Repair Design Furniture

Why don't pepper seeds germinate? How many days will pepper sprout after sowing Pepper sprouts poorly what to do

How many days does it take for peppers to sprout?

  1. maybe two weeks to rise
  2. 5 - 6 days if the temperature is 25 gr. At low temperatures, they can sit for weeks. So you have to warm up.
  3. I am also new to this business. I planted it, after soaking it in Epin, on February 20 I planted it - they have already risen!
  4. I soaked the seeds. And when the sprouts started, I planted them and after 5 days the seedlings sprouted.
  5. Pepper seeds are difficult to swell and sprout poorly, so they need to be stimulated. You can soak for 20 minutes in epin or silk and sow, or then germinate in melt water and sow.

    How to sow?

    I usually sow the seeds at a depth of 1.5-2cm. But now I found this information:

    Before sowing, fill the container with well-moistened soil to half the height, compact, spread the seeds according to the 2x2 cm scheme and sprinkle with soil on top to a depth of 5 cm, then compact. Seeds should be sown to a depth of 3-4 cm. The fact is that pepper cannot be buried during picking and transplanting, because this can cause rotting of the buried part of the stem. Therefore, it must be sown immediately to a great depth, otherwise the root system will form too close to the surface, and the bush will be unstable in the future. In addition, he will suffer from drought. This year I will try to sow a small part of the pepper according to this scheme.

    Then, as usual, cover the container with glass or film on top, put it in a warm place and wait for the shoots.

    Pepper can be made to sprout very quickly, on the 6-7th day, if the soil temperature is maintained at + 28-32. You can not raise the temperature above + 36-40, the seeds will lose their germination at prolonged high temperatures. If the soil temperature is reduced to + 25-27, the pepper will germinate for 14-15 days. At a temperature of about +22, this will take about 20 days. Pepper may not sprout at all at soil temperatures below +20, and at lower temperatures, the seeds will simply rot.

  6. The terms of germination of sweet pepper seeds range from 4 to 15 days. It all depends on the variety, the period, how long the seeds lay and the temperature of germination. It is probably not a secret for anyone that pepper is a tropical plant and loves heat very much. Therefore, the conditions for germination are heat and moisture. Pepper gave me the most friendly shoots on a battery in a bowl, covered with a film on top.
  7. About a week.
  8. sprouts in 4-5 days, but before that you need to soak it
  9. I never soak the seeds, they germinate beautifully in 5-7 days. I place the seedling container in polyeth. package (translucent and put UNDER the battery
  10. I soak it for 12 hours in a stimulator and seedlings appear in 4-5 days. Purchased rise a little longer.
  11. 7-10 days
  12. I went up after 6 days - "Stuntman", "Agapovsky", Kaoiforni miracle. "Soaked for 24 hours.
  13. On February 14, I planted sweet peppers and hot peppers on seedlings. The spicy rose, but the sweet did not (Kolif. Miracle), but I did not soak anything. Is it possible that it will still rise or plant a new one?
  14. I also have 7-12 days
  15. It is necessary to soak the seeds in warm water and wrap with gauze and put in cellophane. After 7 days it hatches, planted in the ground.
  16. I have it later, somewhere around 10 days. And it’s better to soak, plant only hatched ones.

