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Narcissus indoor. Planting and caring for daffodils outdoors and indoors How to care for daffodils in a pot at home

In fact, many garden plants can be grown indoors. They will delight owners with excellent appearance and even flowering in the off season, and care for such crops often requires the most minimal. So, daffodils can be an excellent plant for growing on a windowsill - bulbous flowers known to everyone with a rich aroma and attractive appearance. But how to grow them in an apartment? So, the topic of our today's conversation will be home flowers daffodils, let's clarify how they are planted, and what care they need at home.

Growing a daffodil as an indoor flower is not so difficult. Even a novice florist can do this. The process of obtaining flowers from garden plants at home at an unusual time is classified as forcing. And for her, you can use different types of daffodils. Readers of "Popular about Health" should focus on the time when they would like to get a flower, and use early-flowering or late-flowering crops.

Pictured are daffodils

To get a blooming daffodil on your windowsill, you need to prepare large bulbs - weighing at least sixty grams. Planting material must be healthy - hard, dense, heavy and without damage. The surface of the bulb should be fairly clean and smooth, and its root bottom should not show signs of rot or damage. Of course, the bulbs should not smell unpleasant somehow.

Planting daffodils

For domestic daffodils, it is worth preparing a pot at least ten centimeters high. Fill it with soil and bury the bulb so that about one third of it is on the surface. Land for distillation should include sand and sawdust. The soil needs to be crushed and watered. After the plant needs a dormant stage.

Home care for narcissus

After planting, daffodils must be hidden in a dark room where the temperature is maintained from five to seven degrees above zero. Some flower growers successfully bury pots with bulbs in the garden under peat, the layer of which should be about ten centimeters. You can also send containers for storage to the bottom shelf of an ordinary refrigerator (having previously hidden them in a dark bag). The plant can survive another dormant period in a cold basement or garage.

This stage of growing daffodils ends immediately after the bulb sprouts. Next, the container with the flower must be placed in a room with a temperature of about ten degrees. The plant needs sufficient light, but the direct rays of the sun can greatly harm it.

After the appearance of the buds, the temperature should be raised to eighteen to twenty degrees. In such conditions, the plants bloom perfectly and delight the eye.

In the future, caring for a homemade daffodil is very simple: you just need to moisten the soil in a timely manner. Also, it will not be superfluous to establish a support near the flower if it grows too tall.

Faded home daffodil does not need to be thrown away. You should carefully cut the flower, continue watering and fertilize. Wait until the leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry. Next, you need to dig the bulbs, dry them and put them in a suitable place for storage.

The resulting planting material should not be used for room forcing the plant for the next year, but it is quite suitable for planting in the fall in the garden. After rooting, the bulb will get stronger and will bloom.

Another method of planting daffodils at home

With this method of growing, it is necessary to dry the bulbs dug out of the ground in the garden for two weeks. At the same time, they can be dried at a sufficiently high temperature - no more than thirty degrees. After this time, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to seventeen degrees. Under such conditions, the prepared bulbs should be kept for three weeks, and then they should be cooled even more by placing them in a dark place with a temperature of about nine degrees.
Experienced flower growers strongly recommend storing daffodil bulbs in a room with a fairly high level of humidity.

A month before the planned flowering, the bulbs should be removed from the storage and placed in boxes filled with earth with sand and sawdust. The bulbs should be quite tight, but not touching each other or the walls of the planting container. The top of the bulb should stick out above the surface of the soil mixture. Plantings need to be watered and stored at a temperature of about nine to twelve degrees in excellent lighting. At this stage, you need to carefully monitor that the soil in the container with daffodils does not dry out. High humidity around plants also plays an extremely important role, so it will not be superfluous to organize something like a greenhouse for them.

After a week, the growing temperature should be raised to about seventeen degrees. At higher thermometer readings, daffodils will also bloom well, but the flowering period will be much shorter.

