vases and porridge for the street.

For the manufacture of this type of product, natural, and artificial materials can be used. It can be stone, metal, clay, plastic, glass, foam, concrete.

Rawning of street vases affects their characteristics:

  • Clay models.This material has a high plasticity, due to which you can make vases of various shapes and textures. Natural material is distinguished by high porosity. As a result, the root plant of plants in such a vase is free, and the plant breathes well through the soil. If the product is covered with icing, it will lose its bandwidth. Pots from clay are attractive and universal, suitable to any interior.

  • Stone products. On the vases from this material you can carve volumetric ornaments and patterns. The process of their manufacturing takes a lot of time, it is time consuming, requires a lot of physical strength and endurance. That is why stone vases on the market are among the most expensive. The advantages of such flowers tanks include high decorative properties, strength and durability, ease of care. In addition, the stone is moistureproof, which means that it holds moisture for a long time in the soil.

  • Wooden vases.Created from natural wood. Artificial branches are used, but such a combination does not always ultimately give an attractive appearance, so the combination of natural and artificial raw materials is infrequently used. The natural material is impregnated with antiseptic so that the wooden vases stand as long as possible and did not spoil (did not rot, and they did not eat living beings), covered with varnish or paint. Wooden pots are well kept moisture, so suitable for planting moisture-loving plants.

  • Metal.Most of the cast iron, brass, steel, zinc. Present a container of even geometric shapes. All listed materials are rotated under the influence of moisture, so the compositions of them are painted. It should also be forgotten that the metal vases are quickly heated in the sun, so they need to be water from time to time in particularly hot days, otherwise the roots of plants planted in them "burn".

  • Concrete vases. The characteristics of this raw material are practically the same as the stone, however, the cost of products from concrete is much lower. Under the conditions of hot summer, the street vases from concrete retain moisture in the soil, so plants in such a container are comfortable. The root system of colors in the concrete sarcophagus does not overheat and is not overcooked. This is due to the low thermal conductivity of concrete. Vases made from it look solid, because of their massiveness they are suitable for large areas.

  • Plastic. Vases from artificial raw materials can be of various shapes and colors. In the pots of plastic (plastic pipes), you can land frost-resistant perennial plants that do not require transplant in winter.

In addition to the presented materials, hypertudi can go, glass (glass bottles) and other technicians. Attracts many vases made of tires, foam plastic, gypsum. Corses, wooden and plastic parts are suitable as decor.

Thus, with your own hands you can create original and beautiful products that will decorate the land plot, harmoniously combined with the selected style of landscape design, built in the grounds of buildings and greens.

How to Make: Master Class

You can independently make street vases from almost any girlfriend, it is enough to arm inventory and to fantasize. Wooden drawers of large and small sizes, garden watering cans, car tires, old canisters, barrels, jugs, carbackers, trolleys, and more are suitable for the propelled plant for planting plants. Such a garden decor will surprise with its simplicity and originality. It looks creative, so it will certainly make land unique and memorable.

Vases can be painted in different colors, and wood to improve the properties and extension of the service life of it is better to cover with antiseptic impregnation or varnish. Cute can be called wicker from the vine or wire compositions from different sizes of the basket. New life will gain old dishes (clay jugs, bowls, pans), if you adapt it to plant planting. Old vinyl records after heating can be accompanied as a soul. They are perfectly bent, taking a variety of forms. With the help of several such unique vases made by your own hands, you can create different floral compositions.

The summer cottage can be issued in the most different way, the main thing is that the new decoration supplemented the overall decor.

Vases can be decorate with stones, pebbles, shells and similar. You can also arrange vases with a mosaic coating. This is done using a broken glass of different colors, chopper fragments (to the surface they are fixed with tiled glue, on small areas - transparent construction glue).

Vasons from Stump

Stump, if it is integer, not rotten and did not damage it, it is possible to convert to the vase origine. You will need a drill and a chisel to work. At the first stage of creating a unique tank, you need to drill the surface of the stump in different places, making as many holes as possible, then remove all unnecessary wood from stumps to get a deep bowl. The finished deepening falls asleep the earth and plant flowers there.

