Repair Design Furniture

What to consider when choosing. What should be considered when choosing and buying a vibration analyzer? The foundation for a house made of aerated concrete - what you need to know before building

When choosing a profession, you must take into account your inclinations. This will have an impact on the success of training and further professional activity. The process of study and work, bringing joy and satisfaction, will not become a burden.

Analyze your success in school. Exact disciplines or humanitarian - this will become fundamental when choosing an institute.

If you have the opportunity, go to college with a friend. This will help you adapt better to your new life situation and allow you to support each other.

social order

Before entering the institute, do an analysis of the job market in your region or the region where you plan to live in the future. The demand for certain professions will give direction in choosing an educational institution.

Pay attention to the professions of narrow specializations. It is quite possible that the remuneration of these specialists will be an order of magnitude higher than those widely in demand. If you decide to get a narrow specialty, then you should select a university where there is an appropriate faculty.

Territorial location

Assess your readiness to leave for study in another city. If you fundamentally cannot get away from home, then you should look for an institute option in your hometown. This will help you save on rent and travel.

If you have chosen a narrow specialty, look for an educational institution that has a suitable department. This will be a priority in the matter of relocation.

Admission conditions and tuition fees

Choose a few institutes that suit you. Find out about the conditions of admission in each of them. Choose the most beneficial for you. Alternatively, you can start studying at one educational institution, and then transfer to another.

When you decide to go to college, be prepared to pay tuition fees. Assess your ability to pay for your studies. You can resort to financial assistance from your parents or find a job that can be combined with attending an institute.

Read reviews of students and alumni about the work of institutes. Such information can be found on the websites of educational institutions. Also, take advice from friends and acquaintances.

Conditions of education

When choosing an institution, analyze the conditions of study. This will help the official sites that many universities have. Find out if there are hostels for students, how comfortable they are for living. A hostel is a great opportunity to save money on an apartment or a room.

Practicing is an important moment. Find out what kind of basis for practical training is available in . Many higher education institutions do not provide students with conditions for internships. The search for organizations for this falls on the shoulders of the students themselves.

In the production of vibration signal analyzers, development companies are guided by a certain scope of their application. This may be a solution to well-defined problems or, more often than not, some universal application of the device. According to the developers, it is this set of properties that allows solving the most common problems of monitoring the condition and diagnosing equipment defects. Usually this approach pays off. However, quite often some special functions are required from the device. It is quite obvious that each new specialized function of the device increases its cost. In reality, the problem of choosing a device with the optimal set of technical parameters, on the one hand, involves obtaining the maximum properties, and on the other hand, it always takes place within a certain budget of the enterprise.

Without going into the problems of "mandatory" functions of devices, such as recording signals, obtaining spectra, synchronizing signals, storing information in memory, etc., in this section we want to consider specific issues that affect the choice of a vibration signal analyzer with an optimal (sometimes even unique) set of parameters. All the properties of devices considered below are actually present in various modifications of various companies.

We do not plan to compare devices with each other, the task of this section is only the correct, problematic, formation of specific requirements for devices. Having understood the requirements for the device, it is much easier to make the right choice. At the end of each section (for now there are eight) we will mark those devices that are best suited to solve a given problem. Also, some comments will be made on devices that are recommended by manufacturers to solve this problem, but in fact are of little use for this. We hope that this will help you make the right choice in the existing fairly developed market of domestic vibration control devices.

Obviously, if the below mentioned problems do not affect your activity, the device can be successfully bought without taking into account this information.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for vibration signal analyzers, due to the diagnostics of the technical condition and defects of some types of equipment. The biggest differences from the "usual" diagnostics are:

  • Rolling bearings (question 1)
  • Low-speed rotating equipment with rolling and sliding bearings (question 2)
  • Multichannel synchronous diagnostics of complex rotating units (question 3)
  • Reciprocating compressors and internal combustion engines (question 4)
  • Asynchronous motors (question 5)

In addition, there are a number of specific diagnostic operations that require certain technical parameters from vibration signal analyzers:

  • Acceleration-run-out of units (question 6)
  • Balancing rotors in own bearings (question 7)

General tasks of vibration diagnostics:

  • Maintenance of rotating equipment according to the technical condition based on information about the vibration of the units (question 8)

The issue of vibration control software is important. It also has two aspects:

  • "Internal" software of the device, and "external" located on the computer (question 9)

We are grateful in advance to those who consider it necessary to send us additional or critical information on one or another aspect of the issues under consideration. We are interested in the opinion of users using devices in the problems under consideration.

