Repair Design Furniture

Specifications. Sheet glass. Specifications Determination of residual internal stresses

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1 DEVELOPED by JSC "Institute of Glass" with the participation of NIUPTS "Interregional Window Institute", JSC "Bor Glass Plant"

INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTCS) on December 5, 2001

State name

Name of the public administration body for construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Construction Committee of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Public Utilities of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan






Introduction date 2003-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to sheet glass (hereinafter referred to as glass) intended for glazing translucent building structures, means of transport, furniture, as well as the manufacture of coated glass, mirrors, tempered and laminated glass and other building, technical and household products.

This standard does not apply to reinforced glass, patterned glass, body-dyed glass, coated glass and other types of sheet glass with special properties.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory (except as specified in the text as recommended or reference).

The standard can be used for certification purposes.

2 Normative references

The same, M5 sheet glass of free dimensions, 2000 mm long, 1500 mm wide, 6 mm thick:

Sheet glass M5 - SVR-2000 ´ 1500 ´ 6 GOST 111-2001.

Note - In export-import operations, other symbols are allowed, the content of which is stipulated in agreements (contracts) for the supply.

5 General technical requirements

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 Optical distortions of glass must comply with the requirements specified in Table 4.

Table 4

Name of indicator

Norm for glass grades

Optical distortions visible in transmitted light for glass thickness:

Distortion of screen stripes is not allowed

Not standardized

"Brick wall"

at an angle, deg.

less or equal

more than or equal

Optical distortions visible in reflected light

Deviations of the indicator of the reflected raster are not allowed, mm, more

Not standardized

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

5.1.2 In terms of the number and size of allowed defects, the glass must comply with the requirements specified in Table 5.

Table 5

Glass brand

The total number of allowed defects with a size of more than 0.5 mm per one sheet of glass with an area, m 2

Dimensions of flaws, mm, no more

St. 5 to 10

St. 10 to 15



Not standardized

Not standardized


1 Destructive defects are not allowed.

2 The number of defects up to 0.5 mm in size is not standardized if the distance between them is at least 500 mm. If the distance is less than 500 mm, the number of these defects is included in the total number of allowed defects.

3 It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to establish additional requirements for defects in the glass edge.

4 Classification, terms and definitions of defects are given in Appendix A.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

5.1.3 The coefficient of directional light transmission of glass should correspond to the values ​​specified in table 6.

Table 6

Glass thickness, mm

Coefficient of directional light transmission, not less than

5.1.4 The value of the residual internal stresses of glass, characterized by the difference in the path of rays at birefringence, should not exceed 70 nm/cm.

5.1.5 Water resistance of glass should not be lower than class 4/98 according to GOST 10134.1.

5.1.6 Reference values ​​of the physical and mechanical characteristics of glass, the requirements for which are not required by this standard, are given in Appendix B.

5.2 Marking, packaging

5.2.1 The surface of sheets of glass grades M0, M1, M2, which was not in contact with the molten tin, is marked at the request of the consumer in any way that does not damage the glass.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

5.2.2 Glass is packed in boxes, collapsible bags, L-shaped pyramids, specialized containers for sheet glass or other type of container according to the normative documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

5.2.3 Sheets of glass of the same brand, size and thickness are installed in each unit of container. It is allowed, upon agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to install sheets of glass of different grades, sizes and thicknesses in one container unit.

Glass is installed so that the possibility of displacement of glass sheets relative to each other is excluded.

5.2.4 When packing in containers, measures must be taken to ensure the safety of glass from mechanical damage and precipitation. Sheets of glass must be lined with cushioning materials. As a cushioning material, paper is used according to GOST 16711, GOST 8273 (except for grades Zh and E) or another type of paper that does not contain scratching inclusions, powder materials, polymer-based gaskets and other materials that do not contain scratching inclusions.

By agreement with the consumer, other packaging methods are allowed.

As a packaging material, paper is used according to GOST 515, GOST 8828, polyethylene film according to GOST 10354, etc., while the stack of glass on both sides is covered with packaging material over the entire surface of the glass, the edges are folded, forming a package.

As a sealing material, wood chips are used according to GOST 5244, fiberboards according to GOST 4598, corrugated cardboard according to GOST 7376, etc.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

5.2.5 Glass shipped to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas is packed in accordance with GOST 15846.

5.2.6 A label is attached to each container, indicating:

Identification number of the products installed in this unit of packaging, or the designation of the packer;

Shipment date.

It is allowed to indicate additional information in the label, the decoding of which is given in the manufacturer's technical documentation.

5.2.7 Transport marking is carried out in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs: “Fragile. Caution", "Top", "Keep away from moisture".

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Acceptance of glass for compliance with the requirements of this standard is carried out in batches. The batch is considered the amount of glass, issued by one quality document.

6.2 Glass is subjected to acceptance tests according to 4.4 - 4.8, 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and periodic tests according to 5.1.3 - 5.1.5.

6.3 Acceptance tests

6.3.1 Checking a batch of glass for compliance with the requirements of 4.4 - 4.8, 5.1.2 is carried out according to a two-stage control plan in accordance with table 7.

Table 7

Lot volume, pcs.

Control plan stage

Sample size, pcs.

Total sample size, pcs.

acceptance number

Rejection number

Up to 90 incl.

St. 90 » 150 »

» 150 » 280 »

» 280 » 500 »

St. 500 to 1200 incl.

» 1200 » 3200 »

6.3.2 The lot is considered accepted if the number of defective sheets in the sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number indicated in Table 7 for the first stage of the control plan, and rejected if the number of defective sheets is greater than or equal to the rejection number.

If the number of defective sheets in the first sample is greater than the acceptance number, but less than the rejection number, a sample of the size indicated in Table 7 for the second stage of the control plan should be taken from the same lot and the tests should be repeated for all controlled indicators indicated in 6.3.1.

