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The magic tree of Kalchenko's power. Tree magic. Medicinal and bioenergetic properties of trees. Black poplar, aspen-shaped poplar

Its bark is like skin, its branches are like hair. It is fragrant with flowers and fruits and, like a person, is able to hear, see, feel.

This statement belongs to the founder of iatrochemistry in medicine, the famous German physician and naturalist Paracelsus. This scientist, who lived at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, first spoke about the fact that all processes occurring in the human body are chemical processes and that diseases, that is, chemical imbalances, should be treated with the help of chemicals. A.I. Herzen called him "the first professor of chemistry from the creation of the world." Paracelsus introduced many new things into the doctrine of drugs; studied the therapeutic effect of various chemical elements, compounds. In addition to introducing new chemical medicines into practice, he also revised herbal medicines, began to isolate and use medicines from plants in the form of tinctures, extracts and elixirs.

Paracelsus even created the doctrine of the signs of nature - " signatures ", or "signa naturale". Its meaning is that nature, having marked plants with its signs, as if she herself pointed out to a person some of them. Thus, plants with heart-shaped leaves are an excellent heart remedy, and if the leaf resembles a kidney in shape, it should be used in diseases of the kidneys. The doctrine of the signature existed within medicine until the moment when chemicals with a therapeutic effect began to be isolated from plants and carefully studied. Gradually, with the development of chemistry, it was possible to reveal the secrets of many plants. Many secrets, however, not all.

For example, what explanation lends itself to the case that happened to my friend S.I., an employee of one of the Kyiv research institutes? In the early 80s of the last century, he was on a business trip in Altai, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bAltyn-Kol Lake. And then one fine day S.I. I walked along the shore of this very lake and, since the path was not short, I decided to take a break. He sat down on the roots of a tall cedar growing on a slope protruding from the ground, and ... he suddenly felt that the roots of the tree on which he was sitting were literally warm. And this is in the winter season with a 20-degree frost! S.I. claims that in this way the biofield of the tree manifested itself, in this case the biofield of the cedar. Biofield refers to the totality of all physical fields emitted by a living organism: heat, smells, electromagnetic radiation. Each tree (we continue after Paracelsus) is a living organism with a unique biofield peculiar to it alone.

Folk wisdom says: "In a birch forest - have fun, in a pine forest - pray to God, and in a spruce forest - strangle yourself." And it is no coincidence that our ancestors built houses from oak, larch, but baths from aspen wood, and cradles for babies - from birch. The fact is that all types of trees can be conditionally divided into donor trees and vampire trees and this, apparently, was well known to our forefathers. With the help of a donor tree, you can restore strength, fill the body with a flow of living energy, feel rested and healthy. But vampire trees have an equally valuable property to absorb our painful negative energy, relieving us of stress and illness.

From the point of view of biophysics and bioenergy, there is a kind of information exchange between a person and a plant.

Among the most energetically strong donor trees are oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch, mountain ash, as well as pear, apple, cherry.

Strong reputation vampire trees they secured spruce, aspen, willow, chestnut, poplar, bird cherry .. Aspen wood baths were built precisely because aspen takes away a person’s negative energy, promotes relaxation, relieves stress, which is very important for healing bath procedures. But living in an aspen house is not worth it, since round-the-clock communication with a vampire tree will not add health, everything is good in moderation.

Birch - a sunny and clean tree that brings happiness, light and joy to every home. Birch is especially favored, according to popular belief, for children, innocent girls and pregnant women. That is why cradles were most often made of birch, knowing about its beneficial effect on young children.

Trees live in their own rhythm, much slower than the crazy pace of life in a modern city of many millions. In order to replenish the supply of vital energy, communicating with a tree, of course, it is better to go to the forest, and not to a tree growing near a busy highway. It should also be remembered that feeling better does not come in 5 minutes, communication with a tree is not an “instant” process.

Most optimal time to communicate with donor trees - this is early evening, when the sun has not yet set, because in the morning hours both donor trees and vampire trees tend to absorb the energy of the world around them, as if they wake up and gain strength, and in the afternoon give away the accumulated energy, share it. Vampire trees, respectively, absorb energy most efficiently in the morning. After sunset, the trees fall asleep.

If you decide to get rid of negativity and stress , communicating, for example, with a spruce, you can, before going to the tree, prepare a decoction of spruce twigs and drink it. Thus, the energy exchange with the tree will be more efficient. For beneficial communication, you should choose a healthy, even tree, it is desirable that its trunk does not bifurcate and does not have any damage. In no case do not choose a dry tree.

You can lean against it with your back or wrap your arms around it, imagining how you merge with it, your head “goes” high into the sky, and your legs turn into roots, close your eyes and just relax, feeling the power and strength of the sorceress of nature.

Tree biofield just like the human biofield, it is heterogeneous. On the body of the tree there are energetically active points, when interacting with which the healing effect is enhanced. It takes a little patience to find them. It is necessary to take some kind of wooden twig or twig and slowly draw it along the surface of the trunk, without touching it, at a distance of about 5-10 cm. At the same time, listen very carefully to your feelings. In place of energetically active points, you will feel a slight attraction, like a magnet. Do not be upset if you don’t feel anything for the first time, energy communication with a tree, like any other communication, requires skill, skill and patience. In any case, being in the forest, in nature, the air itself and the aura of forest trees will cheer you up and vitality.

