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5s tools. "Management and optimization of a manufacturing enterprise

how organization of workplaceand tell you what is a Japanese 5S system (5C)allowing you to optimize the workflow and.

The Japanese are always famous high efficiency and labor productivity. In Japan, their approaches are used to work proceedings, their own, one of which is the right organization of the workplace.

The 5S system was developed in Japan in the post-war time when it was necessary to quickly restore the country after large-scale shocks. It is actively used in many Japanese enterprises and to today, moreover, it became so popular that he successfully "swinging" and in many other countries of the world. Consider what system is 5C than it can be useful to each of us and how to apply it in everyday work to enhance personal effectiveness.

The Japanese 5S system is a competent approach to the organization of a workplace, which includes 5 components that allow it to be used as efficiently as possible, to achieve maximum labor productivity, while saving time and energy.

The organization of the workplace on the 5S system can be schematically represented as follows:

Now I will consider in more detail what is meant, and which means each element of the proposed system 5C.

The organization of the workplace on the system 5S must comply with the five rules, each of which begins with the letter "with" both in the original and in the literary Russian and English translation:

1. Sorting (Seiri, Sort).

2. Compliance with order (Siton, Set In Order), literally "accuracy".

4. Standardization (SEICETSU, STANDARDIZE), literally - "Maintain order".

5. Perfection (Sitsuke, Sustain), literally - "Education", "Formation of habit".

Consider what events should include all 5s Japanese Systems.


The first element of the organization of the working space in the 5C system implies the separation of all items to the necessary and unnecessary to get rid of the latter.

To apply this rule, carefully inspect your desktop and all that is located on it, after which we divide all these items into 3 categories:

1. Always right things - the fact that you are used in the workflow daily;

2. Sometimes the necessary things - what you use in the working process periodically, but not often;

3. Unnecessary things - What is not used by you in the workflow at all.

All items that have fallen into the third category must simply be removed from their desktop, and things from the first two categories correctly decompose. How exactly - learn later.

Compliance with order.

The second rule of the 5S system suggests the distribution of the necessary items in the workplace as in the most convenient way in terms of their future use. These items must be placed in compliance with safety standards and taking into account the possibility of the most quick and convenient use of them. To do this, it is recommended to use 4 criteria:

1. Visible spot. Always the desired things must be located on the desktop so that they are in sight.

2. The ability to easily take the subject. The organization of the workplace should be made in such a way that each needed person can easily and without difficulty take from his own place.

3. Ability to easily use the subject. Some of the necessary things must not be taken in hand, but simply use them (for example, a monitor). Therefore, they must be arranged with the convenience of use.

4. The ability to quickly return the subject in your place. According to the 5S system, at its workplace it is necessary to provide an opportunity not only to quickly take the item, but also quickly return it to its place (for example, if you pull the lower folder from the stack - there will be no possibility to quickly return it back).

Following the rules for organizing a workplace on the 5C system, it is necessary to contain its work area in full purity. To do this, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

1. Smash workplace On zones, each of which will have its own purpose (for example, the zone of the computer equipment, the location zone of stationery, the location zone, etc.);

2. Regularly clean the workplace To maintain it clean. To do this, when you should immediately allocate 5 minutes to clean your seat cleaning. It is most convenient to do this at the end of the working day.


As I wrote, in the system of the organization's workplace, 5S standardization means maintaining order, that is, the regular observance of all listed rules of the system, adopting them for a certain working standard, the deviation from which is unacceptable.

At the enterprises, the implementation of standardization means fixing the rules of the 5S system in any internal regulatory document, mandatory for all employees, well, and in a personal plan here will have to show self-discipline and be responsible for the implementation of standards in front of them.


In the original translation, the latter rule of the 5S system means "upbringing" and "production habit". That is, it suggests that all these actions should gradually become a useful habit, and then further they will be performed automatically, improve the efficiency of the workflow on an ongoing basis.

By the way, to work out this useful habit will help you.

Undoubtedly, the organization of the workplace on the 5S system will eliminate all the existing riots and chaos elements in the working process, and therefore will make the use of working hours more efficient and, as a result, will increase productivity.

Of course, if we are talking On the implementation of the 5C system in the enterprise, the best result can be achieved only with simultaneous admission to the system of all employees. Well, in personal plan to organize your workplace on the 5s system is much simpler: it will require only self-discipline and self-control.

