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Grow greens for sale all year round. Simple and profitable business - growing greenery

* Calculations use average data for Russia

50 000 ₽

Minimum investment



20 sq.m.

Required area

From 1 month

Payback period

Most people who choose the idea of ​​starting their own “rural” business consider growing greens for sale as one of the first options. Indeed, this idea seems, at first glance, just perfect for starting. For its implementation, according to the authors of numerous articles on the Internet, a large start-up capital is not required. Planting material is quite inexpensive, the growing period of greens is an average of a month, and the yield is very high: up to four kilograms of greens can be harvested from one square meter of area. The demand for such products is stable, and the profitability of such a business is over 65%. However, unfortunately, not all of these statements are confirmed in practice.

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First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are going to do this. It's one thing if you grow greens for your needs and sell the surplus. If land is available, the cost of purchasing planting material and fertilizers will be minimal. But in this case, you should not count on big profits. In the best case, you will recoup your investment and provide yourself with fresh and environmentally friendly greens from spring to autumn. Also, if there is a sufficiently large area, you can grow greens exclusively for sale. But this option requires, firstly, large investments, and, secondly, such a business will also be seasonal. There is a third option for making money on greenery - year-round cultivation of green crops in greenhouses. However, during the period from late autumn to mid-spring, greenhouses will have to be heated and lit, which is associated with high costs. One of the biggest disappointments for newcomers to this business is the opinion that it is possible to collect 4-4.5 kg of greenery per square meter. In fact, even under the most favorable conditions (good lighting, drip irrigation, fertilizers and top dressing), the crop will average no more than three kilograms of greenery per 1 sq. meters. At the same time, its cost will be very high. It is highly undesirable to increase the sowing density in excess of the recommended one, as this will lead to a deterioration in the quality of greenery.

And, finally, the key problem is the organization of sales of finished products. As the farmers themselves say, growing greens is not a problem. The main problem is to sell it and make a profit. Firstly, purchase prices can vary greatly even in one region and in one season. Small-scale wholesale prices for greens can be either 50 rubles or 150 rubles per kilogram, but on average no more than 70-80 rubles at retail prices of 200 rubles per kg. The competition for local greenery producers is made up of farmers from nearby regions.

Types and features of green crops

Greens are healthy and tasty, contain a large amount of vitamins, can improve the taste of the first and second courses, and contribute to better absorption of food. Green crops are sufficiently resistant to low temperatures, so they can be grown outdoors from early spring to late autumn using early or winter crops. The most commonly grown dill, green onions, lettuce, spinach, parsley. This herb is used to prepare various dishes, and the technology for growing them is very simple.

Dill grown in greenhouses and as an independent culture, and as a compactor. When grown on greenery, it is sown on meter-long beds in rows (8-10 cm between rows) or continuous sowing, planting seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm. The sowing density is 15-20 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters. Dill is cut when it reaches a height of 10-12 cm. During the summer, depending on weather and climatic conditions, dill can be sown at least twice. It is noteworthy that of all green crops, dill is the most demanding in terms of lighting and temperature (it should not be lower than 15 ° C). In addition, it matures the longest, but at the same time it has the highest productivity.

For cultivation Luke on a feather, experts recommend using small bulbs with a diameter of up to 30 mm and weighing up to 30 g and large sets. In this case, the sowing scheme is used in rows with row spacings of 45 cm or tape 20 plus 50 cm. When planted in autumn, the bulbs are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm, and in spring to a depth of 2-3 cm. It will be possible to harvest when the feathers reach a length of 20 -25 cm. There are technologies that allow growing green onions throughout the year. The best varieties for growing for sale are Batun, Emerald Island, Parade, Karatalsky, Krasnodar G-35, Spanish 313, Kaba.

