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Bathing in muddy water dream book. What dreams to swim. Swim in cold water by dream

> \u003e\u003e What dreams to swim in water in a dream

What dreams of swimming in water

With the help of a dream, you can understand what dreams to swim in water in a dream And learn how to behave with the received information.

To understand why dream of swimming in water, it is necessary to understand how liquid has collided in your dream. If there was something clean or transparent, there is no reason for experiences. You can count on success in any project, strong love relationships and positive transformation. If you are ground, then the road with obstacles at each corner is deployed. And these are not one-time oxides, but a whole shower.

Sports water tricks indicate that you are literally crazy from passion. Well, when swimming on calm water. In this case, you can rely on your own good luck in the implemented project. But the plots with the bathroom are better to go around the side, because they lead to disappointment. Moreover, this feeling is able to paint into depression if you do not ask for help. Everything changes if they were dressed. Then you will become the heir.

Swim in a dream - is it to joy or misfortune? Approximately one third of their own life people lives sleeping. It is not surprising that the mysterious world of dreams is of great interest among scientists, doctors, predictors. It is believed that colored and black and white pictures that can be seen during the rest talk about the future. Details help to solve the meaning of such vision.

Swim in a dream: General Information

Water has long caused people's positive associations. It is called a source of life, youth, purity. Does this mean to swim in a dream - to good?

After reading the opinion of Vangi, Miller, Hasse and other famous predictors, you can get a mess, often controversial information. To understand what events of a person is preparing seen sleep, you need to remember as much details as possible. There is no joyful events or failures, there will be a state of water, its temperature, the mood of bathing, place and other important factors. So what does it mean to swim in a dream?

Cold or hot water

The temperature of the water is important details that first should be remembered during waking.

Negative omen - swim in a dream in ice water. Ice over the centuries symbolizes cold. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning of a sleeping person. It is possible that he is going to do it thoughtlessly, to risk where there is no need. Safety is much more important than fleeting profit.

Cold (not ice) water in which a person bathes in a dream, talks about his emotional state. It is possible that the sleep is immersed in deep depression, which has become the result of an emotional shock. Also, sleep speaks of excessive passivity where active action is necessary.

To see yourself floundering in warm water - on the contrary, to good. The in love may not doubt that they will answer his feelings. A man starting a new thing will soon receive evidence of his profitability.

Clean water

Not only the temperature, but also the condition of water in which the owner of sleep is bathed, plays an important role. The interpretation of the obtained dream varies depending on whether it is clean or dirty.

Swim in a dream in clean water is wonderful, especially if it is also transparent. Healthy will remain as such, the sick already took a step towards cure. You can safely count on positive changes that will soon happen in life. At a minimum, pleasant news is expected.

The vision in which dirty water appears, has a direct opposite interpretation. A bathing person risks spoaling relations with native people because of a stupid quarrel, to part with someone important for a long time. It is also worth remembering if Tina was not swimming in water. If so, then it is worth paying maximum attention to the professional sphere, since the deceleration of career growth is not excluded. If the one who dreamed of sleep, consists in a romantic relationship, they can collapse. If a lot is a lot, it sometimes talks about the appearance of envious capable of harvesting.

Times of Day

Interpretizing seen sleep, you need to take into account the time of day. Bathing in the light of day does not carry an additional semantic load, in this case other factors will help to explain the resulting dream: the temperature and purity of the reservoir will help, the place in which the sleeping is floating. The other thing is immersion in the water at night.

Night bathing with an overwhelming majority of dreams is deciphered as a negative omen. The combination of darkness and water is capable of indicating the threat of severe diseases. It is possible that the mischiefs dismissed the gossip behind their backs, it can turn into a quarrel with relatives and friends, problems at work.

Also swim at night in a dream in clean water or dirty means to experience doubts, experiences. It may be that the owner of a dream pursue the remorse, he is not able to forget about any other non-residential act.

Place Bathing - River

Swimming in the river in most cases is a positive sign. Sleeping people stay in a state of harmony, nothing bothers him. Seeing himself in a reservoir, the beginning of changes should be assumed that wrapped in good. An exception is polluted water, indicating conflicts and trouble, which already happened or only expected.

Swim in the river in a dream with someone - an excellent sign. People who see such paintings will soon wait a higher position, recognition in the team, unexpected profit, the permission of financial difficulties.


What does it mean to swim in the sea in a dream? Waking up, it is necessary to remember how the waves behaved. Negative omen - swimming in the storm. The owner of sleep or has already lost the ability to suppress negative emotions, or is about to face it. Also probably a strong shock, loss. Bad and get confused in algae during swimming. This picture speaks of the loss of inner freedom, depression, which has become the result of painful experiences.

Swim into the sea in a dream - a good sign if the water behaves calmly. This may indicate the emergency resolution of serious problems, eliminating the effects of old errors. Warm water promises sudden permission of financial problems, rapid enrichment.

All of the above is relevant for swimming in the ocean in dreams.

Swimming Pool

In his dreams, people swim not only in natural water bodies. Swim in the pool in a dream - is it good or bad? To answer this question correctly, first of all, it should be estimated. Swimming in a small pool - you can decipher as a warning that a person has doubts about its own forces, it is not decided to start a serious matter, postpones the transition to active actions.

The situation is a big pool. Immersed in such a dream, you can hope for a quick promotion. Improving the material situation is also to be, it is possible that significant.

What does swimming in the pool in a dream for a young girl. If it does not wear a swimsuit, it is worth putting priorities correctly. It is possible that the owner of sleep is unnecessary focused on personal life, neglecting the construction of a career.

Bath, shower

Cardiac troubles caused by the behavior of the Love object promises young people swimming in the bathroom. Special attention to such a dream should be paid to those who are married and suspect a partner in married treason. It is possible that suspicions will soon turn into confidence.

Swim in a dream in clean water in the bathroom - still half of the trouble, much worse, if it is dirty, opaque. A person who woke up with the memories of such a picture should be closed to his own surrounding among loved ones and friends may be people, poorly related to it, capable of creating trouble. Also such a dream is a warning about the danger of pregnant women, future mothers need to be aware of an accident and follow their well-minded.

Bathing under the shower, on the contrary, promises having seen sleep soon positive changes. A man will soon feel or already feel a tide of energy, it will be on the shoulder of any accomplishment, even the most incredible. It may imply such sleep and pleasant events on the love front. Exception - cool water, pouring from the crane with hot. This promises disappointment in the romantic sphere.

Swimming in the lake

If you swim in the river in a dream - it is rather good than bad, the lake and all sorts of benefits at all. It has long been associated with the inhabitants of our planet with calm and wisdom. Just perfectly if the lake in which a person swims in a dream is picturesque and beautiful, envelops transparent water.

Positive changes that such a dream can happen in any sphere. Most often, it indicates the upcoming start of a serious relationship, promises a strong marriage.


What does it mean to swim in water in a dream, depending on what is wearing sleeping people? If the dive occurs without prior stripping, a man swims in clothes, it is a positive vision. It is expected to receive unexpected profits, inheritance.

If you have dreamed of bathing naked, you should remember the mood with which it happened. When bathing feels pleasure from touching water to the body, it will enjoy pleasure, recovery from the disease. A business is a feeling of shame due to the fact that someone is watching swimming without clothes. In real life, the owner of sleep can survive an awkward situation or already suffers from memories of her.

What else do you need to know

To be glad is worth a person who saw himself in a dream batting in the hole. Such a picture promises peace of health, it is also possible to reconcile with close, incident after a long conflict. No worse than a dream in which there is a bathing in warm milk. Such a vision indicates the upcoming physical pleasures, pleasant communication.

Interpretizing sleep, associated with swimming in any reservoir, first of all it is worth remembering your own sensations. The more pleasure a man experienced, floundering in the water, the more positive events will be on the occurrence of which such a vision warns.

What dreams to swim?

If a person in a dream bathes in crystal clear, clean water, he will soon be lucky enough to get a generous gift from destiny: to become a successful person, to gain friends and win on the Love Front. To swim in dirty and muddy water is nothing but the poverty, grief and disease does not promist.

If a girl in a dream sees how she bathes in the lake in the company of her girlfriend, and the latter floats better, then her charm will be highly appreciated by others, and the flaws will not become the subject of universal attention - they will simply not be noticed. If a person in a dream is sinking, he will have to experience deep dissatisfaction with life, surrounding conditions, people and himself. Swimming under water is promulit alarm and increased depressiveness.

Sometimes people dream that after swimming, they put on new clean clothing. We lost power such a dream promises a quick return to the previous place. The poor promises unperted wealth, the prisoner - long-awaited freedom, seriously ill - a wonderful recovery, an unsuccessful merchant who lost all hope for a prosperous existence - an unprecedented economic success, anxious - joy, the debtor - the help of over in the return of debt.

So, what dreams to swim - if a person dreamed that he got bought and after that, there was a lot of various clothes after that, then such a dream means the disappearance of all alarms; However, any need will appear instead of them.

If the one who dreamed of swimming, did not have time to wash completely, then in real life he will not be able to finish his affairs and will not reach the goal that has long sought. If a person in a dream bathes or is not washed alone, but with someone, he is soon destined to find the thing he has previously lost as a result of theft.

Swimming in the pool - to get rid of ailments and anxiety. Swimming in the sea foreshadows the woman joy for the success of her husband, and the girl is a rich bride. If there is a swimming in the lake, it means that there are small changes in the material situation and in relations with the second half.

There is a swimming bathing in the bath - it is to get rid of the disease, various worries and alarms; swim by being in the room - to a successful marriage with a decent and wealthy partner; Swimming in the river - to add strength and excerpts; Swimming in warm water - to great benefit, in the cold - to strong health, but in hot - to a heavy operation. Swim in clothes - to a chance for a good inheritance, and wash in a dream legs - to a good farm. If a person bathes in a dream in a marble bath, then a pleasant surprise awaits him, if there is a terrible confusion in the zinc and emotions, and if the cast iron enameled is worth waiting for progress in work.

In general, bathing in the bathroom is most often a face favorable and promising. In most cases, he promises, as mentioned above, getting rid of anxiety, health, success of business and personal life.

However, if you look deeper, you can understand that bathing in the bathroom is also a peculiar symbol of rest and peace, peaceful and pleasant relaxation of both the body and the soul. A dream in which relaxation is very clearly performing on the foreground, may mean that rest in the life of a person he dreams, more than enough. It is also a warning: an excessive rest may adversely affect the business side of life, throw a person, remove from reality. If it dreams that with bathing from the bathroom water leaves, then a person is clearly not confident in his abilities - he should believe in himself.

If in a dream a man takes a bath with aromatic oils, then it can only mean one - excessively, almost narcissistic love for himself, a high level of complacency and delight with his appearance, character, behavior and actions. Such a narcissistic person must be remembered that the ideal does not happen - at least in this, real life. Such a dream is like a useful advice, the recommendation to not erect yourself to the pedestal, and to perceive your personal qualities with a considerable share of critization.

Self-criticism - engine progress. And self-love is a faithful sign that soon will have to say goodbye to the good attitude of others and even with the most close friends. Souls in a dream foreshadows the coming opportunity to free themselves from the oppression of eternal interfering circumstances and bad conditions.

Swimming in the pond is promulit a lot of trouble. Diving - to unfortunately and complex and unsafe immersion inside of their consciousness; After diving in a dream, it is worth thinking well before doing an in-depth self-confidence, it may not end well.

Dream interpretation to swim, what dreams to swim in a dream to see

Vintage Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream to swim:

Interpretation of the dream room: swim - in clean water means success in the enterprise and health, and in muddy marks the death of some of his relatives and friends.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Falletkova Dream Interpretation: To swim what it means

Swim - in the bath - disappointment.

Dream Stranger

Swim - pleasure (if water is clean).

Moon dream book What dreams to swim?

How the dream interpretation: swim - troubles.

Esoteric dream book if you dream to swim:

Swim - clean. If you are tormented by remorse, they will let you go. Bathing someone for forgiveness. Bathing a child forgive you. Bathing old people forgive you. Bathing peers do not have to be offended on others, you are to blame.

