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Production and use of aroma lamp at home. How easy and quickly assemble an aroma flag out of the girlfriend from what to make aroma houses at home

Aromatherapy originated in the ancient century. The principles of treatment with smells were used in Egypt, Greece, India, China and other Asian countries. Gradually, this direction has spread in Europe and America. As is known, essential oils have a relaxing, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect. You can choose a suitable smell and enjoy, while it is quite realistic to make a device for supplying an oil (which is called "aromalamp") with their own hands.


A simple design of a container with essential oil and - that is what is an aroma. With your own hands, this device was made (as mentioned earlier) in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. It was a conventional lamp above which a small capacity was established (from ceramics, glass and other natural materials) - oil dropped from various herbs with the addition of water.

It can be noted that at the moment the principle of the device has practically not changed, but at the same time the device also use both an addition to the interior, as a lighting device or flash drive.

Types of fixtures

Aromalamp (with their own hands you can make a simpler option) It happens the following types:

  • Classic device. The most common device consists of a bowl with butter water that is heated with a burning candle.
  • This device differs from a consequence in that a conventional lighting light running from the network is used as the heating element. And this device is used for soft lighting of the room.
  • Aroma lamp with an ultrasound device. The principle of operation of this device is significantly different from previous species. Here, the oil is fed to the diffuser, where it evaporates under the influence of ultrasound. This aromance (with your own hands it will be difficult to produce such a device) does not produce side odors, such as the burning of the candle, it is safe, since water does not apply here, which in careless handling can lead to in the power grid. In addition, this device is economically, since the oil is not diluted, and immediately enters the diffuser.

How to make an aroma with your own hands?

In order to make such an appliance independently, such materials and tools may be needed:

  • canning bank oblong shape;
  • small candle;
  • scissors for metal;
  • i saw or other suitable dishes;
  • glue and decorating stones and other materials).

This is a very simple way to make such an accessory as an aroma lamp, with your own hands. The master class is presented below.

Choosing a jar, pay attention to the fact that the top of her should be smooth. At the bottom, in the side surface, you need to make a small hole through which the candle will be installed. A pile or other dishes should be approached to the upper hole in the bank in such a way that the position of the bowl is steadily. The surface of the cans can be decorated with various materials and glue at their discretion. After that, you can install the bowl on the jar, fill it with water and add a few drops of oil.

This device has a good soothing and healing effect. In addition, some essential oils (for example, coniferous) disinfect air. This device can be installed in any place in the house and enjoy pleasant flavors.

The appearance of the aroma in the life of a person is dated to centuries to our era. Our ancestors with the help of these simple devices were filled with incense dwelling, people believed and continue to believe in their healing properties. Today, the role of the aromalamp has changed somewhat. They are used as elements of the decor, as there are products of the most diverse design.

The principle of operation of the aroma lamp is simple. A small bowl is poured into a small bowl into which several droplets of essential oil drip. Since the oil density allows it to be held on the surface of the water with the thinnest film, then when heating the bowl, the liquid begins to evaporate under it, and the room is filled with an amazing thin aroma.

Buy such a device is completely optional. In our master class, we will tell you how to make an aroma from the priests with their own hands.

We will need:

  • tin jar of 500-750 ml;
  • koxnica or other capacity, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the can;
  • marker;
  • awl;

It is impossible to call such an aroma larch, but if you need it "here and now", then the option is quite suitable.

Aesthetic enjoyment

The following option of self-made aroma lamps is suitable for those who appreciate beauty. Head facilities do not do here, but all materials are available and inexpensive. Before making the original aroma for home, prepare dry sprigs of fragrant plants, cones, dry berries, nuts, and a transparent container with a lid and wick.

At the bottom of the banks neatly lay out spices, bumps, herbs and nuts. Fill them with paraffin oil. Then make a hole in the lid and stretch your wick. It should be such a length so that two thirds are immersed in oil. Tighten the lid and the aroma is ready. With burning, the wick, impregnated with insidious on herbs and spices, will produce a thin fragrance, and the shimmering light will fill the house with warmth and comfort.

A little more complicated with their own hands is made of clay aroma. To do this, it is necessary to make an oval bowl, and one of its sides is to narrow, turning the edges to get a hole for the wick. With the help of a knife, sewn or ordinary toothpicks can be made on the aroma of notches and patterns. Give the aromalamp to dry well, and then the clay product must be burned in the oven. Please note that clay does not like sharp temperature drops, so first do not close the oven door for 10 minutes. Gradually bring it up to 200 degrees and dry two more hours.

