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Lotto and dominoes. Board games with their own hands. Loto - do-it-yourself educational toy for a child

Lotto is an exciting game of chance. As with most games of chance, winning the lotto depends only on the luck of each player. Only the inattention of the player who missed his luck can affect the course of the game.

Lotto is enough old game. It appeared somewhere in the XVI century in Italy. The word "lotto" means "part", "share". From the same word came the well-known word "lottery".

The game instantly became popular, and so much so that after a while it was banned by the Venetian Senate as a game of chance. But that didn't stop the game from spreading all over the world. She came to Russia in the 18th century. In the Soviet Union, the game was not considered gambling and was classified as a family and educational board game. Therefore, it could be freely purchased at any children's store. By the way, you can also play loto online, and you can find other gambling games on the website

What do you need to play loto?

To play, you need special cards. They have a table with three rows and nine columns. In the cells of the table, numbers from 1 to 90 are placed in a certain way. On each card, only 15 cells (5 in each row) are occupied by numbers, the rest of the cells are empty.

This is how the lotto card looks like:

The numbers on the cards are not arranged randomly, but in accordance with certain rules. The first column contains the numbers of the first ten, the second column contains the numbers of the second ten, and so on. The last ninth column contains numbers from 81 to 90.

According to the rules, there should be 5 numbers in each row, and no more than 2 numbers in each column.

And, most importantly, there are no matching sequences of numbers on any card. All of them are unique.

In addition to the cards for the game, you need an opaque bag in which there are barrels with numbers. Naturally, there are also 90 barrels.

Additionally, chips or tokens are needed to close the numbers that have fallen on the cards. Usually they require from 150 to 200 pieces.

How to play loto?

Two people can already play the loto. But it is better, of course, to gather a whole company for the game.

To begin with, cards are distributed to all players. For playing with children, one is enough. If the players are older, you can immediately distribute two or three cards.

The players place them in front of them.

The host (by the way, he can also be a player at the same time) blindly takes out the first barrel from the bag and, showing the number that has fallen out, announces it loudly.

All players who have the same number on their card cover it with a special chip.

The host sets the barrel aside. From this moment on, players can no longer close their number if, for some reason, they did not see it right away.

As soon as one of the players closes all the numbers in any of the rows, he must loudly announce: "Apartment!"

Varieties of lotto

There are three main types of lotto games.


For the game, each player is dealt three cards. Each player makes a bet into the game bank. The whole bank is taken by the one who first closes all the numbers on one card.


Here, each player receives one card, and the one who closes any of the lines first wins.


The most difficult option. Each player has three cards. The game goes on until someone fills up the entire card.


If the player is the first to fill the top row on any of the cards, his opponents double their bets in the pot.

If the player fills the middle row first, he takes half of the bank for himself before the end of the game.

If the player is the first to fill in the bottom line, he can withdraw his bet from the pot.

The winner is the player who has one of his cards completely filled. He takes the entire remaining bank.

DIY Lotto

You can buy a loto game relatively inexpensively in any store that has a board game department. But you can do it yourself. After all, creating games with your own hands is no less interesting than playing them later.

The easiest part of the game is the cards. It is enough to download them here, print them on paper, cut them out and either stick them on cardboard or laminate them for density.

It's hard to make barrels. Most affordable way- this is to mold them from salt dough or hardening plasticine (plastic compound). No, of course, this method cannot be called simple. Still, 90 barrels of the same size is a lot of work.

You can take medium-sized sea pebbles as barrels. Write numbers on each stone and cover them with varnish. Very beautiful. But the bag will be heavy.

We went the other way. We used capsules for shoe covers. Everyone has seen these wonderful containers, in which not only shoe covers are packed in clinics, but also all sorts of funny toys, for example, sticky ones in Dixie.

The capsules are great in size. A paper circle with a number is placed inside, so it does not wrinkle or erase. If such a "keg" is lost, it is very easy to make it again.

Download lotto cards: (downloads: 3764)

Did you like to play lotto as a child? At the same time with wooden barrels? When I was little, I was looking forward to when the household would gather after work, have dinner and be able to do important matter- playing loto. I really liked it when my parents gathered for this activity, and, by the way, it was less interesting to play this game with my girlfriends than with mom and dad.

