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Barbaris Tunberg. Technique reproduction with cuttings. Barbaris: landing and care, methods of breeding, conditions for obtaining a rich crop breeding Barbaris Summer cuttings

Recently, the cultivation of Barbaris is becoming an increasingly popular occupation among gardeners. This beautiful shrub will not only decorate a plot in the form of a living hedge, but also use the hostess in the kitchen for compotes and jam. Having just one bush on the site, in a short time, you can plant a whole street to Barbaris.

One of the most effective ways Barbaris reproduction is shilling. There is nothing complicated in this process, however, those who do shovel for the first time, some nuances should know how to propagate Barbaris cuttings.

Depending on the time of year and the age of cut escapes, the shrub can be multiplied in two ways:

  • with the help of weird cuttings - in autumn;
  • young twigs - spring (summer).

To the cutting of the cuttings, you should begin in deep autumn. To do this, Barbaris choose the glued two-year shoots without signs of the disease and cut them sharp knife. The length of the cutting should be at least 20 cm.

The cuttings must be cut off before the onset of frosts.

Some gardeners after cutting put stalks for the winter to the basement, immersing in wet sand, and in the spring they transplanses them to a permanent place.

Late spring, and better at the beginning of the summer, when young, green twigs will become elastic, but they can not yet be delayed, they can be used to obtain new plants.

Green cuttings are rooted better than two-year shoots.

Sliced \u200b\u200btwigs should be prepared correctly:

  • cut for a cutter middle part of escape;
  • top cut to make direct, and the bottom - the formation;
  • leave at least 2-3 kidneys on a cut;
  • cut down the bottom leaves, and the upper is to cut in pressure.

For further rooting, the prepared cuttings put in the containers filled with a mixture of three sand and one part of the peat. Putting at an angle, leaving only one kidney over the ground.

Some varieties of barberry, such as coins or Canadian, are rooted very difficult, so their cuttings need pre-soaking in the solution of growth regulators (corneser, auxin).

Capacities with planted cuttings should be kept indoors with high humidity and air temperature at least 20 degrees. The most suitable place is a greenhouse.

At a permanent place, rooted shoots should be transplanted in the spring or in the fall in a year (and better - two) from the moment of cutting. Such grown plants will be stronger and easier to transfer the transplant.

How to multiply barberries on the garden plot

If you decide to arrange your area with decorative plants and completely lost in huge selection, it is easiest to start with Barbaris. This beautiful decorative shrub unpretentious, has a different color of leaves and colors, it happens different shapeslike a dwarf and gigantic. It is perfectly amenable to molding, so planning the living fence this option is the most optimal. Among the many varieties are the most popular and sophisticated: Barbaris Tunberg, Siberian, Altai, Ottavsky and ordinary. Purple and purple, orange and red, motley and golden leaves of Barbaris will make a small piece of fantastic island from your site.

How to propagate the barbaris interests many, but not everyone knows how exactly and how to do it. To the soil, this plant is absolutely not demanding, but here is a shady seat with high humidity He is not suitable. And it can multiply in different ways and seeds, and cuttings, and the division of the bush. In this, each gardener will choose the option that most suitable, because everyone has both the advantages and disadvantages:

  • the rooting of cuttings passes for a very long time;
  • in reproduction, seeds there is a low germination, about 20-40%;
  • not every type of Barbaris is able to drive out the root young;
  • there is a big risk of damage to the root system when the bush is separated.

In this case, it is better to stop at the frequently used method of reproduction - from the selected healthy bushes cut the cuttings, then they are rooted and planted. But it must be remembered if not to use growth stimulants rooting will be held for a very long time.

Therefore, adhering to several rules should be done like this:

  • cuttings about 15 cm cut off lateral branches, tentatively in June;
  • before processing the root formation stimulator remove the lower leaves;
  • prepared cuttings fall into a mixture of sand and peat;
  • cover with a film;
  • open seedlings several times a day for venting and spraying, as well as it is necessary to periodically loose soil;
  • after the cuttings rooted them in the tank with the moistened soil, adding the necessary fertilizers;
  • a year later, Barbaris is planted in place, where it will grow.

In fact, the reproduction of Barbaris Tunberg and other types of process is not difficult, as it may seem at first glance. With the right approach and selection of the method, sufficient lighting and moderate moisture, you will get a beautiful decorative shrub that will delight bright coloring leaves, beautiful flowers and delicious fruits. All types and varieties of Barbaris are perfectly combined with conifers and flowers, giving the strict shape of the hedge of this plant, you will have a lovely alive on the site, original fencewhich is resistant to weather vagaries and always pleases its diversity.

After examining and testing the reproduction of Barbaris with cuttings, you can try another method that is no less interesting, but more time-consuming and long. It is this method that often choose breeders to get new varieties and hybrids. Therefore, collecting and reworing ripe fruits, do not hurry to throw out the bones, because they can be your future new bushes.

So, the method of growing barberry from seeds. After you collect fresh fruits, they must be squeezed through a sieve, then rinse and dry to the state of bulk. To get barbaris from seeds in the fall in the fall in open soil. For this, small grooves are made from 1 to 3 cm and fall asleep with sand. It is also necessary to warm the barberry beds - sprinkle with sawdust and cover with spruce branches.

