Repairs Design Furniture

Planning a bath with a separate location of washing and steam. Planning bath with a separate location of washing and the steam rooms are needed in the bath

Compact bath 4x4 m is an excellent solution for a small area. Even in the conditions of such a modest design, it is possible to quite successfully position all the necessary premises, having received a full-fledged, functional and convenient bath.

After reading the information below, you will learn about the most optimal options for the location of the interior of the baths of 4x4 m, the choice of rational dimensions of each of them, the features of the interior decoration, as well as additional associated nuances.

Drawing up a project of any bath, and the structure with dimensions of 4x4 m is no exception, begins with the designation of the location of the most important premises of the structure under consideration, i.e. Parling, waxroom and pre-banker.

Important! If the bath 4 to 4 will be built from logs (namely, this material is most often used in the construction of structures such a modest size), consider that the inner space as a result will be somewhat less compared to the outer. In the process of performing calculations, take away from the inner side of the log thickness used (in the case of a lip "in the paw), or add an additional 250 mm to this thickness (in the case of a slak" in the bowl "). This will allow you to maximally perform the required calculations.

For example, if the bath is built from a 400 cm long and a diameter of 24 cm, cut down "into the bowl", the internal dimensions of such a structure will not exceed 3x3 m. Consider these moments in advance, competently selecting the sizes of the logs and the Wagon method competently, focusing on the desired internal dimensions Bath.

By drawing up the project, remember the following x important nuances:

  • the planning of a small bath is expedient to perform everything: the inner space of the structure is divided into 2 identical parts. The first room is equipped with a rest room. The second part is shared again - under the steamroom and bathroom / wake-up. As a rule, the steam room makes a larger than the washing room, but you can withstand the same dimensions - as more convenient to the owner;
  • to save space in the steam room, the furnace arrangement is widely practiced near the wall in the rest room. In general, the heating unit can be installed in any room. The main thing is that fire safety requirements have been suppressed, the necessary heating efficiency is ensured and, of course, the personal wishes of the owner are taken into account;

  • bani layout is strongly recommended to include a vestibule - this will allow you to comfortably use the steamer in the cold season. In Tamburi, you can install the furnace to save the space of other rooms.

Bath furnace prices

bath furnace

In the process of designing a compact bath, you need to consider a number of additional important nuances:

Bath layout can be supplemented with a terrace or porch at the discretion of the owner. In general, with the design of the internal planning of the bath 4 to 4, it usually does not arise any difficulties. It is only necessary to first familiarize themselves with all possible nuances of the work performed so that in the future there is nothing to redo.

Bath layout options 4x4 m

Basic information

The simplest version of the bath is 4x4 m is a structure consisting of one room that simultaneously performs the functions of the changing room / prezn Annik and the steam room. In the corner of the steam, the electric or ordinary wood-burning furnace is installed. The room is equipped with 2-3 shelves with a width of 50-60 cm or more, if free space allows. Along with this, such a planning option is extremely inconvenient, because it is much more comfortable when there is a wax and lounge in the bath. Moreover, in the space 4x4 m, it is possible to equip them.

The standard planning option includes a rest room that simultaneously performs the functions of the pre-banner and locker room, the steam room, as well as the washing room. The stove is usually shuting up in the steam room. As a result, the adjacent room (usually the rest room) is heated by heat emanating from the adjacent wall with the wall.

If a budget allows, you can also build a small house-bath with an indulgent 4x4 m. The first floor is discharged under the steam room and standard related rooms, and on the second you can make a billiard room, an additional rest room or even a full-fledged bedroom.

One of the most popular and successful options for the internal planning of the 4x4 m bath is presented in the following image.

The proposed project includes a built-up terrace with dimensions of 150x400 cm. The spaces are quite enough to install the compact table and chairs. In the warm season, it will be possible to pass the time for a cup of tea or another drink after visiting the steam.

The entrance leads to the pre-banker. This room can be used at the same time as a resting room, locker rooms, seats for storing firewood and other accessories. The stove is installed in the steam room. The door of the heating unit is removed to the pre-banker.

The installation of the furnace is carried out with the mandatory fulfillment of fire safety requirements: the walls around the furnace with a refractory material, a metal sheet of 10 mm is stacked before the furnace furnace.

Also very successful is the 4x4 m bath project, presented in the following image.

In accordance with the recommendation given earlier, the inner space here was first divided into 2 the same parts, one of which as a result was equipped with a spacious rest room. Other half again divided in half, removing one part under the steam room, the second - under the washing room. In this project, the furnace furnace is carried out from the oil.

If you wish, you can install the furnace at the walls of the steam room, adjacent to the rest room so that the aggregate firebox is carried out from the large room. At these points, the owner is guided by his personal preferences.

For a comfortable operation of the steam room in the cold season, the project can be recycled with a small tambour, as in the image below.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe inner premises of the steam room is determined in accordance with the estimated number of visitors. In general, the compact bath rooms in most cases are made minimal size to have enough space to install a shower cabin and, if necessary, toilet bowl. This option will allow you to take more free space in favor of the steam.

Advantages and additional planning options 4x4

Despite such modest dimensions, 4x4 m spaces are enough to arrange all the necessary premises:

  • parling;
  • pre-bankers / Comnte Ata Rest;
  • terraces / porch.

