Repairs Design Furniture

What applies to power tools and auxiliary equipment. Classes of power tools: varieties and ways of protection. For domestic use

Chapter B3.8. Power Tools, Manual Electric Machines and Manual Electric Lamps

B3.8.1. Power tools and manual electrical machines must meet the requirements of GOST and these Rules.

B3.8.2. It can be allowed to work with electric power tools and manual electrical machines in rooms with an increased danger of electric shock and outdoors, personnel can be allowed having an electrical safety group not lower than II.

Connecting the auxiliary equipment (transformers, frequency converters, protective-off devices, etc.) to the network and disconnect it is made by electrotechnical personnel with a group of not lower than III.

B3.8.3. Depending on the category of room by the degree of danger of electric shock, the power tools and manual electrical machines of the following classes should be applied:

class I - when operating under production (except for the preparation and production of construction and installation work). When working with power tools and manual class I machine machines, use personal protective equipment. It is allowed to operate with power tools and manual electrical machines of class I without the use of personal protective equipment, if the machine or tool, and at the same time only one, is powered by a separation transformer, an autonomous engine-generator set, frequency converter with separate windings or through a protective-non-shutting device;

classes II and III - during operation in conditions of production in all cases, and in the preparation and production of construction and installation work in the premises - under conditions of increased danger and outdoors. When using classes II and III, it is allowed to work without the use of personal protective equipment, with the exception of the preparation and production of construction and installation work, when when working with electrical machines and a class II tool, you must use the specified means;

class III - with particularly unfavorable working conditions (in vessels, apparatus and other metal containers with a limited possibility of moving and output operator), as well as in particularly dangerous conditions in the preparation and production of construction and installation work.

In the preparation and production of construction and installation work, it is allowed to use in these conditions with manual electrical machines and a class III tool only with the use of personal protective equipment.

Note. In the absence of manual electrical machines and tools of class III, the person responsible for the electroactivity can allow the use of machines and tools of classes I and II, provided that the machine or tool, and at the same time, it is powered by an autonomous generator engine setting, a separation transformer Or converter with separate windings or with a protective shutdown device.

B3.8.4. When carrying out work in premises with increased danger and especially dangerous, manual electric lamps are applied by voltage not higher than 42 V.

When working in particularly unfavorable conditions, manual lamps should be used by voltage not higher than 12 V.

As a power source, low-voltage transformers, machine transducers, generators, rechargeable batteries are used as a power supply source. It is not allowed to use autotransformers for these purposes.

B3.8.5. Before starting work with manual electric machines, manual luminaires and power tools should be made:

checking the completeness and reliability of the fastening of parts;

verification of the external inspection of the maintenance of the cable (cord), its protective tube and plug, the integrity of the insulating parts of the housing, handles and lids of the brush holders: the presence of protective housings and their serviceability;

checking the clarity of the switch;

test work at idle;

in class I machines, moreover, checking the grounding circuit condition (between the machine body and ground contact plug).

Manual electric machines, manual lamps, power tools and auxiliary equipment to them, having defects, to produce for work.

B3.8.6. When using power tools, manual electrical machines and manual lamps, their wires or cables should be enjoyed.

Direct contact of wires and cables with metal hot, wet and oil surfaces or objects is not allowed.

When any faults are detected, work with manual electrical machines or manual electric lights is immediately terminated.

B3.8.7. To control the safety and health, manual electric machines, power tools, manual lamps and accessories to them are subjected to periodic inspection and tests in the deadlines set by GOST, that on them or "the standards of testing electrical equipment and electrical installation devices" (annex E1). Periodic tests of machines, tools and lamps conduct specially fixed personnel with an electrical safety group not lower than III.

B3.8.8. When the current is stopped during operation with the power tools or during a break, the power tool is disconnected from the power grid.

B3.8.9. Persons using power tools and manual electric machines are prohibited:

a) transmit manual electrical machines and power tools at least for a short time to other persons;

b) disassemble manual electrical machines and power tools and produce any repair (both the power tools or manual electrical machine and the wires of the plug connections, etc.);

c) hold onto the wire of the manual electrical machine or the power tool or touch the rotating cutting tool;

d) remove the chips or sawdust with their hands while working until the manual electric machine stops;

e) work from the withdrawal stairs. To perform these works, strong forests or scaffolding should be arranged;

e) make inside the drums of boilers, metal tanks, etc. portable transformers and frequency converters;

g) leave manual electrical machines and power tools without supervision and included in the power grid.

PTEEP and Pot R M are written in blood ... It sounds terrible, but it is. Each line is human sacrifices. Neglect of security rules leads to tragedy.

