Repair Design Furniture

What pots are ideal for phalaenopsis? Which pot is better to choose for an orchid Flowerpots for orchids how to choose the right one

Orchids are one of the most beautiful indoor plants. They decorate millions of homes, as they are easy to care for. A special highlight is given by special pots for orchids made of transparent plastic or glass. Orchid is a beautiful and amazing plant. At the moment, there are a lot of its varieties. Each one is unique and individual in its own way. All varieties of this plant are distinguished by three criteria: aroma, color of flowers and size.

Capacity selection

There are only two types of orchids: epiphytes and lithophytes. The former grow in nature on trees and stumps, while the latter grow on stones and rocks. There are more than twenty-six thousand species of orchids all over the world. In order for them to bloom and please the eye, good care should be provided. For this plant the detrimental factor is excess water. Therefore, you need to choose the right pot for the orchid, pay great attention to the outflow of water from the tank.

In flower shops there is a huge assortment of flower utensils for every taste and color. Previously, planters and flowerpots were popular, and now flower containers are becoming increasingly popular. In such an assortment, it is quite difficult to choose a pot in which a flower should be grown.

To understand which pot is needed for an orchid, you need to rely on the following rules:

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In addition to all these factors, the flowerpot should create a favorable temperature regime for the flower. For such purposes, it is best to choose transparent plastic containers. But some orchid growers prefer earthenware. The following are tips on which orchid pot is best. What should be pots for orchids, it's up to you.

Plastic planters

Plastic pots are quite popular. Such a pot will not allow it to dry out or die from excess moisture. These products are very easy to maintain. The special structure of such pots has a perforation for the outflow of excess water. The number of holes can be changed by adding new ones without damaging the container. Plastic constructions perfectly tolerate prolonged exposure to the sun and in the shade, well protecting the flower roots from overheating or hypothermia.

Sometimes, when planting orchids, flower growers are faced with cases when the grown roots came out through the drainage holes. In order not to injure the root system of the plant, the plastic can be easily cut with household scissors. Also through the plastic construction will be visible:

  • Is the substrate dry?
  • Has the moisture been used up?
  • Development of the root system.

Ceramic bowls

The main advantage of ceramic orchid pots is the high permeability of moisture and air. When watering, moisture does not accumulate in one place, but quickly fills the entire earthen clod. In such a pot, the roots do not dry for a very long time and are protected from overheating.

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Having a lot of advantages, ceramics has a number of disadvantages:

Before planting a plant in a clay bowl, certain rules must be followed. After purchase, the bowl should be sterilized. An oven is suitable for disinfection. After cooling, the container must be soaked in water. If the transplant takes place in a previously used container, it must be soaked in slightly acidic water.

glass pots

If you want to protect the flower from sticking roots to the inner walls, then a glass pot will come to the rescue. Such containers are well permeable to light, but dangerous for inexperienced flower growers. There are no drainage holes in the glass, and you need to know the exact amount of water required for irrigation. Another significant disadvantage: in the event of a fall on the floor, such a pot will break into small pieces that can injure households or pets.

Any container for a plant must meet the following requirements:

Orchids, heat-loving houseplants, stand out for their unique beauty and elegance. There are over 700 species of this luxurious flower and 30,000 hybrid varieties. This type of herbaceous plant is distinguished by the structure, it is the same for all orchids.

Phalaenopsis Needs

Orchid and phalaenopsis have the same needs: light, air, moisture, nutrients. These factors are the same for them, since the word orchid contains the name of a flower family, phalaenopsis is the name of a plant genus in the orchid family. The Phalaenopsis orchid has won the popularity of flower growers with touching grace and beauty.

The first glance at the plant has a simple structure, however, a closer study of it is striking in its strict simplicity and logic. Each element of the plant performs its function. The main thing for these plants is light, moisture, air.

The exquisite, unique beauty of orchids attracts many flower growers. It is better to grow them in greenhouses. However, thanks to the work of breeders, it is now possible to purchase various types and varieties that grow successfully in a room. Lighting and room temperature are quite acceptable for them. However, an important question arises: in which vessel should the plant be planted?