Salad sown in early spring and even before winter in an ordinary way. Different types of lettuce are suitable for greenhouse cultivation - head, asparagus, leaf and romaine. Greenhouse lettuce varieties are most often grown because of its precocity. However, the head of cabbage also grows well, although it is more demanding on lighting and sowing density. Leaf lettuce is sown at a distance of 15-20 cm between rows and 2-3 cm in a row, and head lettuce - at a distance of 20-25 cm between rows and up to 10 cm in a row. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The sowing density is 5 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters of area. Harvest can be obtained 35-40 days after sowing. Lettuce needs regular care: it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, destroy weeds and water the plants abundantly. In addition, you need to thin out the plants in a timely manner, otherwise they start blooming too early. Early deciduous varieties of lettuce include the following varieties: "May" and "Berlin yellow", to head ones - "Large green", "Stubborn", "Crystal", "Stone head". For autumn sowing, varieties such as "Winter Yellow-Green" and "Romen" are used.

Spinach grown in the same way as lettuce. The difference lies only in the sowing density: the distance between the rows should be 15-20 cm. The consumption is 40 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters. The first harvest can be obtained in 30-35 days. Thus, on one area during the summer you can harvest from two crops or more. This crop tolerates the first frosts well, so it is often sown in the summer after lettuce, spring onions and other early crops. Then spinach can be grown until late autumn. The only negative of this green culture (as well as lettuce) is the need for regular watering. With the onset of drought, spinach loses its nutritional value and throws out arrows. The most common varieties of spinach include "Summer Giant", "Virofle" and "Victoria".

Ready-made ideas for your business

parsley grown both from seeds and by distillation from root crops. Before sowing, parsley seeds are kept in wet gauze for five days at room temperature and another ten days after germination at a temperature of +1-2°C. This allows you to get the first shoots as soon as possible and increase the yield. The sowing rate of parsley is 20 g per 10 square meters. meter. It is much more difficult to grow parsley from root vegetables. To do this, root crops are kept in sand at a temperature of +2 ° C, and then planted in moist soil at an angle of 45 degrees and to a depth of 15 cm (with a weight of root crops of 60-70 g). Furrows are first cut in the soil at a distance of about 15 cm from each other, then they are filled with water. The distance between plantings should be 5-6 cm, and between rows - 10 cm. The main thing is not to sprinkle the head and neck of root crops with earth. The soil must be lightly compacted and watered intensively. The harvest can be obtained 30-45 days after planting the root crops, when the parsley leaves reach 20-25 cm in length. Moreover, with proper care (regular watering - preferably drip, ventilation, avoidance of sudden temperature changes, good lighting), you can collect up to 6 kg of greenery from 1 sq. meters.

For growing greens for sale, experts advise giving preference to early-ripening and hardy varieties. If you plan to grow several types of green crops at once, then you must follow the sequence of crops. First of all, onion sets are sown, which goes to the feather. Before planting, the material must be prepared. It is recommended to soak the sevok for three days, cutting off the top of the head. Then it is planted in well-moistened water (warm if the earth is not yet warm enough) soil. Onions require regular care: loosening the soil, top dressing and regular watering. After onions, dill and parsley are sown, the seeds of which are also pre-soaked. Two weeks after planting onions and dill, lettuce and spinach can be planted.

Growing greens in greenhouses

As experience shows, it is most profitable to engage in the greenhouse business in the southern regions of our country - in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, where frosts are not so strong, and daylight hours are longer. Otherwise, the high costs of gas and electricity in the northern regions will “eat up” all the profits from the sale of finished products. For a 20 sq. meters heating costs in winter are about 75,000-80,000 rubles. In the middle lane, the cost of heating such an area will average 250,000 rubles a year (if you meet the electricity quota). It often turns out to be more profitable to deliver finished goods from other regions than to grow greens on your own. The minimum profitability of the greenhouse business should be 20%. Ideally, you should strive for indicators of 30-35%, but they are difficult to achieve.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Growing greens in a greenhouse is more profitable at least four times than vegetables. However, keep in mind that ideally you need to organize a stable sale of your products in the nearest settlement in order to minimize transportation costs.

