Repair Design Furniture

Advice on how to sell greenery in the winter on the street. Greenery business: how to organize and make it prosperous

Fresh herbs on the table are not only a wonderful decoration for cooked dishes, but also a wonderful aroma of summer. It is also a pantry and trace elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Where can you get exactly fresh herbs, so healthy? If it comes to the countryside, then everything is clear - you need to rip it off where you once planted it.

In the city, things are a little more complicated. Growing greenery in an apartment is quite problematic, as there may not be a place for its location or other categories of problems. It remains to buy it at the grocery market or store. But sometimes what we see on the shelves is far from a useful product, especially when it comes to greenery. Then you should roll up your sleeves and start growing it yourself, and with a plentiful harvest, you can also put something up for sale.

for sale, you can get a good benefit and not a bad financial help. This can be done not only in dachas and country houses, a city apartment is also quite suitable, in which there are good ones for her. This type of occupation has long been welcomed by city pensioners and housewives, who not only save on greenery purchases themselves, but also use the grown products to make a profit.

As you know, greenery does not take up much space, is quite unpretentious in care and costs, especially in the winter months, pretty well. In addition, without fresh herbs, the table is not the same, and the aroma does not blow, and the taste is rather poor. Therefore, it is worth growing greenery for people who want to earn extra money at minimal cost. There are cases when people on the sale of greenery literally earned a lot during one season.

On average, with skillful care, about two thousand kilograms of fresh greenery can be obtained from one hundred acres of soil.

Here's your money! Consider the main types of greenery that most people in our country grow on the windowsills of their apartments.

An indispensable product during spring, summer and autumn is rightfully green onions. Its great taste and fresh aroma attract not only as a part of many dishes, but also for freshness. Usually. Since winter, many have been planting it in their apartments to get a harvest already in the winter months. A feature of growing green onions is unpretentious care, rapid growth and a large number of benefits for the body.

Usually, onion sets purchased or grown by themselves are taken as planting material.

In the absence of it, relatively small turnips can be used. The harvest will be both in the first and in the second case. A rather tender onion feather is obtained from onion sets, and quite abundant can be grown from onion turnips! In both cases, products remain for sale.

Secrets of growing green onions:

  • Before planting, you need to decide on the planting material. For growing onions on a feather, onion material from samples is quite suitable. In the fall, it is sold a lot, so the purchase of such seed material will not be expensive at all. The main thing is to save such seed until the planting date!
  • For planting onions on a feather in an apartment, small containers are suitable, where the necessary layer of soil is previously placed. It is desirable to choose a coarse-grained soil, since it is it that passes water and air well, which are necessary for the normal growth of the plant. Beforehand, a small amount of hydrogel is added, pre-soaked in a small amount of a biological product called Gumi. This is used to strengthen and nourish the plant organism. Growing onions on a feather in an apartment is rather dry, and with the help of a hydrogel, the problem of moisture deficiency is easily solved.
  • To get a fresh bulb feather throughout the year, plant onions every ten days. Thus, throughout the year, you will receive a crop of fresh herbs that can be sold at a profit.

It is best to plant onions on a feather in an apartment in small containers that can be purchased at specialized garden utensils stores. It is advisable to sprinkle the bottom of such containers with expanded clay beforehand, which ensures the formation of small holes for draining excess water. Then the soil with the soaked hydrogel is placed and the prepared planting material is planted.

After planting the bulbs, lightly compact the soil and water abundantly.

After a while, the first green feathers appear, in good and abundant light, becoming larger and larger. After reaching a certain height, green onion feathers can be cut and used for sale.

Dill is in no way inferior to green onion in terms of popularity in use. In the kitchen without dill and the dishes are not the same! This plant is also indispensable as a source of fresh herbs on your table.

Tips for growing dill:

  • Dill should be planted pre-soaked. Dill seeds germinate well, even in conditions where the soil has warmed up only two degrees.
  • It is not advisable to germinate seeds in water, as green dill shoots may suffer during planting. Soaking dill seeds is necessary to dissolve their essential oils.
  • Planting should be in rows. With this method of sowing, young dill shoots will receive the maximum amount of light rays, heat and moisture necessary for growth. Rows should be arranged relative to each other at a distance of ten centimeters.
  • Having placed the seeds in small containers with pre-planned rows, they are covered with earth and watered.
  • After the formation of shoots on the surface of the soil, if necessary, weed rows with dill.
  • Young shoots of dill need watering, which a gardener who wants to get a good harvest should provide.

