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Homemade toy simple interactive robot. Useful resources to create a robot with their own hands. Home Robot Production Stages

Like out different materials Make a robot at home without appropriate equipment? Such questions have increasingly began to appear on various blogs and forums dedicated to the manufacture of all sorts of instruments with their own hands and robotics. Of course, make a modern, multifunctional robot - practically impossible task at home. But to make the simplest robot on one driver chip and using several photocells is quite possible. Today it is not difficult to find schemes on the Internet with a detailed description of the stages of manufacturing mini robots, able to respond to sources of lighting and obstacles.

It will turn out a very smart and mobile robot that will hide into darkness, or move to light, or run from the light, or move in search of light depending on the method of connecting the chip with motors and photocells.

You can even achieve the fact that your wonderful robot will follow only in bright or, on the contrary, a dark line, and you can make it so that the mini-robot will follow your hand - just add a few bright LEDs in its scheme!

In fact, make a simple robot with their own hands, even a newcomer, who is just beginning to master this craft. In this article we will look at the option homemade robotreacting to obstacles and circling them.

Let's go right away. In order to make a home robot, we will need the following details that you can easily find at hand:

1. 2 batteries and hull under them;

2. Two motors (1.5 volts each);

3. 2-A SPDT switch;

4. 3rd paper clips;

4. Plastic ball with hole;

5. A small piece of single-core wire.

Stages of manufacturing a home robot:

1. A piece of wire is cut into 13 parts of six centimeters and each from both sides with a 1 cm.

I attach the soldiers to the SPDT switches of 3 wires, and 2 wires are 2 wires;

2. Now take the body for the batteries, on the one hand, two multi-colored wires depart from it (most likely black and red flowers). We need to solder another wire to the other side of the case.

Now you need to deploy the case for the batteries and glue both SPDT switch to the side with a solder wire in the form of a Latin letter V;

3. After that, on both sides of the body, you must glue the motors in such a way that they rotate forward.

Then take a big clip and extending it. We drag the disintegrated clip through the through hole of the plastic ball and straighten the finishing ends in parallel to each other. We glue the ends of the clips to our design;

4. How to make a home robot so that he can really come around obstacles? It is important to solder all the installed wires as depicted in the photo;

5. We make antennas from dispersed clips and glue them to SPDT switches;

6. It remains to insert batteries in the corps and the home robot will begin traffic, circling obstacles on his way.

Now you know how to make a home robot that can react to obstacles.

How can you make a robot yourself with certain behavioral principles? A whole class of such robots is created with the help of beam technology, the typical principles of behavior of which are based on the so-called "photoreceptor". Responding to a change in the intensity of lighting, such a mini-robot moves slower or, on the contrary, faster (photocinsis).

For the manufacture of a robot, the movement of which is directed from light or to the light and is due to the reaction of the phototaxis, we will need two photosensor. The phototaxis reaction will be manifested as follows: if the light falls on one of the Beam-robot photosensors, then the corresponding electromotor and the robot turns toward the light source.

And then the light will fall on the second sensor and then the second electric motor is turned on. Now the mini-robot begins to move to the light source. If the light again falls on only one photo agent, the robot again begins to unfold to the light and continues to move towards the source when the light lights both sensor. When the light does not fall on any sensor, the mini robot stops.

How to make a robot next hand?For this, our mini robot must be equipped with not only sensors, but also by LEDs. LEDs will radiate light and robot will respond to reflected light. If we place the palm in front of one of the sensors, then the mini-robot will turn in her direction.

If you remove the palm a little away from the corresponding sensor, then the robot "obediently" will follow the palm. In order for the reflected light clearly shot by phototransistors, select bright LEDs (more than 1000 μg) orange or red to construct a robot.

It's not a secret to anyone that annually increases the number of investments in the sphere of robotics, many new generations of robots are created, with the development of production technologies, new opportunities for the creation and application of robots appear, and talented self-tailed masters continue to surprise the world with their new inventions in the field of robotics.

Built-in photo seensors react to light and head to the source, and the sensors recognize the obstacle on the way and the robot changes the direction of movement. In order to make such a simple robot with their own hands, it is not at all to have "seven spans in the forehead" and higher technical education. Enough to buy (and some details can be found at hand) required details To create a robot and stages to connect all chips, sensors, sensors, wires and engines.

Let's look at the version of the robot from the vibrating trainer from the mobile phone, a flat battery, bilateral tape and ... toothbrush. In order to start making this simplest robot from the girlfriend, take your old, unnecessary mobile phone And remove the vibromotor from it. After that, take the old toothbrush and cut the jigsaw head.