When the product is ready, you can insert wick into a special hole, pour an aromatic oil into the bowl or a mixture of oils. Aromalampa is ready to use! The fire warms the walls of the bowl, so the oil will begin to evaporate slowly.

The use of essential oils is undeniable both for human physical health and for its psycho-emotional state. But in order to enjoy your favorite aroma as long as possible, it will take not only the air bubble, but also a mandatory attribute of this magical therapy - the aroma lamp. Did you have such an accessory at home? No problem! It is not difficult to make a useful device independently of the primary materials - quite desire, smelting and something from unnecessary trash.

Aromalamp is a simple design, which consists of a tank with essential oil and a heating element. This device, in addition to aromatic, can perform the functions of gentle pleasant lighting, as well as interior decorations. Modern products are made of clay, glass, ceramics, metal and other natural materials.

When heating the oil, ether begins to evaporate, the aromas of which are spread throughout the room, immersing those present in a special state, depending on the functionality of the selected odor.

Modern aroma are several species:

  • the classic device consists of a bowl with water and oil that is heated by a burning candle;
  • the electrical lamp involves the use of a conventional light bulb as a heating element;
  • ultrasonic adaptation implies the evaporation of oil flavors, which is supplied to the diffuser.

How to make an aroma with your own hands at home

A simple aroma unit can be made independently of girlfriend materials. In terms of its functionality, it will not give up the factory accessory, and above an attractive appearance, if desired, you can work hard by showing fantasy.

Important: Material for an aromatic lamp must be refractory to avoid sudden fire.

Regardless of the material from which the lamp will be manufactured, it is important to adhere to some recommendations:

  • capacity for oil must be a volume of 30-40 ml (2 art. l.);
  • the bowl must be easily washed;
  • the distance from the fire to the oil reservoir is about 8-10 cm (so that the water does not boil, but it was hot).

From tin cans

The most budgetary, fast and affordable way to enjoy the flavors of your favorite esters is to make an aroma from a tin can, which will be found in every home. For this purpose, the oblong high bank will fit, for example, from under olives or beer.

In addition to the main component, it will take:

  • marker;
  • construction knife;
  • awl;
  • small candle;
  • capacity for oil (peeper or salt);
  • glue and decorations (shells, sea stones, etc.).

The following procedure should be performed:

  1. First you need to make a hole through which the candle will be placed inside the lamp. To do this, on the side of the bank you need to draw a marker of the cut line (for example, in the form of the arch), given the size of the candle. The land of the arch should be at the bottom of the bank.
  2. With the help of a building knife, carefully cut the discourse for the candle.
  3. At the top of the bank, a selection of holes to exit combustion products (can be in the form of a pattern). Pre-applying the pattern with a marker will facilitate the task. Small holes in the form of a picture throughout the side wall of the cans will be a creative decoration of the product.
  4. Using prepared decorations and glue, arrange the lamp in its preference.
  5. From above to the jar, place the oil capacity suitable in diameter. Fill it with half water and drop a few drops of prepared essential oil.
  6. On the bottom of the banks put a lit candle.

Once in minutes of creative inspiration, I was visited by the idea to make an aroma ladder with your own hands. To spend a lot of time and forces on the crafts, I do not have enough patience and opportunity, so I chose the easiest way that is described above. I even got it to make it even easier. Just cutting off the bottom, I got a pass-through jar, which is enough to put on top of a burning candle. In this case, the candle must be less than banks in diameter. As a bowl for oil, I used the steel coxnot. It remained only to make holes in the side wall of the jar for the exit of smoke from the fire. Here I gave the will of fantasy so that my aroma also looked attractive in the dark room. For all the work I went no more than half an hour. And I get the pleasure of emitted smell every day.

Video: Master class manufacturer lamps from tin can

From clay

To make a product from clay, although not very difficult, you will have to spend a lot of time, forces and diligence. This process is quite laborious, but it will be rewarded with an exclusive, beautiful and useful interior item. Here you can give the will of fantasy and reproduce exactly the form, color and style of design, which will like the most.

To work will be required:

  • clay for modeling;
  • foil;
  • special clay knife;
  • paints;
  • water.

The principle of work resembles a laying of plasticine, which everyone passed in kindergarten and school, but still work with clay has its own characteristics. The modeling of the model of clay aroma of the standard form looks like this:

  1. Estate foil and work on it.
  2. Cut the bowl about 10 cm tall with a hole side to room inside the candle. You can sculpt from a solid piece, and you can lay out one on one knitting rings, which at the end are riveted before smoothness with water.
  3. Separately, from a small piece, create a plate - oil tank.
  4. A special knife (with its absence, you can use the toothpick) apply a relief pattern or pattern. You can apply bulk figures.
  5. Then the product should be dried. To do this, first need to put a figure into the street, and after dried in the oven, increasing the temperature of 30 degrees every 15 minutes. After switching off, leave the lamp in the oven until complete drying.
  6. Now you can paint the product in the desired color.

