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What are the linguistic features of the Elizavtian Bible. Elizabethan Bible. Review of some Russian Bible translations

Alexandra Filina


Family Heritage

This Bible has significant historical and cultural and scientific significance not only for our region, but also for the country as a whole, is a book monument of federal significance. Even for the XVIII century. The publication of the Bible was an event of an all-Russian scale.

First, the "age" of the book, determined by the duration of the time interval between the date of creation of the book and in this time1: This Bible was printed over 250 years ago.

Secondly, the book is the first edition of the Bible in the Church Slavonic language. The beginning of the domestic biblical tradition dates back to the Slavic translation of the Holy Scriptures, fulfilled by the Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius in the second half of the 9th century. The edition of the corrected Bible in the Greek text (Septuaginti) was conceived by Peter the Great Decree of November 14, 1712. The premature cum of Peter I, however, the edition deprived for a long time. To this issue was returned to each subsequent reign. It was also raised under Catherine I, and with Anna Ioannovna. Correction has stretched very long, and from 1744 a number of decrees were issued in which the Synod was prescribed to proceed to its publication. Finally, March 1, 1750 was followed by a categorical "historical" order to print without any deployment2. A little later, on December 18, 1751, the Decree of Empress Elizabeth was released that the church-Slah-Vyanskaya Bible was published, which was carefully fixed, and the text of this Bible was translated from ancient Greek. Debt

the Gorddan Edition saw the light, having received the name of the Elizavtian Bible. It should be noted that the name of the book reflects another essential characteristic that distinguishes and allocating this edition from a number of similar. I mean such a criterion as a staging that characterizes a book as a document adequately reflecting the most important stages of social development, as well as their direct affiliation and an integral part. The publication of the Bible was a stately important event of the Elizavtian era. Moreover, its appearance was published in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti.

Third, the volume and format of the book, which the modern user library is of interest to publication and admiration for them. A huge volume of 39x26 cm format. (A3) has more than 1000 pages of text. The first edition of the Bible of 1751 includes 4 separate volumes printed under the look at St. Synod, Don Archimandrite Varlaam Lychechevsky, and Hieromonah Gideon Slonimsky, according to correct embossed, in St. Petersburg, in the printing house of Alec-Sandro-Nevsky Monastery3.

The Elizabethan Bible is also an outstanding sample of domestic engraving and typographic art. Hall-engraved title sheet with images from the new and Old Testament, with nine medallions, from which seven are busy with biblical plots and two below with the magnificent views of the two imperial capitals of Russia: Moscow Kremlin and St. Petersburg Petropalovskaya Kremlin

Foundation for a rare book of the Penza Regional Library. M. Yu. Lermontova has a large number of elder-line editions of the Kirillovsky font of Hui-Hush centuries. Among them, it should be especially noted by the Bible to siren the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. What is its uniqueness?

Alexandra Alekseevna Filina, Researcher of the Foundation for the Rard Book of the Penza Regional Library. M. Yu. Lermontov

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sTI, and above them - a double-headed eagle with the royal crown and the mark of an anonymous master in the lower field on the execution of works in St. Petersburg "at the Academy of Science and Artist V in 1751." In the middle of the sheet - the title of books "Bible1a Sirech Book of Sacredago

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warlaam Lychechevsky's word with the presentation of the history of the revision and correction of the Bible.

The rarity of the book is determined by its limited edition. The first edition was separated very quickly. The new edition was instructed to Gideon Slonimsky and was implemented in 1757 (Moscow) and 1758 (Kiev). The long-awaited Edition of 1751 could not solve the problem of the obvious lack of copies of the Holy Scriptures. Their deficiency was felt even in the system of spiritual education. So, the church historian of the XIX century. P. V. Znamensky noted: "Instead of the Slavic Bible in seminaries, more affordable

Engraved on copper title-sheet of the Elizabethan Bible with images from the new and dilapidated covenant and the views of two imperial capitals

sasia Vethago and Novago Testament. " Around it - small images. At the top - the conversation of Jesus Christ in the temple of Jerusalem, in the corners - images of a copper snake and Calval Crucifix; On the sides - right: the Old Testament Sacrifice and the legislation of Moses - on the left: a bowl with a discos and the descent of the Holy Spirit. The text is preceded by an engraving depicting Elizabeth Petrovna in Porphyre and crown; Over it is the inscription: "Yes, an unpainted IS-Rubles" *, reminiscent of bringing it to the Testament of Peter the Great. The text of the Bible is printed in two columns with a subtle clear corpus font. Before each chapter - engravings of a third pages on biblical plots. The book is decorated with great engraved screensavers, endings and initials. Pages are surrounded by a patterned framework; Before the text - the dedication of labor Elizabeth Petrovna from the Synod and the extensive prediction

Frontispis: Engraving with the image of Elizabeth Petrovna, at the top above it inscription: "Yes, unpainted correction"

although also quite rare, Latin vulgate; The use of her was the more convenient that lectures and occupation [training sessions] were in the Latin language. The Slavic Bible was a big rarity, almost inaccessible to individuals and clergy, too expensive and for the seminar library, even after edition, in 1751, it is not surprising that the study of the Holy Scriptures was not at all not only in seminary, but even at the Academy. There was no speech between the clergy about reading the Holy Scriptures. Of-

denmark 1751, as you know, for the first time only introduced the Russian public with the Bible, but the number of copies released into the light was too not enough to meet the needs of not only the people, but also servants of the Church, in addition, each copy cost 5 p ., Large then the amount of money "5. The abnormality of this situation was eliminated extremely slowly, which certifies the message of Znamensky about the situation with copies of the Holy Scriptures in the spiritual educational institutions in 1818: "... In the theological class [the highest class] of the Kazan Academy, no student has a Bible, and and Cassenaya had only one "6. This suggests that the "technical" problem of the availability of the Slavic Bible circulation of the second half of the XVS-early XIX centuries. We could not solve. The Bible remained on the periphery of religious life until the XIX century. From it were distant and clearing, and society.

Text in two columns, a thin clear clarification font; Before each chapter engraving in a third of the pages on biblical plots; Gorgeous engraved screensavers, endings and initials; Pages are surrounded by a patterned framework;

Now I would like to turn to the most important thing, namely to the history of the existence of the publication. I will be interested in the first volume of Elizavtian bib-

D Lo # 03 * 2014

lii. The peculiarity acquired by him in the process of existence is a randomly discovered gift inscription in the title page. With it, I can determine who exactly the owner of the book before she fell into the Lermontovka Foundation. On the title page with nut ink there are two entries:

1. "Sia. St. Bible, Dedovskaya, from the home of the parent, brother and neighbor, is brought by Cechleb Solu ... 1861 September "" Day.

2. "1864 December of the 16th, I bring to the Bible of this costly Alexander Alexandrovich Arapov for memory and wishes of the consolation of the donor

Nikolay Arapov "7.

About which role in the life of the Penza province was played by one of the most ancient noble gods of Arapov, in 1793, which was held in the 6th part of the noble pedigree book of Penza province8, I knew more on the work of the classics of Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in "Poshekhonsky Stories" wrote: "However, the Penza province in general at that time the country of magic was. Where, it happened, neither turn - everywhere either Arapov, or saburov, and for a variety on each verslet on the burrow, and on Beketov. Arapovy on saburovy women marry, saburov on the Arapist. A stranger comes across - bold. " Daritel Nikolai Andreevich (07/20/1847-21888) was the second son of the Nizhnomovsky and the Nirovsky leader of the nobility of Andrei Niko-

laevich. In 1864, supporting the tradition established in the genus, at the age of 17 he entered the cavalry regiment, where he served until 1872 and resigned by Colonel. In the same year, he married Elizabeth Petrovna Lanskaya - the last daughter of N. N. Lanskaya, the widow A. S. Pushkin. In turn, Alexander Alexandrovich Arapov (10/30/1832-1919) I had to Nikolai Andreevich with a cousin.

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Domestic inscription Nikolai Arapova to his brother on the title page of Elizabetinskaya Bible: "1864 December 16th, I bring the Bible to the Bible of this kinda Alexander Alexandrovich Arapov for memory and wishes of the consolation of the donator"

From 1852, he also served in the cavalry regiment, in 1860 he moved to the court service, had the title of Hoffmeister and the Secret Counselor. In 1869-1875 Alexander Alexandrovich was an honorary trustee of the Penza men's gymnasium, from the same 1969 to 1873 he was chosen by the Mokshansky county leader of the nobility9. It is likely that Nikolai Alexandrovich Arapov, going to the service, gave the Bible to his 32-year-old brother with the wish of a donor consolation during service.