All your comments and questions should be sent to the email address of the author of these notes. I will try to answer them all, at least briefly.

Five important criteria that will help you find the ideal.
A mattress is a purchase that is made "rarely, but aptly." If a person needs a new sleeping place, then he will undoubtedly want to find the best possible. Everyone is aware that by making the wrong choice, they risk the quality of sleep and the health of their backs. However, not everyone understands where to start the path to the ideal. Let's make a reservation right away: it is impossible to take this or that model because it is pleasant to parents or friends. We must focus on our own physiology and medical indications. By what indicators to choose a mattress that will definitely help you sleep?

Criterion one. Age

Many shoppers walk into a sleep supply store with a vague idea of ​​what kind of mattress they need. The greatest difficulty is the correct definition of rigidity: everyone knows that the right bed should provide reliable support for the body, but they do not always understand how to achieve this. In part, the desired characteristics of the mattress are related to the age of the potential user. For example, for children and adolescents whose musculoskeletal system is in its infancy, it is better to choose mattresses of medium and above average hardness. They do not create the effect of a "hammock", which ensures the proper development of the skeletal system and maintains a beautiful posture.

The older generation should prefer mattresses with a soft surface, which will provide a high degree of comfort and at the same time minimize pressure on the joints and blood vessels. With age, not only softness should increase, but also the height of the bed: it will be more convenient to get up from it.

“One of the best solutions for an adult will be a mattress consisting of at least two layers: a strong and sufficiently rigid base to properly support the body and a comfortable part, for example, made of viscoelastic polyurethane foam or artificial latex,” explains Natalia Sverdlova, head of the Mattress blanks direction. » FoamLine, a developer of turnkey solutions for foam mattresses. - Such a mattress provides high-quality rest to the body. The softer top layer of the mattress filling contributes to an even distribution of the load during sleep, and this is good for the spine and joints.”

For a more accurate selection of a mattress, you need to be guided not only by age. A fragile person and his more complete peer will feel the same rigidity of a bed in different ways, which means that you need to take into account the weight and size of the vacationer.

Criterion two. Build

Indeed, two people weighing 50 and 110 kg will feel differently on the same mattress. And it is multilayer solutions that make it possible to choose an option that matches the individual parameters of the user. For example, larger people will need a stiffer load-bearing base that won't buckle under load and will provide better support. For petite people, the rigidity of the base and the thickness of the mattress foam should be lower.

The comfortable layer of the mattress must also be selected based on weight. A slightly fuller person should pay attention to the soft and high top, smoothing out peak pressure in the thoracic and lumbar regions. Slender people do not need too high a comfortable layer.

ATTENTION! The recommendation does not apply to children. Because of the soft sleeping place, they can be at risk for the disease. Sheyerman-Mau (juvenile osteochondrosis, kyphosis, stoop), which affects every fifth person on the planet.

Quite often, the mattress is chosen for a double bed, and the spouses are in different weight categories. In this case, a model with longitudinal zoning is suitable, where one half is hard and the other is soft, or a mattress filled with highly elastic foam rubberobtained by the "cold foaming" method. The advantage of the latter is a unique foam structure with cells of different sizes: a light person will not feel a “hit” when landing on a mattress, and a heavy person will not feel like in a hole, the material will provide everyone with the right support. Such mattresses are popular in Europe, and more recently appeared in Russia.

Criterion three. Medical indications

If there are back diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis or sports injuries, they must be taken into account when choosing a mattress. It will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor. Optimally selected on the advice of a specialist, the product can prolong the effect of a course of massage or reduction of the vertebrae and become a prevention of exacerbations. On the contrary, self-purchase can complicate the course of the disease.

