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How to make a dam in the thigh yourself. How easy to make an injection yourself

In the thigh at home.

"Country Soviets" warns: it will be about injections intramuscular. Intravenous injections Leave professionals. Moreover, if you have the opportunity, it is better to provide them with intramuscular injections.

But if the course of intramuscular injections is registered, and there is no time to go to the nurse to the hospital - there will have to make hounds of the house with attracting relatives and loved ones.

So, intramuscular injections can be done:
- in the buttock (the simplest and most common option),
- in the thigh (we will stop on it),
- in hand.

If the doctor insisted on the fulfillment of intramuscular injections in the thigh, or for some reason it is not possible to perform intramuscular injection into the buttock, do not be discouraged - put the intramuscular injection in the thigh is not much more difficult than in the buttock part.

What do you need

Cotton balls moistened with 96 alcohol,
- three-component syringe 2.5 - 11 ml (depending on the amount of medication assigned to administration),
- The drug appointed for administration.


1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap.
2. Take an ampoule with the medicine, thoroughly wipe with alcohol.
3. Shake it well.
4. Subscribe and break the tip, type the medicine in the syringe.
5. Then, knock the syringe with your finger to collect all air bubbles at the top of the syringe in one, and gradually pressing the air bubble through the needle to the piston.
6. To make sure that the air in the syringe is no longer, wait for the appearance of the first drop of medication from the needle.


To determine the place of the injection, you need to sit on the stool and bend the leg in the knee. The injection site will be the top one third of the side surface of the thigh, i.e. The lateral part of the hip, the muscle that is a bit hanging (in the drawing is shaded).

1. Before performing injections, relax your foot.
2. The depth of the needle input is 1-2 centimeters.
3. Take two wards and take turns. Lubricate the place of the injection with alcohol.
4. Take a hand with a syringe and at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface with a decisive movement, enter the needle into the muscle.
5. Slowly putting on the piston with a thumb right hand, enter the medicine (ATTENTION! If you use an outdated design syringe - a two-component - one hand, you may not be able to perform an injection. In this case, it is better to keep the cylinder of the syringe, left - pressed on piston).
6. Vatka, moistened in alcohol, press the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection and quickly remove the needle at an angle of 90 degrees. This will allow to stop bleeding and reduce the risk of infection in the body.
7. Then massage the affected muscle. So the medicine is faster, and the alcohol displaces the wreck.

Safety regulations

1. Alternate proclaims - do not put injections in the same thigh.
2. Use only imported syringes, because The needles they have thin and sharp. And also in 2-cubic syringes needle thinner than 5 cm.
3. Never use a syringe and needle again, the syringe after use you need to throw away!

There are many drugs that, with subcutaneous administration, provoke the occurrence of painful sensations and cones. Therefore, the doctor recommends that such means in the form of injection in the thigh or another part of the body. Through the muscles, the medicine is faster and completely absorbed into the body.

Intramuscular injections need to be put in certain places of the body. Namely, where the muscle tissue does not have large vessels and nerve trunks. The needle's length affects the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. It is important that when carrying out an injection, the needle passed through subcutaneous tissue and penetrated the thickness of the muscles. If the subcutaneous fat layer you need to take a needle of 60 millimeters, and if moderate is 40 millimeters. Intramuscular injeces can be made in bench-ended, shoulder and femoral muscles.

The correct setting of injections in the thigh

If you need to make an injection in the thigh, it is important to know some rules for its execution. Prepare for manipulation:

  1. Pieces of wool moistened in alcohol;
  2. Three-component syringe 2.5 - 11 millimeters;
  3. The medicine that needs to be introduced into the muscle.

Before making the injection well, wash your hands well. Then with a drug with a medicinal preparation, wipe the cleaned cotton wool, shake it, scribble and carefully remove the top. Dial the medicine into the syringe. Tapping the syringe, click on its piston to release air and extra bubbles. When the first drop of the medicine appears, it is safe to say that there is no longer air in the syringe.

