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Rubber tile do it yourself. Production of rubber tiles with their own hands. Production of rubber tile as a business: calculations manufacture of rubber crumbs with their own hands

Fractional rubber crumb is a basic raw material for the manufacture of tiles and rubber coating. This raw material is actually taken from waste, more precisely, it is mined by processing old worn tires from cars. Car tires are made of sufficiently expensive high-quality components (various oils, synthetic rubber, fillers), since these products must withstand huge loads of a very long period of time.

Of all the existing types of rubber tire, in their structure, highlighted with high strength and resistance. Such rubber easily transfers the incoming acid and alkaline solutions to its surface, is very elastic, not stretched, it is not bent and able to withstand temperatures from -45 to + 60 degrees.

raw materials:
Automotive crumb (or rubber crushed - RD) - is mined due to the processing of worn tires of other RTI. Its price depends on such indicators as: quality, method of manufacture, dimensions, places of manufacture and implementation. In Russia, the retail price on the crumb hesitates to Raynaya 6-15 rubles per kilogram.

Rubber Crumb Production Places:
- plants that process automotive tires in crumb as the main raw material;
- For by-production at RTI factories
- Plants that restore the tires by caring them (tread processing), like waste production.

Used rubber crumb fractions:
The rubber crumb fractions range from 0.1mm to 10 mm and directly depend on their destination. Thus, the fractions of a small type (0.1 - 4 mm) are mainly used in the production of colorless (black) or non-layer colored products. In the manufacture of the lower colored layers, they are mainly used fractions of a larger nature (2-10 mm). Most often, they are cheaper in comparison with more miniature fractions, so they may have textile or metal inclusions in their composition. Production of tiles with two layers (the upper thin colored layer, the bottom dark layer from large in the size of the crumb fractions) is permissible and relevant when the source thickness of the product exceeds 1.5 cm.

The layering allows to reduce the cost of the product at the expense of the following items:
. The inclusion in the composition of the cheap large fraction of crumbs. Such a crumb can be in its composition textile or other inclusions.
. Economy on the paint - the bottom layer remains black.
. Larger fractions of crumbs require a smaller number of binding to crosslink them, which is carried out by enveloping the surface of the crumb particle
. The absence of a dye makes it possible to use less binding for crosslinking particles, since the mixture is dried in a painted crumb.

Equipment and raw materials (prices)

The line that manufactures rubber coatings has the following equipment set:

Volcanic press, the performance of which up to 100 m² per day. Price - about 350 thousand rubles;

Pressal forms. The cost is 30 thousand rubles;

Drying chamber (for mini business, it is possible to make independently), the price is from 100,000 rubles.

Raw materials:

Rubber crumb - black (17 thousand rubles per ton), color (from 23 to 35 thousand);
. Polyurethane glue - 140 rubles / kg;
. dyes - 7 rubles per kg;

Electricity consumption of line - 15 15 kW / h.

Coatings can be made:
- both soft and tough density;
- waterproof, or with water flow (drainage);
- thin and thick;
- as colorless (black), colored, or black with splashes of different colors;
- with good clutch and more slippery;
- with a pattern or without it;
- single-layer or multiple layers;
- for laying on a soft base (soil) or solid;
- with connections (sleeve, castle) or without them.

Paving rubber tile often stacked in parallel with the usual paving slabs. It is for such a combination that creates rubber coatings of similar sizes and forms as the usual tile for the sidewalk.

Premises for mini shop production tile.
The criteria for which the release of rubber coatings occurs (provided that the equipment is optimal and has an average level of performance):

1. The area occupied by the technical line - 70-100 m² (not counting the warehouse);
2. Change of workers, which consists of 4-5 employees (1 senior to shift);
3. Power consumption:
- regulatory - 52 kW;
- average - 13 kW / hour (due to cyclicity of equipment);
4. Average level of performance (taking into account possible stops and marriage).

Equipment and materials are placed by sectors:
§ Raw warehouse for storing rubber crumb, her dyes and glue;
§ Sector preparation, where material is used for dosing, mixing, weighing
§ molding sector, with installed pressing equipment and tables;
§ Warehouse with finished products, where manufactured products made from tire crumbs are stored.
The press begin to operate prematurely, for 30-50 minutes of launch to warm up the press mechanisms.