Small Velezov Dream Interpretation Why in a dream dreams to swim:

Swim (see Water) - On joy, pay debts, visiting be, and even get drunk; in clean water - good luck, joy, health, success, happiness; In muddy water - failure, sadness, death of relatives, troubles, disease, dirty business; In the cold - health, this dream is so decrypted by the dream.

Modern dream book if you dream to swim:

Sleeping the dream book: swim in clean water - health and luck; In muddy water - disease and failure

Dream interpretation swim in water

What dreams to swim in water in a dream

If you see yourself swimming in the water, it may mean that some accusations of your address will be removed, if you dream that other people are bathed - it is probably possible to blame with the enemies.

Of great importance in the interpretation has purity of water in which you have to swim. If the water in a dream is transparent - life will be carefree, and the disease will soon end with complete recovery, if the turbid - the approaching changes will be negative.

Strong illness foreshadows sleep in which you bathe right in clothes. Happiness and success, on the contrary, promises a dream about joyful games in water with plenty of splashes.

What dreams to swim, dream book swim see in a dream what means?

Lowish dream book

Dream interpretation to swim pushes like this:

What does it mean to see in a dream? You usually dream to change in your life. Depending on what water you bathe, and what sensations are experiencing, we can talk about what changes are expected to you.

Ancient dream book

What dreams to swim in a dream:

As the dream interpretation - swim in hot springs, promises patients with recovery, and healthy - unemployment. Swim in pure and transparent sources, ponds, streams and rivers - to good, but swim - not to good.

Dream Interpretation Rasputin

See swim in a dream:

Swim in a dream in sea water - you are waiting for luck in all your endeavors, especially in business life and in love. Swim in clean water - to correct your previous errors. Swim in dirty water - defame your honor to unworthy actions. Swim in the mud - you are waiting for big profits, happiness in love and creative self-realization. Swim in a dream in milk - external and inner charm will help you achieve the location of the people you need. To swim in a dream to the sea - you will have to quickly make decisions, for which you will need to learn to mobilize in the shortest possible time. Swim in a dream in the spring - you are waiting for a tide of strength and excellent well-being that will become a reason for you to develop new activities. Swim in the bath and see yourself naked in a dream - to the shame that Introduces the situation uncomfortable for you.

Dream interpretation for girls

What dreams of swimming in the dreams?

To see in a dream to swim in the river in a dream - it means that in real life you are trying to participate in everything that happens in life, you try to catch everything and do not sit in place. You always hurry somewhere in the question of others: "How are you?" - Rue on the run: "Everything is later, I have no time now!" Such an active life, of course, is well affected by your mood, but don't you miss something important, such as communication with friends or nature, that then it will be very difficult to crash?

Dream Interpretation Zodiac signs

If you dream to swim, what is this:

Swim in the sea - to unexpected changes in personal life. Swim in the hole - a sign that says that you have to defend your right to love. How your further life will be, will depend entirely on you.

Angel Dream

What dreams of swimming in the dreams are:

Swim - Swimming is usually swollen to change in your life. Depending on what water you bathe, and what sensations are experiencing, we can talk about what changes are expected to you.

To see swimming in clean and pleasant water - the beginning of a successful period in your life. You can safely start any risky affairs - success will accompany you in everything.

If you have dreamed of bathing in the bathroom, then, as a rule, such a dream serves as a caution to the fact that you are soon waiting for disappointment. You have too many requirements for people who surround you, and the slightest discrepancy to your standards leads to the fact that you are upset and disappointible - you feel easier and life will become more relaxed and comfortable.

If a young woman dreamed of a dream in which she bathes in the lake, then in the real life of her dignity will be seen and evaluated to dignity.

If you dreamed that you, bathing, decided to pay chairs with someone, and you lost in this competition, I can not expect that soon you will be forced to make any deeds for you. If, in such a contest, the winner will be, then in reality you will soon ask for help.

Dream Sailing in Clean Water

What dreams to swim in clean water in a dream in dream book?

I dreamed of seeing yourself in clean water - no barriers for career and spiritual growth. Harmony in relationships with a sexual partner.

What in a dream to swim in the lake with clean water?


bunny Zavetnya

This is a very good dream! It is rare and always foreshadow the best events.
Water is generally strong sleep .... clean, transparent promotion sea positive emotions, love. Middle - on the contrary.
Specifically, your sleep says that a light and clean time will come for you, you will experience happiness, plunging into it with your head. Everything in your life will fall into place, it will be time for stability and success.
I wish you happiness!


if water is clean, then this is profit.


good dream .. To well-being ...


For a young woman, a dream in which she swims in a turbid restless lake, means that she will have bitter repentance in his frivolous behavior. Slow on the lake in a boat, which is gradually filled with water, but in spite of everything to reach the shore means that you are mistaken in any fundamental moments, but soon go to the true road. To see that together with you I was able to escape someone, means that someone from your friends will make an ignorable deed, but later he will be able to justify you before you. Muddy, surrounded by bare cliffs and dried trees, the lake dreams of unhappy forecasts in affairs and love. Muddy lake in the shade of green trees means that you have a heavy choice between spiritual and carnal. Sleep, in which you see a clean transparent lake, and around a small landscape, means that you will be overly passionate about the satisfaction of material and bodily needs. To see his reflection in the mirror stroit of the lake means that you are coming joyful meetings and new friends. To see the reflection of trees in the lake in a dream means that I will have a success in love. If you have a terrible inhabitants of underwater depths that threaten you, then you should understand that the troubles that you come across in the near future are directly related to the lifestyle that you led.

Bathe water clean

Dream interpretation bathe water clean Dreamed, what dreams in a dream bathe water clean? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to bathe water clean, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Water swim in clean

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Swim in Clean Water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Water, Clean and Cold

Health; muddy.

Trouble; Water wash.

Joy, health.

Dream Interpretation - Water Clean and Transparent

Good glory, success and well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Kupe

Dream interpretation - swim

Dream Interpretation - Water swim in muddy

Disease and failure.

Dream interpretation - swim in muddy water

Disease and failure.

Dream - Water

Clean water in a dream - to joy, prosperous outcome of the case, happiness. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises well-being and wealth in the near future. Clean water in the river is a favorable sign that promises success and joy. Clean river flowing into your bedroom, foreshadows the rapid arrival of a rich overseas guest, which will do a lot for your well-being; If water is worried, then your guest can come with bad intentions and disrupt peace in your home. See interpretation: dishes, drinks, drunk.

The stream of clean water flowing alongside your home means that soon your financial situation will be strengthened and you will get a good position, which will give you the opportunity to help people in trouble. If a glass was served in a dream with clean water, then you are waiting for success in matters or marriage, which will be happy. If the glass cracked, and the water was not shed, then your wife can die at childbirth, and the child will remain alive. Women such a dream predicts a missing column of the spouse. The priest see in a dream that he distributes clean water to people - a sign that he honestly fulfills his duty and bears good and comfort. Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly fond of doctrines and heretical teachings. If a young man sees in a dream that he dials clean and transparent water from the well, he will soon marry a charming girl; If water is muddy or lounches, then his happiness will be short-lived and a lot of disappointments are waiting for it. Clean water from the well and treat it someone - the sign that people you treat with water will be enriched with your help. If water is likely, then you bring the misfortune to this person. Water draw from the well foreshadows success in affairs or purchase. Muddy water always foreshadows the confusion of feelings. Carry water in clothes, broken vessel or something else that is not quite suitable for this, means that you are waiting for damages or deception of people you have trusted your condition. If the water did not shed at the same time, then you miraculously avoid big losses and save your condition. To get buried such water in the ground - the foresight of big trouble, the loss of the good name and shameful death. To see a pond with a calm water - a sign that your life will leak calmly and happily. Pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of the field, promises you that soon you will be able to scat enough money so that you can afford to make a family and children. If the water in the pond pours the coast, then you can lose my wife, children or money. If your wife also saw such a dream, then she can lose her money or she is waiting for an ambulance. A man see a small picturesque pond in a dream - the foresight of the romantic love of a beautiful woman. The booming flow is the foresight of the fire, trial and revenge of enemies. Water flowing on stones means that your enemies or bosses will be inexorab, and the trial you lose. Standing in water among the waves and not able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and the power of the Spirit to worry the impending misfortune. To see in a dream, as someone sinks in a raging and dirty stream, means that the scandal is waiting for you, separation from the beloved, longing, hopelessness and failure in business. See interpretation: sink.

Restless water in the river - the foresight of the threat coming from the powerful and powerful opponent. Fly along the river with pure water on the boat - the foresight of all the best - success, wealth, the fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swim on a big river - a warning about the danger, hanging over you. To be in a dream in the rapid flow of the river and not able to get out of it - a sign of dangerous illness, danger, long trial. A worried stream means a danger of fire, trial and goats of enemies. Swallow on a boat along a pure and transparent water - to a kind name, to wealth and happiness. But sailing in the dark means that you will be disturbed. To see the streams and fountains with a quietly flowing water foreshadowed good news, the patient is such a dream predicts recovery. Seeing its reflection in water - to death for sleeping or someone from close relatives. The dried or dried source of water in a dream does not foreshadow anything good. Perhaps your life is threatened with danger, one of your loved ones or friends can die. Sleep also predicts large financial difficulties. If water in your dream flows from such a place where it should not flow, then you will find a lot of grief and problems. Scroll through this water in a dream - a bad omen. The more water you will crouch, the worst value will have this dream and the longer your misfortunes will continue. It's good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried, because then the unfavorable period will end quickly and everything will be fine. See interpretation: Pipe.

If in a dream you hear the noise of water or water flow, then soon the person will come back to you, whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought to see. Drink water in a dream - to troubles, failures, treason in love, divorce. Water warm drinks - the foresight of the fact that a certain person offended by you will want to take revenge on you. Drink dirty water - a sign of large experiences or illness. Shed water at home - to concerns and troubles. How much water is spelled, so much burning bread. Even worse if she spoil furniture or carpets. Rush into the water in a dream - a sign of danger; Dive into the water - to trouble. See yourself in water - to unhealthy, colds, tumors, melancholy. See interpretation: Flood, wet.

Swim in water means that you can justify and remove any suspicions. See how others bathe, foreshadows reconciliation with enemies. Sound in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love. To be wet - a sign of trouble, experiences, homemade grain, wrecking hopes. Legs noise in a dream - to losses, illness and obstacles. Cold and student water in your dream - health sign; Hot water means a disease, muddy - sadness and gossip, clean promises well-being and success in affairs, and dark - insults, resentment, quarrels, failures. Have fun games on the water - a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime. See Interpretation: Play, Ball.

Wash in water in a dream - bad for patients. The rest of the dream foreshadows that they will refuse to participate in some kind of business. Omes for someone's legs with water - a sign of consolation of loved ones in sorrow. Wash the water to joyful Wests. See bubbles on the water - a sign of good news and health. See Interpretation: Bubbles.

See splashes - to the news. Spray someone with water - to an unexpected turn in affairs. If the water in a dream splashed on his head, then an unexpected passion awaits you. If the splashes fell not at you, but somewhere nearby, then you will be waiting for an unexpected meeting or an unexpected turn of events. See interpretation: splashes.

A splash of water to see in a dream means an increase in your chances for success.

Pour water - the forever of empty conversations, the sign that your hopes are not justified. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you say more than you do. Water something with water - to losses. If the water is dirty, then a shameful proceeding is waiting for you. Immerse yourself in the water on the throat in a dream will mean that you will be filled with your life on your throat and your life will be confused. Water carry - useless work. Walking on the water and not to soak the legs - overcoming obstacles and good luck in difficult times. Hear the noise of water in a dream is a sign of what gossip is being blossomed about you. Spank boiling water in a dream - a sign that you lose money because of your own carelessness. Watching the water in a dream means your bad premonitions are justified. If in a dream you are afraid of water, you will be expected shame, losses or illness that you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can become a victim of robbers, if you do not take care of it to precisely straighten your values. To see in a dream that the water carrion is moving towards you, - the foresight of the soon obtaining wealth or inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and large profits. The whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Get into it - a sign that soon you will find yourself in a difficult position and you will not know how to get out of it. Sometimes such a dream predicts the receipt of inheritance, because of which you will have a lot of trouble. See interpretation: Also chapters: Brod, River, Fountain, Sea, Ocean, Source, Drinks, Thirst, Well, Waterfall, Water Mill, Swim, Boiling water, Water pipe.