Young green shoots of dill are well watered before being cut for sale. Then the selected area with dill is dug up a little and the roots are cleaned from the soil. Next, the roots and shoots are washed with water and placed vertically in the space of a waterproof container. Young shoots of dill in a container are placed upside down.

You can store dill greens in such a container for quite a long time.

Thanks to the container, fresh cut dill can stay fresh for up to five days without showing any signs of wilting. This is very convenient for selling or transporting goods over long distances. During the winter cold season, sales of such fresh herbs increase significantly.

An ideal and useful type of greenery at any time of the year is. It is healthy and tasty, and also very fragrant. Being engaged in the cultivation of parsley for sale is definitely impossible to lose, as it is easy to care for and indispensable in the human diet.

There are two main ways to get fresh parsley at home: sowing seed directly or forcing young shoots from cooked roots.

The first method is easier to operate, while the second requires a little preparation. It is desirable to prepare seed material for planting from the end of summer. If you failed to stock up on planting material in time, it can be purchased at specialized stores.

Consider getting fresh parsley by distillation from the roots:

  • For these purposes, we take healthy root crops. Showing no signs of wilting.
  • Be sure to check for the presence of an apical bud on these roots, thanks to which the growth of parsley will begin. If there are no buds on the roots, then you may not get the expected parsley crop.
  • Roots should be planted in small boxes or flower pots.
  • It is desirable to use soddy soil for planting, as it is very fertile and excellent in oxygen and moisture permeability to the roots.
  • Having placed a small amount of prepared earth in the desired containers, water it. Abundant watering is the key to the rapid emergence of greenery from the roots. Then he puts the cooked root vegetables in these containers, and sprinkle them with a small amount of soil.
  • If necessary, we water and ensure the penetration of heat and light to the planted roots.
  • After a while, we notice the appearance of a small carpet of fresh greenery on the surface of the soil.
  • Young parsley leaves need good light, but direct sunlight can be detrimental to them.
  • When the leaves reach a certain size, they can be produced for sale.
  • Cut leaves are placed in small bundles and tied. It is convenient to sell and buy parsley in such water.
  • To ensure a fresh and healthy look, the bundles are periodically sprinkled with a small amount of water.

Parsley at home can also be grown from seeds. In this case, it is worth considering the long period of time required for the germination of parsley seeds. Before planting, you should also prepare the soil, moisten it and sow the prepared seed material there.

Parsley seeds, to speed up germination, can be soaked in advance in a small amount of Gumi solution. The soil with sown seeds should be moistened as necessary.

Containers with sprouted parsley seeds can be kept on the windowsill of the apartment.

The plant is not at all afraid of the cold, but needs constant light and good moisture. ideal light conditions for intense photosynthesis. And to provide additional soil moisture, you can put a little hydrogel in the container before planting. This substance will provide additional moisture to young parsley shoots. Having reached a certain height, the plants are cut and bunched. Now you can use this product for sale.

Growing chives is somewhat more difficult than other types of greens described and requires preliminary preparation. P for chives, it is desirable to harvest in the autumn months. For this purpose, small chives are dug out and the feathers are cut on them. Cooked chickens are placed in small containers for storage.

With the onset of winter, the jackets are brought into a warm room and placed as close to the light as possible. Chives are characterized by the rapid growth of the feather, which is either plucked from the bush or cut off.

Growing chives at home can be done with two harvests.

This is very profitable, but the plant becomes very weak after the second harvest and is no longer capable of producing feathers. It is better to choose planting material for distillation from pre-thinned plantings.

Growing Tips:

  • For this plant, the level of soil moisture is important. If there is little moisture in the soil, then the plant begins to wither; its feather becomes rough and even slightly bitter. To prevent this from happening, you should monitor the level of soil moisture and water the plants as necessary. For irrigation, it is better to use water at room temperature.
  • For plants, light is important, which must be supplied in sufficient quantities. Chives are best kept on a windowsill or near a light source. Having reached the desired size with feathers, they are cut off and form small bunches. In this form, the greens are put on sale. It is advisable to moisten green feathers with water from time to time. Thus, it will look fresh and juicy for a long time.

When growing greens for sale at home, you should choose those plants that are completely unpretentious in their care. So you can quickly get the desired yield at minimal cost. On the windowsills you can grow radishes, lettuces and more.

One has only to take into account the demand of the consumer for these crops and the degree of care for them.

Selling greenery is a good income for many categories of citizens, carried out at low cost and effort. In addition, the owner himself will always have healthy green parsley, fragrant dill and much more on the table.

