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Phlegmatic: Description of temperament. Phlegmatik man: Who is it? Strong and weaknesses temperament

Phlegmatic is the identity of the analytical warehouse of the mind.

Many wonder why some people do everything and are constantly in a good mood? At the same time, other people, no matter how trying do not have time and constantly chill. All wines temperament of a person.

Let's consider in more detail what features are inherent in phlegmatic? What is the nature of typical phlegmatics? What is he good, and what does he do not really work?

Every emotion is involuntary if it is sincere.
Mark Twain

Psychological characteristics of phlegmatics: Features of memory and emotion

Phlegmatic needs time to assess the environment, so a sharp change of surrounding can permanently knock them out of the rut. However, after all the conditions are analyzed by phlegmatic, will begin to move methodically to achieving its goal.

Calm balanced character makes such people unusually able-bodied.

They are able to remember for a long time large volumes information and analyze it. Other people may envy fagmatics perfection. Memory stores all the information studied during long timeWhat helps phlegmatic to be successful in those areas where it is necessary to analyze and manipulate information.

Emotions in phlegmatic

Phlegmatic people - RealisticThey do not believe that dreams are good, do not build illusions, live with clear and developed plans. Usually such people are moving on career stairs Thanks to its ambitiousness, calm and hardworking. The bosses trust phlegmatics, because their decisions are made deliberately and never fly out on emotions. But it is not possible to take a place in the management positions, not everyone can be guilty, which is to blame the slowness and closure of such people. Often phlegmatic personality are excellent writers or artists. They see the world in their own way. And in this vision there is something fascinating, unusual and beautiful.

Externally, to determine which emotions will be in the soul of phlegmatics almost impossible. His face most often calmly and does not express emotions. This can output emotional and.

Such external calm is associated with constant analysis of the surroundings and slightly inhibited reaction.

If phlegmatics are upset and start crying, it will not be easy to calm them. At the same time, they will not cry.

Phlegmatic in profession

Work for phlegmatics is always positive in terms of achieving career, business goals. A slowdown response to what is happening, unlimited zeal and endless disability makes phlegmatics perfect performers.

Despite the whole set good qualities, FlegMatics understated self-esteem, their insecurity sometimes prevents something more, to which he is really capable. Such a person refuses from some events, speeches, trying to reduce communication with other people's people both in public events, and especially at work.

Work requiring frequent business trips will be immediately crowded down by phlegmatics, because frequent trips denote the fact that the phlegmatic is forced to leave the native home and at least on time to settle there, where everything is alien.

They will greatly cope with any routine work. Phlegmatics are suitable for professions such as accountants, secretaries, researchers, librarians, archivors and other specialists who perform a lot of monotonous work every day.

Flegmatics always soberly assess their abilities. Therefore, they are not taken for the unbearable work. They always bring all things to their logical conclusion.

Women phlegmatic, choosing a sphere of activity, should be abandoned from social activities, from permanent communication with customers, and also to avoid business trips.

Family, love and friends

In its nature of phlegmatics, secret and closed people.

It is not surprising that they are very difficult for them to make new friends. They converge long with new people and are very difficult to come to contact. However, if they start to be friends with someone, they do it sincerely, and their friendship lasts until death. It can be said that more reliable friends than frlegptics find hard.

FLEGMALS - Great friends and family mans. They rarely rare new acquaintances, usually their friends are friends of childhood, with which they are associated quite a lot, and, therefore, such people can be trusted. It is very difficult to give phlegmatic people to communicate with new people, and the acquaintance rarely happens on their part.

Such people meet their soul mate among long-standing friends or acquaintances. When it comes to the proposal of hands and hearts, phlegptics include their slowness and prudence and think quite a long time. However, this inhibition in this case is even good, because the spouse is a person with whom the phlegptic will have to live in a better case all his life. For phlegmatics - this is a support, a place where comfortable, and comes a feeling of calm. Family for phlegmatics is the reliable fortress that they are willing to guard from all.

Considering how difficult it is to converge phlegmatics with other people, the second half of these people becomes their long-standing familiar. Perhaps even classmates or classmates.

