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Uraza the order of observance. Reading Taraweeh prayer at home. Which fast days are repaid as debt

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the personal duties of every Muslim. "Saum", this is how it is pronounced in Arabic fasting, in translation means "abstinence", therefore in Sharia it means abstinence during daylight hours - from dawn to sunrise - from food, drink, sex and everything that breaks the fast. Muslims were commanded to fast in Ramadan in the second year of the Hijri.

What spoils the post and what not to do

1. Eating and drinking

In the period from the onset of dawn, that is, the end of suhoor and before sunset, that is, before the time of the evening prayer, it is necessary to refrain from eating, that is, you can neither eat nor drink. In addition, nothing should enter the body through natural openings (mouth, nose, ears, eyes, genitals, anus). For example, you cannot allow water to enter the ear opening, you cannot smoke, etc. But if a person eats or drinks something, forgetting that he is fasting, then his fast is not broken. In this case, remembering this, he is obliged to immediately stop eating or drinking. If a fasting person, while taking a bath, takes water into his mouth, remembering about fasting, and swallows it excessively, then the fast is broken.

2. Intentionally induced vomiting

During fasting, one should not deliberately induce vomiting, for this breaks the fast. If vomiting occurs unintentionally, then the fast is not broken, in this case, you should only rinse your mouth.

3. Sexual relations

Sexual intercourse during fasting, that is, from the beginning of dawn to sunset, not only breaks the fast, but also defiles it. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary not only to reimburse the post, but also to pay specific size fine (kafar). In this case, the penalty provides for an expiatory fast for two months in a row, that is, without interruption, and if the state of health does not allow fasting, then 60 poor people must be fed. It is also undesirable for spouses to engage in intimate caresses.

It is advisable for spouses who have had nighttime intimacy to bathe before the start of the fast. But if they do not have time to swim before dawn, then the fast is not broken. It is appropriate to remind here that in a state of desecration, that is, without having bathed after intimacy, it is undesirable to sleep, eat, drink, without at least taking a bath.

4. Orgasm (ejaculation)

An orgasm that occurs in the waking state, regardless of whether it occurred during sexual intercourse or under other exciting circumstances (caressing, kissing, etc.), also breaks the fast. But if the orgasm occurred during sleep (emission), then this does not break the fast. In this case, you should take a dip and continue the fast.

5. Menstruation and postpartum discharge

The onset of menstruation even before sunset breaks the fast, this day needs to be replenished later.

What is advisable to do while fasting

1. Adoption of "Sukhur" (ed. - breakfast of the fasting person before dawn)

As transmitted from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of God be upon him: "Eat before dawn, truly in suhoor - there is grace (barakat)" - al-Bukhari quotes.

2. Do not postpone breaking the fast (ed. - Iftar)

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “People will be in goodness as long as they hurry to break their fast,” al-Bukhari quotes.

3. Leave some actions

Abandon activities that may subsequently lead to a break in fasting (such as swimming in a pool for a long time, bleeding, tasting food while cooking, gargling.

4. Feed the fasting

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: "Whoever feeds the fasting person, his reward is similar to the reward of the fasting person whom he fed, and there will be no decrease in the fasting reward." This hadith is quoted by at-Tirmidhi in the book "Targib and Tarhib"

5. Start fasting in a non-contaminated state

That is, having complete ablution, having bathed after sexual intercourse. And in case of desecration, it is advisable to bathe before dawn.

6. Pronunciation of dua when breaking the fast (ed. - iftar)

"Allahumma lyakya sumtu wa ala rizkykya aftartu wa alayka tavakkaltu wa bikya amyantu fagfirli ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu." Translated, this means: “O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, relied on You, I broke my fast with Your food. O Forgiving One, forgive me the sins that I have committed or will commit. "

7. To restrain the tongue from unnecessary words, and body parts from unnecessary actions

How, for example, gossip, watch TV. Here it comes about empty deeds, as for prohibited deeds, then abandoning them is mandatory, such as spreading slander and lying.

8. Do more good deeds

The reward for good deeds in the month of Ramadan is increased up to 70 times.

10. Compliance with Igtikyaf

Observance of Igtikyaf (ed. - being in the mosque), especially in the last ten days. “Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in the last 10 days worshiped as he had never worshiped in usual time"- given in the Collection of Muslim.

11. Frequent pronunciation of some words

"Allahumma innaka afuvwun tuhibbul afwa fagfu anni", which means, "O Allah truly you are Forgiving and love to forgive, so forgive me!"

