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Creative tandem composer and poet. Tandem is a mutually beneficial union. Definition and examples of consumption in spoken language

Today we have a queue for no less interesting word - tandem. What is this, does this attitude only to bicycles or this term has a wide nature of use? Read all this in this articles. I hope that it will be interesting.

Definition and examples of consumption in spoken language

Tandem is a multi-valued term. In a broad sense, he denotes the union, the Commonwealth necessary to achieve common goals with minimal costs.

In technical terminology under it it is understood as the location of the aggregates, details of the Unified mechanism for one axis or two-wheeled bikeDesigned for a joint ride, where every person has a separate saddle and pedals.

The word "tandem" comes from English "Tandem", meaning in the literal translation of "Guskom", " in sequence" Initially, the term arose in the Latin dictionary, where he had the meaning "in the end."

In modern Russian, the term has many values. The following associations arise with it:

The use of the word will be appropriate in the following suggestions:

If it is used in the meaning of the Union, groups, like-minded people, it can be used in conjunction with the adjective "ruling", "creative", "family", "worker", etc.

What is a tandem bike

In everyday life, this word is most often understood by the bicycle invented by M. Pedersen in 1898. This is a two-wheeled vehicle for two or more people. Each of them has their own saddle, pedals and steering wheel.

Transportation is carried out by one who sits first, but in separate models it is possible to switch the function of taxiing on the back of the rear.

The benefits of bicycles for two include the following:

  1. the ability to pass long distances and at the same time save forces;
  2. high speed (up to 35 km / h);
  3. the variety of ways to drive (two participants, if desired, change places, the one who sits from behind can go with her eyes closed and get the maximum pleasure of a walk);
  4. the reliability and strength of the structure (its wheels are designed for maximum loads).

The shortcomings of the double bicycle include the complexity of the taxiing on the turns. In order to "fit out" correctly, a practical experience is important. The second minus of the design is a longer braking path than a conventional single vehicle.

Other tandem devices

The word "Tandem" comes from the English. "Alternately", so his definition in the sphere of science and technology states that the elements of one design are so called in each other.

The term is used in relation to the following situations:

The concept of tandem is familiar fishing lovers. It means that 2-3 nozzles used for bait are placed one after another. As a rule, one "devil" turns out to be heavier, the second is light, the recommended distance between them is 15-20 cm.

Tandem technique in fishing is applicable for different seasons. In the spring and summer period, when the fish is active, it is used in a more aggressive version, in winter, the fisherman requires a maximum of patience and skill. He slowly raises the bait at a speed of 3-5 mm per second, so as not to scare prey.

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⇒ "It certainly terrible, I hope no one has suffered. But judging by the construction trash around the school, there is a repair, or this very roof is overlap. It is only strange that children are in the building, at least those that all filmed, but perhaps the wing from which the roof flew is closed for visits. But be surprised, unfortunately, we have already learned. Now this attitude to the construction is that only the diva is given as we still walk all the lives. It seems that there was no fastener, there was no fastener, if not even a strong wind demolished. I hope the contractor will punish."
Posted - 05/28/2019
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Posted - 05/28/2019
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Posted - 05/28/2019

Well, when you work for yourself - and it is not necessary to be the mistress of factories, newspapers, steamboats, own oil tower or baccakes with apples for sale. At your workplace, you work exclusively to your own career, salary and sake of your own pleasure. But one day the higher authority decides that you should work in a pair over any project - and you can't do or you do not want to do it. Creative tandem is a good and productive, the main thing is to properly organize the overall process for two.

No one doubts: one head is good, and two is better. Any problems are solved twice as fast, more fun, and the number of creative ideas is automatically doubled. However, if earlier you organized the work at your own discretion, now you will have to revise the approach to the case as a whole. Because you will now have to share for two and possible failures, and success, and well-deserved monetary reward. And if it may seem from the part that everything is easier than simple, do not rush to draw conclusions. Work in a pair can be built in several schemes.

Home in a pair - you

An option ideally suitable for inborn leaders who know how to captivate those around their ideas, find out the prospects and clearly deliver tasks. You will command the parade you, and, accordingly, to establish your rules. You are a cerebral center and ideas generator in one bottle. Boldly organize the workflow and timing of the work at your discretion. Just remember that responsibility to the higher authorities lies exclusively on you - and if the unlucky partner will accidentally delete the folder from the computer with all the necessary documents, subtletiles and the climbing from the higher authorities will get you. Complete and double.

To begin with, it is necessary to discuss a general project together. In conversation it will be easier for you to determine the degree of qualifications of your future assistant, and competently organize the process. Be calm and judgment, it is not worthwhile, supervised your hands in Boki, take a bigure look and speak the instructive tone. The easier you will be in the process of communication, the easier it is to won the respect of the new colleague.