The cheapest technology for greenhouse cultivation of green crops is hydroponics. In fact, it allows you to minimize physical labor, reduce the vegetative cycle of plants by several times and, accordingly, increase productivity by several times. When using hydroponic technology, plants are grown on artificial media without soil - not in boxes with soil, but in ordinary plastic cups or PVC pipes with holes made in them. They receive nutrients from a humid air environment, which requires frequent or constant drip irrigation with a working solution of mineral salts. Due to the small volume of growing containers, plants can be placed in them not only in the lower part of the greenhouse, but also vertically, on walls, and even under the ceiling, which allows you to increase productivity even in a small area. Everything would be fine if not for one “but”: crops grown in hydroponics do not have a characteristic taste and smell. They are almost tasteless, although they have an attractive appearance. Even the low price does not compensate for the taste deficiencies. But, nevertheless, although this technology is not suitable for the summer season (when there is an abundance of fresh herbs straight from the garden on the market), it is widely used for growing herbs in the winter months. In the absence of an alternative, consumers are willing to buy fresh herbs, even if their taste leaves much to be desired.

There are also "intermediate" technologies for greenhouse cultivation of greenery, which involve the simultaneous use of peat and ordinary soil and liquid fertilizers used in hydroponics. These technologies are three times more expensive than hydroponics, but the products grown with their help are not much different from those grown in the open field.

What material should be used to make greenhouses for growing greens? Currently, glass and polyethylene are most widely used for this. A glazed greenhouse is more expensive both at the construction stage and during further operation, since glass does not retain heat well. In addition, on hot and sunny days, glass does not retain or scatter light, which can cause plant burns. In extreme cases, tempered technical glass with a thickness of 6 mm or more can be used for the construction of a greenhouse. This material can be purchased at a price of 1000 rubles per linear meter. However, polyethylene is not the best option, since, on the contrary, it transmits light very poorly. On cloudy days in such a greenhouse there will be insufficient lighting, which adversely affects the plants. Yes, and the cost of heating a film greenhouse will be considerable. There are better options that have recently gained increasing popularity - metal structures with acrylic or polycarbonate coating. A greenhouse made of these materials is more expensive than polyethylene. But it will last much longer, and its efficiency will be higher.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The construction of a greenhouse costs from 1,500 rubles per 1 sq. meter without additional equipment. At the same time, a greenhouse of 100 sq. meters (a relatively small greenhouse measuring, for example, 5 by 20 meters) gives about 80 square meters. meters of usable area. However, the area can be increased up to 200 square meters. meters using a two-tier racking system.

A large area greenhouse is recommended to be divided into spans of 25 square meters. meters, which will facilitate the care of landings. Manufacturers, in an attempt to minimize the cost of greens, do not pay much attention to either the quality of the soil or its fertilizer. In extreme cases, if the greens “fade”, then it is sprayed with urea, and when mold appears, it is treated with potassium permanganate.

Prospects and risks of "green" business

Although, in general, growing greens for sale is a promising and profitable direction, but only if several conditions are met. In the first place are production volumes - the more they are, the better. And on the second (although this condition is no less important) - the presence of distribution channels. Selling greens on your own in the market or selling it to resellers for a penny, you won’t earn much. It is possible to agree on deliveries with cafes and restaurants, but, firstly, their purchase volumes are not so large. Secondly, you need to provide all documents for your products. And thirdly, it will be very difficult to achieve such agreements.

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Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


Recently, talk about a business based on the cultivation of greenery can be heard even in public transport and on the forums of housewives. Why greens? And because this product is one of the most popular on the market. Greens are bought all year round, and not a single table is complete without dill or parsley, onion or lettuce. And taking into account the fact that even a child is able to cope with the cultivation of greenery (qualifications and special knowledge are not needed), this business is becoming more and more relevant for various segments of the population. It all depends on the size of the premises and the initial capital. However, the investment is not so great!

How to grow greens, and is it possible to earn capital on this? We understand.

How to grow greens at home and in industrial conditions for sale: the basics of technology

First, let's define goals. Why do we grow greens? For myself, for soup and with the subsequent sale of surplus, for sale near the store for 10-20 bunches a day, or for selling these greens on a large scale for more profit?

It should be noted that if there is a summer cottage and land, the costs of fertilizers and planting material will not be tangible. True, with the seasonal nature of the business, significant profits cannot be expected. She needs more rational approach and greater investment .

So, what is the cultivation technology?

Criteria and requirements for a room for growing greenery in winter and summer

According to the scale of the business, the cultivation of greens can be carried out in different places…

Video: How to grow greens in winter and summer - year-round care

Choosing soil for growing greens: characteristics of the seed

Today, 7 main soil options are used to grow greens.