Thus, getting daffodils at home that will bloom is not so difficult. It is only necessary to organize the flowers at the right temperature, sufficient watering and good lighting.

indoor narcissus(Narcissus tazetta Paperwhite) is a popular flower that blooms predominantly in late winter or spring. Pale yellow or white flowers look great in a pot. They are sometimes grown in glass goblets filled with colored pebbles or sand. Often used as a plant in a pot for distillation at different times of the year. Daffodils (Narcissus tazetta Paperwhite) can also be grown in the garden among shrubs.

plant description

Narcissus indoor bulbous herbaceous plant. During the period of growth, long leaves in the form of ribbons appear from the bulb. Flowers solitary or collected in loose inflorescences are located at the top of the stem. Perianth of white or yellow color consists of 6 petals. In the middle is a crown, which may also be white or yellow, surrounding 6 stamens. Narcissus tazetta cultivar Paperwhite in a flower stalk that reaches 40 cm has several flowers from 8 to 10. These fragrant lovely white flowers do not tolerate severe frosts, so they can be grown in a pot culture.


Daffodils prefer not a bright sunny place. Eastern, western windows are suitable for this, and in winter, when distilling, it is best to keep it on the southern window. The soil for indoor daffodil is best loamy, fairly light, fertilized. Acidity is neutral.

Temperature regime

Narcissus grows well and blooms at a temperature of 16 C. Storage of bulbs in the dormant stage of indoor daffodil should be at a temperature not lower than 5 C. and not higher than 8 C.


Indoor daffodil needs regular watering during the growing season. The soil must be permeable to water, without stagnation. Indoor daffodil will quickly fade if watering is insufficient. During the dormant period, watering is reduced so that the bulbs do not dry out. With abundant watering during the dormant period, the bulbs can rot.

top dressing

Bulbs of indoor daffodil contain nutrients for the development of leaves and peduncles with flowers. After flowering indoor daffodil, a complex fertilizer is applied to the soil. This is done so that the bulb grows and stocks up on nutrients during the next growing season. If for some reason the flowering of indoor daffodil is delayed, then potash fertilizers can be applied to speed up the onset of flowering.

Pests, diseases and their control

Typical pests of indoor narcissus can be root, stem nematodes, bulb flies, narcissus flies, mites. When damaged by pests, the bulbs germinate poorly, do not bloom. Bulbs are treated with acaricide or actellik according to the instructions for use, and the soil is watered with infusion of celandine with a composition of celandine, water 1: 1. 140 ml of solution is poured under the bulb.

Diseases (bacterial, viral) - fusarium, the causative agent of which is Fusarium okusporum f.narcissi. which affects the bulbs of the plant. At the same time, leaf growth slows down, the tips of the leaves turn yellow, and the bulb becomes soft, rots and dies. This happens when the heat sets in while storing the bulbs. To prevent this from happening, you need to quickly dry the bulb. In addition, the soil must be replaced. When fertilizing the soil, you can not make a lot of them, especially phosphorus and nitrogen.

Sclerocial rot of daffodils, the causative agent of which Sclerotinia narcissicola, also affects the bulb, is located under the scales of the bulb in the form of black formations. Such bulbs must be destroyed.

Viral diseases are manifested by yellow stripes and stunted yellow leaves that gradually become deformed, and the flowers are small and spotted. It is a mosaic of plants that can be carried by mites and nematodes. Such bulbs are destroyed.

Indoor daffodil can be forced to bloom indoors at any time of the year.

Many people are used to considering narcissus as a purely garden plant that cannot grow at home. However, these perennial bulbous plants belonging to the Amaryllis family are great for pot life and can delight households with beautiful bright flowers for a long time.

Variety of varieties

Daffodils are among the first to bloom after a long winter, bringing bright colors and a spring mood to a boring gray-white-black life.

Depending on the variety of the plant, of which there are currently more than thirty, the leaves may have different lengths and widths, but the color of the leaves is always the same - rich dark green.

The flowers are simple and double white and yellow. There are also varieties with a two-tone crown color. More recently, a very beautiful flower variety with a pink crown has appeared. The flowers are located on separate peduncles, so their pruning does not cause any harm to the bulbs.

A feature of the bulbs of this plant is the presence of two renewing buds at different stages of development. The bulbs are covered with dense brown skin, have an elongated shape resembling a pear. The growth of the roots is most intensive in autumn, they live for 10-11 months, after which they die.

There are many varieties of indoor daffodil ("Magnet", "Fortune" and "Yellow sun"), but the most popular type of this plant is the Paper variety. It has many snow-white flowers, located simultaneously on one peduncle.

With proper care, homemade daffodils bloom from December to March inclusive.

