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Useful resources to create a robot with their own hands. Make a robot at home yourself? Easily! Homemade robot at home

Today we will tell you how to make a robot from the remedies. The resulting "high-tech android" is though small size And it is hardly able to help you with the housework, but will once be thrilled both children and adults.

Necessary materials

In order to make a robot, you will not need knowledge of nuclear physics. Can and at home to make a robot from ordinary materialsthat constantly eat at hand. So, what we need:
  • 2 pieces of wire
  • 1 Motor
  • 1 Battery AA.
  • 3 Stationery buttons
  • 2 Piece of Penocarton or Looking for Material Properties
  • 2-3 heads of old toothbrushes or several clips

1. Attach the battery to the motor

With the help of adhesive guns, we attach a piece of focarter to the motor housing. Then we glue the battery to it.

This step may seem not completely understandable. However, to make a robot, you need to make it move. Put on the axis of the motor a small oblong a piece of foamarton and fix it with adhesive pistol. Such a design will give the Motor imbalance, which will lead the robot in motion.

At the very end of the destabilizer, drip a couple of glue drops, or attach some decorative element - This will add the robot of individuality and increase the amplitude of his movements.

3. Feet

Now it is necessary to supply the robot by lower limbs. If you use toothbrushes for this head, then glue them to the bottom of the motor. As a layer, you can use the same penoctoron.

The next step will be attached by two of our segments of the wire to the motors' contacts. You can simply fasten them, but even better will solder them, it will make a robot more durable.

5. Battery connection

Using a thermopystole, we glue the wire to one of the ends of the battery. You can choose any of the two wires and any side of the battery - the polarity in this case does not play the role. If you are doing well to solder, in this step you can also use soldering instead of glue.

6. Eyes

As a robot's eye, a pair of beads that attach a thermoclaim to one of the ends of the batteries is quite suitable. At this step, you can show fantasy and come up with an appearance of the eye to your discretion.

Since you fell on this whatever, it means you are no longer indifferent to the topic of robotics and robot buildings. Designing a robot with your own hands, this is a very exciting lesson, which will teach you a lot. You will have skills in the field of electronics, mechanics, programming, processes management. For me, a robot buildings, this is a fascinating hobby. Like all of us, I also dreamed of creating something with wheels, motors, wires, and with a bunch of electronic details.

So once the idea came to mind collect the robot with their own hands at home. But not only to create a simple device that would move in different directions, but to create a multifunctional robot that would perform commands center of Communication And it would be useful in the farm.

The idea to make a robot with your own hands called Robotechwhich would be able to collect any, novice robotics or a radio amateur.

Basic requirements for a homemade robot

  • The ability to build a robot at home.
  • The robot should be built on the market affordable and easy to program the microcontroller.
  • As a chassis, a platform is simple and affordable in constructing.
  • The robot must contain the necessary set of sensors and mechanisms to extend the functionality as needed.
  • The robot must move freely and be able to react to obstacles.
  • The ability to control the robot at a distance, the use of telemetry (observe the state of the robot, set various commands).
  • Ability to broadcast video images from the onboard camera to the base station.

Considering the requirements for managing the robot, it was decided to use two micro Computer ( MC-1 and MC-2).

On-board computer MC-1

First computer ( main MC-1) - Used as the main on-board computer "brain", in whose tasks:

  • video broadcast ambient on the base station in good quality;
  • getting commands from the Control Center (Basic Station);
  • sending to a high-speed large data control center;
  • coordination of the work of the rest of the robot nodes by means of a second micro computer (optional MC-2)

To perform the tasks, it was decided to use a single-position computer Raspberry PI Or, as a last resort, the router with the possibility of firmware OpenWrt..

On-board computer MC-2

Second computer ( additional MC-2) Used to control the engine, collecting information from various sensors or sensors and sending ready-made data to the MC-1 main computer.

As a controller for managing chassis mechanisms and robot sensors, it was decided to use ready-made. Of all the controllers considered by me, I chose the most common and affordable. You can also use more compact Arduino Nano.. Both devices operate on AVR ATMEGA328P microcontroller.