According to statistics, experienced electricians with solid work experience and high electrical safety team become victims of accidents in electrical installations.

The man believes so much in his professionalism, which ceases to be afraid - and here is a sad outcome.

At any enterprise, electrical safety issues should engage specially trained person - responsible for electricality. This is not a position, but the "honorable duty", as the Inspectors of Rostechnadzor joke.

Procitize PTEEP: "1.2.3. To directly perform duties on the organization of the operation of electrical installations, the head of the consumer (except for citizens - electrical installation holders with voltage above 1000 c) appropriate document appoints the organization responsible for the electricity (hereinafter referred to .

Exactly on this specialist and responsibilities are responsible By keeping special and organization of measurements and testing of power tools.

What does it relate to the portable power tool?

Electrogaterkets, electricians, electrics, grinding and polishing machines and other electrified mechanisms that are not fixed on a constant foundation, as well as electrical extension cords and portable lamps - all this portable power tools.

Before making measurements and test results, it is necessary to produce these actions. You need to start with the assignment to each power tool and portable lamp ordinal number (According to the new rules - inventory), which is written on the body with paint or permanent marker in the place, which is less exposed to mechanical effects.


We look again in the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations" and in clause 3.5.11. We read about what to check the portable power tool must be no less often than once every 6 months. Can be more often.

Who has the right to carry out measurements and tests?

For testing and measurement work special instruments are needed, Instruments - an integral part of the electrolaboratory, therefore, the company must have such a laboratory to carry out work on its own.

If, due to different circumstances, such luxury enterprise cannot afford, it should be applied to an organization that owns the licensed electrolaboratory and qualified personnel.

Electrical safety group for persons producing testing and measurements must be not lower than III.

Journal of Accounting and Checking Electrical Equipment.

Placed information

Contains the following graphs:

  • the name of the power tool;
  • inventory number;
  • last test date;
  • cause of testing, checking (after repair or periodic);
  • measurement of insulation resistance;
  • checking the health chain;
  • external inspection and testing at idle;
  • date of the next test, check;
  • the person who has been inspected, test (Fulling, signature).

The order of filling each of the graph will be considered separately and very detailed.


It must accurately comply with the name of the instrument specified in the passport.

For example, it is impossible to write simply "drill", you must specify: "Drill network shock Makita HP 207".

Inventory number

Above the procedure for assigning and applying the inventory number to the tool body was considered.

At this stage, the inventory number is recorded without errors in the corresponding graph.

Last test date

Everything is very simple here: I write the last test of the portable power tool fixed. If a new tool, we entered this graph, the date of the factory test specified in the passport.

Cause Testing, Check

There are only two such reasons: the tool has been repaired and requires additional testing or an next check is approached (6 months from the date of the previous test).

External inspection and inspection at idle

Checking the power tool should be started from the external inspection. Procedure:

  • carefully inspect the tool housing, make sure there are no cracks, chips and dirt;
  • carefully examine the fork, paying attention to how tightly fixed in the pin case, if the folding housing is collapsible - check the fastening screws, using a screwdriver to stretch all screw connections, make sure the housing integrity;
  • powering wire Check for flexibility, no twists, dots and cracks on the surface of the wire, inspect the fastening locations to the fork and the tool body (double insulation should not be broken).

Experience at idle It is performed by turning on the tool into the electrical network and pressing the "Start" button. Power tools is tested without load. What should be paid attention to:

According to the results of inspection and inspection at idle a record is entered into the log, which includes the date of verification and its result (Satisfactory or unsatisfactory).

Measuring insulation resistance

This procedure is performed using a megaometer. Requirements for the device:

  • the output voltage is 1000 V;

Measurement is made by a brigade of two people, a group of electrical safety of one of them should not be lower than III. Before you start, you need to check megaommeter.

For this you need spit to connect the conclusions of the device, rotate the handle as long as the arrow on the scale does not come closer to 0. Then you need disconnect the conclusions and rotate the handle again. The arrow of the device must deviate to ∞.

Procedure for measuring:

  1. The conclusions of the device are joined to the plugs of the fork of the test power tool. It is necessary to pay attention to tips of the terminal converts did not touch each other. Depending on the type of megaommeter, you need to rotate the instrument knob or press the button for 1 minute. Fix the megohmmeter readings, measure the measurement, disconnect the conclusions.
  2. One of the converts of the device is fixed on the pin of the tool plug, the second - on the metal part of the tool housing. Within 1 minute measurement, fix the instrument reading, stop measurement.
  3. The instrument output to attach to another pin tool plugs, previously attached to the metal part of the tool body output of the device not touch. Perform measurement for 1 minute, fix the instrument reading, stop the measurement, disconnect the conclusions.

