Repair Design Furniture

Orchid country of origin. Where is the homeland of the orchid plant Orchid is the homeland of the plant the necessary soil composition

People who are interested in the homeland of the orchid plant will be interested to know that wild-growing even inhabit our country. They are found in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. There are about 130 varieties of them, 50 of which live in the Crimea. The homeland of such plants is forests, forest edges, rocks, fields. These beautiful flowers are not only tropical, as everyone used to think. They are found on absolutely all continents of the Earth, excluding Antarctica. Why is the orchid considered a tropical plant? More than 80% of various species live there, inhabiting the forests of tropical latitudes. Consider the most popular of them, as well as the species that live in our area.

Homeland of different types of orchids

The temperate zone is characterized by poor diversity, 10% of all flowers of this variety live here, which is 75 genera and 900 species in the Northern Hemisphere and 40 genera, 500 species are inhabitants of the southern hemisphere. The territory of the former Soviet Union became the homeland of wild-growing orchids: lady's slipper, neotynesia, nesting, orchis, lyubka, pollen head, anakamptis and others.


Phalaenopsis, which remains the most popular domestic flower today, looks somewhat different in nature, since what we have at home is hybrids obtained by mixing several dozen progenitors. This made it possible to adapt tropical plants to our conditions, because the original homeland of the phalaenopsis orchid was South China, Indonesia, North-East Australia, the Philippines. There they preferred low-lying forests up to 500 meters above sea level. That is why phalaenopsis are thermophilic, moisture-loving flowers, which do not require temperature drops for flowering, since the natural climate is stably warm.


Dendrobiums still inhabit the following countries and places: the Philippines, Australia, New Guinea, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands. Naturalists prefer to inhabit forests at an altitude of up to 2000 meters above sea level. Therefore, fern, pine bark, sphagnum moss are taken for their soil. Some varieties require a difference between night and day temperatures for flowering, as well as adherence to the dormant period, which is a hallmark of the natural wild conditions of the tropics.


The adored by all blue orchid, whose homeland is the Himalayas, Burma, Australia, New Guinea, Papua, Southeast Asia, is difficult to keep at home. Wild conditions provide her with night and day temperature drops from 6 to 10 degrees, warm rain, high humidity from 70%, a long period of lighting (at least 14 hours daily), which is difficult to achieve at home. Therefore, fans of Vandas have to create some kind of greenhouses, purchase air humidifiers, special phytolamps to provide their favorite plant with the necessary conditions.


The peculiarities of caring for Cattleya depend on the homeland of the orchid, which has come a long way from natural species to hybrid ones, available to all Europeans today. Unlike other exotic species, Cattleya inhabits South America and the Caribbean islands. That is why it requires constant lighting, tolerates temperatures from moderate to warm, and also needs a temperature drop for flowering, a dormant period. Only by ensuring the absence of watering after the growing season, it is possible to achieve the development of covers in the axils with peduncles. Cattleya is more neutral to moisture than wanda, for example, but demanding on the dormant period. Surely you have noticed that the homeland of the orchid plant can be from the forests of America, Asia, Australia and even to our fields, rocky mountains. 30,000 species require different care.

Indoor orchid is an incredibly beautiful plant that, due to its attractive appearance, adorns the windowsills of residential buildings and offices. The flower is quite picky about its person, since it was brought to us from abroad. Where is the home of the room orchid located, and what are the nuances of caring for the plant?

Homeland of the room orchid

For the first time, the remains of an orchid were indicated in the works of the eminent philosopher Theophrastus in the fifth century BC. The plant was found in Verona, therefore, Italy is considered the flower's native home. Theophrastus described the plant in a systematic treatise, where he indicated that the orchid has two tubercles at the base, which closely resemble human ovaries.

However, one has to get to the eleventh century, to China.

The Chinese praised the indoor orchid, as they believed that it was able to drive out evil spirits from the house. It was they who "tamed" and for the first time began to plant the plant in a vessel. The orchid bloom was associated with the onset of the spring holidays.

Today, orchids are so popularized that they can be found anywhere in the world. Despite all its cuteness, the flower boasts voluminous sucker roots. Thanks to the roots, the plant can "cling" to any surface, be it a stone, tree or earthen soil. It is noteworthy that the orchid does not dry out in the air, so there is no vital need for soil.

Amazing Orchid Facts:

  • There are over 20,000 species of orchids.
  • The plant has a flower symmetry similar to that of a human face.
  • Orchid is a source of vanilla.
  • Some plant species can live up to 100 years.
  • This type of plant serves as the main ingredient for the preparation of an oriental drink - salep.

Over the past few years, the plant has gained widespread popularity among modern flower growers. And all thanks to the variety of plant colors and long flowering. Most believe that the orchid does not do well in our climatic conditions, but it is worth saying that with proper care, you will be delighted with the unpretentiousness of this plant.

How to care for the "queen" of indoor flowers?

Indoor orchid reaches a height of 60-90 centimeters, and a width of 15-20 centimeters. The color is bright and long. The house flower belongs to evergreen plants, its leaves are distinguished by a rich green color. Proper care consists of:

  1. Observance and creation of the correct humidity. In summer, there is no problem with humidity in residential buildings. In winter, a humidifier will come to your rescue. You can occasionally spray the plant with warm water, this will help moisturize the leaves, and remove such unwanted dust.
  2. Regular watering. The indoor orchid needs abundant watering, but it is worth remembering about the sense of proportion. The next watering should be done only when the soil is dry. It is better to allow the flower to be saturated with water on its own through the root system.
  3. Transplanting and feeding the plant. You need to transplant an indoor orchid every year, in the spring. Renewal of the soil and pot allows the root system to "breathe" and be saturated with minerals. It is better to feed the plant with the help of ready-made mineral supplements. But do not "overfeed" the plant, otherwise it has a chance to burn the roots.
  4. Compliance with the temperature regime. In principle, an indoor orchid, a thermophilic plant. In the summer, you can put the pot on the windowsill, but you should take care that the sun's rays do not come into direct contact with the leaves - otherwise, you will encounter a burn. In winter, beware of drafts and frost.

In severe frosts, the flower must be protected from being on the windowsill. If you strictly adhere to these simple rules, then caring for a room orchid will not be too difficult and confusing, and the hostess will be able to enjoy the long flowering of the plant.

Difficulties in growing an orchid

Any plant needs special care. This is due to the anatomical features of the indoor flower. What difficulties can a florist face when growing a room orchid?