After re-checking the indicators, a batch of glass sheets is considered accepted if the total number of defective sheets in the samples for the first and second stages of the control plan is less than or equal to the acceptance number indicated for the second stage, and is considered not accepted if the total number of defective sheets in the samples for the first and the second stage of the control plan is equal to or greater than the rejection number indicated in table 7 for the second stage of the control plan.

6.3.3 To check optical distortions (clause 5.1.1), a sample is made from the number of sheets accepted according to 6.3.1 - 6.3.2, with the volume indicated in table 8.

Table 8

The batch is considered accepted if all sheets meet the requirements of 5.1.1. If at least one sheet does not comply with the requirements of 5.1.1, a re-check is carried out for this indicator on a double number of sheets. If unsatisfactory re-check results are obtained on more than one sheet, the lot is considered not accepted.

6.4 Periodic tests

6.4.1 Checking the glass for compliance with 5.1.3 (directional light transmittance) is carried out on three samples once every three months and when the production technology changes.

6.4.2 Checking the glass for compliance with 5.1.4 (value of residual internal stresses) is carried out on five samples once every three months and when the production technology is changed.

6.4.3 Checking glass for compliance with 5.1.5 (water resistance) is carried out on three samples once a year and when the production technology changes.

6.4.4 If unsatisfactory results of periodic tests are obtained on at least one sample, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples.

The results of repeated tests are extended to the entire batch.

Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of repeated tests, the batch is rejected and tests for this indicator are transferred to acceptance tests until positive results are obtained for at least two batches in a row.

6.5 The manufacturer has the right to establish other control plans in his technical documentation, provided that the number of tested samples is not less, and the frequency of testing is not less than that established by this standard.

6.6 Each batch of glass is accompanied by a quality document, which indicates:

Name and / or trademark of the manufacturer;

Symbol for glass;

The number of glass sheets, pieces, and the total area, m 2;

Number of containers, boxes, etc., pcs.;

Information about glass certification;

The number and date of the document.

7 Control methods

7.1 Determination of thickness and variation in thickness

7.1.1 Essence of the method

The method is based on measuring linear dimensions and calculating the magnitude of deviations from the given values.

7.1.2 Sampling

Tests are carried out on finished products selected in accordance with 6.3.1.

7.1.3 Means of control (measurements)

A set of probes of an accuracy class of at least 2 according to normative documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

7.6.4 Conducting the test

A square is alternately applied to each corner of the glass sheet so that one measuring surface of the square is pressed against the edge of the glass. The distance (gap) between the second measuring surface of the square and the edge of the glass is controlled by a probe, the thickness of which is equal to the maximum allowable value of the deviation from squareness, established in accordance with 4.8.

7.6.5 Evaluation of results

Glass is considered to have passed the test if the probe does not enter the gap.

7.7 Determination of optical distortions visible in transmitted light

7.7.1 Determination of optical distortions of glass grades M0, M1, M2, M3 The essence of the method consists in viewing a zebra-type screen through glass, which is a system of equally spaced black and white stripes inclined at an angle of 45° to the horizon.

Optical distortions are characterized by the maximum angle between the direction of observation and the perpendicular to the plane of the glass sample, at which there is no change in the shape of the screen stripes and their "blurring". Sampling

Tests are carried out on samples with a size of at least 300x400 mm. Apparatus

Installation for determining optical distortions (Figure 1), consisting of:

A flat screen on which black and white stripes (25±1) mm wide are applied at an angle of (45±1)°;

A holder with a frame for placing samples, equipped with a dial with a division value of 1 ° and capable of rotating around a vertical axis.

Lighting devices (lamps), the power and location of which must ensure the illumination of the screen is not less than 1000 lux.

1 - zebra screen; 2 - illuminators; 3 - Rotary table; 4 - limbo; 5 - observer; 6 - viewing angle (Z); 7 - glass sample

Picture 1 Conducting the test

Tests are carried out in a darkened room. The glass sample is fixed in the holder frame. In this case, the direction of glass pulling must be vertical. A standardized angle is set on the limb of the holder in accordance with 5.1.1.

The observer takes the position of observation (see Figure 1) and views the screen through the glass sample. Moving the observer, sample and screen relative to each other at the time of observation is not allowed. Evaluation of results

The sample is considered to have passed the test if there is no change in the shape of the screen stripes and their “blurring” during viewing. Single filiform distortions with an angle below the standard, if there are no more than two of them per 1 m of the sample length, are not taken into account.

The error of determination is 5°.

7.7.2 Determination of optical distortions of glass grades M4, M5, M6 The essence of the method is to look through the glass of a "brick wall" type screen. Optical distortions characterize the minimum angle between the direction of observation and the plane of the glass sheet, at which there is no distortion of the shape of the screen bricks and "blurring" of the lines that form them. Sampling

Tests are carried out on samples with a width of (400 ± 50) mm, a length of 400 to 1600 mm. Sheets of glass of large dimensions are cut into samples of the indicated dimensions. Apparatus

Installation for determining optical distortions (Figure 2), consisting of:

A flat white screen measuring [(1030±5)´(665±5)] mm, on which an image of a brick wall is applied with black matte paint (Figure 3). The dimensions of the brick for the screen image should be [(250±1)´(65±1)] mm, the distance between the bricks and their parts - (10±1) mm, the thickness of the contour lines of the image - (3±1) mm;

1 - observer; 2 - limbus; 3 - viewing angle; 4 - sample; 5 - screen "brick wall"; 6 - Rotary table; 7 - carriage

Figure 2

Figure 3

- a turntable with a carriage and a holder for fastening and moving a sheet of glass relative to the screen and the observer or recording device. The turntable must be equipped with a dial with a division value of 1°.

