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How to go deep snow into Tomb Rider. Passage of Rise Of The Tomb Raider

The Tomb Raider 2013 game has become a restart of the legendary series about Laru Croft, which is also known to all as a rapid tomb. In the nineties and zero, everyone with great pleasure was played by the shooter from a third party, full of incredible adventures, expected the release of new parts until the series gradually did not fade. However, developers who decided to restart the legendary series, told about how Lara became such a combat and invincible woman. And in the first game Restart, you play for a fierce and timid student of the Archaeological University, which sent research. The project was so successful that the developers took care of the creation of the second part, which was named Rise of the Tomb Raider. You have further passage scene line per the main heroineHowever, special attention is attracted in the game only nine them, and they all offer to pass special tests. It is not necessary to pass them, but in each of the tombs you will find an impressive reward. So it is still recommended to pay special attention to what you can offer in the game

Ice ship

The "Ice ship" is the first test with which you will encounter in the Rise of the Tomb Raider game. The tombs will vary thematically, and the setting in them, respectively, will be different. In this case, you will be tested in the ship stuck in the ice. Your task here will be a rise to the very top, but for this you need to get rid of ice from ice, which blocks the path. Do not think that it is easy to do it - of course, you hardly have difficulty understanding what order exactly needs to be done, but the dexterity of the hands will be useful to you in this case. When you find yourself on the deck, you can read several diaries and magazines, from which you learn what happened to the ship. However, your goal is an ancient manuscript, with the help of which you will get a skill entitled "Ancient Skills". What does it give? With it, you will be able to cope with the onions more effectively, shooting two times in a row without the need to get a second arrow from Quiver - it will be very much useful to you in the next adventures in the game of the Rise of The Tomb Raider. Tombs naturally do not end up - there are still a lot of tests ahead.

Ancient tank

Chamber of Exile

Well, the last tomb of tests is the "Wandering of Exile." It is located in where you need to break the gate blocking the path to the manuscript. To do this, you have to do quite a few cunning operations that will require you not only mind, but also dexterity. As a result, you can blow up the gate with the help of a fuel gas released, and if you handle the task, you will get the ability to "Greek Fire". This means that your fiery arrows, and other fiery attacks will apply much more damage to the enemy, and they will also be able to punish even a layer of armor due to the extremely high temperature of fire. Are you interested in why it was not said about how it goes well in the game of the Prophet Tomb Rise of the Tomb Raider? The thing is that this is not the tomb of the test, but a full-fledged game storyline, which has nothing to do with this article.

We finish passingRiseof.theirTomb.Raider. This time, a young, but already collapsed Lara Croft will meet with one of his main enemies and will try to save the holy source.

Abandoned Mines.

These mines were built by Russians and carry a threat - both in the natural plan, and in terms of mercenaries that are growing here. Lara will have to wade through the mine very quickly, otherwise the enemy will get to the holy source first.

Go through the mine until everything becomes bad. You will be cut from Jacob, you will have to run along the shaved mine. When you get to the exit, kill three enemies. Then activate the elevator. After that, push the trolley on the rails to long stand. Close to it and take the knife. Cut the rope with a knife, holding boxes blocking the path, and then cut off the two cables on which the elevator is held. Now jump down and take the elevator, click up the mine, after - on the ice wall.

Keep moving forward along the corridor, beware of the traps in the floor - as a result, you will find yourself in the main zone. Kill two closest enemies before continuing to move forward. After that, kill those guys who are digging near the car. Catch up to the other side using a rope attached to the door.

Standing face to a big door, go to the right and jump on the cable attached to the truck. Go to the passage and push the cart. Use the arrow with the rope to send the trolley to the truck. After that, cut the rope so that the truck fell and thus broke the door. Go back on the aisle to return to where you were. Now you have to fight with several waves of mercenaries.

Now the wall is broken, you can move on. Come in dark Hall And take up the ice wall, then go ahead and go through a barricaded output - you can open it with arrows with ropes. From here, scream up the ice wall and kill enemies upstairs.

