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Staff of Santa Claus do it yourself. How to make a staff from undergraduate materials? Magic wand and magic rod like a stick to make a stick

Type - Magical Taumaturg Tool

Where to look - to do it yourself

Folded - no


So I came to create your first magic tool that you will use more than once. While you really did not test research and discoveries, there will be only one rod of Tumkraft 4, namely, a wooden rod upholstered with iron.

It's quite easy to corrupter. To begin with, it will be necessary to take two iron ingots and make 18 iron nuggets from them (from each ingot is obtained by 9 nuggets). This is done as follows:

Krafts iron nuggets

Now Krafts Iron Tips - They will need two pieces:

And here is the finished iron tip

We take ready-made products, it remains only to take one stick and two iron tips and put them in the workbench as follows:

Your first ready tool Taumaturg

Creating a Wand Tumkraft 4 is finished - let him and the easiest, however, is the first step towards perfection! Soon, you will take "to armared" more advanced rods, but it will be later. While it is necessary to deal with all properties and characteristics of this tool.

Description and features

The rods from the aura knots are charging - small glowing balls that you will meet on the virtual world. To start a recharge, you must take a rod in your hand, send the cursor to the knot and hold the right mouse button, after which it can be seen as "smoky" and transfushing streams will strive for imaginary.

To see what aspects contains a node at first it is necessary to bring to it and hold the right mouse button, in the future you can use special glasses.

The filling indicator of the rod aspects is in the upper left corner, where each of the aspects corresponds to a certain color according to their native elements.

In order to see how much the rod is filled with certain aspects in the inventory interface, it is necessary to bring the cursor (sometimes it is required to hold the SHIFT key), after which the window will pop up, where everything will be written in detail.

A wooden rod upholstered with iron has the smallest capacity of the baseline aspects (it can only accommodate 25 VIS each), so you will soon change it to a better one.

It should also be noted that the iron tips have a fine of 10% for use (i.e., if 10 units aspects will be required for a magical action, then when applying the rod, it will take it 11, since 11 \u003d 10 * 1,10) .

Thaumcaft 4's upholstered rod will allow you to understand the process of its use and application, however, taking into account the fact that the tank is small and there is a fine, it is difficult to call this tool is optimal - difficult, one of the most running - bored with gold rod from the Great Tree.

Therefore, take on research to develop more dynamically!

Good luck in the game and associated magic flux.


It was previously believed that the magician is not a magician if he does not have a staff. This subject of force continues its owner and contains the power equal to him.

Staff make from the whole young treet or a branch of a large tree. In the first case, the tree is asked the consent to give their lives and become a companion of the magician. And in the second, they ask for one branch from the tree. But in that and in another case, without the consent of the tree, nothing is done. Having consent, cut the staff. After that, leave the earth or tree of the gift. This is usually grains, semi-precious stones and beer.

Straight branches branches and cut the vertex, and then cover it with a cloth, preferably natural (flax, cotton or silk) and carry home. Already at home, trying on the staff to the owner, it is shortened by growth. The optimal is considered to be the size of the nose to 5 cm. Above the head of the head. Then close to the wrair or the paint of the sections of the sections, so that the staff is not rejected.
Within 6 months, the priests do not touch. At this time they talk to them, fill it with force. Walk in the forest and teach again to realize everything around. Someone sings him, someone rubs the bark with oils. What to do at this time and how to fill the staff by force - this is an individual business of the magician.

After 6 months, a bark is removed from the staff. But not only the top layer, but all before the middle. Craer should be removed with a knife. Or specially purchased for this purpose, or its workers. The process of shooting the bark takes different times, someone does it faster, someone slower - here time does not matter.
After the end of the removal of the bark, the staff must be sanded or a file or emery paper or a skirt. The main thing that the surface of the staff became smooth and did not leave the head of the magician's hands. After that, the staff can either immediately cover with paint or varnish, or first cut or smear signs on it. The painted staff decorate the way Magu is his heart. Either the stone is embedded in the top, or adorn the peak feathers and bundles of Beads - this is a personal matter.
In traditional ritual magic, the staff is dedicated and applied by the name. In the department, the staff is given a name, and it passes a dedication during the work. You can devote a staff on the basis of the traditions of your faith or from the traditions of holidays - here are also only personal preferences.