Effectory technique in the thigh:

  1. Initially, you need to understand what place you can make an injection. Sitting on the chair, bend the leg in the knee. The lateral part of the hip, a little hanging from the chair, will be an injection site. It is important to relax the thigh as much as possible;
  2. Lubricate a cleaned place for injection;
  3. At an angle of 90 degrees, decisively enter the needle into the femoral muscle no more than two centimeters;
  4. Slowly enter the drug in the muscle;
  5. For the second cleaner, press the injection site and take care of the needle;
  6. In order for the drug better to be better, and the alcohol displaced the wound, a little massage the place of the injection.

Upon completion of the procedure, throw away the used syringe with an empty ampoule in the urn.

Important moments:

  1. So that the hips do not hurt after the next injections, it is recommended to put injections in both hips in a queue;
  2. For injections, it is best to buy high-quality syringes with thin and sharp needles;
  3. It is forbidden to apply the syringe re-for injection.

We make injection in the lateral muscle

To make an injection in the wide muscle of the thigh right brush, put it above twelve centimeters than the femoral bone. Put the left hand on two centimeters above the patella. Thumbs should lie on the same line. In the center of index and thumbs there will be a place where it is possible to put an injection.

If the injection is going to make a child or an adult with thin build, the skin and the muscle must be collected in the fold in order to accurately be sure that the medicine will fall into the right place.

Injection in the deltoid muscle

If it is impossible to make a dam in the thigh, it is done in the area of \u200b\u200bthe deltoid muscle. Injection technique In this case, the following:

  1. Remove the clothes from the shoulder and the patient's blades;
  2. Let the patient relax. Bend his hand in the elbow;
  3. Having spoiled the edge of the acromic process of the blades, determine the place where the injection can be put - it will be a point for five centimeters below the process;
  4. Place the injection, lubricate the cleaned car and stretch it a bit with my fingers;
  5. The second hand gently enter the needle in the muscle and slowly enter the medicine;
  6. Then press the vaccine area of \u200b\u200bthe injection and remove the needle;
  7. Gently massage the place of the injection.

Wait to stop flowing blood, and throw a syringe with a vat in the urn.

Helpful advice! Injecting in the thigh or other part of the body was less painful, you need to relax muscles as much as possible. It is also important that manipulation was conducted by another person. Since if the patient makes himself injections, he strains the muscles. What causes pain and discomfort during procedures.

We define the place of injection

Any injections should be able to do in the right place so as not to damage the vessels and not provoke the appearance of hemorrhage under the skin. If you decide, divide the half of the priests into four identical parts. In the lower squares, it is best not to prick the drug. The injection site will be the upper square, removed from the spine, that is, the upper outer square.

Why do you need to mentally draw a square? In order to choose a place where there are fewer endings and large vessels. It is also important not to get into the bone, so as not to damage it and do not break the needle at the same time, because it is very dangerous. It is in the upper square you will not attend the zone of the sedlication nerve or a berium artery.

In addition, the injection will be performed in the muscle, and not in the subcutaneous fat layer. The needle at the same time will not be able to hurt the bones and spine.

Remember! In the muscle of the buttocks you can enter no more than six milliliters of the drug.

To make a proper injection in the foot area, determine where the front surface of the hip is located. Before the procedure, it is necessary to carefully examine the thigh to avoid the needles in the blood vessels. It is forbidden to make an injection in the back area or below the buttock.

In order not to cause in the thigh, it is allowed for one manipulation to introduce a femoral muscle at least three millilitres of the drug.

Learning to make injections without pain

The degree of pain in time depends on the drug, the quality of medical instruments, as well as how he behaves the patient.

It is important that the patient in carrying out the maximum relaxed the muscle of the thigh. The calm of the nurse also affects the result of the injection.

Painless injections can only be done when the needle is acute and smooth, and the drug is poured into the muscle slowly.

