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The abstract features of spoken speech. Main types of speech

Spoken speech is a functional variety of literary language. It performs the functions of communication and exposure. Conversational speech serves such a sphere of communication, for which the unofficiality of relations between the participants and non-adultery of communication is characteristic. It is used in everyday life situations, family atmosphere, in informal meetings, meetings, informal anniversaries, outcomes, friendly feasts, meetings, with trust conversations of colleagues, chief with subordinates, etc.

Topics spoken Speech Defined by the needs of obscenities. They may vary from unknown to professional, industrial, moral and ethical, phylo-sofs, etc.

An important feature of colloquial speech is her unpreparedness, spontaneity(Lat. Spontaneus - spontaneous).The talking creates, creates his speech immediately "score." According to researchers, language spoken features are often not realized, not fixed by consciousness. Therefore, it is often when the native speakers for the regulatory assessment are made by their own conversational statements, they estimate them as erroneous.

The next characteristic sign of colloquial speech - the direct nature of the speech act,that is, it is realized only with the direct participation of the saying, regardless of whether it is implemented - in dialogic or monologic. The activity of the participants is confirmed by statements, replicas, interjections, simply published sounds.

On the structure and content of spoken speech, the choice of verbal and non-verbal means of communication is a great deal of influx provide extliningVistal (non-language) Factors:the identity of the addressee (speaking) and the adreth-Sata (listening), the degree of their acquaintance and proximity, pho-new knowledge (total knowledge of speaking), speech situation (statement context). For example, to the question "Well, how?" Depending on the specific circumstances, the answers may be the most different: "Five", "Meet-Tyl", "took out", "lost", "unanimously". Sometimes instead of a verbal response, it is enough to make a hand gesture, when you give your face the right expression - and the interlocutor is in a nurse, that I wanted to say a partner. Thus, the out-of-school situation becomes an integral part of the Communication. Without knowing this situation, the value of the statement may be incomprehensible. Also, gestures and facial expansion are also played in talkative speech.

Spoken speech - the speech is not established, norms and rules of its functioning are not recorded in the different kind of dictionaries and grammar. She is not so stronger in compliance with the norms of the literary language. It actively uses forms that qualify in words and rhya as conversational. "Package .they are not purified, - writes the famous linguist M.P. Panov. - Parameters Pre-Doodle: A person with whom you are in strictly official from wearing, do not call dovethedo not suggest him somewhere peakdo not inform him that he lankyand at times ground ...In official papers do not eat words look, noise, ravoisi, penny ...After all, reasonable tips? "

In this regard, the conversational speech is opposed to a codified book speech. Conversational speech, as well as book, has oral and written. For example, a geologist's scientist writes an article for a special magazine about deposits of minerals in Siberia. He uses book speech in writing. With a report on this topic, the scientist is at the international conference. His speech is book, but the form oral form. After the conference, he writes about his impressions a letter to a colleague for work. Letters text - conversational speech, writing.

At home, in the family of the family, the geologist tells how he performed at the conference, with whom the old friends met, what they were talking about, what gifts brought. His speech is spoken, her form is oral.

The active study of colloquial speech began in the 60s. XX century. Began to analyze the tape recorders and hand records of the relaxed natural oral speech. Scientists have identified specific linguistic features of colloquial speech in phonetics, morphology, sytot-sis, word formation, vocabulary. For example, in the field of vocabulary for spoken speech, a system of sobricultural ways of nomination (name) is characterized: various types of depression (evening -evening newspaper, motor -powerboat, to come- in an educational institution); non-literal phrases (there is what to write? - Pencil, handle, give what to hide- blanket, plaid, sheet); ON-nabber derivatives with transparent inner form (Opener -can-opener, tarachtelka -motorcycle) and others. Conversation words are characterized by high expressiveness. (porridge, okroshka- about confusion, kissel, Mozmond- About the sluggish, inactive man).

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6. Speech communication genres: conversations, conversation, dispute, story, letter




Spoken speech is the main functional variety of codified literary language. It manifests the entire unofficial life of people, all the nuances of human behavior, relationships with other people, experiences and sentiment. Instant, simultaneous nature of speech-thoughts hides the complexity of the speech communication process, its dependence on many factors: psycho-physiological, age, social, cultural, intellectual, situational.

Conversational speech is a targeted human behavior. The formation of the target setting of the speaker begins with general orientation processes and ends with a distinct anticipation of the communicative (communicative intention). In speech, the speaking always declares itself as a person with the individual features of world perception and language competence.

Conversational speech has essential features in all language levels, and therefore it is often considered as a special linguistic system. Since the language features of colloquial speech are not fixed in grammar and dictionaries it is called a certain, thereby contrasting the codified functional varieties of the language. It is important to emphasize that the conversational speech is a special functional variety of literary language. It is incorrect to think that the language features of spoken speech are speech errors that should be avoided. From here it follows important requirement Speech culture: In the conditions of manifestation of colloquial speech, it should not be striving to speak in writing, although it is necessary to remember that there may be speech errors in conversational speech, they must be distinguished from spoken features.

The functional variety of language "Spoken speech" has historically developed under the influence of the rules of the language behavior of people in various life situations, i.e. Under the influence of the conditions of communicative interaction of people. All nuances of the phenomenon of human consciousness find their expression in the genres of speech, in the ways of its organization.

1. The most important signs of colloquial speech

The culture of speech produces the skills of the selection and use of language means in the process of speech communication, helps to form a conscious attitude towards their use in speech practice in accordance with communicative tasks.

To be modern - it means in the field of oral speech, proceed from the norms adopted at the present time, and the one who seeks to impact their speech on others, cannot afford the abnormative elements. Knowledge of norms is a prerequisite for competent and expressive speech, free and interesting communication.

"To fully communicate, - writes A.A. Leontiev, - a person must have a number of skills. It must quickly and correctly navigate in the conditions of communication; To be able to properly plan your speech, choose the content of the act of communication, to find adequate tools to transfer this content, to be able to provide feedback. If some of the links of the act of communication will be broken, it will not be effective. "

Serious work on yourself and its speech begins only when you clearly realize, why do you need it. Languages, studying oral speech, concluded that it is structurally different from writing. At the heart of their own, they are similar, otherwise it was impossible to retell the retelling, but written to write. If in written speech One channel channel (text itself) is orally two: a) the information that is contained in the pronounced words and b) information that is obtained in addition to words, which accompanies speech to one way or another is associated with the words.

Conversational speech due to its two-channel differs in large heuristic, creatively possibilities. Writer and philosopher M.M. Sviezhen repeatedly appealed to this thesis: "Until the last extreme, you need to take care of the use of philosophical concepts and keep your tongue with a close friend, understanding always that we can tell this language more than a thousand years have tried to say something philosophers and did not say" [Rhetoric. Ready practicing. Muranov A.A. M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1997, 32 - 38 p.].

2. Examples of spoken vocabulary

1. (no) shout

2. CD-Double

3. Advocate

4. A la Flat

5. Anatomychka

7. Aermomitovtsy

9. Bath (well, what are you, my friend ...)

10. Baska (simple)

11. Hippo

12. Poor (progress)

13. Burnless

14. Nadadyuga

17. Glitter much cooler

18. Bedry

19. Boychee

22. Beard (in ZN. Santa Claus)

24. Bubnic (accelerate, dispersion)


26. Ground

27. Return (acceleration)


29. Babi Frsolin Bambina

31. Wind

32. It's funny

33. Enroll (in ZN. Work)

35. Woom

36. Entertain (in sn. Hit)

37. Slimity

38. Call an ambulance

39. Stand out

40. Lawn mower

41. Gaishnik

42. Gamer.

43. Glavbukh

44. Gincache

45. Gromdin (about man)

46. \u200b\u200bGroupulation (girls fans)

47. Gray

48. Google

51. Double

52. Deposit (from the group "Depesh Mode")

53. Saying

54. Children

55. Kids

56. Cheafe

57. Cheap thrukachi

58. Jogging

59. For Ponta

60. Delive (progress)

62. Fooling

63. Evrika

64. Garden (acceleration, dispersion)

65. Iron crab (in zn. Lunohod)

66. Hard Dressing

67. Lives Poor

68. Terribly poisonous

69. Hub (simple)

70. Rabelovka

71. Hang (in sn. Linger anywhere, for a long time to figure out)

72. Envitus

73. Drive (in ZN. Sell)

74. Slaughter

75. Relieve a chance to get new friends)

77. Bunny

78. Bulk (simple)

79. Zaplaland

80. Write a cart (for a tape recorder)

81. Patch

83. Infection (in relation to man)

84. Tempered (the soul was separated somewhere)

85. Street

86. Strip (simple)

87. Zverushki

88. Zversion

89. Zveva

90. Green aliens

91. Green (in ZN. Representatives of Green Peace)

3. Features of colloquial speech

Spoken language and book literary languages \u200b\u200bare opposed to various language systems used in the same language team. The choice between them is due to relations between the speaking persons and the terms of communication.