Significant in this sense experiment carried out by modern scientists. If you quickly crush fresh birch leaves, spruce, fir needles and place a drop of ordinary tap water at a short distance from them, then in a few minutes the pathogenic bacteria that live in this drop will simply die. Such is the effect of phytoncides - special volatile compounds that plants secrete.

Even the sight of trees is healing. Patients recover faster if trees are visible from the windows of the room. The park, broken around the hospital, improves the well-being of patients, significantly reduces stress for medical staff.

Wax Amulet of Tree Power

In order to extend healing effect of trees you can use wax. Wax appears in many magical rites due to its amazing ability to absorb information received. With the help of wax, you can communicate with several trees at the same time!.

It is necessary to take a small amount of wax, melt it in order to clear the previous information structures, then wrap the cooled pieces of wax in aluminum foil (as you know, aluminum has excellent screening properties, that is, it protects the wax from external influences) and feel free to go with them to trees of your choice. For example, it can be several different types of donor trees or vampire trees, the main thing is that these trees grow side by side in the natural environment, thereby, as it were, enhancing the effect of the impact.

Cooked wax pieces after direct interaction with the body of the tree (preferably applying them to the energetically active points of the tree), they absorb the energy of the tree for at least 15 minutes. Over the next 2-3 days, just holding the pieces of wax charged in this way in your hands, you can communicate with the trees without leaving your apartment.

Recorded for you by the Witch from the site. Use on health. Link is required.

The fact that trees can favorably influence our body and mood has been known since ancient times. There is even a direction dendrotherapy– treatment with the help of trees of various species. The ancient Egyptians had wooden amulets that were worn around the neck and protected their owners from misfortune. According to Indian yogis, the trees, as it were, absorb the prana coming from the Cosmos, and then feed the person with it. Different tree species have different energy properties: they energize, relieve inflammation, promote mutual feelings, and protect. It is not for nothing that at all times people gained strength from oak, spruce gave off “bad” energy, and drew “good” energy from pine. The impact of wood bioenergy can be quite strong. Even a small piece of wood of one kind or another has a beneficial effect on the human body, improves its well-being.
The Celtic priests, the Druids, attached particular importance to the mysticism of the tree. It was believed that each person corresponds to a certain type of tree. If you correctly establish such a correspondence, you can correct the fate of a person, effectively carry out his healing. Exists druid horoscope, where the trees correspond to calendar periods:

In addition, there is a correspondence between the energy of trees to the planets of the solar system, and, accordingly, to the signs of the zodiac:

Here are the magical and bioenergetic properties of some trees and shrubs:

Apricot is a tree - a donor with nourishing energy. Protects against infidelity and unnecessary stress in a love relationship.

Acacia- a donor tree with powerful energizing energy. Acacia is a tree that gives birth to life. It is she who is asked about the birth of a child.

Bamboo controls outbreaks of aggression in a person, affects the meaningfulness of actions, the sequence of actions and events in people's lives.

Birch- female tree. Fertility symbol. It helps to improve vision, normalizes water balance and has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, activates the kidneys. Constant communication with her relieves feelings of anxiety, fears and nightmares. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stress, helps restore spiritual harmony. Birch is considered a sunny clean tree that brings happiness, light, joy to any home.

Hawthorn has a powerful protective effect. Relieves anxiety, improves appetite and blood circulation. The hawthorn is considered a symbol of hope and marriage. Hawthorn is especially useful in protective and love magic.

Elder. In the elderberry, our ancestors believed, there is a great magical power, moreover, of a different nature. It has active protective properties. Elderberry has a calming effect.

Beech is a symbol of knowledge. Helps to broaden one's horizons by learning from others. Helps you to be more tolerant of others by letting them live their lives. Increases resistance to stress and the ability to concentrate, as well as improves blood circulation.

Cherry is a talisman of magical meetings, contacts, romantic adventures.

Elm- a tree for active people, but unnecessarily relying only on their own strength. Elm teaches its owner to find like-minded people who will gladly help him in all endeavors and lead him to victory. Protects from rash acts that envious and ill-wishers can incline.

Hornbeam has the ability to dispel illusions. This tree is perfect for people who are very exhausted at work or at home. The hornbeam promotes a real view of the world around you and your abilities. The hornbeam will help you coordinate your actions, understand the illusory nature of ideas about the future of some plans. It gives strength in everyday life, helps to part with ridiculous ideas, prejudices and fantasies. The hornbeam has a beneficial effect on dreamers and romantics who lack the strength and desire to act.

Pear- a talisman of luck, the favor of fortune, which provides many pleasant and useful opportunities. It adds charm to the owner, the ability to please even those who do not tolerate it very well.

Oak- a sign of firmness, power, masculine strength. It is an anti-stress agent, which, in addition, activates blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and shortens the recovery period in case of illness. Oak stands out among other plants-generators of positive energy. Oak - heals the liver, genitourinary system, helps to eliminate congestion in many organs. Relieves toothache. Communication with him is more shown to men than women.

Spruce- like oak, a sacred tree, it is also a symbol of longevity and health. Its effect is indicated for edema and pain syndromes, nervous disorders and depression.

Jasmine- guarded against sudden, unexpected bad meetings, incidents and acquaintances. A guide in love affairs, bringing success with the opposite sex.

