Repairs Design Furniture

How to shelter the house from within the clapboard. Finishing with clapboard inside the house: Learn to sneak correctly. How to bind the walls with your own hands using the horizontal placement of the lining

The finishing of the room is an optimal option for those who want to perform repair without spending time on tedious and very dirty work, which are associated with alignment of walls. The design of the lining has an excellent appearance, reliably protects the building outside of purge.

Compared to other materials for finishing, it creates an environmentally friendly, healthy climate in the room. The article will tell you how to lifting the lining room.

Types and advantages of lining

Before losing the lining room, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its advantages and features, learn about possible varieties.


  • It does not require the finish of the draft surface.
  • Panels can be easily assembledAt the same time, an absolutely smooth surface is formed without traces of the installation of fasteners.
  • When forming between the wall and the lining of the gap, you can freely hide all wires and pipesIn addition, this gap exceeds the noise and is an additional thermal insulation.

For the sheat, plastic, wooden lining or based on MDF.

The advantages of plastic are:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • It does not require special care. Pollution can be easily and quickly removed with a damp cloth.
  • A wide range of. Plastic is easily cutting and any color, which allows you to choose the desired design of the design without much difficulty.
  • Affordable price. This is due to low-cost raw materials and low-cost material production.

The disadvantage of plastic lining is not a high degree of environmental friendliness.

For the manufacture of wooden panels when finishing the indoor room, wood is used:

  • Ash. It has small vessels on its surface, and the slice is a kind of original ornament.
  • Maple. It has a noble texture and a wide range of colors.
  • Out. It has sufficient hardness, it is easily mechanically handling. The color gamut and the structure of the material is determined by the region where it grows. When operating, deformation is not exposed.
  • Cherry. The noble shade is easily recognizable, and over time, the wood starts to darken.

Unlike plastic, it is a natural material with high environmental properties. In addition, the wooden lining is strong enough, possesses an aesthetic appearance.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • Not a rather high degree of moisture resistance.
  • It is subject to negative impact of mold and the appearance of fungus.
  • High cost of products.

Molding based on MDF is a budget analogue of wood panels. For its manufacture, wood sawdust is used. According to naturalness, the material is not inferior to the tree, synthetic resins do not apply during its production.

For gluing elements, a special substance is taken - ligin, which performs when heated from sawdust. On MDF plates from the outside, paper is applied with a pattern that imitates a wooden surface. From above the details are covered with varnish, which gives the paper strength.

How to prepare lining to install

The lining room covering should begin with its preparation.

For this:

  • The material is covered with special means to prevent all damage to wood, which can lead to:
  1. rot;
  2. the appearance of mold;
  3. the accumulation of harmful insects.

Tip: Wood can be processed by azure or a special verse, which will protect its surface and give the desired color to products.

  • The lining is well dry.
  • Reclaimed for 24 hours to the house. It will be needed so that the boards from such material can be adapted to the temperature, which is available in the room, did not disappear and did not give in the subsequent shrinkage.
  • Installation is performed on the crate, which serves as a supporting design for the entire trim.
  • On such a framework, the rail can be purchased ready or cut into their own hands from an inch boards with an electrical saw with a small cross section of the desired length.
  • The shapper with self-draws or screws is reliably fixed to the wall with a step of fixing elements up to 60 centimeters.
  • During the construction of the crate, the carrier structure is equalized. This uses a plumb or construction level.
  • To increase the durability of the trim between it and the wall, the gap is left, which will become a kind of ventilation hole.
  • If it is necessary, the surface of the walls are insulated, which increases their noiselessness. For this:
  1. the insulation is stacked;
  2. parobarrier is covered.
  • Conducting a lamp for mounting lining.
  • The design is covered with primer, which will protect it from the occurrence of fungus, mold.
  • The installation process of the crate can be seen on the video in this article.

What ways the cladding is attached

How to shelter the room with lining?

Video shows which methods for fastening the material. After reviewing it, everyone can choose for itself the most comfortable and familiar look for its fixation. The lining is a plank, with a deepening on one side, and a spike on the other, which is inserted when installing into the deepening of the next item.

Fasteners happens:

  • Outdoor.
  • Secret.

Fixation can be performed:

  • Nails.
  • Decorative screws.
  • Stapler brackets.
  • Kleimers.

Tip: With any method of fastening, you must try to do everything carefully, so as not to damage the lining, do not split the wood, it can spoil the appearance of the surface. At the same time, the Dobochnik Nail Hat is clogged completely into the wood, but you need to follow, so that the groove does not make, it can weaken fasteners.

Material fixation methods:

  • With a hidden method of fixing the elements, the lining is mounted to the crate from the other side where the grooves docks with a spike. If it is allowed so that the fasteners are visible, the table is nailed with cloves with small hats, chaotic scattered throughout the facing. This is a quick and easy way can be used when wearing utility rooms.
  • It is usually a more complex, but neat way: nails are nails in the existing grooves on the clapboard. In this case, the attachments will almost not be visible, and the method itself received the name of the hidden editing.
  • High-quality fastening of material to the crate is performed by special devices that are metal klymers for lining. Captures made of galvanized tin, have different shapes and sizes. Their choice depends on the type of material and the thickness of its grooves. On the one hand, the details of the teeth are crashed into the grooves on the board, on the other, they are attached to the crate. Kleimers for lining are usually purchased with a set of nails.
  • The lining room clapper is performed using staples with a special pistol. The rigid bracket pierces the grooves on the lining and fixes it on the crate.
  • Reliable attachment method - the use of decorative screws. It can neatly do even newcomer.