Difficulties in growing orchids:

  1. Brown spots on the leaves. Most often, they indicate a sunburn. The hostess should take care of darkening the place where the plant stands.
  2. The plant grows at an angle. Most likely he lacks light. If there are no problems with lighting, the reason may lie in poor watering.
  3. Plaque and fungus on the leaves. In most cases, the appearance of these problems is associated with dampness and cold in the room.

If the plant does not bloom the plant, or it blooms, but very poorly - look for the reason in insufficient fertilizing with mineral fertilizers or poor care. Caring for a room orchid can be reduced to maintaining humidity, regular watering, and competent feeding. With proper care, the plant is sure to answer you with a beautiful and long flowering.

The most beautiful and expensive flower on Earth is the orchid. She was born in that place on the planet where nature does not skimp on the beauty and wealth of the world. The homeland of the orchid, a room beauty, so beloved by many, is the tropics. More than 90% of all orchid species known to the world were born in these moist and richly vegetated forests. Orchids are found everywhere, they have managed to take root in the most unusual corners of the Earth and adapt to different conditions and climates. There are a huge number of varieties of this delightful flower - about 25,000. They are all different, some stun the eyes with the generosity of their bright decoration, while others are modest and unobtrusive.

They began to appear in our homes relatively recently. Orchids are fragile, vulnerable creatures and require careful attention to themselves. But how to properly care for a flower that grew in such an unusual climate for us? The homeland of the room orchid is the subtropical and tropical zone, and this is a humid and airy environment. In it, the dense crown of tall trees reliably protected delicate flowers from the burning sun and winds, the air was always warm, and the daylight hours lasted at least 12 hours.

The tropics in your home

If you decide to acquire such a wonderful flower at home, you should take care of creating a climate similar to it. The homeland of the room orchid is rich in warmth, light and moisture. The air temperature should be within 20-25 degrees. If the air temperature drops, the plant may not bloom at the right time or even get sick. Orchids are delicate plants, and blooming takes a lot of their energy. If the plant is weakened, and the peduncle has already been thrown away, then it is better to cut it off.

The flower is photophilous, but the direct rays of the sun will be detrimental to it. In winter, it is better to place the plant on the southern side of the apartment, and with the onset of summer, move it to the eastern or western zone. When daylight hours are reduced, you will need to provide the flower with an additional source of light. For these purposes, you can use a fluorescent lamp. Place it at some distance from the plant, orchid daylight hours - at least 11 hours a day.

Life-giving moisture

Wet forests are the birthplace of the orchid. The room darling in your home will lack air humidity. To provide her with optimal living conditions, place her near the aquarium or simply place a bowl of water. As the water evaporates, the flower will receive life-giving moisture from the air. The plant must be moistened with water from a sprayer, but so as not to wet the flowers. Water should be used distilled or boiled, it should be soft, warm and moderately hard. Water plays an important role in the life of an orchid, it is not only a means of nutrition, but also a temperature regulator.

Moderate watering

Watering the plant in summer is necessary once every 3-7 days, in winter - no more than once a week. The ground should not be wet all the time. In the interval between waterings, it should dry out properly. The homeland of indoor plants, the orchid sometimes replaces heavy rains with drought. It is during periods of stagnation that insects fly in to pollinate the flowers, and the orchid prepares for this in advance. If we water less often, the plant will start planning flowering.

Watering can be combined with top dressing, 1-2 times a month is enough. For fertilization, special complexes for orchids are used. When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the axils of the leaves and the growing point. If this happens, remove the water with a cotton swab.

When watering, the substrate in which your orchid grows should be well moistened. Pour water well around the pot; excess water should drain completely into the pan under the pot. We drain it from the pallet and repeat the watering again.


Phalaenopsis is the most undemanding orchid to care for. It was she who allowed professional flower growers to take a decisive step forward, and deservedly took one of the most prestigious positions in many greenhouses. The homeland of the Phalaenopsis orchid is northeastern Australia, the Philippines and southeast Asia.

Plants have huge flowers that look like moths. Their colors can be very different, and the flower seems to be made of wax. Phalaenopsis does not require special humidity and temperature extremes. It is hardy, blooms twice a year, and its flowers do not fade for several months. Phalaenopsis have another unusual feature. They can form processes - babies in the axils of the peduncles. When such an outgrowth sprouts, it can be separated and transplanted into a separate substrate.

Soil for orchids

The homeland of indoor plants, the orchid is very unusual, and sometimes even flowers have to adapt to it. Almost all orchids are epiphytes; they grow not on the ground, but in the air on trees. They don't need soil at all. Their roots have mastered photosynthesis, so it is better to grow them in transparent pots.

You can easily make your own orchid growing mix. This will require dry pine bark and dried sphagnum moss. The bark will need to be boiled, dried, and after a few days, repeat the boiling procedure. After drying, grind the bark into small pieces and mix with moss. The "earth" for the orchid is ready. With a special desire, you can use the earth. In this case, soil, sphagnum and pine bark are mixed in equal parts. Here is such a comprehensively unusual orchid. The homeland of the plant, the composition of the soil, and he came up with a very extraordinary for her.

Other species

Today we stopped at the most common types of orchids on sale and how to create conditions for them for a comfortable stay in your home. But when buying a flower, it is important to consider that there is still the remaining 10% of flowers that are not native to the tropics. The approach to such plants should be different. The homeland of the orchid flower may turn out to be completely different, therefore, care will need to be provided appropriately. What is good for one species can be fatal for another. Therefore, find out from the seller all the subtleties and nuances of caring for this amazing plant before buying.

soil for phalaenopsis composition

What soil for Phalaenopsis orchids is needed?

Every hostess dreams of making her home not only cozy, but also beautiful. For this, sometimes it is enough to put a couple of flowering plants. The phalaenopsis orchid looks very interesting indoors. However, not everyone knows how to care for her. The main mistake in the choice of soil. But it depends on him how the flower will grow. Regular garden soil is not suitable for these plants. So, what should be the soil for the Phalaenopsis orchid?

Conditions created by nature

To understand what kind of soil is needed for Phalaenopsis orchids, it is necessary to determine in what conditions these plants exist. First of all, these flowers are one of the varieties of epiphytes. Orchid roots are commonly referred to as “airy” roots. Thanks to them, the plant is attached either to the rock or to the tree. The orchid receives all the necessary components, including minerals, from its "donor", as well as from the air. The flower is poured with rain. It is in such natural conditions that this species exists.