For the manufacture of the magic wand, any tree branch is suitable to the thumb to the thumb, it is not necessary to be straight, it can look like a curved ring. Be this wand just cut from a tree or found fallen in the woods, if she faced the MAG - from it you can make a magic wand.
The future wand is shortened to the desired length, and it (length) is selected by the magician himself. It may be a wand long per meter and a palm length. Typically take a middle length at 15-30 cm. After the chopsticks remove the bark. Traditionally, it is done or nails or emery paper. I do not exclude a method of processing with a knife and a file, as was done with the staff. The only difference is that Craer is removed immediately in one day.
Then the magic wand is covered with varnish or paint. Before it can be cut or smeared on a stick signs or patterns. When the paint is dry in the wand, it is filled with energy. But not just downloaded, but try to create in a wand as if the vortex battery that will be recharged it. This process takes no day. After that, the wand rolls with aromatic oil. You can mix somewhat in a blue or use only one. Oil rubbed into the surface of sticks with hands, this procedure connects a stick with the owner. After that, you can use the magic wand.


Wands are an attribute of ritual magic. Therefore, the creation of a rod is accompanied by a ritual.
For the manufacture of a rod take, the fresh branch in the girth of the arms and a long 25-30 cm. This branch is treated immediately. After removing the bark, it is spinning from two sides and remove some of the wood from the middle of the first ends. It turns out a stick on the kota rounded and thicker than in the middle. Then the rod is sketched. They apply the signs of the gods, the name of the rod and the name of the magician. Moreover, the first name is applied one way, and the second to the opposite, and the signs of the gods are located in the middle. Rod does not cover paint, but rubbed with oils.
After the rod, the ritual of dedication to the gods is carried out. Next, the rod is used in ritual and religious rites as redirecting forces.
Wand - one of the main tools of magic. It is used in magical and religious rites for thousands of years. This is a call tool. Goddess and God can be called to observe the ritual words and climbing the rod.
It is used to destine energies, drawing magic symbols or circle on Earth to indicate the direction of danger, balancing on the palm or in the hand of the sorcerer, and even to stir the potion in the boiler. The rod is an element of air and is dedicated to God.
Traditional types of trees, from which they make rods are whale, elder, oak, apple tree, cherry, peach tree, hazel and others. Some sorcerer cut off a wand in the elbow elbow, thick in the finger, but it is optional. Any rather straight piece of wood can be a row, even a knap, bought in a brass bench, works well. I saw wonderful rods carved from it and painted.
New consciousness (and trade) brought a new fame to the rod. Delightful, beautiful creations from silver and quartz of different sizes and values \u200b\u200bare used now. They can confidently apply in witchcraft rituals, although wooden rods have a long history.
Do not worry if you immediately do not find the perfect rod - he will come to you. I use how the long lacter root rod, for a long time and get excellent results with him.
Any wand you use will soon be filled with your energy and power. Find this with which you will feel confident and everything will succeed.

Since ancient times, magicians and sorcerers use additional subjects in their work. Depending on the direction in which a specialist is a magical attribute, partly being a source of force, may be varied. For someone it will be a ring, for the other knife, for herbalists - a bottle with seeds. Some warlocks are used in the rituals of the skull and bone. Lane often wear beads and bracelets with natural stones. However, there are several items in everyday life of magicians who are familiar to us.

We are talking about a magic rod or a magic wand. It is worth understanding that this item can be both a gift from the highest forces and the perfectly made faith. The entire production process is the sacrament and requires a maximum concentration of attention. On the other hand, after you make a rod or wand, a number of manipulations with the "power item" will be required to fill its energy.

Do not forget that you can start making a rod only after receiving the blessing from the strength you work with. The blessing is required both before the start of manufacture and after. The filling of the magic subject force must be carried out in the selected day, corresponding to all the canons of the exercise, in which you practice magic.

There are four sizes of magic wands made from wood and serving as auxiliary means to concentrate and enhance their own strength.

