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Paul sweat is often compared with Hitler. Horror Board Paul Pot in Cambodia. Rice mobilization and administrative zones

Paul Pot (1925-1998) is a bloody dictator that destroyed 3 million tribesmen for 3.5 years of his reign. Being at the top of power, he led a ascetic lifestyle, did not even have his own home. Unfortunate artist who once dared to draw him, scored by hoes. Paul Potty managed to do what was not possible before any of the revolutionary leaders - he completely abolished the Institute of Family and Marriage, and in the communes women became the property of the nation.

SAR Salot (party nickname - Paul Pot) was born in a small village in the family of a wealthy peasant of Chinese origin. In nine years, parents sent him to the Phnom Penh, where he served in the Buddhist monastery, studied Khmer language and basics of Buddhism.

Further, it receives the foundations of classical education in a Catholic school and even goes to France, where in Sorbonne is studying electronics. In Europe, in his head, the ideas of Marxism are settled and it loses interest in learning. It is expelled from the university and in 1953 he returns to Cambodia, where he starts his party activity.

Since 1963, he becomes the Secretary General of the Kampuche Communist Party. But gradually supporters of Sarah Salot (Paul Pot) became the kernel of the Red Khmer, separated from the Communist Party. Their number was rapidly grew by joining the ranks of the little peasants, which leads a friend 87 (a conspiracy clicch of Paul Pot).

In 1975, defeating in the Bloody Civil War, the Red Khmers entered the Phnom Penh. The US Ambassador fled, holding a suitcase in one hand, and to another - the American flag. Soon, it was announced that Cambodia would be called a campaign, and in a few days will turn into a communist.

All transformations Paul Pot decided to do secretly from the world community, offended even its "brothers" - the Soviet Union, having answered a gross refusal to the invitation to visit Moscow with a friendly visit. The dictator ripped diplomatic relations with all countries of the world, banned postal and telephone communications, entry and departure from the state. Even the KGB failed to create its agent network in the newly minted state.

Thus, there were practically no information from the Campuchea. What happened there, it became known in a few years, setting the horror in the most cruel hearts.

Entering the penetration, Paul Pot ordered the National Bank to blow up, because now the money was not needed. After the explosion over the houses, bankrupts were spinning for a long time, but the revolutionaries were shot at the place of those who tried to collect them. The flow of water and electricity to the house was also discontinued.

In the morning, three million citizens woke up from orders who carried out of loudspeakers - to immediately leave the city. So that people are sweeping, red Khmers in black shape pounded in the doors with butts and fired into the air. Later, they began to shoot people who either have been lazy, or expressed discontent. The disabled was poured by gasoline and ignited.

The real chaos began. Waries separated children from parents, wives from husbands. Even those who obeyedly obeyed were in a critical position - under the open sky without food and water. Desperate people drank from the wastewater, and then dying from the intestinal infection.

A week later, the pendant was empty, and the corpses lay on the once lively beautiful streets, and the flocks of the wild dogs were growing. Only on the outskirts there was a life. Here they lived the leaders of the "Red Khmer", and also there was a "object C-21", where the "enemies of the people" were brought, which crocodiles were fed after torture after torture or burned on iron lattices.

Pole floor announced that now the entire population will be engaged in agriculture at 18 o'clock a day, living in the communes, where her husbands were separated from wives, as women became the property of the nation. A rural elder himself was the new couples, but it happened once a month, and even then on the outcome of the day, and the whole day, which was considered a weekend, tortured people listened to political reports.

Naturally, the peasants did not need cars, construction equipment and electronics. Therefore, all this destroyed the distraught red Khmers with the help of a sledgehammer and scrap. Even the electric shaver, sewing machines, tape recorders and refrigerators fell into disrepair. Libraries, theaters and cinemas, national archives were burned.

The intelligentsia is systematically destroyed, and the survivors worked on rice fields, like a religion. At the same time, a person could shoot only because he wore glasses. Killed doctors, since Paul Pot believed that the future happy nation should be healthy. With monks, they also did not particularly ceremony, and in the temples there were barracks and slaughterhouses.

When it was necessary to execute a lot of people, they were collected into the group, emitted with steel wire and passed the current from the generator installed on the bulldozer, and then faced the loss of people in the pit. Children were associated by hand and legs, and threw into pits filled with water, where they were drowning.

Subsequently, Paul Pots asked: "Why did you kill the children?" What he answered: "Because of them can grow dangerous people." The army of red Khmer consisted of adolescents of the twelve - fifteen years, who were accustomed to murder, saving a mixture of a palm moonshine with human blood.

Despite the creative horror, it was forbidden to cry, regret weak and sick. However, without a special political reason, laughed was also prohibited. If someone did not observe these revolutionary rules, he was buried on the neck to the ground, and then the head was cut off and put out the tags with the signs: "I am a traitor for the revolution!". The corpses of the criminals were smelled into the swampy soil as a fertilizer. People even invented the name of their long-suffering Fatherland - the country of the walking dead.

In one year, the floor of the sweat with comrades managed to completely destroy the entire economy of the country and all its political and social institutions. And only Mao Zedong highly responded to the achievements of Paul Pota: "You won a brilliant victory. You committed one blow with classes. Folk communes in the village, consisting of the poor and middle layers of the peasantry, throughout the Campucci are our future. "

It is not known how much time the Blood Board of Comrade 87 continued, but he made a mistake, starting the ethnic cleansing of Vietnamese. In December 1978, Vietnamese troops switched to the Campuccian border and, without meeting serious resistance, joined the penetration. The remains of the ten-thousandth army together with the floor then fled to the jungle to the north of the country, where the partisan war began.

New campaucis authorities made a dictator in absentia death sentence, accusing in genocide. However, completely defeat red khmers failed. Paul Pot settled on the border with Thailand, receiving help from Vietnam's enemies. In the jungle he lived a few more years.

At the end of the seventies, rumors began to walk that the sweat was died, but then the refutation was received. In 1981, he even returned to Cambodia, where at the secret meeting among his old friends, he stated that he was not guilty of anything, and too diligent regional commanders and leaders in the field were perverted by his orders.

"Accusings in mass killings - a vile lie. If we really destroyed people in such quantities, the people would have ceased to exist for a long time, "the sweat was expressed. Shortly before his death, the seventieth-old sex sweat managed to give an interview with Western journalists. He also said that he did not regret anything.

Initially, they announced that the cause of death was heart failure, but the subsequent medical examination showed that death had occurred as a result of poisoning. Comrade 87 did not leave anything to his wife and four daughters: all his scarce property consisted of a couple of accepted gymnasters, walking sticks, and bamboo veser. His body with a scanty property burned down on a fire from old car tires, which spinned comrades in the jungle.

On May 19, 1925, the leader of the movement of "Red Khmer" was born, in the 1970s, famous as one of the bloody dictators in the history of mankind.

The name is nominal
"You say so about me, as if I am some sex sweat",
- offendedly stated the heroine of Lyudmila Gurchenko in one popular Russian comedy.
"POL'VOTSHIP",] B] "POLLOPTOCH MODE" - these expressions are firmly entered into the lexicon of Soviet journalists-international in the second half of the 1970s. However, the name is in those years thundered around the world.