It looks very creatively a spoken tree with plants planted in it. It is necessary, as in the stump, make a deepening, after placing a pot with a planted greens.

Since wood susceptible to moisture, as a result of watering plants, the process of rotting can begin. So that the decorative Vase is prematurely rotted, the tree needs to be treated with a special protective impregnation.

Tank tanks

The decor of the tires for the local area is easy to do. All that is needed is old car tires and about 30 minutes of personal time. A sharp knife or an electrolovik need to be cut for the future vase triangles (the width of the base of each should be from 10 cm) (it will be the petals of the original product, they need to be expanded inside out). On the perimeter of such a vase can make decorative cuts.

After that you need to paint the product. Color is selected taking into account the overall composition. You can also apply a decorative pattern on the finished vase. After full drying, the paint on the bottom of the tank is placed with a nonwoven agricultural cloth, which misses moisture and provides drainage, then the entire volume is fill the ground.

Basons made of concrete

Concrete vases are easy to operate and do not differ from the stone from the stone.

To create such an outdoor product with your own hands, needed:

  • cement-sand mix;
  • two are the same in the form of a container (different in size): the large will become a form for the product, the second will be needed to form the walls of the vase;
  • paint for decoration;
  • sunflower oil;
  • plastic tube.

A variety of vases made from ordinary automotive tires, plastic bottles, decorate kindergartens, yards.

Such colors for flowers can make ordinary citizens living in apartment buildings. With minimal material costs, we can decorate the doomes.

Using sweater and materials, not only garden vases can be made, but also original figures. They can be created for some definite purposes, for example, planting colors, that is, to give a functional load, or simply proceed in the form of unusual decorative elements.

Attention ! Tire vases do not require special skills and skills with their own hands, you only need to stockday time.

Rubber - plastic material capable of taking any shape. This characteristic of rubber allows you to create from it the most unusual in the form of a vason with your own hands. Cottage, decorated with floral vases, amazing colors, will become a real "corner of paradise." Unusual gardening vases created from rubbed tires can be decorated so that few people guess that the source material was tire. The owners of cottages use all their creative fantasy to make a real work of country art from an unnecessary trash. Landing in such a flower vase is performed in early spring, and throughout the dacha period, others will be able to enjoy bright annual colors.

Tip! It is best to make vases outdoor from import rubber, as it is softer and more elastic. The domestic rougher tires, they are much more difficult for them to make the bizarre shape of the vases.

It is the flower beds that are most often made from old wheels. The simplest option for flowers for flowers is considered to filling the wheel with soil, planting inside seedlings of flowers.

It is the tires that became the most popular material for the creation of country vases. Do not know how to make the garden vases with their own hands? We offer step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of a vase for a garden from an old automotive tire.

  1. We choose the shape of the pot.
  2. On the tire chalk blacks the selected shape.

    Tip! It is better to use the wheel with the disk, in which case you can get a product with the original leg.

  3. For cutting of the tire, it will take a sharp knife. You can use the electric jigsaw if a complex pot shape is needed.
  4. The carved tire is inside out.

    Tip! In order to make it easier to turn over the tire, you need to start from one edge, then smoothly move clockwise (around the circle).

  5. Additionally, you can partially cut the tire from the tread from several sides.
  6. Grinding machine process the edge pot, improving the aesthetic look of the product.
  7. We proceed to the design of the legs of the vase. You can paint the leg, or leave it in the original form.
  8. Before applying paint to the finished product, it is important to qualitatively progress the product. It is advisable to choose bright colors, they will not burn out in the sun.

First you need to cover all the product with one tone. After drying the first layer, you can move to the decoration of porridge with patterns, ornament, unusual figures. Decorating the edges of the "flower beds" of shallow pebbles, shells, you will get original outdoor colors vases. To create such a craft, it will take 2-3 hours.

During decoration vases

So that the country's plot has become beautiful and well-groomed, you can plant a variety of flowers. If you add a garden decor with unusual street porridge for flowers, then the overall impression of comfort and comfort will only increase. Such vases for giving will not require a lot of free space, and if necessary, they can be put in any place of the garden. In such "flowers", even the most capricious annual plants are greatly growing. Plastic colors for lung colors, if necessary, you can put them into the house, protecting plants from the cold, rains. Such unusual elements of the decor are placed along the gardens, in front of the stairs.

