Repairs Design Furniture

Aiihrison money tree. Aiihrison or tree of love care at home reproduction of photo room colors. Description of species of love tree

Aiihrison from the Tolstanka family enjoys wide popularity in bedroom flower growing due to high decorative qualities and ease of care. The people believe that the flower, which is also called the "love tree", is able to bring happiness, comfort and hectares to the house where it is well taken care of.

Aiihrison is a succulent herbaceous or semi-stabbed plant with severe shoots covered with oppositely located leaf-shaped leaves, which caused the appearance of the name "Love Tree".

In case of damage, leaf plates of green color, which can be both monophonic, and to have splashes, become a source of unpleasant odor. Flowering is marked in the second half of the spring, when yellow, cream or red star-shaped colors collected in shields or sweaters are blown. After the inflorescences are dried, the life forces leave the lifestyle and leaf outlets.

In natural habitat ranges, the succulent is represented by 15 species, among which the following are special attention:

  • Aiihrison spot - a succulent plant with a height of up to 40 cm, green, slightly pubescent shoots of which have a brownish tint. The leaves collected in the sockets are attached to the stems with long stuffs.
  • Winding - lowered succulent with diamond-shaped fleshy leaves on short stiffs. The height of the plant in 40 cm completely corresponds to the diameter of the crown
  • Ruffy - the form is represented by plants with a height and diameter of up to 40 cm. It is characterized by long cyutious inflorescences consisting of small golden flowers.
  • Considery - a variety is highlighted by a narrow crown and densely located sticky leaves of green, decorated with red stripes.
  • Homemade aihrison - As a result of the crossing of the aihrizon of point and winding, a hybrid was obtained with a height of 15 to 30 cm. The leaves differ in the mace-shaped form were pubes with a white-colored vintage. Flowers succulent flowers of yellow color with a pleasant aroma. In the culture there is a voyal form of Variegatum.

Features and difficulties of growing "Love Tree"

Flower Aiihrison got a big distribution in bedroom flowering for ease of cultivation.

However, despite the priesthood nature of the plant, if you do not provide the "love tree" the optimal conditions of detention, you can face such a problem as foliage dedication.

Causes may be related to:

  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • drying off earth coma;
  • systematic convergence;
  • the need for moving to a sharp place for immersion to rest is.

How to create conditions for successful growth

So that the flower develops well and pleased the flowerform with a decorative crown and beautiful bloom, it is necessary to create the most suitable conditions for the content of succulent in an apartment or house.

  1. Lighting and location. Succulent light-see. For Aiihrizona is preparing a place on the eastern or Western windowsill, where he can receive a large amount of soft light. To form a symmetric bush, you should systematically rotate the pot clockwise.
  2. Temperature mode. During the growing season, the succulent plant feels perfectly at temperatures, comfortable for flower. For wintering, Aihirison is sent to the room with a temperature regime at 8 - 10 ° C, which makes it possible to avoid discharge of foliage and pulling the shoots.
  3. Humidity. Dry air does not have a negative impact on the flower. In the spring-summer period, the plant loves periodically take a warm shower. In winter, similar water procedures are not conducted.

Home care

  • Watering. Watering the substrate in the pot is recommended often, but small portions so that the water is not stood in the roots. The signal to the next portion of water is a small loss of the leaf of the turgora.
  • Feeding and fertilizer. The phases of active growth, aihrison is fed twice a month with liquid mineral fertilizers for succulents or cacti with a reduced nitrogen content in the complex.
  • Trimming. In addition to sanitary trimming, which is carried out as necessary, in the case of the formation of a strambered tree, it is necessary to cut lateral shoots in a timely manner and pursue a central stem segment to stimulate branching.

At home, bloom often falls on the summer.

To see the flowers on your "Love Tree" you can not:

  • overflow an earthen com;
  • plant a plant in too spacious pot;
  • leave winter flower in warm room.

In the process of the blooming phase, which can last about 6 months, the leaves fall in the plant. Therefore, after the completion of flowering, not only dried inflorescences should be removed, but also weak shoots, which will allow the room flower to recover faster.

Flower transplant Aihrizon

After leaving the state of rest, Aihirizon is transplanted annually into a fresh substrate, which is prepared from the delicate, leaf land, humid and sand in the 4: 1: 1: 1 proportion.

For a flower, a rather close pot is selected: bloom is observed only after the development of the entire earthy coma roots.

The transplant procedure is as follows:

  1. The selected pot with optimal parameters is lowered drainage from gravel.
  2. The drainage material is covered with a thin layer of a nutrient substrate with a loose structure.
  3. Next, the flower is placed in the passage.
  4. Free space is filled with fresh soil mixture.

Protection against diseases and pests

If the flower in the flower content and care is responsible, then it will not have to face pests as a web tick, torment Cherberry and a shield. The segmentation of the shoots is noted when dry air is not observed when the hygiene of the culture is not observed, providing for systematic water treatments in the form of a warm soul. When damaged damage, malicious insects are recommended to treat the plant insecticidal preparation according to the manufacturer's instructions, which is indicated on the original packaging.

In case of excessive irrigation and stagnation, moisture in the roots may be observed in the development of gray rot. To cure the plant, at the first signs of the disease, Aihrison is extracted from the pot, and its root system is cleaned from the remnants of the soil. The roots affected by infection are removed, after which the plant is planted in a fresh substrate and is treated with fungicide.

