Repair Design Furniture

How to plant and grow a watermelon in the garden. Preparing watermelon seeds for planting in open ground. The best varieties of watermelons for growing

Melon on summer cottage an honorary warm place is assigned. Sunny melons and round-sided watermelons give indescribable pleasure to adult eaters and toddler gourmets. Children are ready from morning till night to enjoy the juicy pulp of watermelons to the envy of obsessive wasps and hardworking bees. If earlier it was believed that watermelon is an exclusively southern berry, now more than 200 varieties and hybrids are adapted for growing in various climatic regions our country. Fruit grown on a spacious open field, has more chances to gain the necessary weight and the necessary taste than its country cousin. The plant is held by its tendrils by the resistant stems of weeds, which, in turn, protects the watermelon lashes from tangling. When planting watermelons on personal plot Consider the space you need and don't overdo it with weeding.

Sowing watermelon seeds in open ground

Much to the chagrin of amateur melon growers, it is quite difficult to grow a wonderful harvest of ripe watermelons. Especially when it comes to areas with unsuitable climatic conditions. Even the most careful care will not be able to provide the berries with the presence of juicy ripe pulp if the summer is not hot and long enough. Of course, a good owner will not let such a harvest go to waste - lightly salted watermelons are still a delicacy. But a well-ripened, fragrant fruit plucked from its garden can be endlessly softened on both cheeks from morning to evening.

The watermelons are ripe - the family is delighted

Preparing seeds for sowing in open ground

It is advisable to choose a place for sowing watermelon seeds in the fall. Onions and potatoes are excellent predecessors for them. It's not bad if before that there was cabbage or legumes in the garden. Young sprouts do not like fresh organic fertilizers, so beds with semi-rotted manure or compost are prepared in the fall. Minerals (ash, dolomite flour) are also added at this time of the year.

Watermelon seeds are similar, especially if the germination energy is low. I sparge mine with an aquarium compressor, it can be scarified to break the seed shell, that is, file the end of the seed with a file or a nail file. And t should be 23о - 27 оС.

Fech Evgeniy

Choose hardy and early ripening seeds for sowing. Two different varieties should not be placed side by side so that there is no cross-pollination.

Before planting, you need to properly prepare the seed:

Sowing seeds in the ground

Immediately before sowing watermelon seeds, the soil prepared for melons is cultivated with a cultivator. Holes of one meter diameter are formed, the distance between the holes is from 1 to 2 meters. From 5 to 10 seeds are introduced into each hole to a depth of 4–5 cm. By the time of sowing, the soil should be warmed up to 13–15 o C. Each hole is watered with warm settled water and mulched with peat.

Watermelons cannot stand tightness

After the seeds sprout and get a little stronger, 2 plants are left in the hole. The rest are removed or transplanted to an empty place suitable for ripening watermelons.

After germination, two plants are left in the hole

Do not be too lazy to re-sow the seeds in a week. If for some reason the first shoots die, the second run will certainly be more successful.

Watermelon seeds are sown in farm fields different ways: tape, square, rectangular or square-nested.

Video: how to sow watermelon seeds in open ground

Photo gallery: varieties of watermelon for cold regions

The variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases.
Ogonyok watermelons ripen in 60-70 days
Variety Chill is well resistant to low temperatures, suitable for Siberia

The scheme of planting seedlings of watermelons in open ground

Seeds for seedlings are prepared in the same way as for planting in the ground. They can be sown in plastic trays or cups, but peat pots are best. The seedling soil is mixed in equal proportions with sand and peat. Put 2 seeds in a pot (glass or tray) on moistened soil and sprinkle with dry earth. In this state, the pots are placed in a well-lit, warm place. From sowing seeds to the moment of planting seedlings, it takes 40–45 days.

Before planting in the ground, the seedlings must be hardened for outdoors

Seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May or the first decade of June, depending on the climatic conditions and the geographical location of the region. Some recommendations on the scheme for planting watermelon seedlings in open ground:

After planting, the seedlings are watered for a week with settled warm water every day and slightly covered from straight lines. sun rays... Fortified seedlings are watered abundantly, but not too often. During the ripening period of the berries, watering is stopped completely so that the fruits gain sugar content and do not have a watery taste.

Watering is necessary infrequently, but in large quantities (10 liters per root). The most important thing is to ensure complete dryness at least 2 weeks before picking. Only then will the watermelons be sweet. No watering, neither the watermelons themselves, nor the nearby growing plants.


A rich harvest of sugar watermelons will delight summer residents and their children

Video: planting watermelons in open ground

Little tricks of planting watermelons

Weather conditions are not always helpful in such a painstaking business as growing melons and gourds. Cold and short summers in some regions lead to the fact that the harvest rarely pleases even the diligent grower. Watermelons simply do not have time to gain sufficient weight and reach a state of absolute maturity. Even so, don't despair. There are little tricks with which the fruits will become real pride even on 5–6 acres of personal land.

Choosing the right landing site

Light sandy soils are an ideal springboard for growing a weighty watermelon. But the main thing in a cool summer is the choice of a sunny place.