The presence of an indoor terrace is a big advantage. First, an additional equipped place to rest appears. Secondly, in the presence of a terrace, the weather will not be able to overshadow the bath visit.

Along with this, if the space is limited to strictly considered 4x4 m, to equip the terrace will have to noticeably reduce the dimensions of the inner rooms. In general, the owner will still have to sacrifice something to the maximum efficient use of available expanses, and what exactly - each decides on their own.

Dimensions of indoor rooms

An important step in the preparation of internal planning of any bath is to determine the optimal dimensions of each room, taking into account the available space. Calculations are taken to perform in accordance with the estimated number of people who will be simultaneously in the equipped room. For example, 1-2 people will be more or less comfortable in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b3-6 m2, for 2-3 people need to be equipped with a room more significant size - an average of 4-8 m2, etc.

The information shown in the following table will allow you to quickly navigate and correctly determine the internal dimensions of each bathroom.

As noted, the main premises of any baths are the steam room, oil and the pre-banner, which is visible in the following image.

Key information regarding each of the listed rooms is shown in the following table.

Table. Bathrooms

RoomBasic information

If earlier the pre-equipment was used mainly as a locker room, as well as places to store dry wood and other bath accessories, now this room is often equipped with a rest room. To do this, it is enough to place the table, chairs or a corner, as well as a TV and music equipment, if the place and that is, the need allows.
When calculating the Séda Square, follow the rule: 1 visitors are not less than 1.3 m2 of free space. At the same time, the positioned 1.3 m2 does not include a place occupied by furnishings and technical equipment.
To ensure the necessary level of air exchange and in general, the larger use of use, an adjustable window is set in the pre-tribbon.
Important! The door leading from the pre-banner to the steam room is set with the expectation to open strictly towards the first one.

The key functions of this room fully testifies its name. For maximum efficiency, the washing is equipped with both cold and hot water supply. Water heating is carried out by the oven, electric water heater or other available methods.
The design was washing up so that as a result of its visitor, a free space was given in the amount of at least 1-1.2 m2.
Complete set of oil remains at the discretion of the owner. For example, you can do and install a conventional pallet for pouring, but it is much more comfortable to place a full-fledged shower cabin in a washer.

The design of the main bathroom is carried out taking into account the many important nuances and additional points, including:
- the sizes of the furnace and the features of its installation;
- free space between the heating unit and the subjects closest to it;
- indicative number of people at the same time visiting the steam room;
- Dimensions of the shelves and their number, etc.
If you follow the current requirements, the steam room must be designed so that at least 1 m2 of free space will be given to each visitor if the person will sit in the bath during the bath. The specified quadrature does not include the space occupied by the internal furnishings of the steam room, passages, etc.
In height, the steam room is recommended to do at least 200-210 cm - this will ensure optimal heating indicators and will provide an opportunity to comfortably use the bath to each average visitor. With respect to the length and width of the steam, it all depends on the characteristics of the project. Along with this, it is necessary that either the length, or the width of the room exceeded the 2-meter indicator.

Separate attention deserves the issue of designing shelves as one of the key elements of the arrangement of the steam.

So, if the shelves lie, their width should be from 90-100 cm, and the length of being at least 180-200 cm - such dimensions will be comfortable for most visitors with the average constitution of the body.

If the steam spaces are not enough to arrange the "lying" shelves, you will have to limit the installation of shelves for seating. Recommended dimensions of such elements: Length - in accordance with the size of the steam room, width - 40-50 cm.

Ban plans with a separate parillery and shower: a - bath for 1-2 people with a pair sitting sitting
Ban plans with a separate parillery and shower: b - bath for 2-3 people who can accommodate steam room lying and sitting; B - Bathhouse for 3-4 people with placing in a steam room as lying and sitting: 1 - hanger for things; 2 - pre-banker; 3 - pair; 4 - shower; 5 - bench; 6 - shelves; 7 - place to rest (Lena); 8 - doors; 9 - oven; 10 - table; 11 - wardrobe

The lower shelves are traditionally made by the narrowest - in this part the steam room is the least hot, in view of which children usually sit down at the bottom. Make a project with the calculation to ensure that there is a minimum of a 1-meter gap between the upper shelf and the bath ceiling. The recommended distance between the shelves themselves is 350-500 mm.

Ban plans with coupled and shower: a - for 1 person; b-for 2 people; B - for 3 people:
1 - pair-shower; 2 - pre-banker; 3 doors; 4 - shelves for seating; 5-stand; 6 - furnace; 7 - bench; 8 - Shelkov-Lena; 9-layer; 10 - chair; 11 - Table

If desired, the owner can change the recommended dimensions at its discretion. It is only necessary to monitor that, according to the final, the wage was conveniently located in it and, at the same time, the main safety provisions were observed.

Possible shelves configuration options in the steam room are presented in the following image.

With regard to the internal lighting of steam recommendations, only 2:

    production materials and the design of lighting devices must be calculated on the use of baths;

    installation of lamps should be performed so that the steam room is light and light in the steam room, while not "beat" to visitors to the eyes.

We design the internal decoration of the bath 4x4 m

In addition to the nuances of the internal location of the rooms of the baths and their dimensions, it is necessary to pay special attention to the finishes of each room. Traditionally, natural and environmentally friendly materials are used in the internal arrangement of the bath, the favorite among which is wooden lining.