In just a few years, the leader of the "Red Khmer" movement has become one-row with the most bloody dictators in the history of mankind, deserving the title of "Asian Hitler".

About the childhood of Cambodian dictator, little is known, first of all because the sweat of the sweat tried not to disclose this information. Even the date of his birth has different information. According to one of the versions, he was born on May 19, 1925 in the village of Preksbowow, in the peasant family. The eighth baby's peasant Pek Salota Peck and his wife, the name of Sar's Sar.

The village of Preczbowow. Place of birth floor sweat.

Family half of the sweat, though there was a peasant, but did not look. The cousin's sister of the future dictator served at the royal court and even the concubine of the Crown Prince. The senior brother Paul Pot served at the royal court, and his sister danced in the royal ballet.

Sarah Sarah, at the age of nine years, sent to relatives to the Phnom Penh. After several months spent in a Buddhist monastery as a servant, the boy entered the Catholic primary school, after which he continued to study at Nodeom Sianuk College, and then in the technical school of Phnom Penh.

In Marxists by the Royal Grant

In 1949, Sar's Sarot received a government scholarship for higher education in France and went to Paris, where he began to study electronics.

The post-war period was marked by the rapid growth of the popularity of left parties and national liberation movements. In Paris, Cambodian students created a Marxist circle, whose member was also Sar Salot.

In 1952, Sar Sarota under the pseudonym Khmer Due in the magazine of Cambodian students in France published his first political article "Monarchy or Democracy?". At the same time, the student joined the French Communist Party.

The passion for politics pushed his studies into the background, and in the same year Sarah salota was expelled from the university, after which he returned to his homeland.

In Cambodia, he settled with her older brother, began to look for connections with representatives of the Communist Party Indochina and soon stated the attention of one of its coordinators in Cambodia - Fam Van Ba. Sarah Salot attracted to party work.

"Possible policy"

Fam Van Bae quite clearly described the new associate: "The young man of medium abilities, but with ambitions and thirst for power." Ambitions and the dominance of Salot Sarah turned out to be much larger than expected his comrades to combat.

Sar Sar took a new pseudonym - floors of sweat, which is a reduction from the French "Politique Potentielle" - "Possible Policy". Under this pseudonym, he was destined to enter the world history.

Node Siaunuk

In 1953, Cambodia received independence from France. The ruler of the kingdom was the prince of Nodom Sianuk, which was greatly popular and focused on China. In the following war in Vietnam Cambodia, the neutrality was formally adhered to Vietnam, however, the units of Northern Vietnam and the South Names partisans were actively used by the Kingdom's territory to accommodate their bases and warehouses. The authorities of Cambodia preferred to close their eyes.

During this period, Cambodian Communists acted in the country quite freely, and Sar's salted by 1963 passed the way from a newcomer to the Secretary General of the Party.

In the Communist Movement of Asia by then there was a serious split associated with a sharp deterioration in relations between the USSR and China. Cambodia's Communist Party made a bet on Beijing, focusing on the policy of Comrade Mao Zedong.

Chief of "Red Khmer"

Prince Nodod Siaunuk saw in the growth of the influence of Cambodian communists the threat of his own power and began to change politics, reorienting with China to the United States.

In 1967, in Cambodian province, Battambang broke out a peasant uprising, which was cruelly suppressed by government troops and mobilized citizens.

After that, Cambodian Communists unfold a guerrilla war against the Sianuk government. The detachments of the so-called "red khmer" were formed in the mass of their from the small and illiterate young peasants, whom the sweat floor did its main support.

Very quickly ideology Paul Pot began to leave not only from Marxism-Leninism, but even from Maosma. The immigracy itself from the peasant family, the leader of the "Red Khmer" formulated a much simpler program for his illiterate supporters, the path to a happy life lies through the refusal of modern Western values, through the destruction of cities that are carriers of the attendant infection, and the "re-education of their inhabitants."

Even colleagues Paul Pota did not imagine where their leader will lead such a program ...

Lon Nol.

In 1970, the Americans contributed to the strengthening of the positions of the "Red Khmer". Considering that the Prince Xianuk reoriented to the United States is not enough an allied ally in the fight against the Vietnamese Communists, Washington organized a coup, as a result of which the Prime Minister of Lon Nol came to power with solid pro-American glances.

Lon Nol demanded from Northern Vietnam to minimize all military activities in Cambodia, threatening otherwise apply force. The Northwenthights hit the first, and so that he hardly occupied the penal. In order to save their own, the US President Richard Nixon sent American parts to Cambodia. Lon Nola's regime as a result resisted, but a unprecedented wave of anti-Americanism rose in the country, and the rows of "red khmer" began to grow as on yeast.

Winning of the partisan army

Civil war in Cambodia broke out with a new force. Lon Nola's Mode was not popular and held only on American bayonets, Prince Siaunuk was deprived of real power and stayed in exile, and Paul Pot continued to gain strength.

By 1973, when the United States, deciding to put a point in the Vietnamese War, refused to further provide military support to the Lohn Nola regime, "Red Khmers" already controlled most of the country. Poll floor was already without comrades on the Communist Party, moved to the background. It was much easier for him with the formed connoisseurs of Marxism, but with illiterate fighters believed only in the floor of sweat and the Kalashnikov machine.

In January 1975, "Red Khmer" began a decisive attack on the phondion. Forces, faithful Lon Nola, did not stand the strike of the 70,000-thousand partisan army. In early April, American marines began evacuation from the country of US citizens, as well as high-ranking representatives of the pro-American regime. On April 17, 1975, "Red Khmers" took the penetration.

"City - the abode of vice"

Cambodia was renamed campling, but it was the most harmless of the Pot floor reform. "The city is the abode of vice; You can change people, but not the city. Working in the sweat of the face along the jungle prick and growing rice, a person will understand, finally, the true meaning of life, "this was the main thesis who came to power the leader of the" Red Khmer ".

2nd Secretary General of the Communist Party Campuccia Paul Pot.

The city of Phnom Penh with a population of two and a half million people were decided to evict within three days. All of its inhabitants, from Mala to Velik, sent to peasant. No complaints about health care, lack of skills and the like. Following the Phnom Penh, the same fate suffered other cities of Kampuchea.

In the capital, only about 20 thousand people remained - military, administrative staff, as well as representatives of punitive bodies that took place for identifying and eliminating dissatisfied.

Not only residents of cities were assumed, but also those peasants who were under the rule of Lon Nola. From those who served as the same regime in the army and other state structures, it was decided to just get rid of.

Paul Pot deployed the country's insulation policy, and that in order was actually happening, had a very vague presentation in Moscow, and in Washington, and even in Beijing, who was the closest ally half of the sweat. In leakage information about hundreds of thousands of challenged, who died during the relocation from cities and from the unbearable forced labor, simply refused to believe.

At the top of power

During this period, in Southeast Asia there was an extremely confusing political situation. The United States, completing the Vietnamese War, took the course to improve relations with China, using the extremely stretched relations between Beijing and Moscow. China, during the Vietnamese war, supporting the Communists of the Northern and South Vietnam, began to treat them extremely hostile, because they focused on Moscow. Paul Pot, who focused on China, fell on Vietnam, despite the fact that even recently "Red Khmers" considered Vietnamese as allies in common struggle.

