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Pouring reinforcing belt. Aropois: What is it, why do we need, types and cost. Armopoyas under the roof

The Armopoyas device increases the strength of the bearing walls and the resistance of the entire structure of various loads: an uneven shrinkage of soils and an object, wind exposure, seismic oscillations and temperature drops.

Armopoyasa photo device

Formwork for Armopoyasa. Types and methods of the device

Armopois is a monolithic reinforced concrete design. The belt has a ring circuit, it is arranged on the walls, and does not have breaks (gaps) in your body. Solving the issue: how to make Armopoyas begin with the formwork from the device. The most affordable formwork material is a board. The formwork for Armopoyas is performed either from individual boards, or from finished wooden shields, interconnected outside wooden trimming. The bottom of the board is attached to the wall by self-draws. On top of the opposite walls of the formwork are connected by wooden screeds (on nails). Step screed - 80 cm, but not more than 100 cm.

Armopois with their own hands

By performing Armopoyas with your own hands, you can use another version of its creation, in which the formwork is not wooden structures, but U-shaped blocks of aerated concrete. Tray blocks are stacked by the same width as the wall, and have an inlet for booking a knitted reinforcing frame and concrete. The belt with such a "formwork" is particularly beneficial to organize on the outer walls, because the side walls of U-shaped blocks perform the functions of the insulation and exclude the formation of "bridges" of cold. Lack of tray blocks - high price.

How to make Armopoyas qualitatively

The geometric and technical characteristics of the monolithic design are determined by the calculation. Typically, the width of the belt is equal to the width of the wall, 30-50cm. Since the opacity of the team or monolithic overlap on the walls is only 120 cm (in practice - 150-200cm), then based on this, the width of the belt can be accepted smaller. The recommended height of the Armopoyas - 30cm.

In the cottages, where it is planned to create light floors, it is allowed to install in the belt of a flat frame. Forecas-ladder is prepared directly on the wall, directly in the formwork. It is 2 rod (for a wide wall of 3 rod) of the periodic profile (diameter by calculation), interconnected by transverse rods. The pruck of 50 cm. Armopoyas under the floor overlap plate bears higher loads. Therefore, the framework is made by the volume of 4 or 6 longitudinal reinforcement rods and tied with transverse clamps from the wire.

Armopoyas for gas concrete

The framework from all sides should have a protective layer of concrete 4-5cm. It is placed on the bottom on the backups of the brick or concrete chips. It should be noted that Armopoyas is satisfied with aerated concrete not only on the outer walls, but also on the carrier inner walls. And if, along the length of the wall, the transverse rods and clamps can be connected to a knitting wire, then in the corners of the structure and in the branching places of the frame on the internal bearing walls, the connection of the longitudinal reinforcement and the transverse elements is performed on welding. The frame in the level is set strictly horizontally.

Armopois under Maurylalat

With the device of the rapid construction of the roof, its lower row is Mauerlat, attached to the bearing wall with special anchors and studs. The solo system itself creates a driving load, which can lead to strain walls. Armopoyas under the roof ensures the strength of the wall, the stable rigidity of the roofing system. It is performed similar to the procedure of the device of the monolithic belt under the overlap. Aropoyas for Maurylalat serves to distribute the load on the entire surface of the wall, and for the laying in it fasteners for the Mauerlat itself.

How to fill armooosais

Task: How to fill over armoances is solved at the final stage of the device of the monolithic structure. For the pouring, you can use the finished purchased concrete mix of the M200 brand (B15). Another option is the manufacture of concrete at the construction site. Cement M400, sand and crushed stone, taken in the ratio of 1: 3: 5. All components are loaded into the concrete mixer, water is added to the desired consistency and mixed. It is important that the concrete in the formwork is poured continuously, and not parts. To remove air bubbles from the mixture, after the fill, the concrete mixture should be printed or intensively pushing the concrete along the entire length of the belt of the reinforcement.