12. Night of Predestination, Leilatulkadr, Kichyase Frame

It is also necessary to strive to find in the last 10 days of Ramadan - the Night of Predestination, the best and most blessed night in this world.

13. Be generous!

Adhering to these few rules and tips, you will spend the Blessed month of Ramadan worthily, as the Prophet Muhammad ordered, peace and blessings of the Most High, without losing the reward for good deeds!

Timur Sharafiev

The word "fard" means an action that is required on the basis of religious evidence that is categorical and binding.

The term "fard", along with the responsibility for performing the required action, also expresses the mandatory elements of this action. For example, reading the Qur'an, bowing to the ground and bowing to the ground are fardas of namaz, that is, its obligatory elements, in turn, namaz itself is fard, that is, a compulsory type of worship.

Fardas are divided into two types: shart (condition) and hand.

Shart (condition) is what the existence of a legal decision is based on. If there is no condition, then there will be no legal solution, but the existence of a condition does not require a legal solution. For example, performing lesser ablution is a prerequisite namaz. Namaz performed without ablution will be invalid. However, performing ablution does not mean performing namaz.

Rukn are integral and obligatory elements that make up worship or any action. For example, qiyam, reading the Koran, bowing to the ground and bowing to the ground are the hands of namaz.

Sharts (conditions) must be fulfilled before the execution of the hands, if the conditions are not met, then there is no point in performing the hands.

The post also contains certain conditions and rukna. Below we will talk first about the conditions of fasting, and then about its ruknah.

1. Conditions necessary for the fasting to become mandatory:

In order for fasting to become obligatory for any person, it is necessary that this person be a Muslim, reasonable and adult.

For non-Muslims, fasting, like all other forms of worship, is optional. All types of worship, the performance of which is prescribed by Islam, take on meaning only after a person becomes a Muslim. If a person professing a different religion converts to Islam, he should not make up for missed worship in previous years. Since with the adoption of Islam, all previous sins of a person are completely erased, and he begins to completely new life... In this regard, the Qur'an says: “Tell the unbelievers that if they stop, they will be forgiven for what was in the past” (al-Anfal, 8/38).

A mentally disabled person is not responsible for performing any kind of worship. Since religious duties are assigned only to mentally complete and reasonable people.

Children under the age of majority are also not required to fast. Since religious obligations come into force with the onset of adulthood.

2. Conditions for the performance of the post:

Every reasonable adult Muslim is obliged to fast. However, actual fasting requires the absence of valid reasons such as illness, travel, old age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and working in very difficult conditions.

3. Conditions for the validity of the post:

In order for the observed fasting to be valid, the following conditions must be met:

a) Intention.

Intention is a person's awareness of what he is doing. Intention is fundamental in all forms of worship. Without intent, no worship is valid. Worship is an act performed by a slave knowingly and of his own free will, performed on the orders of Allah Almighty solely in order to earn His pleasure. It is intention that distinguishes "the action of refusing to eat, drink and have sex for a certain period of the day" from diet or fasting. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Acts are determined by intention. And everyone will get what he intended to do ”(Bukhari, Badul-Vakhiy, 1).

A separate intention is required for the fast of the month of Ramadan and for each fast observed at other times. Since every day of fasting is a separate worship.

Intention is knowledge of the mind and heart of the action that a person wants to perform. Intention (niyat): "I intended to keep the obligatory fast of the month of Ramadan sincerely, for the sake of Allah Almighty." The place of intention is in the heart, so it is not necessary to say the words of niyata aloud. The intention is usually made before dawn of each day of the month of fasting, after the last meal (suhur), but you can do niyat for the fast of the next day immediately after sunset.

b) Abstaining from anything that breaks the fast.

In order for the commenced fasting to be valid, it is necessary to abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset. Doing any of these things before sunset breaks the fast.

c) The end of menstruation and postpartum bleeding.

Women during menstruation or postpartum bleeding are prohibited from fasting.

Women make up for the missing days of the fast of the month of Ramadan at other times. It is narrated that ‘Aisha (radiyallahu‘ anha) said: “At the time of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) we had periods, after which we were purified. He told us to make up for the missed days of fasting, but he did not tell us to make up for the missed prayers ”(Tirmidhi, Saum, 67).

d) Observance of the fast in the allotted time.

Fasting is observed during daylight hours. This condition is mandatory for any type of fasting, be it fard, wajib, or voluntary fasting. Daylight hours start at dawn and continue until sunset.

