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Passionate gym. The owner of the biggest natural breast of Russia: "IT IT without a bra, but in a large. Stable psychological climate

Mostly women dream of a big breast. Having heard the myths about the miraculous properties of the cabbage, many beauties suffered, by going her in the hope of becoming impressive forms, but everything was in vain, and to whom in nature was destined to have a big breast, those and got it, and the rest of the girls had to be content with the fact that there were.

Although many and chasing a large breast size, there are many women, happily ready to change with their sufferers with their volumes, because from a big breast, some problems are: constant back pain, problems with the choice of clothes, as well as the gazes of men. There are 7 record holders in front of which you will find a ladies with the biggest natural and artificial breasts in the world.

Natural chest

1. Annie Hawkins Turnner

2. The whole world of the lady is known as the norm of Stitz. It has the official status of the record holder of the Guinness Book of Records. The norm is the owner of the biggest natural breast in the world, as a result, and the largest bra.

3. The norm is styles - stage pseudonym. The woman became famous not only thanks to her bust: she is also known for its works in the model business and film industry (starred in several films for adults). However, popularity did not prevent the norm to become a mom of two children.

4. Miosotis Claribel

5. The girl has African-Spanish roots. Perhaps this is precisely this fact and influenced the development of such an impressive bust. The status of myosotes as the owner of the biggest breast is officially not confirmed. However, it does not interfere with her fans.

6. The girl is also famous for its works in the role of the model, including in Nude photo sessions.

7. Ting Hiafen.

8. For China, Ting has a simple breast-sized: because for Chinese women, even the third and fourth breast size - already rare.

9. It must be said that, unlike the above-mentioned owners of chic busts, Ting did not make a lush breast in the way of earning. On the contrary, to improve the living conditions (the girl had constant back pain, it was difficult for her to walk without help), she turned to plastic surgeons that conducted the appropriate operation.

Victims of plastic surgery

10. Lolo Ferrari (Eva Valua)

11. French dancer, star finishing star. The girl was the record holder of the French Guinness Book of Records. She was the owner of the biggest breast in the world: each chest weighed 2.8 kg!

12. Lolo made more than 20 operations to increase the bust. The result of operations was not only global fame, but also health problems. The girl constantly took potent medicines. Eva Valua died at the age of 37 in 2000.

13. Chelsea Charm

14. American model, strippers, dancer and penoictrix. In 2011, Chelsea Charms became the record holder of the Guinness Records as the owner of the biggest breast in the world.

15. Nature awarded Chelsea fourth breast size. But this girl was little, and at the twenty years she made the first operation to increase the bust. There were other operating interventions. During the last girl installed polypropylene breast implants. Their feature is that they absorb water from the body and expand. Thus, the bust increases. The use of these implants is prohibited in the EU and the United States, since very large risks of the development of complications after such operations.

17. Sabrina always dreamed of carrying the title owner of the biggest breast in the world. What she, in general, managed: having over a dozen plastic operations behind the shoulders, the girl still achieved his goal. However, Sabrina is not going to dwell on the achieved and does not hide it. Adventure of doctors in this case (however, as in all other) - no result.

18. Sabrina is a famous Latin American TV presenter, model. In addition to the frank photo shoots, the girl is also known as a musician: playing an electric stove in the PRIMERAS IMPRESIONES group. And Sabrina is a happy mom. In 2010, her son was born.

In theory, technical orgasm, that is, rhythmic cuts of the muscles of the vagina, caused by the stimulation of erogenous zones, is able to get any woman, with the exception of a tiny percentage of those who have serious diseases of the reproductive system, writes

However, in practice, women's orgasm is a very delicate process, which depends on a million different components - hormonal background, the tone of vaginal muscles, the day of the menstrual cycle, your psychological mood, smells and sounds in the bedroom. Sometimes these factors make it ... inconspicuous and very fast. Many do not even understand what was tested by orgasm, and even confused with urges to urine (although in fact these sensations indicate the entry into the pre-jammed phase of the plateau).

Thanks to many years of experience with the anorgasmey in women, I brought a kind of formula to achieve a strong and bright orgasm, which will help not only those who need to make feelings brighter, but also those who have not yet experience it.

Stable psychological climate

No need to have sex if 72 hours have not passed after your quarrel. It was this period of calm and lack of desire to kill her husband with a flower pot you need to experience the right orgasm. It's all about instincts - Nature laid a certain mechanism for manipulating the "male" in the woman - a restriction in sex, so we show a man that he does wrong.

Sexologists have long noticed that during a quarrel with a partner cortisol (stress hormone) suppresses libido, and, accordingly, the ability to exit the plateau of orgasm.


One of the important components of the strong orgasm is a simultaneous exit to the plateau, that is, in the pre-jammed phase. It is in this phase that the closest emotional and body contact between partners, which gives a powerful discharge.

Unfortunately, nature divided men and women in this plan, the first is enough 3-5 minutes of continuous frictions, and the second - on average about 20. That is why the whole world industry industry has been working on a reduction in this gap, cultivating "simultaneous" orgasm and inventing Special warming lubricants, creams for point G, condoms with a prolonging effect.