More information can be found in the video.

Today we will talk about business, which in itself is not new. Despite this, its profitability is only growing from year to year. We must have seen grandmothers selling greens more than once in the market. As soon as spring begins to approach, they rush to plant herbs that are useful and in demand in cooking on their site in order to be the first to offer their goods to the buyer. The whole point of the house growing business is to sell the product as soon as possible.. During this period, the income of the entrepreneur will be the highest. Although, the sale of herbs is not limited to the spring months. Demand for this product exists throughout the year.

  • Where is the best place to set up a vegetable garden for sale?
  • greenery technology for sale
  • How much can you earn?
  • Step by step plan to start a business
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED must be specified for growing greens for sale
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for growing greens for sale
  • Do I need permission to open

The most popular for home business and in demand among consumers are usually onion, parsley and dill. Recently, our compatriots are increasingly trying the cuisines of other countries of the world. If necessary and stable demand, you can expand the range of your crop with leaf lettuce, head crops, which have a short growing season. For dishes with meat, housewives often buy basil, and celery is indispensable during the period of harvesting for the winter.

Where is the best place to set up a vegetable garden for sale?

To grow greens for sale at home, you need to decide on the place of its growth. There may be several options:

  • First, it's a greenhouse. However, not everyone has it in their backyard. To start such a business at home, you will need to build it. The construction of a heated greenhouse is a process that requires capital investment. Today, there are many ready-made factory structures that are quickly installed at home and do not require building knowledge. The way is cheaper - this is the construction of a site with closed ground from old double-glazed windows. Investments are significantly reduced, but the entrepreneur will need work and considerable ingenuity to make the premises suitable for growing early vegetables.
  • Secondly, it is fashionable to adapt any utility room for growing early greenery at home, in which it is possible to maintain a constant temperature of at least +20 degrees. Under such conditions, plants are placed in several tiers on special shelves. Early seedlings always need additional lighting, so you need to think about how to place the lamps so that each tray of greens is evenly lit.

greenery technology for sale

The next stage in the preparation of our plantation is the preparation of soil. It can be bought in special stores. However, if the goal of a businessman is still making money, then it is cheaper to prepare it yourself. For growing greens at home or in a greenhouse, a substrate of ordinary forest land is suitable. It is not necessary to collect it all in a row, but to select the one that is under the layer of leaves. It contains all the useful substances that our plants will need. Already at home, the soil is sown and loaded into trays installed at home or in a greenhouse. They can be wooden or plastic. The main thing is that their depth should be at least 8-10 cm.

The process of planting seeds is not difficult. It is carried out in the same way as in open ground, following the recommendations indicated on the seed manual. But planting it all at once is not worth it. To obtain a stable crop over a long period of time, only 10% of the total available area is sown at first. A few days later, the seeds are planted on the same number of pallets. This scheme works optimally when you have at least 15 sq.m. areas ready for sowing. So growing fresh herbs at home will bring the expected income.

After the plants grow up, you need to harvest in time. Particular attention is paid to onions. If it is overexposed, the feather begins to turn yellow, the onion loses its presentation. Parsley and dill are less whimsical, although their young leaves radiate more fresh aroma. Overexposed green stems become rough and tough. Greens are usually packed immediately after cutting. The less mechanical movements it will be subjected to, the better its presentation will be preserved.

How much can you earn?

Business on fresh greens at home is not only the ability to grow crops at home. It still needs to be able to sell. If an entrepreneur does his own business, then he will not have time to stand in the market. It is better to find a wholesale buyer who will pick up the goods in batches at an affordable price. If such a business at home has a family format, the owner has assistants, then the implementation will be easier. You can set up a sale through your outlet.

The peculiarity of the business is its seasonality. It cannot be said that greenery is not in demand in summer, it is simply most profitable to sell it in winter and early spring. By the way, during these months, a kilogram of herbs usually costs more than meat or fish. So throughout the year, 1 kg of dill costs an average of 90 rubles per kilogram. With the onset of cold weather, the price for it increases by 1.5-2 times. This amount of dill at home can be obtained from approximately 1 sq.m. area. The cost of seeds, electricity and fertilizer is approximately 30% of the final price of greens. It is easy to calculate that from each kilogram of crop grown, the farmer will receive 60 rubles of net profit. In the winter season, this amount will be 90-120 rubles. If you only sow 2 acres of land with dill, then you can collect 200 kg of fresh herbs from them. Other crops that can be grown for sale at home or in a greenhouse have approximately the same profitability.

