Repairs Design Furniture

When it is planted: Facilities landing. When to plant, the timing of the spring and autumn planting how to put together in the fall

Among the manifold of coniferous trees, Tuya uses special love for dacnis, owners of private houses. It is not surprising - frost resistant, unpretentious, aesthetically attractive thuja. Landing and care in the open soil will not require essential works from the dacket, but the presence of the Tui on the site will be positive from any point of view. It is great for the formation of live elevations, with its help you can create unique green figures for the landscape design of the site, arrange the tracks. We will look at the nuances of the landing, care for the coniferous beauty of the Thury, so that it takes place on your site.

This tree, as well as its coniferous fellow, exudes a wonderful aroma, enriches the air with useful phytoncides. Mass of positive qualities carries thuja.

Thuja is different from pine or ate in that it does not have a needle, his branches are covered with small green scales, soft, pleasant to the touch. It is sewnly called the "royal tree" - it is quite deserved.

Tui tree - seed selection

If you do not plan an independent reproduction of Tui, then you can purchase ready-made, parified seedlings.

They can be bought in nurseries engaged in breeding conifers or in a specialized store. There, among the stated assortment, you will choose the desired grade, buy a healthy tree adapted to the local climate.

Small saplings of Tui from nurseries differ in size, age. If you have a small seedling, it will not be difficult to "revern" it until the landing on a permanent place of growth. You can also purchase a large copy, ready for the design of the site or the local area.

If you choose, always pay attention to the conditions of plant content, the degree of soil moisture in the containers, the strength of coniferous scales on the branch. The branches of seedlings must be elastic, the needles do not appear, there are no spots or signs of the disease. At the coming home, hurry to transplant them in the pronted place, pour.

Tui landing in open ground

When to plant? Thuya perfectly takes on your site at any time of the year, except late autumn or winter. Gardeners with experience advise the spring period - April, May. Sent in the spring, it will be less root, grow faster, it is better adapted to the environment.

But in our Kuban, I still advised the landing of the thuu move to autumn. Summer we have a roast, a rapid trees will be difficult to transfer the heat. And, planted in the fall, she will meet the summer harder, well rooted.

Where to land in the garden? A landing place should be slightly shaded, consider this factor when planning the landscape design of the site. Under the right sunlight, the tree will wake, and subsequently worse to carry winter cold. In a very dark place, the thua will slowly develop, the branches will lose their loss, brightness. An ideal territory for it will be a windless segment of the site, with light shading, close to groundwater. How to plant yourself?

Tuya -, Phackage of actions:

  1. First, the POEM is a rather deep hole - 80-100 cm deep, with similar diameter sizes (if you, of course, a large sapling, and not as in the photo above). The deepening should be so that there is a freely part of a tree with an earthen room. At the bottom, we embarked a little ground mixed with wood ash or other organic fertilizer.
  2. I put it in the hole, while its root neck should be located at one level with the surface of the soil.
  3. I mix the ground with sand, peat (1: 1), fill in this mixture with a sapling, after which it is slightly plugged.

The distance between the thai during the landing should be determined according to the characteristics of the variety, since the thuu is very small and vice versa, very tall. Little trees can be planted in a meter from each other, large - about 4-5 m. Some varieties of the Tui reach 15-20 meters of height, and their krone is grouped to 3-4 m (for example, Tuya Western Brabant). For full-fledged development, such a tree needs a space, but when decorating alleys, green corridors, the thug fees are planted at a distance of 1 meters, regardless of the variety and type.

Tui Western Smragd and Character Danika

How to care for the thay

Competent care for this conifer means watering, making feeding, loosening of the priority circle, the formation of the crown. After the village is planted on its permanent residence, primary feeding is made. For these purposes, stimulants of natural origin are often used (most gardeners choose "epin"). The components of such feeders contribute to better rooting of the tree, improve disease resistance. In the spring, you can bother with potash-phosphorus additives, it is better to do it twice, the break between fertilizers should be 10-15 days.

Spring on the frequency of irrigation affects the number of rains, with the onset of summer enough 2 times a week, in spring - 1 time. If rains have often become, it is not necessary to water, the rain moisture will be enough. Thuja requires high-quality irrigation at all stages of life (seedling, adult tree), while Krone also loves irrigation. So that the branches were elastic, shiny, pleased you with the brightness of green shades, the minimum amount of water for the roasting area should be 10 liters per alive (1 time per week, if the summer is very dry, then up to 3 times). It is possible to determine the lack of moisture as the state of the Tui's top - it begins to yellow. Water trees are better early in the morning or evening.