Aropoyas for aerated concrete brick

In practice, as an option to enhance the wall structures, sometimes they perform Armopois for a aerated concrete of a brick. It is a conventional masonry of full-scale brick, reinforced by reinforcement. Reinforcement is performed by a wire mosquito net: 4-5mm through each row of masonry in height. The solution is used cement-sand in a 1: 4 ratio. Brick belt height is taken from 20 cm to 40 cm. The width of the belt can correspond to the width of the wall, but maybe already. Of course, armopoyas from bricks cannot be called equivalent on the strength characteristics of the w / b belt. However, it is reliable when building houses in areas with low seismic activity or to build auxiliary facilities and hospostroops.

Armopoyash insulation

In order for the reinforced belt, the "bridge" of the cold and in order to avoid the formation of condensate on it, it is necessary to carry out the warming of Armopoya. Therefore, the monolithic or brick belt, most often, is not performed on the entire width of the wall, but with an indentation from its outer face. It is important to withstand the minimum width of the reinforced belt, equal to 20 cm. For concrete and 25 cm for bricks. The resulting longitudinal niches are filled with heat-insulating material, which are partitioned by spoons (10cm), polystyrene plates and other materials.

The reinforced monolithic or brick belt gives the construction structures of the house of aerated concrete blocks with increased strength. And for all households, he becomes a guarantor of a safe, long and happy stay in a new house.

In the construction of private residential buildings from block materials (brick, aerated concrete and other) for additional protection against movement and deformities of walls and supporting structures, armopoyas is always envisaged. This reinforced concrete structure, arranged throughout the perimeter of the building, reduces and redistributes external and internal stresses on the walls and the foundation arising from the seismic activity and movement of the soil, the impact of wind, stresses from the internal structures of the house.

Due to the likely changes in the soil and features of the inner design of the wall building at different parts of the house, a different level of loads causing compression and tapping material can be obtained. If the load reaches critical values \u200b\u200b- cracks are formed.

For low-storey houses with the role of Armopoyas, the foundation completely copes. But at a considerable height of the walls (two or more floors), critical loads are created in the upper part, for evenly redistribution of which and need a special additional design - a concrete belt with a metal reinforcement. Its presence increases windproof for the walls of the house and driving loads from the mass of the upper floor and roof.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

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The existing practice in construction proves that the width of Armopleyas is quite sufficient if the wall thickness corresponds to the wall thickness. Height can fluctuate in the range of 150-300 millimeters. For the design, a profiled metal (corner, one-dimensional or 2-way beams, armature) can be used. It should be noted that the Armopoyas itself in such a house or in an extension of aerated concrete performs the functions of a foreign beam, most of all withstanding voltage.

Armopois under Maurylalat

The functions of Armopoyas under Maurylalat are the same - ensuring the strength and reliability of the wall design. Features of the design in its sizes. As a rule, the minimum cross section is made 250 x 250 mm, and the height must be no longer the width of the wall. The main requirement is the continuity of the design and the same strength throughout the perimeter of the walls of the house: at a minimum, armopoyas should be monolithic. In order to achieve continuity, it is recommended to use the concrete of one brand to fill the concrete (at least M250).

Mounting Mauerlat to Aropoyasa

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Construction of houses, attacks, terraces and veranda.

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The easiest way to attach Mauerlat to Aropoyas - on the studs with carvings.

The diameter of the studs should be 10-14 mm. The base should be welded.

Using the Crude Concrete under Maurylalat to fill the Armimais, about the placement of the studs should be taken care of in advance:

  • they should be applied in advance to the reinforcement frame located inside the concrete;
  • the distance between the studs should be the same;
  • so that concrete does not contaminate the threads in the outer part of the studs, they must be closed with cellophane and wrapped the wire;
  • that part of the studs that will be inside the concrete should be secured from the formation of corrosion - for it is quite suitable (oil or nitro-nitro-nitrogen - does not matter, you can use the soil).

The outer part (length) of the studs should be sufficient so that in addition to directly Mauerlat, you can fasten two nuts and washers. In the perfect version of the place of attachment, Mauerlat to Aropoyasi should be located as precisely as possible in the middle between the rapid structures. At the very least, the rafter legs should not coincide with the studs, otherwise you will receive additional problems with the roof device, so the accuracy of markup and installation should be paid attention to in advance.