Attention! When processing pesticides, it is necessary to carry a pot with a plant on fresh air, as well as protect the soil under a bush or a stramb chop from possible to enter drugs.

Log in room plant

Room plant Aiihrison can be multiplied by both the generative and vegetative method.

Reproduction of seeds

If the flower breeding stopped the seed method of reproduction of the succulent plant, the following actions must be made:

  1. Prepare an soil mixture of leaf land and sand in equal parts.
  2. Machine the ground in the oven for the purpose of its disinfection.
  3. The container is filled with a substrate, on the surface of which to distribute the sowing material and slightly pressing.
  4. Capacity cover with glass and rearrange in a bright room.
  5. To regularly venture and spray crops.
  6. After the appearance of germs to remove the glass.
  7. When seedlings are fixed, sip them into separate pots.
  8. Provide young copies temperature regime within 16 - 18 ° C.

How to breed a flower with cuttings

The cuttings prepared from the shoots remaining after trimming are quickly and fairly easily rooted both in water with the addition of wood ash and in the soil mixture of vermiculite and sand taken in equal parts. Before placing the cuttings in the selected environment for rooting, the prepared planting material is rolling in a dry, dark room for 2 to 3 hours.

On the windowsill of many residents of Russia, small plants can be found, externally similar to Crassus or money tree. This is called Aihrison, but in the people it was chosen by the "tree of happiness and love". Such an unusual name of the plant deserved thanks to the unusual volume leaflets resembling small hearts.

To date, Aiychrison is very common among hotel lovers. Such popularity is quite reasonable: it does not need complex care, not capricious and is great for decorating any interior. This is a pretty flexible plant, it can be used to create songs or disembark in small cass. With the help of a secret Krone, love tree can be given almost any shape. At the moment, the Botanic is known 15 species of this wonderful decorative flower.

Room plant - the tree of love spread around the world from Portugal. It is this hot country that is home to Aiihrizona. In their natural conditions, he prefers to grow in cool, shaded places. Most often, this plant can be noticed in mountain and rocky areas hiding from the heat between large stones.

In the wild, such flowers can be found not only in Portugal, but also in the following territories:

  • Canary Islands.
  • Northern Africa.
  • Madeira Island.
  • Azores.

In the apartment conditions, the period of flowering tree of happiness begins with the middle of spring. Separate varieties of this plant are able to surprise very long flowering, in some cases it can last about six months.

To make a bedroom favorite to please you with its bloom, in winter it is necessary to provide it with all the necessary conditions, namely illumination and suitable air temperature. Also stimulate the plant at the beginning of flowering can slightly cloth pot.

The first bloom of Aiihrizon takes place no earlier than two years after landing. During this period and after it, some types of love tree can reset to seventy percent of foliage. This is done not to spend moisture and energy on the leaves when they are more wished to inflorescences.

Gallery: Aiihrison Plant (25 photos)

Most popular species

Among the enormous variety of various types of aihrizon, which differ in color of flowering, leaves and sizes, for content in room conditions, crudes are considered only five of them:

  • Aichrysonlaxum - Aiihrison spread, or loose.
  • AichrysonpunkTatum, or point.
  • AichrySonsedifolium-person, or aeonium.
  • AichrySontortuosum, or winding.
  • AichrySondomesticum - Mother.

Many novice flower flowers confuse such a number of decorative species, and they do not know what to stop their choice. Let's figure out what these Aiihrizons differ from each other.

Outside, or loose

Aiihrison spread is a compact shrub with a cubic shape crown. Such a plant grows up to a maximum of up to 40 cm. It has small leaves in the form of rhombuses covered with a white fluff. They are attached to the stalk with high length cuttings. The size of the leaves is 1 cm in width and 3 cm in length.

The flowering period of this species lasts about 6 months. Flowers of yellow color are going together, forming small inflorescences. Aiihrison is prolonged inclined to dump the foliage after fading the last flower.

Aiihrison spot

This is a miniature shrub capable of growing up to 40 cm in height. He is covered with a white fluff shoot, which are painted in a green color with a light brownish tint. The presence of white hairs on branches and stems is a distinctive feature of this species, since the remaining aihrizons can boast the bulk only on the leaves.

Aiihrison spot - owner of leaflets in the form of rhombuses covered with a very rare fly. These so-called diamonds are not growing one by one, with the help of long cuffs, they combine together and form outlets.

The inflorescences of this species look like small stars and painted in a sunny yellow color.

AEONIUM (Aiihrison Casual)

Aiihrison Social Collective resembles a small semi-astick with straight shoots and very short, but wide leaves. Their length is a maximum of 15 mm. Groups they are attached to the petioles and form sockets with a diameter of about 6 cm. The leaves can be painted in a green or green with a yellowish tint. Some leaflets often have pale-red stripes. They are needed to release a special sticky substance that covers the entire surface of the plant.

Aeronium can reach 40 cm in height. He has small-shaped inflorescences that consist of yellow small flowers.

Aiihrizones belonging to a winding appearance look like small modest bushes that can grow only up to 30 cm in height. They have diamond-shaped leaflets of light green, the entire surface of which are covered with white short hairs. The leaves are kept in small groups and form sockets, they are attached to the stalk with the help of cuffs.

The main feature of the winding Aiihrizon is considered to be short shoots. The length of the leaves is 1 cm, and the width is 1.5 cm. The flowering period of such a plant begins early in the spring and continues for a long time, sometimes until July - September.