Watermelons prefer a sunny spot

The selection of such a site initially provides for the complete absence of sprawling shrubs and shade-forming trees. But with an excess of solar radiation at the time of ripening, take care of the shelter of the fat belly in order to avoid significant overheating. Old newspapers or large burdock leaves are fine for this purpose.

Shelter in two stages

For successful ripening, seeds are sown in open ground a little earlier than the due date - not at the end of May, but in its first decade. But in the cold climatic zone delicate sprouts risk dying from frost. This is where a little trick comes in handy - double cover. In a liter plastic bottle, the bottom is cut off and installed on the plant.

1.5 liter bottle can be cut in half

Over liter bottle in the same way, install a 5-liter container with a cut-off bottom.

Cut the bottom off big bottle and set on top of the liter

In such a matryoshka, the delicate stalk has enough air and warmth, and is also well protected from the cold and winds. Secure the transparent mini-greenhouse securely with earth or sand.

Magic tablet

Watermelon is a picky berry, does not like excessive dampness. In cool climates, dampness leads to rotting of fruits and even stems. To improve ripening conditions, put 3-4 handfuls of sand on the root of the main stem, and place protective boards made of wood or plastic under the fruits. Thus, your green plovers will not come into contact with wet soil, and the percentage of crop spoilage from rot will significantly decrease.

A wooden plank will protect the watermelon from rot

Thoughtful watering

In arid regions, the root system of watermelons tends to a depth to saturate the plant with moisture. However, in the northern regions groundwater often pass close to ground level and cause a lot of trouble for the roots: as soon as the roots reach an excess amount of moisture, they rot and the plant may die entirely. In this case, force root system develop not in breadth, but in depth. To do this, water the plant not at the root, but in the aisles. Water only when necessary and do not forget about the timely loosening and mulching of the soil.

Try not to water the watermelons at the root.

Trimming side stitches

The bearer of female flowers in watermelons is the main central whip. In order for the plant not to waste energy on side lashes, it is preferable to remove them. At the same time, leave no more than 5 fruit ovaries on each central branch.

Remove the side lashes of the plant, and the forces will be transferred to the ripening of the fruits.

Listening to these simple tips, you can surprise your neighbors in the country and your loved ones even in conditions that are not very favorable for growing melons.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of ripe watermelon: thiamine and riboflavin, niacin and other elements of B-group vitamins, vitamin C and carotene protect the body from age-related metamorphosis and resist cancer. But the presence of folic acid - the fighter of the invisible front and the tireless builder of DNA and ribonucleic acid cells - is invaluable. Dietary fiber and trace elements normalize metabolism, cleanse the kidneys, liver, blood vessels, normalize blood cholesterol. At the same time, do not forget about the ability to accumulate nitrates and cause allergic reactions. However, a watermelon grown with your own hands will allow you to avoid such troubles and will deliver a sea of ​​positive emotions from enjoying the magical taste of a juicy fruit.

First of all, it should be noted that for successful cultivation this thermophilic culture requires an appropriate temperature regime, good sunlight and sufficient humidity. Therefore, you will have to prepare greenhouses, although in the central and southern regions it is quite possible to grow a watermelon in the open field using the seedling method. This method allows you to pick the first fruits 14-20 days earlier.

Do not make beds and do not put greenhouses under a tree, next to bushes, otherwise you will not wait for a ripe, large berry. Prepare the soil in the fall by filling it abundantly with rotted manure (2 buckets per square meter). Now about the seeds: it is best to sow early maturing varieties or hybrids, which are characterized by resistance to various diseases, unfavorable weather. Even in cold summers, hybrids form fruits and are able to accumulate enough sugars.

How to grow large and sweet watermelons?

The planting location of the watermelon needs to be changed every year. After it, corn or wheat is planted, and potatoes, cabbage, onions, and legumes are considered the best predecessors.

The most popular hybrids and varieties: Spark, Boy F1, Sugar Kid, Crimson Sweet F1, Gift to the North, very early Ataman. You can grow a really high-quality product only through seedlings.... Even in Central Asia, they do this when they want to get an early harvest.

The optimal time for landing will be April 10-15, in northern latitudes it is April 21-25. Each gardener can determine the more precise sowing time on his own, relying on the fact that no more than 30 days should pass before the seedlings are planted. Overgrown plants take a long time to take root, and the harvest may be delayed by a week, or even 10 days.

So, how to plant watermelons for seedlings:

  • pickle watermelon seeds for about twenty minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%), rinse clean water... Wrap them in a damp cotton towel and leave in a warm place for 2 days. In order for the seedlings to sprout together, the temperature must be +30 o C;
  • while the seeds are swelling, prepare a container with a capacity of 0.8 liters - these can be pots, tetrapacks. Now you need to take care of loose, permeable soil: mix the country soil, rotted manure, peat, coarse sand in equal proportions. Add 3 liters to 10 liters of the mixture. superphosphate, a tablespoon of urea, potassium. Fill the container with potting soil, not adding 3 cm to the brim.
  • make a hole 3 cm deep and lower the seed that has turned into it, cover it with earth and spill it with water + 25 ° C. Cover the pots on top plastic wrap;
  • when shoots appear, lower the temperature to +18 o C, remove the film. After 4 days, you can return to the daytime temperature of +25 o C, and at night maintain +18 o C. Keep the seedlings on a light windowsill, but if conditions do not allow or it is cloudy outside, use supplementary lighting for 12 hours a day. Water young plants periodically warm water and also loosen;
  • after 12 days, feed the seedlings with manure solution (1:10);
  • a week before planting the plants, start hardening, gradually reducing the temperature by 3-4 degrees. You can also place the pots outside closed balcony, in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Plant in the ground from mid-May to June 10. Fully formed watermelon seedlings have 5 leaves.