  1. natural soil
    That is, the earth. The most budget option that does not require special investments. The containers are filled with earth, peat is added with top dressing, seeds are planted, plus lighting and heat - that's all. A start. You can buy land already with a full "set" of fertilizers / dressings. Sand, in addition, will not interfere.
  2. Sawdust (except for pine, oak and other species harmful to greenery)
    They are treated with boiling water and placed in containers.
    Pros: greens do not rot, there is no smell, dill-parsley grows quickly, sawdust is cheap (sometimes they get it for free).
  3. hydroponics method
    It is a system for growing greens (or other crops) consisting of water trays. To plants that touch the water only with roots, nutrient mixtures come through tubes.
    Pros: very fast growth of greenery, no need for soil, intensive development of foliage (rather than the root system).
    Minus - the price of the device.
  4. Gravel
    Pros: practicality, low cost, breathability.
    Cons - solid weight, does not hold water.
  5. coconut fiber
    There are many advantages: durability, environmental friendliness, versatility, etc.
    The downside is the cost.
  6. Expanded clay
    The best material for hydroponics use.
    Pros - price, moisture retention, lightness.
  7. Hydrogel
    A new material in the form of granules that, when swollen, retain moisture for a long time.
    Pros: breathability, permanent moisture retention, no harm to plants.
    Minus - the price.

List of necessary devices, installations and containers that will be needed for growing greens.

  1. Hydroponics
    A system that reduces the risk of plant infection with any disease to almost zero and allows you to grow greens all year round. The choice of system depends on the scale of the business. For an apartment - one installation, for an industrial scale - another. The range is wide.
    In the absence of a large "pod" under the mattress, it makes sense to think about hydroponics with your own hands.
  2. Materials for insulation
    When growing greens on the site, a greenhouse is needed. And if the "holy of holies" is located in the garage (basement), then you will need a flexible insulation, polystyrene, reflective foil, etc.
  3. Shelving
    They can be bought, ordered or made independently, taking into account the height of green plants.
  4. Lighting
    You can use conventional light bulbs or fluorescent lights (these are preferable).
  5. Watering system (or watering cans)
  6. Heaters to maintain a certain temperature in the room.
  7. Soil and planting material itself, fertilizers
  8. From containers you will need wide pallets, containers for settling water, containers for plants (pots, bottles or boxes with holes for draining water).
  9. Thermometer(control the air temperature).
  10. Foil
    Knowledgeable people wrap pots with it to protect plants from overheating of the soil.
  • How to grow greens all year round?

    This business does not depend on the season only in a few cases, that is, if the greens are grown ...

    • In equipped greenhouses.
    • In an apartment (or insulated garage).
    • With the help of hydroponics.

    If the business "grows" in the open air, in summer cottages, then you will have to "transfer" them to a warm room for the cold season.

    Planting material - seeds

    What are the ways to grow greenery at home?

    1. Distillation(using bulbs). The most convenient option.
    2. Extended cultivation. The option is suitable for those who grow greens in the beds. Plants are simply dug out of the ground before the cold (whole) and transferred to the room.
    3. Growing from seedlings. Minus - seedlings need to buy or grow it yourself.
    4. Sowing seeds. Classic variant.

    The choice of seeds is also a separate issue. In order not to lament later what kind of horror got out of the pot, and how to sell it, you need to choose seeds carefully by studying manufacturers and reviews of experienced businessmen in advance.

    It is worth noting that seed costs are minimal . For example, a package of onion seeds does not exceed 12 rubles, and parsley - about 7 rubles.

    You can also pay attention to greens in containers (already with roots) - buy and carefully transplant.

    What greens are more profitable to grow? Features of growing dill, parsley, cilantro, celery for sale

    There are many benefits to growing greens. This is the ease of the process, and the low cost of seeds, and the unpretentiousness of plants, and modest investments (if you do not buy hydroponics). And also it must be said about the high year-round demand for products and high returns relative to investments. The main thing is to decide on the type of greenery from which your business will grow. So what is the best thing to grow?