Dream - Water

Easy water flows - marriage.

A large river with clean and transparent water is a harbinger of great happiness.

In the well, the water will dry, the family will soon disintegrate, the genus will die, fad.

Bucket without water - foreshadows misfortune.

Bucket, full of water - foreshadows great happiness.

To see the coffin, which floats through the water - the great wealth is promulit.

Water in the house - the death of loved ones.

Water in the well hits the fountain, overflowing through the edge - foreshadows material profit, wealth.

Water in the well is about to dry - the family will soon dispense, the genus will fill.

Water in a well dries up to the last drop - there will be no material wealth in the family, poverty.

Water in the boat, in the vessel, foreshadows the acquisition of wealth.

Water muddy - unfortunately.

Wife gives her husband water - happiness.

The snake is moving under water, enters the water - relocation to a new home or service increase.

You go on the water - foreshadows great happiness.

The sword falls into the water - the death of the spouse.

Fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness.

You gain water in the well, and take only IL or mud - foreshadows improved material well-being.

Continuous water flows surround the body - a service business.

Knives or sword fall into the water - foreshadows the death of the spouse.

The fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness.

Drinking water - foreshadows great benefits.

Drink water non-stop - great wealth.

On the water floats the cant of fish - foreshadows wealth, profit.

Immersed in the water sitting on the dragon - take a high position, will become noble.

We sweep the house splashing the water - the person will come from afar.

Water flows under the hearth, flowing the stream - speaks of wealth, which is hurt with a dishonest way.

Sport in water - happiness and benefit.

You swoop well and you see the water - there will be a letter from afar.

Fish flies above the water - all things will be solved.

Catching fish on the fishing rod in the water - great happiness and good luck, the benefit.

You fall into the water yourself - no troubles happen.

Sitting on the dragon, immerse yourself in the water - you will do a high position, you will become noble.

Sleeping dragon in water is to achieve what they want.

Stand on the surface of the water - foreshadows trouble.

Dry fish is immersed in the water - again will be luck.

A person gives you a big bucket - the benefit.

Draw water from the well - if the water is clean to happiness.

Write water from the well clean - fortunately, muddy - unfortunately.

What dreams to swim?

You can find out for free in the dream book what dreams to swimAfter reading below the interpretation of dreams from online dream houses of the Sun. If you need to know what it means, if you see not swim in a dream, but something else - use the search form of online interpretations of dreams.

What dreams to swim

See swimming.

See swim

In the bath - disappointment.

What does sleep be able to swim

See swim

in clean water - health and success; In muddy - illness and failure

What knows dreams to swim

(see water) to joy, pay debts, visiting be, and even get drunk; in clean water - good luck, joy, health, success, happiness; In muddy water - failure, sadness, death of relatives, troubles, disease, dirty business; In cold - health.

Sleep about swimming

Pleasure (if water is clean).

What does it mean in a dream

The value of dreams swim

To joy or hiking.

Swim in a marble bath - to a joyful surprise.

Take a shower in a zinc bath - you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

Swim in clean water - to a carefree life.

Swim in the pond - to the troubles.

Children swimming in dirty muddy water, see - to the joy of parents, dive.

That in a dream means swimming

Sleep value swim

In clear water, it means success in the enterprise and health, and in the muddy marks the death of some of the relatives and friends.

Interpretation of sleep swim

In pure water - health and success.

In the muddy - the disease.

Swim in the font

Dream interpretation swim in the font Dreamed, why dream in a dream swim in the font? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to swim in the font, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kupe

See yourself in a dream in a wagon coupe - forever separation from loved ones and friends. If in a compartment, besides you, no one goes - this is a sign of sad events that caress you on the way. To go to the coupe where a rather different and cheerful company gathered, foreshadows a successful decision of the case. Sleep in the coupe on the top shelf - get into an awkward position.

Dream interpretation - swim

To joy or hiking.

Swim in a marble bath - to a joyful surprise.

Take a shower in a zinc bath - you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

Swim in clean water - to a carefree life.

Swim in the pond - to the troubles.

Children swimming in dirty muddy water, see - to the joy of parents, dive.

Dream Interpretation - Kupe

Coupe - sleeping - you will be on the road.

Dream Interpretation - Kupe

The coupe can dreamed of an unexpected meeting.

Dream Interpretation - Kupe

Riding in a dream in a jewelry car with pleasant neighbors - to an acquaintance with pleasant people. Buy a ticket to the jewelry car - to the voucher to the resort.

Dream Interpretation - Kupe

Acquaintance with pleasant people.

Imagine that you are sitting at the table with your friends. You are good and nice.

Dream interpretation - swim

In a clean river: a sign of everyday joy and pleasure.

Swimming in the pool with clean water: the head of your business will make you.

If you bathe in the bath: such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows troubles and problems.

Swimming in the sea: warns that strong emotions and deep feelings threaten to captivate you.

If the atmosphere of such sleep is negative with dull water when bathing: the foresight of trouble. Often such dreams indicate the launch of the disease.

Dream interpretation - swim

Swim in clean water - good health, successful affairs.

Muddy, opaque water - malaise, advise with the doctor not to launch the disease.

Dream interpretation - swim

See swimming.

Dream interpretation - swim

In the bath - disappointment.



Hello, I dreamed a dream as I go on the steppe and stumble on the lowland and there the rocks and a small reservoir with a clean second. I redeemed in it with pleasure in pleasant water. Then it came out and there was a source. I was also fought in it but the water was as if clay. I do not remember further. Help me understand what it dreamed, oh yeah in a dream I was not alone and with my red she bathed and went together somn


I dreamed that I am with my young man, with whom I have recently broke up in the river at night, we entered the water at night and went out only in the morning when it was already cut, the coast of sandy clean, warm, the water in the river was warm, but opaque since at night Seen water purity.


dyed a dream that I am going along the seashore and see how my ex-husband is chicken and transparent. I shoot a pareo and swimming on it and swim together in the water (we melted half a year but not divorced yet)


It dreams like I bathe baby in Basain with a raging water, and milk cockroaches float in the corner, but there was no feeling of dirty water. Then we come out of the water and I am a child shelter by a white towel


I dreamed that I bathe in clean water, as if I had a bluntness, he plunged three times and crossed himself, and when I got out, I wasted a slightly towel, but at the same time, it was partially dressed)


I dreamed that the colleague invited me to the bath. But I did not bathe in the bath, and I lived my grandfather and allegedly, she lives there. The water was warm, but with some black scale from the bucket where the water was warmed. Little to buy and I myself took myself


i played in the theater. He offered the director the version of the design of the scene in yellow gold color. Then he saw snow drifts, whites and heard a crunch of snow. Came with some kind of girl on the frozen pond. And we began to dive into the hole. I felt that the water was cold, but I was so pleasant to this coolness. I was under ice, but without fear and work climbed out.


Hello! I dreamed that I bathe naked, in winter in cold water, but I'm not cold. And then proving that I am not cold, climbing out of water into wet snow. And why would it ??))


I dreamed that I would run around the mountain, then we walk with me guys in different hills and bathe, the water is cold, in the last reservoir it was necessary to jump, there is high, I went around the reservoir and entered it on a more even terrain. The time of year is that winter, or the early spring, but there was no snow. Everyone was surprised that I would run along these mountains, reservoirs.


Hello. Dreamed the dream in which I and my friend and a couple of women bathed into the holes of the lakes of the lake but women saw only from the back, and they talked with a friend and here one woman took me under his arm I was afraid to drown water because it was cold (but I've been a little warmer) and I let her To the shore when with a friend was going to go out were naked, I was a little embarrassed to go there were women


i walked for some rocks. And inside the cliffs, a small lake or a pond, a small water was transparent. pleasant and I sailed


swimmed in the river, rather deep, the water is transparent, but the chockey was garbage.
Fear felt, I wanted to swim faster ...


Good day. I dreamed that. We are going to the river. And then the younger son disappeared somewhere. I still do not see him, but I just understand it. I'm looking for a very long time. We care that he himself duties on the river and drowned. And I find it Together with the eldest son on the river. It bathes in water. It is 2 years old, although now 6 months old. Mountain, fast. Clear. He laughs


the field, there is a clean shiny water, and I need to do on the other side, and I'm naked back to the other side, and Wada is so cold as ice is trying that I see the bottom of the river from the Green Morse


the water entered the water was clear the bottom of the sand, the earth on the bottom, swam and wondered what kind of transparent water, but the cold, when it was released that Mom had sick, said that it was because of cold water.


i am a man of 51 divorced, - got into the room where in the middle of the puddles of warm water, then he himself completely jumped in the stamp pool with warm water was nice


i was very and beautifully lost weight, I really liked it and I remember that she stood in the water she was so warm and rushed to the toli melt or something like that. Then he dreamed sharply winter road and I was behind the wheel of the car and happened to her very confidently and well.


Swimmed in water with her husband, the water is transparent but with the waves, rushed into the water in clothes. Near the shore was sand in the water, but we went around it.


It dreams that I went to the south in May. I was first afraid to swim in the sea, thinking that the water is cold. But I saw that people bathe and went into the water. Water transparent and warm turned out to be. I called my husband. And we bathed.


Hello, in a dream I bathed in the sea or the ocean (there was a lot of people), at first there was a quiet, and then the storm began and everything was muddy, then I was sharply on some kind of narrow river, small, but also muddy.


i'm on vacation ... Abroad ... and bathe in the river .. But she is very muddy ... It seems like with sand ... browning color ... and a small river ... then I see that we are with someone's female, we go on the cool to the underground temple and somehow separated ..o whether the transitions ... or something else ... But then then we choose from this place ...


i bathed in a river in clean water, then a red cat jumped to me (real cat) Then I got out of the water, got a cat and wrapped it in a white duvet cover brought by my daughter. The cat gently put my head on his knees and submolded to wrap myself. In life, the cat is not mine, my beloved person .. And the cat turned out to be a lot of fleas, I donate them and throw. At the same time I am afraid that the hosts of the cat saw the whole picture.


saw in a dream a lot of live fish and bathed in the river. The dreams often dream, in which I buy new things, sometimes I can not buy.


i dreamed that I was on vacation on the sea, but we're going to leave and I thought why it didn't happen, and I went to bathe, the sea was cold but very clean and transparent, and there were stones from salt on the day asked like a driver, I answered cold but clean and tasty, salinic ...


i was bought in a lake with a familiar girl, we sailed with her mail until the middle later, I was joyful, then lay in the water on the shore and then I left


bought at some northern sea in a bluish-transparent clean cold water (and as if I opened a swimming season)


bathed in a dream with his brother's brother's brother like it's not a lake and not a bathroom and flowing water but in the room I wanted to wash myself but suddenly jumped up the former husband and began to rub the wash my back and then I put on myself a shirt


Hello) I dreamed like I bathe on our lake. I swear with friends all is well. In the habit, I begin to dive (I really like to dive). The first time I dived and hit my head about the bottom, for the second time it was the same. Tell me, what dreams of this.


I dreamed that I scored water into the bath, closed the cork, and the water is closed and becomes muddy, they float some fish small, then the dirt is right with the niza, I check the plug, closed, I wash off the water and dial again, but it is still dirty, and as if I take my son and put it in the bath, I think everything is too early to wash it, and it is necessary for him, and straight small fish swim in the bath


i had a dream to the sea. I am not alone, with two girlfriends and we have a child of the same year (boys). My girlfriends went to swim, and I was afraid to leave children alone. I was not spoyful. Why the sea becomes more. I leave children away from the sea. I am going to swim, but see strong waves. Singleless I turn to the sea back, I take away the children and leaving, on the shore a lot of people and different entertainment. I show their children. There were people like dolls, and one of the cute my sister, dressed in a black dress. I climb into one of the puppet houses, but there are no children near, I see what House is going on on the shore. Huge waves in which there were huge fish, sharks, and TD washed off all shore, predatory fish carry people to the sea. I want to save children and sister. Without finding my sister, I'm looking for at least someone, I find my sister's son whose sister bit the fish and does not let go, I pick it up and give people who go to the hospital. I continue searching the sister ... on this dream is interrupted


i and the spouse stand near the river, the paints are dark around, autumn, cold, we are dressed in the jacket, and our son has a little bathe in a shallow water in a white T-shirt and boots, snow went, and I'm interested in my wife: And we have replaceable boots? And how home will a child with wet legs go?