Willow. This tree has great magical power. It's more of a female tree. Slavic girls used willow as a love spell. This is a symbol of weakness, tenderness, girlish grace, calmness, the need for constancy and connection. Removes sadness and sadness.

figs- a talisman against wrong decisions and incorrect, unreliable information. Teaches attentiveness, analysis, the ability to compare facts, draw the right conclusions. It insures against reckless statements, makes you pay attention to the form of your manifestation.

Elm- returns the meaning of life and restores strength. There are moments when the purpose of our life loses all its charm, reality seems meaningless, and the dream is unattainable. Karagach will help to cope with such a problem. It has the ability to restore strength and confidence. Karagach will ease the coming depression.

Chestnut treats rheumatic diseases and insomnia, relieves nervous tension and, according to ancient wisdom, even drives away fears. Normalizes cardiovascular activity, has the ability to strengthen the overall immunity of the body and the nervous system.

Cedar It has a beneficial effect on any person and, in particular, on people prone to nervous disorders, stress and insomnia, as well as people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. The cedar lives for five hundred and fifty years, accumulating the light energy of the Cosmos and at the right moment gives it to a person.

Cypress- a predominantly male tree, affects the sexual strength of men, sexual activity and not only enhances the potency in healthy men, but heals the weak. Cypress does not perceive the female body, but brings harmony and novelty into family relationships through a man.

Maple protects from harshness, relieves stress, helps to find common ground with other people. Gives strength, peace, balance, frees from seething passions. Protects the owner from unfair attacks, excessive claims of others. In addition, it can very actively correct the bad character of the owner, unless, of course, he believes that he has one.

Buckthorn symbolizes humility, purity and innocence. Protects from negative energy. In magic, it is used to remove spells and conspiracies.

Hazel (hazel) warn against thoughtlessness of actions and deeds, teaches insight, subtlety of perception. Helps to get rid of excess authoritarianism. Promotes rapid recuperation.

Linden relieves stress, does not allow you to waste energy unnecessarily and protects against uninvited intrusions. In addition, it will help with inflammation of the pelvic organs and indigestion.

Larch. It is called the soothing tree, and more precisely, the tree of enlightenment of the mind. If fears, doubts, unreasonable anxiety stubbornly do not leave you, contact with larch will bring relief, which will help you understand the true nature of human actions, especially people close to you. It fills a person with optimism. Eliminates melancholy and depression. Larch is a good anti-inflammatory tree. Recommended for people with respiratory diseases: such as bronchitis, asthma, etc. Helps with women's diseases.

Olive is a talisman against stress, overstrain, wrong actions, as well as against the inability to quickly and clearly make the right decision. Helps to achieve harmony with oneself and satisfaction with one's own destiny.

Juniper has strong cleansing power. But its power is mainly directed not at people, but at the objects around us. It can cleanse the unfavorable aura in the apartment, it works great on “bad” things, even on jewelry. Juniper can also help a person in removing the evil eye or damage, helps to get rid of the effect of a love spell.

Alder. It helps especially well as a talisman for women, making them graceful, charming. It strengthens family ties, unites all family members, it tends to unite people into a clan. This tree is for women - the keepers of the hearth, the tree of the "big house". Alder will help you "tie" your husband to the house.

Nut- the tree of victory over external circumstances. Helps with quick recovery. Provides many faithful companions. Makes a person persistent in the most unforeseen situations.

Aspen- a tree that absorbs negative energy. It has the ability to relieve various pain (headache, toothache, sciatica, osteochondrosis) and cure various tumors. Cleanse your aura from harmful influences. Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, causeless fear. But do not be too zealous with the use of its healing properties. Aspen also has powerful vampiric abilities, draining energy during long contacts.

Fir eliminates a depressed mood, helps to calmly survive the "black streak" of life, increases endurance and vitality. It has a healing effect on the respiratory system, improves immunity, enhances visual acuity, and increases blood pressure in case of hypotension.

Rowan protects from the evil eye and damage, evil will. It is believed that mountain ash sharpens perception and develops the gift of foresight. Effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. For people who are excitable and nervous, it can be a soft donor, energizing. Contact with mountain ash can awaken dormant sexuality in a woman. For mountain ash, the favorite female age is about 40 years. In love, she gives such women a particularly warm autumn, full of strength.

boxwood- an unusual tree. Strict and strong, wise and impetuous at the same time. Boxwood is used to make protective amulets against evil forces. It protects sleep and protects against energy vampirism.

Plum- this is a wonderful amulet against accidents, from an attempt on property. It teaches its owner not to dwell on situations that disturbed his vanity and not to be aggressive towards those who wish them well, but chooses an emotional form of influence for this, forcing him to react with both reason and emotions.

Pine soothes, relieves mental stress. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and respiratory organs, normalizes the composition of the blood, gives vigor. A great helper for those who want to lose weight. Pine is able to cleanse the human aura from extraneous influences, partially remove damage. In the old days, it was believed that the smell of pine helps to get rid of feelings of guilt.

Rose hip responsible for the emotional side of love. Brings tenderness, spiritual passion, unity of souls into relationships. If you often fail, he will help you.