The installation for determining optical distortions should be located in a room with artificial lighting that does not give glare on the screen and glass surface.

The walls and ceiling of the room should have a light matte surface that scatters light. One wall should serve as a backdrop for the screen.

Screen illumination should be between 400 and 500 lux. Conducting the test

The glass sample is fixed in the holder frame. In this case, the direction of glass pulling must be vertical. A standardized angle is set on the limb of the holder in accordance with 5.1.1. The observer occupies a place of observation (see Figure 2) and views the central area of ​​the screen no more than 700 mm wide and no more than 500 mm high. The sample is viewed along its entire length. Moving the observer, sample and screen relative to each other at the time of observation is not allowed. Evaluation of results

The sample is considered to have passed the test if, when viewed, there is no change in the shape of the bricks and “blurring” of the lines that form them.

The error of determination is 5°.

7.7.3 For the determination of optical distortions visible in transmitted light, the method given in Annex B may be used in addition to those given in 7.7.1 and 7.7.2.

7.8 Determination of optical distortions visible in reflected light

7.8.1 Method essence

The method consists in projecting onto the screen a picture of equally spaced bands after reflection from the surface of a controlled glass sample and measuring the deviations of the resulting picture from the established indicators.

7.8.2 Sampling

Tests are carried out on glass samples with a size of at least 300x400 mm.

7.8.3 Apparatus and fixtures

Installation for determining optical distortions (Figure 4), consisting of:

A slide projector that gives an image of a raster grating on the screen;

Transparency film - a linear raster made of a transparent material (for example, photographic film) with opaque parallel lines applied to it with a raster pitch equal to (0.293 ± 0.005) mm (raster pitch - the total width of the dark and light stripes);

Flat white screen with a size of at least 300x600 mm (should be rigidly fixed);

Devices for installing a glass sample (should have a longitudinal groove to move the glass along the screen).

A control glass sample with a size of at least 300×400 mm.

7.8.4 Test preparation

A control sample is placed in the glass fitting.

* Specify when setting up equipment.

1 - a slide projector with a slide; 2 - screen; 3 - control or test sample; 4 - fixture for setting the sample

Figure 4

The slide projector is installed next to the screen so that the angle of incidence of the light flux on the control glass sample fixed in the device is no more than 10°.

Turn on the slide projector and, by adjusting the distance between the screen and the control sample, ensure that the pitch of the reflected raster on the screen IN amounted to (30±1) mm.

When determining the raster pitch on the screen, the total width of several dark and light stripes should be measured. For example, for five dark and light stripes, the total width should be 150 mm.

After adjusting the distances between the installation elements, the position of the overhead projector and the fixture for installing the sample is strictly fixed.

7.8.5 Testing

The test is carried out in a darkened room.

The test sample of glass is placed in the device for installing the sample so that the direction of production is parallel to the stripes of the reflected raster.

Sequentially moving the glass along the screen, the areas of the greatest distortions are marked, which have the form of areas of expanded and narrowed strips of the reflected raster bordering each other.

The raster pitch is measured in places of greatest expansion INmax and the greatest narrowing INmin metal ruler. Measurement error - 1 mm.

If the measurement of the pitch of the reflected raster is difficult due to the blurring of the edges of the stripes and glare from the rear surface of the glass, the assessment is made using the most clearly defined borders of the black raster stripes.

7.8.6 Handling results

Distortion value WITH, mm, calculated by the formula

C= INmax - INmin. (2)

If only widened or narrowed areas of the reflected raster are detected when viewing the glass, or if there are more than 10 steps of an undistorted raster between the boundaries of these areas (B = 30 mm), then the distortion value is determined by the formulas:

For extended areas

C= INmax - 30; (3)

For tight spaces

C=30 - INmin. (4)

The permissible error of determination is ±1 mm.

For the value of the deviation of the indicator of the reflected raster (optical distortions visible in reflected light), the largest distortion value is taken WITH.

7.8.7 Evaluation of results

A glass sample is considered to have passed the test if the deviation of the reflected raster index meets the requirements of 5.1.1.

7.9 Determining the number and size of defects

7.9.1 Method essence

The method is based on visual inspection of the glass and measurement of the linear dimensions of the defects found.

7.9.2 Sampling

Tests are carried out on finished products selected in accordance with 6.3.1.

7.9.3 Means of control (measurements)

Magnifying glass with a division value of not more than 0.25 mm in accordance with GOST 25706.

Elbow of accuracy class not lower than 2 according to GOST 3749.

Roulette with a division price of not more than 1 mm in accordance with GOST 7502.

7.9.4 Testing

The test is carried out in transmitted light under diffused daylight or similar artificial light (without direct light).

The glass sheet is placed vertically. The illumination of the surface of the glass sheet must be at least 300 lux.

Visual inspection is carried out by an observer, who must be at a distance of (0.6 ± 0.1) m from the glass sheet.

If defects are detected, their number is counted, the dimensions are measured and, if necessary, the distance between them.

The size of the defects is determined by the largest clearly defined visible outlines without taking into account optical distortions.

Defects less than 1 mm in size are measured with a magnifying glass, 1 mm or more in size - with a metal ruler. Local defects are measured in two mutually perpendicular directions, the arithmetic mean of two measurements is taken as the size of the defect. Damage to the corners is measured using a square and a metal ruler.

The distance between defects is measured between their centers with a ruler or tape measure.

7.9.5 Evaluation of results

Glass is considered to have passed the test if the average number and size of defects in the sample meet the requirements of 5.1.2.

7.10 Determination of directional light transmittance

The directional light transmittance is determined according to GOST 26302 with an error of no more than 1%.

