Repairs Design Furniture

Independent construction of a skeleton garage. Frame garage with your own hands: how easy it is to build a design garage frame from metal with your own hands Materials

The frame garage is an excellent solution for those car owners who want to protect the "iron horse" from the negative impact of atmospheric precipitation, animals and automobiles. All these factors are too dangerous for the car, if you park it next to the open-air home.

And how to build such a building with your own hands, without spending a lot of money, having received the maximum quality, it is described in this article.

The practice of recent years demonstrates the widespread interest of people to the construction of framework designs of various purposes. Frame garages are especially often built on their own, which allows you to provide your car with reliable shelter from negative factors in the external environment in a short time.

But why, after all, the construction of frame garages is inserting a domestic consumer?

Projects such buildings are characterized by simplicity, and you can build a garage without any extra difficulties.

Let us then consider the main advantages of frame shield garages:

  • practicality, durability due to the presence of a reliable basis and high-quality fastenings of frame elements;
  • simple installation, the ability to make work on their own without waste of money to pay for the work of the construction team;
  • efficiency of installation work;
  • availability in material plane;
  • lightweight building materials, which allows installation operations without the use of specialized construction equipment;
  • high thermal insulation qualities provided that the heat and waterproofing of the walls are true.

The main stages of work on the construction of a skeleton garage

The procedure for carrying out work on the construction of a frame garage with their own hands is very similar to a step-by-step instruction of the construction of a small house.

The main stages of construction are as follows:

  • preparation of the construction site includes a selection of a plot for construction, its cleansing from garbage;
  • organization of pita, creating a foundation;
  • marking, installation of framework frame, frame cutting;
  • the construction of the roof on the pre-prepared frame racks;
  • floor arrangement;
  • insulating work inside the structure;
  • sheathing walls with finishing materials;
  • install the garage gate on the trimmed garage frame.

Consider each of the mentioned processes in more detail so that the reader can cope with their fulfillment on their own without any difficulty.

Preparation of the construction site

Preparatory work before the construction of the skeleton garage is extremely important, because the final result of the work depends on the quality of their implementation. We start working from the selection of a plot for construction, its cleansing, creating a drawing of a future structure with a selection description of all its parts and features of the region itself.

The better the plot from the available housekeepings, dilapidated buildings, garbage, dry branches, grass, and the like will be cleaned, the more durable and durable foundation for the future Avtod, it turns out to create. And without a good reason, the carcass for the garage is unlikely, it will be really reliable.

Important! After cleansing work, it is important to highlight the plot to align, apply markup around the perimeter. Leave 0.5 m on each side from the future building purified, this area will be required to create retaliation.

On the marked area you need to remove the upper fertile layer of the soil of 15-20 cm in the thickness. Attracting special equipment will significantly speed up the process of performing the work, but to save money, this operation can be performed using a bayonet and symptoms.

The first will allow you to easily mark the border, the depth of the soil layer, perform its trimming, the second - remove the excess soil. From the tools in the process of preparing the site, the rule, construction plumb, broom, scoop, car rink may also be needed.

Foundation for a skeleton design

It is extremely important in the construction of frame garages to pay sufficient attention to the organization of the foundation for the structure. After all, it is the key to high practicality, durability, resistance to external influence of the future autoomom.

After making markup, it will be necessary to determine the current type of foundation for the frame carcass. Experts argue that in this case there will be absolutely any foundation, since the structure itself will not have an overly high weight.

If the ground on the plot is dense, it will calmly solve the weight of the design itself, as well as the car in it. For such a case, you can organize pile, columnar, slab, ribbon foundation. If the soil is sandy, can give a shrinkage over time, it is better to prefer a tape or slab option.

In any case, the angular points under the wall of the future base, regardless of its type, are planned equally.

Work on the markup of the boundaries of the base must be made as follows:

  1. We plan one of the angular points, given the features of the location of other objects on the site.
  2. In the intended point, we set the marking hoops.
    The accommodations of this kind are conventional stakes, interconnected by a plaquel.
  3. Bring ropes to the pickup.
    When erecting a ribbon base, you will need two segments of the rope on each side, the distance between them will be equal to the width of the planned tape.
  4. We stretch the rope on both sides of the future base for the entire length of the wall surface, fasten on the pickles on the opposite side.
  5. Similarly, we determine the approximate location of the last angle, connect it using a rope with two adjacent angles.
  6. It is important to ensure that the angles are straight.
    The trunk crossbar allows you to move the point of fixing the rope on it in small limits. To make sure that the corners of the structure are correct, you can measure the length of both diagonals and compare among themselves. The square is diagonally the same in length.

On a note! To achieve the exact perpendicularity of the parties, it is worth applying the rule of the "Egyptian triangle": the parties should be in length to be multiple numbers 3, 4 and 5. They always create a straight angle. You can post a similar triangle with long smooth rails, revenues, rope, durable rope.

If you plan to equip a column foundation, you will need to additionally place the inner platform. This will help unmistakably determine the location of the supports. It is not worth saying that it is not worth it for the autodoma.

After all, only a powerful boardwalk will be able to withstand the weight of the car, and its creation requires additional costs. It will also be necessary to set up a room in the room - an entry ramp.

It is better to prefer the option of a belt base if it is planned to equip the observation pit in the autodomome for repair work. Of course, it is worth considering that it will be somewhat more complicated to make a ribbon base, and time will need more. But the final result of the work will be convenient, durable, practical.

The slab foundation is often referred to as the most difficult in implementation, since its creation requires the creation of a system of rammed layers from different materials before the fill of the slab.

But if you do it small, then you can get the perfect option under the frame at the car. Claim the slab base like this:

  • on the plot along the perimeter of the future structure, a trench of a depth of 40-50 cm;
  • further, formwork is installed on three sides;
  • reinforcement of the base is carried out using a special grid or metal rods;
  • the reinforcement is poured with a sand-based concrete solution or on the basis of sand and rubble;
  • concrete leaves 5 days before complete drying.

Garage frame

We continue to talk in detail how to properly build a frame garage without large investments with your own hands. After laying a foundation, you will need to make a skeleton of construction, for which you can use a wooden bar, a metal profile, etc.

From the selected version, the permissible load frame will be dependent. The construction technology of wooden and metal structures will be different, which is important to understand before starting work.

The construction of the carcass authodom is carried out strictly taking into account the detailed information specified in the drawings. The work scheme should also not be postponed to the side.

Plan of Erection Operations:

  • the frame construction of the garage starts from the installation of the lower strapping of the frame;
  • next, they are assembled, raising the walls;
  • fix the upper strapping;
  • perform the walls of the walls from the inside and / or outside, which will give the frame structure of the strength;
  • install the frame design of the roof.

On a note! The construction will be high-quality if the installation of a frame structure according to a predetermined drawing, where all sizes are indicated. Fold near the same details and sign, which will significantly speed up the assembly process.

Overlapping of frame garage

To create a garage on frame technology, it will take some time if you read this article to the end and follow the recommendations in it. The strapping of the garage walls are starting only after performing the waterproofing "cut-off".

Frame assembly scheme.

For this, the base is covered with a layer of rubberoid or other waterproofing material, which will allow to protect the wooden or metal elements of the frame from the direct impact of moisture, and therefore rotting, corrosion, mold.

Then, it will be necessary to fix the wooden beam over the base for the design of the tree with the parameters 12x12, 12x15 or 15x15 cm. When mounting the metal frame, the steel channel will be required, the profile with a square cross section of 10x10 cm. Fasten the wooden elements of the strapping through different compounds (more often - in Poltera ).

And for their fixation, anchor screws or studs will be needed on top of the foundation, pre-laminated in the base surface. Metal parts are connected in the corners with a welded machine. If the base is built by the columnar, and on top of it, I want to make a wooden floor, then inside the frame, the strapping is placed on the edge of the board-lags.

The frame frame can be collected in two ways.

Next, go to the installation of the roof of the roof of the garage on their own. It will take for this to build a rafter system from boards 100x25 and 100x50. It is better to assemble the design on Earth, and then mount it on an autode, bonding with the base of the walls.

Paul garage

Drawing of assembly racks.

Any projects for the construction of frame garages should describe the selected floor arrangement method. Tell how to create a wooden floor of a non-tanted board. Start mounting after a continuous walls of the walls so that possible precipitates do not spoil the material.

Specialists advise to leave a small gap (3-5 mm) between the boards, which will allow the floor not to deform when changing the air temperature. Fix each board on lags with nails.