Flegmatic marriage enter, most often, at middle age. At home, they will not roll out loud scandals with beating dishes. If they are offended, they will prefer to block in themselves and not communicate during a certain period of the offender.

Child Phlegmatic: how to educate

One child grows with fearless and mischievous, the other - closed and shy. Someone is slow, and all his friends are completely running and hurry. It's all about such congenital features nervous systemso temperament.

Whatever your baby, do not envy girlfriends and do not try to re-educate it. It's impossible. The child will forever remain with such a character whom the nature was awarded.

  1. First, each type of temperament has both advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Secondly, inept intervention can only harm and bring to crumb to nervous breakdown. And to understand how it is better to interact with the baby, you need to determine as early as possible who he is on temperament.


Slow, loves order, can show greater efficiency and energy.

A phlegmatic child with difficulty switches to a new one, gets used to any changes.

  • Develop mobility in the child graduallynot hung it.
  • Praise the child-phlegmatics for termination,
  • Do hardening with him different species sport
  • Do not allow too much to sleep,
  • Do not leave the baby for a long time, involve in the moving games,
  • Go to visit more often
  • Develop creative abilities.
  • Watch that lethargy and farewellity will not harm the crumb.

Flegmatic child: what games to play

Carefully watching the child, you will certainly determine the features of its temperament. Depending on this, it is necessary to organize its leisure.

Let in pure, that is, the absolute form of one or another temperament is rarely found in the kids, but nevertheless the prevailing features of a certain type of personality are clearly visible from the very first years of life from each karapus.

And since the prevailing type of childhood activity is a game, then select games for the child-phlegmatics is necessary, taking into account its type of temperament. Of course, the beloved classes of kids choose themselves, but you like parents must organize the gameplay so that help develop positive parties to your child's personality.

We cause interest

Your baby is phlegmatic to whom you do not need? But often it only seems to you! Simply such children do not like change, do not demonstrate their emotions.

Parents are perplexed: unless it should look like happy childhood? Nevertheless, in no case cannot be "breaking" the baby who persistently wants to leave the sandbox limits. But in your power to push it to activity. Your goal is to help the baby successfully adapted in society, enter which it is not yet configured.

Start S. motor activity Free movements themselves frankly and provoke on the manifestation of emotions. Play the catch-up and definitely let yourself catch up - let the baby enjoys a victory. Discover the truth for him to win, trying to overcome yourself - it's fun and great! Reprove openly, showing this baby when he snapped with a steep slide.

Be sure to offer a small phlegmatic role-playing games. Wherein inspire crumb to the independent acceptance of all plot solutions. Ask, with whom will you play - with a teddy bear or with a bunny? And how will it be called - maybe invent a new name? Where will our hero go and what will he do?

At first, while the child was not very oriented in social roles, you can offer the situation: for example, a bear with a bunny quarreled, what do they do now? But offer to find the baby - so he will feel himself the master of the situation, and at the same time he will receive the theoretical, but the experience of communicating, which he will be useful when he closer to three years will begin to play with other children.

Whatever your baby, he really needs parental love and affection. Pay him attention, play with him, go for a walk, read the book on the night. And then your little phlegmatic Surely grows a truly happy person!

Video: Positive and negative sides of phlegmatics

Famous people phlegmatic

Is there a bad phlegmatic? Absolutely no, because each temperament on Earth exists not just like that!

There were a lot of talented people, and is phlegmatic, they were able to overcome themselves and their own character. And managed to show their talent. After all, the negative qualities of any nature can be corrected and then improved every day.

Among famous people FlegMatikov highlights such individuals as:
  • Galileo Galilee (February 15, 1564) - Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician;
  • Antoni Wang Levenguk (October 24, 1632) - Netherlands naturalist, founder of scientific microscopy;
  • Immanuel Kant (April 22, 1724g.r.) - German philosopher, ancestor of German classical philosophy;
  • Karl Ernst Von Bair (February 28, 1792) - one of the founders of embryology and comparative anatomy;
  • Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (September 16, 1745) - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army during Patriotic War 1812;
  • Ivan Andreevich Krylov (February 13, 1769g.r.) - Russian publicist, poet, Basinisha;
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubshchev (April 5, 1890) - philosopher, biologist, entomologist;
  • Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov (June 26, 1944.) - Soviet and Russian politician.