Apple tree- the tree of female power, female sexuality, awakens the sensual side of nature in a woman. She is more willing to share her powers with young girls. Under the influence of the energy of an apple tree, a girl can imagine the image of an ideal man suitable for her, and in a dream she can see her betrothed. The influence of the apple tree is very necessary for young, inexperienced and insecure girls. The apple tree is a tree with powerful nourishing energy.

Ash helps to achieve crystal clarity of consciousness and make the right decision in a difficult situation. Ash represents the connection between what is above and what is below, that is, the connection between the world of the gods and the world of people, or the spiritual world and the material world. It helps to understand our destiny, sometimes its energy awakens the ability to clairvoyance, allows you to know the future, but helps only those who are sincere in their desire for knowledge. Ash - will help you find inspiration.

It has long been believed that different trees, plants and shrubs have different magical properties. Using their branches, fruits or leaves for magical rituals, you can enlist their magical energy to carry out your plan.

1. Birch.

It symbolizes new beginnings, especially when you begin to implement some kind of plan. Birch symbolizes protection, and birch branches can serve as a talisman against the forces of evil. The birch is also a symbol of the Holy Trinity. On Trinity, birch branches are taken to church for service, shine, and then brought home. Birch is also used when you are looking for support on a spiritual level.

2. Rowan.

It symbolizes the first steps in the implementation of the planned enterprise, helps to establish tight control over one's emotions. Her energy potential helps to become a leader or take the first step.

3. Alder.

Helps to overcome obstacles that you may encounter in the implementation of your plans.

4. Willow.

Its energy potential will help activate intuitive vision. Rituals with willow branches require silence. It is best to spend them near a pond or in the light of the moon.

5. Ash.

The energy potential of ash helps to gain self-confidence and become more determined. Ash has always been used to make arrows. It was believed that such arrows would never fail and would definitely hit the target. The energy of the ash tree makes it possible to achieve the goal in spite of everything and everyone, to overcome any obstacles.

6. Hawthorn.

It symbolizes the receipt of the first results in the work begun, which is to be completed, overcoming various obstacles. Its energy potential helps to realize that the path to success is not always strewn with rose petals, and beautiful berries are not only sweet, but also bitter. Hawthorn is a symbol of accepting circumstances as they really are, and liberation from what hinders this acceptance of the world.

7. Oak.

It symbolizes the ability to defend oneself, to stand up for oneself. Its energy potential helps to open doors to other worlds, to get in touch with any part of information matrix of the universe in order to find an answer to a question.

8. Holly.

Its energy helps to cope with unexpected obstacles or an unexpected turn of events, to respond to a challenge thrown by life or circumstances.

9. Hazelnut.

It symbolizes wisdom, revealing the truth or unraveling the secret plans of the enemy, helps to reap the fruits of the completed work.

10. Apple tree.

Her energy potential helps to see the beauty of the world, to know love. The apple tree is a symbol of the attractiveness of sexual contacts for women and helps to know the power of love, makes it possible to use sexual energy to carry out the plan.

11. Vine.

It symbolizes the ability to make new friends, to be attractive to other people, to attract them to you, to strengthen your ties, to stand on your feet stronger due to the support and help that comes from friends and acquaintances.

12. Ivy (ordinary).

His energy potential helps to hold on tightly to his connections, his friends, relatives, his family, and through these connections and affection to achieve success in the intended enterprise. Ivy is poisonous, and its energy helps to overcome the resistance of opponents and ill-wishers, obstacles on the way to the heights, regardless of whether a person is making a career for himself, working on a dissertation, developing his business or seeking someone's love. Ivy energy helps to gain self-confidence, develop your personal energy potential and in every possible way strengthen this potential and your faith in victory and achievement of the goal.

13. Thorn and thorns.

This is a symbol of grief and suffering through which a person must go in order to fulfill his plan. Turning to the energy of the thorn, you thereby admit to yourself your weaknesses or fears, suffering, and also sign your desire to move “through thorns to the stars” even when you know that you are in for the pain of the cross. The energy of the turn will help you gain the strength to help you survive the difficulties and endure the harsh trials of life and gain what you want for your suffering.

14. Reed, marsh reed.

The energy of these plants will help you endure in a difficult situation, adapt to circumstances, be able to buy time and come to terms with the rules of the game, knowing that retreat is temporary and necessary in order to get more.

15. Elderberry.

Its energy potential is huge and important in those cases when you need to wait in complete darkness for enlightenment, insight, to understand that the path traveled was not easy, but it was worth it and therefore it must be continued in order to achieve the desired result.

16. Spruce.

She has an energy that helps to develop the gift of foresight and the ability to see clearly, to understand something that previously remained a mystery with seven seals.

17. Gorse.

Its energy potential symbolizes victory, or stunning beauty, or great change.

Such energy will help to enter a new period of life, to start some kind of grandiose business.

18. Heather.

It symbolizes the healing of the spirit, will help to relax and unwind, heal wounds and mental trauma.

19. Black poplar, aspen-shaped poplar.

Their energy potential brings happiness, helps to make new plans, become more far-sighted and enterprising. Such energy helps to enter the phase of spiritual rebirth.

20. Tis.

Its energy symbolizes the end, the completion of what has been started, the final, the final victory and instills confidence in one's abilities.

21. White mistletoe.

She is a symbol of the unknown, and her energy potential makes it possible to see what is happening beyond the horizon, what others do not see, to see new opportunities.