    Growing dill as a business

    • The most unpretentious culture.
    • The optimum temperature for growing is 17 degrees.
    • Varieties worth paying attention to are Kaskelensky, Gribovsky, Uzbek-243.
    • We harvest 40-50 days after germination.
    • Seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks. In the future, they can not be bought, but used from the harvested crop.
    • Diseases and pests of dill, as a rule, are bypassed.
    • Cons: short shelf life, additional lighting is needed in winter.

    Features of the parsley growing business

    • From the varieties we choose Prima, Sugar, Curly or Harvest - the most early-ripening varieties that give the maximum yield of greens.
    • When cloudy, additional illumination is needed, in winter we also illuminate with fitolamps (3-4 hours).
    • The optimum temperature is plus 20 degrees.
    • After germination, it takes about 25-30 days to harvest.
    • Watering needs plentiful and frequent, and after cutting, top dressing with fertilizers is required.
    • Parsley, planted from seeds, gives greenery for longer than a year.

    Growing cilantro for sale

    • A cold tolerant plant.
    • The soil needs light and moist (without moisture, cilantro blooms quickly).
    • The container is large.
    • Illumination (additional light) is mandatory and permanent.
    • Water moderately, once a week.
    • Top dressing - after each cut.
    • The first harvest is 3-4 weeks after sowing. The crop is harvested immediately after the appearance of 1 inflorescence.
    • The best variety is Firstborn.
    • The optimum temperature is 20 degrees. Cilantro does not like heat.
    • The ideal soil is black soil.

    Growing celery root and petiole

    • Growing celery is more difficult than onions or dill, but, in principle, not so difficult.
    • Of the types of celery, leaf (to obtain leaves), root and petiole (to obtain juicy petioles) are isolated.
    • The main feature is resistance to cold.
    • Seeds germinate for a long time.

    Growing lettuce as a business (green lettuce, watercress)

    Ideal for growing watercress.

    • Harvest - in 10-12 days.
    • Unpretentious.
    • Conditions: shaded areas of the north and northeast side.
    • Shoots - for 5-7 days.
    • After cutting the leaves, top dressing is needed.
    • The best varieties are Curly, Pepper, Broadleaf.

    Leaf salad no less in demand, but more capricious in care.

    • Do not do without backlighting.
    • The best varieties are Lollo Bionda, Vitamin, Lolla Rossa, Emerald Lace and New Year's.
    • Lettuce does not like heat and needs constant watering.

    As for demand among consumers, the leader here, of course, green onion (by the way, the least demanding option), in second place - dill , the third is parsley and then all the rest.

    Speaking about profitability, experts unanimously single out leaf salad (vegetative period - no more than 25 days).

    Features of growing dill, parsley, cilantro, lettuce, celery and other herbs in winter and summer

    The conditions for growing greenery in the summer are approximately identical for each of its species.

    With the onset of cold weather for heat-loving species, it is necessary to create special conditions of care.

    Greenery business plan

    Sales market. This is the first thing to decide. First, a market analysis. That is, a study of prices for greens, demand (which is more profitable), places of possible sale. Where to sell? There are many options - to rent to a store or market, to a catering organization (for example, in a cafe, a canteen), to a vegetable store.

    We consider expenses and profits (approximate calculations)

    Growing green onions in the apartment.

    • When placing containers in a room of 20 square meters in 2-3 tiers, we get 30 squares of area for sowing.
    • 1 kg of sowing onions = 12-15 rubles. (wholesale). For 1 square meter of dense planting, 10 kg of onions will go. For 30 squares - 300 kg of onions (about 4 thousand rubles).
    • Fertilizers - about 2.5 thousand rubles. per month. For containers - about 5-7 thousand rubles. For lamps - 10-15 thousand rubles.
    • Water + electricity = 2-2.5 thousand rubles. per month. Fare.
    • Harvest from 1 square meter - 10 kg of onions (minimum). That is, 600 kg / month, taking into account 2 harvests per month.
    • Wholesale price - 70-80 rubles / kg. Accordingly, profit = about 45 thousand rubles. per month (minus expenses). It is worth noting that the expenses in the future are no longer so large-scale, so the net profit, even with a modest estimate, will be from 30 thousand rubles.