This is a small bush capable of growing up to 30 cm. The diameter of the crown of this plant is equal to its height. This species was obtained by crossing the point and winding aihrizon, so it is considered hybrid. He has small leaflets, with their shape reminiscent bulboys, their width rarely reaches 1 cm, and the length is 2 cm. The leaves are not growing alone, they combine together with the help of twigs and form small outlets. All home Aiihrizona leaves are covered with short white fluff.

Crown is painted in rich and bright shades, be sure to make a green color palette. The inflorescences of their shape are similar to small sun. They are painted in yellow color and have a rather tart fragrance. When maintaining at home, this species blooms for a very long time, sometimes the flowering period can be delayed up to 6 months.

Methods of breeding

For reproduction of a decorative flower - the tree of love flower use in three different ways. The young plant can be raised from the leaf and cuttings of adult aihrizona or get using seeds.

To multiply an adult tree, it will take some healthy and dense leaves from it, and then leave them for several hours in a dark place at room temperature. So they can snack slightly. After that, it is necessary to plant the filled leaflets into a pot with low sideboards filled with sand and vermiculite.

Reproduction with cuttings occurs along the same scheme. The cuttings are cut off from the parent plant with a sharp knife or a secateur. They are left to dry, after which they plant in wet sand, mixed with vermiculitis.

When your seating material gives the roots, it will need to transplanted in a pot of more.

If you have chosen a method of reproduction using Aiihrizon's seeds, follow the following rules:

With the help of such simple methods, you can grow new aihrizons. Even beginners and inexperienced flowerflowers will be handy.

How to care for the tree of happiness

First, select Aihirizon suitable place with a favorable environment for it. It is not recommended to place such plants near the instruments of heating and household appliances. These decorative flowers need good lighting, but direct sun rays have a destructive impact on them, which can lead to burns and fading. Therefore, it is best to place a pot with a love tree on the eastern or western window.

If there is no such possibility, it will be suitable for the southern windowsill, but it will be necessary to curtain the fine gauze or tulle. Thus, you can avoid the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and provide a plant with scattered sunlight. In order for your bush well to hold the form and grow evenly, periodically turn it towards the sun with all the sides in turn.

Since the Motherland of Aiihrizon are southern countries, he loves warmth. The optimal temperature for the content of such a flower will be 20-25 degrees above zero. In winter, the high temperature will not need, it will be even 10 degrees of heat.

The love tree is not a capricious plant, so calmly can even adapt to the conditions adversely. But if he is too hot, get ready for the fact that your roommate will begin to gradually dump the foliage.

Landing and soil

Aiihrizona has a very weak and pretty thin root system. Therefore, do not put it in high pots and rough soil, otherwise it will lead to reinforcement of the roots. Pots with low sidelights are suitable for accommodating such decorative bushes. In front of the landing, lay out the bottom of the Cache as a good layer of drainage. It can be prepared from broken brick, vermiculite and crumbling foam.

Before starting landing, a suitable primer should be purchased. It can be prepared independently using the following components:

  • Ceramzite or gravel.
  • Surrous land.
  • Peat ground.

These components should be mixed in equal shares. You can add birch coals to them, Aiihrizona will like this supplement.

When landing or transplanting, follow these rules:

Each spring and summer do not forget to fertilize your love tree. Fucking helps Aihirizona go well and give a healthy pomp crown. Make fertilizers once every two weeks. Give preference to feeding with low nitrogen content. In winter, there is no need for fertilizers.

Watering a flower Aiihrizona

Before proceeding to watering, it should be determined whether your plant needs in additional moisture. To do this, pay attention to the condition of its crown. If the leaves are elastic, the flower is not required. If they are sluggish or dry, Aihrizon need urgent watering.

Such decorative plants feel well even in dry premises, but at the same time are large fans of a warm soul. It should be carried out at least once a week, excluding winter time.

Surplus moisture in the soil can lead to reinforcement of the root system. The lack of water is poorly reflected in Aiihrizon, the plant can start discharge.

Aiihrison is a charming plant from the Tolstanka family. It does not require special care at home. The village is perfect for busy and forgetful lovers of indoor flower growing. It is believed that it is capable of bringing love and consent to the house of its owners, helping them to achieve mutual understanding and put up with the lack of each other. Even if you do not believe in folk signs, bright yellow "stars" invariably make the eyes and raise the mood.

Succulent comes from the Canary Islands

Among the flower water for Aiihrizon, which is one of the representatives of the Tolstanka family, the nickname "Tree of Love" was entrenched. This is due to the shape of its sheet plates resembling a heart. The habitat of most types of succulent is the mountainous terrain of the Canary Islands. Several less often the plant is found in Portugal, Morocco, on Madeira and the Azores.

In nature, the "Tree of happiness" most often grows straight on the rocks, clinging the roots for the smallest cracks in the stones

In total, there are currently 15 types of plants. These are elegant miniature shrubs, reaching 30-40 cm. Aiychrison is willingly flower (even at home), but still primarily considered a decorative plant.

The fleshy dense leaves in the shape of a heart or rhombus are painted in a variety of shades of green: from light, pale-salad to dark, which made it easy to adopt for black. The color is heterogeneous, with splashes of yellow, white, gray, reddish. The presence of a short thick "pile" is laid back. When the leaves are damaged, they begin to exhibit a very unpleasant smell - the natural mechanism of protection against herbivores. During the rainy season, the plant spares moisture and nutrients in them. It helps him survive during a summer drought.