Note. Phalaenopsia roots increase the process of photosynthesis if they receive additional lighting. Therefore, it should be placed in a transparent pot, this will make it possible to control the condition of the plant.

Phalaenopsis blooming in greenhouses and apartments are hybrids, descendants of the phalaenopsis genus, whose birthplace is the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. As a result of selection, orchids have changed the color scheme, size and shape of flowers, but retained the basic natural habits:

  • love for a constant warm temperature in the range of 20-28 ° C;
  • habitat on tree trunks growing above streams, swampy forest areas. The aerial roots of orchids rise to the top of the tree, entwining it with their strong, tenacious roots;
  • Plants get the water they need from the same roots that absorb it during the rainy season, the damp morning mist, and the ambient air saturated with moisture.
  • the nutrient composition, consisting of washings of the products of decay of foliage, bird droppings, insects, is also absorbed by the roots and used by the plant.

For orchids, tree trunks serve as a support on the way to light and the sun, they do not take anything away from the plant. Based on these needs of phalaenopsis, approximately the same conditions should be created on the windowsill.

The main requirements that lovers of growing orchids must comply with are:

  • clean, necessary humidity air,
  • no dust,
  • the right vessel,
  • substrate.

The value of the vessel for growing orchids

Creating conditions close to the genetic needs of phalaenopsis is the main task when growing them in a room. The absence of roots in phlenopsis determines the specific choice of vessel. In this case, one cannot make a mistake in choosing a container - a plant planted in an inappropriate container is not able to give the very luxurious flowering for which orchids are bought.

Based on the requirements of the orchid that it needs, we will consider all the options for containers, find out which dishes are more suitable for the hybrid.

After buying a phalaenopsis, caring for it consists in proper watering and maintaining the optimal temperature regime for this plant.

When buying an orchid, you probably noticed that the container in which the seedling is placed is transparent and filled with a substrate that does not look like ordinary earth. This technique provides light access to the roots of the plant and allows you to control the condition of the substrate and roots. The plant needs very careful, careful watering. It is desirable to do without water at all, but to provide the plant with high humidity.

Two years later from the date of purchase of the seedling, agricultural technology changes slightly. It's time for top dressing and more voluminous watering.

For top dressing use liquid fertilizers marked on the container - "For orchids". Doses should be small. Usually, instructions for dosage and watering are attached to the package.

Orchid transplant

A plant that has grown up, strengthened, and adapted to a new environment needs to be transplanted to a permanent habitat. To which one is better to choose peas for orchids? It must be perfect not only externally. The orchid must find a home that will allow it to grow, gain strength for flowering.

Note. When transplanting an orchid, wounds remain in place of the removed roots, so watering is allowed only after 2-3 days. During this time, the wounds will heal a little. Irrigation will also change. You should be more careful with the fresh substrate, as it dries faster than the old one.

Since the orchid does not need an annual transplant, it is necessary to choose the ideal pot for it. On sale are pots made of various materials. Let's consider them all.

Transparent plastic pot

Orchid owners do not think about which pot to grow this flower in, as a rule, they prefer transparent and translucent plastic vessels. And this is absolutely correct. Especially if such a vessel has holes.

Thanks to the use of such vessels, orchids receive:

  • good coverage of the root system;
  • ideal flow of water through the holes in the bottom of the vessel;
  • root ventilation;
  • the material has a stable temperature in its structure. Plastic is not subject to overheating and hypothermia, which protects the orchid from sudden changes in temperature.

Clay and ceramic pots

Clay and ceramic containers have a number of advantages of natural material. The porosity of the clay provides the vessels in which the orchid should grow with high air permeability, which is necessary for its roots. Due to another property of kaolin, water impermeability, moisture is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the pot, which protects the roots of the plant from drying out.

However, some advantages of the material turn into disadvantages due to the qualities of the orchid, which has retained its epiphytic ability to stick to the surface for climbing. In the conditions of the vessel, they are firmly held on its walls and, if necessary, transplanting a plant, there is a danger of damage to the roots of the plant.

Most likely, an orchid in a vessel made of clay or ceramics will get sick, because with irrigation water and top dressing, the inner surface of the pot will be covered with salts. Consequence: decrease in porosity, aeration of the vessel, the death of the plant is likely. Such a vessel suitable for orchids.

