Repair Design Furniture

How to plant a banana at home. Growing a banana from seeds. Choosing a banana variety for home cultivation

Amateur flower growers are always attracted by the opportunity to grow some exotic plant at home that is not typical of the area. Surely every person had a dream to have fragrant citrus fruits or ripe bananas at hand. Today you will learn how to grow a banana at home from the seeds of a purchased, fleshy fruit.

Description of the banana plant for home cultivation

If you doubt whether it is possible to grow a banana at home, then we will answer - you can, but be prepared for the fact that this is a rather troublesome business. To grow a banana at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this plant:

  • Tropical varieties grow up to 10-12 meters, and the home banana tree is dwarfed, and its height does not exceed 2 meters.
  • The foliage is about 1.5 m long and 30 cm wide.
  • The bases of the leaves are so tightly adjacent to each other that a pseudostem (plant trunk) is thus formed.
  • And the stem itself (rhizome) is hidden underground. It has the shape of a ball, and in parallel performs the functions of the roots of a tree.
  • The main inflorescence grows from the middle of the pseudostem, which dries up after the end of the fruiting process.

Important! Remember that a banana is not really a tree. In theory, it is a perennial herb.

  • The life span of a banana is about 40 years. New pseudostems grow in place of the dying ones. If growth occurs on an industrial scale, then reproduction takes place by dividing the rhizome, in other words, the basal processes are deposited. When the process is planted from the rhizome, it retains all the varietal characteristics of the plant. But specimens grown from seeds are used for decorative purposes.

Varieties of banana for home

Modern florists with equal success grow both decorative "trees" for the purpose of decorating a room, and plants with tasty, juicy fruits. On average, such specimens grow from 2 to 2.5 meters, and mini bananas only reach 1-1.5 meters.

Fruit varieties popular for growing at home include the following bananas:

  • pointed;
  • Cavendish super dwarf;
  • dwarf Kiev;
  • superdwarf Kiev.

The decorative varieties of exotic plants include:

  • lavender;
  • velvety;
  • Chinese dwarf;
  • bright red.

These varieties bloom brightly and beautifully, but the fruits of the banana tree in these varieties are inedible, small.

Germinating seeds from a purchased banana

If you are wondering how to grow a banana from seeds, then first you need to buy wild fruits from the store. They are extremely rare, but normal fruits are not suitable as they are harvested for export while their seeds are in their embryonic state. Wild fruits are small in size and have dark seeds in the pulp.

If you managed to find the desired fruit, make sure that there is no damage to the skin. To extract seeds from a purchased banana with your own hands, you need to follow these steps:

  • The yellow fruit is placed in a plastic bag, after which they wait until the peel is completely darkened.
  • After that, the fruit is removed, the flesh is peeled, and an incision is made along the middle. With a sharp object, remove the seeds from the inside and lay them out one by one on a paper napkin.

Important! You should carefully sort out the seeds, since only grains rounded in shape are suitable for planting, and flat specimens should be selected and discarded.

  • After the seeds are separated from the pulp, they are thoroughly washed.
  • Pour the resulting seeds with warm water, then leave them alone for 3 days.
  • At the end of the three-day period, rinse and dry the seeds.
  • After completing the preparation process, an inert substrate will be required. For these purposes, coconut or sphagnum are suitable, which are easily bought in flower shops. Before use, the substrate is sterilized with steam, then wait for cooling, mixed with perlite and poured with a solution of potassium permanganate.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase coconut or sphagnum, you can use a mixture of peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 1: 3. To do this, cover the bottom of the container drainage material(gravel, broken brick, polystyrene), on top of which place a layer of substrate 5-6 cm thick. Press the seeds well into the spread mixture, then water the plant.

The shell of banana seeds is very dense, therefore, before immersing them in the soil, its integrity should be mechanically disturbed. This can be done by rubbing the surface with sandpaper, scratching or surface cuts with a nail file. It is important not to overdo it and not damage the kernel.

The process of emergence of the first shoots takes from 2 to 3 months.

Important! Extraction of seeds is a laborious process, so we recommend purchasing ready-made seeds from a gardening store.

