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Clematis: the best plant varieties for growing in the suburbs. Clematis Clematis varieties that bloom from the ground


It is not the most popular herbaceous clematis variety, but for reasons that are not entirely clear. These plants are frost-resistant, bloom all summer and part of autumn. Every year in the spring, they need to be cut almost to the ground and stop worrying about how they will survive the winter (of course, you don’t need to cover them). They are not susceptible to diseases and pests. They can grow almost everywhere: they do not need special climate conditions, up to the choice of soil. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is to take care of proper support in advance and prepare to tie up hanging branches. They cannot climb the supports themselves, at first they grow straight, and then they cease to support their own weight. If you do everything right, then the plant itself will crawl vertically up to 1.5-2 meters. If left to the mercy of fate, then the branches will grow to the sides. It will turn out pretty, but less impressive than when processed. In this manner clematis can be grown on an open surface, and then it will grow throughout the free area, forming a beautiful meadow strewn with flowers.

The flowers of this variety have a bright blue and blue-violet color. If you plant this shrub next to the bright green foliage of any other plant, then the picture will be amazing. Usually plants are grown next to wild roses or frost-resistant roses.

Comtesse de Bouchaud (Countess de Bouchot)

This variety has a bright pink color. Was issued over 100 years ago by a French breeder and is still a success. Thousands of seeds are sold every year. This variety is ideal for beginners or for those who do not want to spend a lot of time gardening. Plants are unpretentious, frost-resistant and not susceptible to disease. The bush reaches 2 meters in height and is perfect for the garden, coupled with other shrubs or conifers. If your site is fertilized and fertile, but not very wet soil, then there will be no problems at all. The variety can be grown in partial shade, although many other representatives adore the sun. This keeps the bright pink color from fading.

After winter, it is necessary to cut the stems almost to the root, keeping 1-2 buds, since clematis blooms on the shoots of the first year. This variety is characterized by flowering from the beginning of June until frost, so all summer you can observe the beauty in the garden.

General Sikorski (General Sikorski)

The variety was eaten out 50 years ago by a Polish monk, and, once in Europe, gained wild popularity. It is considered a clematis of medium height (2-3 meters in height). You will be able to observe very large violet-blue flowers with yellow stamens. Very abundant flowering occurs throughout the summer. It seems that the plants do not have leaves, because they are not visible behind the huge flowers for a long time. Plants need to be cut to 50 cm (not less) so that the first flowers can ripen on last year's shoots. Absolutely indifferent to sunlight. Calmly accept the shadow side. Decayed plants have decorative fluffy fruits, so until frost and a little longer, your garden will not cease to be beautiful. When grown next to other plants, attention must be paid to their strength, because clematis of this variety have a thick stem and become so heavy that they can break and destroy other varieties.

Purpurea Pena Elegans

This variety has all the positive properties: frost and disease resistance, as well as abundant and long flowering. Flowers do not confuse: small (4-5 cm in diameter), terry, purple. Unlike other varieties, it reaches a height of 3-4 meters, but cannot climb up itself. Therefore, your only concern is the correct and reliable supports, thought out in advance.


This variety was brought out by a well-known Estonian breeder about 30 years ago, and since then these clematis have been considered one of the best. The plants, again, are unpretentious: they grow very well in the shade, which allows them to keep in excellent condition a beautiful dark purple hue, almost black, velvety flowers (not very large, 10 cm in diameter). In height, this variety can reach 2.5 meters and lives well next to other shrubs and yellow foliage of small trees.

Below are descriptions and photos of clematis varieties that are popular among domestic flower growers and are most adapted to the conditions of central Russia.

All the cultivars described below are cut off completely at the end of the season (third pruning group).

1)In the first half of summer, the following varieties bloom:

Clematis Jackman

Clematis Jackman- an old interspecific hybrid, created in England back in 1858 and still enjoying continued popularity among gardeners around the world. Obtained by crossing several clematis: clematis lanugilosa (woolly), clematis viticella (purple), and one of the first hybrids known as clematis hendersonii.

It is a woody vine 3-4 m high, with unpaired, pubescent leaves below and large, up to 14 cm in diameter, violet-purple or pink flowers, often grouped together in 3 pieces. Blooms profusely and for a long time, from mid-June to late September. The bush is quite winter-hardy, but light shelter is desirable.

Clematis Beata

Clematis Beata- a variety of Polish selection, which entered the market in 1986, is distinguished by very large, 18-25 cm, simple or semi-double flowers, painted in bluish-pink color with a distinct pink stripe in the center of each petal.

The bush grows up to 2-3 m, blooms most intensively in June and the first half of July, then until August the flowering weakens somewhat. Relatively compact size allows the flower to be used as a container culture.

Clematis Ville de Lyon

Clematis Ville de Lyon- an old variety created in France back in 1899, and is currently still included in all culture catalogs.

Belongs to the Vititsella group and fully possesses all its advantages: abundant and early flowering, unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil, shade tolerance and disease resistance.

Carmine-red flowers with darker edges, medium size (12-15 cm), bloom on bushes throughout the season, from late May to September.

Clematis Cardinal Vyshinsky

Clematis Cardinal Vyshinsky- another compact, not higher than 2-3 m, Polish variety, characterized by unusually abundant flowering and resistance to external influences, including frost. Flowers, bright red, 10-20 cm in diameter, with numerous burgundy stamens, appear in June-September. Liana feels good in both sun and shade, can be grown as a climbing and creeping plant, suitable for cultivation in containers.

2) The later, blooming from the second half of summer, varieties of this group include:

Clematis Rouge Cardinal

Clematis Rouge Cardinal- a hybrid from the Jacqueman group, bred in France in 1968 and since then has repeatedly received awards at various international exhibitions.

Liana 2-3 m high, moderately growing and blooming profusely from July to September. It is winter-hardy, develops better in light partial shade, can be used for vertical gardening in the garden, as well as planted in closed containers on terraces, balconies, etc. The color of the flowers is purple-red with white-cream stamens, the shape is cruciform, open, the diameter is up to 15 cm.

Clematis Comtes Debusho

Clematis Comtes Debusho- another old, but still invariably popular variety belonging to the Jacqueman group. Bred by the French breeder F. Morel until 1906, it is distinguished by moderate growth, lush flowering, resistance to diseases. The relatively compact size of the creeper, reaching a height of 2-2.5 m, allows it to be grown not only in open ground, near various kinds of fences, arbors, but also in deep containers to decorate balconies and terraces.