However, hybrids have long been bred that were created specifically for growing at home. Phalaenopsis are the most unpretentious orchids. However, they also require certain conditions. This is especially true for the soil.

Choosing a soil for Phalaenopsis orchids

The composition in this case is of particular importance. The soil for this type of plant is called the substrate. Of course, the easiest way is to purchase a ready-made one. If possible, then you should cook it yourself. When choosing a soil, you should take into account climatic features, flowering periods, plant size and volume of dishes.

You can experiment with mixtures. The main thing in this business is the observance of proportions. If the orchid blooms profusely, then the plant liked the soil.

What should be present in the composition of the soil? This:

  • Leafy land.
  • Pine cones.
  • The rock is perlite.
  • Vermiculite is a mineral.
  • Peat bog moss sphagnum.
  • Polystyrene.
  • Fern roots.
  • Horse or lowland peat.
  • Coir.
  • Expanded clay.
  • Charcoal.
  • The bark of a pine or deciduous tree.
  • More details

    So, you have purchased an orchid for the first time and the desired beauty is already in your home. But what are these amazing roots that shine through the transparent container? And is the soil strange? Let's try to figure it out in order. Moreover, such a flower requires a special approach. Orchid garden soil is not suitable for an orchid.

    Natural conditions

    This plant is from the genus Epiphytes. Its roots are called "airy". They attach the flower to a tree or to a rock. It receives all the mineral substances necessary for excellent growth directly from the donor plant, from the air, and is watered with rain. This is the natural environment where this plant species lives.

    There are already hybrids specially bred for keeping the house. The most unpretentious of them is phalaenopsis. But if you want something more exotic, such as a species like Wanda, you need to learn how to properly care for it. This is especially true of soil selection.

    Soil for orchids: how to choose?

    The soil for orchids is called the substrate. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made one. Specialized stores are engaged in this. But if it gives you pleasure to create everything with your own hands, we will help you do it right.

    First, you take into account all the details: the volume of the dishes, the type of flower, its size, flowering periods, climatic features. So, adult orchids need less moisture, young ones - more. In addition, there are species that love weighted and wet soil. For example, Cymbidium.

    What is orchid soil made of?

    Feel free to experiment with blends. The main thing is to observe the optimal proportions. The criterion that you did everything right is the abundant, healthy flowering of your pet.

    Substrate components:

  • deciduous or pine tree bark;
  • charcoal;
  • coconut fiber;
  • peat (lowland, high-moor);
  • fern roots;
  • polystyrene;
  • sphagnum (peat bog moss);
  • perlite (rock);
  • vermiculite (mineral);
  • pine cones;
  • humus (leafy earth).
  • More details

    phalaenopsis soil

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    Soil composition for orchids

    The days of expensive orchids are over. But a flowering plant is still expensive to this day, because it takes up to ten years to grow such plants. Before purchasing such a flower, it does not hurt to get acquainted with the conditions for its cultivation. It is very important to know the composition of the soil for orchids, what kind of light is needed, how to water the flower.

    Florists have tried a variety of orchid soil, even straw. The problem with soil selection is that the flower should always be in an upright position, with the roots lying almost on the surface of the pot.

    There are a huge number of varieties of orchids and the choice of soil for each is individual. Basically, today the choice has focused on a mixture of sand, moss, clay, remnants of bark mixed with garden soil. Such soil allows air to pass well between the roots and retains moisture between waterings. For example, a very small orchid can only be planted in moss, it will feel great. But often, orchid lovers do not stop at a complex option, but buy soil in a shop where they sell flowers.

    More details

    DIY soil for phalaenopsis

    Phalaenopsis soil. Good afternoon. I nevertheless decided to transplant 1 falik, because noticed a lot of empty roots inside, and it faded suspiciously quickly

    I bought it for the orch, which has bloomed the soil, and it contains peat, sphagnum, pine bark and needles, charcoal You bought the soil not for phalaenopsis, it only needs coniferous bark.

    Tell me, what kind of pests settled in my phalaenopsis pot? Quite nimble, mobile "bugs". When disturbed, the leaves hide on their seamy side. In general, the orchid is doing well. I treated the leaves with actellik, spilled the bark with tanrek. A week has passed, no pests are visible.
    Sometimes on the surface of the substrate, more often near the stem or protruding roots, you can see tiny shiny dark "balls", which sometimes quite briskly move from place to place. These are shell mites - oribatids (Oribatidae), belonging to the most numerous group in terms of the number of species of all soil arthropods.

    Phalaenopsis orchid transplant - photo tutorial with step-by-step photo illustrations At this stage, we transplant Stewart's phalaenopsis.

    These arachnids feed on dying plant parts, moss and algae that live in wet soil, and are not plant pests. However, it has been noticed that with a lack of nutrition, they can damage the young leaves of some orchids, most often Phalaenopsis. This is most likely due not to their special predilection for this particular genus of orchids, but to the conditions of detention - phalaenopsis, especially seedlings, do not require periodic drying of the substrate, which these mites cannot tolerate.

    According to the requirements of the composition of the soil, orchids are divided into two large groups, these are ground ones. Now we will prepare the soil for the orchids. For this we need the following components

    What soil is needed for an orchid

    How to prepare orchid soil

    In order to choose or prepare the right soil for orchids at home, you need to know the conditions of its habitat in the wild and many other nuances. They will be discussed below.

    Natural conditions

    The orchid is an epiphyte. It forms "aerial" roots, which in nature are attached to the rock or bark of trees. As a result, the flower feeds from the donor plant or receives the necessary substances from the rains and from the air.

    Naturally, such conditions are not typical for indoor flowers. For cultivation at home, certain hybrids have been bred. The most popular of them is Phalaenopsis, as it is unpretentious in terms of care. The soil for the Phalaenopsis orchid is somewhat different from the soil used for other varieties of the flower.

    How to choose soil for orchids

    Soil for orchids: how to choose
    Today, orchid soil is sold at any flower shop. But you can prepare it yourself. When choosing a land, the following factors must be considered:

  • the volume of the taken pot;
  • plant variety;
  • its dimensions;
  • weather conditions for growing;
  • flowering period.
  • Depending on this, a soil is required for Phalaenopsis or for another species, and the soil is selected.

    What is the soil for orchids

    Novice florists often ask the question “what kind of land is needed for Phalaenopsis”. After all, if you plant an orchid in the wrong soil, it will die very quickly. You need to know what kind of soil is needed for each variety.