12 ERRORS IN GROWING PEPPER SEEDLINGS Unfortunately, when growing pepper seedlings, gardeners make numerous mistakes that drastically worsen the quality of the grown seedlings, and sometimes lead to their death. Try to get rid of them this year. Here is a list of these errors: 1. Incorrectly selected components for the soil mixture. You can not take the land from the beds where vegetables were grown. Also, you can not take the land from the flower bed where flowers grow and use it to grow seedlings. It is advisable to take humus from a 3–4-year-old heap, and sod land from a site where perennial grasses have been growing for several years. 2. Poor Seed Preparation Since pepper seeds do not germinate well enough, they should not be bought in reserve. Of the many possible schemes for pre-sowing preparation of pepper seeds for sowing, the following three schemes are most preferable: - Seed dressing in a 2% potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes. Then soak them for 18 hours in a solution of "Zircon" (1 drop of the drug per 300 ml of water) at room temperature. Then seed sowing or pre-germination of seeds followed by sowing. - Disinfection of seeds in a 2% potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes. Then soak them for 18 hours in a solution of "Epin" (2 drops in half a glass of water) at room temperature. Then sowing seeds or their preliminary germination with subsequent sowing. - Seed dressing in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then soaking them for 2 days in melted snow water, which must be changed every 5–6 hours, or in an aqueous solution of aloe juice. 3. Error in determining the timing of sowing seeds The sowing time of pepper seeds depends on the time of planting seedlings in a permanent place. Early-ripening varieties are usually sown 65 days before planting, mid-season - 65-70 days, and late-ripening 75 days before planting in a permanent place. This term for sowing pepper seeds, taking into account the time from sowing to germination, each gardener must calculate very accurately - when he sowed, when they should sprout, when the seedlings will be planted in the ground. And it all depends on the condition of your greenhouse, on the weather, and most of all on whether you live in the garden all the time or visit only on weekends. If pepper seeds are sown too early, the plants will overgrow in pots and begin to set lower fruits. In low light conditions on the windowsill, all this leads to the depletion of the plant. As a result, even when 1–2 lower ovaries are removed, plants take root more slowly and the main wave of fruiting is delayed. Therefore, it is impossible to overgrow seedlings of pepper in any case. 4. Non-compliance with the temperature regime To obtain good and friendly seedlings of pepper, the soil temperature before emergence of shoots should be 25–28 ° C, and after emergence of shoots for 2–3 days, it must be reduced to 20 degrees, and then constantly maintained within 22–25 °C. If this soil temperature schedule is not observed, pepper seeds will germinate very slowly and emergence may take up to 25-30 days. But the worst mistake at this time is placing a container with sown seeds on radiators. Since these containers are small, the soil in them quickly heats up above 32–33°C and dries out, which leads to the rapid death of newly hatched seeds. If the apartment is warm, i.e. 23 ° C, this does not mean that the soil on the windowsill is warm. Do not be too lazy to put the thermometer into the ground, and you will be very surprised. In order to reduce the influence of these factors, it is most convenient to make a kind of window-side greenhouse on the windowsill of the south window. To do this, the window sill is fenced off from the rest of the room with a film, and the temperature in it is regulated using ajar or closed vents. 5. Cultivation of seedlings with their further picking Unlike tomatoes, pepper does not tolerate picking well, because. its roots are slowly restored, which increases the seedling growing time by 15–20 days. In this case, the whole point of growing seedlings is lost. Therefore, it is better to sow its seeds immediately in a “personal” container, if necessary, later doing not picking, but transshipment of plants, i.e. taking out the whole clod of earth from the container along with the plant and transplanting it into a large container, without disturbing the root system. As a result, you can win 15–20 days, which will be required to grow seedlings. 6. Insufficient lighting of plants Pepper seedlings do not tolerate insufficient lighting, which immediately causes seedlings to stretch and subsequently lead to a decrease in yield. But at the same time, it is a short daylight plant. And this means that the pepper needs a short light day in duration, but with very high illumination. In practice, creating such a short daylight hours is not difficult. To do this, close the seedlings at 18–19 hours with an opaque box or black lutrasil. In addition, seedlings grown in a short light day have an increased resistance to lower temperatures. 7. Unfavorable conditions for growing In this case, it is very useful to spray the plants 2-3 times with a solution of "Epin" at intervals of 8-10 days. After treatment with Epin, plants react less to adverse growing conditions, especially the low light inherent in city apartments. And for good root formation, you can give the plants top dressing with potassium humate (25 ml per 10 liters of water). 8. Improper nutrition of plants In order for seedlings to grow normally already in the phase of 1–2 true leaves, it is necessary to feed Agricola-Forward (1 teaspoon of liquid fertilizer per 1 liter of water), which enhances the development of seedlings and strengthens the root system. The second dressing should be done when the second leaf appears (1 teaspoon of "Barrier" per 1 liter of water). 9. Non-compliance with the water regime The first 2-3 days after the emergence of seedlings, seedlings should not be watered, and if the earth is dry, then moisten it with a sprayer. And when the cotyledon leaves unfold, the seedlings begin to be watered with warm (30 ° C) settled water. The first days of watering is best done with a teaspoon, since the seedlings are easily washed out of the soil. In no case should plants be allowed to wither, but excess water is no less dangerous, since plants can get sick with a black leg. In this case, good ventilation of plants is very important. 10. The moment of appearance of pests was missed. The main pests of pepper are aphids, mites, scoops. It is necessary to monitor their appearance and process seedlings in time, which can only be planted in the ground healthy. At home, you can spray with infusions of turnips, calendula, marigolds, garlic, coniferous extract, or use biological plant protection products: Fitoverm, Agravertin, Entobacterin, Bitoxibacillin, etc. 11. Wrong time for planting seedlings in the ground Pepper seedlings are planted in the greenhouse or in the ground when the soil warms up at a depth of 10 cm to at least 15 ° C. Seedlings will better tolerate transplantation if, before planting, it is plentifully watered and planted in wells, previously abundantly watered with hot water. 12. Irrigation regime was not observed after planting seedlings. The regime of stable moderate soil moisture was not observed; without overmoisturizing and drying. The roots of pepper, especially young ones, do not tolerate even a short-term drying of the soil. To prevent this from happening, the planting must be mulched with peat, sawdust, hay, etc.