Flowers are medium in size, 10-15 cm in diameter, pink-violet with purple veins, cup-shaped, on long, up to 18 cm, peduncles, bloom from June to September, especially numerous in July-August.

Clematis Ernest Markham

Clematis Ernest Markham named after its creator, E. Markham, who introduced the variety in 1936. The height of the bush is about 3-4 m, flowers with wide, slightly wavy, velvety petals, bright crimson with light brown stamens, bloom in the second half of summer.

Clematis Ernest Markham belongs to the Jacqueman group, valued for its long, from July to frost, and abundant flowering, it has good ability to form shoots and moderate growth, it develops better in sunny places.

Clematis Princess Diana

Clematis Princess Diana- a relatively new variety, bred in the UK in 1984. Bush height - 2-3 m, flowering time - July-October. It is distinguished by high resistance to diseases, good frost resistance, and most importantly - the original and rare form of flowers, single tulip-shaped bells, directed to the sides and up, up to 8 cm high, 5-6 cm in diameter. Their color is also quite unusual - bright red-pink, with lighter edges.

Since the Princess Diana variety is a clematis from the Texensis group, descended from the species C. Texensis (K. Texas), it reaches its greatest decorative effect when planted in a warm, wind-protected place in the open sun.

Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans

Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans bred in France at the end of the 19th century. This is another old variety, which, due to its merits, is still in demand and is included in the assortment of nurseries around the world. It is a large, up to 3.5 m high liana, blooming profusely and for a long time, from July to September. Its terry maroon-red flowers with a diameter of 4-6 cm bloom gradually, their petals do not fall off and retain their decorative appearance for up to 25 days. This hybrid lacks stamens and pistils.

Purpurea Plena elegans is a clematis from the Vititsella group, and, like all its representatives, it is extremely unpretentious, completely frost-resistant, and is little affected by diseases and pests. The relatively small size of the flowers is compensated by their abundance; during flowering, the bushes look very colorful, although somewhat old-fashioned, and also remain decorative for a long time.

Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans is easy to grow and easy to care for, so it is perfect for urban plantings, it is also recommended for beginner gardeners. Can grow in the garden and in a container on a balcony or terrace, quickly curling around supports to create a colorful blooming curtain.

3) New varieties of clematis

The cultivars listed below belong to the second pruning group; they bloom in two waves: in May-June on overwintered ones and from July to September on new growths.

Clematis clematis Asao

Clematis Asao- a large-flowered hybrid of Japanese selection, created in 1971. A moderately growing liana 2-3 m high, with simple or semi-double flowers with a diameter of 12 to 20 cm, in which fully opened petals are dark pink with a paler stripe in the center, anthers are yellow .

Prefers partial shade, in bright sun the flowers lose their brightness and quickly crumble. It is used for vertical gardening in the garden or, in a large container, on the balcony, wraps well around natural supports - tall shrubs, trees.

Clematis Josephine

Clematis Josephine first shown at the Chelsea Flower Show in 1998, although it was created much earlier - back in 1980. Josephine Hill, after whom the flower is named, acquired it as an unknown variety. It is a compact vine 2-2.5 m high with very large, up to 18-25 cm in diameter, double flowers.

It belongs to the Patens group, and, like all its representatives, it is distinguished by velvety, unusually soft petals, painted in lilac-pink tones. The variety is characterized by an unusual shape and color of the flower. It has the shape of a rosette, the outer sepals can be green, lilac, pink, purple or cream, the inner, narrower, superimposed on each other, initially painted in a green tone, opening gradually, becoming pink with a darker stripe in the center. Interestingly, the color of the flower in the sun and in the shade is radically different. In a shady place, it becomes greenish, the stripes on the petals practically merge with the stems and foliage, and in full light, large, double flowers, gradually opening, become like pompoms of the most bizarre color.

Liana fully shows its decorative effect when planted in the sun or in light partial shade, where it blooms for a long time and profusely, while the flowers do not fall off for a long time, remaining attractive to pollinating insects, since they are sterile. It develops better in the southern regions, in the northern regions it blooms weaker.

Clematis President

Clematis President- one of the old varieties, bred back in 1876, but is still grown widely and everywhere. Belongs to the Patens group, is a compact shrub vine with 6-10 shoots growing up to 2-2.5 m and throughout the season covered with large purple or dark blue-violet flowers, from 15 to 18 cm in diameter, open, cup-shaped, with long, upward peduncles. It blooms luxuriantly from May to June on overwintered shoots, in July-October on young growths, it is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

Clematis Multi Blue

Clematis Multi Blue- sport of the President variety, with large, up to 15 cm in diameter, double or semi-double purple-lilac flowers with white tips. Compact bush, not higher than 2 m tall, extremely unpretentious in care.

This combination of advantages makes the variety very popular among gardeners, it is used for growing on supports, as a ground cover plant, container culture. Liana blooms almost continuously throughout the season, in May-June - with relatively few, but terry and large flowers on last year's growths, in July - August - on young shoots, at this time the largest number of buds is formed, and the liana reaches the peak of its decorative effect. Belongs to the Patents group. Flowers can be used for cutting.

Clematis Blue Light

Clematis Blue Light, bred in Holland in 1998, a sport of the famous English variety, Mrs. Cholmondeley's clematis, created back in 1877. The height of the vine is about 2-2.5 m, due to its compact size it looks good in small gardens, suitable for decorating balconies and terraces . Needs a sunny, sheltered location.

A distinctive feature of the variety is light blue flowers with a lavender tint, densely doubled on both old and young shoots, which is quite rare among clematis. Flower diameter - 10 - 15 cm.

Clematis Red Star

Clematis Red Star- Japanese cultivar from the Patens group, appeared on the market in 1995. Small, not higher than 1.5 - 2 m creepers with flowers up to 14 cm in diameter, double or semi-double. They bloom profusely from the second half of May to June, then, again, much more modestly - at the end of summer. Petals of irregular broadly lanceolate shape, with wavy edges, have an original color: red with a pink stripe in the center, a lighter tone at the base and greenish shadows, better visible on the outer petals, stamens with creamy yellow filaments and purple anthers. At the beginning of the season, terry flowers form on the shoots of the previous year, in August-September, on annual growths - simple ones. For planting, it is recommended to choose sunny places.

4) Winter-hardy varieties of clematis

Among the new varieties of clematis that have recently appeared on sale, the following deserve attention:

Clematis Mazouri

Clematis Mazouri, created by Polish breeder Stefan Marchinsky in 2006 and immediately received a prestigious silver medal at an exhibition in Warsaw. It is named after Masuria, a region in northwestern Poland.