Fasting observed at night will be invalid, since Allah Almighty has allowed to perform at night those actions that break the fast, saying the following in the Qur'an: "Eat and drink until you can distinguish a white thread from a black one, and then fast until night." (al-Bakara, 2/187).

In addition, the basic wisdom that fasting has become compulsory is the education of the spirit and the fear of God, which are impossible to achieve at night, which is intended for rest and sleep.

How to fast in Ramadan? All the rules. Memo for fasting in sacred month Ramadan 2016. The memo is relevant not only in 2016. Sukhur, Iftar, PRAYER "TARAVIKH", ZAKYATUL-FITER AND SADAKATUL-FITER, COMPLETION OF A TIMELY NOT FOUNDED FAST. FIDYA SADAKA

Fasting is abstaining from eating, drinking, smoking, and also from sexual intercourse during daylight hours, that is, from the time of dawn (starting from the morning dawn, which occurs about 2 hours before sunrise) until the complete sunset, accompanied by the obligatory intention (niyat).

Muslim fasting in Arabic is called the words "syam" and "sawm", meaning abstinence, self-restraint. Fasting in the month of Ramadan was made a duty of the faithful in the second year of the Hijra after the Prophet Muhammad moved to Medina on the tenth day of the month of Sha'manban. Observance of the fast of the month of Ramadan is prescribed for every reasonable, adult Muslim.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is a pillar of Islam - the religion of obedience to the Creator in accordance with the Laws sent by Him. And, in this regard, if a true believer does not observe fasting, thereby with his own hands he pulls out one of the cornerstones of the building on which Islam is based. Naturally, the degree of strength of the building, whose basis is flawed, is controversial. “Faith is a single whole that does not accept schism and dismemberment. If we liken religion to a tree, questions related to faith and belief are the roots of the tree, rituals are its branches, good deeds are flowers, punishments are its keepers, prayers are the elements that feed it. " For this reason, everyone who is called to bring Islam to life should be exalted by this worship.

Rules for fasting in the month of Ramadan

There are two following prescriptions for fasting:

  1. The intention (niyat) in the heart to fast for the sake of Allah. In words, it can be expressed as follows: Navaytu an asuma savma shahri Ramadaan min al-fajri ilal-maghribi haalisan lillayahi taikoyala. Which in translation means: "I set out to keep the fast of the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty."
  2. Complete abstinence from eating, drinking, inhaling tobacco smoke, sexual intercourse during the daytime - from the beginning of time morning prayer(fajr) before sunset.
Fasting conditions
  1. The person must be of legal age (according to Sharia law).
  2. A person must be sane, that is, not mentally ill.
  3. A person should be able to fast, he should not be sick.
The following categories of people are exempted from fasting, but all of them will need to make up for all the days they missed during the fast:
  1. Travelers on a long journey. According to Islamic law, a traveler is a person who has moved 90 km or more away from his place of residence and intends to stay at the place of residence for less than 15 days. If a person who is on a journey does not find it difficult to observe the fast, then if he wishes, he can fast. In Islam, there is no requirement that travelers should not fast.
  2. Patients who fast can harm their health and their condition can worsen.
  3. Women during menstruation and postpartum cleansing.
  4. Pregnant and lactating women who fear for the health of their child or for themselves. Note: People who are of old age, who are unable to fast or are terminally ill, must make a donation for each day of fasting missed in the amount of fidiyah-sadaqa. Phidia-sadaqa is a donation, the amount of which will be sufficient to feed one poor man twice a day. However, if in the future there is strength and the opportunity to observe the fast, then the missed days should be reimbursed, in which case these donations will be considered voluntary (nafil) sadaka.
Circumstances that break the fast and require atonement - kiaffara
  1. Intentional smoking, eating, drinking, medication, and anything else that is fit for consumption.
  2. Intentional intimacy.
Circumstances breaking the fast and requiring compensation:
  1. Ingestion of drugs through the nose and ears.
  2. Using an enema
  3. Deliberate induction of vomiting.
  4. The onset of menstruation or the postpartum period.
  5. Water entering the nasopharynx during ablution (taharat, ghusl).
Circumstances that do not break the fast:
  1. If a person, forgetting about fasting, has eaten or drunk something. But, remembering about fasting, he must stop the action he is committing and continue fasting. The hadith says: “He who, out of forgetfulness, began to drink or eat, finishes (continues) fasting (on this day). Indeed, it was the Almighty who fed and watered him "(al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, Abu Daud).
  2. Taking a bath and taking a shower. A short stay in the bath.
  3. Tasting food without swallowing it.
  4. Rinse your mouth and rinse your nose.
  5. After rinsing your mouth, swallow the remaining moisture with saliva.
  6. Instillation of medicine in the eyes, tint of the eyes with antimony.
  7. Swallowing food debris left between the teeth, if its size is less than a pea.
  8. Brush your teeth with miswak, brush.
  9. Blood donation, bloodletting.
  10. Inhalation of incense.
  11. Involuntary release of semen.
  12. Small volume vomiting (involuntary vomiting, spontaneous return of part of the vomit back to the stomach, or deliberate induction of vomiting without filling the mouth with it).


