Repairs Design Furniture

Paving slabs as correct. How to lay paving slabs step by step, photo and video. Medium prices for vibrolyed borders

Laying tracks - the mandatory stage of arrangement of any outdoor territory, because the paths make a plot not only more comfortable, but also aesthetic. For these purposes, you can use the most different materialsBut most often the choice drops on the paving slabs. There is nothing surprising: it has a lot of advantages, and the technology of laying material is so available that literally everyone can perform it with their own hands. To properly put a track and thereby referring to the cottage, you only need to follow the step-by-step instructions - with it and we suggest familiarizing yourself.

Why it is worth choosing paving slabs

In order not to have no doubt about the appropriateness of the use of this material to create summer tracks, consider the main advantages:

  • A large selection of forms, shades, as well as textures of textures - tile makes it possible to implement anyone designer idea And create a harmonious landscape ensemble.
  • Ease of operation - on tracks from paving tile There are no puddles, since all the extra moisture goes through the intercutric seams.

Paving slabs are convenient and durable

  • Durability - the material is not deformed under constant influence of the scorching sun, precipitation and sharp temperature drops. In addition, the tile is distinguished by strength and low abrasion, so it can withstand long-term intensive operation - over 15 years. But even if some kind of coverage is damaged, it will always be possible to restore it, replacing several tiles.
  • Easy styling - putting a track will not be much difficulty even those who have never dealt with similar landscaped work. So that you are convinced of this, we gradually look at the technology of laying tiles.

Stage 1: Selection of a tile laying scheme

First of all, it is necessary to decide which way you will lay the tile - the form, dimensions and the amount of material for the track depends on it.

The most common schemes:

  • Classic order is the easiest way of laying, which involves the placement of paving slabs one after another. Most often, square or rectangular elements are used - they are easier to dock them with each other.

Council. To give such a rather uncomplicated path of originality, you can combine different colors and tile textures.

  • With displacement - another traditional way Styling: Tiles are placed so that their joints do not coincide. The combination of different colors and textures is actively welcomed here, but the form of elements should be uniform.
  • Christmas tree - laying at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. Rectangular or curly elements can be used. The complex version of the Christmas tree - braid: paving slabs also fit at an angle, but with alternation - along and across. In order for the pattern to be clear, it is recommended to use only two colors.

The paths from paving slabs look very modern and beautiful

  • Chess - laying of square two-color tiles in a checker order. At least an option and easy to execute, at the expense of the game of colors, it looks very impressive.
  • Geometry - diverse geometric patterns are formed from tiles: squares, rhombus, zigzags, etc. Composition is created through the use of elements of different colors, but the same shape.

Stage 2: Preparation of materials and tools

When you decide on the laying scheme, you can go on the tile in the construction store. By choosing the goods, focus not only on its design, but also on operational indicators: the level of slip, the maximum allowable weight loads, processing capabilities (trimming, painting).

Council. In order to correctly determine the amount of tiles, it is better to make a simple way plan in advance: designate the shape and dimensions of the intended path. Subsequently, considering the area working area And the dimensions of a particular tile, you can easily calculate the required amount of material.

In addition to the paving slabs, you will also need:

  • dry cement;
  • sand;
  • small crushed stone or gravel;
  • small pegs - wooden or metal;
  • kiyanka - rubber or wooden;
  • master OK;

Before laying the tile should align the surface

  • level;
  • knife for tile;
  • traaming;
  • profile;
  • geotextile;
  • twine.

Stage 3: Laying on a concrete base or on a pillow of sand

Competently prepared base - a guarantee of successful styling of the country track, so this stage needs to be thought out to the details. First of all, it is necessary to make the markup of the future path: mark its borders, take the pegs around the perimeter and connect them with the twine.

Council. If on the plot of clay soil, take care of drainage: Make in the obtained trench longitudinal and transverse slopes so that moisture flows to the edges.

And now you need to solve the most important question: what exactly will you lay the tile? Options Two:

  1. Sand pillow. First, it is necessary to put the sand layer - 5-10 cm in height. Failure it and moisture. From above shielding geotextiles. Then put a layer of rubble or gravel - also 5-10 cm in height. Come on the base of the rambling and pour up to 5 cm of sand. After that, perform the final moisturizing and sealing the pillow. This option is suitable only for narrow and short-lived tracks.
  2. Concrete base. For a start, pour the trench with a layer of sand - about 5 cm. Moisturize and confuse the base. Then cook cement mix: 1 part of cement and 3 sand pieces. Fill the trench with the resulting composition - the layer should be 4-5 cm. Be sure to crush the concrete to the trowel. This option is more durable than the first, so suitable for tracks of any dimensions.