I dreamed that I sailed to a familiar boy who was near, on the island. Water was not muddy, and not clean. Saying to the boy, we spoke. In my life now two boys, and I do not quite clearly remember to whom I sailed. I have a difficult situation at this stage of life, all that in thoughts, it dreams, solid confusion ((((


i bathed in muddy water - it was the sea. The weather was rainy and cold and I was afraid - but plunging into the water - I realized that she was beautiful - very warm and I feel good


Good evening, Tatiana.
I dreamed that I called me a friend to swim in ice water. I plunged and began to swim and began to feel tingling, a friend said that if it does not put the parts of the body from the water on the cold air, then the ice water will seem warm. And we were so floating, but it was necessary to get out, but at the same time it was necessary to pass the prepayment in the form of ice frosty air. So as in the same second. As I pulled out a part of the body from the water, this part of the body was covered with ice crust. And as something agreed as it agreed and literally rapidly made me warmly from where about the premises that I was not covered with ice. But at the same time I was naked and I needed urgently to put on myself !! And with these thoughts I was afraid. And I think now, as a friend in life applies to me.


Bathe in a beautiful lake of azure color. And inadvertently fell into the water and plunged completely, but then it was able to curb


In a dream, I was in the apartment of the fortune tank, the child was bought in the bathroom, after fell into the bath, but got up. The bath was high and large and filled with home. After the fortune teller stood in the doorway and I ask that I was waiting for me on with my husband and she says that soon encourage, I asked so can I with a former boyfriend, she said not. and left


bathed in transparent clean water, realizing that maritime. There was a man who was very pleasant to me in a dream, we kissed and enjoyed swimming in this water, endlessly


At first it was something like river, clean and bathed there, and then I went to the pool where many people, the water is clean by itself, but the edges of the pool were a little contaminated, I began to jump with friends in the water ... laughed, and then woke up .


i dreamed by a quiet evening by the river, I bathed in her with my friend who stared at me, I smiled at him to understand how much the Divine and warm water tonight ... From him, he also proceeded ...


i saw how the people bathes. Many many people. Then I wanted to swim but the boy began to throw mud into me, but I did not get my mind to climb into the water. Then I arrived, my sister with my husband who I was dear to me and we wanted to swim with her but did not become, and her husband began to swim, then she said that he would call her brother whose name is Sergey. She called him, he came and took us. In the river, the water was clean and the bridge was strong and long


bathed in the river, the water was clean, swam and did not want to go out, swimming was relaxed, enjoyed bathing


Well, first, I just went down the street after suddenly I was on the lake with my friend he called into the lake but I didn't want to swim later I was still in the water, but for some reason in clothes and after a moment I was at school which I studied was night And dark there were my classmates and anything they were afraid of something, I approached them and asked what I was answered that it was here she wanders the Spirit of the Vakhtersh's Daughters. Well, with my two friends, I went with lanterns and the fire climbed the stairs. I shouted to show the Spirit suddenly behind my back I saw the shadow from the so-called spirit a scream scream Yarika Light and then I was for the school on the street next to my friends we got up got up and went again to school when I opened the door I was like)


auto rolls in a reservoir and turns into moose and elk diving under the ice turns into a girl with luxurious hair


I dreamed that I had bathed in the river, the river was clean and not muddy. In my hand, I had a baby, Meltyny, I used him kicat on myself he dived


i'm bathing in it and my name is and I don't want to flatter a lot that the water is dirty and I will go to the current reservoir water clean where I saw the reservoir without a milyak and water such a zholto green


in a dream, I saw two diving in cold water with practically with pieces of ice, they sailed their friends around, and I would do after dived behind them, but I was not sure about that, the water was clean, but very dark.


i hurt that I was bought and Nawad were familiar and not familiar people whose children I don't know all ate on the water at the table I was bought and very highly jumped on the balloon


I bathed in the river were the waves strengths I sailed downstream, then I tried to get to the shore with a little boy


the deceased mother dipped in the holy source. Water would not be completely transparent. A little even muddy. I was standing next to and served her shirt after swimming


I dreamed that I was swimming in the river and it was repeated as if dejaver then sharply change the picture and I'm going on the car with a friend very quickly. Then we crash again change the picture and I seem to work at the rental of boats near this river, all


I dream that there is a big puddle over my yard in it. There is a commemorative water in the puddle, I borrowed in her.


Circle yellow sand clay. Many women seem to be relatives. Watering turbid. So the same color as sand. In a black swimsuit. Many bathe. Eightly sediment.


my boyfriend came after me on a car with friends, in a suit, I'm in a wedding dress, we went to the registry office, there were signed and on the Soviet friend of the groom got drunk and began to dance in the fountain with a dream, the groom pulled me from there, I pulled out in a wedding wedding dress


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I bathe in the bathroom, naked. Water in which warm and in the foam. And I want to attract the attention of a young man. Then I get up and go off the foam in the shower.


sitting on the birch of the sea is a liner, then I dwells, I vyzhivaa і ydu pіd water, Kolya I saw, then at Bow at Jacques Majo, I am a girlfriend, and I whale Scho Vіn Podkodiv Ridge, if you swim, і и дний дей и олой ... .


I dreamed that I went to the pool there Bala be flour, but when I got out of it the water was clean, there were slices of dirt in the hair


I dreamed of two sleeping first that I saw an accident crashed the car in the window at the apartment I watched, it was raining on the street, then I came to my girlfriend. We were going to the disco with her, then I didn't understand what many men I did not understand why, then we With the girlfriend went swimming here and the water is cold as asphalt, we came out from the water and returned home and I saw the entrance door open and immediately went to the girlfriend then I went, and I see things the scattered video surveillance camera my turned off and I woke up ..


bathed at night in clothes in a lake with her lover, there was still an unfamiliar young girl who drowned and I saw her face under water,


First swim in the clean sea, then friends scare me a snake, throwing it on me, I am expressing a friend. And then I say a neighbor witch that I would like the sea closer to home, huge foamy waves rise and pour closer to the house, and my father Do not believe that this work of the hands of a neighbor. The Plus in the house there is some kind of spirit, and we have to run towards the White Church


he dreamed of a geographical map. I am poking a finger in a place in the map and go there. I'm going to the shore, and there the sea shore. I think it's probably ice water. I go into the water, the water is warm, like steam milk.


Hello! I dreamed that I bathe in the river that I was dragging. I swim deeper and breaking his hands, he floats around me, I'm cold but not much. Then the reckoning go to the shore and the river in which I swaming turned into the snow, but which remained dents where I was ..


i dreamed that I am going on top of the river closer to the shore where black snags like in the shallow puddle and I have beautiful legs and around the boiling river water is very dirty passing the way I watch the purest river flows in a perpendicular direction and around Light and beautifully I stopped and admired


I saw sleep as I bathe in the bathroom and there is a clean transparent water, she quickly gained and in my hands I have a baby boy lightly so alkaline


I go in winter with some familiar girls, a lot of fresh snow. We approach some kind of big puddle and the water in it is not frozen, and here we decided to swim in it in this ice water, I was rushing, but then all the same decided to understed and bathed in this ice water, there was a strong cold, but there was no negative emotion.


I dreamed that I bathe in a reservoir with a child, the water is clean but not transparent, it is difficult for me to keep it, so I give the child to my husband. He begins to dive with her. I swear on him, because the child is small and he dives for a long time. But he specially continues to do it ... then woke up


I dreamed, then I jump from the pier into the water, in the sea, was evening, but the water was not cold, there was still my friend and my boyfriend


I saw how alternately in the bath people without changing the water, I did not swim in this bath, just watched and terrified!


i bathed in the holy spring source, the water was warm. The night went to the water, the water kept me. When bathing prayed.


drying on bridges with acquaintances dived bathed, the water was clean and transparent and we swam further on the pike.


I dreamed that I bathe in the cold sea, but I am not cold. And I am surprised in a dream to this.


hello! To me today dreamed of the truth, I remember him badly, in this dream there were parents whom I saw in the first, and the woman was pregnant after which something happened to her and the children stayed with a man as not strange I was there, too, and this man I sent me to call the children home actually I went to call them and they had a very turbid on the river at that time and the water was very muddy and they dived from the bridge. I don't remember. Do not me. Do not you know what it can be?


I had a bathing in a reservoir with a woman who was naked and we entered into sex in the same reservoir.


I am Bachila Bіli R_chi acknowledged (tse water, zkimyan's time for the hour of Vіd ozu жirt on the survivors), I am a proudly Sidіv on Keslіv in Kepsі i in the eyepieces, and bіl nyochi standing mіi son-in-law , Potim Pereshov through Rіchku Viyshov Z Nyi here here, my daughter (a friend of the son-in-law) Yak Trimala yogo Odigo in the hands of the i swollen's hands.


I just saw how my other relatives bathed in the lakes, rivers, water lodges and most importantly, it was visible everywhere the bottom, on one of them I saw a kalyask and big crayfish and scorpions .. I dreamed that I had something like a breast child, I am his I kept in my hands and fed, then I dreamed that I'm going with this child past my former guy and I think: "If you, not my child," and he says to me "Ltd. nagulla" but I didn't even turn around. Then she also dreamed that I was holding a tree branch (walnut) flew, and then peelled from the tree itself.


I dreamed that we were Pope in Spain, for some excursion. And first we swam on the river, and then there was a parking, allegedly with swimming. But almost no one bought. We switched this river for some kind of black not comfortable pipe. And they saw the fish (salmon and some small one) fed her and tried to catch their hands. Then they plunged into the water and slightly floated because the water was invigorating! Here. Salmon and Pope did not catch. But some pebbles and shells and small fish were collected in the package. I remember that the stones were amazing colors (bright colored), I tried to photograph them, but I got out bad and I was upset. That's all I remember. If explain I will be grateful. I appeal to the interpretation of dreams for the first time, but swimming in the water recently dreams often, and in warm clean water, I feel great pleasure! Thanks in advance)


i walked over the bridge through the canal. She saw that many people bathed and went swimming too. He took off a bathrobe (I was in a bathrobe) and staying in some shorts entered the water and swam ... Then I went out and sunk back the bathrobe went to the house ... as if my house was my house and eaten pastries, with sorrel and cabbage ...


Hello! Today I dreamed of how I bathe in the river and the water was warm, pleasant, clean. I was very nice to be there.


I saw the river. Much water. Chickening places. But the water is clean. Then I entered TV water with a man in a good place, not very deep, waistly. We bathed and rejoiced


Winter river holes there bathes swims my son and I went into the water warm and clean and I also started swimming


My friend and I were in some kind of pasture and when I opened the last coupe, I saw that there was water and at the bottom of my things scattered were lying on. I asked to dive my friend's will, she dived and said that the water was very cold and then I dived and raised some kind of syringe and some other tools. The extent was clean and transparent


Hello! I dreamed of sleep as if with my family, but we arrived at sea without a husband, the water is clean but cold I swam the sea to another shore and sit on a white horse. I feel like a horse and I, without words we understand each other. Sleep left very pleasant sensations


hello. I dreamed of me as if we were sister and girlfriend stood at the reservoir in that area where I used to live with my parents, on the place where new high houses are stood right now, but fought and went on the way to our 10th house. I stopped without clothes and at the intersection stopped and I asked the girls to go with me to the store to buy anything to tomorrow's day to work (eat). I gave a bag of girlfriend and began to change clothes at the crossroads. On the road as we went from bathing)


I dream that I swim, I bathe myself normally, the water is warm, it seems to be transparent, and when I start to swim away the girl looks at me, and there is a lot of cow cowes (shit) around me and then I woke up and then woke up


I saw in a dream Mom bathes on clay water. She was good, but I am very afraid of my sister so that my mother was not drowned ... Well, then she came out so satisfied like this was so


Hello, dreamed of very turbid water, the Bolotnaya and my child was bought in it, the truth is not long when I jumped it into this water, she sailed to the shore and me began to start a person for a fraction of a second from under the water and began to trample me please and then somehow thanks


Hello! I dreamed that it was a couple of times from the bridge in entering it was a marsh color .. and I saw the same fish several times ... And the river was Rospjorn instead of the road on some street


Bathe in a very clean warmth of the sea, the sea was very calm, there was a bright sun and very salted water. Shark sailed to me, but we moved it down, she didn't even have time to open.


rested in the forest. let's go swimming. At first, the river was small. Then wider deeper. And I rolled into a big river. warm water. But muddy and it was fun and joyful. I wanted to swim. I was not alone
. There were a lot of people. I do not know who was with me. And woke up.