Watermelon - planting and care

There is different ways planting this culture, but usually they do this: on beds filled with organic matter (width - 1 m, height - 20 cm), build ridges, which make 45-50 cm wide and 18 cm high. In each row on the ridge after 80 cm, make holes 10 cm deep and plant seedlings in them with a clod of earth up to cotyledon leaves. Then sprinkle with warm water - 1 liter per seedling.

As long as there is a threat of frost, after all better fit cover overnight with lutrasil or foil. To do this, install arcs at the ends of the beds, which can then be removed as unnecessary. The culture is quite hygrophilous, so water the plants generously, but only before flowering. Then stop watering, otherwise the fruits will grow wadded, unsweetened. Optimum temperature for ripening - from 25 o C to 28 o C.

Well, and what about without feeding: do the first one a week after planting - on a bucket of mullein solution (as usual 1:10), you can add 30 gr of chicken manure (0.5: 10). superphosphate, at least 15 gr. potassium (1 tbsp. ash); spend the second in the formation of lashes, spending 6 grams per bush. superphosphate, 4 gr. potassium and ammonium nitrate. Before feeding the planting, water abundantly so that the fertilizers do not burn the root system and are well absorbed.

Good care also includes loosening, weeding, and disease control. Watermelons bloom 40-50 days after sowing: first, male flowers bloom, then female ones. Spraying a sugar solution in the morning (one teaspoon per liter of water) will help improve the pollination process and attract bees. As soon as you notice the fruit that has set, count five leaves from it and pinch it so that all your forces are directed to the harvest.

In order to grow sweet, juicy watermelons, it is necessary to provide them with a warm climate, low humidity and good illumination. How to grow a watermelon at home? Read Tips experienced gardeners!

Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who would not like watermelons. Delicious, sweet and juicy watermelons are loved by both adults and children.

Almost every gardener dreams of growing this exotic, striped berry. True, not everyone decides on this, because the harsh climate leaves its mark. But in fact, although watermelons are a thermophilic melons and gourds, they can be grown not only in the south, but also in the middle lane. To do this, you just need to create favorable conditions for them.

In order to grow sweet, juicy watermelons, it is necessary to provide them with a warm climate, low humidity and good illumination. In the middle lane, they are grown in greenhouses or under film, and in the south of Russia, watermelons can easily grow without greenhouses. The optimum temperature for normal growth is 25-30 degrees during the day and 18 at night. The garden or greenhouse should be in a sunny location, away from bushes and trees.

The main secret to successfully growing watermelons is choosing the right variety. For middle lane Russia should choose early-maturing varieties, the ovaries of which grow and ripen quickly. Don't try to grow unusual large varieties watermelons, as they can realize themselves only in warm countries.

The best varieties of watermelons for growing

The most suitable seeds: Sugar baby, Pink champagne, Gift to the North, Charleston near Moscow, Ogonyok, Krimstar.

In the middle lane, a watermelon can be grown only with the help of seedlings, which must be sown around April 20. Then, after 30-35 days, the seedlings can be transplanted into the ground.

To grow seedlings, you need small pots with a diameter of 10 cm. Each of them is filled with a mixture of peat, humus and woody soil in a 1: 2: 1 ratio with a little ash and 2 seeds are planted in one pot.

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, you can pre-soak and germinate the seeds. Until shoots appear, the pots are covered with foil and the temperature is maintained at + 20-25 degrees. After that, you need to lower the temperature to + 18-20 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch too much. For seedlings, you need to select the most sunny window and feed it 2 times with complex mineral fertilizer.

Growing watermelons in a greenhouse

The preparation of the greenhouse or garden must be done in advance. At the beginning of April, it is cleared of snow and the soil is dug up. Watermelons love sandy loam and sandy soil, rich in organic matter.

Heavy clay soils- will be unusable. A few days before planting seedlings, you need to dig a trench 30 cm wide and deep, at the bottom of which manure is laid and completely covered with soil. The earth can be covered with a film so that it warms up as much as possible. Then, arcs are installed on the garden bed and a transparent film is pulled.

How to grow watermelons - step by step

How to grow a square watermelon?

If you grow watermelons on your property, why not grow a square berry for special occasions to surprise your loved ones and guests? Such a miracle was invented by the Japanese in the late 80s of the 20th century.

Growing features

Different varieties of berries are suitable for growing a cubic watermelon, and the main tool for shaping is a 20 × 20 × 20 cube. It must be made of a transparent material such as plastic. A hole with a diameter of about 3 cm must be made on the top side of the container, and one of the adjacent sides must be removable. In the corners of the cube, you also need to make holes with a diameter of 5-8 mm.