Laying tiles on a sandy pillow

Stage 4: Tile Styling Technology

The last stage is the direct constructions of the paving slabs. You only need to start laying on yourself - so you do not deform the prepared foundation. According to the selected scheme, install the first tile, adjust its position and fix on the basis, carefully picks up in the image.

Focusing on the first element, put the entire track, keeping the gaps of 2 mm. Each tile will be tamped by Cyanka so that it is firmly "sat down" in the base. Periodically check the coating height - if you notice that some item is stored unevenly, with the help of a trowel gently lift it up, adjust the position and re-fix on the track.

After the pavement tiles will be laid, fill the seams or sand, or dry cement-sandy composition. Then remove the excess filler and carefully moisten the gaps. The seams should be dense, as they will have part of the load that the track will take.

Council. To fill the seams, use only pure sand, which does not contain any organic impurities, so that vegetation does not appear between the tiles soon.

You can walk along the laid track only 2-3 days after its arrangement.

Laying of paving slabs - relatively inexpensive, but a spectacular way to enjoy the receiving territory. As you can see, the arrangement of the tracks does not require professional skills or complex tools - the paths are quite realistic to make it yourself. So carefully examine the step-by-step instruction of the laying and can safely begin work.

How to lay paving slabs: video

Paving tile at the cottage: photo

The arrangement of the local area is the process is very important. And maximum attention here should be given not only to green plantings, but also pedestrian tracks that will not only improve external aesthetics Plot, but also make it more comfortable in all respects. IN lately As a material for pedestrian tracks, a special tile is used - the material is reliable and practical, and also quite easy to install.

Choose paving slabs

Paving tile is high quality characteristics - It is much stronger concrete, and with intensive exploitation and large loads, unlike other materials, does not scatter and does not lose its attractiveness.

Laying tile is the process and not fast, but simple enough to do it without attracting specialists. Predate enough to purchase sufficient number paving slabs, prepare the necessary tool and consumables, and you can proceed to the arrangement of the courtyard. If you do not have experience in construction activities and do not know how to put the paving slabs - the video on the Internet will help you to figure it out in more detail.

If you are interested in how to put the paving slabs with your own hands, then for a start you need to know how to choose a tile so that the end result does not disappoint you. The modern market presents a huge variety of sidewalk samples, various samples:

  • size
  • volume
  • pattern
  • qualitative characteristics

Before purchasing material, it is necessary to carefully measure the sidewalk area, and calculate the amount of tiles based on its size. The most difficult to buy a tile with curly elements or a complex pattern. Here you need not just to calculate its quantity, but also to approximately determine its consumption with sub-conch. Since its drawing will need to be combined, a lot of scrap is formed in the process, which can also be used in the future.

When calculating the number of paving slabs, you need to take into account the masonry method. For example, with a diagonal technique, the material consumption increases significantly. Therefore, it is much easier and more profitable to maintain the sidewalk in the traditional way.

When choosing paving slabs, the main criterion is its strength determined by the thickness. For example, for a pedestrian walkway quite suit tile Forty-millimeters thick. And if you plan to choose a path before the garage, which will travel passenger vehicles, it is better to choose a tile of at least five centimeters in thickness.

What will required for mounting tiles?

Before learning the instructions on how to properly put the paving slabs, you need to prepare tools that will necessarily need in the process. Their list is quite long:

  • building level (You can use modern laser models that allow you to make the markup as soon as possible)
  • rubber hammer - We are necessary for tilt tiles to each other in the process of laying
  • wooden pegs (struts) and a caprochy thread - with their help marked
  • master OK - Need for alignment of the sandy layer
  • trubovka - required for sealing layers
  • sand and small stone - Of them you will need to make a mixture that performs the function "Pillows"
  • globlipoval machine - Tool to adjust the size of paving slabs

Also, do not forget to prepare the pavement tile and border - it will be possible to make a track better with it.

How to put the pavement tile exactly?

When all required tools And consumables will be ready, you can start the installation of the pavement path. But, even if you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe procedure itself, still look at the Internet at least one video about how to put the pavement tile - the video will become the best assistant for you. By the way, about how to put the pavement tile, there are a lot of literary sources and visual benefits that can also be used.

So, laying paving slabs with their own hands begins with pre-training territory. Professional masters typically make up the territory plan, measure all sizes, transfer them to paper and only after that begin to work.

  • kapron thread
  • pegs
  • a hammer

With their help, you will need to designate the boundaries of the territory where you plan to put the paving slabs. Within the marked borders, it is necessary to carefully remove the turf to the depth of about twenty centimeters, and then remove the soil. Carefully make sure that the trained area does not have garbage and herb residues.