    Higher yields await in the presence of an equipped greenhouse (the cost of a greenhouse is 40-130 thousand rubles). And even more so, if there is a hydroponic installation (about 35 thousand rubles for a room of 30 square meters).

    And you can make a "knight's move" and buy mini-pots in bulk, in which the greens will grow and then be sold. Greens in pots are aesthetically attractive, more in demand by the consumer and stored longer.

    Registration and taxes

    To grow greenery for the purpose of selling it on the market, business registration is, of course, not required. But it is unprofitable to sell greens to resellers, it is embarrassing and uncomfortable to sell on their own, and for the full sale of products (shops, etc.) one cannot do without registration.

    Therefore, as soon as the scale of the harvest exceeds “How can it be sold in such quantities without documents?”, Register an individual entrepreneur (OKVED code - A.01.12.2.), As an agricultural producer (preferential form of taxation - ESHN, 6 percent of profit), and keep working for yourself.

    On a note:
    Always invest the first profit in business development.

  • Today we will talk about business, which in itself is not new. Despite this, its profitability is only growing from year to year. We must have seen grandmothers selling greens more than once in the market. As soon as spring begins to approach, they rush to plant herbs that are useful and in demand in cooking on their site in order to be the first to offer their goods to the buyer. The whole point of the house growing business is to sell the product as soon as possible.. During this period, the income of the entrepreneur will be the highest. Although, the sale of herbs is not limited to the spring months. Demand for this product exists throughout the year.

    • Where is the best place to set up a vegetable garden for sale?
    • greenery technology for sale
    • How much can you earn?
    • Step by step plan to start a business
    • How much money do you need to start a business
    • How to choose equipment
    • What OKVED must be specified for growing greens for sale
    • What documents are needed to open
    • What taxation system to choose for growing greens for sale
    • Do I need permission to open

    The most popular for home business and in demand among consumers are usually onion, parsley and dill. Recently, our compatriots are increasingly trying the cuisines of other countries of the world. If necessary and stable demand, you can expand the range of your crop with leaf lettuce, head crops, which have a short growing season. For dishes with meat, housewives often buy basil, and celery is indispensable during the period of harvesting for the winter.

    Where is the best place to set up a vegetable garden for sale?

    To grow greens for sale at home, you need to decide on the place of its growth. There may be several options:

    • First, it's a greenhouse. However, not everyone has it in their backyard. To start such a business at home, you will need to build it. The construction of a heated greenhouse is a process that requires capital investment. Today, there are many ready-made factory structures that are quickly installed at home and do not require building knowledge. The way is cheaper - this is the construction of a site with closed ground from old double-glazed windows. Investments are significantly reduced, but the entrepreneur will need work and considerable ingenuity to make the premises suitable for growing early vegetables.
    • Secondly, it is fashionable to adapt any utility room for growing early greenery at home, in which it is possible to maintain a constant temperature of at least +20 degrees. Under such conditions, plants are placed in several tiers on special shelves. Early seedlings always need additional lighting, so you need to think about how to place the lamps so that each tray of greens is evenly lit.

    greenery technology for sale

    The next stage in the preparation of our plantation is the preparation of soil. It can be bought in special stores. However, if the goal of a businessman is still making money, then it is cheaper to prepare it yourself. For growing greens at home or in a greenhouse, a substrate of ordinary forest land is suitable. It is not necessary to collect it all in a row, but to select the one that is under the layer of leaves. It contains all the useful substances that our plants will need. Already at home, the soil is sown and loaded into trays installed at home or in a greenhouse. They can be wooden or plastic. The main thing is that their depth should be at least 8-10 cm.

    The process of planting seeds is not difficult. It is carried out in the same way as in open ground, following the recommendations indicated on the seed manual. But planting it all at once is not worth it. To obtain a stable crop over a long period of time, only 10% of the total available area is sown at first. A few days later, the seeds are planted on the same number of pallets. This scheme works optimally when you have at least 15 sq.m. areas ready for sowing. So growing fresh herbs at home will bring the expected income.

    After the plants grow up, you need to harvest in time. Particular attention is paid to onions. If it is overexposed, the feather begins to turn yellow, the onion loses its presentation. Parsley and dill are less whimsical, although their young leaves radiate more fresh aroma. Overexposed green stems become rough and tough. Greens are usually packed immediately after cutting. The less mechanical movements it will be subjected to, the better its presentation will be preserved.