When the size of the watermelon is the same as a small ball, it must be placed in a cube by passing the stem through the hole on the top wall. As the size increases, the berry will fill the cube and take on its shape.

Sometimes it happens that the watermelon ripens earlier before taking on a clear cube shape, but in any case, it will be unusual. Experience comes with time, and you will learn how to grow square watermelons no worse than Japanese craftsmen.

His beneficial features, an amazing taste that's why both adults and children love it so much!

Do not be discouraged if you did not manage to grow a sweet watermelon, take into account your mistakes, then next year, your watermelons will be much tastier!

V last years a huge number of hybrids and varieties of watermelon appeared, suitable for cultivation in open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in cold climates. To grow a melon culture in your country house, you need to put a lot of effort and skill. The secrets of seed preparation, planting and seedling care will help to fulfill the dream of a large and sweet watermelon.

Site preparation

Seat selection - important stage planting a watermelon, which largely determines its further growth and yield:

  • watermelon loves places with a lot of light, in shading conditions it develops poorly and will not be able to give high yields... For planting, sunny areas are allocated, which must be protected from the wind;
  • due to the highly developed root system, watermelons are highly drought-resistant; planting in places with a close occurrence of groundwater is unacceptable;
  • for cultivation of melons and gourds, light sandy loam or sandy soils with neutral acidity are most suitable. In areas with acidic soil, the watermelon produces small fruits that crack still green.

These plants are undemanding to soil fertility, they grow well both on black soil and on poor sandy and rocky soils. Still, well-cultivated plots are needed to obtain large yields. To do this, in the fall, the site of the future planting is dug up and fertilized:

  • superphosphate, azophoska (according to the instructions);
  • wood ash (1 l);
  • humus (5 l).

The calculation is given for 1 m 2 of the area of ​​the site. Fertilizing before planting frees you from the need for regular fertilizing during the growing season of the plant.

For a watermelon, you need to choose a well-lit place.

Step-by-step instructions for planting a watermelon

To prepare and plant watermelon seeds correctly, you should adhere to the following steps.

Seed selection

This is a crucial period of preparation for sowing a watermelon, as it largely determines the success of growing and obtaining fruits. The variety of varieties and hybrids allows you to choose the plant that is most adapted to the cultivation conditions in your region. Among themselves, watermelons can differ in large or small fruits, the speed of their ripening, and have different resistance to diseases.

Presowing seed preparation

Seed preparation for sowing is an important stage of cultivation vegetable crops especially with home cultivation, since in conditions of limited space, the requirements for the selection of plants increase.


Sorting seeds by size allows you to choose the best ones, reject small and damaged ones. The selection is usually carried out manually: the seed is scattered over a smooth surface and divided into large, medium and small. Large seeds, as a rule, contain a large supply of nutrients, which in the future will provide plants with good growth and high yields.

The largest seeds are chosen for sowing.

Warming up and soaking

Heating and soaking increases the rate of biochemical reactions in cells, which improves seed germination, the formation of more female flowers, good growth and the development of the lashes.


  1. The seed is poured into a cloth bag and immersed in warm water (50-60 ° C) for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then transferred for half an hour for disinfection in a slightly warmed weak solution potassium permanganate.
  3. The bag is taken out, excess moisture is allowed to drain.
  4. Seeds are spread on wet sand, cotton or paper backing and left in warm room... They are kept at room temperature about 2 days before the emergence of seedlings.

If you bought treated seeds, they cannot be soaked and should be planted directly into the ground.

Germinating watermelon seeds for planting in open ground or for seedlings


To increase the resistance of plants to sharp temperature fluctuations and to obtain an earlier and more abundant harvest, the seeds are hardened. Most often, the seed is influenced in two ways:

  • exposure to a constant low temperature. Within 1-2 days, the swollen and hatched seeds of watermelon are kept in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0 ± 1 ° C with periodic stirring. This hardening can also be done by burying the seed in a small box or bag in the snow;
  • exposure to variable temperatures. The swollen seeds are kept in the refrigerator for about 12 hours at a temperature not lower than 6 ° C, then for the same period of time they should be kept warm at a temperature of 18–20 ° C. The procedure is repeated three times.

Before sowing, the seeds are slightly dried.

Selection of containers and soil

To avoid further transplanting or picking, seeds are sown in separate pots or containers with a volume of at least 300 ml (the minimum height of the container is 12 cm, diameter is 10 cm). For planting, a soil mixture is prepared, into which sand, turf and peat are added in equal proportions. To 5 liters of prepared soil add:

  • dolomite flour and potassium sulfate (50 g);
  • double superphosphate (100 g);
  • ammonium nitrate (50 g).

The seedling containers are filled with the mixture so that about 3 cm remains between the soil surface and the edge of the pot. As the plants grow, soil can be added to the pot.

To avoid further transplanting or picking, seeds are sown in separate pots.