Isolation resistance it is considered normalIf the measured value exceeds 0.5 MΩ.

In the event that at least one measurement showed smaller insulation resistanceThe conducted power tool is marked (recording "unsatisfactory" in the relevant graph of the magazine).

If all three measurements of the tool insulation resistance showed satisfactory resultIn the appropriate graph of the magazine, a record is made, a fixing date for testing and its result (satisfactory).

Checking the health chain

The test is carried out for the power tool having ground contacts on the fork. The meaning of this check - ensure the integrity of the ground chain, therefore, the closer the reading of the device will be 0, the better. Requirements for the device:

  • not expired, the date of the next calibration (indicated on the label fixed on the body of the device, after the words "suitable to ...");
  • the absence of dirt and visible mechanical damage (cracks, chips) on the body.

Check can be carried out by one person. Start by S. oncemmeter performance testing: Turn on the device and close the conclusions. The arrow on the scale should specify 0. After opening the outputs, the device will show a good device ∞.

Actually chain integrity check It occurs as follows: one of the terminals of the device is attached to the grounding contact of the tool plug, the second to the metal parts of the case.

When the device is turned on, its readings are recorded, the result is entered into the appropriate graph of the log indicating the date.

Ground chain faultyIf the instrument's readings tend to ∞ (recording "unsatisfactory"). In this case, the power tools it is impossible to operate.

Date of the following test, check

Above mentioned the frequency of inspections. More worth staying in cases where tests are conducted more often than once every six months.. This becomes necessary subject to the active operation of the portable power tool, the deadlines are determined responsible for the electroreman.

How to determine the date of the next test: to the current date to add 6 months (or the amount determined by the responsible for the electroremanship) and make an entry to the appropriate graph of the log.

Inspection person

This column is entered personal data (surname, initials) and put his signature.

On this, filling the journal of accounting and testing and testing the power tool will end in six months (or earlier) again repeat the whole procedure.

Someone may seem that all the above measures are redundant that it is not necessary to fulfill them. We will try to convince the hypothetical opponent in the opponent.

Rostekhnadzor statistics tell us that most accidents (more than 60%) occur on consumer electrical installations. The reason is the failure of mandatory measures aimed at maintaining the safe state of electrical equipment, including portable power tools.

It is worth thinking about what unwillingness to follow the rules leads to human victims and make the appropriate conclusions.

In the market, the range of power tools is large, but not everyone knows how to make the right choice. Therefore, it is before starting to understand the classification and purpose of products. Each requires its equipment and tools. Understand this issue is not so difficult. And today we will look at the types of power tools, appointment, application and features.

Main differences

There are several different classifications. The first is the destination.

  1. To create holes, various recesses and threads are: drills, screwdrivers, perforators, jackhammers and threadaris. There are other options, but it is this list that is the most common and frequently found in the market.
  2. For finishing a tree. This is planing, dipping, as well as milling. This includes a jigsaw, plans, a variety of saws, milling mills and a grinder. These are the main types of power tools that are necessary for a person. If you need, you can buy something else.
  3. To make the item become flawless, it is grinding and polished. Not always it can be done manually. So, there are files, and strokesons. With them, the detail becomes flawless in a short period of time.
  4. There are also such types of power tools, without which it is difficult to imagine any work. These are hair dryers, a vacuum cleaner, a soldering iron and other concomitant equipment. They are related to household devices. Such are available in every home or apartment.

There are various types of manual power tools. These are those that can be transferred and apply anywhere. They can be used depending on the need that is very convenient. But there are those with which you can make some kind of work, but it will not be done constantly.

It is clear that portable are able to perform a wide variety of functions, but the advantage of stationary is the fulfillment of complex and high-quality work. Well, when there are both of these options at hand to perform work.

Types of power tools by type EL. Security

You can find such a classification:

  • 0 - This includes tools that all parts are energized, there are completely absent components for grounding;
  • 0i - also all parts with a current, while there is grounding and working insulation;
  • I - power tools with the same components as the first two (the presence of insulation and grounding contact);
  • II - all parts are under voltage and with good insulation, but there is no ground;
  • III - voltage no more than 50 V, the power tool is powered by a secure low voltage.

Another division method

Today, the entire tool is divided into classes. It is easier for them to understand what to choose and how to work. The main types of power tools for purpose:

  • Industrial;
  • Heavy Duty;
  • Professional;
  • Hobby.

Each of them has its own characteristics and features. In addition, it is worth understanding how they work. Some are capable of performing tasks a long period of time, and others will have to take a break or recharge. Before making a purchase, it is worth considering. Otherwise, the service life can be reduced.