This is still done in order for the seeds to eat field mice. For the arrival of spring, when the snow melts, the entire upper insulation need to be removed, but a bed to cover with a film. The barbaris seeds germinate very slowly and the germination does not particularly please, but if five - six will germinate out of the top ten, they all together. As soon as 2 present leaflets appear on the sprout, the Groanka needs to be conserved so that there was a distance of at least 5 cm between the sprouts. After about 2 years, young bushes can be seeded.

If you are not sure that the shilling of Barbaris will give the result, and the germination of seeds takes too much time, you can try the method of dividing the bush and reproduction with young steamers. In your garden there is already an adult plant, which has a wonderful look and annually pleases with its fruits, then you can not doubt that this particular copy will give excellent results when dividing it into several separate bushes. For this you need:

  • healthy, adult bush dig out of the ground, carefully, to not harm the root system;
  • carefully cut into parts;
  • large and powerful roots are sawmed and planted into ready-made wells;
  • soil, where the decenes are planted abundantly moisturize.

Such a procedure as the division of the bush is better in spring.

Having done everything necessary work in reproduction and reaching excellent results, it remains to provide necessary care To its new green residents. To keep the motley color of some kinds. Consider the location of the shrub, and if you want a dense alive fence, then the plants should be placed in the interval 25-30 cm. In the dry summer, provide optimal watering, make fertilizers and cut the thickening branches in time. If pests appear, you can apply insecticides, and highly infected plants and leaves can be removed if necessary.

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Tell me, and at home you can grow from the seed to the barbaris?

Yes, but this is a long and labor-intensive process.

Barbaris breeding in autumn

Barbaris - a shrub plant of a barberry family, which is widely used not only in gardening, but also in landscape design. There are about 580 types of Barbaris. The plant gives delicious and useful berryused including in folk medicineAnd its bushes are beautiful and decorative. Let's learn about one of the popular breeding methods of Barbaris in the fall.

The cuttings are breeding, as a rule, busting and varietal types of Barbaris. When choosing this method of reproduction, keep in mind that barberry cuttings are rooted quite slowly, but completely inherit varietal signs of the parent plant.

Late in autumn, before the onset of frost, the material should be prepared. For this, 2-year-old shoots with a length of 15-20 cm are usually chosen. On each branch there should be 4 interstices. Cut them with a sharp knife: the upper cut is performed directly, and the lower - at an angle of 45 °. After the shoots are cut, they can be immediately shopped, and can be put into the container with water. Barberry reproduction with cuttings in water improves survival rate.

For better rooting, it is possible to pre-shock the cuttings in the growth regulator solution. This may be the drug "Kornin", "heteroaceksin", "epin" or any other. This technique is often used to increase the survivalability of difficult varieties, such as all-acy, coin, Canadian barberry. The reproduction of Barbaris Tunberg with cuttings is practiced not in the fall, but in July. This variety has its own feature: it forms a lot of thin shoots that are well rooted.

Joining the cuttings under an acute angle, leave only one kidney on the surface. Also do not forget to completely cut down the bottom leaves and on a third - the upper one. It is best to use a peat-sand substrate in the ratio of 1: 3 as soil.

Optimal for reproduction of barbaris cuttings is a greenhouse method. In this case, moisture mode should be strictly observed (85-90%) and temperatures (20-25 ° C).

As for the semi-respess cuttings, they can also be multiplied by Barbaris, but it is somewhat more complicated. Many of them do not take root, and at high humidity replete.

In the spring, the harvested cuttings are planted on the shovel, turn out for 1-2 years, and only then transplanted on a constant bed. Barbaris can be placed anywhere, with the exception of those where the groundwater is suited too close to the surface. Barberry and shady sites do not like, where he loses his decorativeness.

Barbaris's shilling - simple and universal way reproduction of culture. The procedure allows you to maintain the varietal signs of the parent plant, which are not inherited when landing the barbaris seeds. In addition, the vegetative method is convenient because the cuttings can be cut and root in the spring, at the beginning of summer, as well as in the fall. To deal with the peculiarities of technology at any time will help the recommendations of specialists, photos and video tips.

How to cut barberry cuttings

Planting material You can get from Barbaris bushes, whose age did not exceed 10 years. If the plant is too old, the cuttings will be poorly rooted. It is best to cut the twigs in the morning until the dew on the branches. Moisture is an important satellite satellite in the first stages of rooting. In addition, in this watch the sun is lowactively.

The process consists of such steps:

  • prepare a sharp and disinfected knife, preferably ochulating;
  • choose a one-year twig with elastic, but not widespread bore and 4 interstices;
  • cut the escape almost entirely;
  • put in water;
  • transfer to the shadow;
  • start cutting material.

Barberry cutlets should have 2-3 interstices. The length of this parameter is repelled and the length of the segment is approximately 8-10 cm. From escape, it is better to cut the middle part with a diameter of 5-6 mm. Cuts at an angle of 40-45 °. Each fragment will be two of them: from the bottom under the kidney and on top above it. After that, all the leaves on the branch shorten twice, the cuttings tie into the bundles and put the lower cut into the jar with water.

Attention! Sometimes gardeners perform oblique only the lower cut, and the top make the straight.

Summer shuttlecover technology

It is best to start work in the first weeks of June. First, the planting material will need a greenhouse. From it and should start preparing for the reproduction of the plant:

  1. The base is a compost, a forest litter or a fond of foliage to the ground with a layer of 10-15 cm.
  2. From above - plast river sand Thick about 4 cm.
  3. Substrate Failure a board. Thoroughly paint.
  4. Cover with glass or film.

