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How to develop a speaking speech. Compected speech

No one is a secret that ability to say beautifully, correctly and logically defend your point of view to every person, well, and publicly speaking, doubly. The ability to convince People-gift from nature or acquired skill and how to achieve success in the belief of the interlocutor? Therefore, one of the most pressing issues today, which sooner or later stands up before each, who came to the infobusiness, who came to the profession associated with the need to perform in front of the audience. A confidently speaking interlocutor always has a pleasant to communicate with him, I want to be as open in such a conversation.
Develop skills of beautiful speech It is always necessary. You can do this as independently and visiting trainings, webinars on oratory skill.

Today I want to talk about the speech technique available for each exercises. The most important thing for successful use in its practice is a desire and regular practical application. Result, believe me, will not wait.

Exercise 1.Articulate gymnastics.

It would seem, we know this technique with a school bench. But do you apply it? Why? Yes, because it seems to us this reception is boring and uninteresting. So I offer this set of exercises to do "joking". Cross in front of the mirror, joke on yourself with your beloved or beloved during this exercise. And the process will not seem to you so boring! I will give the easiest complex in this article, I hope that it will be useful to you.

Repeat each exercise is required at least ten times. By the way, this gymnastics contributes to relaxation, which is very important in front of an important performance in the public: 1. Emploit the browst. 2. Slide the browst to the center. 3. Tighten both cheeks. 4. Renate cheeks at the same time, and then in turn. 5. Put the tank on the cheek. 6.Read the language in a circle behind closed lips. 7. Put the language. 8. Invilitate the lips of the lips in turn top and bottom. 9.Fast tongue tip. 10. Check the sponge into the tube and smile, but without teeth. 11. Check the sponge into the tube, smile wide. 12.Shoco Open your mouth, and then close. 13.Reoco Open your mouth, close half the half, and only then completely.

But once again remind you by replacing any exercise on the "screaming" in front of the mirror you give yourself a bunch of emotions and you will do articulating gymnastics with pleasure.
Exercise 2. Directory.
Take any Selection of patter, And start to pronounce them every day, starting with a slow tempo and gradually speeding it, so that the patters you utterly utterly "eating" sounds and syllables, gradually the speed of their reading will be quite fast, and the pronunciation of the rosary is correct. Let this process also give you pleasure. To do this, you can experiment with a stopper from champagne-read Species with a plug, clamped in the mouth and without it.
Below I give a selection of patter.

1) Interviewer interviewed.

2) There were three Chinese: Yak, Yak - Cedrach, Yak - Cedrocean - Cedroce.
There were three Chinese people: Tsypa, Tsypa - Drypa, Tsypa - Drip - Dryp - Drympamponi.
They all were overlapped: Yak at the Tsype, Yak - Cedrel at the Tsypepe,
Yak - Cedrocean - Cedrocean - Cedaron on Tsipe - Drype - Drympamponi.
And they were born children: yak with chicks: Shah, Yak - Cecilca with a chick - jeep: Shay - Bowls, Yak - Cedroce - Cedroce - Drympamponi Cedaround: Shah - Sharakh - Shirai - Shirai.

3) Tell me about purchases! - What about purchases?
About purchases, about buying your purchases.

4) Spearor score threw thoroughly,
That all the patters do not protrudy do not jump forward,
But kieving, vomited,
that all patters will forward, do not rustify.
And skip patters like karasi in a skillet.

5) Bankers of Rebrandil-Rebrandili Rebrandili, but not buried.

6) In Cannes, Lions were not only lazy wreaths.

7) In Kabardino-Balkaria, Valokordin from Bulgaria.

Deideologized deideologized, and dodeidoicized.

9) Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.

10) Sasha's highway was walking, Sasha found Sasha's highway.

11) River flows, stove stove.

12) Tongs yes ticks are our things.

13) Pike purses in vain, bream.

14) The train rushes a cristle: F, h, sh, sh, w, h, sh, sh.

15) all the coordinators will not protrude, you will not re-title

You can also find various selections of patter in the group in contact and in classmates.