To coupled with the correct prelude and the choice of poses in which you get more stimulation of erogenous zones than a partner (for example, "riders"), it will help to strengthen and extend the pleasant sensations.

Hungry stomach and clear head

Another important rule is not to overeat and not drink alcohol before sex. The "degree" reduces the sensitivity of the nerve endings, and, accordingly, prevents the correct blood flow of the small pelvis organs. Well, eaten half an hour a piece of cake or a dumplings dish will not give you to focus on the sexual process, constantly pulling the resources of the body to digest food.

Strong pelvic bottom muscles

The most important physiological parameter that affects the quality of the orgasm is the tone of vaginal muscles. The stronger the muscles - the more dense they grab the penis, strengthening the stimulation of all neuroactive points of the orgasm (and therefore increase the chances of multiple).

You need to "download" this muscles regularly, the benefit of technical progress made this process as simple as possible and "lazy" - no longer need to squeeze the balls and remember the uncomfortable word of Dr. Kegel.

Now there are special "intellectual" simulators and myostimulators that themselves reduce the muscles, count the rhythm for your favorite tracks and are even capable of performing the functions of the vibrator. If all the workouts were such.

Peripheral stimulation of erogenous zones

We have already affected the topic of the right foreplay, but I will share another "focus", which will help strengthen orgasm is a peripheral prelude.

The trick is that the partner during the "preparation" stimulated you from the most "distant" erogenous zones to the genitals, as if a nervous impulse throughout the body. Starting the peripheral stimulation is best with the fingers of the legs and poning depressions or with ear shells and neck, smoothly moving to the hips, stomach and chest.

By the way, in the process you can detect a lot of sensitive points, which you have not been suspected before.

In contact with


Men love to joke that the time immemorials they miss women ahead to appreciate their "fifth point" and kiss the hand to be able to calmly consider breasts. And in this joke a lot of truth. The interest of men to female pretabs is laid on an instinctive level, but since society has established the norms of decency, you have to be bought.

Women are unlikely to understand their bare instincts and forgive the fellowship idle. It is terrible to imagine how the world looked like, if men concerned the female bust and buttocks as often and unceremoniously, as they relate to their eyes and thoughts. But in frank conversations, men do not hold back their emotions, feelings and eloquence to express the rapid impressions of the female breast and Pope.


Oleg, Taxi driver, 37 years

"ABOUT! About the female breast and Pope I would say forever! I have a favorite joke on this topic:
- What the hell is the difference, what woman is breast?! The main thing is that she knew the delicious borsch cooking!
- I will welcome you such a borscht that you eat with a spoon!
- And I swallow your tongue!
- And I will prepare the borsch so that sex will fool on his background!
- Darn! Well, since such things, show your chest. I will choose!
I am extremely not indifferent to the female breast and pope. A woman who has appetizing, I can not deny anything at all. This is a hypnosis of some kind! And my punishment! I come to my senses, only when I have already taken advantage! "

Vasily, lawyer, 50 years

"Everyone speaks about the soul, but still look at the ass ... well, or on the chest. Who likes how. I am a fan of elastic female buttocks! The chest, of course, is good, but, in my opinion, a cool magnificent and tightened ass plays a key role in the foreplay and sex itself. I love, forgive, women "Rear". And recently I read that sexologists found that men excites not a separate part of the female body, but a combination. For example, rounded pop and a thin waist, big breasts and a big ass, etc. Perhaps, and so. Although our brother loves not only voluminous women's forms, but also the ability to put them in bed. It's like men with a brain - a sense that you have it, if you don't know how to use it! "

Ilya, Tax Inspector, 31 years

"I adore women who are clearly visible and the chest and the priest. But if I set me before choosing, I would give preference to the chest. These elastic hilmiks, juicy muffins, sweet peaches ... But most of all the luggage is excited between the breasts. There is paradise! And it doesn't matter what form breasts - watermelon or lemon, the main thing is that this very empty can be seen. Of course, it is better visible in women with lush bust. Outstanding breasts - outstanding woman. Researchers of the female breast effect conducted an experiment and found that a woman with a noticeable breaster is twice easier to catch the car than a woman who does not view the chest. So ladies with beautiful breasts and live easier! "

Andrei, Salemaker, 24 years old

"I spent my own sociological survey between friends in order to find out that men more in women love - ass or chest. It came to the conclusion that most of the men are obsessed with the chest. But here, what is interesting - during sex, they are more excited by the pop. What do I think? I also love beautiful "rees"! Uzkopopy girls are not interested in anyone. And more ... Do you know what men are panties even in this matter? They may be happy to openly admire the breast, but they can be satisfied. How do men look at a beautiful female breast? That's right - like cats on sour cream. Pies frankly - indecently, and hide it is difficult. I don't really want to check out how you fed. But to hold a woman with a look and consider her ass, maybe everyone. After all, the woman will not see the reaction of the "dog", and therefore his indecent curiosity will be unpunished. "

