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Tree with long needles. Coniferous trees and shrubs: types and names. Coniferous plants - their classes and types

Many amateur gardeners choose coniferous vegetation to decorate their garden or summer cottage. After all, these are not only magnificent evergreen alleys for walking, but also healing air. In addition, conifers are unpretentious and perfectly complement the landscape both in composition and individually.

Thanks to almost all coniferous trees and shrubs retain their attire all year round your green garden will please the eye at any time of the year, to the envy of the neighbors. With the help of conifers, whether they are giants or dwarfs, you can create a noble and original landscape even in your small summer cottage.

Names of conifers

In the conditions of the Russian climate, the most popular and common conifers are:

  • fir;
  • juniper;
  • pine;
  • cypress;

Ways to decorate the site

Coniferous "decoration" of open space can be carried out in several ways:

To create an original unique composition, you should first familiarize yourself with the characteristics of various coniferous plants and determine in advance their place on your site.

Coniferous plants for the garden: types and their description

Combination of plants of different varieties and species will create a unique landscape on your site, but it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each group, its advantages and disadvantages. But not all types of conifers are suitable for decorating a garden plot.

Landscape designers have long identified the types of conifers that are perfectly combined with other trees and shrubs and at the same time take root well.

Basic representative of this species of conifers - yew. This plant has needle-like leaves arranged in two rows or asymmetrically. Yew can be both dioecious and monoecious. There are about twelve species in the yew family. They grow mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, since representatives of this genus of conifers are very demanding on the composition of the soil and air humidity.

Drained soil provides plants with active growth, and thanks to a powerful root system, they receive a sufficient amount of the necessary substances.

Yew is recommended to be planted in areas well protected from the wind and preferably in partial shade. With this arrangement, the plant will have a brighter saturated color. Yew does not grow in acidic soils, as well as in wetlands.


Among the twelve members of this family there are both trees (for the most part) and shrubs. They are also divided into frost-resistant and heat-loving plants. This type of conifers requires special attention, which consists in observing certain conditions.

All types of cypress are easy to grow from seed. Due to their spectacular appearance, representatives of the cypress family have gained immense popularity among landscape designers.

Landing in a sunny area, the plant will have an unpresentable yellow color, therefore, in order to protect dark green crowns from burning out, it is better to place cypress in a shaded place.


Largely representatives of the pine family are quite large(up to 50 m in height) and therefore not always suitable for garden decoration. They will look especially ridiculous in a small area. Therefore, before giving preference to one or another type of pine family, it is necessary to clarify its future dimensions. These plants are mostly found in the wild and are generally found in Europe and Asia.

Main The advantage of pine trees is that they tolerate heat very well., and frost. The root system of this conifer is quite well developed and tends to grow actively. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-allocate a large place on the site where the conifer will not interfere with the growth and development of other plants.

Representatives of the pine family delight the eye with a rich green color of needles all year round and do not need special care.

Tall species of coniferous plants

The following species are among the fairly high ones:

If you do not want to have a coniferous plant that is too tall on your site, you can regulate its growth by pinching the shoots. But you need to do this every year in order to avoid the appearance of a freak plant in the garden.

Medium-sized conifers

Conifers medium-sized plants will serve as an excellent decoration of the landscape your garden. They perfectly complement small flower beds, keeping them presentable in winter. Usually these conifers are planted near the entrance doors and along the paths, which gives symmetry to the design of the site.

Especially popular among conifers of medium height are:

  • golden yew;
  • globular thuja Globosa.

Dwarf coniferous plants for the garden

First of all, it should be clarified that far not all so-called dwarf conifers are such. So, dwarf spruce can grow up to 2 meters tall. But this is a rarity - usually dwarf species of conifers reach a height of no more than a meter. They look great in combination with ornamental grasses and stones.

The most common varieties are:

  • Korean fir Piccolo;
  • mountain pine Hampi;
  • spruce lombers.

Features of caring for conifers

In order for the conifers to please the eye in both winter and summer, they need constant care. An important role is played by the location of the plant. The ideal place for planting is a semi-shaded place in the corner of the garden. The soil must be sufficiently moist, and its level of fertility can be average, since you can always add the missing elements yourself by applying appropriate fertilizers. However, any rule has its exceptions - pines grow better in the sun, and yews and spruces feel quite comfortable in the shade.

If you are only plan to plant coniferous trees and shrubs, then you should not worry about the lack of black soil in your area - they will need only 20–25 cm of fertile land. In extreme cases, add a small layer of black soil and some fertilizer. It is also recommended to mulch the soil - this will save it from sudden freezing during the onset of frost and protect it from weeds.

Useful with properties of coniferous plants were known to people five centuries ago. This is confirmed by the found tablets of the most ancient civilization - the Sumerians. By planting just a few units of yew or juniper in your garden. You will arrange a "health resort" right next to your home, and coniferous plants will "thank you" for your care and attention for many years to come.

