Repair Design Furniture

Methodical development (grade 4) on the topic: Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to primary school!" Congratulations on the last call to parents

Everyone: Thank you! And a kiss is sent.

A word to the homeroom teacher

Beautiful melody


At this hour we still want to say

About those who gave us life.

About those closest to world people,

About those who helped grow

And he will still help in many ways in life.

Parents follow us invisibly.


And in joy, and in the hour when trouble came,

They strive to protect us from sorrow,

But we, alas, do not always understand them,

And sometimes we do not accept their worries.

Their efforts seem to us unnecessary sometimes

We remember our parents,

When a sudden disaster strikes us!


Forgive us, dear, dear,

After all, we have no people besides you dearer!

When they say - children are the joy of life,

And you are our support in it.

Pupils (to the tune of the song "I like that you are not sick with me"):
We love you with our heart and soul,
We love you and we are proud of you.
And our gratitude to you for everything

Probably beyond words.

We love you for your affection, for your warmth,
For the fact that they surrounded us with care,
And all your health and peace

You put on the sacrificial altar.

Thank you both heart and soul.
"Break a leg!" wish us
And us, bye we pass exams,

More often and more you scold.

We will meet all your hopes.

Thank you, thank you!

Th leading.

The floor is given to parents (at the end, you must wish you good luck on the exams)

Presenting flowers to parents.


2- presenter:
For 11 years of our study within the walls of our beloved school, we had 12506 lessons, the last of which begins at these minutes, and will continue for the rest of our life; 152 textbooks, and in them - 25843 pages, most of which in to varying degrees has been studied by us; 25012 calls rang for us ...


I wrote words in a notebook,
I checked it with a shock.
Hit, hit
So that she broke the desk!

Oh, I'm tired, tired -
I dug roots all day.
Not in the forest and not in the garden,
And in the words in your notebook!

Denis turned to God:
- Fulfill my request,
Make it so that in dictations
CHU was written through Yu!

Oh, I don't remember again
How to write the word "CHACHHA"!
With the letter "I"? Or maybe without?
I'd better write "FOREST"!

In today's lesson
We were taught to RETRACT!
How could I listen to this,
Sit still and be silent!

We learn English together,
There are successes and progress:
Instead of "yes" is now everywhere
We answer in chorus "EU"!

Oh, we don't like it when Kolya

Answers at the board.
From his sleepy mooing
We are dying of melancholy.

Nastya is a white crow!
According to the dictation, again "five".
I couldn't make a mistake
To support us all.

Who is out of tune with studies,
I am not making friends with that.
I have a cool character -
I respect work since childhood.

We joked a little
We laughed at ourselves
If you have invented something -
So little offense!

Th leading.

For a misdemeanor so brave

We will test knowledge boldly

Come one by one

I will read everyone's thoughts

A magic black talking hat is brought out.

The presenter goes into the hall and takes turns putting on

hat on some graduates. At every

when trying on in the phonogram, excerpts from

popular pop or children's songs, either

differently characterizing graduates. For instance,

"Well, where are you girls, girls, girls?"

“Take away the ready-made! Who's new? "

“He who goes to visit in the morning acts wisely,” etc.

Th leading.

Look, look,
Has come to us now
First class, first class -
To give us your mandate.

First grader 1:
School bells rang out
Eleven years of lessons have passed
Ever since you became disciples,
And today you are graduates!

First grader 2:
Do not hide if you feel sad,
Never hide good feelings!
This youth is knocking to you, friends
And childhood is gone forever!

First grader 3:
You have grown up now
And you can't return your childhood years.
School has opened the door for you
And she showed the way.

First grader 4:
We and you are almost done.
We - to walk,
And it's time for you to take exams ...
Wish us good entertainment.
We wish you:
(in chorus)
No fluff! Not a pen!

Good afternoon, dear parents and guests of our holiday! So the day of farewell to elementary school has come.
-Today on a warm May day
Smiles light up us.
Will meet students today
Last time fourth grade!
-Of course, summer will fly by,
The school year will start over.
Scientific many secrets
We have a lot to discover.
-Now a holiday is on the doorstep,
Our first graduation ceremony!
Elementary school moment is wonderful
Let it flare up like a bright star!

We invite everyone to the ball,
In decorated beautiful hall,
Where there will be music and laughter
And the mindset for success
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope for future meetings.