Locker on the stairs to get into the next location. Use the cable to climb the crane and move to the protrusion on the other side. You need to pull the trolley down the rails, and then combine it with a rope with a large container. It will be filled with water and snewing a crane. Run along the falling crane to the large doors and come inside.

Now in the Rise of the Tomb Raider, out of the room, beware of the traps in the floor. Swim to the exit, diving in tunnels. When you find yourself outside, turn left and go up until you find yourself at the cable. Jump on it to finish the mission.

GeoThermal Valley.

The village in which Jacob people live is under attack. Go down and protect people.

Move into the most distant part of the valley, using your instincts to find the right path. There you can get in a few ways, so choose the most suitable.

When you find yourself in ruins, go to the broken bridge leading to the signal tower. Come there with a cable. Here you will get fiery arrows.

When the battle is started, go back to the already created cable. Go through the ruins to the location of the battle, on the right side of the mountain. You will receive a shotgun - usually they can be killed with one shot, if the enemy without armor. Kill the dude with a flamethrower by climbing him from the back - do not use shelters, he will burn them. Shot in it four or five times from the shotgun, continue to move. The shotgun recharges fast enough, so you have to kill it without problems.

The Acropolis

This battle in the Rise of The Tomb Raider is not yet completed. You need to save people. Get to the heart of the Acropolis and protect them. Cross the lake, take up the wall until you find where the villagers should hide. Go up, then turn left, move on to the other side. Swim in the next zone and enroll in battle.

Kill enemies on your way to free the way for Daughter Jacob, go to the right when everyone is dead. Go to the tunnels and kill mercenaries. Having broken with the group, you will fall down. On the way there will be two more mercenaries and a hole in the wall through which you can get to the hostages. Kill mercenaries before they begin to execute hostages.

After the roller, break the wall to the left of the door and go through the hole. You will receive explosive arrows that will allow you to unlock the doors. Now go upstairs, killing mercenaries.

Flooded Archive.

Atlas - the best way For Lara Find a kite. But she will have to get to the place where the man's leg has passed many centuries.

Catch up to the other side using arrows with ropes and your new topor. Then go down to the valley to get to the Mercenary camp. Kill them, preferably - quietly. Having enjoyed through the house, you will find yourself in a place where there are even more armored guys.

If you are notified, then use a shotgun or machine. However, it is better to kill them quietly. Go through the house, take the wall of the building opposite. In the next zone, continue to move up until you find yourself where Anna is located. After the roller shoot the generators. Then just descend to the atlas.

Come back with the atlas. Mercenaries will start using big guns - use containers against these guys to explode them. In the next zone there will be even more enemies and more smoke, so it's better to do everything quietly.

Floating quickly until the gas died. Move through the flooded pass, until you find yourself at the exit. Now you need to use explosive containers to clarify the statue. Shoot on the first container, then go to the right - here you will find the lever. Using arrows with ropes, pull the lever on the other side, then shoot the barrels on both sides. Then make the barrels to ride into the water and also shoot on them.

The next riddle is a bit different. Fix down one barrel and let her fall on the barricade. Bloom the barrel to destroy the barricade. After that, quickly swim on the other side and use the arrow with the rope to connect the barrel so and make it swim to the right. Cut the rope and blast the barrel.

Now run - you will be attempted to kill immortal soldiers. Try to stay away from the barrels, because the enemies will shoot them. Defending the water, swim to the exit.

Research Base.

Go ahead, kill enemies. You will again find yourself in the place where the difficulties of Lara began. You will get flat arrows. Continue to move along the tunnels until you find yourself on the enemy territory. Go ahead and get ready for battle.

You will find traces of the truck. Go on these traces. Further is very desirable to do everything quietly. By killing two guys, go through the forest near the red car. Kill all enemies - they go one by one. After finishing, with the help of new arrows, take wooden wall In the highest part of the forest. There will be two enemy here - kill them from Luka. Move forward until you find yourself at the hole in the base wall. You will find yourself at the frozen pond, according to which you can swim. Do not swim through the first hole - swim further in order to cope with the enemies quickly and efficiently.

Once again in the forest, kill seven enemies: two pairs and one triple. However, the pairs will sometimes be broken, so they can be easily killed without excess noise. Go ahead, take up the yellow stairs until you reach the atlas.