Suhoor - the time before dawn, intended for eating before the time of fasting. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Eat before dawn! Truly, there is grace in suhoor! " (al-Bukhari, Muslim, al-Nasai, at-Tirmidhi).

It must be remembered that the meal must be finished before dawn begins, before the first signs of dawn approaching. As with any meal, you should not overeat during suhoor, but at the same time you should eat enough in order to gain strength for the whole day of fasting. Blessings of Suhoor: 1) Suhoor is the action of the Sunnah; 2) Suhoor gives us strength for ibadat (worship); 3) Suhur increases our sincerity in prayer, since, thanks to early reinforcement with food, we do not experience hunger and weakness so much, which can distract from pious deeds; 4) Suhoor helps us to control ourselves (our temperament), since anger is often caused by severe hunger; 5) suhoor is the time when dou'a'a are especially accepted; 6) standing on suhoor, we also get the opportunity to perform namaz-tahajud and do dhikr.


Iftar - breaking the fast, hedgehog evening reception food at the end of the day's fast. Believers who have been fasting throughout the day thank the Almighty for the opportunity to use His bounties in the month of Ramadan and turn to Him with a prayer for His acceptance of their fast and forgiveness of mistakes made by them out of knowledge and ignorance.
As the sun sets, the fast ends, and it ends with an appeal to the Almighty: Allaahumma lyakya sumtu va bikya aamantu va ‘aleikya tavyakkyaltu va’ alaya rizkyky aftartu phagfirlia yaya gaffaaru maa kaddamtu wa maa ahhartu. Which means: “O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I relied on You. Make breaking the fast with what You gave me. Forgive me, O Forgiving One, those sins that were earlier and future. " It is advisable not to postpone food intake at a later time. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "My ummah will be in abundance until it starts to postpone breaking the fast and perform suhoor from the night (and not in the morning, specially getting up before morning prayer)."


This prayer is a compulsory sunnah (sunnah muakkyada) for both men and women. The Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: "Whoever stands up for prayer in the month of Ramadan with faith [in its significance] and expecting reward [for it only from the Lord], he will be forgiven the previous sins."

The time for performing the prayer "Taraweeh" begins after the performance of the night prayer (‘Isha’) and lasts until dawn. This prayer is performed every day throughout the month of Ramadan (the month of compulsory fasting). The "Vitr" namaz on these days is performed after the "Taraweeh" prayer.

The best is to perform this prayer together with other believers (jamamiyat) in the mosque, although it is permissible to perform it individually. “Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and greet him) on the 23rd, 25th and 27th nights of the month of Ramadan performed this prayer together with his companions in the mosque. He did not do this on a daily basis so that people would not take this prayer as obligatory; so that it does not become mandatory (faraid). Together with them, he read eight rak'yats, the rest of the rak'yats they read at home ”.

The fact that the Prophet and his companions read up to twenty rak'yats in the Taraweeh became clear from the actions of the second righteous caliph‘Umara. He canonically fixed twenty rak'yats in this prayer. The prayer "Taraweeh" is performed after two rak'yats of the night prayer sunnah (‘Isha’). It is desirable to perform it in two rak'yats, the order of which corresponds to the usual two rak'yats of the sunnah. The time for this prayer ends with the onset of dawn, that is, with the beginning of the time for morning prayer (Fajr). If a person could not complete the Taraweeh prayer before its expiration, then there is no need to fulfill it.

Following the example of the Prophet's companions, after every four rak'yats, it is advisable to take a short break, during which it is recommended to praise and remember the Almighty, listen to a short sermon or indulge in thoughts about God.


The phrases “zakatul-fitr” and “sadakatul-fitr” are different names for one obligatory type of zakat, which is paid in the month of Ramadan immediately after it ends.

“Zakatul-fitr” is a tax of breaking the fast, paid from each family member before the beginning of the holiday of Conversation (‘Id ul-fitr, Eid al-Fitr, Uraza Bairam), or rather, before the Eid prayer. It is the final condition for the Creator to accept the observed fast. It is paid primarily in favor of poor and indigent Muslims, and is also used in other charitable activities. This type of zakat became compulsory in the second year of the Hijri.