Now you know what system is 5s, and how it should be applied. I hope that this will help you in the process and self-improvement. Stay on where you can always get acquainted with others useful recommendations To achieve success in personal and financial plan. To new meetings!


Furnishing in the office - important factoraffecting employee performance. Clean and order on the desktop contribute to the order in the head of the employee. And he, in turn, has a positive effect on the material state of the enterprise. The concept of 5S will help organize the workplaces of the entire team and increase productivity. So what is the famous 5S system?

Essence concept

The system 5C is named so not by chance. It involves the implementation of five simple steps towards efficient and low-cost business. Invented by the Japanese lean production lies in the following:


At this stage, it is necessary to highlight the necessary and useless items in your own working office. It is important to recognize the unprofitability of some elements of the desktop, which is quite difficult. Indeed, often the owner is psychologically connected with every thing, and it is possible to part with it, only putting considerable efforts. But after the implementation of this step, there is a breakdown of the stereotypes of the usual life and the development of new "labor laws".


This principle of the system is based on the appropriate placement of the necessary things in the workplace. Closer should be the things that are used by the employee most often, and vice versa. Performing this step, the employee creates optimal, convenient conditions for labor. Methods of marking, visualization, zoning and similar to it will help to realize the stage in reality.

Cleaning workplace

This step involves the systematic content of the working area in purity and order. It is necessary to provide graphs of cleaning and its criteria, as well as eliminate the causes of labor pollution. The working area of \u200b\u200beach employee must be equipped with a cleaning inventory, which will affect the impeccable execution. this rule All employees.


At this stage, the habits of employees are no longer formed, but are fixed. Here you should consolidate the experience with the help of the visualization method (write on paper all the rules used, which contributed to the organization of work of workers, describe the technology lean-made production, take pictures of the work area created thanks to the system 5C). It will not be superfluous to make an algorithm of actions on the content of the workspace in purity.

At this stage, the founder allows you to introduce new methods for monitoring and promotion of employees.

Formation of habits and their improvement

At the last stage, acquired habits are formed at all managerial levels: from ordinary employees to leadership. Do not forget about their constant improvement. This can be facilitated by the photo of the labor zone, made before and after the implementation of the system, as well as organizing meetings in order to identify the effectiveness of the introduction of the Concept.

The advantages of the system

Often chaos in production leads to injuries and even irreparable consequences, especially if the work is associated with machinery. 5S system is able to prevent accidents in the enterprise due to right organization order in the workplace. Its aesthetic look increases productivity.

Another advantage of such an event is to save time. If earlier to search necessary documents spent a large number of Time, then bringing the workspace in order, to do it much easier and faster.

The use of the system has a beneficial effect on the work climate and relationships between employees. By virtue of the above circumstances, institution staff can get rid of irritability and negative emotions.

Implementation of the method into production activities

At the start of the implementation of 5C, the company must choose a leader responsible for making decisions that control the work and promotion of ideas that promote the improvement of the system.

The implementation of the first three steps to order and clean the leaders must reach in 90 days with their subordinates. Moreover, from time to time, discuss the problems faced by employees. The control document must record the results achieved by the Company.

At the implementation of the concept of 5C, the management conducts an inventory of property and highlights objects that are not activated during production. Found objects are written off and disposed of, and the resulting amount becomes confirmed by the economy of the production budget.

The quality of the enterprise will grow, and the prices for products are to rise. At the same time, the time spent on their production will decrease several times.

By using this system in the enterprise, the founder will be able to experience budget savings and spent on the manufacture of resources products.


The main thing in the system is a clear observance of the stages of its implementation and the fulfillment of all these conditions. For proper fulfillment All standards of the concept for the organization of the workplace, it will entail both positive changes in the production budget, and the change in the mentality of employees, their labor culture, as well as the rationalization of the time spent.

    This 5C system only concerns workers and lower link employees. Nach. Sostava does not ride it: do not save you from the table photos of your favorite spouse and children. Observed and more than once, even dear Japanese are believed to these attributes. Now we will walk on labeling and zoning: imagine your desktop on which everything lies in its place, all zones are clearly contoured and painted in different colors. On the handle, the tag was glued on the pencil (or next to it), that this is a handle, the same with a ruler, eraser, writing paper, on the computer the same tag is a computer, and so on. It is necessary to find a place where the photo of the sample of your workplace will be located and there should be a layout plan with an algorithm (schedule) of cleaning your workplace. This is the order, built into the absurd! Although everything is strictly in the system. To equalize all employees in each organization, there is its dress code with the introduction of this system, the top management may think about the greater economic effect, it is necessary to work on the work of only one growth, weight or one sex (savings in toilet room and hospital), one age and with similar names (the names of the leadership rarely remembers). When this system is introduced in 3-5 years, the company disappears.