Paul Pot, abandoning internationalism, made a bet on, which was widespread among the Cambodian peasantry. Brutal persecution for ethnic minorities, first of all, in Vietnamese, poured into an armed conflict with a neighboring country.

Paul Pot on the postal brand of Laos. 1977 year.

In 1977, the Red Khmers began to penetrate the neighboring areas of Vietnam, arranging bloody violence over the local population. In April 1978, "Red Khmers" occupied the Vietnamese village of Bathuk, destroying all its inhabitants from Mala to Great. 3000 people became victims of massacre.

Paul Pot dreamed not for a joke. Feeling behind the support of Beijing, he not only threatened to defeat Vietnam, but also threatened the "Warsaw Pact", that is, the organization of the Warsaw Treaty at the head of the Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, his policy made the rebel of former associates and the faithful military units, who considered what was happening, not justified by the bloody madness. The rebellion was suppressed ruthlessly, the ruffers were executed by the most cruel ways, but their number continued to grow.

Three million victims for incomplete four years

In December 1978, Vietnam decided that it was pretty enough. Parts of the Vietnamese army invaded campeaching in order to overthrow the mode of Paul Pot. The offensive was developing rapidly, and already on January 7, 1979, Phnom Ped. The government was transferred to the unified front of the national salvation of Kampuchey established in December 1978.

China, China tried to save their ally, in February 1979, who carried out the invasion of Vietnam. The fierce, but the short war ended in March, the Tactical Victory Vietnam - the Chinese failed to return the floor of the sweat to power.

"Red Khmers", who suffered a serious defeat, retreated to the West of the country, to the campaucked Thai border. The support of China, Thailand and the USA was saved from full defeat. Each of these countries pursued its interests - Americans, for example, tried to prevent the strengthening of positions in the Region of the Proviktsky Vietnam, for the sake of this preferring to close the eyes to the results of the activity of the PAT floor mode.

Democratic Campucia (Cambodia). The official visit of the party and government delegation of China (November 5-9, 1978). Meeting Paul Pot and Wang Dunxina.

And the results were truly impressive. For 3 years 8 months and 20 days, "Red Khmers" plunged the country into a medieval state. In the Protocol of the Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Section Police Paul dated July 25, 1983, it was said that 2,746,105 people died between 1975 and 1978, of which 1,927,061 peasant, 305,417 workers, employees and representatives of other professions, 48,359 representatives National minorities, 25,168 monks, about 100 writers and journalists, as well as several foreigners. Another 568,663 people were missing and either died in the jungle, or buried in mass burials. The total number of victims is estimated at 3,374,768 people.

In July 1979, the People's Revolutionary Tribunal was organized in Phnompene, in absentia by the leaders of the "Red Khmer". On August 19, 1979, the Tribunal acknowledged Paul Pot and his closest Jeng Sari associates perpetrators in Genocide and sentenced them in absentia to the death penalty with the confiscation of all property.

The passport of Jeng Sari is one of the most influential figures of the "Red Khmer" regime. During the years of dictatorship, Paul Pota (1975-1979) he served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Campuccia.

The last secrets of the leader

For the floor itself, this sentence, however, did not mean anything. He continued the partisan war against the new Kampuche government, hiding in the jungle. There was little little about the leader of the "Red Khmer", and many have believed that a person whose name has become a nominative, long dead.

When the processes of national reconciliation began in Cambodia cambodia, aimed at stopping the long-term civil war, the new generation of the leaders of the "Red Khmerov" was trying to push his odious "guru" to the background. In motion there was a split, and the half sweat, trying to keep leadership, again decided to use the terror to suppress the disloyal elements.

In July 1997, by order, Paul Pota was killed by his many years of comanter, the former Minister of Defense Campucci Son Sen. Together with him killed 13 members of his family, including young children.

However, this time the floor has overestimated its influence. Comraders declared him a traitor and held her own court over him, sentenced to life arrest.

The court of "Red Khmerov" over his own leader caused the last splash of interest in the floor of the sweat. In 1998, prominent leaders of the movement agreed to fold the weapons and surrender to the new Cambodian authorities.

Grave Paul Pota

But among them, Paul Pot was not. He died on April 15, 1998. Representatives of the "Red Khmerov" said that the former leader led the heart. There is, however, the version that I was poisoned.

The Government of Cambodia sought from the "Red Khmer" to issue a body in order to make sure that Paul Sft is really dead, and establish all the circumstances of his death, but the corpse was hastily cremmed.

His last secrets leader of the "Red Khmer" took with them ...

After the occupation of the country, the whole world found out about the unprecedented genocide against its own population conducted by the Government of the Red Khmer. The media and capitalist countries and the Soviet Block countries competed with each other in the description of the "horrors of the pollovation regime", the magnitude of the intelligentsia, the destruction of cities. In Hollywood in 1984, the film "Field of Death", which, thanks to the conjunctural topics of Okreb, a pack of Oskarov, and the Campuccian party and state leader of Comrade Paul Pota was ranked by record humanists of all countries to the number of the highest "dictators" in the history of mankind .

The condemnation of the "Red Khmer" was amazingly friendly, they were condemned by the right, and left, and even left-wing, such as Enver Khoja. The only of the countries who condemned the invasion of Vietnam to the territory of Kampuchea were the PRC and the DPRK. And despite this, in all the laws of the "world community", the Government Paul Pota was the only legitimate government of the country and before carrying out "free elections" in 1993 in 1993 it was the Delegate of "Red Khmer" represented Campuccia to the UN.
The striking unanimity with whom the political system of the state of the State Democratic Campuccia existing from 1975 to 1978, and in Western countries and in the countries of the Warsaw Pact involuntarily makes the researcher of this problem asking: why the worst enemies were united in confrontation in the confrontation. What is the mystery half of the sweat? Why did he do what he did?

From the late 1960s to 1975, a civil war was held in the country, in which Northern Vietnam, South Vietnam and the United States actively intervened. In 1970, a military coup took place, as a result of which General Lon Nol arrived in power and proclaimed the creation of the Khmer Republic. In the same year, to support the Government of Lon Nola, which has developed fighting against Cambodian Communists - "Red Khmer", the US Armed Forces and South Vietnam committed an invasion of Cambodia. American aviation has begun massive bombings of southern and eastern regions. By 1973, the American bombers of the B-52 method of "carpet" bombing dropped so many tons of explosives on this tiny country, as was reset to Germany over the past two years of World War II.

As a result of this five-year war, accompanied by American carpet bombers, more than a million people were disabled and became disabled. Then the losses will spike on "Bloody mode Paul sweat and yeng sari.
In 1975, having defeated in the Bloody Civil War, the Red Khmers, led by the floor, came to power. Red Khmers (not because they were convinced by Marxists-Leninists, but because they were immigrants from red lands - mountainous areas of the Campuccia) entered the phomethm not meeting any resistance. The thirty most influential officials, including General Lon Nola, and eighty-two American advisers for 36 helicopters, accompanied by US marines, left the capital of another 14 April. Evacuation operation wore a beautiful name "Needle Pool".