Council. The height of the greenhouse cannot be more than 40 cm. With such parameters it is easier to control the temperature and humidity.

The landing procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Put segments of shoots at an angle. Depth - 0.5 cm.
  2. Between them should be respected by a distance of 5 cm. The aisle - 7 cm.
  3. Pour the crushed cuttings. Gardeners recommend using a spray or watering agent. Water heating - within + 20 ... + 25 ° C.
  4. Close up of a greenhouse. Place glass frames from above. They should be covered with burlap or tarpaulin.

Council. Optimal temperature Air for Barbaris is the same + 20 ... + 25 ° C. To protect the plants from the night cooling, use mats from straw.

Humidity inside the greenhouse should always stay high, so in the first months of the life of the plants you will have to produce 2-4 spraying per day. On sunny days, the greenhouse can sometimes be aircraft, later the duration of air baths increase. Typically, the procedure is taking closer to the evening when the air heats up per day. With the onset of August, the greenhouse dismantle the plant to start to take off in the ground and get used to the night decrease in temperature and cool morning dew. This is the best hardening of the seedling in the winter. In the spring, the cuttings are finally formulated as independent cultures for transplantation.

Council. IN good conditions The contents of the first viable roots at the Barbaris saplings can be found in the 3rd week of cultivation. Fully they will grow about 1 month.

Barbaris breeding in spring and autumn

In this case, cut the cuttings before the kidney will be waged. The optimal time is the end of March or even the first half of April (if the winter is delayed). Cuttings you can get before and then store them in the refrigerator required amount time. The greenhouse in this case not only contributes to rooting, but also tritely protects the stalks from heat drops and soil frosts. Therefore, the coating material should be stronger and more denser than with summer solard.

Council. In reproduction, at any time of the year, pre-processing of cuttings of growth regulators (auxins, and IK, IC, etc.) is relevant. Barbaris itself rooted hard. Help will be by the way.

The composition of the soil and the principle of landing are the same, but even more follow the humidity. Make mineral feeding. The cutlets must acquire full-fledged roots in 2-3 weeks. In the second half of June, you can start hardening, removing the film for a couple of hours a day, and then for 2-3 days. Fully, the greenhouse is dismantled at the end of September. To transfer to a permanent place, seedlings will be prepared in the fall of next year.

The autumn shots are better to start in November. It is important that the average daily temperature does not fall below 0 ° C. You can't plan such cuttings at once, so:

  • deepen them vertically into wet sand;
  • put the sand with sand in the cellar or basement;

  • store at 0 ° C or slightly higher;
  • control so that the sand does not dry, and the cuttings were not covered with mold. In the spring, the planting of the material is carried out by the usual scheme.

Barbaris is a culture that does not feel very well in the ground, including under stingy. However, the saturation of the soil with nutrients and the exact following technology allow the experienced gardeners to successfully root a plant.

Barbaris in the garden: video

Barbaris is an evergreen, a decorative leafy shrub, reaches a height from 30 cm to 3 m. It is appreciated by gardeners for the decorative appearance and food value of shrub berries. Vertical shrub shoots, which become arcuate with age, form a branched, spread the crown with a diameter of 3-4 cm. Depending on the type and variety of barberries, the foliage color is green, yellow, purple. In the article, we will tell about the cultivation of Barbaris from Chenkov, we will give recommendations on rooting.

In the natural environment, Barbaris grows in the mountains on dry slopes. So shrub barely tolerates close groundwater, stagnant rejuvenation of soil and unprotected areas from drafts. Prefers to grow on lungs, well-drained soils. The mechanical structure of the soil should be light, loose, sublinous.

Barbaris begins to bloom from the second half of May or in the first half of June. The flowering period is 15-18 days.Depending on the type and variety, fruits are bright red or purple, can ripen in September or October. During the first 2-3 years there is an average shoot of shoots, in subsequent years, the growth intensity and development of shrub increases.

The optimal level of soil acidity for the cultivation of barberry - pH 6.0-7.5.

In general, barberries is characterized as a drought-resistant, heat-resistant, winter-hardy plant. The degree of resistance depends on the age of shrub - an adult plant withstands the temperature to -30 ° C ... - 32 ° C; Young plants require shelter for the winter. Thanks to the spines, Barbaris often serve protection in the form of a living hedge. Gardeners prefer to grow shrub in typical planting groups and ordinary landing.

Barbaris breeding features: landing time, soil preparation, breeding methods

Terms of growing Barbaris depend on the method of reproduction. There are four ways to breed a shrub:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • grains;
  • dividing bush.

Barbaris seeds are grown in the spring-autumn period. Spring seeds are stratified 2.5-3 months before sowing; In the fall - seed into open ground. Saplings with a closed root system can be planted in open ground throughout the spring agent. Bought seedlings with an open root system are planted early in spring. The procedure for dividing the bush is carried out in spring and autumn. Barbaris's reproduction is divided into two stages: in the spring - they pin down to the soil; In the fall, the division is carried out.