The question remained when the Bible became the library's property. On the publication there are no press and stamps, characteristic of the pre-revolutionary period of the library. Also in the reports on the activities of the library (from 1894), nor in the systematic catalog of books and brochures

Uspensky Boris Andreevich - 2012

  • Solovetsky archipelago as a monastery cultural landscape and a world heritage object

    Kuleshova M.E. - 2013

  • Bible in church-Slavic language - Transliteration with modern Russian alphabet

    Elizabethan Bible

    Translation of the Scriptures to Slavic

    On November 14, 1712, Peter I issued a decree on the publication of the translation of the Bible to the Slavic language, the text of which would be preliminarily refined on the existing publications in other languages. The editorial commission was appointed: editors a teacher of Greek schools by Ieromona Sofronia Lidhron and Archimandrite Spassky Monastery Feofilak Lopatinsky; Tinor Polycarpov Peodore Polycarpov and Nikolay Semenov; The monks of the feet and Joseph; Editor-in-Chief - Metropolitan Ryazan and Murom's Holy Stefan (Yavorsky).

    The Commission performed reconciliation of the existing Slavic text of the Ostimity Bible with the Greek "Sedmity Translation", based on "London Polyglot" Brian Walton, as well as using both the sources of the Alden Bible (1518), the Siskstine Edition of the Greek Translation Tanaha (1587) and its translation to Latin Language (1588). The Psalter Commission did not reconcile, and Tovita's Secondary Books, Judiifi and the 3rd Book of Ezra corrected vulgate, as was done with the edition of the Ostrog Bible.

    Work on reconciliation and correction of texts took seven years. In June 1720, the corrected text in eight volumes was provided to Metropolitan Stephan, and then rechecked once again. In 1723, His Holiness Synod approved a list of presented corrections. On February 3, 1724, the emperor made an oral decree to the Synod about the printing of corrected texts simultaneously in two editions: both new, and old, "In order not it was from the troubled person of complaints and to the folk smoothie". Peter also requested the samples of the headset. The Commission printed samples of text with various fonts and handed them to the Synod. The psalm was left in the old translation, and the proposed changes were indicated on the fields. With the death of Peter I in January 1725, work on the publication was suspended.

    The successor of Peter, Empress Ekaterina I issued a decree on the continuation of the publication of the Bible in November 1725, but requested another check, "In order to continue, what disagreement and in translating what kind of scenery ... did not fall". It is believed that it was only a formal reason for tightening work on the publication of the Bible. I slowed down the ideological opponent Stephen (Yavorsky) Archbishop Feofan (Prokopovich). The report on the work done, he submitted to the Synod only in 1735, and again achieved a decision on rechecking for more than the corrected text. The works were transferred to St. Petersburg and in 1736 were charged with the translator of Synod Vasily Kozlovsky with assistants under the general guidance of Archimandrite Alexander-Nevsky Monastery Stephen (Kalinovsky). It was decided to print an existing translation, and the notes in the lower field were made by the corrections made, the reconciliation was made to do with the sepuaginta and leave only readings that coincide with it, and in doubtful cases with the Masorette text.

    New difficulties at every step, the work was delayed, the Synod took many more decisions and attracted new persons to the work. In September 1742, a rewritten corrected translation was introduced by the Synod of Archimandrite Faddi (Kokujlovich) and the prefect of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy of Jeromona Kirill (Florinsky). They checked the Bible with Greek texts, guided mainly by the Alexandria Code (from the publication of London polyglotta), believing that the ancient Slavic translation was made precisely from him. Also, in rare cases, they used the Septuagints and the Vatican Code. Tovita's books and Jodyfi, existing only in translations from Latin, they were transferred from Greek; With the Latin text of Vulgate, only the third book of the ezra was drilled, since her text in Greek was not found by them. But this option was sent to refine.

    On February 14, 1744, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna his decree indicated the Synod that "The case of fixing the Bible, ... for a long time has already begun, does not tolerate deposit" And demanded the speedy ending. The Synod was allowed to involve not only their members, but also other people of spiritual title. The Synod came to the conclusion that to correct the Slavic translation of the Bible, based only on the Greek text, it was impossible and asked the Empress of the permission "to add Greek - to use the Sirskaya and Jewish and other Bible." Another commission was created under the leadership of the Moscow Archbishop of Joseph and Archimandrite of the Resurrection Istra Monastery of Hilarion (Grigorovich). Their work was not performed and the Commission soon broke up.

    In 1747, a new commission was created, which completed the case of rectifying the transfer. It includes the prefect of the Kievological Academy of Jeromona Varlaam (Lyashevsky) and the teacher of the philosophy of the Kiev Academy of Jeromona Gideon (Slonim). They checked previously prepared by Sofronim and Feofilakt (Lopatinist) Bible translation with Greek, Latin and Jewish texts using their various versions. They presented all their corrections to the Synod. On September 10, 1750, the Synod reported to Empress that the translation is ready for printing.

    On December 18, 1751, Elizabetan Bible came out of the press. All changes made by correction of translation were stipulated, the notes to the text were a separate volume, almost equal to the volume of the Bible itself. The first circulation quickly divided and in 1756 his second edition was published with additional notes in the fields and engravings, as well as error corrections and typos of the first edition. In the future, this option, called the Elizavtian or Petrovsky-Elizabethan Bible, was published many times. He entered the liturgical practice of the Russian Orthodox Church and with insignificant edits is used during worships so far.

    The first book of Moiseeva Being (Chapters in the book: 50)

    Second book of Moiseeva Exodus (Chapters in the book: 40)

    Third book Moiseeva Levit (chapters in the book: 27)

    Fourth book of Moiseeva number (Chapters in the book: 36)

    Fifth Book Moiseeva Deuteronomy (Chapters in the book: 34)

    Book Jesus Navina (Chapters in the book: 24)

    Judges (chapters in the book: 21)

    Book Ruth (Chapters in the book: 4)

    The first book of kingdoms (Chapters in the book: 31)

    Second book of kingdoms (Chapters in the book: 24)

    Third book of kingdoms (Chapters in the book: 22)

    Fourth book of kingdoms (Chapters in the book: 25)

    Paralypomenon first book (Chapters in the book: 29)

    The second book is Paralypomenon (Chapters in the book: 36)

    First book Ezra (Chapters in the book: 10)

    Book of Nehemia (chapters in the book: 13)

    Second book (Chapters in the book: 9)

    Tovita book (chapters in the book: 14)

    Book Judith (Chapters in the book: 16)

    Ensfiru book (Chapters in the book: 11)

    Book Jova (Chapters in the book: 42)

    Psaltir (Chapters in the book: 151)

    Proverbs (Chapters in the book: 31)

    Ecclesiast (Chapters in the book: 12)

    Song song (Chapters in the book: 8)

    Wisdom (Chapters in the book: 19)

    Book Sirah (Chapters in the book: 52)

    Book of the Prophet Isaiah (Chapters in the book: 66)

    Book of the Prophet Jeremiah (Chapters in the book: 52)

    Book of Plachy Jeremiah (chapters in the book: 5)

    Epistle of Jeremiah (Chapters in the book: 1)

    Book of the Prophet Varuha (chapters in the book: 5)

    Book of the Prophet Ezekiel (Chapters in the book: 48)

    The book of the Prophet Daniel (chapters in the book: 14)

    The book of the Prophet Osi (chapters in the book: 14)

    The book of the Prophet Joil (Chapters in the book: 3)

    Book of the prophet amosa (Chapters in the book: 9)

    Book of the Prophet Augee. (Chapters in the book: 1)

    Book of the prophet ions (Chapters in the book: 4)

    Book of the Prophet Michea (Chapters in the book: 7)

    Book of the prophet Nauma (Chapters in the book: 3)

    The book of the Prophet Avwakuma (Chapters in the book: 3)

    Book of the Prophet of Sophonia (Chapters in the book: 3)

    Book of the Prophet Aggey (Chapters in the book: 2)

    Book of the Prophet Zechariah (chapters in the book: 14)

    The book of the Prophet Malachia (Chapters in the book: 4)

    The first book McCairea (Chapters in the book: 16)

    Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

    Elizabethan Bible - The name of the translation of the Bible in the Church Slavonic language, published in 1751 into the rule of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna (from its name the translation and received its name). Elizabethan Bible with insignificant edits to date is used as an authorized text for worship in the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Work on the translation under Peter I

    Work on the new Slavic translation of the Bible was launched by the registered decree of the emperor Peter I dated November 14, 1712:

    In the Moscow printing house, printing out the Bible in Slavic, but before embossing, to read the Slavic Bible and agree on the Bible in everything with the Greats, and be the case in the viewing and board of Energinogreous schools to the teacher, Ieromonakh Sophronia L & Da Spassky Monastery Archimandrite Feofilakt Lopatinsky , Yes, the printing house is a guner - Feodoro Polycarpov and Nikolai Semenov, in reading the correct manner - the monk Feeologist and the monk of Joseph. And to coordinate and edit in chapters and verses and speeches against the Bible of the Bible with grammatical rank, and where in Slavven against the Greek Bible, the poems will be missed or heads changed or in the mind of Scripture to the Holy Greek opposition will appear, and about being to convey to Holy Stefan, Metropolitan Ryazan and Muromsky , and it requires solutions.