Stanislav, head of the enterprise, 60 years

"I honestly confess - when I see a gorgeous female ass of big sizes, I choose the saliva, I'm afraid to choke! Until recently, I could not explain such "Bzik" even myself. But here the other day I met a scientific explanation for my passion to women with big pops. It turns out that these are practicing nature and her concern for healthy offspring. Men on the subconscious level choose "female" with wide hips and full buttocks. "Full" and in the literal and in the figurative sense - fat harvested in the buttocks, which has a value for breastfeeding. Accordingly, a big ass - a sign of the health of a woman and speaks of her ability to endure, give birth and feed the child. I do not know whether this information helped me, or I just got tortured, but now I'm not tormented by remorse of conscience when I appreciate women in the size of their priests. "

Bogdan, Military, 46 years

"Do you like women's breasts as I love her?! I do not know if there are men who can remain indifferent to a beautiful female breast? The ass, of course, is good, but it is lower and, in general, I solve it in women to remain less "outstanding." But the flat breast forgive the woman can not. With all due to her mind, talents, the ability to love, etc. Just this is such an "pervert" - I need to constantly contemplate the beautiful female breast. This is my personal drug. But there is one condition - no silicone. It seems to me that a woman with silicone breast has the same brains. I do not know how silicone has the property of the "flow" from the chest. I am for naturalness. Long live a female breast! "

Denis, entrepreneur, 30 years

"Pop, chest, waist, legs ... mind! That's the main thing in a woman. To be able to wear all this beauty, brains are needed. If I see them in a woman, then I have plenty of fantasy so that everything else "draw" in your imagination, as I need. And if a woman's head is empty, it is no more than a disposable beautiful toy. I played out, and enough. Quickly bored. In general, I belong to those men who are the question "What a woman should be the woman to like her?" Answer: "Such, like my beloved!" The best ass - a loved one! Dear women, do not devalue themselves, chasing the fashion on the chest and the ass to please the tastes of the men. Specify your fashion. We love what you love. Look for a man who will be able to see in you not obvious - chest and ass, but a rich inner world. The body will inevitably make it, and for what he will love you then? "

If you do not know what these mysterious abbreviations mean, then explain. Zhmzh is a threesome sex: two women, one man. MZHM - two men, one woman. All this is the options for sex threesome, about which many men dream of and yes, women.

Why dream of sex threesome

This fantasy may seem provocative, stupid or too frivolous, but at the same time its implementation can change the very much and the relationship itself.

"For example, men are more likely to try to try GMG, because it would help them to raise self-esteem and confirm their masculinity and sexuality," explains Inna Melnikov.

Many feel at the height if they were able to deliver an orgasm to one woman, and then two at once. If, after successful experience, a man suddenly feels the king of the world, it will be difficult for him to argue.

In addition to the usual desire to diversify intimate life, threesome sex can be quite a legal opportunity to have sex with another woman or a man, while having a "official resolution" of a partner.

And even to this erotic experiment can push banal curiosity. Why not.

"True, it is not always clear why people choose immediately so radical experiments, the consequences of which are difficult to appreciate," Inna Melnikova argues. "After all, you can start with small, but more secure - use sex toys, try role-playing games."

The main thing is not to get involved in this adventure exclusively due to the fear of losing a partner, because of the desire to please him. "In sex, everything should happen voluntarily, by mutual desire and the main thing - to bring pleasure," resembles a sexologist.

When the threesome will be unsuccessful

Interestingly, men dream more to be in bed with two women, and those in turn - with two men. Such a split is quite logical: as soon as the person is the person of your sex, jealousy and rivalry are included.

"Plus, the fantasy of sex threesomes can become a good check of the fortress of the feelings of a man," says Inna Melnikova. "If he plans to create with his partner family, most likely he will not want to share it with someone else."

Claims, accusations and resentment - that's what it may end, this cheerful and promising experiment would seem.

But the main thing is that, offering threesome to your partner - a person who trust, be ready: you suddenly you can learn about it what you will not like at all.

For example, a woman will say: "And I do not mind try! I even had such an experience. " Or: "Once I had a mistress, so I bisexual."

Or the man will answer: "Yes, baby, a cool plan - divide you with another man." It sounds approximately as: "In essence, I don't care about you and our relationship, I'm not really trooped."

It may turn out that not all people are so tolerant, mature and are able to cope with their feelings, as it seemed to them in theory.

"Sometimes fantasies and conversations are quite enough to warm the mutual passion," says a sexologist.

How to make sex threesome pleasant

If all the savory discussions led you to the decision - "try", to begin with, you want to be sure that you want this itself: from curiosity, thrust for adventures, for the sake of finding acute sensations. But not in order to please the man.

Silence how well you know yourself, our desires, reactions and you can evaluate the consequences: what you will not be jealous and make complaints. Jealous owners of any sex should not be carried away by similar experiments.

Take yourself responsibility to avoid reproaches and scandals. Remember that, giving my consent, first of all, you can change my mind at any time, if you feel uncomfortable. And secondly, then there will be meaningless statements like: "You put on me", "I did it only for you!" Such victims are completely nothing.