Step by step plan to start a business

In order to set up your business for growing greens for sale, you will need to analyze the market in the region of its opening. After that, analyze your competitors, their products, etc. After that you need:

  1. pass state registration;
  2. rent or purchase land;
  3. build greenhouses and purchase the necessary equipment, related material;
  4. find markets for the grown product, etc.

How much money do you need to start a business

If a decision was made to grow greenery with subsequent sale on a land plot whose area does not exceed 1,500 square meters, at least one million rubles will be required. Financial investments will affect the lease of land and the purchase of greenhouses, equipment and other expenses.

How to choose equipment

As the main equipment for growing greenery for sale is a greenhouse. In addition, you will need to purchase heating equipment, auxiliary tools, etc.

What OKVED must be specified for growing greens for sale

Regardless of the legal form, during registration, it will be necessary to reflect the OKVED code, according to which it will carry out entrepreneurial activities. For the cultivation of greens for sale, code 01.13 is indicated, which includes the cultivation of various vegetables and melons, root crops and truffles, mushrooms and tuber crops.

What documents are needed to open

Depending on the chosen legal form, the package of documents required for registration will also depend. You can go through state registration as an individual entrepreneur or choose the legal form - KFH. In cases of establishing a large business - a limited liability company. The best option would be an individual entrepreneur, since it will be necessary to collect a minimum of documents, in addition, the registration period does not exceed 5 days. For an LLC, a more impressive package of documents is provided.

What taxation system to choose for growing greens for sale

For farmers, the most advantageous regime under which the tax will be paid is the unified agricultural tax. It provides for the payment of tax in the amount of 6% of the profits received.

Do I need permission to open

As for special permits to open a herb growing business for sale, it is not required, nor is there any need to obtain additional licenses.

  • Sales of products
        • Similar business ideas:

In contrast to the common schemes for growing greens in summer cottages and vegetable gardens for personal purposes, this article is devoted to the issue of growing greens from a business point of view. To get an acceptable income from growing greens, an industrial approach is needed, that is, to produce such a volume of product that can cover all our costs and bring in addition the coveted profit. An important point in this case is the production of greenery at a time when the demand for it is as high as possible, and the supply is limited.

In contrast to the common schemes for growing greens in summer cottages and vegetable gardens for personal purposes, this article is devoted to the issue of growing greens from a business point of view. To get an acceptable income from the sale of onions, parsley and dill, an industrial approach is needed, that is, to produce such a volume of product that can cover all our costs and bring in addition the coveted profit. An important point in this case is the production of greenery at a time when the demand for it is as high as possible, and the supply is limited. This can be achieved only with the use of technologies that reduce the influence of the seasonality factor. The most common and, perhaps, the only way in a temperate climate is the use of greenhouses for plants.

The most suitable greens for growing in greenhouses are: dill, parsley, coriander, lettuce, onion, radish.

In this article, we will not dwell on the intricacies of greenhouse technologies, since there is a lot of literature on this issue on the Internet. We will only briefly describe the main technical points.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Growing Business

Firstly, the size of the greenhouse and its design are important. For example, to grow 10 tons of parsley for 6 months, a greenhouse area of ​​​​about 1500 m2 or 15 acres of land is required. The structure of the greenhouse should be metal with a polycarbonate coating and a side ventilation system. According to agronomic calculations, the area of ​​the opening film should be less than 25% of the area of ​​the greenhouse on the ground. On the Internet there are a lot of offers for the sale of such turnkey greenhouses.

Secondly, it is desirable to grow greens in a conveyor way, that is, they removed 1 ton and planted 1 ton. With good heating, green seeds can be planted as early as March. For convenience and optimization of labor, it is desirable to divide the greenhouse into spans of 25m2;

Thirdly, in order to maintain the principle of crop rotation when growing different types of plants, the greenhouse is also divided into several sectors. Greens are planted in one sector, which consumes a lot of nutrients, such as onions. In another sector, you can plant less whimsical types of greens, such as parsley, dill, lettuce, etc.

At the same time, the composition of the soil and the amount of fertilizers are not so important. According to experts, greens are calculated even on sawdust, and spraying with urea is used as fertilizer. And if mold suddenly appeared on the greenery, then the plants are treated with potassium permanganate.