After the soil is evenly removed, it is necessary to make a small stone pillow, which falls asleep, aligns and thoroughly tram. Then you need to start laying the next layer of sand or sand-cement mixture. The sand is stacked up to forty centimeters thick. If you lay down sand-cement mixture, then there will be a layer in twenty or thirty centimeters. Sand is mixed with cement in proportions 3: 1. In order for the layer to be dense, you can make a slight mixture of sand and cement with water. If you want the sidewalk tile to light up maximum time Operating, you need to take care that plants do not sprout out of the soil. It is possible to do this with a layer of geotextile, which is stacked between the pavement tiles and a pillow of sand and cement.

We make the markup of the site

If you are interested in how to properly put the paving slabs, you should know that laying the paving slabs should be made strictly on the markup. To do this, you need to measure the level of liner where the track will be placed. Do it better towards the street to the street.

Drive two cavals along the line and tension between them a kapron thread. Make sure the thread lies exactly in the horizontal plane. You can do it using a level. Next, tie a free end of the thread to the third peg and stretch perpendicular to the first. The third peg should be driven above the first two. Then the fourth peg is driven, stretching the thread, as a result of which a rectangle is formed - this is a platform for laying paving slabs with their own hands.

Laying paving slabs

After preparatory work Will be completed, you can proceed to direct laying of paving slabs. Put the tile with your own hands in several ways, for example:

  • traditional
  • diagonal
  • combined

If you are not a professional, it is better to use traditional. First, prepare the solution - six sand pieces mix with one part of the cement. It is important that the sand is wet enough. If the sand is dry - a little moisten it and lay the mixture on the prepared platform for laying paving slabs.

Thoroughly confuse the layer. Put two pipes on the sides - at this stage they will play the role of limiters. To make sure that the layer is absolutely smooth, take the line or thread, pull it onto the pipes and spend a little to the side - so you will see where you need to remove a little, but on the contrary, add.

How to put a right paving slab with your own hands: inspection of tiles and installation

Before putting the tile with your own hands, the material itself should be carefully examined. Take tiles and carefully check that there are no cracks, chips and other defects that can negatively affect the final result and quality of the sidewalk.

Put the tile correctly is not difficult. Just lay them on the prepared ground with a minimum gap. Use the rubber hammer to customize the tiles closer to each other. Do not forget that the pavement tile is even durable, but the material subject to defects, so the tapping of the rubber hammer should be easy.

If the tiles need to be cut - use a corner machine. For this you need:

  • make a mark
  • split tiles
  • put the tile in short with the rest

Periodically check the level of masonry - the tiles must be located smoothly and on the same line.

After you lay all the tiles on your own, you need to sprinkle with small gravel tracks and thoroughly rub with hard brooms or brushes. Then you can start grouting seams. To do this, it is better to use special grouts that are sold in stores. On this, the process of mounting the paving path with tiles can be considered completed. The only thing you need to do next is to establish a border.

Installation of curb plates

It has already become clear how to put the pavement tile. Now you should find out how to install a border. It should be paid attention to the fact that you can lay a curb to a pavement tile, or lift it a bit.

The main task of the border is not aesthetic attraction of the track, as many thinks, and prevent the tiles preventing the tiles on the soft soil. For their installation, you need to dig special trenches, the width of which will be slightly larger than the size of the border itself. Next, in the trenches it is necessary to put the pillow from the sand. There will be enough layer in five centimeters. The sand is thoroughly tamped and the plate is installed on top that needs to be aligned and secured.

Paving tile in the courtyard of a private house or in the country performs two functions - aesthetic and utilitarian. The key to high quality implementation and the other is proper laying Paving slabs.

Many trust these professionals, which will be vested on what they know their business. Is it so? Is there always a hired worker doing the installation better than the owner himself?

The main thing is to know how to lay paving slabs with your own hands.

A good help will be step-by-step instructionIn addition to the sequence of work, all the nuances of this pretty simple and fascinating process will be disclosed. Where the result is manifested with the first plated tiles.

Preparation for laying paving slabs

Planning is the key to the fact that the homemade path will not let down for a long time.

  • Plot layout. Few people decide to post all the space on the plot with tiles, just as without tracks, at least from the wicket to the cottage and the housekeeping, it is difficult to do. Perfect option - Thinking through the tracks to the house and from it to the main buildings on the site. So lawn persists, and in the rain, the dirt is not necessary. In addition, the trees and other perennial plantings will not have torture.
  • Selection of material. Paving slabs gradually dismisses positions from other species road coat. The main advantages are the simplicity of work, the possibility of dismantling the coating, not "floating" like asphalt from heating, does not burst from the cold (freezing), and not demanding in care. The path laid out by paving slabs, misses moisture, thus, does not harm the soil and soil (eco-friendly).
  • Tile. Choosing a tile you need to know that the method of manufacture happens vibrolyate (possibly independent manufacture) and vibropressed (done in industrial conditions). Differs in color, thickness and form. Requires a device of various bases. All these factors determine the technology of laying paving slabs.