To date, there are many light sources. One of the most popular and in demand among them are LED lamps They are used not only in homes and apartments, but also in offices, production rooms. Often such light bulbs equip the lamps installed along the streets and roads, as well as in parks and squares.

Advantages and disadvantages of lamps

The big popularity of such a light source is primarily associated with its low power consumption. It is several times less compared to the incandescent lamp. The operating service life of high-quality LED devices is 30-50 thousand hours. But the declared digit usually corresponds to the operation of the LEDs in the laboratory conditions, i.e., in reality, it is usually smaller.
An important advantage is also environmental friendliness. The fact is that in lamps with LEDs are not used substances with mercury content. Therefore, in the event of damage to the flask or failure of the light bulb, it will not be dangerous. But note that not all manufacturers comply with the necessary norms, therefore, there may be toxic electrolytes, plastics, etc. in their light bulbs. Another advantage lED lamp lies in the low temperature of the heating of the housing.
The main disadvantage is the high cost. In addition, most of these light bulbs lights exclusively in one direction, which is not always convenient. Also is a minus is the degradation of device elements. It is an irreversible process of a gradual decrease in the level of their light flux. It turns out that the longer such a bulb works, the less bright it will become.

5C is the philosophy of control with which it begins effective production And without which it simply cannot exist.

5C is in second place after mapping the popularity of use in Tehtonikol. Introduction 5C We started in the company about 10 years ago and continue until now. This tool helps to seek customer satisfaction, leadership in costs, safety, high productivity. Problems are not visible as long as the workplace is not organized. Cleaning and cleaning the workplace helps to open the problems, and the detection of problems is the first step to improvements. 5C - these are five words starting with the letter "C":

Step 1 - "Sorting" - a clear separation of things for the necessary and unnecessary and deliverance from the latter.

Step 2 - " compliance with order"(Accuracy) - organizing the storage of necessary things that allows you to quickly and simply find them and use them.

Step 4 - "Standardization" (maintenance of order) - the implementation of the established procedures of the first three steps.

Step 5 - "Improvement" or "Self-discipline" (the formation of habits) is an improvement, maintenance of the results achieved earlier.

Figure 1. Organization of workspace on the principle 5C

Basic goals 5C:

  1. Providing cleanliness in the workplace.
  2. Saving time, mainly to find the necessary in work.
  3. Ensuring safe work, reducing the number of accidents.
  4. Improving product quality, reduction of defects.
  5. Creation of comfort psychological climate, Stimulating the desire to work.
  6. The elimination of all types of losses.
  7. Increasing productivity (which in turn leads to an increase in the company's profits and, accordingly, the level of income level of workers).

Step 1 "1C"

Sort assumes:

  1. Separation of all items in the operating area on the necessary and unnecessary.
  2. Removal from the operating zone of unnecessary items.

To remove unnecessary items from the operating area at the initial stage of implementation, we used the so-called "Campaign of Red Labels", when for each item - a candidate for deletion - the red label (check box) is glued or hung. All employees of the unit, where sorting was involved in this process, eventually identified items that:

  • must be immediately made, discharged, disposed of;
  • must be moved to a more appropriate storage location;
  • must be left and for them should be created and designated their places.

For items with red flags, organized a "quarantine zone", which once a month came through. The items that lay in the quarantine zone over 30 days, or moved to the place of constant storage, as a rule, in the warehouse zone, or sold, and sometimes recycled.

The red label can be a conventional red sticker with the date of movement of this item in the quarantine zone, and may be more complicated in shape: with information about the unit, the reasons for moving to the quarantine zone responsible, etc. An example of a red label in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Quarantine Zone with items placed in it with red flags

Step 2 "2С"

It is not enough once to decompose everything in places, this order must always be observed and all. When jobs bypass at the initial stage of implementation of 5C, many problems with return tools, inventory inventory arise. A certain time has passed, while the optimal location for items in the operating zone, which allowed any employee to be easily used, to quickly find and return documentation, tools, materials, components to the place. When marking the storage location of items, they tried to use the principles that allow at the first glance at any of the places to immediately determine what the number of objects and their storage was kept. For these purposes used miscellaneous methods Visualization:

1. Obtaining objects - Application of an outline of an object to the surface where this item must be stored

Figure 3. Quality table, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 4. Pre-examination of items on the table of quality, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 5. Stand with a tool, plotting plot, Yurga

Figure 6. Stand with tool (vertical placement and storage of the instrument), production plot, Khabarovsk

Figure 7. Table with tool ( horizontal placement and tool storage), production plot, Khabarovsk

2. Color marking at which different types of tools and fixtures correspond to different colors.

Figure 8. Photo Centrifuge connectors with a response part corresponding to color, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 9. Color marking of pipelines on the binder preparation site, Khabarovsk

3. paint marking to highlight the storage location on the floor and / or in the aisles

Figure 10. Designation of storage places in the production workshop, Ryazan

Figure 11. Plot, production of mineral insulation, Zainsk

Figure 12. Open Warehouse Playground, Mineral Insulation Production, Ryazan

Figure 13. Warehouse of spare parts, production of mineral insulation, Yurga

The labeling of paint is also used to designate dividing lines between work areas or transport travnotes.

Figure 14. Mineral insulation workshop, Ryazan

Step 3 "3C"

There is such a saying "Pure is not there, where weaver, and where they do not sort." Of course, the content in cleanliness provides for the cleaning of jobs, giving equipment and workplace with a sufficient supervision for monitoring, but the main thing was to create such conditions under which the formation of dirt and dust was reduced to the minimum permissible amount. This process continues until now, a lot of proposals for improving equipment or workplace are applied to this topic.

It would seem that everyone understands the benefits of cleaning:

  • a pure workplace on which it is pleasant to work (which increases the emotional state of the employee and makes the workplace more attractive);
  • constant readiness for the work of everything that may be required to perform production tasks;
  • ensuring the safety of work (for example, spilled machine oil and puddles on the floor can lead to injuries);
  • ensuring equipment performance (there is no risk of dust and dirt in working mechanisms);
  • no marriage.

Nevertheless, the transition from conviction to action, especially at old plants with a 50-year history, was not entirely easy. In all divisions of cleanliness checks, we carry out in accordance with the predetermined criteria for cleanliness (cleanliness in the office and in the manufacturing workshop is not the same), which are indicated in the control list. In the control list on a number of plots, the content and procedure for guiding the purity are described in detail, there are photos of their places:

To simplify the periodic inspection, the control sheets attached next to the appropriate equipment to quickly check on the correctness of filling and eliminate the identified disadvantages.

There is another simple tool for monitoring the working place cleanliness standard - this is a photo of the workplace in the form in which it should be. Below example.

Figure 15. Standard of purity, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Step 4 "4C"

Standardization - the creation of a single approach to the fulfillment of tasks and procedures. The main purpose of this stage is to prevent departure from the permanent implementation of the first three stages. Standardize means to develop such a controllist, which is understood by everything and easy to use. Below is an example of a tabular part of the control sheet for a production unit and an office.

Checklist for the production unit

Office checklist

Performing 5C requirements is part of the professional certification of workers and ITER and has long been turned into a common cultural norm - from the office of the director to production and auxiliary premises.

Figure 16. Standard of the workplace in the production area of \u200b\u200bRyazan

Figure 17. Board 5C in stock of finished products, production of mineral insulation, Khabarovsk

Figure 18. Standard of the workplace of the main energy, production of mineral insulation, Khabarovsk

Figure 19. Standard Security Workplace, Mineral Insulation Production, Chelyabinsk

Step 5 "5C"

The fifth stage is the improvement or self-discipline, maintaining the results achieved earlier. The stability of the 5C system depends not on how well the procedures of the first four stages are implemented, and on whether the first four phases will be maintained.

In contrast to the first four "C" improvement, it is impossible to be implemented as a technique, the results of improvement are not measurable, but it is possible to create conditions that will encourage employees to further work within the framework of the 5C system. In the company TEKHNONIKOL, for this apply different tools: 5C slogans, 5C posters, information boards "was" - "became", distribution 5c, visits to the divisions where 5C and others are introduced.

Figure 20. Posters 5C, production of mineral insulation, Cherkasy

Figure 21. Fragment of the information board 5C "was" - "became", Ryazan

Figure 22. Fastening personal responsibility in the warehouse of finished products, Zainsk

It is from this tool that it is best to start building lean production. This is what is laid in the foundation of the house. production system (See Figure "House Technonikol"). The 5S system is a method of organizing a workplace, which significantly increases the efficiency and handling of the operating area, improving corporate cultureand saves time. The 5S system is usually used as the first stage of building lean production. It helps to quickly get rid of the accumulated trampling and exclude its appearance in the future.