If a slab base was created before, the floor is almost ready. But the surface of concrete should be immediately treated with special primer deep penetration. It will provide the upper layers of concrete reliable bonding, additional hydrophobic characteristics.

The floor can be painted, bonded by a ceramiclite. If the foundation is tape, then it will be necessary to pre-create a concrete screed, only then mount the floor boards, finish-cutting.

Warming of frame garage

We continue to talk about the construction of frame garages on our own. The design will certainly need to inspire to create the optimal temperature conditions for a person inside it. It is possible to mount thermal insulation in the frame outside or from the inside, it all depends on which side it was produced by the primary lining of the walls.

The insulation (minvat, foam, polyurethane foam) is located between two layers of facing. More often than others use foam, as it has a low price and excellent operational parameters. The walls of the polyfoam are completely simple, for which only acute construction or stationery is required.

The stove thickness should be chosen clearly under the size of frame racks to achieve the maximum efficiency of thermal insulation activities. The entire space between the sheets of the plating should be filled with thermal insulation without cracks.

No less relevant for insulation in the garage structure, mineral wool, which is the outer and inner lining of the walls.

Important! Working with the Minvata is only necessary in protective gloves, glasses, headdress! Material fibers can damage the skin mucosa.

Outer covering garage

Cutting in frame elements.

Before performing the trimming of the walls of the garage design, it is necessary to organize a lattice of 30x30 or 40x40 mm bars. Next, fasten the cladding.

External wall covering is performed by different materials:

  1. Siding:
    Metal, vinyl. Able to imitate the external aesthetics of other materials, is characterized by a wide color scheme, simple installation
  2. Sheet professional flooring.
    Bashed on the walls such material is not difficult, it is available at cost, durable;
  3. Lining.
    A cheap material that is distinguished by the average operational parameters, but for autooma is quite suitable. Making the molding on the walls is not difficult.

Garage Doors

Installation of the gate is almost the last stage of construction work, but the quality of its implementation depends on the comfort of use of the auto house.

What kind of gate preferacted, the car owner itself will determine. But to make a choice worth considering your own experience in such matters. If it is, you can take on complex options for sectional, rolling, lifting-rotary or swing options.

If experience is minimal, prefer to swing two-dimensional models. They can be purchased in finished or making themselves.

To create a frame frame, use the profile tube, the timber. The frame is cured with metal sheets or professional flooring. Predically clearly remove the measurements from the doorway so that the gate to him come to it.

In addition to the conveying of the future gate, there are four hinges for two sash, as well as two more for a small door in one of the designs of the design. Musture the inner contents of the structure from foreign people will help a reliable lock, which completely enters the entrance door, only a tiny opening of turnkey remains.

Examples of construction skew garage step by step

We describe the ways to build a warmed garage and an option without insulation.

Insulated garage with a double roof

Assembling timber frame.

Want to build a second frame garage for 2 cars with your own hands? There is nothing easier if you finish this article to the end. The two-sheet roof is characterized by uniform heating, high heat-insulating parameters, well ventilated, therefore the popularity of such structures is high.

And the additional insulation of the garage design will create an optimal microclimate inside it.

We briefly describe current work in the construction and insulation of the garage from an OSP with a duplex roof. Drawings are created, go to the phased performance.

First stage - Preparatory:

  • cleaning the platform from the garbage, the upper layer of the soil;
  • performing the markup, the direct corners of the perimeter, the breakfast are determined.

Second stage - Installation of the base:

  • planning the layout of the location of the pillars of the base around the perimeter of the structure inside the fenced area of \u200b\u200bthe soil;
  • installing two supports with an equal step on each long side, one - on the short back and one - in the center;
  • installing an additional post on the site of vertical racks of the future gate;
  • installation of rails on top of the box so, in order to leave the square hole under the cement-asbestos pipe in the center of the structure;
  • failure of rubble in the finished pit, its rambling, installation of a wooden block of formwork on top of a september layer;
  • filling the formwork with a solution of concrete, sand and cement (3: 1 proportions), the leveling of the surface by the rule, trowel, a spatula;
  • installing a pipe with a diameter of 150 mm into the central part of the box;
  • filling the space around the pipe with rubbank after grappling concrete, rubbing rubbing;
  • filling the pipe with concrete solution, installing long metal mortgage elements with pre-organized two holes in height;
  • looking until concrete freezes.

The third stage - the frame assembly:

  • waterproofing base;
  • assembling the frame of metal structures - metal frame, from wooden bars, from metal and wood combinations - wood-metal.

Type of connection of frame elements.

Fourth stage - Roofing:

  • arrangement of the roof frame;
  • installation of the lower, upper strapping from the bar;
  • arrangement of water removal system;
  • roof cover roofing (perfectly pick up materials that are characterized by modularity: modular panels, siding, etc.);
  • installation of drainage gutters, under the sink of the roof, in holders;
  • insulation will allow to build a warm garage.

Fifth stage - Finish:

  • inner wall covering in the built garage: Apply decorative plates, wooden boards, metal rental sheets;
  • exterior wall decoration with the use of siding, decorative panels with their own hands.

Wooden frame garage without insulation with a single-sided roof

The garage 6 on the 6 frame plan with a single-sided roof from a tree can be left without insulation, which will save significant material tools.

Wooden skeleton garage is optimal to have a car temporary placement.

Assembling roof frame garage.

Build it similarly to the previous design, but with some features:

  1. Preparatory work: the markup of the site, its soil cleansing, the choice of the location of the columns.
  2. Organization of recovery, installation of supports for the base, laying the bar on the base poles for the bottom strapping of the structure, the installation of the board on the foundation poles on the edge, the front corner vertical racks from the bar, two more bollards on the markup.
  3. Formation of the framework of the frame. The rear wall consists of four racks placed with an equal step, but of different heights to form a slice of a single-table roof, fixing vertical bars on the strapping with a powerful metal corner.
  4. The upper strapping has features: you need to tie the horizontal bar separately the front and rear racks for the formation of the base for the installation of the rafter feet. Next, the layout of the location of the rafter, their installation is made, overlapping from the boards are created, the vertical racks are mounted on the middle of the side of the structure and the crossbar is connected to which rafters are attached. Next, the side racks in the middle of the boards are binding, the screech boards are installed across the rafter. And only then the roof is trimmed.
  5. After the shelling, the roof is moving to the trim of the walls of the garage, for which it is worth using a wooden bar or wooden lining.


It is easy to build a garage from OSB plates with their own hands, for which it takes a minimum of time, standard construction tools, a small amount of money. Additionally, it is worth spending on the thermal insulation of the insulation, the insulation of the frame will make it possible to make the structure more comfortable even in winter.

A skeleton garage is one of the easiest options for the construction of a car storage room. It is not only simple technically, but also costs cheaper brick or concrete walls. Price and technical availability are the main advantages of frame structures. How to yourself? What features is important to consider for reliable and proper construction?

Types of carcass

Frame garages can be made of various materials - wood, OSB, slate asbestos-cement sheets, plastic siding, metal panels. Depending on the material of frame elements and walls, garages are divided into the following types:

  • Wooden buildings - In them, wooden beams or logs are often used as a support, and edged and unedged boards, lining, panels of wood materials are used as a wall. As a rule, wooden boxes are elevated when working with "what is there is" when the building is built from the remedies available in the presence of wooden panels, boards. Wooden walls require high-quality protection against moisture and wetting. They must be painted annually or varnished. And also periodically change the fired spoiled boards, put in return new wooden panels.
  • Metal - The most particular types of carcass for storing cars. In them, metal corners, chapellor, beams are used as supports. As a wall sheat - metal sheets. These can be profiled sheets of metal or even rolling. In order to build a frame garage with their own metal hands, you must have a welding machine in stock and be able to work with arc welding.

On a note

Mixed options are possible. Wooden beams can be support for plastic panel walls. It can be covered with asbestos-cement sheets (flat slate).

Learn more about the construction of a garage of frame from different materials - on video.

Construction of frame garage

The drawing of the frame and future buildings is necessary for novice builders. It is also needed for calculating the consumption of building materials - support beams, wall sheathing, roofing panels. You can use ready-made garages drawings, typical solutions that are given in various recommendations for the construction of frame garages with their own hands, in step-by-step instructions. Or refer to specialists and order the calculation and drawing of your garage with individual sizes required by the design.

Deployed drawing.

There must be a drawing sketch of the future frame.

Frame sketch.