Armopoyas under the slab overlapping

The presence of heavy slabs of the overlap creates elevated loads on the walls. So that the wall materials are not deformed under their weight, Armopoyas is used at the ceiling height of the floors. Such a reinforced concrete tape must be built under all overlaps all over the perimeter of the house. The distance from the plates to Aropoyasa should not exceed one or two bricks in the construction of brick buildings and other objects from stone materials or with stalked walls (perfect - 10-15 cm).

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Construction of houses, attacks, terraces and veranda.

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Do not forget that inside Armopoyasa under the plane of the overlap must be a reinforcement frame. On his features we will focus a little later. It is important that there were no emptiness in the Aropoyase under the slab.

Armopoyas of bricks (video)

Armopoyas brick is a conventional brickwork, reinforced by reinforcing grid. Sometimes it is not horizontally to enhance the strength of the brick, but vertically to the ends. However, many masters recommend brick armoomas to do only in aggregate with a full-fledged reinforcement of the wall with a reinforced concrete.

Formwork for Armopoyasa

For the device of the formwork, mandatory when pouring concrete armoomas, you can use:

  • factory structures (offered for rent by many construction companies);
  • polystyrene (foam of fine porosity);
  • shielded formwork from boards, moisture resistant plywood or OSB.

Given that the fill of Armopoyas should be uniform and fulfilled simultaneously throughout the perimeter of the design of the walls of the house, the formwork should also be mounted in advance on the entire object.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Construction of houses, attacks, terraces and veranda.

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It should be noted that the upper part of the formwork should provide the perfect horizontal position of Armopoyasa (this is especially important when it is necessary to adjust the flaws of the wall masonry). Therefore, with a formwork device for concreting of Armopoyasa, a water level should be used.

Armopoyas under the roof

The functions of Armopoyas under the roof can be formulated in the following paragraphs:

  • providing strict geometry of the building box when shrinking wall design from seasonal soil changes;
  • stiffness and stability of the building;
  • disposal and uniform distribution of loads from the roof on the box at home.

Armopoyas under the roof also performs a function that ensures the possibility of durable mounting of the Mueuel and the rafter system, the installation of overlapping (including from reinforced concrete slabs) between the upper floor and the attic home.

Armature for Armopoya

The reinforcement grid (frame) for Armopoyas is needed to enhance and give greater strength of the concrete structure. May have a square go rectangular shape in cross section. It consists of four working longitudinal rods and intermediate jumpers.

To mount the valves, electric welding or knitting wire is used. The optimal diameter of the reinforcement is 10-12 mm. To increase the rigidity inside the reinforcement frame, a separate rod is stacked. Longitudinal jumpers are bonded between themselves every 200-400 mm. For the rigidity of the corners of Armopoyas to a distance of about 1500 mm, an additional bellged rod is started from the corner of the wall.

Composition of concrete for armoo

As we have spoken above, concrete brand M250 and above suitable for Armopoyasa. The fill of the structure should be carried out continuously, so it is more appropriate to order in advance to order the delivery of the required number of mixers at the nearest concrete plant.

Otherwise, you will need:

  • two concrete mixers;
  • sand;
  • cement (recommended not lower than brand M400);
  • gravel or crushed stone;
  • water.

Two concrete mixers will be needed to ensure the continuity of the fill of Armopoyas with fresh concrete. We also need a specialist in the preparation of a concrete mixture and a certain number of utility workers to load concrete mixers and carrying the finished concrete into the place of installation of Armopoyas.

Video instructions on the construction of Armopleois do it yourself

Houses from aerated concrete enjoy well-deserved popularity of the merits of this building material. But one of them, which great simplifies construction and installation work, is the large dimensions of the gas-concrete block - has the opposite side of the medal. The buildings built from such large blocks are very sensitive to the foundation of the foundation, while the vertical seams are not only destroyed, but the blocks themselves can also break, because the aerated concrete does not like stretching and bending strains.

A special reinforced concrete design is designed to deal with this problem - the reinforced belt (armopoyas). It enhances the walls and smoothes the loads that arise due to the uneven sediment of the foundation. If the walls of a gas-concrete house are composed of large building elements, which are fastened with thin seams of glue or solution, then the structure of Armopoyas includes monolithic concrete and reinforcing fittings laid crosswise and longitudinally. At the same time, the concrete is perfectly withstanding compression, and the reinforcement constituents are superbly opposed with stretching, therefore such a design, absolutely not deforming, withstands very large loads. Therefore, the wall, erected on the reinforced belt, is subjected to very insignificant effects and is not destroyed, since the reinforced concrete construction assumes all the main loads.