Transplanting a germinated plant

Before you grow a banana tree, you need to take care of replanting it from a germinated seed. The scheme of actions is as follows:

  • Take the most upper layer soil (5-7 cm) from under hazel, linden, birch or acacia.
  • Add sand, humus and ash to the collected substance in proportions of 10: 2: 1: 0.5. Mix the resulting composition and send it to the oven for calcination for 5-10 minutes.

  • Cover the bottom with drainage material, and pour moistened sand on top of it. After the sand, place the prepared warm ground roasted in the oven.

Interesting! To prevent the pot from adjoining the pallet, place a grate or a few pebbles between them. Thus, air can penetrate to the roots without obstruction.

  • The sprouted seed is deepened into the soil to a depth of about 2 cm, lightly sprinkled and watered.
  • The indoor plant should grow, and the roots will eventually "take over" the entire area of ​​the pot. In this case, the banana must be transplanted into a larger container.

Rules for caring for indoor banana tree

To look after exotic plant simple enough:

  • Loosen the soil regularly.
  • Water abundantly, but infrequently. Drying of the top layer of soil in a pot 1-2 cm deep will serve as an indicator.
  • Spraying in summer is done daily, and in winter it should be done once a week.
  • It is necessary to strictly monitor compliance with the temperature regime so that the tree does not dry out. The optimum temperature for growth is + 25 + 30. Less is possible, but already at +15, the development and growth of the plant slows down significantly.

  • At proper care the banana grows and develops at an accelerated pace, and after the appearance of 11-15 leaves, the tree blooms.
  • Lighting for indoor tree extremly necessary. Place the pot on the south and east side dwellings, and in winter time provide additional illumination.
  • Top dressing should be applied systematically. It occurs once a week in the summer with the help of humus and wood ash... Take 200 grams of humus, dilute it in a liter of water and leave it for a day to infuse the solution. Introduce into the soil while watering.

  • Water the tree once every six months. weak solution potassium permanganate.
  • It is better to exclude inorganic fertilizers.
  • V natural conditions the tree can be affected by root nematodes: black weevil, roundworms, fungus. At home, pests practically do not bother the tree, sometimes it turns out to be a problem spider mite which appears at low humidity.

You can skip the seed preparation and sprout rooting period and just buy a banana tree from a florist shop, but growing exotic with your own hands is exciting, and the result is much more appreciated. After the applied diligence, you can enjoy the result and surprise guests with an exotic plant that can become the main decoration of your home.

Video: How to sprout a banana from seeds

Bananas are delicious and healthy fruits, at the end of the last century they belonged to the category of "exotic", but now they can be bought in every store. However, not everyone can boast that they have an indoor banana growing at home! But this plant can be easily grown not only in a greenhouse, but also in an apartment! How to grow a banana at home?

Necessary care

This plant cannot be called too whimsical, but nevertheless, for the best result, you need to know some rules and tricks.

Temperature control and lighting

Indoor banana loves warmth and light, so you need to place the container on windows facing south, east or southeast. The north side is not suitable, but if you have no other choice, then the plant will have to be artificially illuminated. In the summer season, you can take out the pot on open air however, the banana will need to be protected from sunburn.

To do this, you can shade the "pet" with some kind of mesh fabric or put it in the shade of other plants. Exot is able to endure a temperature drop of up to 16 degrees, but this should not be allowed, since normal growth will stop.

Moreover, fruiting in such a temperature regime is impossible! The ideal temperature for a banana is 25-31 degrees. Sudden temperature jumps are also unacceptable.

Air humidity and watering

The plant requires a lot of liquid due to large size leaves that evaporate a considerable amount of moisture. Watering is carried out as the upper layer of soil dries up. It should be watered with a very generous amount of warm, settled water.

Cold water contraindicated! When watering, liquid should seep through drain holes.

In the summer season, water the "pet" more often, but in winter, watering should be minimal. Frequent watering at low temperatures, the content can lead to root rot. It will be good to place the container on moistened sea pebbles or expanded clay. However, you cannot block the air access to the holes in the pot, so you can use a special grid for the pallet.

Both wild and indoor banana love high humidity environment.