The name of the succulent is formed from two Greek words: ai ("always") and chrysos ("Golden"). It hints at the duration of the flowering of Aiihrizon.

The buds of Aiihrizon are collected in a global or blurred inflorescence. Flowers shape resembles a stars painted in a cream, yellow or golden tone. You can cut the outlet - it does not fresse enough, even without water.

Aiihrison or Eonium?

In the culture they grow a flower called Eonium, which externally resembles Aihrison very much. These plants belonging to the Tolstank family are very confused. And some flower flowers are at all that these are names meaning the same thing. Indeed, Eonium and Aiihrison are pretty similar. But if you look more closely, the difference between them is obvious.

Distinguishing Aiihrison (in the photo on the left) from Eonium (in the photo on the right) not only professional nerd, but also a flower-lover

Table: How to distinguish Aiihrison from Eonium

Sign Aihrizon Eonium
Leaf plates Located alternately. Characteristic thick edge. Color varies from lime to almost black. Leaves are smooth, sitting (without cuffs), are collected in a dense flat or concave socket, located on the helix.
Bloom Easy and abundantly blooms at home. "In captivity" blooms extremely rarely.
Stem Stem strongly branches. Escape squeezed. The stem is apparent, rough, low-consumable, and some species have shortened.

Views, popular lovers

Botany described only about fifteen species of succulent, but only five of them are "in captivity":

  1. The miniature shrub, the diameter of the crown of which is 15-30 cm. The fleshy sheet plates are small, about 2 cm in length and 1 cm in width. They are collected in elegant sockets and painted in a dark green tone. Flowering long, about six months (from the middle of spring to autumn). The height of the color saw - 10-20 cm. Petals bright yellow. It is characterized by a lung pleasant aroma.
  2. The low-spirited denomotional semi-stabbed, the height reaching 40 cm. The sheet plates are fleshy, painted in light yellow or yellowish-green with reddish stains. Collected in small outlets, the diameter of which is about 13 cm. The edge is missing. The partial leaf fall is characteristic of the eve of the rest period.
  3. Aiihrison loose (spread). Little shrub, up to 40 cm in height. The leaves have a diamond shape, pubes with white short hairs. A characteristic feature is a loss of more of them after the end of flowering.
  4. The tree grows from 15 to 30 cm both in height and in width. The fleshy leaf plates of rhombid shape are pubes with whiten thin hairs.
  5. An herbal plant reaching 40 cm in height. Khaki's color shoots are covered with blesses, almost transparent hairs. Leaf plates have a light green tone.

Photo Gallery: Frequently found at home varieties of aihrizon

Aiihrizon's dot 'shoots painted in greenish brown and covered with almost transparent hairs fleshy leafy plates of aiihrizon winding have a diamond shape and published with white hairs leaf plates of aihrizona piety, painted fleshy, painted in light yellow or yellow-green with red spots Aihrison loose (spread) - it is Small shrub, up to 40 cm in height Minor flowers of aiihrizon home painted in yellow shade and exuded a pleasant fragrance

Conditions needed "Love Tree" depending on the season

Aiihrison, compared to other guests from the tropics, successfully cutting windowsill, modern apartments, is quite unpretentious, but this does not mean that he will suit any place and he will take advantage of the conditions completely unsuitable for himself. Therefore, before purchasing a "love tree", you should familiarize yourself with the requirements that it presents to the microclimate in the room.

Table: How to create a room flower optimal conditions of content

Season Lighting Humidity Temperature mode
Spring-summer (period of active vegetation) Aihrizona likes a bright, but scattered light. The best place for the plant is windows with Western or Eastern orientation. You can arrange it in the southern one, but in this case the flower should be taken by a seal curtain so that it does not get a burn. It is necessary to periodically rotate the pot, otherwise the crown will not be symmetrical. The level of humidity does not play a special role for Aiihrizon, the plant is well tolerating dry air. Useful procedure is warm shower and spraying, especially on hot days. 20-25ºС.
Autumn-Winter (rest period) It takes a very bright place. Place aihrison on the windowsill of the Western or Eastern Window. If possible, shift with luminescent or phytolampa, extending the light day at least to 8-10 hours. Spray and arrange the ahirrizon shower do not need. 10-12ºС. Wintering in heat negatively affects the decorativeness of the appearance. Negative temperatures flower will not survive.

How to plant and transplant the plant

In the annual transplant, Aihrizon does not need, differing in a relatively slow growth. The procedure is carried out when the pot becomes clearly small. In stockplain the roots sticking out of the drainage hole protruding this.

Some features of the compilation of the soil mixture and the choice of a bourgear for landing Aiihrizona

Succulent is completely undemanding to the composition and quality of soil. A self-prepared mixture is suitable for transplanting a "tree of love", which includes a hard-living land, sheet humus and coarse-grained river sand (4: 1: 1). Also a good option - purchased soil for cacti and succulents.

The substrate can add chopped charcoal and crumb from old red bricks (up to 1/5 of the total volume of the finished mixture). These components are needed in order to prevent the Aiihrizona root system in case of an error with watering.

For Aiihrizon, a special primer is suitable for cacti, if there is no possibility to make a soil mixture yourself.