There should also be a drawing with an indication of the size of all frame elements, the distances between them and the methods of fastening among themselves. Also in the drawing indicates the type and size of the walls of the wall covering, and the methods of its mounting to the frame stands. The material is stipulated the size of the roofing sheets, as well as the incidence of roofing lags. Properly compiled drawing with all sizes can be used as an instruction for the construction of the garage.


The construction of a skeleton garage begins with the design. And work on its construction begins with the layout of the foundation. The walls of the future garage structure may be light and cold, but the base should be deep (with the presence of a lifting pit) and durable.

Most often, the foundation plate is used as the basis for a skeleton garage. It has sufficient strength indicators, and stacked in a short time. However, it is characterized by weight and requires loading and unloading equipment. When using the lifting crane, the plate is placed in the place of the future utility structure for an hour.

Plate of foundation.

Before placing the slabs, preparatory work is carried out - the soil is moving, if necessary, make a small deepening or vice versa, lift the future by performing mound. When placing the concrete slab in the pit, it is pre-replete with a layer of sand - for removal of groundwater, as a drainage layer. If the stove is stacked on top of the soil without a blowjob, or on an exalted place, then it is enough to dissolve and tamper the earth.

The finished foundation plate is used if there is no need to build a look at the garage. If there is a need for a traditional garage pit, then first build it, and only after - proceed to the foundation, walls and roof.

The garage pit is equipped in the form of a soil tolerance of the required length, widths and depths. Its walls are laid out brick, or molded with concrete, the bottom also lay out a small concrete slab. After the arrangement of the pit - begin to pour the main foundation plate.

Monolithic foundation with observation pit.

To prepare the soil to the fill of the bottom of the future slab, sleep with sand. After that, the sand is shedding with water and trambet. On top - lay out the frame of the future foundation - from metal reinforcement, grid, wire, along the perimeter of the foundation build formwork. After - pour concrete.

On the frozen of the foundation plate give a month. You can step on the base plate after a day. Concrete will be strong enough to withstand human weight and carry out further construction work. But you can put the car only after a set of final strength - after 28 calendar days.

On a note

If the work is performed in the heat, then the surface of the concrete is covered with wet canvas, in order to prevent the excessive drying and cracking the plates due to the rapid evaporation of moisture from its surface. Periodically, as drying, canvas are wetted to maintain moisture in the surface layer of concrete.

The surface of the garage slab must be moisture-resistant. When making a car with its wheels and the bottom will be merged with water. Penetrated into the pores of concrete, when freezing, the drops of moisture will expand the pores, initiate the surface cracking. Therefore, before the fill of the concrete, moisture-proof components such as Penetron, aquastop are added to the mixture. When installing the finished foundation plate, its surface is impregnated with waterproof mixture.

Assembly of the carcass

Under the garage begins with the arrangement of vertical supports. In this case, the supports can be concreted into the basement plate in the fill process, or can be attached to the concrete base on the anchor compounds, along with the bottom strapping. The most qualitative and reliable option is concreting racks with gluke in the foundation plate and soil. It is used for construction in open places with a large wind load. It requires a pit facility for each support and its separate cementing.

Racks in ground with concreting.

An easier and accessible option is the use of lower lags and fasteners. In this method, the vertical support does not plunge into the ground, and is fastened with a metal corner to a concrete floor or a wooden beam that performs the role of lower strapping. Such a beam is pre-fixed to the stove of the foundation, and after - install the framework of the frame on it.

On top of the vertical carrier supports put upper horizontal lags. They are building overlaps under the roof. The roof itself is constructed from roofing sheets, which are placed on top of the lag overlap (roofing frame elements). The bottom row of the roof is stacked with a small fusion.

Its edge should go beyond the perimeter of the structure by 50-60 cm. Such a row warns excessive wetting walls and this ensures their dryness, durability and lack of moisture, mold in the garage. The minimum size of the cornice, up to half a meter, guarantees the protection of the walls from the drain of the waste rainwater.

On a note

A frame assembly with threaded elements provides the ability to dismantle the garage and its reinstallation in another place. The frame garage can be disassembled if necessary if the mounts are made using bolts, screws. The assembly on the bolts and screws provides the ability to dismantle the walls, roofs and a garage structure.

Read more about connecting the skeleton garage supports - on video.

Types of roofs

The roof of the garage can be made in the form of a single or bunk design. To perform work with your own hands, with minimal construction experience, it is easier to build a single roof. In this case, the draining of rainwater will be carried out in one direction of the garage structure. In order to evenly distribute the drain on both sides of the garage, the roof design makes a duplex.

Single bed.

For the construction of a single-sided roof, the wall of the garage is performed by different in height. One wall is raised above another 300, 400 and more mm. The difference in the height of the walls determines the angle of inclination of the roof, which, in turn, depends on the amount of snow precipitation in the winter period of the year.

On a note

The angle of inclination of the roof is determined by the amount of precipitation in the winter. The more snow, the more there should be an angle of the roof of the roof. For regions with a moderate climate and an average of snow precipitates, the roof inclination angle is chosen 20-25 °. For warm winters with a small amount of snow, 10-15 ° is enough.

With the difference in the height of the walls 300-400 mm and the width of the garage 3 m, the tilt is receiving 10-15 °. What is enough to roll down the snow in the regions with a moderate amount of precipitation. To build a garage in zones with large snow sediments, the roof inclination angle is made in large, up to 30 °.

Single roof made by frame technology.

After the construction of the frame, the roofing elements are starting to hang. Step-by-step instructions for a frame garage regulates the rules for mounting roofing panels. Work starts from laying the lower row of roof sheets. On top - lay the sheets of the next row. The latter put the top row located along the raised wall. Thus, the roof sheets overlap each other and do not allow moisture from entering the garage space during the rain, snowfall.

For the facilities are collected from triangular frame elements. Their size is determined by the width of the garage and the angle of inclination of the roof. Triangular elements are assembled on Earth and after - raised to the roof. Here they are installed on the upper strapping of the walls. Over the finished roofing frame - laid slate or metal profile.


The internal finishing of the utility room is often absent at all. Especially if the garage is built without insulation. Less often, with the arrangement of a warm garage, it becomes necessary to close the insulating material from the internal space. In this case, it becomes necessary and mandatory.

The material of the inside of the wall does not set the requirements of moisture resistance. Therefore, a panels from Wood-made waste (OSB, chipboard) or plywood sheets are used. If necessary, the shelves embedded in the wall, cabinets, attaching them to the supports of the garage framework.


The need for insulation gets up when in winter in the garage it is necessary to conduct any work. Or when it is planned to arrange a warm garage with the ability to dry the bottom of the car after driving in the cold and wet season.

Warming with your own hands.

The insulation of the garage differs from similar works in residential buildings by choosing the heat insulator. If in the residential premises it is important to ensure a healthy microclimate, to equip the natural circulation of air, then in the garage insulation it is easier. You can do with a forced periodically working hood. And also use less useful and cheaper insulation - foam and glass gambler.

When insulating glass gamble, it is located between vertical racks. Thanks to compressibility, it is easily held in space. The thickness of cotton insulation is determined by the level of winter temperatures. For residential buildings at an average temperature -10 ° C, the thickness of cotton insulation is selected up to 100 mm. For garages and other utility rooms, you choose a thickness of up to 50 mm.

On a note

When insulation, glass gamble is important to consider that over time the material can be asked. In places of provisions, glass gambles will be formed by the "cold bridges", through which heat will "be treated".

The insulation of foam does not have drawbacks of the glass gamble. The foam in time does not settle and does not lose its shape. At the same time, it is quite inexpensive, which makes it a popular material of frame garage insulation.

If residential premises are not recommended to be isolated by polystyrene foam due to possible harmful evaporation, then for the garage space, this type of insulation is optimal. It costs it inexpensively, easily mounted and works for a long time as a heat insulator, holding heat inside the structure.

When installing foam between the frame racks, slots are formed. This is explained with the rigidity of foam plates. Formed mounting cracks blown foam.

Types of garage doors

Frame garages in the photo are distinguished by the design of the entrance gate. Traditionally, the garage gate is performed by swinging bivalves. However, other designs are possible. What could be the garage doors?


Swing - the traditional shape of the gate in the form of doors, which swallow, open outwards. The most simple and affordable construction in construction design. Opened in manual mode.

Sliding - an improved shape of entry into the garage that can be supplemented with an automatic device. In this embodiment, the garage door departures along the rails aside when the signal is applied from the remote device.