Tiled tracks and playgrounds - Parameters

Comparative analysis of the tile road cover is provided in the table

The choice of the base under the sidewalk affects the type of soil. Mobile primer requires a device concrete base Even under the pedestrian walkway, and the tight allows you to do the sand-cement pillow and under the car.

Laying of paving slabs with their own hands - step by step instructions

General Tips and Rules, how to put the pavement tile correctly:

  • provide water drainages. If laying of paving slabs in the sand is carried out, then water will go into the gaps between the tile, and if on a concrete base, then the transverse, longitudinal or transverse and longitudinal slope is required. Thus, water, rain or thala, will not be gathered between concrete and tiles. Therefore, the probability of swelling of the track sections is excluded. Optimal sidewalk slope 1 cm per meter. Please note: the water removal clearance should be located between the border and tiled web;
  • relate tile size with dimensions. The wider the track, the larger there should be tile elements (subjective opinion), or vice versa, from shallow tile. It would seem that the large tile will make it possible to make the calculation of fast and simpler, but in fact, it may be different. Large dimensions of the tiles are directly reflected on the mass, the weight of the paving slabs is 40x40 cm - 15-16 kg (depending on the thickness). As a result, such plates are difficult to raise, move, align. While you will donate the height, you will have to lift the severity of the sand several times;
  • magate (sum up) communication before laying paving slabs. Otherwise, it will need to be dismantled, and to collect anew. If there are no need for communications yet, you can create conditions for their laying subsequently. To do this, under the track in the most likely places of the passage of future communications, it is recommended to lay plastic pipes diameter 50 mm;

  • installation of paving slabs is not made during the rain or immediately after precipitation. Soil and laid pillow must dry. Optimum humidity the base is the key to the fact that the tile will not spread over time;
  • the base for laying paving slabs should be perfectly smooth. Sand used for filling should not contain clay or other impurities;
  • choose optimal size Tracks. The width of the track is intelligently selecting, based on the size of the paving slabs, plus the value is equal to the amount of gaps between it. Thus, it will be possible to avoid laborious and not always beautiful cutting tiles. The same refers to the patterned display. However, this approach is possible only when laying tiles with proper geometry. Use of simulation natural stone, circular pattern, complex geometry does not always make it possible to do without cutting. In this case, you need to consider the exact location of individual integers and curved elements.

Stage 1 - Laying of Paving Tile - Schemes, Patterns, Pictures

To create a beautiful walkway from the tile, you need to make the right sketch. The drawing or laying scheme of paving slabs will help not only visualize the project, but also calculate the required amount of material.

The choice of laying scheme affects the shape (geometry) of tiles (see photo) and the planned layout design.

Significant opportunities for maneuver creates the use of paving slabs rectangular shape, S. standard dimensions 100x200 mm, such as "blocking" or "brick". They give the greatest number laying options.

Traditional options for laying paving slabs:

1. Geometric laying. Can be represented by colored cloths or illusions.

Playing the colors and layout of the tile, you can create a unique design of garden tracks. Examples in the photo (rhombus, square, circle, new and old city, parquet, chess, fan, coil, butterfly, wedge sheet, hexagon or bee honeycombs).

2. 3D illusions - sidewalk tile with 3D effect. Laying tiles with a pattern that creates a surround stereoscopic (three-dimensional) image - the tricky technology of deception of visual.

The example of which is provided below, the scheme has no classical understanding. Ensures the laying down of tiles in the artistic disarray. If the tile is one-photon, then when the layout varies the size of the tiles, if multi-colored - colors.

4. Art layout of paving slabswhose photo is provided below gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe manifold different options Styling. The complexity of the figure is determined by the mastery or perseverance of the master.

Stage 2 - Preparation of material and tools for laying paving slabs

It will take: sand, cement, tile, border. From the tool it is useful: a kapron thread, pegs, rubber hammer, a long rule, level, tamper, trumpet, broom. In case of trimming, you need a Bulgarian with a disk for cutting concrete. A comfortable thing knees, because work takes a lot of time with the focus on these parts of the body.

3 Stage - markup for laying paving slabs

The markup of the site is to define the contour of the future track. The place around the perimeter is denoted by pegs, between which the caprochy thread is stretched. Due to the fact that it serves as a guide to layout the tile, it must be stretching strictly by level.