To implement unusual design solutions and create an original landscape, many gardeners use conifers. Such cultures give a noble look to the site and decorate the backyard territory all year round.

Consider the main types and forms of ornamental coniferous plants for the garden, and analyze the main principles for constructing compositions from evergreen shrubs and trees.

Coniferous plants on the site - the unique chic and elegance of the garden

Conifers are noble plants that allow the garden to remain attractive and green all year round. Coniferous trees and shrubs look spectacular, both in spacious parks, gardens, and in small household plots.

Almost all conifers are evergreen, only some species, such as larch, shed their needles for the winter. The rest of the plants “renew” the needles gradually - once every few years, obsolete needles fall off, and new ones grow in their place.

Ornamental coniferous plants for the garden are very popular in landscape gardening. They are hardy, frost-resistant, have a beautiful clear shape and are unpretentious in care. In addition, conifers have the following advantages:

  • good tolerance of insufficient sunlight;
  • some varieties of conifers have the correct geometric shape and do not require regular trimming;
  • a well-developed root system allows plants to exist for a long time without watering (some varieties can be grown even on stony soil);
  • it is officially proven that the aroma of coniferous plants has a beneficial effect on the mental and spiritual state of a person;
  • conifers are universal, thanks to a wide variety of species and forms, plants can be used to create a wide variety of landscape compositions in areas of any size.

When planning to decorate your site with coniferous plants, you need to carefully approach their choice. Before buying, you need to determine:

  • placement of a tree or shrub on the site;
  • the order of construction of the composition;
  • climatic conditions of the region and soil composition of the site.

Based on the above criteria, the type, variety and shape of a coniferous plant is selected.

Coniferous plants for the garden: names of varieties and descriptions of species

The following types of coniferous plants are best suited for planting in the garden:

  • yew (torreya, yew);
  • cypress (juniper, cypress, thuja);
  • pine (larch, fir, cedar, spruce).

Consider the most popular ornamental species and varieties of conifers

Juniper(Juniperus), known as veres, belongs to the cypress family. A light-loving coniferous plant, but it also grows normally in partial shade. Juniper is not at all whimsical to the soil - it can grow on limestone, rocky slopes and sands. Decorative forms have a columnar or creeping crown. Juniper has a unique healing aroma. Most often, plants are planted in natural style gardens or "stony" landscape compositions.

The main decorative types of juniper:

  • Common juniper- an evergreen shrub up to 3 meters tall, or a tree - up to 12 meters. The plant is cone-shaped or egg-shaped, the bark is dark gray, and the shoots are reddish-brown.
  • Juniper procumbent (horizontal)- the shrub "spreads" along the ground, and does not grow up. The height of the plant is up to 30 cm, the color of the needles is bright green, the cone-berries are dark blue. Juniper horizontal is often used in the design of alpine slides.
  • Juniper Cossack- dioecious shrub up to 1.5 meters high. The plant creeps along the ground, forming dense thickets. Possesses soil protection properties, resistant to gases, smoke and drought.

thuja(Thúja) belongs to the cypress family. These evergreen shrubs and trees (height - up to 70 m, trunk diameter - up to 6 m) are unpretentious to transplants and tolerate the smoke of cities well. Designers fell in love with thuja because it can be given any architectural form. The plant is used in the creation of hedges and alleys.

  • Thuja western Smaragd- conical grade of thuja. The crown of the plant is cone-shaped, branches weakly, of medium density. Thuja is characterized by moderate growth, the height of a ten-year-old conifer reaches 2.5 m, an adult plant - 6 m, crown diameter up to 1.8 m.
  • Thuja western Danica- dwarf spherical shape. The height of an adult thuja is about 0.8 m, the crown diameter is 1 m. The growth of a plant per year is no more than 4 cm in width and 5 cm in height. The crown of thuja Danica is dense, of regular geometric shape. The needles are scaly, soft, bright green. Thuja is used in rock gardens, on slides, in group and single plantings.

Larch(Larix) - the most common tree species in Russia, and on the planet as a whole. Under favorable conditions, the plant grows up to 50 m, the diameter of the trunk is no more than 1 m. The crown of the tree is loose, not dense. The needles are bright green, flattened, located on the shoots singly, spirally or in bunches. In autumn, larch completely sheds its needles. The tree is photophilous, frost-resistant, under favorable conditions it is able to add 50-100 cm in growth per year. Low types of larch are used in rocky gardens, and high ones are arranged in groups or planted singly.

  • Larch- coniferous tree up to 35 m high, the diameter of the trunk can reach - 1 m. It grows well in a dry, cold climate, tolerates shading. The branches of the tree are slightly twisted in a spiral, and the bark has a reddish-brown color.
  • European larch- this species is durable (grows about 500 years). It takes root well on different types of soil: loamy moderately moist, chernozem, podzolic, calcareous and crystalline rocks. Light green needles grow in bunches of 40-60 pieces.