Sowing watermelon seeds

To know how to plant a watermelon correctly, depending on climatic conditions, sowing is done through seedlings or directly into open ground.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The best time to plant is mid to late April. Sprouted seeds with a root of 1–1.5 cm are sown to a depth of 3 cm, 4–5 pieces in each container, sprinkled with earth on top, watered and covered with glass or film. The pots are placed on the lightest window, preferably the southern one.

It is important that there are no drafts in the room.

Sprouted seeds with a root of 1-1.5 cm are sown to a depth of 3 cm, 4-5 pieces in each container

Planting seeds in open ground

Prepared seeds can be sown directly into open ground only in southern regions with a warm climate. The optimal time for planting is when the air temperature settles within 12-14 ° C, and the soil warms up to a depth of 10 cm. Sowing is best done in the last decade of May, at which time the probability of a cold snap is significantly reduced. In cold soil, seed germination time increases, as a result of which seedlings may die or become infected with pathogenic microflora. For planting a watermelon, a hole is prepared with a diameter of about 1 m and a depth of at least 30 cm, it is introduced into it:

  • humus or compost (1 kg);
  • ash (1 tbsp. l.);
  • nitroammophosphate (1 tsp);
  • additional sand is added to heavy soil, everything is mixed.

Sprouted seeds of watermelons are sown in the prepared holes. Prior to this, approximately 2 liters of water are poured onto the seed planting site. After it is absorbed, 4–5 seeds are spread to a depth of 3–6 cm, the hole is covered with earth and compacted. The garden bed is not watered after sowing. To avoid the appearance of a crust, which makes it difficult for the sprouts to come to the surface, the soil is mulched with humus.

Young seedlings need a lot of water, so they are watered abundantly as the soil dries out, but not more often than 1 time in 7 days. The required depth of soil moistening is at least 25-30 cm. Soon after the sprouts appear, the first thinning is carried out, leaving the strongest plants; in the phase of 3-4 true leaves, the procedure is repeated. As a result, 1-2 plants should remain in the hole.

A watermelon grown by direct sowing in the ground is more resistant to stress, including drought and temperature extremes, but the harvest will always ripen later than a seedling crop.

A hole for sowing watermelon seeds in open ground is prepared with a diameter of about 1 m, the soil in it is mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers to a depth of about 30 cm

Seedling care

In order for plants in pots to grow and develop well, they create optimal conditions:

  • the daytime temperature should be about 25 ° C, at night it is lowered to 20 ° C. Under these conditions, sprouts will appear in 7-10 days;
  • the required duration of daylight hours is at least 12 hours. Lack of lighting contributes to the elongation of seedlings and can cause their death; on cloudy days, it is recommended to illuminate the plants with a phytolamp;
  • after the seedlings have sprouted, the weak are removed, leaving one sprout;
  • watering the seedlings is carried out in several steps, avoiding the ingress of water on the leaves;
  • in phase 3 of true leaves, the plant is fed with a fermented mullein mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10 (or liquid complex fertilizer).

If these rules are followed, the seedlings will grow strong and healthy and will easily take root in a new place.

After discarding weak seedlings, one plant should remain in the pot.

Transplanting seedlings into open ground

By the time the seedlings are transplanted to the garden bed, their age is 30–35 days, the plant has at least 4 leaves. 10 days before transplanting to the site, the seedlings are tempered: they are taken out into the open air, increasing the residence time every day. For 3-4 days before planting in the ground, the plants are kept outdoors, and in the evening before transplanting they are watered abundantly.

After hardening, watermelon seedlings become more resistant to temperature fluctuations.

In mid-June, plants are planted on permanent place... The transplant is carried out in the morning: the watermelon, together with the earthen lump, is removed from the container, planted in a hole, then watered and covered with a film. The root collar of the seedlings is not buried.

After planting seedlings, the earthen lump should be completely covered with soil, the root neck of the watermelon is left open

Video: transplanting watermelon seedlings into open ground

Planting time for watermelons according to the lunar calendar for 2020

In order for the plant to grow and develop well, it is important not only to prepare the soil, but also to choose the right time for planting. Vegetable growers often resort to help lunar calendar... Favorable dates for 2020:

  • planting on March 3, 10 and 11 will have the most positive effect on the growth of melons;
  • in April, a favorable time for planting seedlings is on the 9th, 15th and 23rd;
  • in May, it is recommended to plant watermelons on the 13th, 14th and 20th;
  • landing garden crops undesirable on new and full moon days:
    • April 8 and 25,
    • May 7 and 22.

Planting scheme and depth

Exists different schemes planting watermelons in open ground, their choice is influenced by:

  • cultivation method (watering or without artificial irrigation). Plants grown without watering take up a smaller area, so they can be placed more densely;
  • watermelon variety (early or late ripening);
  • estimated fetal weight (3-5 kg ​​or more than 8 kg). The higher the planting density of watermelons, the smaller the fruits will grow.

When planting watermelons, take into account that the plants grow widely and should not interfere with each other:

  • in the garden early varieties placed at a distance of 1.4x1.4 m or 1.4x0.7 m;
  • mid-ripening and late-ripening watermelons are planted according to the 2x2 m scheme; 2.1x1.4 m; 2.1x1 m.