What materials are suitable for creating garden vases

Wases for the garden with their own hands you can create their various girlfriend: automotive tires, plastic, concrete, wood, metal, clay. Each material for a vase has distinctive features.

Characteristic clay

Clay is characterized by high plasticity. From this natural material, you can create any form, texture, then the landing of gladiolus in the vases will be true pleasure. When firing clay products, you can get a terracotta material having a high porosity. In plants that are in such a flower bed, they will be raised the roots, they will calmly "breathe."

A rock

Garden pots for flowers made of stone have high strength, they are durable, perfectly keep moisture in the ground. In addition, such products have an attractive appearance. Having certain skills, the bodies made of concrete with their own hands decorated, cover with paint or varnish.

Tip! For additional protection against rotting, stone or concrete vases are treated with an antiseptic.


Tree - material suitable for any garden. A minus wood is instability to high humidity. If you treat the tree with a special impregnation, and then cover a varnish pot, it will become a real decoration of the garden. In such products, you can plant moisture-loving flowers.


Metal surfaces are quickly heated, so metal products are undesirable to put on solar sections of the garden without constant irrigation, otherwise the plants will die.


Wases for colors Street concrete are similar to stone vases, they retain moisture. Concrete has low thermal conductivity, the roots of the plants will not overheat. Such flower beds have a significant weight, suitable for large areas.


Plastic vases can be seen on any summer cottage. They are ideal for planting perennial plants, you can pick up the pots of the desired color, size, form.

Old vinyl plates curved in the form of bizarre forms will definitely attract the attention of neighbors. Original samovars look original, aluminum teapots, exhibited by the garden path. Plastic bottles are also suitable for the design of the country area.

Instructions for the creation of concrete vases

Basons made of concrete are considered the most durable, you can make them in a special form. Before pouring a cement solution into a form, its surface is processed by spray or with engine oil. Such a "trick" will simplify the extraction of the finished pot, will help to avoid breaking the product.

The following materials are suitable for forms: silicone; plastic; wax; gypsum.

  1. We prepare cement mortar.
  2. Lubricate the shape of machine oil.
  3. Pour the solution.
  4. After complete drying, remove the product.

Algorithm of actions, as well as useful tips on how to make a canon from concrete with their own hands in a video clip

Flowers for garden vases

If you choose flowers for vases, blooming all summer, you can get a harmonious composition. In large concrete vases, 2-3 types of different colors can be planted. For example, Gazan, Dwarf Urasinia, perfectly "get" with each other.

If you sit in the center of the Vasona, flowers having high stems, and in a circle to plant the lowest varieties, it turns out an interesting flower arrangement. Cachepo with high colors put closer to the wall, and low annual plants distribute a front of the plot.

Focus (central) flowers can be made geranium (pelargonium). This plant is unpretentious in care, it has a rich color palette. The semi-state and terry aster is a good density, in addition, this plant has a significant period of flowering.

Attention ! For landing in the rone, dwarf or average variants of colors that do not exceed 15-50 cm.

If plants loving light are selected, in this case, the vases should be located on the southern part of the country area. Georgina can be placed in the neighborhood with any colors. With a combination of dahlias of different shades, it is possible to transform a porch, make changes to the appearance of the garden. Small violets are suitable for framing garden tracks. Having planted the ameratum of lilac, white, burgundy, purple color, you can arrange the basis for high dahlia and ASTR. For blue and red high colors, Limanhanges fit as decoration.

If there is a green lawn, untreated land on the site, you can make a bright flower platform. Such an emphasis of flowers, additionally highlighted with tiles, stones, cuts from wood, is better to have a reservoir near the reservoir. If you need to arrange the steps on the stairs, the entrance to the bath, the veranda, the ideal exit will be a variety of vases. The photo presents street vases for flowers made by their own hands. They will help the avid dachensons to turn their plot into a mini garden.

Plant selection rules for landing

Selecting the plant for vases, you need to consider the following features:

  • the plant should have a small root system;
  • maximum endurance;
  • unpretentiousness to excessive humidity and dryness;
  • long blossom period;
  • easy care

For landing in Kashpo, it is better to take hanging and bushy varieties of plants.