Exercise 3. Sochine a small story about the subject or just describe the subject.
Very interesting exercise. When I did it for the first time, I didn't seem very simple to me. Many can describe a simple item only in two words, and the description of the description is necessary to stretch for 4-5 minutes, while not repeated. Very interesting exercise-develops Imagination and logic and associative thinking. Tellorally you learn to avoid garbage words, unwanted repetitions, watch your speech. Turn this exercise into such an energizer speech and you will certainly get energy charge.
Exercise 4.curing out loud.
Reading out loud to work well on the works of the poetic form. You can use the poems of your favorite poets. Try to read the same poem in different ways: with different emotions, for example, or at a different pace or, making focus on any part of speech, and you will see as different slap text In your performance every time.
Exercise 5.Prust.
For a negative, it is good to use fables or parables or any genre of prose, your beloved. Here, look for the selection of keywords. You can write them out of the text, they will serve you wonderful square orientation When retelling. Use any article from the magazine that you liked and retell it, for example, adding a particle not to each verb that you say during the recovery. I think you will certainly smile.

Of course, the exercises shown by me in this article is not a dogma, and I must tell you that in fact there are many different exercises and techniques. But sometimes under legs lies thenThat we do not notice, but the receptions described in this article are very easy to use and you can do it both at home and at work during a lunch break, for example, or while cooking lunch or walking with a child on the playground. So that the process of working on speech delivered you pleasure.

With you was Elena Kleenov.

Throughout the development of humanity, the ability is correct, it was nice to say admiration. The names of the Great speakers reached this day: Cicero, Plato, Aristotle, Demosphen. These were great speakers, thinkers, philosophers.

The ability to speak correctly, you need to modern man than ever. Hundreds of modern professions, require competently formulate thoughts, clearly state the topic that is important to convey to the listener.

Professions requiring communication with man, group of people, audience: lawyers, sales managers, politicians, teachers and teachers. This list can be continued.

To be able to own the word, own the art of conviction, speak competently, clearly, it is interesting that every word reached the listener - that the principles of art say beautifully.

How to achieve this? There are three basic principles that will ensure success in this direction:

  1. Clear pronunciation of words (diction).
  2. Technique speech, content.
  3. Large vocabulary.

Imagine a person who does not argue part of the letters. It is impossible to understand what he says is, the meaning of the said is lost. Remember the phrase of the famous speech therapist, played by Rolan Bykov. "I live on the Kyiv Street, and she is in Kiev (Kirov)." Every vowel and consonant in the Word to pronounce clearly, clearly.

In addition to obvious speech defects, there are pronunciation errors that do not decorate speech and make it less convincing.

These include:

  1. Incorrect pronunciation of unstressed sounds.
  2. Loss when pronunciation of individual consonants.
  3. "Evidence" of vowel sounds.
  4. Fuzzy pronunciation of hissing sounds.
  5. Invalid connection of sounds.
  6. Incorrect pronunciation of soft sounds.

This is caused by the peculiarities of pronunciation in the area where a person lives. You need to correct the diction with a speech therapist. You can agree and take private lessons.

It's important to know! To learn how to pronounce correct letters, work over the articulation - relaxation of the facial muscles.

A significant condition is a tempo of speech. Quickly talking man tarators, so it's hard to understand what he says. To fix it, pronounce the text slowly. For example, count to a hundred, pronounce a list of names, cities. By doing this regularly pronouncing words in sequence: direct and reverse.

Develop speech, replenish the vocabulary. This is done only with reading literature. You need to read a lot. It is desirable classical literature - a sample of competent speech.

Take yourself a rule to read two days, three pages out loud, be sure to express. Watch the classic productions: films, performances. There is no other way to replenish the vocabulary.

Beautiful speech: lessons and exercises

It is possible to talk correctly and beautifully. For this you need daily workouts. Consider five exercises helping the development of speech.

Write and repeat words with combining consonant sounds: platoon, colander, chvany and so on.

Learn by heart and repeat the patters that are combined with difficult pronounced sounds.

Try the sayings with difficult to pronounce consultations P and Sh. First read slowly, pronouncing every word. Gradually increase the rate of pronouncing.