    The Commission began work and performed reconciliation of the existing Slavic text of the Ostrog Bible with Greek, based on "London Polyglotte" Brian Walton, as well as using both the sources of the Alden Bible (1518), the sequence of the Greek Translation of Tanah (1587) and its translation to the Latin language (1588). Psaltry The Commission did not reconcile, and Tobit's Secondary Books, Judiifi and 3rd Book of Ezra corrected vulgate, as was done with the publication of the Ostrog Bible.

    Sparking texts and work on the correction lasted seven years. In June 1720, the corrected text in eight volumes was provided to Metropolitan Stefan (Yavorsky), and then, on his instructions, the text was re-verified. In 1723, the Synod approved the list of biblical text corrections provided to him. However, the printing of the publication was not started. Emperor on February 3, 1724 made an oral decree to the Holy Synod about the procedure for publishing the Bible - when printing " without omit, denoted the previous speeches that are transferred ... so that there were no troubled people to complaimate and to the folk smoothie, and what the literal the Bible will intend to print, so that those listers will declare His Majesty" They performed this work under the leadership of Feofilakt (Lopatinsky), Bishop Tver. At the same time, the psaltry was left in the old translation, and the proposed changes in his text were marked in the fields. The Commission imprinted the samples of the text and transmitted them to the Synod. With the death of Peter I in January 1725, work on the publication was suspended.

    Subsequent editorial commissions

    The succession of Peter, Empress Ekaterina I, in November 1725 issued a decree on the continuation of the publication of the Bible, but it was previously prescribed: " however, before ... he is discussed in the Holy Synod of general with those who have reigned, and agree with the ancient Greek bonds of our church, in order to continue which disagreement and in translating what kind of skewers ... did not fall" The Synod instructed it to re-execute the bishop of the feofylact. It is believed that it was only a formal reason for tightening work on the publication of the Bible due to the struggle between the two church parties during which FEOFAN (Prokopovich) slowed down his ideological opponent Stephen (Yavorsky).

    Work of commissions in Elizabeth Petrovna

    The Synod laid this work at Archimandrite Faddey (Kokujovich) and the prefect of the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy of Hieromonach Kirill (Florinsky). In September 1742, they submitted to the Synod to make a rewritten corrected translation and a report on their work. It follows that they checked the new translation of the Bible with the Greek Codes, guided mainly by the Alexandrian Code (from the publication of London polyglotta), believing that the ancient Slavic translation was made precisely from him. Also, in rare cases, they used the Septuagints and the Vatican Code. Tovita's books and Jodyfi, existing only in translations from Latin, they were transferred from Greek; With the Latin text of Vulgate, only the third book of the ezra was drilled, since her text in Greek was not found by them.

    The Synod decided before the bible seal once again to reconcile the text and this work was extremely slow. On the nature of the discussion in the Synod noteworthy the statement of his member of Metropolitan Arseny (Mazeyevich):

    If they judge the subtlety, then the Bible with us (Church Slavic) and not really needed. Scientist, if he knows Greek, Greek and will read; And if in Latin, the Latin, with which for himself and for the teaching of the people of the Russian (meaning in the Church Slavonic language), which is neither the Bible, will correct. For the simple people, pretty in church books from the Bible is available.

    Elizabeth Petrovna his decree of February 14, 1744 indicated the Synod that " the case of the Bible fix ..., long-started, does not tolerate deposit"And demanded the earliest end of work. The Synod was allowed to involve not only their members, but also other people of spiritual title. Soon the Synod came to the conclusion that it was impossible to correct the Slavic translation of the Bible, based only on the Greek text and asked the empress of the permission " to the addition of Greek - to use the Sirsk and Jewish and other Bibles, koi to the old Slavic, close strength have" as " greek (the Bible) against the former, in the Slovenian language printed, is dissatisfied" A new commission was created under the leadership of the Moscow Archbishop of Joseph and Archimandrite of the Resurrection Ostrinsky Monastery of Ilarion (Grigorovich). Their work was not perfect, and the Commission soon broke up.

    In the future, the Russian Church continued to use the Elizabethan Bible in the liturgical practice, making only some insignificant changes.

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    • . - 1st ed. - St. Petersburg. , 1751. - T. 1.
    • . - 1st ed. - St. Petersburg. , 1751. - T. 2.
    • . - 1st ed. - St. Petersburg. , 1751. - T. 3.
    • . - 1st ed. - St. Petersburg. , 1751. - T. 4.
    • . - 4th ed. - m., 1762.
    • . - 8th ed. - m., 1784.


    • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
    • Eleonsky F. G. Regarding the 150th anniversary of the Elizabethan Bible: about the new revision of the Slavic translation of the Bible. St. Petersburg., 1902.
    • Evseev I. E. Essays on the history of the Slavic translation of the Bible. GH., 1916.
    • Riga M. I. The history of the translation of the Bible in Russia. Novosibirsk, 1978.
    • Tsurban R. K. . St. Petersburg., 2001. P. 217-220.

    Excerpt characterizing Elizabethan Bible

    Returning from his trip, Prince Andrei decided to go to St. Petersburg in the fall and invented different reasons for this decide. A number of intelligent, logical arguments, why he needs to go to St. Petersburg and even serve, every minute was ready for its services. He didn't even understand how he could have ever doubted the need to take an active part in his life, just as a month ago he did not understand how he could come to the thought of leaving the village. It seemed clear to him that all his experiences should have been the abyss of the gift and be a nonsense, if he would not have attached them to business and did not accept any active participation in life. He did not even understand how, on the basis of the same poor reasonable arguments, it was previously obvious that he would humiliate, if now after his lessons of life, would again believe in the opportunity to benefit and in the possibility of happiness and love. Now the mind suggested quite another. After this trip, Prince Andrew began to miss the village, the former classes did not interest him, and often, sitting in her office, he got up, approached the mirror and looked at his face for a long time. Then he turned away and looked at the portrait of the late Lisa, who with whipped a la Grecque [in Greek] letters gently and fun at him from the Golden Frame. She no longer spoke to her husband for the same scary words, she just looked at him with curiosity. And the prince Andrei, having laid his hands back, went around the room for a long time, then frowning, then smiling, having twisted those unreasonable, in words, secret as a crime of thought, associated with Pierre, with glory, with a girl on the window, with an oak, with female beauty and love that changed all his life. And in these moments, when someone entered him, he was especially dry, strictly decisive and especially unpleasantly logical.
    - Mon Cher, [My dear,] - it happened to say in such a minute of Princess Marya, - Nichochka cannot go now: very cold.
    "If it was warm," Prince Andrei his sister responded to such minutes, he would go in one shirt, and since it's cold, it is necessary to wear warm clothes on him, which for this and invented. This is what follows what is cold, and not to stay at home when the child needs air, "he said with a special logicality, as if punishing someone for all this secret, illogical, which happened in him, internal work. Princess Marya thought in these cases on how the men dries this mental work.