Lifting and roller structures are also possible, but their cost is significantly higher, so they are less common in frame structures.

In order to extend the operational period of the car, it is necessary to contain it in a comfortable environment. Any machine does not tolerate low temperatures and increased humidity levels that can cause its breakdown. To protect the car from adverse environmental factors, it is recommended to build a frame garage with your own hands. Such work has many nuances to be studied.

In the past few years, certain construction technologies have become more popular than traditional stone buildings. It concerns frame houses and garages. This design is characterized by simplicity of installation. When using high-quality materials, as well as compliance with all construction standards and rules, the end result is no less inferior to classic stone structures. In some aspects, frame structures even exceed their predecessors.

The operational term of such a garage is entirely dependent on how reliably the foundation was fulfilled. A very important factor is the strength of fastening of supporting elements. Simple installation allows you to save finances and fulfill the construction in the shortest possible time. And the materials that are commonly used for this purpose are affordable and have a relatively small cost.

Another advantage of frame structures is a slight mass. This dignity eliminates the need to attract during the construction of specialized equipment. In addition, the small weight of materials reduces the cost of transporting them.

Note! Material for the frame garage can be different. For construction, wood or metal elements are used - to choose from the owner of the car.

Among other advantages of such a structure, many people note low thermal conductivity. If you compete and perform the insulation of the garage, then in the winter period the car will be in comfortable conditions. The strength of the design also does not cause any questions.

Before starting construction, you need to focus on each stage. From choosing a type of garage will depend on the degree of protection of your car. Despite the fact that many specialists note a small role of the material in the end characteristics of the construction, the difference is still available. Therefore, to choose a variety of design, it is necessary to approach with all seriousness, taking into account all "for" and "against".

Stages of work on the installation of frame garage with their own hands

For self-erection of this design, it is necessary to have basic construction skills. It is advisable to learn how to use the Bulgarian, and also need to know how to handle welding equipment. Without these skills, the construction will be much more complicated. For the installation of a modern carcass based on the frame, two people will be required.

The event on the construction of a frame construction consists of the following steps:

  • choice and training;
  • foundation Organization;
  • erection of walls;
  • roof mounting;
  • sheathing and insulation;
  • gate settings.

A summary of a brief sequence of actions will help when drawing up a plan and drawing of the future building. First of all, it is necessary to choose a place for the garage. It takes into account the fact that a short and free entrance must be organized for the design. Next, the construction site is prepared.

The construction of the skew garage begins with the foundation. There are several options for creating a base for this building. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Then you can proceed directly to the construction of the house for your car. It all starts with the construction of walls. Next, the roof is carried out, the resulting building is insulated. Lastly, the gate is installed.

To protect the metal structure from corrosion, it is recommended to use the paint that will not allow rusted the walls and the roof. It is worth noting that if desired, you can buy a finished box. The price of the frame garage depends on the materials from which it is completed. The budget option from the metal can be purchased in about 90-100 thousand rubles.

To date, there is a possibility of choosing the material from which the frame structure will be erected. The following types of structures are currently the most popular:

  • from professional flooring;
  • from timber;
  • frame-shield.

It is worth saying that each material has its own characteristics, not only operational, but also assembly. Before choosing a type of design, it is necessary to study all the nuances of the construction of the construction.

Metal garage do-it-yourselffrom professional flooring

To summarize the cost of materials that will be required to build such a design, the final price will be about 30 thousand rubles. Thus, the metal garage collected from the corrugated floor is attractive from a financial point of view.

Regardless of which material is used to build a car, its optimal dimensions are 4.5 by 3.5 m. It is worth remembering that such dimensions are suitable for the content of one machine. To build a frame garage for 2 cars, more space will be required.

The garage must be done in such a way that it can be placed not only the machine, but also the necessary tools. The need for useful area does not end. Inside it is necessary to organize everything so that the place is left for movement.

For walls and roofs, various metal products can be used. Specialists recommend applying the most common framework of the framework of the frame - the sheets of the C10 brand. The length of such a metal profile is 2 m. As for the thickness, it should not be used for mounting the garage from the professional sheets with their own hands, in which this indicator is less than 0.5 mm.

Note! To build a standard garage design, you need to purchase about 23 sheets of this material. Most of them will go to the installation of walls.

The technology of creating walls involves the use of roofing screws. The docking of individual sheets is performed as follows: the edge of the next sheet goes to the previous element (Vangest). When covering the roof, the roof should be taken into account that there will be a small ot to the leads for atmospheric precipitation. For this purpose, it is enough to bring a sheet for a total design by 10 cm.

Mounting the construction of this type of professional flooring, as a rule, does not exceed 7 days. In order for the garage to be more durable, it is recommended to connect the frame racks by jumpers. As such stiffeners, a profiled tube or a metal corner is most often used.

It is important to remember that the consumption of material during the installation of the brastic muster increases by 20%. This figure must be taken into account when calculating the material for future buildings.

Garage do it yourself frame- Sale: the most budget version

For mounting the frame in this case, wooden bars are used, and not. The material for the plating is the boards, so such a design needs competent insulation. Installation of a frame-shield house does not require pre-drawing. The main thing is to choose the appropriate design that is manufactured on an industrial scale. This situation will require wall panels and a rapid structure.

Another advantage of the boards is the fact that its creation requires the least finance. When choosing this type, the construction can be met in just 25 thousand rubles. Despite the simplicity of the design, such a garage copes well with its tasks. The car will be reliably protected from environmental impacts.

In order to build a garage of this type with your own hands, it is necessary to clearly adhere to a certain sequence of actions, which does not differ from the installation of other species of auto-high.

It is important to remember that all structures are based on the framework, have a small weight. For a garage of this type, it is enough to organize a ribbon foundation. Shield buildings are characterized by presentability. Outwardly, they resemble a house. Therefore, such a garage is capable not only to protect the car in the cold season, but also decorate the design of the site.

Frame garage: Reliable protection of your car

In this case, the material for the frame is the timber. Experts note that it is such a garage that has the best characteristics. The car inside it is definitely not freezing. However, the positive qualities of such a building often protects its value, which is 2 times the price of previous types of garage. This fact often becomes the reason for the installation of such a garage with their own hands. The photo of the houses from the bar makes it clear to appreciate the advantages of this design.

Many motorists advise you to choose this particular option, as it is distinguished by reliability and long-term operational period. Wooden bars have some advantages over metal profiled pipes, among their advantages note:

  • ease of installation;
  • a light weight;
  • high ecology;
  • presentable appearance.

Before starting the installation of such a design, you need to pay attention to some nuances. To install the frame, you should select high-quality and durable bars. For a wooden garage, it is recommended to organize a conventional belt foundation. Its depth may differ depending on the design features (60-80 cm).

Note! Before you begin installing a wooden frame, you must create a drawing. It must contain all the estimated information on the size of the bars, their number, connecting products, etc., the scheme will turn out in more detail, the easier it will be focused during operation.

Docking the bars when building a skeleton garage, you need to produce the simplest method "Vansel"

When erecting this design, the wizard is advised to compile the BRUSEV compound in the most simple way (for example, Vansel). However, in this case costs will increase. As for the variety of bars, today in the construction market you can meet two types of these products:

  • whole;
  • glued.

Article on the topic:

Tips for the manufacture, step-by-step technologies and drawings of structures that allow you to equip the garage.

The first cost cheaper, but have some drawbacks. They are not so durable, after installation subjected to shrinkage. The glued bars are characterized by increased quality and have resistance to deformations. Pictures of garages from this material can be easily found on the Internet.

In addition, the bars are divided into unpainted and profiled. Products that belong to the first group require more thorough treatment and are cheaper than the second. Not all species of trees are suitable for mounting the garage design. The selection of material is carried out taking into account factors such as the properties of wood and its value.

The most budgetary material is pine. However, from such wood it is quite possible to perform high-quality buildings that will serve for many years. It is worth remembering that such a material is recommended to use in the regions where the dry climate prevails. The lack of such wood is that it is rather fragile.

For areas in which the wet climate is celebrated, it is desirable to select durable wood from hardwood trees. An excellent option in this case is oak. The disadvantages of such a material include what it is quite difficult to process.

When choosing a platform for a future garage, it is recommended to take into account the fact that the entrance to the construction should be as comfortable as possible. For example, a good design option for the design - next to the goal. In this case, the facade of the facility will be on the same level with the fence, which will make it easily calling the garage from the street.