General axioms:

1. Consumption of glue.
§ The amount of the binder is in the opposite dependence on the crumb fraction. The smaller the crumb, the greater the binder for stitching. The larger - the less.
§ Dyes dried glue. Because of this, its amount in black coating is less.
§ The higher the density of the product, the less you need glue.
2. The average glue consumption for the manufacture of various coatings from 4 to 12%, depending on the presence of \\ lack of dye, density of materials, quality of glue, and the size of the used tire crumb.

For example, to make a color coating Mat 500 * 500 * 16mm (with crumbs of fine fractions) you need 6% of the dye and 5% of the glue from the amount of rubber crumb.
a) Black coating (the size of the crumb is 4-10mm) - 4% glue.
b) black coating (crumb size - 2-3 mm) - 5% glue.
c) black coating (the size of the crumb is 1.2-1.8 mm) - 6% glue.
d) Color coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 7-9% glue.
3. Waterproof increases, the less fraction of rubber crumb and the higher the pressure.
4. The crumb is larger, the faster the color of the product is lost due to abrasion.
5. The crumb is larger, the stronger the coating, but must comply with the coating thickness.
6. Thick coatings cost (2 cm and more) it is better to make two-layer. For the upper part, use the crumb of small fraction, for the bottom - the cheaper crumb of the large fraction (5-12 mm) with possible extraneous inclusions. Each layer has its own glue proportions. Each layer is kneaded in different tanks.
7. On a single pressing mechanism, it is recommended to produce the products of the same thickness, regardless of the configuration, as the thickness affects the pressure of the press (the thinner of the product, the faster its formation passes).

Additional devices for production.

Trolley to transport raw materials (crumb, dye).
- Trolley with a special tripod to transport tanks with glue.
- Scales to weigh the components (better than 50-kilogram electronic).
- Traffic workshops for uniform coating.
- Special mugs and scoops for measurement, depending on the product standard.
- Mixing glue and dye drill with nozzles.

Price to implement rubber plates:

One pack
100 tiles - 57 thousand rubles.

Cost 1 m² - 1,584 rubles.
Price 1 Plates - 570 rubles.
The minimum batch is 100 plates (25 m²).

Sales products.

For coating on production lines of production, in warehouses, or as a rubber coating for garages;
- Used in zones near rinks, changing rooms, sites;
- in combination with paving slabs;
- as a coating for various sports complexes or children's playgrounds;
- on farms, object of animal husbandry;
- on roofing terraces
- In the baths and other places.

As you can see, the release of such products is part of the ecosystem, engaging in trauma-safe products of high quality - rubber tile or crumb coating.

Production of tiles of rubber crumb:

When you step by such a coating, which is not done from stone or concrete, comes an understanding of how far the construction sphere is advanced. Increasingly, such a pavement tile began to meet, in the manufacture of which rubber crumb was used.

And it should be noted that such a coating cannot but cause feelings of admiration. And judging by the practice of its use, the material has such characteristics that are not inferior to other construction resources involved in this area. And it is not necessary to talk about the comfort of use.

Convenience is at a sufficiently high level

According to the pavement, which was laid out of a cobblestone or asphalt, it is not very nice to walk. And such material, like rubber, allows the legs to spring, creating an effect of depreciation. Also, do not forget about the wellness effect, which is characteristic of such a coating.

With it, it can be reduced sufficiently large loads that come to the spine. In the event that the stacked material in its thickness will reach about thirty centimeters, another useful parameter appears as injuries security. This factor makes it possible to use rubber near the pools or in playgrounds. But it is worth noting that the equipment for the production of rubber tile will be chosen quite difficult.

Dignity of material

If you want to open your entrepreneurial case, you should know that in Russia the supply of high-quality equipment is not so many companies. Therefore, the choice is not very big, if you need a domestic technological line.

However, many entrepreneurs are addressed to these companies who are engaged in the production of rubber coating. And there is nothing strange here. This is due to the fact that the rubber has a sufficiently high resistance to a variety of natural impacts. Even after the harsh winter, the rubber tile will serve it regularly, without any problems. Such a parameter as durability is at a sufficiently high level.