5S system includes:

1. Sort,

2. Compliance with order

4. Standardization I.

5. Self-discipline or improvement.


Sort - It means to get around the operating zone and remove all unnecessary. Workers and managers often do not have the habit of getting rid of items that are no longer needed for work, while maintaining them nearby "for every fire case." This usually leads to an unacceptable disorder or to create obstacles to move in work zone. Removing unnecessary items and guidance in the workplace improves the culture and safety of labor.

To more clearly demonstrate how much superfluous was accumulated in the workplace, it is possible for each item - a candidate for removing from the working area to hang a red label (check box). All employees are involved in the sorting and identification of items, which: a) must be immediately issued, discharged, disposed of; b) must be moved to a more suitable storage location; c) must be left and for them should be created and designated their places.

When sorting, be careful not to throw things to which people are tied emotionally. In such cases, to get rid of the thing, it takes either the voluntary consent of its owner, or a special order of management.

Clearly mark the "quarantine zone" of items with red flags and carefully control it. Objects remaining intact over 30 days are to be recycled, selling or removing.

Find items that were dusted or lie behind the equipment, under it or on it, as well as on the shelves and in the cabinets. These can be overdue materials, outdated documents damaged or not used in the work tools or computers, auxiliary equipment, old drawings, retractable drawers with trash, trimming pipes, etc.

Perform improvements, exploring the workshop or production platform from one end to the other, detecting unnecessary items and trash. Place the excess things found in this way in a specially designated "quarantine zone". If the need for subjects placed in Quarantine will not arise within 30 days, they must be removed from this zone. Some of them return to the warehouse, tool storage room or place where they are really necessary. This event should cover all office and administrative premises, as well as the premises of subsidiary services.

Compliance with order

To keep ordermeans to determine and designate the "house" for each item necessary in the working area. Otherwise, if, for example, production is organized by shifts, workers of various shifts every time there will be tools, documentation and components in different places. In order to rationalize processes and reducing the production cycle, it is extremely important to always leave the necessary items in the same places allocated for them. This is the key condition for minimizing the cost of time on unproductive searches.

One of the places where the application of the 5S methodology gives the best results - the warehouse of materials and raw materials. All items are from stationery and chemicals to hardware and hand tools, from the production snap to the security tools - should have specially designated and designated storage spaces. And at the first glance at any of them, it should be immediately seen that there is what the number of items and the term of their storage are.

To immediately reveal incorrectly placed or lost tools and small things, use special racks or cabinets with designated loose contours that should be there. On the floor, make the markup of paint to highlight the location of large items. Workers and managers will be able to better track the movement of materials and do not worry that something is lost or wrong.

Determine for all items your places and mark them. Gloves, helmets, hand tools, drawings, unnecessary details should not lie around in disorder. Raw materials, unfinished and finished products Must be placed in specially designated zones for them.

Perform improvements by defining permanent storage locations for everything that remains after the sorting. Engage in the work on the guidance of order at workplaces and workers, and managers. Tell them to develop standard marking rules for storing similar items, such as tools and snap. Create width standards and color markup bands, symbols and fonts, special designations and colors for the storage facilities of the security, quality control and production accessories. It is usually better to start with any one piece of workshop. Fully mark the location of everything that is here, and use it as a sample for the entire workshop. Do not forget about maintenance zones, as well as auxiliary and administrative zones. With a multi-mode mode or in case there are various brigades, select a representative from each group in order to share the most appropriate places for all items. And the development of a good visual control system will significantly help the implementation of the 5S program. Employees need to work together; The involvement of the program and support from the leadership should also be apparent.

To keep clean - It means that it is sufficient to provide equipment and workplace to control the workshop and constantly maintain it. The best way Detect the flowing hoses, loose connections, damaged surfaces and faulty equipment - contain them in perfect purity. Cleaning at the beginning and / or at the end of each shift provides immediate definition of potential problems that can suspend work or even lead to the stop of the entire site, workshop or plant. Testing stamps, markup of the provisions of the controls and lubrication points on the equipment should always be clean, and the text present there is clear and easily readable. The sobbing markings on the storage places of equipment and materials must be regularly updated, and the designations of hazardous zones, quality marking and other production indicators are clean and picky. Early signs of deterioration of equipment, such as leakage of oil, uncharacteristic engine noise or vibration, must be immediately recorded in order to take urgent measures. It is necessary to compile a special checklist describing all places to be controlled and regular cleaning. This will help everyone involved in the process better to understand new requirements and comply with them.