Tip: Before building a supporting structure, it is necessary to determine the direction of cladding. This is due to the fact that the lamp is constructed perpendicular to the material of the material.

Installation of clapboard

There are two ways to cover with clapboard:

  • Horizontal. This method is used to expand the room, which will make it possible to create a feeling of space indoors.
  • Vertical. Allows visual ceiling to raise and make the room higher.

The house is scented, a planning plate for a skip.

How to make horizontal trim

Starting the molding is always followed from the ceiling to the floor, and the grooves should be directed down. This will not accumulate moisture, Musor, who can clog the grooves in the board, which will lead to premature destructive processes during operation, and the sheath will quickly deteriate.

Instructions for performing work:

  • With horizontal installation, the claymers clay meters are inserted into the recess for the previous board, the carnations or the self-tapping screws are fixing it to the brushes of the crate.
  • For high-quality installation of the lining, it is necessary to check the liplice of the wall in each installed ten elements.
  • Before fixing the last facing plank, it must be adjusted in the width of a hacksaw or circular saw.
  • The item is nailed, and the gap is protected by a special plinth.
  • To cover the walls with a clapboard, a block house, with imitation for a rounded log, installation should be started upwards, which will allow you to hide the docking spaces.
  • Fitting parts to each other to prevent the formation of slots, it is necessary to produce a hammer, and to eliminate the damage to the material, use the cutting panel.
  • The block house is fixed with a self-tapping screw to the lattices at an angle of 45 degrees, and the hats are closed with a groove of the next element of the lining.
  • To decorate the angle between the block-house panels, you need to insert the processed timber. In this case, the gaps will not be visible in the opening, and there will be no drafts in the room.
  • It is not necessary to paint such a wall, an interesting natural flavor and comfort will give the room a natural color of the tree. It is enough to clean the outer surface of the trim from the dust formed during the operation. But it is possible to cover it with varnish (see), which will protect the wood from pollution.

How does the block house run the lining room with a wagon? Video shows with all the details.

How to perform vertical clapboard

Vertical lining room starts from the corner.

In this case:

  • On the back wall of the part, the groove is installed a kleimer to fix the wall paneling and nailed on the launch of the crate.
  • In the corner, the first board is attached by nails, their caps will be closed with a decorative corner. If there are no such decorative rivers, the nail caps need to be bored with rapid.
  • The installation of elements continues inserting one plate to another. When fixing the material, the kleimers fasteners must jerk the boards between themselves, they will form a single canvas.
  • Installation of the wallboard on the wall ends, as at the beginning, the board installed by the latter is nailed.
  • To make a complete type of type, the trim is equipped with the help of rails.

Tip: All joints that are available external and internal angles must necessarily close with special decorative slats, plinth and corners.

Installation is performed in the direction of the window opening to the wall opposite to it, as shown in the photo. This will reduce the shadows between the material panels.

The sheathing of the room with a lining gives him comfort and extraordinary natural warmth. The house, erected from brick, stone and other materials is distinguished by a fortress, but with cold beauty. His covering with a wooden clapboard outside (see) and inside allows you to close the structure to natural and fashionable eco-style, create the impression that the house is completely built of wood.

Nowadays, in the construction of residential buildings, preference is given to natural materials that are not only favorably affecting a person, but also create a positive microclimate in the dwelling.

Inner covering with wooden siding is enjoyed in great demand.

Given this, we will try to figure it out more about how to finish with lining inside the house with your own hands.

The lining has the appearance of a long wooden rail with a recess and spike, with which one board connects on the other. This type of material is used for both internal and external premises.

Thanks to universal qualities, they can be used to cover the walls, gender and ceiling.


There are several types of panels - wooden and plastic.

In appearance, wooden products are distinguished on:

The usual - has the same view with a plastic analogue.

Eurovantia - improved quality, divided into categories:

  • Standard - has a smoothly ground surface, profile length - from 2 to 6 meters;
  • Soft-line - is a bar with rounded edges;
  • Landhaus - the outer surface of the profile is figured, up to 96 mm width;
  • Block House - produced from coniferous species of trees, has a kind of round logs;
  • American - attached exclusively in a horizontal position, has a view of a wooden bar.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any building material, they have pros and cons.

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Strength;
  • Durability;
  • Easy mounted;
  • Lines surfaces;
  • It does not require special care.

The disadvantages include the fact that plastic is short-lived due to the strong exposure to mechanical effects. In addition, the low level of fire resistance wood requires special material processing.

Tools and preparatory work

For the trim, you will need:

  • Wooden rails of the same size;
  • Self-tapping screw and dowel;
  • Internal and external;
  • Sealant;
  • Primer;
  • Paint and varnish;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Perforator;
  • Level;
  • Building stapler and brackets;
  • Brushes.