    Prince Andrei arrived in St. Petersburg in August 1809. It was the time of the apogee of the glory of the young Speransky and the energy of the coups performed by him. In this very, August, the sovereign, Having in the stroller, was spawned, damaged his leg, and remained in Peterhof for three weeks, seeing daily and exclusively with Speransky. At that time, not only two so famous and ever-living society were preparing for the destruction of court ranks and on the exams on the ranks of college assessors and Stat advisors, but also a whole state constitution, which must change the existing judicial, administrative and financial procedure for the management of Russia from the State Council to the volost Board. Now they were carried out and embodied those unclear, liberal dreams with which Emperor Alexander entered the throne, and which he sought to implement with the help of his assistants of Chartorizhsky, Novosiltshev, Kochubey and Strogonov, whom he jokingly called Comite du Salut Publique. [Committee of Public Rescue.]
    Now everyone together was replaced by the Speransky in civil part and Arakcheev on the military. Prince Andrei shortly after the arrival of his, as a cammer, came to the yard and at the exit. The sovereign twice, having met him, did not honor him with a single word. Prince Andrei has always thought that he is an antipatitian sovereign that the sovereign is unpleasant to his face and his whole being. In a dry looking view, the sovereign looked at him, Prince Andrei even more than before was confirmed by this assumption. The courtesy explained by the prince Andrei inattention to him of the sovereign by the fact that His Majesty was dissatisfied with the fact that Bolkonsky did not serve since 1805.
    "I myself know how we are not powerful in our sympathies and antipathies, I thought Prince Andrei, and therefore there is nothing to think about to present my doctor's note about the military charter, but the case will speak for itself." He handed over his note to the old Feldmarshal, a friend of the Father. Feldmarshal, appointing his hour, gently accepted him and promised to report to the sovereign. A few days later, the prince Andrei was announced that he had to come to the military minister, Count Arakcheev.
    At nine o'clock in the morning, on the appointed day, Prince Andrei was at the reception center to Count Arakcheev.
    Personally, Prince Andrei did not know Arakcheev and never saw him, but everything he knew about him, he had little inspired him of respect for this person.
    "He is a military minister, a trustee of the sovereign of the emperor; No one should be affected by his personal properties; He is instructed to consider my note, hence he is alone and can give her a move, "thought Prince Andrei, waiting in the number of many important and unimportant individuals in the adoptive Count Arakcheev.
    Prince Andrei during his own, mostly adjutant, the service saw a lot of adopted important persons and the various characters of these receptions were very clear for him. Count Arakcheev was a completely special character of the reception. On unimportant persons awaiting the queue of the audience in the adoptive Count Arakcheev, it was written was a sense of ashamed and humility; One general feeling of awkwardness, hidden under a distillation and mockery, was expressed on more utensils, hidden under their position over his position and on the expected face. Other thoughtfully went back and forth, other whispering was laughing, and Prince Andrei heard Sobriquet [mocking nickname] Forces Andreich and Words: "Uncle will ask", belonged to the count of Arakcheev. One general (important person) apparently insulted by what was to wait so long, sitting by shifting his feet and smiling contemptuously with him.
    But as soon as the door was dissolved, only one thing was expressed on all persons - fear. Prince Andrei asked the on duty another time to report itself, but he looked at him with a mockery and said that his turn would come at one time. After several persons entered and derived by the adjutant from the Cabinet of Minister, an officer was brought to the terrible door, struck by Prince Andrew his humiliated and frightened look. The officer's audience continued for a long time. Suddenly heard from the door of a unpleasant voice, and a pale officer, with shaking lips, came out from there, and grabbing himself for his head, passed through the reception.
    Following the prince Andrei was put to the door, and the shopot duty said: "To the right, to the window."
    Prince Andrei entered a poorly nebid office and the table saw a dear man with a long waist, with a long, briefly tinted head and thick wrinkles, with frowning eyebrows over a greenery stupid eyes and hanging red nose. Arakcheev turned his head to him without looking at him.
    - What do you ask? - asked Arakcheev.
    "I do not ... I ask you, your beggar," Prince Andrew said quietly. Arakcheev's eyes turned to him.
    "Sit down," said Arakcheev, "Prince Bolkonsky?"
    "I don't ask anything, and the sovereign of the emperor led to send a note to your slope ...
    "Learn to see my courtesiest, I read your note," I interrupted the arakchev, only the first words saying affectionately, again without looking into his face and flowing more and more in a grindly contempt. - New laws of the military offer? There are many laws, perform some old. Now all the laws write, write easier than to do.
    - I arrived at the will of the emperor's sovereign to learn from your creation, what move do you think to give a submitted note? - said the courtly Prince Andrei.
    - To the note, your resolution is laid and re-posted in the Committee. I do not approve, "said Araqs, getting up and taking paper from a written table. - Here! - He filed Prince Andrew.
    On paper, she was eager, a pencil, without capital letters, without spelling, without punctuation marks, it was written: "It is unreasonably drawn up so much as imitation is written off from the French military charter and from the military articula without the needs of the retreating."
    - What committee is transferred to the note? - asked Prince Andrei.
    - to the Committee on the Mortar Charter, and I am submitted to enroll your welfare to members. Only without a salary.
    Prince Andrei smiled.
    - I do not want.
    "Without a salary to a member," Arakchev repeated. - I have the honor. Hey, call! Who else? He shouted, putting the prince Andrei.

    Waiting for notifications about enrolling it in the Committee members, Prince Andrei resumed old dating especially with those persons who, he knew was in force and could be needed by him. He now experienced a feeling in St. Petersburg, similar to what he experienced on the eve of the battle, when his restless curiosity and insurmountable pulled into higher spheres, where the future was preparing, from which fate of millions depended. He felt on the border of old people, according to the curiosity of the uninitiated, on the restraint of the devoted, at the hoodiness, the concerns of all, on the countless number of committees, commissions, on the existence of which he again recognized every day that now, in 1809 meters, was preparing here in St. Petersburg, What a huge civil battle, which the commander-in-chief was unknown to him, the mysterious and brilliant, the face - Speransky. And he is a vaguely known case of transformation, and the Speransky - chief figure, began so passionately to interest him that the matter of military charter began to move in a secondary place in consciousness.
    Prince Andrei was in one of the most profitable provisions in order to be well adopted into all the most diverse and higher circles of the then St. Petersburg society. The parties of the converters welcomed and lured him, firstly because he had a reputation as a great readiness, secondly because he was already a reputation of liberal on his reaches of the peasants. The party of old men is dissatisfied, right as the son of his father, turned to him for sympathy, condemning the transformations. Women's society, light, welcoming him, because he was a groom, rich and notable, and almost a new face with a halo of a nomanic story about his imaginary death and the tragic death of his wife. In addition, the common voice about him of all who knew him before was the one that he changed a lot for the better in these five years, softened and matured that there was no former pretending, pride and mocking, and was that calm, which purchased for years. They spoke about him, they were interested in and everyone wanted to see him.
    Another day after visiting the Count Arakcheev, Prince Andrei was in the evening at the Circular Count. He told the Count his date with the power of Andreich (Kochubey so called Arakcheev with the same uncertain over something like a mockery, which Prince Andrei noted in the receptional military minister).
    - Mon Cher, [My dear,] Even in this matter you are not sent by Mikhail Mikhailovich. C "EST Le Grand Faiseur. [Everything is done.] I will tell him. He promised to come in the evening ...
    - What is the case of Speransky to military charters? - asked Prince Andrei.
    Kochubey, smiling, shook his head, as if whatever the naivety of Bolkonsky.
    - We talked about you the other day, - continued to the kernels, - about your free bumps ...
    - Yes, this is you, the prince, let go of your men? - said the Ekaterininsky old man, contemptuously turning on Bologkoe.
    "Little imbey did not bring anything to income," Bolkonsky answered, so as not to annoy the old man in vain, trying to soften his act before him.
    - Vous Craignez D "Etre En Retard, [Afraid,] - said the old man, looking at the Kochubey.
    "I don't understand one," continued the old man - who will plow the earth, if they will give them? Easily write laws, but it is difficult to manage. Anyway, as now, I ask you, the count, who will be the head of the chambers, when to keep all exams?

    Read in first top. Bible: At the two years of the TsRVA of his TsRVA, Yako launched CzRTVATi in Iyli, escaped to himself Saoul? G husband about the husband of Iylem; Instead, in Elizavative: Son Sumago Sauul, GDA, GDA launched, and two Summer TsRVOV on Iel. And I escalate Saul three thousand men about the husbands of Ivyavyuh ... When compared between these two translations with the currently known to the readings of the Greek list of 70 and with the Jewish text, it turns out that the first has the greatest - relatively similarity only with Sicstinsky The publishing and the Vatican list of the IV-th century, where, according to the literal translation into Russian, reads: "And Saole has been elects three thousand husbands from Israel's husbands." The difference between this last and first. Slavs. Translation concerns only initial words: at the bottom lects, V. israilwhich make up surplus against the named publication and the list. Other lists, quite appropriate primitive Slavs. Transfer, writing it unknown. In this regard, the first-printing text of this place of the book of kingdoms turns out to be the least witnessed ancient Greek lists, as well as the Slavic, in which, as far as is known, there was another translation in the Gennadiev Bible and other lists: AND before summer Saul kingdoms over us, Further reigning over them . This last translation serves as the transfer of a significant number of Greek. Lists, although not quite accurate. Despite the small witness, the first printed translation is, as we will see further, the most remarkable out of our existing translations. - Translation of it in the Elizavtian Bible has a confirmation for himself in a significant number of Greek. Translation lists 70. Introducing His St. Synod, Elizabethan Prophies referred to the Code of Alexandrian and Comptuten, as for the basis for the changes made by them in the translation of this place, pointing at the Nightness of the Former Printed and Fixed Petrovic Propeners with the text of the only named Code and publication. Although this link cannot be currently recognized as quite accurate, as in Alexandria. The list is not preserved by the text, although, further, it turns out - and not quite complete, as it is default about the Sicastinsky edition, the text of which is not consistent with the new translations of this place proposed by the Propeners; Nevertheless, in general, the fact that the translation made by Elizavtian proverbs is the transfer of a significant number of Greek lists, and this reading is the literal translation of the Jewish text, which is also not said in the reporting of the Proverbs.