Hello Tatiana. I had a deceased mom, which was not 1.2 years ago. She appeared in our village house, where dad lives now. I saw that she prepared some kind of water with water and forced to swim there the late grandmother (mother of Pope), the dad and my husband himself (the husband recently heated the pills - saved). I, as if in a dream, reasoned: "The grandmother is the late .... Summary dad will die soon? And my husband why? " I wanted to call him, say not to buy ... And then for some reason I did not say. Mom seems to distract me, she appeared in front of me. I look at her and see that she sobs sobrid, talking at the same time: "Poor Olya, poor Olya!" I first stuck together with her, wearing inside something warm, my native .... "She says:" Well, come to me, at least by the hands of Troogai. I approached, I stretch my hands to her hands, and I think myself: "Cold probably" .... But the hands turned out to be normal, I was surprised, I took them stronger, I say: "not cold." And she: "Well, hug." I approached closer, I touch her shoulders - not cold. And then I so much to tenderly rolled out me, I wanted to hug her all over her all. Then the thought came to my mind that it seems to hug it badly with the dead and at the same time I heard the sinister laughter. I pushed her and she silent. I woke up.


Dream It was impelled that I would swim across the ocean m Sorrowfully drowned, because of fatigue, but then I will decide the island, I fall madly there without consciousness. That island belongs to the rich pursuing me, but I am in love with the ocean, and he pulls me. I go out for a man and swimming in the ocean.
After this, a dream, it seems to be drawn to the water, I want to pour a cup with water ...


i dreamed that I was bought with my father in the cold river at the same time when I went out of the water stood a man with a little fish.


i swam in the lake for a long time with a friend, I do not remember his face, but I know that a friend. It was cold, but I did not feel cold. The lake was big, I tried to swim on the other side (given the fact that I can't swim at all and I'm afraid of the water), but I turned to half the way. I began to hurt from the rings, in my arms. Rings were gold and on all fingers. They began to hurt me very much. But the ring was very beautiful. I liked it very much .. But only one ring, but in my dream there were a lot. And everyone bought it, except for my real. All gold and massive, without stones, with the inscription one was (which is written I don't know, letters on a white background) it especially liked it. When all the rings took off, I saw that they are generally big for me. big size. Next, I found myself on the street in the afternoon, the girl had some kind of clothes on the street and parshed to her. Face familiar with her. Then he had sharply at school. In his old class, but a teacher was a woman from the Academy, she gave me gloves and a shirt, black. Then everyone was separated and I collected my things. They turned out to be a lot .. very much rubbish ... Paper, some rags .. Tutu socks (pc 20) .. Then I found myself in the shop. There I took myself a pendant gold. Beautiful very .. and sleep interrupted ..


dived into a large bath with clean warm water and it was very good in the room everything was very clean and light everything is very beautiful


I dreamed that somehow I am on the Black Sea in Anapa! I stand on the shore and I very hard to swim! I go into the water, and she is warm and just crystal clear and it surprised me so much! When I went in to enter, I saw that there was a colleague on work nearby and enters the water! We slept a little bit and I went ashore! I had some kind of color chiffon clothing!


i came to the fortuneteller (in fact I know with her) and asked her to help me pay with the debts and she told me so that I scored a bath of warm water and gave me a few drops of perfumes. The way it dippeded clockwise inside the bath. That's all


In a dream, friends bathed in the lake dived, jumped, rode, but I spent most of the water, I wanted to jump, but something did not give, so I can not get into the water and everything!


i drove with a guy. We wanted to fight because of the wife, then it turned out to be like in Bulance for some reason it seemed that this is a female toilet, I was bought there.


the company was in the campaign, a lot were photographed, night I went to swim into the river and was scary because it was very dark then I swam away when I got standing and looked from the mountain to the river and saw a big snake in the river.


I dreamed of type I bathed with water, and dreamed shit. And yesterday I dreamed of type I gave birth to the girl and I saw her in my face


i was bought nearby unfamiliar people were everyone said that the water is cold, but it didn't seem that it was cold and this time was evening or night and then when I bathe for my hand, what the insect bitten I was bitten away from him


i dreamed like a friend went to swim in the river. in the water floated ice boulders, but the water did not seem to be ice


Hello Tatiana! I had a dream that I bathe in the bathroom who stands near the supermarket in the backyard. I've been sitting next to my husband and we are cute. When I dress and he takes my bag looking at and says that I need to buy a new one, although when we lived together , he constantly scolded me, why I buy so much bags. What is this dream? I must meet today with b. My husband, but I am very afraid and I do not know how to end our meeting after such sleep.


mI S Jnoy Poexali Na More Otdixat Patom Ya Zametil CHTO U Menya Nogi Nennoshko Gryaznie I Mil Nog, Posle Etova Pashli Na Morye I Ya Kupalsya V More


hello, in my dream, my son and my son bathed in a clean and warm pool, despite the fact that the plot before that was, the street is cold and raw winter, a lot of fish was used to be sold or distributed, they were cut into pieces. And then the plot with the pool


Hello, saw in a dream in the side of two big elephants, who simply stood and just looked at me, I didn't feel sstrach to take it. When I went to swim or the river, or the lake, there was a swimming teenagers next to me it was a muddy. In this time, a small sampling began, which I know it in a dream, should always trotten when the moon decreases. This began to dive, not attentive to my advice that the water was less and dive could not be dive, since it becomes small and I myself began to feel the sand in the water and see. In addition, it began to arrive, then decree, as it is done at the time of popular. Sunday saw in the evening, just lay down a little bit down. Forcibly for attention.


I swam in the Black Sea, it was calm, very warm. The water was crystal clear, transparent. I sailed and saw fish


died a dream that bathed in the sea and photographed on the background of the sea when viewed photos on the back background right clearly seen 2 or 3 sharks. And with such an appetite ate fish in a dream and it seemed like a mad poppy in salt and ate.


i dreamed that I had bathed in a small river, the water like was clean (I don't really remember) But I didn't have one bathed there, there were some more girls, then I liked the husband and my husband was told me that I was already out of the water, Suddenly I saw not far from myself as if he was spinning and the water was dirty, I left the water, my husband helped.


Hello! I dreamed that my former was bought with my wife in icy water, the reservoir was a big and circle of ice. They floated with such pleasure and scream, he was half a half, and she is in the shirt.


The third night I bathe in a dream. I wake up with a pleasant feeling. The first time I bathed in the sea with my father. Felt a depth and a little fear. It was sunny and wonderful.
The second time swimming in the sea with my mother. Mom was not particularly satisfied with some kind of my actions. Floating, we suddenly found that the sea is very small and more like a lake. Rising to the mountain, we found that it was not on the beach. Palm trees, sand, salt saw.
Today I swam in the pool. I was like that. Pregnant with a third child. Water was clean. I came to the first lesson for one coach, in the course I got acquainted with another group. And at the end of the classes, recognizing the price, the coach said that it was better for me to be in another group, there are more sparing classes. The mood is good from these dreams, from the sensation of water, (fish on the horoscope)
Once I decided the question of unfinished cases, thanks to a repeating typical dreams within two weeks.
I think that these dreams suggest me something.


dreamed sister and mom but they no longer they died but in a dream were alive, one sister reassured me that everything would be fine, and I saved the second sister in sleeping form from the water and the water was muddy, but I don't remember my mother, but I know that she was in sleep. Tell me what it is?


with someone together turned out to be held in the water together. There was a dark, but not dirty, deep, there were huge crocodiles around us. It would be hunting for us and were very close, I clearly saw their long, closed grazing, but they are not touched us, swam around, a few pieces


Battered presumably in the holy source, the water is clean, cold, but not icy. I drank with my head and washed several times a face.


I saw myself in a dream myself nude. Fight in the shopping center, but did not hesitate. The point ran to the beach and plunged into the river, but the water was not flowing there as before in the river and stood like in the lake., Very muddy and dirty, saw his mother next to the dream. After that, to dream of recognition of his wife in treason. It seems I forgave her. something like that.


I dreamed like me with some familiar (I knew her in a dream, but we were not familiar to living) were on some holiday, we became boring and she suggested swimming. At first we came to the beach, everything was bright, juicy, sunny. We entered the river and there it was necessary to dive and sax under water to get into the sea. The first slept she, I watched this as if on top. Then I did it and we found themselves on the other, the sea beach and floated there.


the circle of sand, transparent, very warm water in the lake, was bought in her, there was someone from colleagues at work, as well as relatives


was a pure reservoir in which the fish and the turtles swam, then I saw a gold bracelet (in the water) I got it and dressed in my hand


I dreamed like me and my husband came to the forest and saw a large forest strawberry, and recruit it. There were not many collected, although there were a lot of berries, all the major, red, some were and green. When you notice the reservoir in the forest with clean calm water of greenish color, almost transparent and came to swim into it. Water was warm and pleasant, I do not remember, we undressed or not. When I went far, although I don't know how to swim in reality. But there was no danger and fear. Then we drove home, and again later they came for the berries and collected them.


Bathed in a fleeting river Water transparently mirror afraid to take me away from the shore but I was able to pay against the flow and return to the shore


My brother and we were swimming on the river in warm water were happy, sailed from the river to the sea. There was clean water in the sea, the sand under his feet from the beginning was like dirt nasty, and then we went to a pleasant soft sand. Then we returned there from where they started their swimming, in a dream we sailed the whole globe and as if returned home by the winners. (In the summer, in the summer, we often floated for the flow of a friendly company, indulged, we were very fun.) In a dream there were the same feelings.


Tatiana good afternoon. Today I dreamed that I take a bath, but the water was not hot in it, but even a bit cool, but I seem to be comfortable. And then my sister in the bath throws me two of my cats, I stretch the subject, but the second I start toli to turn the strains of something else, but in short to immerse in the water and runs away, and for some reason it climbed into the bath. But I left right away. And I already go with my husband and he asks what you have on your leg? And then I just see a scratch on my leg, the cat washed me in the foot, but I did not hurt and I didn't even notice it. And I woke up. Is it a bad or good dream?


Hello! I will be very grateful for the interpretation of my sleep. In a dream, I dipped with my head into an organized holy indoor pool, the water was warm, plunged three times at the same time he was baptized, for some reason I could not immediately emerge after the third dive, I didn't have a lot of water to emerge badly. Thank you in advance.


I dug, as I bathe ... And I didn't see anything in the pelvis, I didn't see the water, I saw only foam, and I felt the smell of soap, I wanted to merge the water all the time .. I didn't get a foam .. but it did not work I do not know why ... This dream dreamed of me and earlier.


i jumped into the river in which the ice floes were swimming, I expected shock, but the water was very pleasant, steamers raised sharply on the influx of the river and left the steamers, their speed and power were hit me. But they silent the water with their blades and it became red from clay Slawed before noticeing it. And when I realized that the river was bright red and thick from clay, it turned out that the bottom was completely concreted. I thought where did the clay thought? And got up. It turned out to be small. But I liked to swim, I was still swimming. When it came out of the river, I thought to wash it out, it turned out not to be bombed


My friend remembered the dream as I jumped from the bridge into the water and called him to myself he jumped off he got dry and I am wet


bought in a mountain, cold, fast, transparent river. Diving, walked under water with open eyes. Crossed the river. I enjoyed. But sailed with the late father. Then I stayed in the river, I told the Father that I still need to go somewhere, and my father sent for the mountain pass until he smelled.


Bought in the mountain, fast, cold, transparent river. Swimmed and crossed the river, dived with open eyes. He gained great pleasure. But bought with the late father. Further, I sent my father for a mountain pass, saying to him that I still need to have time to go that he would warm soon. Himself remained in the river.