Since the aerated concrete blocks are put on a very thin fastening layer, it is impossible to place fittings in it. Therefore, in this case, armopoyas is performed as a separate constructive unit, which is a monolithic part of the wall. At the same time, there is a serious problem - due to the large difference in the heat transfer of the concrete and the ARMO-concrete block, the Aropoyash becomes a temperature bridge (a plot having a low thermal resistance), therefore, the outer thermal insulation of the reinforced belt takes place. Most often, insulation is made by mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. For effective heat shields, the minimum thickness of the insulation layer must be 10 cm, therefore, armopoyas should already be an outer wall for this value.

In the wall of the gas-concrete house, at least 2 Armopoyais should be built - before the first vertical side, on the upper perimeter of the foundation, and above the last vertical near the overlap. However, if the monolithic reinforced concrete plate is used as the foundation of the house, then you can do without the lower armojoy. In addition, reinforced belt is recommended for each inter-storey overlap. The vertical enabarity of Armopoyasa depends on the characteristics of the soil, in which the foundation is made, and from the design features of the house. In practice, a box design is most often used, i.e. the width of the Armopleyas is taken equal to its height, but it should be borne in mind that a higher armoomas is able to withstand large deforming loads.

The reinforced belt is made of high-quality concrete (a brand is not lower than M-200) and metal rods with a cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bat least 12 mm. The rods are collected from the rods, which in the transverse direction knits the reinforcement with a cross-section area of \u200b\u200b4-6 mm. The frame is formed from 2 rows of rods that are separated by a height of 10-15 cm. The rods are located in one plane at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. They are connected to each other in the length of the metal wire and stacked with a pantom of about 15 cm. The same wire rods are associated with transverse reinforcement.

The reinforcement frame is placed in the formwork, but not close, but with a small gap (3-5 cm) between the rods and the inner surface of the formwork. The clearance is necessary to create an outer fill of the rods from concrete. Thermal material is then stacked outside the frame, a concrete solution is started into the formwork. In the process of filling, the concrete is thoroughly tamped. In Aropoyas, if necessary, additional details can be installed, for example, for fastening the roof. After completing the fill, the design surface must be aligned with the workshop.

Concrete is allowed to stand 3-4 days, so that it gains initial strength, after which it is possible to continue the masonry of the walls. After 7-10 days, the formwork can be disassembled. In the process of maturation, concrete should be protected from the effects of external climatic factors - in winter it is warmed by a warming material, and water is watered in hot weather and is covered with polyethylene.
Competent installation of the reinforced belt will give the walls additional strength and increase the service life of the house several times.

Photo instruction in the fill of Armopoyais on aerated concrete

We make formwork.

For formwork, we make a cake from the street: 10 cm aerated blocks, a heater 3-5 cm, a place for armo-panel, removable formwork from boards or plywood. Boards and Phaneur screwing with long wood screws. Studs 12 diameters put each meter in increments. For a frame, we use four rows of reinforcement with a diameter of 10.

For mating fittings, we use knitting wire, plastic clamps in hard-to-reach places and squares from a smooth wire with a diameter of 6

These items can be bending with hands for example, on such a device from a corner and pipe

Pour armopoyas to manual or concrete pump. Pin with reinforcement or vibrating the vibrator. Studs are wrapped with molar scotch tape before the fill.

Cover the Aropoyas film

Remove the formwork in a few days

Armopoyas is called reinforced concrete design, which is designed to strengthen the walls of the house. This is necessary to protect walls from loads arising from external / internal factors. The external is the impact of the wind, the slope of the area / hillyness, floating ground and the seismic activity of the Earth. The list of internal factors includes all household building devices used in the internal finish of the house. If it is incorrect to make Armopoyas, then because of these phenomena, the walls simply cracked, and what is even worse, they will drive away. In view of this it is very important to be aware of how to make Armopoyas. About the species, appointment and method of installing Armopoyas and will be discussed in this article.