We are not called Doulgoe, which is the already DOUTID LITTEPAX Language: Odin - Na YPOKE in Skle, Na Lection, Na Cabinia, in the media, etc., it is writing books, gases and quiet. This type of language has developed gradually, it is now in a state of permanent development. It is influenced by writers, poets and other masters of words, creating new literary standards.

DPYGOD Tongue We are also a game, in CYGY DPYZEY in the NEPPINDOWSFIPTWORDS AND OUTHER PREPARD ON THE NEPOCPERTNEMENT OF THE NEACHTY OF DEVICE (or BASE) COBECE. ON imeet PsychiasFelects FOPMY, but we will make it nay and nappyat piss, zapcky.

The published language is the following only in the UPReesexes, these are not included with the fact that they are familiar to, it is not naughty, and it is a pisch. The peculiarity of conversational words is that these words are characterized by everyday, colloquial speech, characterize an ordinary phenomenon.

Razgovopnoy Language People have a doam with dattva. Imeno because of it, it's about it, which is not necessary. There is an opportunity in the 60_x yd. Past VEK. The develops of developing develops EGO Promotion: Many have a lot of "NEXTYPNE" people. TANDA LINGUCs, which will have these zaps, caretic, so that you have a silence of people with a whitewall - ppofeccopois, picheli, a job. Poamnory fillements are called to follow that such a system (one of the forms of the literary language) really exists.

For the syntax of spoken oral speech, the absence of long finished periods; permutation of words; the repetition of the same words; violation of the rules of canonical syntax; sorry; The incompleteness when the intonation transmits what you will not say words.

The conversational language is different from the book not only the syntax. He has peculiar phonetic patterns; He has its own set of morphological units (for example, communion and verbalism are not used - other units are performed by their role).

Chem has a top language from a book literary language?

In the Shkle Ycht: The language in PyccCe is a language by the nominative championship of CystvaTventoro or Meces: Bad Malychu. ON YEXAL. Fucking pychu. Tank in the literature of the language.

A pazgovopnom in yazyke inache: Had namu live / nA tseloe leto in Kpym yexala // (In pazgovornom yazyke tpydno oppedelit gpanitsy ppedlozheniya bylo dazhe vyckazano mnenie that pazgovopnom yazyke net edinitsy, tochno sopoctavlennoy c ppedlozheniem in litepaturnom yazyke Poetomy vmecto ykazaniya gpanits.. CPEDCTVAs PAZGUTYAKS PAGES: Sneakers / - the intogencies are not included, znakom // - the intrinsication.)

In this fpaze, there is an impunity, it's so that you have a need for Namu, there is a need for someone, Lyashchie over Naami, who has neither I have, nor a neck, dealer. There is a task for a job (Помощь сперего глагологольльлильльлил корольльная пережа с продлогорм).

Kakyu sintAkchychyu Pol IPAET? This is a valid person (Cybject Deettles), i.e. What is in the book language, it becomes more. Taque to KNECTPYCCIA, Walking, Mostly to be in need for a fabulous one, which is one, which is not a matter of Cactica at this:

- Chepes of Yuluzy NEPExDUTUT / This is a teacher?;

- b Supported / this Us is at the same time Clacca?;



Pload and book languages \u200b\u200bare used by the other and teeses of people, but in the Pazni YCL. We have been with these two, the language of the Cystvytva is a different of the current CXOd, th, so and the use of the ones that are too different languages. HEPEMBO Pazesome by them is NE in FOPME, a language of EDINITS, A in ix fes, in the same, however, it should be in groups. In Pazgovo, the language has a Cystrunner's Cycling Pyuncation, NE SEE EMY in the book language.

1. Imemploying Shipoko Ypplasting Using Your Summer Potable, HOWING HAPACTEP DURNING: - A NPUEXAFEXAI DOES OFUTEP / NE WORDS CHAIN \u200b\u200bCHUN //; Cogo is E.Te Wop, the ET / Algeba //.

2. Imemploying in order to have a dwitter of the ICPLEFTWER: NUX SKAF Capelccae (CPAFKAKKOF). The importance of the CystvitThere in the Poil is the beginning of the PEADMETA of the CAGTO, which is the one of the person's personnel: - C Chem Piroga? - MMCO / PUC / GOPCUE //; - Bulku from what makepua? - CuntEtUKA //.

3. Imemploying injecting the game POLDMETA: TAM ETE CYP / OCTA // (Optional CIPA); ON ME NUCHED NUCHMO / SOUND // (DO NUCHMA); Does the VAC ET CAXAP / Malankue Night? (Malenkue Night Caxapa or Caxap in Malankux Night)

4. Imemploying Chanto WhiteBeclining in WPCAX: - Does NOPOTA / WHAT CABKA?, - A Kakoy VaM / CYMKY?

5. Imemployed in the darkness of the Glaglax, which is in the book. Literature The language is not included in the following: - BAM NEPEBA DELABLE // BANBUTEK MEUNE COUNTE //; - Site / DG Na-XDUTUTE Baymancake Talefoal YZER? - BON NO TOCH CTOPONE / LOVE TPOLEBYC CAIDUE //.

Spoken speech is characterized by two opposing fundamental signs - syncretism and dismemberment.

An example of dismemberment: "Let me write" instead of "give me a handle."

An example of syncretism: the widespread use of words with a common location, pragmatic value, such as a thing, thing, business.

An example of combining syncretism with dismemberment: "Give me this thing, than cleaning pencils." In writing speech it would be: "Give me a penny knife."

4. Features of phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical standards in conversational speech

Conversational speech is functioning in the sphere of everyday, domestic communication. This speech is implemented in the form of a relaxed, unprepared monologic or dialogical speech on household topics, as well as in the form of a private, unofficial correspondence. Under the ease of communication is understood as the lack of installation on a message, which is official (lecture, performance), an unofficial relationship between speaking and lack of facts that violate the informality of communication, such as unauthorized persons. Conversational speech only functions in the private sphere of communication (friendly, family), and in the field of mass communication it is unacceptable. A conversational speech may affect not only household topics: for example, a conversation in the circle of families in unofficial relations, about art, science, space, conversations in public institutions (in the clinitic). However, for example, the conversational speech was not prepared and the topic of the conversation is associated with the professional activities of the speakers, so it uses scientific vocabulary (brain, biorobot, doctoral). The implementation form is predominantly oral.

Sophisticated-helpful style is opposed to book styles, as they function in certain areas of social activities. However, spokenage includes not only specific language funds, but also neutral being the basis of the literary language. Within the literary language, the conversational speech is opposed to a codified language as a whole (a codified speech is a question, with respect to which work is underway to preserve its norms, for its purity).

But the codified literary language and colloquial speech and conversational speech are two subsystems within the literary language. The main features of the sophisticated style are the most relaxed and unofficial nature of communication, as well as the emotional and expressive color of speech. Therefore, everything is often used by all the wealth of intonation, facial expressions, gestures. One of the most important features is a support for an off-speech situation, that is, the direct environment of speech in which communication flows.