Thuja loves the irrigation of the crown, for these procedures, the acquisition of a special nozzle becomes relevant. Dust is washed away from such a spray, the appearance of the tree is ensured, a pleasant coniferous aroma begins to stand out. Do not be afraid to overdo it with irrigation, 1-2 times a day will bring toui only.

Returning to fertilizers, it is worth noting that too frequent feeding for the Tui is not required. Special mineral compositions for conifers (for example, "Ferty") or compost, which has already become a classic additive, just use twice the season - in the spring, summer. Fertilizers are entered during loosening: folded along the rolling circle, and during the flavored mixing with the upper layer of the soil. In summer, the additive can be diluted with water, use it for watering.

The priority area should be periodically cleaned from weeds, loosen, mulch wood sawdust or compost. Decoratively colored sawdust looks very attractive (they are painted by natural ingredients) or walnut shell. Mulching creates some barrier for weeds, keeps moisture, improves the condition of the tree as a whole.

As for the haircut or artistic trimming, the first two years of the tree of the tree it is better not to touch, it should take root in his place. You can start to care for the crown from the third year from the moment of landing. Initially, dried, weak branches are removed, determine the degree of degree. Excessive breaking adversely affects the decorative qualities of the tree, everything should be in moderation.

The main trimming is carried out in April, and then only adjust the form. For high-quality air circulation, the maintenance of the "vigorous" type of Tui gardeners recommend removing all branches of annual growth.

If the artistic intent requires the growing of a tree of stirre, then only the top of the crown should be cut. From the Tui you can create various geometric shapes, columns, animal figures or fabulous characters. Beginner gardeners can be easily added to crown the tree shape of the ball, cascade, border man. Haircut or trimming is best done with dry weather.

How fast growing thuja? It depends on the variety. Dwarf varieties grow slowly. Vertical faster, but the annual increase also depends on the variety. For example, Tuya Brabant gives up to 30-40 cm of growth per year, and Smaragd is up to 10 cm.

Tuya - Preparation for Winter

For colder regions of the country, you should choose frost-resistant grades of the Tui (Western). Despite its unpretentiousness, they also require preparations for the cold season. In the fall, it is necessary to provide trees abundant watering, since even in the winter thuja continues to develop, although slow.

How to care for tones in winter? In the first years of the life of young representatives, it is necessary to insulate. With the help of a dense polyethylene film, a nonwoven spunbond or other suitable passing material, a kind of cocoon is formed, which will keep heat, skip the rays of the sun. You can even buy special covers intended for these purposes, they are sold to garden departments of supermarkets or online stores.

The roots for the winter are covered with foliage foliage, which is removed with the onset of spring, as soon as the upper layer of the Earth. The crowns of adult tui are carefully tied up with a wide ribbon to prevent the snow to the branches.

To rejoiced the eye, there was a healthy thuja, landing and care in the open ground should be carried out correctly, in a timely manner. This tree is rather unpretentious, but the result of simple care is expressed not only by its external beauty, decorating the territory. Green hedge from Tui will absorb the noise from the street, neighboring territories, as well as protect your plot from curious views.

A new fence was put on the summer site and decided to plant a decorative element as a decorative element. The neighbors also planted a few years ago and were very satisfied - the plot was simply transformed, became somehow aristocratic.

Many are happy to plant this long-life, possessing many advantages: a neat view, evergreen sprigs that are angry all year round, and a pleasant coniferous aroma.

  1. In horticulture, there are several main types of Tui: Western and East.
  2. We, in the middle lane, are more often grown by Western - more unpretentious and undemanding. It is successfully planted in more northern regions.
  3. The most popular varieties are Smaragd, Brabander, Tanica, Teddy.

The form of this tree also has several species, which allows the use of a tree in completely different design solutions. The following varieties differ:

  • Dwarf.
  • Pyramidal or conical (colonum).
  • Spheroid.

If you have determined which variety and looks more suitable for your site, now it's time to purchase landing material. How to do it right?