This information will help you use the magical power of trees, plants and shrubs in various magical rituals. For example, you can use a sliver of ash as a talisman against the evil eye and the forces of evil in general. If you carry it with you, no one can harm you. With the help of such wood chips, placed near doorways and windows in the house, you can prevent the forces of evil from entering your home.

There is a spell that can be cast on such a sliver.

Ash sharp, A sharp arrow Protect us from evil Be a villain. Amen.

You can also use the information about the energy potential of each tree or shrub to create magical runes. The Druids called them signs of "ogama". Collect pieces of different trees and shrubs. They must be the same size. When cutting a branch from a tree and shrub, you must ask him for permission to cut the branch. This is done with a simple spell:

Hazelnut (or the name of another tree or plant), Grant me your permission Give me a piece of yourself and your strength To create love and kindness.

When collecting a set of magical wooden runes, mark each piece for yourself. You can do this by putting a serial number on each piece of wood. Numbers cannot be changed, because each number also contains magical power. When your set of runes is ready, you must perform the ritual of its consecration. For such a ritual, call on the Higher Powers and the powers of the four elements and read the appropriate spells (all of them are given in this part of the book). This ritual is performed by the light of three candles. You will also need a bowl of water. Spread the oghams in front of you in a circle, and put candles and a bowl of water in the middle. At the end of the spell, sprinkle the oghams with spoken water. At the end of the ritual, put them in a black or blue linen bag. Now you can use them as divination runes. Druids used such runes and called them koelbren. Pulling three runes out of the bag, you get the answer to your question. The first rune refers to the background of the issue, the second to the present situation, and the third indicates the future development of events.

Since all your runes (oghams) have a certain numerical value, you can add up the numbers, and reduce the resulting sum in accordance with the rules of numerology (gematria - see the chapter on gematria) to a simple number - from 1 to 9.

This number is deciphered according to numerological values ​​of prime numbers:

1 sun number. This is a symbol of great ambitions, grandiose plans and accomplishments, a symbol of action, reaching aggression. The number one patronizes creative people and is responsible for the positive aspects of their character. This is also the number of great ambitions. If you direct this energy in a creative direction, then you can achieve great success, which will be appreciated by everyone around you. It is also the number of the beginning and the number of the end, the completion of the cycle. This is the number of God the Creator and is endowed with His strength and energy.

2 moon number, the second most important planet in astrology. This number is a symbol of creative creative power, harmony, magic, intuitive vision, reaching a compromise between opposites - good and evil, life and death, etc. This is due to the fact that the Great Moon Goddess, the Queen of Fairies, ruled not only in the sky, but also on Earth, she commanded life and was the queen of the underworld, she filled wildlife with the miraculous power of constant renewal (revival) and patronized magicians and witches. This number in fortune-telling can also mean the incredible attractiveness of a woman for a man and symbolize a stormy romance, carnal passion, which is comparable to a devilish obsession.

3 mars number- a symbol (of Zeus), the lord of light and sky. The number three is a symbol of power, justice and good faith. The number three is also associated with the concept of the trinity of God, the trinity of the Great Goddess, who commands fate. From the number three comes the concept of a triad, which means "friendship", "peace", "virtue", "justice". It contains the secret of why everything happens three times, why the old father in fairy tales has three sons or three daughters. In ancient legends, there are three furies, three graces or three moira. Three is the number of accomplishment and wisdom, which means the relationship of the past, present and future, which not everyone and not always can foresee. This number indicates that a certain matter can be brought to its logical conclusion, whether it is a struggle for justice, the fulfillment of a desire, or the fight against some kind of ailment. The number three has strong energy, the energy of creation and gives strength in order to be able to survive any trials, and enough wisdom not to be drawn into risky adventures that threaten life.

4 Mercury number- a symbol of change, uprisings, confrontation, reforms. This is not very good for a person's character, because for such a global confrontation a person must be an idealist, and idealism, as practice shows, does not make people happy. Ancient philosophers saw in the number four the beginning of all beginnings, the root of everything that exists in the Universe, a symbol of the material world. There are four cardinal points, four elements of the universe (Fire, Water, Air, Earth), four elements that form the basis of all things (cold, moisture, dryness and heat), four seasons, four parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening and night ), four suits in a deck of cards, etc. According to the ancients, the number four was a symbol of courage, strength and swiftness in the development of events or actions.

5 Jupiter number the ruler of heaven and earth, life and death, the symbol of the masculine principle, the patron saint of soothsayers. The number five is a symbol of risk, adventurous adventure, feverish excitement and incredible nervous tension. The number five also means "sound", "providence", "alternation", "cordiality", "marriage", "passionate love".

6 Venus number, goddesses of love. This number is a symbol of female beauty, attractiveness, extraordinary magnetism. It informs everyone whom it patronizes the ability to attract people to itself. It is also the number of harmony, the number of understanding the truth. If you are guessing at some business, then the number six tells you that your case will be successfully resolved. If your problem concerns matters of the heart, then this number predicts you the comprehension of inner harmony, either as a result of a love date, or as a result of explaining and clarifying the circumstances, or calming down, liberation from longing for the subject of your dreams.