But! Producers don't sleep. They produce very beautiful ceramic pots with special holes. They can be glazed. Such containers are very suitable for growing phalaenopsis, in addition, they eliminate the need to hide unattractive plastic with decorative flowerpots.

Glass container for orchids

Of course, in a glass pot, the roots of the orchid are clearly visible. But growing it in such a vessel is difficult. In such a pot, you can not add additional holes to improve aeration and drain excess water.

The substrate for growing orchids in a glass container must be prepared with a special approach. Properly it can be prepared by flower growers with extensive experience in growing phalaenopsis. Only they will be able to choose the right layer of drainage. Such nuances will provide orchids with the necessary air exchange. Otherwise, algae will grow in the glass, due to the improper drying of the substrate, the roots will rot, which will cause orchid disease. With strict observance of all the rules, it is possible to allow the cultivation of orchids in a glass vessel.

Pot from improvised material

It is not difficult to make a suitable container with your own hands. Having chosen the material for the pot, having decided on the size, you can begin to create a future abode for the orchid. The most affordable material is any plastic containers, you can not limit yourself in shape and color. Although, of course, it is better to take transparent containers from mayonnaise, yogurt, sauces, etc.

Using a screwdriver, drill or any suitable tool, many holes are made in the bottom of the container container. Holes are also made in the side walls.

To prevent flower roots from being densely distributed along the bottom, a plastic champagne cork should be placed in the middle of the bottom of the vessel. This technique will improve air exchange in the vessel.

Special purchased plastic containers for orchids.

Another option for a homemade pot is natural materials that mimic the conditions native to the plant:

  1. Coconut.
  2. Tree bars.
  3. Pieces of bark.

Orchid pot and its dimensions

An important nuance in growing phalaenopsis is pot size. Observations show that the orchid feels most comfortable in a pot that is somewhat cramped for him; this is a natural feature of the plant. Therefore, the characteristics of the pot in which it is better to plant phalaenopsis should be as follows:

  • the height and diameter of the pot should be equal to the diameter of its neck;
  • the root system of the orchid must fill the volume of the vessel completely;

For transplanting an orchid, you should choose a vessel that is slightly larger than the previous one in volume. This is a necessary condition for preserving the unique plant's ability to maintain health and strength.

substrate for orchids

At home, Phalaenopsis orchids need a slightly unusual soil. Its basis is pine bark, which is processed in a certain way:

  • cut the bark collected in the forest into small pieces, boil and dry. This is necessary in order to avoid the development of pathogenic fungi and mold;
  • cooked pine bark is mixed with expanded clay and charcoal. The ratio of components is 2:1:1.

In such a mixture, coal and expanded clay will act as moisture accumulators, then saturate the bark with it. The charcoal will fulfill its purpose as an antiseptic.

An orchid must grow in the right substrate, whether it's homemade or store bought.

Note. Phalaenopsis is very sensitive to the amount of moisture. The lack of moisture of the plant will cause it to wilt, with an excess of water, the root shell is broken and the plant dies.

Phalaenopsis place in the room

Having determined the material of the pot, what size the vessel for the orchid should be, having prepared the substrate, you need to choose a place in the room for the flower.

Phalaenopsis feels good on a window facing east. A window in a south or west direction is recommended to be protected from bright light with a curtain. You can determine the lack or excess of light by the color of the foliage. It should be olive in color.

After flowering, the phalaenopsis is cut off and set to rest in any place away from bright sunlight.

Personal experience on video

Orchids are special plants, delicate, graceful, symbolizing elegance and impeccable taste. Since caring for them is somewhat more difficult than for ordinary indoor flowers, it is considered prestigious among flower growers to breed orchids of various types. And what is interesting - the peculiarity of these plants is not only in care and form, even a pot for an orchid is special.

What pot is needed for an orchid

Features of the orchid are due to the conditions in which these plants grow in nature. They do not actually need ordinary soil, they mainly cling to tree trunks, rocks and stones with their roots.

The second feature is that these flowers grow in the tropics in bright light conditions. And the third - they are not watered in the truest sense of the word, but are washed by rainwater.