Fir(Abies) has two features: the needles of the tree are flat, and the cones grow upwards. A tall pyramidal plant with horizontally arranged branches. The genus includes about 50 species, of which the most decorative are:

  • Korean fir- a wide-cone tree up to 15 m high. In young trees, the bark is smooth, gray with a purple tint; in adult plants, the bark is cracked. Violet-purple cones look especially beautiful.
  • Balsam fir- a coniferous tree of the correct conical shape, plant height - up to 25 m. The needles are located on the branches in a comb, the bark is smooth, gray-brown in color. The plant is named for its medicinal properties.

Pine(Pinus) is an important forest-forming tree. The pine is photophilous, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, gives a good annual gain. Due to the dense crown, the plant is very decorative and is successfully used in parks, gardens on calcareous, rocky and sandy soil.

  • Pine Compacta Glauka- a dwarf form with a height of 0.5-0.8 m. The branches are densely arranged, short, directed upwards. Pine grows very slowly. The color of the needles on the outside is bluish-green, on the outside it is bluish-white.

Spruce(Picea) - a very unpretentious coniferous plant. In coniferous gardens, blue spruce looks most aesthetically pleasing.

  • Prickly spruce (blue) has a bright color of needles from light green to bright blue. It is found in single plantings and landscape compositions of the garden.

In addition, dwarf forms and varieties of spruce are very popular: Glauca globosa, Glauca procumbens, Glauca prostrata.

Plant height is the main criterion for choosing conifers

Tall conifers

Tall specimens of conifers can be planted in a large and small area. Often it is tall coniferous trees that take the lead in the ensemble, and other plants are planted around them. Thus, a single harmonious composition is created.

When planting a tall conifer, it is important to correctly calculate the place. Over time, the root system of the tree will grow and take up a considerable area.

Popular varieties of tall conifers for the garden:

If the growth of a coniferous plant is too fast, it can be suspended. To do this, it is enough to pin the shoots and pruning. The formation of the crown must be carried out annually, otherwise the specimen will acquire irregular shapes and look unattractive.

Conifers of medium height

If not everyone decides to plant a tall type of conifer on the site, then medium-sized shrubs and trees are very popular among summer residents and gardeners. Traditionally, these plants are planted along the paths and at the entrance, create hedges and complement the compositions with them.

Dwarf conifers and their forms

Breeders have bred stunning forms and varieties of dwarf conifers for the garden, which for several years can keep almost the same height and shape. The highest types of dwarfs can reach 2 meters, compact plants, not exceeding 50 cm, are well planted in containers and tubs.

Clear geometric shapes emphasize the structure of the rocky garden. Dwarf conifers look beautiful in front of the entrance to the house and in compositions with ornamental grasses.

General rules for placing conifers in the garden

When creating compositions from conifers, landscape designers adhere to the following rules:

Coniferous plants of different species have a wide range of colors. When combining plants into a single design element, it is important to consider a number of rules for color combinations:

  • A composition of three elements should contain no more than 2 colors.
  • A composition of five elements will look spectacular if it contains no more than 3 different shades.
  • Compositions consisting of 25 or more copies must be divided into groups of 3 elements, in which rule No. 1 must be observed.

When arranging conifers, it is important to take into account the growth of plants and the condition of the crown in adulthood, so that the harmony of the composition is not disturbed over time.

Compositions from coniferous plants

Coniferous mixborder

The mixborder is created along the path, against the background of a fence, house wall or hedge. When arranging a coniferous mixborder, plants are used that are diverse in shape, color and height.

Low specimens are planted at the foot of the composition, mid-growth conifers are planted in the center, and tall coniferous trees and shrubs are placed in the background.

Mixborder is created according to the following principles:

  • the vertices of one or another row should not create a straight line;
  • the height and width of the mixborder should be in harmony: the area with tall plants should be wider than the area with compact plantings;
  • repetitions of three to five elements make the composition more rhythmic and interesting.


When zoning a garden, hedges of coniferous plants are often used. Such a barrier can be placed along the perimeter of the site. In landscape or art nouveau style gardens, evergreen hedges are used as a backdrop for colorful perennials.

A dense functional hedge can be created by planting plants in a checkerboard pattern in 2-3 rows. A fairly practical and less whimsical hedge is considered to be a formed planting of Norway spruce.

To divide the site into functional zones, medium-sized conifers are often planted, about 1-2 m high.

Panoramic compositions

The composition of the circular view is a group of plants that should look equally impressive from any view. Most often, such compositions are placed on round flower beds, lawns and paving openings.

Rules for creating a composition of a circular view of conifers:

  1. The tallest specimen of a coniferous plant is planted in the center of the composition.
  2. Plants of smaller height are planted around the central element at the same distance.
  3. The height of the second row should be no more than ½ and not less than 1/3 of the height of the central ephedra.
  4. The height of the third and fourth rows should decrease proportionally, without covering the previous row and emphasizing its beauty.

When creating asymmetrical compositions, plants are placed in such a way that it is visually impossible to draw a straight line through three elements.