In order to produce greens on an industrial scale, you need to register your activity. Let's single out the main organizational steps:

What taxation system to choose for registering a business for growing greenery

1. Registration entrepreneurial activity(IP, KFH) or organizations (LLC). What is the difference, and what legal form to choose, we read the article: IP or LLC ?;

2. After registration of the legal form, choose a taxation system. The best option is the single agricultural tax (UAT), as this is the most beneficial taxation regime for farmers. The tax rate is only 6% of the profit;

3. If you plan to hire workers, which is very likely, then you need to register as an employer with the Pension Fund (pension fund) and the FSS (social insurance fund), since insurance premiums must be paid for your employees. You can read how to hire an employee on our website.

How much money do you need to start a gardening business

As for the costs of starting a business, these include:

  1. Earth. Well, if the property already has land. If not, then it must either be rented or purchased. 20 acres of land, depending on the location, can cost from 100 thousand rubles and more. Do not forget that the area of ​​land on which a greenhouse will be installed for growing greenery for the purpose of generating income must be transferred to the appropriate type of permitted use. You can find out more about this in the local department of land and property relations;
  2. Purchase of a greenhouse. A greenhouse on a metal frame with a polycarbonate coating with an area of ​​1500 m2 (15 acres) will cost about 500 thousand rubles. Such a greenhouse will allow you to grow several tons of greenery in 1 season;
  3. Other expenses, which include delivery and installation of the greenhouse, preparation of permits, registration of business activities, installation of communications (heating), purchase of planting material and fertilizers, etc. In general, at least 300 thousand rubles will be spent on such events.

As a result, the cost of starting a business for growing greenery in a greenhouse with an area of ​​1500m2 will be about 1 million rubles.

Investments to open such a farm can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Bank loan. Some banks give low-interest loans to agricultural organizations;
  • State support for beginning farmers to start their own business. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation approved a program to support farms for 2012-2014, according to which subsidies for the development of peasant farms will be issued annually. The amount of support reaches 1.5 million rubles per applicant;
  • Funds from a private investor. In order to attract private investment in your business, you need to draw up a competent business plan.

Sales of products

No business will operate without a market for products or services. Therefore, before investing a lot of money in a "green" business, you should decide on the channels for the sale of manufactured products.

Possible sales markets for grown greens:

  1. Wholesale bases;
  2. Wholesale dealers who are ready to pick up greenery at their own expense;
  3. Retail outlets, as well as markets, chain stores, vegetable stalls;
  4. Processors are food production enterprises, as well as cafes, restaurants, canteens, and so on.

It is possible to sell greens on bulletin boards. There is - a bulletin board for farmers where you can sell greens in bulk without resorting to the services of intermediaries. Do you want to know more about working with Avito and other similar services? See how to get stable income on bulletin boards.

How much can you earn growing greens

Now as for the selling price and possible income from the sale of greenery. For example, the wholesale price of green onions in the spring is on average 100 rubles/kg.

That is, by growing and selling 10 tons of greenery, the farmer receives a revenue of 1 million rubles. If we subtract from this amount the fixed and variable costs of growing greenery (wages, heating, taxes, etc.), the profit will be half of this amount, or 500 thousand rubles.

Do not forget that the maximum demand for greens is in the month of April. It is during this period that the main “cream” is removed from the sale of greenhouse products, when the price of greens reaches 130-150 rubles / kg.

Also, experienced farmers claim that the most profitable period for the sale of green onions is August and September, when all the grandmothers sold their greens in the markets, and competitors are busy growing cucumbers and tomatoes.

If you want to know more about making money on the Internet and receive a stable income without leaving your home, they will help you with this. 50 ways to make money online. You can choose from them those that are of interest to you.

We grow greenery in summer cottages only for ourselves, but what if we grow it for sale? What kind of income can you get? How much money should be spent initially on the implementation of this venture?

One-time investments and expenses

Before you start earning income, you need to invest your own capital. It is impossible to determine the exact amount that will be needed. It depends on features:

  • where the greens will be grown (greenhouse, at home, on open ground);
  • what area is allocated for planting with greens (the required amount of seed depends on this);
  • what greens are grown for sale (dill, parsley, onion, and so on);
  • what fertilizers will be used (protection against pests, for plant immunity, and so on);
  • regional features (for example, whether constant heating of the greenhouse is needed, shelter from heavy rains, and so on).

Take, for example, approximate calculations for growing onions.

Where will the cultivation be? Estimated costs Growing period and sowing cycle Expected income for 1 month Estimated payback period
Apartment or garage initial costs for the purchase of seed - 4000 rubles;

purchase of the necessary packaging - 5 thousand rubles;

mineral fertilizers and the soil itself - 4.5 thousand rubles;

monthly utility bills - 2.5 thousand rubles;

transportation for sale - 5 thousand monthly.