Staff - in the growth of approximately

Big rod - two or three elbows

Small rod - one or two elbows

The smaller the rod, the more powerful, and even more thorough treatment it requires. Wands can also be manufactured from metal or stone, but because the complexity is significantly higher, I didn't even try to know about it. Preached the beginning you need to make a calculation rite corresponding to your views. During processing, what you call post should be followed. Any psychotics are categorically excluded, even tobacco or coffee can disrupt your work. For any wooden rod, the "his" tree is chosen (in my case it may be an oak or hawthorn), in general, preference is given to a more solid rock. The young tree is selected, suitable in thickness. For all, except for the Sour, part of the main trunk is suitable only without bitch. A tree is cut with a sense of regret on a ruined plant, and the confidence that your need is worth it. Used minimum tools, ideally one knife, hand-made. Since in modern conditions, it is difficult to deal with a personally discharged knife, you can use a transmuncical medical scalpel, purchased specifically for this work. When working it is necessary to eliminate the feeling of celebration, hurry or anticipation. The magic wand, on the contrary, is made from possibly the rhizome tree, or, for example, a stem of Karelian birch. If part of the tree was taken for the manufacture of the magic stick, with complete self-confidence it makes sense to "give up" a tree - to grasp the blood droplet into an incision on its crust. The cut barrel will be transferred to the place where it will be processed, and does not move to other places until the end of work. Waste are collected, and after the end of the work, sacrificed forest perfumes (buried under the turne in the forest with a sense of gratitude). All processing is performed in a permanent meditation state on the material. Speed, distraction for random cases, attempts to speed up the work by risk to spoil the material (not even attempts themselves, and reflections on this topic, that is, if you can scrape something, but you can cut, but it is impossible to guarantee in the latter case, it should not be guaranteed There is even a doubt that it should be chopped). It is best to work in the forest or in the country. The work is performed in one reception exactly as much as in the buzz. Whenever desire to work, you need to do it, even if this work is to consist in two moves.

The bark and Cambium are written from the trunk, in the case of the armor, the swirls are cut off and scraped (not before smoothness), defects are cut. Staff may be finished after that at any time, but it is recommended to at least thoroughly and loving him. For the rest of the rods, the top (for the growth of the tree) the end is sharpened, the bottom is spinning. The lower part of the rod (for which it is then kept) scraps across the fibers. At this stage, the billet should no longer have any angles, or cuts. To this approximately time, the workpiece can be cracked along, it is normal. On the magic wand, both ends are curly.

Processing should be interrupted and play with the resulting item. It is necessary to feel it with your own, finding a comfortable position in his hand, love it, to attach to it. From this point on, the workpiece should be kept constantly with you, at least in the attention zone. The feeling of this should be that you introduce it with you, with your life, with your habits, emotions. Further treatment is the main complexity. Part of the rod, except for the place for which you keep and the toss is covered with a pattern. It does not make sense that the appeared as the appearance of "want". Some of them can be small, some "will require" recesses, sometimes up to a quarter of the radius (I haven't had this, however). Scratches are applied with a knife pinned in the fingers (by the way, it is necessary to sharpen it only by hand), and require a solid hand. When working should be a sense of conversation, conversation with a rod. Small rod requires several times more thick and small pattern than large, but it should remain as part of the pattern of the starting surface (then, probably, the magic wand must be completely carved). If a crack was formed on the rod, then it should be scored by the same knife (only not very strong, and it will split the annealed copper, and even better silver, to the surface itself. For a magic stick, another type of pattern is preferable - a continuous non-switching impertled line, covering a large area of \u200b\u200bthe magic wand. If you manage to apply it in one movement from start to the end ... But I doubt that you will succeed. No need to demand from the rod of European accuracy, he must have a link to the original shape of the trunk in his form, it should not be perfectly smooth, neither perfectly round, scored in the slot metal is not obliged to look like a seal, he is just stored there, although if he is not It will look like a waist, then it is correct. Unfortunately, it is not possible to describe in more detail the pattern of the pattern, as it happens in deep meditation. The work should wear an internally impression of a self-concrete process, you should not feel care about the result, even some nostalgic pity that, here, another part of the work is made. At the same time, he needs to be acquainted with the world, that is, show them in the sun, the moon, stars, trees, while intensively feeling their attitude towards the items shown. It is not necessary to show everything, as well as call names. Only then, the attitude to what you consider worthy to be marked. The pattern is narrowing until you have confidence that you can not add a big stroke. By the way, in the pattern there may be a variety of impulvets that you could see earlier, it is absolutely necessary to determine exactly, whether the subconsciousness is your indulgence, or just so scratches lay down. The first is not good, the second is normal. Symbols are such a quantity that they can be found in anywhere, you do not need to be afraid or to strive for them, they are always secondary to them interpreted. Applying the pattern, it is required to polish the rod with a rag and river sand. Who never did it - I warning, do not press, and then scratch. By the way, the sand is better to sift and / or rinse. Only the pattern is polished, the handle by this time is already treated with a knife, and the tip must be the knife and login. Polishing should be assigned in a joyful (but not buoyan-hysterical) arrangement of the Spirit, and this should not make the movement sharp.