Materials for interior finishing works

Wood - Natural material that meets all major sanitary and hygiene regulations and requirements for the internal arrangement of buildings and rooms with elevated humidity and temperature indicators.

Wood - Natural Live Material

Wood, unlike all sorts of artificial "counterparts", in the process of heating does not allocate harmful components harmful to human health. In addition, natural material is characterized by excellent heat engineering and properties, impressive indicators of durability and a relatively low value of temperature expansion.

However, not every breed of wood will be equally well to "feel" in the conditions of the bath. From a long time, Russian steam rooms were separated mainly with the use of larch, cedar and linden. Among the modern options, the Abashi tree uses greater respect - the lining made from this material is ideal for finishing the bathrooms from the inside. Basic information regarding the materials mentioned is shown in the following table.

Table. Properties of materials for decoration of bathrooms


In the process of heating, this material allocates a number of different essential oils, under the influence of which the air around is saturated with a pleasant smell. In addition, the allocated essential oils have a beneficial effect on the human body.
During the operation of Lipa, it does not lose its original color, which makes it possible to think much less about the need to re-repair repair and finishing works in the bath.

Materials rapidly gaining popularity for landscaping inland bathrooms. The tropical tree is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity indicators, contributes to the effective preservation of heat in the bath, almost without heating during operation.
The material has a visually pleasant yellowish tint and almost homogeneous texture, thanks to which the finished finish looks very beautiful.

The material "feels" perfectly in characteristic of paired temperature and humidity conditions. In the process of heating, the cedar wood highlights a pleasant aroma of needles.
When choosing a clapboard from a cedar, consider one very important point - low-quality material during operation can start intensively allocate resin, so the finish is recommended to be performed solely using high-quality boards designed specifically for the scheduled event.

The edged or tipped board made of hardwood wood is great for the ceiling. The coniferous breeds for finishing overlaps are not suitable - in the process of heating, many of them are isolated by a resin, the falling on the skin leads to the appearance of burns.

Prices for lining from different materials

wooden wall

Walls in the steam room

Finishing the wage should be performed using wood as high as possible, because It is in this room that the most severe operating conditions are created.

Important! Performing the wrapper of the wrappers with the help of nails, the mount must be carried out according to the "Way" method. Directly boards after the sheaving are not covered, because When heated, any paints and varnish materials begin to allocate substances harmful to humans.

Designing the inner finish of the steam, be sure to arrange the arrangement of a high-quality thermal insulating layer - thanks to it, heat will be stored as long as possible indoors, which will avoid excessive and inappropriate heating costs. The thermal insulation is usually mounted in a complex with hydroparoisolation materials, providing a longer service life of both insulation and finishing materials. If desired, you can buy a combination material that combines the functions of the insulation and vapor barrier, for example, based on mineral wool with a foil coating.

Parvesting is best to perform using hardwood wood. Among the Favorites - Abashi and Lipa. More budget and quite good option - aspen.

Prices for mineral wool

mineral wool

Paul in a steam room

Designing the floor, you can give preference to flowing or unconflated structures from wood or by capital concrete floor. Floors from concrete in completion are usually faced with tiles. The advantage of this option is longer than the life of the service life.

The boards require much more frequent repairs compared to concrete and tiles. If the wooden flooring is selected, it is better to take the edged or tipped board for its arrangement. Elements of flooring are attached to pre-equipped lags from a bar. The design of the floor is traditionally performed with some (usually 2 mm per 1 m) slope in the direction of the drain hole.

Recreation of the rest room is performed at the discretion of the owner - here the temperature marked conditions are not so extreme as in the steam room, therefore the choice is limited mainly by the owner's preferences, affordable budget and features of the project.

Washing finish

Walls in the oil can be sewn with a larch made from larch, or any of the materials mentioned earlier. The main requirement is the finish must be the most resistant to moisture.

In view of the mentioned requirements, the most preferred finish option for the wax room is wood coniferous rocks, for example, cedar or pine. These materials normally transfer contacts with moisture, while maintaining key operational and aesthetic qualities for long years of service.

Video - Bath 4 on 4 Planning inside

Price of building a cut Bani 4x4 without finishing under the roof - 211 000 rubles

  • The foundation is the refiner. 2 blocks in the tube (for single-storey houses) and 4 blocks in the cabinet on the cement screed (for homes with the attic). Concrete blocks, full, size 200h200x400 mm. The cabinets are installed on the rammed sandy pillow. Sand (PGS) provides the customer.
  • The outer walls are a profiled timber segment of a natural humidity section 145x90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm) "block house" profile or straight.
  • In total, in the Siruba single-storey bath - 16 crowns. In Srub, Ban with an attic - 17 crowns.
  • Open terrace (if any) on planed timber supports with a cross section of 100 * 150 mm, with shrinkage jacks. Fencing - handrail from the planed bar with a cross section of 40 * 100 mm. Stages at the entrance.
  • The height of the first floor ceiling in purity (from floor lags to overlapping beam) for one-storey baths 2.15 m (+/- 50mm); For baths with an attic 2,29m (+/- 50mm)
  • The second floor is mansard. Ceiling height of the attic cleanness (from the beam beam to the ceiling beam) - 2.25 m
  • The height of the roof is a skate for one-storey baths - 1.20 m.
  • Frontones - frame from a natural humidity board with a cross section of 150 * 40 mm, 100 * 40 mm. Outdoor finish of frontones - lining (spruce / pine AV) 17 * 90 mm. Windproof - nano-aisol "A" (for buildings with attic).
  • In the front of one-story buildings, the door is installed (1 pc.) And ventilation hatches (1 pcs. For each frontton, under the horse).
  • In the front of buildings with an attic, ventilation hatches are installed (3 pcs. For each fronton).
  • Karnisies and skes of the roof of 200mm width (for single-storey buildings) and 300 mm (for buildings with an attic). Eaves and sills are mounted with clapboard (fir / pine AV) 17 * 90 mm.
  • The device of window and door openings with a dressing crown, without the installation of casing bars.
  • Build house / bath on the customer's site.