Choose a sapling - what better

There are several criteria for which you can buy a good young tree. Basically, these trees are put up for sale with hidden roots, since this part of the Tui does not tolerate drying. It is better to choose a seedling in a special container than wrapped in the material. Before buying, it is necessary to carefully inspect all the tree.

  1. It is recommended to purchase a seedlove to which three or four years, and not more. The young tree is quickly attached quite quickly, it will begin to actively grow and distort his older comrades.
  2. Choose only neat and having the same krona from all sides, asymmetrical trees are better not to acquire.
  3. Look at the crown: if it is thick, healthy and lush, then the root is in order. Such a plant quickly adapts in a new place and will actively begin to develop and grow.
  4. The color of the needles is important. In healthy plants, it is usually green, can differ only with shades, right up to yellowish. If the Tui has a deficit of some substances, then the branches acquire a brownish and in some cases a brown shade.
  5. When the root system clearly looks out of the drainage holes of the container, this suggests that the village has long been sold.
  6. If it turns out to get a tree from the tank, then carefully inspect its root. Healthy has a whitish - pinkish shade. When the roots spent or have a brownish shade, it means that they watered a lot, and the process of rotting began.
  7. Be sure to look at the crown and the state of the branches - broken, dry or cracked talk about the poor condition of this plant.
  8. Carefully inspect the tree on the subject of diseases and eggs of insects: if the slightest suspicion arose, then do not buy a seedling. It not only does not come true, but also suffers a disease or infection to other healthy plants.
  9. Pull the tuy's top, if it freely comes out of the container, it means it did not fit. And maybe the seller accidentally cut the roots.
  10. Sometimes it is not clear whether the plant is good. Check out as follows: Squeeze the sprig of the needles in the fist, and then unzip the hand - the needles must completely recover in a short time. If this happened, then the plant is in good condition and ready to land.
  11. There is one more sign of a healthy seedling that can not be overlooked: if weeds grow in small quantities in the container, then everything is excellent - the seedling survived the winter at least once in our climate. It is adapted and must fit perfectly in the garden plot.

Tui landing technology and step-by-step description

Well, already seedlings are purchased and waiting for a new permanent place of residence. Before producing the planting process itself, you should choose an accurate date and prepare.

When planted

The procedure can be carried out in any season, except for winter months. But the most convenient and less stressful will be the early spring.

  • Relying on what climate you have, landing can be started from the second half of April and before the first decade of May.
  • It is important to catch the moment when the process of the Sokalivation has not yet been activated, and that the soil is already sold enough.
  • It is at the beginning of the spring that the active phase of growth and development of the root and the above-ground part of the Tui begins. Spring planted in the first warm days, it quickly adapts and perfectly postpone the entire planting process.
  • If you still decide to plant the same in the fall, then do it no later than the second half of October, until the soil finally cooled.
  • Autumn landing can not be very good to affect the tree, as the root is still very small and weak. Yes, besides, in the process of settling the soil, the seedlove can bendled.
  • If nevertheless decided to plant the same fall, do not forget to tie a sapling to the support.

Choosing a place

If you put and determine the seedling, on the right place, then there are no problems from the Tui. You will not come across the yellowing of the crown.

  1. The most comfortable place for the conifer is well lit, near the hedge or along the fence. Then you can continue landing and other seedlings next to it.
  2. Find a place where there will be no drafts and strengths of winds. This thua simply does not tolerate, especially in the cold season.
  3. The place is also suitable with scattered light or a bit in a half, where in certain hours the tree will receive its share of the Sun, which will be enough for full development.
  4. If you decide to put in the shadows, the seedling will grow, but you are unlikely to see a magnificent green crown.
  5. It is very important that the groundwater flows are not closer than the meter to the surface of the soil. The tree loves moisture, but completely does not tolerate the stagnation of water and dampness.
  6. Do not land close next to old big trees. The latter, having a powerful root system, will simply take off the seedling all nutrients from the soil and in every way to suppress it.

I prepare landing pit

Depending on the soil composition, you need to select the correct size of the well. If the soil is light and loose, then they dig a hole 80/80 cm. In the case when the soil is heavy, the meter well is enough.

If the young tree is still quite small, then all the same landing pit should be quite large. Consider that Thuus will grow.

For landing, you will need a special composition of the soil. You can purchase ready-made (for coniferous trees) or prepare themselves. For heavy soil you need:

  • 2 pieces of river sand.
  • 2 pieces of leaf land.
  • 1 part of the peat.
  • 3 pieces of humane quality.