This is what he wrote on this issue "New York Times": "... After America, for five years, helped the feudal government, which she despised, and led the war on which she was known that she had nothing to do with the United States Show other hand to the evacuation with an ambassador holding an American flag in one hand, and in another giant suitcase ... But there is a seventh part of the population of killed and wounded, hundreds of thousands of refugees, there is a devastated country, children dying from hunger. "

Coming to power, three simple tasks were delivered, requiring immediate solution:
1. Terminate the policies of the peasantry - the foundations of the Campuccian society, to end corruption and usury;

2. Eliminate the eternal dependence of the campochy from foreign countries;

3. Cut into order in the country, increasing deeper into anarchy, for which, first of all, it is necessary to establish a hard political regime.

The money was played by a fateful role in the history of the Kampuchea of \u200b\u200bthe 50-70s. It is foreign loans that turned the country in fully dependent first from France, then from the United States, deprived of its own industrial production. Billions of francs and dollars embedded, allegedly, in the development of the economy, actually dreamed in the pockets of the bunch of officials, senior officers and especially talented fanholders, leaving the majority of the population by the wishes without any perspective, and creating a few "elite" from bartenders, dealers, prostitutes, Whose relative well-being against the background of the lack of industrial production and the collapsed agriculture looked more than strange. The experiments of the prince of Syanuk with "Khmer socialism", and then the mode of General Lon Nola was forced to leak in the city more than 3.5 million people. Agriculture unrelated by economic experiments and military actions could not feed the country. Credits went on food purchases abroad. Familiar picture, isn't it? Lon Nola's mode left a sadness after himself. The production of agricultural products (rice) amounted to only one fourth of 1969, industrial products - only one eighth. Three-quarters of enterprises were destroyed, two-thirds of rubber plantations were destroyed. The rubber was for the campling that oil for Russia is the main export article. Three-quarters were unforgettable Iron and highways. If you compare the position of the campaign in 1970 and the position of Russia after the civil war, the young Soviet republic would seem to be a flowering edge. Then, of course, all this economic decadence is welded on the "bloody click" Paul Pot and Jeng Sari.

The entire population of the country by decision of the national authority was divided into three main categories. The first - "the main people" - included residents of the regions, where in the 1950s there were guerrilla bases, those who did not know what to live in socialism, who had already lived in the liberated areas of the most affected in 1970 From the raids of American aviation. It was the driving force of the country - people who have experienced a sense of gratitude to the Communists for liberation from the age-old negle.
The second part is the "new people" or "People on April 17". These are residents of cities and villages who have long been temporarily occupied by the Americans or under the control of the puppet forces of Lon Nola. This part of the population was to be subjected to a serious re-education. And finally, the third category was a rotten intelligentsia, reactionary clergy, persons who served in the state apparatus of previous regimes, officers and sergeants of the Lonnolovsky army, revisionists who were trained in Hanoi. This category of the population was to be widespread cleaning.
Paul Pot perfectly understood this and said more than once: "It is not enough to cut a bad bush. We must snatch it with the root. "
But did such a large-scale terror against all categories of the population, which bourgeois and revisionist writings called "genocide" really occurred in Kampuchea? I am usually with the fact that they cannot even name how exactly the exact figures. The last example is: when he became aware of the death of Paul Pot, NTV in his program first called the figure of those killed in Kampuchea for the period from 1975 to 1979 in 2 million, and in five minutes the same announcer stated that in the period of the rule of the "red Khmer "killed 1 million people. And the next day the same program called the figure of 3 million. Who can you believe?

"Pruliters" show on a film of the mountain skulls. But in itself, this does not mean anything. Campuches are really a long-suffering country and in these graves could be anyone. It could be the victims of massive American bombers, it could be the victims of the Lonolskaya military, the graves of the partisans who fought for the country's freedom against the French colonizers, it could be finally the remains of the past epochs, say the Thai invasion of Cambodia.
Remember, say, a film based on real facts, Francis Ford Coppola "Apocalypse Today". It is about the fact that several American commandos, having spoiled on the bosses, leave the southern Vietnam to the territory of Cambodia and there are a bloody kingdom of terror there. Is it a single case?

The depth and scale of the transformations exceeded everything that was done in this direction for the entire world history. A few days after the entry of the detachments of the "Red Khmer" into the ponto, the prices of all products by order of the central government were reduced a hundred times. And after the joyful population rushed to the shops and shops and bought all the goods in them, the money was abolished as unnecessary, and the National Bank as the chief sedentiary of commodity and money relations was exemplary blown. So without the slightest effort, without compulsory nationalization was in one day the market economy was destroyed.
In the spring of 1976, a new Constitution of the country was adopted, proclaiming the creation of a democratic campauca - "the state of peasants, workers and servicemen." For peasants, in accordance with the Constitution, two thirds of places in parliament have reserved. The remaining equally was distributed between the military and workers.
Soon, the entire urban population of the country went on the road. All city inhabitants were distributed in agricultural communes. Phnom Penh was completely evacuated and turned into a ghost city, the streets of which wandered wild animals, which gradually absorbed the jungle. It did not have anything except foreign embassies.

The entire population was distributed across the agricultural communes and should have been working on rice fields every day, which, of course, did not like the city idlers who were subsequently a fairy tale about the horrors of the pollovation regime.

The life of the poorest peasants should have become a sample for educated. Former monks and urban lobotryas, perhaps, for the first time in his life, engaged in social and useful work: they helped their country to solve the food problem and were engaged in business - they built the dams, cut the channels, cleared the impassable jungle.

After the destruction of the bank, the Red Khmers spent a number of mass executions in the capital. They executed not people, executed things. What personified in the eyes of the partisans is evil imperialism. "Mersery", "Sharpes", toasters and mixers were publicly broken by sledgehammes. Summary performances conducted by semi-graphic peasants who have never heard of any postmodernism or an underground. Then the eviction began, rather the return of citizens in rural areas. The country was needed. The population of Phnom Penh was 350 thousand people in 1960, and in 1979 already 3 million. The city was the only place where somehow could be filmed. Moreover, the proletariat in the classical sense of the word was an insignificant percentage of the total number of citizens and was presented mainly by transport and repair workers. Within 72 hours, "new residents", so in the Language "Angki" were called citizens, on buses and trucks confiscated by the name "Angki" were taken to rural areas. The slogans "Angki" read: "The country must feed himself"; "From now on, if people want to eat - they must earn themselves to extract themselves in rice fields"; "The city is the inhabitant of vice." The obsessive phantom of the city-spruit, requiring sacrifices, the all-living moloch, so hated by Batya Makhno and Emil Uporne, was eliminated by the volitional decision of "Angki" in just three days.