Phlegmatic as a type of temperament.

The main characteristic of this type as phlegmatic

This type of temperament is characterized by a high mental balance, since phlegmatic refers to an inert type of temperament, therefore it is very difficult to start them, but if the phlegmatic is derived from the equilibrium state, it comes to its normal state it will be very long. Flegmatics with pronounced features of this psychological type are not very often found.

These are very calm and balanced people, excellent performers, but without a special initiative. Possessing calm calmness, phlegmatic at the same time is not able to rejoice from the soul, in general, they are tightly with emotions, and this will not seem strange, their most strong side. The fact is that the emotions often supply a person, they prevent him from thinking rationally, and even think in general. Sometimes emotions become the enemy of a person when behavior, desires and reactions become too obvious to others. A person who is on the wave of emotions often makes mistakes, or, not wanting to switch from one emotional wave to another, charges a certain mood for a long time.

Features of the character of phlegmatic

Phlegmatic is endowed with nature a peculiar immunity from emotions. Yes, phlegmatic does not experience violent joyful emotions, but not under their power, having the opportunity to clearly follow their plan, without being distracted by external factors. But the phlegmatics are somewhat inhibited, it is often difficult for them to switch from one type of activity to another, they are accustomed to performing everything consistently, qualitatively, thoroughly. So these people are not taken for ten affairs at the same time, and it is extremely not desirable to charge them a dynamic work that requires constant switching attention. Speed \u200b\u200band fast reaction change, constant communication - all this is not suitable for pronounced phlegmatics. The strength of phlegmatics is their adequate self-esteem. It is well known that the more realistic person looks at the world and himself, the less unnecessary deeds and the mistakes it makes. Moreover, phlegptics are often inclined to underestimate their capabilities, despite the fact that they are confident in their power, because they are actually not inclined to brag their success, demonstrating their genius.

Work and phlegmatik, work phlegmatics

For phlegmatics, any type of activity to which it is suitable with full responsibility and attentiveness, sooner or later, will bring positive results. Phlegmatic understands that, evaluating himself adequately and working with great effort, the positive result will certainly come to phlegmatics - regularity. Phlegmatics are very patient and although the dynamics of the modern world requires a slightly greater flexibility and speed of reactions, it is more common that people with such a type of character, which inherent phlegmatic. Flegmatics do not like to conflict in the team and are calm about the manifestation of negative and dislike, from which they often get along with any types of character. Even if the phlegmatic seems to be a very fitful person, executive and completely not ambitious, this does not mean that he has no long-term plans for his life, which in his understanding is not so helpful, and he sees himself much higher than you can imagine it. ÷
In this phlegmatics are similar to melancholics, only here, in contrast to Melancholiki, there is enough confidence in themselves, and the failures they perceive much better, so it is much more difficult to break their spirit.

Friendship and phlegmatic relationship

Another similarity between melancholic and phlegmatic is their seriousness and long-term relationships with other people, phlegptics are also quite in love and not inclined to change partners. Smooth, calm relationships are completely satisfied, but their feelings and emotions of phlegmatic are often hidden, and if they do not hide, then in any case, you cannot wait for the bright and extravagant manifestation of emotions. Yes, and do not require this from them. As a rule, phlegmatics from phlegmatics are not a lot, people with this type of temperament hold around themselves a limited circle of friends, but this circle of friends can be called sample. Phlegmatics are very attentive and selective. they will not be friends with everyone in a row, in the event that we are talking About true friendship, and not about a simple cap friendly. And one more feature of phlegmatics, which predisposes to friendship with him - phlegmatic has a practically unique ability to listen to the interlocutor. Such behavior is in response to the desire as often as possible is in the company with such a person and make friends with him.
There is another pronounced feature of phlegmatics - they know how to truly enjoy the process, which allows them to be quite patient, consistent and achieve the task. Without losing sight, they reach it contemplating, understanding and evaluating every moment a micro success, which then develops into one big success and leads to achieving the goal.