There are 4 types of Armopoya:

  • grillage;
  • base;
  • interety;
  • under Mauerlat.

Before starting work, tools / materials should be prepared:

  1. Armature.
  2. Cement.
  3. Sand.
  4. Crushed stone.
  5. Wire for dressing reinforcement.
  6. Boards.
  7. Saws.
  8. Brick.
  9. Shovel.
  10. FOMKA / LOMIC.

In order for all the work performed by you, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the technique of manufacturing an army / frame and formwork.

So that Aropoyas was high-quality, and accordingly, the house is reliable, you need to know how to make an army / frame. The connection of reinforcement rods is carried out with a knitted wire, and not welding seam. This is due to the fact that when welding the place is overheated near the seam made, which leads to the weakening of the strength of the reinforcement. But without welding seams in the manufacture of the grid it is not necessary. The middle and frames of the frame are welded, the remaining connecting nodes are associated.

The rods are fastened to fix the valves in the required position when pouring concrete. For these purposes, a thin wire is used, the strength of the grid / frame does not depend.

For the manufacture of Armopoyas, only ribbed rods are used. Concrete clings to the ribs, which contributes to an increase in the carrying capacity of the structure. Such a belt can work on stretching.

To make a frame Take 2 veins with a thickness of 12 mm and a length of 6 m, while for transverse fittings you will have enough rods with a thickness of 10 mm. In the center and edges of the transverse reinforcement should be welded. The rest of the bars just knit. After the manufacture of two grids, hang them up so that the gap formed. Cook them from the edges and in the center. Thus, you will have a frame. For the manufacture of a belt, the framework of welding is not needed. They are placed on 0.2-0.3 m.

Installation and fastening of formwork is carried out by several methods. To install wooden shields, you need to skip the anchor through them, mount the plugs on them using electrical welding. The purpose of these actions is to fix the formwork in such a way that it is not squeezing under the weight of concrete.

To fasten the formwork when pouring the inter-storey Armopoyasa, a simpler method is more often used. At the bottom of the shield, it is necessary to fix a diameter with a diameter of 6 mm, 10 cm long. The distance between them is 0.7 m. So, attach a wooden shield to the wall, drill a hole through it, insert the fungus into it and sculpt the screw.

The hole in the shield must be a diameter of a little more than 6 mm. It is necessary in order to freely install the fungus.

The upper part of the formwork is also fixed by quick installation. But in this case, you should screw the screws, not the screw. So, do the hole in the brick of facial masonry. Then lend fittings into it. If the brick is full, then the situation is simpler - just take the nail / reinforcement into the vertical seam. Self-tapping and reinforcement with knitted wire. The distance between the fasteners elements is 1-1.2 m. Such a fastener is able to withstand the upcoming loads.

After armopoyas hardens, it is possible to remove the formwork with the help of a lomika / nail. In the warm season, concrete grabbing per day. In this case, dismantling the formwork can be exercised the next day. In the cold season, this procedure is spent a few days later.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the depth of the foundation. This parameter depends on the type of soil, the depth of its freezing, as well as the depth of groundwater. Then you should pull out the trench around the perimeter of the future at home. This can be done manually, which is long and tedious or with the help of an excavator, which is quick and efficient, but entails additional costs.

After the special equipment, it is necessary to align the bottom and the walls of the trench to the solid soil. The surface should be as solid as possible and smooth.

Now you need to form a sand pillow, the height of which should be 50-100 mm. If you need to backfill sand more than 100 mm, it must be mixed with rubble. This event may be needed to align the bottom of the trench. Another way to align the bottom is the fill with concrete.

After frowning the sand pillow, it must be tamped. To cope with the challenge faster, turn the sand with water.

Then follow the reinforcement. In the process of construction, under normal conditions, it is necessary to use the reinforcement from 4-5 lived, the diameter of each rod should be 10-12 mm. It is important that when pouring the painter for the foundation, the reinforcement does not concern the foundation. It should be recessed in concrete. Thus, the metal will be protected from corrosion. To achieve this reinforcement grid should be lifted over a sandy pillow, setting under her halves of bricks.