Finishing with lining inside the house with their own hands is carried out in stages. First of all, preparatory work is carried out.

Using wood for cladding, it should be treated with special means that prevent rotting, the appearance of mold, as well as pest protecting.

After processing it, it should be sued well and withstand at least 24 hours in the house so that the tree is "accustomed" to the temperature inside the building.

It should be noted that the mounting of the panels is carried out on the frame. For this, wooden rails are installed on the wall or ceiling plane at a distance of 50 centimeters, which are fixed using self-tapping screws.

Before mounting the frame, you need to decide on the location of the material: horizontal or vertical. If the choice fell on the horizontal location, then the doomle is attached vertically. And, on the contrary, in the case of vertical placement.

Before starting work, it is necessary to decide which to use the way to fix cladding with wood. There are several methods of fixation: external and hidden (nails are nailed into the back of the groove).

It is possible to mount the elements with nails, special metal grips (kleimers), screws or braces for a stapler.

Mounting work

Performing with your own hands the finish with clapboard inside the house, it should be noted that the work is carried out on a predetermined plan.

The performance of the horizontal location of the material using kleimers is true: the clamp is placed in the deepening of the previous panel and is attached to the frames of the frame of the frame with nails or self-draws, without causing noise to attach the subsequent element.

To ensure high-quality molding, the lining is recommended using a level, through each tenth board control the surface of the walls of the walls.

Before fixing the last element, it is necessary to align it in width, then nail items, and clearance to close the plinth.

Installation of the block-house lining type is carried out by recess, while hiding connections. So that there are no lumen between the boards, you can neatly hammer to climb the panel to each other using the trim.

The connection of this type of lining with the slats of the frame is made by self-drawing at an angle of 45 °, while the hats are hidden under the excavation of the next board.

The corner in the opening between the clask boards is inserted into the transverse bar, which closes the lumens and protects against drafts.

Vertical covering is made from the corner. On the back of the panel in the excavation is placed kleimers, which are fixed to the frame of the frame. The initial angular panel is nailed. Hats nails can be reapped with a corner, if there is no one, the caps can be bought off by side.

This method of the trim is carried out similarly to the horizontal method - one panel is placed in the next board.

Lining from wood should not be used in rooms with high humidity and temperature differences.

At the edges of the wooden panels should not even be small cracks, otherwise the material is considered defective.

The internal cladding panels are best produced in the direction from the ceiling to the floor.

If the length of the board is not enough for the whole wall, you can use special planks in the joint of the panels.

Useful video on how to carry out this material:

To install the crate, you can use a frame of a metal profile. To cover inside the house, it is recommended to apply boards from ate or pine.

Establishing any facility ends interior decoration. The main criterion of the internal finish of the house is to give it a well-groomed type and efficient operation. One of the popular species is a finish of Eurovantia.

Material represents thin board fixed around the perimeter of the room. The lining is used to finish inner premises for a long time. This type of premises finishes came to us from transport construction, when wooden panels were used to cover the wagons.

Properties of material

The lining has nearby positive characteristics:

  1. high ecology of the product;
  2. nice appearance;
  3. resistance to high and low temperatures;
  4. increased;
  5. lack of temperature coefficient.

The lining is actively used when sheathing walls:

  • wooden houses, cottages, baths,
  • terraces, balconies,
  • as a decorative design of the rooms,
  • for a bright accent in wooden buildings.

With the right choice of finishing material, the durability of such a finish can reach thirty-year.

For masters who have experience in conducting homemade walls fastening with a wide lining - the occupation is not difficult. The cost of the square meter of the casing is extremely small, with the exception of special surface decoration.

Lining monotony in appearance, but experienced designers are always ready to give it a universal look and find original mounts for the walls.

Initially, only wooden, but modern trends and masters are also used in the construction of houses, but modern trends and masters are invented. Today, this type of finish is widely used in modern construction and repair.

This material rightfully won its popularity. thanks to the economy. Building markets and shops are filled with a wide range of lining for interior decoration.


Main types of lining differ materialfrom which they are made. Every year new items appear represented by such materials as:

  1. AluminumIt is categorically not recommended for interior decoration due to the lack of resistance to high temperatures and non-predependable.
  2. PVC panels - Allow to save on the purchase of material, but will lose in durability.
  3. MDF - Pretty nice material, easily inscribed in any interior. Under MDF, the wiring is easily hidden, and work is performed on the cleaning of the room.

Despite the innovative technologies in construction, the traditional choice of many construction companies is still is a tree. Various wood breeds are used, the most common linden, cedar, ash, birch, alder.

What better to choose?

For interior decoration, the sauno is recommended to purchase deciduous woodnot allowed by moisture and not producing heat outside the room. With decoration of coniferous wood, wood will be filled with a pleasant aroma.

There is an opinion on the briefness of the tree and the influence of external factors on it. A few more than a few years ago one would agree with such an opinion, but not today, when the shops are overflowing with a huge selection of various wood care products.