Bulb selection and planting

  1. It is important that the bulbs chosen for forcing are healthy and big.
  2. Experts recommend choosing samples weighing from six grams. Anything less is best planted in the garden.
  3. It is important to remember that the bulb must not be completely buried in the soil. It is desirable that one third of it peeks out above the surface.
  4. September is considered the best time for planting. After planting, the ground must be watered abundantly and lightly crushed. The bottom of the pot, in which the flower will live, must be covered with a drainage layer of expanded clay, brick fragments or pebbles.
  5. Immediately after planting, pots with bulbs must be put in a dark place for 12 weeks, while the temperature in the room should be 7-10 degrees. After the appearance of sprouts, the flower is moved to the window.

Watering and fertilizing

Caring for indoor daffodils is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The flower feels fine on the windows from the shady side of the house, but its buds bloom much better in the sun. It is necessary to apply fertilizer during the period of bud formation and after flowering.

  • To prolong the flowering period, the pot is recommended to be placed on the loggia or north windows. There the plant will bloom for up to 3 weeks.
  • Watering is best done in a pan using water at room temperature. After the end of the flowering period, watering is reduced, and after the yellowing of all the leaves, they stop completely.
  • The plant does not like too dry air, so it should be located away from the battery and placed next to a vessel with water to humidify the air.

Like any other plant, daffodils are prone to disease. Most often they are "attacked" by fungal and viral diseases. Gray rot and Fusarium in the vast majority of cases are brought along with poor-quality planting material, that is, with bulbs. Therefore, when purchasing them, it is very important to make sure that they are healthy.

Caring for daffodils after flowering

After the indoor daffodil has faded, you need to perform a number of simple steps.

Although we often see daffodils in the garden, flowers can be perfectly grown in a pot at home. Plants are distinguished by their unpretentious nature, wonderful decorative qualities, they can become an ornament to any interior. Learn how to care for daffodils at home.

Narcissus is a spring flower: it pleases with its beauty one of the first after a long, dull winter. These flowers are good on the street, but they can also look great at home in a pot.

Daffodils grow small, have white and yellow delicate petals and always dark green leaves. Their buds can be either a simple structure or terry: the latter are the most decorative. Varieties with a two-tone yellow-white color have already been bred. Recently, there is also a variety that has a pink outer edge. The flowering period is from December to March.

Narcissus is a bulbous plant. Its peculiarity is the presence of two renewal buds on the bulbs: each of these buds is at its own stage of development. From above, the bulbs are covered with a brownish skin, elongated in shape, pear-shaped.


Today, the scientific botanical world has more than 30 different varieties of daffodils, most of which are suitable for home cultivation. Below is a short overview of the most popular varieties.


Probably the most popular variety for indoor breeding. The flower boasts many snow-white buds, located on one straight peduncle.


A wonderful yellow daffodil that can bring brightness and liveliness to the most dull interior.


An unusual type of flower with two-color petals: the middle of the bud is yellow, and the edges of the petals are white. Despite the exotic appearance, the variety is unpretentious.

Also, flower growers praise the varieties Little Pearl, February Gold and Snowball.

Growing conditions

We will find out what conditions this flower needs and where in the house it is better to put a pot with narcissus.

Location and lighting

Narcissus can grow in the shade, however, it will be better to bloom in the sun. Keep this feature in mind when choosing a place for this plant. The more abundant the lighting, the longer the flowering period: however, you should not keep the daffodil in a pot under direct rays.

Temperature and Humidity

The flower is completely picky in relation to temperature, it can be successfully grown even in relatively cool rooms. However, it is not worth raising the temperature in a room with growing daffodils higher than + 15-18 degrees: in this case, they may refuse to bloom.

The flower is more demanding on the level of air humidity: a dry atmosphere does not suit it. Place the plant at home away from working heating radiators. It is advisable to place a container filled with water next to the pot.

Soil composition

In gardening stores you can buy a special substrate for daffodils - it is optimal for growing them indoors. Note that you can plant a flower in garden soil taken on your own site.

To make the substrate more nutritious and loose, it is recommended to add sand, dry clay or sawdust to it. The structure of the substrate should be crumbly, loose, light. Dense soil is not suitable for the plant, because it cannot provide sufficient air access to the roots. In such conditions, the plant is often affected by the fungus.