Take the offer and, repeating, make the emphasis alternately on each word. "The student has done the right exercise." First, emphasize the emphasis on the first word, then on the second, third, fourth. Watch out how the meaning changes.

Having done a short sigh, when you exhale clearly say the consonants (aaauuuooiiii). After that, when exhaling, count to five, clearly pronouncing the numbers.

Fast way

When you conversate, try to speak concise. Do not use words whose value do not know not to seem funny.

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How to build speech to perform right? I share my secrets ...

Building your speech for a public speech has some consonance with the construction of the house:
What should we build a house -
Let's draw - we will live ...
What we are worth building -
They took the topic - both in the people ...

Here, as in the construction of the house, a strong and deep foundation is needed, otherwise it is speech, it can crumble like a card house. The foundation is your knowledge, and cement - your skills of oratorical art, your facial expression, gesturing, pose, movement along the hall or scene.

4th Secret of the relationship of speaker / listeners:

1. Imagine that you are an excellent speaker, but the topic that should be disclosed in your speech, absolutely do not own. It's still, no matter how I brought me to the scene to tell about the influence of the magnetic field of the Earth on the reproduction of rabbits in the lands of New Zealand. Whatever I was super-duper advanced speaker, nothing useful from me will not hear me - I do not have knowledge on this issue.

2 . The second case - you perfectly know all the nuances of reproduction of these newestly refinery rabbits under the influence of the magnetic field, for you yourself participate in this process …. But you do not have performance skillsYou can't convey information to listeners. And they will not be able to learn about your competence - you are not an orator and you can not reveal this topic.

3. You - perfectly own the skills of the speech before the public, you are a professional in his own, declared for performance, the topic, But in the hall there was not a target audience that your rabbits are not interested at all. How do listeners make your performance? At best - indifferent ....

4. The following example: You are an excellent speaker, you are a professional in the chosen topic and your target audience is sitting in the hall, which is waiting - not to wait until you book your secrets in rabbits in the conditions listed above. And only in this example matches everything that you need to speak well and the public has accepted you perfectly. And only in this example - your home building will be strong and durable ...

Outcome: Even before you choose the topic of performances, thinking these 4 points.

- The degree of your competence in the chosen topic. Remember the words Socrates: if you have in your heart that in the language, no one will believe you.
- your level of professionalism as a speaker - Only everyday workouts turn an amateur in a professional.
- Who is your target audience for the stated topic.
- How interesting is your topic for the target audience Or than you can attract and keep her attention. Always work in the area of \u200b\u200binterests of the audience.

Secret Cooking Recipe

Each hostess knows how to bake a layer pie: prepare three layers (more than) and rented them with cream or something else.
Exactly the same principle of cooking your speech: publishing three layers (entry, main part and conclusion) And put them in a whipped interest, sweet of attention, adding the candies of humor and the raisins of emotional openness.

As you can see - layers are different. Consider the recipe for the preparation of each of them.

Layer number 1. Introduction.

1. Entry, as well as conclusion, is desirable to thoroughly think over to the smallest details. From the first impression that you will produce to the public depends, whether the audience will listen to you carefully or continue to engage in other things. You have caused interest and trust or - no.

2. The most important thing is to conquer the attention of the public. You came out before the audience, did not hide behind the podium, and it became so that everyone saw you from the hall and hold a pause. At the same time, calmly, but demanding, you look at the hall, gradually examining the entire space and all sitting people. And only when complete silence comes - you smile the audience, and say your first phrase.

I emphasize - do not say until everyone closes the mouths, will not stop rustling and whisper. Only then you open your mouth ....

3. Invent an intriguing start. You should not start with ordinary phrases: "Today I will tell you something and that." It is best to start with a question to the audience - this will attract her attention. Personally, I love provocative questions:

"Tell me how you managed to leave the cozy home chair with a TV and come to this room to listen to the person absolutely unknown to you?! What made you do it? "

I carefully listen to one - two answers and smoothly turn to the compliment: "I admire you: only such targeted people and achieve success in any beginnings! Let's greet each other with loud applause! "
In this way, you killed several hare:

- Easily caught the rays of attention to the audience;
- talked the hall, which means that I installed contact;
- Made a compliment to listeners;
- showed that you know how to lead the hall and gently forced your requirements (applaud).