By this time, the wand will make you feel the need for initialization lies in a completely emotional immersion of the island into something. In my case, it was night water, but it can be earth, wine, and milk, and a living body (do not give God, human), and sewage. If required, the next day the edge is wiped with the same cloth, which was polished by the rod (by the way, I did not say that it should be natural fabric from your old clothes?), Which can be buried along with the bark and sawdust, and may be thrown out or destroyed at your discretion.

The initialization of the magic wand looks somewhat more complicated. At first, one end of her end is immersed, then it does not have the value of the time and in advance in advance) another of its end is immersed in the other, counter-positionable according to the properties of the first. In the look of the phrase, a few Korywa, but if you take the manufacture of a magic stick, then at this stage you will all be clear.

The knife is necessary at the end of the work to sharpen, and ... all.

There are four sizes of magic wands made from wood and serving as auxiliary means to concentrate and enhance their own strength.

Staff - in the growth of approximately
Big rod - two or three elbows
Small rod - one or two elbows
"Magic wand" - approximately half an elbow.

The smaller the rod, the more powerful, and even more thorough treatment it requires.

Wands can also be manufactured from metal or stone, but because the complexity is significantly higher, I didn't even try to know about it. Before you start, you need to make a calculation rite corresponding to your views. During processing, what you call post should be followed. Any psychotics are categorically excluded, even tobacco or coffee can disrupt your work.

For any wooden rod, the "his" tree is chosen (in my case it may be an oak or hawthorn), in general, preference is given to a more solid rock. The young tree is selected, suitable in thickness. For all, except for the Sour, part of the main trunk is suitable only without bitch. A tree is cut with a sense of regret on a ruined plant, and the confidence that your need is worth it. Used minimum tools, ideally one knife, hand-made. Since in modern conditions, it is difficult to solve a personally discharged knife, you can use an ordinary medical scalpel, bought specifically for this work.

When working it is necessary to eliminate the feeling of celebration, hurry or anticipation.

The magic wand, on the contrary, is made from possible more cored and sung (but in no case is not cracked and not rotten!) Parts of the tree. Very good for such purposes the rhizome tree, or, for example, the stem of the Karelian birch. If part of the tree was taken for the manufacture of the magic stick, with complete self-confidence it makes sense to "give up" a tree - to grasp the blood droplet into an incision on its crust.

The cut barrel is transferred to the place where it will be processed, and does not move to other places until the end of work. Waste are collected, and after the end of the work, sacrificed forest perfumes (buried under the turne in the forest with a sense of gratitude).

All processing is performed in a permanent meditation state on the material. Hurry, distraction for random cases, attempts to accelerate the work by risk to spoil the material (not even attempts themselves, and reflections on this topic, that is, if something can be scraped, but you can cut, but in the latter, it is impossible to guarantee There should be no doubt that it should be chopped). It is best to work in the forest or in the country. The work is performed in one reception exactly as much as in the buzz. Whenever desire to work, you need to do it, even if this work is to consist in two moves.