7 Saturn number- a symbol of risk, the calculation in which is done on strength and endurance. Seven patronizes everyone who goes on a long journey. Its energy makes the mind inquisitive, awakens curiosity in people, the desire for knowledge and multiplies the physical strength of a person. It is also believed that the earthly elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth patronize the number seven, which is considered an undoubted harbinger of success and unexpected luck. This number is considered to be the number of saints and the number of life itself. In the old days, it was believed that a child born prematurely in the seventh month of pregnancy had a better chance of surviving than one born in the eighth month of pregnancy, and that babies born in the seventh month of pregnancy were endowed from birth with the gift of communicating with the gods through their dreams and can predict the future.

8 is the number of Uranus- a symbol of loneliness and extreme situations. His patronage helps to achieve significant success, but often at the expense of personal happiness. But this number also indicates that a person, seeking material wealth, often remains unsatisfied. With external well-being, spiritual disharmony is possible. This number also suggests that a person may not develop relationships with others due to the fact that they are considered upstarts or arrogant. Problems may arise in the family due to the desire of a person to suppress the will and desires of loved ones. The number eight also means a selfish choice made at the expense of personal happiness. In addition, the number eight is considered a small sacred number. The very form of the number eight is in many ways similar to the caduceus, the rod of the god Hermes, entwined with two snakes, a symbol of wisdom. Such a number, falling out in divination, advises to be wise and try to find a foothold that will balance the material and the spiritual.

9 is the number of Neptune- a symbol of a warlike spirit, determination and aggressiveness. The number nine testifies to the inability to persevere, to be diligent, to bring the work begun to the end despite the obstacles that arise in the way. The number nine also warns of possible outbursts of anger and calls for wisdom, tolerance, perseverance, and the development of the ability to work painstakingly and methodically. You can carry one or more oghams with you so that you can always hold them in your hand, recharge with their energy, which can help and support you at the right time.

To enlist the support of the energy that the planets are endowed with, on certain days of the week you can use infusions and incense from herbs, plants, trees and their fruits, leaves, roots, branches, which have similar energy and are subordinate to these planets.


Day of the week: Sunday.

: balsam, laurel, clove, myrrh, saffron, musk, amber, incense.


Day of the week: Monday.

Herbs, trees, their derivatives: poppy, frankincense, camphor, sandalwood, aloe, cucumber seeds.


Day of the week: Tuesday.

Herbs, trees, their derivatives: hellebore, pepper, vinegar, rosin.


Day of the week: Wednesday.

Herbs, trees, their derivatives: ash fruit, aloe, nutmeg.


Day of the week: Thursday.

Herbs, trees, their derivatives: incense, amber, mint, nutmeg flowers, saffron.


Day of the week: Friday.

Herbs, trees, their derivatives: musk, amber, rose, aloe.


Day of the week: Saturday.

Herbs, trees, their derivatives: henbane, poppy seeds, myrrh, Chernobyl.

From a set of these herbs, you can make yourself talismans that will give you the power of the planets.

Few people know that magical trees surround us everywhere, which not only magically affect the human body, but can also radically change fate.

The medicinal properties of trees have been used by our ancestors since ancient times. And to this day, a special science called dendrotherapy is engaged in this area.

In Egyptian magic, personal wooden amulets were treated in a special way - each Egyptian wore one around his neck. There were beliefs that the owner of such a talisman could not be afraid of attacks by sorcerers and evil spirits.

The sages of India claim that a wooden amulet absorbs unique cosmic energy and transfers it to a person.

All trees are different and each type of tree has its own special magical characteristics. Some are energetically strong, others are able to take away the disease, and some even affect the love and sexual aspect.

Healing, magical and bioenergetic properties of trees

The bioenergy of trees has a beneficial effect on both human health and his mood in life.

All people on earth have different character traits, temperament, zodiac sign. Therefore, based on these details, experts advise using the magical properties of those trees that are associated with your energy field.

Consider some of the bioenergetic, healing and magical characteristics of our green friends:


A great helper for those who are tired of futile attempts to conceive a baby. The energy of acacia is associated with the beginning, with the awakening of all things.


The universal protector of the fair sex. It is believed that it is women who receive support from birch most often. Proper handling of birch leaves and branches helps to eliminate the negative psycho-emotional background, eliminate the consequences of stressful situations, and relieve aggression. Experts have found that the tree also improves sleep in humans: nightmares disappear after the first contact with a wooden trunk. It is also recommended after a hard working period to simply touch the birch bark and ask for restoration. Strength will return, and you will forget about fatigue altogether.


This is a friend for all romantics and those who experience the feeling of falling in love. Cherry will definitely help to cope with excessive shyness, push you to the first step on the path to your love.


It is simply necessary for people who are unable to clearly assess their surroundings. Dispel all unfounded conclusions, help to take the right position. Helps to understand what is real and what is important, and what can be ignored.


This magical tree, common in all garden corners of the planet, will attract many successful cases into your life. The pear is considered a powerful magnet for luck.


It symbolizes unshakable courage, strength, respect of others. Helps to improve the general condition of the body. In particular, it is advised to seek help from oak for hypertensive patients - it has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and on the circulatory system. It is also noticed that even a few minutes of communication with oak branches eliminate acute pain in the teeth. Suitable for the stronger sex, but in some cases it provides irreplaceable support to women.


A real psychologist of the plant world. If you are prone to depression, then this tree is for you. In addition, spruce prolongs life and fills it with wisdom. By itself, spruce is a powerful energy vampire, so it will take on all your troubles and misfortunes with great pleasure.