It is important to remember that if a low point will be selected as a place for this building, then water from the site will accumulate in the garage. This location is not categorically recommended, as the car does not tolerate high humidity. The ideal option is to clear the platform that is on a small hill.

It is worth noting that it is best to choose a place located near the electric line in 220 or 380 V. This will make it possible to bring electricity without any problems after the construction of the garage. With your own hands it will be necessary not only to make the design itself, but also to equip it inside.

Helpful information! When the garage is connected to electricity, the possibility of installing the heating device necessary to ensure comfortable conditions appears.

Thus, the garage should be located on an exalted place in close proximity to the road. The construction should not act to the detriment of other economic structures. It is desirable that it is not far from electrolynea.

How to build a skeleton garage: Drawing up the drawing

The drawing is a document that allows you to summarize the plan of the future design. It indicates all the necessary sizes and the amount of material. For people who do not have sufficient experience in construction, the compilation of the scheme is a prerequisite.

On the Internet you can find many ready-made drawings. In order to save time, you can download one of them. In addition, today it is not difficult to refer to qualified professionals. Professionals competently and in a short period of time will make a garage drawing, taking into account the individual characteristics of your site.

When drawing up a project, you must specify the consumption of materials. This estimate should be taken into account:

  • support beams;
  • professional flooring or wooden cladding (depending on the type of garage);
  • roofing panels;
  • auxiliary materials.

The estimate indicates not only the dimensions of the products, but also their cost. When it is compiled, it is necessary to take into account the percentage of marriage and consumption for the installation of cladding of the brass (about 20%). If after installation will remain a large amount of unspent material, you should not worry. With the help of boards, you can equip the shelves in the garage. The main thing that needs to be done in drawing up drawing is to sketch the future design.

The scheme must contain information on the options for fastening the frame components, about the distance between them, as well as the methods for fixing the panels to the frame. The distance between the roof lags should also be taken into account when creating a drawing. During the construction of the garage, it is recommended to use the scheme as an instruction. With it properly, there should be no mounting errors.

How to build a garage do it yourself: Preparation of the site

After drawing up the drawing, it is required to prepare a pre-selected place for construction. Work on cleaning platform is performed rather quickly. First of all, it is necessary to remove all vegetation from it. Next should be inspecting the place for irregularities. The land that enters this perimeter will need to be dissolved.

To implement the project, you need to prepare a platform of 10 per 10 m. Such space will be enough to perform the most appropriate design for the maintenance and maintenance of the machine. It is worth noting that in the case of the construction of a garage for two cars, the dimensions of the site will increase accordingly. The design of the frame garage for 2 cars can also be found on the Internet.

The next thing to be done after leveling the soil is the ramp of the soil. Then gravel is placed on the prepared platform. The gravel layer should not be too thick. If desired, you can dilute the stone mass of construction sand. This "pillow" should be carefully loosen. For this purpose, the vibroplite is perfect, but if there is no needed tool, then you can align the surface manually.

Note! After the preparation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe required size should be proceeding directly to the construction of the garage. This process begins with the organization of the foundation. To select the most suitable base for a specific case, you need to familiarize yourself with its possible varieties.

What should prepare the tools for the garage? It is not so difficult to build a frame design, but you want to stock all the necessary tools, as well as materials. It will take prepare shovels (scooped), hammer, level and material for formwork. To fulfill the foundation, it is necessary to mix cement mortar. For the frame there are beams and boards made of a suitable tree of wood.

Installation of frame garage: Foundation options

Features of the frame structure do not require an organization of a solid foundation. The garage, built on such a technology, is low weight, so you can choose a simple base for it. But it is worth remembering that the foundation should be made qualitatively, otherwise the problems may occur even in the case of a framework.

To date, there are 3 common types of foundations that are suitable for skew luggage. A more serious basis is required when building a garage from foam blocks or bricks. To select one of three options, you need to pay attention to their features. So, the following types of foundation are distinguished:

  • columnar;
  • monolithic;
  • ribbon.

Columnar. The foundation of this type is most often used when installing other business buildings (for example, bath). This is determined by the fact that it is suitable for more lightweight structures. But if necessary, it is possible to organize such a base for frame-of-carcage.

Monolithic. Such a type of foundation is characterized by a high degree of reliability. Many specialists recommend precisely a monolithic foundation when building a skeletal structure. However, this method is more troublesome. For a tie of the floor, reinforcement is required, which not everyone can perform independently. It is also worth noting that the speed of pouring concrete in this case is very slow (about 1 month).

Ribbon. The most popular option for frame structures that have a small weight. To organize such a foundation, it is necessary to study the instructions and clearly follow all its items.

Ribbon foundation under the garage do-it-yourself

The process of organizing the foundation of a ribbon type is not very complex. The main thing is to follow the instructions. It is important to remember that the installation of the foundation is recommended to perform in dry weather. The rains can destroy not yet formed the foundation, and then will have to perform all the work again. Consider every item of this event in more detail. First you will need to mark the markup. To do this, use the following tools:

  • building level;
  • plumb;
  • laser Rangefinder);
  • carbon carbon;

  • capron thread;
  • pegs.

The markup is traditionally starting from the angle of the future structure in accordance with the recommendations on how to build a frame house. Step-by-step instructions take into account the placement of the first cassock using a plumb. Next you need to drive another element.

Note! The distance between 1 and 2 peg should be equal to the length of the future of auto-high.

Then both cavities are connected via a caprony thread. After that, you can proceed to the placement of the third element, which is performed using the coal. This tool is needed in order to measure the required distance from 1 to 3 peg. This distance must match the width of the future building. Then the caprochy thread is stretched and the last peg is driven. All elements are connected using a rope.

After that it is very important to check the directness of the corners. For this purpose, all the same as the same as the same as the same as the same as. In addition, you need to verify the distance between the spikes. It must correspond to the size specified in the scheme. The next step is to organize markup inside the perimeter. Experts recommend paying attention to the photo of the montage of the garage with their own hands. Video will also make it possible to easily understand the construction technology.

Next, you need to dig a channel for a future tape foundation. The depth of such a trench should not exceed 0.5 m. The optimal option for framewalk - 45 cm. The edges of this channel must be as smooth as possible. After organizing the trench, it takes to the bottom of its bottom.

At the next stage, the formwork is assembled. This design most often consists of boards or plywood. It is important to ensure that the formwork fits tightly to the walls of the trench. The fixation of individual elements is performed by means of separations. Then you need to be put on the bottom of the trench layer of gravel mixed with sand. Cement mortar will be applied to this pillow.

Pull the concrete is necessary correctly. This process includes some nuances that need to be studied. For example, in order to remove the excess air from the mixture that was filled into the trench, there is a special tool - the vibrator. If you do not have the desired device, then you can simply patch the solution of reinforcement.

Compliance with each of the above item will avoid problems in the future. Do not have to spend money on the repair of the garage. With your own hands, pull out the trench, collect a formwork and pour a concrete solution into it can every person. For this, it is not necessary to possess special skills.

A not yet frozen foundation should be installed with a plastic film. The surface of concrete needs moisture, otherwise it can crack. The foundation is recommended to water water for several days. After the mixture is freezing, it is necessary to polish it to an even state and cover the rubberoid. This material will serve as waterproofing.

Looking pit in the garage with your own hands

The foundation is a prerequisite for the construction of a skeleton structure. In turn, the need to arrange the observation pit is determined by the personal preferences of the owner. Of course, she is needed if a person himself is engaged in the repair of his car.

From a financial point of view, this event will not damage your budget. However, still have to spend a certain time on the poke. The first thing you need to do before installing your own pits in the garage - perform markup. Next steps will occur strictly according to it.

Poam walls need to strengthen. For this purpose, the brick is suitable. The material is placed in one row, since this is enough for such a trench. It is important to remember that the upper walls of the pits can be condensed under the weight of the car, so they should be strengthened with the help of metal strapping, which you need to competently cement.

The next stage of the auction of the pit is cementing its bottom. In this case, a monolithic foundation is suitable, a layer of which is determined by the peculiarities of the soil. Standard option - 3 cm.

Helpful information! Before proceeding with the pouring of concrete, it is necessary to put a pillow from gravel mixed with sand on the bottom of the pit. At the finished substance should place the rod of the reinforcement.

If necessary, you can make your own cellar. In the garage, this procedure has some nuances. One of them is the need for waterproofing pit. If foam blocks are used during the installation, and the soil is dry enough in place, then you can do without isolation.