Belongs to the Jacqueman group, blooms on annual shoots, requires strong pruning (third group). Gained popularity around the world as one of the best blue varieties. Its large, up to 17 cm, double flowers with numerous pointed petals, lighter along the edge, at the beginning of flowering seem to be made of tissue paper, then open wide, exposing creamy stamens and pistils.

It blooms profusely and for a long time, from late June to autumn, preferring sunny places. Bush size - about 2.5 - 3 m,

Clematis Mazowsze

Clematis Mazowsze- another variety of Stefan Marchinsky, also introduced in 2006 and also named after one of the regions of Poland, this time Mazovia.

In many respects it is similar to the previous variety, it has a similar height, diameter and structure of the flower, flowering time and pruning pattern. It differs only in the color of the petals - purple-red, velvety, pink at the edges, with light stripes on the lower part and bright creamy-purple stamens in the center. Among the advantages of the variety are resistance to disease damage and good winter hardiness.

Clematis Kaiser

Clematis Kaiser- a novelty on the flower market, on sale since 2010. This hybrid created in Japan from the Patens group is a miniature liana 1-1.5 m high, with double or semi-double variegated flowers, the numerous petals of which are purple-pink, sometimes light red, with flashes of white or greenish, becoming almost green in cold weather.

The first wave of flowering occurs in May-June, at which time the shoots are completely covered with numerous large, up to 14 cm in diameter, flowers. At the end of summer, flowering is not so plentiful, the color of the buds becomes dark purple by autumn. The plant develops better in the sun, great for container culture.

Hello dear friends!

Among all the beautifully flowering vines, the attention of gardeners is attracted by chic and uniquely charming clematis. Their sensitivity to low temperatures, capriciousness to soil conditions and susceptibility force breeders to develop new, more adapted varieties.

To date, there are many varieties of this ornamental plant that can be successfully grown in household plots in different climatic conditions. In today's article, I will highlight the most frost-resistant varieties of clematis adapted to cold climates.

Variety Ballerina

The name clematis was given in honor of Maya Plisetskaya. You can admire the beauty of these plants for quite a long time - from May to September. Such a long flowering period is a characteristic feature of the variety. The height of the vine reaches three meters. Single flowers of medium size (up to 15 cm in diameter) are snow-white in color and look great against a background of dark green foliage. Numerous flowers are showered with shoots of the current season.

Clematis varieties Ballerina are resistant to infectious diseases and tolerate temperature extremes and excessive insolation. The variety is ideal for growing in the temperate zone of Russia. The culture can be used not only as an ampelous, but also as a ground cover.

Variety Nelly Moser

Unlike the previous variety, Nelly Moser has a short flowering period - only from May to June. But sometimes there is a repeated (but less abundant) flowering in July-September. Large (up to 20 cm in diameter) pale pink flowers in the form of a star have bright purple stripes. Flower buds bloom only on the shoots of the past year.

It is necessary to choose well-lit and wind-sheltered areas. This is an unpretentious variety that does not require pruning for the winter.

Variety Ville de Lyon

This is one of the most cold-resistant and resistant to fungal infections varieties. On young shoots from May to September, medium-sized flowers (10 - 14 centimeters in diameter) bloom, with carmine-red hues. After some time, blooming flowers may slightly discolor in the central part, but this feature does not affect the overall decorative effect.

For the winter, the vine is cut, leaving stems 20 cm long. Ville de Lyon does not require special shelter.

Variety Nikolai Rubtsov

This frost-resistant variety of clematis is recommended to have in your collection for all lovers of bright rich floral shades. The lilac color of the flowers looks spectacular against the background of dark fences or walls of houses. Single flowers of medium size (up to 17 cm in diameter) delight the eye from May to late autumn. Liana grows a maximum of 2.5 meters in height.

For planting, it is desirable to choose well-lit and warm areas without drafts. Clematis can do without pre-winter pruning.

Variety Biryuzinka

This tall graceful liana, reaching a height of three and a half meters, is decorated with pale lilac flowers of a small size for clematis (12-14 cm in diameter). They are located on the young shoots of the current season. Turquoise blooms from July to September. The variety is unpretentious, which takes root perfectly in the climate of central Russia. Plants need pruning for the winter.

Sort Space melody

Breeders gave such an unusual name to clematis in honor of astronaut flights. A tall (up to 4 meters) shrub liana is decorated with small (about 12 cm in diameter), but numerous flowers of a dark cherry hue. Flowers bloom only for two months (June and July), and on the shoots of the current season. With favorable care, flowering can be achieved from May to August. This is one of the most winter-hardy varieties. For the winter, the shoots of the vines are pruned.

This is not all existing frost-resistant varieties of clematis donated to us by breeders. Also, all lovers of vines should pay attention to the wonderful varieties Negro, Baltic, Cardinal Vyshinsky, Gypsy Queen, Jutta, Julie, Betina, Princess Diana, Metamorphosis, Cecile, Elegy, Alexandrite, Gray Bird, Pink Flamingo, Crimean Serenade, Ethics. All of them are characterized by resistance to frost and show beautiful abundant flowering in summer. See you!

For ease of classification, all varieties of clematis are divided into garden groups, the most extensive of which is large-flowered. No less popular are the clematis varieties of their groups Integrifolia, Vititsella, Orientalis and Texensis. The group of small-flowered bush clematis includes natural species, as well as interspecific hybrids and varieties derived from them.

The modern assortment of these amazingly beautiful plants is rich and unusually diverse. Belonging to groups is determined not only by origin, but also by the pronounced features of a particular variety: life form, type of flowering and method, growth rate and general decorative effect.

It remains only to choose, according to the description, the variety of clematis of the color and size of the flower that interests you. And do not forget that the belonging of a variety to a particular garden group also determines the features of its agricultural technology.

Below are the characteristics of garden groups and their constituent varieties with photos and names and characteristics. All these plants have high decorative qualities and have been tested for winter hardiness in the Moscow region.

Simple and terry varieties of clematis of the large-flowered group: photo and description

Clematis of this group are the most widely known and popular throughout the world. As the name implies, the varieties have a hybrid nature, often very complex, and their flowers are the largest among clematis of all groups, very showy, of various colors and shapes, simple and double.

Clematis of this group form a huge vegetative mass during the season - shoots more than 2.5 m long, tens and even hundreds (in adult bushes) of large, up to 20 cm in diameter, flowers. Large-flowered clematis, like no other, need full sunlight. Shaded bushes bloom sparingly or do not bloom at all.