4 Stage - Preparation of the base for paving slabs

For the base device you need to remove upper layer Derna, align the bed, pour water and compact it using a tamper. Tight primer in such work does not need. In the soil there are stones, roots of trees and shrubs - all this should be removed.

Note. You can leave the soil, but then the track will be much higher than the rest of the cover on the site, which can lead to her kneading or rain water.

The resulting bed is covered with a drainage bearing layer, such as rubble or gravel a height of 150-200 mm. For a car track (platform), the thickness of the layer increases to 400 mm. Many are laid under gravel and geotextiles on it to eliminate the likelihood of pillow blur groundwater. On top of rubble, 20 mm falls asleep. Sand, to equalize the base.

Stage 5 - Paving Tile Stacking Technology

Step-by-step instruction

1. Installation of border for paving slabs or wet

The appointment of border stone is to designate the track and protect the tile from the spreading. But there are examples of displaying paving slabs without a border.

The boarding of the border is made on the aligned base. For greater reliability, it is placed on a concrete base (concrete lock).

Can be installed plastic border For tile

The curb can be installed in a tile with a tile or perform a few cm. It is recommended to lay the tile slightly above the curb (curb) by 5 mm, this is a shridker.

Highlight three types of foundation:

Laying paving slabs on sand.

In this case, the distance between the borders (or the stretched thread in their absence) is filled with sand. The height of the sandy layer is 50-60 mm. Before working, the sand is watered with water using a sprayer and leave a little bit. Next, it is aligned and trambed. The statement is made on wet, but not wet sand.


At the base prepared at the fifth stage, the second layer of sand (30-40 mm) is stacked, which is stacked reinforcement grid. From above, the mesh is covered with a mixture of sand and cement in a 1: 4 ratio.

Laying of paving slabs on a concrete base.

The composition of "cake" is shown in the diagram.

Note. Laying tiles on concrete the best way. This is due to the fact that the concrete base does not miss moisture. Water is delayed between concrete and tiles and minus temperatures leads to the deformation of the track.

3. Laying tile

Simple rules for high-quality and efficient work.

How to put the paving slabs correctly:

  • the tile is laid out of the lower point in the direction of increasing;
  • the laying is carried out by the method from itself. Those., Performing work, the master moves along the already laid path so as not to damage the rammed and aligned base;
  • tile installation with a circular way starts from the center of the pattern.

  • the start of installation falls on the optically visible border, i.e. To the place where the first thing looks a look: entrance door, porch, veranda, gazebo, etc.
  • the tile is unfolded by non-smooth rows, but diagonally. It is easier to align the horizontal.

Getting Staged, the first thing stretch the cord on the width of the track, and the first row of tiles appear on it. The horizontal should be checked every 2-3 rows.

"Landing" paving slabsThe tile is placed in the place intended for it and is installed precisely by light tapping on it with a rubber hammer. If the tile fails under it, sand or mixture is being added.

The gap between the paving slabs is usually 2-3 mm (enough to waste water). The exact gaps are kept with the help of crosses (but this theory is not found in practice).

Some manufacturers have provided for the presence of limiters (remote locks) on the tile, allowing styling without use additional devices At the same distance from each other.

Material prepared for WWW.Site site

Appeared new technology - Paving tile, luminous in the dark. The installation of such a tile will allow you to designate the boundaries and protect the movement along the path in the dark. Luminous paint It is applied over the tile and is absolutely safe for users and soil.

Another variant of the decorative backlight of the track is the LED paving slabs. In this case, block-brick blocks are mounted in the laying process - lED lightsoperating from electricity or solar panels.

6 Stage - Passing Tile Suts

In addition to understanding how to put the pavement tile, you need to know what to close the seams. Filling the seams between the paving slabs is made in two approaches. To begin with, a thin layer of pure, sifted, dry sand is poured into the laid tile. Using a broom or brush, the backstage is hosted between the seams. Then the sand layer is poured onto the track (if the sand base) or a sandy-cement mixture in a ratio of 1: 1 (for cement-sand or concrete base) and also, with a broom, the seams are filled (wake up).

You can purchase a ready-made dry mix for filling seams of paving slabs: M150 (120 rubles / 25 kg) and Quick-Mix PFN (1650 rubles / 25 kg).

At the end of the work, the track is watering with a sprayer. Watering is carried out until puddles are formed on the track.

Important. The distance between the border and tile is not concreted, and also falls asleep with a dry mixture.

Note. Professionals are advised to perform joint ventilation with a special board, but users argue that in private construction it is unnecessary.