7.11 Determination of residual internal stresses

The value of residual internal stresses, characterized by the difference in the path of rays during birefringence, is determined according to GOST 3519. During testing, the glass sample is installed so that the light beam passes through the transparent ends of the sample parallel to the edges.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

7.12 Determination of water resistance

The water resistance of glass is determined according to GOST 10134.1.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Glass is transported by any means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. Placement and fastening in vehicles - in accordance with the Technical conditions for loading and fastening cargo.

8.2 When transporting a container with glass, it must be placed so that the ends of the glass sheets are located in the direction of transport, and fixed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of its movement and swing during transportation.

8.3 During storage, transportation, loading and unloading of glass, measures must be taken to ensure its safety from mechanical damage and precipitation.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

During storage, glass sheets should be installed on racks or pyramids on rubber or felt pads in an inclined position with an angle of inclination to the vertical from 5 to 15 °.

It is allowed to store glass in a container (except for containers) provided that the container, gasket, sealing and packaging materials have not been moistened, while meeting the other requirements of this section.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

9 Instructions for use

9.1 When unpacking the shipping container, storing and operating glass, it is not allowed:

Mutual contact of glasses without laying paper between them, as well as touching on solid objects;

Wiping the glass with a hard cloth and a cloth containing scratching inclusions;

Hitting with hard objects;

Cleaning dry glass with hard brushes without flushing fluid;

Long-term presence of moisture on the glass surface;

Operation in an aggressive environment.

9.2 In the manufacture of glass of specific types of products, the selection of the required glass grades is carried out according to the regulatory (design, design) documentation for this type of product.

9.3 The rules for mounting glass in translucent structures are established in the regulatory (project, design) documentation for these structures.

10 Manufacturer's warranties

10.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the glass with the requirements of this standard, subject to the rules of operation, packaging, transportation and storage.

10.2 The warranty period of glass operation is 20 years.



Classification, terms and definitions of sheet glass defects

A.1 According to their nature and cause of occurrence, defects are divided into inclusions (glass defects), molding defects, defects caused by mechanical damage, and other defects.

The terms and definitions of the main types of visible flaws in sheet glass are given in Table A.1.

Table A.1


1 Inclusions (glass defects)

Destructive inclusion

Inclusion in glass, accompanied by cracks and (or) cuts

Non-destructive inclusion

Inclusion in glass, not accompanied by cracks and (or) cuts

1.1 Gaseous inclusions

Cavity in glass of various sizes and shapes

closed bubble

A bubble whose cavity is located in the thickness of the glass and does not communicate with the external environment

open bubble

A bubble whose cavity extends to the surface of the glass and communicates with the environment

surface bubble

A bubble located in close proximity to the glass surface and accompanied by deformation of the glass surface layer

capillary bladder

A capillary vesicle that is ten or more times its diameter in length

Bubble, the size of which does not exceed 1 mm

1.2 Crystal inclusions

Inclusions in glass of various sizes, shapes and colors, having a crystalline structure: a product of the destruction of refractories (refractory stone, black dot), lack of fusion of the charge (charge stone, black dot), a glass crystallization product (rux), scale

1.3 Vitreous inclusions

An inclusion having a vitreous structure that differs in chemical composition and physical properties from the base glass

Inner streak

A streak that is in the thickness of the glass and does not affect the quality of the surface

Surface striation

Swirl located in close proximity to the glass surface and accompanied by deformation of the glass surface layer

Rough winding

Local striation with a pronounced interface, clearly visible to the naked eye

Filiform striation

A streak that has the form of a clear or fuzzy, sharply limited or with a gradual transition into the mass of glass of a thread or a bundle of threads

Nodal striation

Rough striation with filiform striations extending from it

Surface striation in the form of a drop of foreign glass that has retained its shape, colorless or slightly colored

2 Molding defects

Roll prints

Small depressions on the surface of the glass, sometimes accompanied by a coating of white or gray


Small deformations of the glass surface in the form of bulges and concavities, creating a continuous characteristic distorting pattern in the form of spots, ripples of varying intensity

Sticky crumb

Fine glass particles welded to the surface of a glass sheet

3 Defects caused by mechanical damage


Acute mechanical damage to the glass surface in the form of a dash. Depending on the width, coarse and hairy scratches are distinguished.

polished scratch

Scratch with blurry (melted) edges


Mechanical damage to the glass surface in the form of a continuous or intermittent strip, causing a deterioration in transparency

Violation of the glass sheet geometry in the form of a recess on the end surface

Violation of the glass sheet geometry in the form of a protrusion on the end surface

broken corner

Violation of the geometry of the corner of a glass sheet caused by breaking off a part of the glass

Violation of the integrity of the glass, passing through the entire thickness

Glass breakage that does not penetrate the full thickness of the glass and has a limited length

4 Other vices


Matte coating or iridescent coloration on the glass surface in the form of spots of various sizes and shapes

Adhesion of tin oxide particles to the glass surface

Turbidity of the glass surface of bluish, grayish-white, grayish-yellow and other shades after the secondary heat treatment of glass

A.2 According to the nature of the impact on glass, defects are divided into destructive and non-destructive.

Destructive defects - cracks, cuts, as well as other types of defects, accompanied by cracks and (or) cuts.

Non-destructive defects - any types of defects that are not related to destructive.

A.3 In terms of shape and size, defects are divided into local and linear.

Local - defects that have approximately the same size in different directions.

Linear - defects in which one of the linear dimensions significantly exceeds the others.

Note - When classifying defects as local or linear, only their shape and size are taken into account. As a rule, local defects include inclusions, chips, protrusions, broken corners, while linear defects include scratches, abrasions, cracks.