The pruning group is often the second, sometimes the third.

Anna Hermann

The flowers are light blue-violet, gradually brightening, wide, beautifully shaped, simple, 14-20 cm in diameter, anthers are light yellow. Flowering is abundant, almost continuous, at first on the shoots of the last year - from June, later on the shoots of the current year - from July to September.

The length of the creeper of this large-flowered clematis is 1.2-2 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in autumn, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8 m. (II gr.)

Asao Kazushige

The flowers are carmine-pink with lightening in the center of the sepals, semi-double and double on the shoots of the last year and simple on the shoots of the current year, 12-15 cm in diameter, anthers are light yellow.

Flowering occurs in early June and continues until mid-July, the second wave of flowering - in August - September. The length of the vine is 2.5-3 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in the fall, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)


The flowers are blue-blue, simple, 12-14 cm in diameter, often with wavy edges, the anthers are light yellow. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, from July to September. The length of the creeper is 3.5 m. For this variety of large-flowered clematis, autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Crystal Fountain (Fairy Blue)

The flowers are purple-blue, double, of an unusual shape, 10-12 cm in diameter, anthers are not visible, part of the sepals and stamens are transformed into thin staminodes.

It blooms on the shoots of the previous year, starting from the end of May, abundantly in June-July and again on the shoots of the current year in August-September.

The length of the creeper of this variety of terry clematis is 1.5-2 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in autumn, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8 m. (II gr.)

Daniel Deronda

The flowers are dark purple-blue, 16-18 cm in diameter, showy, double at the beginning of the season and simple in the second half of summer, golden yellow anthers. On the shoots of last year it blooms in June, on the shoots of the current year - in August - September.

The length of the creeper is 2.2-3 m. In these large-flowered terry clematis, it is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in autumn, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m (II gr.)

Dr. Ruppel

The flowers are two-color, bright pink with lighter wavy edges of the sepals, 14-16 cm in diameter.

As you can see in the photo, this large-flowered clematis has golden anthers:

Blooms profusely on last year's shoots in June and again on Dr. Ruppel shoots of the current year in August - September. The length of the creeper is 2.5-3 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in the fall, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)

Flowers 10-14 cm in diameter, lilac-blue in color, elegantly shaped with elongated sepals and corrugated edges, Ekstra anthers are dark purple on light stamen filaments. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from the end of June until cold weather. The length of the creeper is 1.5-2 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Ernest Markham

Flowers marginally purple, simple, 12-14 cm in diameter, anthers ovate. Blooms on current year's Ernest Markham from late June until frost. The length of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Fair Rosamund

The flowers are simple, 12-14 cm in diameter, white with a slight lilac tint and a beige stripe in the center of the wide sepals, the anthers are dark purple. It blooms profusely on the last year's shoots in June-July and again weaker on the current year's shoots at the end of summer.

Georg Ots

The flowers are blue-violet, wide, beautifully shaped, 14-15 cm in diameter.

Pay attention to the photo - this variety of large-flowered clematis has reddish anthers:

It blooms on the shoots of the current year from late June to September. The length of the vine is 1.5-2 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Hagley Hybrid. Syn. Pink Chiffon

The flowers are mother-of-pearl pink, simple, with elongated sepals, 12-16 cm in diameter, dark purple anthers. It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from June to September. The length of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

N. F. Yuong

The flowers are purple-blue, simple, beautifully shaped, 14-16 cm in diameter, anthers are light yellow. It blooms profusely on last year's shoots in June-July and again on the current year's shoots in the second half of summer. The length of the creeper is 2.5-3.5 m.


The flowers are blue-violet, simple, irregular in shape, 10-15 cm in diameter, the anthers are light. It blooms on the shoots of the current year very abundantly from July to September. The length of the vine is 3-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Jackmanii Superba

The flowers are dark purple-purple, simple, velvety, the number of sepals varies from 4 to 6, 12-14 cm in diameter.

As shown in the photo, the anthers of this variety of clematis, recommended for the Moscow region, are creamy yellow:

It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from July to cold weather. The length of the vine is 2.5-3 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)


The flowers are purple-violet, velvety, simple, very beautifully shaped, with sepals wavy along the edge, 14-16 cm in diameter, anthers are light.

It blooms on the shoots of last year in June - July and again on the shoots of the current year at the end of summer. The length of the creeper is 1.8-2.4 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in autumn, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)

Jubileinyi 70

The flowers are pink-purple, simple, classically shaped, 10-14 cm in diameter, anthers are light. Flowering is plentiful on the shoots of the current year from July to cold weather. The variety is resistant to lack of light. The length of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

The flowers are purple-blue, simple, 6-8 cm in diameter, the anthers are greenish-yellow. It blooms profusely, on the shoots of the current year, from June to cold weather. The length of the creeper is 1.2-1.8 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Kardinal Wyszinsky

The flowers are purple-red, very bright, classically shaped, 12-14 cm in diameter, anthers are light. It blooms very profusely, from early July to September. The variety is undemanding to the lack of light. The length of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)


The flowers are light purple, elegantly shaped, with corrugated edges of the sepals, simple, 10-14 cm in diameter, purple anthers. It blooms on the shoots of last year, in May - June and again on the shoots of the current year in August - September.


The flowers are bright blue, gradually brightening, with a corrugated edge, simple, 16-18 cm in diameter, anthers are light yellow. It blooms on the shoots of the previous year in May-June and again on the shoots of the current year at the end of summer, but less abundantly.

Madame Baron Villard

The flowers are pink, simple, 12-16 cm in diameter, the anthers are light. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, abundantly, but late, from early August to cold weather, blooms especially expressively in August-September.

It is used as a background liana for lattices, arbors, pergolas. The length of the vine is 3-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Margot Koster

The flowers are intense pink, simple, with elongated and slightly twisted sepals, 14-16 cm in diameter, anthers are light. It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from late June to mid-August. By pinching the strongest shoots, you can achieve an extension of flowering until October. Recommended autumn pruning to the base of the shoots. (III gr.)


The flowers are lavender-blue with a light purple stripe in the center of the sepals, on the shoots of the current year they are simple, on the overwintered shoots they are semi-double, fragrant, anthers are reddish with a diameter of 16-20 cm.

It blooms profusely on overwintered shoots in early summer and later on the shoots of the current year from August until cold weather. The length of the liana is 1.5-2 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in the fall, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)

Mme Le Coultre (Marie Boisselot)

The flowers are white, simple, wide, with a pronounced central vein on the sepals, 14-18 cm in diameter, the anthers are light cream.