Planting homemade daffodils can also be done in perlite, small decorative pebbles. This technique is often used when it is necessary to receive flowers for the holiday - March 8, for example. There is enough nutrition in the bulb, and it develops quite safely with regular watering.

Pot selection

Pick up a low pot (about 15 cm), 10-13 cm wide. Several onions can be grown in one container if they are small. As for the material, it is better to take clay or ceramics.

If the variety is miniature, you can grow it in a small capacity: less than one and a half to two times the standard one. If you want to grow a whole lawn of daffodils at once, you can take a shallow wooden box as a container.

An excessively large, wide or deep container is absolutely not suitable for daffodils. Under such conditions, the plant may not even bloom: the roots take a long time to develop an earthy coma.

The pot must be equipped with holes for draining water. Stagnation of moisture in the soil is fraught for daffodils with putrefactive processes, fungal diseases.

Landing Features

Learn how to properly plant daffodils indoors.

Bulb selection, preparation, timing

In order for the daffodil to take root well and please with long flowering, choose bulbs that are firm and fairly large. There should not be any damage, holes, stains, putrefactive areas on the planting material.

There is still a need to store the bulbs before planting, place them in a dark, ventilated and dry place. It is not worth storing in a room that is too warm and humid, as the bulbs can start forcing ahead of time. Yes, and the defeat of the fungus in such conditions is not excluded.


The planting period for daffodils depends on when the owner plans to enjoy the flowering plants. If you want flowering to happen traditionally in winter, planting should be done in early September. If flowering is planned for spring, planting is done in November-December. Specific timing depends on the variety.


  1. Lay drainage on the bottom of the selected container - small pebbles, pebbles, expanded clay with a layer of about 3 cm. Fill the container with a substrate.
  2. Place a few onions on top, press them into the soil a little. The bulbs should stick out a little over the edge of the pot. Each onion should be planted at a distance from the next one - they should not be allowed to stick together.
  3. Pour the soil with water, avoiding flooding.
  4. Place the pot in a dark room with a temperature of + 3-8 degrees for three months to root the bulbs. Note that some varieties do not need a cold period (Ziva, Paper).
  5. After a three-month period, the pot is transferred to the living room and proceed to the standard caring procedures.

Features of cool distillation

Most varieties require rooting in a place that is cool and devoid of light. Thus, a reliable imitation of open ground is created, where genetically daffodils are accustomed to grow.

Note that the normal development of the plant when rooting in an ordinary warm room should not be expected. Desirable temperature range: +3-9 degrees. During cool forcing, plantings should be taken care of: water a little, mulch with sawdust or foliage.

If you are thinking about where to get such a cool place in a standard apartment, we will tell you: it can be a vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, a garage or a basement. If a refrigerator is chosen, the bulbs should germinate separately from stored fruits and vegetables. Ethylene gas emitted by the gifts of nature is harmful to the bulbs.

The cold forcing period lasts three months. By this time, the sprouts have already reached 5-7 cm, and white roots are visible from the holes in the container. After 3-5 weeks, daffodils bloom.

Accustom daffodils to heat gradually - you should not transfer them from cold to heat in one step. Raise the temperature step by step to give the plants time to adjust.

How to care

We will find out what kind of care indoor daffodils need.


The first time the flowers are watered immediately after planting. During the rooting process, water moderately: twice a month will be enough.

After transferring plants from a cold room to a living room, watering is carried out as the soil dries out. When daffodils begin to bloom, the frequency and volume of watering increase. At the end of flowering, they decrease again. When the leaves turn yellow, soil moisture stops completely.

Use water at room temperature and settled. The best way to water is through the pan.

top dressing

For lush and long flowering, as well as good health, indoor daffodil is recommended to be fed. Nitrogen and potassium formulations should be used.

The first feeding is done when sprouts appear. The second - when the buds appear, then once every two weeks. During the flowering period, daffodils are not fed, however, as after the cessation of watering.


The procedure is performed after the daffodils have faded. Dry buds are carefully cut off, while the green part must first dry completely on its own. After the leaves and stems wither completely, they are cut off with clean scissors at the root.

After flowering

After the final pruning, the pot with the bulbs remaining in the ground is placed in a cool and dark place. If the flower was sick in the summer or was flooded, affected by pests, it is better to get the onions out of the ground and inspect them for rot and damage. Throw away defective planting material immediately before it infects the rest.