The "love tree" has a surface root system, so the flower feels perfectly in shallow dishes. It is perfectly suitable for a clay boss with several drainage holes in the bottom.

The plant does not require frequent transplant, as it works well and perfectly feels like poor soils. The procedure is required if the earthen com in the container with flower is thickly braided with roots, and it has become too closely in the vase, or when the soil has become too dense. The most suitable time for the transplantation "Love Tree" is spring.

Step-by-step transplant instructions

How to care for the "love tree"

Aiihrison, unlike most exotic tropical plants, does not need "dance with tambourines" in the design of the flower and does not require daily attention. It takes the forgetfulness of the owner and his unintentional mistakes, but it is impossible to completely throw a tree.

Watering and subordinate

Like other succulents, Aiihrizon is required rare watering. The fact that the flower wants to drink will tell the condition of his leaves and shoots. If the dent remains with a finger, it means that the tree requires moisture when the fabric is rapidly restored, then you can wait for a while with watering. Another sign is the turgor of leafy plates. Do they start wrinkling and wreking? It's time to water.

However, it is not necessary to bring a plant to a state when it signals an acute need for moisture. Water the Aiihrison as the soil is drying in a pot.The intervals between procedures in the summer period are approximately 1-1.5 weeks. In winter, they increase by roughly twice, until 15-25 days.

Avoid too frequent and abundant irrigation. Because of the stagnation, moisture roots can be understood, as a result of which you lose the flower.

In the summer, during active growth, it is recommended to feed the flower with complex nitrogen-powered fertilizers. For this purpose, special preparations for cacti and succulents in liquid form are perfect. They need to be breeding according to the instructions and bring into the soil with each third irrigation.

Pruning and formation of the Crown "Miracle Culture"

Aiihrison was not in vain called the "tree", his natural form really resembles a miniature tree or shrub. But that the plant does not lose decorativeness, it looks neatly and elegant, it must be regularly formed. The most common options are a bush with a symmetric ball crown and "tree" with a bare bottom of the barrel.

Succulent in strambo form looks like a miniature tree

To form a beautiful crown, pinch the tops of the shoots, cut the weak, unsuccessful sprigs. It is necessary to do this throughout the spring-summer period, not letting them excessively stretch.

Aiihrizon's feature is that his branches are drawn behind the sunlight. To the bush was symmetrical, periodically turn the rone with a flower.

Start the strambette tree, while the plant is still young. Choose the most powerful escape and cut all the rest to the point of growth. As the new side branches appear, remove them without leaving hemp. Those that are formed on the central, pinch so that Krone is thicker.

Flowering period: How to make the plant bloom?

For the first time, Aihirizon flows in 2-3 years after the shilling. Cereals grown from seeds are required for 1-2 years. However, the events joyful for any flower plant can not be waited, if you do not provide a plant winter "rest" in a cool and bright place. Along with this, a close pot is obligatory and rare watering. When complying with these requirements, Aihrizon blooms in April and pleases the owner of the whole six months. With the onset of October, the buds fall out, some species dump and leaves (all or a significant part of them).

At the end of the flowering period, it is necessary to crop all the blooms and reduce the volume and amount of irrigation. If an abundant leaf fall is observed, then a part of the oldest twigs can be removed (no more than a quarter of the total volume of the crown).

Aiihrison flourishes only if they provide certain conditions

Period of rest

Resetting the leaves in the fall after the end of flowering testifies to the start of the rest period for the plant. At this time, it is necessary to reduce the amount of irrigation to one per month and put a tree to the cool, but bright place.

If your house has a glazed balcony, on which the temperature does not fall below 10ºС, then the aihrison can perfectly overwhelm there. When there is no such possibility, the flower put on the windowsill the windows of the Eastern orientation (in winter he needs a lot of light), in a closer looks closer to the glass, and cut off from the warm room with shirma. Heating batteries located nearby, be sure to cover with a dense cloth. With the onset of spring, the amount of irrigation should be increased and gradually teach the flower to the warm climate of the room.

Table: the consequences of improper plant care (yellowing leaves, shoots and other)

Problem Possible reason How to Repair Situation
In winter, foliage is falling and shooting becomes false. Overhead temperature in the room during rest period. Rearrange the flower in a cooler place. To return decorativeness, root the cuttings cut off it.
Shoots and dried down shoots, the leaves are minced and pale. Light shortage. Put a container with a plant on the windowsill window of the Eastern or Western orientation. If the light is not enough, use the lamps.
The leaves are yellow and fall during a period of active vegetation. Wrong watering (both too abundant and too meager). Adjust watering mode. Moisturize only after the top layer of the substrate is dry in the vase. Do not allow moisture stagnation nor soil cutting.
Leaves fall after flowering. Natural process. Aiihrison can reset to 80% of foliage. Do nothing with it.
The leaves are yellow and wrinkled. Insufficient moisturizing and / or too high temperature indoor in spring and summer. Pour the plant, after a while, the leaf plates will restore the tour.

Video: Culture care nuances

Diseases and pests often affect

The main danger for Aiihrizon is an excess water, provoking the development of root rot. In fact, this is the only way for sure to ruin the plant. It is also often amazed by the most common sucking pests, which attract the juicy thick leaves.