Come on, friends, meet them,
Leave jokes, conversations,
We will celebrate now
Primary school graduates …… years! (Graduates)

1 student
The sun is in the yard or a gloomy day -
All the same, we were in a hurry to school with you.
Four years flew by quickly -
And today is our first prom ball!

2nd student:
Today is our day:
Both sad and cheerful.
After all, we say goodbye to our dear
By my elementary school.

3rd student:
From year to year, from class to class
Time leads us inaudibly
And hour after hour, day after day
This is how we grow imperceptibly.

4 student
Yes friends, four years
Imperceptibly swept by:
We were only first graders
And now they have grown up,
Have grown up, have grown wiser,
Like roses blossomed
Knowledge, skills, abilities
We have gained a lot.

(Song "Guitar Bend Yellow")

Are you interested in children to know:
Who is the most important in our school?

And we can tell you
Director. Who else is more!

The floor is given to the headmaster of the school …… ..

Today you are no longer those little first graders, but graduates of elementary school, but let's not forget our first steps in our native school, because they were not easy. Let's go back to our first class for a moment.
Holding on to my mother's hand securely,
Then we went to class for the first time
For the very first lesson in my life.
Who met you first?

All: School bell.
1. Let's remember how sometime in September
We gathered in the schoolyard
With flowers and portfolios, then
We entered this wonderful house,
We were brought to our first class,
And another life began with us.

The most difficult first class!
The first class is harder than everyone
Because for the first time!

2. In the beginning, letters with numbers were taught
And we drew hooks in the recipes,
Then we wrote in notebooks.
We were taught to work and to order.

3. We had a lot to learn.
Now we know how to divide and multiply.
Do you remember how we started?
In the beginning, apples and cubes were counted.
We subtracted four from twelve
And how much it will be - we thought for a long time.

4. We learned a little
Put letters into words
And sometimes my head ached from the tension ...

5. And over a difficult task
Sometimes I fell asleep.
Till midnight reports
He wrote according to his surroundings.

6. It was difficult for you and me
And I wanted to scream ...
But fives and fours
So nice to receive!
(song "One, two, three")

1 Here the first grade is finished, this is the time.
They taught us to write - that's two.
Well, and thirdly - we read and solve all the problems.

1. Now the second class - behind the back.
Everyone knows without a doubt
The whole multiplication table.

2. The third year flashed by -
As if there were no worries.
And the fourth flew
He brought us a lot of things to do.

And now, dear guests and parents,
Would you like to hear the statistical report?

For 4 years we had 3128 lessons.
- On them we turned over 5987 pages of textbooks.
- We wrote and gnawed 578 and a half pens.
“Lost five dozen erasers.
- Have eaten three tons of baked goods.
-. We drank 500 barrels of juice and compote.
- Have grown by 567 cm.
- If we put all the textbooks that we studied in 4 years in one line, then its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the way back to the Earth!
- We learned about 80 rules in the Russian language and about 60 rules in mathematics.
- Learned to sew, embroider; draw, glue.
- We learned to prompt so that it was heard by a friend, not a teacher.
- Everyone was on duty about 80 times.
- We became close friends.
- And also, we got smart, learned to be friends, have fun and dance.
(song "Grade 4")
We had to study at school various subjects
And we want to tell you today about this too!
1.The Kingdom of Sciences is loved and honored by everyone,
In this kingdom, science lives.
And every science is given names
Today we want to remind about them.

2. Mathematics is a hard science:
How to multiply, how to add?
The road to this knowledge has been paved for us,
We, mathematics, cannot live without you.

3. I live in Russia, and Russian is my language.
It is not more beautiful, I am used to it.
Although my language is difficult, I love it:
I write dictations, teach rules.

4. Reading is a great lesson
A lot of useful things in each of the lines,
Whether it's a verse or a story
We teach them, they teach us.

5. How does this world work? What surrounds us?
Why is the mosquito a vampire? Who eats whom?
Why is the water cycle in nature?
And where does the esophagus transfer food?
They taught us to love our land
And observe nature
How to protect all animals
Protect both forest and water.

6. We know a lot of stories now,
The door to secrets swung open before us.
Ancient ruins, decline, rise, prosperity,
Wars, their reasons and the cost of victories.
We keep hundreds of different dates in our memory
New discoveries lie ahead.