When choosing a suitable wood extremely her class is important:

  • Extra - does not have defects and chips, is considered an ideal option for repair;
  • BUT - does not have cores, it is allowed to have bitch and resin pockets (no more than two);
  • B. - one can include material with two bitch, two pockets, one spot contrast paint and two cracks;
  • C.- less suitable for finishing works, as it has a number of the above disadvantages.

Extremely popularenable 2 options for the trim:

  1. horizontal covering - fasteners are performed from the ceiling to the floor, which prevents garbage and moisture from entering;
  2. vertical covering is performed from the angle, and on the back side of the boards, the klyimer is put in the groove, then attached to the crate.

How to decorate the decorative clap "Block House"?

It should be especially stopped on the finish for the house - "Block House". This finish is suitable for the living room, kitchen, hallway, and will be a great marsard solution.

An important advantage will be the fact that the technique "Block House" allows the walls to breathe And create a pleasant microclimate for the inhabitants of the dwelling. This type of fastening will create improved noise insulation compared to the above methods.

Before performing work, the fittings and the amount of material are calculated. But even more important process is to give fresh material to lie down without packaging. approximately three days In the room where it will be installed.

Preparation of walls

Panels are installed on dry and smooth walls, so the surface should not contain defects. The walls should be waterproof using a special film or deep impregnation.

Without this procedure, wooden panels may not withstand increased moisture content, and work will have to redo.

Plots with fungal lesions on the wall processed by antiseptic.It is better to process them all the walls. After careful impregnation of the walls, they will become resistant to the negative effects of fire and mold. Impregnation with water-repellent composition is obligatory before such work.

If desired, you can install additional materials for thermal and noise insulating construction. Polystyolster or mineral plates are installed as noise insulation.

Fariazing film You can purchase when buying a facing material. Work begins with the shelter of the walls of the film, which in the future will perform the function of the insulation of steam.

Making framework

The framework of the frame is happening in the following steps:

Wood panels have a lot of weight, so for high-quality sewing it will be necessary to make a reliable framework.

For a frame in the technology "Block House" will suit a wooden base. The frame must be made of rails, the distance between which does not exceed 65 cm.

Before installing the frame, you need to schedule places where sockets, switches and other electronics will be. These marks are needed in order to make cuts in facing before mounting.

Brucks can be fixed to the wall, both nails and straps for mounting. After completing the framework of the framework of the frame, you can proceed to finishing in the style of a block house with your own hands.

Options for mounting the crates See in the video clip:

Installation of panels

For accurate measurement used plumb, square and level. To calculate how much the board will be spent, it is necessary to produce simple calculations: the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room is divided into one board area.

Calculating the area of \u200b\u200bone board, it is easy to find out how much material will go to cover the entire surface. When lacking panels, used additional kleimers To eliminate the problem.

Fastening of wooden panels begins on a pre-installed cladder. The initial bar is installed below, with indent to 1 cmThis procedure is done for active ventilation of the walls and avoiding further deformation of the material. A similar indent is done at the top of the wall.

Block House is installed only in the horizontal direction. Sometimes the masters choose a vertical installation, but this method has a lot of flaws.

Fastening to the frame is carried out using self-samples at an angle of 30-45 degrees. A hole is made on the surface of the panel with a thin drill, and then the self-tapping screw is screwed there.

The self-sufficiency hat should not go deeper 3 mm.

Next panels are gradually installed from the bottom up. Spike when installing the panel should look up. Between themselves, wood connects with the help of spikes and grooves. If desired, the angular compounds are fastened with corners.

There are several ways to hide the screws of the screws:

  1. With the help of the material remaining from work.
  2. From trimming, plugs and PVA glue are fixed in the recesses. Uneven places are smoothed by sandpaper.

  3. You can apply "wooden paste" made of PVA and sawdust glue.
  4. The thick composition is poured into the holes. The minus of the method in a possible mismatch of the color of the composition and wood.

  5. Special plugs that can be bought in a construction store, easily close irregularities.
  6. Must with glue plow.

For detailed installation of panels, see Roller:

Corner decoration

The design of the corners in the technique of Block House causes difficulty in self-trimming.

You can prepare in advance "boats" for finishing inner corners and elements specifically designed for external corners. Finished plinths will be tightly in contact with the block house only at the top point, as a result of which the skin will have unclosed slits, and this is unacceptable.

It is much more convenient to use 5x5 stranded timber sizes. Its installation is made before the trim began. The block house is attached to the bars, and the finish will look much smaller and more professional. This method is effective for internal and outer angles.

The final stage is the surface grinding, but it should be done with caution. One awkward movement can disrupt the board structure.

How to carefully make angles. See this video:

What coating to choose: paint or varnish?

  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • linen.

The impregnation will significantly extend the service life of the Blocheus, it will reduce the occurrence of cracks on the surface, and, most importantly, give the wood with fire-resistant and bioprotective properties.

In the event that the important point is naturalness, and I want to preserve the type of tree, the painting is a varnish coating alternative. The surface for varnish must be perfectly clean, and do not contain foreign irregularities.

To work on the walls you will need a roller or a common painting brush. Coating produced in several layersIf you do not count the first toning impregnation by the verse.