Now there have been a great many possibilities that allow you to start creating robots without having some super-duper of particular knowledge. And it is great! Because he launches the avalanche of knowledge.

And you need to start not with knowledge. Not knowledge must be a steam locomotive. Knowledge is a luggage that travels in this train. And what then the steam locomotive? And the locomotive is just a dignity of how to do so so that something was done by itself. The construction of a robot is just acquiring such knowledge.

In order not to miring in the examples let's take one example. The most trivial example. Let the robot move around the room not imprinted in the walls. What you need to know:

1. What a mechanic of movements will be. (Most robots have mechanics, but there are both disembodied robots, such as stockdays.) If you do not have knowledge in this area, then immediately begin to acquire them. What are the mechanisms for moving, by smooth surface, on uneven, walking, on wheels ... If you can make such a mechanism, find ready. Disassemble and collect it again, if possible.

2. How the robot will interact with the outside world. It would be nice to have knowledge in electronics and / or information technologiesTo understand how to read sound, optical, mechanical signals, how to receive information from the network (the latter is especially important for disembodied robots). Minimal knowledge is already suitable, the missing need to immediately begin to replenish. Fortunately, you can use a huge amount of modular elements and sensors mating with already ready-made controllers that convert signals of these sensors simply in numbers. (if interesting, you can discuss / exchange links / addresses in the comments, where all this is purchased)

3. (most importantly) as a robot will think. It is necessary to determine what is his "mental" activity. For the selected example, this is just a skill at the desired moments of time to turn on and off n electric motors depending on the measured distance to the wall ahead (at a minimum). For mental activity, the robot needs a programmable block with a microprocessor. There are many ready-made platforms for designing robots (Arduino, Matryoshka, Strawberry Pi, Iskra, Troyka, and others. I invite you again in the comments: Share links, ask)

Immediately the question arises: does it mean to know programming? Strictly speaking yes. But among the listed platforms there are those in which programming is carried out in the visual environment without using any specific language Programming. (I.e. ATTENTION! It is not necessary to know programming to start. But naturally be sure to know to continue)

Here are three main bones on which the tendons of initial knowledge and skills, affordable even by the child, and on which he then increase the meat of higher engineering knowledge:

  • building mechanisms from the designer - In the future, this is the entire spectrum of "Mechanical Sciences": physics (mechanics), details of machines and mechanisms, conversion, hydraulics, etc.
  • to know how the interaction with the outside world is ensured (even children's designers are supplied today with sensor modules) - In the future, it is programming, network protocols, physics (electricity, optics, acoustics, radar, etc.)
  • have an initial idea of \u200b\u200bprogramming: variables, algorithms - in perspective Programming ( different languages and programming paradigms), algorithms and data structures, databases. The choice of programming language is not fundamental, the choice is very wide, from visual media for children, but the assembler of a particular microprocessor. You yourself can choose depending on the knowledge available.

Well, and finally, for inspiration, look (and this is not an advertisement, I have no relation to this manufacturer (share in other examples)) What are the children's tools for creating robots

Now few people remember, unfortunately, in 2005 there were chemical brothers and they had a wonderful clip - Believe, where robotic hand chased around the city for the hero video.

Then I had a dream. Unrealized at that time, since the slightest concept I did not have about electronics. But I wanted to believe - Believe. 10 years have passed, and just yesterday I managed to collect my own robot-manipulator for the first time, to launch him to work, then break, fix it, and start working again, and simultaneously find friends and find confidence in your own forces.

Attention, under the cat spoilers!

It all started with (hi, master whale, and thank you for allowing you to write in your blog!), Which was almost immediately found and chose after this article on Habré. The site says that collecting a robot - even an 8-year-old child - how is I worse? I just try my strength.