The price of the bath 4x4 turnkey with the foundation and stove - 328 000 rubles

  • Foundation columnated. 2 blocks in the tube (for single-storey baths) and 4 blocks in the cabinet on the cement screed (for baths with an attic). Concrete blocks, full, size 200h200x400 mm. The cabinets are installed on the rammed sandy pillow. Sand (PGS) provides the customer.
  • Waterproofing - rubberoid in one layer.
  • Binding - a natural humidity bar with a cross section of 150x100 mm. According to the outer perimeter, the strapping is placed in two rows. The timber is processed by the protective composition.
  • Floor lags - a natural humidity board with a cross section of 40x150 mm on the edge, with a pitch of 600mm.
  • Black floor - a natural humidity board with a cross section of 22x100mm. Paro, Waterproofing - Nano Isolas C.
  • Floor insulation - 100mm min.vat KNAUF / URSA (or analog). Parosolation - Nano Isola B.
  • The finishing floor of the first floor is a dry tipped floor board (spruce / pine AV) 36mm thick. Each fifth board is attached to self-drawing (for the possibility of feeding floors).
  • The outer walls are a profiled timber segment of a natural humidity section 145x90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm) "block house" profile or straight. Only 16 crowns (for single-storey baths) and 17 crowns (for baths with an attic).
  • The partitions of the first floor are a profiled scarce of a natural humidity cross section 145x90 mm, a straight profile. Circled into outer walls with gluing up to 30mm.
  • Interwidden Heater - Jute Polystroy License 6mm
  • Interventovate compound - on metal berth (construction nail 6x200mm, 250mm).
  • Angular connection - "in Polterev". The outer corners of the log cabin are sewn with lining (spruce / pine AV) 17 * 90 mm in two rows.
  • Open terrace (if any) on planed timber supports with a cross section of 100 * 150 mm, with shrinkage jacks. Fencing - handrail from a planed bar with a cross section of 40 * 100 mm with filling by carved bassines. Stages at the entrance.
  • The terrace floors are a dry tank floor board (spruce / pine AV) 36mm thick. Must with self-drawing into each board. The boards are stacked with a step of 5 mm.
  • Terrace ceilings - lining (spruce / pine AV) 17 * 90 mm. Parosolation - Nano Isola B.
  • The height of the first floor ceiling in purity (from floor to ceiling) - 2.10 m (+/- 50mm) - for single-storey baths and 2.25 m (+/- 50mm) - for baths with an attic.
  • Floor ceiling entry (except for steam room) - lining (spruce / pine AV) 12.8 * 88 mm. (The shake is allowed for layout)
  • The second floor is mansard. Ceiling height of the attic cleanness (from floor to ceiling) - 2.20m
  • Warming of overlaps - 100mm min.vat KNAUF / URSA (or analog). Variazolation nanosol V.
  • Mansard Floors - Dry Tinged Flooring Board (Wel / Pine AV) Thick 36mm. Each fifth board is attached to self-drawing (for the possibility of feeding floors).
  • The walls of the walls and the ceiling of the attic - the lining (spruce / pine AV) 12.5 * 88 mm (the shake is allowed to layout).
  • The insulation of the nurse's walls is 100mm basalt mats Rockwool (or analog). Parosolation - Nano Isola B.
  • Mansard partitions - a frame of a natural humidity bar with a cross section of 40 * 75 mm, covered on both sides with a lining (spruce / pine AV) 12.5 * 88 mm. Partitions are not insulated.
  • Rafters - farms from a natural humidity board with a cross section of 150x40mm., 100x40mm. Installed in 900-1000 mm increments.
  • Frontones - frame from a natural humidity board with a cross section of 150 * 40 mm, 100 * 40 mm. Outdoor finish of frontones - lining (spruce / pine AV) 17 * 90 mm. . Wind, moisture protection - nanoseol "A" (for baths with an attic).
  • In the front-storey beds, the door is installed (1 pc.) And ventilation hatches (1 pcs. For each frontton, under the horse).
  • In the front alone baths with an attic, ventilation hatches are installed (3 pcs. For each fronton).
  • Dooming - a natural humidity board with a cross section of 22 * \u200b\u200b100 mm, with a step of 300 mm. Controlling - Rake 20 * 40 mm, on rafaling skates.
  • Roof coating - Ondulin (burgundy, brown, green) or galvanized corrugated flooring. Cruising vaporizolation - nanoseol C.
  • Eaves and sinks of the roof of 200mm width (for single-storey baths) and 300 mm (for baths with attic). Eaves and sills are mounted with clapboard (fir / pine AV) 17 * 90 mm.
  • The planner on the attic is a single-sighted, on the assets of the planed timber with a cross section of 145 * 90 mm. Steps from the floorboard. Handrail and fencing on the attic - planed bar with a cross section of 40 * 100 mm.
  • Wall decoration and steaming ceiling - lining (Osin c) 14 * 90 mm (allowed for layout). Reflective insulation on a foil basis is a nanoseol FB. Publishing - 10 * 40 mm (ventilation gap - 10 mm). Before the trim, the timber base of the walls is processed by a protective composition for baths and saunomide 200.
  • Two-tier shelves made of planed board (aspen c) 28 * 90 mm. The seizure width is 40cm (height - 50 cm); Sun bed width - 60 cm (height - 110 cm).
  • Installation of Ermak 12 / Ermak 16 furnace with attached tank (stainless. 35 l) for water heating.
  • The base of the furnace is a brick in one row. Cutting the flue portal - brick.
  • Fireproofing - basalt cardboard, ceiling and roofing passages, reflecting the screen from smooth galvanized steel to basalt cardboard, a tritting sheet.
  • The chimney is vertical, with an outlook in the roof through the ceiling. Starting pipe - stainless steel 0.5 mm, stainless steel gate, starting adapter stainless steel, sandwich pipes 115 * 200 mm (stainless steel 0.5 mm * galvanized 0.5 mm), galvanized headproof.
  • Installation in a washing scenery pallet 800 * 800 mm with a siphon. The output of the flow per perimeter of the bath is a plumbing PVC pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.
  • Windows - wooden, double glazing, with sealing and fittings (screw loops, swivel locks). Opening ingoing sash. Dimensions (in * w) 1200 * 1500 mm; 1200 * 1000 m; 1200 * 600 mm; 600 * 600 mm; 400 * 400 mm. Windows are installed in casing boxes.
  • The entrance door is wooden, Filöncated, deaf (spruce / pine a). Size (V * W) 1800 * 800 mm (for single-storey bath; 2000 * 800 mm (for baths with attic). Handles, loops. At the entrance door is installed at the mounted lock.
  • Interior doors - bath, frame (aspen a). Size (V * W) 1750 * 750 mm. Pens, loops.
  • Casual bars (Ryoki) are installed in window and doorways.
  • Inserting the corners, joints, adjoins - spruce fir / pine A / ozin av.
  • Finish finish of windows, doors - platband spruce / pine and on both sides, AV
  • Nails for fastening parts - construction blacks.
  • Nails for fastening lining - galvanized 2.5x50 mm
  • Nails for fastening the plinth, layouts - finishing galvanized 1.8x50 mm.
  • Loading, delivery to 400km from the city of Pestovo, Novgorod region, unloading a set of material.
  • Build a bath on the customer's site.
  • Bonus. Accessories for the wage. Stones - Gabbro-diabase 40 kg.