Get to John, while late - he will beat Konstantin. On the way, kill enemies, you can do it noisy. Go forward. Go through the house, use a shotgun. Will arrive a helicopter and start shooting the house - run away quickly.

Now you will need to kill armored enemies. Use water as an advantage - they can be reset there. However, these guys have thermal imagers and easily see you. Beware of lasers indicating where they look. Molotov cocktails will be very useful here.


You need to get to the curtain before your enemies.

Get down to the room and break the wall to go through the tunnel. With the help of flat arrows, go to the other side. When you find yourself in the planetarium, go through the hole in the wall to get into low part building.

Now you need:

  1. Use an arrow arrow to pull the first turning platform to oneself;
  2. With the help of the same arrows, turn the left at 180 degrees to the platform with a surface that gives you to climb up;
  3. Climb on the bottom platform;
  4. Use a hatch to move to the next platform;
  5. Climb up the next platform;
  6. Climb on the wall.

Now pushing the blocking mechanism, go to the other side and push another mechanism. The whole system will come in motion. Jump into the center, then wait until you can jump neither the platform below, then jump on the beam, go down to opening time On the platform, and finally, on the lowest platform. From here jump on the central structure of the machine and take up the top.

With the help of flat arrows, go through the abyss and go to old city. Here you will need to scramble a lot, but the camera will guide you to the right place.

Warrior will attack you - if you do not click the desired button at the right moment, you will have to fight long. Fight with the waves of enemies, making your way through the old town, doubt the fiery attacks. Go to the following zone.


Lara has the last chance to save Jacob's people and do not give enemies to get the holy source. However, at first she needs to go through the kite.

With the help of cables, make your way to goal. Now return a little back and go to where there is a siege gun. There will be many armored guys here, but most of them will fight in the near battle. Once in the far corner, climb upstairs with flat arrows. Get to the siege tool, kill enemies and break with the gun of the gate.

Go left to the next goal, get new arrows. Here you have to kill several waves of enemies. Now go through the door and go up to a siege tool. Aims for the nearest protrusion with the ropes. Now go to the platform and use arrows with ropes to connect a pillar with fragments in a siege gun. After that, turn the gun to the goal, the debris will be shifted, and you can destroy the gate.

For the second shot, use an instrument on the other side. Get there using arrows with arrows. Do with the gun the same as last time in the mine.

Use the cable to get down - where there were archers. Kill a few enemies, run until you find yourself on the edge of the roofs. Make another cable straight from the post with the rope. Run through the gate and kill enemies along the way.

Climb on the walls upstairs. Go to the tower leading to the highest point of the city. Beware of enemies falling ice pieces and all garbage. Once at the top, you will fight with mercenaries. Use arrows - poisonous and exploding. Shotgun and shotgun will also be effective.

Now get ready for the final part of the game. First will be wave battle with a helicopter. A siege tool will help damage the helicopter - everything will be necessary to get three times. There will also be many waves of enemies.

Having failed through the earth, you will find yourself in a room with immortal soldiers. It is better to kill them quietly and one by one.

Fighting with Constantine, apply quick attacks to him - either from behind or on top. Two such attacks can be killed. Now you can either spare it or kill it.

Run to the temple, so as not to give Anna to use the holy source.

Go forward for the forwarder, and after Lara rolled down, click on the appropriate button. Locker to the right, jump to another ledge. Even the right and jump above. Come to the icing wall and click on the key to start closing up. Go around the icicles on the right side, jump on the clock to the left. Climb a little higher and jump in the freight forwarder.

Continue to move on until you see the cat scene. Next you will need to climb along with John. Use all your skills, moving to the right and up. Soon avavan will come down. Run away from her along the paths. On the rope, ride down. When Lara slips down the slope, then it will be necessary to jump on the right side, where there is an icing wall. In the end, you will choose from here.