The role of the supplier in the organization of business

If your company is only at the stage of becoming, it will be necessary to purchase at least a minimum complex. By purchasing equipment for the production of rubber tiles, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the selection of the supplier.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the products that will be presented, but also on the possibility of learning. Or at least the provision of an appropriate training manual with which you can configure the equipment for the production of rubber tiles.

In some situations, the most responsible suppliers can provide all the necessary information on how to find the sales market or establish a scheme for implementing the already manufactured product. Also, a novice entrepreneur may ask a list of documentation that is required in order to receive a certificate. Do not forget about the acquisition of all the necessary raw materials. With this question, you can also contact the suppliers.

A huge role is played by such a moment as repairs. It is best to purchase equipment for the production of rubber tile from that supplier who agrees to produce repair work in case of anything, as well as install it in the rented room and help produce launch.

What should be considered when buying a technological line

It will be necessary to purchase all the necessary tools that will help make installation and start the work of the line. As a wonderful bonus, staff training before the launch of the equipment can be played. It is understood that as a result of such training, a part of the skills relating to high-quality production of products will be transferred.

Those organizations that supply equipment for the production of rubber tiles can provide the raw materials needed to start the work of the enterprise. We are talking about rubber crumb, polyurethane binding materials, pigments, etc.

At first, suppliers can offer an entrepreneur orders or invite to participate in product manufacturing projects. In other words, if you feel about the category of start-up businessmen, it is advisable to think about finding support.

What equipment will need to be purchased?

So, in order to launch your enterprise, you will need to purchase the following equipment for the production of tiles of rubber crumb tiles:

  1. Mixer. This installation is needed in order to establish the component mixing procedure.
  2. It will be necessary to purchase thermoshkaf. With it, the raw material is exposed to thermal processing.
  3. As an auxiliary equipment serves as a fixing stand for the tile (6 pieces it is necessary), the molding table (you will need to purchase 3 instances) and the platform for the mixer (3 pieces).
  4. Press for the production of rubber tile. It is necessary to choose a hydraulic model. The machine is necessary to provide molding of products. Also, press form will also be required to set the execution of this procedure. With the help of them you can take on the manufacture of a variety of products.
  5. Conductor should be purchased, thanks to which it will be possible to form the technological holes.

This is the minimum technological line that will need to be bought in a mandatory order to launch the process of producing rubber tiles. On average, the cost of a small plant on which all the necessary equipment will be installed will vary from two to three million rubles. This amount includes VAT, as well as all work related to the launch line.


The production technology of rubber tiles is no high difficulty. With this can cope any entrepreneur. Therefore, if you are interested in this field of activity, then you do not need to be afraid of the cost of buying equipment and on the organization of the entire business as a whole. All this will quickly pay off at a competent approach to the production process.

Tile and paving a rubber crumb - it is low-cost and pretty quality products.

The material does not require expensive raw materials and a large number of labor.

For the manufacture, it is enough just to purchase several special machines and rent a small workshop.

Rubber paving slabs and a pavement today at the peak of popularity. It is easy to sell not only in retail to individual companies and individuals, but also sell in large quantities commercial enterprises.

In this article we will talk about the production technology of this product and give the characteristics of the equipment.

This product has many advantages. Ground rubber tires, of which it is produced - the material is high quality. For its manufacture used good synthetic rubber, expensive fillers and oils.

Benefits Chips from such rubber:

  1. Serious, "not begging" under strong weight, it can be laid in the shops, garages and car wash.
  2. For a long time and correctly serves to 35-40 years, and at the same time not abruptly and does not "linnet."
  3. Resistant to moisture, it remains a mustache and quickly dries even after a tropical showers, so it is used in water parks and in the saunas.
  4. It is not afraid of sudden drops of temperatures, it is not terrible with severe frosts (up to -40), nor exhausting heat (up to +50).
  5. It does not slip shoes on it - it is difficult to be injured on such a tile; She brows the "sports" surfaces - tennis courts, playgrounds for games.
  6. The material does not spoil aggressive substances, they cover the floors of chemical laboratories.
  7. Tile is easy and inexpensive to lay and washed. It brows the stairs, entrances to buildings, shopping centers and many other "public" spaces with a large human flow.

Also paving tiles made of rubber crumbs can be given the most diverse shape, size and color, beautifully fit in the interior of the premises and landscape. It is put on country areas and in elite cottage settlements, on balconies and terraces.

