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Useful information about the holiday in Thailand. Thailand from A to Z - All about Thailand

Tourist replies:

Thailand is one of the most popular among tourists of the countries of Southeast Asia. The main face of Thailand for the last sixty-eight is the king of Rama IX Phuumiphon Adulyyev. In December last year he turned 86 years old. Despite the honorable age and secreting health, the inhabitants of Thailand still love, respect and deeply honor their king. He did a lot for the economic and spiritual development of his country. Therefore, negative replicas in the address of the king on the part of tourists are unacceptable, since it can be punished for it. Also invalid in Thailand is considered to paint the portrait of the king, which, by the way, can often be seen on the street. The same goes for money. Since all paper bills depict the king, to mive, tear or draw on them is prohibited. The Monetary Unit of Thailand - Thai Bat.

It is approximately equal to the ruble, therefore it is quite simple to navigate in prices. There are paper bills worth 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 baht. Also, coins 1, 2, 5 and 10 baht are used in everyday life. If you make purchases in stores, you can give to the surrender of the Sandanga - exchangeable Thai coins. In one bate - 100 satangov. If you take with you in Tai dollars, then it is most profitable to exchange bills of 50 and 100 dollars. Also in exchange points draw on the state of the bill - it is desirable that they are not spoiled, otherwise the course will be reduced to them. If you only become ruble, you can also exchange them in resort cities Thailand.

In order to greet the Thai, you can use the expression "Savadi-kaa" (women pronounce) or "Savadi-Krap" (men pronounce). Thaissels themselves, with greetings, in addition, fold hands with palms to each other (this gesture is called "Wai") and tilt the head. Many tourists seeing such a greeting, try to adopt it to use it later in practice. It is not worth doing this, because the position of the palms folded together differs depending on the social position of the welcomed. The higher its status, the higher you need to raise your palms. Thais learn this since childhood. Therefore, in order not to get into a ridiculous or awkward situation, restrict the nod of the head and Thai "Hello."

In Thailand, more than 90% of the population professes Buddhism. Buddhist temples can be seen everywhere: and in major citiesand in small towns.

Also in the morning you can often meet Thai monks. Seeing them, some tourists rush to them with open arms in the hope of photographing with them in an embrace. Here we should not forget about respect for someone else's culture and religion. For Thai monks there are many prohibitions that they do not have the right to violate. Therefore, as we say, "do not bring them to sin": Go to the monk and a gesture explain what you want to make a photo. It is unlikely that he will refuse, but hug, of course, will not be with you - just gets around. By the way, a large number of Monks in Thailand is explained by the fact that every young man should live in the monastery for two years. Then, he can return to ordinary life And make a family. Approximately as our service in the army only on a voluntary basis. But with military duty, everything is much more interesting here. The service in the army is considered very prestigious, because after it it is easier to get to the higher educational institution and get a job on public service. Therefore, every year a draw is carried out, according to the results of which happy recruits are determined. Also in Thailand, you can often meet the images and statues of the Buddha. Do not forget that this is a religious symbol, do not attempt to the statue of the riding, hug it or copy it to the pose. Not so long ago, a drunken Russian tourist on Phuket hit the statue of the Buddha and beat her head. After he had to not only apologize to the local residents, but also to pay more than 100 thousand baht fine. There are tourists who, by hitting the temple of the lying Buddha, fall on the floor in front of him, stretching his legs to get a picture more interesting. Try to imagine yourself in the temple or church in this position, and you will understand what behavior is unacceptable at least from ethical considerations. By the way, it is forbidden to export the statues of Buddha above 13 centimeters from Thailand. Since we are talking about what it is impossible to export from the country, I will add that animals, untreated corals, valuable works of art without documents, animals are eaten about this list. From fruit is forbidden to export only Durian. All other fruits are allowed to export, but in Russia there is a law prohibiting fruits from Asian countries. The law is acting somehow crooked - not always and not everywhere, but it is better to rebuild and pack fruit not only in the plastic basket, but also in the bag. Even if the customs officers in Russia see that the bag with fruit bag and will want to remove it, they will have to look for the owner of the bag, fill out a bunch of papers. In general, it is superfluous for them. headache. But if the fruits travel in the basket, they will open it, they will take fruit, and an empty basket will be on the luggage tape. For the same reason, you should not put the fruit in the manual sting. In fact, in different cities this process is organized in different ways. We drove fruit and in baskets, and in bags - no one took anything. In the largest cities there were cases when only half of the passengers took the fruit, the rest did not touch. You can't explain this in addition to airport employees by avitaminosis)). Also in Russia is forbidden to import plants in the ground. Therefore, if you want to bring from Thailand, for example, orchid, buy seedlings placed in a helium solution. Her houses can be transplanted into the ordinary pot of earth.