7In music lessons, we learned to sing together.
Musical instruments we, friends, do not count.
We learned different composers, it's not a secret,
That without music, there is no wonderful joy in life.

English language.
We studied English
We all learned to read
And with the process of our meetings
Improved English speech.

We all love to paint
And create pictures
In the lessons of these creative, wonderful,
Get into the world of art
And show yourself in it!

Song "Primary School"
Guys! All this time, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, your parents have taught you anew. They often worried more than you, worried about your failures, rejoiced at your victories. By my calculations, your dads and moms have another elementary education.
May all sorrows disappear in the light of days
May family dreams come true.
I wish your children to always light up for you
Road to life with the light of beauty
We would like to express our gratitude to those parents who have taken an active part in the life of the class for 4 years.
There are many different committees
But our dear brought us closer
It was created from parents without a term
Congratulations to him on our graduation day. (Rewarding parents)
Children read poetry.

1. At this hour we still have to say
About those who gave us life.
About the people closest to the world,
About those who help us grow
And it will still help in many ways.

2. Invisible parents follow us
And in joy, and in the hour when trouble came.
They seek to shield us from sorrow.
But we, alas, do not always understand them.

3. You forgive us, dear, dear ones.
After all, we have no more people besides you.
As they say, children are the joy of life.
And you for us are a support in it.

4. The time has come - the children have grown,
The prom ball is with us today.
Lovely mothers, lovely fathers,
It's so good that you are here now.
For being the best in the world -
Your children give you a song!
(Song "My Parents")
The word for congratulations is given to the parents.
Presentation of certificates in nominations

1.When the call is funny
He invited me to study in first grade,
To our native school.
And the shyness immediately passed,
And autumn became more beautiful
When I entered the classroom with a smile
Our teacher.

We met with her in the morning,
Hurrying to work.
She taught us good things
And literacy and counting.
She could understand without words
And she knew how to listen to us,
Instilling faith and love
Into the open soul.

As foliage stretches towards the sun,
We were always drawn to her,
And the words became the main ones:
Teacher, Friend and Mom!
Let the years fly by -
Like a glimpse of distant days
We will never forget
Those first lessons.

And to see you again,
Hear your word,
We are all ready for first grade
Go study again!
(Song "Teacher")
Congratulations from the teacher.
Farewell waltz
I want to do you the honor
Announce order for school 19-36.
By the power given to me by the people, I declare to you that
What an elementary school course by you
The fourth grade is complete!
In middle school about toys
You will have to forget
New subjects will need to be taught.
You have grown older, smarter.
And now must have hard work, patience
Do not spare strength in studies.
I give you an order:
Fourth graders of this school move to grade 5.
Only one moment separates you from the 5th grade. Elementary school last bell. The right to give last call in primary school is provided to the best pupils of the class ………………………….
Today is the day you must take an oath:
“Joining the ranks of secondary school students, in front of my comrades, parents, the first teacher, I solemnly swear:
1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question, even the most difficult one, go deaf ears. I swear!
2. Don't bring teachers to a boiling point of 100. I swear!
3. Be fast and impetuous, but do not exceed the speed when moving along the school corridors! I swear!
4. It is not the sinews to pull out of teachers, not sweat, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills! I swear!
5. Swim only on "good" and "excellent2" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the depths. I swear
6. Be worthy of your teachers! I swear!

Elementary school say "Goodbye!"

First teacher, goodbye!

The seas and islands of knowledge await us,

And knowledge is endless.

The school noise and din will soon subside,

And the silence will remain only there.

Our cozy class will fall asleep for the summer,

But in the fall he will not see us again.

Four years ... Everything is like a few moments

So imperceptibly, so quickly passed!

We grew up and there is no doubt about it

And now we have passed to the 5th!

You see - we have grown one inch,

You see - we have matured a little,

And in the 5th grade, for your first lesson

We'll carry our portfolios soon.

Everything that has taught us elementary School,

It will come in handy in life!

We know this - we promise

"The song" We are leaving primary school "

We still have to say at this hour
About those who gave us life,
About the people closest to the world,
About those who helped grow
And it will still help in many ways.
Parents follow us invisibly
And in joy and in the hour when trouble came,
They strive to protect us from sorrow,
But we, alas, do not always understand them.
Forgive us, dear, dear,
After all, besides you, we have no more people.
As they say, children are the joy in life,
- And you for us ... support in her!