Cultivation year-round 30 thousand rubles 1 month

Profitability 50 - 180%

Land use purchase of seeds for sowing - 4 thousand rubles;

mineral fertilizers - 1,000 rubles;

payment for the irrigation system -1.4 thousand rubles;

payment for transport - 10 thousand rubles.

About 5 months 30 thousand rubles 1 month

Profitability 100 - 150%

Greenhouse growing option Acquisition of building materials for the construction of greenhouses -140 thousand rubles;

Installation of a hydroponic system - from 5 thousand rubles;

Containers - 7 thousand rubles;

Mineral fertilizers and soil - 3.5 thousand rubles;

Seeds - 4 thousand rubles;

Lighting - 11 thousand rubles;

Transport - 10 thousand rubles;

Utilities -2.5 thousand rubles.

Year-round cultivation 30 thousand rubles 3 months

Profitability 25 - 250%

The income is indicated everywhere the same, since it is not known what area will be used, and what yield is expected.


While the greens will be grown in a summer cottage or in an apartment, no legal documents need to be drawn up. In simple words, there is no need for registration of IP. But at the same time, you need to remember one nuance: you cannot sell products yourself (after all, there are no documents for this), and therefore there is only one way to sell - hand over to resellers. This is not profitable, but in the early stages it is quite normal.

As income increases and will be regular customers, there will be a need to expand the business (for example, growing in a greenhouse will be required) - paperwork will be required.

The best option would be to register an individual entrepreneur according to the OKVED coding - A.01.12.2. According to this encoding, the entrepreneur is marked in the tax authority as working in the agricultural direction.

It will be possible to choose the ESHN taxation system (the most optimal one).

The definition of ESHN means a single agricultural tax, which can replace other forms of taxation. The tax rate on it is very low - only 6% of net income.

Recurring (monthly) expenses

Monthly costs directly depend on the place where the greens are grown.

It is worth noting that today the cultivation of hydroponically- Substantial cost savings. Plants are grown without soil. Thanks to this, you can get a presentable appearance of the finished product for sale.

Returning to the monthly costs, we can say: financially, about 6 thousand rubles will come out with home cultivation, more if you need to regularly travel to the site where the greenery grows.

It is impossible to predict the financial costs of regular trips (sales markets, a trip to the place of cultivation).

As for the cost of your time, it all depends on the method of cultivation. If the greens grow on hydroponics, then you just need to regulate the process (1 time per day when grown in remote areas from home, and if grown in a room or in a garage, then you must agree that the control will certainly be regular).

The greenery is unpretentious, and it’s enough just to follow it: do not overfill (if using a hydroponic method), do not overdry the soil (if without hydroponics), monitor a sufficient level of lighting (just install energy-saving light bulbs and forget).

Stages of business development

Stages of development of the idea for growing greenery:

  1. The choice of the type of greenery and the place of cultivation.
  2. A growing method is chosen (hydroponics or another option).
  3. The sales market (shops, supermarkets) is being worked out. Maybe one of my friends is engaged in growing greenery and talked about places.
  4. You need to start purchasing the necessary goods: equipment, seeds, and so on.
  5. Planting and growing greenery.
  6. Selling greenery, getting the first profit.

It must be remembered: at the first positive negotiations on the issue of sales, you should not stop, you need to constantly look for profitable offers for yourself.

Returns and future returns

It is necessary to approach the cultivation of greenery for the purpose of further sale with all responsibility. No need to think: the business option is simple. How the owner will treat him, such will be profits in the future.

Payback period

The payback period directly depends on the initial investment. For example, the initial cost is 30 thousand rubles.

With this amount, a novice entrepreneur was able to purchase the necessary material, seeds, and so on. In the end, he planted about 10 square meters of his site with green onions.

On average, from one square meter per month you can get up to 10 kg of greenery.

Accordingly, we get: 10 kg x 20 square meters. m. = 200 kg of finished products per month.

At a wholesale price of 70-80 rubles. for 1 kg it turns out to get in a month: 70 rubles x 200 = 14 thousand rubles.

But at the same time, we take away about 50% for utility bills and transport, it turns out 7 thousand.

According to these indicators, you can see that the payback period will be about 5 months.

But let's be honest, because of 10 square meters, growing greens is not even worth thinking about. The minimum area I should be about 40 square meters. m., and this is the minimum. Only in this case, you can achieve good profits and form your customer base.