Which of the coating methods to choose will depend on the desire of the host room. If he is a supporter of traditional design, and wants to preserve the natural appearance of his walls, he will need a varnish solution.

If the room is planned as a youth room or walls should become a bright accent, of course, preference should be given.
If the finish is made at the highest level, the room will look noble and presentable.

Cost of installation work

Installation of wooden lining is a time-consuming process consisting of a variety of operations: preparation of walls, installation of crates, fastening material to walls and final impregnation.

The detailed cost of work looks like this:

  1. Assembly and preparation of the crate of 180 rubles.
  2. Windproof device 150 rubles.
  3. Coating structural elements by antiseptic 30 rubles.
  4. Installation of 400 rubles.
  5. Impregnating with lacquer or paint 70 rubles.

For a more accurate answer to the question of the cost of work, you should contact representatives of the construction company.

Wooden lining (Euro woman), which siding and plastic panels sweated, gradually dismisses their positions. More and more users prefer this beautiful, natural and tested material.

Naturally, many building brigades offer wooden lining installation services (Eurovanda). But, not everyone has money to pay for a third-party job or simply, I want to not build a house, then at least make an external or inner wall cover on your own. Therefore, below shows the material oriented on those who are interested in the independent molding of the wood wall tank.

How to shelter the house with your own hands

At first glance, it may seem that the finish of the walls of the walls and the ceiling, the process is simple and not occupying a lot of time. As it is not paradoxically, but it is. The work will require minimal skills to work with the tool, wood and step-by-step instruction on the installation of wooden lining.

1 step - selection of wooden lining

To properly choose a wooden lining for wall decoration, you need to take into account the influence of such factors:

  • Purpose of the room. Depending on the purpose of the room, the requirements for the lining will be different.
  • for the sauna, the European Class "ELIT" class is preferably coniferous;
  • for the outer decoration there will be any lining, the main thing is to ensure its proper protection against all possible damage;
  • for interior - the main requirement of environmental friendliness of the material.
  • Wooden Wallowing Molding Methods. Write a key influence on the calculation of the material for installation. Several ways are distinguished:

Looking with lining vertically. The most common method. This was facilitated by two factors. First, the vertical attachment reliably protects the groove-crest from the waterproof. Secondly, it allows you to visually raise the height of the ceilings of the room.

Note: Vertical mounting of the lining is the most optimal for the steam room, because it allows the condensate to drain down.

Clapped lining horizontally. The easiest way. Finishing with clapboard horizontally allows you to hide the possible flaws on the surface of the walls. The horizontal attachment is more often used for the outer finish, and the installation of the lining is performed as a groove down to avoid the water flow.

Finishing with lining diagonal. A very wasteful way in terms of material consumption. But won when decorating broken surfaces, for example, the walls of the attic.

Clawing christmas tree. Pretty laborious, requiring serious calculations, but at the same time the most economical way to install the lining, allowing you to use small pieces of lining;

Combined laying of lining. Allows you to create geometric patterns from solid lengths of different lengths mounted at different angles. However, this mount requires certain skills and is distinguished by a high consumption of material as cropping. As well as difficult from the point of view of the framework of the framework.

Note. Not all lining profiles allow you to make a choice of laying method. For example, a block house or American is mounted only horizontally. Therefore, when choosing a laying method, take into account the configuration of the lamella.

You can also combine the horizontal and vertical lining of the walls with lining.

  • Wood breed. For the manufacture of lining, both coniferous and deciduous species of wood are used. The choice depends on the designation of the room, so, the coniferous rocks are more resistant to moisture, and deciduous is more durable. As well as the value of the material, the desired color and texture.
  • Variety wooden lining. The grade of the lining can be defined "on the eye" knowing the main parameters that determine it. These include: the presence of suchkov, covertocin, chips, darkens, etc. The highest quality is the "Extra" or "elite" grade, which is reflected at its cost. Then follows grade 1 (a), 2 (c), 3 (AB).

Note. The presence of bitch, especially dead (capable of falling), in addition to the visual effect, reduces wood ability to maintain heat.

  • Sizes of lining. Due to the fact that the cost of the lining is usually indicated by M.KV, then its dimensions will be important.
  • thickness lining. For outdoor work, you need to take a thicker board (20-25 mm.), It will be enough to be 10-16 mm;
  • width of lining. Does not have a determining value. But users note that for a small room it is worth choosing a narrow board. And vice versa, a narrow board on a large surface will be "rich" in the eyes;
  • length lining. The maximum panel length is 6,000 mm. It is necessary to choose such a length at which the smallest number of joints and waste will be. In addition, it is worth considering the problem of large-sized transportation.
  • Type of clapboard (determined by the appearance of the lamella):
  • conventional lining (classic, calm, standard). It does not have primary processing and is distinguished by a short ridge (up to 5 mm), which can create difficulties of beginners when installing with their own hands;
  • eurovale. It has more accurate geometrical parameters due to the rigid requirements for production, packaging and storage. Features an extended ridge (up to 8 mm);
  • block house. Imitates a rounded timber, more common in the external finish;
  • american. The difference between this lining in the absence of a "groove comb" system. It can be mounted only horizontally.