    Today, there are various recipes for preparing soil mixtures for such indoor flowers. The main thing here is to correctly observe the optimal proportions of all components. If the land is chosen correctly, then the plant will actively grow and bloom.

    Substrate components

    Land for any orchid at home may include the following components:

  • coal. Charcoal is needed here;
  • bark taken from coniferous / deciduous species. Better to take bark taken from a pine tree;
  • coconut fiber;
  • expanded clay;
  • low-lying or high-moor peat;
  • the underground part of the fern;
  • sphagnum (moss from the swamp);
  • rock (perlite);
  • mineral (vermiculite);
  • cones (for example, pine);
  • humus;
  • As you can see, the land for orchids can include some exotic ingredients. It should be prepared specifically for a specific species.

    What are some substances

    You need to plant an orchid in a special soil, which consists of the above components, taken in a certain proportion. If there are no problems with the search for deciduous / pine bark or humus, then it is quite problematic to find some substances on your own. Problems can arise, for example, with finding coal or coconut fiber.

    The most important component here will be the bark. It should only be taken from healthy plants. It should peel off easily from the barrel. It is best to remove it from felled (but not rotten!) Trees.

    In addition to the bark in the forest, we find fern roots and moss (taken from the swamp). Expanded clay can be purchased at a hardware store. We need expanded clay in the form of crushed stone. We buy polystyrene in the construction department.

    The presence of vermiculite in the soil mixture will give it looseness. The mineral serves as a good protection against mold and fungal pathogens, as well as from drying out.

    Perlite is a volcanic rock. It does not contain useful substances, but it performs the same functions as vermiculite.

    Soil composition options for orchids

    Now that the components of the soil are known, you can choose an option for what the soil mixture will be for a room orchid.

    There is no need to use all of the above components at the same time. You can get by with what you managed to get, because the composition of the soil for an orchid can be different.

    Composition option No. 1. It uses charcoal and bark (ratio 1: 5). Such a composition will have a reduced moisture holding capacity and good air circulation.

    Composition option No. 2. Chopped sphagnum, charcoal and pine chips are taken. The components are used in a ratio of 2: 1: 5.

    Composition option No. 3. In this case, peat, coal, humus and bark are used in a ratio of 1: 1: 3: 1, respectively.

    How to prepare orchid soil

    To properly prepare the soil for indoor orchids, you should adhere to the following rules:

    • the lower the humidity in the room, the more moisture-absorbing the earth should be;
    • the soil mixture optimal for orchids should dry completely in 3-4 days;
    • it is not recommended to tamp the substrate.
    • The prepared components of the substrate must be steamed and dried well. We put a drainage layer in the selected container. To create it, it is best to use small crushed stone, broken brick or foam. The soil mixture is poured to the middle of the pot. Now lays out the drain again. Then the soil is poured again. Then a flower sits in the ground. Now it remains to find a good place to place the flower.

      What should be an orchid pot

      When you have decided what kind of soil will be used, you need to choose a container. For an apartment or house, plastic or clay pots are suitable. In which of the two pot options to plant a flower, each grower decides on his own. The selected pot must have holes in the bottom.

      Plastic pot

      It is believed to be best when the flower is planted in a plastic pot with transparent sides. Through the transparent walls, it is easy to monitor the condition of the rhizome and determine the degree of soil moisture. Such a pot transmits light well. The disadvantage of the container is its unattractive appearance.

      Clay pot

      The clay pot, being made of natural material, is moisture and air permeable. It is chosen for growing varieties that love cool climates. The clay container is heavy, so the plant will not fall off the windowsill.

      The main disadvantage of such containers is their roughness. Also, roots can grow to the walls of the pot, which will lead to injury during transplantation. It is worth noting that the soil in earthenware will dry out faster.

      The diameter of the container is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the root system of the flower.

      To plant an orchid in an apartment, it is necessary to select the right soil and pot for it. You only need to transplant an orchid into the correct soil and container!

      Video "Harvesting and preparation of the substrate"

      In this video, you will learn how to prepare the ingredients and prepare the substrate for orchids.

      Components that make up the soil for orchid transplantation

      Soil for orchids, the composition of which is not at all similar to the universal soil for other indoor flowers, can be bought at the store, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to carefully study the proportions and choose the right components.

      Soil composition

      Those orchids that grow in our homes are, as a rule, cymbidiums or phalaenopsis. In nature, they do not grow on the ground, but on the trees of subtropical or tropical forests, tightly braiding the bark with their roots and stretching as close to the sunlight as possible. That is why the roots of the orchid have a spiral shape, thanks to which the flower grasps the branches and trunks and receives from them the moisture and nutrients necessary for life.

      In the process of growth, especially during flowering, the orchid consumes a fairly large amount of trace elements from the substrate. Over time, the soil loses nutrients, and after that the ability to create favorable growth conditions for the flower. The soil has to be fertilized with special mixtures, or completely changed.

      Transplanting work is best done in autumn or spring, in a cool, but not frosty season.

      It is necessary to take into account the fact that orchids are transplanted into new soil only when their flowering period has ended and not more often than once every 2-3 years.

      You can prepare the substrate yourself. To do this, you need the following tools:

    • Small garden shovel
    • Gardening scissors
    • Sharp knife
    • Several paper or plastic bags
    • The main ingredients in orchid soil are tree bark, charcoal, fern roots and moss. Thanks to these very components, plants in nature receive all the necessary elements for growth.

      At home, the composition of the soil for transplanting should be as follows:

    • Tree bark. You need to choose trees of the spruce or pine species, with a low content of resinous matter. The best option is a recently felled tree.
    • Peat. This component is selected so that the amount of salts in its composition is minimal. It is not recommended to use crushed peat.
    • Charcoal. Used in substrate to regulate water balance. It has one significant disadvantage for the plant - it accumulates salts over time. It should be added to the soil very carefully.
    • Moss. At home, it is practically not used, since its collection is difficult. A small content of this component is included in the already prepared commercial mixtures of some manufacturers.
    • Each of the components is prepared in advance. The soil is not pre-mixed before the orchid transplant.

      Tree bark

      Orchids in tree bark

      The chemical composition of this component, like no other, is ideal for the growth of many exotic plants, including orchids. You can harvest bark in a pine forest. It is possible to separate the bark from the tree only when it is removed without effort. In any other case, you can collect it directly from the ground.

      This component is easy to collect in places frequented by tourists and vacationers.

      Campfire scraps are a great place to collect charcoal.