Physical and mechanical characteristics of sheet glass

Table B.1

Name of indicator

Reference value

Density (at 18 °C)

Compressive strength

700 - 900 MPa

Tensile strength

Bending strength

Thermal conductivity

1.0 W/(m´K)

Modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus)

Poisson's ratio

Temperature coefficient of linear expansion (in the temperature range from 20 to 300 °C)

9.0´10 -6 K -1

Heat absorption capacity

720 J/(kg×K)

Softening temperature

Moon hardness

Heat transfer coefficient

5.8 W / (m 2 × K)

Refractive index

Directional light reflectance



Method for determining the optical distortions of flat glass

B.1 Nature of the method

The method for determining optical distortions is based on a decrease in the magnitude of the video signal pulses of a TV camera that “views” the screen (a grid of black lines on a white background) through a sheet of glass, if there are defects in it that lead to optical distortions.

B.2 Apparatus

Installation consisting of:

Television installation with a resolution of at least 200 lines;

Frequency meter with an input impedance of at least 10 MΩ, a minimum voltage value of the recorded signal of not more than 0.2 V and a measurement range of 0 to 1 MHz;

An electronic device that extracts pulses from a television signal corresponding to the difference between the levels of white and black. The signal at the input of the device must have a positive polarity and an amplitude of at least 0.3 V;

Screen size not less than (600´800) mm. On the white field of the screen, cells with a size of [(80´60) ± 2] mm should be applied with black matte paint; the lines forming them are inclined at an angle of (45 ± 1) ° to the horizon and have a thickness of (5.0 ± 0.5) mm; screen illumination - from 100 to 1000 lux with unevenness of not more than 50 lux over the screen field;

Sample holder equipped with a limb for measuring the angles between the plane of the glass sample and the direction of observation of the TV camera with a division value of 1°; when the direction of observation coincides with the plane of the glass sheet, the angle is 0°;

A lens with a focal length of (135 ± 5) mm and an aperture value of at least 3.5.

The installation diagram is shown in Figure B.1.

1 - screen; 2 - sample holder; 3 - television installation; 4 - electronic device; 5 - frequency meter

Figure B.1 - Scheme of installation for determining the optical distortions of glass

By changing the f-number, adjust the setting so that for glasses of grades M0, M1, M2, M3 it registers the presence of optical distortions at an optical power of defects of 0.08 diopters, and for glasses of grades M4, M5, M6 - at 0.2 diopters.

B.3 Sampling

Tests are carried out on glass samples with a width of (200 ± 50) mm along the direction of stretching and a length of 400 to 1600 mm. Sheets of glass of large dimensions are cut into samples of the indicated dimensions.

B.4 Testing

Before installing the sample on the display of the frequency meter, read the readings (number N 0). Place the sample in the sample holder so that the pull direction is vertical. The angle on the limb of the holder shall comply with 5.1.1 of this standard. Then the readings of the frequency meter are read (number N x). The sample is viewed by a TV camera along its entire length, sequentially moving the carriage.

B.5 Processing of results

The glass sample corresponds to the specified quality indicator (on the limb of the holder, the angle is according to 5.1.1), if the condition is met



Information about the developers of the standard

This International Standard has been developed by a working group consisting of:

Chesnokov A.G., Ph.D. tech. Sciences (Head), JSC "Institute of Glass"

Shvedov N.V., Gosstroy of Russia

Vasiliev S.K., Institute of Glass OJSC

Emelyanova O.A., Institute of Glass OJSC

Kurenkova A.Yu., NUEPC "Interregional Window Institute"

Manevich V.E., Professor, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, JSC "Institute of Glass"

Popov Yu.M., JSC "Bor glass factory"

Savich B.C., Federal State Unitary Enterprise CNS

Solovieva I.N., JSC "Institute of Glass"

Storonkina T.P., JSC "Bor glass factory"

Fakhretdinova R.S., Institute of Glass OJSC

Cheremkhina E.A., Institute of Glass OJSC

Chesnokov S.A., MEPhI

Chuplygin V.N., JSC "Bor glass factory"

Keywords: sheet glass, characteristics, packaging, marking, control methods

1 area of ​​use. 1

3 Definitions. 2

4 Classification, main parameters and dimensions .. 2

5 General technical requirements. 3

5.1 Characteristics. 3

5.2 Marking, packaging. 4

6 Acceptance rules. 5

7 Methods of control. 7

7.1 Determination of thickness and variation in thickness. 7

7.2 Determination of length and width.. 7

7.3 Determining the difference in the lengths of the diagonals. 7

7.4 Determination of deviation from flatness. 8

7.5 Determination of the deviation from the straightness of the edges. 8

7.6 Determination of deviation from squareness of corners. 8

7.7 Determination of optical distortions visible in transmitted light. 9

7.8 Determination of optical distortions visible in reflected light. eleven

7.9 Determining the number and size of defects. 12

7.10 Determination of the directional light transmittance. 13

7.11 Determination of residual internal stresses. 13

7.12 Determination of water resistance. 13

8 Transportation and storage. 13

9 Instructions for use. 13

10 Manufacturer's Warranties. 14

Annex A Classification, terms and definitions of sheet glass defects. 14

Appendix B Physical and mechanical characteristics of sheet glass. 15

Annex B Method for determination of optical distortions of sheet glass. 15

Appendix D Information about the developers of the standard. 17

GOST 111-2001







1 DEVELOPED by JSC "Institute of Glass" with the participation of NIUPTS "Interregional Window Institute", JSC "Bor Glass Plant"

INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTCS) on December 5, 2001

State name

Name of the public administration body for construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Construction Committee of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Public Utilities of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

4.5 Limit deviations of dimensions along the length and width of the glass sheet should not exceed the values ​​specified in the table .

Table 2

In millimeters

Roulette with a division price of not more than 1 mm in accordance with GOST 7502.