Good rest and successful return!

Is the answer?

Thailand is a country of smiles. With these words describe this country in tourist reviews. In fact, everything is not quite so. Perhaps somewhere in Thai villages or small towns that do not boast a large cluster of tourists, Thai smile absolutely sincerely, from the whole of the soul. In the most popular resorts are polite smiles rather service personnel. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, when we rested with a small child (first at six, and then ten months), we smiled simply going to meet Thais. They showed great interest in the baby. Some asked to hold him on their hands or take a picture with him. But in this we did not give them the will. Still, the child is small and can be afraid of the people unfamiliar to him. Just smiled politely in response, but I was allowed to be photographed only with us.

In general, with Thais, it is fairly easy to find a common language. Most often, they express themselves on the wrong English, which is a joke in Thailand, "Tilish" is called, that is, a mixture of languages \u200b\u200b"Thai" and "Inglish". Perhaps due to the increase in the tourist flow from Russia, many Thais began to teach simple phrases in Russian. For example, massage therapists, street traders fruit, waiters in small cafes designed for Europeans. In such stores as Seven-Eleven or Family Mart, you will also try to understand and help if necessary, but in TESCO Lotus Thai supermarkets, sales consultants do not always understand even English speech.

As for phrases in Thai, the Thai will be very pleased to hear from you even a simple "thank you" on their native language. Therefore, it is useful to learn the following words: "Hello" - women pronounce "Savadi Kaa", Men - "Savadi Krap"; "Thank you" - "Cop Coon Kaa"; "Yes" - "Siai"; "No" - "May-Siai".

Despite the fact that Thais are friendly and non-conflict people, do not experience their patience for strength. We witnessed the situation when, sitting in Tuk-Tuk, the Russian tourist in indecent expressions told the driver that he was not going to move and crowded to get more people. I do not know how well Thais is familiar with the Russian abnormative vocabulary, but the driver realized that his young man insulted him, and asked him to leave his Tuk-Tuk. When he refused, the driver stated that he would not go anywhere. So I had to get out of Tuk Tuka to everyone. Thais, despite the fact that most of them belong to the service tourists, the personnel is not devoid of self-esteem. Another proof of this is a scene that has walked on Walking Street. In the midst of the street stood, frozen in one pose, a young man in ronald macdonald costume. Probably, many have seen in the tourist centers of such people who depict monuments. Turks passed by, and one of them began to look at the stationary figure, guessing, alive this is a person or not. Apparently, deciding to make sure of certainly, the Turks rudely grabbed Thai by the hand, for which the latter with a smile showed him the middle finger. The Turk was clearly confused and quickly gone.

Another trait of Thai, which deserves respect - their patriotism. Or rather, it would be called it in Russia so, and in Thailand, this is a sense of deep respect for the King of Rama IX Phuumiphon Aduvyadyu, which is experiencing every resident of the country. Rama IX did a lot for the development of the kingdom, and, remaining a ceremonial figure, may intervene at any time in internal politician countries. A vivid example of this is the May events of 2010. Then in Bangkok for some time there were rallies and strikes, and the king remained aside. As soon as bloodshed began, Phumiphon Adulyadad ordered to finish all the military actions, which looked through the next days. In Russia, the rulers of such authority had never had.

By the way, the king is depicted on paper bills with a par value of 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 baht, as well as on 10-baht coins. Smint, break or paint bills with the image of the king is considered to be a manifestation of disrespect for it. There were cases when the penalty was imposed for such behavior. So respect the feelings of Thai.

Despite the positive qualities of Thais, do not forget that among them there are those who are able to commit crimes. Most often it is theft in hotels or on the beach. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, try not to leave money and expensive things in sight. If the hotel's room has no safe, use the safe located on the reception. Do not carry large sums with you. Removing money in ATMs, make sure that no one is watching you. On the beach do not leave things unattended. It is better not to take anything valuable there at all. Going on vacation, do not take dear decorations with you. Very often, the motorbikers are broken from the neck of gold chains. Not only is it unpleasant, it is also possible to get an injury. Walking through the streets, keep the bag tightly, the same motibackers often produce the fact that they snatch things from the hands of the visited tourists. Be vigilant, and you will receive only positive emotions from the rest!