Taught by the good advice of our site, you bought bags of pepper seeds in a reputable company store. Do not rush to open them! It is necessary to open them just before sowing. If these are hybrids, then in each bag you will find 10-12 seeds. If these are varieties, then there will be more seeds, and the older the seeds are in age and the closer their expiration date comes to an end, the more seeds there are in the bag. Because the germination of seeds that have been stored for 3-4 years is significantly lower than that of freshly harvested seeds.

Examining the seeds, you can see that they are light yellow, round, with a "nose" near the place where they were attached to the fruit. Near this place you can see (under a magnifying glass, if anyone is interested) the bulge of the embryo. This means that the seed is healthy and will definitely sprout. If among the yellow ones there is a small whitish seed without an embryo or with a black embryo - a black spot is clearly visible in the seed - it means that the seed is underdeveloped or with a dead embryo. This seed will not germinate. It must be thrown away. Send seeds of irregular shape and with a broken shell there.

Often gardeners separate viable seeds from non-viable seeds using salt water. Full-fledged fresh seeds can, of course, drown in such water. But if the seeds are 2-3 years old, then such seeds will all float, even if they are viable, because their density changes during storage.

Now the seeds selected for sowing must be disinfected, because 80% of diseases are transmitted to future plants with seeds. If the seeds were purchased from a reputable company, then this is not necessary, just as it is not necessary to check the germination. Because these firms value their reputation, and they have already done all this.

But if you got your seeds or they got them from someone, you will have to disinfect them in one of the following ways: soak before sowing for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate - 1 g per half a glass of water. Then rinse the seeds well. They will acquire a dark color, which will not affect their germination, but some diseases will be prevented. Then warm in a thermos with water at a temperature of 50 degrees for 30 minutes, then immediately cool in cold.

Next, we will increase germination. To do this, the seeds are soaked before sowing in water or one of the following solutions: per 100 g of water - 5 mg of heteroauxin, or 15-20 mg of sodium humate, or 2 drops of zircon. Soaking time - according to the instructions for the preparations. Many gardeners use a solution of ash: 20 g per 1 liter, leave for two days, soak in this solution for 4-6 hours.
It is especially important to make such stimulation for peppers 2-3 years old or more. After a year of storage, their germination may drop to 50%, after 2-3 years to 30%, etc. And they should be germinated in a humid environment.

After such treatments, the seeds are immediately washed and sown, or dried. In any case, it is impossible to store seeds for more than two days after treatment, as their sowing qualities deteriorate. Wet seeds after treatment can only be sown in moist soil. And there is no need to rush with crops. It is necessary to wait until it gets warmer, so that the crops suddenly accidentally “do not breathe cold”.

If pepper seeds have been stored in the cold, their germination may drop.
The older the seeds, the lower their germination and the weaker the plants, but the greater the fertility of the plants grown from them.
Some seeds like temperatures above 30 degrees for germination. It is unacceptable that the seeds, at least for a short time, become cold - they will freeze for a long time. The sown seeds should be warm all the time. Perhaps only a slight decrease in temperature at night - up to 24-25 degrees.

How many days does it take for peppers to germinate after sowing?

Pepper today is no less popular with gardeners than cucumbers or tomatoes. In almost every area where there is a greenhouse or hotbed, you can now find plantings of this crop. But pepper is grown only through sowing seedlings. And, of course, many beginner gardeners are interested in how many days the seeds will germinate and when to wait for the first shoots.

How many days after planting will pepper seeds sprout?

Pepper, depending on the variety, is sown from early to mid-February to the first decade of March. This culture is capricious in cultivation, and the seeds germinate for a long time. The first shoots after sowing appear on average for 10-15 days. But pepper can rise a little earlier or later, that is, the general terms for the appearance of sprouts are from 6 to 20 days.