I swim into the sea The water dirty swims a few meters and the water is clear transparent and I won't want to although I know what I need to go beyond


with a loved one swam in the water. The place between the two mountains. He was well-cold water, but at diving did not feel cold. Several times the head plunged, but swam. then my family appeared and we left


i dreamed yesterday how I knew there, the body is calm, the soul in panic, with the father spoke several times, went to the church, came some woman said that it would be expensive to cost what I did not understand. Then she read some kind of prayer or suddenly I myself got up my knees bent, well, as in churches, the service pass. Clearly I remember how she spoke to beyond several times, the latter loudly, and from my back some kind of a huge crazy cloud black with a roar as not clear. A couple of seconds he hung over me and back into me entered with such a force that I woke up and the whole back, especially in the blade I was sick in reality .... I couldn't sleep after that ....


Hello, saw a dream as a familiar girl I love bathes in a bath with girlfriends and guys, those who were in a dream I know them all.


I bathed in the water with a friend (and were more familiar), the descent to water was with a high staircase, some water transport sailed along the water (I do not remember what exactly). The water is similar to the river, not clean, I climbed into the water from this staircase, and then it turned out to be at the shore of the tina (green), even there (at the shore) there were dead aquatic animals: fish, crocodiles and someone else, and a girlfriend Just went near the shallow water. When I saw the dead animals and green turbid water with tina and algae, I sailed away from the shore, where the water was clearer.


i bathed in the river with my son, with a friend and her children, everyone was happy, the weather was sunny, it was warm, half was a familiar place, when they swam, then it was something familiar, in that place where we swam, the river had a bend , the opposite bank was steep, partially overgrown with the bangs of Willow, climbed up the path along the steep coast, she walked along the top. A tree grew on the cliff, there we were waiting for my friend Lyuba


i wrapped around in the evening, the water was not dirty, but greenish, first I was without clothes, then when I entered the water, it turned out to be in clothes


I swam in a bath in a swimsuit in pure blue water. A my cousin and director of the enterprise, where I work with me in this bath. The bath was more common in size.


An unfamiliar woman, who I asked the road, led me to the river in which I once swimmed in my childhood. I saw the river, which washed, stolen. I had tears and even broke out sobs, so I was a sorry full-volume 50 years ago by the river. But after passing further, I saw a big full-water river, where people have bathed, quite a lot of men, women, children. I entered the water and swam. Water was not muddy, but not transparent, right as in nature it happens, not very warm, but not cold. I experienced a pleasant feeling, great pleasure, freshness. Was very good. A little sailing, I went ashore (not the beach, but just a shore), because I had to rush somewhere.


I bathed in the house, my hair fell out, I was poured with water from above, so that we would rinse. I went through this water and looked at my hair felling.


bathed with a child in clean clean waters, laughed rejoiced ... When I lost my phone home, I found a foreign phone broken and then my own


i dreamed that I went with friends to swim on the river.
A wooden track was located above the river, according to which I began to go, and suddenly she collapsed and began to "sink."
Friends shouted to me- "Get out, dirty water"
In addition, I fell into the river in clothes.
I could get out, got up to the ground and see that my friends ran up closer to the river and began to shout - "on 3 jumping"
They counted and jumped, first I am not understood later and also jumped.


I was on the river, the cavering house. I had a girl and a guy, I don't know them, but the voice of the girl seemed familiar. They moved somewhere and back and back back with my ex-husband. The vessels at the sight of him were unpleasant, even the fear that he could do me something Little girl dived into the river, the water was dirty, the girl dived normally, but the husband hit his head about the bottom and then when I got up and I got down and on Barza. I got out. I got off my back, he approached and climbed me on his head red wine, I realized that it swam in the face. On the question of the girl, why do you do it, my husband sat down, began to dress and with tears in his eyes calmly but with hatred and anger said that I still regret what I will regret that It was that we divorced and in general about the fact that we were once together. I woke up.


We went to the campaign group and there was a girl with which I met in the camp in the early summer. The point is that we have bathed with the whole group, and then sat by the fire and I hugged her. Everything.


Dyed a dream as I came to some kind of man. He had big heaps of garbage from his backyard, between which there were passages such as paths. I saw the dilapidated trucks in a row, from which I understood that he was also a driver. I understood What came to him to offer him to buy his semi-compressed truck Kraz.on refused, but he said that he had something like some kind of buyer who could offer my car. Then it turned out that I took with my home the air (pneumatic rifle). And although in fact she is working and almost new, in a dream it turned out that she passes the water. Muck willingly suggested a rubber ring, a balonchik and a pool for the air. Theaten offered me to swim in Soul, because I am dirty. And I went to the shower. It turned out to be across the road at his neighbors. And two days ago I dreamed of my late grandfather and grandmother and uncle two days in a row. The right on the second day grandmother and uncle dreamed without grandfather.


the city was filled with water, I was bought there and found myself near the church, what a woman said that there is only 1 way to get around the church, sailing under her, I followed her and saw under the tone of people, just sitting, the water was light, blue, the weather was sunny, I thought it was the souls of the dead people and scared and swam back, but I decided to swim in the other side, but there were dogs, then I don't remember anything


Dreamed of a deceased 1 year ago mom, with an unfamiliar girl about 12-13 years old, both in a beautiful dress, and then mom began to swim in the pool e. With clean and transparent water, and I wanted to help her, but did not have time, she all cried in the pool .


I saw a log house, but the logs oven rotted. Inside the house was beautiful, Noeto is not my home. Wooden fence is new, but somewhere where it is not BVLO stakenik. Fruit trees grow around the house. And I also bathed in muddy water. I wanted to wash off myself something and I came to the lake was the wind, the wave and water was muddy. But I still went to swim in clothes


bathe in a dream in the sea, a horse sailed nearby. I sailed from her ashore


i bathed in the bath and ate nuts, peanuts with China. And here I see the cockroach, and there the second and the third and started the crowd to climb. I pulled the tube from the bath and started to wash them off. And their more and more bath is all in cockroach and me. I look and they turn out to be on the peanuts go. Peanut began to wash off and woke me up


first, bathed in the water transparent with my mother, then the sandstone storm began as avalanche from the mountains, we ran out rushed to the apartment ...


i dreamed that my friend calls me to swim into the river I am pleased with the coast of the endless river Ie, I flip into the water back it is cold and go out later climbing the sandy mountain and go somewhere


I saw myself bathing in the bath naked with soap .. And then some people came.


it was evening, a small reservoir, around the grass. There was a child with me, but not mine. He wanted to swim and I suffered it into the water, but I do not remember exactly what water was, because it was dark.


At first, I descended from a high hill on skis with a man to the lake, then bathed along with her friend and her daughter in ice transparent water in swimsuits, then we were tightened with a whirlpool in some tunnel, where we rolled out for a long time and got into the Underground Sea, there was light, Heat and water is very transparent, but how nobody knew from there. And I woke up


i bathed in the bathroom, in clean, transparent water. But I jerked a cat of such a red-peach-peach color. I was afraid of him, called to the rescue. My husband had gone to the cat, but he jumped again. What does it mean for pregnant?


it was a dream that there were a font, there were people. The woman was plunged in the hand of which there was a little dog, and then I dipped out, but at the same time there was a man for whose hands I kept! Why was such a dream


I dreamed that I was descended with my brother on the inflatable mattress on the river, at first he entered the water to check the water is not finely, and then we both entered and descended in rather stormy water, he dived at the same time, and I was afraid to shuffle.


saw the lake transparent went into the water but since she was cold did not swim away, after me came the girl plunged, out of the water, the whole body was red and I pressed it to warm it


The child jumped into the pool to the depth and walked under the water to another end of the pool. The water in the pool was clean


In the yard of winter, and I swim in a reservoir, which is not frozen and water was so warm, which was not even even come out of it


He dreamed that with a former guy bathed in the river, he invited me himself. It was clean. That happened near my home, although in fact near the house I have no river.


i dreamed that I was in a dirty sea where there was a war and everything was destroyed. And when I dived everything was gone.


I dreamed that I was in the water with a guy. We swam, laughed, but it was not my young man, but just a room on the room. But I hugged him.


skop dream ... We had to somehow get out of this area with my sister, at the beginning we saw the wooden structure, overcoming difficulties, the sister was inside and began to cry, I waited for it for a long time outside, then she returned in a good mood. It turned out that in this structure in a hidden place was a font, in which a blowing, you get what you wish. I also decided to cry, get to the font it was not easy, you must jump over the dugout indoors, but I also got. However, I did not cry, but plunged into this font ... I did not even notice that there was a food nearby (although I was hungry). It was out of the structure and after a while we were already floating on the boat spills (from where she did not remember). We got out of the flood.


i dreamed that my girlfriend and I had battered in the bathroom and I watered my employee on my head, while speaking, so I was well washed with shampoo


I bathed in the river Swim with pleasure, the water was not transparent, not a single company bathed


I sat in a bathroom with a friend. There was a little muddy and cool, my girlfriend and we were naked. I got out. And I still stayed and a husband sat on a chair


In a dream, I bathed in the water, the water was ice, but when I started to swim the water suddenly became warm and this water was supposedly holy. In addition to me, there were a lot of people whom I don't know at all and they said that this is the saint water.


i dreamed that I swim in the sea, the water is transparent, warm shades, golden, the bottom of deep, the feelings were pleasant, then a man appeared in a dream, there was a pleasant communication with him, not sexy, just swam together - communicated


i entered the river with a yellow-dirty water river, then I swam on the river on the boat and there were naked dark trees around and I could not get out


I am on the banks of the river in winter. I had a lot that at the opposite coast, someone fell into the water, and the surrounding people did not jump. Doubled, but Tonunosho had already pulled out. I thought about the hypothermation, but I still sailed back, although there was some alternative. It didn't feel cold at the same time. It's safely saved by the bedtime. That's more convenient to get out. Do not remember. The way home passed by the containers with garbage, where a lot of raven was sitting on Earth. And from where a girl was runled away. Having had a child's corpse 5, Something covered. A advised about the preservation of the find, but Inejeen was going home to inform the police ..


Bathed in a building in warm opaque water with an employee for work and kissed


good day. Today I dreamed that I was walking along the river, a lot of water, but she was clean and warm. I bathe in this water, meeting soyh colleagues at work, talking to them. in a dream I feel very calm.


i saw how my native bathers bathe and I also went to shorts and shirt to swim
Water was clear and was very deep
I was afraid to drown and it was hard for me to breathe.
I was thrown in pushed during and I asked the hands of help but all laughed.
I sailed and saw a lot of jacket and I was afraid to swim there, but the course rushed to me there, it was very deep and I woke up from fear

In the article on the topic: "Dream Dream Battering Bathing See" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out what you dream of swimming from the dreams of different authors. Which means seen telling the analysis of the dream on the maps Lenorman. And even more precisely, the moon calendar will help to understand sleep.

What dreams swimming: interpretation of sleep

What dreams swimming, according to the folk belts of the Malorussia:

Swimming - swim in clean water - happiness, cold - health, warm - close person recovers; swim in the bath - disease, in muddy water - troubles; See how someone bathes, - loss. Swim in dirty water - dirty business. If you dream that you bathe in hot water, - you will endure the operation, it tells the interpreter about the essence of sleep that you dream.

Dream of the XXI century

What dreams swimming in night gold?

Swimming - swim in a dream - to joy or to the campaign. Swim in a dream in a marble bath - to a joyful surprise, in Zinc - means that it is difficult for you to understand your feelings, in the cast iron enamelled - to progress in matters. Take a soul in a dream - means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances. To swim in clean water - to a carefree life, in a pond to troubles, in dirty turbid water - to the charge of children swimming to see - to the joy of parents. Duck - unfortunately, dangerous self-knowledge.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

Dream of bathing, what?

Swimming - swim in the bath - getting rid of the disease and alarms; see in the room - take a good rich wife (husband); in the river - power and despusting; In muddy water - a small change in position; warm - benefits; swim in clothes - inheritance views; Wash your legs - have a good farm.