Two weeks earlier

London, England

North-West Border of Syria

Lost Tomb

Move down the slope up, jump over the ledge until you see a hole in the rock. Come to him to get inside the mountain. Go forward. In the cave inspect a few huge icons to increase knowledge greek to first level. Now you can explore the column in the center. After studying the column on the map there will be a place where coins are buried. It is not far from the column. Find coins and then go to the wall with a hole. Inspect it, and then hit the picka several times to destroy.

Hidden oasis

Follow the left. By brick wall You can jump twice. Jump on it, then re-press the jump key to push back and fly above. Follow below to the entrance to the oasis. When you are on the spot, then climb the ledge and go inside. Move through the cave, then put the wall with the foot.

Tomb of the Prophet

Explore the record and the icon on the left side. On the right there is urn with a coin. Go along the corridor until it falls the thing with spikes. Sick in it from the gun and arouse under the log. Go forward until you fall down. Note that at the top hangs wooden stand. Shot B. fastening elementwho saw with spikes earlier. Wooden stand will fall into the water. Left there is a wall with a crack. Destroy it to rise the water level. With the help of a wooden stand, pick up the proceed. Go forward until you fall down. When Lara fell into a trap, first shoot at the fastening element, and then click on the specified key (button) to break it. Swatch forward until you choose from the water.

Go forward and at the top will see a dome with a tomb. Go down to the water. Drag the wall on the right to raise the water level. Then go left, where there are shelves with corpses. Scream on the shelves upstairs. Jump onto a wooden platform to raise the water level. Lock the shelves with corpses in the center, where there is a tomb at the top.

Rising upstairs, go forward and jump so as not to fall down. Follow the new premises where it will be necessary to play with water level. First, destroy the wall on the other side. By the way, when you go to a new room, where you need to go down into the water, on the right side you can find a manuscript.

So, destroying the wall, look up. One wooden platform hangs smoothly, and the other holds in one corner. Sick the second platform into fastening so that it fell down. Now jump onto a wooden platform hanging smoothly. It goes down, and the room for some time will be filled with water more. Roll into the platform kept afloat, and hurt it to the ledge on the column nearby. Jump to another column, and with it - on the rail, on which a wooden stand regulates water is held. See the cat scene. Kill enemies and leave the cave.

The puzzle is not complicated - you need to knock down the ice and go upstairs. To do this, run the mechanism of the ice ax. Raise a double jump on the mast and jump over the right pendulum. Wait until it goes down, get out and scroll up the wall cleaned from ice. Again the mechanism. Spice Stick until the left pendulum drops at an acceptable height for jumping. Go across the mast and jump on the pendulum to smash the ice here. Get down and climb on the ice wall on the ice guards. You are waiting for a bunch of treasures, including a sacred book that increases the skill of archery, the second level of Greek and a bunch of gold. Having gathered everything down the cable car and pick up next to the descent of the medallion, which after the study will open you important secret. You can continue the plot task. Upon exit from the cave and after bathing in the water, do not forget to pick up the scroll on the right.

Cave tank (test tomb)

You can immediately run towards the relic, but the boards break down, and you will fall into the water. If you go to the lower right corner, then you will find the passage to the hatch and canister. Bring the canister and add some water. Now go back, come into the structure, and you will find three cans on the right. You have a challenging trick. You need to take a canister and throw on the raft. Then jump onto the beam and remove the raft with the canister to the other side. Jump and wait when the raft with Kanishyst is sailed next to the hatch. Bring the canister and will open a new passage. Inside you need to get upstairs and break the wall. Jump down. Throw the canister again on the raft and repeat the trick with the lever. Now you need to have time to swim up to the bad and drop the canister into a stubble window. Do all the way back, take the canister and blow up the last hatch inside. Water will reach the limit, and you can pick up the skill. Come back to the Soviet base. You can explore the caves with wolves, but there is nothing special there. The cave in front of the story label will open you another dungeon. You can log in and perform task in darkness. Return to the last fire, destroy all the enemies from one more camp, enter the rear and discover the merchant who is ready to exchange valuable items on gold coins. Above the rise and descent down. Enjoy the plot twist.