Mommy! The school year has passed
He gave a lot of knowledge. And I declare:
I studied very well -
I congratulate you on the rest!
We're going on vacation together
There is no happier than us in the white world:
Let's sing and sunbathe together
Rest in mind, soul and body.
So that the bell will ring when,
Connecting summer resources,
Learning lessons again without difficulty,
Only one "five" getting!


You have suffered with me, mom, -
Another class finished ...
I'm wearing a wide panama:
Hooray! Holidays with us!
I'm not crying over a textbook,
I don’t gnaw science at night,
And I'm going to the camp and to the dacha,
I chase the ball, pass the goat.
Three-month short deadlines
Vacation of the sun curse,
From underexamined lessons
You rest. And - from me!

Well, how not to remember today about those
Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter
Who collected every day for school
And from shame for us sometimes burned ...
Parents! We are nowhere without you!
Any trouble with you - it doesn't matter!
And joy - so full to have fun!
After all, with us, you still have to learn ...

The last bell rings for your children,
The time of fun school days has passed
On the verge of adulthood, they now stand,
You just don’t recognize your guys today.
Dear parents, congratulations,
Behind checking lessons, explanations,
New excitement awaits you ahead,
May God grant you endurance, luck and patience.

The last bell rang sadly,
Your children are entering adulthood now,
You will always be responsible for them,
After all, at any age they are children for you.
Congratulations on the last call, parents,
We wish your children a bright future,
We wish you good luck, joy, goodness,
So that the children always please you with their successes.

Congratulations on the release: General | From alumni | For graduates | Brother |

Feedback from the class teachers.
Graduate: We still have to say at this hour

About those who gave us life,

About the people closest to the world,

About those who helped grow

And he will still help in many ways in life!

Parents follow us invisibly

And in joy, and in the hour when trouble came,

They strive to protect us from sorrow,

But we, alas, do not always understand them!
Forgive us, dear, dear,

After all, besides you, we have no more people.

As they say, children are the joy in life,

And you are our support in it!
Leading. Attention, attention, and now you will see the footage taken by a hidden camera at the parent meeting. Team of teachers versus team of parents. Who will win? Yes, my parents, but I feel sorry for the teachers. Let's cheer in silence.

On the stage- hanging pear. On the one hand, "parents", on the other-"Teachers". Everyone is wearing boxing gloves.

Teachers. Dear comrades parents! We have invited you today to report on new outrages perpetrated by your children.

Parents. Dear fellow teachers, our homes are next to your school, and we see with our own eyes what your students allow themselves.

Teachers. Your children!

Parents. Your students!

Teachers. I wonder who brings this from home mobile phones and arranges a large symphony orchestra in class?

Parents. And who makes children saw the legs of chairs at home, supposedly doing homework for work?

Teachers. Have you seen what your children did to the walls of the school?

Parents. That's right, but who taught them to write?

Teachers. It would not hurt to help the school in the improvement of the territory.

Parents. Right, right, otherwise you come for the child - there is nowhere to park the car, what kind of business? It's time to organize a parking lot.

Teachers... Do it - your children.

Parents. No, your students ...

Teachers. Your children!

Parents. Your students!

Leading. Stop, draw, the question remains open.

Graduates So whose are we? Yours or yours?

Teachers with parents: Our! (shake hands with each other)

Leading. Perhaps I will answer this question.

Don't be discouraged if mom or dad is called to school. Feel free to bring the whole family. Let uncles, aunts and second cousins ​​come, School is the second home. There will definitely be enough space for the whole family.
(teachers and parents stay on stage)
Graduates They sing a song to the tune of the song "Under the roof of their house ...".

1. We were in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more beautiful
Than mother, father, native village,
Where is the roof of your house
Where is the roof of my house.

2. And if suddenly you feel sad,
That sadness means nothing
We can always return
Under the roof of your house,
Under the roof of your house.

3. Instantly any grief
Every one will disappear
Our dear hearts meet us,
Under the roof of your house,
Under the roof of his house. Finish the music
Leading In the "Dearest Heart" nomination, the prize is awarded to the parents of graduates.

Parents' response

leading: Dear friends, the presentation of the "Grateful Heart 2010" award continues.
We offer to watch mini-filmsfrom the series "Yeralash". music
Several tables and chairs are placed in a row on the stage. This cool room... The lesson is in progress.
Fragment No. 1

Teacher: Why are you late for class?