In the table, consider the advantages and disadvantages of four breeding methods:

Methods of breeding Benefits disadvantages
Seeds The ability to propagate the plant in large volumes. Low germination, it is required to stratification in front of the spring sowing, does not retain maternal (varietal) signs.
Cherenca A high percentage of rooting to 93-95%. Before landing, the cuttings for permanent place is required to fight on a special bed for 2 years.
Dividing bush Fast breeding method. Does not require physical effort. Used to update old landings. Risk of damaging maternal root system With division
Digging Root up to 95%. The ability to multiply throughout the summer. Not all kinds / varieties form a pig.

Tip # 1. Barberry saplings with an open root system for successful rooting is recommended before landing to be treated in a growth stimulator solution.

Step-by-step instructions for the cultivation of Barbaris cuttings

Shooting shoots are cut off with a maternal shrub whose age does not exceed 10 years. The cuttings from the shoots of the old shrub are distinguished by a low percentage of rooting. Section of shoots spend in spring in the morning with a disinfected knife for the eyepiece. When you cut from each cutter, a minimum of one kidney and two interstices should be preserved. Cuttings cut at an angle. Leaves on cuttings cut half. Finished cuttings are binding and placed in a container with an indolylmalaic acid solution for 9-10 hours. Optimal length Barberry cutlets -10-12 cm.

After 10-12 hour handling, the cuttings rinse clean water And planted in a greenhouse. Soil substrate for planting cuttings is prepared in advance. The main layer of the soil substrate consists of overworked leaves, garden soil, forest litter. Forest litter can be replaced by a compost. The thickness of the soil substrate is at least 15 cm.

The top layer of the soil is sprinkled with sand. The sand layer is 3-4 cm. Ready sad Slightly seal and watered warm water. Cuttings are planted in closed primer in June. The cuttings are planted into the greenhouses under the tilt and plug into the wet soil by 2-3 cm. The distance between the cuttings is 5-6 cm. The distance between the rows is 6-7 cm.

Board # 2. A greenhouse for planting Chenkov is recommended to build a height of no more than 45 cm. In such mini greenhouses it is very easy to maintain moisture and air temperature.

The cuttings after disembarking are watered abundantly. Subsequent watering is carried out daily, watering in the morning, by volume - watering moderate to rooting the cuttings. For preservation optimal humidity The soil spray 3 times a day. In sustainable hot days, the cuttings are ventilated. The rooting of cuttings takes place on 25-26 days. Such cuttings should be handled. The tempered cuttings are well transferring the winter period.

How to grow barbaris from seeds

Seeds for sowing are obtained only with well-ridden Barbaris berries. The autumn sowing of Barbaris seeds spend at the end of September to mid-October. Seeds are sown in open ground without stratification. Experienced gardeners note that the autumn sowing seeds gives a high percentage of germination. However, the seedlings of autumn sowing rose unevenly. In the spring, only 30-35% of seeds ride. The remaining part of the seed germinates throughout the summer.

In the fall, the seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm. After sowing, the grooves is covered with a mixture of wet compost and river sand. Prior to the appearance of seedlings, the beds shall correspond and produce regular watering. In early spring When 2-3 real leaves appear, it is thinned. The distance between the shootings should be at least 3 cm. Seedlings are grown in beds 25-30 cm over 2 years. Two-year bushes are transplanted at a permanent place.

Reproduction and cultivation of Barbaris Dolenks

Barberry breeds the division of the bush very often, especially in such cases when the maternal bush begins to die. The division of the bush can breed a bush in spring or autumn. Before dividing, the maternal bush is digging and in the root cervix area, the bush is cut on the decene. Each delena must have a root system and at least two escapes. After trimming, the sections are processed by the gross coal and the growth stimulator. Large decene sitting on a permanent place, small-sized decene sitting in a shock at the growing.

How to grow a barbaris with grooves

Barbaris breeds in the middle or late spring. The mother's bush chooses several of the strongest and healthy shoots and flex them to the surface of the soil. Many gardeners build small trenches, in which they put the grooves and sprinkle with damp soil. The booster is best to fix to the soil. Throughout the summer period, the tanks are watered by a moderate amount of water. After 2 months (closer to the autumn), the roots will appear on the tanks. As soon as the drains are rooted, they can be separated from the maternal bush. The deteen obtained digs and planted at a permanent place. This method reproduction allows enough for short term Refresh landing.

Care for young barbaris plants

  • Watering.The rooted young Barbaris bushes do not require frequent irrigation. Fresh iris produce only when landing. Further irrigation is carried out once a week when the soil is drying in the priority circles.
  • Loosening and mulching. The soil in the attractive circles loose regularly. To maintain soil moisture, upper layer surgeless circles Mulch with sawdust or peat layer to 6-7 cm. Read also Article: → ".
  • Subordinate. Barbaris begins to feed 2 years after landing. Organic fertilizers contribute before planting and transfer to the landing wells. Subsequent feeders produce once every 2-3 years. Fertilizer consumption depends on soil fertility. On average per 1 sq.m. 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof compost or humus. Organic fertilizers are used as a mulching material, which is laid out in the rigorous circles.

Mineral fertilizers make nitrogen-phosphorus-potash fertilizers. Superphosphate is brought from phosphoric fertilizers. From nitrogen - azophoska; from potash - potassiumphos-n. In the table Consider the consumption of mineral feeding:

Mineral fertilizers contribute before planting. Podchar mineral fertilizers spend from the second year of life. Number of feeding 2-3 per season. Abundant watering is made after weeding and making feeding.