Lon Nalonic gendarmes and punishers, as well as those who have not switched to the side of the Red Khmer until April 17, 1975, soldiers were shot in place. And how otherwise it was to do with gear, destroyed the prisoners of the partisans by burning alive in the automotive tires or pumping through the rear passage of gas "Mehc"?
When the adepts of abstract humanism with perturbation and tears write about sending the phnompian tune teams on agricultural workers, they forget, or rather simply do not know about the period in the history of Kampuchea from 1952 to 1955! It was the time of "regrouping". The rural population, which supports the then anti-armnce and antimonarchic movement "Khmer Isissarak", was expelled from the native places, the usual villages and farms and moved to the extensive villages of exemplary villages, located along the highway roads. The barracks in these villages were collected from the sheets of corrugated tin, that by the thoughts of humanists from UNICEF, as it is impossible to better fit the conditions of the jungle. The ability to grow rice was completely ignored when building these "islets of calm". The first place was made by the convenience of control from the local police and rural gendarmerie. The former crops and villages were made unsuitable with the help of flamers. The exit for residents of tin villages was either in the partisans or to the city to any work. How many people who did not want to leave their native places were killed - it is unknown, only by official statistics about a million. On the basis of these villages, Prince Sihanuk tried to create the hands of state-called "Khmer socialism" by the hands of state officials.
The organization with the beautiful title "Royal Cooperation Service" quickly reversed the allocated loans. The peasants again remained with anything, and cooperatives by the mid-60s were recognized as "unprofitable". The same former was done in Russia, which does not seem to be treated for the countries of the third world, the Gorbachev administration with farms, who were supposed to feed Russia and another half airs ... The children and grandchildren of those who were driving out from their native places, took up the automata And they did the same with their offenders.
Until 1979, when the moderate wing of the Communist Party, with the support of Vietnamese troops, knocked out of the phonnem "Bloody Click Paul Pot and Yeng Sari", Campuchea fully provided themselves with food, not asking for anyone.

If the floor fee really was a "bloody maniac", and Vietnamese troops brought the Khmer nation to get rid of the horrors of the "genocide", according to the democratic press, then why, I want to ask me, with him not only his armed formations, but hundreds of thousands of refugees ? Why "Red Khmers" for almost twenty years successfully lead the partisan struggle control the extensive areas of the country and enjoy significant support for the local population?

Power in the country seized the providen Klik Hong Sena - Heng Samrin. In the fight against Vietnamese puppets, "Red Khmers" were forced to conclude a temporary union with their yesterday's fatal enemies - the paramilitary formations of Prince Syanuk and Lon Nola. Even the Americans, counting the floor of the sweat, was no longer dangerous, began to throw it into his own kind of humanitarian aid from the desire to pump Vietnamese. After all, the formation of "Red Khmer" was the only real military force in the region. Sianukovtsev had five thousand fighters from strength, and Lon Nola had only one thousand.

"Red Khmers" again began to gain power and dismissed one district after another. It greatly frightened international gendarmes from the UN, which was putting pressure on Lonnarol and Sihanukovtsev so that they became more thanks. As a result, in 1993, under the cover of the UN in the country, newly called Cambodia, the so-called "free elections" took place. Proponents of Comrade Paul Pota, of course, boycotted this farce imposed by international imperialism. As a result, the elderly Siaunuk returned to power, the monarchy was restored in the country, and two premieres were reigned in the country: Sianuka Prince Nodomed Ranarite and the leader of the Cambodia People's People's Folk Party (the word "revolutionary" they threw out the name of the party somewhere in the area 1991) Hong Sen. Both premieres hated each other deadly, brought them only one thing - "Red Khmer" they hated even more.
Government troops tried to start an offensive on the "Red Khmer" in the fall of the same year, but they received a serious separation. And although the number of the government army exceeded 145 thousand people, and in the compounds of "Red Khmer" at that time, no more than 8-10 thousand, Khmer revolutionaries invariably beat government troops in battles.

The compounds of the "Red Khmer" were soldered by iron discipline and high consciousness - the floor of the sweat was still possible to bring up a rather significant part of the population in the spirit of new ideas. And the reconstructive parts were a raft made up from a warrior of three competed groups - truly leap-up assessment! In the regular army of Cambodia, a hundred soldiers account for two generals, six colonels and about twenty majors.

But his inability to fight the regular army with interest reimbursed due to senseless atrocities and bullying over the civilian population of the country. That's where it is time to talk about butchers and bloody sadists. "When we take captivation of the militants from the formations of" Red Khmer ", we cut off the heads and send them to commanders," said one such warrior in an interview with the Pondoen Post "on May 20, 1994. "Usually we kill the prisoners not immediately, but slowly screaming them with Rusty Pilaw's head ...". According to the Australian ambassador in Cambodia John Hallowea, "the peasants in the countryside are most afraid of government troops, and they look at the" red khmer "as the intercessors."

Installed in 1993, with the support of the "Blue Cassack" of the UN, the prince of Nodoma Ranarita Prince, which is no different from the Lohn Nolat regime of the seventies. The same sales, financial scams. Credits from the West go to the purchase of food and the content of the super-army, which, with a number of 60 thousand people, has two thousand generals and ten thousand colonels. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation rests. Fashionable AIDS was brought from Thailand. New beautiful paper money depicted with the image of the Anchor Temple blown by the Red Khemers. In 1997, England decided to sacrifice the floor then to strengthen international prestige. He was solemnly judged. No one guarded the dictator, there was no prosecutor, nor lawyers. Paul Pot sentenced to life imprisonment in his own hut with his wife and daughter, where he died on April 14, 1998, without surviving 3 days before the official holiday of the Day of Liberation.

Being at the top of power, Paul Pot adhered to absolute asksua, he fed a poorly, wearing a nonsense black gymnaster and did not assign the values \u200b\u200bof the repressed, declared the enemies of the people. Huge power did not corrupt it. For myself personally, he did not want anything, heavily himself to dedicate himself to serving his people and build a new society of happiness and justice. He did not have any palaces, no cars, no luxurious women, nor personal accounts in the bank. Before death, he had nothing to come to his wife and daughters - he didn't have his own home, nor even the apartment, and all his meager property, which consisted of a couple of accepted gymnasters, walks for walking, and bamboo fuel, burned down with him in a fire from the old Automotive tires, in which it is cremated former comrades on the same day after his death.

Until now, the history of the eight-year rule of red khmer is represented as some kind of anomaly. Say, sort of "born killers" appeared from the jungle and began to kill good financiers, fair gendarmes and wise officials. In fact, it was a riot, a campusky riot, not so meaningless and absolutely merciless.

Environment - Ecology problems: illegal cutting and blank of the forest, and open mining of precious stones in the western region along the border with Thailand led to the disappearance of many types of flora and fauna and violation of biological balance (in particular, the destruction of mangrove swamps threatens the natural reserves of fish in the region) ; soil erosion; In rural areas, the majority of the population does not have access to drinking water; The burial of toxic waste in Kampong Saom (Sihanoukville) brought from Taiwan was the cause of public protest in December 1998
High mortality as a result of AIDS
Literacy level: 35%

The population lacks education and production skills, especially in the inflicted rural areas, which suffer from the complete absence of any infrastructure. Repeating political distribution and corruption inside the government scare foreign investors and postpone international assistance.
Population Behind Poverty: 36%

Drugs: Transfer base for heroin from the Golden Triangle; money laundering; Some politicians, government members and police are involved in drug business; production of opium, heroin and amphetamine in small quantities; Large control of cannabis for international markets.

"You say so about me, as if I am some sex sweat," Heroine was offended by Lyudmish Gurchenko in one popular Russian comedy. "Plotovnia", "Polvotsky regimen" - these expressions are firmly entered into the lexicon of Soviet international international students in the second half 1970s. However, the name is in those years thundered around the world. A little less than 4 years of his rule, more than 3,370,000 people were exterminated in Cambodia.