2 step - calculation of wooden lining

By purchasing the lining need to know how much material is required. The price of wood wooden is usually indicated in M.KV., less often in M. Kub. But, simple, mathematical calculation in this case is not suitable. Because, the quadrature will affect the length of the lining, the height of the walls of the house, the number and dimensions of the window / doorways. And the cube is also the thickness of the lamella.

There are three ways to calculate the lining:

  1. Intuitive. The perimeter of the surface area is considered, which is subject to trim. From it subtracted the area of \u200b\u200bopenings. And the resulting result is added from 10 to 30% for waste. A simple but not very accurate way. For those who want to save it clearly not suitable.

  2. Mathematical. It is more scrupulous and assumes the calculation of the number of lamellas lining the piece. Those. It takes into account the length and width of the lamella, as well as the parameters of the openings. To calculate, it is necessary to divide the length of the surface to the width of the lamella. Thus, it is possible to determine the number of lamellae, and take into account their length. As a result of the calculations, we get accurate value. No more than 10% are left for waste in this case.

  3. Program. in online mode.

Tip: At the place of sale, you need to choose the length of the lining the most close to the desired to reduce the waste on trimming.

The waste percentage is determined by two parameters:

  • First, the variety of lining. The lower the grade, the greater the departure for the departure.
  • Secondly, lamella styling geometry (fastening method).

3 step - tool and material

In addition to the lining itself, it will take:

  1. wooden rail (45x20 mm) or profile, galvanized for drywall;
  2. thermal insulation material, parobarar, windbarrier (if necessary);
  3. dowel (for a stone structure), screws (for a wooden basis);
  4. nails, kleimer, brackets (depending on the fastening method);
  5. electrolovka or hacksaw;
  6. screwdriver, hammer, stapler (depending on the fastening method);
  7. level, plumb, triangle;
  8. antiseptic, flame retardant, primer, paint or varnish;
  9. perforator;
  10. drill.

4 step - preparation of lining to mount

Primary preparation comes down to performing work in two directions:

Primary clapping processing includes grinding (for a regular board), sorting lamellamas in color, check for defects. As well as processing the primer, an antiseptic (protects against rotting, biological activity) and antipyarem (creates a micropoline on the surface of the wood, which prevents the combustion). If the molding of the coniferous rock and strongly resolves, it is necessary to do it.

How to remove the resin from the lining?

To remove resinous secretions, you need to apply a solution of acetone to the lamella, and then wipe the surface. If there are defects that dropped bitch, chosel, cracks, you need to process lamp lamp.

Preparatory work is carried out before the installation of lining, because It is necessary to process all the surfaces of the lamellaes, including those that will be from the wrong side. As well as grooves and ridges, access to which will be simply impossible after installation.

Note: The lining should "dial" the temperature of that room where the finish will be carried out. To do this, it must be placed in the room in advance. On the lining for outdoor work this rule does not apply.

Surface processing means inspection of the wall / ceiling for cracks, fungus, other damage, deleting all defects, as well as disassembling sockets and switches. The wall surface should be treated with protective compositions.

5 step - clapboard lining

5.1 Installation of crates under the lining

Installation of the crate begins with a frame of a frame belt.

Notes. With the vertical mounting of the lining, the racks of the crates are rubbed horizontally. With horizontal installation - vertically. With diagonal - perpendicular to the direction of laying lamellas.

How to make a crate under the lining?

The first rails are installed along the perimeter of the surface. First, the rails in the corners of the building are mounted, with such a calculation so that each angle accounted for two rails. The correct installation of the installation is taking a plumb or level. Then around the perimeter of window and door openings, and only after that intermediate rails are stuffed.

The shape of the crate under the lining is determined by the insulation thickness (if such is planned to be installed) or is selected in an arbitrary order. Professionals recommend installing intermediate rails at a distance from 400 to 800 mm. Moreover, the higher the room, the smaller the shaft step should be.

Wooden lining can be installed on rounded surfaces.

Rakes to the surface are attached with hardware or EU-brackets for plasterboard profiles. In the event that the wall is absolutely smooth, you can fix directly to it, i.e. without crate. And if in some places between the wall and the rail, the gap can be filled with a piece of wooden bar, for a more dense adjacent to the rail to the wall.

Note. Wooden rails for the crate must be an acceptable level of humidity. Otherwise, the lining will pull moisture and can deform.

It is important to ensure the ventilation of the surface under the clapboard. For this rail, they are stuffed with small gaps, as shown in the figure.

The most important thing in the installation of the crate is constant control of the installation with the help of a construction level. The more accurately the lamp is set, the easier and the setting of the lining will be even more.

In addition, experts advise back to retain a small gap on top and bottom between the end of the rail and the ceiling, so that it was convenient to nourish the lining. The gap from the bottom (from the floor) is easy to ensure, if you set a piece of bar under the rail.

Note. For wooden houses, the presence of a gap of 2-2.5 cm. Required. This is due to the fact that the tree gives shrinkage within 3-10 years depending on the construction method.