The smaller figure shows the distance between the plants when planting, the larger figure between the rows.

The higher the planting density of watermelons, the smaller the fruits will grow

The seeding depth of seed in open ground can vary from 3 to 8 cm and depends on:

  • on their size (the smaller the seed, the shallower the planting depth);
  • type of soil (on light soils, the embedding is deeper than on heavy soils);
  • soil moisture (seeds are spread on a moistened layer).

Seedlings are planted a little deeper than when growing in a pot so that the root collar is not damaged by winds.

Neighbors and predecessors

To guarantee a good harvest of melons and gourds, you need not only to follow the planting rules, but also to know about the compatibility of plants with each other:

  • watermelon does not tolerate gusty winds. To create shelter, corn, peas or beans are planted around the site;
  • all members of the pumpkin family, including watermelon, are compatible with plantings of black radish. This plant secretes phytoncides that prevent the appearance of spider mites;
  • melon is an excellent neighbor of watermelon;
  • it is well compatible with potatoes and oat root;
  • corn and peas improve the growth and taste of watermelons;
  • sow thistle and marsh contribute to the growth of melons and gourds;
  • watermelon grows well next to green plantings (with the exception of parsley);
  • tomato phytoncides drive away aphids, sawflies and fireflies.

All representatives of melons grow very strongly, therefore it is better to plant crops next to them that give an early harvest.

Planting some plants next to a watermelon negatively affects its growth and productivity, therefore, the choice of neighbors must be approached responsibly:

  • melons and gourds grow well in open, sunny areas, so they are not planted next to trees and shrubs that shade the site;
  • watermelon does not like the neighborhood of strawberries and representatives of nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers);
  • he extracts from the soil a large number of minerals, therefore, it is not recommended to grow watermelon next to beets, carrots, garlic and radishes;
  • watermelons should not be planted together with related plants - pumpkins or squash, as well as cucumbers.

An important agricultural technique is crop rotation of plants. With the alternation of melons and gourds with a periodicity of 3-4 years on the field, the number of pests and diseases, as well as weeds, is significantly reduced. It is not recommended to grow watermelon on the same field for more than 2 years in a row, the optimal predecessors for it are:

  • winter wheat,
  • perennial herbs,
  • corn for green fodder,
  • radish,
  • Dill,
  • basil,
  • tomatoes,
  • celery,
  • roots,
  • cabbage.

It is strongly not recommended to plant melons, melons, squash or vegetable marrow in the area where melons, squash or squash previously grew. After collecting the fruits of the watermelon, it is better to plant this area legumes(green beans, peas) or garlic.

Methods for planting watermelons on the site

Depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the availability of free space, watermelons are grown in different ways.

In the bucket

In this way, a watermelon can be grown at home. For this, seedlings are first grown in a small pot. Further work is carried out as follows:

  1. Prepare a bucket with a volume of 16 liters (you can use a wooden box measuring 50x50x30 cm).
  2. The container is filled fertile soil with neutral acidity, mixed with perlite in a 2: 1 ratio. This will protect the soil from water stagnation.
  3. After the third true leaf appears in the seedlings, the plant, along with an earthen lump, is transplanted into a bucket.
  4. The optimum daytime temperature is 25–30 ° C, and the nighttime temperature is 18–20 ° C. Such conditions are created in the spring and summer on a closed balcony.
  5. Watering should be moderate, the watermelon does not like waterlogging.
  6. The soil is fertilized every 2 weeks. For this, liquid fertilizers for vegetables are suitable (add 1 tsp of fertilizer to 1 liter of water). Only fresh solution is prepared for watering.
  7. At the stage of ovary formation, a second feeding with an increased content of potassium and phosphorus is carried out, and after 2-3 weeks - a third.
  8. The side shoots of the watermelon are pinched, leaving only the main whip.
  9. In the flowering phase of watermelon, artificial pollination is carried out: male flowers with stamens are plucked, petals are removed and pollinated female flowers(with a thickening at the bottom), touching the pistils with stamens.
  10. After setting the fruits, no more than two berries are left on the plant, the rest are removed.
  11. Fruits about 10 cm in size are placed in a net and tied to a support.

After about three months, you can harvest delicious berries weighing about 1 kg.

According to the author, this method can be viewed more as a hobby than a way to obtain delicious berries... In an apartment, it is unlikely to provide the plant with optimal temperature conditions, except during the hot summer on the balcony. A watermelon grown at home is unlikely to please with the aroma and sweetness of the pulp. For those who nevertheless decide to experiment, I advise you to make a drainage hole at the bottom of the container to protect the roots from waterlogging. And to determine whether a watermelon needs watering, you can recommend slightly raising the bucket with the plant, focusing on its weight on the moisture content of the soil.