If you buy a syringe with a poor-quality needle, it can scratch the skin, which will lead to its damage, and the wound after the injection will be walked longer. Due to the acute trigged sharpening on a needle, with high-quality injection, leather and tissue will remain integer.

If the medicine comes very hard in the muscle, it scratches it. Therefore, it is important that the needle correctly enters the muscles insight to the drug without obstacles to get into the right place.

Buying syringes, make sure that they have black gums on the piston. If the manufacturer is responsible, it will make an elastic band from a safe rubber. Thanks to this material, the piston of the syringe will move smoothly, and, accordingly, the muscles will not be injured.

How drugs are introduced

If the solution for the injection of salt, pain will be felt when manipulating. But here you should suffer. To facilitate the torment of the patient, the medicine can be divorced by lidocaine or novocaine. Such drugs are anegic. It is only important to know exactly if the patient has allergies to them. Anesthetic drugs must only be prescribed by the doctor. You can not apply them yourself! If the drug can not be anesthetically, it is important to relax as much as possible when conducting an injection, as well as to purchase high-quality syringes for procedures.

Now you know how to make an intramuscular injection in the thigh and other parts of the body. And also what you need to take that the procedures are not very painful, but brought only health benefits. If the doctor prescribed you to do intravenous injections, trust them with experienced specialists.

Ideally, the injections are better to do in the clinic, but when the patient is registered the course of injections, and there is no time to go to the hospital, becomes an up-to-date question, how to make an injection? This is, of course, about intramuscular injections.

Such injections can be made to the buttock, which is the most common and simple option, as well as in the thigh and in hand.

The muscles have a wide network of lymphatic and blood vessels, due to which rapid and complete absorption of drugs occurs.

How to make an injection - what you need:

  • cotton balls that need to be mixed in alcohol;
  • syringe;
  • the drug that is assigned to the introduction.

How to make injections intramuscularly: you need to use syringes with long needles for the reason that the short needle may not get to the muscle, so the medicine will be introduced under the skin, which often leads to inflammation.

How to put injections: preparation

To know how correctly pricks, you need to get acquainted with the preparation for this process.

So preparation for the injection:

  • it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap;
  • an ampoule with the medicine should be wiped with alcohol and shake;
  • next, the tip of the ampoule is squeezed and bowed, and in the syringe it is necessary to dial the medicine;
  • according to the syringe you need to knock your finger, which will help collect air bubbles into one at the top of the syringe. We gradually click on the piston, the bubble can be pushed through the needle;
  • to accurately check that there is no air in the syringe, you need to wait for the first drop of medication from the needle.

How to put an injection

Consider in more detail how to make an injection injection. It is better to do the root in the lying position, because in this case the muscles are most relaxed as much as possible, and the injection will be painless. In the patient's position, it is possible to break the needle if it sharply reduce the muscle.

How to make an injection injection: In order to know exactly how to make intramuscular injections to the buttock, you need to divide the buttock into four parts by spending an imaginary cross on it. The injection is done in the upper right square, where it is impossible to damage the sciatic nerve.

How to put injections intramuscularly:

  • you need to take two pieces of the wool, and lubricate the place of the injection;
  • next, we take the syringe into the right hand and we stretch the skin in the place of the injection (children need to take into a fold);
  • hand with a syringe need to take 90 degrees to the surface and to enter the needle into the muscle to ¾ (not completely!);
  • with a thumb of the right hand, slowly davil to the piston, introducing the medicine. Using a two-component syringe (outdated design), one hand may not work to make an injection. Therefore, it is better to put on the piston with the left hand, and right - keep the syringe cylinder;
  • cotton swab in alcohol, it is necessary to press the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection and quickly extract the needle at an angle of 90 degrees, which will help reduce the risk of infection in the body and stop bleeding;
  • the affected muscle can be mastered, thanks to which the medicine is faster.

How to make an injection of intramuscularly - safety rules:

  • syringe and needle cannot be used again;
  • buttocks are better alternating and not to make injections in the same buttock regularly;
  • importing syringes have more sharp and thin needles, so it is better to give preference to them.