Due to the lack of a clear narration about this in the texts of hadiths, Islamic theologians stipulated two opinions about who should pay zakatul-fitr.

  1. Anyone who has food and everything vital for himself and his family on a holiday, and at the same time has the opportunity to pay (or give food) “zakatul-fitr”, then he is obliged to do this. Most scientists thought so.
  2. The person must be one of those who pay the obligatory annual zakat, which is one of the five pillars of religious practice. If a believer is such, then he pays the given alms from himself and all who are under his material support. This was the opinion of the Hanafi theologians, drawing an analogy between "zakatul-fitr" and the annual obligatory zakat.
Islamic scholars are unanimous that zakatul-fitr is paid in the same eight directions as the annual zakat. Usually believers transfer their “zakatul-fitr” to local mosques, which subsequently distribute it in accordance with the prescriptions of the religion. It is important to note that given form charity cannot be transferred to people who are far from the concepts of faith.

The time for the possible payment of "zakatul-fitr" begins with the beginning of the month of Ramadan. This was the opinion of a significant part of Islamic theologians, including scholars of the Shafi'i and Hanafi madhhabs. It would be more expedient to pay (or transfer in groceries) a day or two before the holiday of the end of the fast (‘Idul-fitr).

The most correct payment would be “zakatul-fitr” in the interval between sunset on the last day of fasting and until the morning, before the start of the Eid prayer.

If the believer did not manage to do this before the Eid prayer, then the obligation is still preserved. It is highly desirable that this duty be fulfilled on the very first holiday. According to all scholars, it is sinful to leave it at a later time.

The Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the European part of Russia established the size of "fitr-sadak" in 2012:

  1. RUB 100 for the poor;
  2. RUB 200 for people with average income;
  3. from 300 rubles. for the wealthy.


If a person is able to fast, then he needs to make up for an imperfect fast for one reason or another only by fasting. It is more convenient to fast in winter when the days are at their shortest. It is said that “winter is the believer’s spring. On short winter days, he performs an additional fast, and on long winter nights- prays ”. By the way, there is no obligation to make up for the missed days of fasting in a row;

But the payment of "fidya-sadaqa" is relevant for those who, most likely, will no longer have the physical ability to fast. "Fidya-sadaqa" is alms-atonement, which consists in the fact that for each missed day of compulsory fasting, one must feed one beggar so that about as much money is spent on him as the average cost of lunch (or, better, the average daily cost of food ).

For a dying person, it is advisable to take into account the days of fasting he missed and to bequeath to the heirs to pay "fidya" for these days from his property. The deceased's children can also pay fidya out of their personal savings on his behalf.

“If a person missed a certain number of days of fasting for a good reason and died without being physically able to make up for them, then these days are not replenished by fasting for him,“ fidya ”is paid. If he had the opportunity, but did not fast, putting it off, and suddenly died, then it is desirable that one of his relatives fasted for him, or, which is also possible, the beggars, the needy, whose number is determined by the number of missing days, were fed. that is, “fidya” is paid.

Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an: "Oh, you who believed, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for other generations who lived before you, so that you can achieve righteousness and fear of God." (Sura al-Bakara, ayah 183)

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever observes fasting during the month of Ramadan, believing in Allah and His reward, all past sins will be forgiven." (Reported by Imam Bukhari)

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the main pillars of Islam. This is a must for every sane, healthy Muslim who has reached puberty and does not travel while fasting. As for women, they should not fast if they have menstruation or bleeding after childbirth.

There are two main points for a post to be valid:

1. Intention. There must be an intention to fast during the month of Ramadan. The intention does not have to be repeated out loud, because it is actually an act of the heart that is not associated with language. It is enough to have a sincere intention to fast in obedience to Allah, desiring His pleasure.

2. Second essential element fasting, abstaining from eating, drinking and intercourse in the daytime, from the beginning of the time of the morning prayer (2 hours before sunrise) and until the beginning of the evening prayer (before sunset, until the sun completely disappears behind the horizon).

There are six actions that invalidate a post:

1. Deliberately eating or drinking water. If someone eats or drinks out of forgetfulness, by mistake or by compulsion, then his fast does not deteriorate and he must continue it further. If a person decides to eat or drink for any other reason, then his fast will become invalid.

2. Intentional vomiting. Unintentional vomiting (due to illness) does not spoil the fast and the person should continue to fast. If someone vomits, for any other reason, deliberately causing vomiting, then his post will become invalid ...