The bark and Cambium are written from the trunk, in the case of the armor, the swirls are cut off and scraped (not before smoothness), defects are cut. Staff may be finished after that at any time, but it is recommended to at least thoroughly and loving him.

For the rest of the rods, the top (for the growth of the tree) the end is sharpened, the bottom is spinning. The lower part of the rod (for which it is then kept) scraps across the fibers. At this stage, the billet should no longer have any angles, or cuts. To this approximately time, the workpiece can be cracked along, it is normal.

On the magic wand, both ends are curly.

Processing should be interrupted and play with the resulting item. It is necessary to feel it with your own, finding a comfortable position in his hand, love it, to attach to it. From this point on, the workpiece should be kept constantly with you, at least in the attention zone. The feeling of this should be that you introduce it with you, with your life, with your habits, emotions.

Further treatment is the main complexity. Part of the rod, except for the place for which you keep and the toss is covered with a pattern. It makes sense to "cover the pattern" rod. Scratches are applied to it in those places that, for the sensation that appeared, "Want." Some of them can be small, some "will require" recesses, sometimes up to a quarter of the radius (I haven't had this, however). Scratches are applied with a knife pinned in the fingers (by the way, it is necessary to sharpen it only by hand), and require a solid hand. When working should be a sense of conversation, conversation with a rod.

Small rod requires several times more thick and small pattern than large, but it should remain as part of the pattern of the starting surface (then, probably, the magic wand must be completely carved). If a crack was formed on the rod, then it should be scored by the same knife (only not very strong, and it will split the annealed copper, and even better silver, to the surface itself.

For a magic wand, another type of pattern is preferable, a continuous, non-self-enclosed line, covering is possible a large area of \u200b\u200bthe magic wand. If you manage to apply it in one movement from start to the end ... But I doubt that you will succeed.

No need to demand from the rod of European accuracy, he must have a link to the original shape of the trunk in his form, it should not be perfectly smooth, neither perfectly round, scored in the slot metal is not obliged to look like a seal, he is just stored there, although if he is not It will look like a waist, then it is correct.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to describe the pattern of the pattern in the pattern, as it happens in deep meditation. The work should wear an internally impression of a self-concrete process, you should not feel care about the result, even some nostalgic pity that, here, another part of the work is made.

At the same time, he needs to be acquainted with the world, that is, show them in the sun, the moon, stars, trees, while intensively feeling their attitude towards the items shown. It is not necessary to show everything, as well as call names. Only then, the attitude to what you consider worthy to be marked.

The pattern is applied until you have confidence that you can not add any more stroke. By the way, in the pattern there may be a variety of characters that you could see earlier, it is absolutely necessary to determine exactly, whether the subconsciousness is your indulgence, or just so scratchs lay down. The first is not good, the second is normal.

Symbols are such a quantity that they can be found in anywhere, they do not need to be afraid of them or to strive for them, they are always secondary interpreted by man.

Applying the pattern, it is required to polish the rod with a rag and river sand. Who never did it - I warn you, do not push, otherwise you scratch. By the way, the sand is better to sift and / or rinse. Only the pattern is polished, the handle by this time is already treated with a knife, and the tip must be the knife and login.

Polishing should occur in a joyful (but not buoyan-hysterical) arrangement of the Spirit, and this should not make the movement sharp.

By this time, the wand will give you to feel the need to initialize (activation? Sanctification? I feel bad with the thesaurus last time), which lies in a completely emotional immersion of the island into something. In my case, it was night water, but it can be earth, wine, and milk, and a living body (do not give God, human), and sewage. If required, the next day the edge is wiped with the same cloth, which was polished by the rod (by the way, I did not say that it should be natural fabric from your old clothes?), Which can be buried along with the bark and sawdust, and may be thrown out or destroyed at your discretion.

The initialization of the magic wand looks somewhat more complicated. At first, one of its end is immersed, then it does not have the value of the value and in advance in advance) the other end is immersed in another something opposite by the properties of the first. In the look of the phrase, a few Korywa, but if you take the manufacture of a magic stick, then at this stage you will all be clear.

The knife is necessary at the end of the work to sharpen, and ... all.