Expert advice
Ekaterina Petrova, neurologist, somnologist, member of the Association of Somnologists of Russia (Center for Aesthetic Medicine " Renovation» , Krasnoyarsk):
When choosing a mattress, it is worth considering not only weight, but also height, as well as the volume of the chest and abdomen. The product should not be short or narrow: provide a place for comfortable moving around the bed at night, to choose a more comfortable position. Also, pay attention to whether the mattress has a specific smell. Unpleasant olfactory sensations can lead to insomnia.

“What you sleep on and how you sleep certainly affects your health, especially if you already have any spinal problems. For example, a person is tired during the day, his back hurts. He lay down on an uncomfortable mattress or cot that is not suitable for everyday use. The problem area does not rest with him, but is additionally loaded, overstretched or pinched. There is discomfort and the risk of a sharp increase in pain, - says Alexander Evdokimov, head of the clinic of osteopathy and manual therapy. “You need to choose a mattress strictly individually: when you come to the salon, be sure to lie on the mattress in order to feel whether a particular model suits you or not.”

life hack
Experts recommend spending at least 10 minutes on the selected mattress, ideally up to half an hour. If you are embarrassed by other customers, listen to music with your eyes closed. Some couples come for a test drive in pajamas!
Jessica Alexander, Member of the British Sleep Council,notes: 80% of people spend less than two minutes testing a bed they expect to spend 3,000 hours a year on.

The fourth criterion. Favorite sleeping position

For those who prefer to sleep on their backs, the support of the lower part of the spine is important. Therefore, you should avoid super-rigid models with which the load on this department will be disproportionately high. The best choice is medium firm mattresses.

The common "side-lying" option requires a moderately soft bed that will take pressure off the shoulders and hips and allow the body to be in a horizontal position (without curvature).

For sleeping on the stomach, a denser and more rigid product that will not be pressed through is suitable. However, this position is often preferred by those who have lower back pain due to the uncomfortable surface. Perhaps, with a quality selection of a mattress, your favorite position will also change. That is why a good consultant in the salon will definitely recommend lying down in all positions, regardless of basic preferences.

life hack
When trying on a mattress, ask the attendant or seller to take a picture of you. Later you can compare several photos and evaluate the position of your back from the side: is it even or resembles a smiley face.


Last, but no less important than the above, the selection factor is the amount you are willing to spend on a new mattress. Here you can draw an analogy with the world of cars, where there are very expensive models like BMW or Lamborghini, and budget Hyundai and Volkswagen of Russian assembly. There is no doubt that the premium brand is capable of conquering the racetrack, but most buyers choose regular cars that have decent dynamics and driving performance, optimal for driving on our roads. So among the mattresses there are good solid models of Russian production, which are in no way inferior in terms of characteristics to the best European brands, but are more affordable for the consumer.

“Today, there are materials for polyurethane foam mattresses that have unique properties. For example, our company manufactures and supplies the Russian mattress manufacturer Ormatek with a unique “breathable” Memory Cool memory foam. It provides air circulation, thereby reducing the temperature on the surface of the mattress,” comments Natalia Sverdlova (“FomLine”).

life hack
Do not go to the store in the evening after a hard day at work, prefer Saturday or Sunday morning. To a tired person in the dark, any mattress will seem comfortable.

When buying a mattress, any of the listed selection criteria can be decisive: for someone, growth will be the most critical, for someone, the weight difference in a pair or medical indications. Well-being and performance depend on the right decision, because you will sleep on the purchased product not for one night, but for several decades.

Against the background of constantly emerging contradictions that invariably move older students into the camp of adults, the main thing arises that actually determines their style of interaction with others in these years. This is the choice of the future path. Choice of profession. This is not to say that this question arises only in the graduating class. Of course, the whole life of the child up to this point in one way or another led to the need for this choice. It’s just that in some families, children from childhood are determined with the choice of their path, and in some, even on the threshold of school, they don’t know where to go. Self-determination is a difficult thing. Especially professional self-determination.