Table: from what diseases and pests suffer from Aihrison

Diseases and pests Signs Cause of appearance Treatment and Prevention Measures
Leaves and shoots begin to black. Mold appears on the root cake. It is characterized by an unpleasant putrefactive smell. Move the substrate. To reanimate the aihrison at root rot, it is almost impossible. The sick flower is best thrown away. With insignificant damage, you can try to save the plant:
  1. Cut all damaged leaves, shoots and roots.
  2. Give the "wounds" to dry, processing them with anger chalk, colloidal gray, green or iodine.
  3. Pere out the flower in a fresh sterile substrate with the addition of glyocladine, Baikal Em.
  4. Best prevention is the right watering. After the transplantation with him you need to wait until 5 days.
The leaves are withering yellow, faintly die and fall. You can consider on them a thin cob. Dry air indoors, no ventilation. Fituerm, Union, Apollo will help to get rid of the pest.
  1. The remedy is on the instructions and carefully spray the Aihrison, trying to make the droplets of the solution on both sides of the sheet and on all twigs.
  2. After processing, put on the plants of a plastic bag for 2-3 days, tightly knitting it.
Shield notch (shield) Brown tubercles appear on leafy plates and shoots. The leaves become paler, wither, then completely dry and fall. Insufficient humidity indoors. The mechanical processing of aihrizona is well helped to get rid of the shield.
  1. Squares of hubbles with a wire or stupid side of the knife blade.
  2. Wipe all parts of the plant with a tampon moistened in a soap or soap-alcohol solution.
  3. Spray the flower by acutellic, phosbecide, metaphos (according to the instructions).

Photo Gallery: Typical for Aiihrizon Disease and Pest

Root rot - disease, effective treatment methods that do not yet exist; Highly affected flower can only be thrown into the most effective in the fight against a spider mite. Special preparations - acaricides at first, they are almost flat highlights, over time they, if nothing is done, increases much in the amount of

How multiplies the tree at home?

"In the captivity", Aihirizon varies with stalling or seeds. The first method is less labor and almost guarantees the desired result.


The indispensable condition for obtaining seeds at home is the presence of a minimum of two simultaneously blooming aihrimones. Pollination is carried out artificially, with the help of a brush and does not guarantee success. Therefore, this method is little popular, professional breeders are resorted to it.

Reproduction of cuttings

Shining is the easiest way to get a new Aiihrison. The main condition is to take the landing material only from completely healthy plants. Cut up the tops of the shoots before the start of the rest period either shortly before its end.

Aiihrison is a room multi-year flower of Tolstanka family. It grows in the form of a bush with a diameter and a height of up to 30 cm. A characteristic feature is the form and type of leaves, they are fleshy, succulent and covered with vintage (flush).


In the people, Aiychrison called the "love tree" ("Tree of happiness"), it is connected with an unusual form of a sheet resembling a heart. The leaflets are collected in the sockets at the ends of the straight lines, can slightly curved stems that are not delayed and grow very well. With the slightest damage, Aiihrison begins to exhibit an unpleasant smell.

Blizzard begins only if all the conditions of departure in the April-May period are observed. The inflorescences represent a blizzard of small flowers in the form of stereorates of red, yellow and cream shades. After the end of flowering, the inflorescertium dies.

Types and varieties

- low-cut standard height and diameter shrub (up to 30 cm). The flowering period lasts from the beginning of the spring and until late autumn, with proper care. Fragrant yellow flowers are located on a color-length up to 20 cm long.

- thick succulent shrub, slightly higher than aichrison home - 30-40 cm. A distinctive feature is considered the absence of villi on the sheet plates, instead they have a sticky basis and light green color with reddish clips around the edges. It blooms only in spring (April or May). It has a predisposition to drop leaves after the end of the flowering period.

Or open - a semi-stabbed, up to 40 cm high, has a omission on green leafy plates. Inflorescences consist of golden flowers collected in brushes up to 30 cm long. Flowers in the spring, after which it can reset part of the leaves - this does not mean the death of the plant.

- Decorative shrub (20-30 cm), having blessed veins on the light green surface of the leaves. Starts bloom in the spring and lasts until late autumn.

- A succulent semi-staple rises by 30-40 cm up. It has greenish brown leaves covered with a pile. Small bright yellow flowers of star-shaped shape are collected in inflorescences.

Aiihrison care at home

Aiihrison is a light-loving plant, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. To avoid sunburn, the plant may need shading, for example, you can use curtains on the windows and not to put a pot on the south side. To achieve uniform growth of the crown, you must periodically rotate the flower.

In summer, the optimal temperature regime can be considered 20-25 ° C, and in the winter - not lower than 10 ° C. Invalid temperature increase, as a result, there is a strong pulling of shoots up and as a result - the dedication of foliage. This can occur both in summer (during the strong heat) and in winter (near the heating devices).

Watering Aiihrizona

The easiest way to determine whether Aiihrison is in watering is to carry out a small test: slightly pressed on the leaflet and if it is sluggish, then it is necessary to immediately pour, otherwise it is better to refuse. But that's not all.

After complete dying of the soil, it is fraught with abundant moisture, the process of reinforcing the roots and the base of the stems can begin. Therefore, watering is carried out by small portions on warm days, and in winter even less.

Aiihrison normally transfers dry room air, but still it will be useful to periodic to organize a warm shower, with the exception of the rest of the plant (in autumn and winter).

Aiihrizona fertilizer

The feeder is carried out in spring and summer (before and during flowering). You can use complex fertilizers for succulents with low nitrogen content.