My son was not yet three years old when he was interested in colorful picture cards. My grandmother found somewhere else mine, where it was necessary to collect all the pictures with animals, fruits and various items that were drawn on the card. He was interested in this game, and the child, with unusual perseverance, put together colorful pictures.

How to make a loto for a child with your own hands?

And now we decided to make a children's loto with our own hands, especially since my son loves to make colored paper too. So, we take four cardboard cards 20x10cm and draw cells 5x5cm in size. First, we will make two identical cards (with the same pictures) - we will use one sheet of cardboard as a card, and cut the second one along the line to get squares, which I will subsequently superimpose on the card.

Cut out the same geometric figures two pieces in such a size that they fit in a cell (for example, we got a square with a side of 3 cm, and a circle with a diameter of 2.8 cm) and glue them onto two identical cards.

Cut out a circle, square, rhombus, triangle and other shapes from colored paper, at the same time, during the game, the child will learn geometric shapes (if he has not already done so). Here's what we got, two pairs of cards:

After two identical cards are ready, we cut one of them into squares. We make another pair of cards in the same way.

It is desirable that on both cards there are no identical figures with the same color (this will complicate the game). If, for example, on the first card the rhombus was of blue color, then on the second card, make it orange. Once the second pair of cards is finished, cut one card into squares. Everything, our children's loto is ready!

Rules of the game. Each participant receives one card. The squares with the figures are turned face down and shuffled. The first participant draws one square.

If he has a figure on the card that is shown on a square, then he puts it on the corresponding cell and selects the squares again as long as they match those on his card. As soon as the first player draws a figure that is not on his card, but is on the card of another participant, the turn passes to the second player.

It is not necessary to depict geometric shapes on the cards. With the same success, they may have animals, letters, or even. An important condition for selecting pictures is that they be the same on the card and on the square.

Who among us did not play in childhood a variety of board games, rpg, lotto and dominoes with pictures! Perhaps there is no such person. We see that today's children are also happy to do this (unless, of course, a computer is not available to them at that time).

In this section, we offer you hundreds of good options self-manufacturing board games for children. You will see: the process itself self-creation homemade games will captivate you! In the course of creativity, you will certainly come up with several of your innovations in your favorite version of the game. And how nice to see the sincere passion of children for a home-made game! For example, when in the evening, while waiting for their parents, children play it with such interest that even with the arrival of mom or dad, they are reluctant to break away from the game.

Create cool board games with your own hands, MAAM will help!

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  • Board games. Board-printed children's games with their own hands

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Lotto is one of the universal toys with which you can study geometric shapes, colors, animals, vegetable world, fish, insects, etc. Already at the age of 1.5 -2 years, a child can easily collect a geometric loto both in shape and in color. Moreover, you can make such a loto on your own.
We print or draw a set of geometric shapes on cardboard or a sheet of paper. We will need two sheets, we will use the first as a card, and cut the second into separate pictures. You can start playing.

For the first acquaintance, you can make a loto, where there will be only 3-4 figures. Gradually, you can complicate the loto, but only if the child has learned the principle of playing on a simple manual. You can do lotto with figures of the same color, but different shapes or different color but the same shape. For example, place four identical circles on a card, but in different colors. Or 3-4 triangles of the same color, but different sizes.

In these games, the child learns to navigate by only one sign: color or size.

With the help of loto, the child will learn geometric shapes and fix colors. Further, you can enrich the knowledge of the child by adding figures to the loto with which he is not yet familiar. In the game with loto, observation, logical thinking, memory, attention develop, coordination improves.

After games with geometric shapes, you can move on to lotto with other images. I recently did this for my little one. He easily copes with it, there are no special difficulties, though often there is not enough patience.

Our DIY Lotto:

Lotto geometric shapes №1

Lotto geometric shapes №2

Lotto "Birds"

Lotto "Sea inhabitants"

You can gradually move on to more difficult games. For example, ask the child to put a card on the picture of the bird with the largest tail or on the one with the longest neck, sharpest claws, etc. There can be a large number of variables, here it all depends on the knowledge of your baby.