Not worth it Shoot all the work on his assistant or assistant on the rights of a governing person, and, issuing periodically valuable instructions, to drink coffee and throw darts to office darts. Or, even worse, the formidable shadow hang over the subordinates, controlling the process every second. Regardless of the one of you more. The work will go faster if everyone will do its work. This will not reduce your guideline. After all, after the bulk of the work is already done, you will still check out, you will define, you will blow off the dust and bring to perfection.

LEARCH Clearly formulate what exactly you want from your partner. Fucked for obvious good luck, but for errors point specifically and in the case. Expressions of the type "Well, what are you talking!", "What is this Filkina gram?" And "Where did this torment come from from my head?" Forget once and forever.

Conflicts may arise due to your excessive demanding. You are, of course, the boss, but if the style of your assistant is fundamentally different from yours, it does not mean that you should immediately start an assistant to criticize and move. Otherwise, instead of a responsible employee, you will get a nervous being, frightened by the sound of your voice. It is better to carefully watch the techniques of your subordinate - and use them for the common benefit. The merit of a good leader is not to force everyone to march in the leg, but in order to correctly direct the common movement at the right pace in the right direction. Dobly and with the song, of course.

You are equal partners

The option is perfect if you are able to work in a team with a colleague. If not, one of you two of you will break away all the time - we are all with the mustache and know well what and how to do. Now we will have to forget about healthyindidalism and in working order to decide whose thoughts are more valuable, and techniques are more professional. To begin with, we carefully plan, who is responsible for which, and negotiate the work schedule. If for any reason your colleague is trying to shove the most of the work on you, clearly delays its execution, politely give it to understand that you do not intend to be a nanny and do not do your work. It is worth helping if the colleague cannot cope with the work for a valid reason - the disease is either a clear lack of experience.

If your character is too soft, your more active colleague will take on the role of an unlawful leader. In order not to be in the second plan, adhere to a predetermined work scheme and perform only the volume for which you answer. If you are overlooking you, do not hesitate to consult with the manual. Boldly defend your point of view, do not be afraid to argue - as you know, the truths and respect of colleagues are born.

Not worth itthink that now you will have more free time, which can be productively spent on manicure and entertaining conversations with a friend on the phone. By side, your immediate competitor works with you. After the project is completed, the degree of your return in the work will be carefully evaluated by the bosses - the comparison may not be in your favor. Prove that you are a worthy partner and a talented employee. Keep the ears on the top and more often show the initiative.

LEARCHto think from the point of view of "We", and not "I", even though it is more familiar. Half the success of the common cause will depend on which emotional atmosphere will be formed between you. Replicas of the type "And where did you learn this?", "Where do your arms come from?" And "all our problems - because of you!" It is better to keep with you.

Conflictsmay arise due to the smallest detail. Everything - in which folder in the computer will be saved information, time and style of communication with the client - if you work in any agency, the color of the threads on the wrong seams - if you create a new collection of clothes, and even a methodological approach when writing curriculum For second-year students - now have to be discussed. No solution should be taken "by default" - and here you will have to be objective, not to adhere to only your point of view, because it is yours.

In the pair you are on the second roles

The option is suitable for you if you do not feel exclusive leadership qualities. To be driven easily and conveniently - decisions are taken for you, and you, without breaking the heads over trifles, perform clearly certain instructions and practically do not carry anything responsible. On the other hand, you need to think carefully why the higher authorities gave you the role of a second plan - probably the leadership is not confident in your strength, creative productivity or ability to perform complex projects alone.

Be ready for the fact that your fragile shoulders will fall all the most difficult and unpleasant work, selecting a huge amount of time and strength. The most important thing here is to clearly determine what the project manager requires you. If she or she herself vaguely represents how and what to do, or, even worse, he understands in this work no better than in Chinese painting the time of the dynasty itself stump, every day you can expect new contradictory instructions every day. We ask in advance to make an action plan for you, preferably with the signature - if you get the soldiers, boldly present the work plan approved earlier.

Not worth it worry ahead of time. No one is going to dismiss you under a faithful pretext - perhaps at this stage of work you will best handle the task of a competent assistant, and the higher authorities understand it. Imagine that you have free internship. Try not just to perform "on perfectly" everything that is needed, but also to exceed the task is - this will not only raise your self-esteem, but also adds to you in the eyes of the upstream. Who knows, maybe the next time you will lead another project.

LEARCH Quietly perceive constructive criticism. And not very constructive too. Even a very bad leader has something to learn. The phrases of the type "Yes, I myself, I myself know perfectly well!", "So worked back in the past century" or "And your comments, Tamara Vasilyevna, shove yourself in ..." It is worth saying out aloud late in the evening in your own bathroom, closing the door to a thaw.