Mounting frame for future autogaras is made after drying the foundation of the observation pit. It is not necessary to wait for the complete solidification of cement. The initial stage of the frame assembly is the installation of wall beams.

How to make a garage do it yourself: Mounting frame frame

The skeleton frame is performed from wooden beams or metal profiles. In the first case, it is recommended to use only well-dried products. With wet materials, it is much more difficult to work because of their weight, enlarged due to water. To build a frame design, you will need to purchase:

  • bars;
  • boards for rafters;
  • boards for the crate;
  • fireplates.

The following requirements are put forward to the main bars: they must be solid, without visible defects and traces of rotting. The standard size of these products should be 100 per 100 mm. They are used to mount vertical racks, as well as the ceiling overlap and the floor of the tree garage. It is much easier to perform a framework in the event that the material used is dry.

For mounting, the rafter will need to purchase boards of a certain width (4 cm). They should be dry and useful to use. To create a crate, 2 cm width products are used. The floorboard may have a different width. As a rule, the minimum indicator for the garage is 4 cm. The number of one or other materials depends entirely on which dimensions will have the construction.

It is important to remember that the mounting of the frame is performed only after the complete drying of the foundation. The process itself is carried out in several stages. Consider each of them in more detail.

After completion of work on waterproofing a concrete foundation, it is necessary to produce lower strapping. This procedure consists of two stages. First you need to go around the perimeter of the garage bars. The size of wooden products should be 100 per 100 mm. Next, it should be combined with each other (in the corners) by means of a key and wrist.

This strapping will serve as a basis for mounting corner and intermediate columns made of wood. With your own hands, the garage of a frame sample can be built only when there is a scheme and confidence in your own power. The fixation of the angular and intermediate posts is performed using brazing.

Helpful information! In order for the frame to be the maximum strength and rigidity, it is worth using metal corners.

It is important to remember that the distance between the racks is less than 2 m. At the next stage, the upper strapping is made. Bruks in this case are fixed by a similar method (braided and metal corners). Then the intermediate racks are installed on the frame. Do not forget about jumpers that should be located in a horizontal plane. In this case, metal corners and self-tapping screws are fixators.

Lastly, the floor overlap is created. For this purpose, a 40 mm board is traditionally used, which is fixed to the outer strapping. Next, it remains only to mount outdoor boards - and the floor is ready.

Build a garage with your own hands: Slinge system and roof

To date, two versions of the organization of the garage roof can be distinguished. The first one is the most simple and recommended by experts when you mount the garage yourself. We are talking about a single roof. She has other advantages. For example, such a roof is characterized by high strength, and its organization does not require large financial spending. The composition of a conventional single-table roof includes several important elements:

  • slinge system;
  • doom;
  • insulation;

  • roof coating.

Slinge system. This is a kind of base. It is fixed to all other elements. When installing the rafter design, it is recommended to be very attentive, since it is this system that performs the main framework, taking upon itself the whole severity. In the case of mounting errors, it may not withstand the load, which will then lead to serious problems for the roof of the garage. DIY design is mounted in accordance with the scheme made at the design stage.

Obsek. Fixed on the rafter system. The shapper performs a very important function, being support for roof cover. She is going out of boards. The material in this case can be both edged and unedged.

Insulation. For this, various materials are applied. Insulation performs a very important feature: protects the interior of atmospheric precipitation. It is used to preserve heat in the garage, respectively, if you neglect it with arrangement, it will have negative consequences for the car.

Roofing. For these purposes, various materials can be used. Their choice is carried out on the basis of several factors, such as weather in the region, which establishes the construction, financial capabilities and preferences of builders.

Note! During the installation of a frame design, it is necessary to organize one wall so that it is lower than the second. This will allow the inclination of the roof required to remove rainwater and snow. The bias should not be above 25 degrees, which is also very important.

And now consider in more detail the algorithm of action when installing the garage roof. Initially, it is necessary to install rafters. If the future building is calculated for one machine, then work can be significantly simplified. The rafting system in this case will include horizontal beams mounted along or across the room. To save finance, experts recommend choosing a second installation option, as it does not require long bars.

It is important to remember that the distance between individual beams should be acceptable and ensure the necessary durability of the frame. It is calculated at the stage of the design of the frame of the frame garage. It is not recommended to place these products at a distance exceeding 1 m from each other. After mounting the framework of the framework, it is necessary to fix the beams with the help of corners and screws.

At the next stage, the lamp is equipped. In this case, the material can be different (edged and unedged board). In order to calculate the desired amount of products, there are special online calculators. It is recommended to buy boards with a small stock - no more than 20%. To save finances, it is better to stop on the unedged products, since after the finishing finish, the difference between them and the edged species will not be noticeable.

Installation of cladding from the unedged board requires its cleaning from the crust. Next, proceed to the direct installation of the roof. To do this, it is necessary to place boards on the rafting bars. It is very important that they are located perpendicular to the rafters. Then it is necessary to carry out them with self-samples. The main thing is that you need to remember when installing the crate - you should avoid the formation of gaps. All elements should fit tightly to each other.

At the next stage, the waterproofing material is installed (on top of the crate). In this case, you can use runneroid, which is an affordable and popular coating. The second is a fairly common option - the use of a film located under the roof.

Installation of rubberoid is done in such a way that the subsequent sheet goes to the previous (braziness) by 3-4 cm. This will allow the maximum to secure the boards from hitting them atmospheric moisture and extends their operational period. After the Ruberoid Ustinka, it is necessary to nail it to a wooden clamp with nails. If the film will be used as a waterproofer, then it can be fixed using it with a bracket.

The last stage of the installation of the roof for the framework - installation of the coating. Let's talk about the most common materials that are used for this.

Professional flooring. This material is one of the most common. It has high strength characteristics, therefore is resistant to mechanical effects. In addition, professional flooring can be dismantled and reused, which is considered a fairly significant advantage.

Slate. Not so durable as professional flooring, but also has good characteristics. The operational period of slate sheets during normal use can reach 40 years. The main minus of such a coating is a big value that often repels buyers from using this material during the construction of the garage with their own hands.

Metal tile. A modern coating that is applied not only for roofing of various household buildings, but also for finishing private houses. Metal tile is more expensive than professional flooring.

Rolled coating (ruberoid). The least reliable of all materials presented in this list. Does not have such a strength as professional flooring, but has one advantage - low cost. Ruberoid service life is 10-15 years.

Helpful information! During the installation of roofing, you should remember several rules. The installation of the material starts from the bottom row. For fixing the coating, various products are used, but most often screws or slate nails. Installation of sheets is carried out by the "Vangest" method. And it is also necessary to perform additional fasteners at the edges, which will eliminate the possibility of breaking the roof with strong wind.

Installation of a two-sheet roof on the garage

As mentioned above, the roof for a frame garage can be a single or twin one. In the second case, the design is more complicated, which, of course, affects the installation process. However, the two-sheet roof has some undeniable advantages. Its construction provides for the emergence of an additional subxurement space that can be used on economic purposes. If necessary, within its limits, you can mount the attic.

Installation of a two-sheet roof consists of four stages. The organization of the rafter system can be carried out in two ways. In the first case, the assembly of all individual structural elements is performed on Earth. Then they are installed on the wall strapping. The second option is more complicated, as it provides for the installation of the rafter directly on the walls. Such work requires the choice of the correct position of the part and its hold in one place when fixing.

Many people are interested in the question of how much a garage is with a two-tie roof. The final price of the construction of such a design will be more expensive by at least 30% than in the case of a single-sided type. The cost is calculated depending on the individual features of the construction.

In metal frame structures, all parts of the rafter system are taken to collect on Earth, and only then raise them on the necessary positions. Consider a sequence of actions when installing a wooden design at an altitude.

The first thing you need to do is arrange the beams that will perform the function of the ceiling overlap. Next, it is necessary to install rafters in front of the structure. At this stage, their temporary fastening is produced by racks.

The next step is fixing the ski board. This element is fixed between two front pairs of beams. Next, you need to determine the step for subsequent details and, focusing on this information, make them installation. As a result, the rafter system forms the rod of the roof. The subsequent lamp will give the design needed hardness.

Paul in the garage do it yourself: how to do

Installation of the floor is recommended to perform last. This rule is due to practical considerations, since in the presence of a canopy and walls of the board will be protected from wetting. In this case, special, unfolded boards are applied, which, after installation, do not fit close to each other. This is a very important point to pay attention to.

Note! The clearance is not recommended to do less than 3 and more than 5 mm. This rule is very important and necessary to take into account when building a skeleton garage from a tree with their own hands.