4. If you are afraid that no one will answer you - start your speech from the quotation of a famous person. For example: "Suvorov said: Heavy in learning is easy to fight! And so I declare our today's learning! "

Alternatively, you can start a story from personal experience, but light and short.

5. Take a temporary framework of the event. If it is long and with different speakers speakers - it is better to distribute the schedule of all performances and break times.

6. Respondent say the goal of your performance and that listeners will receive useful from it. In other words - what will you feed them today and sweep. If you have a few goals within one topic - they are taking them in turn.
Be sure to express explicit goals - you will tell them the public, and hidden goals - you will speak them only. An example of a hidden goal: Improve the quality of the pause during the performance.

7. Remember that only the hungry audience can swallow everything in a row, and the demanding will want to wash the food by compote emotions. Therefore, you prepare for an emotional striptease - open before the public, share, with your attitude towards her, and what you say, who you are talking and how you say. Go to your emotions - they have a much greater influence than words!

Layer number 2. Main part.

1. The main thing - do not overdo it with the number of those you want to roll out on the heads of the listeners. Let smaller, but better, better!

After all, if you are a baked Pretty Pie, you don't throw everything in the house: from Honey to red caviar. You make a layer with one main ingredient, for example, nuts and 2-3 additional (raisins, vanilla, candied). Also, when speaking - in the main part, you reveal the main, key idea and several are extra (2-3).

2. Do not forget to insert the appropriate topic, a short story. By this, you achieve the adoption of those set out in the history of the facts of those who do not agree with your point of view.

3. Consider how much better is logical, lay moduleswhich reveal the topic.

4. Use diagrams, pictures, graphs and charts, as a technical addition to your performance. Submire them through slides on the screen. Be sure to make an inscription under each slide, but do not read it out loud.

5. When moving from one module to another, use pauses, thereby attracting the attention of the hall. Learn the appropriate tone to emphasize the most important offer or thought. Only - not too harsh, the listener may be afraid ....

6. Make yourself a card with theses and from time to time they are spying. Also - after watching time. Nobody canceled the regulations, and you myself agreed at the beginning. Be kind - adhere to!

7. It is in this part of the speech that it is important from time to time to brake the listener with an unexpected statement or a funny offer - attention every 15 minutes weaker than T and your task is to catch it again.

8. Self confidence "This is your look into the hall, your even posture with a slightly raised and reserved shoulders, your free gestures and movement on stage. This is a measured pace of speech and skill at any time to switch the attention of the listener to the fact that you currently need to show or say.

9. Be careful to the hall. Be pleasant to the hall. Love your listeners and give them the opportunity to feel. Love questions - this means that you heard you, and not only listened.

10. Do not pull a cat for the tail! If it is possible to clearly and summarize my thought - do it! People get tired of a large number of unnecessary words. Listeners are not a mill to pour water.

11. From time to time, turn to listeners with questions:

- What do you think?
- You agree with me?
- How can I hear on the rear rows?
- Who has questions?
- Who understood, please, please, hands! - And first raise your ...
- Who has questions about?

Layer number 3. Conclusion.

1. Conclusion plays the same huge role in your speech, like entry. Open topic in the main part, are you in conclusion bring the result of what revealed in his speech.

2. You list on points than useful you shared today with listeners. Again just say why this material can be useful to them and where they can apply what they recognized from you. I think this item is very important!

3. Finished your speech by a brief history or a funny proposal. Make a compliment to the audience For what she was during your speech attentive and warmly accepted you.

4. If you have the opportunity on the topic of speeches - take a call to action. For example, I can make the following call on this topic:

Remember - speakers are not born, they become! Practice, practice and practice again! Wring a speech, owns people! I wish you as often as possible! Constantly improve your skill to attract and retention of listeners!

5. Try not to use words that you have finished your performance on this. Call to action by itself says about it. There are performances when the call is not appropriate - offer listeners just thank each other with applause.