Student: It's never too late to learn.

Teacher: Little Johnny, show me where Zanzibar is.
Student 1 I know all the bars in the city, but this is the first time I've heard of this!
Teacher: Sit Little Johnny. Borya, please tell me what you know about the Panama Canal.
Disciple 2. For the first time I hear ...
Teacher: Sit down - 2
Disciple 2: Why immediately 2. Is it my fault that we don't have such a channel on our TV?
Teacher: That's why 2

Fragment number 2

Father asks his son: Little Johnny, can’t I see your diary?

Little Johnny: Petka borrowed it from me - to scare his parents!

Fragent number 3

A son: Mum! I won't go to school again!

Mum: Why so?

A son: Oh well ... Petrov will again shoot from the slingshot. To beat Sinitsyn on the head with a textbook, and Vasiliev to set footboards ... I won't go!

Mum: No son, you have to go. Firstly, you are over forty years old, and secondly, you are a school principal.

Fragment No. 4

Math teacher: How much is 0.5 + 0.5?

Student: In my gut I feel that it is a liter, but I don’t know how to express it mathematically.
Leading Gracheva V.V., Kruglova O.N.


Dear Valentina Vasilievna, Olga Nikolaevna .
Equations, examples, tasks ...
Is it really behind now?
And while we still don't know
What will be ahead of us.

Graduates sing the song "Not a couple"

  1. We smiled beautifully, although we did not know anything.
We studied in the lesson, it was all the same to us.

I managed to solve the examples, and in my homework, finally,

We saw the top five, with red paste - Well done!
All parabolas, hyperbolas were drawn at once,

Although the answer does not agree with the problem book even once.

Maybe sometimes I'm wrong

But the teacher told us these are the words:
Chorus 2 (sung by the math teacher)
On the exam, you only need points, points.

These are our steams, steams.

Whatever you do, all the way to universities,

We, after all, to go to physics and mathematics!


(two girls come out with a newspaper)
1.- Boredom! Come on, Nadyukha, let's solve the crossword puzzle ...
2.- Go ahead
1.- So, the author, oh, the author of the tale of the fisherman and the fish. Well, this .. was an ace!
2.- Kamikaze or what?
1.- What kamikaze? Pushkin! (Enters)
So ... The quotation marks are opened, the ellipsis, the dash, the golden scallop, is a Russian folk tale.
2.- What is it?
1.- Ah! Probably a wallet!
2.- What wallet with the letter p.?
1.- Well, right, a purse! (Looks into a crossword puzzle) .- A purse fits! (Inscribes)
2. Something I do not enter, what kind of poem is this?
1.- Well, like something, the teacher read to us at school
2.- Yes? What class?
1.- In the third or in the second
2.- Oh! Are you bent? Mesozoic era! Do you remember that?
1.- Well, in general, there is a poem about a dude
2.- About what kind of dude?
1.- Well, such a little dude
2.- Is it a dwarf?
1.- What dwarf?
2.- Can you tell us in more detail?
1.- Well, in short, in winter there was a case, the oak tree is terrible. A guy from the forest is taxiing out and sees how the nag is dragging along. So that nag had a dude. He leads her, and the nag has firewood.
2.- So what?
1.- In short, this man runs up to the chuvachka: "Healthy, brother!" And the chuvachok is a cool outfit, he himself, however, is undersized, and says: "Listen, go yourself, away from sin." And the little man - to him: "Where did you get some firewood?"
And the dude is soooo: “Out of the forest, man! Ancestor, hey, he’s over there, chopping. ”
2. Why, this guy from the tax office - he needs to know everything!
1. Yes, no, just like that, I was passing by.
2. Yes! Glutinous poem! Only I don’t remember it - who wrote it? Sholokhov?
1. (Checks) Sho-lo-hov. Oh, no, one letter is missing. Maybe Bulgakov? Bul-ha-kov. Fits.
2. Wait, is he a poet or a prose writer? It seems a prose writer!
1 .. About the bunny? What bunnies? I don’t remember about the bunnies - there was a horse, the dudes bazaar, but there were no hares.

At first glance, it can be assumed that our heroes have lost the ability to express their thoughts in literate Russian. Yes, maybe, but graduates of our school never say that, because their teachers of the Russian language and literature were E.V. Pankratova, M.A.