Basics of planting and growing conifers

In order for the conifer to reveal its decorative qualities as much as possible, planting and caring for the plant must be carried out with the fulfillment of some basic requirements:

Ephedra is the love of many people, not only landscape designers. What aroma they give, especially in warm regions - cypresses, arborvitae, various types of pines. Remember their greenery in winter. Soft, fluffy, prickly, tall, giant, small and dwarf, forest, mountain - what a magical variety nature gives us! And of course, they are used almost every time for landscaping.

Trees not only save us from heat, rain or wind, but also serve as an indispensable source of oxygen. Some plants are able to please the eye with their greenery all year round. It is to these that the kingdom of coniferous trees belongs. Their characters are very easy to distinguish from other species. In addition to non-falling needles used as protection, they have cones in which seeds are stored for further reproduction. The first representatives of this kingdom appeared in the Carboniferous period, and in our time they are evergreen woody plants. They are the most numerous among plants on land. And only they have a special resin of coniferous trees, which initially serves as protection against insects. The odors emitted by the needles contain phytoncides, the properties of which are used to prevent and treat bacterial diseases.

In any weather, it is pleasant to take a walk in the cool coniferous forest; this is not uncommon for Russia. But not every country can boast of such wealth, because for the cultivation of such trees, such as pine, spruce, for example, a special climate is needed. Evergreens are well-known centenarians, the average age of one plant reaches 500–800 years. Hardwoods are also not uncommon for coniferous trees, which are called “larch”. Some species are already extinct, many are protected in the Botanical Gardens, and the most popular species are used by gardeners as ornamental plants. They make wonderful garden compositions.

In total, there are 600 species of plants on the planet that belong to conifers. For a more convenient classification, they are divided into genera. Which trees are the most common among them, you will learn from this list:

  • european spruce,
  • prickly silver tree,
  • serbian spruce,
  • canadian tree,
  • common pine,
  • black pine,
  • Weymouth Pine,
  • cedar pine,
  • arbor vitae,
  • thuja giant,
  • thuja western,

  • balsam fir,
  • korean fir,
  • Siberian fir,
  • noble fir,
  • Vicha fir,
  • caucasian fir,
  • white,
  • European larch,
  • Japanese larch,
  • daurian larch,
  • Siberian larch,

  • european cedar,
  • Siberian cedar,
  • canadian yew,
  • European yew,
  • juniper,
  • tuevik.

Of course, this impressive list does not list all representatives of conifers, but it makes it clear how huge the diversity of these plants is. Other ornamental species are also suitable for cultivation, but are much less common in the wild. The soft wood of these plants is used in industry, and moisture resistance makes it possible to build ships from reliable boards.

Each species has its own growth area, reproduction features, cones and needle shape. For most of them, acidic soil without certain fertilizers and a harsh climate with high humidity, winds and low temperatures, which is enjoyed by the northern part of Russia, Canada and Europe, are suitable. Christmas tree, spruce, pine, thuja, larch and other names of coniferous trees are among the most frost-resistant species, the protection of which from low temperatures allows it to grow even in winter. Planting in such a territory will bring guaranteed fruits without much effort, and the resulting compositions will delight gardeners. Planting coniferous trees is a simple process.

Which plants are most suitable for decorative purposes, we will consider in the form of a table of differences for clarity of characteristics.

The table below shows the comparative characteristics and characteristics of coniferous trees:

Name Lighting Plant shape and height Durability
European Christmas treemoderateConical, 50 m250-300 years
Pinelight-lovingCone-shaped, becoming wider with age, 40 m200-250 years
Thuja westernshade-tolerantPyramidal, dense needles, 3 m high.150 years
white firshade-tolerantPyramidal, nest-like in old age, 60 m in height300-400 years
light-lovingIrregular or conical shape, 50 m high50-100 years old
Canadian yewShade-tolerantShrub, 2.5 m.Up to 1500 years
Name Planting and watering Leaf and cone shape Special growing conditions
European Christmas treeLayers or seeds, do not pourFlattened needles 1-3 cm, oblong cylindrical conesLoamy soil without stagnant water, spruce tolerates frost, shearing, requires clean air
Scotch pineGrafting or seedsThe needles are dense, curved 4-7 cm, conical cones of 2-3 piecesSandy soil, fast growth, does not tolerate moisture well
Thuja westernSeeds or cuttings, Abundant wateringFlat, deep green, small budsSlow growth, but thuja tolerates lack of lighting. moisture-loving
white firSeed or vegetative, Moderate wateringDull needles up to 3 cm. Oval green conesDoes not withstand frost well
European larchSeeds or vegetatively, Weak wateringThe needles are long, blunt. Egg-shaped conesDry soil is required, larch is wind resistant
Canadian yewVegetative planting, moderate wateringShort, sharp needles 2 cm long. Spherical fruits, cones are small, inconspicuousSlow growing, frost hardy

Poisonous leaves, bark, berries

How to make a mixborder?