      In addition to adding to the mixture for transplanting orchids, it is successfully used for other purposes:

    • Drainage for pots and flowerpots.
    • Disinfection. When pruning branches or roots of a plant, fresh cuts are sprinkled with powder from a tree corner.
    • Fertilizer. The coal is crushed to a powder state, which is sprinkled on the top layers of the soil.
    • Loosening the soil. Large particles of coal are introduced into the soil.
    • Charcoal has no expiration date, so it can be harvested for future use. It must be stored in a dark and dry place.

      Secondary components

      Secondary components are also added to the soil for transplanting orchids - these are "scales" from fallen pine cones, soil from under a thick cover of fallen needles, moss. All this is collected in coniferous or mixed forests. All of the listed components undergo the necessary processing before being added to the substrate:

      Orchid in the open field

      Pine cones. They are added to the soil with or instead of bark. The cones brought home should be divided into scales and placed in a container with clean cool water for 15-20 minutes, then dried.

      Land. The soil is collected only in those places where it is covered with fallen spruce or pine needles. At home, the substrate is cleared of excess branches and debris, while the needles themselves can be left behind.

      Sphagnum is ideal for soil, as a component that absorbs and retains moisture, and is also used as a natural soil fertilizer. This type of moss can be found in deep pits in the forest. It is necessary to collect the component extremely carefully, since in the powerful thickets of moss, a person under his own weight can fall to a depth of 15-20 cm.

      Fern root. In the preparation of a mixture for transplanting an orchid, only the root is used, so if you find this plant in the forest, do not bother yourself with transferring a long stem and leaves - cut off the unnecessary with a sharp knife. The root is a unique component that contains almost all the necessary trace elements and nutrients for the normal growth of an orchid.

      Everything that is collected in the forest and brought home must undergo sanitization and the necessary preparation before adding them to the substrate.

      Soil preparation and mixing

      Scales from pine cones and charcoal found in the forest are doused with boiling water and soaked in cold water. This is done in order to rid materials of pests, as well as to increase their ability to absorb, retain and transmit moisture.

      Once the bark is dry, it needs to be cut into small square pieces. Grind coal depending on the purpose: for loosening the soil - in small grains, for disinfection of cut roots and stems - into powder.

      If it was possible to find moss, then with the current transplant it must be used fresh. If you are going to leave to prepare it for future use, it is better to dry it, keeping it in a cool but dry place.

      Orchid bloom in well-chosen soil

      Mixing must be done immediately before transplanting the orchid, since the proportions of the components that make up the soil depend on the root system of the plant and in which flowerpot it will be placed.

      Mesh designs of orchid pots have gained wide popularity in recent years. They are good because the roots of the flower are in the public domain. When transplanting a plant into such a container, all the ingredients prepared in advance for the soil must be mixed in equal proportions, and drainage must be laid out in a thin layer on the bottom.

      If a standard transparent orchid pot is chosen for transplanting, place sphagnum on the bottom, and add 1/4 of the tree bark on top. Mix the rest of the bark with charcoal and dried moss.

      When placing an orchid in fresh soil, not only the balanced composition of the new substrate is of great importance, but also full compliance with all transplanting rules:

    • Preparation for work. Before starting work, prepare everything you need for this: a new flower pot, all the components of the substrate, garden shears, a spatula, alcohol, drainage.
    • Extracting a flower. Water the plant before removing the orchid from the old flowerpot. This will allow the roots to be freed from the old soil faster and more painlessly.
    • Cleaning. To place a plant in a new soil, its roots must be completely cleaned of the old one. Place the root system in a spacious container and rinse it with warm running water.
    • Pruning. The old dried roots of the flower must be cut off with scissors, previously treated with an alcohol solution. Disinfect the cut with charcoal powder. Do the same with old, yellowed leaves.

    Perform all work in a spacious room, preferably on a table, previously covered with paper or polyethylene.

    Watch the video to learn more about orchid soil.

    Preparing new soil and replanting an orchid is not difficult. Knowing the composition of the substrate, all the rules and possible nuances of transplantation, you can transplant the plant yourself. However, if you are in doubt about your own abilities, contact an experienced florist or buy ready-made orchid soil in the store.

    How to choose the composition of soil for orchids and make it yourself

    What soil do orchids need

    Orchid care rules require a mandatory transplant every two years, with a complete replacement of the substrate that contains their roots. Soil for orchids cannot be called nutritious soil in the full sense of the word, its main tasks are to support the plant, giving it stability, and absorb the optimal amount of moisture without interfering with the evaporation of its excess. For example, the soil for "Phalaenopsis" should dry out in 3-4 days, if the moisture stays longer, the substrate thickens, prevents the roots from getting air, and can provoke rotting or the development of fungal diseases.

    To create comfortable conditions for tropical beauties, you need to know what kind of soil they need, that is, what conditions they have in their homeland. The substrate for Phalaenopsis orchids that live in trees must have the maximum capacity for moisture and air, and for Cymbidium that grows on the ground, nutritional supplements must be included in the substrate. It is advisable to know how to prepare soil for orchids with your own hands in order to be able to experiment with purchased mixtures, achieving maximum convenience for your plants.

    Soil composition

    Stores sell ready-made soil for orchids, you can change the composition with your own hands in accordance with the needs of the plants, but for this you need to know what ingredients are included in it. Substrates are made up of the following elements: tree bark, charcoal, fern root, sphagnum moss, coconut fibers, peat, perlite, vermiculite, expanded clay or small pebbles, husks of various nuts, fallen leaves of trees, humus or leafy earth.

  • The bark is used from oak, from larch, pine. It is better to take it from a tree that fell or was felled a year ago, the bark should easily separate from the trunk, be dry, but not rotten. The bark of living trees contains too much resin.
  • Charcoal is taken from the burnt trunk of birch, oak, beech. It is advisable to burn the tree yourself, so that you know for sure that no polymers or poisonous substances burned with it.
  • The fern root can be dug up in the summer by choosing a larger plant. Then it is cleaned of the earth, washed, cut into small pieces, and dried.
  • Sphagnum moss and peat can be self-picked in the swamp or bought in the store, just like coconut fibers or chips. They retain moisture well, and peat slightly acidifies the entire soil, so it must be combined with coal.
  • Hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts or sunflower seed husks are excellent organic baking powder.
  • Perlite and vermiculite are of mineral origin, they do not nourish plants, but protect them from mold and the development of fungal diseases. In addition, they are excellent loosening agents, restrain the inevitable caking of the soil, equalize the temperature during sharp changes in the external environment.
  • Expanded clay has excellent drainage qualities, with a similar function, foam and polystyrene are used.
  • But the leaves are not used for all orchids, only for those that grow on the ground and know how to get nutrients from it.
  • Selection of substrate

    A substrate prepared according to all the rules must meet the requirements of the variety, the only indicator confirming the optimal choice of ingredients is the lush bloom of the orchid. For different species and varieties, different components may be needed, it does not mean at all that all of the above components can be found in one pot.