In the nomination "I remember wonderful moment"Awarded to Rozhkova M.A., Pankratova E.V.
Graduates sing:
How to write correctly,

I ask you to answer me

How to conjugate

The verb endure, twirl.

We are ready to teach the night,

We can explain everything.

Language, we are without you

We can’t live a day

We know for sure: the impossible is possible.

And you can probably still learn Russian.

And do not forget the rules, day or night.

And we will master this burden, we know for sure!


Lenin. Hello Hello! Allochka Alexandrovna? It's me, Volodya! What kind of Volodya? Volodya from the armored car. How do you not know any Volodya? Especially with an armored car? You know, darling, I took Winter with my bare hands. Yes, sir! Young lady, young lady! What's the connection ?! Damn what! Yes, sir!

Bolsheviks. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Land for the peasants! Peace to the peoples!

Now what?

Where is the land and where is the law,

To give out the land by summer?

What do they give for April, for work,

For that. That you can't run away from her? - Shish!

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Lenin Students - knowledge!

Salaries for teachers!

Do you hear, comrade, the test is coming,

Your squads are fighting with deuces ...

Only in struggle can you find happiness, -

Historians are marching ahead!
You see, comrade, the dawn is rising.

Once again, the people are accepted for study.

Where the path is harder and steeper,

Geographers are marching ahead!
And the fight continues again

And the heart is anxious in the chest ...

And Lenin is so young

"Comrades, you have everything ahead of you!"
Leading: For the awarding of the award "Grateful Heart 2010 »

In the nomination "Around the World in 40 Minutes" are invited to the stage: Chirkunova A.A., Mudretsova I.L.

In the nomination: "A ray of light in the labyrinths of time" Egerev M.B., Lebedeva N.Ya.,

In the nomination: "Solid weight in society" - Zadorkina M. Yu.
Lenin. Comrades! The Second Congress of the RCP (b) instructed me to shake your courageous hand for your help in teaching the most revolutionary classes - 11A, 11B. Gives flowers
Follow me to the barricades! The White house we will take!
Leading. In honor of history and geography, a volley of all guns! Historical shot! (firecracker shot)

Little Red Riding Hood comes out singing a song (there is a skeleton on the stage)

If long-long-long
Look for something in the skeleton
If you dig in it for a long time
Among the muscles and vertebrae
Now, perhaps, then of course,
That is probably true,
That is possible, it is possible, it is possible,
You can find something!
A-ah, where are you, bones, that thick?
A-ah, where are you, muscles, of this width?
Oh, where to find you - I don't know
Oh, and I don’t want to know
Oh, and don't ask me!
Oh, and don't ask me!
Leading In the nomination "Follower of Darwin", V.P. Serdtseva was recognized as the best.

Your subject is terribly important

Everyone understands this,
We studied everything.
Human and kittens
And flowers, and blades of grass,
Stems, pistils, stamens.
And you are an excellent teacher -
The most extraordinary.
Leading Tarskaya T.S.

For knowledge of chemistry

We thank you,

Dancing this number

We want to present!
Graduates dance "Waltz" (with dads, director, teachers)
Scene music. I kissed you.
Graduates go skiing
Gym teacher. So, I do not understand why everyone is skiing?

Student. You said: skiing up to 20 degrees!

Gym teacher. I meant down to -20 degrees. As they say, fell, wrung out. Who said that push-ups are inconvenient on skis? Pay for the first or second!

The hall calculates.

Student. Or maybe a song?

(to the tune of the song "And today I kissed you").

You came in sportswear

In trendy branded sneakers

Playful twinkle in your eyes

On the chest there is a whistle with a rope.

And we looked at you,

And, although the race did not pass,

Appreciated the situation

And they all promised in unison:

We will run with you personally,

And now we are so tired

You give us "excellent"

To be kissed ...
During the song, small children dressed as Pugachevs take physical trainers onto the stage (graduates kiss them)
Leading: In the nomination "Jackie Chan Resting" the best are: VN Melnikova, S.Yu. Novikova.

There is Olga Vyacheslavna at school

And her disposition is very modest!

But despite all this,

At the feet her- the whole world is huge.

She shines like a star

rays go back and forth ...

And everyone whom the rays touch

The talent for music wakes up!
Her talent is a great strength:

And she infected us with art!

Guys.! We need to decide

What to give to Vyacheslavna.