Is the answer?

Thailand adore many tourists from around the world. Having come here for the first time, we could not feel the whole flavor of this Asian country, but something hooked ... And for ten years at least once a year, but we attend Thai with my husband.

Of course, during this time we realized that the resorts of Thailand are not quite safe and not all the thais are so friendly. People everywhere are different, and in places of concentration of tourists, the concentration of all sabilities in any country is rapidly.


The heat in Thailand creates a magnificent environment for the development of various microorganisms that can cause serious poisoning. My husband and I personally came across this problem several times. Forget about the fact that you have previously knew about poisoning.

Food poisoning in Tae is just a nightmare. Diarrhea may not stop somewhat day, terrible cuts, loss of forces, dizziness, temperature rise, chills. Preparations that usually take at home are practically useless. And if an adult organism will somehow cope, although still it is worth consulting a doctor, then for a child, everything can end very crying.

The family of our acquaintances went with the son of 4 years in Pattaya. I called on to be neat, but the boy still poisoned. Parents lost precious time, thinking that the temperature and lethargy from overheating in the sun, and only when the vomit began to cause a doctor. The boy spent a few days in resuscitation. When we met them at the airport, the child looked as if it came out of the ghetto: slender, green.

The problem is not only in bad washed dishes, and it really washed badly, the whole trouble is that bacteria, unusual for our body, everywhere: on the handles doors, in transport, what is there to say: not in all hotels you can brush your teeth from under all hotels Crane is too bad and old sewage treatment plants.

In this environment the most optimal option Food Reception are Makashnitsa, so unloved and avoidable by our compatriots. What is preparing a secret on the skewers is thermal processing on open firedoes not concern any plates and immediately hesitated. For the kid, you can buy disposable plates and use them. Hands to process antibacterial wipes, fruits wash with water from bottles.


In Tae steal everywhere and constantly. The saddest thing is that the situation is getting worse and worse. If a few years ago it was possible to at least be confident in the safe, now valuable things disappear not only from the number safes, but also from those who are considered safer safes at the reception.

We personally did not come across the hotel, but we were robbed in transport. And all this happened so skillfully, that besides himself to blame some. And the following happened: drove to the pier on a minibusik, completely scored people. The driver kindly suggested putting our bags next to them. We sat immediately behind him as he managed to pull out money with his left hand during transport control, it is not clear, but the fact is evident. And he did not stole the whole wallet, pulled out on the bill so that we did not immediately notice anything. So we noticed only when they began to recalculate cash on the island. We lost a decent amount: $ 800 and several thousand rubles. So be sure to use locks. Close your backpacks and suitcases as soon as they stop to be needed.

Another way of theft is a robbery of sleeping tourists. Well, imagine that you are after a long flight, after receiving alcohol or drugs from Bessenitsy, forgotten deep sleep. Air conditioning is disabled, the window is open to go fresh air ... Skirt tricky Tach silently climbs into the room through an open window. You do not hide your phone, watch, camera, wallet before bedtime? All this is probably on the bedside table, table, sofa ... falling asleep with an open window, remember: the chance does not detect some things very large.


Everyone knows that in Thailand and even more so in small islands it is best to move on a motorbike. Most men immediately with Azart goes to the first rolling office on the rental of iron horses. It is difficult to argue that Motobike is freedom of movement. Small, yurt "Tyrchik" will take to the beloved wild beach, and to the bar, and to the neighboring villages. That's just not forget about security.

Yes, Tae is very loyal to tourists on motorbikes. Even without a helmet and drunk you can let you go for a small remuneration, but you do not need to experience fate. Thais is practically born on motorbikes as soon as the child is able to get to the pedal, he is already a driver. Tourists, having broken down to the resort, chase as crazy, without observing the rules of movement. Often, it is precisely a clash of two foreign tourists who are not able to assess the situation due to the absence of experience or by intoxication.

But without a fraud of Thai, the Motobyka car rent. Sly owners rolling office, they are trying to extort, during the return of the scooter, monetary compensation for scratches, which, often, you do not have anything. Screams begin, perturbations, the threats cause the police and now the confused tourist of the foreigner gets a wallet to somehow settle the matter in place. To do not have a similar situation with you, be sure to photograph all scratches and damage to the Motobike, specify the owner to them before signing the lease agreement.