On the trellis

In the southern regions, melons and gourds are cultivated in the open field, in which case they do not require a garter. Trellis can be used when grown in cool, humid northern regions. This is especially true for small areas where there is little light and moisture stagnation is likely. In such places, it is recommended to grow watermelons of small-fruited hybrids and varieties:

  1. On both sides, the beds are dug in along a support with a height of at least 1.5 m, and ropes or twine are pulled between them.
  2. Others are tied to the stretched ropes, which go down to the plants and serve as a support for the stems of the watermelon, determining the direction of growth.
  3. The end of the lowered rope is fixed on the stem of the plant or on the ground.
  4. The main stem is tied up vertically, the top is not pinched. All side shoots are removed, since womens flowers are formed mainly on the main stem.
  5. The grown fruits are laid in nets, then individually tied to a trellis so that they do not fall under their own weight.

With the formation of 2-3 fruits the size of egg the rest of the ovaries are removed, since large quantity watermelons will not have time to ripen.

The tapestry is relevant for small areas where there is little light and moisture stagnation is likely.

Under the covering material

The cultivation of watermelons under the covering material has become especially popular now. At the same time, additional costs for the film are compensated by the advantages of this technology, including:

  • protection of seedlings from weeds in the early stages of growth in open ground;
  • decrease in daily temperature fluctuations;
  • accumulation and preservation of moisture by the soil.

The use of covering material can shorten the period of fruit ripening by 7-10 days. This method is especially relevant in conditions of a short or wet summer and can be used in several versions:

Spunbond can be used to cover plants directly along the lashes, protecting them from possible frost

Features of planting watermelons in different regions

Watermelon is a thermophilic crop that requires a fairly long growing season. This should be taken into account when cultivating in regions with different climatic conditions.

In the southern regions (southern Ukraine, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Transcaucasia), watermelons are traditionally grown in an open way, which is facilitated by a large number of warm and sunny days necessary for the vegetation of the plant and the rapid development of fruits. After preparation for sowing, seeds are planted directly into open ground.

In the northern regions of Ukraine, the amount of heat is not enough for the ripening of fruits, therefore, watermelon seedlings are first grown.

In regions with a moderately cold and harsh climate (Leningrad Region, Moscow Region, Siberia, Far East), the yield of watermelons will always be moderate. To obtain it, you must strictly follow some rules:

  • only early ripening varieties are chosen for planting;
  • to ensure acceptable temperatures, watermelons are grown in greenhouses, and in the middle lane - also in open ground under a film (in spread);
  • planting is carried out through seedlings in pots;
  • so that the roots grow in width, the plants are not watered at the root, but along the grooves dug in the middle of the row spacing;
  • no more than 5–6 fruits are left on one plant, to get large berries - 1–2 fruits, a plank is placed under each plant so that they do not rot in cool conditions.

For cultivation in the northern regions, only early ripening varieties of watermelons are chosen:

  • for the Moscow region:
    • Sugar Baby,
    • Crimson Sweet,
    • Skorik,
    • Fire,
    • Producer,
    • Astrakhan,
    • Top gun,
    • Chill;
  • for the Leningrad region:
    • Kharkiv,
    • Fire,
    • Rose of the South-East,
    • Early ripening;
  • for the Urals - the same varieties as for the Moscow region, as well as:
    • Pink Champagne F1,
    • Gift to the North F1,
    • Krimstar;
  • for Siberia and the Far East:
    • Crimson Wonder,
    • Crimson Sweet,
    • Ultra early,
    • Fire,
    • Siberian.

The average ripening period for the middle lane is about 70–80 days, medium-sized fruits - from 2 kg to 4–6 kg.

Hard work and knowledge of planting and caring for watermelons will surely reward you with delicious and healthy berries... You can grow a watermelon even in the northern regions, you just need to choose a suitable variety and do not be too lazy to make a shelter.

What could be more beautiful in hot summer weather than a piece of ripe juicy watermelon that melts in your mouth and fills the body with life-giving beneficial moisture! The discoverers of this beautiful large berry were the peoples of Ancient Egypt, who appreciated its wonderful taste qualities... But watermelons are also endowed with medicinal properties. In addition to the high content of B vitamins, watermelon is in third place after spinach and lettuce in terms of iron content. Thanks to the diuretic properties of this fruit, the body is cleansed of harmful substances. A combination of flavoring and medicinal properties watermelon make it a welcome guest on the garden plot. Having decided to plant this crop, of course, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the conditions for its cultivation.

Choosing a planting site and soil

The right planting site and soil play an important role in getting a good harvest. Watermelons love sandy loam and loamy chernozems. A ideal place for cultivation will be the southwestern and southern slopes, protected from the winds and well warmed up by the sun. It should be borne in mind that for planting watermelons, it is not recommended to use the same soil, where they were planted for several years in a row, or if their predecessors were melon, cucumbers and pumpkin. The preferred places for growing this fruit will be the soil on which wheat, onions, potatoes, beans, vegetables were grown, which were fertilized with organic fertilizers. Before growing watermelons, care must be taken to ensure that the soil is not infested with wireworms.

The soil for growing watermelons should be prepared in the fall. When digging a site, organic or mineral fertilizers are simultaneously applied. From early spring, in order to avoid moisture loss, the soil is loosened with a rake and kept clean from weeds.

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Seed preparation

Scheme of planting watermelon seedlings in a greenhouse.

Before planting, the seeds must be prepared.