Caring for the plant is simple, but for the best result it is desirable to create conditions for it close to the "climatic homeland" - the tropics. The air humidity in the room should be at least 70-75%. In addition, in the summer, the banana must be sprayed every day and wiped over the foliage with a cloth. V winter period spraying is best minimized, once every 7 days is enough.

Container and soil mixture

The soil for the plant should be very nutritious and breathable.

Ideal for the foundation suitable soil from under deciduous trees (acacia, linden, birch). Oak, chestnut and poplar are an exception. Just dig a bucket of earth under the tree, then add 0.5 kg of ash, 1 kg of humus and 2 kg of sand.

The finished soil mixture must be disinfected with boiling water or calcining. Be sure to provide good drainage. To do this, lay 3-5 cm of expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom of the container, sprinkle with wet sand, and then pour the earthen mixture itself.

On the initial stage for planting, you need to take a small volume container. Transplanting into a large container is immediately undesirable, since the "young" will not be able to absorb so much moisture from a large container.

This will lead to the occurrence of the process of rotting of the root system. It is imperative to transplant a banana into a larger container, but only after the roots have sprouted through the drainage holes. During the transplant process, you need to very carefully remove the fragile root so that it does not get damaged. The ideal way is to transfer the plant to a new pot. After each transshipment, the indoor banana should be immersed deeper into the ground, so choose containers with sufficient depth.


In order for the indoor banana to bear fruit, it must be fed. Fertilizers should be applied only to moistened soil so that the roots do not get burned. In spring and summer, the plant needs to be fertilized quite often - once every 7 days, and in winter you can do without fertilizers altogether or feed it once every 30-40 days. As a top dressing, it is good to take a mullein solution or herbal infusions from weeds. For adults, you can use a decoction of fish, this will enhance the fruiting process.

Banana propagation and growing at home

Bananas propagate by means of seeds and shoots. Edible fruits we are used to do not contain seeds, these varieties (Cavendish, Kiev dwarf, etc.) reproduce only in a vegetative way. But the fruits grown from seeds are not suitable for human consumption.

Therefore, it is important to decide what you want to get - an ornamental plant or a crop! In fruits decorative varieties(Chinese dwarf, Velvety, Lavender) little soft mass and huge number seeds, they are completely inedible, but they can be a wonderful decoration for your home.

For growing in indoor conditions it is better to take unpretentious dwarf varieties, because caring for them is quite simple.

These plants can bear fruit at home, but to do this, you will have to buy the shoot already planted in the ground in the store. Most often, growing a banana is a way to decorate your apartment with unusual "greenery", and such a plant with inedible fruits can be grown from seeds.

Growing from seeds: preparation

Caring for an adult plant is not a problem, but the very cultivation of exotic plants from seeds is a painstaking business. Banana seed shells are quite hard, so mechanical scarification must be done to facilitate germination. Just planting the seeds is not enough; they must be carefully prepared. Take a seed and soak it for a day in water at a comfortable temperature, the liquid will need to be changed several times. After the outer shell becomes soft, scratch it with a file, needle or sandpaper. But movements must be careful to avoid damage to the core.

Planting and care instructions

  1. After preparing the seeds, we plant them in the prepared soil mixture, pressing them with a finger to a depth of no more than 1 cm.There should be an interval of 5 cm between the seeds.
  2. Then set the pot in a well-lit warm place, cover with foil or glass. At this stage, the earthen mixture should be constantly moisturized.
  3. You will have to wait from 2 to 10 weeks before the first shoots appear, then we remove the mini-greenhouse.
  4. When the seedlings have formed several leaves, they can be planted in individual containers, ensuring good drainage. During the first year of life, the plant will have to be transplanted frequently, as their roots grow rapidly.
  5. Further, we support standard care. In the summer, we spray the plant daily and apply fertilizer once a week, shade it from direct sunlight. And in winter, we leave the indoor banana alone in a warm room, only occasionally watering and feeding. Sudden temperature changes must not be allowed!

As you can see, caring for this exotic plant is not difficult at all! However, you need to show a lot of care and attention to admire the result!

Banana is a plant that requires warm, humid climates, but can be grown at home. Keep in mind that bananas are demanding in care, which means that you will have to learn all the intricacies of caring for them. Find out, how to grow bananas at home and add a touch of tropical exoticism in your own summer cottage.