The serene and beautiful nature of Thailand also pays danger. Main problem - mosquitoes and some more petty binting. The bites do not notice at all, especially in the evening, especially on the islands. And in the morning all the seats of bites turn into a scherey nightmare. Keep in mind that if it seems to you that there are no mosquitoes - you are mistaken.

Be sure to use repellents. But you should not carry them out of the house, they do not act on local mosquitoes. Buy everything in place in the nearest supermarket. In the room, use a fumigator, and try to sleep under the anti-moskit grid.

The current is also one of the dangers of Tai. At first glance, warm and gentle sea seems safe especially for those who know how to swim well. But, for example, the Andaman Sea is covered with its flow. Finding into a powerful stream, there is only a very strong chance to get out of a very strong, and most importantly, a sober person. Therefore, be very attentive and neat.

Another problem can deliver Jellyfish. We encountered them in the Rayong. First, you do not even understand that you are so periodically burning. But then, seeing footprints on the skin, an insight comes.

For longer than three or four days, the jellyfish is usually in one place are not delayed, preferring to migrate in different corners, but also a few sturissity is enough. Burns on the skin heal for a long time, itch and burn.

It is better to immediately go to the local pharmacy and, showing the burned place to the pharmacist, get a special ointment.


In the south of Thailand, terrorist acts occur periodically. The separatists are struggling for the right to autonomy and choose such monstrous ways to declare seriousness of their intentions.

All troubles that attacks are exposed shopping centers, restaurants, cafes, bars - the places of mass accumulation of people. It is not worth falling into a panic, as it is not necessary, the Potion by maybe, voluntarily climb into the peckelo. If you can avoid southern Thailand just do it.

Perhaps the picture drawn by me will seem to someone too gloomy, but I tried to collect here all negative situationswhich may arise during the holidays. Rest in Thailand can be great when complying with some rules. In principle, it concerns any resort, but a trip to this Asian country seems to be a trip to Paradise. Do not be deceived by the picture, but do not fall into paranoia. Have a nice holiday!

Thailand is one of the most beautiful exotic countries located in the southeastern part of Asia. Attracts many tourists not only by the wonderful mountain landscapes of the coastal islands, lush tropical vegetation, snow-white beaches, but also architectural contrasts. To date, almost in any city of the Kingdom of Thailand can be seen as modern architectural masterpieces In the form of majestic skyscrapers and fashionable hotels and historical monuments in the form of ancient intricate palaces and huge statues.

Thailand is also sometimes called Siam. However, Siam is the old name of the kingdom. Starting from 1949 to today, this country, together with the coastal islands owned by the state, legally foundation It was customary to call Thailand. From a tourist point of view, Thailand is one of best countries For a full rest. Like, this journey will be remembered for a long time.

You can come here to rest both with your favorite family, young children, and with friends, work colleagues. Not only excellent climatic conditions and indescribable beauty of exotic, but also excellent leisure conditions, as well as health recovery will be promoted.

Interactive map of attractions:

We plan an excellent vacation in Thailand

To rest well and get a lot of wonderful emotions from vacation in Thailand, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the following features of recreation in this country. Thailand can be visited independently as a tourist by purchasing only a ticket and removing the hotel or real estate to stay in the kingdom. As an option, you can seek help in a travel agency, but it will be more expensive because, in addition to buying a tourist trip, about 30% of the total cost of the tour will have to pay extra for recreation. As a rule, an additional contribution is not provided with a separate account, but is included in the total cost of the tour.

Despite the higher cost of organized tours, they are more convenient, as tourists will not have to spend extra time for accommodation, searching for housing and other services. In particular, organized tours are appropriate for those cases when it comes to holidays with family and young children.

Another point to which it will be necessary to pay attention when planning a trip to Thailand is a vaccination. There are no strict vaccination requirements for the arrival in this country, however, it should be vaccinated from terrible hepatitis and tetanus. Most people put the vaccination from the tetanus in childhood.