    Although the new Slavic translation has a significant number of evidence of the ancient monuments of the biblical text on its side, with all this it is impossible to recognize the most perfect transfers of this place in view of the very composition of the rivers, of which it consists. Words begins the XIII-I ch. For this translation: summer son Saul even beginning kingdom Present a very greater difficulty for understanding and themselves in applying them to Saul, and in their use of biblical narratives. At the thought of Saul, as a man with a completely adult, quite a preceding, how he is depicted in the previous chapters of the 1st book of kingdoms (IX, 2; X, 23) during his election to the kingdom, given to him in the given words, infant age is completely incomprehensible . Made more ancient attempt to eliminate this incomprehensibility through the interpretation of words; "Son of the year Saul" ... In the sense of the instructions for the infant cleanliness of the Saula's soul, with his accession, it does not reach quite a goal due to the fact that in other places of Old Testament historical books in which the same expression on the Jewish text is consistent, it has a meaningful sense everywhere : It is usually indicated by the number of years of the person to which it is attached. On this basis, recognizing the fact that in the same sense, the words are used in the same sense. time reading the beginning of this chapter by Heb. The text, the way out of difficulties find usually as a suggestion that the Jewish text of this place did not reach the present in the initial form that the initial number of years ago was not preserved in case, and this incoming number of years is made to the text on the basis of considerations And different biblists are not the same: one is: 30, in others: 40, in other: 50. It is impossible to stop with confidence on one of these numbers due to the asylipping of the bases exhibited for this. Clear proof of dissatisfaction with the Western biblists themselves by the definitions of Saul's age definitions when he joined him to the kingdom is that in the newest time they began to abandon these numbers introduced into the text of the following years and for more likely they recognize that in the initial Jewish text there was no shown in The exact number of years or the fact that in the oldest time this number was destroyed by any Jewish jealous, and in the translation of this place KN. CAR. Before the word: "Year" is left by the gap to designate the unknownness of the number of Saula during its acceleration.

    Instead, some of the domestic biblists use another kind of reception when transferring this place from the Jewish text, consisting at all that the words of the latter are not literally transmitted, and such a translation is obtained: "The year was the focus of Saul, - and two years he reigned Over Israel "or:" Schaul's reign was held. In the second year after the top of Israel, "... With a closer look, these transfers with Jewish are incidents of very serious bewilders consisting in the following. Since the words of the Jewish text, with a literal translation: "Son of the Year in the reign" do not give, as indicated, clear meaning, then to obtain the latter they are transferred with such deviations that the word: "Son" is eliminated, but introduced "was" or " passed ", the pretext with the word" reign "is also eliminated and this last tin is supplied in direct dependence on the word" was "or" year "; Due to such changes, these words receive the meaning that they indicate not the number of years of life of Saul during the court, but the amount of the time of its reign, determined in one year. In addition to the fact that this meaning attached to these words turns out to be noticed above, disagree with the generally accepted meaning of the Jewish expression in other places of the weather. Books, it is impossible to recognize him right and because in further words: "And two years he reigned over Israel" There is another definition of the same time of the reign of Saul not in one, and in two years. Such a clear disagreement of a biblical writer with himself is eliminated in the second of the translations of the fact that instead of "two years reigned" the expression was used: "in the second year after the acceleration", with a direct deviation from the usual meaning of the words of the Jewish text, in which he is read here "two", and not the "second" and "reign", and not "after the topics". And if it was even correct in grammatically, this second translation, he would still have inconsistency in that, after, after in previous directly, the words were already indicated on the minimization of the year of the reign of Saul, again indicated in the words under consideration for the second year This reign, i.e., indicated at the same time. This is two-time - according to the second translation - the indication of the biblical writer in two halves of the verse at the same time can not, of course, do not initiate bewilderment, but at the same time - and distrust on the correctness of this translation. Thus, in the form, in which the current Jewish text of this place is translated from the domestic biblists, it turns out to be extremely difficult for understanding. This is - according to the Jewish text - one of those places that the interpreters of St. Scripture are called (Cruces interpretum \u003d) "crosses of interpreters".

    * * *

    For the sons of the Greco-Eastern Orthodox Church, there is no need to stay in this place of the book of kingdoms, by all means, the current Jewish text and, in particular, to seek ways to eliminate bewilders excited by the words: "Son of the Year Saul under his counterpart." Translation of 70, having equally advantageous dignity with Heb. The text opens the reading of this place of biblical text in some of the oldest lists of his other, a more reliable way to exit here from the difficulty. An indication of this path is the above reading of the Vatican list, in which XIII-aya ch. It begins in words: "And Sul elected a three thousand husbands from her husbands of Israel." This reading presents that significant feature that they are completely excluded from the biblical text of the inadequate words: "Son of the Year Saul at the counterpart" ... In the absence of these words in the text of the oldest of the currently known posts of the translation of the 70rd, not without reason, the biblists of the newest Time is a sign that they did not read initially translated 70. It is plausible this opinion is because otherwise it is hardly possible to explain the absence of them in this list, while the inclusion of them in other later lists of this translation is easily due to the greatest influence on the text of the last work that has corrected and partly completing it on other ancient translations. In this recently, it is known that in some of the Greek lists of the word: "Son of the Year Saul at the topics of him" is noted by a special sign (asterisk), indicating the replenishment in this place of Greek translation from other sources. Why the initial Greek translators did not make these words in the biblical text, it can only be explained allegedly, or in the fact that in their list of Jewish text did not have these words, or - by the fact that they, as more than only translators, but also Interpreters holy. Text, considered for the best "omitting this verse as" incomprehensible ". The preservation of the initial text of the 70 in the Vatican list of the IV century finds an explanation for myself, on the one hand, in the fact that this list is written, as you can think, in Egypt, where he received its origin and the translation of 70, which is therefore More purity could be preserved here, and on the other, in the fact that it was in Egypt that he was produced in the third Christian age, the revision of the Greek translation, characterized, was initiated regarding this subject of the research, in general, in general brief in the transfer of biblical text and removal from it All add-ons made to him from other Jewish-Greek translations: Isy, according to the domestic biblist, "did not make readings in his text, if noticed that they are not reading seventy." If the Vatican list of speaking is discussed by the Egyptian Christians in the IV century, after it was made here for the Isichee there was a revision of the translation of 70s in order to restore its initial text, then it becomes clear that This list does not read the words of the XIII-C GL. 1st book. Kingdoms, as brought into the translation of 70 from other Jewish-Greek translations. But all this this reading of the Vatican List is not without reason can be considered and is estimated as the most accurate reproduction of the text 70 in the original, its form. In general, you need to say: a look at the Vatican joint venture. Iv-th., As especially close to the original text 70, has important grounds opening when comparing reading readings with the Jewish text and the readings of other Greek translation lists of 70. And with this look at this list, the reading of this place of the book of kingdoms represented by them is, it is clear, especially important to which the lack of evidence is rewarded in favor of this reading from other Greek lists.

    In particular, the importance of this reading of the Vatican list to understand the biblical narration is seen from the fact that it is not only the indicated loss, caused by the words: "Son of the Year Saul at the topical", but also further, arising from reading next to Jewish Text and some Greek. Word lists: "And two years reigned over Israel." If you put these words in the nearest link with further, in which the election of the three thousand Israelis is referred to for constant when it is, then the meaning of them is quite clear: or indicates, apparently, at that time, the reign of Saul, when he started a permanent army ; Nor grammar, nor the sequence of the story contradicts such an understanding, "as long ago, it is still noticed. But there are other important circumstances here, not conducive to recognizing this understanding right. The most important of them is that the same words and in the same combination are used usually in other places of historical books of the Old Testament for the designation of the entire number of years of the reign of one or another person, in view of which another understanding of the above words, which is more believable What a biblical writer wanted to designate all the time of the reign of Saul. Such a definition of this time, as last on the literal meaning of these words, only two years seems to be completely disagreeable with the numerous events that occurred in the reign of Saul: besides what was done in Saul inside the state, with all the surrounding peoples (): Moavites, Ammonites, Amalikians, Emmonians, Kings of Owls and the Philistines, who were not certainly not at the same time, and at different times, clearly do not fit two years specified by the writer. In view of this historical reference and the number: "Two years" it turns out to be obviously incomplete or not preserved in the Jewish text in its original form, as a result of which biblists who are kept exclusively of this text try and this number is to fill through other numbers connections (10 or 20 ) or through the change of it to a larger number 9), on the basis of certain considerations, the insufficiency of which is already visible from the inactivity of the number of years of the reign of Saul from the different biblists. - And this kind of bewilderment and difficulties submitted by the words: "And two years reigned over Israel" are completely eliminated, of course, reading the Vatican list, as not to the instructions for the two years of the reign of Saul.