You can and this option: 2 parts of the land of the turf, 2 parts of humus, 1 part of river sand. It is possible to add 1 part of peat and sand to 2 parts of any land, and then add about 100 grams of superphosphate.

  • 1 part of the peat.
  • 2 pieces of turf land.
  • 1 part leveling.

It is advisable to add superphosphate, but mix it with a soil thoroughly so as not to cause a root burn.

If the ground under the structure is heavy or closely arranged groundwater, then you need to do a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 25 cm at the bottom of the pits. We use broken bricks, crushed stone, gravel or clay.

Landing instructions

It is important to prepare all the necessary tools, because the root system of the tree will dry very quickly (for 10 to 15 minutes). Therefore, you need to put a seedling very quickly.

  1. Previously (half an hour before landing) Pour the soil in the container with a seedling of growth stimulant. Courternin, epin, zircon or heteroacexine fit).
  2. Pour a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pit, and then so much soil so that the root cervix is \u200b\u200bat 3 - 4 cm above the ground level. The soil will fall, and the sapling will take the right position.
  3. The tree may die if the root neck is too shrouded in the soil or, on the contrary, it will be above the ground level.
  4. Put a container with a seedling on side and gently knock on the side. Then carefully pull out a tree from the tank without damaging the root.
  5. Put a seedling in the pit and fall asleep to the soil of half. Tamper and pour 10 liters of water.
  6. When the moisture is absorbed, shove the soil to the top and leave the october waters. Thought so much faster wants to quickly. Then pour another 10 liters of water in the well.
  7. The wells should be closed by 5 - 6 cm for better moisture conservation, as well as overheating in hot weather and frozen in the winter season. Compost, peat, small pieces of bark or sinters are perfect for mulching.

A tree when landing loses a lot of necessary moisture, so after planting, create a shadow with a young trend.


  • Thuja is an excellent perennial evergreen plant, which grows perfectly along the fences, hedges and garden tracks.
  • A landing place must be selected solar and spacious, but without drafts.
  • The planting process will take some time, as well as preparatory work, but a clear adherence of the instruction will help to quickly and competently plant a coniferous tree.

Following the end of summer hassle on the beds, a short, but responsible period of autumn garden work comes. It is in the fall that comes right for landing Tui Western. However, the approaching winter requires to take into account the set of conditions that need to be observed when planting a seedling and defining in the end, as the thuja is taken on how to develop further.

Advantages of autumn landing

The first argument in favor of autumn landing is to plant themselves easier than in another season. Rainy weather itself provides watering the root system and irrigating the crown of a young seedling.

The second argument is the possibility of more rational use of forces and time. Having made the necessary work in the fall, we release time for important spring troubles.

The third reason is to plant them in autumn - favorable prices for seedlings. Nurseries sell planting material in large quantities and at an affordable price, and container plants are often offered with substantial discounts.

Fourth advantage - free natural materials in the garden, which can be used when landing. Autumn fallen leaves are well suited for the preparation of the nutrient mixture and for the mulching of the coil circles.

Features of the Tui landing in the fall

To properly plant and avoid mistakes that are injected by the death of a coniferous plant, you will need to fulfill certain conditions:

  • To withstand the dates of landing: Tyu with an open rhizome plant from the end of August to the beginning of October, and a container sapling - until the end of October.
  • Do not apply when planting any feeding, except for stimulating the formation of the roots of drugs.
  • Use mulching for the insulation of the rapid roots of the plant.
  • Protect the crown of a young thuly from frost and sunburn.

Planting process

Before planted in autumn, 8-10 buckets of fallen leaves or coniferous needles are gaining.

Feeding a suitable place for the plant, a seedlings fit a few steps.

Step 1. dig a hole in two bayonets with a depth and diameter of 70-90 cm, folding up the upper turf layer separately from the ground.

Step 2. On the bottom of the landing pit, the turf is laid, placing his grass down, crushed with a bayonet shovel and finished with legs.

Step 3. Put the layer of leaves with a thickness of 3-5 cm.

Step 4. Add a little land and tamper. Repeating process, fill the pit with alternating layers to the level of seedling.

Step 5. Install the container from the center in the center. Check the location of the root neck, given that it is initially necessary to pour out the soil by 5-8 cm above the surrounding surface per precipitate.