Love in relations with phlegmatic

Love phlegmatic - the most sensual among all types of temperament. When Phlegmatic is looking for a partner, he first draws attention to the overall intellectual and emotional side, which then serves as a bridge from the heart to heart.

Since phlegmatic shows their feelings at the very beginning of relations, they can be deeply offended by refusal or misunderstanding. That is why phlegmatics do not see anything funny in dating, like, for example, Sanguines.

Dating for phlegmatic people are always aimed at finding a spouse or at least for long-term relationships. In fact, during the dating, they completely give themselves and often get tired of it, so from time to time they need rest.
After the phlegmatic finds the only (sole), he tries to maintain intimacy with a partner. It will avoid conflicts, make serious concessions and victims - all for the sake of cherished communication. And all that neither happens in this relationship, whether it is simple phone call or SMS, it is considered as serious steps to approach.

Among all four types of temperament is the most romantic type. He falls in love more often and romance has a value decisive for him. Phlegmatic plans romantic evenings and weekends in advance.

Phlegmatic will give you romantic postcards, hug you and confess to love in the hope that you will answer the same.

Sex for phlegmatics without romance does not exist. For him, sex and love are closely interrelated, which is the opposite of the character of the Sanguinik.

Since people-phlegmatics are endowed with a rich fantasy, they tend to idealize their partners. And it happens when two deepen further in their relationships and find out that their half is not so ideal, as previously presented, relationships can deteriorate or "poison" up to parting.

It is important to note that despite the fact that phlegptics seek harmony and spend a lot of energy to build a connection with their partner, they do not like excessively demanding people.

Once again, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in each of us are combined by several temperament types, the basic can be traced immediately, if the attentiveness is attentive or to another to identify this most basic type. Phlegmatics certainly have more advantages than minuses, and although of course some inhibition, as well as the lack of predisposition to communication, somewhat limit their capabilities, but in comparison with the other temperament types, phlegmatics need to work on them much less.

Phlegmatic temperament type can be called golden middle compared to others. Thanks to his tranquility, such people often have a beneficial effect on an effective sanguine, do not pay attention to the overestimated demands of melancholic and are able to restrain sharp gusts of choleric. Among all types of phlegmatics temperament act as a peculiar compensatorwhich does not fall in extremes, does not create unnecessary problems and supports the balance in the team.

How to learn phlegmatic

Phlegmatic is easy to highlight from the crowd In seriousness, restraint and inexpressive facial expressions. The description of this type of personality will include the following characteristics: always tries to avoid conflicts, rarely manifests emotions and does not accept reckless solutions.

It often means that, due to their peacefulness, such people choose the path of the least resistance and agree with any arguments in disputes, just to avoid a predicament. Regardless of the situation they remain calm and calmAnd for this they do not need to make special efforts - characteristic feature And the phlegmatic feature is that the balance refers to the innate quality of their nervous system.

Representative of this type of personality - introvert preferring loneliness. At the same time, according to the nature of phlegmatic, more sociable than melancholic, and do not refuse time with friends. They like it predictability, quiet and measured life, most filled positive emotions. The surrounding appreciate them for a downtown character, the ability to negotiate and forgive. In actions, it is often guided by such moral values \u200b\u200bas humiliation, selflessness, helping others.

Strong and weaknesses of phlegmatics

A man with phlegmatic temperament belongs to calm people and inclined to accumulate negative emotions . "Exploded" such people are extremely rare, but if they come out of themselves, they surrounding it will be remembered for a long time. However, in such a situation, representatives of this type of temperament will make a maximum of efforts to end the world. Thanks to its tendency to negotiate, they are wonderful diplomats who are capable of doing business even with negative people. They are not afraid of refusal And rarely feel the feeling of insult and bitterness in such situations.

Phlegmatic - wonderful listeners. In any conversation, they show high attention and maintain feedback, never interrupt and do not criticize. They themselves speak mainly
In the case and do not accept empty words. In discussions, representatives of this temperament can listen to a long time and remain calm, and after everyone is tired and exhausted, often offering optimal option, uniting all previously expressed points of view. On the other hand, at least such people listen, though carefully, but without emotionsIt is sometimes perceived as a lack of interest and boredom.