This is the name of the tools that work for a long time without breakage. Most often they are related to the conveyor process, so they do not turn off for 15-18 hours. Such aggregates are distinguished by a long service life and reliability. In addition, repair is often not required. There is one feature. Power tools of this species typically work in closed spaces, and, it means, must be completely environmentally friendly.

Ergonomics is another requirement for such installations. Industrial Multifunctional devices cannot be called, because they have limited opportunities. People with special education are allowed to them, so the level of security is low. Before starting work, it is worth creating certain conditions for operation:

  • the desired level of voltage on the network and maximum wiring reliability;
  • indemnity index indoors;
  • the temperature at which the device will not fail;
  • the level of dusting.

Only so tools will be able to fully work and perform the tasks set. If the conditions are non-compliance, the devices can quickly fail, although it is unusual.

Heavy Duty.

Translated from English this means "heavy loaded". This includes such types of tools that can be compared with their characteristics with the first. Although there is a significant difference, there is no need to create certain conditions. This is achieved by changing the design:

  • additional protection against moisture;
  • fencing for the capture of dust;
  • high level of impact resistance.

But on this positive parties do not end. You can use consumables and parts from simpler models during operation. They are not found on the shelves of simple stores, as it is a specialization of a narrow spectrum. If necessary, they are manufactured and delivered by special order.


This is the most popular kind of professional tool. In the work they are used actively. With their help, the most durable nodes and details are created. The entire design is highly reliable during operation. In addition, the following properties are inherent in these devices:

  • assembly accuracy;
  • high level of work and long period of operation;
  • simplicity of maintenance;
  • fitness to serious loads and unfavorable conditions.

Devices can operate without stopping up to 9 hours. This is enough for one watch for workers. By environmental performance, this tool is inferior to two first, but slightly. But ergonomics is lower, since the period of operation is not more than 9 hours. Although there is a big plus - this is an increase in the level of security during the period of work. So, they can drive not only the master. When you fail to find the item for replacement it will be easier than to the power tools of the first two species.


Many people need a household power tool. Hobby can be amateur, garden, garage. And it is not often used (from the period by the period). From this it is clear that it will not be able to work for a long time without stopping. When assembly does not use high power engines, since the output does not require a high efficiency of the efficiency. But devices can work throughout the day to five hours. However, minor interruptions are made in the process so that the unit does not fail.

There are substantial disadvantages. So, much attention is not paid to ergonomics, namely the protection of the user. But such types of tools use many, since no additional skill and experience is required. The entire arsenal of the aggregates should not be subject to rigid conditions of operation, because one person works with him most often. But the level of maintainability is low. No maintenance is required (perhaps a personal inspection before starting work).

These are the main types of power tools that are divided by all available composition. From this list, everyone understands that it is he who needs to acquire. Although there is another group about which it is worth knowing.

Universal devices

Today, you can find such power tools that have many a wide variety of functions. In addition to the main destination, they are capable of doing something else. This is not even one operation, but several. Here you can take a screwdriver, because it: spins screws, makes holes, can act as a construction mixer, but under the condition of high power. Drill is another representative of such a group. His abilities are large - perforator, screwing the screws, creating holes. In such electrical equipment, you only need to change the nozzle and add or drop power.

But giving preference to aggregates that have many features, do not forget about a slight minus. Not always additional work is performed qualitatively. And it is not difficult to understand why it happens. Any process implies its speed, power and duration. It can be seen that sometimes it is necessary to have highly specialized electrical installations to achieve the desired result and quality in operation. Performing action at the limit of their capabilities, the tool simply fails or breaks the consumable material.


So, we reviewed the types of power tools and the area their applications. Types can be the most diverse. Also, devices differ significantly at the price. In such a situation, it is clear that in some works it is not without a highly specialized power tool. Not everyone needs such an unit constantly. In this case, you can take the device for a while or rent. But work with him will be an order of magnitude better and faster. The main thing is that you need to know: choose the proper types of power tools. Scope - what you need to pay attention to.

10.1. Portable power tools and lamps, manual electric machines, separation transformers and other auxiliary equipment must meet the requirements of state standards and technical conditions in terms of electrical safety and used in working with this Regulation.

10.2. To work with portable power tools and manual electric machinery class I<*> In indoors with increased danger<**> A personnel having a group II should be allowed.

<*> The classes of power tools and manual electrical machines according to the method of protection against electric shock are regulated by the current state standards.

Connecting auxiliary equipment (transformers, frequency converters, protective - disconnect devices, etc.) to the electrical network and disconnecting it from the network should perform electrotechnical personnel having a group III, which operates this electrical network.