Step 6. Lay the right amount of land, pouring each layer.

Step 7. Mulch the rolling circle within a radius of at least half a meter with a mixture of leaves with pine needles or other organic material. For reliable protection against winter frosts, the thickness of a kind of blanket should reach 6-8 cm.

The Tui landing is completed by abundant watering from the watering can. In a dry autumn, water procedures for coniferous plants repeat every week.

All the varieties of Tui Western in adulthood are normally worried about winter without additional shelters. But the landings of the current year, the protection of the ground part is required at mandatory. It is covered with the arrival of stable frosts, for which a wooden framework is built over the plant or arcs from the wire are installed.

From above, the design is covered with burlap, rolled into several layers of gauze or special nonwoven material.

In the spring, with the onset of thaws, the shelter is open from the northern side to ventilating. After melting snow, winter protection is completely removed and satisfied with the shading on the south side.

Purchase the same Western for its garden is better in specialized nurseries that guarantee the viability of the plant in your climate. Everything else depends on the competent landing and the correct conditions of development, together ensuring the suitability of the coniferous seedling.

Evergreen Perennial Tuya is an unpretentious plant capable of withstanding fairly strong frosts and a summer drought. This partly explains the popularity of culture in the design of the landscape of the territories of country houses. Most plant fans rightly believe that the most favorable time of his disembarkation is spring. However, in the presence of high-quality seedlings and compliance with technology, it is quite possible to land the Tui autumn.

When is it better to plant: in autumn or spring?

One of the ancient titles of the Tui - "Tree of Life"

The most favorable time for landing Tui - Late Spring. Over the vegetative season, the thermal-loving representative of the cypress family will grow, will get strength and can survive harsh winter frosts.

The advantages of autumn landing:

  • comfortable air temperature;
  • sufficient soil moisture.

The most comfortable temperature indicators for fast rooting 12-15 ° C Day, 5-7 ° C at night.

Dates of landing in autumn

Thuja can reach up to 20 m in height and 70 cm in diameter

Tui landing time depend on the climatic conditions of a particular region. The main condition for the successful rooting of the plant is to plant at least 30 days before the onset of stable frosts.

Terms of Regions: Table

Favorable days on the lunar calendar 2019

  • September 5-9;
  • 3-4, 12-13, October 30-31.

Selection and preparation of landing space

The tree is almost not subjected to various diseases and damage to pests

Thuja is a hardy plant, it will grow on any plot. However, when landing in the shadow of Crown, rare will be formed and loses decorativeness. For the landing, salute sections are chosen, because on the bright the sun of the needles will burn out. Excess sunlight weakens the plant, reduces its winter hardiness.

Most comfortably felt thuja under the protection of the wall of the house, a deaf fence or economic building. Drafts or harsh wind gusts can destroy the plant or slow down its growth.

Culture prefers light, fertile soil of high moisture and water permeability with weak acidity. Overwhelmed soil culture contraindicated.

To fill the landing holes, you should prepare the soil of a special composition:

  • cherry earth - 2 parts;
  • sheet land - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

When choosing a place for landing, the neighborhood of plants is taken into account. It feels well and looks Tuya next to Hortensia, the Chubuschnik, Juniper, Astilby, Hostel. Bad cultural neighbors - fruit and decorative trees.

Selecting planting material

Thuja has high frost resistance, and also tolerates drought well

For autumn planting, choose seedlings with a closed root system in containers. Plants with open roots at this time do not fit.

Additional indicators of the quality of the planting material:

  • dense, increasing needle of the colorful color variety;
  • wet earthen com;
  • juicy roots of whites or cream color;
  • uniform, thick crown.

You can accurately determine the condition of the plant with a simple test: to squeeze a week for a few seconds and release if it immediately returns to the previous state, it will not turn around and it will not break it, - the plant is high-quality and healthy.

A good sign - the presence of weeds in the container: this suggests that the seedling fell safely at least once. Such a plant is adapted for the climate of the region and can quickly come across the new plot.

Before buying, you need to carefully pull the seedling for the top: if the plant is removed from the container, it means that the seller damaged the roots. Such an instance during autumn landing does not fit.

It is definitely worth refuse to buy an instance with signs of insect pests. Such a plant will perish in the first winter, never rooted.

An important condition for the successful cultivation of the Tui in regions with a harsh and temperate climate is the right choice of varieties. In our latitudes, one variety is grown - Western.