Trimming. Young Barbaris bushes cut in spring. The number of cut shoots depends on the shrub variety and its role in the garden plot. If necessary, cropping is allowed to correct the crown throughout the summer season. When growing, swelling is cut off at the beginning and at the end of summer.

Little varieties of barberry do not need an annual trimming, but the sanitary trimming is required. Sanitary trim consists in timely removal of irrevocated and affected shoots. Such trimming stimulates long bloom and high yield. Sanitary trimming is carried out for 4-5 years simultaneously with a thinning procedure.

Common types and varieties of Barbaris

- Branched shrub, reaches up to 1.5 m. Height. Saving a direct browned shade. A shrub is covered with spiners up to 1.5 cm long. Unpretentious and undemanding to soils and care. Bright red berries, fruit length 1.2 cm.

Barbaris ordinary average is demanding of soil moisture. The growing period begins earlier and ends later than other types.

- The most elegant and decorative shrub, reaches a height of up to 2.5 m. The shoots of arcuate, bright red or saturated-orange color. At the end of the season of vegetation, shoots become dark brown. Spines are simple, up to 1 cm long. The decorativeness of the shrub is in the leaves, the leaves are collected in bundles, rounded or rhombically-oval shape. Summer leaves of bright green, in the fall of bright red. The most steady view of Barbaris to diseases. Fruits oval up to 1 cm. The color of coral-red berries.

Barbaris Tunberg Thermal-loving grade, needs shelter.

- Hybrid shrub obtained by crossing Barbaris Tunberg and ordinary. Reaches a height of up to 2 m. Saving vertical, red-brown. Three-part straits, up to 2 cm long. The leaves are located on the shoots alternately, the form rounded. In summer, the leaves are painted in a dark purple color. Fruits oval up to 1 cm. Berry color dark red. Common decorative variety This type of Barbarisa - Superba. Distinctive feature This variety is an height of up to 3 m, shoots and leaves are painted in purple-red.

Barbaris Ottavsky begins to regularly be fruit for 5-6 year

- Malterwife shrub, crown wide spreading. The growth intensity shrub The first 3 years is average, in subsequent years, growth and development are accelerated. It is characterized as a drought-resistant and winter-hardy shrub. The shoots have three-part spines, the length of the barbers is 3 cm. The shoots are painted in yellow-gray. Large egg-shaped leaves. In the spring period, leaves are painted in green, autumn leaves yellow or red. Fruits with a diameter of up to 1 cm, the taste is sour. Color berries - red. Common decorative varieties:

  • Japonica;
  • Orpheus.

Both varieties reach up to 1 m in height. Orpheus does not bloom and has a compact crown. Japonica - blooms abundantly, inflorescences consist of 10-12 flowers.

Barbaris Amur is resistant to all fungal diseases.

Barbaris Canadian medieval shrub, crown wide spreading. It is characterized as a drought-resistant and winter-hardy shrub. Soothes have three-part straits, the length of the barbers 2 cm. Savages painted in dark green. Middle leaves oval elongated form. In the spring period, leaves are painted in green, autumn leaves yellow or red. Fruits with a diameter of up to 1 cm. The color of the berry is red. Common decorative varieties:

  • Declinata;
  • Oxyphylla;

Barbaris Canadian requires annual sanitary trimming

In the table Consider the timing of the fruiting and the winter hardiness of the above types of Barbaris:

Types of Barbarisa Winter hardiness Fruiting
Beginning of fruiting Maturation
Barbaris ordinary At the end of July - the beginning of August At the end of September - the beginning of October
Shelter requires for young and adult shrubs. At the end of July - early August In late September - early October
Shelter for young plants. Adult plants winter-hardy. At the beginning of August In early October
Shelter is not required. At the beginning of August At the end of September
Shelter for young plants. Adult plants winter-hardy. At the beginning of August At the end of September

Serious errors in the cultivation of Barbaris:

  1. The cuttings are obtained from old and sick bushes.
  2. In the spring seed seeds that have not passed the stratification procedure.
  3. Young barberry plants with autumn onset are not mulched.

Frequently asked Questions

Question number 1. How to understand that the stalks of Barbaris have rooted?

The main feature that the cuttings were rooted - it is swelling the kidneys on a stalk.

Question number 2. At what distance are cuttings planted for a permanent place to grow a live fence?

For the cultivation of hedge, the Barbaris bushes are planted for removing 40-45 cm from each other.

Question number 3. What depth is the barbaris young bushes planted on a permanent place?

In refilled holes organic fertilizers Young plants of Barbaris planted so that the root cervix leaves under the soil by 3-4 cm.

Question number 4. How often should the bubbaris feeding organic fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers are introduced by landing and transplanting Barbaris. The following feeders are carried out once every 2-3 years. For feeding, fertilizers are used in the liquid form of medium concentration and bring early spring.

Barbaris is a fragrant decorative plant. It is used in different purposes - for refining pricework, and including cooking. In most cases, the plant grows in the form of a shrub, but it can be specifically cut, having received the original tall seal after that. For breeding barbaris use various methodsBut each of them has its own characteristics and differences. The main thing is to know how to fulfill the correct rooting so that the plant will quickly go into growth.