On the upper part of the toothbrush head glue a piece of bilateral tape and from above - vibromotor. It remains only to provide a mini-robot power supply by setting a flat battery next to the vibration truck. Everything! Our robot is ready - due to vibration, the robot will move on the bristles forward.

♦ Master class for "advanced self-timeline": Click on the photo

♦ Video lessons for beginners:

To create your robot, it is not necessary to receive higher or read the mass. Enough to use step by step instructionsSupported by masters robotics on their sites. On the Internet you can find a lot useful informationdevoted to the development of autonomous robotic systems.

10 resources for novice robotics

The information on the site allows you to independently create a robot with complex behavior. Here you can find examples of programs, schemes, reference materials, ready examples, articles and photos.

Newbies on the site dedicated to a separate section. The creators of the resource make a considerable focus on microcontrollers, the development of universal boards for robotics and soldering chip. Here you can also find the source code codes and many articles with practical advice.

The site has a special course "Step by step", in which the process of creating the simplest beam robots is described in detail, as well as automated systems based on AVR microcontrollers.

The site where the beginners of robot creators will be able to find all the necessary theoretical and practical information. Also posted here a large number of Useful thematic articles, updated news and you can ask a question to experienced robotics on the forum.

This resource is devoted to a gradual immersion in the world of creation of robots. All begins with the knowledge of Arduino, after which the novice developer is told about AVR microcontrollers and more modern analogues of ARM. Detailed descriptions And the schemes are very accessible explain how and what to do.

Site about how to make a beam-robot with your own hands. There is a whole partition on the basics, and logic schemes, examples, etc.

It is very intelligible on this resource, how to create a robot independently, where to start, what you need to know where to look for information and the necessary parts. The service also contains a block with a blog, forum and news.

A huge living forum dedicated to the creation of robots. Here are open topics for newbies, considered interesting projects and ideas described microcontrollers, finished modules, electronics and mechanics. And most importantly - you can ask any question about robot buildings and get a departed reply from professionals.

The resource of the robotics-amateur is devoted primarily to his own project "Homemade Robot". However, here you can find a lot of useful thematic articles, links to interesting sites, learn about the achievements of the author and discuss various design solutions.

The Arduino hardware platform is the most convenient for the development of robotic systems. The site information allows you to quickly understand this environment, master the programming language and create several uncomplicated projects.

I decided to smoothly move to dynamic moving models. This is a project of a small homemade robot on the IR-management collected from simple and accessible to the acquisition of details. Based on two microcontroller. Transfer from the remote control provides Pic12f675, and the reception part to the motor controller is implemented on Pic12f629..

Robot scheme on a microcontroller

With the digital part, everything came out smoothly, the problem was only in the "propulsion installation" - small gearboxes, which are very problematic at home, so I had to develop the idea " vibrozkov". Control micromotors is carried out through amplifying transistor keys on BC337. They are replaced by any other small n-P-N transistors with a collector current from 0.5 A.

The dimensions were very small - in the photo comparing it with a coin and still near match box. The robot eyes are made of supermarket LEDs covered in the housing of small electrolytic capacitors.

Discuss a small homemade robot article

Make a robot very simple Let's figure it out what will need create a robot At home, in order to understand the foundations of robotics.

Surely, after watching movies about robots, you more than once wanted to build your combat comrade, but you did not know where to start. Of course, you will not get to build a two-way terminator, but we do not strive for it. To collect a simple robot can anyone who knows how to keep the soldering iron in their hands and for this you do not need deep knowledge, although they do not interfere. Amateur robot buildings are not much different from circuitry, only much more interesting, because there are also affected areas such as mechanics and programming. All components are easily accessible and are not so expensive. So progress does not stand still, and we will use it in our favor.


So. What is a robot? In most cases, this is an automatic device that responds to any actions. ambient. Robots can be managed by a person or perform pre-programmed actions. Usually, the robot has a variety of sensors (distances, angle of rotation, acceleration), camcorders, manipulators. The electronic part of the robot consists of a microcontroller (MK) - a chip in which the processor is concluded, a clock generator, different peripherals, operational and constant memory. In the world there are a huge number of diverse microcontrollers for different applications and based on them can be collected powerful robots. For amateur buildings, AVR microcontrollers were widely used. Today, today, the most accessible and on the Internet you can find many examples based on these MK. To work with microcontrollers, you need to be able to program on an assembler or on CA and have initial knowledge in digital and analog electronics. In our project we will use Cy. Programming for MK is not much different from programming on a computer, the syntax of the language is the same, most of the functions are practically no different, and new it is quite easy to master and use it conveniently.