If by that time you won't know what to do with the rod on, then I, apparently, something did not explain something.

For the magical, occult, spiritual and different other rituals, the staff is definitely necessary. It is necessary to strengthen the power of spells, creating a more concentrated, directional and effective stream of energy.

Of course, it is possible to do without the staff, however, it is the use of it that allows you to be sure that the spell and the rite will be held most successfully.

Selection of material

To make the staff, it is permissible to use a variety of materials, but in priority, of course, a tree. Options using metals or stone as material will not be considered in this article.

The first step should be chosen, which breed wood will be used for this. No generally accepted for the manufacture of manproof breeds. The case is that the best choice will be the manufacture of people from that tree, which is more like the manufacturer, whether it is a fir, rowan or acacia. In addition, there may be a choice between several suitable breeds. In this case, preference is given to more solid wood.

The basis of the staff and its processing

Next, it is necessary to find a small church, which will need to cut down, and after processing and make, actually say, staff. After finding a suitable tree, about the growth of the manufacturer. Cut the tree for this purpose by the usual tool. Preference is given to the personally forged knife. But not everyone is able to shoot a knife, so the purchase of a knife or a medical scalpel is allowed specifically for this, - and more, - goals.

To cut down the tree is necessary, before this bringing some compensation. In the quality of compensation, you can bring the residue of the trunk of your blood. Just a couple of droplets and confidence that the death of a tree will only bring the good that the tree will not die in vain.

Next follows the processing of the future of the staff. During this process, impatience, hurry, inattention is unacceptable. First you need to cut the bitch from the future of the staff all the same knife. Next, you need to consider the bark from the workpiece. If there are irregularities, they can be eliminated by sandpaper, if desired. The next step is the rounding of the ends of the proud.

On the upper end of the staff, if you wish for the greatest gain, you can install any tip. It can be made of iron, silver, gold, precious stones or crystals. However, it can do in a round sum, because this article will not be considered.

In addition, it is also individually with the help of sandpaper, if necessary, the place of grip. So the staff will be more convenient to keep it. It must be processed under his hand, and therefore sometimes trying how convenient to keep it.

Applying signs.

Tree, despite the good ability to carry out energy can not be used, without special magic signs. It should be applied to the paint or a pencil, but cut. To do this, it is necessary to use the same knife that was used all this time. Signs should be applied everywhere except the place of holding and, departing from five to ten centimeters from the ends.

The pattern may contain Scandinavian runes, ladies inscriptions or various pentagram, hexagrams. If you wish, strengthen the staff can be pouring a little molten copper in the slit.

After applying the pattern, the staff is better to hold in your hand, turn, in general, to adversely. If inconvenience is felt due to the drawing, the inconvenience is to eliminate. After that, the staff should be covered with transparent varnish, preferably twice.

Everything, staff is ready. Now, depending on the types of magic and rites, the staff should be "consecrated". If the goal is to occupy necromancer, then it is preferably a full moon like a staff with a cemetery, stick to the cemetery land. If the staff was created for bright magic - sprinkle with holy water, pronouncing prayers. For dark cases, you need to sprinkle the staff with blood.

Magic Wand

If a large staff is inconvenient for rites, it should be replaced by some analogues. As a replacement, the staff can use a large and small rods, as well as a magic wand.

There are two types of wands: big and small. A large rod should be up to three elbows of the manufacturer long (under the elbow it is implied not the elbow joint, of course, and the area from the wrist is up to it). The small rod should not exceed the length and two elbows. In its manufacture, they almost do not differ from the initial version of the proud.

However, in the applix of the pattern, they differ. The smaller the staff, the smaller the patterns should be done. For example, if a rod with a size of one and a half of the elbow, the patterns should be twice as fewer than on a rod with three elbows

Creating a magic stick is more very different from the creation of a staff. For a stick, you do not need to cut a living tree, it is necessary to find dry, but strong, if I want, then a slightly curved branch. You can find such a branch, and you can cut down and dry yourself. It should be rather thin, and one soul.

The pattern on the wand is applied at all. Its after applying the pattern is enough to cover only one layer of transparent varnish.