Ways to grow a banana at home

Advanced summer residents know how to grow a banana from seeds, as well as from a purchased banana. Before planting a plant, decide for what purpose. If you sow the seeds of a banana tree, an uncultivated plant will grow, so its fruits should not be eaten.

The advantage of such a banana is that the tree will turn out to be stronger and more resistant to various diseases. Another option is to buy a ready-made banana seedling in a pot. Today, breeders have bred different subspecies of bananas, which, after flowering, will delight you and your children with edible fruits.

Planning grow bananas in the apartment? Then give preference dwarf varieties, for example, Super or Kiev dwarf. These bananas are small - up to 1.6 meters, so they are suitable for growing in a room.

How to grow banana seeds yourself

Unlike others, banana seeds have a dense skin, so they need to be held. To do this, you need to take a needle or a piece sandpaper and damage the seed coat. A few scratches will be enough for the seed to germinate and the first sprout will emerge from it.

Pick up suitable pot and prepare a mixture of peat and river sand... It is important to have good drainage, so no fertilizing is needed. Press the seed well into the prepared soil, while you should not fill it up from above, leave access to the light. When growing a banana from seed, the pot will need to be covered with plastic wrap to increase germination. Do not forget to ventilate the sprout after 3-4 days by lifting the film. When the earth dries up, it should be moistened with a spray bottle. Watch out for mold. If, nevertheless, a fungus has developed on the surface of the earth due to moisture, pour the banana with a solution of potassium permanganate.

If you want to grow not a decorative, but an edible banana with your own hands, then it is better to immediately buy an already grown bush. It can be grown both indoors and outdoors.

Caring for a banana tree at home

Regardless of whether you bought a plant or grew it yourself from seeds, it is important to properly care for it in the future. Remember banana needs good drainage, which can be done with expanded clay. If initially the plant is in a small pot, it is better to immediately transplant it into a container of 5-7 liters.

Bananas love moisture, so you should not only water them, but also spray the leaves regularly. When the tree blooms, it can be fed with organic matter. To prevent the tree from withering and dying, it is important to maintain temperature regime 25-30 degrees. V optimal conditions banana grows quickly and after the appearance of 10-15 leaves and blooms.

A banana tree can grow in the country, however, not every variety is suitable for growing in open ground... The rhizomes of some types of bananas are quite strong and tolerate sub-zero temperature... Before the very frosts, the plant is completely cut off, leaving about 10 cm of the stem, and then covered with sawdust. In this case, your banana will survive well. winter season, and in the summer will again give lush foliage.

How to grow bananas at home, now you know, all that remains is to find a convenient way, to choose suitable view plants and try. Expand yours in the country, decorating them with new tropical plants. The banana tree will be a real highlight suburban area or windowsill.

Perhaps people who are completely indifferent to ornamental plants and do not seek to decorate their home with flowers in pots and tubs are a rarity. Indeed, green pets decorate the house and purify the air, and do not require a lot of time to care for. As for preferences, they, of course, are different for everyone. Someone is content with the most common and unpretentious home ornamental plants, and someone likes exotic, and then you can set yourself a more difficult and interesting task. For example, how to grow a banana at home? It's not that easy, but it's real. In tropical countries, bananas are cultivated in industrial scale, well, in the northern regions their decorative qualities are appreciated.

Banana: Is It Really Herb?

Not so long ago, banana fruits were absolutely exotic for our country. Now, of course, you will not surprise anyone with them, but what the plant itself is is still not known to everyone. If you have any thoughts about how to grow a banana at home, it will not be superfluous to know that this is not a palm tree at all, although it resembles it very much. Banana - perennial herbaceous plant... He has a powerful root system, but there is no trunk at all. There is a stem, but it hardly protrudes above the ground. What is usually mistaken for a trunk is actually a tube of banana leaf stalks arranged in a spiral and tightly inserted into each other.

It's hard to believe in herbaceous nature banana also because this plant in natural conditions is capable of reaching an average height of 2 to 9 m. Some species grow and taller, making the banana, along with bamboo, the tallest herbs in the world. Do not be afraid of such a height if you doubt whether it is possible to grow a banana at home: its decorative varieties rarely grow above 1.5 m.