7.9.4 Testing

The test is carried out in transmitted light under diffused daylight or similar artificial light (without direct light).

The glass sheet is placed vertically. The illumination of the surface of the glass sheet must be at least 300 lux.

Visual inspection is carried out by an observer, who must be at a distance of (0.6 ± 0.1) m from the glass sheet.

If defects are detected, their number is counted, the dimensions are measured and, if necessary, the distance between them.

The size of the defects is determined by the largest clearly defined visible outlines without taking into account optical distortions.

Defects less than 1 mm in size are measured with a magnifying glass, 1 mm or more in size - with a metal ruler. Local defects are measured in two mutually perpendicular directions, the arithmetic mean of two measurements is taken as the size of the defect. Damage to the corners is measured using a square and a metal ruler.

The distance between defects is measured between their centers with a ruler or tape measure.

7.9.5 Evaluation of results

Glass is considered to have passed the test if the average number and size of defects in the sample meet the requirements.

7.10 Determination of directional light transmittance

The directional light transmittance is determined according to GOST 26302 with an error of no more than 1%.

7.11 Determination of residual internal stresses

The value of residual internal stresses, characterized by the difference in the path of rays during birefringence, is determined according to GOST 3519. During testing, the glass sample is installed so that the light beam passes through the transparent ends of the sample parallel to the faces.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

7.12 Determination of water resistance

The water resistance of glass is determined according to GOST 10134.1.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Glass is transported by any means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. Placement and fastening in vehicles - in accordance with the Technical conditions for loading and fastening cargo.

8.2 When transporting a container with glass, it must be placed so that the ends of the glass sheets are located in the direction of transport, and fixed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of its movement and swing during transportation.

8.3 During storage, transportation, loading and unloading of glass, measures must be taken to ensure its safety from mechanical damage and precipitation.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

During storage, glass sheets should be installed on racks or pyramids on rubber or felt pads in an inclined position with an angle of inclination to the vertical from 5 to 15 °.

It is allowed to store glass in a container (except for containers) provided that the container, gasket, sealing and packaging materials have not been moistened, while meeting the other requirements of this section.

Amendment dated March 31, 2003

9 Instructions for use

9.1 When unpacking the shipping container, storing and operating glass, it is not allowed:

Mutual contact of glasses without laying paper between them, as well as touching on solid objects;

Wiping the glass with a hard cloth and a cloth containing scratching inclusions;

Hitting with hard objects;

Cleaning dry glass with hard brushes without flushing fluid;

Long-term presence of moisture on the glass surface;

Operation in an aggressive environment.

9.2 In the manufacture of glass of specific types of products, the selection of the required glass grades is carried out according to the regulatory (design, design) documentation for this type of product.

9.3 The rules for mounting glass in translucent structures are established in the regulatory (project, design) documentation for these structures.

10 Manufacturer's warranties

10.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the glass with the requirements of this standard, subject to the rules of operation, packaging, transportation and storage.

10.2 The warranty period of glass operation is 20 years.



Classification, terms and definitions of sheet glass defects

A.1 According to their nature and cause of occurrence, defects are divided into inclusions (glass defects), molding defects, defects caused by mechanical damage, and other defects.

The terms and definitions of the main types of visible defects of sheet glass are given in the table.

Table A.1



1 Inclusions (glass defects)

Destructive inclusion

Inclusion in glass, accompanied by cracks and (or) cuts

Non-destructive inclusion

Inclusion in glass, not accompanied by cracks and (or) cuts

1.1 Gaseous inclusions


Cavity in glass of various sizes and shapes

closed bubble

A bubble whose cavity is located in the thickness of the glass and does not communicate with the external environment

open bubble

A bubble whose cavity extends to the surface of the glass and communicates with the environment

surface bubble

A bubble located in close proximity to the glass surface and accompanied by deformation of the glass surface layer

capillary bladder

A capillary vesicle that is ten or more times its diameter in length


Bubble, the size of which does not exceed 1 mm

1.2 Crystal inclusions


Inclusions in glass of various sizes, shapes and colors, having a crystalline structure: a product of the destruction of refractories (refractory stone, black dot), lack of fusion of the charge (charge stone, black dot), a glass crystallization product (rux), scale

1.3 Vitreous inclusions


An inclusion having a vitreous structure that differs in chemical composition and physical properties from the base glass

Inner streak

A streak that is in the thickness of the glass and does not affect the quality of the surface

Surface striation

Swirl located in close proximity to the glass surface and accompanied by deformation of the glass surface layer

Rough winding

Local striation with a pronounced interface, clearly visible to the naked eye

Filiform striation

A streak that has the form of a clear or fuzzy, sharply limited or with a gradual transition into the mass of glass of a thread or a bundle of threads

Nodal striation

Rough striation with filiform striations extending from it


Surface striation in the form of a drop of foreign glass that has retained its shape, colorless or slightly colored

2 Molding defects

Roll prints

Small depressions on the surface of the glass, sometimes accompanied by a coating of white or gray


Small deformations of the glass surface in the form of bulges and concavities, creating a continuous characteristic distorting pattern in the form of spots, ripples of varying intensity

Sticky crumb

Fine glass particles welded to the surface of a glass sheet

3 Defects caused by mechanical damage


Acute mechanical damage to the glass surface in the form of a dash. Depending on the width, coarse and hairy scratches are distinguished.

polished scratch

Scratch with blurred (melted) edges


Mechanical damage to the glass surface in the form of a continuous or intermittent strip, causing a deterioration in transparency


Violation of the glass sheet geometry in the form of a recess on the end surface


Violation of the glass sheet geometry in the form of a protrusion on the end surface

broken corner

Violation of the geometry of the corner of a glass sheet caused by breaking off a part of the glass


Violation of the integrity of the glass, passing through the entire thickness


Glass breakage that does not penetrate the full thickness of the glass and has a limited length

4 Other vices


Matte coating or iridescent coloration on the glass surface in the form of spots of various sizes and shapes


Adhesion of tin oxide particles to the glass surface


Turbidity of the glass surface of bluish, grayish-white, grayish-yellow and other shades after the secondary heat treatment of glass

A.2 According to the nature of the impact on glass, defects are divided into destructive and non-destructive.