How to make a dam yourself

How to make an injection from someone close, described above, but how to make an intramuscle to yourself? One of the biggest difficulties encountered, thinking how to make an injection, it is to choose the right place for injection. To determine the top-storey quadrant of the buttocks, it is better to practice in front of the mirror, and then act according to the instructions described above.

The position of the body with a hug in this case can be both lying and standing in front of the mirror in the half-turn.

In the foot - how is it right?

The injection can also be done in the leg. But how to make an injection wrong? In this case, the forefront of the thigh is considered the most safe place (its average part).

Pogs in the leg - how to do

We determine the place that is most favorable for the injection: it is necessary to put a palm on the thigh so that the fingertips barely touched the knees. An ideal place for injection in this case is the base of the palm ("Center" of the Hip). It is necessary to carefully inspect the foot area to avoid injection into large blood vessels.

In the foot below the buttocks at the back of making injections can not.

Having learned how to make a dam in the buttock correctly, it is still scary to do it. In this case, you can always call a professional nurse to the house or go to the nearest clinic.

Often such a situation happens when a person is forced to make an intramuscular injection. It is often happening if the doctor prescribed daily injections, and there is no time to go to the clinic at all. Or a patient has some chronic and regularly exacerbated disease that requires an urgent drug administration. In the article, we will try to figure out how to make an injection itself and what rules should be observed at the same time.

Preparation for injection

Before you have to do it yourself, you should carefully prepare. First you need to wash your hands with soap. Then put all the items on the table that you will need. And this is an alcohol for disinfection, several cotton balls, ampoules with medicine and the syringe of the required volume.

Carefully inspect the ampoule (it must be a whole, without damage), check the expiration date.

Use only sterile wool. Relax a few small pieces and moisten them in an alcohol solution.

If the drug is not a liquid, but dry powder, you need to buy water in advance for injection, which is sold in pharmacies. First, the syringe pick it up, then the bottle with dry powder remove the metal cover, the needle is poured the rubber part and water is introduced. After that, the bottle is thoroughly shaken until the drug is completely dissolved and the resulting solution is gained into the syringe. Then you need to change the needle without removing the protective cap.

Selection of postures and places for the introduction of medication

How to make yourself a dam, what part of the body for this to choose? It is believed that the most good place for intramuscular injection is a berous and femoral muscle, as they are one of the most developed in the human body.

Of course, it is not always convenient to do such an injection on your own, but remember that there may be not enough muscular mass on your hand or leg.

If you decide to prick the drug in the thigh, the front side is suitable, the palm is above the knee. At the same time, the injection is better to exercise sitting, and the leg must be relaxed. How to make a prick in the buttock yourself? For a start, you can practice a little in front of the mirror, choosing a comfortable posture. In order to correctly determine the place for injection, the buttock is mentally divided into four identical squares. The injection is placed in the upper outer angle, since there is a minimum number of nerve endings and capillaries.

Technique implementation

How best to make a dam? This process includes several stages:

Security measures

Very often, people and even experienced nurses are not serious about injections. However, negligent behavior can lead to a number of diverse errors and problems. So, if you decide to make an injection injection yourself, pay attention to the following nuances:

Small tricks

Speaking about how to make an injection to himself, it should be noted that the medicine is gained in the syringe immediately before injection, and not in advance. After all, over time, it can decompose, and an infection will fall on the needle.

Never use a syringe again - the risk of infection is too high!

If an oil solution of the drug is introduced, then the ampoule can be heated in warm water to the body temperature. Wrapped the needle into the skin, pull the piston a little on yourself. Thus, it is checked, whether the needle fell into a vessel or capillary. If the blood did not appear, you can safely enter the medicine.

Do not make injections in one buttock - alternate places.