Features of Barbaris breeding in spring, summer and autumn

Barberry-shrub is quite massive. It has a property draw up to 2 meters. With a specific trimming, its structure and form can be adjusted under the required volume. Its main difference from other trees is year-round decorativeness due to the fact that it changes the color of foliage in the fall on a red tone.

Attention!If barbaris is not subjected to forming trimming for several years, it will fill the entire territory next to him. But if the gardener sets the goal to independently grow the original plant, with present maternal qualities, should be guided by certain methods of reproduction.

  1. When landing cherencaYoung processes very slowly produce roots.
  2. For division Shrub on young seedlings, the root system of Barbaris is detected very tender. Therefore, when the section procedure, rhizomes can be easily damaged.
  3. When landing seedsTheir germination is only 40-45%. At the same time, the maternal quality of the shrub after the inputs of young seedlings may not appear.
  4. Most of the grained varieties do not produce rhizomes.

The optimal period for breeding Barbaris Spring-Summer. It is during this period in the plant that the nutrients that help the sprite are acclimatized in a new place and safely release young roots.

Important! Do not land a plant in the shaded areas of the garden, shrub loves an abundance sunlight. Do not accept a large number of water. Especially for rooting, lowlands and places with close grounding of groundwater are not suitable.

Mandatory condition For landing is the laid out of the drainage on the bottom prepared by the Poams for the Blowjobs of the Young Card. It is recommended to perform from wood sawdust, small pebbles and dry foliage.

Barbaris breeding methods

In most cases, gardeners prefer to multiply Barbaris in a vegetative method due to the fact that through the cultivation of seeds to seedlings, young shrubs do not preserve the maternal properties. They can work out with another shape, tint and pattern of leaves. In addition, their fruits may differ in color color. All seedlings that are obtained by rooting in a vegetative way, all signs of the original tree are carried.

Several methods of breeding Barbaris are isolated:

  1. seeds;
  2. root piglery;
  3. dividing bush;
  4. grains;
  5. stalling.

In order to solve which method is best suited, you should familiarize yourself with each of them and decide for yourself how and how to multiply Barbaris.


Unpredictable method and most interesting. None of the gardeners during the cultivation can assume the result of their activities. To multiply barbaris seeds with two methods.

First method He implies landing on seedlings. For this, the seedlings within 90 days pass natural stratification. In other words, in December, all seeds are placed in a wet environment of the kneaf and river sand. The container with planting material is sent to the refrigerator or room with a temperature not higher than +5 0 C.

Attention! In March, seedlings are retrieved to the room with normal temperature and are signed in the prepared vases. Seeds are located at a distance of 3-4 cm so that they are then convenient to dive into individual pots or open soil.

Second way reproduction is simpler. Barbaris ripe berries should be collected large size and a beautiful appearance and pull out seeds from them. The latter should be rinsed in running water. Then to put 15-30 minutes in weak Solution Potassium permanganate and dry well with a soft napkin or towel.

Landing is carried out in the fall. The plot on which the seeds planned is planned, should be cleared of garbage that foliage or grew up weeds. A groove is formed by a furrow 3 cm deep. Due to the fact that crops do not have a big percentage of germination, you should be heated 3 times more than ordinary plants.

From above, spray loose, wet earth and impose a mulch from false foliage. With the onset of spring days, all shelter needs to be removed by exposing the first young, hardened sprouts during this time.

Root pig

Get a seedling from the root row is very simple. But young shrubs do not give shoots from the root. They should be taken from adult or old plants.

Important! On the rhizomes, kidneys are formed, which grows with independent shrubs from under the ground. All young shoots do not go straight from the central part of Barbaris, and stretch alongside a bush, on the periphery.

If such a sapling is available on the territory owned by Barbaris, then it needs to dig by the following instructions:

  1. Carefully flip shrub from all sides.
  2. To try to dig a pit deeper to the pit that as much as possible root system remains from the maternal shrub for a young cutter.
  3. It is recommended not to cancel the plant in such a way that the root system is taken off. It is best to transplant the young cutlets along with a lore earth.
  4. Cut the connection to the maternal bush and the cutlets follows the secator, sprinkled with a cut with poured coal or wood ash.
  5. To plant a dug seedling for a newly prepared place, pour out the earth.

In the future, the plain plant care is performed. To perform the procedure for reproduction of Barbaris root piglets better or until the wake of the first kidneys, or after foliage foliage in autumn days. But in the latter case, weather conditions should be guided so that the plant does not translate at the time of the first frosts, which is detrimental to the rapid bush.

Dividing bush

To implement this method, the maternal shrub neatly digs from a spaced place so that the root system is minimally damaged. The plant is separated into parts using a secaterator or if the roots are quite powerful, then the saw. The sections are sprinkled with ash or crowded activated carbon. Then received new seedlings are rooted in a new place.


Barbaris reproduction with tanks is made as follows. It is desirable in the spring on the trunk of the tree, a healthy branch is selected from the lower row. A trench of 10-15 cm deeply digs next to the bush. The selected branch is flexing in the soil and fix the pin or another device so that it can not straighten into its original position. Escape stacked in the furrow and puts off on top of the earth. In the future, you should expect a young rigging from the kidney remaining in the land, but for better germination throughout the summer you need to periodically water the grooves.


In the reproduction of Barbaris, the cuttings use two methods of rooting - green and weird cuttings. It should be sorted out in each of them.