In the same way, it is possible to sculpt the product from a salt dough: after drying it is mounted, creating the effect of a clay figure. To prepare such a mixture, you must take on a glass of shallow salt and flour, add 5 tbsp. Spoons of sunflower oil or hand cream, mix well. After that, start dressing the mass, gradually adding water until the achievement of homogeneity and elasticity (water should go about 1-1.5 glasses). To get colored dough, you can add food dye or natural juice. Sew the craft from the salt dough is also needed as clay in the air, and then in the oven.

Photo Gallery: Lrack Clay Products

Clay for modeling can be purchased in the store for children's creativity The bowl must have a side of the candle on the side of the candle, you can lay out the flavors one on one to put some effort, you can get an exquisite subject of the interior

Express method of aromatherapy session with orange

If you are not a creative person or simply missing inspiration, and the fragrant pause is exactly now, that is, a simple way that will help to relax. An ordinary orange from the supermarket is useful for aromatherapy session.

To create a simple variant of the fragrant lamp, you will have to work very little:

  1. Cut the orange exactly in half.
  2. Spoon Separate the peel from the pulp.
  3. In one of the halves, cut the hole (or somewhat small) any form.
  4. Lubricate the inner side of the peel selected by the ether.
  5. In a whole half, put the lit candle and cover the leakage part.

To add a highlight, you can decorate the peel with cloves of cloves, which not only improve the appearance, but also give a special light note of the aroma.

Safety regulations

Using the aroma, we are dealing with fire, so you need to remember the rules of security in this process:

  • do not leave the burning lamp without supervision;
  • to protect the furniture, use an additional refractory stand;
  • choose a place for the device away from curtains and other rapidly marked objects;
  • near it is not necessary to spray deodorants, hair polish, air fresheners and other flammable means;
  • put the lamp in an inaccessible place for children.

The process of manufacturing the aroma lamp at home is simple. And if you have a good imagination, then you can find options for creating a product. The main thing is to comply with the safety rules when handling fire, and not to get involved in frequent inhalation of ether.

Essential oils were widespread in different spheres of our life - this is the cosmetics that we use daily, and all sorts of fragrances in hygiene. But perhaps the greatest popularity among the population was purchased essential oils in aromatherapy. Moreover, aromatherapy can be applied not only for medicinal purposes when dealing with a cold is a wonderful way to raise the mood, improve the overall health of the body, fill the dwelling with pleasant flavors, tune in to the working way or to achieve a relaxed state.
There are several ways to use aromatherapy, but still the most effective of them is aromatherapy using aromalamps.

Aromalamps are known to mankind from ancient times. Previously, in special devices smoked incense, so as to create a special atmosphere, improve the condition of air indoors, fill it with pleasant aromas and expel unwanted insects.

The smokers, like modern aroma lamps, were most often made from ceramics. But the whole charm of aromatherapy today is also in the manifold of the methods of manufacturing aromalamp and materials, from which you can make an aroma lamp with your own hands.

Fragrant orange lamp

We take one or several large oranges - the number of manufactured lamps will depend on their quantity. For the manufacture we will also need candles-tablets (by the number of oranges), knife, essential oil according to your taste.

For the manufacture of such a lamp, it is necessary to cut orange exactly in the middle. Then carefully choose the whole pulp, without damaging the walls of the crust. In the top half peeled peeled peel, cut the sprocket, crescent or any other feature - this hole should be large enough to ensure the movement of air for burning candles. Lubricate the inner walls of both halves with essential oil, put a candle tablet into the bottom half, burn it and cover the second half with the cut hole.

Such fragrant lamps will look great on the New Year's table - if you wish outside the peel of the orange, you can decorate additionally with cloves of cloves. Cutting a month in one orange, and in the rest - stars, you can create a starry sky in the room.
In such an "aromalamp" there is one significant drawback - it can be used only once, as it is made from a perishable product.

Another option aroma lamps from orange

In this case, for the manufacture, we need ordinary white small paraffin candles - 2 on one large orange, essential oil, coniferous needles or dried orange crusts.