5.2 Warming Wall under Lining

The decoration of the walls can be laid the insulation (hard or soft) in the cell of the crate. The insulation is placed in the cells of the crate. By placing thermal insulation material, you need to follow so that there are no gaps between mats. To do this, it is better to lay two thin layers of material with a displacement than one, but thick. From above on it, the film of the Parobarker is superimposed (when installing inside the house) or winder (when installed outside the house).

Universal will be the use of Taurek Super Diffusional Membrane (Tyvek). When laying it is important to ensure the filament of the film 100 mm, as well as to lay it with the right side. The side of the marking (rough) must be addressed to the lining. Through the film is hampered by the control, for which the lining actually will be fastened.

Council. It is desirable to produce insulation from the outside of the house. This will shift the friction point in the insulation. And eliminates the possibility of freezing the wall.

5.3 Fastening the clapboard

Before proceeding directly to the mounting of the lining, you need to decide on the fastening method. Consider all known methods for fastening the wall paneling to the wall, ceiling and crate to choose the most appropriate option. It is worth noting that the decoration of the bath with the clap will be somewhat different from the finishing of the lining inside or outside the house.

How to mount the lining?

Fastening lining nails

The nail reliably fixes the lining to the crawl brush. As can be seen in the photo, the nail is clogged into the groove.

How to score nails in the lining?

Evrovagon can be trigged directly, and domestic (ordinary) - only at an angle. Working with nails is more risky compared to other ways, because it is possible to split the wood. For facial mounting of the wallboard, it is better to use galvanized screw nails.

Note. The length of the nail should exceed the thickness of the lamella at least twice.

Council. Simplify the robbing into the groove can be used if you use a simple device. Namely, with a nail (weave) you need to sprill a sharp edge. Next, put it to the clogged carnation and make an effort through it. Thus, the risk of damage to the facial part of the lamella is significantly reduced.

The process of fastening the lining nails is shown in the diagram

Fastening clay meters

Note: Installation of the wallboard on the walls in the bath requires the use of copper or galvanized kleimers.

Fastening lining with self-drawing

The method is used with a cross-cutting lamella to the crate. Less often with countersight.

Fastening clap brackets

Installation of wooden lining on brackets with a stapler is practiced extremely rarely. Due to the fact that you need a special stapler (gun), which can be poured pretty thick and dense wood. Some users recommend to drive a bracket into a kleimer. Professionals disagree in opinions on loyalty to such a recommendation.

Combined method

Such a fastening allows you to secure the panel securely. The method involves the use of nails or kleimers and self-tapping screws for fixing the lining on top and bottom, i.e. Where the fastening site will be closed with decorative elements.

What method of fastening the lining is better?

Knowing how to mount a wooden lining, you can choose the most efficient way. At the same time, the final choice may affect:

  • plans for the further dismantling of the lining. Mounting using kleimers simplifies dismantling;
  • the level of humidity in the room. With a high constant level of humidity, it is better to use selflessness;
  • aesthetic look. Hidden installation implies the use of kleimers or nails and allows you to fully hide fasteners, and the mounted lining looks more beautiful. Outdoor installation of the lining provides for fastening through the board. In this case, it is important that screws go to one line;
  • type of lining. Eurovantia can be mounted in any way, the usual lining is harvested with nails harder in view of the small groove size;
  • lining, which is fixed (previously dismantled, used), is attached to nails. This is due to the fact that the grooves may be damaged during dismantling;
  • fastening speed and thickness of lining. The fastening of the clapboard the stapler allows you to make work as quickly as possible, but the thickness of the wall and the wood of wood affects its use;
  • method of installation - secret or end-to-end. With end-to-end installation you need to drill a hole on half of the self-press, and then cheer it up to the stop. Again, end-to-end installation eliminates the use of draft nails (only finish), because On the wall may form ugly rust flows.

Installation of lining on the wall begins with the angle of the room if the mount is horizontal, and on top (if vertical). Special attention is paid to the installation of the first lamella. After all, it will ask the direction of all work. The first board is attached on the one hand (from above or on the side), then the horizontal (vertical) is installed, then the second end is attached. Only after they made sure that the board is properly exhibited and corresponds to the level, it can be consolidated in the midst.

To the subsequent board tightly entered the previous one you need to make efforts. To do this, you can use a rubber image or a shot. The shot is a piece of wooden lining. Its use allows you to protect the facial part of the slave from a random strike with a hammer.

Note. In the case of the use of nails. In the previous lamella, they are clogged completely, only after "grease" subsequent lamella. This is done in order to avoid chalkboard.

It is rare that the lamellae closes the surface perfect. Often it is necessary to trim the finish boards. Trimming should be done neatly, especially if it is not closed with decorative elements. The last board is fastened through with the help of self-tapping screws, which can then be closed with a putty, wooden plug or special linings. Or using finish nails, which have almost no cap.

Another point with which you can encounter when finishing is the inconsistency of the length of the lining of the height / length of the room. In this case, it all depends on the preference of the owners, but it is preferable that the ends of the fragments of the lamellae are at different levels.

5.5 Decorative Making Lining

The lining clapboard outside and inside the house ends with decoration. Elements of the decor will allow to close the flaws in operation and give the walls and the ceiling.