Your name: *
Your e-mail: *

Today in the comments I left a link to the story Irakli Andronikova "First time on the stage"And since there is one solid sheet, I'm not sure that people will read this creation to the end.
Therefore, I let the opportunity to read the passage, where the boss describes his vision of everything that happened on the stage ... I read - and sobbed !!! Here is a piece of text:

If you really remember anything, - let some episodes remind you. At that moment, when the inspector led you to the double bass, you suddenly shook it, and then threw the leg forward, like in the ballet, and the flirtary to care. After that, the contrabacist was sanging for the patch - they say: "Do not be afraid, my own!" - and drove his elbow to the physiognomy of the cellist. Wanting to show that I got well-known upbringing, turned and shouted: "Pardon!" And clinched for a violin bow. Then an episode occurred, which, as they say, it was necessary to "make a movie".

You took the bow, and the violinist did not give a bow. But you managed to snatch it, showed the hall that you, they say, stronger than any violinist in the orchestra, gave a bow, but at the same time she shook notes from the Muzzle. And along the narrow path between the cello and the violins, which was necessary to go through, pressing the hand of the jacket with hand, so as not to engage, you went some kind of union, little and squeaky hiking.

And when I got to the conductor console, began to rush, pants, as if climbing in cold water. Finally, it was angry with the stand, stupidly examined the hall, grinned cheekly and, twisting his head, said: "Well, well!" After that, he turned to the hall with her back and began to turn the shears of the conducting partitions so that some thought that you were having a symphony, and the Gaguk would tell the final word about her.

Finally, you suggested from the orchestra, which would be thumbightly to turn to the hall face. But you did not want to turn, but I was intermitted with orchestrants and at the same time cleaned the shoes about the pants - the right shoe about the left foot - and at the same time I told the orchestrants: "All this is my business - not yours, when I want, then turning." Finally, you turned. But ... it would be better if you did not turn! Here, your kind was finally gnusen and disgusting at all. You blushed, two labor movements threw the drops from his forehead into the first row and thumping with his short handles, shouted: "Oh my God!"

And then your left foot began to extract some incomprehensible movement. You became her shake, tweak, tricky, rubbed the cloth conductor stand, joked and danced on the very edge of this tiny space ... then changed his leg and calm down in the opposite direction than caused the first rapid reaction of the hall. At the same time, you wrung out, fivefold, rone, bowed ... The public pulled the neck, unable to comprehend how you managed to resist on this limited territory. But here you began to swing the right hand.

Waving, swung and a lot in Tom succeeded! After some time, the public with a fading heart watched your hand, as the flight under the circus dome. The most weakly dried clogged: it seemed that your hand would break off and flies into the hall. When you enjoyed the sufferings of the crowd, I got a hand behind my back and very deftly caught myself with a brush right hand for the elbow left and moreover, it was drunk with such a force that the crunch of bones heard over the sweetest hall, and it was possible to think that a very old bear eats Very old and, therefore, a very smelly goat.

Finally, you said: "Unfortunately, Sergey Ivanovich today is not among us. And he does not consist of a member of the composer union. " And at the same time some kind of incomprehensible movement of hand so that everyone turned to the entrance doors, believing that the fluttering Taneev went and the foyer drink a glass of Troyro and is already returning. Nobody realized that you are talking about the late classics of Russian music. But here you spoke about his work. "Taneyev did not solder the pans," you said, "and created creations." And here is his best brainchild that you now hear. "

And you had a few times in Lysin of the Cellosisters of Cello, respectable Ilya Osipovich, so that everyone thought it was - the favorite brainchild of the Great Musician, however, illegal and there is a completely different surname. No one realized what you are talking about Symphony. Then you decided to clarify and shouted: "Today we play the first symphony of Above Minor, Tse-Mol! The first, because he had others, although he wrote the first first ... Tse-mole is pre-minor, and before-minor - tse-mol. This I say to translate you from Latin to Latin. " Then there was a silent and shouted: "Oh, what is it, what am I chatting? No matter how you kicked me out! .. "Here the public was bad at the same time from joy and confusion. At the same time, you continued to jump.