So, having dealt with the main differences between decorative trees, let's go directly to their use and possible compositions. To decorate the territory, a coniferous evergreen tree will be an excellent option. First of all, you need to decide what exactly fits into your landscape design: it should be a shrub or a coniferous tree with large needles like a pine or larch.

You can get in Russia from gardeners any species you are interested in, the main thing is desire, diligence and beautiful compositions. And in order to beat the advantages of pine needles in an even more original way, you can make a mixborder from decorative species. The mixborder will favorably shade the adjacent lawns and stylishly decorate the landscape. Of course, with the help of such plants it will be difficult to achieve even contours of the composition, but constant care and haircut will help bring the picture closer to the ideal.

The simplest scheme for a mixborder is the principle: taller plants are planted in the background, and smaller ones in the foreground. If your landscape compositions are located in the middle of the lawn, large plants should be planted in the center, and low ones along the periphery.

The initial schemes for the composition can be modeled on a computer or you can draw a mixborder manually. The final pictures of the mixborder must first be born in the head. Spruce, thuja, individual varieties of pine, having a bluish-green shade of needles, will give nobility, and creeping junipers, Bergman's pine will be useful as evergreen shrubs.

An unusual highlight of any scheme can be a hemlock, which has original hanging branches. It would be useful to show imagination and fill the mixborder with bright colors in the form of flowers. Even if the climate of Russia is not so harsh for a breed of ornamental evergreens, you can choose a southern coniferous tree that tolerates high temperatures in summer.

An important point: consider the characteristics of the soil and access to them. After all, most often dense planting of trees will make it difficult to further passage and access to the rest of the plants of the composition. The selected trees should not be aggressive, grow too fast and crowd out the flowers, then the mixborder will look organic.

It is necessary to take into account the lightness of all plants and select them in a mixborder in accordance with the soil. Larch prefers dry weather, and the rest of the wet. The selection of the neighborhood of the composition is the key to a beautiful landscape. It is also necessary to plant plants to some extent “chaotically”, without observing clear arrangements and gaps - this way the mixborder will look more natural. For the first winter, you can cover your mixborder with spruce branches to allow the trees to adapt to Russian weather conditions. It is the mixborder that will create a unique and unusual composition on your site, which caring and creative owners can be proud of.

How to prune conifers?

The disorganized form of conifers looks out of place in any landscape. In principle, conifers are not particularly difficult plants and do not require daily supervision and care. But you still have to take note of a few basic rules. In order to control the growth and size of the plant, they need to trim part of the roots. This procedure is carried out once a year, as well as in preparation for plant transplantation. Some breeds have shallow roots, so pruning should be done with extreme care with pruning shears or garden shears, protecting the rest of the root system is also done properly. With regards to the crown, it is cut off only in those breeds that change their shape with age.

In the wild, in the forest, in Botanical parks and gardens, this is prohibited so as not to disturb the composition and natural growth. A more natural shape can be maintained by thinning the branches occasionally. In some trees, the leading branches are pruned, in this way a greater density of the crown is achieved and its width is reduced. Also, pruning will not be superfluous to maintain the balance of the plant and give it decorative forms and complement the composition. The grafted tree will have several tops and in this case it is necessary to eliminate the side branches.

Some trees - spruce, fir, thuja, cypress, when pruned, even change the color of the needles, it becomes bluish-silver. Pruning itself, if necessary, is carried out every two years without harm to the plant. For species such as juniper or yew, early pruning can be done, then the tree will keep the desired shape in the future. The species tolerate pruning of young branches less painfully; when old ones are removed, the tree can hurt for a long time, and soon it will degenerate altogether.

Scheduled pruning is done in early spring, before the buds burst but no buds appear. Thus, the tree trunk can recover until autumn. Another important point in pruning is to protect the buds and cones, if damaged, the tree will lose its growth. The hedges in the composition require frequent pruning and react less painfully to it. Excellent for purposes such as pruning, thuja and yews are suitable.

Planting and top dressing for conifers

Planting, as well as pruning, on the territory of Russia requires compliance with the rules and regulations, because some breeds take root in a new area for a rather long time. First of all, you need to find out if they grow well in neighboring areas and in the forest of your city. Immediately before buying, check the root system of the tree, evaluate its appearance. When landing, choose the right place, taking into account the amount of sunlight.

The best time for planting is spring or early autumn. The main thing is to ensure sufficient soil moisture. The site should be cleared of weeds and dig a hole 30 cm deeper than the root system of the tree. Gravel can be poured into the bottom of the dug hole. The root neck cannot be deepened and it must be remembered that the earth will sag over time. Around the planted tree, it is not superfluous to sprinkle with pine sawdust or mulch, which will help retain moisture in the first year. Protection from cold and snow in the first year is possible with the help of special canopies; it is not required from insects and pests. Keep in mind that they take root best when they are small.

If you decide to change the composition with a tree transplant, there are many factors to consider. A coniferous plant, such as spruce, must be carefully prepared. Most often, this is root pruning without damage and with protection of the root neck. After this procedure, the trees can be transplanted after a year. Remember that when transplanting in the first two years, the growth of the tree will be significantly lost.