At first there was paranoia

As a true paranoid, immediately express the fears that I was originally relative to the designer. In my childhood, first there were strong Soviet designers, then Chinese toys scattering in the hands ... And then the childhood ended: (

Therefore, from what remains in memory of the toys was:

  • Plastic will break and crumble in hands?
  • Details will be loosened to each other?
  • In the set will not all the details?
  • The collected design will be fragile and short-lived?
And finally, a lesson that was made from Soviet designers:
  • Part of the details will have to finish with a file
  • And parts of the parts will simply not be in the set
  • And another part will not work initially, it will have to change it
What can I say now: not in vain in my favorite believe video the main character He sees fears where they are not. None of the fears justified: The details were exactly as much as you need, they all approached each other, in my opinion - perfect that the mood was very much in the course of work.

The details of the designer are not only perfectly fit to each other, but also thought out the moment that details almost impossible to confuse. True, with German pedantrial creators postponed the screws exactly as much as you need, Therefore, lose the screws on the floor or confuse "which where" when assembling a robot is undesirable.


Length:228 mm
Height: 380 mm
Width: 160 mm
Weight in the assembly: 658 gr.

Food: 4 batteries type D
Weight of the risen items: up to 100 gr
Illumination: 1 LED
Management type: Wired remote control
Approximate assembly time: 6 o'clock
Traffic: 5 collector motors
Construction protection when moving: ratchet

Capture mechanism: 0-1,77""
Wrist movement: within 120 degrees
Elbow traffic: within 300 degrees
Shoulder traffic: within 180 degrees
Rotation on the platform: within 270 degrees

You will need:

  • expansioned pliers (it will not work out without them)
  • side plugs (can be replaced with paper knife, scissors)
  • crosshead screwdriver
  • 4 batteries type D

Important! About small details

By the way about the "cogs". If you have come across a similar problem, and you know how to make an assembly even more convenient - welcome to the comments. So far I will share my experience.

The same for functions, but different bolts and screws and screws are quite clearly spelled out in the instructions, for example, on medium photo Below we see the bolts P11 and P13. Or maybe P14 - Well, that is, here again, I confuse them again. \u003d)

You can distinguish them: the instructions are spelled out which of which many millimeters. But, firstly, you will not sit with a caliper (especially if you are 8 years old and \\ or you simply do not have it), and, secondly, you can only distinguish them in the end, if you put it nearby, that may not immediately come To mind (I did not come, Hehe).

Therefore, it's pre-warning in advance if you decide to collect this or similar robot yourself, here's a hint:

  • either look in advance to the fasteners;
  • or buy yourself more small screws, screws and bolts so as not to bathe.

Also, in no case do not throw anything until you finish the assembly. On the bottom of the photo in the middle, between two details from the head of the head of the robot - a small ring, which almost flew into the garbage along with other "trimming". And this is, by the way, the holder for lED flashlight In the "head" of the capture mechanism.

Assembly process

An instruction is attached to the robot without unnecessary words - only images and clearly cataloged and marked parts.

Details are quite conveniently biled and sweeping do not require, but I liked the idea every detail to handle a knife for cardboard and scissors, although it is not necessary.

The assembly begins with four of the five-part in the design of the motors, to collect that real pleasure: I just adore gear mechanisms.

Motors We found neatly packaged and "sticky" to each other - get ready to answer the question of the child, why collector motors magnets (you can immediately in the comments! :)

Important: In 3 out of 5, motors need drown nuts on the sides - On them in the future we will put the housing when assembling your hands. The side nuts are not needed only in a motorbike, which will be based on the platform, but to then not remember which body where, it is better to drink nuts in each of the four yellow buildings at once. Only for this operation will be needed pliers, they will not need in the future.

About 30-40 minutes each of the 4 engines turned out to be equipped with its gear mechanism and body. It is about everything is not more difficult than in childhood "Kinder Surprise" was going, only much more interesting. The question of attentiveness in the photo above: Three of the four weekends are black gears, and where is white? Blue and black wire should be out of its housing. In the instructions, this is all, but I think, to pay attention to this again stands.

After you have all the motors in your hands, except for the "head", you will start assembling the platform on which our robot will stand. It was at this stage that I had to understand that with screws and screws it was necessary to go more thoughtfully: as you can see in the photo above, there was not enough two screws to fasten the motors together at the expense of lateral nuts - they were already somewhere in me The depth of the already assembled platform. I had to improvise.