Blooms profusely on overwintered shoots in June, less abundantly on current year shoots from July to September. The length of the vine is 2.5-3 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in the fall, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)

Mrs. Cholmondeley

The flowers are lilac-blue, simple on the shoots of the current year and semi-double on overwintered shoots, 16-20 cm in diameter, anthers are light.

It blooms profusely in early summer on overwintered shoots, again on the shoots of the current year in the second half of summer.

The length of the vine is 2-2.5 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in autumn, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. bloom on the shoots of the current year from mid-summer to September. (III gr.)

Multi Blue

The flowers are blue, terry on the shoots of the last and current year, 8-12 cm in diameter, the stamens are transformed into sepals, initially greenish-yellow, later blue.

It blooms on last year's shoots from June and again on the current year's shoots from late July to September. The length of the creeper is 2.2-2.8 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in the fall, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)

You can completely cut off all the shoots to the ground in the fall, then the flowers bloom on the shoots of the current year from mid-summer to September.

See what this variety of terry clematis looks like in the photo:

Nelly Moser

The flowers are pinkish-white with a pink stripe in the center of the sepals, simple, 16-18 cm in diameter, purple anthers. It blooms profusely on last year's shoots in May-June and again on the current year's shoots in August-September.

The flowers are dark purple-red, velvety, simple, with elongated sepals, 12-14 cm in diameter, greenish-yellow anthers. It blooms on last year's shoots from the beginning of June and on the current year's shoots from July to September.

You can completely cut off all the shoots to the ground in the fall, then double flowers bloom on the shoots of the current year from mid-summer to September. (III gr.)

Perle d'Azur

The flowers are purple-blue, simple, textured, with sepals wrapped inward, 10-12 cm in diameter. It blooms very profusely on the shoots of the current year from July to cold weather. The length of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

The flowers are light pink with a bright pink stripe in the center of the sepals and a slight waviness along the edge, double on the shoots of the past and simple on the shoots of the current year, 8-10 cm in diameter, anthers are light yellow.

It blooms on the shoots of the previous year in May - June and again on the shoots of the current year in the second half of summer. The length of the liana is 1.5-2 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in the fall, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)

pink fantasy

The flowers are light pink with a pearl coating, simple, with sepals elongated and pointed at the ends, 12-14 cm in diameter, anthers purple-dark red.

It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from July to September. Recommended autumn pruning to the base of the shoots. (III gr.) Part of the shoots can be left until spring, cut to a height of 80 cm, for earlier flowering. (II gr.)

Proteus (The Premier)

The flowers on the shoots of the current year are simple, with elongated sepals, pure purple, on the shoots of last year - double or semi-double, with wavy edges, 14-18 cm in diameter, light anthers.

It blooms on overwintered shoots in June, abundantly on the shoots of the current year in July-August. The length of the vine is 2-2.5 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in the fall, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)

The flowers are white with a slight bluish-purple tint, simple, star-shaped, 12-14 cm in diameter, creamy yellow anthers. It blooms on overwintered shoots from the end of June and abundantly on the shoots of the current year from July to September.


The flowers are blue-violet, simple, with elongated, wavy sepals, textured, 10-12 cm in diameter, light yellow anthers. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from June - July to September. The length of the creeper is 2.4-3 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Rouge Cardinal

The flowers are purple-red, velvety, classically shaped, 10-14 cm in diameter, anthers are light yellow. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from early July until cold weather. The length of the creeper is 1.8-2.4 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

snow queen

The flowers are white with a slight greenish-creamy tint, simple, graceful in shape, with wavy edges of sepals, 16-18 cm in diameter, red-purple anthers.

It blooms on the shoots of last year in June - July and again on the shoots of the current year in the second half of summer. The length of the creeper is 2.2-3 m. It is recommended to cut last year's shoots to the base in the fall, and cut the shoots of the current year to a height of 0.8-1.2 m. (II gr.)

Teksa (Texsa)

Flowers of the original color, reminiscent of denim - on a white background, small light purple-violet dots and strokes, simple, 10-14 cm in diameter, brown anthers on light stamen filaments.

It blooms on the shoots of the current year from the first days of July until cold weather. The length of the creeper of this variety of clematis from the large-flowered group is 1.5-2 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Valge Daam

The flowers are white, simple, classically shaped, with elongated tips of sepals, 15-18 cm in diameter, red-brown anthers. It blooms profusely from early July until cold weather, first on the shoots of the past, and later on the shoots of the current year.


The flowers are red-purple, wide, simple, 12-15 cm in diameter, anthers are light. It blooms very profusely on the shoots of the current year from July to cold weather. The length of the vine is 2.5-3 m. For this variety of clematis, autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Ville de Lyon

The flowers are carmine-red-pink, gradually brightening, simple, 10-12 cm in diameter, anthers are yellow. It blooms very profusely on the shoots of the current year from June to cold weather. The length of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Wada's Primrose (Manshuuki, Yellow Queen)

The flowers are greenish-light yellow, simple, 14-18 cm in diameter, the anthers are light yellow. This one of the best varieties of clematis blooms on the shoots of last year in May - June and again on the shoots of the current year in August - September.

Warszawska Nike

The flowers are dark red-purple, velvety, simple, 14-16 cm in diameter, anthers are yellow. It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from mid-June to September. The length of the vine is 2-2.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

These photos show varieties of simple and double clematis, which are described above:

The best varieties of clematis for the middle lane from the Integrifolia group

This group includes varieties derived from whole-leaved clematis (C. integrifolia). The flowers are medium-sized, graceful, bell-shaped, of various colors. They bloom on the shoots of the current year from the beginning of June throughout the summer.

These clematis are bushy, that is, they are not vines, therefore they need appropriate supports. In a natural species - the ancestor of varieties - the height usually did not exceed 60 cm.

Modern varieties vary greatly in this indicator: there are dwarfs - no more than 30-40 cm high, and in some the length of the shoots reaches 2 m or more. Tall specimens must be fastened on a support in time, best with garden clips, otherwise the bushes fall apart from wind and rain.

When planted in the shade, they will also lose stability, lean towards the sun, and bloom worse. They belong to the third pruning group, that is, all shoots must be cut to the ground before the onset of stable cold weather. Winter-hardy, do not need shelter.