    How much can you earn?

    Business on fresh greens at home is not only the ability to grow crops at home. It still needs to be able to sell. If an entrepreneur does his own business, then he will not have time to stand in the market. It is better to find a wholesale buyer who will pick up the goods in batches at an affordable price. If such a business at home has a family format, the owner has assistants, then the implementation will be easier. You can set up a sale through your outlet.

    The peculiarity of the business is its seasonality. It cannot be said that greenery is not in demand in summer, it is simply most profitable to sell it in winter and early spring. By the way, during these months, a kilogram of herbs usually costs more than meat or fish. So throughout the year, 1 kg of dill costs an average of 90 rubles per kilogram. With the onset of cold weather, the price for it increases by 1.5-2 times. This amount of dill at home can be obtained from approximately 1 sq.m. area. The cost of seeds, electricity and fertilizer is approximately 30% of the final price of greens. It is easy to calculate that from each kilogram of crop grown, the farmer will receive 60 rubles of net profit. In the winter season, this amount will be 90-120 rubles. If you only sow 2 acres of land with dill, then you can collect 200 kg of fresh herbs from them. Other crops that can be grown for sale at home or in a greenhouse have approximately the same profitability.

    Step by step plan to start a business

    In order to set up your business for growing greens for sale, you will need to analyze the market in the region of its opening. After that, analyze your competitors, their products, etc. After that you need:

    1. pass state registration;
    2. rent or purchase land;
    3. build greenhouses and purchase the necessary equipment, related material;
    4. find markets for the grown product, etc.

    How much money do you need to start a business

    If a decision was made to grow greenery with subsequent sale on a land plot whose area does not exceed 1,500 square meters, at least one million rubles will be required. Financial investments will affect the lease of land and the purchase of greenhouses, equipment and other expenses.

    How to choose equipment

    As the main equipment for growing greenery for sale is a greenhouse. In addition, you will need to purchase heating equipment, auxiliary tools, etc.

    What OKVED must be specified for growing greens for sale

    Regardless of the legal form, during registration, it will be necessary to reflect the OKVED code, according to which it will carry out entrepreneurial activities. For the cultivation of greens for sale, code 01.13 is indicated, which includes the cultivation of various vegetables and melons, root crops and truffles, mushrooms and tuber crops.

    What documents are needed to open

    Depending on the chosen legal form, the package of documents required for registration will also depend. You can go through state registration as an individual entrepreneur or choose the legal form - KFH. In cases of establishing a large business - a limited liability company. The best option would be an individual entrepreneur, since it will be necessary to collect a minimum of documents, in addition, the registration period does not exceed 5 days. For an LLC, a more impressive package of documents is provided.

    What taxation system to choose for growing greens for sale

    For farmers, the most advantageous regime under which the tax will be paid is the unified agricultural tax. It provides for the payment of tax in the amount of 6% of the profits received.

    Do I need permission to open

    As for special permits to open a herb growing business for sale, it is not required, nor is there any need to obtain additional licenses.

    Dill, the cultivation of which is widespread, can bring a good income. After all, this is one of the most popular seasonings - a rare housewife does not use fragrant dill greens in the daily preparation of various dishes, from salads to hot dishes. And how much brighter and more interesting the taste of pickles and marinades becomes, to which dill umbrellas with seeds were added, there is no need to explain. Crispy pickled cucumbers with a light specific flavor of dill are always a success as a universal cold snack!

    If you have been thinking about starting your own business for a long time, but do not have an impressive start-up capital for this purpose, growing dill for sale will be the best option for a small profitable business:

    The probability of losing the entire crop is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests.

    • this culture is unpretentious - to learn how to cultivate it, you do not need to be an experienced gardener, it is enough to follow the basic rules of planting and growing and provide dill with suitable conditions for active growth;
    • dill greens are in constant demand at any time of the year, and even in the summer months, because not everyone has the opportunity and desire to independently grow dill for personal needs;
    • investments in the dill growing business are minimal - the main costs may be required to build a greenhouse of a suitable size (if you decide to grow dill in large volumes year-round), the purchase of seeds, soil and fertilizer will cost a relatively small amount, and in the future you can use the seeds, harvested from grown dill;
    • the probability of losing the entire crop is minimal, since dill is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests;
    • such a business option pays off quickly enough, the sale of dill brings especially good profit in early spring and before the New Year.