Among the weaknesses of people with phlegmatic temperament - bad fitness to changing conditions. By definition, they love stability, therefore persistence does not accept situations affecting their measured life. This feature does not allow phlegmatic to hold leading positions in those areas where initiative and dynamic is required. Fearing to make a mistake, in some issues, they prefer not to make decisions at all and refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Another weak side of phlegmatics - no emotionalitythat often harms them in relationships with loved ones. Such people lack passionateness, they cannot express their feelings with all the power, and others often regard their behavior as indifferent. In those situations where the Sanguine will jump from joy, and the melancholic will pay from happiness, phlegmatic will simply smile.

Phlegmatic in work

The behavior of phlegmatics is characterized primarily by the fact that they workable and well perform tasks even in adverse conditions. They are excellent performers, accumatured, perfected and prone to routine labor. It is from representatives of this type that the best accountants, jewelers, proofreaders are obtained. Despite its visibility, they can succeed in professions related to communication, but these should be such specialties where they do not require activity, improvisation, skill to convince or light the interlocutor.

It should be recognized that phlegmatic rarely there are leaders by virtue of the advantages and cons of temperament, but, as a rule, can find mutual language with all colleagues. As already mentioned, they do not like clarifying relationships and disputes, so they always try to find a compromise between the conflicting parties. One of the most notable weak features of the phlegmatic worker - inability to speak publicly. Land, saturated with facts, numbers, theses and conclusions, the speech of this type of temperament is poorly perceived by hearing and can stretch for a long time. Employees with phlegmatic temperament are heavy on the rise, but if they begin to do something, it is almost impossible to stop them. They always produce advance calculations, activity is rarely detected only in the event of extreme necessity, and only proven working methods use.

Inability to show yourself and demand promotion on the service staircase often does not allow them to occupy guidelinesAlthough such people can become solid and thoughtful chiefs. By virtue of its inertness and small sociability, phlegmatics-managers are not demanding enough to the subordinates and seem to be untreated and strict. They will never scold employees in public, but the negative attitude will preserve for a long time.

Character Child-Flegmatic

Phlegmatic B. early age - This is a golden child. It's easy to blame with him, he obsessed, minor. In infancy, such children do not require much attention to themselves and rarely cry. At the same time, rarely, rarely have problems with how to learn the phlegmatic child. The equilibreence of nervous processes often affects their speech pace - they speak with pauses, do not immediately answer the questions raised. Such children can stay over a plate or over a sheet of paper and do not take care, until they are pushing them. These kids are difficult to immediately adapt to kindergarten Or school, however, in the usual setting, they feel comfortable and well coped with the tasks set.

Phlegmatic is the most balanced type of temperament from all four. Flegmatics are very useful members of society. They are patient, workable, do not complain about anything. Sometimes they even derive of impulsive and emotional fellows of their fat-roasted and invincible calm.

Phlegmatic, whose characteristic is to determine " golden mean", The most stable personality. There is no brown energy of Sanguinics, the despondency of melancholic and the explosive wave of cholerics.

These are the most calm, peace-loving and kind people. They themselves do not take anything close to the heart and others advise the same. The presence of phlegmatics in any company is pacifying and felt on all.

Live with phlegmatic - a pleasure. They perceive everything, as proper, they like everything, everything suits. And, if not, then make revolutions, or roll hysteries on this occasion they will not be.

You can call them the most mature personalities compared to others. Decisions they take it obsessively and consciously, without inclusion of emotions.

It looks soberly: without excessive optimism, but also without gloomy doomes. They can hardly work hard, always arguing started to the end.

  • Melancholic
  • Choleric
  • Sanguinik

Breed "Good" people

They do not have conflict, irritability, impulsivity. They are almost impossible to derive them, because they are not guided by emotions, but reasoning and facts.

Phlegmatics retain the calm where the majority loses their heads, do not succumb to manipulation and stress on the onset. Good and reliable friends, they do not feel discomfort and, remaining alone.

The formulation of real goals and the ability to achieve them is another enviable feature of phlegmatic representatives of the human race.