According to gardener reviews, the best varieties for autumn landing:

  • Emerald;
  • Brabant;
  • Column;
  • Column;
  • Holmstrup;
  • Vagnery.

Instructions for landing Tuii with photos and video

Western Thuja exudes a pleasant aroma: in wood and leaves contain essential oil

Tui is used in single, group landings and to create live elevations. The location and distance between the plants depend on the selected method:

  • the optimal distance between the plants in the group is 3 m;
  • for large varieties - 4-5 m;
  • to create live elevations - 50-60 cm;
  • when disembarking in a checkerboard manner - 1 m.

Step-by-step description of seedlings procedure:

  1. Drop the pit with dimensions 2 times the root seedlock system. Approximate depth and diameter - 70x70 per sublinks, 90x90 on clay areas. At the bottom of the pit to lay drainage with a height of 10 cm.
  2. The pit is filled with half the mixture prepared by the soil mixture and abundantly moisturize it for the seal.
  3. Plant in the container is pouring 2-3 hours to the process. It is desirable to use a solution of the stimulator of the root formation: epin-extra, zircon, corneser.
  4. Immediately before planting a seedling, remove from the container and immediately put in the pit. It is impossible to allow root drying, because suction roots die quickly.
  5. Seedling install in the center of the pit and fall asleep by the remaining soil. The root neck should settle down at the surface level. If it takes place, the seedling should be removed and added an additional amount of soil under it.
  6. On the edge of the landing pit, make an earthen roller with a height of 10-15 cm. Under the plant pour 3 buckets of water, waiting for absorption of each portion.
  7. The surface of the soil to mulch wood chip, overwhelmed sawdust, peat, pine bark. Experienced gardeners advise as a mulch to use coniferous opead for additional acidification of the soil.

How to plant Tui: video from gardener

In compliance with the planting technology and proper care, the plant forms a powerful root system and luxurious thick crown. Adult thua - stylish landscape decoration of a country area of \u200b\u200bany style.

Tuya - the plant of the Western Hemisphere. It was brought to Europe from America. Refers to the genus of cypress. It does not require much care, but in order to rejoice in greenery, you need to seriously treat the recommendations on feeding and choosing a seat under the landing.

Many gardeners who decided to acquire coniferous plants and try their strength in the cultivation of Tui, recognized their mistakes that were in the wrong irrigation, feeding. Many incorrectly chose a place under tee, so subsequently it had to replant. Fortunately - the plant has a good transshipment to another place and does not suffer.

General rules of care

For a tree, the location is chosen illuminated, but you can slightly signed, for example, near a solid fence or house.

In dark places, conifers feel bad, since the sunlight necessary for the formation of chlorophyll is missing or available in insufficient quantities. Such places are usually:

  • among the high trees, corresponding to their crown, young plants;
  • between the buildings.

Thuja is a moisture-loving plant. In the summer you can spend daily sprinkle. The procedure helps to clean the crown from dust, contributes to the disclosure of the litter of foliage, which improves gas exchange.

The tree has a surface root system. In the arid summer, the upper layer of the Earth quickly dry, forming a dense crust on the surface that does not let the air. Therefore, it is recommended when landing mulch the root zone, coniferous needles. If you don't use a mulch, you will have to often water and loose soil to ensure oxygen access to roots.

You need to ride often. The more regularly do it, the better the shoots are growing and the greedy looks like Crown.

If a group of plants is growing, then they need a place and need to do lateral haircut of shoots. Single landings involve thinning trough to provide air access to the trunk and inner shoots. The branches are cut by a third. The optimal time is spring, until the moment the kidneys bloss.

Facing are carried out from autumn and spring. In summer, fertilizers are entered if the soil on the site does not hold nutrients, for example, on sandy soils.

Play Tyu: Autumn or Spring

To correctly choose a place, you need to take into account the following:

  • Pay attention to where the plot is covered in the afternoon. It is there that it is not recommended to plant them, because in the summer it will be very dehydrated from the scoring rays. The tree is quite morning and evening sun.
  • Drafts. The plant does not like them and reacts weak shoots, rare branches, yellowing.
  • Where the water is stared. Roots flooded with soil waters, because the breath and supply of nutrients in the tissue are disturbed. Greens turns yellow and dries. It may take 2 years to restore processes.