Glow of God (test tomb)

You need to go ahead and fear only the second slamming ice beams - time to jump and grab the wall on time. On the side to shoot in a pillar and tie the rope. Now you need inside the tomb. There there will be a map, note and a little gold. Far counterweight stuck, so you can't raise the second gate. Lower the first. Take up on them upstairs and move onto the other side. Jump on the right and dampen one end of the rope to the counterweight and the second to the coil. Tension the rope to the maximum and remove the shutter on the right. If you did right - the coil will not be active. Come back and pierce the wall on the side. Raise the gate again, and you can consolidate the counterweight in the right position. Come back to the lever and assigned to the maximum and then cut the right rope on the right. The ice is destroyed - you can raise the gate and take another useful skill. This will restore you health in battle in case of critical damage. Come back, using arrows and cables to the basic camp. You can return to the shelter in the wilderness and open a previously inaccessible cave using an arrows and rope and return to Jacob's views.

Uranium mines (test tomb)

You need to go down below and below, fall into the water and bypass all the development. During the jump, the design will fall apart. So it should be. On the way, you will meet a pipe with water, which closes the fuel design - just throw the incered mixture through the top. Further waiting for you a puzzle. We must jump on the far counterweight and break the way. Climb above and shoot an arrow with a rope into the mechanism, thus pulling the trolley. Further jump over the pin in the wall on the other side and go upstairs. Near the post, shoot an arrow with a cable into the trolley. Go down, jump on the counterweight, and the trolley will close the water source. Throw the incendiary mixture into the discovered fuel barrier. Jump inside and take the skill of tearful eyes - it gives you the opportunity to see the traps. Come back.

Chamber of Harriad (Tomb Tomb)

Go to the bottom corner of the map directly to the waterfall. You need to move on the opposite direction - the cable will help you. Then hesitate at the goal and kill several hostile animals. We break the grille and go to the cave, where the tomb is. Here you have to solve a rather simple puzzle. We roll out the coil with a cable to the very edge. Next, we train to the G8 beam and go to the far corner with a bucket. Drech for the cable to lower the bucket down. Tie a bucket to the trolley on which the coil is located. All, solving the problem is found. We go upstairs and take a new relic with the ability "Fast treatment". Now you can return to the valley.

Aquifer (tomb tomb)

Take the rope on other side and go through it. On the right, you will need to go through small burials and go upstairs. Here you will see a temporary parking lot. To solve the puzzle you will need your entire seaming and dexterity. It will be necessary to hook to the device's devices, and then quickly jump on the next point. After entering the island, it will be necessary to cling to the root from one millstone to another. Tightening the rope will have to the lever. Having made some such exercises, you still get to the land. There you will find a relic, which will give Lara skill to get animals right in the heart. Unfortunately, the benefit of it is a bit, as it does not act on the bears and leopards. Now you can return to your main route.

Kiet baths (test tomb)

Sweep under water, then leaving and run between the flow of water to the fire. Pour the trap and break between the roots. Below you are waiting for a lot of water. You need to attach a root to the beam on the left and then pick it up to the edge. As soon as you get up - run to the lever and drain the water. Secure the cable on the lever and the winch. Get the winch. One water level left. Go down and pull the boat to the right beam. Tear inside and drain the water on the right. Cable attach the lever to the boat. Now go down, undermine the barrels and take the manuscript. He will give you a bonus for climbing. Cave passed. Return to the main route - you can simply teleport to the nearest camp. As soon as you get the topworn arrows - you can climb the mountain next to the very cave with wolves. Go ahead until you reach the scientific station of the Trinity.

Atonement pit (tomb tomb)

Now you have an oxygen apparatus, and therefore we advise you to return to the geothermal valley and find a cave there, where you need to swim for a long time under water. Then pop up and go to railwayLocated on the right. Somewhere nearby will be a new tomb with a puzzle. Climb upstairs and roll out the cart. Next, you need to deploy the platform with the fences of the tree in the opposite direction. Order Lara to push the cart down.
Then find a small pillar, which is right from you, and tie a rope to it. She will help you move to the second platform. Get to the very top and with the help of the lever, lower the platform down. Expand the design with three paws, and after moving the cart on the site. Next, turn it in this way as she looked at the opposite side of the side. Raise the platform and throw off the trolley again. It will open you access to a new relic, which will give you the ability of the geologist (benefit from it, unfortunately, a little). Now you can return to the fulfillment of the main quest.