    With this negative, and on the merits, it can be said that the liberation value of the reading of this place on the Vatican interview is connected by another - positive. It lies in the fact that if the XIII-UU GL. 1st book. CAR. Start, according to this list, in words: "and chose Saul three thousand men," while the event, which is stated in this place of the biblical narration, turns out to be directly following the speech of the Pros. Samuel, which he pronounced, founding government power during the National Assembly in Galgal (). That the biblical writer is the establishment of permanent troops, the indication on which is preceded by the Jewish text of the word: "Son of the year Saul during the court and two years reign over Israel", refers to the time of this Gangalsky National Assembly, and not to any other, former in the second year of reign Saul, it can be seen from further words read here the same in the Jewish text and 70 translations: and the remains of people let go of a nurse in their own villages. Delated in these words, an indication of the dissolution of the People's Assembly would be incomprehensible if the latter happened a year after the removal of Sudsha's posts from themselves, since there would be unspecified circumstances in which or due to which the people were convened. In circumstance, which sets out in the first two books of the kingdoms of the event, the reference to the dissolution of the people on homes should be preceded by an indication of the convening of the people to the meeting. When reading this place of the book of kingdoms on the Vatican list, there was no need for such an instruction, as it was done before in the story about the meeting of the people in Galgal; The dissolution of this national assembly and of course in the above words, which are completely clear.

    Revealed as the undoubted advantages of reading this place in the Vatican list belong to a significant degree and Slavic translation of this place in the first-printing of our Bible, as the closest to read this list relatively with other, known accommodation, translation lists of 70. In the first-printing of our Bible there are no most incomprehensible and inappropriate words: "Son of the Year Saul at the top of the center", as they do not have them and in the Vatican list. True, further words are read in the first: by blue the years of the kingdom of their own, yako beginning reign in minerail reminiscent of the reading of the Jewish text and the following of him some of the Greek lists; But on the holding of these words in the Slavic text there is no sufficient reason to insist, since they do not represent an accurate transfer of either the Jewish text, nor Greek lists. If, when transferring the initial words of the XIVI-th head, the ancient translators gave advantage of the reading of the Vatican or homogeneous list with it and if this reading when considering it is quite modern with the content of the biblical narration and alien to various bewilders excited by readings other than it, it gives a sufficient basis In order to coordinate our Slavic translation and in the 2nd half of the 1st verse with reading the Vatican list and on this basis to begin the XIVI-Ju chapter 1st KN. CAR. Words: "And I escalate Saul three thousand men" ... Elizabethan Provisses, as can be seen from all that was said, made here in the Slavic translation that does not serve it to improve and, in all likelihood, does not even belong to the initial text of the translation 70 -ti.

    * * *

    Reades in the first-line Slavs. Bible: ... And the pellets to the saws and the truse of the iron is mounted, and to the creative iron and to the creative puffs have been born ...; In Elizavative b ... and put on the saws, and the soberness of iron and secrets of the iron, and the biblical narrator is moving, the biblical narrator depicts what King David made, after winning the ammonia and take their capital with the male adult population of the latter and other ammonite cities. For the same Slavic translation, they were doomed to subalkal work in quarries, on iron and brick factories. According to the new Slavs. Transfer, - were committed to painful executions by means of special deadly guns or born in the fracture furnaces on brick factories.

    In order to judge the thoroughness about the fact that from these translations serves a more accurate transmission of genuine biblical text, it is necessary to refer to the ancient monuments of the latter.

    Representing St. Synod the second of the above translations belonging to the proper Petrov Province, Elizabetan - in confirmation of their consent, they pointed out that this translation "in accordance with all Greek codes is corrected." In the four editions of the translation of 70, the following reading of this place of the CN were in the editions of the Elizavetnic Proses. Kingdoms in the literal translation of it into Russian: .. "put (or put) when sawing, with iron thugs (or three-end tools), and iron sewers (in computet. Ed.: - Tops) and spent (in Oxford. - Divided , Complete. - Coupled) them through the brick "(or" brick factory "). Between this reading on the Greek translation and the second of the above Slavic translations, not visible similarities in those matters, on one or another transmission of which mainly depends on the meaning of the location of the place: the expression: put on a saw does not represent accurate (in grammatical terms) of the transfer of Greek text; in words: around the Cut of Plesynan It is given to the Greek river corresponding to the two last words of the Slavic translation (πλινθίον or πλινθεῖον, as in the ancient Vatican. SP.) Such a value that it actually does not have. In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe tradition of the captured ammonites of the death penalty, which is clearly speaking in the second of the above Slavic translations, is not expressed in the Greek region former in the former in Elizabethan proverbs. The closest transmission of the latter is on the contrary, contrary to the instructions of Elizavtian proverbs, the translation in the first-printing of our Bible, as expressing, according to the Greek text in most of his lists, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe forced heavy work, which were convicted of the ammonitians.

    The reason made by Petrovsky proverbs of changes to the previous translation of this place is to think, in the influence of the Jewish text, which they, as you know, used, and who could have been understanding them and translate the same as - Blaz. Jerome and many others to the present. In Vulgate, this place was translated as follows (if Latin is a question in Russian): "And the people leading it saw, and drew iron wipes over them (Circumegit Super Eos Ferrata Carpenta): And the slam of the knives and spent like bricks" (in Typo Laterum) . It was very similar to this with the Jewish text and in the German translation (Luther): "and put them under the iron saws and teeth (Zacken), and iron axes, and coited them in brick-ignorative furnaces" (Ziegelöfen). From the Jewish text, by whether to independently transfer or under the influence of other translations, and it was painful, in all likelihood, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe books of various weapons called in this place in this place, as the instruments of the death penalty; Hence, in particular, borrowed, as needed to think, and the idea of \u200b\u200ba brick-ignoring furnace, which is absent in the Greek text. At least others, besides the above, the sources that should be obliged to be the new Slavic translation of this place of the book of kingdoms, this is not known to write: the Sirski and Arabic translations, which were also used by Petrov Propeners, express a different idea of \u200b\u200bthe fate of the captive ammonitans, What is expressed in the translation of Elizavetinski Bible.

    Thus, when comparing the above Slavic translations with other monuments of the biblical text, it turns out that the transfer of the first-printing bible serves as the transfer of Greek text in most of its lists and publications, and the translation in the Elizavtian Bible - the transfer of Jewish text in its usual understanding.

    Which of these unequal first-sources and in the meaning of two Slavic translations has more rights to stay in the text of the Slavic Bible, whether the translation of the first line of our Bible or is Elizabethan?

    When deciding this issue, the following features of the biblical text in this place of the book of Kingdoms are subject to:

    In the 1st. Saying the orders of David regarding the captive ammonitans, the biblical writer does not use any of those expressions that would indicate the legend of their executions and that are used in other places of Old Testament books, which refers to the then ill-treatment of prisoners of war from among the peoples that do not belong to the Canaanites ( For example,: for killing; : foreign; 2 paral. XXV, 12: overshoe and etc.). Instead, expressions are used in this place: wit, put or "put" and trevozhe. Expressed by these words representing a very close translation of the RECTIONS of the Jewish text, the movement of prisoners in itself has a thought to see in this action of the winner a special purpose, and not the legend of their execution: if it was meant this last, then it could be Done in those cities from which these captives took place; To take them into a special place for the legend of death was not needed. This excretion from the cities is becoming opposite by understandable if the captives were doomed to downtime in particular places in particular places for this, which is the idea and expressed translated 70 to most of his lists and in the first-line Slavs. Bible.

    In 2. Pronounced in Vulgate and other later translations of this place of the KN. The kingdoms is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe special painful executions, which were subjected to the prisoners of ammonites and which were in sawing, crushing and burning, cannot be recognized as believable because it does not have something appropriate in circulation. David with prisoners of war from other nations: neither Mosviatian () nor Edomitian () was not preferable to special painful executions. Such unpreorated to commit the latter over one ammonites requires naturally explanations, how can it not be that David during this war was, as a result of his grave sin (), in a state of alienation from God, since this shot was with the king before the end of the war ( ). If other bibliists are exceptional - in the reign of David - the use of painful types of death to ammonites explain the fact that this people have been severely received with the defeated, and this explanation can not be quite satisfied, because at the same time they remain incomprehensible motives for which David, who did not use such ways to execute In relation to prisoners from other no less brutal and hostile peoples, they acted otherly with alone ammonites. The exclusive cruelty of David's exceptional cruelty of David, in the nature of which "only less was cruelty,", with some ammonites, the hesis is naturally confident in the accuracy of the translation of this place KN. The kingdoms entered into the history of this reign is incomprehensible.