What we need

To begin with, our robot will be able to simply cross out obstacles, that is, to repeat the normal behavior of most animals in nature. All that we need to build such a robot will be found in radio shops. We decide how our robot will move. I think the caterpillars that are used in tanks is the most convenient solutionBecause the caterpillars have greater passability than the wheels of the machine and they are more convenient to control (for turning enough caterpillars in different directions). Therefore, you will need any toy tank, whose caterpillars rotate independently of each other, such can be bought at any toy store at a reasonable price. From this tank you will only need a platform with caterpillars and motors with gearboxes, you can safely unscrew and throw out. We also need a microcontroller, my choice fell on the ATmega16 - it has enough ports for connecting sensors and peripherals and in general it is quite convenient. You still need to purchase some radio components, soldering iron, multimeter.

We make a fee with MK

In our case, the microcontroller will perform the brain functions, but we will start not with it, but from the nutrition of the brain robot. Proper nutrition - Pledge of health, so we will begin with how to feed our robot correctly, because novice robot builders are usually mistaken. And in order for our robot to work fine, you need to use a voltage stabilizer. I prefer the L7805 chip - it is designed to give out a stable voltage of 5V at the exit, which is needed by our microcontroller. But due to the fact that the voltage drop on this chip is about 2.5V to it need to be submitted at least 7.5V. Along with this stabilizer, electrolytic capacitors are used to smooth the voltage ripples and in the chain necessarily include a diode to protect against cakes.

Now we can do our microcontroller. The case of MK - DIP (so more convenient to solder) and has forty conclusions. There is an ADC, PWM, USART and a lot of other things that we will not use. Consider several important nodes. The reset output (9th of the MK foot) is tightened by the R1 resistor to the "plus" of the power supply - it must be done necessarily! Otherwise, your MK may be unintentionally discharged or, simply speaking - bug. Also the desired measure, but not obligatory is the Reset connection through a ceramic capacitor C1 to the "Earth". In the diagram you can also see the electrolyte per 1000 Igf, it saves from the voltage failures when the engines are working, which also will have a favorably on the operation of the microcontroller. Quartz resonator X1 and C2 condensers, C3 need to be located as close as possible to the conclusions of Xtal1 and Xtal2.

About how to flash MK, I will not tell, as you can read about it on the Internet. We will write the program on the CA, I chose CodeVisionavR as the programming environment. This is a pretty comfortable environment and useful for beginners, because it has a built-in code creation wizard.

Engine management

No less an important component In our robot is the engine driver, which makes us a task in managing them. Never in any way cannot be connected directly to MK! In general, powerful loads can not be controlled from the microcontroller directly, otherwise it burns. Use key transistors. For our case there is a special microcircuit - L293D. In such simple projects, always try to use this particular chip with the index "D", as it has built-in diodes to protect against overloads. This microcircuit is very easy to manage and simply get it in radio stores. It is produced in two DIP and SOIC housings. We will use in the DIP case due to the convenience of mounting on the board. L293D has separate power in engines and logic. Therefore, we will feed the chip itself from the stabilizer (VSS input), and the engines are directly from batteries (VS input). L293D withstands the load of 600 mA for each channel, and these channels have two, that is, two engines can be connected to one chip. But to be reinforced, we combine channels, and then you will need one microme on each engine. It follows that L293D will be able to withstand 1.2 A. To achieve this, you need to combine the legs of the microns, as shown in the diagram. The microcircuit works as follows: when the logical "0" is given on IN1 and IN2, and the logical unit is served, the engine rotates in one direction, and if the signals rotate the signals to give a logical zero, then the engine will start rotating in the other side. Conclusions EN1 and EN2 are responsible for including each channel. We connect them and connect to the "plus" of nutrition from the stabilizer. Since the chip is heated during operation, and the installation of radiators is problematic to this type of body, the heat removal is ensured by the GND legs - it is better to hang them on a wide contact site. That's all that on the first time you need to know about the drivers of the engines.