In winter, bulbs should be stored in a dry paper bag or natural fabric bag. Bulbs dug out of the pot for the next year should be rooted in open ground. And for planting in a pot, you need to purchase onions again.

Protection from diseases, pests

Most often indoor daffodils suffer from fungal diseases. There is a similar misfortune due to waterlogging, keeping the bulbs during storage in heat and humidity. The main measure to prevent fungal diseases is the preventive spraying of bulbs with fungicides, as well as proper plant care.

Of the insects, daffodils are most often affected by mites, bulbous flies and nematodes. Usually infection occurs through insufficiently disinfected soil. It is especially dangerous to take garden soil and not sanitize it, immediately using it for planting. If pests are wound up, it is necessary to use insecticides to destroy them.

We learned how to grow daffodils at home. As you can see, these unpretentious plants can quite safely bloom and develop even in closed ground. By following simple care measures, you can easily get healthy, actively blooming daffodils on your windowsill at home.

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Julia Pyatkova 8.07.2015 | 7118

If you love daffodils, then this plant is for you. In addition, with proper care, eucharis flowers can be admired not only in spring, but also in autumn.

Eucharis is also called the Amazonian lily. This is because it is a bulbous plant from the Amaryllis family, native to the tropics of South America. The name of the flower is translated as "graceful", which fully reflects the appearance of this flowering plant.

The main advantage of eucharis in comparison with other members of the family is that it can remain decorative throughout the year. At the same time, the flower cannot be called difficult to care for. Although the home "Amazon" has its own growing requirements.

Planting and feeding

For planting eucharis is quite suitable universal primer for flowering plants. You can add some sand or earth for cacti to it. After planting, it is desirable to give the plant time to adapt, so do not water it for 10 days. Also, do not immediately expose the eucharis to the bright sun, let it stay a little in diffused light. All these conditions should be observed when transplanting a plant.

When planting eucharis, you can also add a little fertilizer to the substrate. For example, dry mullein is suitable, which is applied at the rate of 1 glass per bucket of soil. But you can not produce this top dressing. Eucharis is usually fed in the summer with mineral fertilizers in half the dose. With this care, the plant blooms twice a year.

Eucharis bloom

With sufficient lighting and proper care, the flowering of the plant is always lush. Adult specimens usually release several arrows at once, on which flowers collected in inflorescences bloom. In one "bundle" they can be from 3 to 7 pieces.

Eucharis grandiflora , which is most often found in flower growers' collections, stands out with really large flowers (10-12 cm in diameter). In shape, they are similar to daffodils, but differ from them in their snow-white color and greenish “crown” of stamen filaments fused at the base. And what a smell the flowers have!

Many flower growers are upset that eucharis does not want to bloom. Most often, the plant is naughty if it is wrong watered. This should be done moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil (the soil should be allowed to dry completely between waterings). In general, the rules for watering are the same as for all bulbs. In addition, the pot should have good drainage and drainage holes. This will prevent root rot, which also affects not only the flowering of the plant, but also its general condition.

Sometimes a plant will not bloom if it is planted in a pot that is too large. The roots and the bulb spend a lot of energy to master the earth ball, and they no longer have the strength to form arrows. Therefore, transplantation of eucharis is carried out infrequently. It is enough to do this once every 3 years.

Eucharis at rest

After the autumn flowering, the plant needs a dormant period so that it rests and accumulates strength for flowering in the spring. It lasts about 1-2 months. At that time watering eucharis should be kept to a minimum. Also, do not keep the plant in too hot conditions. Wintering at a temperature of about 15-16 ° C is quite suitable for a flower (but not lower, since eucharis is quite thermophilic). Flowering occurs after 6 months.

Features of plant care

  • From time to time it is useful for euharis to arrange "bath procedures". It is not necessary to bathe him in the shower, just periodically is enough rub the leaves damp sponge. summer flower desirable spray.
  • Eucharis - photophilous plant, although it may well grow in light shading. But the flower does not tolerate the midday sun very well. Therefore, the best place to grow it is east or west window sill.
  • In summer, eucharis can be taken out to the balcony or garden, but remember that the plant must be protected from direct sunlight and possible precipitation.

Eucharis is an excellent plant for those who love flowers from the Amaryllis family. Having understood the nature of the room "Amazon", you can safely acquire more exotic plants of this group.