    If the substrate purchased in the store does not suit the plant for something, you need to experiment - add or remove some of its parts, then look at the state of the flower. If the air is too dry, then more moisture-retaining components need to be added. With large daily temperature drops, it is better to increase the amount of perlite and vermiculite.


    Most of the self-assembled elements cannot be used without special preparation and sanitization. All components must be washed, then thermally processed, crushed to the desired size, and dried. As such, they can be folded into linen bags for long-term storage. Parts of the substrate can be collected gradually, stored for a long time, used as needed.

    It is recommended to take bark from a tree that fell a year ago, if there are no signs of rot on it. The suitable bark itself easily lags behind the trunk and does not need to be cut off. The resulting pieces must be boiled in water for several minutes, cut into pieces up to 2 cm in diameter, dried and boiled again after a few days. Some growers bake it for 10–20 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

    Moss is first poured with water for several hours to get rid of insects, then dried. After that, dry moss is poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, dried again. Some experts advise treating it with insecticides.

    Peat and nutshells are dried and crushed. Experienced florists recommend that all components, including inorganic ones, be washed first, then boiled water or heated in the oven, dried and cooled. Only then can they be used for planting orchids.


    For Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium orchids, take 3 parts of pine bark and 1 part each of charcoal, moss, coconut fibers. Miltonia, Dracul, Wanda need a more moist substrate. For them, moss, sand, peat, perlite are mixed with small pieces of pine bark and cones.

    For rooms with normal humidity, the following substrate is suitable: 5 parts of bark, 2 parts of moss, 1 part of coal. If the humidity in the room is high, then take 4 parts of pine bark, 3 parts of cork bark, 2 parts of foam pieces, 1 part of peat.

    Video "Harvesting and preparation of substrate for Ohrida"

    In this video, you will learn how to prepare a substrate for growing an orchid at home.

    Let's talk about the soil for orchids. Can I cook it myself and which bark is better to use?

    At the very beginning of their appearance in Europe, most orchids grown at home died, as they were planted in ordinary soil, like all other indoor plants.

    The uniqueness of the roots of this flower is that they store moisture, and then gradually give it to the plant.

    • Substrate components
    • Soil for orchids
    • Block landing
    • Pine bark for orchids
    • Thanks to the velamen coating, they keep it in themselves for a long time. By its structure, this layer (velamen) is a sponge, therefore it cannot stay in moist soil for a long time. In order for the roots to dry out quickly after watering, they need good air access. That is why a special substrate is needed to plant these plants.

      To the question of what kind of soil (soil) is needed for an orchid, as well as how to make a substrate for orchids with our own hands, we will try to answer in this article.

      Orchids can grow in a variety of soils with great breathability. Their composition can be varied, they can be multicomponent, or they can simply contain tree bark. It depends on the concomitant growing conditions of the plant: the frequency of watering, the quality of feeding, the degree of illumination, humidity and air temperature.

      Substrate components

      As you know, bark is added to the composition of the earth for an orchid at home. Let's take a closer look at what bark is needed for an orchid.

      To formulate the substrate as the main component (base) pine and oak bark works well for orchids.

      Also suitable for orchids bark of spruce, birch and larch. Pine bark for orchids can be purchased at a specialized store, as well as prepared yourself by finding a fallen dry pine in the forest.

      But which bark is best for orchids? For example, oak bark contains more nutrients than pine bark, which allows you to reduce the amount of dressing.

      It is better to formulate the substrate for orchids using the following additional organic and inorganic components:

    • Expanded clay. This component is essentially a building material, which are balls of various sizes. Due to its high hygroscopicity, it is well suited both for creating a drainage layer and as a baking powder;
    • Sand. For the substrate, you can use only white river or coarse quartz sand. If this is not possible, then you can take ordinary yellow sand. All clay particles must be washed out of it, and then boiled for ten minutes. The sand is an excellent chemically neutral and stable baking powder, moreover, it does not form blue-green algae;
    • Other substrate leavening agents. This can be walnut or pine nut shells, hazelnuts, wood shavings, grain husks, crumbled pine or spruce cones;

    • Fallen leaves. It is a natural source of plant nutrition. If possible, you need to collect fallen oak or beech leaves, which create a useful microflora and protect orchids from the development of many infections. You can also use birch and aspen foliage. Adding apple or peach leaves to the substrate will prevent the appearance of mold and various fungal diseases;
    • Peat. This component is a product formed during the decomposition of moss. When self-harvesting, you need to take pieces of the upper part. The high acidity of peat can be neutralized by adding a small amount of dolomite flour to the substrate;
    • Charcoal. It is a natural antiseptic and absorbent. It can be purchased at specialized flower shops, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take birch logs and burn them. It is necessary to ensure that no foreign matter (paper, plastic bags, etc.) gets into the fire. For the substrate, use pieces of coal no more than two centimeters in diameter;
    • Sphagnum moss for orchids. It is the most common type of moss in the composition of various substrates. It can be found not only in the swamp, but also in various highly humid places. It is used both dry and live. You can also prepare it yourself by collecting the green tip of the plant.

      What the substrate for an orchid consists of, you will learn from the video:

      Let's talk in more detail about how to use sphagnum moss for orchids.

      The harvested moss should be dried and soaked in water for twelve hours, and then treated with an insecticide solution and dried in the sun.

      If this is not possible, you need to pour boiling water over the dry material for ten minutes, and then dry it well. If live moss is used, then after harvesting it is kept in water (45 degrees) for half an hour, then packed in a plastic bag and stored in a cool room.