Paving slabs

Little to know how to put the paving slabs, you need to still provide her constant care to serve it estimated period. A simple care is in periodic sweeping and washing a path of paving slabs (so that the colored tile remains the same beautiful). IN winter time For cleaning snow, metal shovels should not be used, and for icing scrap, ice axes, as well as sprinkle the track of anti-trees containing salt.

Hydropobicator for paving slabs

The porous concrete structure acts as a sponge - absorbs water. Gigroscopicity plays his indulged role in winter, when water penetrates into the pores of concrete, freezes, expands and destroys the structure of a concrete base. As a result, the appearance of microcracks, lounches, shells, color change.

To prevent it, use protective impregnations - hydropobicators for paving slabs

Hydrophobic compositions (materials, additives, liquids) do not protect the tile from burning into the sun and abrasion, but only impregnate the surface of the concrete and thereby prevent "drinking" with water (report water-repellent property).

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If on cottage plotexcept the garden beds, there is a house and a recreation area, then without the structure and arrangement of the tracks can not do. The tracks must be beautiful, smooth, durable, dry and clean.

Selection of paving slabs wide: it has different sizes, shapes and colors

Consider how to properly lay the paving slabs in the country, for which we will break the entire volume of work on separate species:

  1. The choice and calculation of the need for paving slabs and borders.
  2. Marking tracks.
  3. Preparation of base for laying.
  4. Installation of borders.
  5. Laying paving slabs.
  6. Filling seams.

Laying paving slabs in the country, especially with your own hands, you will need the following tool:

  • Shovels, bayonet and soviet.
  • Rake.
  • Master OK.
  • Grinder (Bulgarian) with a disk designed for cutting stone.
  • Kiyanka rubber or wooden.
  • Thin rope or cord.
  • Wooden pegs.
  • Tamping (electric vibrating or manual self-made).
  • Broom.
  • Garden wage.

The choice of paving slabs, borders and the calculation of the need for them

Before proceeding with the work, you should decide how the tracks will be operated to select the material corresponding to the operating conditions. The paving slabs on the cottage should be durable, frost-resistant and aesthetic. Such requirements correspond to the vibropressed blocking of a thickness of 4.5 cm.

This type of paving slabs is made by filling in cement mortar forms of various configurations, followed by a seal by vibration on vibrationtole and pressing under high pressure. You can put a pavement with such technology with your own hands on the tracks for which there will be not only walking people, but also to approach passenger vehicles. Quality product It must be homogeneous on a break on texture and color.

The vibropressed pavement is produced in different colors. It can be with a painted top surface, and may be colored throughout the thickness due to the additive of dyes into the solution in its manufacture.

It should be abandoned to buy tiles of bright saturated colors throughout the thickness, as the excess of the dye worsens strength characteristics Tiles. What form to choose a blocking, rectangular or more complex, depends on the configuration of the paths and the taste of the owner of the cottage.

In some parts of the tracks, you can put a tile of different configuration and colors. The joints between such sites are better made straightforward with the help of trimming with their own hands with the grindder (grinder) with a disk designed for cutting stone. The calculation of the need for tile is made by multiplying in the meters of the total length of the tracks on their width and coefficient 1.2.

The required number of borders (side stone) is calculated by multiplying the length of the tracks by 2.1, taking into account the possible trimming on turns and adjustment to buildings and gates of the cottage. The height of the border should be 20-25 cm. Border is advisable to buy a length of no more than 1.5 m due to weight weight. Montage with your hands of the border, even 1 m long requires the efforts of two employees.

Marking tracks

Marking - one of the main stages of laying paving slabs

Marking tracks is made after analyzing your needs in them. On both the edges of the future tracks in the ground, pegs are driving, which stretches the cord. Making the tracks are unnecessarily winding means to complicate their own work on the laying of the tile. The width of some parts of the tracks may differ from each other, but should allow the car where it is necessary.

Preparation of base for laying tile

On all over future tracks, we take out the soil to a depth of 25 cm, it is approximately the length of the bayonet of the construction shovel. The outlined soil is carried away, so as not to port the kind of lycin. After the recess of the soil, the base surface is far and trambed. With absence electric vibratinglitis The tool for the trimmer is easy to make with their own hands from the length of 1-1.5 m long, to one of the sections of which to nail the middle of the bar-crossbar with a length of 0.5 m.

Laying paving slabs is a very time-consuming process that requires accurate compliance with the rules.

After the end of the race, if the ground is sandy or the sandy, the rammed surface must be slightly moistened to compact the remaining sectors. Clay soil It is not necessary to wet.

On the rammed surface you need to pour a crushed stone fraction 20-40 mm layer 7-10 cm and to dissolve it. At the same time, it is necessary to decide which profile will have a future track: flat or convex in the middle with a flow of water along the borders. In accordance with this, a layer of rubble must be distributed.