So this is not a question at all:

A million, a million, a million scarlet roses!

And here is my opinion for you:

We will play and sing to her.

What are roses? Their life is fleeting,

And music is eternal!
Leading: OV Chirkunova is awarded in the nomination "We are all on the keys"
On the tune: "Cool you hit" are sung by the 11th and 9th grades together
The kids come running to school every early morning
There is such training here, such a mess here,
If you are in the last grade, then remember, friends,
What will remain in memory of the wonderful school days.
Didn't have time to fall in love? Urgently look around the classmates!
Look what the sun just shines for love!
Yes! And do not forget about friendship, as a whole class, for years.
Then you will never forget our school.

Everything is still ahead of us -
Towns and seas.
Let's wipe away your tears.
Everything is still ahead of us
Give a year or two
And we will surprise you all.
Do not be sad. Believe in yourself.

We are not yet at the university, but we are no longer schoolchildren,
Pretty on the outside and stubborn on the inside.
We will live in libraries and master the voice recorder,
The work of a student is very hard, forget peace and sleep.
No private life - everything is in public, in plain sight,
But do not think, my School, I will not let you down.
What are student credits? I, of course, will hand over everything,
Because we studied! And thank you for everything!
9 classes. Word.


From the lessons of OBZH
The feeling is incomparable -
We adore the subject
Over and above the usual.
And we love our works very much - we will never forget them!
Do not be life-saving and labor lessons -
The study, of course, would not have been the same.
And this number, as a high award,
We are very glad to present your glorious work for your work.



MKOU SOSH № 9 p. Rozovka

Classroom teacher Chernyshenko N.A.

Goals: show the importance of family, home warmth; foster a caring attitude towards family and friends, develop the ability to give them joy, the desire to take care of loved ones, value them; develop speech and reasoning skills; integrate children's knowledge about themselves and their ancestry;

Equipment: presentation on the topic "My loved ones and dear people", computer, interactive board, a genealogical tree for each student, poems about the family, phonograms of the song "Parents' House" performed by L. Leshchenko and the children's song "Blue Carriage".

The course of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment. Emotional attitude

There is 1 slide on the screen (the sun is shining and children with schoolbags run to school)

Teacher: Hello dear guys! I am very pleased to see everyone together in our cozy classroom.

Let's smile at the sun

Let's give each other a hand -

Cheer up

To yourself and a friend. Give your hand to your neighbor and send a spark of mood around the circle.

The recording of the song "Parents' House" performed by L. Leshchenko is played.

II. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: What is it about in the song you just listened to? What is a parental home? How do you understand this expression? (This is its own street, its own city. The place where a person was born and raised. This is a family. In the house we take the first steps, learn to live and overcome difficulties, from here we leave for adulthood.)

Indeed, guys, the house is a hearth. This is the beginning of all beginnings .. The most precious thing a person has is his family. These are close and dear people, those whom we love, with whom we take an example, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. A healthy, strong, friendly family is, first of all, the key to success. Success in everything: work, study, rest. The family is strong with love, respect, tradition and family heirlooms.

Guys, what is Origins how do you understand this word? (the beginning of time) Life-giving power of Origins manifests itself in love for the native land, native word, native hearth, relatives, parents.

For the lesson, I prepared photographic materials from your family albums "My Family" on slides, and you probably guessed what we are going to talk about today?

Right. The theme of our class hour "MY CLOSE AND RELATED PEOPLE" (slide 2)

Reading a story(ABC of origins, pp. 5-6)

Teacher: Listen to the story "Sunny, Mom and Dad"

Early-early, the sun rises clearly and warms the earth with its rays. They wash themselves with dew, flowers, blades of grass, trees, berries, mushrooms. All living things rejoice at the rising sun. The whole Earth, the whole world is filled with golden-scarlet light. Every day the sun fills the earth with rainbow light. Likewise, the life of every person is filled with the warmth of the parents. Parents give life, take care and protect their children from adversity, do everything to make the life of their children happy.

What could be more expensive for a family? Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love and seeing you off with kindness!

Conversation with students.

What is “family”? A family is a group of relatives living together (husband, wife, parents, children). A family is a circle of people who love and respect you and will never leave you in trouble, will always be with you in joy and sorrow. Family is the most important thing in life for every person

It turns out that the status of the family in the world is quite high. The family is a link between generations. Parents are at the origin. A culture of behavior and a culture of communication begins to form in the family. Each of you has a home, family, relatives. Families are all different. Someone has a big family, while others have a small one. In the traditions of the Russian family a large number of children. How are families different? Each family has a special atmosphere, its own family habits, hobbies and traditions. (habits, lifestyle, atmosphere, traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.)