Based on this, orchid pots at home should be:

  • transparent or translucent for sufficient light access to the root system;
  • with holes that provide ventilation of the roots and good drainage of water;
  • made of material that does not overheat and does not overcool.

By the way, transparency is needed not only because orchids have mostly photosynthetic roots. Through a transparent material, you can also monitor the state of the root system. You will quickly notice if a potted orchid flower needs watering - the roots will start to turn pale. And if they start to bulge out of the container, then a transplant is needed.

Another condition - the roots of plants should not be attached to the inner walls of the pot. All these conditions are met primarily by plastic. Although ceramic and glass containers are also sold in stores, plastic orchids are the best option. The ideal model, by the way, in this regard, is considered a pot for the orchid "Crown".

True, it is not always possible to find a container of a suitable size in the store. Or not everything that traders pass off as an orchid really meets all of the above conditions. But flowerpots are not at all necessary to buy - you can make a pot for an orchid with your own hands or modify those products that are on sale. It is enough to take an ordinary plastic pot and make additional wide holes in the bottom.

DIY orchid pot: stages and features

One of the easiest options is to buy any food product in a supermarket that is packaged in a plastic transparent bucket. Quite often, fermentations, sour-milk products, ice cream are packed in such containers. Agree, in appearance this bucket is very similar to a flowerpot for an orchid. As, in principle, and in its properties.

Further, in order to make a pot for an orchid with your own hands, you just need to drill a sufficient number of holes in the bucket at the bottom and at the bottom of the side walls. To do this, you can use a drill, soldering iron or knife. There should be a few more holes than in a branded flowerpot. Your homemade pot does not have legs, so you need to make it as breathable as possible. Although, if you dream up, you can figure out what to build the legs from.

DIY orchid pot made of glass

You will probably be surprised, but even a branded glass flowerpot can be replaced. To do this, you can use a large tall vase. It is suitable for Vanda orchids. Their root system is well developed, and therefore it is not always easy to grow it in an ordinary pot. Here's a vase.

When watering, you will pour water into it, Wanda's roots will be sufficiently saturated with moisture in half an hour or an hour, and then the water can be drained, leaving only a small amount of it at the bottom. This liquid will be enough for the roots, which must be placed slightly above the bottom.

But in general, experts believe that glass containers are not the best option for orchids. After all, you cannot drill holes in them, which means that there will not be sufficient ventilation of the roots. A plant in a ceramic flowerpot will feel even worse. The roots will grow to the walls, which means that during transplantation there is a high risk of injury. In addition, most of these flowerpots inside are glazed, that is, there will be no air access to the plant. So it is better to make a pot for an orchid with your own hands from plastic.

Orchid care in a pot

If you managed to make an orchid pot with your own hands, you will already be sure that it meets all the requirements - the walls are transparent, there are enough holes, the material “breathes” and does not cling to the roots of the plant. Now your task is only to properly care for the orchid. There are not so many conditions. These are, in particular:

  1. Smart watering. It is better to underfill than to overfill. Focus on the dryness of the top layer of the substrate. Reduce the amount of watering at the time of rest of the plant by half. Use different techniques - spraying, dipping, watering under the shower, rain. If you made a pot for an orchid with your own hands, there will be no problems with this. Watch the water temperature and its hardness.
  2. Optimal temperature. For each type of orchid, it is different. The best temperature for most varieties of this plant is 20-23 degrees.
  3. Sufficient ventilation. Orchids love fresh air, but they are afraid of drafts.
  4. Regular, but not excessive feeding.

How to transplant an orchid into a larger pot

As mentioned above, thanks to the transparency of the plastic, you will be able to visually notice when the orchid needs to be transplanted. By the way, this is often not worth doing - a live orchid in a pot is very sensitive to such manipulations. But if the roots began to burst the container, there is nowhere to go - the plant simply will not develop normally further.

At the same time, do not take a container that is too large - the orchid should be quite crowded in it. Check if all the roots of the plant are in order - cut off the damaged ones, and sprinkle the cut points with crushed activated charcoal. First, a do-it-yourself orchid pot, fill a quarter with drainage material (it can be pieces of broken brick), and then pour the substrate.