The name is nominal

In just a few years, the leader of the "Red Khmer" movement has become one-row with the most bloody dictators in the history of mankind, deserving the title of "Asian Hitler".

About the childhood of Cambodian dictator, little is known, first of all because the sweat of the sweat tried not to disclose this information. Even the date of his birth has different information. According to one of the versions, he was born on May 19, 1925 in the village of Preksbowow, in the peasant family. The eighth baby's peasant Pek Salota Peck and his wife, the name of Sar's Sar.

Family half of the sweat, though there was a peasant, but did not look. The cousin's sister of the future dictator served at the royal court and even the concubine of the Crown Prince. The senior brother Paul Pot served at the royal court, and his sister danced in the royal ballet.

Sarah Sarah, at the age of nine years, sent to relatives to the Phnom Penh. After several months spent in a Buddhist monastery as a servant, the boy entered the Catholic primary school, after which he continued to study at Nodeom Sianuk College, and then in the technical school of Phnom Penh.

In Marxists by the Royal Grant

In 1949, Sar's Sarot received a government scholarship for higher education in France and went to Paris, where he began to study electronics.

The post-war period was marked by the rapid growth of the popularity of left parties and national liberation movements. In Paris, Cambodian students created a Marxist circle, whose member was also Sar Salot.

In 1952, Sar Sarota under the pseudonym Khmer Due in the magazine of Cambodian students in France published his first political article "Monarchy or Democracy?". At the same time, the student joined the French Communist Party.

The passion for politics pushed his studies into the background, and in the same year Sarah salota was expelled from the university, after which he returned to his homeland.

In Cambodia, he settled with her older brother, began to look for connections with representatives of the Communist Party Indochina and soon stated the attention of one of its coordinators in Cambodia - Fam Van Ba. Sarah Salot attracted to party work.

"Possible policy"

Fam Van Bae quite clearly described the new associate: "The young man of medium abilities, but with ambitions and thirst for power." Ambitions and the dominance of Salot Sarah turned out to be much larger than expected his comrades to combat.

Sar Sar took a new pseudonym - floors of sweat, which is a reduction from the French "Politique Potentielle" - "Possible Policy". Under this pseudonym, he was destined to enter the world history.

1953 Cambodia received independence from France. The ruler of the kingdom was the prince of Nodom Sianuk, which was greatly popular and focused on China. In the following war in Vietnam Cambodia, the neutrality was formally adhered to Vietnam, however, the units of Northern Vietnam and the South Names partisans were actively used by the Kingdom's territory to accommodate their bases and warehouses. The authorities of Cambodia preferred to close their eyes.

During this period, Cambodian Communists acted in the country quite freely, and Sar's salted by 1963 passed the way from a newcomer to the Secretary General of the Party.

In the Communist Movement of Asia by then there was a serious split associated with a sharp deterioration in relations between the USSR and China. Cambodia's Communist Party made a bet on Beijing, focusing on the policy of Comrade Mao Zedong.

Chief of "Red Khmer"

Prince Nodod Siaunuk saw in the growth of the influence of Cambodian communists the threat of his own power and began to change politics, reorienting with China to the United States.

In 1967, in Cambodian province, Battambang broke out a peasant uprising, which was cruelly suppressed by government troops and mobilized citizens.

After that, Cambodian Communists unfold a guerrilla war against the Sianuk government. The detachments of the so-called "red khmer" were formed in the mass of their from the small and illiterate young peasants, whom the sweat floor did its main support.

Very quickly ideology Paul Pot began to leave not only from Marxism-Leninism, but even from Maosma. The immigracy itself from the peasant family, the leader of the "Red Khmer" formulated a much simpler program for his illiterate supporters, the path to a happy life lies through the refusal of modern Western values, through the destruction of cities that are carriers of the attendant infection, and the "re-education of their inhabitants."

Even colleagues Paul Pota did not imagine where their leader will lead such a program ...

In 1970, the Americans contributed to the strengthening of the positions of the "Red Khmer". Considering that the Prince Xianuk reoriented to the United States is not enough an allied ally in the fight against the Vietnamese Communists, Washington organized a coup, as a result of which the Prime Minister of Lon Nol came to power with solid pro-American glances.

Lon Nol demanded from Northern Vietnam to minimize all military activities in Cambodia, threatening otherwise apply force. The Northwenthights hit the first, and so that he hardly occupied the penal. In order to save their own, the US President Richard Nixon sent American parts to Cambodia. Lon Nola's regime as a result resisted, but a unprecedented wave of anti-Americanism rose in the country, and the rows of "red khmer" began to grow as on yeast.

Winning of the partisan army

the warbed war in Cambodia flared up with a new force. Lon Nola's Mode was not popular and held only on American bayonets, Prince Siaunuk was deprived of real power and stayed in exile, and Paul Pot continued to gain strength.

By 1973, when the United States, deciding to put a point in the Vietnamese War, refused to further provide military support to the Lohn Nola regime, "Red Khmers" already controlled most of the country. Poll floor was already without comrades on the Communist Party, moved to the background. It was much easier for him with the formed connoisseurs of Marxism, but with illiterate fighters believed only in the floor of sweat and the Kalashnikov machine.

In January 1975, "Red Khmer" began a decisive attack on the phondion. Forces, faithful Lon Nola, did not stand the strike of the 70,000-thousand partisan army. In early April, American marines began evacuation from the country of US citizens, as well as high-ranking representatives of the pro-American regime. On April 17, 1975, "Red Khmers" took the penetration.

"City - the abode of vice"

Cambodia was renamed campling, but it was the most harmless of the Pot floor reform. "The city is the abode of vice; You can change people, but not the city. Working in the sweat of the face along the jungle prick and growing rice, a person will understand, finally, the true meaning of life, "this was the main thesis who came to power the leader of the" Red Khmer ".

The city of Phnom Penh with a population of two and a half million people were decided to evict within three days. All of its inhabitants, from Mala to Velik, sent to peasant. No complaints about health care, lack of skills and the like. Following the Phnom Penh, the same fate suffered other cities of Kampuchea.

In the capital, only about 20 thousand people remained - military, administrative staff, as well as representatives of punitive bodies that took place for identifying and eliminating dissatisfied.

Not only residents of cities were assumed, but also those peasants who were under the rule of Lon Nola. From those who served as the same regime in the army and other state structures, it was decided to just get rid of.

Paul Pot deployed the country's insulation policy, and that in order was actually happening, had a very vague presentation in Moscow, and in Washington, and even in Beijing, who was the closest ally half of the sweat. In leakage information about hundreds of thousands of challenged, who died during the relocation from cities and from the unbearable forced labor, simply refused to believe.

At the top of power

During this period, in Southeast Asia there was an extremely confusing political situation. The United States, completing the Vietnamese War, took the course to improve relations with China, using the extremely stretched relations between Beijing and Moscow. China, during the Vietnamese war, supporting the Communists of the Northern and South Vietnam, began to treat them extremely hostile, because they focused on Moscow. Paul Pot, who focused on China, fell on Vietnam, despite the fact that even recently "Red Khmers" considered Vietnamese as allies in common struggle.