Attention! There is no such thing as 100% seed germination. And after 2-3 years, pepper seeds already lose their germination capacity, which must be taken into account when planning plantings.

Sowing for seedlings

It is better to plant the seeds immediately in separate containers, so as not to disturb the roots of the peppers once again by diving. They are sown in purchased soil suitable for cultivation or in self-prepared soil. In order for the seeds to sprout, they need to provide certain conditions, the main of which are the following two factors:

  • heat - it is advisable to adhere to the temperature when germinating seeds 20-25 degrees. At 15-17 degrees, they may simply not rise. And if the temperature is over 30 degrees, this can generally destroy future shoots;
  • sufficient soil moisture - it is impossible to allow the earth to dry out completely in pots with planted peppers, but they should not be overfilled either.

Advice. You can speed up the emergence of seedlings of pepper. To do this, you must first hold the seeds for several hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate to strengthen them, and then place them in a damp cloth. When they hatch, plant them in pots.

Why do seeds not germinate for a long time or do not germinate at all?

The main reasons for this phenomenon include:

  • low quality seed;
  • unsuitable temperature conditions;
  • drying out of the soil;
  • too abundant watering, as a result of which the seeds sank deep into the planting container;
  • improperly prepared soil.

Growing seedlings is not an easy task that requires attention and care from the gardener. But following the recommendations when sowing pepper is the first step to get healthy plants, and in the future - a rich harvest.

Sowing pepper seeds: video

Pepper is a delicious, sweet vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals. It has a huge following and is used in almost every cuisine in the world. What is not prepared from pepper - it is used in salads, first and second courses, as an appetizer, marinated, canned, and much more. And also pepper is insanely delicious just fresh.

The process of growing peppers on a personal plot is not so complicated, but in order to get large and tasty vegetables from seeds, you first need to grow strong seedlings. However, there are times when pepper seedlings do not sprout or grow poorly. So you made a mistake somewhere.

To understand this issue, you need to consider how to properly grow pepper seedlings and highlight typical errors encountered, because of which it can grow poorly. First of all, it is worth remembering that seedlings of peppers are very tender and demanding for the presence of a sufficient amount of light, heat and water. Let's look at the rest of the nuances.

Different varieties of peppers behave differently. For some, only certain soil and fertilizers are suitable, others are demanding on the climate, etc. Therefore, when choosing seeds of peppers, it is worth considering many nuances such as:

  • The type of soil in your area.
  • What fertilizer does each variety prefer.
  • Drop off times.
  • Requirements for climatic conditions.
  • Terms of maturation and collection.

You can choose several different varieties with similar care requirements, but with different fruiting periods, and this will extend the period of harvesting and enjoying fresh vegetables. If you are new to gardening and have no one to ask for advice, just follow the instructions on the package when choosing. Manufacturers of quality seeds always provide a colorful photo and detailed instructions for use on the packages. Therefore, you can safely choose the varieties you like according to their appearance and description of the qualities of the vegetable, the complexity of caring for it.

After choosing varieties of peppers and buying seeds, it's time to start planting seedlings. To do this, they need to be prepared. Here it is worth remembering that, unlike many ground vegetables, pepper seeds cannot be stored for a long time (no more than 3-4 years). Therefore, carefully read the packaging, and if you have old seeds, they must be checked for germination or culled in a 3% saline solution.

To do this, dissolve rock salt in water in a proportion of 30-40 grams per 1 liter. Pour the pepper seeds into it, mix well and leave for 10 minutes. Those that float to the surface can be safely thrown away - they are not good. With this simple procedure, you will eliminate seeds that most likely will not be able to sprout.

Rinse the remaining seeds with clean water and dry well. The check should be carried out immediately before preparing the seeds for sowing, they should not lie for a long time after they have been in a saline solution.

For the fastest swelling and germination of pepper seeds, rinse them in running water and place them in a warm place for a day ( not lower than 25 degrees), previously placed in polyethylene.

It is also worth noting that the time of sowing seedlings depends on many factors, which must be taken into account if you want to get good seedlings and subsequently a harvest:

seedling growing process

After preparation, pepper seeds are planted in special boxes, pots and any other containers with prepared soil for seedlings. It can be bought at a garden store or supermarket, or you can make your own using 4 parts peat moss, 2 parts sod, 1 part old sawdust and 1 part humus and water it all with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The soil in the prepared containers is pre-watered, small furrows are made one centimeter deep, where the seeds are sown and covered with earth. After that, the boxes must be covered with a film (you can use glass) and put in a very warm place(25-27 degrees Celsius) until the first shoots appear. This usually happens within a week, maximum two. Once every two days, the soil must not be forgotten to be moistened by spraying (do not fill it with just water - you risk washing the seeds out of the holes).