Sometimes it is difficult for a boy or girl to imagine in what area they want to apply their knowledge and strength. Sometimes they are driven by cold calculation, sometimes by romantic moods, sometimes by parental desires. But the choice should always remain with the graduate! After all, this is his life, and the profession occupies a rather voluminous place in it. Adolescence is characterized by a period of construction of the future profession. The range of choices for teenagers is great - from the romantic professions of a sailor, astronaut, traveler and polar explorer to a scientist, economist, lawyer and businessman.

At the age of 15-17, young men and women think about their purpose in life. The processes of self-determination permeate almost the entire life paradigm of a teenager. His value orientations, the place he occupies in the system of various relationships, his responsibility to life and much more than the life of a teenager is filled with. Professional self-determination occupies an almost leading position among them at this stage. The high school student understands that there is less and less time left for reflection, and the real image of the profession “looms” in front of him in the vicinity, sometimes frightening him. In such a situation, the help of parents, teachers, people close to the child is very important. This is not to say that adult intervention should take place immediately before leaving school. Of course, the origins of professional self-determination lie in the middle school age, and sometimes even in the younger years.

There are many factors that influence career choice. Significant factors include the following:

Personal interest in the future profession. As a child, a high school student could watch a film where the hero, who owns a particular profession, so impressed him that the image of the future profession was steadily “stuck” in his motivational sphere. Interests are the motives of the individual through which she cognizes the surrounding reality. Interests differ in their content, and the choice of profession depends on this. A high school student may have an interest in mathematics, or physics, or biology, or political science. Interest in these areas of knowledge can be both stable and unstable, temporary, associated with some strong shocks or circumstances. If the interest is stable, then the choice of profession follows a clear vector, and after graduation, the graduate knows exactly what he is striving for. If the interest is unstable, then it may disappear, and a new interest in some area will appear. It is not necessary that the emergence of a new interest should lead to the choice of a new profession. The interest that has arisen can play the role of emotional satisfaction, prompting one to engage in the activity in which interest is shown. And it can become a factor in choosing a profession.

The profession of his parents. This is the most common factor influencing the choice of profession by high school students. But such a choice can be made only when the parents' profession is respectfully spoken of in the home, when the child sees responsibility in the performance of professional duties. When professional problems of parents are constantly discussed in the house. If this coincides with his personal interest, then the “ancestral” profession can become a powerful factor in choosing it for the younger generation of the family.

The profession of an adult significant for a high school student. There are many cases when girls chose the profession of a teacher solely because they were in love with their teacher and admired her professional knowledge and skills. But a friend at home, and a neighbor on the site or in the country can become the standard of the profession. The main thing is the child's confidence in the correct choice of this profession. To do this, it is necessary to teach him to "reconcile" the chosen profession for himself. Correlate the requirements for the performance of professional duties and the personality traits of the young applicant, allowing or hindering the fulfillment of these requirements.

The opinion of close friends or loved ones. This is a powerful factor in choosing a profession, since friendships and love relationships become significant for a high school student and can determine his life paths. In the case when the chosen profession is supported by close friends or loved ones, the high school student has a feeling of comfort and confidence in the desired prospects. If, on the contrary, friends actively dissuade him from his chosen profession or make fun of it, the high school student begins to hesitate even if he has been building prospects for mastering this particular profession for several years.

Available abilities. This is a fairly strong and purposeful factor in choosing a profession. The presence of abilities allows a person to successfully engage in various activities. There are special and general abilities. General abilities are the possibilities for the development of the psyche, a person suitable for various types of activity. It could be the ability to remember. This mental property can be important in different professions. Or ingenuity. Of course, intelligence will not harm a person, no matter what she does. Special abilities just determine the child's ability to develop his personality traits suitable for engaging in certain types of activities. For example, a child from primary school age is fond of chemistry. His special abilities make his work successful and promising. The choice of a profession for such a person is provided at an early stage.