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

What dreams swimming is the dream interpretation so:

Swimming - swim in the bath - getting rid of disease and anxiety - to see in the room - take a rich wife (rich husband) - in the room - the power and decoratedness - in muddy water - a small change, illness, failure - in clean water- health - in warm - Benefit - in clothes - inheritance views - Wash legs - good farm

Dream of bathing, healing - success in any start

Dream Nancy Vagaymen

What dreams of bathing, how to understand sleep:

Swim in clean water - to health and success. In muddy - to failures and illness. Swimming is a symbol of relationship with others. To enjoy swimming - to peace and harmony. Testing discomfort - to dissatisfaction with themselves and others. Swim, swim in the river, in the sea - the same meaning. Swim in the bath - to disappointments and small troubles. Wash in the river - to the troubles, payment of debts. Sleep, in which you happened to swim in clean and transparent water, promises you a lot of good. Success in work and love victories are provided. But if the water in which you swim, dirty and muddy means, you have nothing to expect from life, except for the sorrows and troubles, poverty and disease.

If dream sleep swimming

If you swim in the pool - Introduces it foreshadows to get rid of disease and alarms. To swim in the sea - you will be happy to the success of your husband, and for a young girl such a dream foreshadows the wealthy groom. Swimming in the river - will experience strong pressure from the head, manifesting the courage and exposure, do not change its principles and interests. Swim in the lake foreshadows minor changes in the material situation and in relations with the chosen one. If you swim in ice water in the winter - in real life, you will experience with nothing with any comparable pleasure that will be unexpectedly interrupted in the most peak moment. Swim in warm summer water promises material benefits and heart attitude of the lover. Swim in milk means wealth and success that I expect you ahead.

Meaning of sleep on days of the week:

The night vision will come true, not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day a dream was dreamed.

  • If there is a swimming in a dream from Sunday for Monday
  • What dreams swimming in a dream from Monday to Tuesday
  • If there is a bathing from Tuesday on Wednesday
  • If there is a bathing in the dream dream from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What dreams swimming from Thursday to Friday
  • If there is a swimming in a dream from Friday on Saturday
  • What dreams swimming in a dream on Saturday on Sunday

MON OCTOBER 12, 2015, 15:07:20

WED JULY 22, 2015, 05:45:38

WED JULY 22, 2015, 05:44:32

Thu May 28, 2015, 16:44:33

Tue September 16, 2014, 22:02:43

Swimming in the dream. Tell your sleep:

Mandatory fields are marked with a sign *.

Swim in a dream: what can this be dreamed of?

Swimming in night gold symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of all problems. But to know exactly what it means to swim in a dream, you can only after the entire seen scenario is played in the memory. Depending on what exactly I had the same, the value can change dramatically.

Swim in a dream: interpretation in dreams

Each of the famous dream books indicates its meaning of such a dream. The most accurate of them allocate the following:

  1. Interpreter Miller. If you had a chance to swim in warm water, then the sleeping soon awaits financial well-being. In the same case, if the water turned out to be muddy, then the person threatens the loss of the item to which he strongly values.
  2. Dream Vangu. Reputation will soon be restored, it will be possible to cleanse and get rid of the unreasonable slander.
  3. Esoteric dream book. Getting rid of duties, burdening a dream.
  4. English Dream. Clean water foreshadows positive changes, and dirty - troubles and misfortunes.
  5. Female dream book. All undertakings will have a grand success.
  6. Modern interpreter. Bathing in the bathroom is promoting disappointment, but a quiet font - success in affairs.

Bathing in Dream Interpretation (video)

Swim in a dream in pure or muddy water

Naturally, in the process of interpretation, it should take into account not only the fact of seen water procedures, but also water, its quality:

  • net - the achievement of the goals are not disturbed by no obstacles, all conceived will soon come in and will be successful;
  • muddy, dirty - enemies will soon go to active actions, there will be many problems in this regard. The spread of rumors will damage not only professional activity, but also of personal life;
  • the girl in the pure lake is a romantic relationship and a lot of positive emotions, the execution of cherished desires.

Sleeping about swimming in a clean reservoir dreamed of a unmarried woman - soon she would like to meet her companion of life.

What dreams swimming in the hole

In most dreams, such a night vision is foreseen an ambulance misfortune, a serious illness or grief. Often, such night visions are dreaming to those who in real life recently experienced a strong stress. It is still in a far away in this day. Sleep points out that he does not need to sit back. It is recommended to go to active actions as quickly as possible and radically change the way of life.

If such water procedures were not accompanied by negative emotions, meaning such a dream can meet with a long-time enemy. Avoiding it, no matter how much I wanted, it will not be possible. In this case, the long-time conflict will be resolved.

Swim in a dream naked or in clothes: what is that dream

Bathing Nagishm in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. To do you need to take first of all your own sensations:

  • to merge with the reservoir in a single whole - and in real life, the dreams are in harmony with himself, soon it will be possible to get rid of all problems and bad thoughts. It will be possible to realize its most intimate desires;
  • feel an embarrassment - the man appears too seriously to the opinion of others. For this reason, it cannot be self-improvement;
  • disgusted, due to the fact that water is dirty - there will be serious health problems.

If the bathing was carried out in clothes, then such a dream directly indicates that the dreams feels unprotected, he has intimate secrets and he is afraid to reveal to their second half. Serious conflicts and long defensive relationships are not excluded. It is necessary to be prepared as it should be prepared, otherwise there are all chances to be humiliated and offended.

See in sleep swimming people

Watch in a dream for frolicking in a reservoir, a good sign. Such a dream promises carefree and happy, filled with fun life. If the baby sits on the shore, but it is afraid to plunge, it can be safely said that in real life a dream doubts, he worries about something.

Bathing kids symbolize forgiveness, cleansing from memories that oppress the dream. If the latter bathes in the bathroom, then it is worth paying to spend all your free time in a kour of the family and the closest people.

Watch over one bathing in a dream - the ambulance loss, but a large number of bathrs indicates that in real life it will be possible to establish relations with people with whom conflicts have not been so long ago.

Swim in a dream with a man in a reservoir: what it means

There are several definitions of what a woman can be dreamed of bathing in a reservoir with a man:

  • an unmarried girl had a chance to swim with an unfamiliar man - very soon her expects a fateful meeting. It is worth remembering how a man looked in Gresses, it is quite possible that it will be possible to find out in real life, you should not miss this fate;
  • a man is familiar - and romantic relationships with him are not excluded, but about the final result of these relations can be judged, exclusively considering additional details;
  • slow, try to hide or swimming at all - the relationship with this man in reality is not crowned with success, there are many unpleasant surprises on his part;
  • enjoy swimming - relationships will be filled with positive emotions and bright feelings;
  • with the Beloved - the hope of further development of these relations in the soul of the dreams. It is necessary to fear so bold desires. There is a risk to lose inner freedom and with your head to surrender to feelings;
  • the reservoir is very small - the woman is afraid that the relationship with this man will be famous for others. The chances of the fact that her mystery will soon be revealed;
  • with a lover - an ambulance quarrel with him and a serious conflict with a legitimate spouse.

Unmarried Girl happened to swim with an unfamiliar man - very soon her expects a fateful meeting

If in a dream you have to swim in the pond

In dreams It is said that in order to accurately decipher such night visions, it is necessary to take into account all the items seen, and only after playing in the memory of the whole scenario, proceed to the analysis:

How many people are so many dreams. How many dreams are so many possibilities, sometimes omitted. The meaning of sleep is hard to understand without considering all his aspects, the personality of a person and the context. In order to find out what really means sleep - write an expert of the site, it's free!

  • pure pond - good luck will accompany the dream, it is waiting for mutual love and financial well-being;
  • fly naked - it is worth thinking about our own behavior. It is possible that in real life a person is too frank;
  • fall into a transparent pond and happily swim - a major money replenishment is expected or gaining love;
  • swim and feel confidence - regardless of the circumstances, a person is always confident in its own;
  • suddenly start sinking - it threatens a serious danger, it is worth being very careful and engage in strengthening your health.

In dreams, it is also said that swimming in the pond can mean that in real life, man brazenly interferes in someone else's life. It is worth playing in memory all events lately, it was possible to meet with a long-time friend or simply happened to discuss someone's life with the surrounding.

What dreams of the sea (video)

To interpret the dreams in which you had to swim or watch this process from the side, it is possible in different ways. Meaning such a night vision can both something good and foreshadow. Only after complete sleep analysis, you need to start active actions so as not to miss a chance that has emerged in life or prevent the development of unwanted events.

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Reviews and comments

I dreamed that I was swimming (I didn't just splashing in the water), namely I swam in a very clean and "elastic" water (I think it was a sea), cutting water with good, professional wraps (it was a crown). And I was so Well, and I felt so confident that I wanted to sing or shout from joy. Judging by what I read now, it all dreamed of something good for me.

Particularly in dreams do not believe, but there are dreams that are truly long interpreted in the right key. How many times I did not dream of swimming, always foreshadowed something. When I bathed in dirty or opaque water, after always sick. But the bathing in transparent and clean water has always dreamed of good news. The meaning of this sleep is very detailed here. So, next time, I will pay more attention to my feelings.

Our dreams are always forerunner of certain events, and everyone understands them in their own way. But there is a general understanding of many: so for example, swimming in clean water is always good change, to new positive information. But the washing in dirty water does not bind anything good: it may be to the disease, to a quarrel, to dirty gossip. Any dream is a precursor to whom you need to carefully treat and react correctly. And then surely it will be possible to avoid many troubles.

Swim in the dream

Swim (swim) in a dream is a symbol of getting rid of problems, wealth and joy. To deal with what it dreams and what it means to swim in a dream, you should analyze the dreaming sleep, pre-in detail I remembered seen. After that, let's turn to the son of the dream.

Miller's dream book, swim in a pleasant, warm water interprets both well-being and prosperity in the dream house. Swim in muddy water, warns about the loss of an important thing, which represents some value for a sleeping person. Sea travel symbolize an unexpected inheritance that will help to establish the financial condition of the person.

Wang's dream book predicts the possibility of a sleeping person to justify himself in the eyes of others. False accusations and slander, who felt the good name of the person will stop disturbing the dream. To swim and at the same time creating a lot of splashes, foreshadows good luck in any endeavors, and the ability of a person will stand out from the crowd and establish itself as a reliable and hardworking worker.

Esoteric dream book swim in the reservoir in a dream, characterizes the possibility of cleansing the sleeping person. It can be like burdensive relationships, so resentment and remorse of conscience, which have not gave peace for a long time. Wash the child in a dream, indicates that soon the dream will be forgotten for a long time. Wash relatives, the sign of the person's guilt in those circumstances in which he blames very other people.

To find out what to dream to wash in a dream, you need to remember the condition of the water. Cold water characterizes the superiority of a sleeping person over its enemies, the ability to cope with the circumstances arisen and eliminate the exciting problems. Hot water symbolizes the excitement of the dreaming about his health and well-being. Warm - increasing profits and increase material well-being.

Clean water means the absence of an obstacle to the implementation of human plans, the ability to carry out risky enterprises with benefits for themselves, as well as a joyful and carefree life. Dirty water warns the person about the presence of ill-wishers, which will soon be activated and attempts to harm the person, and also promises adverse changes in the biography.

The girl, see himself in a dream batheled in a pure lake, in the dream book, means the normalization of love relationships with the chosen one, as well as the fulfillment of cherished desires and aspirations. For the person, which is in an active search for a partner of life, the dream book predicts the appearance on the horizon of a young man who can conquer the heart and trust of the young lady.

Dreamed that I bathe ... a place where you have to wash (swim)

What to dream to swim in the pool. Vision, means that the dreaming in real life is afraid of risky enterprises. Compete in the pool with someone, suggests that a person should move away from business and relax.

Swim in a dream in the lake, surrounded by juicy greenery, is interpreted by a dream book, as the opportunity to influence the well-being of his family and improve its financial position. Careerists, such an image promises an increase in position or an increase to the salary.

Swimming in the bathroom Sulit Dream Cardiac experiences to young people. Also, this vision suggests that the dreams puts too high demands for their relatives and loved ones. A married woman such an image can designate married infidelity. Girls in the position should be neat, because there is a possibility of accidents.

In a dream, swim in the ocean, promises dream book the presence of great prospects at work and personal life. Careerists, such a dream indicates the emergence of new projects capable of ensuring moral and material satisfaction of the person.

Walking under the shower in a dream foreshadows sleepy forces and energy, which will be required to achieve the desired results in the working or personal sphere. If the water was cold from the crane, instead of hot, it means that the person needs to prepare for changes or unexpected, which are taking a sense of the dream.