10.3. The class of portable power tools and manual electrical machines must correspond to the category of room and the conditions for the production of work using in some cases of electrical equipment according to the requirements shown in Table. 10.1.

10.4. In rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous, portable electrical lamps should have a voltage not higher than 50 V.

When working in particularly unfavorable conditions (wells of switches, circular circles, boilers, metal tanks, etc.) portable luminaires must have a voltage not higher than 12 V.

10.5. Before starting work with manual electric machines, portable power tools and luminaires should:

determine the passport class of a machine or tool;

check the completeness and reliability of the fastening of parts;

Terms of use in the work of the power tools and manual electrical machines of various classes

Place of workClass of power tools and manual electrical machines according to electric shock protectionThe need to use electric power facilities
Premises without increased danger, premises with increased dangerI.
Particularly dangerous premisesI.Not allowed to apply
II.Without applying electric power
IIIWithout applying electric power
Outdoor (outdoor work)I.Not allowed to apply
II.Without the use of hydro-protective
IIIWithout applying electric power
In the presence of particularly unfavorable conditions (in vessels, devices and other metal tanks with a limited possibility of moving and exit)I.Not allowed to apply
II.With the use of at least one of the electrical equipment (dielectric gloves, carpets, supports, galosh). Without the use of electric power facilities, if only one electr receiver (machine or tool) is powered by a separating transformer, an autonomous engine - generator set, frequency converter with separation windings or via a protective shutdown device (UZO)
IIIWithout applying electric power

check the operation of the power tool or the car at idle;

check from the class I class, the maintenance of the ground circuit (the machine housing is the grounding pin of the plug).

It is not allowed to use manual electrical machines, portable power tools and lamps with an auxiliary equipment related to them with defects.

10.6. When using power tools, manual electrical machines, portable luminaires of their wires and cables should be suspended.

Direct contact of wires and cables with hot, wet and oil surfaces or items is not allowed.

The power tool cable must be protected from random mechanical damage and contact with hot, raw and oil surfaces.

It is not allowed to pull, twisted and cross the cable, put the cargo on it, as well as allow it to cross it with cables, cables, gas welding hoses.

If any faults are detected, working with manual electrical machines, portable power tools and lamps must be terminated immediately.

10.7. Hand-held manual electric machines, portable power tools and lamps, auxiliary equipment should be inspected and testing on the terms and volumes established by GOST, technical conditions for products, existing and standards for testing electrical equipment and electrical installation devices.

To maintain a good condition, periodic tests and inspections of manual electrical machines, portable power tools and lamps, auxiliary equipment by order of the head of the organization, a responsible worker who has group III must be appointed.

10.8. With the disappearance of the voltage or interruption in the operation, the power tools and manual electrical machines should be disconnected from the electrical network.

10.9. Employees who use power tools and manual electric machines are not allowed:

transmit manual electrical machines and power tools, at least for a short time, other employees;

disassemble manual electrical machines and power tools, to make any repair;

hold onto the wire of the electric machine, power tools, touch the rotating parts or remove the chips, sawdust until the tool or machine stops;

install the work part in the instrument cartridge, machine and withdraw it from the cartridge, as well as adjust the tool without turning it off from the network plug;

work from withdrawal stairs; To perform work at height, strong forests or scaffolding should be arranged;

drum the drums of boilers, metal tanks, etc. Portable transformers and frequency converters.

10.10. When using the separation transformer, you must be guided by the following:

the separation transformer is allowed to supply only one electrical receiving;

grounding the secondary winding of the separation transformer is not allowed;

the transformer case, depending on the neutral mode of the supply electrical network, must be grounded or reset. In this case, the grounding of the electrical receipt housing attached to the separation transformer is not required.

Power tools in catalogs are separated by price and application:
  • For drilling And the installation is used screwdrivers, drills, perforators, jackhammers.
  • For sawing - Circular, chain, diamond, tracing saws.
  • For grinding and cutting - USM, grinding machines, engravers.
  • For cleaning - Construction vacuum cleaners, high pressure washing.
  • For measurements - Laser rangefinders and levels, metal detectors, etc.
To pay attention to the selection of power tools and equipment:
  • Power type: from the network or from the battery. With portable power tools, you can work away from the outlets: on the street, on the roof, on the road. Networks are more suitable for long work.
  • Class: Household or professional power tools. The first will be useful in episodic home repairs. The second is designed for intense daily work.
  • Equipment: Cases will simplify storage and carrying, and additional batteries will extend the time of operation. In online stores for sale sets of electrical instruments. Buying them more profitable than instruments separately.