We have compiled for you a convenient table of differences in bats for shrinkage and turnkey.


Under Shridku.


Foundation Column from concrete blocks 200 * 200 * 400



Double strands from bar 150 * 100 mm



Floor lags from the board 40 * 150 on the edge with a pitch of 600 mm



Blackboard from the board 22 * \u200b\u200b100/150 mm



Floor insulation with hydro and vaporizolation



Clean floor - Dry pinned floor board 36 mm



Walls and partitions from the profiled case of natural humidity cross section 145 * 90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm)



Build a logging on steel brazers



Corner connection - in Poltera



Interwetzovy Heater - Jute



Rafters - farms from bar40 * 100/150 mm in 900/1000 mm increments



Gearing - Board 20 * 100/150 mm



Roofing - Ondulin / Galvanized Profile C20



Eaves and sinks roofs are lined with clap fir / pine av



Window and doorways with a dressing crown, without installing casing bars



Window and doorways with the installation of casing bars



Installing windows and doors



Ceiling Even - Wood Tire Flaw / Pine Av



Warming + steampoints of overlaps / attic



Decoration of the walls and the Ceiling of the attic - Wood Tire Veh / Pine Av



Wall Decoration and Ceiling Steam Roin - Wall Tag Av + \u200b\u200bShelves



Installation of the furnace and chimney



Installation in a washing scenery pallet 800 * 800 mm with a siphon. Conclusion of the flow for the perimeter of the bath



Ladder on mansardu



Finish finish: plinth, platbands



Loading a set of material, its delivery up to 400 km from our base, unloading on the customer's plot




Cost, rub)

unit of measurement

Foundation device on screw piles or R / B foundation


Decorative Trim Toculation - Baby ()



Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 500 * 500 * 100 mm under supporting tubes ( )


Protection (lining board) of the first row of the strapping from the larch board 50 * 150 mm ( )


Protection (lining board) of the first row of the strapping from the larch board 50 * 200 mm ( )