3. Intentional intercourse. If a fasting person deliberately commits sexual intercourse during fasting, then his fast is spoiled (then he must perform kaffara, atonement for sin, that is, fast after Ramadan continuously for sixty days or, if he is unable to do this for health reasons, he should feed sixty poor of people).

4. Menstrual bleeding. Fasting becomes invalid during menstrual bleeding or after childbirth. Even if such bleeding starts right before sunset. Posts missed for this reason should be refunded at a later date.

All of the above actions are agreed upon by all scholars of Islam. However, there are other actions that are not mentioned above and that are not agreed, that is, controversial. This includes actions you can take while fasting:

1. Take a shower. It is permissible to take a shower for any reason, even if due to thirst or overheating.

2. Rinsing the mouth and nose. It is permissible to rinse your mouth and nose with care to avoid swallowing water, which will invalidate the fast.

3. Applying eyeliner or eye drops. The use of eye drops or something else for the eyes is allowed.

4. Injections. It is also allowed to take injections for medical purposes; there is no evidence that this invalidates the post.

5. Fasting will not be invalid if a person swallows something that he cannot defend against. For example, swallowing saliva or accidentally swallowing dust or sifted flour that accidentally gets into your mouth.

6. Tasting food with your tongue. Fasting does not deteriorate even if the fasting person tastes the food with his tongue (when preparing food or when buying food in the market).

7. Can be used toothpaste or mouthwash if nothing is swallowed.

8. Inhalation of different scents

9. Kissing and hugging your spouse. It is permissible to kiss and hug a wife if the person is able to control himself.

10. Donate blood. It is allowed to draw blood in any quantity, for any reason. If donating blood weakens the person, it will be considered an unwanted action.

11. Be in a state of Janab (ritual impurity after sexual intercourse). Fasting will be valid if the person is in the state of Janab after Fajr (dawn) has come. Ghusl can take even before the time of the morning prayer.

Who Can't Fast?

There are certain situations in which certain categories of people may not fast. This includes patients, travelers (musafirs), women who have menstruation or postpartum bleeding. This category of people compensates for the missed fasting days at other times after the month of Ramadan. That is, the traveler when he finishes his journey, the patient when he recovers and the women when they are cleansed.

Those who cannot fast due to constant (chronic) illness or old age need to pay a phidiyah (feed one poor person or give the average amount that would be spent on feeding a poor person) for each day of fasting they skip.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women who fear that fasting might weaken them or harm their baby have the right to leave the fast and then make up at another convenient time.

1. Do not skip suhoor because at this time food is considered barakat (blessed).

2. Do not stretch, but during the fast break after sunset.

6. We can also get rewards using Miswak (a piece of root from the Arak tree that grows in the Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula, used for cleaning teeth), if not available, any other mouth cleaner is sufficient.

We ask Allah to strengthen us in Ramadan, accept our fasts and reward us with His forgiveness and the highest place in Paradise. Amine.

How are suhoor and iftar different from a regular breakfast or dinner?

During the Ramadan fast, there are two meals as sunna: a pre-dawn meal (suhur) and a fasting meal (iftar). Suhoor and Iftar are acts of worship that must be taken more seriously than an ordinary breakfast or dinner. The correct approach to organizing these meals helps to keep the Fast.

Is it true that the difference between fasting Muslims and fasting people of the scripture is suhoor?

Yes, that's right, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Indeed, the difference between our fasting and the fasting of the people of the scripture is suhoor." Suhur is an important prescription and grace of the Almighty for Muslims. Tasting a pre-dawn meal is a great blessing. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, also said: "Indeed, Allah and His angels bless those who perform suhoor" (Imam Ahmad); “Eat before dawn, for there is grace (barakat) in suhoor” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

What time is suhoor taken during Ramadan?

Suhur is taken before the second adhan for the morning prayer. Try to wake up on time so you can eat slowly.

How long should elapse between adhan and suhoor?

There is an answer to this question in the hadith. Zayd bin Thabit, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "So many (that could be read) fifty verses" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

What time should you stop taking suhoor?

Food becomes forbidden when the true dawn appears - the signal for fasting and morning prayer (fajr). It is not prescribed to refuse food and drink until the beginning of the Fajr prayer time.

What if you hear the second adhan while taking suhoor?

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: "If one of you hears the call to prayer and the dish is in the hand of one of you, then let him not put it down until he satisfies his need from it."

If there is no time to have a normal breakfast, what is better to eat on suhoor?