As soon as the first sprouts have appeared, they require additional light to accelerate growth, good development and health. Remove the covers from the boxes and provide seedlings with additional light for at least 9-10 hours a day. The lack of light leads to the curvature of seedlings and rotting of the roots, they may stop growing, become unable to lay buds. This is one of the main reasons why pepper seedlings can grow poorly.

Also sprouts require maintaining a stable thermal regime- 23-25 ​​degrees during the day and 16-18 degrees at night. At lower temperatures, their leaves begin to fall off, and the plant may die.

Seedlings are watered abundantly, but rarely, best in the morning with water at room temperature. It must be protected from drafts, but in warm weather it is advisable to ventilate the room. Feeding during this period is not required.

After the peppers begin to grow, make sure that the leaves do not touch each other, they do not like this and begin to stretch. This happens because the plants begin to fight for the light they need.

Growing methods

Seedlings can be grown in two ways:

  • With a pick.
  • Without a pick.

In the first version, peppers dive in half a month, a maximum of two decades, after the seeds have sprouted. Peppers do not like picking, as their roots are difficult to recover, so the main root is not pinched. This process must be carried out in a timely manner, if the seedlings outgrow, it may not take root. Incorrect picking is another indicator why seedlings may not grow well.

The second method is much easier and painless for peppers. Seedlings are easy transplanted into a large container that do not injure the roots, and she easily tolerates this process, easily taking root in a new place.

After the appearance of sprouts and before they are transplanted to open ground, the seedlings need to be fed twice with a solution of mullein or bird droppings.

Before planting seedlings, they must harden. For this, ten days before the transplant, the plants begin to be taken out for several hours outside. To protect the sprouts from pests, already at this period of growth, they can be sprayed with infusions of onions, needles, calendula or garlic. You should not take seedlings outside immediately after spraying, the sun through the water can leave burns on delicate leaves.

Planting seedlings in soil

In order for the seedlings to take root well, by the time of planting, it must be healthy and strong, at least 20 centimeters high, have about 10 leaves and a few buds(but not flowers and ovaries, such a sprout will take root poorly and give a small harvest).

If you are planting seedlings outdoors, choose a site that is not blown by the winds, peppers do not like this. It is not advisable to plant them on the beds after tomatoes or potatoes, but the soil after legumes or cucumbers is perfect.

Be careful when transplanting seedlings so as not to damage the roots of the peppers, otherwise the plant will get even more stress. And do not bury the seedlings in the ground - this will lead to an increase in the ripening period of the first vegetables and reduce the overall yield.

It is not worth planting seedlings of bitter and sweet peppers nearby, they have pollen can mix and the sweet variety will get an unpleasant bitterness.

After planting, pour plenty of water over the peppers and mulch with dry earth or grass. Young seedlings are afraid of spring frosts, so prepare protection, but adult peppers tolerate cold quite calmly.

Everything seems to be correct, but the seedlings still grow poorly? You may have made some mistakes that stressed the plant. Let's take a closer look at them.

Typical mistakes when growing seedlings of peppers

There are some typical mistakes made by even experienced gardeners that lead to poor seedling growth and even death. Study them carefully and try to avoid in the future:

Pests and planting time in open ground

And, of course, do not forget about pests. Do not miss the moment of their appearance in order to respond in a timely manner and process the plant. The main enemies of pepper are mites, aphids and cutworms.

For prevention, you can start spraying the sprouts with coniferous, onion, garlic or calendula infusion in parallel with hardening. The main thing is not to take the plants out into the open sun immediately after spraying, the rays can leave burns on the leaves, reflected from the water droplets.

And finally - the wrong time for planting in open ground can lead to the fact that seedlings will die or take root poorly, having experienced severe stress, they will become weak and sick. The soil must warm up well(at least 15 degrees Celsius per 10 cm deep), moreover, it is advisable to water the beds with warm water before planting. In cold soil, seedlings will not take root, and you may be left without a crop at all or with a very small percentage of it.

Always remembering these simple, but very important nuances for peppers and observing them, you will easily grow healthy and strong seedlings, from which you will later get good bushes that give a rich harvest.