Monthly income

As mentioned above, income depends on the sales market itself, which the novice entrepreneur has given his preference to.

For example, it will be possible to hand over products to supermarkets only if:

  • there will be an IP;
  • there is a sanitary conclusion about the absence of chemical additives and other things. In simple words, the product is allowed to be sold.

As a rule, they buy products at a price of 20% or more than resellers offer.

About resellers

Here, too, not everything is so simple. Most of them use greens as an additional product, so they will offer the lowest prices. The best option would be to place an ad in a regional / city newspaper, on regional Internet sites, and so on, where the entrepreneur offers to purchase goods at their own set price. In this case, you can achieve the maximum level of income from your products. You need to be prepared: this is a rather laborious process, and the ability to conduct a business conversation will be very useful.

Profitability calculation

After studying the information in various forums where entrepreneurs in this area share the secrets of growing greens, in particular onions, we can note: profitability can reach about 500% with minimal investment.

At the same time, regional peculiarities should also be taken into account. From the words of the entrepreneurs themselves (from the forums), we can conclude that the most profitable will be the cultivation only green onions. Speaking of dill, parsley and other vegetation, they all assure that you can “burn out” there. This is due to the fact that the bow is not capricious at all and is resistant to possible temperature fluctuations (of course, here we are not talking about a temperature jump from 20 degrees Celsius to 10 or less). Fluctuations of 3-5 degrees are not terrible for him.

Moreover, green onions are considered the most popular, so the demand for it will be at any time of the year.

Entrepreneurs themselves note: in order to increase profitability, it is necessary to try to plant greenery at the initial stage at least 30 sq. m., otherwise, the income will be minimal, which can lead to apathy, and as a result, loss of interest in this business.

Profitability examples

Today, the idea of ​​growing greenery in greenhouses is popular, because in this case the yield will be guaranteed, and, frankly, it is better to set up the system all at once than to do it all over again with an increase in capacity.

After analyzing the statements of users on agricultural forums, we can say that their profitability is very different.

For example, a user under the nickname Igor86 says that he grows greens all year round (moreover, onions). Engaged in a summer cottage of 20 acres. He initially spent 100 thousand starting capital. With this money, I bought several used refrigerators for storing goods, seeds, greenhouses, and so on.

The first profit amounted to 25 thousand rubles - there was no sales. After 1 year, earnings are 300 thousand rubles per month, issued an IP, and officially hands over its products (under contracts) to shops and small supermarkets. Its big plus is that it is already able to take back expired goods.

As you can see, with desire and perseverance, you can achieve good results.

How much can a business be sold for?

The price of a ready-made business directly depends on such factors:

  • the presence of regular customers;
  • yield (it is not recommended to purchase cheap varieties due to the low percentage of germination);
  • number of greenhouses;
  • green growing methods.

The minimum price for a ready-made business is 300-400 thousand rubles.

Video consultation

Video number 1 points out the main mistakes when growing green onions. By Denis Ulyanov.

Video #2 talks about the possibility of using hydroponics.

I would like to note that there are no videos that reveal this issue. Agree, few people will tell the secrets of their success.

Feel free to create a business plan based on your capabilities, and proceed to action.

In this material:

The active position of a modern person to lead a healthy lifestyle has made the greenery growing business a popular and profitable business. What attracts an entrepreneur?

First, in entrepreneurial activity, the lack of seasonality of goods is always appreciated. Secondly, greens can be grown all year round, its demand is always at a high level, regardless of the time of year. It is worth noting a fairly simple care for plantings, you do not need special knowledge and experience to grow greens in a summer cottage. Growing greenery as a business can bring considerable income. The amount of profit depends on the scale of the plantation and the initial investment.

How to start a gardening business?

The main points of the technological process:

  1. First you need to decide whether it will be greens for personal consumption or for large-scale implementation. If an entrepreneur has his own land, then much less investment in a green business will be required.
  2. In order for this type of entrepreneurial activity to give its tangible results, you need to rationally approach the investment of funds and clearly understand the agricultural process.
  3. Basic requirements and criteria for choosing a place for growing greens all year round. This may be your own plot with greenhouses or a rented farm. A personal plot is an ideal option for this business in the summer. Even 6 acres, with a competent approach, can become a good springboard for organizing a green business. The only drawback is the seasonality. As soon as the first cold weather sets in, you can forget about income until spring.
  4. A loggia or window sill is suitable for growing greenery for yourself and friends. In some cases, a room is specially assigned for this event, where parsley, dill and other greens will grow in pots, bottles or plastic boxes. It is important to note that the business of growing greens gives the greatest profit in the winter. It is at this moment that you realize all the benefits of doing business in an apartment environment. It is important not to forget that plants need good lighting for at least 12 hours a day and suffer when the air is too dry in the room.
  5. A greenhouse or hotbed allows you to translate into reality any agricultural business idea. In this case, no vagaries of nature and the time of year do not matter. The only thing to consider is the cost and the need for heating. In some cases, it is not economically viable to grow greens in a greenhouse, as energy bills will completely eat up all the profits. Greenhouses are best installed glass or polycarbonate. You can do business in them all year round. The second type is film greenhouses, they are suitable for seasonal business.
  6. A personal garage is another space for doing business. The lack of your own plot of land is not a reason to abandon such a profitable business as growing greens. In this case, you can use a personal garage or basement of the house. They are equipped like a greenhouse, paying attention to heating and lighting.
  7. A business idea for growing greens can only be successful if the seed and soil for growing are properly selected.

Good soil is the key to a rich harvest

There are several types of soil for growing greens:

  1. Natural soil, or simply garden soil, is the cheapest option and does not require any investment. Prepared containers are filled with soil, peat and top dressing are added, then seeds are planted. The first steps have been taken, now it is necessary to provide the plants with optimal air temperature, humidity and lighting levels so that the greenery grows well and looks beautiful.
  2. Wood sawdust is a profitable option as a basis for planting. It is not recommended to use sawdust of coniferous wood, oak. The selected wood material is poured with boiling water and placed in a prepared container. There are many advantages to this method of disembarkation:
  • greens growing in sawdust do not rot;
  • low cost of sawdust;
  • no smell;
  • a good basis for the rapid growth of greenery.
  1. Hydroponics is a method of growing plantings in special trays with water. Nutrient compositions for plants are supplied through tubes connected to it. With this method, the greens grow quickly, the leaves develop well. The downside is the high price of the apparatus necessary for the operation.
  2. Gravel is well breathable and inexpensive, but it is important not to forget about the sufficiently large weight of the material and the absolute inability to retain moisture. The personal experience of many entrepreneurs shows that a successful greenery business idea is realized only in case of good preparation.

At work you may need:

  1. Hydroponics is a system that minimizes the risks of plant infection with any diseases.
  2. Warming materials. Depending on the location of the greenery business, it is worth considering the wall insulation system well.
  3. Shelves, racks can be ordered or made independently according to the created sketch, which indicates the main parameters of the future design.
  4. Good lighting.
  5. Watering can or organized watering system.
  6. Heaters, thermometer.
  7. Planting material and soil.
  8. Planting containers, tray and water containers.
  9. Foil that will protect plants from overheating.

So that the result of the business does not become an unpleasant surprise, you should carefully choose planting material. It is better to study the market of manufacturers and customer reviews in advance. Buying seeds is a small part of the total cost of running a green business.

What greens are suitable for sales?

Dill is the most unpretentious culture. The optimum air temperature for its active growth should be at least + 17 ° C. The most advantageous varieties in terms of business are Gribovsky and Uzbek. The crop can already be harvested 1.5 months after planting the seeds. Dill is very resistant to diseases and pests. The disadvantage of this type of plant is a short shelf life.

Greenery business is not complete without parsley. When choosing parsley, you should pay attention to the Curly or Sugar variety. If the weather is cloudy outside, then an additional light source should be installed in the room where the parsley grows. The crop can be harvested a month after planting the planting material. Parsley loves water, so you need to water it often and plentifully.

Cilantro is the only plant that tolerates low temperatures well. The main thing is to provide sufficient capacity for planting, highlighting, top dressing and moderate watering once a week. A month after planting the seeds, you can already harvest the first crop.

The best variety for running a green business is Firstborn cilantro.

Root celery is quite difficult to grow, but with the right approach to business, this is not a problem. There are several types of celery: leaf, root and petiole. Celery is very resistant to cold, but the first harvest will have to wait a long time, as the seeds germinate slowly.

Green watercress is the perfect business option. Harvest can be removed after 10 days from the date of planting the seeds. Lettuce is unpretentious to growing conditions. The best varieties are Curly, Broadleaf and Peppered. Leaf lettuce is also in high demand, but such a plant is whimsical to growth conditions and care. Be sure to need lighting, good watering. The best varieties are Lollo Rossa and Emerald Lace.

If you want to engage in this type of business, be sure to consider the specifics of product sales in your area. Prices for greens, assortment should be thought out in advance.

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