Banana as an ornamental plant. Banana leaves

Florists who are interested in the question of how to grow a banana at home are not attracted to this plant by its fruits, which, by the way, are rarely edible in decorative varieties. Some species have exceptionally spectacular leaves, while others are prized for original flowers. Cultivated banana varieties are a hybrid species that does not occur in nature.

Banana leaves are large, oblong, with parallel veins, along which they tear easily under strong wind or rain, thereby reducing the shock load on the plant. Depending on the variety, they can be completely green or covered with crimson spots. Sometimes the leaves are green only on top, and on the inside - red-purple. The plant grows very quickly: in just a week, under optimal conditions, one leaf can fully grow.

How a banana blooms

A banana begins to bloom on average in the third year of life. A bud of red, purple, lavender or yellow (rarely) appears at the top of the plant and, as it blooms, most often goes down. In the inflorescence there are female flowers from which fruits, bisexual and male, develop. Interestingly, in the inflorescence, development proceeds continuously: while the upper flowers are pollinated, the fruits are already ripening below. How to grow a banana at home in order to be able to admire its fascinating flowering process, which can last almost a whole year, will be described below.

Banana propagation

Although the fruit of a banana is from the point of view of botany a multi-seeded berry, in cultivated forms it is most often devoid of seeds. Reproduction of such plants occurs in a vegetative way: after fruiting, it dies and is replaced by a new root process. Have wild plants in the pulp of the fruit there can be up to 200 pieces of hard pointed seeds. Their length can be different and range from 3 to 16 mm.

The easiest way to think about how to grow a banana at home is to buy a ready-made shoot in a flower shop. They can offer different types ornamental plant: from one that can be kept in a pot on a table, to quite high for a spacious room, winter garden or greenhouses.

How to grow a banana at home from seeds: the preparatory stage

Experienced growers may be very interested in such a painstaking task of how to grow a banana from a seed at home. First, you need to soak the seeds for at least a day in warm water, replacing it several times. When the hard shell has slightly softened, it should be lightly scratched with a nail file or sandpaper, or pricked with a large needle, taking care not to damage the core. This process is called mechanical scarification and facilitates the germination of those seeds that, as in the case of a banana, are protected by a very strong shell.

Planting seeds

Next, we grow a banana from a seed at home as follows: you need to plant the prepared seeds in a mixture of sand and peat to a depth not exceeding their size, and find a bright and warm place for the container with heating at about 30 ° C (you can use a battery), covering it with glass and making sure that the soil in it is constantly slightly moist. Perhaps, in such mini-greenhouses, shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks, but it is possible that you will have to be patient and wait a little longer, sometimes up to 10 weeks. However, having appeared, the sprouts grow very quickly.

After 2-3 leaves appear in seedlings, they can be dived into separate containers. In the first year of life, the banana will have to be transplanted several times, each time choosing a larger pot and planting the plant a little deeper than the previous time - this contributes to the formation of additional roots. Be sure to equip good drainage at the bottom of the pot and use neutral soil for planting.

Plants grown from seeds are more viable than those grown vegetatively, but usually almost always have inedible fruits.

Optimal conditions for a banana

In an effort to collect as much information as possible on how to grow a banana at home, you must remember that the plant is native to the tropics of Southeast Asia. Therefore, in order for it to feel good, it is necessary to recreate the conditions of its homeland for it. And this implies a temperature regime within 22-26 ºС, without sudden fluctuations, high humidity and a lot of light. In winter, it is worth organizing additional lighting for the banana, so that the daylight hours lasts at least 14 hours a day. At the same time, it is better to provide diffused light, and slightly shade the plant at noon. Drafts and sudden changes in temperature will kill the banana.

In summer, the banana is watered abundantly, however, preventing water from stagnating in the pan. In winter, if the air temperature is at the level of 18-20 ºС, watering should be reduced and the plant should be dormant. The plant is very fond of regular spraying (in summer this procedure can be carried out daily) and wiping the leaves with a damp sponge.