If you build a house on the bunchedness of the ground or where the high level of groundwater is, the woodrel should be made more durable. To do this, instead of the reinforcement grid, an armature frame should be used. It imagines 2 grids consisting of 4 lived with a diameter of 12 mm. They should be laid below and on top of Armopoyasa. As a base, a gramslak is used instead of a sandy pillow. His advantage over sand is that with time, the Grasslak turns into a concrete.

For the manufacture of the grid, knitting wire is used, and not welding seam.

For frames, concrete M200 should be used. In order for the fill height corresponded to the specified value, set the beacon in the trench - the metal peg is equal to the height of the frame in length. He will serve you as a guideline.

Before the construction of walls on the foundation should be pouring the basement armojois. It must be pouring around the perimeter of the construction along the outer walls, but it is impossible to do this along the inner bearing walls. The basement Armopleois serves as an additional strengthening of the structure. If you are qualitatively flooded as Ruralka, then the base belt can be made less durable. The height of the Armopoyas - 20-40 cm, uses concrete M200 and above. The thickness of the two-core reinforcement rods is 10-12 mm. Laying of reinforcement is carried out in one layer.

If you need to strengthen the central belt, then use the reinforcement of greater thickness or install more lived. Another option is to lay an arms in 2 layers.

The thickness of the base and the outer wall is the same. It ranges from 510 to 610 mm. In the implementation of the fill of the base Armopoyasa, it is possible to do without formwork, replacing it with brick masonry. To do this, you need to do with two sides of the wall laying in the Pollipich. You can pour the generated emptiness by concrete, pre-laying fittings into it.

In the absence of paintwork, the base Armopoyas make it useless. Some craftsmen, deciding to save on woodwork, enhance the basebuilder, using the larger diameter reinforcement, which allegedly improves the carrying capacity of the house. In fact, this decision is unreasonable.

Scarlet is the basis of the house, and the base belt is an addition or strengthening of the bearing abilities of the Armopoyas for the foundation. The joint work of the Scarlet and the base belt serves as a guarantee of a reliable foundation even on bunched soils and with a high level of groundwater.

Between the wall and slabs of overlapping, too, you need to make Armopoyas. It is poured along the outer walls with a height of 0.2 to 0.4 m. Inter-storey Armopoyas saves on door / window jumpers. They can be made small and with a minimum of fittings. Thus, the load on the design will be distributed evenly.

If the walls from a poorly perceive material load are installed on the walls, the load from the ceiling slabs will be distributed evenly along the entire length of the walls, which will benefit from their strength characteristics.

The reinforcement of the inter-storey belt is performed by a grid of ribbed reinforcing rods with a thickness of 10-12 mm in 2 veins. If the wall thickness varies within 510-610 mm, then the two-sided brickwork can be used as a formwork, as well as for the base belt. But at the same time, for internal masonry should be applied to the supply brick, and for the outer face. In this case, Armopoyas will have a width of 260 mm. With a smaller thickness of the walls, the undercut brick should be put on the edge or use a wooden formwork instead, and on the outside, just as in the previous case, the facial brick is stacked.

You can pour Aropoomas under Maurylalat only after the glue / solution is rejected for masonry wall. The technology on which the Armopoyas on a gas concrete is placed on a formwork, but we will talk about it a little later. Making a wooden formwork is carried out by the already familiar scheme. Concrete is prepared according to such a formula: 2.8 pieces of sand on 1 part of cement and 4.8 parts of rubble. Thus, you will have a concrete M400.

After the fill, eliminate the remnants of air bubbles in the mass. To perform these tasks, use a building vibrator or pour a liquid mass of the rod.

With the monolithic device of Armopoya, the rules for attachment of Mauerlat should be observed. During the installation of the framework from the reinforcement, it is necessary to remove vertical segments from it to the height defined in the project. The reinforcement rods must rise above the Armopoyas and the Mauerlat thickness + 4 cm. In the bar It is necessary to make through holes equal to the diameter of the reinforcement, and at its ends it is necessary to cut into the thread. So, you will have a reliable fastening that will provide you with the ability to perform high-quality installation of the roof of any configuration.