What else to know

So, you already understood how to make a dam to yourself. But there are still a number of small precautions. First, try not to make injections in the same place. Secondly, it is better to choose imported syringes, even though they are a bit more expensive than domestic, because they have sharper needles and thinner, which means that the procedure will be more comfortable. Thirdly, under no circumstances use the same syringe several times. After the injection, it must be thrown away.

If you hit the needle in the blood vessel by chance and the hematoma was formed, do not panic. At least such bruises and do not pass quickly, it is possible to speed up this process if you apply an iodine mesh to the victim every day until the hematoma is completely absorbed.


In the article, we told how to make an injection into the buttock yourself, what security measures should be taken. For beginners, this process may seem difficult, but in fact, the execution is not a lot of work, especially when complying with all the rules. There are different situations in life, and knowing how to make a dam to yourself or another person can come in handy at any time.

The result of therapy largely depends on the thoroughness of the instructions of the attending physician. Many drugs are most effective and safe precisely in the form of injection, and therefore patients are forced throughout the course of treatment to visit the procedural office in the clinic. What may be uncomfortable due to reduced well-being or dense schedule.

Exit from this situation is to learn to make injections yourself. Finding out how to make an injection itself in the thigh intramuscularly, and while working out practical skills, you can perform the directions of the doctor yourself at any convenient time. Our article will help you in this. Let's figure it out

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for injection - an important part of the procedure. All necessary items must be in maximum availability, and all hygiene requirements are strictly observed.

Before making it in the thigh itself, you need to cook:

  • bottle with antiseptic or disposable napkins impregnated with alcohol solution;
  • cotton wool or cotton disks;
  • sterile syringe;
  • pink to open the ampoule;
  • ampoules with the preparation.

The injection solution must be room temperature. Therefore, if the drug was stored in the refrigerator, the ampoule should be warm up, holding in hand.

The last stage of preparation is washing hands with soap, and then subsequent processing with the help of antiseptic. The alcohol solution has maximum efficiency, which kills almost all known bacteria. But you can also use a water-based hand spray.

Preparation of syringe

After handling hands, you need to take the pylon and make out the narrow part of the ampoule or on a special mark. After that, the ampoule turns wool and glass is cleaned with a sharp movement.

Packaging with a syringe bursts, a protective cap is removed from the needle, the drug is recruited into the syringe. Then the protective cap is put on the needle, and air is produced from the silver cavity. Turning the cap is necessary in order not to sprinkle the drug medicine.

An important point is the choice of a syringe. Regardless of the volume of the injected fluid, the volume of the syringe should not be less than 5 ml. The fact is that its size correlates with a length of the game. Therefore, 2 ml syringes are suitable only for subcutaneous injection.

Drug breeding

Some drugs require prior dilution. The manufacturer can produce a medicine in the form of two ampoules: in one will be the drug in the form of a tablet or powder, in another - liquid for dilution of the medication. Preparing the drug in this case is necessary as follows:

  • introduce and break both ampoules;
  • dial in the syringe solution for breeding;
  • filled with a cure ampoule with a solution;
  • after the powder or tablet is dissolved, fill the syringe with medicine.

Similarly, mixing the solution of the drug and with anesthetic, which eliminates pain before and after injection. But in this case it is important to take into account the risk of an allergic reaction to an anesthetic component.

After that, you can proceed to the injection, but before that you need to find out how to make a dam in my thigh correctly.

Where to put an injection

The formulation of intramuscular injection is most often produced into the buttock area. For this, the buttock is visually divided into four equal parts, and the injection is placed in the upper outer angle. This method is used in any medical institution, where manipulations are performed by patients not independently.

When it comes to putting an injection to yourself, it is better to make an injection in the thigh. This method is convenient because the person puts himself a prick in the most convenient position and is able to control the course of the process, for example, the angle of introducing the needle into the body. It remains only to know.


After the preparatory stage is completed and the medicine is scored in a syringe, you need to decide on the point where to put an injection. It is allowed to make an intramuscular injection in the thigh from the outside of the leg, into the lateral wide muscle of the thigh, which is located along the entire length of the side of the leg to the knee cup.