Season selection when it is better to plant - in spring or autumn - depends on local climatic conditions. If you put a tree in August, then before the onset of cold weather should pass not less than 2.5 months.

During this time, the plant must have time to come across a new place and restore forces. After that, wintering is not terrible. The later it is to reset the fall, the less time to adapt and the confidence that the tree peers. Therefore, in order to avoid risk, boys are planting in spring.

Step by step guide: how to plant

When the seedling is purchased, then the sizes of its root system are estimated before preparing the pit. Look for landing should be the wider coma is wider than 40 cm and deeper by 30 cm. Depending on the variety, the distance between the plants is measured.

For high tuy, which grows in height, distance 1 m. Wide and high 1.5 - 1.7 m. Low wide - 1.5 m. When forming an allee, the distance is kept from 2 to 4 m.

For landing it is necessary:

  • Drop the pit in accordance with the size of the plant.
  • Put on the bottom of the compost or humoring bucket. Fresh manure or semi-proverse use cannot be used, since the increased nitrogen content is harmful to coniferous crops. Use potash-phosphoric mineral fertilizers. But here it is not necessary to do without personal experience, since many gardeners have tried several blends before the power was picked up for the Tui in accordance with the soil type and its chemical composition.
  • Drainage is put on the bottom. This is especially useful on clay heavy soils. Part of the soil is mixed with sand or broken brick.
  • Sprinkling the plant and sprinkle soil, then pour soil to the base and plunder more. Seal the roasting zone and climb.

During mulching, it is impossible to affect the barrel and branches, since under the influence of moisture they are faster and sick.

Falker for conifers

When it is planted in autumn or in the spring, feeding. The next time it will need to be done in a year or two. If mineral mixtures or organic care have been laid during falling in the fall, then in the spring only the overall care measures without feeding are carried out.

Video: Features of landing Tui in spring, summer and autumn

From the third year after disembarking on the plot, the feeder is carried out twice: in the fall and spring. It is better to use easily soluble substances and add them with water. Thus, it is possible to provide a good increase, since the Tui react well to watering and quickly stretched in height. It is preferable to use the spring of a low nitrogen content - compost or humid, in summer, phosphoric additives will be useful, in the fall, potassium needed.

Cultivation of seeds or the use of seedlings

Spank Tui seedlings purchased in nursery or seeds. If the seedlock is not difficult to plant, then with the seeds will have to tinker. To a state in which a seedling can be planted in an open ground, can pass about 5 years.

Collect seeds in the middle of autumn - mid-September or early October. Store them until spring is needed in a well-ventilated bag of fabric. Before disembarking, soaked in water or special nutritional solution for 12 hours. After that, they jerks to a depth of 5 cm and sprinkled with a compost or peat. It should be envisaged that the seminal reproduction may not repeat the maternal forms, and the plant will look different.

You can try to germinate roots in a stalk taken from an adult plant at the beginning of the growing season - May June. The cutlets should have a weed 7 - 8 mm wide and a length of at least 12 cm. It is better to cut off the side branches - they form the roots faster than the tops. The cuttings leave in water until the root appears. Next, you can transplant in the flower pot into the compost filler.

To accelerate the root formation, longitudinal cuts make longitudinal cuts and remove cheese with the crust. The cut is made form. These procedures will help avoid the rotation of young roots under the crust. You can use the root formation stimulator, but no more than a day should be left in such a fluid.

When you plant the car's cuttings in the fall or in the spring in the pots, they need to be put in a warm room, well lit that the greens get used to the number of light. The transshipment into a large container is necessary when the root system fills the entire pot. A few years later, such a seedling is transferred to the street and transplant.

The feeders are carried out according to the rules: when landing, then a year after torn to a new place and so on.

Care and preparation for winter

In the middle lane, we are most often grown by Western, since the Eastern does not take root because of frosts. Nevertheless, completely wondering evergreen conifers can not. It threatens the yellowing and hearing of foliage.

Young plants showing shelter in the form of a shala from the boards followed by Loutrasil wrapping. But it concerns very small specimens that are completely leaving under the snow. Next, these events are not conducted, otherwise the spring will have to trim most of the branches with brown cheese.

Large plants are tied up to the crown, so that they are not broken under the weight of the snow. Till branches in several places and not tight. In winter, during a snowfall, it is necessary to remove snow from the branches so as not to turn into ice.