Magically strong tree. Girls in ancient times used its twigs and leaves so that their lover paid attention to them. Willow personifies tenderness, romanticism, lightness. It is believed that its impact on fate is unique, as it connects congenial hearts and attracts kindred souls.


If you suffer from rheumatic pains, then you should learn about the benefits of chestnut as much as possible - it will definitely save you from suffering. Its positive effect on the nervous system has been noted. Chestnut fruits and leaves are filled with magic that drives away all fears and anxieties from a person. In medical terms, this tree strengthens the immune forces, and also normalizes the work of the heart muscle.


Favorable for everyone. Due to the fact that he lives for more than five hundred years, his energy is powerful. During this entire period, it is daily gaining strength and is fueled by space. Therefore, its impact is unique. After contact, a person is filled with light energy, which helps not only to put himself in order, but also to bestow it on his relatives and friends.


It is considered a male assistant in intimate matters. The magical power of the cypress tree eliminates problems with potency, and also normalizes family relationships.


Necessary for those who have problems in the field of communication. If it’s hard for you to talk to people for the first time, and you constantly feel discomfort in society, contact the maple. Also, the tree is able to change the character, to cope with internal negativity.


Linden is a natural healer. It effectively restores strength, enhances the internal energy of a person. Heals diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


This tree helps to become stronger, more confident, overcome fears. After communicating with larch, you will realize what is important in life and what is not. Your mind will clear up. Optimism will overwhelm you. And those who will try to harm you will face powerful energy protection. Traditional healers use larch to relieve symptoms of asthma, respiratory diseases. Indispensable for problems with the female genital organs.


It is the olive tree that will help you determine your inner state. This is a surge protector. You will calm down and stop being nervous - harmony will become your faithful companion.


An integral protector from sorcery attacks. If your aura has become vulnerable for a moment, and alien energy is trying to penetrate it, then the aspen will disperse all negative phenomena. She, like a sponge, absorbs negative energy charges and transforms them. Healers are sure that its medicinal properties can get rid of a deadly disease. It is also a powerful pain reliever.


An effective remedy for evil eye, spoilage and other types of energy damage. More suitable for young girls.


Protects from collisions with bad people, as well as from accidents. If you are afraid that your house will be robbed or there will be a fire, then seek help from a plum tree.


A beautiful tree is beautiful and strong. It radiates notes of rigor and wisdom. It gives the same qualities to the person who applied for support.


Serves as an assistant in stressful situations. Normalizes the general condition and helps to recover after a difficult day. It is noted that contact with pine pushes a person to change his life position for the better. The outlook is completely transformed.

Apple tree

Feeds the young girl with vital energy. Serves as a mentor in choosing a betrothed. It does not allow you to make irreparable mistakes of youth.


Support for creative individuals. Sometimes ash awakens supernatural abilities in a person. Encourages spirituality.

Male and female trees in magic

Some magical trees have a greater influence on the male body and the character of a man, and some are associated with the feminine.

So, the following are considered male: oak, cypress, hornbeam, ash, beech.

Women should include: birch, willow, larch, alder, mountain ash, apple tree.

The remaining trees have universal properties that equally affect both women's and men's fate.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author


Since ancient times, people have endowed trees with divine power. They were worshiped and asked for their protection. Fruits, leaves, bark were used in magic. Magic objects, divinatory accessories, as well as amulets and talismans, which they constantly carried with them or kept in their homes, were carved from wood. Amulets made from wood, seeds, fruits, leaves or tree bark are still used to protect against evil influences, and talismans made from the same materials help a person realize his abilities and develop the qualities necessary for success.

The magical power of trees

In order to use the magical power of trees, it is not necessary to be an experienced magician. Of course, a wood talisman or amulet, made in compliance with special rituals and properly charmed, “works” stronger.

But a root, an acorn, a fir cone, a twig, a piece of bark, just picked up in the forest, can also become a completely effective “magic object”, if this find causes positive emotions, for example, an inexplicable feeling of joy, calmness. Usually, people who love nature have such talismans of plant origin. As a rule, the planets Venus or Saturn and the element Earth are strong in their horoscopes. Such people strive for harmony, tranquility, moderation. They avoid risk and are afraid of surprises, but still secretly hope for a lucky break, because they are sure that they deserve a gift of fate. Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces are more likely to receive a magical gift from a tree, but representatives of other signs may be lucky.

You can make a talisman yourself, cut out a figure from a tree suitable for your purposes according to the magical properties, which can be worn as an ornament or put in a pocket, in a bag, on the desktop, near the bed or at the door, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that it must protect and support. Not only a piece of a tree, but also its image can become a talisman. Birches or pine trees in a picture hanging on a wall, in a photograph in the form of wallpaper on a computer desktop, also create a special emotional and energetic background that affects a person. Like the leaves and fruits of the tree, inscribed in the ornament on clothes or dishes. And essential oils from flowers, seeds, needles of a tree, with their powerful power of influencing bioenergetics, can heal, and help reveal abilities, and protect from negative influences. Energy contact with a tree occurs even if you are just next to it. And a tree growing near a house always interacts with its owners, in one way or another affecting their physical and mental state. Knowing its magical and energetic properties, you can interact with it already consciously, and it will no longer be just a “neighbor”, but also a patron, protector of the family.