Aiihrizon trimming

Aiihrizon trim is carried out for various reasons. One of them is the desire to grow not a standard bush, but, for example, a strambl tree. For this, weak branches are cut and a beautiful crown is formed, in addition, it is necessary to pinch the tops of young shoots (it is carried out for the entire plant growth period).

Another cause of trimming may be the need to trim cuttings for further reproduction and rooting. For example, the only way to save the flower, after being too warm wintering (finding near the heating devices), Aihirizon is deformed and stretched upwards, is the trimming of the tops and their rooting. Also pruning is carried out after the end of flowering.

Aiihrison Transplant

The transplant is carried out in the spring as it fills the capacitance roots. Since the root system is not poorly developed, it is recommended to choose a shallow pot. It is best if it is a clay pot with good breathability.

After transplanting, the first watering is carried out no earlier than 4-5 days and small doses, in order to prevent the posting.

The soil for Aiihrizona can be made up of 4 parts of the turf and one part of the leaf land, humid and sand. At the bottom of the pot surely lay out drainage.

The reproduction of Aiihrizon Seeds

Seeds are sifted in the boxes with a prepared substrate: leaf land and sand (1: 0.5). From above are covered with glass or polyethylene (create greenhouse conditions). Every day they ventilate and, if necessary, moisturize.

After two weeks, there is an emergence of the first germs that need to be divened to another box with another composition: the ferry land, leaf land and sand (0.5: 1: 0.5). When seedlings can be cut into prepared pots (5-7 cm diameter) with a substrate in a 1: 1: 1 ratio.

All this time, from the moment of evounces, before the care of young shoots, it is necessary to ensure good lighting and temperature regime within 15-18 ° C. Therefore, the procedure is carried out in spring.

Aiihrison breeding cuttings

For reproduction with cuttings, it is necessary to cut up the top young and healthy processes and slightly add them in a dark, dry place. As a mixture for rooting, wet sand or substrate for succulents is used.

After rooting, the sprouts are transplanted into the soil like a seed method, and similar care is ensured.

Diseases and pests

Abundant dedication of foliage (Virtually naked shoots) - There may be several reasons:

  • if this happened in the autumn-winter period, the reason is the foundation of a flower next to heating devices, in which case transfer the flower to a cooler place (not lower than 10 ° C);
  • in the summer - due to the strong drying of the soil or on the contrary, excessive convergence, as well as after a long stay under the scorching sun.

The only salvation is the pruning of still healthy top shoots and a transplant to a new soil.

Leaves are sluggish and wrinkled - lack of moisture, evidence of the need for watering.

Extracted stalks - Lack of lighting.

In the room plant, Aihirizon has a lot of distinctive properties, but it allows him to stand out against the background of other plants its unusual name. In the people, this flower is known as the "Tree of Love and Happiness". This compact size of the shrub is taken to relate to the family of Tolstankov, which in the adult state have a diameter of 20-30 cm, and the height is up to 30 cm.

In natural conditions, it can most often be found in the cracks of the cliffs. The Canary Islands, as well as the island of Madeira, are familiar to its habitat. In the same type grows in Portugal and in Morocco. However, in general, the genus of Aiihrizon includes approximately 15 species.


The original view of the aihrizon gives the shape of its leaves. This part of the plant is succulent, has a fleshy structure of dark green color with signs of omens. They are covered with white short hairs resembling a fur coat. Because of the original form of leaves that are more similar to hearts, Aiihrison and acquired the names - "Love Tree" and "Tree of Happiness".

A feature of mastic stems that have a straight or slightly curved shape is that even over time they do not win. In addition, a large number of branches are formed on them. Therefore, special operations, for example, pinching, do not have to. Small sheets of round-egg-shaped or spindle-shaped form, having another order of location, with signs of omens are presented in the form of outlets growing on the tops of the stems.

Pretty diverse is the color of the leaves, which provides for all shades of green with splashes white, gray, red and yellow. Any damage caused by sheet plates causes them to thinning the unpleasant smell. Aiihrison is one of the popular indoor plants that blooms in April or May. Flowers have a form of a shield or panicles, which attract attention not only to the star form, but also with a color decor, including such shades, like red, yellow and cream. At the first signs of the completion of blossom, the foster socket occurs, from which the flowers formed.

Conditions Growing and Care for Aiihrizon

As with the cultivation of any room plant, the Flower of the Love Tree is also required to provide appropriate care so that it deliberates bright colors.


Favorable conditions for the development of Flower Aihrison can be created if you provide bright scattered lighting. This can be achieved if you hang a gauze or tulle curtain on the window. The flower itself is recommended to hold on the western or east side of the house. Not quite suitable is the southern window, because here it can harm bright sunlightcapable of leading burns. Therefore, in order to avoid their appearance, artificial shading is necessary. For bushes from all sides evenly, it is necessary to turn the pot with a flower from time to time.


Aiihrison is not too demanding to the temperature regime. In the spring and summer indoors where it grows, you need to maintain a temperature of 20-25 degrees. In the fall and winter there is enough temperature of 8-10 degrees. With increased thermal regime, the plant feels uncomfortable, which leads to stretching of shoots and falling out the leaves. In order to avoid such phenomena, it is recommended to keep the flower away from the heating devices.


So that this room plant has not experienced moisture deficit, you need to follow the state of the leaf turgora and shoots. Understand whether watering is needed, you can, if you can put a palm on the crown. If the plate seems sluggish, then the plant is needed. If the feeling of the spring, then with the next irrigation can be closed.