As in the previous case, the orange is exactly in the middle cut into 2 parts and the whole pulp without a residue is removed from the halves. Butter lubricate the inner walls of the resulting "cups", then carefully fill them with a paraffin molten on the water bath from candles, mixed with finely chopped spruce needles or orange crusts, also finely chopped. We do not forget until the paraffin finally grabbed, in each "bowl" carefully place the wick from the candle, so that its tip looks out over the surface by 1-1.5 cm, and the rest can be freely positioned in the frozen paraffin so that when burning Fitil candles was immersed in paraffin.

Such an aroma, as well as the previous one, is preparing shortly before use.

Aroma lamp from banks

In order to make an aroma of a longer shelf life, you can use a small beautiful glass jar. Fill it with small bodies, badyan asteristers, cloves of cloves and dried petals of flowers dried figures from orange peel. Drip a few drops of your favorite essential oil. In the center of all this beauty, place the wick from the paraffin candle, and the paraffin itself melt on the water bath and fill it into a jar with a decorative filler. At the same time, the free end of the wick strengthens the cans on the surface of the center with the clothespin. After the paraffin freezes, in a tin lid, do in the middle a small hole, pull it into it the free tip of the wick - and the fragrant candle is ready.

For the manufacture of aromalamps at home perfectly suitable and cute tin jars, and unusual clay products, which can also be made independently.

The only thing you should not forget about - you should not overshadow all sorts of flavors. The fragrance that hovers in your home should be pleasant for all his inhabitants, he must cause pleasant emotions, and not a feeling of fatigue and irritation.

Which serves to aromatize the room, by evaporating essential oils. It is usually small in size and inside is provided for a place for a small flat candle. The thing, in my opinion, is engaged, but I really didn't like the burning candle, because it is unsafe, and she burned the air. Given that I spend a lot of time at the computer, it was thought that it would be nice to have an aroma of USB.

The idea is not quite traditional, but, to my surprise, the Internet search showed several aroma for USB. Most liked the following.

However, it has cons. First, it is not so easy for me to buy (I don't like to order via the Internet). Secondly, the price is about 1500 rubles, which, in my opinion, is expensive for such a simple device. Thirdly, it hurts a computer with her kind, cheap plastic and so on.

If you are not embarrassing the appearance, you can use the USB support with heated under the mug as an aroma. This is a more common computer accessory and find it is not a problem. Simply pick up a very small saucer, metal or ceramic, or a metal plug of suitable sizes, and put it instead of a mug.

This option also seemed not very interesting. The first minus was decided, but two others - no.
Since the search on the Internet did not give anything better, a desire to make an aroma lamp for USB with their own hands appeared. Fortunately, nothing complicated in it.
The simplest way to get heating is resistors. USB 2.0 port is 500mA, from here:

R \u003d V / i \u003d 5 / 0.5 \u003d 10 ohms.

We received resistance for resistors. I decided to reinforce a little (in order not to get overload) and focused on a little greater resistance - 11-12 ohms. To disperse the highlighted heat you need to have, let's say, two resistors 2W. I did not have such at hand, but there were resistors of different resistance by 0.5W. Since the total need to obtain 4W, then 8 such resistors are required. I took the 91 ohm resistors, whose parallel compound gave 11.4 ohms.
P \u003d V² / R \u003d 5² / 11.4 \u003d 2.2 W.

This is a real power that will stand out.

Resistors placed in the same plane. The conclusions were twisted with each other, then dished.

Now, in fact, it was necessary to decide on the container that heated.

I had two old aroma lamps working with candles, but they were not very suitable. The first with a glass saucer is too open, wires ugly will hang in sight. The second has a solid body, heat the top of which resistors are not real, is like a radiator, all heat will dissipate.

I found in the Aromalampus store, again under a candle that had an attractive view, the cost of only 199 rubles and an independent container for essential oil.

Its design is such that the capacity does not come into contact with the body of the aroma lamp - it keeps on a wooden stick - this is what I needed.

The bottom capacity under the essential oil is flat - this is also a clear plus, the resistors to it will very tightly lighten. The only problem is how to attach resistors? Glit This is bad! After all, it will be heating and respectively smell of glue. The usual stationery clips were hitting my eyes ... From a pair of such clips (to increase the length), it turned out quite a good holder.

The shape of the holder did so that it spring, reliably pressing resistors. As a layer between the resistors and the holder is the usual wooden chips. To ensure good heat transfer used the thermal colon.

To connect to the USB, I used the cable from the old USB mouse.

Power is taken from red and black wire.

Soldes everything in 5 minutes.

It turned out everything is quite neat. The appearance of the aroma lamps did not change.

The LED glows inside. The brightness is small and it is not visible, if you look at the aroma of the front.