But so that the finish does not spoil the job need to know how to install decorative elements and how to attach them correctly.

An external or inner corner closes with a wooden corner. It can be glued (with an insignificant weight of the decorative element) or fix the finish nails.

Window and doorways should be separated by platbands. You can dock them at an angle of 90 or 45 °.

The location of the walls with a ceiling or floor must be separated by a cornice or a plinth and also fix with hardware.

Install the switches and outlet before starting work.

It is worth noting that the above stages finish the trunk does not end. Next surface need:

  • clear from dust, apply an additional layer of primer on the lining (the first layer was primed by individual slats before starting work);
  • grinding (to walk on the shallow sandpaper once again). The fact is that after the primer, the surface will get a slightly rough texture;
  • lacrification or painting. Finishing finish is a rather long and responsible stage. It is important to choose the right coating correctly, and correctly apply it. So, for example, professionals advise the coating in several layers and only after the previous layer completely dry. Detailed description than and how to cover the lining.
  • disposal of lining waste. Users advise to use lamella trimming to make frames, curtains for curtains, furniture cladding, worktop, etc.

Lining with your own hands - video guide


The technology of wall decoration with clapboard inside and outside the house, and in the bath (steam room, shower) is different, it should be considered when installing. The choice of fastening and laying method also contributes certain adjustments. Good fasteners and wood processing will extend the lifetime of the cladding.

To separate the walls of the structure with clapboard, many owners of private houses can be allowed. As an example on the Internet, numerous photos of the walls of the walls are placed. This material has all the thermal insulation indicators of natural wood, and also has excellent frost-resistant properties, is not affected by various weather effects and sharp temperature drops.

Such high-quality finish of the house allows you to create a favorable and healthy environment within the structure. It should also be noted that the walls of wood, in contrast to metal and plastic panels, the buildings are trimmed not only outside, but also from the inside.

Procedure for performing work

Wood-walls made of wood, possibly produce a decoration of residential premises, performed in fact in any stylistry.

The walls of the walls are carried out in the following sequence:

  • Preparation of the structure, begin with insulating and waterproofing work with the outside of the building.
  • A selection of finishing material and profiles or wooden bars for the crate.
  • Installation of wiring in the room.
  • Alignment of the surface, installation on it crates and insulating material.
  • The decoration of the room by this material, according to the scheme determined by the original home owner.
  • Installation of sockets and electric vehicles.
  • The device of angular profiles, plinths and door trims.


Lining - these are boards, different in thickness made of various wood. Such a name, these products were obtained due to its initial application on the railway. Initially, railway cars were separated inside wooden slats of small sizes.

The modern market has made significant changes, and plastic and MDF panels appeared on sale, but, despite these innovations, the lining of the walls in the apartment or private house-building remains so far very sought-after.

Today, the market for finishing materials is there a huge amount of various types of lining, which is implemented by numerous companies. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully choose the goods before you pay.

When buying it is important to pay attention to the following moments:

  • Packed material must be stored horizontally, on a special substrate.
  • Air humidity, to the room intended for storage of goods, must correspond to the norm.
  • Products in the outdoor under sunshine loses their qualities and properties.

Information on the timing of storage and suitability of goods must be specified on the label, it is also necessary to pay attention to the purchase of material. Compliance with all these rules and precautions significantly reduce risk shares.

It is also better to acquire this product with a small margin, to avoid the need to re-purchase it.

Installation of facing products

Currently, the brigade of the finishes use two ways to cladding the surface of the walls. These options also use housing owners who have decided to independently fulfill the improvement of the premises. What way and how to finish the trunk with your own hands, consider further.

The first option is as follows, you need to prepare a perfectly smooth surface, after which the finishing materials are attached to the surface with the help of adhesive mass.

Another option is a facing of the surface using a cerebral frame to which the finishing product is attached. This method assumes the additional insulation of walls, a special insulation. That is why this option is considered more preferable.

In addition, it is necessary to determine in advance what kind of finishing the surface of the room with lining, horizontal or vertical is most suitable for the owner of the housing.

You can use and combined trimming options in the interior of your room. This is when part of the area is separated by a horizontal way, and part of the materials are fixed with the help of vertical mounting, thus combining the walls.

After the owner decided with the options, you can start the installation of finishing panels. To begin with, prepare the necessary tool and the framework material is an electric drill, a screwdriver, levels, hammer, passage and electric jigsaw or an ordinary hacksaw for metal, as well as metal profiles for crate and all sorts of dowels, screws, nails, self-tapping screws, and so on.

The frame of the crates is attached to the surface with a thorough way. Profile Are placed vertically or horizontally, depending on the selected method, fastening the panels.

  • The profile must be collected and secured perpendicular to the panels.
  • It is necessary to follow the six-meter distance between metal slats.
  • Based on the floor and from the ceiling.
  • Constantly, the installation of profiles is checked with a level.

After grabbing assembly, it is filled with insulation specially prepared for this.

Now it is necessary to start installing the lining itself. By this time, the owner has already chosen the installation option, and the finishing panels themselves are usually started to mount on the surface of one of the solid walls.

Stock Foto Wall trimming photo