Find the solar stains of oils on the floor or equipment, testifying to leaks. Determine the places that for a long time Not purified due to inaccessibility or absence in this explicit need. Pay attention to the slippery floor, worn out fire asbestos curtains, torn hoses, fringe of dirty fingers on the doors and equipment housings.

Perform optimization by charging workers, repairmen and managers to develop a chart of inspections that they can adhere to. At the same time, they must understand why habits need change. The check schedule should be easy to read and easy to use. An employee responsible for the guidance of order and maintaining purity, his head or team together sign such a checklist after filling it. To guide the order and verification of each shift and the brigade, it is necessary to allocate special time. And the responsibility of the manager is to turn these processes into an integral part of the daily routine that does not require overtime (or allocate additional time during the working day). In the control list, it is possible to describe the content of cleanliness guidance work in detail, on one side to place photos of the places of their holding, and on the other - the sections "Date and Time of Check", "Full name", "Signature", "List of Disadvantages" . To simplify a periodic inspection, control sheets should be kept next to the appropriate equipment, check on the correctness of filling and eliminate the identified disadvantages. In some companies, not mandatory to fill the field paint gray And they require to put control marks on the form only in case of deficiency or problems. This facilitates the filling and more clearly indicates the problems detected. Purpose of control sheets - help by eradication harmful habits, Create the skills to maintain order in the workplace and the content of equipment clean.


Standardize - It means to develop such a controllist, which everything is clear and easy to use. Think out the necessary standards for cleaning equipment and jobs, and let each in the organization knows how important it is for general success. Workers should use control sheets, responsible for their maintenance and sign, and leaders - regularly check whether they are being conducted.

Below example of the tabular part of the test sheet:

Check checklist
(Division name)
per __________ M-C. 200__ g.
Step Criterion Date of verification
1. Sorting and deleting superfluous (determine what is that you need from it, from the rest to get rid) In the workplace there is an unnecessary and not in the required amount of inventory, tool, packaging, etc.
Unnecessary information in the workplace (old announcements, instructions, magazines, etc.)
Garbage, waste in spans, corners
Unnecessary spare parts, products
Total problems on 1C
2. Compliance with the order, creating a place for what is needed (define places for what remains) Permanent places for things are not obvious from the first time (there is no markup or not visible)
Items are not on the places specifically allocated for them.
Items at the end of the working day (work shift) are not returned to their place
Total problems 2c
3. Contents of the workplace clean (Clean the purity and constantly maintain it) In the workplace dust, dirt, trash
Equipment, office equipment, etc. Contaminated (dust, dirt, oil leaks, etc.)
Total problems for 3c
4. Standardization of the order (provide regulatory support and verification) Lack of Standarov, Regulations in the workplace
Developed standards are not executed
Lack of cotrol sheets on workplace
Total problems on 4C
5. Self-discipline (struck the rules developed - everyone, always, everywhere) How many times did the requirements for 1C-4C (Nursing the result per month)
Total problems for 5C
Total number of problems identified
The total number of problems identified by the previous check
% of current problems to the previous
Signature checking

Standardization requires the guidance of active participation in order to lead the overall movement on the implementation of 5S in the organization. Everyone is obliged to understand the need and validity of new requirements and standards, and for this it is advisable to conduct special training. The fulfillment of the requirements of the 5S program should be part of the professional certification of employees and turn into a common cultural norm - from the office of the director to the Kamorka janitor.


To improve System 5S, managers and workers should conduct improvements together, not forgetting to award those who fulfill agreements. Everyone should see what advantages it receives from the 5S system, including growing safety. Permanent maintenance of the order (system 5S) will require regular efforts by the middle level of the management and leaders of teams to ensure and monitor the execution of new requirements. They should also determine which machines and working areas it is time to dively paint and put in order. The guide should plan and keep painting to show everyone that this is not a one-time event and now the 5S program is part of the usual work.

Periodic cleaning in locker rooms and recreation areas and the inclusion of these zones to the control list will be shown working that in order to benefit the company, the implementation of the program should be distributed not only to production facilities.

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