For a long time to wall and "kill" about the already accomplished fact, or a missed opportunity is not about them. Their credo - to be able to calmly adapt in conditions of changing circumstances.

Peacekeepers and long-suffering

Without a panic, they will solve any problems without any kind of fuss, because of which the melancholic would be depressed, and Holeric "lost his head." The method of "stinging cones", "rings on the same rake" alien phlegmatic.

To go to the goal by the method of scientific "tyk" he is not capable. Instead, phlegmatic has a clearly thoughtful, real and executable plan. In it all possible complications Already taken into account, and solutions for eliminating them are scheduled.

Someone phlegmatics will seem a bit boring. Yes, the title of "Holiday Holidays" they do not claim. But on them you can rely in any situation, and help will not have to ask twice.

These are real peacekeepers: they are ready for any compromise, just to not bring the situation to the conflict stage. Adequately perceive self, these people with the same adequacy refer to others.

Do not try to jump above your head to make an impression on them, or attract their attention. The detailed representatives of the "leisure fraternity" without "auxiliary means" will appreciate you.

These are champions of patience and genius of concentration and perseverance. It is these features that make famous athletes from phlegmatics. It can be said, the champions of the Spirit easily become sports champions.

These are phlegmatics!

Their credo - to be able to quickly adapt in conditions of instantly changing circumstances.

The fact that phlegmatic is easy to learn about characteristic features:

  • Lack of turbulent gesticulation
  • Lubility in movements
  • Slow speech
  • Poor Mimica
  • Restraint and preference to hold on to the shade of the company.

Strong and weaknesses of phlegmatics

Even such a beautiful person, which is phlegmatic, has in addition to explicit advantages, notable cons. Here is the characteristics of the main features:


  • Amazing performance and hard work.
  • Huge excerpt, calm and excellent "stress resistance".
  • Sustainable emotions, smooth mood.
  • Patience and perseverance in achieving their goals.


  • Some inhibition, which can sometimes be reborn into indifference and laziness.
  • Lack of communicative skills. He long converges with people, although friendship with them lasts decades
  • Inertness. Phlegmatic does not like change, preferring the familiar rolling rut. He is poorly given quick switching to new form Activities.
  • Closedness. These people do not like excess chatter, preferring only in the case. For a stranger, "talk" phlegmatics is problematic, especially considering what he never demonstrates his emotions.

Features of living together

Allow phlegmatic to have a "personal space". He often needs privacy and silence.

Do not demonstrate your mad temperament in front of it. It will not give you an additional "wrinkling" charms in his eyes. Such a manifestation of emotions can only push him out and plunge into the bunch of horror. Calm and stable, they do not endure flashes of rage, anger and aggression.

Do not rush it with the adoption of important decisions. It will be needed for this 5 times more time than someone else.

Do not "twitch" phlegmatics from the usual rhythm of life, like carrot from the bed. It is very conservative and least prone to change. They are always for him - shock and shocking the basics of existence. Ten times think about whether it is worth the crossing, overhaul Apartments, or attract phlegmatics to parachute sports.

The famous "Tugodums" - phlegmatic was considered: the legendary commander of Kutuzov, an outstanding writer of Basen Wings, Academician of Sakharov - "Father" of a hydrogen bomb.

The highest mental activity is divided into 4 temperament types: phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric and melancholic. This separation was invented many centuries ago, when it was determined by the amount of bile in the blood of a person. To date, the characteristic of a man, women and child is determined by nervous excitability.

Temperament is congenital mental activities. Transmitted by genes from parents to the child. If both parents have the same temperament, then the child can purchase it. However, cases of change in temperament are not excluded, which depends on the human activity. At the mental level, a person will remain the same who was born, but the qualities he will show others.

Psychologists of the Internet magazine site notes that there are no clean types People who would show only the quality of one or another temperament. Phlegmatic can show the inclinations of the Sanguinik. The melancholic may be celebrated choleric qualities. Much depends on the living conditions in which the person developed, what qualities did the qualities, as well as the circumstances in which it operates.