Attention! Landing green Cherenkov It is used very rare due to the fact that the plant in this case is leaning extremely bad.

Step-by-step instruction in reproduction with green cuttings:

According to numerous reviews of gardeners, the likelihood of rooting barberry during reproduction woven stalks significantly higher than green.

Step-by-step instructions for breeding Barbaris with weathered cuttings:

  1. In the rooting of the weathered cuttings, the planting material should be taken from 2-year shoots. Time for collecting cuttings - the last days Autumn, in front of a strong decrease in the temperature regime.
  2. You need to cut the cuttings in length not exceeding 20 cm, and in the diameter of the barrel - no more than 1 cm. The cut from the bottom should be at an acute angle. Up to the first spring days, the landing material is planted in a trench, where it is drawn by mulch or fallen foliage.
  3. The remaining actions are accurately performed as when planting green cuttings - in the spring, landing should be placed in greenhouse conditions. Before the beginning of autumn, young shoots will give an increase in 2-3 sprigs.

Thus, it is not difficult to grow barbaris, but quite laborious, especially when the seeds are reproduced or cuttings. The main thing is to obtain the result in which the cuttings takes place, and it will not be easy to sit in one place without the root system.

Barbaris Tunberg breeding features

One of the most famous varieties of Barbarisa - Tunberg. It is represented by interesting arcuate shoots on which bright red or yellow leafy plates are located.

The fruits of this species are not used for nutrition. It is recommended for planning only as decorative plantcapable of eclipping with its beauty any magnificent flowering plant.

Important! The reproduction of Barbaris Tunberg is carried out by all standard ways.

But if you choose between the stalling of green melts or weathered cuttings, then predominantly the choice drops on green shoots.

The reproduction of Barbaris Tunberg with green cuttings passes as follows:

  1. The billet of the planting material is carried out in early July according to the first young branches.
  2. The twigs are cut no more than 15 cm, while the upper point should be seen.
  3. Then the base of the cutter is placed in a solution with a root-forming nutrient ("root") for duration no more than 12 hours.
  4. The next step is the rooting of the prepared seedling in the Vazon.
  5. The polyethylene package is put on top, and the temperature in +26 0 S. is maintained inside.
  6. The release of young leaves occurs in a few months.
  7. The first winter should hold the cuttings in the cool room, only on the next spring it will be possible to transplant a young bush into an open ground.

Popular bugs in the breeding of Barbaris

Gardeners constantly make mistakes. But if you do not exercise them, then how to learn how to grow plants. Only with samples and errors can achieve the desired result. Several popular bugs in the reproduction of Barbaris:

  1. For landing, only a few seeds are taken. To grow young plants should be patient and large quantity seed. This is necessary due to the poor germany of the latter.
  2. When digging the root row, if you leave a small root system with a young cutter, there is a danger to ruin a young seedling.
  3. During the division of the shrub, rhizomes are badly damaged - with such a procedure, the plant will have a long period, trying to build new roots, but with a large ground part, the process will be quite difficult.

Thus, the barberry is multiplied with a large number of various methods. Not all of them are suitable for all species of plants. To obtain a shrub with maternity qualities, it is recommended to use vegetative reproduction methods. But with seed growing, the resulting shrub can be a surprise for gardener.

Video: Barbaris breeding methods

In contact with

Barbaris is a plant that combines many positive qualities. Due to the high decorativeness of the bush, it is used as a living hedge. From the berries of Barbaris prepare jam, floppy, candy and drinks, they are added to sauces and marinades. Leaves, roots and bark contain coloring pigment. Barbaris is a good honey, easily endures a haircut. Therefore, it is not surprising to plant the gardeners at home this plant.

How Barbaris breeds in vivo

Barbaris is a large shrub, height can grow to 2 m. Differs high decorativeness round year. Flower yellow flowerscollected in the cluster. The fruits have a ruby \u200b\u200bcolor, often decorated even in winter. Frontal shoots. Foliage in the fall acquires bright red tones.

A varieties are derived from which the leaves have patterns, kaym or painted in unusual shades.

If you provide Barbaris Freedom for several years, then he, like Rosehip, will capture the pig all adjacent territory. In addition, this bush multiply a self-sow. But if your goal is to get cultural seedlings that preserve varietal qualities, it is better to take advantage of reliable and proven breeding agroprite.

Barbaris's thickets look very beautiful, but to care for such a continuous mass of shoots with sharp spikes is simply impossible

Ways to reproduce Barbaris on the household plot

Shrub breeding vegetatively and seeds. There is one important difference between these two ways. From seeds you will receive Barbaris, but it will not repeat the quality of the parent plant, for example, can give berries of another size and taste. When reproduction with cuttings, grooves, the thrust varieties are not lost.

Reproduction of seeds

The method is the longest and time consuming, gives unpredictable results, but it is precisely what it is interesting. Barbaris seedlings with their advent of the gardener more than the root piglery or rooted tank.

Seeds at Barbaris small - 0.5 cm long, elongated, glossy, dark brown

There are two options for growing barberry from seeds. If you like difficulties, you miss the garden in the offseason, then choose eat method. Seeds 3 months before sowing need to strategy, that is, in December put them in a wet substrate (peat, sand) and keep in the refrigerator. In March, you can sow, then dive shoots and perform all traditional receptions for seedlings.