Florists are selected for the "vagon flowers" of colors, different blossoms, height, painting, stem species. In the middle of the vase, it is best to place high flowers, and around plant hanging colors.

In a large concrete vase in the center, we will land a richly flowering pelargonium (geranium). It multiplies with cuttings and seeds. Over the summer, the plant needs 2-3 times in fantastic humate. This geranium will bloom from early spring to late autumn. Around have dwarf asters (up to 20 cm). Seeds are driving directly into the Vazan, please be the owner of the owner of the cottage they will be from June to September.

"Background" flowers for small vases are viol (VIOL). These border flowers are ideal for decorating playgrounds, balconies, staircases in the country.

Iberis begins to bloom at the end of May, so it is advisable to put it together with Rocaria, Alpinaria, so that the flower bed remained bright and beautiful throughout the summer. The most popular and widespread flower of modern summer houses became Petunia, despite her "capriciousness", the complexity of growing seedlings, it is Petunia most often adorn the verandas, balconies, facades of shops and shopping centers.


The design of the country's territories is becoming popular among the modern owners of the "Country Fazend". Armed with a variety of materials, fantasy, can be with minimal costs, convert your garden.

Decoration of the cottage - It's interesting and long-term business, and still causing solid material costs. In order to save money, numerous accessories for the purpose of decoration of the plot can be made with their own hands. This time the conversation will go on how to produce outdoor vases with a flower stand. Consider the production process of products from different materials.

Floral Vases and Pots With a stand from different materials for the street, not only serve as container for the appropriate composition of the soil of garden plants, but also suggests one with the best methods add bright accents to the summer site. Street vases with a stand for different colors can have varied figures, and their decor will fill the garden-park composition.

Wood, maybe not the best choice for the production of street vases for the garden, however, extremely inexpensive, malleable, easy to process. Therefore, well-known. Wooden vases With a stand for different colors, you can produce with cutting powder, moisture-resistant plywood, wooden bar, tree trunks, stumps, barrels and pads.

If you are striving for a pot with a stand for a long time holding your own color and I have not sat down, but you don't want to paint it in any way (such as oil), you will need to purchase oil for wood. It gives wood colors. At the same time, this oil "preserves" the surface, protects against fungi, mold, insects.

The easiest way to make vases street with skias rectangular or square shape For the garden, for what:

  • it is necessary to cut some number of pieces of the same length;
  • to put the box with them;
  • keep the base so that the base of this vase does not mold, it needs to be lifted on the legs.

In the most elementary form to the bottom, in the corners, you can jarny 4 not very large pieces of blackboard. There is a desire - you can try to make more potted feet.

Ringing boards, do not knock the bar extremely tight. When watering, they will expand and, if they are tightly tied, they can raise. Nevertheless, very large gaps should not be kept - the land through the base may wake up.

Vasons from tires do it yourself

Rubber - Supplement Materialcapable of taking different shapes. This feature of rubber makes it possible to form with it the most unusual vase figures with your own hands. Cottage, beautifully decorated with floral vases, amazing colors, will be a real corner of paradise. Unusual gardens formed from worn tires can be decorating so that few people guess that the starting material was a tire.

The owners of cottages apply all their own creative fiction to produce a piece of country art from an unnecessary trash. Landing in this kind of color vase is made early in spring, and during total country periodsurrounding can enjoy bright colors. It is the flower beds and flowers for flowers with their own hands creating with old wheels. A simple variant of flower flower is the soil filling, landing inwards. It was the tire that became the most popular material in order to create daccasions. Can not imagine how to make garden vases with their own hands?

We offer instructions for the production of vase for the garden with old car tire:

  1. Pick up the look of the feet of the pot.
  2. In the tire chalk draw a selected figure. For cutting tires need sharply compared knife. It is allowed to use a galvanic jigsaw, if a difficult model is needed.
  3. The carved tire turns out the vice. Additionally, it is allowed from some edges to partially crop the tire from the tread edge.
  4. Grinder process the edge of the pot, making a better aesthetic look of the product.
  5. Be proceeding with the legs of the vase. It is allowed to paint the leg, or save it in the original appearance.
  6. Before applying paint to the trimmed product, it is fundamentally at the proper level to primed the processed object. Preferred oh Select Light TonesThey will not burn out in the sun.