A family is created by two people who love each other. Marriage in Orthodoxy is called a wedding. (slide 3) Crowns are placed on the heads of the bride and groom. This is a sign that on this day they are "prince" and "princess", the most revered people in the area. The crown, like the ring, has no end. This means that until death the bride and groom must be faithful to each other when they become husband and wife. The birth of a child fills family life with light, joy . (slide 4) Parents try to pass on their knowledge, their faith to their children. If you feel bad, if it is difficult, if you have been offended, who will caress you, love you, understand and comfort you? Of course, your mothers, grandmothers, fathers, relatives and people close to you. In a good family, everyone takes care of each other, helps, supports, and shares their joy. For the preservation of a friendly family, it is very important that there are common events, holidays, family traditions in it. Every family has family photos. The tradition of compiling and keeping family albums has become a part of our life. This tradition is very important. It is not for nothing that during the war or in other situations, when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things and among them photographs of dear people. Therefore, every family has photographs that leave the memory of dear people for a long time, of events in family life.

Who can you be proud of in your family?

How do you spend your free time with your family?

Tell about your parents, family holidays.

Children's stories about their loved ones on the background slides 5-14 with photos from family albums
The teacher reads a poem:
Parents follow us invisibly And in joy, and in the hour when trouble came,They strive to protect us from sorrow,But we, alas, do not always understand them.Forgive us, dear, dear,After all, besides YOU, we have no more people.As they say, CHILDREN are joy in life,And YOU are for us a support in it
Reading poems about the family (slide 15)1. In the family circle We grow up in a family circle
The basis of the basics is the parental home.
In the family circle, all your roots are
And you come into life from the family.
In the family circle, we create life,
The basis of the basics is the parental home. Dad plants a flower for Mom. Mom prepares a cake for Dad, Grandmother ironing Katya's dresses, Katya washes shirts for brothers. Everyone makes a plane for the youngest. The work goes on in the house. And why? This is very understandable. It is joyful to make each other pleasant. 2. What can be more expensive for a family? What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
Sit behind festive table,
And together they are not bored at all,
And the five of us are interesting.
The kid is like a favorite for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.
Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
In this fairy land 3. Family Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family you are! 4. Daddy and mommy shore
Daddy and mommy shore
Dad complains:
- I get tired of work ...
Mom too:
- I get tired, I can hardly stand on my feet ...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a bum too
After dinner dishes
I will wash it myself, I will not forget, -
Dad and mom are on the shore
I'm strong, I can! 5. About love Mom looks at dad, smiles,
Dad looks at mom, smiles,
And the day is the most weekday, not Sunday,
And outside the window - not the sun, but a blizzard,
It's just their mood
They just very love each other.
From this love it is both light and light.
Mom and Dad and I are so lucky! Teacher: Mom and Dad are the most bright people on the ground. Parental love warms the child's soul, fills it with rainbow light, protects it in difficult times. Your parents are the people you are closest to. Love and take care of them!"Honor your father and your mother, and you will be well, and you will live a long time on earth." This is one of the main rules for every person. Take care of your parents. Growing up, children become like their parents both in appearance and in deeds. No wonder the people say: "The apple never falls far from the tree".(slide16)

Guys, can you call our class a family? (children answer) to some extent you can. We must treat each other like a family, caringly, kindly and with understanding. I hope that our class will become a close-knit family and, like in a good family, love and mutual understanding will reign in it.(slides 17-18)

Lesson Summary Reflection

Teacher: For what would you like to thank your parents, loved ones?
Children in a circle answer the question, starting with words « I want to thank …»
Dear children, today we have expressed warm words of gratitude to our closest and dearest people, our parents. The Word is a heartfelt gift paving the way from a loving soul to loving soul... Thank you!

Summarizing the answers: I would like to wish that in your life you will learn very much important business- have learned to thank those who do a lot of good for you - close and dear people.

Homework Compile your family's pedigree (slide 19)

I wish you good luck in the new academic year! The Day of Knowledge! (slides 20-21) Performance of the song "Blue Carriage"


class hour