Indoor floriculture is a popular hobby. At home, plants from all over the world coexist on one window. Successful cultivation of various representatives of the flora depends on proper care and creation of special conditions for them. If in the past the most popular flowers were geraniums and ficuses, now unique, bright tropical flowers in a pot are increasingly settling in city apartments. Orchid is a very beautiful plant that will require special care.


Growing any plant begins with studying the characteristics of its growth. Orchids are epiphytes whose natural habitat is the tropical rainforests of Asia, Africa and Oceania.

They grow on trees, attaching their roots to the ledges and bumps in the bark. The orchid family is numerous. This detachment is constantly replenished with artificially bred hybrids. Representatives of this family differ in external data. Unites herbaceous perennials only the structure of the flower, which may differ in color and size. They delight with long abundant flowering.


For normal growth, you will need special pots for orchids. What should be the containers for a tropical unusual beauty? A feature of the plant is that it does not grow in the ground. Representatives of this species feed on other plants. And on how correctly the necessary conditions for growth are created, normal growth and abundant flowering depend. If a decision is made to grow tropical inhabitants, they first select a pot for orchids. How to choose the appropriate containers, and what kind of substrate to fill it with instead of earth?


In their natural habitat, orchids live in trees. Therefore, instead of an earthen mixture, a special substrate will be required. It can be purchased at specialized flower shops, but it is easy to make your own.

For this, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures before placing in a pot. The bark is boiled. Then it is dried for several days. Then boil again and, after drying, grind. The prepared bark is mixed with Sphagnum moss and filled with a mixture of containers for flowers.

Pot selection

Under natural conditions, orchids are constantly in the light. Also, flowers will need constant access to air. These conditions can provide transparent pots for orchids. At the same time, water should not stagnate in it. This is achieved by a special design of containers for this type of plant. The walls of the pot should have special holes through which air and moisture will flow. Its dimensions should correspond to the volume of the root system. Large containers should not be used. Medium-sized pots will suffice, in which the root system will fill the entire volume.

Plastic planter

To date, it is not difficult to pick up everything you need for growing indoor flowers. are made from various materials. Ideal plastic pots for orchids. They can be simple and inexpensive. At the same time, the orchid feels great in them. The price of such planters ranges from 11 to 200 rubles. For beginner gardeners who wish to grow orchids, it is best to purchase transparent plastic pots. They are convenient in that the root system of the plant is clearly visible.

This will allow you to properly organize watering and timely detect signs of disease. At the same time, the state of the root system is monitored. It should be green. If the roots are dry, this is a sign of insufficient moisture. Moisture evaporates more slowly in plastic pots. There is no salt deposition on the walls. When changing the pot, the root system is practically not injured. The top of the container should be wider than its bottom. There must be drainage holes. They are located at the bottom and side of the pots. If there are a small number of them, then additional holes are made on the side part, which will be necessary when watering the plant. The main condition is the purity during cultivation. The appearance of mold and dirt on the containers in which the flowers are placed is not allowed.

Primary requirements

The most common are clear plastic orchid pots. What conditions must be observed when planting plants in them? First of all, the planter must be made of high quality material. For an orchid, a pot of the appropriate size is selected. It should be slightly larger than the volume of the root system. This will ensure its growth. To ensure stability, a couple of granite pebbles are placed on the bottom of the pots. The shape of the pot is selected depending on the type of plant.

The bottom of the pot should have special perforated cones that are directed inward. Clear plastic pots can be decorated by placing them in a variety of hanging baskets or glass coasters.

Glass pots for orchids

Exotic plants will require special attention. At the same time, pots are also unusual for them. They must be transparent. Orchids are plants in which photosynthesis occurs in both leaves and roots. In a glass pot, the orchid will receive sufficient lighting. The price of such planters ranges from 250 to 550 rubles. They differ in texture and color. You can choose different shapes that will fit perfectly into the interior of an apartment or office. A volume of one or two liters have glass pots for orchids. What should be the conditions for keeping flowers in such flowerpots?

Growing features

Glass pots for orchids can have many holes, which are located at the bottom and side. In such pots, orchids are grown in a special substrate. It can be prepared according to the same principle as for plastic pots. However, a decorative glass pot can be with one hole in the center of the bottom or without them at all.