Spoken speech has its own lexical and grammatical features. A characteristic feature of this speech is its lexical diversity. Here are the most diverse in the subject and stylistic terms of the group of vocabulary: both generally jicial vocabulary, and terms, and foreign language borrowing, some facts of spacious, jargon. This is based on, firstly, the thematic diversity of colloquial speech, which is not limited to the framework of household topics, everyday replicas, secondly, the implementation of colloquial speech in two tonalities - a serious and humorious, and in the latter case it is possible to use a variety of elements. Syntactic structures also have their own characteristics. For colloquial speech, construction with particles and interjections are typical. The order of words in this speech is different from the written. Here, the main information is concentrated at the beginning of the statement. And in order to accept attention to the main thing, use intonational release. [Russian language and speech culture: textbook (under. Ed. Prof. V.I. Maksimova. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. - 89 - 93 p.]

5. Ethics and ethyl speech

Ethics is one of the most ancient industries of philosophy, science of morality (morality). This term was introduced by Aristotle, and the ethics was considered a practical philosophy, which should answer the question: what should we do to make the right, moral actions. Under ethics of colloquial speech, the totality of moral norms and rules governing the behavior and relationship of people in everyday life are understood.

Ethics of speech communication begins on compliance with the conditions for successful speech communication: from a friendly attitude to the addressee, demonstration of interest in a conversation, "understanding understanding" - the mood to the world of the interlocutor, the sincere expression of his opinion, sympathetic attention. This prescribes to express his thoughts in a clear form, focusing on the world of knowledge of the addressee. In the festive spheres of communication in dialogues and polylogs of intellectual, as well as the "game" or emotional nature, the choice of the theme and the tone of the conversation is of particular importance. The signals of attention, participation, the right interpretation and sympathy are not only regulatory replicas, but also paralynguistic means - Mimic, smile, look, gestures, pose. A special role in the conduct of the conversation belongs to the view.

Thus, speech ethics are the rules of proper speech behavior based on morality standards, national cultural traditions.

Ethical standards are embodied in special etiquette language formulas and are expressed in statements by a whole ensemble of multi-level funds: both full-known wordforms and words of non-valid speech parts.

The main ethical principle of speech communication - compliance with parity - finds its expression, starting with greetings and ending with a farewell throughout the conversation.

Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior relating to attitudes towards people (entry with the surrounding, form of treatment and greetings, behavior in public places, manners). Etiquette has verbal (verbal) and non-love (non-verbal) funds. The culture of the Russian word is in the behavior of the speaker, it is important to take into account what emotion is invested in this or that word.

Etiquette formulas, phrases to the case - an important component of communicative competence; Their knowledge is a high degree of language proficiency.

6 Genres of speech communication: conversations, conversation, dispute, story, letter

We take a conversation, conversation, dispute, letter, etc. to genres of speech communication, etc. The letter is the process of creating text with subsequent graphic fixation. For the younger student, a letter - hard work, because Includes various mental functions, as well as muscular energy still a little trained hand. The letter highlighted the technique and content. Writing can be complete and abbreviated, and according to the degree of readiness - a draft and beach. Creating a child test is a separate speech action. To form a new mental action, it must be pre-given as an external action. L.S. Vygotsky interprets a speech effect as a process of solving a peculiar task, as a process of a mental act. The scheme for the generation of speech written statement looks like this:

1. Motive - speech intensity (writing aware of what to write, but still does not know how he will write it);

2. Internal programming;

3. Implementation of speech action.

Work on the text begins with a thinking of a preliminary "strategic" statement plan. In the process of the letter, it is continuously specified and varies. Pondulged the future text, writing can rely on draft records. And with the final processing of the written author compares the text components with possible best options. Lexical training includes work on the value and consumption of both new and partially familiar words united in thematic groups. The text was drawn up, the author relies on the reserve of language means (vocabulary, grammatical models), which is accumulated by it in the process of speech practice. Another component of long-term memory is a stock of ideas formed in different moments of life.

Conversation is an oral danyna form of pedagogical communication. The conversation implies a change of speaking. Allocate the main functions of the conversation in the conditions of training: the beginning, the motivation of the educational and communicative activities of schoolchildren; monitoring teacher and coordinating the actions of students; information exchange; Mutual communication, maintenance of business and friendly contacts. During the conversation, children are exposed to 4 factors: teacher's authority; Conversation content; Communicative preparedness of the teacher; Information on the topic of discussion.

For purposes, you can allocate the following types of conversations:

1. Informative conversations, the purpose of which clarify the educational material without affecting the feelings;

2. Impact conversations whose goal is not only to clarify a new concept, but also to influence the feelings of children, wake up their imagination;

3. convincing conversations whose goal to achieve any actions, influence not only for consciousness, feelings, but also to the will with the help of the discussion;

4. Event conversations associated with any events.

By the nature of the relationship, unofficial (friendly) and official (business) conversations are allocated.

A friendly conversation is nothing regulated, the conversation on any topics, as much as you like, each of the interlocutors knows the other well. This conversation is spontaneous, the theme of everyday, there is a youthful jargon, there is little pause of oscillations. Business conversation - content, time and place of the meeting is strictly regulated, the need for no personal moments. This conversation is prepared, the order is predetermined in advance and is observed. [Kazartseva OM Culture of speech communication: theory and practice of learning. - 2nd ed., - M.: Flint, Science 1999 - 312c-346s.]

The story is a monologically sequential summary of predominantly actual material.

The dispute is the type of dialogue, in which the interlocutors initially have different or opposite judgments on one subject.

The purpose of the dispute is or approaching the truth in the assessment of this subject, or the achievement of unity of views by proof or belief. Plato calls the argument "mental beer" and this is quite justified. With proper mutual respect, the strainders, the willingness to accept opposite arguments, the ability to listen and understand the dispute is indeed turning into an exceptional means of increasing the intellectual potentials of the personality, its speech and spiritual perfection. During the dispute, it is important to follow the unity of the subject, which should be clarified at the very beginning, as well as the circle of his understanding by the interlocutors. In the dispute, it is important to see the sophistic arguments of the interlocutor and never resort to them yourself. Wins the dispute the one who keeps in the mind of his entire syllogistic move, who will never be in the state of excessive affectance, who sees and exposes the sophistic tricks of the enemy in time.

When talking, the message is filed with separate failures, the interlocutors make it a clear, unequivocal. The conversation has a start, some continuation and completion. [Rhetoric. Murashov A.A. Ready practicing. M.: Russian pedagogical agency. - 1997. 29c. - 31c.]

7. The relationship of the literary language and spoken speech

Changes that occur in the language are a product of the development of society, its spiritual and material culture, science and technology. Replenishing the vocabulary of the literary language is carried out by the transition of spoken, integral words in a written speech.

The tendency of penetration into the literary language of the integral and conversational words There was always a place. But in recent years, this process becomes more intense. The closeness of the non-leaturated urban spoken speech, containing many recent dialect words, words of conversational origin, neoplasms arising for the characteristics of various household phenomena, word-forming neutral vocabulary options. The sponsore word is used in the literary language as a stylistic agent for giving the speech of the shade of a joking, dismissive, ironic, rough, etc. Often these words are expressive, expressive synonyms of the words of neutral vocabulary.

The spacious language in comparison with the conversational is more rough and its use is characteristic of a certain layer modern society. Note that words related to the spatrical language can very often wear a negative color. The degree of negative stylistic color of the word can affect the overall perception of speech speaking (or written text). This distinctive feature of the integrity words (pronounced stylistic coloring, in most cases - negative).

In order to allocate the most important material from the total mass of the "conversation", it is necessary to resort to various methods of expression. And this is achieved often by violating the stylistic uniformity of the text, or the use of conversational words, spacious, jargon and slang concepts. Any article in the newspaper, speaking on radio and television, communication with friends and colleagues represent as a result "author's text", which reflects the author's position on the event that this is speech. Such materials are characteristic of some evaluation, stylistic coloring of words. As part of the estimated vocabulary, expression plays the main role. It includes words that enhance the expressiveness of written and colloquial speech. Scientists note a significant number of examples, when one neutral word has several expressive synonyms, differing in terms of emotional voltage. It should be noted that a significant part of the vocabulary is stylistically neutral, i.e. It can be used in any kind of oral and written speech, without giving it any stylistic shades. However, when using words, it is impossible not to take into account their belonging to one or another speech style.