Aljonushka. The flowers are pearl pink, bell-shaped, drooping, the sepals are twisted, 6-7 cm in diameter, the anthers are light yellow. This one of the best varieties of clematis, recommended for growing in the middle lane, blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year in June-July, in warm summers it blooms again in September. Length 1.5-1.8 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)


The flowers are blue-violet, open, 6-8 cm in diameter, the anthers are light yellow. It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from June to the end of summer. The length of the shoots is 1.2-1.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)


The flowers are blue-blue, gradually brightening, bell-shaped, inverted, with the edges of the sepals bending upwards, 4-5 cm in diameter.

As you can see in the photo, the anthers of this variety of clematis are light yellow:

It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from June to the end of summer. Shoot length 0.6 Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)


The flowers are pink, shiny, bell-shaped, inverted, with pointed sepals folded outward, 5 cm in diameter, anthers are light. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, in June - August. The length of the shoots is 0.3-0.4 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

The flowers are lilac-blue, open form, 6-8 in diameter midrange, anthers are light yellow. It blooms on the shoots of the current year in June - September. Length 1.5-1.8 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Pamjatj Serdza

The flowers are pinkish-lilac, textured, bell-shaped, inverted, with wide, recurving sepals, 6-8 cm in diameter. It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from June to September. Length 1.5-2 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Petit Faucon (Evisix)

The flowers are blue-violet, of the original form, open, with sepals turned back along the midline, 6-8 cm in diameter. It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from July to September. Length 0.75-1 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

The flowers are bright pink, shiny, bell-shaped, inverted, 4-6 cm in diameter, the anthers are light yellow. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, in June - July. Length 0.7-1.2 m Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Sizaja Ptitza

The flowers are blue-violet, at first drooping, later open, 10-12 cm in diameter, fragrant, anthers lighter than the background. It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from June to September. Length 1.5-2.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Here you can see photos of clematis varieties, the description of which is presented above:

The most beautiful varieties of clematis flowers from the Orientalis group

The group includes species and varieties obtained on the basis of eastern clematis (C. orientalis), sawtooth (C. serratifolia) and Tangut (C. tangutica). In practice, the whole group is often referred to as Tangutica.

The flowers have a characteristic shape in the form of a flashlight; in some varieties, the sepals fold back as they bloom and seem to soar. The predominant color is yellow in different shades.

They bloom on the shoots of the current year, in the second half of summer - usually from mid-July to late autumn. Traditionally, they belong to the third pruning group, but they can overwinter without problems when planted in a place protected from the wind. So in practice, it is advisable to leave the shoots until spring, and carry out spring pruning as needed.

Bill McKenzie

The flowers are bright yellow, rounded, drooping, half-open, 6-7 cm in diameter, anthers are red-brown. This one of the most beautiful varieties of clematis blooms on the shoots of the current year from early summer to September. The length of the vine is 5-6 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Golden Tiara (Kugotia)

Clematis flowers of this variety are bright golden yellow, open, soaring, 5-7 cm in diameter, anthers are dark brown. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from July to the end of September. The length of the vine is 2.5-3 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Lambton Park

The flowers are golden yellow, closed, inverted, in the form of a flashlight, 5 cm in diameter, the anthers are light brown. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from June to mid-autumn. The length of the vine is 3-4 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

The best varieties of clematis for the Moscow region from the Teksenzis group

The group contains varieties derived from Texas clematis (C. texensis). Over the past few years, it has become widespread throughout the world. The varieties of these clematis, recommended for the Moscow region, are distinguished by an unusually elegant flower shape in the form of a tulip, distinguished by all shades of carmine-pink-red color.

Blossom on the shoots of the current year, from June to cold weather. The abundance of flowering is strongly influenced by illumination: in the shade they bloom weakly or do not bloom at all.

Therefore, garden compositions should be placed in such a way that long shoots (up to 3.5 m) are illuminated by the sun throughout the day. They belong to the third trimming group.

Princess Diana (The Princess of Wales)

The flowers are carmine-red, tulip-shaped, looking up, 5-7 cm in diameter, sepals 4, anthers light yellow. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from July to mid-September. The length of the vine is 2-3 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Here you can see photos of Princess Diana clematis for the Moscow region, the description of which is given above:

The most abundantly flowering varieties of clematis of the Vititsella group

Varieties derived from purple clematis (C. viticella) are incredibly diverse in color, shape and size of the flower. These are very unpretentious and most abundantly flowering clematis varieties of all medium and large-flowered varieties.

And quite easily tolerate the lack of sunlight. This does not mean that they will bloom profusely in full shade, tightly isolated from the sun by garden buildings, but in places partially shaded by other plants, they develop well and bloom profusely and for a long time.

Blossom on the shoots of the current year, from June to cold weather. They belong to the third trimming group. In autumn, with the onset of persistent cold weather, it is necessary to cut off all the shoots to the ground.


The flowers are red, velvety, simple, 4-6 cm in diameter, the anthers are lightish. This one of the best varieties of clematis blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year, from June to cold weather. The length of the vine is 2.2-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Blue Angel (Blekitny Aniol)

The flowers are pale lilac-blue, simple, 8-10 cm in diameter, the anthers are light yellow. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, from June to cold weather. The length of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

The flowers are light pink, with more pronounced veins and outer side, simple, open, 8-10 cm in diameter, creamy yellow anthers. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from June to September. The length of the vine is 2-2.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Etual Violette (Violet Star)

The flowers are blue-violet, velvety, simple, classically shaped, 6-10 cm in diameter, anthers are yellow. It blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year from June to cold weather. The length of the clematis creeper of a variety called Etual Violette is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

The flowers are pink-purple with a wide white stripe in the center of the sepals, cross-shaped, open, 4-5 cm in diameter, the anthers are light yellow. It blooms on the shoots of the current year in June - August. The length of the vine is 2.2-2.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Royal Velours

The flowers are dark wine-red, velvety, simple, 5-7 cm in diameter, anthers are light. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from June to cold weather. The length of the vine is 2.5-3.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

The flowers are whitish-pink with a slight lilac tint and lightening in the center of the sepals, simple, with a corrugated edge of the sepals, 7-9 cm in diameter, anthers are greenish-yellow.

It blooms on the shoots of the current year from June to September. The length of the vine is 2-2.5 m. For this one of the best varieties of clematis grown in the Moscow region, autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

Venosa Violacea

The flowers are two-tone, purple-white, simple, star-shaped, 6-8 cm in diameter, anthers are dark purple, contrasting. It blooms on the shoots of the current year from June to September. The length of the creeper is 2.2-2.5 m. Autumn pruning to the base of the shoots is recommended. (III gr.)