When the platform and the main part of the hand are assembled, the instruction will offer you to move to the collection of the capture mechanism, where full of small parts and moving parts are the most interesting!

But I must say that on this spoilers will end and will begin the video, as I needed to go to a meeting with a friend and a robot, which I could not have done to finish, I had to capture with me.

How to become a soul company with a robot

Easily! When we continued to assemble together, it became clear: to collect a robot yourself - highly pleasantly. Working on the design together is pleasantly doubly. Therefore, I can safely recommend this set for those who do not want to sit in a cafe for boring conversations, but wants to see friends and have a good time. Moreover, it seems to me that thymbynding with such a set - for example, the assembly of two teams, for speed - almost a win-win option.

The robot came to life in our hands immediately as soon as we finished the assembly. To give you our delight, I unfortunately, I can't have words, but I think many will understand me here. When the design that you gathered suddenly begins to live a full life - this is a buzz!

We realized that it was terribly hungry and went to eat. It was not far to go, so we came robot in your hands. And then we were waiting for another pleasant surprise: robotics not only fascinating. She also brings closer. As soon as we sat down at the table, we were surrounded by people who wanted to meet a robot and collect themselves the same. Most of all the guys liked to greet with a robot "For the tentacles", because he behaves really like a living, and first of all it is a hand! In short the basic principles of animatronic were mastered by users intuitive. That's what it looked:


Upon returning home I was waiting for an unpleasant surprise, and it's good that he happened before the publication of this review, because now we will immediately discuss troubleshooting.

Deciding to try to move your hand at the maximum amplitude, it was possible to achieve a characteristic crackle and failure of the mechanism of the motor in the elbow. At first it was upset of me: Well, here is a new toy, only collected - and no longer works.

But then I dawned on me: if you yourself just gathered, for what it became? \u003d) I know perfectly well a set of gears inside the case, and to understand whether the motor itself broke, or the case was not well fixed well, you can not remove the motor from the board to give it a load and see if clicks.

That's where I managed to feel present Robo-master!

Carefully disassembled the "elbow joint", it was possible to determine that the motor was uninterrupted without load. The housing was separated, one of the screws fell inside (because he was configured by the motor), and if we continued to operate, the gears would be damaged - the characteristic "powder" of the storm plastics was discovered on them.

It is very convenient that the robot did not have to disassemble entirely. And in fact, in fact, the breakdown occurred due to not quite a neat assembly in this place, and not because of some factory difficulties: they were not found in my set at all.

Tip: First time after the assembly, keep scolding and pliers at hand - can come in handy.

What can you bring up thanks to this set?

Self confidence!

Not only did I have had common topics to communicate with unfamiliar peopleBut I also managed to independently not only gather, but also repair a toy! So, I can not doubt: With my robot, everything will always be ok. And this is a very pleasant feeling when it comes to your favorite things.

We live in a world where we are scary dependent on sellers, suppliers, service staff and free time and money. If you don't know how to do anything, you will have to pay for everything, and most likely - overpay. The ability to fix the toy itself, because you know how everyone has it works - it is invaluable. Let the child be like this confidence will be.


What did you like:
  • The robot assembled according to the instructions did not require debugging, started immediately
  • Details are almost impossible to confuse
  • Strict cataloging and the availability of parts
  • Instructions that do not need to read (image only)
  • Lack of meaningful backlats and gaps in structures
  • Ease of assembly
  • Lightness of prevention and repair
  • Last But Not Least: you collect your toy myself, the Philippine children do not work for you
What you need:
  • Yet fasteners, Prosapas
  • Details and spare parts for it so that you can replace if necessary
  • More robots, different and complex
  • Ideas that you can improve \\ to attach \\ remove - in a word, on the assembly, the game does not end! I really want it to continue!

Collect a robot from this constructor is not more difficult than puzzle or "kinder-surprise", only the result is much larger and caused a storm of emotions with us and others. Excellent set, thanks,