Aerated concrete is an alternative to a brick, which has high thermal insulation qualities along with a small value. Aerated concrete blocks are inferior to bricks. If you do not have to pour concrete on the brick walls on the armogram on the brick walls, since the fittings fit in the masonry process, then the case concrete is different. How to make Armopoyas on a wooden formwork has already been mentioned above, so in this subsection we will look at how to make a reinforced belt from U-shaped aerated concrete blocks D500. Although it is necessary to immediately notice that this technology is more costly.

In this case, everything is extremely simple. Install the blocks on the wall as usual. Then, reinforce the central part of them, and after fill with concrete. Thus, the walls of your home will be more durable and reliable.

If you have questions about the topic, then ask them to a specialist working on the site. If necessary, you can consult about the fill of Armopoyas with our expert. Is there a personal experience? Share them with us and our readers, write comments on the article.


You can learn from the video from the video about how to make Armopoyas for home from a housekeeping:

Remove steel hoops from a wooden barrel, and it will fall apart. Remove the reinforced belt at the house and the building will not last long. This is a simplified, but very visual explanation of the need to enhance the walls. Everyone who is going to build a robust house will be useful information on the appointment, species and device of armoomas.

What is this design and what functions does it perform? Armopoyas - tape from the monolithic reinforced concrete, which is placed on several levels of the building under construction.

The fill of the reinforced belt is performed in the foundation, under the plane of the overlap and under Mauerlae (the support beams of the rafted).

This gain performs four important functions:

  • Increases the spatial rigidity of the building.
  • Protects the foundation and walls from cracks caused by uneven sediments and frosty bearing of soil.
  • Does not give heavy ceiling slabs to sell fragile gas and foam concrete.
  • Reliably connects the rafting roof system with walls of light blocks.

The main material for increasing the rigidity of the walls was reinforced concrete. For small hozpostroops, you can use a less powerful armopoyas of bricks. It is 4-5 rows of brickwork, the width of which is equal to the width of the carrier wall. In the seam of each row on the solution, the grid is placed in a cell of 30-40 mm from steel wire with a diameter of 4-5 mm.

The strengthening of the walls of the reinforced belt is not always required. Therefore, it is not necessary for nothing to spend money on its device in the following cases:

  • under the basement base, there is a durable soil (rock, large-grass or large sand, not saturated with water);
  • walls are made of bricks;
  • a single-storey house is built, which is overlapped with wooden beams, and not reinforced concrete panels.

If weak soils are located on the site (dust sand, loaming, clay, left-handed peatman), then the answer to the question is whether the reinforcing belt is needed, is obvious. Do not do without it and in the case when the walls are constructed from ceramzite-concrete or cellular blocks (foam or aerated concrete).

These are fragile materials. They do not withstand grounds of soil and point loads from interlated plates. Armopoyas excludes the risk of wall deformation and evenly distributes the load from the plates to blocks.

For arbolite blocks (the wall thickness is at least 30 cm, and the storage grade is not lower than B2.5) Armopoyas is not needed.

For Mauerlat

The wooden beam, which relieves rafters, is called Mauerlat. She cannot be sold foam block, so someone may seem that the Aropoyas is not needed under it. However, the correct answer to this question depends on the material from which the house was built. Mounting Maurolalat without Armopoyasa is allowed for brick walls. They reliably hold an anchor with which Maularlat is attached to them.

If we are dealing with light blocks, then Aropoyas will have to pour. In aerated concrete, foam concrete and clay blocks, the anchor attachments cannot be securely fixed. Therefore, a very strong wind can tear the Mauerlat from the wall along with the roof.

For foundation

Here approach to the problem of amplification does not change. If the foundation is mounted from the FBS blocks, then the Armopoyas is uniquely necessary. Moreover, it needs to be done in two levels: at the level of the sole (base) of the foundation and on its upper cut. Such a solution will protect the design from intensive loads arising from the rise and sediment of the soil.

For boot concrete tape foundations, the reinforced belt is also required, at least at the level of the sole. Boot concrete is economical, but not resistant to the maintenance of soil material, so it needs reinforcement. But the monolithic "tape" of Armopoyas is not needed, since its basis is a steel bulk frame.