Tile manufacturing technology and paving

Cold and hot-type pressing today are two most popular technologies, with which the tile and pavement are produced.

Hot fashion

Using the manufacturing technology of the hot way, the tile can be cheap and fast.

It should be borne in mind - such products are not distinguished by durability, "afraid of" severe frosts.

Find a buyer for such a product really only in a temperate climatic zone.

To produce hot pressing you need:

  1. First give raw materials the necessary condition. To do this, in a special mixer, it is necessary to create a solid mass of the crumb and the binder - glue from polyurethane.
  2. Distribute the mixture to press forms and send under a special volcanic hot press, which heats up with electricity or steam. It heats the mass and gives it the desired shape with a pressure exceeding 5 tons. After such a pressing, the material is ready - no longer need to do anything else.

Duration of the process and temperature Depends on the thickness of the mixture:

  • if this indicator is 8-15 mm - you need to press 3-7 minutes at a temperature of + 120-130 degrees;
  • if 15-25 mm - 5-10 minutes. at + 140-150;
  • if 25-40 mm - 15-18 min. At +150;
  • if 40-50 mm - 20 min. also at +150.

Cold way

"Cold" pressing is the process more time-consuming and costly. But it is well to earn it much more real than "cold" tiles are inherent in all of the above advantages.

To produce compressed cold products, it is necessary:

  1. Prepare raw materials. To do this, it is necessary to do the same as in the case of hot pressing: from the binder polyurethane adhesive and rubber crumb to create a solid mixture. Plus add coloring substance. An important point is that the adhesive will need an order of magnitude more.
  2. Move this mixture in the mold and send to press under 5-ton pressure into a volcanic cold weatherproof press.
  3. Next, the material is sent to a special chamber (thermoshkaf) to dry at a temperature of + 50-60 degrees. How much he is there, depends on the thickness. The material thicker, the drying longer. On average, this process takes 5-7 hours.
  4. After heat treatment in a special package, the material "is heated" in a normal room temperature.

The thickness of the rubber crumb fractions depends on how crushed raw materials. The smaller the tires, the thinner the fraction. This thickness can be varied more than a hundred times - ranging from 0.1 mm to about 10-12 mm.

From thin fractions (up to 4 mm), they produce relatively expensive single-layer color tiles, from thick - cheaper material from several layers of the original black.

The quality of "large" crumbs is lower, because it has an unwanted admixture ("inclusion") of metal or tissues.

But it is cheaper for two reasons:

  • first, it does not paint it;
  • secondly, to create a single-layer "solid" product, it is necessary that the binder adhesive is completely wolfed each individual crumb.

Therefore, the larger size of individual rubber particles, less must be binderto connect them.

The tile can be "combined" when the upper layer "high-quality" is thin, and the lower cheap and thoroughly. Such material in thickness is usually about one and a half centimeters.


For manufacture, you will need such components:

  1. Directly rubber crumb. The tile of it consists of 80-90%.
  2. Polyurethane bonding glue. It accounts for about 10% of the total size of the material. Such glue not only connects the crumb into solid tiles, but also used to connect it with any surface.
  3. Dye. In the tile of its 5%. Typically, the coloring agent looks like a powder.
  4. Color rubber granules. This substance is used to create drawings on the surface of finished products and make it aesthetic look. Without this component, it is quite possible to do.

Rubber crumb can be purchased by:

  • special processing plants;
  • industrial enterprises producing RTI (rubber products). They are a by-product of production;
  • plants that restore damaged tire protector. One of the waste of this process is just a rubber crumb.


For small production it will be necessary:

  • volcanic press, which can produce up to 100 m 2 products for 1 day. Its cost - in the region of 300 - 400 thousand rubles;
  • drying chamber (thermoshkaf). Hereinafter - 100,000 - 150,000 rubles;
  • pressive forms for rubber crumb - 40,000 rubles. Each. They will need at least 3-4;
  • construction mixer (centrifugal type) - 120,000 - 220,000 rubles. They will need 2.