Double strapping from a bar 150x150mm


Double bruse strapping 150x200mm


Device Lag Floor from Bruse 150x100mm


The device of floors from the larch terrace board "Velvet" (for open terraces) ()


m * 2 floor

The device of the chisty floors from the tipped larch flooring 27 mm ( )


m * 2 floor

The outer walls from the profiled bar eats humidity with a cross section of 145x140mm, the partitions from the profiled timber eats. humidity cross section 145 * 90 mm


bim.m. Outdoor walls

Outdoor walls and partitions from a profiled chamber drying timber cross section 145x90 mm


bim.m. Outdoor walls

And partitions

Outdoor walls of profiled chamber drying vehicle cross section 145x140mm, partitions from a profiled chamber drying timber cross section 145x90 mm


bim.m.norugenous walls

The outer walls from the profiled timber eats. humidity with a cross section of 145x190mm, partitions from a profiled bar eats. humidity cross section 145 * 90 mm


bim.m.norugenous walls

Outdoor walls from a profiled chamber drying timber cross section 145x190mm, partitions from a profiled chamber drying timber cross section 145 * 90 mm.


bim.m.norugenous walls

Set of chamber drying lumber ( )


m * 2 squares buildings

Conjugation of the crowns on the wooden heater


Build a cut with a spring assembly force ( )


bim.m. Outdoor walls and partitions Srub

Build a cut with a screed of the crowns in height by steel studs


bim.m. Outdoor walls and partitions Srub

Corner compound "Paz-Schip" (Warm Corner)


one corner of a sruba

Angular connection "in the bowl" ( )

from 30,000


Mezernantic Heater - Hollofiber()


ramating meter of exterior walls of a church

Increase the height of the ceiling at 14cm (+ one crown in the Siruba)


bim.m. Outdoor walls

and partitions Sruba

Warming 150mm

m * 2 insulated area

The device of the stairs on the growths of glued timber, with wide steps, sharp pillars, balusters and curly handrail.



Roofing - Metal tile RAL 3005, 5005,6005,7004, 7024,8017)

m * 2 roofs

Roofing - Professional flooring with polymer coating (RAL 3005,5005,6005,7004, 7024,8017)

m * 2 roofs

Device of the drain system (PVC, Dyukok)


bim.m. roofing skate

The device of corner snow-tires ( )

bim.m. roofing skate

The device of tubular snow-garages ( )


bim.m. roofing skate

Device attic: Developed flooring flooring on ceiling beams, door in one of the frontones + auditory window in the opposite frontonone

m * 2 ceiling

Outdoor finish of frontones - Block House of fir / pine AV 28 * 140

m * 2 Fronton Square

Frontton Outdoor Finish - Imitation of Bruus 18 * 140 mm

m * 2 Fronton Square

Treatment of all the construction of nonomide flame breeding composition ( )

m * 2 squares buildings

Oil surface treatment for neomide terraces ( )

m * 2 floor

Processing of walls and ceiling Parling and washing varnish neomide "for bath and saunas" ( )

m * 2 walls and ceiling

Processing of the cuts of the fire with the Tor Plus neomide means ( )

open / corner

Processing of regiments in the Par Lamin neomide ( )


m * 2 shelf

Decoration of walls and ceiling with a washing larch with larch 14 * 90mm ( )


m * 2 walls and ceiling

The device of the "flowing floor" in the washing ( )


m * 2 floor

Finishing with steam wagon aspen A, including shelves - aspen a

m * 2 walls and ceiling

Finishing with steam wall lipa a, including shelves - Lipa A


m * 2 walls and ceiling

Finishing with paired lining Lipa Extra, including shelves - Lipa Extramore details more)

35 000


Installing PVC windows with single-chamber windows

from 4000.


Installing PVC windows with double-chamber windows

from 5000.


Installation in the furnace of the heat exchanger Ermak, installation of the remote tank (stainless steel 60l) on the wall of the washing, stover of hot water by metalplastic pipes



Installing the tank (stainless steel) on the tube above the furnace, with the conclusion of the crane in the washing

13 000


Installing another furnace Ermak (

12 000/16000


Stainless steel chimney device with a thickness of 0.8 mm (in the kit Protective screen, a stainless steel leaf)

16 000/20000


Delivery over 400km from Pestovo, Novgorod region.


Building is 2.0 * 3.0 / 4.0 m ()

from 21,000


All country holds on such workers

Alexey Gennadevich !!! Due to the absence of time, I could not write to you - thank you so much for the work of your Bani construction staff, two young people, unfortunately, I do not know their names, worked clearly and cooler, the quality of the bath is excellent !!! All the country holds on such workers. All familiar and relatives also noted the impeccable work of the guys, as a result of the bath, about which he dreamed.

The guys built us a stunning bath.

I want to express a huge thanks to Alexey (Gen.Direr), Zorin Sergey and Chistyakov Vladimir (builders)! In early August, the guys built us a stunning bath, taking into account all our wishes. The testament of materials was made on time, construction was performed even ahead of time, stipulated earlier, the quality of materials and work at the highest level. In general, just a fairy tale! I advise you to build only with Russian carpenters!