Paul Pot, abandoning internationalism, made a bet on nationalism, which was widespread among the Cambodian peasantry. Brutal persecution for ethnic minorities, first of all, in Vietnamese, poured into an armed conflict with a neighboring country.

In 1977, the Red Khmers began to penetrate the neighboring areas of Vietnam, arranging bloody violence over the local population. In April 1978, "Red Khmers" occupied the Vietnamese village of Bathuk, destroying all its inhabitants from Mala to Great. 3000 people became victims of massacre.

Paul Pot dreamed not for a joke. Feeling behind the support of Beijing, he not only threatened to defeat Vietnam, but also threatened the "Warsaw Pact", that is, the organization of the Warsaw Treaty at the head of the Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, his policy made the rebel of former associates and the faithful military units, who considered what was happening, not justified by the bloody madness. The rebellion was suppressed ruthlessly, the ruffers were executed by the most cruel ways, but their number continued to grow.

Three million victims for incomplete four years

In December 1978, Vietnam decided that it was pretty enough. Parts of the Vietnamese army invaded campeaching in order to overthrow the mode of Paul Pot. The offensive was developing rapidly, and already on January 7, 1979, Phnom Ped. The government was transferred to the unified front of the national salvation of Kampuchey established in December 1978.

China, China tried to save their ally, in February 1979, who carried out the invasion of Vietnam. The fierce, but the short war ended in March, the Tactical Victory Vietnam - the Chinese failed to return the floor of the sweat to power.

"Red Khmers", who suffered a serious defeat, retreated to the West of the country, to the campaucked Thai border. The support of China, Thailand and the USA was saved from full defeat. Each of these countries pursued its interests - Americans, for example, tried to prevent the strengthening of positions in the Region of the Proviktsky Vietnam, for the sake of this preferring to close the eyes to the results of the activity of the PAT floor mode.

And the results were truly impressive. For 3 years 8 months and 20 days, "Red Khmers" plunged the country into a medieval state. In the Protocol of the Commission for the Investigation of Crimes Section Police Paul dated July 25, 1983, it was said that 2,746,105 people died between 1975 and 1978, of which 1,927,061 peasant, 305,417 workers, employees and representatives of other professions, 48,359 representatives National minorities, 25,168 monks, about 100 writers and journalists, as well as several foreigners. Another 568,663 people were missing and either died in the jungle, or buried in mass burials. The total number of victims is estimated at 3,374,768 people.

In July 1979, the People's Revolutionary Tribunal was organized in Phnompene, in absentia by the leaders of the "Red Khmer". On August 19, 1979, the Tribunal acknowledged Paul Pot and his closest Jeng Sari associates perpetrators in Genocide and sentenced them in absentia to the death penalty with the confiscation of all property.

The last secrets of the leader

For the floor itself, this sentence, however, did not mean anything. He continued the partisan war against the new Kampuche government, hiding in the jungle. There was little little about the leader of the "Red Khmer", and many have believed that a person whose name has become a nominative, long dead.

When the processes of national reconciliation began in Cambodia cambodia, aimed at stopping the long-term civil war, the new generation of the leaders of the "Red Khmerov" was trying to push his odious "guru" to the background. In motion there was a split, and the half sweat, trying to keep leadership, again decided to use the terror to suppress the disloyal elements.

In July 1997, by order, Paul Pota was killed by his many years of comanter, the former Minister of Defense Campucci Son Sen. Together with him killed 13 members of his family, including young children.

However, this time the floor has overestimated its influence. Comraders declared him a traitor and held her own court over him, sentenced to life arrest.

The court of "Red Khmerov" over his own leader caused the last splash of interest in the floor of the sweat. In 1998, prominent leaders of the movement agreed to fold the weapons and surrender to the new Cambodian authorities.

But among them, Paul Pot was not. He died on April 15, 1998. Representatives of the "Red Khmerov" said that the former leader led the heart. There is, however, the version that I was poisoned.

The Government of Cambodia sought from the "Red Khmer" to issue a body in order to make sure that Paul Sft is really dead, and establish all the circumstances of his death, but the corpse was hastily cremmed.

His last secrets leader of the "Red Khmer" took with them ...

Like continents
Where the floor won ...
(And fo min)

1968 was rich in political events. "Prague Spring", student unrest in Paris, War in Vietnam, the strengthening of the Kido-Iranian conflict was only part of what is happening. But the most terrible event was the creation in Cambodia maoist flow of "Red Khmer". According to the most modest calculations, it is at first glance a private local event. stoyed Cambodia 3 million lives (The population of Cambodia constituted 7 million people to this).

It would seem that maybe a peace-loving ideology of agrarian sense? However, given the foundations of this ideology - a hard uncompromising interpretation of Maosima, hatred for the modern lifestyle, the perception of cities as a focus of evil - you can guess that "Red Khmers" in their aspirations (and even more so - by action; but this later) were very far from peaceful farmers.

The number of "Red Khmerov" reached 30,000 people and grew mainly at the expense of adolescent-unprovers who hated the West, citizens as accomplices of the West and the entire modern lifestyle, as well as peasants from the poor eastern regions of the country.

Since the origin of the movement of "Red Khmer" and before their arrival, 7 years have passed. It should not be assumed that the change of regime occurred bloodlessly - five years from these seven in the country was a civil war. The Pro-American Government of General Lol Nola was resisted, but was overthrown. On April 17, 1975, he became a black day in the history of Cambodia. On this day, the patrons - the capital - was captured by the armed detachments of "Red Khmer", who have established a special dictatorial regime. At the head of the state, "Brother Number One", the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Sar Salot (more famous under the party nickname). The people tired of poverty, corruption and American bombing bordering on Vietnam of the districts, enthusiastically welcomed the "liberators" ...

But the joy was short. Soon she was replaced by horror. It was announced the beginning of the "revolutionary experiment", which had the goal of "building a 100% communist society" - a society consisting of hard-working peasants, fully independent of external factors. The Cambodia state ceased to exist. In his place, a new - democratic campauca arose, - who received dubious historical glory of one of the most terrible regimes in the history of mankind ...

The first stage of the experiment included the eviction of all citizens in the countryside, the abolition of commodity-money relations, a ban on education (up to the elimination of schools, especially universities), a complete ban on religions and repressing religious figures, a prohibition of foreign languages, the elimination of officials and military old The regime (no, not the elimination of posts - the destruction of the people themselves).

On the very first day of the new government, more than 2 million people were evicted from the capital - all residents of Phnom Penh. With empty hands, without things, products and medicines, the doomed townspeople walk in a terrible way, to achieve the end of which was far from all. Estimation or delay caught executing on the spot (given the fate of those who were still able to reach new habitats, we can assume that the first victims of the regime was significantly lucky). There was no exceptions for old people, nor for disabled people, nor for pregnant women and young children. Mekong took the first bloody sacrifice - on the shores and during the crossing died about half a million Cambodians.

Agricultural concentration camps began to be created throughout the country - the so-called "higher forms of cooperatives", - where the urban population was cozy for "labor education." It was that people should have treated land by primitive tools, and sometimes manually, working at 12 to 16 hours without interruptions and weekends, with a hard restriction in food (in some areas the daily diet of the adult was one rice bowl), in unsanitary conditions. The new authorities demanded the passage of 3 tons of rice from Hectare, although never before was able to get more tons. Grueling work, hunger, antisanitaryness meant almost inevitable death.