With regards to top dressing and fertilizer for coniferous plants, you can do without them. Almost all breeds do not bear fruit, do not shed their leaves for the winter. But if you want to achieve great results in the form of growth, you can provide the tree with top dressing.

It is important to understand that these plants are quite whimsical with regards to all sorts of chemical additives and other fertilizers, so it is very easy to “overdo it” and ruin the tree. It is better to refrain from feeding than to do it illiterately.

Fertilizers with a high percentage of nitrogen are completely unsuitable for evergreens. They give intensive growth of young branches, which ends with yellowing and subsequent degeneration of the specimen. Manure as a fertilizer, respectively, is also not suitable for such purposes. As you can see, conifers do not really like top dressing.

Most often, fertilizers are applied to such breeds twice a season: in early spring and no later than July. The most effective are special fertilizers in the form of granules or a liquid solution. They must be diluted in exact concentration according to the instructions. You can pour the mixture into specially dug holes near the roots of the tree. Granular additives are also allowed, it is better to mix them together with the soil during loosening. Similarly fertilize with humus or compost. It is best to reduce the acidity of the soil with dolomite flour, which contains calcium and magnesium, which is absorbed by the roots.

Dear guys, hello! And I welcome you, dear parents! Together with ShkolaLa, we can already tell classmates about. Today we will prepare a presentation about coniferous trees in Russia. Like last time, let's briefly recall their features, consider some types and names, and also look for interesting facts with which you can surprise listeners.

Lesson plan:

What do we know about conifers?

Probably, no country is as rich in forests as our beloved Russia. Coniferous representatives are rightfully considered the most common "lungs" of our planet.

These plants are distinguished by the fact that instead of leaves they have needles. In principle, these are their leaves, only slightly modified. They can be in the form of needles or scales. There are about 600 species of evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs.

These are the most ancient inhabitants of the vegetable kingdom. Scientists find the remains of coniferous representatives in the layers of the Carboniferous period. At that time they lived even beyond the Arctic Circle. Today they can be found in the north and south, as well as in the middle lane. Even in hot Africa, you can find a tree with needles, but still they are more comfortable in a cold environment with little humidity.

Evergreens do not have beautiful flowers, but instead have wonderful buds that grow at the ends of branches, at first they are soft and green, and then harden. In some, such as cedar, they may initially be purple.

Coniferous trees are a storehouse of useful substances for health. Needles, cones and even bark are used. In addition, their wood is an excellent building material.

Remembered a little about coniferous representatives? Now let's take a closer look at some of them.

Do you know that?! All coniferous trees emit a special substance - resin. Under the influence of time, a beautiful pebble is obtained from it - amber. Have you heard about this one? Sometimes inside the amber resin you can see frozen insects that got there a long time ago and became inside forever.

In the 18th century, a unique Amber Room was created from amber. Its owner, the Prussian king, presented the masterpiece to the Russian Peter I. Only now, during the Second World War, this room strangely disappeared, leaving behind many myths. Where she is now, no one knows.


Who does not know the evergreen symbol of the New Year? This is probably the most popular tree, known to everyone - from small to large.

It is distributed almost throughout our country. Spruce grows up to 35 meters, but there are also specimens up to 50 meters tall. The Christmas tree lives on average about 300 years.

An infusion of spruce needles is used as an antimicrobial agent, and essential oils help cure colds and boost immunity. Healing ointments and balms are made from green cones and spruce buds, and for those who like to bathe in a bath, there is nowhere without a healing spruce broom.

Spruce wood is used as a material for the production of boards and plywood, which are then used to make roofs, stairs, doors, floors and ceilings in houses. The highest quality alpine spruce species are taken for the manufacture of the body of stringed musical instruments. And they make paper out of it.

It is interesting! A common spruce called Old Tiko lives in Sweden. And she would not have been any different from others if she had not already turned 9550 years old!


No less popular than spruce, and many of these conifers do not distinguish. In fact, it is easy to distinguish a pine tree: it has bluish-green needles and is longer, growing in pairs or bunches. The tree grows up to 40 meters and lives for about 350 years. In good harvest years, up to 1.5 thousand cones can be counted on a pine tree.

A young pine has a crown in the form of a cone, but over time its appearance changes - the older the pine, the rounder and wider its crown. But in a very old tree, the top becomes flat like an umbrella.

Pine buds unopened in spring are widely used in medicine. They contain resin, starch and vitamins. Pine oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Pine wood enters the construction market in the form of lumber and then goes to build houses. Like spruce, it is used for roofs and floors, doors and building cladding.

In addition, it is suitable for making furniture. Children's toys are made from it, it is a material for building piles and poles. Burning pine wood produces soot, which is used to make paints and inks. And pine is also used to make sleepers on the railway and paper is also made from it.

Facts. Three types of pine - Pitsunda (grows in the Caucasus), Cretaceous (found in the Voronezh and Belgorod regions), densely flowered (lives in the Primorsky Territory) are listed in the Red Book.