In the final section of the article, you will learn how there are types of small-flowered clematis.

What are the types of bush clematis of the small-flowered group

This group includes clematis (natural species, interspecific hybrids, varieties derived from them) with small flowers, often collected in inflorescences. Most varieties and hybrids belong to the third pruning group, that is, in the fall, all shoots must be cut to the ground.

Clematis flammula- burning clematis

In this type of clematis, the flowers are white, cruciform, with narrow linear sepals, up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in many-flowered inflorescences, 250-400 pieces on the shoot, very fragrant.

The leaves are compound, dark green. The length of the creeper is 3-5 m. All varieties of this type of clematis bloom profusely in July-August. Recommended spring pruning and planting in a warm, wind-protected place.

See what this type of clematis looks like in the photo:

Clematis integrifolia- whole leaf clematis

The flowers are blue-violet or purple-blue, simple, bell-shaped, drooping, with ascending tips of sepals, 3-5 cm in diameter, anthers are yellow and light yellow. On the shoot up to 10 flowers.

The leaves are simple, sessile, leathery. This small-flowered clematis is an upright herbaceous perennial 0.6-1 m high. It blooms in June - July on the shoots of the current year. Recommended autumn pruning to the base of the shoots.

Clematis mandschurica (C. recta var. mandschurica) - Manchurian clematis

The flowers are white, open, cruciform, up to 2 cm in diameter, fragrant, collected in inflorescences, anthers are light yellow. On the shoot 150-500 flowers. Leaves are complex. Herbaceous perennial liana 1.5-3 m long. It blooms profusely in June - July on the shoots of the current year. Recommended autumn pruning to the base of the shoots.

These photos show varieties of small-flowered clematis of the species Clematis mandschurica.

Clematis recta - straight clematis

The flowers are white, open, up to 3 cm in diameter, from 4, rarely 5 sepals, anthers are light yellow, collected in inflorescences, with a slight varying smell. On the shoot up to 130 flowers. In a species of clematis called C. recta, the leaves are complex, matte green.

On the shoot 250 - 1200 flowers.

The leaves are large and complex. Shrub fast-growing liana up to 6 m long. Blooms profusely, in June - July. Recommended autumn or spring pruning to the base of the shoots.

In warmer areas, when planted in a wind-sheltered spot, it can be grown without removal from supports and pruning for several years. In this case, it is useful to carry out sanitary and regulatory pruning every few years.

See how the types of small-flowered clematis look in the photo, the names of which are given above:

In contact with

In contact with

Growing with me, I decided to collect in one place.

By the definition, "the best clematis", I mean those large-flowered clematis varieties that, first of all, bloom profusely in our climate, that is:

A LOT of flowers (even if it happens 1 time per season),

Have a STABLE annual flowering, large and medium-sized flowers, according to the characteristics of the variety,

They bloom LONG (single varieties can bloom all summer with short breaks, more often - these are two waves of flowering, the second is weak),

GROW QUICKLY, braid a support and bloom,

HIGH - 2-2.5m (for some reason, undersized varieties are in less demand),

RELATIVELY WINTER-RESISTANT (with a minimum of effort in autumn - the maximum decorative effect according to the characteristics of the variety).

There are no ideals, you have to choose for yourself the variety that best meets your needs.

In other groups, there are many varieties that are resistant to our climate, these are:

Almost all of them bloom for a long time, are completely pruned before winter, but, as a rule, they are not tall and have small or smaller than average flowers. The larger the flower, the fewer of them.

Princes - bloom in early spring. They are so openwork that you have to wait a long time until dense greenery is formed, on which not large, but beautifully shaped flowers will stand out.

Varieties of the group - do not winter badly, they need shelter very light, flowering later, long, but once.

- (botanical) clematis bloom profusely and for a long time and are not demanding on shelter.

I want to make a reservation right away that this is my opinion, as they say, "how many people, so many opinions." I write only about those varieties that grow with me and in another place, in a different soil and with different care, you can see a slightly different picture.

The most suitable are our domestic varieties of M.A. Beskaravaina, A.N. Volosenko-Valenis, M.F. Sharonova, but there are also quite hardy foreign varieties.

profusely flowering clematis


Consistent flowering every year slightly larger than average (14cm) with iridescent dark purple to purple flowers,

Medium height - up to 2m,

In autumn, flowers appear in some places, but they are very few and almost invisible.

The color is very dependent on the illumination, the same camera produces pictures of different shades. Gorgeous iridescent flower!

It is believed that he needs a light background, since the flowers are very dark, but behind the abundance of flowers, the foliage is not visible, not like the background.

Victoria (Great Britain)

Stable flowering every year of medium size (9 - 11 cm) purple flowers with textured veins,

Very abundant and long-lasting first (and the only decorative) flowering over the entire height of the bush,

High 2- 2.5 m,

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

Our peak bloom is mid-June.

One of the few varieties that not only has fairly large flowers and abundant flowering, but also winters well without any shelters. Scourge can not be removed from the support at all.

Ville de Lyon

Stable flowering every year slightly smaller than average size (8 cm) pink - red flowers with a beautiful border darker than the main tone,

Very plentiful and long first flowering in the upper half of the bush, but this profusion is not every year, sometimes the flowering is more modest,

High (2.5 - 3 m),

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

Peak bloom is early to mid-June.

The second time I have, or does not bloom at all, or very few flowers.


Stable flowering every year of medium size (9 - 12 cm) with pale blue flowers,

Very abundant and long-lasting first (and only decorative) flowering over the entire height of the bush,

Vigorous, tall (up to 3 m), blooms quickly,

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

The peak of flowering is at the end of June.

If cut after flowering, it will re-bloom in autumn on some vines in clusters of 5-8 flowers. In the second half of September, even these few flowers look elegant and bright.

Comtis de Bouchot (France)

Stable flowering every year of medium size (9 - 10 cm) with light lilac flowers,

High (up to 2 m),

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

Peak bloom is mid to late June.

This variety has two waves of flowering, the second, in autumn, not so plentiful, but good.

(M.A. Beskaravaynaya and A.N. Volosenko-Valenis)

Stable flowering every year with large (11 - 15 cm) lilac-pink flowers,

Very abundant and long-lasting first (and the only decorative) flowering over the entire height of the bush,

High (2.5 m),

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

The peak of flowering we have the beginning - mid-June.

In autumn, flowers appear, but few, and their color is brighter, since the heat is gone.