    And, in the 3rd, formed in the new translators of this place of the book of kingdoms, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe instruments mentioned here, as exactly the instruments of the death penalty, does not have a firm basis in existing and to present information relative to these items. What exactly is of course called on the usual translation pilo, iron sober etc., what they had an appointment or device, the creature remains unknown due to the fact that, by the way that the Jewish names used here are found in the wind at. Books are very rare or only in the narration about this event. So the first of them (by Heb. Meghera) translated by the word; "Saw", except for the story about this event in the 2nd Tsar. and 1st paralymp. (XX, 3), used only in 3 CARs, VII, 9, relatively stones, cropped saw. The instrument of the same kind of tolerant of some of the biblists and in the narration of this event, presenting the case in such a form that the prisoners of war ammonites were allocated in the quarry and here are attached to the sawing stones. The following is the name (by Heb. "Haritsa"), except for the story about this event, used only in, where it was translated according to Gary's word (τροφαλίδες), meaning: "piece". The subject indicated by the writer KN. The kingdoms of this title, so was so unclear for Greek translators, which in each of the three places of the Old Testament books in which it occurs, various Greek words are used; It also translates to later translators: Symmach: (τροχοί) "Wheels", in Blag. Jeronima (Ferrata Carpenta \u003d) "Railroads", Luther (Zacken \u003d) "Teeth", in English authorized translation (Harrows \u003d) "harrows", from others (in Jewish dictionaries, translated from St. Petersburg Spirit. Academy and In the Synodal Russian translation) "Iron Things", and others (Einschnitte, gräben \u003d) "cuts, pivops". In explaining the further name (according to Heb. "Magmberon") there is more consent from the ancient and new translators: in the Greek it is transmitted by a word (ύποτομεῦς or σκἐπαρνον) "cut", "ax", at Jeronima - (CULTER) "knife"; Close to this - and the later. The last of the names (by Heb. "Malben" on "Keri" or the editorial reading of Heb. Text) is due to the opposite Nonodynakovo: In Greek. translators it is understandable in value πλινθείου or πλινθίου): "Brick Plant" or "Brick"; Close to this - translated Blaz. Jerome in TYPO LATERUM \u003d) "in the image of bricks" or "like bricks"; Meanwhile, both new translators are kept for the previous understanding, as being partly for itself, the foundation in other places - the Old Town. The books where this Jewish word is consistent is replaced by another: "Brick-ignoring furnace" (in translation of Luther and others), then it is finally a Heb. The word is replaced by another readable in the text itself. According to Kathib - "Malken") and understood in the meaning of the statue.

    From the given heterogeneous explanations of almost each of the words used in this place the book of kingdoms, it can be seen how generally insufficient philological grounds for accurately determine their lexical significance, and at the same time - and to understand the objects that they are aged; It can be seen in particular that all these words can be understood with some reason and as the names of the guns used in the quarries, on metal and brick factories, or - those produced on them the works themselves, and, it is clear, look at these guns, as an instrument The death penalty is eliminated by himself. With this understanding of these titles, the idea of \u200b\u200bcompulsory or, according to current, hard work, in itself cannot cause special bewilders, as it is clear about the mining of a solid stone and copper from the depths of the Canaan Earth (VIII, 9), which is confirmed And the instructions of travelers for those who have survived in Palestine traces of the official mines for the mining of metals here.

    If with this result, arising from the consideration of the names used in this place of various guns, to contact the narrative of the biblical writer about the elimination of prisoners of ammonitans from cities and silence him about the legend of their death, then the most believable is that the understanding of what has been said in the CN. Kingdoms about this event that the captives were convicted not on the execution, but on work. Some of the domestic and foreign biblists of the new time, which considered the place of the book of kingdoms in question is really translated into such a way: .. "and put on the saws, to iron throat, to iron axes and sent them to brickwork." This new translation with Jewish has obviously perfect similarity within the meaning with the Slavic translation of the first-line Bible made from the Greek text. The similarity of two translations made independently, on the basis of two most important monuments of biblical text, serves as an obvious sign of the loyalty to the understanding of them.

    Against this understanding with decisiveness, apparently, says however, the testimony of the 1st paralymp. XX, 3. Here, when presenting the same event from the history of the reign of David, the Jewish. Text and Greek translation read: and precharge with saws, and guns with iron, and letting . When considering this biblical certificate, a clear impression that listed here various tools was the guns of the aggregative execution of ammonitans, the fact that this is the place of the KN. Paralypomenon is generally the same composition of words and order of their follows, as in the 2nd kingdoms of XII, 31 and varies from the text of the latter in two words only; pretary instead stick or put and dispenseed Instead of: Iron secrets. Word Paralypomenon: dispenseed Corresponds to the Jewish. The text is the same word, only in the plural ("Megherot"), which is used in the same verse and the transfer of which - in the singular ("Meghera") - serves Slavic: pilam. The use of the same name of the subject in one sentence and in itself is an unusual phenomenon in the correct speech; The comparison of the same place Paral-H with the corresponding text of the kingdoms shows that the latter is read, not this exciting perplexity by his repetition (t.-e., "Megherot"), and the other ("MANERSOT") other than him, although and close to pronunciation and value. If instead of the last speech read in the CN. Kingdoms and not exciting bewilders, is in the book. Paralypa-N, whose writer undoubtedly used the book of kingdoms here, another, which is inappropriate, as already used at the beginning of the sentence, the reason for this and supporters of the exclusive value of the current Jewish text rightly indicate that in the Jewish text Paralypes regarding the writings of this word ("Magherot") was embryed. There is a reason to think that the word in this place is paralype-n, just as an erroneous, watched the ancient Greek translators, as they left it, in all likelihood, without transmission. And if the European Recording under consideration. Paralypo-H text is not preserved in original form or "erroneous", then not without reason can also be viewed to another tin, which is distinguished by the text of this place KN. Paral. from KN. Kingdoms, i.e., for the speech: ("Naiaxar" instead of "Viaway" \u003d) pretary VM. stick; and in the drawing of these Jewish words, differing among themselves only by one consonant letter ( r VM. m.), I could have the same mistake as in just the considered word. Treat with some distrust to the Word ("Wiyhasar" \u003d) "sawd" has the fact that this faugible turns out to be inappropriate in the appendix to further words: iron I. dispenseed; The latter demanded, obviously, another faithful. An expression of the inconsistency of used herein in Heb. The text of the fant serves that in our domestic translations it is or is replaced by another, or is replenished with another fag. In view of this readable in the current Heb. The text of the 1st book paral.: "And sawed Pilo" cannot have such an important value when explaining what David did with the captive ammonites to establish this explanation or to replace them with the readable in the CN. The kingdoms "attached", as some of the western biblists do. Let it retain its place in the book. Phalasp-N, but does not extend his influence on the text of the book of kingdoms and on the explanation of the latter. So looked at the meaning of this rhisitation Greek translators who passed each of the Jewish words used in the same biblical books with respect to them - Greek: ἔθηκεν) "put" and (Διέπρισεν) "saw"; Our ancient Slavic translators also, who passed the first word: "Peligue", the second - "crawling". At the same time, the inexpensiveness of the presentation of the same event cannot be eliminated against the evidence of the oldest monuments of the biblical text.

    Thus, the consideration of this place of the book of kingdoms proves that the ancient Slavic translation is the closest transmission of not only the Greek translation, but also the Jewish text, as they understand the last some of the modern biblists.

    At other places of the first-line Slavic Bible, which are translated more precisely than in Elizavtinskaya, there is no need to especially stop, as there are already many places of this kind in the works of domestic biblists. Their discharge belongs, for example., Readable in Ier. I, 2 first. Bible: in the days of Iosiya, Son Ammonia, instead of what was said in the Elizabethan Bible: during the days of Josias Son Amosa. The correctness of the first of these translations is recognized in "Interpretation on the CN. sv. Prick. Jeremiah "" in mind reading the Jewish text, - St. Ephraim Sirina, Blaz. Jerome, Completen and Alden Publications of Translation 70, as well as on the basis of the instructions of the Sacred Historical Books "Regarding the name of the Father C. Iosia. That then reading first. Bible in KN. Prick. Osi (I, 4): in the house of Iiou Instead of Elizabethan: at home Judow. The correctness of the first reading is recognized in the interpretation of the premium. Palladium on KN. Prick. Osi and Joel on the basis of Heb. Text, Vulgate, Reading Blaz. Feodorite, St. Efrem and the context of the prophetic speech, "For the kingdom of the house of Israel, and Iui was the King Israeli"; In favor of such a translation, the Sirko-Gekzhelsk text, where the name is not Judah, and Iiui stands. There are first. Slavs. The Bibles and others like those given, places translated in general more precisely than the Elizabethan proverbs. The existence of this kind of translations in first top. The Bible deserves special attention and because they can serve as an important confirmation of the correctness of the new corrections of the existing Slavic text with them, and because there are obviously similar to those of the study of the ancient handwritten texts of the Slavic Bible, as those sources, from non-correspondence Which of the core faults turned their wonderful readings of the biblical text. Our ancient ancestors, at the head of which stood the holy enlighteners of Slavs, were able to obviously deal with great success in the different lists and publications of the biblical text readings than - the nearest to us.