The second way to get seedlings simpler:

  1. Collect ripe berries, remove seeds from them. By the way, the fruits of Barbaris do not cry for a long time, can provide on the branches until winter, so do not hurry with seed harvest. You can do this and on the day of planting.
  2. In October, in the area, arrange a small garden.
  3. Make a groove 1 cm deep at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, pour them and every 5-7 cm spread the seeds.
  4. Sprinkle the grooves of the earth, lose weight and cover the mulch from false foliage or dry grass.
  5. In the spring, remove the shelter and wait for germination.

Shoot of Barbaris B. open soil will appear when the earth warms

Seedlings obtained in open soil do not need to protect against frosts, they do not need to temper and teach to direct sunny rays. Little barberries adapted to natural conditions from the first days of life. You remains to water these seedlings and do not give them offense by weeds.

The reproduction of the root piglery

This is the easiest way, but it is available, only if you or familiar have an adult, well-born barberries. Young bushes are not allowed. Root offspring grow from the kidneys on the roots, they appear not from the center of the bush, but by its periphery. Get a seedling easily:

  1. Carefully inspect the area around the bush. If the young branches sticking out of the ground found, then you are lucky.
  2. Side the breakdown of the shovel, neatly, without pulling out, remove out of the ground.
  3. Root connecting the parent plant and young escape, depart the secateur.
  4. Place Copki Lower the Earth, and the seedling put in the place allotted for him.

Root offsters grow at some distance from the base of the bush, connected to it root

Rooting horizontal challenges

Also a simple way, but the result must be waited during the summer. In the spring, crowd Barbaris's escape to the ground, pinch and pour the earth for the whole length, leaving on the surface only the top. You can make the groove and put the escape into it. All summer, the soil at the touch of a touch must be kept wet and free from weeds. On the autumn of each kidney, which turned out to earth, will appear young twigs. You can dig the whole escape and divide it into seedlings.

Barbaris is absolutely not demanding to the composition of the soil. It grows well on clay, sandy, stony soils. Does not love only raw and swampy places.

Barbaris's escape is flexing to the ground and pour out the earth along the entire length for rooting

Drop and divided the large and spiny bush is very difficult, therefore it is resorted to this method as a last resort. For example, when Barbaris still need to dig up to transplant to another place. Event spend in spring or autumn.

  1. Cut all the shoots, leaving the hemp at 20-30 cm.
  2. Drop the bush entirely.
  3. Divide using a secaterator or garden hacksaw on the part so that in each of the 2-3 escapes with roots.
  4. Plant the received seedlings on their permanent places. Small Delinki, in the viability of which you doubt, shoot in separate beds or plant 2-3 to one hole.

So when working with Barbaris does not arise hands about spikes, use garden gloves for roses.

Barbarisa bush need to be divided so that 2-3 escapes with roots remain on each part

Greeting green cuttings

The most illicitative way, since under large labor costs, the cutting of the cuttings is very low.

Green cutting rules:

  1. To the cutting of the cuttings, proceed at the beginning of summer, take the middle part of annual gains.
  2. The length of the cutter depends on the distance between the kidneys, there must be 2-3 interstices.
  3. The cutting diameter is about 5 mm.
  4. Bottom cut at an angle of 45 o, the top is straight.
  5. Bottom leaves tear up the top shorterate half.
  6. Cut the cuttings for 1-2 cm under the tilt into the wet and loose substrate - a mixture of sand and peat 1: 3.
  7. You build a mini-greenhouse over blackboard with a height of no longer than 40 cm.
  8. Support intake optimal conditions: Humidity - 85-90%, Temperature - 20-25⁰c.
  9. Several times a day open the greenhouse to ventilate and spray cuttings.

Green cuttings consist of three intercouss, lower cut - oblique, made under the kidney

The percentage of survival and duration of rooting depend on the variety. May go through and 20, and 30 days. Chief sign Success - new leaves appear on the cutting tree. From now on, the future seedlings start to tempt, removing the shelter at first for an hour, then the duration of stay under the open sky gradually increase.

Video: How to roam green cuttings

Reproduction with weathered cuttings in the fall

According to gardener reviews, the percentage of rooting Barbaris in this method is higher than with green shine. The planting material is taken with two-year shoots. Optimum time For such an event - late autumn, before the onset of frosts.

  1. Cut the completely glued barkaris branches with a thickness of no more than 1 cm on a cutlets with a length of 20 cm. Bottom cut under an acute angle.
  2. Before the spring, jepace into the trench and cover the cauldron that foliage or other breathable materials. Second option: Keep the cuttings until spring in the cellar, immersing them almost entirely into wet sand. The main thing when winter storage is not to give cuttings dry.
  3. In the spring, pick up the cuttings on the garden or in the guy, plunge so that only the upper two kidneys remain on the surface, the third should be located near the earth or be slightly affected.
  4. Support constant soil humidity.
  5. Saplings with 2-3 shoots will grow by autumn from cuttings. You can dig and replant with a permanent place.

Cuttings cut from the middle part of the escape, land them under a slight inclination, leaving two kidneys on the surface so that shoots rose to autumn from the upper kidneys, and from the lower - roots

Barbaris breeds in several ways. The easiest and fastest - dig a pig. It will have to spend about a month to get seedlings from Chernok, horizontal shoots are rooted from spring to autumn. In the offseason you can reproduce the seeds and even withdraw your variety of barbaris.