In modern Russian, there is a huge number of borrowed words from the English language, which is associated with the computerization and the emergence of the Internet, which brought in the language of many special terms (professionalism).

In connection with the advent of new means of communication, not only spokenage is changed, but also a literary language. In the literary language, options are widely presented or equal in their use, or stylistically distributed. The norm is fixed in the language only after its distribution on the broad masses of people speaking Russian. For example, too specific jargon words (jargonisms) are unlikely to become the property of the literary language, because They are designed for a certain circle of people and are not stylistic neutral. In this regard, it should be noted that the literary norm includes stylistically neutral words. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize that the modern Russian literary language is a nationwide language in its processed form, which serves as a means of communication and exchange of thoughts in all areas of life and activity.

In addition to the spacious and conversational words, the literary language, especially in the journalistic style, penetrate the jargon, as the most expressive and stylistically brightly painted representatives of the spoken genre. Jargon is a speech of any social or professional group containing a large number of specific characteristic of this group of words and expressions.


conversational speech language Communication

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process, which acts as the process of interaction between two or more people, in which information is exchanged, mutual influence, empathy, mutual understanding. In the process of communication, psychological and ethical relations are developing and developing, which constitute the culture of human interaction. At the verbal level, human speech is used as a means of transmitting information. It should be remembered that the success of communication is achieved not only by knowledge, techniques and technique, but also a sincere, benevolent attitude towards a person. Communication efficiency most often associated with the communicative side. The main purpose of the exchange of information is to develop one point of view between communicating, the establishment of agreement on the situation and the problem, while it is important that the information transmitted was correctly understood. The ability to accurately express your thoughts and the ability to listen to the components of the communicative side of communication.

In many situations of communication, the person faces the fact that his words are somehow incorrectly perceived by the interlocutor, "do not reach", i.e. Difficulties and obstacles arise on the transfer of information. In this case, they talk about communicative barriers that are divided into misunderstanding barriers (phonetic, semantic, logical), barriers of socio-cultural differences and relationship barriers. The reasons for communicative failures are rooted in ignorance of language norms in the difference in background knowledge of the speaking and listener, in the difference of their sociocultural stereotypes and psychology, as well as, in the presence of "external interference".

Bibliographic list

1. Zemskaya E.A. Russian speaking speech. / Ed. M.V. Kitchenskaya, E.N. Shiryaeva. - M.: Science, 1981.

2. Kazarthseva OM Culture of speech communication: theory and practice of learning. - 2nd ed. - M.: Flint, Science 1999 - 312c-346s

3. Rhetoric. Ready practicing. Muranov A.A. M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1997, 32 - 38 s

4. Rhetoric. Murashov A.A. Ready practicing. M.: Russian pedagogical agency. - 1997. 29c-31c.

5. Russian language and speech culture: textbook (under. Ed. Prof. V.I. Maksimova. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. - 89-93 p.

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    abstract, added 12/17/2009

    Studying creativity I.S. Schmelev, the characteristics of the spoken speech on the example of the autobiographical leader "Bogomol", "Summer Lord". Analysis of functioning language System In colloquial speech, in the everyday communication of carriers of the Russian-literary language.

    course work, added 08/21/2011

    Spoken speech in the system of functioning of the species of the literary language. Ethics and ethyl speech speech. Communication efficiency. Features of the pronunciation of consonant sound before "e". Errors in the use of verbal turns, speech errors.

    examination, added 26.02.2009

    Interrelation of literary I. spoken language. Features and distinction of conversational and integral words, the mechanism of their penetration into a literary language. Analysis of the use of elements of spoken speech in television texts on the example of commercials.

    coursework, added 20.11.2010

    The question-response form of colloquial speech is used in different areas of human communication: in colloquial speech, in oratorical art to attract attention to the audience. Classification of questions. Types of answers. Dishonest techniques. Rhetorical questions.

Any highly developed language has two speech forms - oral and written. Oral, where, first of all, speaking speaking, was formed over the centuries and is associated with the historical development of its carriers - of the native people. At a certain stage, she became a kind of foundation for the education of speech in writing. Next, both forms existed in parallel, opposing according to certain features.


In linguistics, it is considered that the speaking speech is a special kind of speech literary. The scope of its application is everyday household communication, the transfer of any information, the impact on the interlocutor, the expression of the emotional state. Traditionally, conversational speech on a number of signs oppose the books. Its foundations are dialects and dialects, surgles, urban slang and jargonism, as well as elements of book speech. Like any significant language layer, the colloquial has a number of distinctive features and features.

Traits and signs of spoken speech

Features of colloquial speech are associated primarily with its selection:

    If we talk about orally, then this speech is used, first of all, in dialogues - in conversations of two or more people. It can also be applicable in monologues facing speaking to itself.

    Spoken speech is spontaneous. Talking to communicate, as a rule, is not preparing specifically, does not think about their replicas. They are pronounced depending on what the interlocutor or interlocutors answers him. If even the conversation is scheduled in advance, it is characterized by a great degree of improvisation. In this regard, the indigenous difference between oral colloquial speech from, for example, writing. In a letter, one way or another is an element pre-training, sampling of linguistic agents, more thorough formulation of thoughts.

    Conversational speech is usually used in an informal setting, with informal, relaxed communication. This is an important difference from the oral official-business conversation, for example, the boss conversation with a subordinate or speaking with a scientific report, a lecture.

    Conversational speech as such requires compulsory participation in the conversation. It can be separate replicas accompanying the interlocutor.

    Sitizality is also a distinctive feature of colloquial speech. Those. Depending on the situation of communication, from the topic of conversations, the information and sessional load, the emotional state of the interlocutors, the level of their intellectual and spiritual development, the professional sphere and the sphere of interest will be also determined by the meaningful side of communication, and vocational and stylistic, grammatical means of expression.

    Active use of various non-verbal means of communication - Mimics, gestures, laughter, intonation. Because One of the most important tasks of conversational speech is an understanding, these funds make communication more accessible, expressive, facilitate understanding of its semantic direction.

    For spoken speech, it is characterized by the use of emotionally painted appraisal vocabulary, words with dimensional suffixes or with the meaning of exaggeration, interjections, incomplete or truncated proposals, the reduction of vowel sounds, tautology, interrupt syntax of statements, etc.

Examples of speech-style texts are present in artistic and journalistic literature. There is no universal language suitable for any situation. Therefore, the elements of the spoken style characteristic of everyday communication are found in the media and artistic works.

Briefly about speech styles

There are several of them. Each of them has its purpose. For artistic style, the emotional coloring is characteristic, imagery. It uses the authors of prosaic and poetic works. Scientific speech It is found in textbooks, dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias. This style is also used at meetings, in reports and official conversations.

The author of the article written in the scientific style puts the target to accurately transfer knowledge and information, and therefore uses a large number of terms. All this allows you to unambiguously express thoughts, which is not always possible to achieve, using a conversational language.

In conversational speech there may be words that are not found in reference books. At the same time, approximately 75% of the units of the Russian literary language, people use in any style of speech. For example, words like i walked, forest, look, land, sun, long ago, yesterday. They are called commonly used.

Words like rectangle, pronoun, multiplication, fraction, set, refer to scientific terms. But about 20% of the words of the Russian literary language are used only in colloquial speech. So, the "train" does not occur in the railway directory. Here this word replaces the term "electric train". What are the features of spoken speech?

It is implemented mainly orally. The conversational speech is exactly above all different from writing. In the book style, literary norms in all language levels are strictly observed. Among the styles of speech, as already mentioned, they allocate scientific, journalistic, official-business. All of them have a more general name, namely - books. Sometimes artistic one is highlighted as a functional style. However, this point of view in many lingules causes objections. Read more about the artistic style is described below.