The needle is introduced by confident quick movement strictly at right angles to the surface of the foot. It must be introduced on ¾ lengths completely and only then slowly enter the drug. Recommendations for the rate of administration of drugs are usually indicated in the instructions for the drug. A good marker is that the drug was introduced too fast is the deterioration of human well-being, such as weakness or dizziness.

After the syringe is emptying, it is necessary to pull out the needle in one movement, simultaneously pressing the place of the injection, impregnated with alcohol or other antiseptic solution.

Pain with injection

Even if a person knows well, he may encounter painful syndrome. And the measures you need to take to deal with pain depends on the cause of its occurrence:

  1. It is recommended to use imported syringes that have thinner needles. Injection such a syringe will be practically imperceptible.
  2. Injection by some preparations are quite painful, regardless of how the technique is used. In this case, it is possible to dilute the drug with a solution "Lidocaine", but it is important to remember that anesthetics can cause an acute allergic reaction, so it is undesirable to use them at home.
  3. Often pain occurs due to the wrong angle of administration or the removal of the needle from the body. And in that and in another case, the angle should be exactly 90 degrees.
  4. Immediately after injection, it is recommended to close a napkin or impregnated with alcohol. After the blood stops, you need to carefully massage the thigh, which will improve the absorption process of the medication in the bloodstream.
  5. Often, pain occurs by the end of the course of treatment, when the injections are repeatedly put in the same place. To avoid this, you need to alternate the place for the injection, and when the hematoma appears to use tools to get rid of them. For example, heparin ointment.

Therefore, before making an injection in the thigh yourself, you need to carefully read the instructions for the drug and once again remember the basic rules of injection alone.

Fear in order

The main problem with which people face before making themselves in the thigh, is psychological discomfort before the introduction of the needle in his body. This entails the following problems:

  • if a person cannot relax, his muscular system is tense, the needle will be enormous, most likely, a person will face painful sensations;
  • with strong voltage and fear, a person will be difficult to coordinate its actions so much to enter the needle under the correct (straight) angle.

Get rid of fear before making it in the thigh itself, you can only in one way: try to relax the muscle to which the injection is carried out, and enter the needle with confident movement. After the first successful experience, the excitement to the procedure will noticeably decrease, and the next time the fear of the injection will not arise.

Pose for injection

In order for the muscle to be relaxed, and the injection did not cause pain, you need to take a convenient pose for injection. To make an injection in the thigh muscle, the most convenient is sedentary and standing position.

Standing, you need to carry the weight on another leg so that the muscles of the thigh in which the injection is made are relaxed. Similarly, it is necessary to act while setting the injection sitting.

Common mistakes

Despite the fact that the instruction, how to make an injection in the thigh, is extremely simple and understandable, often people admit the same errors, inattentively treating recommendations and instructions.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the same needle several times, touch its surface until the introduction into the body.
  2. It should alternate the place of the injection place to avoid the hematoma.
  3. When working a new drug that has not been used earlier, it is better to put the first progress in the procedural office. In the event that the intolerance of the drug components arises, a medical worker will be able to quickly take the necessary actions. In practice, this happens extremely rare, but it is impossible to underestimate the seriousness of such a situation.
  4. It is impossible to spontaneously change drugs by analogs, vary the dosage or degree of dilution of the medication. Any changes in the initial recommendations of the doctor can only do the doctor in full-time consultation.

In conclusion, it should be said about the disposal of the syringe and the ampoule after the injection. The needle should wear a protective cap, and a broken ampoule to wrap with paper, such as packaging from the syringe. So you can protect yourself and other people from the risk of cloak about the glass or the edge of the medical needle.

Thus, knowing the technology of injecting, after studying the instructions, useful tips and photos (how to make an injection in the thigh, now it is clear to you), it is quite realistic to independently perform the prescriptions of the doctor in comfortable conditions: at home, without long expectations in the queue in the procedural Cabinet and adjustment of their schedule for the time of the nurse.