Country Chamber (Test Tomb)

How to kill the closure, start looking for a wall with cracks. Destroy it with the help of ice ax and move forward. Take an explosive arrow and create a pass. You will learn exactly where you can make a hole on a pipe with gas. Then turn the two lever using the arrows with a cable. Just a small cut to a cell with a skeleton and deploy the chain. Then wait until the gas hangs out or simply explode. Now you can try to raise the cage using the crane. You need to turn it directly to the goal. Next, take up the top ledger again and release some gas, activating two levers. Blood gas, running into it a fiery arrow. Take a relic, giving a bonus to the damage to fire, and continue the execution of the main story quest.

Which you will find in the location of the geothermal valley. After examining it, you will receive the skill of the "iron grip", which improves the climbing skills of Lara.

You can find it at the entrance number 1 (entrance 1), which is listed on the following map. Wandering through the forest, you will find the cave, be subject to which you have to fight the bear. Take a strong weapon with you to deal with the shaggy. After the battle, break the wall and jump into the water.

Periodically, the water thread stops - at this time you can run on. It will take several times to overcome such traps to go out to the last ledge, which can be climbed to the camp and preserve.

At the privala, take the relic, which lies beside the fire, and then pick up higher, using the way through the right corridor to take the document. After that, go on the left side, bypassing the roots and trees. Soon you will reach the main premises of the tomb.

Dive into the water and move to the boat. Once on it, shoot the cable arrow to the beam, passing under the arch. Swimming up to her, shoot on a new beam, which is right. Finally, swelling and to her, take the ledge and jump into the water again. From here you float to the stone platform, where an important mechanism is located.

Activate the mechanism to reduce water supply. For limited time, you must quickly consolidate the rope coil on the water, which you saw in the hall, diving into the water, with the mechanism that was found on the platform. Now this coil will seem over water, since you have reduced the level of the latter.

While the water is not enough, you can get to the coil and manually activate it. The action must be done very quickly, as the camera will soon flood back.

Having understood with this, get to the boat. Shoot in the beam on the right side of the heroine, if you are standing face to a ledge, which climbed into the hall. Swimming up to her, dive under the window to get into the second hall, where you previously reduced the water level.

Once again, reducing the flow of water, then fasten the mechanism on the stone platform with a boat (no, this time is not a coil). The upper way to leave the hall, pick up the archivis card in the process, and using the boat, turn the mechanism to reduce the water level.

For the "land" running to the gate, be subject to undermining containers with flammable. Inside you will find a cherished book.

P Alat Allaby

The sixth tomb with which you may encounter during adventure. Fully examining it, you will receive the "Instant Restoration" skill, accelerating "climbing" RAS.

You can find the chamber of the suffering you can in the zone geothermal valley, namely the entrance number two (Entrance 2). Get inside directly impossible, so get ready to walk by bypassing along the rocks.

In the path of Lara to fight the flocks of wolves, so restore health and capture good weapons. Reaching the gate, go inside and go down on.

Bypassing the corridor with narrow passages, you will go to the camp that you can save progress. By the way, listen to what the heroine says - the Lara Well will touch the surrounding architecture, hinting a player for a secret. Go down to the well to find collections.

After the camp, find the staircase under which there is a cache and relic. In the well, by the way, the caches are also located (you have to dive). Having gathered all sorts of things, go out, to the square. Here I find a hole in which the platform hangs.

You must connect the platform with the mechanism using the rope to activate the device.

Before the book will have long, as it is located at the very top. After the task with the mechanism, find in the same courtyard, standing directly opposite the hanging bucket. To the left of it is the cart, which you need to move a little bit.

Then go back to the bucket and shoot the mechanism next to it to fill the iron with water and omit. At the same time, you must have time to consolidate a bucket with a trolley with a rope so that the bucket falls to the end.

Now climb the stairs to the new area. Tell it using beams and canopies until you reach the balcony. Inside you will find the desired book.