I wanted to run on the stage and exclaim: "Play Allegro Vivachee from the" Swan Lake "-" Spanish dance "..." This one could justify your strange gestures and gestures. I also wanted to shout: "Our lecturer comes from the Caucasus! He suffers to a tropical fever - he began the seizure. He rants and is not authorized to make those statements that makes from our name. " But at that moment you finished and did not give me a public outlet ...

Why didn't you tell me anything? Did not warn that you have some kind of hardware instead of the language? What can you not talk nor to talk nor think? It turned out that in your head Torichellyeva void. How can you tell? In addition! You put me terribly. I do not want to have anything with you! I'm outraged by you! ..

And at that time they played the first part of the symphony, which I was scary. Then suddenly hear - the first theme appeared again; She already foreshadows the final. Here in the hall was shaken, Gaguk entered the living room, very pleased ... I began to look around to hide somewhere. And did not have time.

The room filled the musicians, began to ask: "What was with you?" I wanted to answer, but Sollertinsky whispered: - Never pull out idle curiosity. Nothing depends on these persons. Second: Science has not yet explained what was with you. And thirdly: we have not come up with how to make you fired at your own accord. What was later, I remember it unclear.

I only know that a man sitting near me, whom I have seen, probably, not more than two times, - the famous art historian Isaac Davidovich Glyckman, which is among his best friends. He pats me on the shoulder, says that I am not alone, but the philharmonic is to blame. It was necessary to listen first, and not so to produce a person. And he winks Sollertinsky. And Sollertinsky has already laughed and, wanting to console me, said:

- Do not be so upset. Of course, theoretically you can allow what happens and worse. But you must be proud that I still have nothing yet happened. The hall in which Mikhail Glinka and Peter Tchaikovsky, Hector Berlioz and Franz Leaf, will not remember this view. I'm sorry not for you. Sorry Goscyircle - their best program has passed from us. We have already sent them a telegram with the expression of our condolences. In addition, I regret the director. He still sits in the hall. He cannot enter here: he does not heal for himself. Therefore, we will clean the room, we will go to me and break the bottle of Kakhetiansky, which I am supplied in case of your triumph. If I knew that the historical event would happen today, I would prepare a hot drink tank. But, sorry, I did not have enough imagination! ..

Yours faithfully,

Beautiful and competent speech - the dream of many people of different sexes and age. Art is correct to say some people are endowed with birth, while others learn to all their lives. After all, a competently talking person will be able to convince the interlocutor at his point of view, and his speech sounds much more confident. These abilities are important not only for public people, but also for a simple person. We will tell you how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully.

Main steps to success

Speech before colleagues

  • awareness of the problem in speech and a huge desire to change it;
  • the presence of patience, which is very useful in the repetitions of exercises and training;
  • some time and place for classes;
  • limitless confidence in success;
  • promoting relatives and friends.

Training program

The program of action itself is very simple, interesting and efficient. Having writes on the sheet points of the plan, you can safely begin to implement them.

Reading classic works is considered the basis of competent speech. It is they who are impregnated with original speech turns that help to understand the heroes of that time, their thoughts, experiences, spiritual values. Competently prescribed dialogs give the reader to feel the essence of the relationship of a certain period. Some phrases with the help of which people are described, the objects of life of that time, help to plunge into the atmosphere of the inner world of heroes, in the development of their ideas.

Tempory speech and attention of listeners

The pace of their speech and its influence on others can easily feel when writing his speech on the recorder. When listening to herself it will be clear that the audience prevents the audience to focus on your speech and listen to her to the end with interest.

Most often, the listeners strains excessive monotony or, on the contrary, the increased rate of material presentation. Do not absorb the content of the conversation, people instantly lose interest. And even the most unusual material spoken by a monotonous speech will not cause listeners approval.

The problem of selecting a speech tempo is not the most difficult task. The main thing to feel the audience and change the intonation in time to periodically shake the audience.

In more detail with speech techniques, you can get acquainted in the video:

Use of decorations in speech

Any text, dry outlined, is difficult to be perceived by the interlocutor. But it is worth adding a little humor or accurate sayings, and the audience is already full of attention. The secret here is simple - competently use humor, the quotes of famous people can only read the person who is as close as possible to his listeners. The speaker becomes an authority for them, a respected man who can be trusted in judgment. And this is most of the success of the public.