Conversational speech refers to the discharge of unprepared. It is spontaneous, involuntary. Created simultaneously with the mental process. That is why its laws differ significantly from the laws of journalistic style. But they still have, and even in everyday communication should be remembered about the norms of the literary language.

Examples of the texts of the spoken style of speech are found in the speeches of public and political figures. Some of them found the fame of the authors of unique statements and aphorisms. "I wanted it better, it turned out as always," this phrase became famous. However, it is worth saying that the creator made it a gross stylistic error. Oratoric speech should consist exclusively from elements of journalistic style. The incompleteness of the phrase, emotionality for it is unacceptable.


Using everyday-speaking speech, people are relaxing for information, thoughts, feelings with loved ones and acquaintances. It is not applicable in any situation. One of the main features of the spoken style of speech is emotionality. It is appropriate in any unofficial setting.

In everyday communication, people constantly express their feelings, preferences, addiction or, on the contrary, indignation, irritation, dislike. In the examples of the speech-style texts, there is an emotionality, which is not in journalism.

Without expressiveness, the creation of advertising slogans is impossible. The main task of the marketer is the suggestion of confidence in consumers, and this can be done using the texts created in the language on which potential buyers say. An example of the text of the speech style of speech: "Fly Aeroflot airplanes!". If this phrase is clothed in a journalistic style, you will succeed "Take advantage of Aeroflot!" The second option is more complicated for perception and hardly causes positive emotions.

Jargonisms and dialectisms

Conversational speech is not codified, but it has norms and laws. Certain tabs exist for it. For example, contrary to generally accepted opinion, the abnormative vocabulary should not be present not only in publicistic, but also in colloquial speech. In the dialogue of people educated there is no place for jargonisms, gross, unrest, if, of course, these language elements do not carry a certain emotional color. It should not be in colloquial speech and dialectis - signs of non-inhabitation by the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. Although in some cases they are indispensable.

Examples of speech-style speech are present in prose. In order to make sure that it is only worth opening any book of Bunin, Kupper, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky or any other Russian writer. Creating a portrait of heroes, the author gives them characteristic features that are manifested as it is impossible in the dialogs. Speaking in this case may include jargonisms and dialectisms.

In the norms of the literary language are not included. But they are often found in everyday speech. Example: "I arrived from Moscow." It is worth knowing that the improper use of verbs is outside the norms and spoken style.

Art style

Writers use the diversity of language agents in the maximum volume. The artistic style is not a system of homogeneous language phenomena. It is devoid of stylistic closetness. Its specificity depends on the characteristics of the individual style of a particular author. And, as already mentioned, examples of text-style texts are present on the pages of artistic works. Below is one of them.

Reading the famous Roman Mikhail Bulgakova "Master and Margarita", you can already in the first chapter to meet many examples of speech-style texts. Elements of daily household languages \u200b\u200bare present in the dialogs. One of the characters pronounces the phrase "you, professor, something incomparable invented. It may be clever, but it suffers incomprehensible. " If you "translate" this phrase to the publicistic language, it will turn out: "Professor, your point of view deserves attention, but it causes some doubts." Would I acquire the Roman Bulgakov's interest of millions of readers if the heroes expressed their thoughts so dry and officially?

Above mentioned languages \u200b\u200bsuch as jargonisms and dialectisms have already been mentioned. In another work of Bulgakov, namely in the story " dog's heart", The main character is a polygraph Polygraphfovich - actively uses abnormative vocabulary in communicating with a professor and other heroes.

Examples of speech-style texts with an abundance of obscene expressions that the author included in the work in order to emphasize the uneducation, the rudeness of Sharicov, we will not lead here. But remember one of the phrases pronounced by Professor Preobrazhensky - Hero, in whose speech, in contrast to the speech polygraph of polygraphovich, there are no syntactic, orphoepic and other errors.

"If I, instead of operating, I'll start in my apartment to sing a chorus, ruin will come," said Philippovich Philippovich's dialogue in the dialogue. What is the importance of spoken speech in artistic literature? It is impossible to overestimate its role in prose. Being in a state of emotional arousal, a professor, a person is extremely educated, makes a meaning mistake (sing choking) intentionally, thereby giving some kind of irony, without which he could not express so bright indignation, indignation.

There are two forms of oral speech: written and oral. The first we considered higher. Oral speaking speech every person enjoys daily. It is worthwhile to tell about other features of this important layer of the language.

Using pronovation

The authors of journalistic and scientific texts appeal, as a rule, to a wide audience of readers. In colloquial speech, pronouns are found, especially in the first and second person, quite often. This is explained by the fact that communication takes place in an unofficial situation, a small group of people takes part in it. Spoken speech personified.

Speed-ladies and metaphors

In modern conversational speech there is a large number of zoomorphic metaphors. Bunny, kitty, bird, cat, mouse - All these words not found in scientific articles. The name of animals man uses in relation to his interlocutor predominantly in diminutive-ladies, and it makes it in order to express his favor, sympathy.

But meet in colloquial speech and other words. For example: kozl, Donkey, Baran, Snake, Vijuk. If these nouns are used as zoomorphic metaphors, then have a pronounced negative character. It is worth saying that in the conversational speech of the words of negative evaluation, much more than positive.


In Russian, there is such a common word as the "drum". It is formed by the verb "drum", which in conversational speech is used in completely different values. It can be used in relation to both a person and natural phenomenon. Examples:

  • Do not drum your fingers on the table.
  • Rain drums on a glass of half a day.

This is one of the few verbs that have many values \u200b\u200bin colloquial speech.


In truncated form, the names and patronymic are used. For example, San Sanych instead of Alexander Alexandrovich. In the linguistics, this phenomenon is called proscription. In addition, the "Pap" and "Mom", "Mother" and "Pope", "Mother" and "Father" are more often used in the household speech.

In the conversation, people actively use aposiophesus, that is, the intention of the phrase. For example: "But if you do not return home to two, then ...". Sometimes the authors of art and journalistic texts are resorted to this language tool ("if there will be no serious change in the economy, then ..."). But first of all, the aposichesis is characteristic of conversational speech.


If you look at one of the examples of the texts of the speech style of speech, it can be found that the verbs in it occur more often than the nouns are the adjectives. In everyday communication, people for some reason prefer the words denoting actions.

According to statistical data, only 15% of the total number of nouns are used in colloquial speech. As for the verbs, preference is given to the present time in cases where it would be more correct to use the future. For example: "Tomorrow we fly to Crimea."

Other features of spoken speech

Spoken style - a full-fledged functional style of the language, but living in a few other laws rather than writing. With free communication, a person creates statements spontaneously, and therefore they do not always sound perfectly. However, even behind the colloquial speech it is necessary to follow, so that such phrases are not born, as "wanted as better, and it turned out as always."

COLLOQUIAL SPEECH,a variety of literary language, implemented mainly in orally in a situation of unprepared, relaxed communication with the direct interaction of communication partners. The main sphere of realization of colloquial speech is everyday everyday communication that occurs in an informal setting. Thus, one of the leading communicative parameters that determine the conditions for the implementation of colloquial speech is the parameter "Unofficiality of communication"; For this parameter, it is opposed to a book-written codified literary language serving the scope of official communication. The speaker carriers are people who own a literary language, i.e. By the parameter "Language carrier", this type is opposed primarily to dialects and spacious.

The ratio of concepts spoken - literary, spoken - codified, spoken - written, spoken - dialect, colloquial - spacious filled with different content in different national languages and largely determined by their peculiarities historical Development. For example, due to greater activity of dialects on German soil, local peculiarities in the German speech are expressed more than in Russian. Alsogenerate also language status of spoken speech and its place in the Opposition System Standard / Substandard, language / speech, language / style. Thus, the place of colloquial speech in the system of the nationwide language is specifically. Features of the language situation and the ratio of conversational speech with other subsystems within each specific language are often reflected in the title of this language phenomenon (CP. UmganGSSPRACHE - it., Obecná Češtiná - czech., La Langue Parlée - franz., Conversational english - english, STYL POTOCZNY - polish. and etc.).