"Price quality"

Work pleases the eye. Quickly, high quality, on time. I thank the brigade of the guys (Eugene, Dmitry, Sergey) and the Director-General Alexei Roslov for the work done. I ordered a bath with an attic 6x6 project B-20 with minor changes, "under the shrinkage". All work was performed earlier than the term and qualitatively. All my wishes were taken into account. Very nice pleased with the attitude towards His business Alexei Roslov. He always promptly and competently answered all the questions you are interested in, settled the controversial moments. Brigade, despite the young age of the guys, worked quickly and simply, at the end gave advice on the care of the bar and conservation for the winter. Next year I will make a finish with the same brigade. "Russian carpenters" in all positions won compared to other major companies. "Price-quality" is about them. Thank you very much more. I will recommend everyone.

Little cottage plot is a big problem for the owner. After all, on this earth (usually three il six hundred) you need to fit all - and the country house, and the shed, and the bath. Modern architectural solutions allow this to do without any problems - for example, a bath size of a meter 4 with their own hands will perfectly fit into the exterior of the plot, without interfering with anything and fulfilling its reciprocal destination.

Build a compact 4 x 4 m in size, without contacting construction organizations and companies, especially if it is a frame-pane project. For a family of 3-4 people 4 4 \u200b\u200b- optimal in the area of \u200b\u200bpremises and their number. In the bath there will be a steam room (or room for sauna), and a pre-banner (room for storing bath accessories, clothes and shoes), and a rest room.

The log structure is good in its traditionality, but with the same external sizes, the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe premises will be less (due to the diameter of the logs), and this is a large drawback for the bath with dimensions of 3 per 4 or 4 x 4 meters. This property of a log structure must be considered when carrying out calculations.

Some features of planning:

  1. A small bath is more convenient to build in such a way that the inner useful area is divided into two identical premises: the first room will serve for relaxing after a wage or sauna, and the second is given under the pair and shower with a bathroom. The second large room is divided into unequal parts: a large area is removed for the steam;
  2. You can save on sizes, if you plan a challenge near the wall in the restroom, but the placement of the furnace can be absolutely arbitrary, but in compliance with all fire safety requirements;

The latter's bath project should be guided by the following features:

  1. The entrance doors to the bath can be located with any, convenient for use, the parties of the building, and depends mainly on the location of the interior;
  2. Entrance doors to the rest room, shower and pair room is better to accommodate with free movement between them, and not close to each other;
  3. The main thing is that the shower room is located next to the sewage entrance, which will make the construction of a little cheaper, and the plum will make a faster and difficult to register;
  4. A small sauna 4 on 4 layout of which is shown in the figure above, should have a spacious (for 2-3 people) the steam room, which means there should be more than a shower room, as a few people can be bathed in a steam room at once, while Only one wishes can go into the shower room;

The main thing about the compact bath

The easiest project of a 4 x 4 meters particle size consists of one room, which serves immediately and a tambour, and a steam room, and a pre-program. It is quite uncomfortable, but compact. Kamenka or electric furnace is installed in any comfortable steam corner, two or three shelf are also made in the room with a length of up to two meters, the width is up to half a meter, and the lower shelves are wider than the top.

The figure below shows exactly such a project - it is only one large room that is divided into a thin partition in order to keep steam in the steam room. The furnace works on both premises, but in the steam room there is its hot part.

This project has no porch, as it is designed for a minimum budget. But if the porch will be built, then it must direct a person in a tambour that will go to the pre-banker. Such a measure will help to preserve heat in the bath. In the pre-banker you can store firewood and other bathroom accessories.

The furnace is laid out of a red refractory brick, installed on a separate concrete foundation, from the inside the walls are squeezed with fire-resistant materials. Before the furnace furnace door, you need to fix a thick steel sheet of metal - ≥10 mm.

The separation of premises in the area is made on the basis of the intended number of visitors. Standard projects are based on traditional requirements: the shower is made as little as possible, giving way to the Parik's area.

The terrace for the bath with dimensions of 3 x 4 or 4 x 4 meters to fit into the design parameters of the structure is quite difficult, as it takes the area in the rest of the premises, and the project does not imply external dimensions of the construction.

The internal planning of the bath should be carried out taking into account the available space and people who can simultaneously steam and relax. Practice has shown that, for example, two people will feel comfortable in the pair, if its area is ≤ 6 m 2, and for three squares increases already up to 8 m 2. The table shows data on a possible number of people depending on the size and area of \u200b\u200bthe room of the bath:

PremisesSitting positionLying positionSitting positionLying position
Number of persons1 2 2 2 – 3 3 3 – 4 4
Pair (sizes in cm, square in m 2)85 x 115.115 x 115.115 x 180.130 x 180.140 x 180.150 x 180.150 x 200.
Shower115 x 130.115 x 145.180 x 180.180 x 180.180 x 200.180 x 210.200 x 210.
Pregnant100 x 215.100 x 260.120 x 295.130 x 310.140 x 340.150 x 360.180 x 360.
Sauna215 x 215.215 x 260.295 x 300.310 x 310.320 x 340.330 x 360.360 x 380.