Phlegmatic person

This type of temperament as phlegmatic is noted by the following distinctive qualities:

  1. Streetness.
  2. Slowness in decision making.
  3. Hardware performance.
  4. Calm.
  5. The equilibreence of nervous processes.
  6. Lack of energy consumption and emotional manifestations.
  7. Scrupulousness in performing painstaking work.

Flegmatika is difficult to solve, because he prefers to hide his own emotions. Even in the stress or unpleasant situation, he retains calm. According to his expression, it is impossible to determine what is happening in his shower, which is characteristic of a phlegmatic person.

The most devoted friends and loyal spouses are phlegmatic. The inertia of their nervous activity helps to constantly maintain a balanced mood. To remove the phlegmatic from equilibrium, something impressive should happen. Ordinary and typical situations in it do not cause emotions. His character is a good one that helps partners to get around with him.

Phlegmatics can be called a conservative person, since he does not like novelty, changes. New orders, circumstances, orders create, to which a phlegmatic person is difficult to adapt. Its type of thinking is conservative. Before making a risky step, he will think many times, it will take everything, will think. His behavior is also highlighted by some template. It has a certain set of action patterns, which makes it predictable. However, phlegmatics quite suits what it is.

Such a person is inclined to loneliness, solitude. It is in such a state that he can think about anything, to dream, make a decision and simply reflect on being.

The stability of phlegmatics is expressed in self-confidence that he can pass the surrounding. At the same time, the person himself is not inclined to adopt other people's qualities. Phlegmatic with his ability to get along with everyone is the ideal partner for a cheerful Sanguinik, a choleric or a dreamy melancholic.

The phlegmatic person is either adequate or slightly understated. You can talk about such a person as an introvert, because it is not inclined to express my thoughts, to show emotions and experiences, but it is quite capable of listening to other people and understand them.

Who is phlegmatic?

Who is phlegmatic? This is a pleasant, responsive and calm person who people often trust their own secrets, knowing that they will not be told by third parties. The phlegmatic type likes a sense of security, which is why it can effectively work where everything goes according to plan.

The phlegmatic temperament is distinguished by concern for neighboring people. A person with such temperament will always take care and help his relatives. The phlegmatic husband will help his wife in the house, because it will understand that thereby facilitates her life. The phlegmatic wife will surround their native care and love.

Often, such a person is called reliable. If he gives the floor, it will definitely perform it. He always seeks to help, so if you thank it or praise, then the phlegmatic will still try in response.

Phlegmatic - a cute and pleasant person who tries in every way to avoid conflicts and. It is almost never the initiator conflict situations, trying to understand everyone, to some extent to indulge in someone else's whims, find compromises. He does not love Rugan and screams. By virtue of their soft character Phlegmatic turns into a sacrifice of a sanguine or choleric. These types may argue or drop, pour your anger on others. Phlegmatic is ready to adjust them to only avoid swearing.

Phlegmatic loves order and stability. It gives a sense of security, calm and comfort. He is ready to live all his life by monotonous life, showing one model of behavior that it will be quite arranged. Disorder in turn leads to loss of comfort. This order of things is quite suitable, which is appreciated by the surrounding, which respect it. If the phlegmatic company will appear in the company, which will break the order and comfort, then the phlegmatic will lose a sense of security.

The appearance of phlegmatics is conservative. It will never dress in screaming outfits. Prefers monotonous and dull colors, minimum accessories. He does not stand out by anything, that's why others may not remember him. Clothes clean, ironed, postgraded. Shoes are always studied.

Sanguine may not get along with the phlegmatic, if he does not comply with purity and order. By virtue not to arrange a scandal, Phlegmatic is just silent.

Well-phlegmatic parents who have children of the same temperament. They are calm, quiet, homely. They are interested in spending time together. However, many more curious situations happen if children are temperament contradicts the phlegmatic type of parents.

Phlegmatic people are suitable for two types of profession:

  1. Personal and constant efforts: accountants, financiers, scientists.
  2. Help people: psychologists, doctors, sociologists.

Employers like phlegmatics because of their scrupulous attitude to work. If they provide constancy in the chart and tasks, not to change the place of work, then they will be excellent workaholics that retain stability even with large quantities affairs.