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “There is grace in the pre-dawn meal. Take suhoor with at least a sip of water ”(Imam Ahmad). And also: "The beautiful Suhur of the believer is the dates" (Abu Dawud)

What are the health benefits of suhoor?

According to doctors, suhoor energizes the body for effective work during the first half of the day. In the afternoon, the body fuels the energy of the breakdown of carbohydrates and part of the fat. Thus, the metabolic processes in the body remain normal.

How much liquid should you drink on suhoor so that you don't get thirsty during the day?

On suhoor, it is better to limit yourself to 1-2 glasses of water, ideally 20 minutes after a meal, so as not to dilute the gastric juice necessary for digestion.

How to properly consume water and drinks during Ramadan fasting?

It is advisable to consume about 2 liters of pure drinking water per day, but for suhoor it is better to limit yourself to 1-2 glasses of water. The rest of the water should be replenished, if possible, for iftar and / or at a convenient time at night.

Better drinks green tea than black tea and coffee; much healthier drinks from fermented milk products, seasoned with salt, herbs and herbs. After their use, thirst rarely torments.

In food, it is worth limiting what causes thirst: fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods, as well as fish, after which you usually want to drink. It is better to exclude fast food, fried potatoes, traditional sandwiches, butter, pastries and cakes, chips.

What products are better for suhoor and iftar?

Recommended food that contains complex carbohydrates fatty acids, and therefore absorbed by the body longer, which creates a long-lasting feeling of fullness and does not lead to obesity. Look for fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, olive oil, brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, whole grain or wholemeal bread, bran bread, fresh fruit juice without sugar, durum wheat pasta, dried fruit ( dates, etc.)

How to eat while fasting with high physical activity?

In this case, you need proteins that are digested for about 8 hours: boiled or baked lean meat (beef, chicken, etc.), eggs, mushrooms, dairy and soy products, peas, red beans, lentils.

When is the right time to start iftar?

It is advisable to begin the first part of Iftar immediately after sunset and before the evening maghreb prayer. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "People will not cease to be in prosperity as long as they rush to break their fast" (al-Bukhari, 1957, Muslim, 1092)

Why is it important to break the fast on time?

"During each break of the fast, Allah will choose people freed from the Fire" (Ahmad, 5/256, Sahih at-Targib, 1/419)

What does it mean to "rush to break the fast"?

Each part of the earth has its own sunset time, which does not always coincide with astronomical calculations. Therefore, if someone can see the position of the sun with his own eyes, he must, regardless of the schedule, accelerate what is ordered by the Almighty. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, carefully guarded this Sunnah, teaching it and practicing it.

How to break fast during the Ramadan fast?

After the adhan for evening prayer, it is recommended to eat some dates or drink water (about a glass). Some break their fast with pastries, fruits or dried fruits, juice, etc. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "When one of you breaks his fast, let him break his fast with dates, and if he does not find dates, let him break his fast with water, for it truly cleans" (Abu Dawud, 2355, at-Tirmidhi, 658 , Ibn Majah, 1699)

How did Our Prophet break his fast, peace and blessings be upon him?

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, ate three dates, then prayed Maghreb, then ate again if he thought he needed supper.

Which is better for breaking the fast: dates or water?

According to doctors, dates quickly saturate the blood with glucose, which after 20 minutes activates the hunger and satiety center in the brain, which regulates appetite. When drinking water, the brain reacts in a similar way to the heaviness in the stomach.

When does the main meal, which is often referred to as "Iftar", start?

The second part of iftar - dinner with the family or with other members of the community - begins after the prayer.

Should you limit yourself to eating iftar?

When organizing such a dinner, one should remember about moderation - there can be a lot of food, but eating too much is sinful. It is reported that the Prophet's wife, peace and blessings be upon him, Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, died, and he never had a full olive oil twice a day".

What kind of food to cook for Iftar during the Ramadan fast?

Preference should be given to fresh vegetable salads, cereal dishes, vegetable, meat or fish dishes. It is recommended to limit fried, fatty, flour and sweet foods, to exclude, if possible, instant products (freeze-dried, sausage, etc.), which are quickly absorbed by the body without saturating it with high-grade proteins and carbohydrates.

What dishes are traditionally prepared for Iftar?

Each locality and, moreover, each family has its own special recipes for suhoor and iftar. Let's just remind that the menu is diversified by low-fat pilaf, spaghetti, Italian lasagna, chicken with vegetables, stew, lean beef kebab, khinkal on corn flour or coarse wheat; baked fish, steamed vegetables, fresh vegetable salad, corn pancakes, cheese soup with vegetables, etc.