This tree is considered the most common in Russia, especially in the middle lane and in Siberia.

Although larch is classified as a coniferous tree, it is not called so in vain. Unlike all other evergreens, this is the only coniferous representative that sheds its needles for the winter.

The tree grows up to 50 meters, and lives on average about 400 years. But there are also centenarians who are 800 years old. The cone-shaped openwork crown of larch is formed from flattened bright green needles that grow in spirals or bunches.

Larch needles are used for medical purposes, as among all conifers it is the leader in the content of vitamin C.

But most of all, larch is used for industrial purposes. In terms of its properties, its wood is second only to oak, therefore it often serves as a shipbuilding material. Sometimes larch is used in paint and varnish and soap production.

Facts. It has long been known that Venice was built on larch wood pillars. But not everyone knows that this tree formed the basis of piles during the construction of St. Petersburg. And all because strong larch is able to remain in water for a long time.

Olginskaya larch is a rare specimen listed in the Red Book.


This coniferous representative is a resident of the European part, it can be found in Siberia and the Caucasus. A tree about 50 meters high, some species can live up to 700 years. Unlike other conifers, fir cones grow like candles upwards.

The needles of the tree are flat and soft, dark green on top, and have a white stripe on the bottom. In appearance, fir is very similar to spruce, so these trees are often confused. From afar, it resembles a green pyramid.

The healing properties of fir buds, bark and needles are known to medicine. Fir oil is widely used in cosmetology. In Siberia, everyone knows health-improving fir brooms.

Soft fir wood is used to make furniture. Sometimes in shipbuilding it is taken as a material for the construction of ship masts.

It is interesting! Today there are about 50 species of fir, among which there is the tallest tree in Russia - the Caucasian fir. This tree grows as tall as a 30-story building.


This is another well-known coniferous tree that can be found in the south and east of our country. The tree reaches a length of 50 meters and can live up to 500 years. This is the second coniferous representative, in which the cones grow upwards. Cedar needles are distinguished by their blue-green color, they are quite long, about 10-14 centimeters, and grow 30-40 needles in a bunch.

Many species of these trees are called cedar pines, in which nuts are valued. In Siberia, vegetable cream is prepared from cedar nucleoli, because they contain almost 80% fat.

Valuable cedar wood is used to build ships and make furniture. The red wood of the Mediterranean cedar is used as a material for woodcarving.

Cedar is a source of substances used in medicine and perfumery. Its specific smell soothes and relieves anxiety.

It is interesting! Cedar wood has been used since ancient times. It is mentioned as the material from which the Temple in Jerusalem was built. And the Egyptians made sarcophagi for their kings from cedar.

Many poems have been written about coniferous trees and songs have been composed. Invite classmates to remember them. And then sing the most famous! Chorus!

Like last time, I talked only about the five most famous coniferous representatives. If there is a desire, this list can be expanded, because, let me remind you, there are about 600 evergreens! So keep it up! See you soon on the pages of the ShkolaLa blog.

Success in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich

Conifers include trees, small plants and evergreen shrubs. The life expectancy of coniferous representatives is quite impressive, so they have the ability to develop protection mechanisms from external factors. Thus, they help many plants to overcome certain diseases and get rid of pests. A characteristic feature of conifers is that during the year they do not shed their foliage or needles. They change it gradually, completely imperceptibly to the prying eye. That is why they are called evergreens.

Characteristic features of conifers

Conifers are especially popular in the design of gardens and landscape designs. Each gardener will certainly grow at least one coniferous tree or shrub on his land plot. Without conifers, the garden is simply transformed. And it seems that the design of the garden will be incomplete if there is not a single representative of this genus in it.

They become popular decorations in the garden due to their characteristic advantages. When growing conifers have some advantages.

Pros of evergreen trees and shrubs:

There are many plants of the coniferous forest, but before planting a coniferous tree on your site for a beginner, you need to carefully study its characteristics.

How to choose the right plant

Before you start choosing a suitable coniferous tree or shrub, you need to ask how many types of coniferous plants there are in the region. And which ones are more suitable for the area where they will be grown. In addition, you need to decide for yourself what result should be achieved when planting a conifer.

What you need to decide:

  • what exactly you need to plant a shrub or tree;
  • the plant will grow alone or a composition with a conifer is planned;
  • are the climatic conditions and soil composition suitable for planting a conifer;
  • What color should the tree be?

When everything is decided with these questions, you can proceed to the choice of a coniferous representative. Next, you need to think carefully about which particular variety of conifer will be grown. Based on the variety, the type and shape of the conifer is selected.

Genus and species of conifers

The number of species of coniferous plants in the world is about 560. They grow in different parts of the world. Therefore, first you need to find out which species can feel comfortable in certain climatic conditions. To find out, you need to get to know the various coniferous plants, examples, names and species.