Installation of borders (side stone)

At the edges of the future track, we drive the pegs in a step of 2 m to that position when their vertices are 5 cm above the level of untouched soil. This level will be the height of the borders. In the top of the pegs, we drive small nails and stretch the cord on them, on which we will focus the correctness of the editing of borders in the planes we need.

Sideboard - separator between the carriageway and sidewalk

To install the onboard stone, heating a slightly fused crushed stone and install the stone on the rest of the chungy pillow. Align it in the cord, placing the bottom of the stones of the appropriate size.

Formed under the border after alignment of the emptiness, fill it with rubble for a uniform distribution of the weight of the stone on a rubble pillow.

In the same way, we put the next border. Between adjacent stones, we leave a gap of 3-5 cm. After the edge of the edge of the borders is preparing a cement-sandy solution in the ratio of 1: 3, which are filled and secure the joints between them. The solution is given 1-2 days to harden, then hang the layer of rubble, tram it and start laying paving slabs.

Laying paving slabs

For a guaranteed result, ensuring the strength and durability of the laid coating, the tile should be put on the cement-sandy solution prepared in the proportion of 1: 3. The solution of a layer of 3-5 cm, the trump, is placed on crushed stone to an area of \u200b\u200b3-4 tiles. On the laid solution is mounted tile and rubber Cyansa It is consistent into a solution to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The following product is placed nearby and also cuts by the image. Between the adjacent tiles, a clearance of a fixed value from three to five millimeters is left. To ensure this can be inserting auxiliary plastic crosses coming on sale. It can be replaced with their old nails inserted in the seams, which can be pulled out the other day.

If the track profile is decided to make flat, then the tile can be laid the pattern as across and diagonally. If the choice is made in favor of a convex profile, then to facilitate compliance control required level Masonka is more expedient to lead across. The control simplifies is also made with your own hands from the board with an oval of the profile of the future track, which periodically applied to the tile laying. It is necessary to create a slope of 5 mm for each meter of the length of the track to the side opposite to the buildings on the site.

After 2 days after laying, it should be filled with a cement-sandy solution of emptiness between sidewalk tiles and borders, possible with curly forms of tiles. Another day you need to prepare a dry cement-sand mixture of the proportion of 1: 3, scattering it over the onset tiles and revenge the broom along the track until it fills the intercutric seams. Then the path should be poured with water from the garden watering can, so that the dry mixture in the seams sat down, and leave the seams to harden until the next day. The next day, repeat the filling of the seams by dry mortar, but prevent them from filling to the tile surface. Surplus dry solutions from seams need to be published in a broom so that they are clearly designated.

On this work on the laying is finished, you only need to paint the borders of the facade water-emulsion paint In the selected color, aesthetic combined with the color of the tile.

Laying paving slabs in the yard is excellent solution To improve the territory, make it beautiful, cozy and comfortable. Works on its laying can be done and independently, it is not difficult to do this, this material is not only beautiful, but also reliable, and if everything is done correctly, then it will serve for a long time.

Laying the paving slabs with their own hands is performed quite often, as this process is simple, and any domestic master can master it. In stores are presented big choice Paving slabs, and you can pick it up so that it goes under the exterior of your yard. Laying paving slabs with their own hands on small territories It can be carried out without helpers, and if it is necessary to cover a large area, you will have to take the subband.

Before considering the rules for laying paving slabs in the sand, you need to know that there are two main types: vibrating and stamped. If you want such a coating to serve you for a long time and look beautiful, then it is better to buy a vibrolyant tile, although you will consider that it will be higher than that of stamped.

The specified coating and thickness may differ, which usually fluctuates in the redistribution of 20-60 mm. If you plan to make tracks in the garden, it will be enough to put the paving slabs on the sand, and its thickness can be only 20 mm. For a private courtyard for which it will move a car, It is necessary to lay the tile, the thickness of which is 40-45 mm. If it is assumed that heavy trucks will be moved on this coverage, then it is necessary to use a tile whose thickness is at least 60 millimeters.

Although the drawings of such a coating can be very different, but if you are new to, it is better to start with a simple form and do not take for forms in the form of "rhombus", "brick" and "blocks" so how to properly put the paving slabs of this type is quite difficult.

If we talk about the color of such a coating, then it can be the most different, and you can pick up the one that is suitable for your yard. Consider the fact that the color tile will be more expensive than gray, although the technology of laying paving slabs does not change with their own hands.

What is needed to perform work?