If with a long delay with watering immediately saturate the substrate with a large amount of moisture, then it can lead to boost rootth and the foundations of shoots. In order to avoid such watering, there should be moderate: in the spring-summer period they are carried out regularly, and in the cold time they are reduced. Seeing that the leaves began to fade and shock, know that this is a clear sign of the lack of moisture.


This factor is not determining in the cultivation of aihrizona, since it can be comfortable and in dry air conditions. The flower responds positively to regular warm souls, which should be periodically carried out. However, this procedure is recommended only during active growth. When Aiihrison is at rest, it is better to neglect a similar measure.


In the spring-summer period, fertilizers are made in the soil every two weeks. While flowering plants spend a lot of strength, so they need to fill nutrients. Best feeding to comprehensive fertilizers for succulents containing minimum amount of nitrogen.


Today, Aihirizon can be grown in two basic forms: Kusta or strambed tree, which has previously removed branches on the trunk. To obtain a beautiful crown, it is necessary to remove all weak branches and sprinkle the tops of young shoots. This procedure is carried out throughout the entire plant growth period. If winter was turned out to be sufficiently warm, then it affects the development of this room plant, which begins to stretch and deform. In such situations, he is especially necessary trimming. Although an alternative option is also possible - rooting cuttings.


Samples at the age of 2-3 years begin to bloom, only if the winter was turned out to be cool and light, and the plant itself is grown in the conditions of rare irrigation in a close pot. Bloom lasts for quite a long time approximately 6 monthsAnd during it, the flower can lose up to 80% of foliage. At the end of flowering you need to trim the floweros, and after zooming the watering. If this room plant lost much more leaves, then trimming and old shoots may be required.


Sometimes autumn has to transplant Aiihrizon, but for this you need to understand whether there is a need for this. You can find out if you are simply free space in the pot for the roots. Since the Aiihrizon has a small root system, it is desirable to transplant it in shallow tanks or cassp. New capacity can be filled with soil of any composition. It can be a mixture cooked from sand and turf. It can also be replaced by a substrate for which the following components are used:

  • nerd land;
  • sheet land;
  • humus earth;
  • sand.

These components need to be taken in the ratio of 4: 1: 1: 1. Also it is not units in the substrate there will be pieces of coal or brick crumb.

Before boarding the bottom of the pot fill in high-quality drainage. After the transplant, it is necessary to maintain the "dry mode" for four to five days. After that, they begin to care gently. Initially, it is necessary to spend a small amount of water, trying to avoid the rotation of the root system. The most suitable capacity for the cultivation of aihrizon is clay pots that have a porous and breathable structure.

Aiihrizona varieties may differ in flowering timing. If during the season for the plant, all the necessary conditions were created, its flowers are revealed already in April-May. Proper plant care is a guarantee that at least six months he will decorate the land with red or yellow flowers of the scump shape. During flowering, Aiihrizon leaves more than half of the volume of foliage.

The main method of reproduction of the room plant The tree of love is shilling. This is engaged in spring, and the seedlings require a minimum of time for rooting when landing in loose land. Too frequent watering lead to the fact that leaves wrinkle and yellow. The roots are not better than the roots, which over time hesitate. To ensure uniform growth of leaves and colors, it is necessary to periodically rotate the container with a flower in all directions.

For Aiihrizon, bright lighting and moderate watering are very important. In this case, he will be able to maintain green foliage over many months. In this regard, it is appropriate to remember the people's admission: the more leaves, the more love in the house.

Aiihrizon's reproduction at home

For the flower breeding, you can use the seed and shilling method. Seeding is carried out in shallow plates, where you need to pour a mixture prepared from 1 piece of leaf land and 0.5 pieces of sand. At the growing stage, spraying and ventilation must be performed. Moreover, the tanks with crops must be with a closed glass all the time.

As a rule, seeds begin to germinate in two weeks. Picking seedlings They are carried out in common boxes where seedlings are placed not closer than 1 cm from each other. Then the seedlings need to be put as close as possible to the light source. During the dive, there are several other composition of the planting soil for which the following components take:

  • easy hard land (0.5 parts);
  • sheet land (1 part);
  • sand (0.5 parts).

All components for the preparation of soils are taken in the ratio of 1: 1: 1.

Over time, when seedling is strengthened, it is transplanted by placing one plant, in a compact pot of 5-7 cm with a diameter. After the emergence of sections, care requires them to maintain a temperature of 16-18 degrees and regular irrigation.

If the tree of love is bred by the extension method, they first keep in a dry dark place for two or three hours so that they dry carefully. The best cuttings are rooted in tanks filled with wet sand, vermiculite or a substrate mixture for succulents and sand. After the cuttings are rooted, they need them put in separate containers Diameter 57 cm. For the soil take the same components as for seedlings. The care of the love tree is similar.

Difficulties in the cultivation of aihrizona

Exists group of external signs, on the basis of which it can be easily understood that the tree of love feels uncomfortable:


Aiihrison is a rather rare exotic plant. However, even this fact does not interfere with experienced flowers grow it at home. This plant provides certain features of cultivation at home, so before you need familiarizeWhen creating which Aiihrison will feel the most comfortable.

Especially important for the plant watering, which should be regular. If the plant will remain without water for a long time, and then ridiculously pour the land, it can lead to new problems - reinforcement roots.