Also during the manufacture can not do without such equipment as:

  • tables (for molding) and platforms for mixers;
  • carts for moving barrels with glue;
  • spatula, so that when laying an imaging mixture in molds;
  • scales (electronic);
  • specialist. Drills equipped with a nozzle to mix composite;

The price of raw materials and materials for the production of rubber tiles:

  • 1 ton of black rubber crumb stands on average 20 000 rub.;
  • ton colored - 25 000 - 40 000 rub.;
  • 1 kg of polyurethane glue - 150 rubles;
  • dyes - 8-10 rubles. For 1 kg.

Electricity consumption will be approximately 15 kW / h.

You can purchase equipment from such Alpha SPK, Eco-Top, Alpha MSK LLC, intermediaries delivering it from other countries (Far East Trans and others) at an affordable price .

Forms for tile

Forms for rubber tiles can be bought from the manufacturers of the equipment mentioned above. Common size: 550x550x55 (45) mm, 1100x1100x55 (45) mm.

Business plan

The production of rubber tiles from the crumb is not very expensive. To create a small factory, it will take about 1,200,000 rubles.

To ensure the production process requires:

  • territory area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 120-130 m 2 under the workshop and warehouses for the storage of raw materials and finished products;
  • 3-4 workers for one shift;
  • accountant and manager.

1 m 2 Tiles can be sold for 1700 rubles. And 100 tiles sell in bulk for 62,000 rubles.

The profitability of such production is sufficiently high - in the region of 20-40%, and if it takes up to 35 m 2 products in the day, then the costs will pay off after 4-6 months.

Over this time you can get a sales revenue of about 7.5 million rubles. (35 · 1700 · 21DN · 6 months \u003d 7,497 thousand rubles).


  1. Revenue 35 · 1700 · 21DN. \u003d 1 249.5 thousand rubles.
  2. Consumption of 920 thousand rubles.
  3. Profit 1249,5-920 \u003d 329.5

Profitability will be:

329,51249,5∙100%= 26,4%

Gradually developing business, increasing productivity, can be achieved higher than a higher indicator.

Is it possible to make tiles at home?

High-quality products that are manufactured by a cold way, to produce "at home" unreal. But "hot" cheap option is quite realistic.

For the manufacture of rubber paving slabs with their own hands of large areas, monetary and temporary costs is not required - enough will buy such equipment as a hot press, mold, well, and naturally raw materials in the form of rubber crumbs and other components.

If you buy the cheapest equipment used, then the starting investment will not exceed 200,000 - 250,000 rubles.

Thus, the mini-production of slabs made of rubber crumbs is possible even in the garage. Problems can start later - at the stage of sale. "Hot" tile - goods with a not very good reputation, so there may be problems with finding clients.

Video on the topic

The author of this video talks about how to embody the business idea for the production and sale of tiles and paving stones from the rubber crumb, about the choice of machine and equipment for its manufacture at home, as well as the advantages of this material and the benefits of it before other types.


As you can see, the manufacture of tiles of rubber crumb - is very advantageous, especially with the competent compilation of the business plan.

This case does not require high costs and quickly pays off.

In contact with

From year to year, rubber coatings are becoming increasingly popular. There are several reasons for this:

  • covered with rubber tiles pavement much cheaper than asphalt or concrete;
  • rubber tile is pleasant to the touch, it is useful to walk barefoot on it, so it is ideal for the coating of children's and sports grounds;
  • such material is convenient to transport, stack, the tile does not crack and is not deformed.

Rubber tile finds more and more use. Today, it is laying out sidewalks, tracks of the houses, sports and playgrounds, country sites, stairs and much more.

Production of rubber tile - business to perspective. This suggests that the material cannot but be in demand. Therefore, more and more enterprises producing rubber coatings appear on the market. The entrance ticket to the case begins from 150,000 dollars. Main costs go to the purchase of line, commissioning and technology work. The main difficulty in organizing the case is to search for suppliers of reliable equipment. The high demand for rubber coatings has created increased demand for the purchase of machines for their production, which, in turn, attracted the manufacturers of not very high quality equipment.

How much can you earn?

Rubber tiles are 3-4 times more expensive than its concrete counterpart - paving slabs. The cost of one square meter, depending on the thickness of the product, starts from 1050 rubles (for a tile of 10 mm thick) and reaches 1,800 rubles (per tile in 80 mm). The average performance of modern lines is from 1000 to 3000 sq.m. per month. The potential turnover of even mini-enterprise is easy to calculate. It ranges from 1.0 to 4.0 million rubles per month.