Conflicts Possible if you are absolutely not used to working under someone or leadership. In this case, even a fair remark will be perceived by you in the bayonets, and an innocent replica about the front of your new costume will become another unpleasant valuable indication. Looking at the situation differently - in our time, when everyone strives to break into senior positions, a shortage of qualified performers arises, without which any project expects an inevitable failure. Being the right hand of the boss is not so bad.

You are with a partner - close friends

No one doubts that working on one project is best in a pair with a good friend or girlfriend, and not with an unknown girl from the neighboring department, which only yesterday the probationary ended. However, the success awaits you only if you are equally responsible about the point. If you are working together, like tireless bees, work will move with fantastic speed. But if your partner will ask you - in friendship, of course, - to do something for him, then something else, you and you do not have time to blink, like a hot-friendly friend or girlfriend comfortably arrange on your neck. And they will only be periodically involved, as the case is moving there. And you can not refuse - to friends to refuse indecently, because the truth is? - And so as not to offend a loved one, you are driving a double job.

Not worth it, regardless of who in your pair is the main, carry out the entire scope of work for a frivolous girlfriend, which, by the way, while you puff over important securities, suits yourself shopping excursions or flirting in a cafe with pleasant strangers. Of course, you are responsible for you, and for you to write five or ten unnecessary pages in the report - a pair of trivia, but you will have to get rid of the bad habit of closing any gaping gap with your own body. Otherwise, you risk all your life to serve some shirma to cover the frank nonesthelnia with you with loved ones.

LEARCHshare personal and public. And even once, with a friend or friend together, they mastered one sandbox together, and your moms on weekends go to visit to visit to tea, everything that concerns collaboration should be solved within the framework of ordinary labor discipline. Everyone is responsible for its front of work. Replica "I understand everything", "Of course, I will do everything, I'm not difficult for me." And "go with the guys to the club, and I, so be, I'll take some kind of finish on the house." It is worth the irrevocable to forget.

Conflictsyou will be touched inevitably, regardless of who and what it does. Because in any dispute essentially, you will inevitably go to personality - and this will impose a print on your even the most cloudless and strong relationships. If you value a friendship with your colleague - agree in advance with it that all disputes and disagreements in the office should not influence Navashi a friendly relations. And then, even by running, with anger, in each other, heavy office folders in the afternoon, in the evening you, as if nothing had happened together, go to the disco.

It is important to consider:

Psychological moments of your communication. You can absolutely not approach each other in psychoatypes, one can be an extrovert, another intrahert. Someone is used to work in the first half of the day, to six o'clock in the evening to go home, and the other prefers to twelve drinking coffee, and enter the working rhythm only in the evening, lingering in the office deeply over midnight. Or at all during working hours to lay solitaire, and everything you need, do on weekends in a shock pace. In this case, you need to clearly discuss the working schedule, as well as look close to each other's work style. Tactfulness and politeness are your trumps.

The degree of your qualifications in this work. It no longer matters here who is in your tandem is the main one. If your partner is a novice, or, having a specialized education, does not have experience at all, you will have to become a mentor. To solve you yourself - to disclose whether the secrets of your skill are disclosed, or leave personal techniques and developments with you. If a colleague working with you in a pair ate not one dog in his craft, you can only watch him carefully and learn. Sometimes work in a pair with a more experienced specialist is much more expensive than many seminars and advanced training courses.

Motives. Each person in the work is guided only by one to him famous motifs, works for his own prospects. Well, if your joint efforts are aimed at the best and speedy implementation of the project. However, your colleague can have completely different goals - to prove their own exceptionality (in comparison with you, of course), to move through the career ladder, relying on your shoulders. If you feel that you are frankly satisfied, ask you to replace the partner, or to fulfill all the work itself - if you feel the strength, of course.

What remains outside of working time. The wall of misunderstanding and even dislike can destroy your conversation on distracted topics, exchange books or movies, hike on a lunch break in a cozy cafe or even the weekend spent together. Having selected somewhere at the end of the work week together and skipping cocktails in a pair, you can learn each other better and find the points of contacting interests that are not related to work. And if you make friends, work together will be simply pleasure.

Even if at work you are an exceptional loner, you should not dramatize the fact that now you have an assistant.

In the end, we all know the periods of creative stagnation - and when you work together over the project together, any, even the most delusional thought, expressed by a colleague, can push you to an unconventional solution to the problem, will help decide on a non-standard move, or just get rid of the eclipse in tired head. Together it is easier to come up with something fresh and original. In the end, we all know many examples when fame and well-deserved recognition of contemporaries and descendants came to the people who were working in a pair. Brothers Romul and Rem, according to legend, founded the ancient Rome, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky became the most popular science writers, Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko founded the Moscow Art Theater, Maria Mironova and Alexander Menacher for many years were the stars of the Soviet pop, and if Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm did not once published the book of children's and family fairy tales, in childhood you would never have learned the story of