Before arriving in Thailand, tourists need to take note of the following features and recommendations:

  • The time difference between Moscow and Thai time is 4 hours. Or rather: Thai time is ahead of Moscow for 4 hours.
  • The main languages \u200b\u200bof communication in the country are Thai and English. In the country, they are mainly spoken in Thai. However, in all shopping facilities, hotels, hotels and restaurants, staff, which is perfectly known not only Thai, but also English.
  • Different signs and road signs contain the inscriptions in two languages: Thai and English. Such pointers are posted throughout the territory of the kingdom.
  • Personal religion - Buddhism.
  • A visa to come to the country can be obtained both in Russia and in Thailand, in particular, upon arrival in the kingdom. In the first case, the visa is drawn up at the Embassy of Thailand in Moscow, and in the second case - at the airport of the Thai kingdom. The registration of a visa in Thai airport is possible if the tourist intends to be in the country no more than 15 days.

Thai cuisine

In local restaurants, cafes and hotels, tourists will be offered not only dishes and drinks of national cuisine, but also culinary dishes of other kitchens. Therefore, if the guest wishes to order the dishes to which he is used, he can easily find several restaurants or a cafe, where he will be given desired dishes. However, in most cases, tourists do not miss the opportunity to try the national Thai dishes. And it is not in vain, because they are so original and refined that it is very difficult to resist the tasting of culinary masterpieces.

National cuisine of Thailand is quite diverse. Menu of local restaurants, as a rule, consists of 40 - 50 pages. They indicate the names of both hot, cold dishes and Thai delicacies, as well as exotic beverages. Thai cuisine should be tried very carefully, as they are saturated with sharp fragrant spices. For example, the main Thai dish supplied for lunch is seafood soup or chicken, seasoned with spices and garlic. If dishes seem very sharp, then knocking off this burning bitterness will help boiled rice, which is customary to serve all dishes as bread.

And, of course, you need to try jasmine tea with ice. In addition to soup, you can book a few more traditional Thai dishes: fish, baked with herbs, Chinese celery and spices, as well as noodles and "curry" from chicken meat and mushrooms.


A diverse entertainment program will allow each tourist and the guest to relax as he could not rest anywhere and never. Tourists can choose a solitary beach rest And go to one of the remote resort islands or take an active view of the rest. For example, to do diving and get acquainted with the amazing and bright underwater world of the coastal seas. After all, it is here that the cleanest coastal water and the most well-kept beaches!

You can go on the Safari jeeps on Samui Island and make exciting excursions on rubber plantations, fruit gardens. Then take walks towards mountain waterfalls and the most beautiful tropical places. If you came to rest with your favorite children, then you need to obligatory Go to the water park or go to Pattaya, in order to make a walk in an open Zoo Khaoko. It is allowed not only to feed monkeys and hippos, but also to observe the behavior of various rare animals and birds.

If you want to make an extreme or exotic view of the rest, then for a certain fee you will be allowed to ride on elephants or rifting.

Medical Services and Sanitary

Upon arrival in Thailand not recommended to drink water water Or use it for washing fruit, as well as for cleaning teeth. If they still have to use it for these purposes, it is better to pre-boil the water. About drinking water is not worried about the purified drinking water Free is issued in bottles in every hotel and hotel.

It is not desirable to acquire food in beach or street vendors, since in this case you can get poisoning.

Considering that the country is very hot, it should be carefully drinking cold water With ice, since due to a sharp drop temperature, you can easily be cold. In no case should not sunbathe under the scorching rays of the sun. During a tan and relaxing on the beach in Morning and afternoon, it is necessary to use special high-quality creams and wear lung hats.

Rest in Thailand is becoming increasingly demanded every year, due to several reasons at once. First, the "country of smiles" attracts travelers untouched nature and breathtaking scenery. Secondly, relatively low prices Do holidays in Thailand affordable for most tourists. Thirdly, the rich "excursion" is of great interest to asian culture and history lovers.

Often before those who are going to independent trip In Thailand, the question arises: "Where is it better to rest?". Resorts are quite a lot, however, there are differences between them that should not be overlooked.

Rest in Pattaya

Pattaya can be bolded to call one of the most popular resorts of Thailand. Tourist excitement here almost never ends. A large number of bars, restaurants, discos, entertainment complexes, nightclubs and water rides are welcome every visitor.

It should be remembered that Thailand is subject to the influence of weather conditions, and the rainy season often falls on October-December.

Tours to Pattaya willingly offer representatives of the strong half of humanity, as this place is famous for their pleasure places of a spicy nature.