The terror machine required new victims. The whole society was permeated with the network of spies and diamons. Almost anyone could be in prison for the slightest suspicion - in collaboration with the old regime, in relations with the exploration of the USSR, Vietnam or Thailand, in a hostile attitude to the new government ... Not only ordinary citizens came under the charges, but also "Red Khmers themselves "- the ruling party periodically needed" cleaning ". Only on charges of betrayal of the Motherland and the revolution during the reign, half a million of Cambodians were executed. There were not enough places in prisons (and there were more than two hundred on the territory of the democratic campauca). The most terrible, major prison of the Democratic Kampuchea is S-21, or Tolla Slag, - located in the building of one of the metropolitan schools. There not only contained prisoners, but also brutal interrogations and mass executions were also held. Nobody left there. Only after the fall of the dictatorship of the "Red Khmer" the remaining prisoners were released ...

Prisoners stayed in constant fear. Tesne, hunger, unsanitary conditions, a complete ban on communication with each other and with the protection of the will of the will to resist, and daily interrogations with the use of inhuman torture forced the prisoners to confess in all imaginable and unthinkable crimes against the regime. Based on their "testimony" there were new arrests, and there was no chance to break this terrible chain.
Mass executions on the prison were held daily. Now the sentence has not been shot - the ammunition should have saved, "as a rule, they were simply scored by hoes. Soon the prison cemetery was overflowed, and the bodies of the executed began to export the city. "Economy" of the regime manifested itself in the fact that even their own wounded soldiers were to be destroyed - in order not to spend medicines on them ...
Even prison guards were kept in constant fear. For the slightest locality - such as a conversation with a prisoner or an attempt to lean against the wall during duty - the guard himself could be in the same chamber.
Sex Pot mode lasted a little less than four years.

He left behind a fully depleted population, including 142,000 disabled, 200,000 orphans, numerous widows. The country lay in ruins. Over 600,000 buildings were destroyed, including almost 6,000 schools, about 1,000 hospitals and medical institutions, 1968 temples (some of them were converted to warehouses, pigsties, prisons ...). The country lost almost all agricultural equipment. The victims of the steel regime and pets - the pollovers destroyed one and a half million heads.

Almost the most incomprehensible in the history of democratic campauca is its recognition internationally. This state was officially recognized by the UN, Albania and the DPRK. The leadership of the Soviet Union invited Paul Pot to Moscow, which also means recognition of the legitimacy of the power of the "Red Khmer" - if not de-Yura, then de facto. The factors themselves maintained foreign policy connections only with North Korea, China, Romania, Albania and France. Almost all embassies and consulates were closed on the territory of the democratic campaign, with the exception of representative offices of the above-mentioned North Korea, China, Romania, as well as Cuba and Laos.

No less amazement causes at the closer and portraits of the dictator itself (by the way, the names and portraits of the country's heads - Paul Pota, Nuon Chea, Yeng Sari, that Moka, Khiyeu Splekhan - were the strictest mystery for the population; they were called simply - Brother №1, brother №2 and so on). Sar Salot was born on May 19, 1925. The son of a wealthy peasant, he had the opportunity to get a good education. Initially, he studied at the Buddhist monastery in the capital, then at the school of the French Catholic Mission. In 1949, having received a government scholarship, he went to study in France. There he is imbued with the ideas of Marxism. Sar Sar and Jean Sari entered the Marxist circle, and in 1952 - to the French Communist Party. In the journal published by Cambodian students, his article "Monarchy or Democracy" was published, where he first outlined his political views. In the student of Sar Sarota was interested not only by politics, but also by French classical literature, especially Rousseau works. In 1953, he returned to his homeland, for several years worked at the university, but then completely devoted himself to politics. At the beginning of the 60s. He headed the radical left organization (the one that by the 1968th will take shape in the movement of "Red Khmer"), and in 1963 - the Communist Party of Cambodia. Victory in the Civil War led Paul Pot to the short bloody triumph ...

The end of the Vietnam War in 1975 led to a sharp aggravation of relations with Cambodia. The first border incidents provoked by the campauccue party were already occurred in May 1975 and in 1977, after a small closure, a new surge of aggression from the democratic campauca took place. Many civilians of Vietnamese border villages became victims of the crossed border of the Red Khmer. In April 1978, the population of the village Bachuk was completely destroyed - 3,000 peaceful Vietnamese. It could not remain unpunished, and Vietnam had to carry out a number of combat raids into the territory of democratic campauca. And in December of the same year, a full-scale invasion began in order to overthrow the power of the floor of Pot. A country exhausted by a bloody dictatorship could not have any significant resistance, and on January 7, 1979, the Phnom Pal. The authorities were transferred to Hungal Sumrine, the head of the united front of the national salvation of Kampuchei.

Paul Poth had to flee from the capital two hours before the appearance of the Vietnamese army. However, the flight for him did not mean the final defeat - he disappeared on a secret military base and, together with his faithful followers, created the "National Front of the Liberation of Khmer People". The difficult jungle on the border with Thailand became the place of the dislocation of "Red Khmer" in the next few decades.
By the middle of the year, the Vietnamese army controlled all major cities of Cambodia. To support the weak government of Heng Samrin, Vietnam held a military contingent of about 170 - 180 thousand military personnel for 10 years in Cambodia. By the end of the 80s. The state of Cambodia and its army strengthened so much that she was able to do without the help of Vietnam. In September 1989, the total withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from Cambodia was carried out. Only Vietnamese military advisers remained in the country. However, the war between the Government of Cambodia and the partisan compounds of the "Red Khmer" continued for almost 10 years. The militants used considerable financial support for the United States and China, which allowed them to resist them for such a long time. The losses of the Vietnamese army for 10 years of stay in Cambodia amounted to about 25,000 military personnel.

In 1991, a peaceful treaty was signed between the Government and the remnants of the "Red Khmerov", part of the detachments surrendered and received an amnesty. In 1997, the remaining "Red Khmers" created a batch of national solidarity. Former associates spent an indicative court over the floor. He was placed under house arrest, and next year she died with very strange circumstances. It is still unknown, his death is natural or not. The body was made of fire, and none of the nearest associates at the same time was present. The modest grave of Paul Pot was not equal from the earth only from fear that the spirit of the dictator would take revenge those who disturbed him.

But after the death of Paul Pot, the movement of "Red Khmer" did not cease its existence. Back in 2005, the militants led active actions in the provinces of Ratanakiri and Stunvent.
Many supporters Paul Pota appeared before the court. Among them was Jeng Sari (Brother №3), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Campuccia, and the former Chief of the S-21 Prison Kang Kek Yeu (Durable). The last in the 1980s left the movement of the "Red Khmer" and accepted Christianity. In court, he pleaded guilty of 15,000 people death and asked for forgiveness from the relatives of the victims ...

In July 2006, the last leader of the "Red Khmerov" was the IOC (brother №4). Brother №2, Non Chen, was arrested on September 19, 2007, on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity. A few weeks later, the remaining leaders of the movement of the "Red Khmer" were arrested. Currently, legal processes are held above them.