Such pots can be used for growing only certain types of orchids. These can be plants recommended for growing on blocks, with an open root system. These include Ascocenda and Philenopsis. A feature of cultivation is the absence of a substrate. Orchid in glass is easy to care for. Plants are watered once every three days. To do this, the pots are filled with water to the base of the flower. Dive time is 30 minutes. After that, the water is drained. If there is a hole in the pot, watering is done by immersing it in a container with liquid. In cool weather, moisturizing baths are less frequent. Their regularity is once every five days. It should be noted that after moistening, water should not be left at the bottom of the planter. This can lead to rotting of the root system. It is also unacceptable to use various hydrogels in glass planters. This beautiful technique is completely unsuitable for growing orchids.

ceramic pots

The main condition for a planter for orchids is aerobic properties. They must pass air and moisture well. Ceramic products must be slotted and have drainage holes. cooler than other types of containers for orchids. Therefore, in such planters, you can grow individual varieties of flowers, the root system of which prefers moderate temperature conditions.

The good thing is that they are more massive and stable. Such orchid pots will not turn over. What should be the growing conditions in ceramic pots?

Problematic issues

Possessing good aerobic qualities, they have a rough surface. This can lead to the growth of the roots of the flower to the walls of the container. If it is necessary to transplant orchids, they will be injured. Quite often, this can only be avoided by breaking the pot. Therefore, when choosing a ceramic container, glazed ceramic pots should be preferred.

In this case, it is preferable to choose light or white tones. Such pots in the summer will not overheat. Clay planters can be infected with various pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, before use, they are calcined at a temperature of two hundred degrees Celsius for two hours. Immediately before being placed in orchid pots, clay containers are kept for several hours in a container of water.

Baskets for orchids

This method is very decorative. The basket is made from various materials. Bamboo or wood, plastic or stainless metal mesh is suitable for it. The basket can replace blocks and orchid pots. What should be the rules for placing flowers in it?

First of all, the inner surface must be smooth. This will prevent the growth of the root system of the orchid. The basket is filled with substrate. The gaps in it are closed. When grown at home, daily moisture will be required. To preserve moisture, the root system is covered with sphagnum moss on top. Coriantheses, Draculas and Stanhopeis are grown in hanging baskets.

in which she will grow. In one case, drainage holes are needed to drain the water.

And in another case, a closed pot is used, completely sealed. The two methods are different, but both have the right to life.

Pots may be different, as they are cultivated in different ways.. It also depends on where the grower lives. So in the southern regions, where it is very hot in the summer, an excessive number of holes can lead to a strong root system.

Orchid pots can be with or without holes.

And a completely closed pot for flower growth in a closed system will not suit the grower if he has a cold room most of the time, because there may be roots.

Therefore, depending on the method and region of residence of the grower, pots are:

  • With large drainage holes at the bottom and sides of the container;
  • Completely sealed.

The perfect pot for every grower chooses himself, focusing on their plant conditions.

with holes

So all the same, do you need holes in the orchid pot? The container should not only emphasize the flower grown in it, but should also be home for the root system. She must feel comfortable.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose such containers that the water flowed well through the bark and flowed into the pan. Side holes will give good access to oxygen, especially if the bark is too small.

The plant has numerous covered with velamen, which, without access to oxygen, begins to rot. Therefore, when growing a flower in a pressed bark, lateral holes in are very important, because oxygen will flow through them, which is so necessary for the development of the root mass of the flower.

But you have to remember the terms in the room where the plant is to be grown. If the room is very hot and dry, then the side holes can greatly damage the roots, since the hot dry air will dry out the velamen and the flower will dry out its root system in 3-4 days.

Therefore, in dry and hot climates, drainage holes located in the bottom of the tank will suffice. If the climate is humid, then the side openings help get rid of excess moisture. So, when choosing a pot for your beauty, you need to pay attention to the weather conditions in the growing region.

Self-improvement of purchased containers

How to make holes in an orchid pot? If the grower has decided that he needs additional holes not only in the bottom of the pot, but also in the walls of the container, then he can make them.