At this Thai resort, airplanes fly without transfers, which significantly reduces the price of a ticket or self-trip. In Pattaya is offered very good conditions For cognitive trips. This resort is considered an ideal starting point for visiting the most remote and beautiful attractions of Thailand.

Rest on Phukete

Phuket is the largest and most visited island of Thailand. A well-developed infrastructure allows you to spend time here with comfort and variety. Special homes among foreign guests won the beaches of Phuket. What is just the most famous of them - Patong. Every night here arrange large-scale noisy parties that lure thousands of people.

Tours to Phuket are in demand and fans of a relaxing holiday. For example, a secluded atmosphere, reigning on the beach of Nai Tone, will allow in silence to warm up under the warm sun, lying on the clean sand. The island can be reached by air transport without transfers, since the local airport is open to international flights.

In the vicinity of Phuket, divers and lovers of other types of water sports are actively moving. Vacationers will be offered a large number of boating excursions. Nightlife here is also well developed. IN last years Phuket promoted noticeably in a number of the best directions for golf tourism. The island is inherent in only one disadvantage - rest here is more expensive than on other resorts of Thailand.

Rest in Krabi.

Province of Krabi is a real edem for lovers to swim and sunbathe, because the most of the local coastline is occupied by snow-white beaches.

This is the edge of the islands that the incurred amount here is here. Most of them are ideal for ecotourism. A rich selection of unnecessary places with amazingly beautiful nature will open unlimited recreation opportunities before travelers. Magnificent diving, island tourism, climbing, beaches and night entertainment - Krabi Province is strikingly diverse.

Holidays on Samui

Samui occupies a second position in popularity among all the islands of Thailand. As a rule, this resort prefer preferably the tourists who plan to stay in the country more than three weeks. Jumping here a little more complicated than to Phuket Island. Sowing from the aircraft, it will be necessary to overcome the path of several tens of kilometers on the boat.

"The country of smiles" attracts untouched nature and breathtaking scenery, and relatively low prices make rest in Thailand affordable for most of the tourists.

Holidays in Thailand on Samui can definitely consider everyone who wants to relax on the purest and not loaded by crowds of beaches. The service is here on high level, there is everything necessary for diverse leisure. Samui is an undoubted leader of the ranking of places suitable for rest, both with friends and the whole family. The island is not rich in attractions, so with the excursion goal will have to fly to the mainland.

It should be remembered that Thailand is subject to the influence of weather conditions, and the rainy season on Samui falls on October-December. Optimal time for the trip is recognized as summer and spring period.

Rest in Bangkok

Thai capital meets foreign guests uniqueness and unpredictability. Here traditional flavor merged together with the culture of Thailand and modernity, which will satisfy the requests of even the most spoiled tourists. Bangkok is ideal for both shopping and excursions. The life of the whole country is concentrated in this city, it is here that the most popular entertainment centers are located.

Thailand is an amazing country in which the traditions of the ancestors, gods and king are holy. First, we suggest familiarizing yourself with 12 interesting facts about the country of Siam. Some of them are impressive, others - surprise and shock. However, this is what you need to know everyone who is planning a trip to Thailand alone.

The name of the country can be translated from the Thai language as "Country Free", and this is not by chance. Thailand is the only state of Southeast Asia, which in due time did not colonize Europeans: Thus, the culture of the state appeared before us in authentic form.

Prostitution in Thailand is formally outside the law, but the police do not care too much. "Program of Love" according to unofficial data - up to 1 million people.

Thailand ranks 20th in the world by the number of residents (67,091,089 people). About 80% of the country's inhabitants are Thais. Each tenth resident of the country lives in the capital - Bangkok. And Bangkok, in turn, attend more than 11 million tourists annually. More than 90% of Tiskers - Buddhists.

- Because of the many channels Bangkok called the "Venice of the East".

Thai alphabet consists of 32 vowels and 44 consonants.

The flag of Thailand is raised daily at 8 am and lowered at 6 pm.

Thailand is the world's largest manufacturer canned. And in the 60s-70s, Northern Thailand was the largest producer of opium.

Currently, there are only about 5,000 elephants in Thailand, less than half of which are wild. But even 100 years ago there were more than 100,000. In 1999, a record was established in Thailand in the number of veterinarians participating in the same operation. 30 specialists operated on a paw of 38-year-old elephant, which blew up on Mine.

Rest in Thailand without travel agencies is quite possible if you are confident and ready to save!