If for any circumstances in a dream, a person had to swim in the mud, then it is worth watching his behavior and tongue, because there are incorrect proposals that the proposal is incorrectly expressed, can turn against the very dream. Also, no need to extend about the details of family or love life, since a person who flies envy becomes dangerous.

Swim in the drub in the winter, testifies to the spiritual growth of the person, the desire to improve their skills with learning. The ability to receive useful information that should be applied at the right time in the right place.

Swim in the bath indicates that in the near future, sleeping people will feel a feeling of shame for his trips, words or actions. It should be fixed as quickly as possible, because others will learn about his practices.

If a person happened in a dream to swim in the snow and get pleasure from it, it means that in real life, sleeping is waiting for tests that will strengthen his spirit and indirectly will help achieve cherished goals.

What dreams to swim in the blood. Wipedia indicates that in a short time, a sleeping person will have to deal with relatives in any question. Most likely, the proceedings will be associated with the division of property or inheritance.

A young man, swim in the pond in a dream, by the dream book Freud, foreshadows about the establishment of sexual bonds of the dream, which until the present period were countless. The appearance of one sexual partner capable of "discarding" the desire to make love on the side.

To swim in milk in a dream, according to the dream, it means getting a major profit and improving the well-being of a person's family. Wash in pair milk, says that the person is satisfied with his current life.

It is useful to know what to dream to swim in shit. Despite the unpleasant dream, it is pushed as a very positive sign and foreshadows a lightweight profit, winning a lottery and carefree life.

Swim in a dream in the source, fresh and clean water is interpreted by dream book as favorable conditions for solving complex and dubious situations.

With someone wash (swim)

What dreams to swim with dolphins? According to the dream, the vision is a sign that the dreams can count on the help of friends and loved ones. Also, this picture promises a fun pastime with expensive people.

A woman with his beloved man swim in a dream is a sign that speaks idylls in relations with the chosen one.

Swim with fish, interpreted dreams as a rich and interesting life. Swim in the river and try to catch fish for the tail, for the girl promises an ambulance pregnancy. A man such a picture indicates the possibility of getting a profitable business offer.

A dream in which a person is brought to swim in clothes in the dream book, denotes, a sense of insecurity that is experiencing person. The girl, this image broadcasts the presence of secrecy, which prevents fully from opening its chosen one.

To find out what you dream to swim naked, you should remember your own emotions in a dream. Feeling comfortable floating naked on the water, indicates that the person is in Lada with himself, and also points out that all the desires will come true, despite the obstacles and other people's intrigues.

Feel unpleasant looks, swimming naked, means that the girl is greatly important to public opinion, and also easily exposed to someone else's influence. Need to

Swim in winter, in the dream, promises gorgeous dream health. The presence of a mystery that a person is obliged is, this is what dreams, swim at night.

In the waves to swim, according to the dream book, means that the person is not terrible obstacles on the way, and obstacles do individual only stronger and rustier.

See how someone is washing (floats)

To express, what dreams sleep, in which the child bathes in the pond, it is worth remembering the behavior of the baby. If the child behaves actively, dives in a dream, the dream book foreshadows a carefree and happy life, a fun pastime. If the kid sits on the shore, without deciding to go in the reservoir, then the sleeping person is doubting doubts and uncertainty.

To dream of a bathing child symbolizes dreams forgiveness and getting rid of remorse. Also, a dream where children bathe in the bathroom, talking about the possibility of paying attention to their family and relatives.

Watch in a dream as elephants bathe, speaks about a profitable and stable business, which organizes a dream. Novice businessmen and business people, this vision promises expansion of connections and partners.

The ability to find a common language with the individuals with which in the past Sleeping person could not find points of contact - this is what the swimming people are shot.

I really liked

Not bad, just to come true.

I dreamed like me with a guy naked bathed in the shower.

I dreamed that I was swimming at sea among huge fish.

And I dreamed as if I was swimming at night in cool pleasant water. But there is no interpretation of this

Thank you. I really liked it.

I bathed in the shower without clothes in warm water, and after I went out the window on the roof I dreamed. And I almost fell from the roof, but I was kept.

Swim in a pond with a young man.

I dreamed that my ex with whom parted a week ago bathes with friends to the sea and drink vodka in the sea, but unfortunately there is no interpretation.

I dreamed that Mom, I and my daughter in the cemetery were looking for a lake to swim. My mom led us. They came to the right place, but it looked like a broad grave. I bathed there. Water was clean. But I was surprised by what was very fine. For some reason, Mom led us exactly. I got sick with a younger child and I think this dream to good.

A lot of blood dreamed not to me, and my daughters and I really worried about her, but I did not find the answer.

Blood to the arrival of relatives so do not worry.

I dreamed that I bathe naked in a river with a guy, the water was clean. What does it mean?

I dreamed like I bathe my son had fun, just in winter, but we were warm and then everyone went to swim.

Having dreamed at night as a familiar bathed and the things left on the shore, after it fell asleep and there I had already bathed with my friends a big company.

I dreamed that I am swimming in the sea in clothes and with a big dolphin, but Dolphin looked like China.

I dreamed that I went along the shore and collected blue stones, and the sea was very beautiful blue. I bathed with a guy in the sea, we talked well and laughed, sleep as in paradise.

He dreamed that he was standing under the shower and suddenly of all the drains (sink, shower, in the floor of the hole) begin to flow feces, and the water rose, and I was in this shit.

Dream Battering Swimming See

Everyday joys and pleasures.

Swimming in the pool with clean water - The head of the fact that the result of your affairs will make you.

If you swim in the bath - Such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows troubles and problems.

Swimming in the sea - It warns that strong emotions and deep feelings threaten to captivate you. If the atmosphere of such sleep is negative "This is an explicit call not to lose his head from smelting feelings, otherwise everything can end in sad.

Modern visible dream book

Swim in warm, pleasant water - a sign of well-being, wealth in the house; in hot water - To the disease.

Swimming in cold - water means victory over enemies.

Swimming in transparent clean water - promises you happiness, getting rid of old chases, problems and worries.

If you bathe in muddy water - Such a dream foreshadows the loss of some kind of things for you.

Swim - Health and luck; in muddy water - disease and failure.

Eastern female dream book

Pleasant bathing in calm water - dream of success in all endeavors.

Swim in the bathroom - to disappointment.

Dream Khasse

Swim in the bath - getting rid of the disease and alarms; see in the room - Take a good, rich wife (husband); in a river - strength and decoratedness; in muddy water - small change in position; warm - benefits; swim in clothes - inheritance views; wash legs - Have a good farm.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you bathe in the pool - Introduces it foreshadows away from diseases and alarms. Swim in the sea - You will be happy to successes, and for a young girl - Such a dream foreshadows the wealthy groom. Swimming in the river - Test strong pressure from the head, manifesting the courage and excerpt, do not change its principles and interests. Swim in a lake - foreshadows minor changes in the material situation and in relations with the chosen one.

If in a dream you bathe in ice water in winter - In real life, you will be tested with nothing with any comparable pleasure that will be unexpectedly interrupted in the most peak moment. Swim in warm summer water - promises material benefits and heart attitude of the lover.

Swim in a dream in milk - Means wealth and success that I expect you ahead. If you bathe in your dream - It means that you will give a person with all the passion, much superior to you by age. See naked swimming men - means that you will have full fans and adorable; if you see bathing naked women - Non-successors will try to draw you into a scandal or some non-deposition.

See in a dream how to swim newborn - foreshadows the happy way out of their difficult situation.

Dream of the XXI century

Swim in a dream - To joy or hiking.

Swim in a marble bath - to joyful surprise, in Zinc - means you find it difficult to figure out your feelings, in cast-iron enamels - To progress in affairs.

Take a dream - means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

Swim - to a carefree life, in a pond to the troubles, in dirty muddy water - To charges.

Children swimming See - To the joy of parents, dive - Unfortunately, dangerous self-knowledge.

English Dream

Sleep, in which you happened to swim in clean and transparent water - promises you a lot of good. Success in work and love victories are provided.

But if the water in which you bathe, dirty and muddy - So you have nothing to expect from life, except for the sorrows and troubles, poverty and disease.

Islamic dream book

One who sees in a dream that it makes swimming and goes into new clothes - Means that if he was removed from power, he will return to the previous post.

It is known that Ayub (new) (peace to him) after swimming was closed in a new robe. Allah returned him to his people, made it an example for imitation. His anxiety disappeared, the body was cleared, and he became healthy again.

If, someone in a dream he will see what a variety of clothes got on and put on - His alarms will disappear, but some need will appear.

One who in a dream performed a bluntness, but did not bring him to the end - That will not be able to complete his affairs and will not get what he wanted to get.

If someone sees a dream, it seems that it makes a wash or bathe not one - will find the thing that was stolen before him.

Who committed the ablution and started to execute prayers in a dream - awaits exemption from alarms. He will thank the Most High for the assistance rendered.

Who will see a dream that it seems to be a bluntness, although this is not allowed to him - He, experiencing anxiety, hopes for his liberation from this feeling. However, the fulfillment of his desire does not achieve.

Lunar dream book

Psychoanalytic dream book

Sonnik Interpretation of dreams

Swim - So success in the enterprise and health, and in muddy marks the death of any of his relatives and friends.

Dream Stranger

Collection of Sonnikov

Bathing in pure water - to health, to joy; in dirty or muddy water - To illness and failure.

Swim yourself - You need physical and spiritual cleansing; see swimming faces of the opposite sex
Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Spread bed linen inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream interpretation swim in a dream. Walking in a dream means that events will soon occur, because of which you will experience a lot of emotions and get a lot of impressions. What will they be the question? Swim - Sign of well-being and health.

In dirty - illness. In muddy - experiences, quarrels and proceedings.

Sleep, in which you bathe in the sea means significant and important changes. In the ocean E - fateful. Sometimes dreams that bathing takes place at night. Such a dream predicts the events of the future, which are still visible only intuitive. The second option is hidden and unknown events, but you will soon find out about them.

With clean water and a calm current - to joyful and prosperous life.

In the lake - to the creation of his family, if the lake is beautiful and water is clean, if the turbid - to sorrow or separation in someone expensive for you. But it is temporary.

In a pond with clean water - to joyful events and love.

Swimming in the source - rare sleep and very good. Such dreams will take off in cases where any help is needed and most often in healing. So, your sleep says that you can get or achieve the desired.

If you yourself, and now you are very overwhelmed or unhealthy, then such a dream means recovery.

Most often the bath dreams when a person is more overwritten physically or is in a state of stress.

Swim in the pool This means a certain area of \u200b\u200bperception of your life, in which other people are present. In such dreams, anyone will definitely be. This is the person or people with whom you will be involved in the situation.

In the bathroom swim in a dream almost always indicates diseases or recovery and getting rid of diseases, if water is clean. As a rule, the bathroom is the territory of "sexual relations", the disease will also concern the sexual sphere. If the children in the bathroom means indicating parental relationships.

But to swim in the shower, if you have ever dreamed, to the pleasures of a physical nature.

They can be different species. If in the bath it was necessary to wash someone else, it is important if you know this person. If he has problems in the present time, it means he will end with difficulties. Unless, of course, there were no negative factors in a dream. Well, and if he is all right, then most likely, such a dream to trouble. Signs in a dream will indicate it.

Naked swim in a dream, if there were no negative aspects, to pleasure and health, - provided that the water was clean. If you were awkward because of the nudity in a dream or someone asked you, then sleep to the shame or situation when you find yourself in an awkward situation. If in dirty water - severe illness or injury.

Swim in clothes - To quarrels and clarifications of relationships, the situation in which you will experience humiliation and shame.

Swim with the childIf the sleep is beautiful and water is clean - to trust relationships and well-being in the future. If the child is unfamiliar - to change in life: a new business, business project. Sometimes it may indicate moving to another country or city.

In a dream - a sign of health and well-being.

If one or two fish - you will soon have the opportunity to make an important thing that you have been thinking about. If you floated with Fishes Vmor - the value of the upcoming event is very important for you in life. If the river indicates a specific period of events that must necessarily occur, since the river - symbolizes fate, important life events.

If you float with him, in contact - the special properties of your brain is in the changed states of consciousness.