Destructive defects - cracks, cuts, as well as other types of defects, accompanied by cracks and (or) cuts.

Non-destructive defects - any types of defects that are not related to destructive.

A.3 In terms of shape and size, defects are divided into local and linear.

Local - defects that have approximately the same size in different directions.

Linear - defects in which one of the linear dimensions significantly exceeds the others.

Note - When classifying defects as local or linear, only their shape and size are taken into account. As a rule, local defects include inclusions, chips, protrusions, broken corners, while linear defects include scratches, abrasions, cracks.



Physical and mechanical characteristics of sheet glass

Table B.1

Name of indicator

Reference value

Density (at 18 °C)

2500 kg/m3

Compressive strength

700 - 900 MPa

Tensile strength

30 M n a

Bending strength

15 M n a

Thermal conductivity

1.0 W/(m ´ TO)

Modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus)

7 ´ 10 10 Pa

Poisson's ratio

Temperature coefficient of linear expansion (in the temperature range from 20 to 300 °C)

9,0 ´ 10-6K-1

Heat absorption capacity

720 J/(kg × TO)

Softening temperature

600 °С

Moon hardness

6 units

Heat transfer coefficient

5.8 W / (m 2 × TO)

Refractive index

Directional reflectance of light




Method for determining the optical distortions of flat glass

B.1 Nature of the method

The method for determining optical distortions is based on a decrease in the magnitude of the video signal pulses of a TV camera that "views" the screen (a grid of black lines on a white background) through a sheet of glass, if there are defects in it that lead to optical distortions.

B.2 Apparatus

Installation consisting of:

Television installation with a resolution of at least 200 lines;

Frequency meter with an input impedance of at least 10 MΩ, a minimum voltage value of the recorded signal of not more than 0.2 V and a measurement range of 0 to 1 MHz;

An electronic device that extracts pulses from a television signal corresponding to the difference between the levels of white and black. The signal at the input of the device must have a positive polarity and an amplitude of at least 0.3 V;

Screen size at least (600´ 800) mm. On the white field of the screen, cells should be applied with black matte paint, size [(80´ 60 )±2] mm; the lines forming them are inclined at an angle of (45 ± 1) ° to the horizon and have a thickness of (5.0 ± 0.5) mm; screen illumination - from 100 to 1000 lux with unevenness of not more than 50 lux over the screen field;

Sample holder equipped with a limb for measuring the angles between the plane of the glass sample and the direction of observation of the TV camera with a division value of 1°; when the direction of observation coincides with the plane of the glass sheet, the angle is 0°;

A lens with a focal length of (135 ± 5) mm and an aperture value of at least 3.5.

The installation diagram is shown in the figure.

1 - screen; 2 - sample holder; 3 - television installation; 4 - electronic device; 5 - frequency meter

Figure B.1 - Scheme of installation for determining the optical distortions of glass

By changing the f-number, adjust the setting so that for glass grades M0, M1, M 2, M3, it registered the presence of optical distortions at an optical power of defects of 0.08 diopters, and for glasses of grades M4, M5, M6 - at 0.2 diopters.

B.3 Sampling

Tests are carried out on glass samples with a width of (200 ± 50) mm along the direction of stretching and a length of 400 to 1600 mm. Sheets of glass of large dimensions are cut into samples of the indicated dimensions.

B.4 Testing

Before installing the sample on the display of the frequency meter, read the readings (numberN 0 ). Place the sample in the sample holder so that the pull direction is vertical. The angle on the limb of the holder shall be in accordance with this standard. Then the readings of the frequency meter are read (numberN x). The sample is viewed by a TV camera along its entire length, sequentially moving the carriage.

B.5 Processing of results

The glass sample corresponds to the specified quality indicator (on the limb of the holder, the angle is at ) if the condition is met

.(IN 1)



Information about the developers of the standard

This International Standard has been developed by a working group consisting of:

Chesnokov A.G., Ph.D. tech. Sciences (Head), JSC "Institute of Glass"

Shvedov N.V., Gosstroy of Russia

Vasiliev S.K., Institute of Glass OJSC

Emelyanova O.A., Institute of Glass OJSC

Kurenkova A.Yu., NUEPC "Interregional Window Institute"

Manevich V.E., Professor, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, JSC "Institute of Glass"

Popov Yu.M., JSC "Bor glass factory"

Savic B . C ., FGUP CNS

Solovieva I.N., JSC "Institute of Glass"

Storonkina T.P., JSC "Bor glass factory"

Fakhretdinova R.S., Institute of Glass OJSC

Cheremkhina E.A., Institute of Glass OJSC

Chesnokov S.A., MEPhI

Chuplygin V.N., JSC "Bor glass factory"

Keywords: sheet glass, characteristics, packaging, marking, control methods




Calibration squares 90°. Specifications

GOST 4598-86

Wood fiber boards. Specifications

GOST 5244-79

Wood shavings. Specifications

GOST 6507-90

Micrometers. Specifications

GOST 7376-89

Corrugated cardboard. General specifications

GOST 7502-89

Roulettes measuring metal. Specifications

GOST 8273-75

Wrapping paper. Specifications

Base paper and two-layer waterproof packaging paper. Specifications

GOST 9416-83

Building levels. Specifications

GOST 10134.1-82

Inorganic glass and glass-ceramic materials. Methods for determining water resistance at 98 ° C

The film is polyethylene. Specifications

Cargo marking

Products sent to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 16711-84

Waxed paper base. Specifications

GOST 25706-83

Loupes. Types, basic parameters. General specifications

(GOST 26302-93)

GOST 26302-93

Glass. Methods for determining the coefficient of directional transmission and reflection of light

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms apply with their respective definitions:

Sheet glass is colorless, transparent soda-lime silicate glass, produced by float or vertical drawing without any additional surface treatment, in the form of flat rectangular sheets, the thickness of which is small in relation to the length and width.