10% of all birds of the world live in Thailand.

Upon reaching 15 years of age, young people have the right to go to the club. But only accompanied by both parents.

In the Mekong River, three-meter soma weighing more than 300 kilograms. And in the jungle of Thailand you can meet one of the largest snakes of the planet - Mesh Python. Moreover, the largest poisonous snake planet, Royal Cobra, also lives here.

Prostitution in Thailand is formally outside the law, but the police do not care too much. Thus, the number of "priests of love" by different calculations reaches from 30,000 to 1,000,000 people.

Since the head is the Holy Part of the Human Body, no one else's right to touch it. Any attempt to touch Thai's head will be regarded as a frank insult. Also, the law of the country prohibits to leave the house without underwear, which may have a certain meaning.

, Huahin and perhaps more crabfish.

But in order to choose the resort you need to know what you want to get from a holiday in Thailand. Excursions? Take on the beach? Maybe active leisure and trekking in the mountains? Maybe diving? From the answers to your question and the choice of the resort of Thailand for recreation.

You should not wait for the same holiday from Thailand as in Turkey on all inclusive packages. There are no animators and lunch \\ dinner is usually not included in the cost of a ticket. In your hotel, the maximum will be breakfast and if you have the opportunity to refuse it, it is better to do it. Since the practice shows, tourists have been found in the second day nearby café and eat in it, sometimes waking up for breakfast at the hotel.

Look a little more details options holiday in Thailand.

Popular Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya is now focused not only for rest for men, but also for family holidays. A large number of excursions, shopping centers, entertainment for adults. This resort is available for recreation all year round including in the rainy season. Not very beautiful nature, dirty sea within the city.


Phuket is a large number of marine walks, active types of recreation, such as diving on the nearest islands, during the rainy windsurfing season. In the rainy season, a high wave and many beaches are closed for swimming in a safety consideration, as well as many sea excursions are closed. Phuket at prices is one of the most expensive provinces of Thailand.

Hua Hin

This is the very first resort of Thailand, often it is also called the royal resort! Increasingly, this resort is visited by Russian tourists, but there is no such quantity as in Pattaya. The main advantage (or disadvantage?) Hua Hina, as the resort is the proximity of Bangkok. You can easily visit such important attractions as the Royal Palace, Markets and Shopping Centers Bangkok

Features of the holiday in Thailand

Thailand belongs to the so-called exotic countries. Those. This is not Europeized Turkey or a brought Egypt. Rest in Thailand is little similar to any other vacation in popular resorts. Here cultural, Buddhist traditions and the development of infrastructure are successfully combined. Thai innate politeness and tolerance contrastingly differs from arrogant Arabic reality. Here, no one will be enough for your hand and drag into the store for the carpet or a fur coat. Rest in Thailand, it is primarily a very warm sea, white sand, shopping, excursions to numerous national parks, waterfalls and other interesting places.

History of Tourism Development in Thailand

The reason for the rapid development of tourism in Thailand is a combination of several factors. Among the reasons for growth in the tourism sphere was a relatively stable political atmosphere in the 1960s, the development of Bangkok as a major international air transportation center. The presence of American soldiers, who in the 1960s were stationed in Thailand in the 1960s to rest and restore forces during the War in Vietnam. It provoked the growth of hotel business and retail. This period coincided with the general jump in international tourism due to increased living standards in developed countries. More and more people spent their free travel time. His imprint imposed technical progress, by improving technologies allowing to travel further, faster, cheaper.

Unlike tourists from Russia, Western tourists are visited not only by coastal resorts, Bangkok and surroundings, the geography of their travel begins from southern Islands Before the northern borders of Thailand. The North of Thailand is the main region for hiking and adventure travel, as well as a large number of small nations of Thailand live here, which attract tourists with their exotic culture and traditions.

Representative of the nationality of Akha

Sex tourism also contributes to an increase in the tourist flow. Although officially prostitution in Thailand is illegal, but de facto is controlled and regulated by the state and focuses in several large areas of "red lanterns", such as Pattaya, Patpong in Bangkok and Patong Beach on Phuket.

IN lately Serious competition Thailand in Southwestern was Vietnam and Cambodia. Thailand responded to this development of target tourism, such as golf leave or rest in combination with treatment. In 2012, about 2 million foreigners, visited Thailand for the purpose of treatment, this is more than 3 times higher than visits for this purpose in 2002. According to the popular guide to Lonely Planet, Thailand ranks second in the ranking "Best Tourist Direction in 2010".