    Old Testament - Ancient Jewish Scripture (Jewish Bible). The books of the Old Testament were written in the period from XIII to I. BC. This is the overall sacred text of Judaism and Christianity, part of the Christian Bible.

    Christians believe that the Bible has always consisted of new and dilapidated covenants. The theologians help them, who prove that the Old Testament is an integral part of the Holy Scriptures, and both books harmoniously complement each other almost since the times of the Apostles. But it is not.

    Even at the beginning of the XIX century, the Old Testament was not considered the Holy Book in Russia.

    ROC version

    982 year. The Bible was transferred to Kirill and Methodius;
    - 1499 year. Gennadievskaya Bible appeared (the first two-day Bible containing the Old Testament);
    - 1581 year. Bible of the first nineteen of Ivan Fedorova (Ostrog Bible);
    - 1663 year. Moscow publication of the Russian Bible (represents a somewhat reworked text of the Ostrog Bible);
    - 1751 year. Elizabethan Bible;
    - 1876 year. Synodal translation, which today spreads the ROC.

    The runer "Orthodox" Church adheres to this scheme to show the logical sequence of the appearance of the Bible in the modern rule. It seems like it turns out that the "Orthodox" Russian people had a natural necessity in the full Bible, and there was no external influence, the external forces, which they sought to introduce Old Testament Books in the Ruine Orthodox society as sacred.

    Old Testament in Russia

    Since the translation of Kirill and Methodius was not preserved, and for some reason he was not traced in the ancient literature, then the historians of the Church are given a major role in the preparation of the Complete Bible Archbishop Gennady, using his authority, so that ordinary people have no doubt; Allegedly under his leadership, for the first time in Russia, the Jewish Bible (Old Testament) and the New Testament were combined under one cover.

    Archbishop Gennady became famous for the struggle with "heresy widget", and the church attributes to him the union of the Old and New Testaments. Those. The wrestler himself promotes the ideological basis of the heresy, with which it struggles. Paradox? - But he adopted the ROC as a reliable historical fact.
    * In the Old Testament there is a book of Deuteronomy Isaiah, in which all the provisions promoted by "heresy of the lodges" are prescribed.

    In Russia, at that time there was a new Testament, Psalrty and the Apostolin.

    There is a version that Gennadievskaya Bible appeared later. For example, in 1551 (i.e., 52 after the advent of the Gennadievsky Bible), a stallal cathedral was held, on which the issue of translations of holy books was considered.
    The sacred recognized 3 books: the Gospel, Psalrtyry and Apostolnik. Old Testament and Gennadievskaya Bible are not mentioned that the versions of the ROC are contrary. If these books had already existed, the participants of the cathedral were to express their opinion on the eligibility of using them.

    In the XVI century, the transfer of the Old Testament did not work.

    Ostrog Bible

    Ostrog Bible is a complete copy of Gennadievskaya. If you believe the historians of the church, then the Bible decided to print Ivan Fedors. But there is very little data about his personality. No information, how did Ivan Fedorov become a deacon? Who dedicated how to assign the title? How did he study a printed business, and why did he really endure the first printing house? The question arises - whether Ivan Fedorov was really the first primer and the author of the Ostrog Bible.

    It is known that Ivan Fedorov was engaged in a tump of guns and invented a multi-dimensional mortist. The famous person who lilled a gun is the inventor of a multi-dimensional mortist, attributed the publication of the Old Testament in a print form, tied his biography with Prince Ostrozhsky, hence the name of the Bible - Ostrog. But it does not attach authority to Ivan Fedorov. Prince Ostrogovsky participated in the preparation of this ...
    He was married to Catholic, and the eldest son, Prince Yanush was sick of Catholic ritual.

    In addition, Ostrog was associated with another publisher of the Old Testament - the Francis Skorina (lived and worked during the Lifesty of Archbishop Gennady), but unlike Gennady, the activities of Francis took the "heretical" character. At least, was far from Orthodox traditionalism. There are also certificates of contacts F. Skorina with Jews. It is possible that they could stimulate his interest in the Old Testament texts.

    It can be stated that in Ukraine in the mid-1970s of the XV century, in fact, when working on the Ostrog Bible began, almost all Old Testament books were translated into Russian or Old Slavic languages. It is significant that these lists were in the possessions of the princes of Ostrog. Obviously, they should be considered the forerunners of the Ostrog Bible.

    Thus, in the south-west of Russia, a lot of work was carried out on the preparation of the Russian-speaking text of the Old Testament to the spread of Russia, to which Ivan Fedorov allegedly put the hand.

    Moscow Bible

    Further, in Russia, the church was discollaring (1650-1660) at Queen Alexei Mikhailovic (Father Peter the first). The result of reforms was the split of Christians into two groups: those who believed the king and Patriarch Nikonu and went beyond them, and those who continued to adhere to the old dogma.

    For what purpose it was necessary to compare Slavic books with Greek, especially since Nikon himself did not know. It is clear that Nikon accepted such a decision on his own. He had such a companion of Arseni Greek, who did a lot to destroy the Slavic books and ratified for new translations.

    The split was triggered, and so far Christians destroyed each other for one or another ritual, in 1663 they published the Moscow Bible, which repeated the Ostrog, with clarification of Jewish and Greek texts.
    The New Testament was attached to the New Testament (Jewish Bible), with the present covenant modified so that it was perceived as a "continuation" or "superstructure" of the Old Testament.

    Director of the US Congress Library John Billington:

    "Old Believers accused Nikon that he allowed the Jews to translate the Sacred Books, and Nikonian accused the Old Believers in the fact that they allowed the Jews of the Vista ... Both parties considered the Cathedral of 1666-1667. "Jewish accommodation", and in the official ruling, the Cathedral accused his opponents in the fact that they were victims of "false Jewish words" ... there were rumors everywhere that the state power was given to the "damned Jewish rulers", and the king joined the western "Western" marriage, Didnamed by the lovers of the Jews doctors. "

    Taking advantage of the confusion, dragged the "dual" Bible.
    However, once and forever solve all the questions failed. Although the Moscow Bible appeared, but was not adopted by society. The people doubted the correctness of new books (more precisely - despised and hoolil) and perceived their introduction as an attempt to enslave the country (this is the level of understanding by our ancestors of global politics!). In the churches, the Slavic options of the New Testament, the Apostle and Psaltiri were still used.

    Elizabethan Bible

    Elizabethan Bible Copy of Moscow, with a correction on Vulgate (Latin Bible Translation). After the invasion of Napoleon, in 1812 a biblical society is created, which began to distribute the Elizabethan Bible.
    However, soon the biblical society was prohibited.

    The spread of the Bible with the Old Testament opposed Nikolai I.
    It is known that in 1825 the circulation of the Old Testament printed and printed by the biblical society was burned on the brick plants of the Nevsky Lavra. More attempts to translate, and even more so publish the Old Testament, during the thirty-year rule of the emperor Nicholas I, was not.

    Synodal translation

    The translation of the books of the Old Testament was renewed in 1856 during the Board of Alexander II. But it took another 20 years of struggle, so that in 1876 the publication of the full Bible was published in the Russian language in one volume, on the title page of which stood: "On the blessing of Holy Synod." This text was called "Synodal Translation", "Synodal Bible" and reprinted today for the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

    The Holy Synod, who gave a blessing to the spread of the Bible's synodal translation in Russia, containing two, artificially related books, actually signed a sentence to his state, which confirm all further events, including the current state of Russia.

    One of the main roles in the Translation of the Old Testament was played by Daniel Abramovich Vasilson and Vasily Andreevich Levison, Rabbi from Germany, who adopted Orthodoxy in 1839. In 1882, the translation of the Jewish Bible was published on the Russian language, made on behalf of the British biblical society V. Levison and D. Skolson.

    You can imagine what forces were interested in giving the Old Testament of the Status of the "Holy Book" status, because they managed to process members of Holy Synod and convince them of the need to access the Jewish Bible (Old Testament) to the New Testament. Someone so strongly sought to this goal, which even donated to the two rabbis, which moved from Judaism in Orthodoxy, but only formally, and they really continued their Judah activities. By the way, the Jewish electronic encyclopedia responds about them positively, and not as a move.

    * "Old Testament is a book, we are completely alien to us, and it should be done more and more alone for us if we don't want to change our originality to change forever" - Evgeny Dügring.

    The book - by faith you will be ... (Sacred Book and Global Crisis): WP USSR

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