Summarizing the proposed factors for choosing a profession by a high school student, we can conclude that, in principle, by the time he graduates from school, all the conditions for choosing a profession have been prepared. Factors were influencing, parents and teachers held career guidance events, friends applied to attend preparatory courses - everything spun and spun. And this moment of approach

X-hour creates a nervous atmosphere in the relationship between a teenager and parents. This is where parents need to show wisdom and not decide on the professional development of their son or daughter with a cavalry charge.

At senior school age, arbitrary motivation of actions already prevails. This means that the child arbitrarily sets goals for life. He tries to choose independent routes for his future. If a profession has already been chosen, the boy or girl “trying on” school subjects for their future profession and paying more attention to them. This is also influenced by the objectively occurring processes that characterize the senior school age. For an older student, motives related to self-determination and preparation for independent living occupy a significant place in the system of motives. They are in the lead, and it is precisely with this that the choice of a future profession, disputes with parents and the position of an implacable fighter for their independence are connected. For example, the motives underlying learning activities determine the interest of students in the learning process. Thus, cognitive motivation can contribute to the expansion of knowledge in any subject, but the student already chooses priority, in his opinion, school disciplines for the future profession.

A high school student answers several pressing questions at the same time:

* Do I need to get this profession?

* Will it bring me satisfaction?

* Will I be able to master the basic professional knowledge and skills?

* Do I want to master professional knowledge and skills?

Confidence or uncertainty in the answers forms the motives for mastering the chosen profession. But in addition to personal participation in these difficult elections, people close to the child also participate in them - his family. There are families where they decide for the child what profession to choose so that he or she will feel good and comfortable in the future. The tragedy lies in the fact that the assessment of the “goodness” and comfort of the profession by parents and children does not always coincide.

Well, if the motive for mastering a profession is formed. After all, it also happens that a child from childhood already knows who he wants to be. In this case, all the educational aspirations of the high school student "work" to prepare for mastering the chosen profession. This significantly increases his learning activity. There is a joyful coincidence of the motives of school teachers, aimed at teaching schoolchildren the basics of science, and these schoolchildren themselves, assimilating these fundamentals in a systematized and generalized form.

Preparing a senior student for choosing a profession- an important milestone in the team of teachers working in high school. It is solved within the framework of vocational guidance work. Career guidance is determined primarily by the status of the school. But in any school in one form or another, it is carried out. It is great if parents are involved in career guidance events. Then the final product of joint activity will be expressed in a holistic system of sustainable preference for a particular profession. In the literature, they are called "criteria for the effectiveness of vocational guidance". Let's use the developed criteria (E.Yu. Pryazhnikova, N.S. Pryazhnikov) and give them a broader interpretation from the point of view of the role of the school and parents in the use of career guidance methods.

Completeness of taking into account all factors of voluntary choice of profession. The main factors include, first of all, the voluntary choice of a high school student. The chosen profession should please the high school student, he should have the opportunity to master it. This opportunity is determined by a set of certain skills that contribute to the mastery of the chosen profession. The implementation of these factors in the family can go through confidential discussions with the son or daughter of their choice. If the choice of a profession is a continuation of a family tradition, then conversations are supported by plot examples of the application of professional knowledge and skills in family life. At school, a teacher, class teacher, conducting career guidance activities, uses these factors in their activities. It relies on the desire of a high school student to master a particular profession, maintains in him the confidence that the qualities of his personality, his orientation and value relations contribute to the mastery of the chosen profession.

Awareness of planning personal professional prospects. This is a very important factor in assessing the career guidance impact on a high school student. Thinking about the future profession, a high school student rarely thinks broadly, perspectively. His plans usually end somewhere in his second year of college or college. Of course, there are children who think carefully about the prospects of their lives. They have everything planned, put on certain shelves, and they are sure that life will flow along the grooves that they have prepared for it. It is quite possible that this will happen. But life often corrects human activity, and the brightest long-term plans turn into a pile of ashes. Therefore, it is necessary to teach a high school student the ability not only to build his own personal perspective, but also to change some of its blocks and fragments depending on the circumstances.