Rubber Tile Production Technology

There are two common technologies for the production of rubber tiles:

  1. hot pressing method;
  2. cold pressing method.

Each method has both its advantages and its drawbacks. Moreover, at the first option, the disadvantages are much more significant.

The hot pressing method uses those manufacturers who decided to save on the purchase of expensive equipment. Today, the Chinese production line is actively offered to our entrepreneurs. Although the lines really have high performance and are much cheaper than the analogs, rubber tiles on such equipment it turns out very low quality.

The fact is that under the influence of high temperatures, the tile gets a resistant smell of burned rubber. As a result, it emits not only an unpleasant smell, but harmful to humans. In addition, the product obtained in this way will be short-lived, tough and fragile. As a result of operation, such a tile is rapidly destroyed under the influence of the environment.

Despite the low quality of product obtained and dubious safety, many continue to use the hot pressing method. This is explained by two main reasons:

  • low cost of equipment, which means, a lower entrance ticket to the case;
  • less costs of raw materials, since the flow of polyurethane is reduced during rubber melting.

As a result, the products are obtained with low cost and competitive price in the market. But business prospects built on this technology is not. By purchasing the tile once, the client, making sure the quality of the products, will no longer make a re-order.

The cold pressing method allows you to get a rubber tile of completely different quality. Products according to such technology are obtained more elastic, flexible and durable. The quality fee is higher costs for buying equipment and reduced line performance. Price difference, in comparison with hot presses, can be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The production process of cold pressing is as follows: At the first stage, the components of the future product are mixed using mixers. Next, the raw materials are laid in the press. Then the forms are loaded under the press, where there is squeezing forms with a load of 5 tons. At the next stage, the truck with forms is moved to the drying chamber, where products are kept for 4-6 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. At the end of the drying, the finished tile is unloaded on a special table for quality control.

Raw Rubber Tile Production

The main raw materials for the production of rubber tiles are rubber crumb and binder polyurethane (glue). Rubber crumb is purchased from suppliers. The average price is 19,000 rubles / ton. Polyurethane glue for hot pressing costs from 140 to 170 rubles per kilogram, for cold pressing - from 170 to 200 rubles / kg. To buy this component, it should be done very carefully, because the strength of the finished product depends on the quality of the binder component.

To give the products aesthetic look, dyes are actively used in the production of tiles. Depending on the type of color, the cost of the dye varies from 80 to 190 rubles / kg.

Premises and equipment

The price of equipment set depends on the production technology. A mini-plant for the production of rubber tile hot press will cost from 1.5 to 2.5 million rubles. Practically, 90% of lines suppliers are Chinese manufacturers. The capacity of the hot pressing line ranges from 50 to 100 sq.m. in shift and can be served 4-5 workers.

The cost of a set of equipment on cold molding technology begins from 3.5 million rubles. The production lines consists of a hydraulic press, mixers, thermoshkafa, molds, stands for fixing tiles, molding tables, electric heater and auxiliary equipment (scales, trolleys, work inventory).

In whatever configuration, the line was supplied, it will take area from 80 sq. M. m. The room should be heated, well ventilated and with sufficient electrical capacities (machines consume 15 kW / hour).

Production of Rubber Tile - Video

It is sufficient to spread in recent times during the arrangement of the territories of the rubber tile, with their own hands it can be made, which will allow to save. As a result, it will be possible to get products that have a bright appearance and differ simplicity of laying.

Features of rubber tile

Despite the fact that rubber tile appeared in the Russian building materials market relatively recently, she managed to win decent positions, because products have excellent qualities, among them anti-slip features that allow you to use tiles at any time of the year. If the ice is formed on the surface of the coating, then it can be eliminated by using a lomika.

Rubber paving slabs from crumb has a long period of life, the material is quite durable, is not erased with impressive mechanical effects. You will not come across the problem of formation puddle on the surface of the tracks from this tile, as it has a drain effect due to the porous structure. Products are well missed moisture. After the products are ready, you can put them on any type of foundation, it may be, for example, gravel, soil, concrete, sand, and asphalt.