Due to the active growth, plant feeding is carried out weekly in summer, while in winter it can be carried out once a month, preferably using organic fertilizers.

Popular varieties of decorative banana

Now, having the basic information on how to grow a banana at home from seeds (see the photo of the plant in the review), you might think which variety of this tropical beauty is better to give preference to.

The golden lotus is so named for its large yellow flowers... It grows in the highlands of China. Able to tolerate low air temperature, flesh to zero.

The lavender banana has spectacular bright yellow flowers with purple bracts and grows well indoors.

Bloody banana, with wine-red spots on the leaves, is attractive even outside the flowering period, the fruits are inedible. The pink velvet banana features vibrant green leaves and pink flowers, which are replaced by small, fleecy edible fruits of the same shade with many seeds inside.

The scarlet banana owes its name to the bright red-orange bracts. It is not a very tall variety, reaching a maximum of 1 m.

A dwarf banana grows up to 1.5 m, the fruits are sweet and quite large. The Japanese banana is the most cold-resistant species, for this reason it can be cultivated in the open field of the southern regions of Russia. The fruits of this variety are inedible.

Many people think that growing a banana at home is a difficult task. However, practice shows that everything is quite simple.

With proper care of the fruit tree, the fruit will be tasty and sweet.

Basic information

The banana plant is often called banana tree, but this is an erroneous opinion, because it does not apply to tree crops. Basically, it is a herb that can grow from 1 to 8 meters, depending on the variety. In addition, homemade bananas are always much smaller than those grown in wildlife... The large stem consists of dried leaf stalks. With normal growth, the banana blooms profusely and bears many fruits. After the harvest is ripe, the plant begins to die. Instead of old and shriveled stems, new offspring begin to grow, which will soon repeat the entire life cycle first.

Growing a banana at home often does not cause serious problems for gardeners. The plant is able to bear its first fruits after three years of growth. A banana quickly grows green mass, and during the normal course of the growing season, one leaf will appear on it a week. The older the plant, the larger its leaves will be. They can be up to 3 meters long and up to 1 meter wide. The color can vary from contrasting green to greenish-reddish. With proper care of the plant, it will be able to bloom and bear tasty fruits (it all depends on the variety and type). Flowers usually have a yellow and red tint, they are grouped at the top of the inflorescence. Banana fruits are commonly called berries. In the first days of ripening, they have green color but turns yellow or red over time. Ripe fruit is sweet, sometimes with a slight sourness.

What types are suitable for growing at home

There are two types of bananas - decorative and fruit

All types can be divided into several categories - decorative bananas and fruit.

Ornamental bananas are grown for interior decoration, their fruits are inedible.

We list the most common varieties:

  • Banana Velvety - grows up to 1.3 meters;
  • Lavender - up to 1.5 meters;
  • Bright red - up to 1 meter;
  • Chinese dwarf - up to 1.5 meters.

The most common among fruit varieties- the following:

  • Pointed - up to 2 meters;
  • Dwarf Cavendish - from 1.8 to 2.4 meters;
  • Super dwarf Cavendish - from 1 to 1.3 meters;
  • Kiev dwarf - from 1.5 to 1.7 meters;
  • Kiev super dwarf - up to 1 meter.

The last two varieties were bred by the Ukrainian breeder Anatoly Patiy in 1998. He assures that even at home, with high-quality care, the presented varieties can give up to 160 fruits, which will not differ in any way from the store ones.


You can use seeds to plant a banana.

Those who are not afraid of the difficulties in growing can buy seeds for planting a banana. Some varieties are considered indoor, they rarely grow more than 1.5 meters. This is especially important for the inhabitants small apartments and houses.

  • Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in warm water for several days. It is important that the water temperature during this period is kept within 35 ° C - 40 ° C.
  • The water needs to be changed, but no more than 2-3 times during the entire period.
  • After the expiration date, banana seeds must be cleaned of pulp and mucus.
  • Then they need to be disinfected in diluted 10% bleach. Next, the seeds are thoroughly washed in clean cool water.
  • Landing is carried out at a distance of 7 to 10 centimeters from each other. But it will still be better if each of them is planted in different pots. So the risk of damage to the root system during growth will be minimal.