I ama atonement

In the seventh time, Laru is forced to climb deep and dark caves. The next tomb, which is in the geothermal valley, will allow you to find a book hidden in it to get a "geologist" skill, giving one hundred percent success during the development of chrome deposits.

You can find the entrance to the pit from above from the very first camp location. Go from it along the river until you reach the waterfall. Go along the mountains until you find the cave hidden just for the waterfall.

Going inside, jump on the ledge and climb through a spill to go to the save point. After that, jump on the opposite direction, where Lara detects the rods and a backpack.

Next, go to the next passage, located right next to the tree. When you jump down, you should move to the next part of the wall and have time to cling to the ice ax for a plumb, when Lara starts sliding.

Then rise above and use the fallen tree to go on. Here, bye a thin hole and step forward until you find another descent with a drop. Only so you will fall into the pit.

Once in the water, head to land, which is in the center of the room. The entrance to the room with the relic is blocked by the gate, which can be opened only in one way - to undermine them. Standing opposite the railway tracks, pick up the right to find value and information.

After that, use the onions, crossing the dipped and long-range pillars. Rotate the mechanism to the exactly half to wrap the platform with the cargo. Now you can challenk the trolley, and then blow up blocking the gate path. By the way, being upstairs, notice a niche right, where the map of the archivist is.

Finally, use the rope, which was pulled between the columns. Over it will achieve the next room where the trolley is. Minute it and get to the mechanism that is located on the rise on the left. Rotate it to lower the platform and move the trolley on it.

When the trolley turns out to be on the platform, use the left mechanism, and after the mechanism is opposite, then go to the top right on the platform. This trolley will have to push down as the first.

For the opened passage lies the cherished book.

To the atom of sacred water

The tomb behind the eighth number can be found on the expanses of the geothermal valley. For her research, you will be given one of the numerous skills of Rise of the Tomb Raider - "knowledge of anatomy", which increases damage on animals.

Fix in these catacombs is quite simple. Before the camp in the valley, where you fought with the warriors of the Trinity. Wooden in the tunnel, moving on the right side. Minute the waterfall and jump down, then step further forward, up to an extremely narrow cleft.

Having passed this LAZ, install the rope between the columns and turn on the opposite direction. Next, move to the room with the skulls (hold the right wall to find a relic). Find the passage to the top leading to the camp.

From the latter, find the pillars located on the left. Calf boost shoot into the boat, which is located at the small island, and attract it to yourself.

Sit down and swim to the islet using the classic method - to cling to the poles and attract the boat to them. There are enough document and gold.

Then you need to find a boat standing for a waterfall. Slightly sit down from the island and the same way to shoot on the post in a waterfall, from where then pull yourself a new boat.

Sit into it and head to the other end of the area. Close up using a rope, securing it on the post. Act quickly, as the boat can be demolished into a break. Once at the top, go through a couple of corridors (they are linear) and go into a room with a book.

P Alat Exile

Completes the adventures of the breakdown of the final tomb, located in a notched city. Its passing will open you the skill of the fire of Greeks, which increases the fiery attacks from Luke.

The entrance you will find with the edge of the location. Inside you again meets the bear, whose overcome can only be the strongest weapons of the game. By killing it, go further and collect all sorts of relics and other items for the collection.

Once at the water, dive to the depth, but in front of it, inspect the place of the rocks. There you will find a backpack, relic and cache. Once under water, get to the opposite exit. On land, activate the camp and go to the right, pick up the collector information in parallel and the hidden chest.

Go ahead until you refer to the gates surrounded by a gas cloud. To dispel it, shove there with fiery arrows. The gate will explode, and you can get further.

In a new room, take the information and get ready to solve a couple of riddles. Cable arrow shoot two levers, which is upstairs. With this action, you will open the valve and run the gas to the room.

Going to the cage, beaten by which the cloud has not yet been formed, and depart the chain. Then carefully undermine the gas, or wait until it dispels.

After that, you need to run the structure that the crane. Open the valves again, attacking the archers of the levers. When gas fills the room, shoot the cloud to have an explosion. So you will open the gate and you can walk to the book.

Video: Rise of the Tomb Raider - all tomb with a card

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