The most popular spruces

An elegant coniferous monoecious tree, one of the most beloved of all gardeners and decorators. Tall and slender, she is able to decorate absolutely any design. In total, there are about 50 species of beautiful spruce. Only 8 grow in Russia.

Spruce prefers light, but still remains a shade-tolerant plant. Its root system is located shallow, in the upper layers of the soil. Therefore, in order not to harm the root system, it is impossible to dig up the earth around the spruce. Feels comfortable in sandy and loamy soils. The following are the most popular spruce trees in gardens and design projects.

Serbian spruce. A fast growing tree, it can grow over 40 m. It has a specific color. At the top, the crown of the tree has dark green needles, at the bottom of the crown there are white stripes on the needles. Due to the specific color of the needles, the spruce seems bluish-green.

Brown cones with a purple tint give a special grace and charm to the fabulous plant. Spruce can often be seen in parks along the alley, it also looks good in a single composition. There are dwarf analogues of Serbian spruce. They grow only up to 2 meters, but in beauty and grace they are not at all inferior to their stately sister.

Siberian spruce. This representative of the species can be found in the Urals, in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Far East. Grows up to 30 meters in height. It has a wide conical dense crown. Sharpens towards the top. Its cones are brown in color, ovoid cylindrical in shape. There are several subtypes of Siberian spruce. They differ among themselves in a variety of needle colors, which can be either ordinary green or silvery and even golden.

European, or common spruce. The plant can live for 300 years, and by this age its height will reach about 50 meters. The crown of the tree is pyramidal in density. The diameter of the trunk reaches in some cases up to 1 meter. For 1 year, spruce is able to grow by 50 cm, so it is rightfully called a fast-growing coniferous plant. Cones have the usual oblong cylindrical shape. They ripen in October.

Experienced breeders have bred decorative hybrids of spruces of this species. In landscape design, decoration of parks and gardens, decorative weeping, prominent and compact spruces are now very popular.

Pine and its types

Pine, there are more than 100 representatives. Pine grows well in forests, worse in the city. It tolerates both drought and severe frosts. Therefore, often the plant can be seen in the northern regions. Pine looks great in group plantings and in single, thanks to its dense spreading crown. Prefers rocky, sandy, and calcareous soils.

It is striking that with the onset of frost, the needles of the tree are covered with wax, while their stomata close. This means that in the cold, the pine tree simply stops breathing. In this form, she will sleep all winter. You can read about the most popular types of pine in decoration below.

Scotch pine. In terms of height, it is considered the first tree in the forest. It can reach a height of up to 40 m. The diameter of the trunk in this case can be equal to 1 meter. Has bluish-green dense needles. On a branch, needles can be located in different ways. It can grow in bunches of 2 needles, it can stick out in different directions, there are needles of a concave shape. The needles live for 3 years, after which they turn yellow and fall off. Instead of fallen ones, new, young needles grow. Cones are brown in color, 2-3 pieces are located on a branch. Often the cone reaches 6 or more cm in length.

The root system may be different, it depends on the places of its growth. Sometimes a tree may even remain a dwarf if it grows in unfavorable conditions for it. On average, a tree lives 200 years, but there have been cases in history when a tree could live 400 years. Pine can grow 50-70 cm in height annually. It is considered a fast growing tree. Fruiting begins at the age of 40 years.

mountain pine. Multi-stemmed plant 10-20 meters tall. There are dwarf varieties, only 40-50 cm tall. The diameter of an adult tree can be 3 meters. An ornamental plant with long curved dark green needles. By the age of 3, the cones begin to ripen. Very good dwarf pine in the design of park areas and on the rocky shores of the reservoir.

yellow pine. Height up to 10 meters. Grows well in warm climates. This kind of pine almost completely tolerates the conditions of the city. Young individuals in cold winters can freeze slightly. It does not tolerate winds, it is necessary to land it only in groups.

Weymouth pine. Spectacular pine with blue-green needles. Refinement is given to it by cones of a curved shape. Grows up to 30 meters. She can be called a long-liver. A tree can live up to 400 years. Although it can endure frosts, it does not tolerate winds at all.

Pine genus can look great in any design project. And it does not matter whether it will be planted alone or in small groups.

Capitate yew trees

Very interesting conifers. Their needles are located on the branches opposite each other or in pairs in 2 lines. Plants grow mostly in China, Japan, Korea, on the island of Taiwan. Yews capitate are monoecious, they are able to self-pollinate. They can be dioecious, that is, they can bloom with female and male flowers. So far, the genus of capitate yews has not been fully studied.

Cypress trees and shrubs

Cypress representatives can be in the form of trees and shrubs. Plants grow in warm climates. In all types of cypress, the leaf of a coniferous plant fits snugly to the branch. The plant is monoecious. Able to self-pollinate. The male cones are oval in shape with an attractive sheen. Women's ones look like a rod with scales. The shape of the crown is mostly pyramidal. The plant looks very nice in the design.

All coniferous plants in landscape design are simply irreplaceable. They are able to revive any design at any time of the year.