      In this form, the moss is stored for about four months. To increase the shelf life, it can be frozen, which does not harm its qualities at all. Moss accumulates moisture, transfers its nutrients to the plant and collects excess salts. It can be used as a drainage layer and underlay. In addition to sphagnum, you can use forest moss (cuckoo flax). It can be found in the forest on old tree stumps. Also, for compiling the substrate and laying the drainage layer, you can take reindeer lichen (gray moss);

    • Styrofoam. It is a very light and chemically inert component. In granular form, it is used as a loosening agent of the substrate, and larger elements can be used to create a drainage layer. In addition, the foam plate can be used as a block for planting young orchids;
    • As a baking powder you can also use moisture-absorbing materials such as vermiculite, perlite and foam.
    • The simplest composition of soil for orchids includes the following components:

    • pine (oak) bark - 5 parts;
    • moss - 2 parts;
    • dry foliage - 0.5 parts;
    • How to use moss for orchids, see the video:

      Soil for orchids

      In order for the orchid to please you for a long time, you need to know the answer to one of the important questions: “in what soil should you plant the orchid?

      For planting terrestrial orchids, a substrate for epiphytes with a high moisture capacity is suitable.

      But what is the best soil for orchids?
      To improve their nutrition, you can prepare a special earthen mixture. To do this, the following components must be added to the composition of the earth for orchids:

    • sod land - 3 parts;
    • peat - 3 parts;
    • sand - 1 part;
    • perlite - 0.5 parts;
    • charcoal - 0.5 parts.
    • Pay attention to which soil (soil) to plant the orchid: before planting the plant, you need to add a small amount of organic fertilizer to the resulting soil.

      Soil for orchids, how to cook at home, see the video:

      Is it possible to plant an orchid in regular soil?

      The soil for an orchid at home requires special: ordinary soil is completely unsuitable for planting an orchid. It cannot provide the level of breathability and moisture absorption that it requires. The roots of the plant need the soil to dry out very quickly, otherwise they will begin to rot and the orchid will quickly die.

      So what kind of land is needed for an orchid?

      Block landing

      Besides planting in mesh containers and pots with a lot of drainage holes, there is another common method - planting epiphytic orchid species on blocks.

      The material for creating the blocks to which the plant is attached can be: a piece of wood or pine (oak) bark, grapevine, forest fern root. This is done in the following order:

    • After choosing a suitable material, it is given the desired shape.
    • A hole is made in the prepared block, into which a strong wire or wire is inserted, which will serve as a fastener when hanging the orchid.
    • Places of attachment of the plant are marked, it is desirable that its foliage hang down, in order to avoid the accumulation of water in the core.
    • The plant is attached to a support using wire or fishing line, and moss is placed under the root to ensure sufficient moisture. If the air in the room is too dry, then the roots should be covered with bark, sphagnum or coconut fiber..
    • Some types of orchids are recommended to be planted on a block using a substrate. In this case, a small amount of soil is attached to the block with a fine metal mesh and the roots of the plant are placed in it.
    • For planting young orchids, it is recommended to use foam blocks.
    • Watch the video of planting an orchid in a bark block:

      How to make a substrate with your own hands?

      In order to make the composition with your own hands, first of all you need to find out what substrate is required for a particular type of orchid and decide on how it will be grown.

    • Mesh containers and blocks. For most epiphytes, a composition is suitable, which includes: pine (oak) bark, sphagnum and charcoal in equal proportions.
    • Drainage pots and bark containers. Bark mixed with charcoal is suitable as a basis for them. The top of the planting must be laid out with moss.
    • Let's take a closer look at how to prepare soil for orchids with our own hands.
      Depending on the substrate with what moisture capacity is required for a particular type of plant, additional moisture-absorbing components can be added to these compositions.

      For example, to compose the soil for an orchid with your own hands, you can use the following components:

    • epiphytic species: pine (oak) bark - 3 parts; cork bark - 3 parts, peat - 1 part, moss - 1 part, expanded clay - 1 part;
    • terrestrial species: pine (oak) bark, peat - 1 part, moss - 1 part, expanded clay - 1 part, charcoal - 1 part.
    • How to make a substrate for an orchid with your own hands, see the video:

      Pine bark for orchids

      When harvesting pine bark on your own, you need to find a fallen dry tree or dead wood in the forest.

      The bark on them should lag behind the trunk, but not rot. You cannot take bark from live pines, as it contains a large amount of resinous substances. It is not necessary to use too old trees for harvesting, since the bark on them turns almost into humus.

      The best option for harvesting can be pine trees, which were cut down no more than about a year ago.... Once harvested, the bark must be properly prepared to form the substrate.

      Let's take a closer look at how to prepare pine bark for orchids:

    1. The material must be cleaned of debris and resin residues, break too large pieces.
    2. Boil the bark for twenty minutes, drain the water. After three days, the procedure must be repeated.
    3. Immediately after the second boil, the cooled, moist bark is cut with a secateurs into squares of the desired size. For young orchids - 1 centimeter, for adult specimens - 2 centimeters.
    4. The finished material is thoroughly dried. Such bark, packed in paper or cloth bags, can be stored for a very long time.
    5. Instead of boiling, you can use steam or baking in the oven (about 70 degrees) for fifteen minutes.
    6. Before composing the substrate, the dry bark should be soaked in water for three hours, because the dry bark will not absorb moisture. There is nothing to worry about if mold forms on the material during storage. This is a natural process and the bark remains usable.

      The orchid is not quite a common indoor plant. Therefore, the soil for the orchid at home must be chosen correctly so that it feels comfortable in your home and pleases with its exotic flowers.

      We hope in our article we have answered the questions about how to make soil for orchids with our own hands, as well as what bark can be used for orchids. Good luck!

      Pine bark for orchids, how to use, see the video:

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    Many of us have beautiful, exotic plants - orchids - on windowsills or desks. Modern orchids, of course, are houseplants, but their optimal living conditions directly follow from the climatic characteristics of the homeland of their predecessors.

    So where is the home of the indoor orchid?

    Orchids are specific plants. The fact is that they can grow both directly on the ground and on other plants. They are overwhelmingly native to South America. Today they are so popularized that they grow in almost all corners of our world. Scientists say that there are more than 30 thousand species, but this is not the final figure. And not a year goes by without the discovery of another species of this exotic, thermophilic plant.

    Another habitat of these plants is Southeast Asia. In principle, its climate is somewhat similar to that of South America, so there is no surprise. It is from there that the Phalaenopsis orchid comes from, which is the progenitor of the indoor orchids so familiar to us. If in America orchids prefer to grow in the jungle, in moisture and in diffused light, then in Asia, no less humid shores of water bodies or even coastal rocks have become their favorite places.

    These plants boast very specific roots - thick, round or flat, like suckers. But they are very convenient to cling to any surface, be it a stone or the bark of another plant. They do not dry out in the air, they have no vital need for soil.