Exist different methods Styling, but to fulfill these works, you will need such tools and materials:

  • sand, depending on the size and landscape of the yard, it may be needed quite a lot;
  • cement;
  • paving slabs, required amount which is calculated taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe yard;
  • border;
  • pegs and thread or fishing line;
  • bulgarian with a diamond circle;
  • rubber hammer;
  • rule and construction level;
  • traaming;
  • master OK;
  • broom and shovel.
  • for convenience, you need to purchase knee pads.

So that the water is not stood on the site, it is necessary to make her little bias, usually they are made towards the street, but in each individual case its decision is made.

If you decide that the slope should be in the side of the street, then the street will zero levelAnd towards the house you need to make a small hill.

Along the selected zero line Two kids are driven and stretch the horizontal thread, it is necessary to control its position using a level. Now the pegs are tied to the peg, perpendicular to the already available and at the second end put a peg with such a condition so that the tilt of the threads amounted to several degrees, it will be enough for rain and melt water to be stood in the yard.

It remains to score another peg and stretch to it thread, which will be parallel to the zero line, so you will get a rectangle, which from all sides is marked with lines and the laid tile will be in the same plane.

Place alignment

After you have installed the dimensions of the site, it is necessary to carry out its division into the strip, the width of which must correspond to the length of your rules. The separation is carried out in parallel zero line and for each band stretch a separate thread.

In independence, from what ways to lay paving slabs you will use, the next step of the work is the leveling of the site, in accordance with the markup. First, the alignment is performed using the soil plug, it is necessary that it would be below the mark of approximately two heights of the tile, but no particular accuracy at this stage should not be achieved.

To seal the soil, it is necessary to use a tamper that can be made independently. Now it is necessary to prepare a dry sandy-cement mixture, while taking 6 parts of sand and 1 part of the cement. Stir everything on Earth, it is better that the sand is slightly wet, so such work in very hot weather is not recommended. When answering a question, what sand is needed, it is worth noting that it should be clean, without organic inclusions and slightly wet. This mixture is evenly distributed at the extreme strip.

Technology laying

On the border of the strip must be put metal pipe or wooden barberAt the same time, the gap between them and the stretched thread should be for sublimation less tile thickness. Now we put the rule on the pipe and we add the prepared mixture, which the trambam with the help of hands, resulting in a finished strip on which the laying of paving slabs on the sand is carried out.

In order to conveniently work, it is necessary to inspect the condition of each tile and put it with stacks near the site where work will be carried out. If a concave, convex or curved tile come across, then it is better to put it away aside. Then it can be used when there will be small parts.

The tile is settled on the prepared base, is well closed with a rubber hammer and descends to the level of markup, its position is checked with a level. Depending on the selected laying scheme of paving slabs in the country, a sequential laying of the following tiles is carried out. It is recommended to keep styling from yourself so that you move along the laid area. By making, so one lane, go to work on another strip.

If you have an obstacle in the form of a hatch, pipes or other, then it is first kicked by whole tiles, and the fit is performed after the main part of the work. Although there are different ways to lay paving slabs on the sand, but the most often used diagonal scheme, which ensures maximum strength and stability of such a base, and when driving on it, the minimum noise is published.

The final stage

Some experts recommend filling the seams at the end of each working day, others do at the end of all works. Regardless of this this process It consists in falling asleep seams with a sandy-cement composition, first the mixture is distributed over the surface, and then it grinds it with a broom. The gap between the tiles should be about 3-5 mm.

In order to maximize the gaps that have fallen in them moisturize, after its sediment, the procedure of the breaker is repeated, it may be needed several times. Typically use a mixture of sand and cement in proportion 6: 1, and in places high humidity, It is necessary to use a mixture of 3: 1.

It is almost always necessary to cut the tile, in each case it is determined separately. Cutting the tile is best with the help of a grinder on which a diamond circle is installed.

Laying paving slabs without a border can be made, but if you want to do flower beds, you will have to use a border. In this case, along the edge, a small trench is dried, into which the curb is installed and fix it with a thick cement solution.

Now it remains with the help of a clipped tile lay all the remaining places and fill the seams. At the edges, as well as in the places of the tile approach to the entrance gate, experts recommend putting it not on a dry sandy-cement mixture, but on the usual cement mortarIn this case, the ratio of cement and sand should be 1: 3. It will provide more reliable installation, and it can withstand heavy loads.

As long as the joints are not fully filled, it is impossible to travel through the tile of cars, as this can lead to its displacement. The seams should be highly filled to ensure the elastic interaction of neighboring tiles each other. If this is not done, there may be damage to the tile, it can rise, because there will be no place for its expansion.

Put the courtyard tiles, territory near the house or garden tracks easy, you just need to adhere to the rules described and then you can perform yourself this work, without attracting services to this specialists, which are not suiced.