Solid Size Glass - Glass manufactured and delivered to customer specifications.

Free-size glass – glass manufactured and supplied in a factory range of sizes.

4 Classification, main parameters and dimensions

4.1 Glass must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 Glass, in accordance with its optical distortions and permissible defects, is divided into grades: MO, Ml, M2, MZ, M4, M5, Mb, M7.

4.3 Glass, depending on the size category, is divided into:

solid size glass (TR);

free size glass (SVR).

4.4 The nominal thickness, limit deviations in thickness and thickness variation of the glass sheet must correspond to those specified in Table 1.

Table 1In millimeters

4.5 Limit deviations of dimensions along the length and width of the glass sheet should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 2.

Table 2In millimeters

4.6 The difference in the lengths of the glass sheet diagonals should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 3.

Table 3In millimeters

4.7 The flatness deviation of the glass sheet shall not exceed 0.1% of the length of the smallest side.

For glass grades M5, M6, the deviation from flatness is set in the manufacturer's technical documentation, for grade M7 it is not standardized.

  1. Requirements for the deviation from the straightness of the edges and the squareness of the corners of the glass sheet, if necessary, are set in supply contracts or other documents agreed with the manufacturer and consumer.
  2. The designation of the glass must consist of the designation of the brand, size category, length, width, glass thickness in millimeters and the designation of this standard.

An example of the symbol for sheet glass of the M1 brand of solid dimensions, 1800 mm long, 1200 mm wide, 4 mm thick:

Sheet glass M1-TR-1800x 1200x4 GOST 111-2001.

The same for M5 sheet glass of free dimensions 2000 mm long, 1500 mm wide, 6 mm thick:

Sheet glass M5-SVR-2000x1500x6GOST 111-2001.

Note - In case of export-import operations, other symbols are allowed, the content of which is stipulated in the agreements (contracts) for the supply.

5 General technical requirements

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 Optical distortions of glass must comply with the requirements specified in Table 4.

Table 4

Name of indicator

Norm for glass grades

Optical distortions visible in transmitted light for glass thickness:

over 2.5 mm

screen stripes are not allowed to be distorted:

not standardized

"Brick wall"

at an angle, deg.

less than or equal

more or equal.

Optical distortions visible in reflected light

deviations of the reflected raster index are not allowed, mm, more

not standardized

5.1.2 In terms of the number and size of allowed defects, the glass must comply with the requirements specified in Table 5.

Table 5

The total number of allowed defects larger than 0.5 mm per one sheet of glass area, m2

Dimensions of flaws, mm, no more



not standardized

not standardized


1 Destructive defects are not allowed.

2 The number of defects up to 0.5 mm in size is not standardized if the distance between them is at least 500 mm. If the distance is less than 500 mm, the number of these defects is included in the total number of allowed defects.

3 It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to establish additional requirements for defects in the glass edge.

4 Classification, terms and definitions of defects are given in Appendix A.

GOST 111-2001

1 DEVELOPED by JSC "Institute of Glass" with the participation of NIUPTS "Interregional Window Institute", JSC "Bor Glass Plant"
INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTCS) on December 5, 2001
voted to accept
3 INSTEAD OF GOST 111-90 (ST SEV 5447-85)
4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on January 1, 2003 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated May 7, 2002 No. 22
GOST 111-2001
Introduction date 2003-01-01
1 area of ​​use
This standard applies to sheet glass (hereinafter referred to as glass) intended for glazing translucent building structures, means of transport, furniture, as well as the manufacture of coated glass, mirrors, tempered and laminated glass and other building, technical and household products.
This standard does not apply to reinforced glass, patterned glass, body-dyed glass, coated glass and other types of sheet glass with special properties.
The requirements of this standard are mandatory (except as specified in the text as recommended or reference).
The standard can be used for certification purposes.
2 Normative references
This standard uses references to the following normative documents:
GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications
GOST 515-77 Bituminous and tar packaging paper. Specifications
GOST 3519-91 Optical materials. Methods for determining birefringence
GOST 3749-77 Calibration squares 90°. Specifications
GOST 4598-86 Wood fiber boards. Specifications
GOST 5244-79 Wood chips. Specifications
GOST 6507-90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 7376-89 Corrugated cardboard. General specifications
GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications
GOST 8273-75 Wrapping paper. Specifications
GOST 8828-89 Base paper and two-layer waterproof packaging paper. Specifications
GOST 9416-83 Building levels. Specifications
GOST 10134.1-82 Inorganic glass and glass-ceramic materials. Methods for determining water resistance at 98 ° C
GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications
GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods
GOST 15846-79 Products shipped to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 16711-84 Waxed paper base. Specifications
GOST 25706-83 Loupes. Types, basic parameters. General technical requirements
GOST 26302-93 Glass. Methods for determining the coefficients of directional transmission and reflection of light.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms apply with their respective definitions:
Sheet glass - colorless, transparent soda-lime silicate glass, produced by float or vertical drawing without any additional surface treatment, having the form of flat rectangular sheets, the thickness of which is small in relation to the length and width.
Solid Size Glass - Glass manufactured and delivered to customer specifications.
Free size glass - glass manufactured and supplied in a factory range of sizes.