During installation, the boards are fixed to lags by means of screws. Nails will also be suitable for their consolidation. It is worth noting that for the organization of sex the best condition will be the presence of a slab foundation. Although this option is not the best for the frame design, but it still allows you to create a ready-made basis for the floor.

What to buy a gate for a garage: varieties

Each garage must have a gate. This design is necessary, as it allows you to pass the car inside the construction. The classic option for the domestic garage is a double gate swing. They open manually and, as a rule, in addition to two sash, equipped with a doorway, which is located in one of the half.

To date, you can order the following varieties of the gate:

  • sliding;
  • roller-rolled.

Sliding design is more technological. If desired, such a gate can be supplemented by an automated system. In this case, the door will drive away. This is implemented using a rail system. The door itself responds to a signal that is sent remotely. Before you buy a gate for a garage of this type, it is recommended to remember that they are more often used in capital buildings.

Lifting-roller doors consist of separate elements that are called lamellas. They have some advantages, however, due to their value are not so common as previous two types. The unconditional dignity of such a gate is that they can be installed in conditions of limited space.

Rolling construction is often performed in the case when there is no possibility of mounting other varieties of the gate. In addition, it is characterized by simplicity of installation and versatility.

How to assemble the gate in the garage do it yourself

With your own hands, it is easiest to make a standard swing gate, which are a bivalve design. Other varieties are quite difficult to perform their own. Consider a brief instruction on the assembly and installation of such swing gates.

In order to make the gate data, the first thing will be necessary to choose the material for them. In this case, you can use profiled tubes or wooden bars. As a trim, the same materials are used as for the rest of the design. Thus, for such a gate, you can use professional flooring, siding, as well as ordinary metal sheets or a board.

Note! In order to exclude possible errors when mounting with your own garage hands, it is recommended to prepare their sketch. The scheme takes into account all the necessary dimensions.

The width of the design of this type can be different. This indicator depends on the dimensions of the frame structure and ranges from 2.5 to 4 m. The warming of the gate is not a mandatory measure. It is only necessary if the arrangement of a heated workshop is conceived inside the garage.

Independent manufacture of a carcass garage for a car requires careful preparation, as well as the presence of a set of all necessary tools. Before starting the installation of this construction, it is recommended to consult with specialists. During the installation, follow the instructions and pay attention to the Masters Tips. We will optionally visit the profile forum where you can find a lot of useful tips that will help simplify the process of building the frame garage with their own hands.

Buying a car is expensive acquisition. Yes, the car can be year-round to be outdoors or "wintering" under a temporary structure, but how will it be displayed at its technical condition? Think can build a covered room?

Choosing, the focus is on the duration of work and the price category. If earlier it was possible to choose only between the iron and stationary structure, then the frame garages, which came to us from abroad are increasingly popular.

Decided, but do not know how to build a garage on frame technology? Let's deal with together.

One of the main advantages of such buildings is the possibility of self-construction. You only need one assistant and a developed project that includes all the necessary drawings (sketches), an approximate calculation of the desired construction and additional materials. To other benefits include:

  • availability at cost compared with stationary garages;
  • simplicity and small construction time;
  • low thermal conductivity, allowing in winter to quickly warm the room to the desired temperature;
  • strength.

We offer you a step-by-step instruction of the frame garage with your own hands, with a phased description of the work.

Designing the future structure

The initial stage in any construction is a sketch or drawing of the future room. This will save time and money for construction, because you will know how much material you need to do your idea. If earlier the design of the skew garage, all the necessary calculations needed to be done manually, now there are many special programs on the Internet that will carry out all calculations with maximum accuracy.

The playground on which the construction of the garage is planned, should not be far from home. Preferred distance - up to 10 meters. Construction zone must be cleaned from plants, garbage, roots. Earth should be tamped and aligned. After preparatory work, make a pillow from gravel and sand, to which the foundation will later fall.

Required tools

For work you, at least, will need: shovels, gloves, level, ready formwork. Depending on the type of carcass garage, wooden bars will be needed, it is better to use larch, a lamp or aspen, or profile pipes. For base - high-quality concrete solution.

Select the type and bay of the foundation

The foundation is the basis of any construction, it carries the greatest load. It is for him that the structure of the future structure will be installed later.
Three types of foundation are distinguished:

  • pile or column - poured when building wooden houses or baths. It is considered one of their most affordable. The disadvantage is the impossibility of building without special equipment;
  • the monolithic stove is such a type of compound with the required reinforcement and leveling of the surface. The disadvantage is considered a long time until the mixture is completely drying;
  • the ribbon is the most popular type that fully meets the requirements for strength and affordable cost.

Note! The foundation for the frame garage is chosen, given the quality of the soil and the level of groundwater.

Based on the fact that the foundation for a skeleton garage is also played by the role of "rough floors", most often poured a monolithic foundation. Work on the base begins with the digging of the trench around the perimeter of the future garage. The depth of the trench is 40-50 cm. After that, from three sides of the structure, set the formwork. For this stage, you can use substandard boards, fane, bars of all kinds of sizes. If you want to use this formwork in the future, it is better to wrap it with a glued with a glue or other waterproof material.

The next stage is the valve of reinforcement. It will strengthen the concrete mix. Make it from metal rods with a diameter of 10-12 millimeters. Final operation - pour the entire perimeter platform with a concrete mixture and align. It remains to wait for a complete drying of the solution. Save concrete screed for about 2-3 weeks.

The garage on the framework technology can be pulled out from either metal or wood. Consider the construction of a skeleton garage for each type of material.

Build a metal garage

This type of carcass for the garage is built from the profile pipe, dimensions of 40x40 and 40x20. The first profile is placed on the base, the mount occurs using anchor bolts. Between the pipes are welded. After that, the entire design is taken. On the elements of the skeleton "Krepim" the trim. In our case, it serves metal sheets. If desired, profiled. The sheets of metal products of the C10 brand are considered the most convenient for the walls of the walls, with dimensions of 2000 x 5 mm. Sheets are superimposed by braziness and are attached to the welding machine. At first, pointwise, and after the end of the trim - completely. An alternative to self-tapping screws. Choose yourself.

Pay attention! Sheets should be placed so that the backstage is made from top to bottom. Thus, the moisture will not fall under the material.

The positive properties of the metal profile include its non-causing, durability, speed of installation. To "minuses" - the need to use welding.

Frame garage from wooden bars

Most often, the garage frame is made of wood. Due to the fact that the wood is easy to rotate and other natural influences, all elements before work should be treated with specialized substances that can eliminate these properties of the material.

It should be noted that the frame garage from the tree is the most fiscal option for this building. As in the case of a metal frame, a wooden garage is also beginning to build from the fill of the foundation. For the bottom strapping, it is better to use the bars with dimensions of 100x50 mm, the mounting of which produce anchor bolts. For further work it is better to use the bars of 100x100 or 150x150 mm. For better stability of the structure, it is recommended to make a gap between the vertical structural elements of 30-120 cm.

Wooden frame covering can perform:

  • moisture-proof plywood;
  • oSB cooker;
  • boards.

Note! These material materials can be deformed under the influence of the external environment, so it is necessary to make intervals (deformation seams) 3-5 mm between the plates.

Fastening the selected material We produce self-tested for wood or "Ersho nails". A gap of 300 mm should remain between adjacent nails in the center of the sheet, from the edge of the sheet it is necessary to retreat 150 mm. To avoid split edges, screw the fasteners, leaving the gap of 10mm, without tightening too much.

Roof and gate designs

Well, walls in place, go to mount the roof. It happens - flat, single-sided and twin. Flat roof, the easiest installation option, but the most affected deformation risk. Therefore, choose either a single, or a bone roof. The slope in such roofing will not allow the snow to be fixed on them and it will fall under the Earth under its own weight. This technological operation begins with securing the rafter system. Take into account the fact that it will be all the load from atmospheric precipitation will be shifted. Parts of the rafter system are attached to each other with the help of fumes, which will allow you to unload the skiing bar. The choice of roofing material depends on your material capabilities. It can be a classic or metal equipment, slate, professional flooring.

Setting the gate is the final stage. According to the opening method, they are divided into sliding, sectional, swing or rollback. After installing the system, do not forget to treat the surface of the primer and paint, to prevent corrosion.

Warming, external and internal sheathing

Wall insulation will help maintain the normal temperature indoors. For this, during the construction of the walls, the insulation is placed between the trim. It may be glass or mineral wool, foam.