Russian speaking speech and its place in the system of the literary language in modern rusticism is determined in different ways. Some researchers consider it as an oral species in the composition of the literary language (O.A. Laptyev, B.M.Gasparov) or as a special style (O.B. Sirotinine). The group of scientists of the Russian language institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of E.A. Gazeta developed the theoretical concept, according to which the Russian speaking speech (PR), being a certain type of literary language, is opposed to a codified literary language (CLA) as a whole and differs from him as in terms of extralynguistic (conditions of consumption) and from the point of view of the language (specific system-structural properties). Thus, KLA and RR are two subsystems within the literary language, the implementation of which is determined by communicative conditions: KLA serves the scope of official communication (personal and public), RR - the sphere of unofficial unprepared personal communication. In recent years, the social and political changes have had a certain impact on the Russian language situation: the binary membership of the communicative space for the official and unofficial, the boundaries of the functional spheres were more permeable, which led, on the one hand, to a wide invoice of conversational elements in oral Public speech, in the language of mass communication, and on the other hand - to enhance the use of foreign language words, elements of official-business and special speech in everyday domestic communication. Thus, we can talk about socially determined changes that have affected the terms of implementation different types Speech (official / unofficial, personal / public, prepared / unprepared communication, etc.). This also applies to such a defining parameter as the installation of a speaker to one or another communication type. The changed conditions of implementation influenced the nature of the language processes in different communicative areas, but nevertheless they did not cancel the very membership of the literary language into KLA and PP.

Many language peculiarities of spoken speech are determined by her close spyanship with the situation. Being a full component of a communicative act, the situation is "complied" into speech, which is one of the causes of high ellipticity of spoken statements. Communicative act in conversational speech is characterized by close interaction of verbal and non-verbal (gesting-mimic) components. Various paralynguistic indicators, actively included in the context, can replace the actual language means of expression. Wed: BUT. But where are Sasha? B.. It ( tilts his head to folded palms together, showing gesture"slept"). The close contact of the spoken speech with the language of gestures allows us to talk about the coordination and mutual disabilities of two codes - verbal and visual, about the active interaction of gesturing and colloquial grammar.

Predominantly the oral nature of the functioning, high consistency conditionality, the important role of the Mimic Canal in the Communication Act is due to the actual linguistic features Spoken speech manifested in all language levels. The general sign of the spoken speech system, permeating the phenomena of all its tiers, is the confrontation of two trends - trends towards syncretism and trends towards dismemberment. These tendencies show themselves in terms of expression and in terms of content, in syntaglamics and in paradigmatic. So, for example, syncretism in phonetics (expression plan) is found in a large number of neutralized background, in the phonetic ellipse, the spraying of vowels (cf. pronunciation of words such as naturally Eat [SN], imagine [in] Brand), dismemberment - in the appearance of protethic vowels, cutting consonant combinations: [Rubel "]). Syncretism in terms of content is manifested in the appearance of generalized undifferentiated type nomines than to write(instead a pen, pencil), dismemberment - in the wide distribution of derivatives that are motivated designations of persons, processes, subjects, etc. (type opener, customer). The tendency to syncretism in paradigmatic detects itself in the absence of specialized verb and aduteactive forms for the expression of semi-distance, the tendency to dismemberment - in the presence of specialized charting forms (such as Tan!; Tan-a-Tan!; Tanya-A - Tan!). Syncretism in syntagmatics is manifested in such phenomena as syntactic interference, polyfunctionality, etc. The name of the noun, dismemberment - in the wide distribution of structures with the nominative theme. The systemic nature of colloquial speech makes it possible to talk about the existence of a specific system of norms. The peculiarity of conversational rules is their high variability, often not functionally differentiated (cf., for example, the possible use of different types of nominations to indicate the same object: canning knife, opener, than to open; Availability of several pronunciation options for one word: sucking [Cext "Il, with: Kach" Il,]).

The phonetic speech system is characterized by the same set of language units as a codified literary language, but each foundation is presented here by a large set of sound representations. The specificity of the phonetic tier is manifested in the features of the sale and compatibility of the phone. Thus, in colloquial speech it is possible high-quality reduction (up to zero) vowels (including vowel upper lifts) in any relative to the shock syllable (SOR (O), C (y), the recruitment, C (E) of the country, O ( I) set (e) flax, he is a request (and) t), loss of individual consonants or their combinations in different positions (Ho (D) IT, SMO (T) RITE, (s) is found, (ZDR) ACTA), ellipse symbols and even large sections of the speech chain, leading to the restructuring of the syllable and rhythmic structure of the word ( with someone - [with to "EMN" IT "], some - [to "IT], because [Tjash]). High-frequency words are exposed to the greatest phonetic deformation. The elliptic pronunciation of some of them is so typical for the colloquial speech that these words in the abbreviated, reduced form are considered as conversational lexical dubls. These include, for example, the sound forms of the following words: now [Wait, right now], one thousand [thousand], so, at all in the meaning of the introductory words [Sign, NCT, nachine; In general, vroch], i say, he speaks [Grew, Grit], today [Sydnya, Syun, Syun]. Slogging reduction and other phonetic phenomena of colloquial speech are closely related to its rhythm-intonation properties. In particular, the degree of deformation of words largely depends on the degree of impact in the phrase, places in syntagma (initial, middle, finite), positions in relation to the phrase accent, the pace of pronouncing. Thus, various phonetic features of spoken speech are determined not only by the positional conditions for the sale of the phone in the word, but also the position of the word within the phrase.

In morphology, as in phonetics, there are no special differences from a codified literary language in the very set of units. Nevertheless, its specificity is available here. For example, there are special conversational charting forms (such as Pop!, Mom, and moms!). In colloquial speech, other than in the book-writing, the quantitative relationship of some grammatical classes of words and wordforms. Statistical studies of records of living colloquial speech have shown that in this subsystem, the most frequently slightly and semi-significant vocabulary: alliances, particles, pronoun; Most of the names of nouns is lower than verbs, and among the verb forms, the least commonly commonly commonly commonly used. These forms are practically not used in the functions of secondary predication (that is, in the composition of involved and particle inclusive revolutions). Cf. Talk: Bring a book on the table lying (VM. Book-letters.: Bring a book, lying on the table); I completely suffered dismissed this spot// (VM. Book-letters.: I completely imagined, out of this spot). The morphological system of spoken speech is distinguished by pronounced features of analytics, which confirms, for example, the active functioning of various classes of unchangeable significant words. In colloquial speech, these words are very common, numerous and diverse. This is primarily the so-called predicatives - immutable words that perform the function of the led in the personal offer. These include, for example, interdudice and verb words (such as laa La, Bach, Shu-Shu-Shu, Wed: And they sit in the corner and shu-Shu-Shu between themselves); Predicative estimates (type not ah, so-so, not, Wed. weather was not ah; She sings so-so). Also highly active analytical adjectives (type units avia, Auto, Body, Beige and mn. Dr.), having great independence in conversational speech. Wed: (conversation in the mail) BUT. What envelopes do you? B.. To me airand simple //; Did you find a book? Sber? Features of the morphology of colloquial speech are most brightly manifested in the specific functions of some grammatical forms. So, the infinitive often acts in a syntactic role, usually characterized by noun: To swim there came? (subject to); BUT. What are you looking for? B.. I'm looking for put (addition); This is a towel wipe (Definition). Among the case forms of nouns, the most frequencies of the National Forms are the most frequent form. case. Expansion named. The case in colloquial texts is manifested in the fact that its functional load is much more. The nominative case is observed in oral speech in any proposed and impossible positions and acts as other cases: Petrushechka fresh I'll buy it now (VM. petrushenka fresh. vinit. case), his disciples were our teachers (VM. Our teachers are TV. p.), and polyvannik halfdo not take? (VM. half pickle).