Often flower growers themselves make holes in the pot with a hot tool.

For this purpose, apart from the plastic pot he will need:

  • Nail with a diameter of 5 mm.;
  • Screwdriver.

Not all three tools, but one thing. Since plastic is easy to adjust with hot, that is, making holes is very simple:

  • We heat the necessary tool over the fire of a gas burner;
  • And we make the required number of holes both at the bottom and in the side walls of the pot.

At the same time, it is necessary observe safety precautions:

  • Put an oilcloth on the table;
  • Hands should be in cloth gloves, as rubber ones can melt on contact with a hot tool and burn your hands;
  • There should not be children around who can touch a hot instrument;
  • A small container of water, where a hot tool is placed after work for cooling.

IMPORTANT! When working with a hot tool, you must be extremely careful not to injure yourself or those around you.

No holes

A pot without holes is used when growing a plant in a closed system. This method is often used to plants and its roots.

Can orchids be grown in it?

In a closed system, plants grow roots well, and flower appears faster. But there is one feature here, the pot is not selected according to the size of the root mass, but a little higher. Because in a closed pot put in layers.

You can grow an orchid in a pot without holes, but you need to be able to do it.

And what is important:

  • Expanded clay is laid in a layer of at least 4 cm;
  • Then comes a thick layer of sphagnum moss, bark;
  • And only then proceed to the orchid plant.

That is the roots should not touch expanded clay where the water will be.

If you choose the required height of the pot, this will be a good solution for growing orchids, provided that the temperature in the room does not fall below 18-20 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, when kept cool and at low temperatures root rot may occur.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive traits:

Negative qualities:

  1. With improper or frequent watering, there is a possibility of plant flooding and, as a result, rotting;
  2. Improper planting can provoke plants.

IMPORTANT! If the grower decides on this method of cultivating orchids, you need to familiarize yourself with the correct planting of the plant in a closed system.

Possible problems

Inexperienced flower growers pour a lot of water, and a constantly damp bush leg can begin to rot. Therefore, carried out the correct first and subsequent waterings help grow a good plant bush.

It should be noted that after processing and planting in a closed system, the plant is not watered for three days. He needs this time for drying cuts and damage produced on the roots during planting.

In the first watering, the entire container is poured with warm settled water and left for 20 minutes, after which the water is completely drained.

Remaining water from the bark go down and remain no higher than the expanded clay end line.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to follow the rules of watering and not violate it. Watering is done when there is no water left in the expanded clay layer.

Preventive measures for diseases

Top dressing is applied only on a leaf between waterings, while it is necessary to dilute the fertilizer intended for orchid plants with three times as much water. If you decide to add by roots, then just after watering so as not to burn the tender velamen of the roots.

IMPORTANT! It must be remembered that too frequent watering can lead to decay.

From plastic containers with their own hands

As mentioned above, you can make the required number of holes in the finished pot with a hot tool. Or you can weave a basket with large cells out of wire and lay it with sphagnum moss. Bark is poured into such a pot and an orchid is planted.

With their own hands, people make beautiful drawings and patterns on the pot instead of holes.

With such a cache-pot will drain water immediately after watering, so it will be necessary to carefully water the flower.

Materials from which containers are made


The glass planter is very beautiful, but it has a number of shortcomings:

  1. Does not keep the temperature during sudden changes in temperature;
  2. container weight;
  3. fragility;
  4. Price;
  5. A small number of different forms.

Despite the fact that there are certain inconveniences, many growers still prefer to grow flowers in glass vases.


In ceramic pots they can afford to cultivate a plant only experienced flower growers. Because it is necessary to determine the time of watering. Usually flower growers look at the state of the roots, they will immediately have to water, based on their intuition.

With very often velamen roots sticks to the walls of the pot, and then you have to sacrifice the pot when transplanting or the root system of the flower.

Useful video

Find out in the video in which pot to plant an orchid:

Look at the video, the pros and cons of a pot with holes:

Interesting facts on the video, how to choose the right pot for an orchid:

Video instruction on how to make holes in an orchid pot:


When choosing a container for growing orchids, you need to listen not only to your wishes, but also look at the conditions of the apartment where the flower will be cultivated.