Raw Tile Production

Rubber tiles do it with their own hands using rubber crumb, which acts as a product of the recycling of automotive tires. The source material is rubber, which can be natural or artificial. This causes the quality of the strength of the final coating, as well as its extremely high resistance to mechanical wear. Thus, the production of the described products allows two functions to perform, one of them is to manufacture material with excellent operational qualities, while the second is expressed by the safe utilization of unnecessary goods.

Technical equipment

Rubber tiles can be made only if there is an appropriate equipment that has a very impressive cost. If you intend to make a manufacturing for doing business, then its acquisition is advisable, whereas if you have a task to put the track on the backbone, then it will be preferable to purchase products in the finished form, it will be cheaper even of the option in which the installations are rented.

For carrying out rubber tile work, you should buy:

  • thermoshkaf;
  • mixer;
  • conductor for holes;
  • hydraulic Press;
  • set of forms;
  • platform, tables and stands for the mixer.

If you are planning to purchase such equipment, then you will have to pay approximately 1,590,000-2 370,000 rubles. In the minimum price option, you will receive the most modest set of equipment, whereas the mini-plant is laid at the highest price.

Technological production process

The production of rubber tiles with their own hands is carried out by the method of initial removal from the tires of steel elements. After the prepared rubber products are grinding to particle dimensions ranging from 1 to 4 mm. Then the crumb is connected to the binding polyurethane mixture, the pigment is communicated to a homogeneous state. The mixture must be pouring into the mold, subjected to future products to the vulcanizing oppression.

The manufacture of rubber tiles can be produced by the method of hot or cold pressing, but both of these processes are carried out when exposed to elevated temperatures. In the first case, the temperature is maintained in the range of 140 ° C for a quarter of an hour, while during cold processing the product undergo four-hour treatment at 80 ° C. If we consider the final qualitative characteristics of the finished product, then both listed methods are equivalent, the methods are also equivalent in the energy consumption. But if you independently arrange the production line, then the "hot" method will cost much cheaper, but if you wish to improve productivity, it is worth choosing the technology of "cold" content until readiness.

Features of production

If the basis of your business will be a rubber tile, it will turn out to be done with your own hands, invested about 2 million rubles. This includes costs for launchers and equipment. Any novice businessman is interested in the question of when it starts to pay off. In the case described, this will happen in about 6 months. The rubber tile can be supplied to the stores, it will be purchased from there to purchase for the arrangement of children's and sports grounds, private garages, household tracks, arbors, and terraces.

The myth of the production of rubber tile

Despite the fact that rubber tiles are presented at the most affordable prices, with their own homework masters continue to produce it. But still run myths about the quality or production process. One of them is expressed in the fact that the products produced by the hot press method have not so high quality compared to the analogs that are obtained using the cold process technology. This statement is absolutely definitely impossible to be correct. It today refute production companies that apply both methods.


Laying rubber tiles with their own hands begins with the arrangement of lighthouses. After the territory is prepared. Initially, crushed stone is laid on the soil, it will act as a drainage layer. Be sure to styling should be made on the basis with some bias, this will allow wastewater to drain into sewage. At the edges of the paths, the border should be placed, otherwise the sidewalk crashes at the first spring melting of the snow. Before you begin the installation of the tile, you should lay a sandy layer. For which it is recommended to use exclusively pure sand, which does not have additional impurities. The thickness of this layer must be approximately 5 cm.

The laying of products should be carried out according to a predetermined cord, which is located around the perimeter of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, it is possible to stretch it by pre-installed pegs. After every 3 laid rows, it is necessary to carefully analyze the evenness of the location of each tile separately. You can assume some error that is limited to the limits of 0.5-1 cm. As soon as one element was in its place, it is possible to correct its position by means of a soft tapping with a rubber hammer. If the platform set for the track remained at the edges of the free, it can be filled with elements of the plates, cover which is recommended using disks with a diamond crumb.

Final Installation Works

Having completed the laying of the tile, its surface is to be sealing, applying the vibrating plate and falls asleep with clean sand, after which it will be reissued, which will allow you to scout. The tile made of rubber crumb can be used to reflect the household site. Rubber paving slabs with their own hands can be made in which the deadlines, and after it will fit into any exterior and serves for a fairly long period of time.