Pot selection

In order for the banana to grow and bear fruit correctly, you must choose the right pot.

Banana is not a very whimsical plant, but despite this, in order for it to grow properly and bear fruit, you need to choose the right pot. For small, recently germinated plants (up to about 20 centimeters), a 3 liter container is quite suitable. A banana that has grown to 1.5 meters must be transplanted into a 20 liter container. But for an adult plant you need to purchase big pot with a capacity of more than 50 liters.

Helpful Hint: It is important not to forget that replanting the banana is necessary as it grows. If a small plant is immediately planted in a large container, its root system may start to rot, causing discomfort.

Substrate and transplant

The best soil is under such deciduous trees like walnut, linden, birch and acacia. Poplar, chestnut, and oak are all bad options.

You need to dig the outer 5-10 centimeters of soil. Then 500 grams should be added to this soil (per bucket) wood ash, 2 kilograms of river sand and 1 kilogram of humus or vermicompost. Place it all carefully and fill with boiling water or ignite for disinfection.

It is important that a drainage layer is present - depending on the size of the pot, it can have a height of 4 to 10 centimeters. Above it, you need to lay a layer of sea sand, and only then - the soil itself.

It is important to pay attention to small feature- do not place the pot directly on the pallet. First, put a few flat stones or a grate in it, and only then set the container. Thus, air will flow to the root system, and the banana will grow better.

Air plays the same role as water. Therefore, its access must be provided both from below and from above. To do this, a few days after watering, loosen the topsoil 1 centimeter. With each transfer, the banana needs to be deepened into the ground more than the previous time. So choose deep pots.

Watering and humidity

Banana loves water because its leaves are large enough to evaporate a significant amount of moisture. It is not necessary to water the plant often, but abundantly. This should be done when a few centimeters of the upper soil is completely dry. The water temperature for irrigation should be in the range of 25-30 ° C. It is important to water the banana generously so that the water can seep into the drain holes. This will keep the plant fed regularly.

If in winter the temperature in the room is about 18 ° C, the number of waterings must be reduced in order to avoid rotting of the root system. It is important to ensure good humidity (at least 70%) in the room where the plant stands.

Helpful Information: In the summer, spray the banana leaves every day, in the winter it will be enough to do this once a week. Wipe them from dust regularly.


The acceptable temperature for normal growth is around 25-30 ° C. At 15 ° C, the plant will stop developing. Make sure the temperature is always kept at the same level. If in the summer a banana is located in the garden or on the balcony, then with the arrival of cold nights it must be brought into the house.


Home-grown bananas require special care. So, they need bright light during the growing season. At lunchtime when Sun rays especially active, it is recommended to move the plant to the shade, away from the "hell". In winter, for normal growth, you need to install a special suspension. If the banana grows on the windowsill, be sure to make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass, as they can burn. It is also unacceptable to leave the plant in a draft. The sudden changes in temperature will not be good for the banana, it is, after all, a tropical culture.

Helpful information: It is best to place the plant on the south side. The northern placement will be the most unfortunate, regardless of the season.

Top dressing

For a plant to bear fruit, it must be fertilized. Top dressing should be poured exclusively into moist soil so as not to damage the plant root. Feed the banana once a week during the warm season, and once a month during the cold season.

The following solutions work well. They can be used in the same order:

  • Humus (any, except chicken and pork is suitable) or vermicompost;
  • You can also use fish ear with humus. It is only suitable for an adult plant (over 1 meter). This fertilizer greatly enhances fruiting.
  • Infusion any green grass(weed, quinoa and lupine will do).

Pests and diseases

When growing a banana at home, pests practically do not bother the plant. The only one that can harm is a spider mite. It appears at very low humidity.

Useful information: Every day, inspect the leaves of the plant for diseases and harmful insects, especially if it was purchased recently and has not yet passed the quarantine period. For prevention, you need to loosen the top layer of the soil and sprinkle it with tobacco dust. This procedure should be done no more than once a month. Some gardeners water the plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate once every six months.

Video: How to grow a banana at home?

Growing bananas at home is not difficult at all. It is important to just adhere to all the rules for caring - and after a while you will be able to taste the fruits of your efforts.