The inner part of the wall can be covered with wooden or PVC lining, chipboard sheets or fiberboard and other facing materials. For long-term operation, the garage external surface should also be bred. In this case, we also use the lining, we are lined with decorative brick, siding.

With a skillful approach, I will take you a little more than a month, including time on the drying of the foundation. You can buy the necessary materials in the markets or in specialized stores, to explore the options - on the Internet and then the task "How to build a frame garage with your own hands" will no longer seem so impracticable. Good luck!

Example of frame garage

Just bought a plot for the construction of a country house, and put a car during the visits? Or own a small house, but to build a pompous structure next to him seems irrational? Then read this article. From it you will learn: the attractive frame structures are attractive, and how to build a frame garage with your own hands.

The garage was the cherished dream of the Soviet motorist. Favorite lucky people built cooperative brick boxes. Everything was a deficit: brick, lumber, and the place itself in the cooperative. It is enough to remember the film "Garage" Eldar Ryazanov. The rest were content with metal boxes of handicraft. Garages manufactured under the guise of consumer goods had a more attractive form, less weighed, which was undoubtedly advocacy during the assembly. Finally, the so-called "shells" were also produced.

In today's conditions, most car owners prefer to leave their "iron" horse near the entrance. And yet there are situations when it is required to quickly and with low cost to build a covered construction for storing the car. If such a need appeared, perhaps the best option will be a frame garage.

Choosing a place

Before starting construction, you need to decide on the location of the future building. To eliminate the conflict with the local administration and neighbors, construction standards and rules should be observed (SNiP). According to the last garage, it is allowed to install directly on the red building line. But before the fence of the neighboring area should be at least a meter.

The frame garage must organically fit into the layout of the site, have a convenient approach and place on a calm relief, which will save on the manufacture of the foundation.

In order not to shade the beds or flower beds, place the garage closer to the north edge of the site.

Metal or tree?

The skeleton garage can be made of metal structures or wooden. It all depends on the personal preferences of the future owner. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.


  • convenience of transporting purchased parts;
  • fast and simple assembly, if necessary, it is easily understood for subsequent sale;
  • durability;
  • resistance to ignition. Refers to the category of non-combustible buildings.
  • in winter, the room is difficult to heat, and the walls are covered with incomplete (this problem is solved using the warcass insulation);
  • higher cost compared to wood.

Wooden frame garage


  • simplicity of construction;
  • construction can be guided without the involvement of lifting equipment;
  • low thermal conductivity, which allows you to quickly heat the room in winter.
  • fire harassment of the structure, it is necessary to process the design by protective means several times - with antipirens;
  • the tree is hygroscopic, careful waterproofing of the lower strapping is required;
  • absorbs exhaust gases, smells of gasoline and other chemical compounds.

The foundation for a skeleton garage, both metal and wooden, can be made not so massive, as for a brick structure.

Slab or tape? Foundation for carcass

A frame design is insignificant weight, which allows you to make a foundation for a skeleton garage lightweight. Consider 3 options.

  1. Columnar.
  2. Pour several concrete supports with a step of 1-1.5 m around the perimeter of the construction, as well as in 2 longitudinal rows in the width of the car's rut. Such a base will be the cheapest in the manufacture. Do not forget to fill anchor releases before filling for subsequent fastening of the bottom strapping.

  3. Ribbon.
  4. The ribbon is rational to pour fine-breeded (0.5 m height). Concrete is more correct to fill in the formwork, which in the case of bunching soils is installed on a layer-in-law, a tummy sand pillow with a thickness of 200-250 mm. The sandy sinuses around the walls of the foundation fall asleep. For reinforcement, periodic rolling with a diameter of 10-12 mm is used. It will be enough to 4 rods (2 - on top and bottom).

  5. Slab.
  6. This foundation is the most expensive (great consumption of concrete and reinforcement), but it provides savings on the manufacture of gender. In addition, it is recommended when construction on weakly infant soils. Unfortunately, it is impossible to apply on a plot that has a slope.

ATTENTION: Before making the foundation of any type, remove the surface layer of the soil.

Assembling non-government garage

Metal frame is made in different ways. Until recently, rental from corners (for example - 50 × 50) were used as carrier structural elements. With the expansion of the range of metal rolling steel, rectangular pipes began to use (for racks, for example, 100 × 100, for cross-60 × 60). The frame assembly is made using fastening connections, or by older - using a welding machine.

The connection on the bolts will be more expensive, since in addition to fasteners, expensive connecting elements will be required. The advantage is the ability to disassemble and sell the garage when it becomes unnecessary.

The frame garage of the weld will be somewhat cheaper and, in addition, stronger. But it is possible to sell it, perhaps, only cutting autogen. After all, there may be no place for vehicles with a lifting crane on the plot.

Today, the skeleton garage can be collected from light steel structures (LSTK). They are a set of galvanized profiles of the C-shaped section, cerebral and challenges, sheets of wall and roofing professional flooring, fasteners. The kit includes the lifting-section gates "Alutech".

Sequence of assembly

  1. Collect the lower strapping by connecting it with the foundation.
  2. Install vertical racks, temporarily revealing.
  3. Mount the belt of the upper strapping, after which it is finally combined all the racks by crossings.
  4. Collect on a flat triangular roof farm. With the help of inclined run, lift it onto the top strapping and fix in the rear of the structure.
  5. In this way, to establish all the rafting farms and make them up with each other.
  6. Install the entrance gate at your discretion: swing, sliding, sectional-lifting.
  7. Perform an outdoor and internal trim. The material can be any: outside - professional flooring, siding, inside - OSP, plasterboard.

Build from wood

Wooden garage building harmonizes with a residential house, isolated from a bar or a rounded log. However, the construction of a garage from a solid wood array is not for everyone by pocket. The skeleton garage made of wood has the same qualities, but at the same time not much burden your wallet. Consider the main stages of construction.

Step-by-step instruction

Wooden frame garage

  • Step 1

Put the lower strapping on the slab foundation, fixing it with anchors to the concrete base. The strapping is a board or a bar, the width of which is the same with the size of vertical racks, and the thickness is 50 mm. If you build a skeleton garage with your own hands, do not forget to welcome two layers of rolled waterproofing: pergamine, bikrost, technonikol or other brands.

  • Step 2.

Install wooden racks made of timber with a cross section of 100 × 100 or 150 × 150 mm. Exhibit them strictly vertically in terms of level and temporarily strengthened by dosy. Two racks are added to the gate hanging.

  • Step 3.

Connect the upper ends of the struts of the strapping from the same timber as for the racks. The strapping belt will carry the load from the rafting structure, so the thickness of 50 mm will be insufficient for it.

  • Step 4.

Mount the rafting legs. The material for them serve as a cross section of 100 × 50 or 150 × 40, put on the edge. At the same time, the board150 × 40 is almost twice as tougher to the deflection. The step of the rafter should not exceed 60 cm. In order for the side walls of the garage to be dispersed under the action of snow load, the lower part of the rafter feet is connected by tightening from the 100 × 50 board, which will simultaneously serve as a bearing base for garage meresol.

  • Step 5.

Putting the roofing coating. The choice of material is large: professional flooring, metal tile, Ondulin.

  • Step 6.

The gate is hung, cut out outdoor walls. After fastening the draft coating from plywood or oriented-chipboard (OSP), windproof film is fixed. Then it is fixed on an additional crate of a finite cladding: lining, siding or block house.

Take note: To eliminate the formation of residues when the framework of the framework of the frame, the sizes of the garage, choose multiple plate size (1220, sometimes 1250 mm)

Facrow - option for aesthetes

You can build a skeleton garage with your own hands using old building technology when the space between the elements of the wooden frame is filled with brickwork (half-timbered). Building will look original. True, the frame will have to do from a massive bar (not less than 150 × 150). Otherwise, the construction will be not solid enough.

Interior facilities

Construction is completed, there is a car where to hide from bad weather, but for a full-fledged habitat, this is not enough. It remains to perform a few more completing operations.

  • First of all, the skeleton garage must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. Otherwise, inside there will be increased humidity, which will not benefit both the garage and the car.
  • The wording of the walls and the ceiling will also help with the solution of this problem, which is performed simultaneously with the installation of the inner binder (drywall or osp, for example).
  • And finally, the garage without light is nonsense. It will be necessary to become an electrician for a while, and this will help you to condemn additional knowledge and skills.

After reading this article, we can conclude - make a frame garage with your own hands forces most of those who want.