Independence in planning and implementing personal professional prospects. For a high school student, one of the features of whose age is the desire for independence and self-determination, the acceptance of this condition of career guidance may not seem so difficult. But this is only at first glance. In fact, there may be too much gap between desire and activity. For a high school student, it is important to take the first independent step that moves him to master the profession. If there is a long-term life plan, which reflects, for example, attending preparatory courses, training in certain subjects for which it is necessary to pass the entrance exam at the institute, it is important for him to start acting independently. For example, to go to the institute to the preparatory faculty and get information about the preparatory courses. Not so hot what work, but it testifies to the child's ability to take independent steps in accordance with his life plan.

Relative stability of professional prospects. This criterion is realized at the most significant moments in the life of a high school student. For example, when entering an institute, he must learn to resist external influences that prevent him from fulfilling his plans. These influences can take the form of a classmate or acquaintance who begins to dissuade a high school student from entering this particular institute. External influences can act on the structure of motives and change it. The need for a profession may not seem so significant, and studying at the chosen institute is not so attractive. If a child has developed a stable life perspective, if enthusiasm for a future profession accompanies his life for more than one year, such influences are unlikely to destroy the already established system of motives aimed at mastering the conceived profession.

Realistic and flexible professional perspectives. Flexibility in choosing a profession is manifested primarily by the ability to navigate the labor market. Everyone knows that this market is quite dynamic, and the chosen profession may not always be in demand. The ability to timely make adjustments to professional intentions will greatly help a young person adapt to economic requirements in the field of applying his future professional knowledge and skills.

Perspective of personal professional prospects. This criterion involves the construction of life prospects, taking into account the reality of the surrounding high school student, the world. The career growth of an individual largely depends on the social, economic, cultural and other components of social life. Ignoring them can even take a successful young professional out of the field of figures in demand on the labor market even at the beginning. The choice is up to the young professional. If during career guidance events in the family and school the graduate was taught the ability to correlate these important elements of the life of each person, then the process of postgraduate adaptation can be painless.

Ethical validity of professional elections. Personal consistency is the most painful area of ​​personal self-determination of a high school student. With all his appearance, actions, activities, but most often with heated discussions and explanations, he proves his worth. The ethical viability of choosing a profession can be considered at the moral, value level. Here such parameters as conscience, honesty, dignity, moral maturity are appropriate. The ethical assessment of a high school student's professional choice, as a rule, remains at the level of common sense. There is such a thing as life intuition. So, in many areas it works quite effectively. In choosing a profession, you can also listen to the "voice of the heart or mind."

Optimism about your future. The main thing in the implementation of this criterion is the presence of faith in a high school student in a favorable outcome of his professional claims. In principle, this age is characterized by introspection, the search for the meaning of life and one's place in it. And confidence in the right choice of path will largely determine the correct choice of this place. A high school student, choosing a profession, prepares a social niche for himself. His moral and material condition depends on what this niche will be. The task of parents is unobtrusively, tactfully, without strain to maintain in the child confidence in the correctness of life prospects.

The system of proposed criteria for career guidance impact can be expanded by introducing additional criteria, or it can be narrowed. The main thing is that these criteria will work only under one main condition - the joint career guidance work of the family and the school. When a high school student feels support not only from his parents, people close to him, with similar views on life somewhere, but also from strangers to him with whom he is connected by being at school, then his confidence in the correctness of the constructed route increases. This has a positive effect on the spiritual sphere of a high school student, forming in him the motives of moral self-determination.

To parent notebook

❀ Do not force your son or daughter to choose a profession according to your taste, but no one forbids introducing it to your taste.

❀ Try to discuss his life prospects and take it easy if they seem exotic to you.

❀ Teach your child to evaluate the degree of failure in achieving the goal.

❀ Teach your child to formulate life perspectives correctly.

❀ Discuss with your child the possibilities of his future career growth.

❀ Learn to evaluate your future profession not only by its external characteristics.

❀ Teach your child to think ahead from an early age.