Street Vases for Garden: Concrete, Plastic, Stone

After selecting the appointment and sizes of the required vase need about thinking about materialsfrom which he will be made. More famous are vases for colors Street concrete, stone and plastic. In addition, it is often used such material as clay. The plasticity of clay makes it possible to form unique big figures and textures, however, certainly they must be covered with special icing - in order to preserve humidity and increasing resistance to different temperatures.

Vasons with stone are often placed in specialized fixed courses and stands, and often embellished atlay embossed patterns. Their main advantages are reliability and special painting. The stone vases for the garden are well holding back the water, which does not allow to dry the soil.

Concrete colors forms due to impressive size and large weight will be used mainly to decorate large zones. You can make concrete street vases in the form of large VAZ, which is pretty aesthetic and practical method of falling flowers, compared with ordinary flower beds. Often concrete street vases are modular containers. Their design consists of concreted base and vases for plants from concrete or stone crumbs. In addition, concrete vases are made with using reinforcing gridthat increases reliability of products.

With the use of cement and other components, perform a pot for flowers as a large volume and not very:

  • for a large composition, a plastic shape of the embroidery and a diameter of 23 and 53 cm;
  • the concrete mixture is bought from several parts of the rod peat and part of the perlite;
  • measure the capacity using 1.5-liters. bucket;
  • the composition with 3 parts is diluted with water until a dense consistency is formed.

Since the prepared concrete vessel will succeed in difficult, it is recommended to engage in its formation immediately in the required site.

After completing the laying of the mixture, the design is covered with a film for 10 days. During this time, the concrete must completely frozen and strengthen. However, if the design starts drying overly rapidly, then the product is additionally wetted.

The most economical view of the decoration of the garden plot near the house is the vase of plastic. Kashpo is often made in colorful, saturated colors, and themselves are represented by self-sufficient decor element. The price of plastic porridge, vases is rather low. One with the undisputed advantages of plastic street porridges, the vases are their mobility due to a small weight. And thanks to new technologies, plastic kashpo can imitate different surfaces - clay, stone, etc. Vases, porridge for colors Street and pots from plastics are able to keep moisture well without giving planting plants.

If there is an insurmountable desire to make your own creative ideas in life, you need to think about how to make street flower pot do it yourself. Suitable porridge can be made from drawers, barrels, pads, tackle, large dishes, etc. The main rule is the processing of products by antiseptics and coating of planes with oil or varnish.

Also with your own hands the street pot can be made from clay. In order to model both clay and decorative white and I. Such clay for kashpo It has many advantages - it is not necessary to burn, it is allowed to carry out without blanks, and the speed of its frozen is extremely high. In addition, it is easily and simply to decorate.

Creating a large street vessel for plants with their own hands, it is necessary to think about its design. Parts of the mirrors, small pebbles, shells, coins, beads, etc. will be used as decor. All Kashpo components must be fixed with epoxy resin or glue.

Vases from silicate blocks near the house

This species will look in the countryside as uniquely and impressive, it is interesting to convert the most accepted vegetation. The place formed inside the silicate structures is well suited for landing and growing various plants and colors. It should be noted that certain manufacturers today even started deliberately producing hollow elements intended for the arrangement and variety of landscape design of the countryside.

When using silicate structures in order to create a street pot near the house, you need to pre-thoroughly think about the design of the upcoming element of the landscape, so that it remains extremely stable and allowed to be placed from the inside necessary for planting the plant. After that, the necessary material is taken. Do not forget about drainage through which excessive moisture will be eliminated. In addition, the base should also be reliable and strong.

The base is glued to the first blocks. After that, the design is collected. Fixing the structures is made at the expense of glue. A similar way, a tier for a tier is gradually formed. For the purpose of greater fortress, the first rows must be filled with soil.

Street flower pots near the house from different materials, including metal vases produced by their own hands, will add comfort and originality to any corner of your cottage.