The magical properties of trees

Each tree has its own magical properties and characteristics, therefore, before turning to it for help, you need to know what it can help with and what it can not.

Willow has a soft, calming, relaxing energy, so it makes sense to turn to it for those who lack flexibility in character, which is bad for relationships with people. It is useful for irritable and angry people to sit under a willow, it can relieve headaches, nervous tension, and high blood pressure. But people with weak energy and unstable character willow can weaken even more, bring on them melancholy and apathy. To gain confidence, it is better for them to sit under an elm tree or make a talisman from this tree.

Rowan protects the house from otherworldly entities, ghosts, magical effects. She patronizes women. Rowan is a strong love talisman, a bouquet of red clusters on the windowsill will attract love into the life of a single woman and enhance mutual passion between spouses.

Acacia is also a female tree, it gives a positive outlook on life. An amulet from it protects from damage, and helps the girls in choosing a groom.

Alder settles disagreements between relatives, makes the family more united. There is a belief that the most harmful mother-in-law will become kinder if you give her an alder branch with cones. In the old days, hair combs were made from alder, it is believed that they enhance female attractiveness.

Birch is the patroness of young girls, love talismans are made from it. This is a donor tree, it is enough to hug a birch, and in a couple of minutes there will be no trace of fatigue and sadness. And whoever wants to know the future should wrap his shirt around a birch tree and listen to the surrounding sounds, which should be interpreted as indications of future events.

Maple broadleaf helps to become rich and happy. To correct the financial situation in the fall on the growing moon, you need to shower yourself with maple leaves, imagining that it is a rain of gold and banknotes. The collected leaves are brought home, and when they dry up, they are taken out and scattered in the wind with the words: “The leaves fly away, but the gold is left to me.” Problems of an intangible nature are even easier to solve with the help of maple: you need to stand under a tree, it will restore peace of mind, and there will be a way out of a difficult situation.

Elderberry enjoys the fame of the strongest defender from evil spirits. If you constantly carry an elderberry branch with you, you can not only protect yourself from evil influences, but also develop the ability to foresee. A bouquet or a wreath of it is hung over a child's bed to protect the child from the evil eye.

Forest hazel is also a well-known amulet against witchcraft. A walnut branch in the hands of a magician can become a real magic wand that grants wishes. In ancient times, with its help, they searched for treasures and underground springs, healed the sick and found out the future.

Aspen can not be planted near the house, it takes energy. But for a long time, a threshold was made of aspen in a house so that evil spirits or a hostile person would not cross it. To protect against an evil person outside the house, you need to put an aspen knot in your pocket.

Ash protects the house from envious people and helps creative people, especially writers and poets, to find inspiration. The leaves and images of this tree as a talisman help develop intelligence and worldly wisdom, as well as oratory.

The apple tree is the guardian of the family hearth, the tree of the goddess of marriage, Juno. Apple tree talismans help in raising children, in creating good trusting relationships between family members. In the old days, girls were given Easter eggs with the image of an apple tree. It was believed that such a talisman guarantees a happy marriage in the future.

Oak is the most powerful tree, it has always been dedicated to the supreme gods. Oak is the patron of men, and therefore boys, so that they grow up strong and courageous, were given talismans depicting oak leaves, and adult men carried acorns in their pockets to improve their health and avoid impotence. They also believed that spirits live in acorns, which suggest how to act in difficult situations. Oak talismans give clarity of thought, which is why in the old days, before making an important decision, they went to think in an oak grove.

Two chestnut fruits put in your pocket will help you not to lose strength on the way, and the walnut fruit will make it possible to defeat enemies and competitors.

The use of trees.

Birch - Most often used to create a magical broom.

Hawthorn - to create wands used in female magic.

Elderberry - used for protective wands.

Beech - for creating staves to control the elements of water.

Cherries are wands for love magic.

Oak - suitable for creating staves, wands and wands to increase strength. Refers to the patronage of Perun, Thor and other gods of war.

Jasmine - sticks for rituals of love magic and fertility.

Willow - used in the creation of brooms, suitable for both the handle and the broom itself. Also, sticks and wands are made from it to search for water.

Chestnut - wands in magic to increase the state.

Cypress - used for staves in necromancy.

Maple - magic wands are used for curses. A staff made of maple is used in defensive magic.

Laurel - used to create wands and wands to control the element of fire.

Leshina - used for the manufacture of staves and wands of various magical orientations. With a forked wand, you can search for treasures.

Linden - a staff for protection from foreign influences.

Juniper - make wands for cleansing rituals and exorcism.

Alder - used to create staves for all kinds of invocations.

Aspen - staves for protection and taking away strength from the enemy. But the tree is dangerous, as it can take away the strength of the owner.

Broom - used to create a magic panicle.

Rhododendron - to create sticks for absorbing all kinds of energies, both hostile and positive.

Rowan - to create a stick for a broom and in the manufacture of staves and wands aimed at protection.

Plum - shelves for the magic of fertility.

Pine - for creating staves, wands and wands aimed at healing magic.

Blackthorn - used to create wands to facilitate transitions between worlds.

Yew wands are used in rebirth and healing magic.

Bird cherry - used to create a handle for a broom.

Apple tree - used to create wands and wands used in love magic.

Ash - used for staves that control the elements of air. A wand made of ash on a full moon can determine damage and other negative influences.