There is no need for the device of this design and for a solid foundation plate, which is poured under buildings on weak soils.

Under what types of intergenerational floors need Armopoyas?

Under the panels that rest on the ceramzite concrete blocks, gas or foam concrete, the reinforced belt must be made in mandatory.

Under the monolithic reinforced concrete overlap, it can not be poured, since it evenly transmits the load on the walls and firmly binds them into a single spatial structure.

Armopois under the wooden overlap, which relies on light blocks (aerated concrete, clay, foam concrete) is not required. In this case, under the beams, it will be enough to pour the supporting platforms from a concrete with a thickness of 4-6 cm to eliminate the risk of unolding blocks.

How to make Armopoyas?

The technology of the device reinforced belt of rigidity is no different from the method of filling the monolithic foundation.

In general, it consists of three operations:

  • Making reinforcement frame;
  • Installing formwork;
  • Pouring concrete.

Specific subtleties and nuances in work appear depending on the arrangement zone of Armopoya.

Reinforced Belt under the foundation

Responding to a question how to make a reinforced belt under the foundation (1 level), let's say that its width should be 30-40 cm larger than the width of the support part of the main concrete "ribbon". This will significantly reduce the pressure of the building on the ground. Depending on the floor of the house, the thickness of such a belt of rigidity can be from 40 to 50 cm.

The reinforced belt of the first level is made under all the bearing walls of the building, and not only under the outer. The frame for it is made by the method of mating reinforcement clamps. Welding is applied only for the preliminary compound (tape) of the main reinforcement into the overall spatial structure.

Second Level ARMIAS (on the foundation)

This design is essentially a continuation of the ribbon foundation (boot concrete, block). It is enough to use 4 rods with a diameter of 14-18 mm with a diameter of 6-8 mm with a diameter of 6-8 mm.

If the main foundation is a boot concrete, then there are no problems with the installation of formwork under Armopleomas. To do this, it is necessary to leave it free space (20-30 cm) to install the reinforcement frame, taking into account the protective layer of concrete (3-4 cm).

With FBS blocks, the situation is more complicated, because the formwork is not put for them. In this case, wooden strut bars should be applied, which are backing the formwork shields below. Before installing on the shields, cutting boards, which protrude beyond the formwork for 20-30 cm and do not allow the design to shift to the right or left. For the connection of formwork shields on top of the board, short bars are nauseated.

Options for mounting Armopoyas formwork on foundation blocks

It is possible to simplify the fastening system by using threaded studs. They put them in pairs of formwork at a distance of 50-60 cm. Tightening with nuts with nuts, we are without wooden backups and the crossbar we get a sufficiently strong and stable design for the fill of concrete.

This system is suitable for formwork, which is required by Armopoyas under the slab of the overlap.

Studs that will be filled with concrete, you need to wrap in Pergamine or apply some machinery on them. This will facilitate the task of extracting them from concrete after its solidification.

Armopoyas under the slab overlapping

Ideally, its width should be equal to the width of the wall. This can be done in the case when the facade is fully facing the slab insulation. If only a plastering solution is decided for decorating, then the Armopoyan width will have to be reduced by 4-5 centimeters to leave a place for foam or minvati. Otherwise, in the styling belt styling zone, a through bridge cold of a very solid sizes will appear.

Making Armopoyas on aerated concrete, you can use another solution. It lies in the installation on the edges of the laying of two thin blocks. A steel frame is placed in the space between them and concrete is poured. The blocks perform the role of formwork and insulate the belt.

If the thickness of the aerated wall is 40 cm, then for this purpose you can use partition blocks with a thickness of 10 cm.

With a smaller thickness of the wall, you can cut the cavity for Armopoya with your own hands in the standard masonry unit or buy a ready-made a-concrete U-unit.

Reinforced belt under Maurylalat

The main feature, which Aropoyas for Maurylalat differs from other types of amplification - the presence of anchor spills in it. With their help, the bar is firmly fixed to the wall without the risk of separation or shift under the action of wind loads.

The width and height of the reinforcement frame should be such that after the design of the structure between the metal and the outer surface of the belt, at least 3-4 cm of the protective layer of concrete remained from all sides.