The preparation process is as follows: the seeds are warmed up for 3 hours at a temperature of +60 ºС, pickled with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, moistened in a soda solution (2 g per glass of water).

They are hardened by keeping them for 8 hours on melting ice, and then they are already germinated.

In the southern regions, prepared seeds are sown directly into the ground, and in the central and northern regions, watermelons are grown through seedlings.

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Germination of seedlings

To germinate seedlings you will need:

  • peat-distilled cups;
  • garden mixture or turf land with humus in proportions 1: 1 with the addition of a glass of ash to a bucket of this mixture;
  • polyethylene film;
  • mineral fertilizers.

A mixture of earth with humus (1: 1) with a glass of ash added to it (1 glass per bucket of mixture) is poured into peat-distilled cups. Then 1-2 seeds are planted in cups, which are poured with warm water and covered with plastic wrap.

The cultivation technology provides for maintaining a certain temperature regime... So, in the daytime, the optimum temperature is +20 - 25 ºС, and at night it can drop to +18 - 20 ºС. With the appearance of the first shoots, so that the seedlings do not stretch, the temperature drops. In the course of growing seedlings, they are fed with mineral fertilizers: 10 g of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water, 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate. Seedlings are watered with warm water, and it also needs regular hardening.

After 1 month from the moment of planting the seeds, seedlings appear, ready for planting in open ground. Seedlings are planted when the threat of frost has passed, i.e. in the middle or end of May.

Holes are made on the site, they are added organic fertilizers, everything is watered and seedlings are planted to a depth exceeding 2 cm from the height of the pots. After planting, the soil around the pots is compacted and mulched. The recommended scheme for planting seedlings in peat pots 140 x 70 cm.

The process of growing and ripening fruits can be significantly accelerated by covering the seedlings with plastic wrap on arcs.

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Planting seeds in the ground

In the case of planting prepared seeds in the ground, the following conditions: the temperature at a depth of 10 cm must reach + 16 ° C, the soil must be moistened. Watermelons of early ripening varieties are sown according to the schemes: 140 by 70 cm or 140 by 140 cm. Late and mid-ripening - 140 by 140 or 210 by 180 cm. 3-4 seeds are placed in the hole. The sowing depth ranges from 4 cm (on heavy soils) to 8 cm (on light soils with low moisture) - it all depends on the sowing time, moisture and type of soil.

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Plant care: feeding and watering

Crops maintenance is an important step in the process of growing watermelons. Particular attention is paid here to loosening the soil in holes and rows, loosening after rain is obligatory. The most optimal soil option for obtaining good harvests is a light loosened soil, therefore, for the entire period of crop growth, it must be loosened up to 3-4 times. The last loosening procedure is carried out before the formation of lashes. If the crops are thickened enough, they break through, leaving after 30-40 cm, then every 70, 100, and 120 cm. It is strictly forbidden to pull the plants out of the ground: they are removed with a knife or hoe.

No matter how fertile the soil is, the plants need regular feeding. Fertilization of the soil is done every 10-12 days. These can be mixtures such as "Kemira universal", "Nitroammofoska", "Crystallin", which contain potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Before direct use, they are dissolved in water: for 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. superphosphate and 2 tbsp. nitroammofoski, or 1 tbsp. potassium sulfate and 2 tbsp. superphosphate, or 2 tbsp. urea. In hot dry weather, top dressing is done with watering or before rain.

The ideal feeding option is organic fertilizers, for example, bird droppings, herbal infusion. Feeding from manure is prepared at the rate of 1 bucket of manure for 5 buckets of water. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks and then 1 liter of such feeding is diluted in 1 bucket of water and thus 3-4 plants are watered. To prepare top dressing from grasses, unseed weeds are poured with a bucket of water. Then they are transferred to a larger bucket and filled with a bucket of water in which the weeds originally formed. The solution is left to ferment for 5-7 days. After that, the thick is removed and used as mulch by laying out along the rows. The slurry is diluted with water 1:10, and then plants are fertilized with it. This amount of fertilizer is designed for 10-12 plants.

When feeding, it is important to observe the rule: first, the plant is well watered, then it is fed, and finally, in the rain or by irrigation, the remnants of fertilizers are washed off from it.

To grow a good and plentiful harvest of watermelons, like other plants, they must be watered. The first time watering is done after the breakthrough and the formation of density. If cultivation is carried out from seedlings, then 7-10 days after the culture has taken root. The standard irrigation rate is 300 liters of water per 10 sq. M. The second time, watermelons are watered during the budding period and at the beginning of mass flowering. Watering for the third time is done at the beginning of fruit setting.

It is best to water the watermelons drip irrigation, along the holes and grooves.

In order to avoid cracking of the fruits and reduce their sugar content, watering is excluded at the beginning of ripening of watermelons and during their harvesting.

Thus, having familiarized yourself with the technologies for growing watermelons from seeds and seedlings and choosing the most appropriate for a particular region, you can start planting. If you grow on the site even a small amount of this beautiful plant with love, it will certainly delight you with its beautiful and tasty fruits, quench your thirst and give your body life-giving moisture and a particle of health!