    Some types of terrestrial orchids, from which they were subsequently bred through long-term selection, grow in North America, Australia and even in Europe. None of these species in their unchanged form turned into indoor, but they all served as material for other species adapted to the apartment existence.

    I must say that in the tropics of South America, a completely unique, one-of-a-kind species grows - a precious orchid. This plant blooms very small and even inconspicuous, but it can boast of absolutely fantastic, like velvet leaves with some kind of luminous patterns, they flicker when moving. In fact, it is difficult to describe in words, this is exactly the case when it is easier to see once. Such are the aristocrats of the plant world, but not even every connoisseur can maintain them at home, they are very capricious and sensitive.

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    The orchid is a beautiful slender-stemmed plant topped with exquisite flowers, belonging to the orchid family. It is quite popular among indoor plant lovers.... It attracts flower growers with tenderness and beauty, but it scares a little with its complicated content. The description of a flower always sounds attractive, but where is its homeland?

    The flower received a harmonious name thanks to an ancient Greek philosopher named Theophrastus, who was a student of Plato. He discovered an unknown plant with unusual roots, which were paired bulbs. As a result, he gave the plant the name "orchis", which in Greek means "egg".

    Ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus - the one who gave the name to modern Orchids

    The first orchids inhabited our planet about one hundred thirty million years ago, but spread widely in China and Japan only three to four thousand years ago. In European countries, the plant has lived for two hundred years.

    Associated with them the origin of various legends... For example, according to one old legend, she was born from the fragments of a broken multicolored rainbow. Another myth says that a beautiful flower grew where the inimitable goddess of love Aphrodite dropped the shoe.

    Description of indoor and wild plants

    It is difficult to give a generalized description because they are completely different and are diametrically different from each other.

    There are about thirty-five thousand varieties and types of orchids.

    Plant stems are short and long, straight or creeping. Simple leaves are arranged alternately.

    Flowers are painted in a wide variety of shades. They make up two types of inflorescences: ear or brush... The flower of most varieties has three sepals at the top and three lower petals. The upper sepals sometimes grow together to form a single organism.

    The middle lower petal differs from the rest in its unusual shape, reminiscent of a shoe or a bag. It is called the "lip", and it is often in this petal that the nectary is located. The nectar of some orchid varieties intoxicates insects, which is why they cannot leave the plant and are inside for a long time.

    Predatory orchids can lure and intoxicate insects

    The pollen grains form hard balls called pollinia. Depending on the type of pollinia, they are softened, waxy, mealy or very hard.... They stick to the insect thanks to the sticky substance. The pollen is collected in such a way as to get completely on the stigma.

    Each ovary becomes the progenitor of hundreds of thousands of seeds.... Orchid nectar, which attracts insects, has a wide variety of smells, ranging from the unpleasant smell of rotting meat to the scent of elite perfume.

    Light and small orchid seeds, ripening in capsules, are quickly carried away by the wind, without even reaching the ground. They fly for a long time, settling on tree branches. Success overtakes those seeds that fall on the mycelium, - only they will give life to a new plant.

    There are amazing pollination mechanisms among orchids. For example, plants with a shoe-like structure have an insect trap, some species shoot pollen at pollinators.


    The family combines a large number of species that are completely different from each other.


    Mostly orchids are epiphytes.... Epiphytes grow on trees and other plants that support flowers.

    Epiphytes do not depend on the earth, they are not damaged by animals and have plenty of sunshine. The roots hold the plant on a support, take part in the process of photosynthesis and take moisture and nutrients from the environment and the bark of the tree.

    Epiphytes always finds support above the ground

    Lithophytes and the countries where they grow

    Lithophytic orchids settle among stones and rocks... Their roots and way of life differ little from epiphytic ones. Lithophytic species are found in the wild in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela. Sometimes flowers grow up to two thousand meters above sea level.

    Lithophytes feel comfortable in a humid environment with a cool climate. They like the sudden drop in temperature... Lithophytic orchids are grown in winter gardens and special display cases, as they need high humidity.

    Herbaceous and terrestrial

    Herbaceous varieties are found in temperate zones in America, Europe and Asia. In indoor floriculture, these types are not common. Representatives of herbaceous orchids grow in glades, wet meadows and forest edges.

    Herbaceous orchids fit perfectly into the natural landscape

    Terrestrial ones have ordinary leaves and roots.... In tropical regions, they can reach a height of over half a meter.


    Saprophytic orchids are a vast group of plants. They consist of shoots with scales that do not have leaves. Saprophytic underground has no chlorophyll.

    She gets food from humus... Coral-like roots absorb water with beneficial trace elements. Substances for the development of saprophytic orchids are obtained from a mycotic fungus.

    Differences between orchids

    Phalaenopsis is the most popular variety which is suitable for growing at home. Phalaenopsis are one of the unpretentious species, although the necessary conditions must be created for them.

    Lelia, like phalaenopsis, belongs to epiphytes and lithophytes.

    Breeding Laelia is not recommended for beginners with no experience in orchid care.... She needs conditions of detention that resemble natural.

    Cellogin's orchid is successfully cultivated in indoor floriculture.

    Comb, fringed and beautiful cellogyne are among the most unpretentious orchids.... These types are recommended for beginners.

    If you are new to floriculture, Celogin is your choice

    In culture, epidendrum hybrids are mainly grown. In Russia, this species is not widespread. and overseas stores offer a large selection of epidendrum. It is difficult for beginners to cope with this flower, so they are bred by experienced specialists.

    Phalaenopsis family: where they come from

    For a long time people believed that orchids only grow in the tropics, therefore, it is impossible to grow them in an apartment.

    Where do they come from? It is difficult to determine the homeland of a flower by some formula, and they do not have a passport. However, it is known that orchids grow in completely different climates, they are distributed throughout the globe, they are not only in Antarctica.

    Most species yet prefer areas of rainforest in the tropics where their delicate flowers are hidden from the direct hit of the sultry rays and are well ventilated.

    Some species settle on trees, on stumps, on the ground, while others prefer mountain crevices, where they are protected from drafts. In the process of evolution, they acquired leaves and roots, which help them to preserve life during a drought. As a houseplant, the orchid began to be grown four thousand years ago..

    Orchids are recognized as a symbol of love and bring harmony to your home.

    The orchid is a symbol of love and romance. She is especially popular now, every housewife wants to have a delicate plant in the house.