Note to grandma and grandpa

❀ Try to support your grandson or granddaughter in their search for “themselves”.

❀ If parents vigorously object to the chosen profession, it is useful to discuss this at the family council.

❀ Discuss family traditions with your children. It's good to look at old photos.


Surfers and shapers have long insisted on the need to take into account the volume and use of special calculators when buying and designing new boards. Since the introduction of CAD programs into the surfboard design process, it has become much easier to measure volume, and accounting for it has become part of the board design process. Now this is one of the decisive indicators for choosing the right surfboard. However, don't forget to take into account other factors such as the age, weight, level of the individual rider, and the type of waves they usually surf.

Top athletes like Kelly Slater, Karissa Moore, Mick Fanning and Stephanie Gilmour will notice even if the volume of the board differs by only half a liter from the usual. Even this tiny difference can make a difference, especially on professional shortboards. Most beginner surfers don't think about volume at all. They see their friends riding and are just trying to catch something and maintain speed on the wave. In fact, choosing the right board for a beginner can be the deciding factor in whether you become a surfer or quit once and for all.

Calculation of the correct volume of the board

Determining the correct volume for your board requires taking into account a variety of factors: your age, your surfing skills, and the type of wave you're riding. The starting point of the calculation is the dimensions of the surfboard, but the density distribution of the foam also has an effect on how the board behaves.
There is now a lot of information available on the right choice of surfboards, including special calculators and tables, but most of these tools are too general and usually only take into account the weight of the rider. Imagine two surfers. One of them is 25 and the other is 50. Although both surf 5`11`` and weigh 70kg, they most likely use different boards.Herean example of an advanced calculator using additional parameters. This calculator takes into account your age, weight, frequency of surfing, wave type and preferred board design to determine the best surfboard for you.

Calculation of board volume and use of CAD programs.

Just a couple of years ago, volume was rarely used in initial calculations. Most surfers determined the correct volume intuitively by eye and by the weight of the board, imagining how it would behave in the water. And now many say that it works great. If you have some experience with surfing, you can always get a feel for how your surfing will be on a particular board.
CAD programs create a situation where the surfer can easily optimize the volume without the use of special tools. This makes it easier to find the right sizes and choose the right gear. It is easy to calculate and correct the volume of the board, taking into account the distribution of the foam and how the outline relates to the volume.

The volume and shape of the board

Your board may look bigger, but that doesn't mean it's more buoyant. A 6`2`` shortboard can easily have less volume than a 5`4`` board designed for small waves. For example, consider boards with similar measurements. Both are 5`8`` long, 20`` wide, and 2.5`` thick. The first board has an elongated tail, and the second wide. The first has a sharp nose, and the second has a round one. Thus, the second board will have much more volume due to its outline. The first will be more responsive and will behave better on sharp and trumpeting waves. The second will be a flat board for small and weak waves.
On quality waves, extra volume can affect your performance. Yes, rowing will definitely be easier, but the transition between rails and maneuvers will be more difficult.
Conversely, in less good conditions, if your board doesn't have enough volume, you're unlikely to catch many waves. Most likely the board will be constantly heated, which will ruin the surf session.

The influence of the material on the volume of the board

There are many discussions about the relationship between the material of the board and its volume. Someone considers EPS and epoxy boards to be more buoyant than classic polyurethane and polycarbonate boards.
Both options have many supporters for different reasons. Epoxy boards feel lighter, but does that really determine their buoyancy?
It must be remembered that although both designs will have the same volume, your results will be different. And this determines not the volume, but the weight of the board.
And if the rowing is the same, then on the wave the boards will behave completely differently. Using the weight of classic foam will make it easier for you to launch, but on epoxy it is easier to do maneuvers, turns and airs. In not so good conditions, a heavier polyester board will help you move through the wind waves, and a lighter epoxy board is likely to be completely unmanageable.

As a summary, when choosing a board, it is advisable to use volume calculators that cover as many parameters as possible, as well as take into account the conditions in which you most often ride.

Go Surf Translation