The most unbearable for phlegmatics is a way out of the comfort zone. That is why he prefers to eat one and the same meal, to be in familiar places. He does not love travel. However, if necessary, go somewhere, he will choose a place that will remind him of the house. Stability and constancy - the best life.

The phlegmatic team prefers to communicate with everyone. He takes part in many events, while trying to occupy a passive (observational) position than active. It is important to him the opinion of others, although it is all like everyone.

Prudence and equilibrium even in the most stressful situation Conduct people. Phlegmatic can calm down, lead to feelings, give advice. He is able to get out of any problem situation With some tolika humor, which distinguishes him from the Sanguinik, who is shot by jokes. He restores his strength alone, which then spends on calm others. This is a sacrificial position.

  • A pair of phlegmatics and choleric is considered a good union. Phlegmatic is balanced and calmly reacts to all choler's antics, which thus calms down quickly.
  • Union with melancholic is possible, but it resembles monotonous relationships. Over time, interest is lost between partners, because of what they disagree.
  • A good alliance may be a pair of phlegmatics and a sanguine. The latter will make communication colorful, interesting and bright. Phlegmatics in turn will be attentive listeners. To preserve such a union, phlegmatics should be heard to the proposals of the Sanguinics, otherwise they will tear the relationship.
  • Phlegmatic may well come together with phlegmatic, however, based on a certain general situation.

Phlegmatic - Characteristics of Men

The phlegmatic man is usually calm and silent. It turns out to be reasonable and cold to mind. Its characteristic is characteristic of character, good composure, balance. This allows others becoming confident.

Male phlegmatic accustomed to live measuringly, do not rush, thoroughly approach. If you rush it, it will begin to unwind it. It is distinguished by excessive restraint, not a fussiness, seriousness and concentration. Such a person will not show, his actions will tell about specific situations. When communicating with people, he will hide his thoughts and silence until he is asked about something (then he expressed his opinion). Before making some action, he will first appreciate the consequences.

Phlegmatic - Women's Characteristics

The woman-phlegmatic has to seek, as it does not make a frivolous act. It seems to be inaccessible, strong personalitywhich has a balanced character and prudence. The characteristic of such women is restraint in emotions. They do not suit what men like, who are looking for wives.

Flegmatic woman seems mysterious due to the fact that her facial expansion does not give emotions and experiences. She is slow that she gives her even more charm. Performing work is accompanied by perseverance, efforts and perseverance.

Woman phlegmatic temperament has a slow gait, quiet, confident and low voice. She always looks flawless, because of what other ladies envy her. In professional activity, such a woman prefers monotonous work: Botanist, accountant, businesswoman, therapist.

Phlegmatic - child characteristics

The phlegmatic child is also balanced, calm. His knowledge of the surrounding world occurs gradually, measured. He prefers to independently solve problems, because of which he refuses assistance. He is prone to fulfilling calm tasks (read the book, play chess, listen stories). At the same time, the child loves to talk to smart and judicial people - adults. He listens to them, which can create an impression that the child does not know how to speak (in fact he is just waiting for a suitable moment).

The only thing that child-phlegmatics can take out of the gauge is the speed of the speed where the fast response is required. Also, it is nervous changes in environment, innovations. Here it is necessary to give time to the child getting used to the new one.

He leads itself quietly, even if it cries. Prefers to sleep a lot, not to demand much attention, not to capricious. The child usually makes leisurely and slow actions. It can make it ridiculous and heavy. If because of this, the baby is screaming, it will lead to reverse effect - slow down movements.

The only task of parents is the absence of a rush. Do not rush your child. Everything is fine with him. Just it is more familiar to act slowly (otherwise it will become nervous).


Phlegmatic - type of temperament that has its advantages. Where stability and reliability are needed, phlegmatics are ideal. If you wish to rely on someone, it is better to choose phlegmatics. In the work you can also safely trust this type. The result is the confidence that the task will be fulfilled.

If you need speed, creativity, enterprise, and other qualities, then the phlegmatic is not suitable for this. If you need order and stability, then prefer phlegmatics.