    Of course, there are pitfalls here too. For example, cut greens have a short shelf life. But if you manage to establish a constant sale of grown dill, there will be no problem with the sale of withered greens. Also, the disadvantages of the business include the difficulty of growing dill in winter - the plants need a long daylight hours, which entails an increase in the cost of additional lighting.

    Video about growing dill

    Features of growing dill for sale

    Some gardeners may have a question: how to grow dill suitable for sale, even if you have to use thin, stubby bushes for your own needs? How to achieve truly lush and fragrant greens, which would have an attractive presentation? To do this, it is enough to follow a few basic rules for the cultivation of dill, and it is advisable to grow dill for sale in a greenhouse - in such conditions, the greens will be more beautiful, and it will be possible to harvest much longer. A thermos greenhouse will be especially effective, which, due to the solar collector and double coating, will save you from heating costs.

    A greenhouse for sowing dill will need to be prepared from February, having cleared it of snow around the entire perimeter. Cover the area around the greenhouse, as well as greenhouse beds, with roofing felt or black film to attract heat and warm the soil quickly. So by the beginning of March, the ground inside the greenhouse will thaw to a depth of fifteen centimeters, which is quite enough for such a cold-resistant crop as dill.

    Soak dill seeds for three days before sowing, but do not germinate, otherwise there will be difficulties with planting them in the soil, and young shoots may be damaged.

    Growing dill

    The technology is described in detail in the corresponding article on our website. You should not have any particular difficulties:

    • scatter the soaked seeds in rows, slightly sprinkling soil on top;
    • spray plantings with warm water from a spray bottle, preventing the earth from completely drying out;
    • pull out emerging weeds in a timely manner;
    • gently loosen the soil to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface, through which it will be difficult for the shoots to break through;
    • thin out excess plants, providing enough space for stronger dill shoots
    • fertilize dill with nitrogen fertilizer at least once during the growing season.

    The main thing you will need to consider when growing dill for sale is not to try to sow the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bgreenhouse beds with a solid carpet in order to get the maximum profit. When planting in grooves, dill will get more light, and it will grow more lush.

    Growing dill in a greenhouse

    Varieties are better to choose early ripe (for example, the most popular Gribovsky). For continuous production of fresh herbs, do not forget to sow dill, focusing on the ripening time of each variety. So, if you plant dill in early March, the first greens can be obtained in mid-April, and if you sow seeds on April 20, the dill harvest will be ready by the end of May, etc.

    You can even not use the land for sowing seeds, but instead of the traditional cultivation method, prefer growing dill hydroponically. This method involves the cultivation of vegetable (and any other) plants on a neutral substrate, into which a special solution is supplied with all the chemical elements necessary for the plant. Dill does not expend energy getting nutrients from the ground and does not develop a large root system. As a result, foliage grows faster and better, while remaining environmentally friendly and healthy. For growing dill hydroponically, it is recommended to take perlite or vermiculite as a substrate and use the method of periodic flooding.

    Harvesting and selling dill

    When the dill greens are ready for sale, pour plenty of water over the beds about five hours before harvesting. So it will be more convenient to dig up the plants with a shovel and clean the dill roots from the soil. Rinse the root system of the plants and place the dill, leaf side up, in a waterproof container, filling any free space tightly. To keep the greens fresh longer, you can pour water with fertilizers dissolved in it into the container and put an aspirin tablet. Under such conditions, at a storage temperature of no higher than +10 degrees, dill will remain fresh and will not lose its presentation within a week.

    Video about growing dill in a film greenhouse

    When growing plants with roots, they do not pull out, but carefully cut off the required amount of greenery, so that a little later it can be harvested again from the remaining bushes.

    Dill greens can be sold per kilogram or knitted from bunches of twigs. Only the low price of such a product upsets, however, any product from the garden is quite cheap. Therefore, to obtain a decent income, it is necessary to look for wholesale buyers and take in volume.