Stable flowering every year with small (5 - 7 cm) purple-violet always double flowers,

Extraordinarily plentiful and long first (and only) flowering in the upper half of the bush,

High (2.5 - 3 m),

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

The peak of flowering here is the end of June - the beginning of July.

The flowers on the bush dry and do not fly around for a long time.

It would look advantageous on a light background, since the flower is not bright and not very large. An amateur variety.

(M.F. Sharonova)

Stable flowering every year of medium (9 - 13 cm) size with red - purple flowers,

Very abundant and long-lasting first flowering over the entire height of the bush,

True, the bush is not high, up to 1.5 m,

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

Peak bloom is mid-June.

Autumn flowering is also plentiful and long.

The flower is very bright at the beginning of dissolution, then gradually darkens and becomes very dark, almost black. Its light foliage does not tolerate dampness, immediately begins to hurt.

Etoile Violette(France)

Stable flowering every year with purple, not large (10 cm) flowers,

Abundant first flowering in the upper half of the bush,

High, (2 2.5 m),

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

The peak of flowering here is mid-June,

The second wave of flowering begins early, in August, unlike other varieties that re-bloom in September. There are again a lot of flowers in the upper third of the bush.

hagley hybrid(USA)

Stable flowering every year with large (15 cm) and medium-sized pink - lilac flowers,

Very abundant first flowering throughout the height of the bush,

It grows for a long time but by the age of 8 it reaches 2.5 m,

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

The peak of flowering in our country falls on the beginning of June.

In autumn, this variety also blooms, but there are fewer flowers, but their colors are brighter and do not fade.

The decorative effect depends on the shape of the support and the distribution of shoots along it. You can evenly distribute them along the trellis, then you get a green wall interspersed with light colors. If you twist an arch or pillar in a circle, there will be a solid mass consisting of only flowers. And you can make the shape of a ball as in photo No. 3.

Clematis forming flowers almost all summer

I’ll clarify right away that these are clematis of the 2nd pruning group, and in order for them to bloom constantly, it is necessary to preserve the shoots of the last year and prevent the seeds from setting.

Bal Flowers(M.A. Beskaravaina)

In my opinion, this variety is most consistent with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchic clematis, which thrive in our climate in the group of large-flowered blue varieties.

Stable flowering every year with large (12 - 18 cm) bright deep blue flowers,

The most abundant is the first flowering along the entire height of the bush, not an avalanche of flowers, but quite a lot,

- high (up to 2.5 m), but the height also depends on the height of the saved shoots,

Flowering peak mid-late June depending on the weather.

All this splendor can be seen provided that last year's shoots are preserved, although it is also possible to cut off completely, but there will be fewer flowers and the bush itself will not be tall.

It is necessary to remove faded flowers or trim the lashes a little.

Seagull (M.A. Beskaravaynaya)

Stable flowering every year with large and medium-sized (10-12 cm) white flowers,

The most abundant is the first flowering, then there are not many flowers, but new ones are constantly blooming, albeit smaller.

Flowering throughout the height of the bush in the first flowering, and then in the upper part,

Long flowering period

High (2 - 2.5m),

Flowering peak early June.

Save last year's lashes (2 trim group).

It is also possible to cut off completely, but there will be flowers in the first flowering and it will begin later. There will be no single, but very beautiful terry flowers.

After the first abundant flowering, the bush will be located approximately as in photo No. 2 with a small number of flowers, but constantly.

The most winter-hardy varieties of clematis for our climate

space melody
(A.N. Volosenko-Valenis, M.A. Beskaravaynaya)

Consistent bloom every year with medium size (8 - 13 cm) purple-purple flowers,

Abundant and long first flowering in the upper half of the bush,

Long flowering period - all summer with short breaks,


The peak of flowering is mid-June,

Shoots are pruned before winter (3 pruning group).

There are no cons, a constantly flowering openwork bush, it can be placed in both abundantly flowering and long-flowering ones, and all this can not be too reverent about the shelter.

Blue flame
(A. N. Volosenko-Valenis)

Stable flowering every year with large size (12 - 18 cm) purple flowers,

Abundant and long first flowering, it is located in the upper half of the bush,

High (up to 2.5 m),

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

Re-blooms in autumn in cool weather purple and blue shimmers in the sun,

Peak bloom mid-June.

We can't hide him at all. Very winter hardy. Perhaps the most reliable variety.

But I like its semi-double flowers that form on last year's shoots, so in some years I keep the whips under cover.

(A.N. Volosenko-Valenis)

Stable flowering every year with medium size (10 - 14 cm) purple flowers,

Medium profusion long first flowering, it is located in the upper third of the bush,

Very high (up to 3 m),

Shoots before winter are pruned (3 pruning group),

Peak bloom mid-June.

The second wave of flowering in autumn is not so plentiful, but there is, and if the bush is regularly cut and fed, flowering will be constant with short breaks.

I do not always cover it in the fall, it recovers well in the spring, maybe it blooms a little later.

There are not so many of the best clematis from large-flowered varieties that bloom profusely every year with minimal care.

Other varieties are much more beautiful, sometimes double flowers, but at the same time there are more other disadvantages, there are few flowers, not every year a full bloom.

There are those with very abundant flowering, but they have high requirements for shelter and top dressing, they are suitable for those who are willing to wait and care.

Lyudmila, I already have few clematis left for spring, look at the HOW TO BUY page and write which of these varieties you would like to purchase, I will leave it to you. And in the fall I will still have seedlings, but I know exactly which varieties - in August. You can come, call in advance or write to us, write your email address or add me as a friend in classmates, I go there every day, I won’t miss it. Natalya.

Thanks, Natalia! I live in Frolovo. This year I want to plant a lot of clematis. Is it possible to drive up to you in the spring and buy seedlings? Sincerely, Ludmila!

Hello Natasha! I want to buy one clematis bush: Chaika variety or Nikolai Rubtsov. Or another zoned variety. I have never grown clematis, so I don’t risk taking more to start with.

Thanks, Irina! Here you can immediately see a person who understands how important comments are for a blog. Special thanks for this! Contact me, I'll tell you what I know.

Natalia, thank you for the wonderful clematis. very good roots, perfect ordering. I hope that they will please us next year!

Thank you Ludmila for your comment! I haven't seen Stasik yet, but Red Pearl is questionable. I'll tell you for sure a little later. The mother plant is blooming now. This means that cuttings, if any, should bloom. Natalia.

Thank you Natalie for this wonderful information! very informative, I’ll take note and will go here, on the site to compare my “knowledge” on the described varieties of clematis. By chance, Stasik and Red Pearl seedlings will not be on sale