How to eat properly if you have health problems on the eve of fasting?

In this case, it is better to consult a dietitian to help you adjust your diet for this time.

If you overslept suhoor and did not eat or drink during the day, would this be considered a violation of the fast?

If you did not get up for suhoor in the morning, then this does not break the fast. The main thing is that you cannot eat or drink before iftar. But try not to miss the suhoor, because our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Observe the suhoor, truly there is grace in the suhoor" (Imam Bukhari 1923, Imam Muslim 1095)

What is the value of suhoor time?

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “All the time suhoor is blessed, so do not miss it, and let each of you drink at least a sip of water, for, indeed, Allah and His angels bless those who eat or drink before dawn. "

Can I eat or drink after Fajr prayer before sunrise?

No. Stop eating 10 minutes before dawn. "Eat and drink until you can tell the white thread of dawn from the black one, and then fast until night" (Quran 2: 187)

Why is it important to rush to break the fast in Ramadan?

Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) rushed to break the fast himself and urged others to do this: "People will live in prosperity as long as they hurry to break the fast" (Al Bukhari No. 1957, Muslim No. 1098)

What is the best way to break your fast while fasting in Ramadan?

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Whoever has dates, let him break his fast, and whoever does not have them, let him break his fast with water, for it cleans” (Ahmad No. 15798, At Tirmidhi No. 695, Abu Daud No. 2355)

Will your fast be broken if you unintentionally (due to forgetfulness) took food or drank water during the day?

The unintentional intake of food and water does not break the fast. As soon as you remember that you are fasting, you must immediately stop eating.

In this case, there is authentic hadith Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him: "Whoever ate or drank, forgetting, let him continue his fast, for it was Allah who fed him and gave him drink" (Al-Bukhari No. 6669)

Is it possible to fast continuously, for example, two days in a row, without breaking the fast?

No. It is narrated from the words of Abu Sa'id, may Allah be pleased with him, that he heard the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Do not fast continuously, and whoever wants to do this, let him break his fast before dawn (the next day ) "(Al Bukhari No. 1963)

What to say before suhoor ( morning reception food)?

It is necessary to pronounce the intention of fasting (niyat): "I intend to fast the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah Almighty."

What should you say after breaking the fast?

ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الاجر الله

Zahaba zzama-u uabtallatil-‘uruk, wa sabatal-ajru insha-Allah

or "Praise be to the Lord, who helped me to fast and endowed me with what I made breaking the fast."

What did our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, after breaking the fast?

There are several duaas on this topic: "The thirst is gone, and the veins are filled with moisture, and the reward is already waiting, if Allah wills" (Abu Dawood 2357, al-Bayhakyi 4/239)

“O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I relied on You, I broke my fast with Your food. O Forgiving One, forgive me the sins that I have committed or will commit. "

Allahumma lyakya sumtu, wa bikya aamantu, wa ‘alaykya tavakkaltu, wa’ ala rizkykya aftartu, phagfirlii ya gaffaaru maa kaddamtu wa maa ahartu

اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنتُ ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَ ابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَ ثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ تَعَلَى يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي اَلْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ

Allaahumma lyakya sumtu wa ‘alaiya rizkykya aftartu wa’ alaykya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant. Zehebe zzomeu vabtellatil-‘uruuku wa sebatal-ajru in sheeallaahu tauralahu. Ya vaasial-fadligfir lii. Alhamdu lillyahill-lazii e'ananii fa sumtu wa razakaniy fa aftart

Oh Supreme, I fasted for You [so that You may be pleased with me]. I ended the post with what You have endowed me with. I trusted in You and believed in You. The thirst is gone, the veins are filled with moisture, and the reward is established, if you wish. Possessor of unlimited mercy, forgive my sins. Praise be to the Lord, who helped me to fast and endowed me with what I made breaking the fast.

What should be done first of all when the time of Iftar has come: do the evening prayer or break the fast?

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "As long as Muslims hurry to break their fast, they will always be successful" (Bukhari, "Saum", 45)

Masruk, may Allah be pleased with him, told Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: “Among the Companions there are two people who always try to do godly deeds. But they differ in one thing: one of them always prefers to read the evening prayer faster and sit down at the table as soon as possible, and the second hurries to break his fast and later perform namaz. " Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, asked: "Who is the one who was in a hurry to break the fast?" And, hearing "Abdullah ibn Masud" in response, she said: "This is how the Prophet Muhammad always acted, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him" (Muslim, "Syyam", 49-50)