Paul illumination can be given a few tips of the following content:

  1. All lighting devices must be in moisture-resistant;
  2. Light from should not be direct.

Finishing facilities

Wood properties for the interior decoration of the bathrooms:

BreedSepher,%Wood strength with 15% humidity, MPa (kgf / cm 2)
RadialTangentalAlong the fiberOn bendingSkol
Coniferous wood
Pine0,18 0,33 43,9 79,2 6,9 (68) 72,0 (73)
Spruce0,14 0,24 42,3 79,4 52,0 (53) 52,0 (52)
Larch0,22 0,40 51,1 97,2 8,3 (83) 72,0 (72)
Fir0,9 0,33 33,7 51,9 4,7(47) 52,0 (53)
Determining solid wood
Oak0,18 028 52,0 93,5 8,5 (85) 10,4 (104)
Ash0,19 0,30 51,0 115,0 13,8 (138) 13,3 (133)
Shores0,26 0,31 44,7 99,7 8,5 (85) 11,0 (110)
Maple0,21 0,34 54,0 109,7 8,7 (87) 12,4 (124)
Elm0,22 0,44 48,6 105,7 13,8 (138)
Elm0,15 0,32 38,9 85,2 7,0 (70) 7,7 (77)
Determined soft wood
Aspen0,20 0,22 37,4 76,6 5,7 (57) 7,7 (77)
Linden0,26 0,29 39,0 68,0 7,3 (73) 8 (80)
Black Alder0,16 0,23 36,8 69,2
Black aspen0,16 0,21 35,1 60,0 5,8 (58) 7,4 (74)

A tree for construction and decoration of the bath was selected for years and decades, and the table that you see above is based on the practical use of wood in conditions of high humidity and contrast temperatures. The most suitable for bathrooms of the tree of wood: larch, linden, cedar, and from "foreign" wood, which does not grow in the Russian Federation - Abashi. The standard and comfortable trim of the bath from the inside is the lining, which is considered not only practical in the installation plan, but also environmentally friendly. The lining during heating does not highlight toxins and other, harmful to humans, substances. And if the car is made of the above tree species, then heating, it will highlight the useful esters.

  1. Lipa - retains its yellowish color all the time of operation, independently of humidity and temperature;
  2. Abashi - almost does not heat heat, the power is always one temperature, does not burn the skin. The homogeneous yellow texture makes the room lighter;
  3. Cedar - possesses healing properties, according to traditional medicine, hurts with respect to high temperatures and humidity, except for the release of essential oils, gives a pleasant smell of the forest when heated;

Choosing the lining should be not only in its appearance - low-quality lumber can be separated by resin when heated, and the liquid resin that fell on the skin is a 100% burn. Therefore, it is for finishing a lining or straight board with resins that are not allowed, while wood for the construction of a bathhouse can have such minor defects.

The ceiling is best separated by a pinned board of a deciduous breed - it will definitely not be resin in it, and the multi-layer structure makes the material durable and durable. It is because of the presence of resin, coniferous wood is not welcome when finishing the inner surfaces of any bath.

Bath 4x4 is a very popular project that is suitable for most customers who wanted to get a bathhouse in their plot. Log Balka - Dream of Million. This is health, and rest, and traditional Russian culture. If you decide to order a log cabin 4x4 logs, call us or write to email - we will calculate the exact price for you.

With us you can buy a bathhouse 4x4 in several versions:

  • Standard shed without additional attacks;
  • Bath with a veranda (with a removal of 2 meters, or with a newly 3 meter, or chopped fronttones);
  • The bath with the attic (the roof is essentially the bath two-story 4x4 for a small markup).

Grade 4x4 package

The price of a log house, in addition to the bath itself, includes a temporary foundation, temporary roofing, black shoe finish, as well as delivery and assembly on the client site. If you wish, you can also order the installation of a permanent more reliable foundation, the partial finish of the cut after the desired period, roofing work.

Select the best forest for building bath

For the construction of houses and baths, we use only the best coniferous forest, which are harvested personally on the defense. Forest Ralm near Velia Majae, a small town in the Smolensk region, not far from the border with the Pskovo. Nearby is also located our construction site, on which we process our logs and collect projects before shipping. On our site you can find ready logs and order them without waiting. This is most often typical small projects, including the loghouse of the bath 4x4. There are options with logs of a log under the veranda, two-story fires 4x4 with an attic.

Functional beautiful buildings on the land plot are pleased with the owners and provide the ability to use them year-round. These buildings include baths 4 by 4. Good size of medium capacity. It will last 3-4 people with comfort. Such dimensions are suitable for family and reception. You can invite relatives and conduct procedures together.

What is it worth building bath complexes?

Profiled bar quality raw material. It has the following advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity - then contributes to the long cooling process. It will be saved warm for a long time, there will be no loss.
  • a variety of projects are square, rectangular and intricate solutions. You can build an irregular shape frame.
  • fast assembly - masters who have experience performing work in 2 weeks.
  • minor shrinkage - gives the right to immediately use the object.
  • the decorative appearance of the steam room - does not need a facade finish. In this case, it is necessary to treat the tree with protection against moisture and fire.
  • ecology - wood pure material. It allows you to breathe a building. A healthy microclimate is created in a wooden structure.
  • low prices - savings occurs in comparison with the log. This building will be cheaper if the contractor has its own production.
  • baths from 4x4 bars are durable - cost more than 50 years, without requiring additional investments.

The company "Domostroy" performs orders on its own equipment, processes lumber and prepares them for construction and assembly works personally. Therefore, we provide turnkey services.

Call the office and order the calculation. We will accommodate immediately. We have discounts. We give gifts. Come, our managers will introduce you to ready-made photos. On them you will select the required parameters.