The most proneline specific speech is manifested at the syntactic level. Conversational speech is a speech stream, it is not always easy to dispel to offer. The offer as the main syntactic unit is highlighted in a codified literary language and is characterized by the following features: predicatence (severity of categories of modality and time), the presence of connections between components, meaning and intonation completion. In colloquial speech, not all speech flow segments are suggestions. For example, one predicative unit may fall into several independent intonation fragments in a specific situation: (two buddies agree on a meeting) BUT. We meet tomorrow B.. At five BUT. In Pushkin. Or, on the contrary, parts of the complex predicative integer intonationally merge into one speech segment, and the word at the junction of the first and second "proposals" belongs to both: they turned to Sretenka. They need to go; I'll give you tomorrow readyou wanted an article. In a codified literary language, situationally due to education are considered "non-predetermined." If the same way to talk to spoken replicues, then more than half of them should be excluded from the syntactic analysis - because the "inclusion" of spoken replicas in the situation is important feature Spoken speech defining its specificity at the system level. In segmentation of the conversational continuum, an essential criterion for researchers is an intonational-meaning completion, and the main syntactic unit is a statement. Speech stream is shaped on intonational independent segments - syntagma. One or more syntagm characterized by intonational solidity and semantic completion form a statement. With written fixation of the oral colloquial speech, due to its "unbiased" nature, a special system of symbols are used, the purpose of which is to adequately convey the characteristics of the sound. Signs of punctuation familiar in written texts - dash, colon, points and commas are not put. Instead, they use: / - the sign of the intonation membership of the statement in its incompleteness; // ,?,! - signs of completion of the statement spoken, respectively with the affirmative, questionative or exclamation intonation; Multiple (...) means pause of histess (looking for a suitable word), a scope of a statement or self-burning. Wed, for example, a fragment of the oral story: here this year / son / in ... in the spring brought such ... He was a passionate son's fisherman / he was on La ... on and this ... not Ladoga / and Lake's miracle / I caught fish / and from there / Among the fish / kitten / small black kitten // And then, then here ... when this kitten ... it was pissedling / pipettes for the first days // And then / I-A / PRI WE HAVE TO THIS KITHEN'S STATE TO TAKE THAT EVERYTHING MODE / CATS AND PET Such was a strange kitten // He rushed to everyone who came into and tormented him //.

Many syntactic properties of colloquial speech are due to the peculiarities of its functioning - unpreparedness, spontaneity, close relationship with the situation. In conversational statements, some grammatically and semantically necessary components are often found (non-verbalized). Their absence is possible only thanks to the "inclusion" of statements in a certain situation. Cf. The following examples (buyer addresses the seller of the shoe department): Here these brownplease show // (skipped shoes); (Conversation during breakfast) to you with cheese or sausage? (not expressed to do a sandwich). The verbal ellipsis does not prevent interlocutors to understand each other: knowing the situation, they are easily "completing" the missing fragments of the text. The statements of this type are called structures with unsubstituted syntactic positions. Most of these constructions are consistently connected, but there are a number of structures with zero verbs-predicates, the values \u200b\u200bof which are due to the language system and do not require support of the situation. These include, for example, zero movement verbs (I am home //; we are in the cottage //; you are not from the forest?); Zero verbs with the general meaning of speech (are you talking about? About the new film?; Are you talking about Katya?) And ne. Dr. Widely distributed in conversational speech design with a nominative theme. The noun in the nominative case is made in the absolute beginning of the statement, updating (highlighting) its topic. Next, the statement may contain a correlative member, which serves as a "binder" between the nominative case in the preposition, and the rest of the statement. The role of the correlate usually pronouns or nouns, having a form as a name. Pad. and indirect cases. Wed: Dad / He has not yet dined //, Dad/ dad still no dinner Flowers/ them I did not buy //, Flowers/ flowers I did not buy //.

Conversational speech has a specific type of communication of two predicative structures in one statement - a link of free connection. Semantic relations, folding on the basis of free compound links, are very diverse and syncretic. Wed: And where is my wallet here Led?; What is this transfer you have said Will it be on TV today?; Lena i know will not come//; Komarov you were there are a lot?; House we passed todayalready almost completed //.

In colloquial speech, there are positions of the word position, closely related primarily with the peculiarities of the actual membership of the statement. One of the most important trends regulating the order of words in the statement is the trend towards the preposition of the communicative component of the communicative component: Of bread Go buy to bakery //; Sonyait worries me today / I would not get sick //. Spontaneity, unpreparedness of spoken speech, the linear nature of its construction leads to the fact that words in the statement "unfold" on the principle of free associative attachment. As a result, semantically and grammatically connected phrases are often disconnected, while the most significant word is made to the beginning. Wed: Towel Bring clean//; Cap did not see where my? The weakening of the role of unions and the Allied words is expressed in the fact that their place in the conversational statement is not fixed (unlike the book-writing language, where their syntactic position is rigidly fixed). For example: Tanya I do not know where to I left // (cf. Codif. I do not know where Tanya left); I can't get out of the house / locksmith waiting because// (cf. Codif. I can not get out of the house, because I'm waiting for a locksmith). The order of words in colloquial speech is closely related to its intonational-rhythmic features. Spoken statement is often constructed as an intonationally dissected unit with two intonational centers, between which they are accently not dedicated components (the so-called "intonational pit"). In such two-line constructions, phrase accents fall on the most important words that make up the communicative core of the statement: Doctor you do not know when will arrive?; Highly He is with you independent//; Luda asked to call Tikhvinskaya//.

Conversational word formation detects a smaller dependence on the zoosa, from of different kind grammatical and semantic restrictions. In the process of relaxed communication, the interlocutors often do not reproduce existing words in the language, but produce, create them "in case", relying on productive word formation models. In this way, the words actualized the value suggested by a specific situation: and where we clearing? The toilet clogged / should be cleared // (instead of the word vantuz Talking uses unusual clearingverb clean). In colloquial speech there are specific methods of wordwork - unpleasure and truncation. Under university, the original phrase (producing the base), consisting of two or more components, is collapsed into one derivative word, which "absorbs" the value of the producing base: buckwheat - buckwheat, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - "Komsomolka", a five-storey house - five-story; folding bed - cot. Another productive method of colloquial derivation is a truncation of the producing base. The truncation is exposed to nouns and adjectives: tape recorder - Mag, teacher - prep, a sandwich - boot, state exams - statePrimitive - primitive, intimate - intima. In colloquial speech, there are more actively ways of word formation, operating in the book-writing: suffix (open - opener (canned knife), doctor - doctor Old - star, synchronous - synchronize(engage in synchronous translation) and MN. dr.), Prefixal (she will have restress//; Couragees I am sleeves!; it antisup/ real porridge // no liquid), prefixing suffix (cf. humorous outflows: we sSPICH/ Forgot to buy matches //; Thank you! You me earthybreed//). For colloquial speech, the breadth of use of various word-forming models is characterized, weakening the prohibitions on the combination of affixes with a producing base. The words with the most different lexical and grammatical properties can act as a "source material". For example, borrowing, abbreviations, interjections: Cinema - cinemaMSU - emGeaushioh! - oakBatz! - bang and mn. Dr. producing the base can serve as phrases and even whole statements: it tortitin scarf // (from aunt Katya); [Mother child] Do not climb in a puddle! And then grandma loomy will be! (from Oh my God!). In colloquial speech, the derived word is often associated with the most common value producing the base. As a result, many newly educated words are meaningful and incomprehensible outside the context. For example, core - It may be a cardiologist, and a person suffering from heart disease. The values \u200b\u200bof such words clarify only in a particular speech situation. Wed: BUT. He who? Surgeon? B.. No / Core //; My father's heart / three infarction suffered //. In the process of direct dialogic communication, the previous replica of the interlocutor may be incentive to form an unusual word: BUT. I do not like / so that me friends// B.. The point is not in sorry//; BUT. Want schemy? I painted//; BUT. Temirkanov Great "Carmen-Suite" died // B.. Yes/ reboned//.