Thailand visiting statistics

Year numberChangeRussian tourists
2012 22303065 15,98% 1317387
2011 19098323 19,84% 1014493
2010 15936400 12,63% 644678
2009 14149841 -2.98% 336965
2008 14584220 +0.83% -
2007 14464228 4,65% -
2006 13821802 20,01% -
2005 11516936 -1,15% -
2004 11650703 - -

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Thailand is one of the countries of Southeast Asia, which has been attracting Russian tourists to him for more than one year. More and more of our compatriots moves to Thailand on permanent residence. What attracts us in this country? Climate? Maybe the sea and ecology? On the pages of this site we will try to answer all these questions. History, customs and mentality

Geographical location and climate.

Thailand is located in Southeast Asia. The country borders with Laos in the northeast, with Cambodia - in the south-east, with Burma (Myanmar) - in the north, west and south-west and with Malaysia in the south. Thailand is washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea and the Siamese Gulf. The main part of the territory is located on the Indochina Peninsula, and the southern part is on the Malay Peninsula. In Thailand, a mountainous relief is quite enough. The highest point is Mount Doy-Intanon (2595 meters). The main river - Chao-Prai, located between the central and western mountains. Capital - Bangkok. Thanks to the presence of five climatic zonesIn Thailand, you can relax all year round. At the time when the monsoon brings rains to the south, you can relax in the north, and vice versa. Country to share for five regions: North, Northeast, East, South and West.


The average annual temperature is + 32 ° C. Best time For recreation - Winter. Strong rains are held on Samui Island in October-November, on Phuket and Phui Phi - in May-June.

In Thailand you will not have to miss.

Thailand is a country in which it is impossible not to fall in love! Snow white beaches, ancient temples, amazing mountain arrays and colorful markets every year attract millions of tourists from all over the world. Samui Islands and Phuket are especially loved by divers for wonderful plots of dives. Speaking of Thailand, it is impossible not to recall the Thai massage based on medicine of Ayurveda, yoga and the spiritual practice of Buddhists. The art of Thai massage originated more than 2500 years ago and to this day I like it very much. The country has a rich history and cultural traditions. Here you can see both modern skyscrapers and monuments of ancient architecture. Surprisingly combine new buildings and Buddhist temples, huge supermarkets and afloat markets, fashionable restaurants with European cuisine and restaurants with traditional Thai cuisine. At the Sea Resorts of Thailand you will be waiting for a warm sea, golden beaches, coral islands, comfortable hotels and many entertainment.

The history of tourism development in Thailand.

Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia, which in his entire history never got under the perepe of colonization. Translated from English "Thailand" means "Country Thai", and if we translate the Thai version - "Country Free". During the Indochinese war, Thailand performed in the Role of Rear for Americans who fought in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. American servicemen spent their holidays in the territory of this country, and most of them are still a completely unknown fishing village - Pattaya. For a comfortable stay and raising the combat spirit, it was necessary to create living conditions and take care of entertainment. So the foundation of mass tourism was laid. And in the 60s, the large-scale construction of hotels in Pattaya and Bangkok began. When the troops left Pattaya, a lot of tourist hotels were built in the city, hundreds of bars and massage salons. Since then, travel agencies began to send rest in Thailand.

Attractions and resorts.

Thailand has a lot of attractions. In the culture of Thais, the influence of China and India merged, which was stunningly affected by architecture. In the country you can see a large number of temples and palaces. You can visit interesting parks and reserves with amazing Flora and fauna. Recently, tourist infrastructure has received great development in Thailand, so it is now very easy to travel around the country. You can choose hotels to your taste, here are their very many different classes. Most Popular tourist places - Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang May, Phuket, Samui and Hua Hin. The main city can be considered Pattaya, where at one time can be placed a million people. This resort has all types of water entertainment, laser discos, restaurants with exotic cuisine and massage salons.


In Thailand, extraordinarily beautiful nature. This is one of the most beautiful places on the ground. And Thais believe that their gods bless them. Here you will probably like anyone, even the most recent traveler. Bright Sun, Mountains with Forests, Jungle, Clean Rivers and Beautiful Beaches, Exotic Animals and vegetable world Let's give you an unforgettable impression on life.