The easiest way to add decorations to speech is the production of own style. To do this, you need a lot and thoughtfully read.

Public speeches before different audiences

Toast at the wedding - great practice!

It is impossible to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully without practical performances. Especially valuable unfamiliar listeners of various sexes and age. No need to be afraid to publicly express your point of view, voice your thoughts, even if the first experience is not as successful as expected.

You do not need to stop there, but, on the contrary, continue to speak in public. With each new performance, confidence will be added in our own forces, and this is another stage on the way to success.

Recording liked phrases, quotes and thoughts

Writing in a notebook or notebook what I liked in the book or was heard in conversation, you can use it in your speech in the future. It helps to analyze your speeches or performances of other people. It is better not to record errors, and write down the best points of discussion.

How to learn to speak beautifully

Brevity, clarity, literacy - the foundations of the right and beautiful speech

People have learned correctly and speak beautifully (for a variety of reasons, starting with the total decline of culture in the 90s of the last century). This needs to be learned again. At a minimum because such a speech not only positively characterizes a person, but also helps him communicate with other people, to succeed in work and personal life. Imagine this situation. You communicate with a person who uses vulgar, slang words. Do you want to continue the conversation with him? Of course not.

Not all people are given oratorical skills. However, if you wish and zealfood, almost every person can learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Especially since the Russian language is extremely rich. It makes it possible to describe any item with extreme clarity and imagery, to characterize any person, express the attitude towards a particular event, the phenomenon of nature, the work of art, etc. With the help of its features, it is possible to emphasize the slightest nuances, shade one or another detail, a trait of character. In this regard, little language can be compared with the Russian.

It is not necessary to ensure that such a description or expression is vermin. After all, too long speech, even beautiful and shaped, tires the listeners, and sometimes may cause irritation. As a result, the expected effect of pronounced words will not be achieved.

Therefore, it should be remembered that one of the main requirements imposed on the right and beautiful speech is brevity. We must quickly move to the main essence of the question, without tightening the entry, without being distracted by extraneous details. Then you will listen carefully, and your arguments will be performed.

Of course, at the same time it is not necessary to hit the opposite extreme in the example of the ancient Spartans, glorified by their conciseness. She is also good in moderation

It is necessary to speak clearly and convincingly. Whatever we are talking about, the speaking words should be clear to any person, not even with a high level of intelligence. The whole effect of speech will disappear if the listeners are trying to understand: "What does he mean?" Therefore, specific terms should not be used, who are familiar with only a narrow circle of specialists, for example. It is also necessary to refrain from too frequent consumption of foreign words. After all, in most cases they can be replaced by Russian counterparts.

And, of course, it is necessary to speak competently. A very unpleasant impression produces a person who makes mistakes in strokes or incorrectly using words. For example, the whole effect of convincing and beautiful speech can be spoiled by the word "lay down", said instead of the word "put". Similarly, the head of the firm making mistakes in stress when the words "Treaty", Kilometer, hardly cause respect and confidence in business partners.

Take a rule: as little as possible jargonis. They are quite acceptable when communicating in a narrow circle or in social networks, but not for public speech.

Especially try to avoid harsh, vulgar expressions in every way (not to mention obscene). They do not in the best way characterize a person who consumes them

Sample beautiful correct speech - Russian classical literature

To learn to speak correctly, figuratively and beautifully, it is necessary to read as many classic works as possible. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Chekhov, Leskov ... This is not a complete list of artistic words masters, who have gone to the Russian language and leaving us an invaluable creative heritage. In their works you will find countless examples of truly beautiful speech. Although some words in our days are outdated, and individual phrases may seem heavy, unnatural, Russian classics will help you learn to speak beautifully and right. Read the works of these masters and after a while you yourself will notice that your vocabulary has enriched, and you want to speak, imitating their heroes.

Attend the performances set by the works of the masters of classical literature, or watch them on TV. It will also help you learn the right and beautiful speech.

You can also read the explanatory Russian dictionary and write down the most younger words. But remember that some of them can be unfamiliar to your listeners, so try not to use them when communicating with opponents.