In lexico-style relations, conversational texts are heterogeneous: they can be found primarily words associated with everyday life, the domestic, so-called domesticism ( spoon, pan, pan, comb, hairpin, rag, broometc.), words having a pronounced conversational, often reduced, shade ( snag, teach, dirty etc.), the words are stylistically neutral, constituting the main vocabulary of the modern literary language ( work, relax, young, now, have no time and mn. Dr.), special terminological vocabulary and, on the contrary, separate jarnitis. Such stylistic "omniviness" of spoken speech is explained primarily by its wide thematic range. In an unofficial setting with well-known people, you can talk to any topic: about everyday household matters, work, politics, friends and acquaintances, diseases of loved ones, new film, etc. At the same time, the linguistic addictions of the speaker: his tendency to joke, the game with words or, on the contrary, to the wide inclusion of book-written vocabulary into speech, is the most pronounced in the situation of casual direct communication. Wed., for example, fragments of a female student girl with a mother. The topic of the conversation (story about hydrological practice) and professional informance studies, students of the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University, determine the presence of special vocabulary in the text ( recognition, bias, lot, echo sounder, take countdown, vpadina, dredgers), inclusion in the story of the words youth, student jargon ( recolebed, prep), statements with a bright conversation color ( circus some kind In the meaning "Funny Situation", form vouschevM. Codif. at all, schwar) give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe age and social status of the storytellers, and also testify to its emotional discrepancy during a conversation: Yes, everything / was constantly a circus of some // here with this / we were on the reconnaissance / we / we have just All teachers were a very interesting manner // We come / we say "we have a bias turned out three and a half centimeters for a kilometer" // "There is no such / to be" here "//<…> With this bias, we are about them of them. Namely manual // That is, the rope / with a load / there is Svark / and take countdown //<…> We had Vadik with a lot //<…> I am moving to a narrow place of such / this means to landfills // So it approaches this very /<…> On the boat, our predar // wait // Vadik throws out the lot / and himself still go there like this ( shows) It goes // Wpadina / Twelve and a half meters //.

The typical feature of the spoken vocabulary is its semantic syncretism and polishemility. The so-called "sponges", whose value is determined by the situation is widespread in colloquial speech. For example, the general meaning of the word sumka - "Something temporary", but depending on the specific conversation conditions, it can "absorb" different meanings: "Temporary house, staircase, stove, an extension", etc.; glasseveryday communication can be called any building with large windows - shop windows: shop, hairdresser, savingskassa, dining room, institution, etc. Some words with a generalized value (cf. simple, normal, empty, ordinary) Under certain conditions, they can act as non-marked members of semantic oppositions, while in each particular situation the specific component of the value is updated. For example, simple - silk, simple - festive, simple - with syrup, simple - Avia (Wed: Look / silk Dresses Skok want / a simple no one//; BUT. Nadia festive blouse // B.. Yes no / me easy/ I feel more convenient for me; You wone what will you / easy or with syrup?; I have two envelopes air/ and one plain//); cf. also common conversational combinations: empty Potato - Potato with butter, empty tea - sweet tea and mn. Dr. In colloquial speech, there are ways of naming objects, signs or actions. In the process of direct relaxed communication, the interlocutors are easier to build a new word "to occasion", rather than reproduce the lexical unit existing in the codified language. In addition to the highly productive word formation models described above (suffix, truncation, suffix, prefixal, prefix, suffix methods), other techniques are used to create conversational nominations: Subtatives (meat dish - meat; Wed: I'm talking about today meat I do not want / I will be better than vegetables //, Laboratory work - laboratory; Procedural Cabinet - procedural etc.); Semantic explanation of phrases by eliminating the determined or determining (thesis - diploma, viral flu - virus, Chemical curling - chemistry, Academic Council - council, kindergarten - sadik, granulated sugar - sand); Building nominations based on metonimical transfer (yesterday in the book / Sasha Black(Book of Sasha black) bought //, they said that us(Our house) demolish //, girl / a lycra (tights with lycra) do you have?, in dinner (during the lunch break) we will meet //); verb nominations, including Verbum Finitum and characterizing a person or subject on its action ( Milk brings/ Now on vacation / yes? To our room just came/ in the Inventory Department works //); The verb nominations consisting of the verb in the form of infinitive and relative pronouction ( Than to writeyou do not have?, bring to put//, What flowers to put in the room//). The close spares of spoken statements with the communicative act gives rise to a special type of names, called the name "Name of the Situation". The whole complex of meanings, which is understood by the interlocutor, "included" to the situation, but remains unclear for the rest, "uninitiated", and requires a commentary for the rest of the interlocutor. The speech signal name of the situation is the unusual combination of words in the text. Wedway: A. skiingwe changed my mind / yes? (i.e. changed his mind to discuss the details of the ski hike); Oh / a. your birthday We did not discussed // (they did not discuss how we would celebrate your birthday). Cf. Also typical of the everyday communication of the expression: turn off the fish, turn on the soup, gave pastaetc. (i.e., the burner on which fish, soup, pasta, etc.). A wide possibility of using a wide variety of nomination constructions generates a number of words-duplotes: hemnter, cook, birdcall, plowing, plowing than to pour; Laboratory work, laboratory, laboratory, laboratory etc.

Spoken texts are characterized by a high degree of expression. According to researchers, the ability of spoken speech to exaggerations sometimes leads to exceptions from a speaking dictionary of words with neutral evaluation. "Emotional tension" of colloquial statements is created at the expense of a variety of funds, such as replay with a lexeme (us very very liked//; She was sad-sad Today//; BUT. Do you want ice cream? B.. Oh want Want//); Use pronoun such as a quality intensifier (for us such queue!; She is with you such clever / such a paw //). To express a high degree of intensity, the properties are widely used metaphor - CP. Typically conversational ratings: sea of \u200b\u200bflowers, Gift Mountain, Pile of complaints and etc.; cf. Also: I am today from the foot of the womanfrom fatigue //, we are here for a whole hour sunlights/ you waited //, I called him a whole evening / phone broke out/ all the time is occupied //; What the pumpingyou have on the table!

In recent years, the focus of research interest moves from the study of system-structural features of colloquial speech to the analysis of its text characteristics. This explains special attention to the genre stratification of spoken speech. Speech genres as types of texts are implemented under certain conditions and can be considered through the prism of the communicative situation and its participants. To characterize any communicative situation, these parameters such as space (ie, a place where communication is happening: at home or outside the house - at work, on the street, in the store, sanatorium, clinic, etc.), time (when Communication happens: on weekdays or on holidays, in working or free time, etc.), partners of communication (their communicative roles - talking / listening, family, professional roles, the nature of their ratio on the scale "above" / "below" Communicative goals of the speaker and listening, etc.), a situational topic (for example, "Awakening", "Lunch", "Family Holiday", "Shop", "Transport", etc.). Each of the parameters of the situation affects the genre selection of the speaker. So, for example, numerous situations of home communication are "cast" into different stereotypical microalls (depending on the time and theme of conversation, family roles). Wed: [Morning. Awakening] BUT. [mother daughter] FROM good morning// Masha / Still / School Warm // B.. Right now / get up // Hello Mamul //; [Care from home] BUT. [husband wife] Well, I went // until // B.. Happily // Do not delay there //; [Cooking dinner] BUT. [husband wife, entering the kitchen] What are you? Bought pizza? B.. Yeah // so as not to bother // Right now quickly in the oven / and fifteen minutes ready //. Our speech behavior in situations outside the house is as stereotyped: [Outdoor] BUT. « Child's world"/ how to get? B.. Straight / then left for an angle // BUT. Thank you//; [Book Shop] BUT. [buyer] Tell me please / but in German, there are no benefits? B.. [seller] German department //. In conversational speech, large and small, monologic and dialogic genres are distinguished. To large monologic and dialogic genres, for example, the story, conversation, conversation; Small genres are monologic replicas, microdials, stereotypes. Our casual speech communication is a genital continuum. Observation on the specifics of the organization of this continuum allows you to identify the features of the everyday linguistic existence of modern carriers of the Russian literary language.


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