Sensors obstacles

So that our robot can navigate and crashed into everything we will install two on it infrared sensor. The easiest sensor consists of an IR diode that emits in the infrared spectrum and a phototransistor, which will receive a signal from an IR diode. The principle of such: when there is no obstacle to the sensor, the IR rays do not fall on the phototransistor and it does not open. If in front of the sensor an obstacle, then the rays are reflected from it and fall on the transistor - it opens and begins to flow the current. The lack of such sensors is that they can react differently to various surfaces And not protected from interference - from foreign signals of other devices, the sensor, by chance, can work. From the interference can protect the signal modulation, but so far we will not bother with this. To begin with, and that is enough.

Firmware robot

To revive the robot, you need to write a firmware for him, that is, a program that would remove reading from sensors and managed engines. My program is the most simple, it does not contain complex structures And everything will be understood. The following two lines plug header files for our microcontroller and commands to form delays:


The following limits are conditional, because PortC values \u200b\u200bdepend on how you connected the engine driver to your microcontroller:

Portc.0 \u003d 1; Portc.1 \u003d 0; Portc.2 \u003d 1; Portc.3 \u003d 0; The value of 0xFF means that the output will be log. "1", and 0x00 - log. "0". We check the next construction, whether there is an obstacle in front of a robot and with what side it is: if (! (Pinb & (1<

If the phototranzistor gets light from an infrared diode, then a log is installed on the foot of the microcontroller. "0" and the robot starts moving back to drive away from the obstacle, then unfolds not to encounter a barrier again and then go forward again. Since we have two sensors, we check the presence of the barrier twice - to the right and left and therefore we can learn from which side the obstacle. The command "Delay_ms (1000)" indicates that one second will pass before the next command is started.


I reviewed most aspects that will help you to collect your first robot. But on this robotics does not end. If you gather this robot, then you will have a bunch of opportunities for its expansion. You can improve the robot algorithm, such as what to do if the obstacle is not from some side, but directly in front of the robot. It will not hurt to install an encoder - a simple device that will help accurately place and know the location of your robot in space. For clarity, it is possible to install a color or monochrome display that can show useful information - the battery charge level, the distance to the obstacle, various debug information. The sensor improvement does not prevent and install the TSOP installation (these are IR receivers that perceive the signal only a certain frequency) instead of ordinary phototransistors. In addition to infrared sensors, there are ultrasound, cost more expensive, and there are also no shortcomings, but recently they are gaining popularity among robot builders. In order for the robot to respond to sound, it would be nice to install microphones with an amplifier. But truly interesting, I consider the installation of the camera and programming on its basis of machine vision. There is a set of special OpenCV libraries, with which you can program the recognition of persons, movement on color beacons and a lot of interesting things. It all depends only on your fantasy and skills.

Component list:

    ATMEGA16 in DIP-40 package\u003e

    L7805 in the TO-220 case

    L293D in the case of DIP-16 x2 pcs.

    resistors with a capacity of 0.25 watts Nominal: 10 com x1 pcs., 220 ohm x4 pcs.

    cONDENSERS Ceramic: 0.1 μF, 1 μF, 22 PF

    electrolytic condensers: 1000 μF x 16 V, 220 μF x 16V x2 pcs.

    diode 1N4001 or 1N4004

    quartz resonator for 16 MHz

    IR diodes: any in the number of two pieces will be suitable.

    phototransistors, also any, but reacting only by the wavelength of IR rays

Firmware Code:

/ ************************************************* **** Firmware for robot type MK: atmega16 Clock frequency: 16.000000 MHz If you have a quartz frequency Other, then you need to specify in the environment settings: Project -\u003e Configure -\u003e "C compiler" tab ****** *********************************************** / #Include. #Include. Void Main (Void) (// Customize ports to input // Through these ports. We obtain signals from the sensors DDRB \u003d 0x00; // turn on the pull-up resistors portb \u003d 0xFF; // Set up the ports to the output // through these ports we control the DDRC engines through these ports. \u003d 0xFF; // Main cycle of the program. Here we read the values \u200b\u200bfrom the sensors // and control the WHILE (1) engines (// we go forward portc.0 \u003d 1; portc.1 \u003d 0; portc.2 \u003d 1; portc.3 \u003d 0; if (! (Pinb & (1<About my robot

At the moment, my robot is almost completed.

It has a wireless camera, a distance sensor (and a camera and this sensor are installed on the rotary tower), an obstacle sensor, an encoder, a signal receiver from the remote control and the RS-232 interface for connecting to the computer. It works in two modes: autonomous and manual (accepts control signals from the remote control), the camera can also turn on / off remotely or the robot itself to save battery savings. I am writing the firmware for the protection of the apartment (the transfer of the image to the computer, the detection of movements, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room).